ENT - An Introduction and Practical Guide, Second Edition-CRC Press (2017)
ENT - An Introduction and Practical Guide, Second Edition-CRC Press (2017)
ENT - An Introduction and Practical Guide, Second Edition-CRC Press (2017)
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Index 161
viii Contents
The ‘Introduction to ENT’ course has now become an established and
must-attend course for the novice ENT practitioner. The synergistic blend
of didactic teaching and practical skills training has allowed many junior
trainees to raise the standard of care that they deliver to their ENT patients.
The course manual is now a ‘Bible’ for junior students in nursing and
medicine, caring for patients on wards, clinics or in emergency rooms.
The Royal College of Surgeons has endorsed this course in the past and it
continues to maintain a high standard for postgraduate training. I strongly
recommend this course to any trainee embarking on a career in ENT.
Khalid Ghufoor
Otolaryngology Tutor
Raven Department of Education
The Royal College of Surgeons of England
This book has been written for trainees in otorhinolaryngology and to
update general practitioners. Common and significant pathology that
might present itself is described. Included also are relevant supporting
specialties such as audiology and radiology. A significant proportion
of this text has been devoted to common surgical procedures, their
indications and operative techniques, as well as to the management of their
complications. We do hope that the text will facilitate and encourage junior
trainees to embark on a career in this diverse and rewarding specialty.
Writing this book would not have been possible had it not been for the
encouragement of our many friends and colleagues, and the unfaltering
support of our families.
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) is a diverse and challenging specialty. It is
often poorly represented in busy medical school curriculums and specialty
optionals at some Universities. Although an estimated 20% of cases seen in
primary care are ENT related, many general practitioners have little or no
formal training in this specialty.
This second edition has been revised and updated to reflect recent advances
in Otorhinolaryngology.
This book has evolved from the ‘Introduction to ENT’ course manual,
which has served many of us so well. Over 3000 doctors have attended this
course and its ‘Essential Guide’ counterpart.
I am certain that this current text will prove to be as, if not more, popular
and relevant to general practitioners than the ‘Introduction to ENT’ text
from which it is derived.
Dr Junaid Bajwa
October 2016
Mr Ketan Desai FRCS
Associate Specialist in Otorhinolaryngologist
Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, UK
Dr Olivia Kenyon
ENT Senior House Officer
Cambridge University Hospitals, Cambridge, UK
Dr Kaggere Paramesh
Specialist Registrar in Radiology
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Ms Joanne Rimmer FRCS (ORL-HNS)
Consultant ENT Surgeon/Rhinologist, Monash Health
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Max Whittaker
The ear is a highly specialized organ dedicated to Scaphoid fossa
the detection of both sound and head movement.
It is classically described as three separate but Helix Triangular fossa
functionally related subunits. The outer ear,
consisting of the pinna and external auditory
canal, is bounded medially by the lateral surface of Auricular
the tympanic membrane. The middle ear contains Cymba conchae
the ossicular chain, which spans the middle ear
Antihelix Tragus
cleft and enables the transfer of acoustic energy
from the tympanic membrane to the oval window. Antitragus
Conchal bowl
The inner ear comprises both the cochlea, which Intertragic notch
converts mechanical vibrations to electrical
impulses in the auditory nerve, and the vestibular Lobule
The pinna acts to direct sound into the external Figure 1.1. Surface landmarks of the pinna.
auditory canal, and plays an important role in
sound localization. It consists predominantly of from each of the first and second branchial arches
an elastic cartilaginous framework over which the on either side of the first pharyngeal groove.
skin is tightly adherent (Figure 1.1). The cartilage is These rotate and fuse to produce an elaborate
dependent on a sheet of overlying perichondrium but surprisingly consistent structure. Incomplete
for its nutritional support; hence separation of this fusion may result in an accessory auricle or pre-
layer by a haematoma, abscess or inflammation auricular sinus, while failure of development of the
secondary to piercing may result in cartilage antihelix (from the fourth hillock) in a protruding
necrosis and permanent deformity (cauliflower or ‘bat’ ear.
ear). The lobule, in contrast, is a well-vascularized
fibrofatty skin tag. The external auditory canal is a tortuous passage
that redirects and redistributes sound from the
The pinna develops from six mesodermal conchal bowl to the tympanic membrane. The skin
condensations, the hillocks of His, as early as the of the lateral third of the external auditory canal is
sixth embryological week. Three hillocks arise thick, contains ceruminous glands, is hair-bearing
Clinical anatomy 1
and tightly adherent to the underlying mechanism that allows debris to be directed out
fibrocartilage. of the canal. Disruption of this mechanism may
result in debris accumulation, recurrent infections
In contrast, the skin of the medial two-thirds is (otitis externa) or erosion of the ear canal, as seen
thin, hairless, tightly bound to underlying bone in keratitis obturans.
and exquisitely sensitive.
The tympanic membrane is bounded
The sensory nerve supply of the canal is largely circumferentially by the annulus, and is
provided by the auriculotemporal and greater continuous with the posterior wall of the ear canal.
auricular nerves. There are minor contributions It consists of three layers: laterally, a squamous
from the facial nerve (hence vesicles arise on epithelial layer; a middle layer of collagen fibres
the posterolateral surface of the canal as seen in providing tensile strength; and a medial surface
Ramsay Hunt syndrome) and Arnold’s nerve, a lined with respiratory epithelium continuous with
branch of the vagus nerve (provoking the cough the middle ear.
reflex when stimulated with a cotton bud or during
microsuction). The squamous epithelium of the The 80 mm2 of the tympanic membrane surface
tympanic membrane and ear canal is unique and area is divided into pars tensa, accounting for the
deserves a special mention. The superficial layer majority, approximately 55 mm2, and pars flaccida,
of keratin of the skin of the ear is shed laterally or attic (Figure 1.2). These regions are structurally
during maturation. This produces an escalator and functionally different. The collagen fibres of
Pars flaccida
Pars tensa
Eustachian tube
Round window niche Light reflex
the pars tensa are arranged as lateral radial fibres posterior half of the tympanic membrane, while
and medial circumferential fibres that distort the low-frequency sounds alter the anterior half.
membrane. As a result, the pars tensa ‘billows’
laterally from the malleus and buckles when The handle and lateral process of the malleus are
presented with sound, conducting acoustic energy embedded within the tympanic membrane and
to the ossicular chain. In contrast, the collagen firmly adherent at the umbo (“Lloyd’s ligament”).
fibres of the pars flaccida are randomly scattered The long process of the incus is also commonly
and this section is relatively flat. Interestingly, seen, although the heads of the ossicles are hidden
high-frequency sounds preferentially alter the behind the thin bone of the scutum superiorly.
Aditus (inlet) to
mastoid antrum
Tympanic Tympanic
membrane plexus
Tympanic n.
Clinical anatomy 3
Flow of Flow of
endolymph endolymph
Ampulla afferent Head rotation Head rotation
potential (mV)
potential (mV)
potential (mV)
Figure 1.4. The inner ear. Angular acceleration is detected by the ampullae of the lateral semicircular canals, while linear acceleration and static
head tilt are detected by the maculae of the utricle and saccule.
middle ear pressure, recurrent otitis media or functional pairs: the two horizontal semicircular
middle ear effusions. canals working in tandem, and the superior canals
paired with the contralateral posterior canals.
The inner ear
The sensory neuroepithelium of the semicircular
The inner ear consists of the cochlea and peripheral canals is limited to a dilated segment of the bony
vestibular apparatus (Figure 1.4). and membranous labyrinth, the ampulla. Within
this region, a crest perpendicular to the long
The cochlea is a two and three-quarter-turn
axis of each canal bears a mound of connective
snail shell that houses the organ of Corti. It is
tissue from which projects a layer of hair cells.
tonotopically arranged, with high frequencies
Their cilia insert into a gelatinous mass, the
detected at the base and low frequencies nearest the
cupula, which is deflected during rotational head
apical turn. Acoustic energy presented at the oval
window causes a travelling wave along the basilar
membrane, with maximal deflection at a frequency-
Within the utricle and saccule, the sensory patches,
specific region of the cochlea. This results in
called maculae are orientated in order to detect
depolarization of the inner hair cells at this region,
linear acceleration and head tilt in horizontal and
and through a process of mechanotransduction,
vertical planes, respectively. Hair cells in these
vibrational energy is converted to neural impulses
maculae are arranged in an elaborate manner
relayed centrally via the cochlear nerve.
and project into a fibro-calcareous sheet, the
The peripheral vestibular system is responsible otoconial membrane. As this membrane has a
for the detection of head movement. While the greater specific gravity than the surrounding
semicircular canals are stimulated by rotational endolymph, head tilt and linear movement result
acceleration, the saccule and utricle are dedicated in the otoconial membrane moving relative to the
to detecting static and linear head movements. underlying hair cells. The shearing force produced
This is achieved by two similar, but functionally causes depolarization of the underlying hair cells
different sensory receptor systems (Figure 1.4). with conduction centrally through the inferior and
superior vestibular nerves.
