Jesus As The Giver of Eternal Life
Jesus As The Giver of Eternal Life
Jesus As The Giver of Eternal Life
Abstract: Life is a major theme in the Gospel of John. The programmatic text (Jn. 20:30-31) pronounces the chief motive of the
gospel as to “have life in His name”. The Greek term ζωή αιώνιός, meaning ‘ETERNAL LIFE’ occurs seventeen times in the gospel.
It is the rendering of Hebrew term, ( ַחַ יֵי עוֺ לםa period without definite beginning or end). Ζωή doesn’t refer to natural life (yuch,)
which has death as end. John uses this imagery in reference to the life that a believer gains by believing in Jesus. The importance of
‘life’ is evident from the fact that it is mentioned both in the beginning (Jn. 1:4) and the end (Jn. 20:31) and so forms an inclusion
for the whole gospel. Eternal life is a partaking in the life of God. The only qualification that goes with ζωή in the gospel is αιώνιός,
usually translated as ‘eternal’. But even in places where he uses life without the adjective αιώνιός, he means the same as eternal
life. Αιώνιός in the gospel, indicates not only an infinite duration in the temporal sense, but also a qualitatively new life which even
death cannot destroy. This academic paper is an attempt to study Jesus as the giver of eternal life.
Key Words:Life, Jesus the Life Giver, Eternal Life, Life in the Gospel of St John
ISSN: 2583-1011
Ensygloge Vol.:1, Issue:2; July-December, 2021
An International Journal for Arts and Science Article No.: V1N2003
The Prologue presents the Logos as the source 20:31). Those who refuse to believe prefer darkness over
of life. (Jn. 1:4). Jesus shares the divine prerogatives of light (Jn. 3:18-21). As Jesus Himself fulfils the will of the
giving life and executing judgement to the humankind (Jn. Father, so also, the believer must fulfil the will of God by
5:26-27). His authority over life is evident in the raising of obeying the commandments (εντολή) (Jn. 6:39-40, 12:29,
Lazarus (Jn. 11). The words of Jesus contain eternal life 14:24). This shows a concomitance between faith and
(ρήματα ζωής αιωνίου – Jn.6:68). The evangelist portrays obedience. By obeying the commandments, one abides in
the self-revelation of Jesus as, “I am (εγώειμι) the God’s love and thus, receives Trinitarian indwelling in him
resurrection (ανάστασις) and the life (ζωή)” (Jn. 11:25). To (Jn. 14:21). If Jesus is the manifestation and the giver of
Thomas, He says, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (Jn. this divine eternal life, then humans must respond to it by
14:6). The verse continues to convey that Jesus is the only believing (πιστεύειν – Jn. 3:16, 6:40, 20:31), following
way to the Father, the source of eternal life (ουδείςέρχεται (ακολουθειν – Jn. 8:12) and dying to self (αποθνήσκειν –
προςτον πατέρα ειμηδι΄ εμού). Jn. 12:24-25).