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Class-Vii (Checkpoint) Time Table For Annual Examination (2021-2022)

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2 March Geography 2 hours 10 minutes 9:00 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. (Reading Time)
Wednesday 9:10 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. (Writing Time)
3rd March Study Leave
4th March Computer Applications 2 hours 10 minutes 9:00 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. (Reading Time)
Friday 9:10 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. (Writing Time)
7th March Hindi 2 hours 10 minutes 9:00 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. (Reading Time)
Monday 9:10 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. (Writing Time)
8th March English (Paper-I) 1 hour 10 minutes 9:00 a.m. to 10:10 a.m.
Tuesday English (Paper-II) 1 hour 10 minutes 10:40 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.
9th March Study Leave
10th March Science (Paper-I) 45 minutes 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
Thursday Science (Paper-II) 45 minutes 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
11th March Gujarati / Gujarati Core 2 hours 10 minutes 9:00 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. (Reading Time)
Friday 9:10 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. (Writing Time)
14th March History & Civics 2 hours 10 minutes 9:00 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. (Reading Time)
Monday 9:10 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. (Writing Time)
15th March Study Leave
16th March Mathematics (Paper-I) 1 hour 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday Mathematics (Paper-II) 1 hour 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
• Hindi and French Listening Papers will be conducted during the regular class on 23rd February and
24th February respectively.
• French Paper will be conducted on 25th February from 9.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.
• French Speaking Paper will be conducted on 22nd February during school hours.

# A Card named "Annual Examination" will be created for conducting the Annual
# Students will be required to join the "Annual Examination" using the Card at
8:50 a.m. sharp on the day of the Examination.
# Duration of the paper is specified in the time table, after which the paper will no
longer be available.
# Students are required to write the answers on A4 size or full scape papers. Each page
should be numbered at the bottom center.
# After the Examination, students will have to click the picture of every page and
upload them.
# Students will get 15 minutes after the Examination for uploading the answer scripts.
Submissions done after scheduled time will not be accepted.
# Students MUST keep their video 'ON' throughout the duration of the Examination.
# We request parents to ensure Academic Honesty during the Examination.

Dr. Kavita Sharma



English Grammar:
Parts of Speech
Figures of Speech
Types of sentences (Simple, Compound and Complex)
Phrases and Clauses
Comprehension passages-Fiction and non-fiction

Writing task:
Letter writing
Summary writing
Factual writing
Article writing
Story writing
Diary writing
Descriptive writing

Mathematics Book1 and 2 [Full syllabus]

Science Biology:
Chapter-1: Plants (Stage 7)
Chapter-2: Humans (Stage 7)
Chapter-3: Cells and organisms (Stage 7)
Chapter-4: Living beings in our environment (Stage 7)
Chapter-5: Variation and classification (Stage 7)
Chapter-6: Plants (Stage 8)
Chapter-7: Diet
Chapter-8: Digestion
Chapter-9: Circulation
Chapter-13: Plants (Stage 9)
Chapter-1: States of matter (Stage 7)
Chapter-2: Material properties (Stage 7)
Chapter-3: Material changes (Stage 7)
Chapter-5: States of matter (Stage 8)
Chapter-6: Material properties (Stage 8)
Chapter-1: Forces (Stage 7)
Chapter-2: Energy (Stage 7)
Chapter-4: Forces (Stage 8)
Chapter-5: Sound
Chapter-6: Light
Hindi दिव्य भारती:
काव्य-1: गाता खग
पाठ-2: गवईं राम
पाठ-3: पेड़-पौध ं की कहानी
पाठ-6: नीलकंठ
पाठ-7: कममय गी कलाम
पाठ-9: समय नियोजि
काव्य-11: पंथ की पहचाि
पाठ-13: काकी
पाठ-14: पयाावरण और प्रदू षण
पाठ-17: सीखो
पाठ-18: सूया िमस्कार- एक दै वीय उपहार

स्नेह प्रभा व्याकरण:

पाठ-8: शब्द भंडार (ववल म, पयामयवाची, अनेक शब्द ं के वलए एक शब्द)
पाठ-9: उपसगम तथा प्रत्यय
पाठ-11: संज्ञा
पाठ-12: सवमनाम
पाठ-13: वलंग, वचन
पाठ-14: नवशेषण
पाठ-17: वाक्य तथा पद-पररचय
पाठ-18: नवराम नचन्ह
पाठ-20: मुहावरे
पाठ-21: रचनात्मक लेखन - डायरी लेखि, कहािी लेखि, अिुच्छेद लेखि,
औपचाररक पत्र
अपवठत गद्ां श