The semicircular canals are oriented in orthogonal
planes to one another and organized into
Clinical anatomy 5
SUPERIOR Motor nucleus
“Bill’s” bar
Superior salivary nucleus
ANTERIOR POSTERIOR Tractus solitarius
IVN Internal auditory
CN canal Simple sensory
crest I
Singular Geniculate II
nerve ganglion Greater
petrosal n.
Intracranial segment 24 mm
I – Meatal segment, 10 mm III
II – Labyrinthine segment, 5 mm. Dome of the lateral
The narrowest portion, 0.7 mm semicircular canal
Chorda tympani
Cutaneous fibres
accompany auricular IV
fibres of vagus
Figure 1.5. The intratemporal course of the facial nerve (a), relative positions of the facial, cochlear and vestibular nerves within the internal
auditory canal (b). (VII = facial nerve, SVN = superior vestibular nerve, IVN = inferior vestibular nerve.)
wall of the middle ear to the second genu. At this
point it undergoes a further deflection inferiorly
to begin its vertical mastoid segment. Motor Temporal
branches are given off to stapedius and taste fibres Zygomatic
from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue are
received from the chorda tympani.
The nose and nasal cavity serve a number of ●● Olfaction.
functions. While their principal function is ●● Drainage and aeration of the middle ear cleft
provision of an airway, secondary functions include: via the Eustachian tube.
●● Drainage and aeration of the paranasal sinuses.
●● Warming of inspired air. ●● Drainage for the nasolacrimal duct.
●● Humidification of inspired air. ●● Prevention of lung alveolar collapse via the
●● Filtering of large particulate matter by coarse nasal cycle.
hairs (the vibrissiae) in the nasal vestibule. ●● Voice modification.
●● Mucus production, trapping and ciliary ●● Pheromone detection via the Vomeronasal
clearance of particulate matter. organ of Jacobsen.
●● Immune protection (within mucus and via
presentation to the adenoidal pad).
Glabella Glabella
Clinical anatomy 7
Nasal skeleton The nasal cavities
The external nasal skeleton consists of bone in The nasal cavities are partitioned in the midline
the upper third (the nasal bones) and cartilage in by the nasal septum, which consists of both
the lower two-thirds. External nasal landmarks fibrocartilage and bone (Figure 1.8).
are illustrated in Figure 1.7 and ensure accurate
description when assessing the nose prior to As with the cartilage of the pinna, the cartilage
considering surgical intervention. of the septum is dependent on the overlying
plate of ethmoid
Septal cartilage
Palatine bone
adherent perichondrium for its nutritional support. The nasal cavity has a rich blood supply
Separation of this layer by haematoma or abscess originating from both the internal and external
may result in cartilage necrosis, perforation and a carotid arteries (Figure 1.10). As a result, epistaxis
saddle nose deformity. may result in considerable blood loss which should
not be underestimated. In cases of intractable
In contrast to the smooth surface of the nasal posterior nasal bleeding, the sphenopalatine
septum, the surface of the lateral wall is thrown artery may be endoscopically ligated by raising
into folds by three bony projections: the inferior, a mucoperiosteal flap on the lateral nasal wall.
middle and superior turbinates (Figure 1.9). These Bleeding from the ethmoidal vessels requires a
highly vascular structures become cyclically periorbital incision and identification of these
engorged resulting in alternating increased airway vessels as they pass from the orbital cavity into the
resistance and reduced airflow from one nasal nasal cavity in the fronto-ethmoidal suture.
cavity to the other over a period of 2–3 hours. This
physiological process, under hypothalamic control, The venous drainage of the nose and mid-face
may be more noticeable in patients with a septal communicates with the cavernous sinus of the
deviation or in those with rhinitis. middle cranial fossa via the superior ophthalmic
Superior turbinate
Middle turbinate
Inferior turbinate
Little’s area
Figure 1.10. Arterial blood supply to the nose. The nose has a rich blood supply, supplied by both internal
(I) and external (E) carotid arteries.
vein, or deep facial vein and pterygoid plexus. The olfactory mucosa is limited to a superior region
As a result, infection in this territory may spread of the nasal cavity (Figure 1.9). Once dissolved in
intracranially, resulting in cavernous sinus mucus, olfactants combine with binding proteins
thrombosis and may be life-threatening. and stimulate specific olfactory bipolar cells.
Clinical anatomy 9
Their axons converge to produce 12−20 olfactory The paranasal sinuses are paired air-filled spaces
bundles, which relay information centrally to that communicate with the nasal cavity via ostia
secondary neurones within the olfactory bulbs at located on the lateral nasal wall (Figure 1.11). These
the cribriform fossae of the anterior cranial fossa. occur at different ages, with the maxillary sinuses
Nasolacrimal duct
Sphenopalatine artery
Figure 1.11. The lateral wall of the nasal cavity. (The turbinates have been removed in order to allow
visualization of the ostia of the paranasal sinuses.)
present at birth and the frontal sinuses being the results in a spiral flow that directs mucus up and
last to fully form. In a minority of patients the medially to the ostium high on the medial wall.
frontal sinuses may be entirely absent. Mucus
produced by the respiratory epithelium within the The anterior and posterior ethmoidal air cells are
paranasal sinuses does not drain entirely by gravity. separated from the orbital contents by the lamina
In the maxillary sinus, for example, cilliary activity papyracea, a thin plate of bone derived from the
Frontal sinus
Septal cartilage
The oral cavity is bounded anteriorly by the inferiorly by the tongue base and superiorly by the
lips, posteriorly by the anterior tonsillar pillars, hard and soft palates (Figure 1.13).
Anterior tonsillar pillar
Tonsil (palatoglossus)
Sulcus terminalis
Retromolar region
The tongue consists of a mass of striated surface. The anterior two thirds, formed from
muscle separated in the midline by a fibrous the first arch, are coated by fungiform papillae,
membrane. Both the intrinsic muscles (contained which distinguish the five tastes: sweet, salty, sour,
entirely within the tongue) and the extrinsic bitter and umami. These are interspersed with the
muscles (inserted into bone) are supplied by the filiform papillae which do not contribute to taste
hypoglossal nerve, except for the palatoglossus but act to increase surface area, providing friction
(supplied by the pharyngeal plexus). A unilateral and enabling manipulation of food. Taste receptors
hypoglossal nerve palsy results in deviation of the are innervated by the chorda tympani, which
tongue towards the side of the weakness. hitchhikes with the lingual nerve to join the facial
nerve. The mandibular branch of the trigeminal
The tongue is derived from the mesoderm of nerve supplies touch and temperature sensation.
the first four branchial arches. Its embryological
origin is reflected in its pattern of innervation, The posterior third is predominantly derived
and arrangement of the fungiform, foliate, from the third and fourth arches, with a small
circumvallate and filiform papillae on its dorsal contribution from the second. Its surface is
Clinical anatomy 11
lined laterally by foliate papillae, with taste, The middle constrictor arises from the greater horn
touch and temperature sensation relayed by the of the hyoid bone, its fibres sweeping to enclose the
glossopharyngeal and superior laryngeal nerves. superior constrictor (as low as the vocal cords).
These two distinct regions are separated by a row The inferior constrictor consists of two
of circumvallate papillae in the form of an inverted striated muscles, the thyropharyngeus and
‘V’. The foramen caecum lies at the apex of this ‘V’ cricopharyngeus. A potential area of weakness
and represents the site of embryological origin of lies between the two muscles posteriorly: Killian’s
the thyroid gland (see below). Rarely, due to failure dehiscence. A pulsion divertivulum may form a
of migration, a lingual thyroid may present as a pharyngeal pouch at this site, leading to retention
mass at this site. and regurgitation of ingested material.
