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StartUp Korean Drama Series (Reaction & Reflection)

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(give a personal opinion (add your thoughts and

pertaining to your thoughts, analysis based from what
feelings and rationalization about you have learned and how
StartUp Korean Drama the video-clip based from what the video affects your ideas
Series (video-clips) you have learned in filling the and possible practice in the
Business Model Canvas) future)
1 Product A business model canvas can The video thought me that a
indeed be a big help to get product must have a solid
people’s interest and support. It value proposition and can
is a great way to introduce a solve a real problem, be
product strategically into the understandable by users,
market. perform their task as easily.
That is why it is extremely
important to focus on the
fundamental elements of a
business or product,
structuring an idea in a
coherent way.
2 Customer A product should exist to help Understanding customers
the end users. they are a critical enables businesses to
factor when developing your deliver products and services
marketing messaging and that address needs and
strategy. If you fail to take the wants and retain customers.
customers' views into account in That is why it is importance
your marketing, it is likely your to treat customers with
campaigns will not be successful. utmost consideration
because they drive
revenues; without them,
businesses cannot continue
to exist.
3 Promotion Promotion really helps in Promotion creates better
increasing customer traffic. The relationship with customers.
more you promote your brand, Boost brand visibility. Not
the more will the customers only these but promotions
know about you and your will also help your company
company and the more will they to introduce products easily
be interested in your products. It in the ever-so-competitive
is essential that businesses make market.
use of the right media tool to
target their customers.

4 Cost Structure The idea of identifying the cost Proper cost allocation is
structure is to allocate costs essential to identify and
between fixed and variable costs calculate the profits with
effectively. These costs are then each product and product
associated with individual line. Failure to correctly
products and product lines to identify and allocate the
ascertain their correct pricing. costs in business may prove
very dangerous for a

5 Value proposition An effective value A powerful value

proposition tells the ideal proposition helps your
customer why they should buy customers truly understand
from you and not from the the value of your company's
competition. It improves products and services.
customer understanding and Potential customers can
engagement quickly understand what
your company has to offer.


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