History & History:

Civics Chapter-1: Rise of Christianity
Chapter-2: Spread of Christianity
Chapter-3: Birth of Prophet Muhammad & Spread of Islam
Chapter-4: The Turkish Invasion and the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate
Chapter-5: Expansion of the Delhi Sultanate: The Khilji and the Tughlaq
Chapter-6: Life under the Delhi Sultanate
Chapter-7: Rise of the Vijayanagar and Bahmani Kingdoms
Chapter-8: Babur, Humayun and Sher Shah
Chapter-9: Akbar
Chapter-10: Jahangir, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb
Chapter-11: Bhakti and Sufi Movements
Chapter-12: The Constitution & the Preamble
Chapter-13: Directive Principles of State Policy

Geography Chapter-1: Topographical Sheets: Colours, Signs and Symbols

Chapter-2: Scales and Distance
Chapter-3: Composition and the Structure of the Atmosphere
Chapter-4: Green House effect and Global Warming
Chapter-5: Study of Weather
Chapter-6: Recording of Weather
Chapter-7: Types of Rocks
Chapter-8: Weathering and Soil
Chapter-9: Industries-Their Need and Classification
Chapter-10: Major Industries
Chapter-11: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources
Chapter-12: Europe-Location, Area, Political and Physical Features
Chapter-13: Europe-Climate, Natural Vegetation, Wildlife, Forests, Minerals
and Power Resources
Chapter-14: Africa-Location, Area, Political and Physical Features
Chapter-15: Africa-Climate, natural Vegetation, Wildlife, Minerals
Chapter-16: Australia-Location, Area, Political and Physical Features
Chapter-17: Australia - Climate, Natural Vegetation, Wildlife, Forest and
Chapter-18: Antarctica-Location, Physical Features, Climate and Natural

French Chapter-1: La lettre de Valerie

Chapter-2: Joyeux Anniversair Paul
Chapter-3: C’est ma ville
Chapter-4: Une journee dans la vie de mes parents
Chapter-5: Mon argent de poche
Chapter-6: Les loisirs de Nathalie
Chapter-7: Range ta chambre
Les verbs (ER, IR, RE, Pronominaux)
Les articles
Les double verbes
Les adjectifs
Les adverbes de quantite
Faire et jouer
Writing tasks
Picture Writing
Unseen Listening and Reading comprehension
Computer Chapter-1: Computer-Hardware components
Applications Chapter-2: Number System-An Introduction
Chapter-3: Computer Virus
Chapter-4: Ethics and Safety Measures in Computing
Chapter-5: Spreadsheets-An Introduction
Chapter 6: Database and DBMS - An Introduction
Chapter 7: HTML - Advanced Features

Gujarati Core પાઠ-૩: ધરતીનું સ્વર્ગ કાશ્મીર

પાઠ-૪: ઈસ્ટર
કાવ્ય-૫: એક કકરણ
પાઠ-૭: મદદ માટે તૈયાર છે સેના
કાવ્ય-૮: વાસુંતી સવાર
પાઠ-૧૦: અમારાું પાડોશી
કાવ્ય-૧૧: આલાલીલા વાુંસકિયા

સમાનાર્થી શબ્દો
વિરોધી શબ્દો
જોડણી સુધારો
ખાલી જગ્યા પૂરો
ખરાાં ખોટાની વનશાની કરો
શબ્દ સમૂહ માટે એક શબ્દ આપો
રૂઢીપ્રયોગોના િાક્યો બનાિો

Gujarati પાઠ-૨: ઘરની શોધ

પાઠ-૩: ધરતીનું સ્વર્ગ કાશ્મીર
પાઠ-૪: ઈસ્ટર
કાવ્ય-૫: એક કકરણ
પાઠ-૬: યમરાજનું તેડું
પાઠ-૭: મદદ માટે તૈયાર છે સેના
કાવ્ય-૮: વાસુંતી સવાર
પાઠ-૯: એવરેસ્ટથી પણ ઊુંચા સ્વપ્ન
પાઠ-૧૦: અમારાું પાડોશી
કાવ્ય-૧૧: આલાલીલા વાુંસકિયા

સમાનાર્થી શબ્દો
વિરોધી શબ્દો
જોડણી સુધારો
ખાલી જગ્યા પૂરો
ખરાાં ખોટાની વનશાની કરો
શબ્દ સમૂહ માટે એક શબ્દ આપો
શબ્દોને અથગપૂણગ બનાવો
રૂઢીપ્રયોગોના િાક્યો બનાિો
કહેવત વાતાગ

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