The floor of the mouth is separated from the The upper aero-digestive tract is divided into
neck by the mylohyoid muscle. The muscle fans the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, oral cavity
out from the lateral border of the hyoid bone to and oropharynx, larynx and hypopharynx
insert into the medial surface of the mandible (Figure 1.14).
as far back as the second molar tooth. A dental
root infection that is anterior to this may result The nasopharynx extends from the skull base to
in an abscess forming in the floor of the mouth the soft palate. It communicates with the middle
(Ludwig’s angina). This is a potentially life- ear cleft via the Eustachian tube (Figure 1.15).
threatening airway emergency and requires urgent This tube unwinds during yawning and chewing,
intervention to extract the affected tooth and drain allowing air to pass into the middle ear cleft
the abscess. and maintaining atmospheric pressure within
the middle ear. This mechanism depends on the
The hyoid bone lies at the level of the third
actions of levator and tensor veli palatini muscles,
cervical vertebra. The larynx is suspended from
hence a cleft palate is often associated with
this C-shaped bone, resulting in the rise of the
chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction. Equally,
laryngeal skeleton during swallowing.
blockage of the Eustachian tube may result in a
middle ear effusion. Whilst effusions are common
THE PHARYNX in children, unilateral effusions in adults should
raise suspicion of post-nasal space pathology,
such as a nasopharyngeal carcinoma arising from
The pharynx consists of a curved fibrous sheet, the fossa of Rossenmüller. The adenoid gland lies
the pharyngobasilar fascia, enclosed within three on the posterior nasopharyngeal wall, forming
stacked muscular bands: the superior, middle part of Waldeyers ring of immune tissue, along
and inferior constrictors. The muscle fibres of the with the palatine and lingual tonsils. Adenoid
constrictors sweep posteriorly and medially to meet enlargement may compromise airflow resulting in
in a midline posterior raphe. The pharyngeal plexus obstructive sleep apnoea, and may require surgical
provides the motor supply to the musculature of reduction.
the pharynx, except for the stylopharyngeus which
is supplied by the glossopharyngeal nerve. The oropharynx spans from the soft palate to the
level of the epiglottis. Its lateral walls are formed
The superior constrictor arises from the medial by the palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus
pterygoid plate, hamulus, pterygomandibluar muscles, between which lie the palatine tonsils.
raphe and mandible. The Eustachian tube passes These receive a rich blood supply from the lingual,
between its superior border and the skull base. facial and ascending pharyngeal branches of the
Stylopharyngeus and the glossopharyngeal and external carotid artery.
lingual nerves pass below the constrictor.
Adenoid pad
Tonsil of Gerlach
Hard palate
Palatine tonsil
Lingual tonsil
Hyoid bone
Thyroid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage
Cervical esophagus
Thyroid isthmus
Figure 1.14. Sagittal section through the head and neck. Note the hard palate lies at C1, the hyoid bone at
C3 and the cricoid cartilage at C6.
Fossa of Rossenmüller
Clinical anatomy 13
The laryngopharynx lies posterior to the larynx. cricopharyngeus marks the transition into the
It is bounded inferiorly by the cricoids, where the oesophagus.
The principal function of the larynx is that of secondary function. The three single cartilages of
a protective sphincter preventing aspiration of the larynx are the epiglottic, thyroid and cricoid
ingested material (Figure 1.16). Phonation is a cartilages. The three paired cartilages of the larynx
are the arytenoid, corniculate and cuneiform complete ring of cartilage in the airway, trauma may
cartilages. cause oedema and obstruction of the central lumen.
The arytenoid cartilages are pyramidal structures The formula describes airflow through the lumen
from which the vocal cords project forward and of a tube (Figure 1.17).
medially. Abduction (lateral movement) of the
cords is dependent on the posterior cricoarytenoid
muscle, hence this is described as the most
important muscle of the larynx. Additional r
instrinsic and extrinsic muscles provide adduction
and variable cord tension.
The motor supply of the muscles of the larynx is Flow (L/min) = (PA−PB) × v × r × π
l 8
derived from the recurrent laryngeal nerves. An
ipsilateral palsy results in hoarseness, while a bilateral PA = pressure A
PB = pressure B
palsy results in stridor and airway obstruction. v = viscosity
l = length
The cricoid is a signet ring-shaped structure which r = radius
supports the arytenoid cartilages. As the only
Figure 1.17. Flow through a tube.
The facial nerve passes into and divides within the Figure 1.18. The major salivary glands of the head
substance of the parotid gland to separate it into and neck.
Clinical anatomy 15
In addition, the retromandibular vein passes the floor of the oral cavity via Wharton’s duct, the
through the anterior portion of the gland and papilla lying adjacent to the lingual frenulum. The
is a useful radiological marker for defining the duct may become obstructed by a calculus, which
superficial and deep portions of the gland. causes painful enlargement of the gland.
The submandibular gland is a mixed serous and The sublingual glands lie anterior to hyoglossus
mucous salivary gland and forms the majority of in the sublingual fossa of the mandible. These
saliva production at rest. Its superficial portion fills mucus glands drain via multiple openings into
the space between the mandible and mylohyoid the submandibular duct and sublingual fold of the
muscle, while its deep part lies between the floor of the oral cavity.
mylohyoid and hyoglossus. The gland drains into
Preauricular node
Postaural node
Upper, middle
and lower cervical
Sublingual node I
Posterior triangle
Submandibular node III
Supraclavicular V
Anterior triangle node IV
Figure 1.19. Lymph nodes groups and the triangles of the neck.
Clinical anatomy 17
Ketan Desai
A thorough clinical examination is essential in This chapter provides a systematic and thorough
the diagnosis and management of every patient. stepwise guide for clinicians assessing patients.
Ensure that both you and the patient are seated Gently pull the pinna upwards and backwards to
comfortably and at the same level. straighten the ear canal (backwards in children).
Infection or inflammation may cause this
Examine the pinna, postaural region and adjacent manoeuvre to be painful.
scalp for scars, discharge, swelling and any skin
lesions or defects (Figure 2.1). Choose the largest Hold the otoscope like a pen and rest your
speculum that will fit comfortably into the ear and small digit on the patient’s zygomatic arch. Any
place it onto the otoscope. unexpected head movement will now push the
Site of endaural
Site of postaural
Figure 2.1. Examination of the pinna and postaural region. The pinna is pulled up and back and the tragus
pushed forward in order to straighten the external auditory canal during otoscopy.
Eustachian tube
Round window niche Light reflex
Anterior recess
Figure 2.2. Examination of the right tympanic membrane. The scutum (‘shield’) is a thin plate of bone that
obscures the view of the heads of the malleus and incus. It may be eroded by cholesteatoma and hence this
area must always be inspected.
ENT examination 19
The commonest tuning fork tests performed If Rinne’s test is −ve on the right and +ve on the
are the Rinne’s and Weber’s tests. They must be left, and Weber’s test lateralizes to the left side, this
performed in conjunction in order to diagnose a suggests a right sensorineural hearing loss in the
conductive or sensorineural hearing loss. right ear.
As air conduction (AC) is better than bone Examine the profile of the nose, looking for
conduction (BC) in a normal hearing ear, the external deviation of the nasal dorsum. Check
tuning fork is heard louder in front of the ear than for bruising, swelling, signs of infection, nasal
when placed behind the ear (i.e. AC > BC). This discharge and scars.
is described as Rinne +ve; if bone conduction is
greater than air conduction, this is Rinne –ve. Gently raise the tip of the nose to allow you
to examine the vestibule of the nose and the
Weber’s test anteroinferior end of the nasal septum.
A 512 Hz tuning fork is struck on the elbow and The Thudichum speculum is held in the
firmly placed on the patient’s forehead. The patient nondominant hand (i.e. the left if the examiner is
is asked, ‘Is the sound louder in your left ear, right right-handed), leaving the dominant hand free to
ear, or somewhere in the middle?’ use any instruments.
As the hearing in both ears should be the same, in Hold the metal loop on your index finger with the
a normal subject the sound heard will be ‘in the finger pointing towards you and the prongs away
middle’. from you.
Interpretation: Right
(b) BC > AC AC > BC conductive hearing loss
−ve +ve
Interpretation: Right
(c) BC > AC AC > BC sensorineural hearing loss
–ve +ve
ENT examination 21
patient to open their mouth (this manoeuvre often which can be used as a guide to the level of
increases the anteroposterior diameter of the canal anaesthesia.
as the condyle of the mandible is related to the
anterior canal wall). The nasoendoscope may be used with or without
a sheath, depending on local decontamination
Assess the canal wall and contents. Remember protocols. Clean the tip of the scope with an
that the hairy outer third of the canal is relatively alcohol wipe to prevent condensation and apply
insensitive but the thin inner skin is extremely a thin film of lubricant gel to the distal 5 cm of
sensitive. Any contact with the speculum or the nasoendoscope. Ensure the gel does not cover
suction will produce a great deal of discomfort. the tip of the scope as this will occlude your view.
The patient’s saliva provides an effective alternative.
