Online Quiz 1
Online Quiz 1
Online Quiz 1
Instructions: This test is open-book: you are permitted to refer to your notes and textbooks during the test. You
must show all your workings to get credit for an answer except for Multiple choice. Write the honor code on
your answer sheet, then sign it. Answer the following problems below in a bond paper. Solutions to the
problems must be handwritten. Make sure that the solutions were written legibly. Please use any scanning
device (CamScanner) to have your answers.
1. An OR gate has 4 inputs. One input is high and the other three are low. The output
a. is low
b. is high
c. is alternately high and low
d. may be high or low depending on relative magnitude of inputs
4. An AND gate has two inputs A and B and one inhibit input 3, Output is 1 if
a. A = 1, B = 1, S = 1
b. A = 1, B = 1, S = 0
c. A = 1, B = 0, S = 1
d. A = 1, B = 0, S = 0
6. A + (B . C) =
a. A . B + C
b. A . B + A . C
c. A
d. (A + B) . (A + C)
7. The first person who used Boolean algebra for the design of relay switching circuits was
a. Aristotle
b. Boole
c. Shannon
d. Ramanujam
13. For getting an output from an XNOR gate, its both inputs must be
a. High
b. Low
c. At the sample logic level
d. At the opposite logic levels
14. In a certain 2-input logic gate, when A = 0, B = 0, then C = 1 and when A = 0, B=1, then again C = 1. It
must be _____ gate.
a. XOR
b. AND
d. NOR
15. The digital equivalent of an electric series circuit is the ___ gate
a. NOR
c. OR
d. AND
17. The logic gate which produces a 0 or low-level output when one or both of the inputs are 1 is called
____ gate
a. AND
b. OR
c. NOR
18. The chief reason why digital computers use complemental subtraction is that:
a. It simplifies their circuitry
b. it is a very simple process
c. it can handle negative numbers easily
d. it avoids direct subtraction
23. The K-map for a Boolean function is shown in figure. The number of essential prime implicants for this
function is
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 8
25. For the circuit of the given figure, the output equation is
a. Y = ABCD
b. Y = AB + CD
c. Y = A + BCD
d. Y = ABC + D
26. Using 2's complement, the largest positive and negative number which can be stored with 8 bits are
a. +128 and -127
b. +128 and -128
c. +127 and -128
d. +127 and -127
27. The number FF in hexadecimal system is equivalent to number __________ in decimal system.
a. 256
b. 255
c. 240
d. 239
28. The inputs A, B, C of the given figure are applied to a 3 input NOR gate. The output is
a. HIGH from 4 to 0
b. LOW from 0 to 4
c. HIGH from 0 to 1 and LOW from 1 to 4
d. LOW from 0 to 2 and HIGH from 2 to 4
34. The code used to reduce the error due to ambiguity in reading of a binary optical encoder is
a. Octal code
b. Excess-3 code
c. Gray code
d. BCD code
35. The Boolean SOP expression obtained from the truth table below is ________.
d. None of these
36. The 8-input XOR circuit shown has an output of Y = 1. Which input combination below (ordered A – H) is
a. 10111100
b. 10111000
c. 11100111
d. 00011101
a. (A)
b. (B)
c. (C)
d. (D)
40. A 4-variable AND-OR-Invert circuit produces a 0 at its Y output. Which combination of inputs is correct?
d. None of the above
45. The output of an AND gate is HIGH when any input is HIGH.
a. True
b. False
46. 2's complement representation of a 16 bit number (one sign bit and 15 magnitude bit) is FFFF. Its magnitude
in decimal representation is
a. 0
b. 1
c. 32676
d. 65,535
a. AND gate
b. OR gate
c. NAND gate
d. NOR gate
49. The expression can be directly implemented using only ________.
a. an XOR gate
b. an XNOR gate
c. an AOI circuit
d. three 2-input NAND gates
50. Assume that you have a 3-input NAND gate but need only a 2-input gate. The unused input should be
a. connected to ground
b. left open
c. connected to a HIGH
d. any of the above
b. F(A,B,C,D) = Σ(0,6,8,13,14)
d(A,B,C,D) = Σ(2,4,10)
5. Simplify the following functions and implement them with two-level NAND gate circuits: (10 pts each)
a. F(A,B,C,D) = AC’D’ + A’C + ABC + AB’C + A’C’D’
b. F(A,B,C,D) = A’B’C’D + CD + AC’D