I. Storage Guidelines and Redrying: Storing Stic Electrodes
I. Storage Guidelines and Redrying: Storing Stic Electrodes
I. Storage Guidelines and Redrying: Storing Stic Electrodes
Stick electrodes for ... Covering type Redrying Redrying Redrying time
recommended temperature in C in hours
nalloyed and , R, C, RC, No -- --
low-alloy steels R, RR, R
es 300 350 2 10
igh-strength fine-grained es 300 350 2 10
structural steels
Creep-resistant steels R No -- --
36 R , es 300 350 2 10
Stainless and R If necessary 120 200 2 10
heat-resistant steels R , No -- --
Soft martensitic steels es 300 350 2 10
uplex steels R es 250 300 2 10
Nickel alloys R, If necessary 120 300 2 10
The redrying temperature is also quoted on the labels of the hler packages.
Stick electrodes for which redrying is not recommended in the table above may, in some indi-
vidual cases, still benefit from redrying. This can be the case if storage was inappropriate, or
as a result of other conditions that lead to an excessive water content. The high water content
can often be recognised from increased spraying or pore formation during welding. In these
cases, the stick electrodes can unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer be redried
for about one hour at 100 - 120 C. This recommendation does not apply to cellulose-covered
electrodes, which must never be redried.
The temperature for intermediate storage in a furnace after redrying should be between 120
and 200 C maximum total storage time 30 days , or, if stored in quivers, between 100 and
200 C maximum storage time 10 days .
The drying temperatures and times given in the above table should be considered as a gene-
ral guideline. fter redrying, welding flux that is not being used immediately is to be stored at
150 C until used for welding. The intermediate storage period should not exceed 30 days.
The furnace used for the redrying must not permit any local overheating of the flux, and must
be adequately ventilated. If drying is stationary, the flux layer should not be thicker than
50 mm.