Using a wide bore sucker, begin by removing
debris within the lateral hairy portion of the Ask the patient to breathe through their mouth
canal. Aim to touch only the debris and not the and, holding the end of the scope between the
canal skin. Try to remove all the debris, especially index finger and thumb, place the tip of the
in cases of otitis externa where debris will result nasoendoscope into the nasal cavity. Ensure full
in an ongoing infection if not removed. A wax control of the scope by placing the middle finger
hook may be used as an alternative method for on the tip of the patient’s nose. If a patient were to
wax removal. fall forward, the nasoendoscope will not be driven
into the nasal cavity.
If the debris or wax is too hard or the procedure
too uncomfortable for the patient, a course of Insert the scope into the nostril and pass it along
sodium bicarbonate ear drops (two drops three the floor of the nose with the inferior turbinate
times a day for two weeks) will be required before laterally and septum medially. Posteriorly, the
a further attempt at wax removal is made. Eustachian tube orifice and postnasal space will
come into view (see Chapter 1, Figure 1.2). If the
If the tympanic membrane is obscured, septum is deviated and the scope cannot be easily
microsuction along the anterior canal wall until advanced, try to pass it between the inferior and
the tympanic membrane is visible (the tympanic middle turbinates (laterally) and the septum
membrane is continuous with the posterior canal (medially). If this is too uncomfortable for the
wall and can be damaged if microsuction follows patient, the other nasal cavity may be used.
the posterior canal wall).
With the postnasal space in view, ask the patient to
If there is trauma to the ear canal or if bleeding breathe in through their nose. This opens the inlet
occurs, prescribe a short course of antibiotic into the oropharynx. Use the control toggle to flex
ear drops, warning the patient of the risk of the distal end of the scope inferiorly and gently
ototoxicity. advance.
The uvula and soft palate will slide away and the
Flexible nasolaryngoscopy base of tongue and larynx will come into view (see
Chapter 1, Figure 1.14).
Explain the procedure to the patient and ask
the patient which side of their nose is the easier Adopt a system to ensure that all aspects of this
to breathe through, selecting this side for region are examined. The following is a guide:
examination. Spray the chosen side with local tongue base, valleculae, epiglottis (lingual and
anaesthetic or insert a cotton wool pledget soaked laryngeal surfaces), supraglottis, interarytenoid
in local anaesthetic. Patients often describe bar, vocal cords (appearance and mobility),
numbness of the upper lip or back of their tongue, subglottis, pyriform fossae and posterior
Figure 2.4. Rigid endoscopy. The first pass of the endoscope should pass along the floor of the nose, the
second into the middle meatus and the third into the superior meatus and olfactory niche.
The first pass provides an overall view of the Using the head mirror or headlight, begin by
anterior nasal cavity, the septum and the floor examining the lips and face of the patient. Note
of the nasal cavity to the posterior choana. any scars or petechiae.
The Eustachian tube cushion, orifice and the fossa
of Rosenmüller and adenoidal pad must also be It is important to be systematic (Figure 2.5).
Use two tongue depressors. Begin by asking the
The second is into the middle meatus and allows patient to open their mouth and insert one tongue
identification of the uncinate process, middle depressor onto the buccal surface of each cheek
meatal ostium and ethmoidal bulla. The third and ask the patient to clench their teeth. Gently
examines the superior meatus and olfactory niche; pulling laterally, withdraw the blades examining
the sphenoid ostium may be identified during the buccal mucosa, gingivae, teeth, parotid duct
this pass. orifices and buccal sulci. Anteriorly, draw the
blades superiorly to examine beneath the upper lip
Examination of the oral cavity and repeat with the lower lip.
Ensure that both you and the patient are seated Ask the patient to open their mouth and study
comfortably, at the same level. the superior surface of the tongue. With the
ENT examination 23
(a) (b) (c)
Parotid duct
Retromolar Frenulum
region Papilla of the
Lateral border submandibular
of the tongue duct
pharyngeal wall
Figure 2.5. Examination of the oral cavity. A systematic approach must be used to assess the oral cavity fully.
tongue pointing superiorly, examine the floor of the soft palate. Ask the patient to look up to the
the mouth and inferior surface of the tongue. The ceiling and examine the hard palate.
openings of the submandibular ducts are found
just lateral to the frenulum of the tongue. Palpate the tongue including the tongue base.
Submucosal tumours in these structures can
Using both tongue blades again, examine the often be palpated before they are seen. Where
retromolar regions and lateral borders of the the history is suggestive of an abnormality of the
tongue. submandibular gland or duct, bimanual palpation
should be used.
Ask the patient to keep their tongue in their mouth
and keep breathing. Gently depress the anterior Examination of the neck and
half of the tongue, avoiding the posterior third facial nerve function
as this can make patients gag. Examine both
tonsils, comparing their relative size. Inspect the Inspect the general appearance of the patient,
oropharynx, including uvula and movements of noting any facial scars or asymmetry of facial tone
ENT examination 25
Ketan Desai
Otitis externa is inflammation of the external follicle in the ear canal and is extremely painful.
auditory canal. It is common, extremely painful and Incision and drainage are often required, together
often precipitated by irritants such as cotton buds. with topical antibiotics.
There may be an infective component, commonly
bacterial, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, An important differential diagnosis of otitis
Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus, or less frequently externa is malignant otitis externa. This is an
fungal, such as Aspergillus species or Candida osteomyelitis of the ear canal and lateral skull
albicans. The external auditory canal is often swollen base, which occurs more frequently in diabetics
and filled with debris that requires microsuction. and immunocompromised patients presenting
Treatment generally consists of one week of ear with severe pain. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the
drops containing a combination of steroid and most common cause and the typical otoscopic
antibiotic. Fungal infections require a 3–4-week appearance is granulation tissue or exposed bone
course of anti-fungal drops. An ear swab is useful on the floor of the ear canal. As the infection
in directing antibiotic selection where the infection spreads through the skull base, the lower cranial
does not resolve with the initial treatment. nerves (CN VII−XII) are affected. MRI is useful
in determining the extent of the disease, although
When the external ear canal is very swollen, a it lags behind clinical signs of improvement with
wick is inserted to splint the meatus open to allow treatment. Treatment is a prolonged course of
penetration of the topical treatment. This should intravenous antibiotics followed by further oral
be removed as the swelling decreases, usually after antibiotics (twelve week), regular microsuction,
48 hours. The infection may progress to involve topical antibiotic−steroid ear drops, good glycaemic
the pinna and peri-auricular soft tissues (cellulitis), control and analgesia. A biopsy is often needed to
necessitating hospital admission for intravenous exclude malignancy and determine microbiological
antibiotics. Sometimes the infection is localized sensitivities. Radioisotope scans (e.g. gallium) or
and a small abscess, or furuncle can form. This is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to
commonly caused by S. aureus infection of a hair assess the response to treatment.
Ear wax is composed of secretions from sebaceous canal mixed with dead squamous cells. It becomes
and apocrine glands in the lateral third of the ear impacted in 10% of children, 5% of healthy adults
Blunt trauma to the pinna may result in a the scar will be least visible, ideally along the
subperichondrial haematoma. Since the cartilage rim of the conchal bowl, under the helical rim
gains its nutrient supply from the overlying or approached from the cranial surface of the
perichondrium, an untreated pinna haematoma pinna (with a small window of cartilage excised).
results in cartilage necrosis and permanent Through-and-through sutures can be placed to
deformity – ‘cauliflower ear’. Needle aspiration secure silastic splints or dental rolls, to achieve
of a pinna haematoma followed by a compression more reliable pressure and to prevent haematoma
bandage is rarely effective. A small incision recurrence under the head bandage. All patients
through the overlying skin under local anaesthetic should receive co-amoxiclav or an equivalent
allows continued drainage and is a more definitive antibiotic to prevent perichondritis and should be
treatment (6). The incision should be placed where reviewed after 7 days for suture removal.
Wax hook
Septal haematomas can rapidly develop following place (a trouser drain may be required with a ‘leg’
nasal trauma or after septal surgery. A haematoma on either side of the septal cartilage). Antibiotic
can become secondarily infected, resulting in an treatment is required following abscess drainage
abscess. Patients describe nasal obstruction and and a pus swab sent to microbiology. A septal
pain. Examination usually reveals bilateral septal haematoma or abscess should be seen within a few
swelling, which is compressible on palpation. Pus hours and operated on within a day, as prolonged
may be seen lying on the surface of the septum. devascularisation of the cartilage results in its
reabsorption resulting in nasal deformity (19).
Patients require formal incision and drainage In addition, infection may extend intracranially
under general anaesthetic. A hemitransfixion via the ophthalmic veins to involve the cavernous
incision is made and a corrugated drain sutured in sinus.
Acute sinusitis is generally managed in primary Patients may be referred if there are concerns
care with oral antibiotics and nasal decongestants. regarding complications of sinusitis such as
It commonly occurs following an acute upper periorbital cellulitis. Fungal sinusitis should
respiratory tract infection and presents with be considered when assessing patients who are
purulent nasal discharge, nasal obstruction and immunocompromised.
facial pain that is worse on bending forward.
Periorbital cellulitis is an ENT emergency and spread of infection from the ethmoidal air cells
patients may become blind within a matter of laterally into the orbital cavity. Patients often
hours. A subperiosteal abscess may arise due to describe a recent upper respiratory tract infection.
The eyelid may be swollen with associated An urgent CT scan of the paranasal sinuses is
chemosis, and there may be proptosis of the eye. essential. For young children preparations may
It is important to assess red colour vision, in be made to perform the scan under general
particular, and this may be performed using an anaesthetic, proceeding to surgery if the imaging
Ishihara chart. Visual acuity and eye movements reveals a collection. Children should receive
also require regular monitoring. Restricted eye appropriate analgesia, intravenous antibiotics
movement or pain on eye movement is often (normally a third generation cephalosporin) and,
associated with an abscess. if there is evidence of sinusitis, paediatric nasal
Given that the condition predominantly occurs
in children, such an examination can be Surgical decompression of a subperiosteal abscess
challenging and it is worth seeking paediatric and is performed endoscopically or via a Lynch–
ophthalmological consultations early. Patients Howarth incision. A drain is required if an open
with periorbital cellulitis or a potential intraorbital approach is used.
Tonsillitis is most commonly bacterial, caused if there is any suggestion of compromise, patients
by Streptococci, Staphylococci or Haemophilus must undergo flexible nasolaryngoscopy. In such
influenzae. Viral infections also occur, most cases, these patients should be given steroids
commonly the Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), which (either 8 mg dexamethasone IV or hydrocortisone
is the cause of infectious mononucleosis or 200 mg IV), discussed with a senior colleague and
glandular fever. Patients have a painful throat with closely monitored in an ENT airway observation
odynophagia (pain on swallowing) and sometimes bed or in a high dependency or critical care unit.
referred otalgia. They are treated in primary care If, conversely, a patient complains of a severe sore
with phenoxymethylpenicillin (Penicillin V), throat and has tonsils with normal appearances,
or a macrolide if they are penicillin-allergic. immediate nasolaryngoscopy should be performed
Ampicillin, Amoxicillin and Co-Amoxiclav to assess whether the diagnosis is supraglottitis.
should be avoided as these can precipitate a severe
scarring rash in patients with EBV and the patient Inpatient treatment is normally required for
being incorrectly labeled as penicillin allergic. no more than 24–48 hours, and patients are
discharged with analgesia and oral antibiotics. A
If patients are unable to swallow fluids, they short course of steroids may be useful in patients
should be admitted to hospital for rehydration and with glandular fever, and they should also be
intravenous antibiotics. Blood samples are sent for advised to refrain from alcohol for two months
a full blood count, electrolytes, liver function tests, while their liver recovers from the acute injury.
C-reactive protein and the locally-agreed test for They should also be advised to avoid contact sport
EBV. as EBV-induced hepatosplenomegaly can put them
at risk of internal bleeding from abdominal injury.
Intravenous benzylpenicillin is required, and oral If patients meet the criteria for tonsillectomy
soluble paracetamol, codeine and a non-steroidal (see tonsillectomy section) this can be considered
anti-inflammatory for analgesia. Tonsillar after the inflammation has settled – an ‘interval’
enlargement may cause airway obstruction, and tonsillectomy.
The soft palate is first sprayed with local Patients are usually admitted and treated as for severe
anaesthetic, and the collection aspirated to tonsillitis with intravenous antibiotics, although
confirm the presence of pus. A 19G white needle where symptoms completely resolve after drainage,
on a luer-lock and 10 or 20 mL syringe is used outpatient antibiotic therapy may be sufficient. It is
(1 cm of the tip of the needle sheath can be cut off helpful to send a sample to microbiology to guide
and the remainder of the sheath replaced on the antibiotic therapy, although patients are usually
needle to act as a guard preventing over-insertion). managed with benzylpenicillin and metronidazole.
The needle is pointed towards the back of the If the abscess recollects, or there is neck swelling, a
mouth (rather than drifting laterally), and the parapharyngeal abscess should be suspected and a
area of maximal fluctuance aspirated (or on an arc CT scan performed to investigate this.
Supraglottitis is inflammation of the soft tissues cases may be observed in an easily-visible ‘airway’
immediately above the vocal cords. It is normally bed on an ENT ward.
caused by Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus
pneumoniae or S. pyogenes. Patients usually Adrenaline nebulisers (1 mL of 1:1000, or diluted
complain of a short history of a sore throat with rapid in 4 mL of normal saline) are effective in reducing
hoarseness and dysphagia. This may be sufficiently some of the mucosal swelling. Heliox (Helium/
severe to prevent them from swallowing their saliva. oxygen) provides relief as this low density gas
increases flow. Patients should be cannulated
These patients must be assessed as a priority as the and given intravenous dexamethasone 8 mg or
airway can rapidly deteriorate. Shortness of breath, hydrocortisone 200 mg to help reduce mucosal
tachypnoea or stridor are worrying features and a oedema, although this only works fully after
senior ENT and anaesthetic input should always a few hours. Intravenous third generation
be sought. Flexible nasolaryngoscopy should be cephalosporins are normally the antibiotic of
performed with caution where significant airway choice. These patients may need intervention
obstruction is present. Depending on the severity to secure their airway such as intubation, or
of the airway compromise patients may be nursed emergency cricothyroidotomy prior to a formal
in ITU or a high dependency unit, but the milder tracheostomy.
Patients who have been exposed to dense smoke Nasolaryngoscopy should be performed to
are often admitted under chest physicians. The visualize the larynx and this may need to be
upper airway must not be neglected. The effects repeated if symptoms deteriorate. Steroids can
of smoke injury on the larynx can develop over be useful in reducing mucosal oedema. These
several hours and these patients should be closely patients should be discussed with a senior
monitored in hospital in a high dependency promptly, because development of marked
setting. Singeing of the nasal hair, soot in laryngeal inflammation may prevent intubation
the nasal cavity or passages or oral mucosa, and necessitate a tracheostomy to secure the
and voice change indicate smoke inhalation. airway.
An abscess may form within the parapharyngeal neck swelling, with limitation of movement, and
space. This is an inverted pyramidal space may have trismus. There will be a palpable swelling
bounded superiorly by the skull base, medially in the upper neck near the angle of the jaw, with
by the pharynx, posteriorly by the prevertebral medialisation of the oropharynx. History and
muscles, laterally by the mandible and parotid examination findings should help identify the initial
fascia, with its apex at the greater cornu of the source of the infection and antibiotics (normally
hyoid bone. a cephalosporin and metronidazole) should be
commenced intravenously. Patients require a
Infection may arise from a dental or pharyngeal contrast-enhanced CT scan to confirm the presence
source (commonly tonsil). The carotid sheath runs of a collection and to plan potential surgical
through the parapharyngeal space and therefore drainage (these include an external neck approach,
infections in this area can lead to thrombosis or via a trans-oral route following excision of the
of the great vessels or airway compromise (22). tonsil). Patients should, therefore, remain starved
Patients report throat discomfort and unilateral until discussed with a senior colleague.
This common ENT emergency has been estimated cases (1). Patients may present in the acute setting,
to affect 7%–14% of the population at some point, or may be seen on an elective basis in the outpatient
but ENT specialists see only around 6% of all clinic with recurrent episodes of epistaxis.
Multiple branches of both the internal and Most epistaxis arises from the septum rather than
external carotid arteries supply the nose, through the lateral wall of the nose. The most common site
multiple anastamoses. The internal carotid artery of bleeding is Little’s area on the anterior septum,
supplies the superior nasal cavity via the anterior also known as Kiesselbach’s plexus (Figure 4.1) (3).
and posterior ethmoid arteries which are branches
of the ophthalmic artery. The external carotid Woodruff’s plexus (a venous plexus located
supplies the nasal cavity via the superior labial, inferior to the posterior end of the inferior
lateral nasal and ascending palatine branches of turbinate) has been described as a common site of
the facial artery and the sphenopalatine, ascending posterior bleeding (4), but it is now accepted that
pharyngeal and greater palatine branches of the even posterior bleeds are more likely to be septal
maxillary artery (2). than from the lateral nasal wall (5).
Epistaxis can be classified into primary (e.g. juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma) or
(idiopathic), or secondary to a specific cause malignant sinonasal tumours or environmental
such as trauma (6). Around 80% of epistaxis is (e.g. airborne particulate matter) (7).
idiopathic. Causative factors can be divided into
local and systemic (Table 4.1). Systemic causes include antiplatelet or
anticoagulant drugs (e.g. aspirin, clopidogrel,
The most commonly identified local cause of warfarin, heparin), haematological disorders (e.g.
epistaxis is trauma – digital, surgical or accidental. haemophilia, leukaemia, thrombocytopenia), liver
Other local causes include infection, inflammation, failure and hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
foreign body, endocrine (e.g. pregnancy), benign (HHT).
Little’s area
Figure 4.1. Arterial blood supply to the nose. The nose has a rich blood supply, by both internal (I) and
external (E) carotid arteries. Little’s area, or Kiesselbach’s plexus, represents a confluence of these vessels.
Local Systemic
Trauma Drugs (e.g. aspirin, clopidogrel, warfarin)
Infection (e.g. URTI, acute rhinosinusitis) Haematological disorders (e.g. haemophilia, leukaemia,
Inflammation (e.g. rhinitis) thrombocytopaenia)
In the elective outpatient setting this can be taken anterior (running out of the nose) or posterior
at leisure; in an acute bleed it is often done whilst (swallowing blood) – although it may be both
treatment is being initiated. Important points with profuse bleeding, previous episodes and
about the bleeding itself include onset, duration, any treatment given and precipitating factors,
side (may often start on one side then appear including recent trauma or surgery. If trauma is
to become bilateral due to overflow), whether involved, significant head injury must be excluded.
Epistaxis 41
Key factors in the past medical history include it may determine whether a patient is safe to be
hypertension, coagulopathies and HHT. Relevant discharged after a significant bleed – a frail elderly
drugs include antihypertensives, antiplatelet agents patient living alone may not be.
and anticoagulants. Social history is important as
Never underestimate this ENT emergency as it can coagulation screens are not indicated in the
be life-threatening. Always begin with the ABC absence of relevant risk factors (8). Check heart
algorithm: rate and blood pressure and resuscitate with
fluids and/or blood as required. Remember young
Airway – Examine the oropharynx and suction patients may maintain a normal pulse rate and
any clots blood pressure until in severe shock. Estimate
Breathing blood loss and instigate simple first aid measures
Circulation – Ensure wide-bore intravenous with firm compression of both nostrils, head tilted
access and send blood for a full blood count and forward, and apply ice to the back of the patient’s
group and save in all but minor cases; routine neck.
In the outpatient clinic (or if the acute bleed has is seen and the situation permits, complete
settled) this can be done thoroughly. In the acute the examination using a rigid 0° Hopkins rod
situation it may not be possible to fully examine endoscope to evaluate both nasal cavities and
the patient, depending on the degree of bleeding. postnasal space.
If you are able to do so, begin with anterior In emergency situations, wear gloves, an eye shield,
rhinoscopy using a Thudichum’s speculum and and an apron or gown. Suction is required during
headlight. This allows inspection of the anterior examination and treatment, and other equipment
septum including Little’s area, a likely site of should be available to allow further management,
the bleeding vessel. If no obvious bleeding point as detailed below.
It is important to correct over-anticoagulation and warfarinized patient has a significantly elevated
hypertension, and medical or haematological input INR then withholding warfarin is advisable until
may be required. Thrombocytopaenia should be the bleeding is controlled and the INR back in the
corrected with platelet transfusion; packs should therapeutic range. The use of low dose diazepam has
be avoided if possible as they cause further trauma been advocated in the past, particularly in anxious
to the nasal mucosa with inevitable rebleeding hypertensive patients, but there is little evidence for
on removal. Absorbable packs, such as oxidized its use; controlling the epistaxis is more effective in
cellulose or gelatin sponge soaked in adrenaline reducing both blood pressure and anxiety (9).
or tranexamic acid, are a useful alternative. There
is little to be gained from stopping aspirin therapy See Figure 4.2 for a basic treatment algorithm for
as the half-life of platelets is seven days, but if a epistaxis.
Haemodynamically Haemodynamically
stable unstable
± cautery
No further Bleeding
bleeding persists
Consider discharge if
small volume of blood loss,
otherwise admit for observation
Repack with
posterior pack
Admit Bleeding
Resuscitate persists
Clotting screen if indicated
Clotting screen if indicated
Plan for surgery
The ideal management option is to identify and The bleeding vessel is identified and topical
cauterize the bleeding vessel. This controls the anaesthesia, ideally combined with a
epistaxis, avoids packing and in many cases allows vasoconstrictor (e.g. co-phenylcaine – 5%
the patient to be discharged. As most bleeding lidocaine with 0.5% phenylephrine), is applied on
vessels arise in Little’s area, silver nitrate cautery is cotton wool. Silver nitrate cautery of the vessel
often possible with anterior rhinoscopy. is then performed directly; if it is an ‘end-on’
Epistaxis 43
vessel, it can be helpful to cauterize around If an obvious vessel or bleeding point is not seen
it before touching the vessel itself. Naseptin anteriorly, it may be possible to examine more
cream (0.1% chlorhexidine dihydrochloride, 0.5% posteriorly with a rigid endoscope. Whilst the use
neomycin sulphate) is applied to the cauterized of silver nitrate cautery is possible for posterior
area twice daily for two weeks. An alternative, epistaxis, it is more difficult to be precise and avoid
such as chloramphenicol ointment, should be touching other parts of the nose with the stick
used in patients with peanut allergy, as Naseptin ™ (10). If available, bipolar electrocautery is more
contains arachis (peanut) oil. practical for use with an endoscope, allowing
diathermy of the specific bleeding point (11).
(a) (b)
Figure 4.3. (a) Insertion of a nasal pack. (b) A nasal pack in situ.
Epistaxis 45
the posterior choana. The catheter is clipped to sleep apnoea), vagal (from nasopharyngeal
prevent deflation of the balloon and to hold it in stimulation) and cardiac (including myocardial
place; an umbilical clip or a simple artery clip can infarction) (14). Patients who require posterior
be used. An anterior BIPP pack is placed around packing need close observation as it implies
the catheter. It is essential to ensure that the significant epistaxis.
catheter or clip does not rest on the nares as they
can rapidly cause pressure necrosis of the alar rim Packs, either anterior or posterior are left in for
with subsequent notching. Gauze or cotton wool up to 24 hours and no longer than 48 hours. If the
should be used to protect the alar margin. patient has any risk factors for endocarditis, oral
antibiotic cover (e.g. amoxicillin) is given while
Other complications reported with posterior packs are in place.
nasal packing are respiratory (e.g. obstructive
If bleeding remains uncontrolled, or if the Septoplasty may be required if there is significant
patient bleeds again after removal of their pack, deviation or a large septal spur; this may have
an examination under anaesthetic is required prevented adequate packing initially. If an obvious
with a view to cautery or vessel ligation, as bleeding point is seen it can be cauterized with
indicated, or rarely more formal posterior nasal bipolar diathermy.
Endoscopic sphenopalatine artery (SPA) ligation is If SPA/maxillary artery ligation fails to control
now commonly employed as the primary surgical bleeding, or in cases of traumatic epistaxis (with
procedure for epistaxis when operative intervention possible ethmoid fracture), then the anterior
is required (15). The SPA is the major blood supply to and posterior ethmoid arteries can be ligated.
the posterior aspect of the nasal cavity, and may have This is performed via an external approach
multiple branches that require ligating individually. using a modified Lynch–Howarth incision.
Transantral maxillary artery ligation, via a If bleeding continues despite these measures, then
Caldwell Luc approach in most cases, has become the external carotid artery may be ligated in the
less popular with the advent of the endoscopic SPA neck (16).
technique, which is much less invasive.
Some centres will have access to radiological procedure, as angiography is required to
embolization. This may be employed if other identify the bleeding vessel before particulate
measures have failed, or if general anaesthesia embolization can be performed. Patients must
must be avoided due to significant comorbidities. be warned of the risk of stroke, skin and palate
Patients must be actively bleeding for this necrosis (17).
Epistaxis 47
13 Mathiasen RA, Cruz RM. 2005. Prospective, 16 Srinivasan V, Sherman IW, O’Sullivan G. 2000.
randomized, controlled clinical trial of a novel Surgical management of intractable epistaxis:
matrix hemostatic sealant in patients with An audit of results. J Laryngol Otol 114: 697–700.
acute anterior epistaxis. Laryngoscope 115: 17 Sadri M, Midwinter K, Ahmed A, Parker A.
899–902. 2006. Assessment of safety and efficacy of
14 Rotenberg B, Tam S. 2010. Respiratory arterial embolization in the management
complications from nasal packing: Systematic of intractable epistaxis. Eur Archiv
review. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 39: Otorhinolaryngol 263: 560–6.
606–14. 8 Rimmer J, Lund VJ. 2015. Hereditary
5 Douglas R, Wormald P. 2007. Update on
1 haemorrhagic telangiectasia. Rhinology
epistaxis. Curr Op Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 53: 195–203.
15: 180–3.
The principal function of audiological testing is Tests of hearing are divided into behavioural
to establish hearing thresholds accurately and and objective. When presented with sound, each
to determine whether there is any impairment. aspect of the auditory pathway responds in a way
If impairment is detected, testing is used to that can be measured. This response may be the
establish the site, type (conductive, sensorineural test subject performing a specific task to indicate
or mixed) and severity of the hearing loss hearing a sound stimulus (behavioural response)
(Figure 5.1). or the measurement of a physical property of the
Hearing level (dB)
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Frequency (Hz)
Audiology 49
system (objective response). Objective tests do not sensation. They do, however, allow for certain
require the active cooperation of a subject and are inferences to be made regarding a subject’s ability
not a true measure of hearing, which is a subjective to hear.
Pure tone audiometry is a scale of human hearing where 0 dB HL reflects
the threshold of hearing of an otologically normal
Indication individual irrespective of its frequency. It is against
this normal hearing population that an individual’s
●● To establish hearing thresholds. hearing is compared.
Pure tone audiometry is used to provide threshold Pure tone audiometry is performed in accordance
information and to identify the presence and with the British Society of Audiology’s recommended
magnitude of any hearing loss. Thresholds are procedures (1). Testing is ideally carried out in a
usually measured both for air conduction (via sound proof acoustic booth to minimize background
headphones) and for bone conduction (via a bone noise. Frequency-specific sound stimuli are first
vibrator). The information provided by pure tone delivered via headphones to test air conduction
audiometry may be plotted graphically as an thresholds. Patients are instructed to indicate (by
audiogram. The audiogram represents hearing pressing a button) when they hear a tone, however
sensitivity (dB HL) across a discrete frequency faint. Testing begins with the better hearing ear
spectrum (125–8000 Hz). A wide variety of symbols and frequencies (250–8000 Hz) are tested in a
are used to denote the findings (Figure 5.2). specified order. Stimuli are initially presented at
30 dB above expected threshold. This is increased
O Right air conduction thresholds
in 20 dB steps if not initially heard. The stimulus
is then lowered in 10 dB steps until no longer
X Left air conduction thresholds heard and raised in 5 dB steps until a threshold
∆ Unmasked bone conduction becomes evident. There must be a minimum of two
[ Right bone conduction thresholds
responses at that level. The threshold is marked
on the audiogram with the appropriate symbol.
] Left bone conduction thresholds Bone conduction thresholds are undertaken with a
Threshold poorer at that level, but bone vibrator placed on the mastoid process of the
cannot be determined because of ear with the worst air conduction thresholds. It is
limited output of the audiometer only possible to test frequencies between 250 and
4000 Hz. The maximum output of the bone vibrator
Figure 5.2. Symbols commonly used in pure tone is approximately 70 dB; stimulation beyond these
levels may result in the vibrations being felt rather
than heard.
The reason for using a hearing level scale rather
than sound pressure level (SPL) scale reflects the Air conduction thresholds represent the sensitivity
fact that the threshold of hearing as measured of the hearing mechanism as a whole (conductive,
in SPL is not the same across all frequencies. For sensorineural and central components), whereas
example, less energy is required to detect a 1000 Hz bone conduction thresholds represent the
sound at threshold (7.5 dB SPL) than at 125 Hz sensitivity of the hearing mechanism from the
(47.5 dB SPL); the resulting audiogram would be cochlear onwards. Any difference between the
particularly difficult to interpret. The dB HL scale two thresholds is referred to as an air–bone gap
Audiology 51
difference less than 40 dB), but the not- as mild, moderate, severe or profound
masked bone conduction threshold is better (Figure 5.4(a–d)).
by 40 dB, then the not-masked air conduction ●● With a pure conductive hearing loss, the
is attributed to the worse ear. The worse ear ear specific masked bone conduction
becomes the test ear and the better ear is then threshold is normal while there is a gap
masked. of more than 10 dB between the air
and bone conduction thresholds (Figure 5.4(b)).
Interpretation of an audiogram This gap is known as the air–bone gap (ABG).
●● With a pure sensorineural hearing loss, both
●● Air and bone conduction thresholds equal the ear-specific air and the bone conduction
to or better than 20 dB are considered to be thresholds are worse than 20 dB, but there is no
within normal limits (Figure 5.4(a)). Beyond ABG (Figure 5.4(c)).
20 dB, the degree of hearing loss is classified
20 20
30 30
40 40
50 50
60 60
70 70
80 80
90 90
100 100
110 110
120 120
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
20 20
30 30
40 40
50 50
60 60
70 70
80 80
90 90
100 100
110 110
120 120
1 2 5 2 5 0 500 1000 2000 4000 8 0 0 0 1 2 5 2 5 0 500 1000 2000 4000 8 0 0 0
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5.4. (a) Normal hearing. (b) Left conductive hearing loss. (c) Left sensorineural hearing loss. (d) Right
mixed hearing loss.
Indications (line 2, Figure 5.5). In sensorineural hearing
losses, ODS is usually less than 100%, regardless
●● Functional hearing assessment (speech or word of the sound intensity (line 3, Figure 5.5). With
discrimination). neural losses, a phenomenon known as roll-over
●● To confirm conductive or sensorineural hearing may be observed (line 4, Figure 5.5).
●● Investigation of non-organic hearing loss. Speech audiometry supplies useful information
regarding a patient’s hearing handicap and can
In speech audiometry, the patient is asked to guide management of the condition. An example
repeat pre-recorded words (i.e. the Arthur of this is in the management of otosclerosis. When
Boothroyd word list) presented via a free field, considering stapedectomy, a patient with an ODS
headphones or bone conductor at various intensity of less than 70% must be counselled that their
levels. The speech audiogram graphically displays perceived benefit may not be as good as that of
the percentage of correct responses as a function someone with a score of over 70%, even if the ABG
of the sound pressure level that the words were is successfully closed. An optimum discrimination
presented at (Figure 5.5). One of the variables score of less than 50% is regarded as being not
measured is the optimum discrimination score socially useful, which can have implications in
(ODS). This is 100% in patients with normal the management of individuals with vestibular
hearing (line 1, Figure 5.5) and in patients with schwannoma. If optimally aided ODS in the better
pure conductive hearing losses, although a hearing ear is less than 50%, then an individual
conductive loss requires higher intensity levels may meet the criteria for cochlear implantation.
100 30
Normal 1
Number of phonemes correctly repeated
hearing hearing loss
80 24
60 18
Score %
40 16
hearing loss
20 12
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Relative speech level dB
Audiology 53
Tympanometry probe tone unless testing infants less than four
months old, for whom a 1 kHz stimulus is used.
Indications A proportion of the sound energy is transmitted
through the middle ear apparatus and the rest is
●● In conjunction with audiometry to characterize reflected. The probe microphone records reflected
hearing loss. sound energy. The more compliant the middle
●● To document normal middle ear compliance. ear system, the less energy reflected. Because the
compliance of the tympanic membrane is maximal
Tympanometry is not a test of hearing, but is used when the pressure between its two sides is equal, it
in conjunction with pure tone audiometry to help is possible to measure the middle ear pressure by
determine the nature of any hearing loss. altering the pressure in the external ear canal via
the pump channel in the ear probe.
Tympanometry measures the compliance of the
middle ear system. Factors influencing middle The test generates a tympanogram. This is a
ear compliance include the integrity and mobility graphical representation of the compliance of the
of the tympanic membrane and ossicular chain, tympanic membrane as a function of the change in
the presence of fluid and middle ear pressure. pressure in the external ear canal. Tympanograms
Tympanometry is therefore used clinically to are most commonly described according to the
provide information regarding the state of the Jerger system of classification (3). There are three
tympanic membrane, ossicular chain, middle ear types:
cleft and Eustachian tube function.
Type A – Demonstrates a well-defined peak
The test involves placing a small probe in the ear compliance of between +100 and −150 daPa
canal to form an airtight seal. The probe contains (Figure 5.6(a)). It signifies normal middle ear
a sound generator, microphone and pump, all pressure.
connected to a tympanometer. A sound stimulus Type B – Demonstrating no obvious peak
is passed down the ear canal to the tympanic across the pressure range (Figure 5.6(b)).
membrane. The stimulus used is a 226 Hz Interpretation depends on the measured ear
Ytm 226 Hz ml
ml ml 1.5
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
Figure 5.6. Tympanometry. (a) Normal peak. (b) No peak. (c) Negative peak.
Wave I
Wave V
Wave III
Wave IV
Wave II
Wave V latency
1 ms
Audiology 55
ABR has a number of clinical uses, principally steady state responses (ASSR) analysis is based
the estimation of hearing thresholds using wave on the fact that related electrical activity
V. Because the ABR is present from birth it is a coincides with the stimulus repetition rate and
useful hearing screening tool for neonates. The relies on statistical detection algorithms. The
precise latency of each waveform has previously test can be used as an automated assessment of
been exploited to detect pathology affecting the auditory thresholds.
cochlear nerve, in particular as a screening test Cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEPs) –
for vestibular schwannomas. In this condition Evoked potentials occurring beyond 50 ms are
there can be a delay in the latency of wave V. referred to as CAEPs. They span the transition
This has now been superseded by contrast- from obligatory to cognitive responses. They
enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). can be generated using frequency stimuli. The
Auditory steady state responses (ASSR) – This
3 accurate correspondence with true frequency-
is a test that uses frequency-specific stimuli specific hearing thresholds make this a useful
modulated with respect to amplitude and test in medico-legal assessment of hearing
frequency. Higher modulation rates generate for compensation cases and for diagnosis in
AEP derived from the brainstem. Auditory suspected non-organic hearing loss.
Indications distortion product OAEs (DPOAEs). The test
involves placing a small insert in the ear canal,
●● Hearing screening. which contains a sound generator and microphone
and is attached to an OAE machine. A stimulus
Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) represent sound is generated and any ensuing emission measured.
energy generated by the contraction and expansion The test is performed in a quiet environment. In
of outer hair cells in the cochlear. These echoes can addition to being able to infer hearing thresholds
be measured by sensitive microphones placed in of better than 40 dB HL, these tests provide
the ear canal. OAEs are classified into two groups: frequency-specific information in the speech
spontaneous (only present in 50% of population) frequencies (500–4000 Hz).
and evoked. Evoked OAEs are emissions generated
in response to a sound stimulus and are present in Absent evoked OAEs do not necessarily reflect
the majority of individuals with hearing thresholds a cochlear hearing loss and can arise if the ear
better that 40 dB HL. In fact, OAEs are present canal is blocked or if there is middle ear pathology
in 99% of individuals with thresholds better than (i.e. an effusion). If OAEs are genuinely absent,
20 dB and always absent with thresholds over no inference as to the degree of loss can be made,
40 dB. Between 20 and 40 dB there is a zone of which can range from mild (zone of uncertainty)
uncertainty. For this reason they have been widely to profound. Additionally, robust OAEs may be
adopted as a hearing screening tool (4). found in individuals with auditory neuropathy
spectrum disorder, who may have a profound
Clinically, two main types of evoked OAEs are hearing loss.
used: transient evoked OAEs (TEOAEs) and
●● Browning GG (2nd edition 1998). Clinical
Otology & Audiology. Butterworth-Heinemann,
Audiology 57
James Tysome
The vascularity of the tonsillar tissue increases 28 days, even if antibiotics have been prescribed,
significantly during an episode of tonsillitis. Many as intra-operative haemorrhage is increased if
surgeons will postpone surgery if the patient tonsillectomy is performed.
has experienced true tonsillitis in the preceding
Once anaesthetized and the airway secured an appropriately-sized blade is inserted and the
with an endotracheal tube (ET), a shoulder mouth gently opened. The tongue is positioned
bolster is placed under the patient and the neck in the midline by sweeping the tongue base with
extended. The patient’s eyes must be taped closed. digital manipulation. Draffin rods are used to
A headlight is worn by the surgeon and the patient support and lift the gag. The head must remain
draped. supported on the operating table.
The operation is performed from the head of the Secretions are cleared from the oral cavity using
operating table. A Boyle–Davis mouth gag with suction (Figure 6.1(a)).
Tongue blade
Anterior pillar
Grasping forceps Gutter
(c) (d)
Diathermy forceps
Clip on
lower pole
Tonsillectomy 59
In order to remove the right tonsil, Dennis–Brown Haemostasis is achieved using bipolar diathermy
or Luc’s forceps are held in the surgeon’s left hand or further ties. Once haemostasis has been
and the superior pole of the right tonsil is gently achieved, the gag is relaxed for 30 seconds and
grasped and pulled medially (Figure 6.1(b)). This, the mouth reopened. The fossae are inspected for
in most cases, produces a visible gutter in the bleeding and dealt with accordingly. Gentle use of
anterior tonsillar pillar, which marks the lateral the sucker to remove blood from the base of the
limit of the tonsil. The mucosa is incised using tongue and under the soft palate is accompanied
McIndoe scissors or cauterized with bipolar by the passage of a Jacques suction catheter
forceps (Figure 6.1(c)). The scissors can then be through the nose to remove a potential ‘coroner’s’
gently inserted into the incision and opened to clot from the postnasal space. If not removed,
develop the plane between the tonsil and the this clot may fall into and obstruct the airway, to
superior constrictor muscle fibres. At this stage, be retrieved only later by the coroner. Suction is
the forceps are repositioned with the superior attached and the catheter gently withdrawn.
blade within this developed plane and the inferior
blade over the medial surface of the tonsil. The Boyle–Davis gag is relaxed and carefully
removed. The endotracheal tube may on occasion
A Gwynne–Evans dissector or bipolar diathermy
herniate into the tongue blade and hence the patient
forceps may be used to separate the muscle fibres
may be inadvertently extubated. This will result in a
from the white capsule of the tonsil, which should
significant airway compromise and must be avoided.
gradually peel away. Bleeding is inevitable during
this part of the procedure but identifying the
A survey of the teeth must be performed to
tonsillar capsule early and staying within the
document any dental trauma (or loss which will
correct plane will minimize its extent. Continued
require retrieval of the tooth). The jaw must also
traction with the forceps is the key to a clean and
be assessed to exclude a temporo-mandibular
brisk dissection (Figure 6.1(d)).
joint dislocation. It is also essential to confirm
that all the tonsil swabs have been removed.
As the dissection proceeds, a small ‘stalk’ of
Tonsillectomy using coblation has grown in
tissue tethers the tonsil at its inferior pole. This
popularity, particularly in paediatric cases where
usually bears a significant feeding arterial vessel
an intracapsular tonsillectomy can be performed,
(the tonsillar branch of the ascending pharyngeal
which decreases postoperative pain and can lead
artery) which requires clipping with a curved
to a more rapid recovery. However, it does carry
Negus clip and tying with silk (Figure 6.1(e)).
a greater risk of tonsil regrowth that may require
The clip is then slowly removed as the tie is thrown
further surgery in the future.
and the tie then trimmed. The tonsillar fossa
is packed with a tonsil swab while dissection is
performed on the opposite side.
Tonsillectomy 61
Ketan Desai
One must always be cautious when it comes to senior colleague if necessary. There is an increase
operating on small children (<15 kg or <3 years in the vascularity of the adenoidal pad following
of age) as they have a smaller circulating blood an upper aero-digestive tract infection, and many
volume and a preoperative group and save sample surgeons will postpone surgery if there has been a
may be required. One should exclude a personal or recent episode.
familial bleeding tendency and discuss this with a
Two techniques are commonly used for ●● Exclude a pulsatile adenoidal pad (this may
adenoidectomy. actually be an angiofibroma, in which case
adenoidectomy is ill advised).
Adenoidal curettage ●● Exclude the presence of a cleft palate or
submucous cleft (an adenoidectomy may
Once intubated, the patient is placed supine and a result in a nasal voice and nasal regurgitation,
shoulder roll is placed under the patient to extend and is a contra-indication for curette
the neck. A headlight is required. The patient is adenoidectomy).
draped, a Boyle–Davis gag inserted and the mouth ●● To exclude a choanal atresia.
opened. Once secured with Draffin rods, care ●● To sweep the adenoidal pad into the midline.
should be taken to avoid damage to the teeth and
lips and kinking of the endotracheal tube. A finger An adenoidal curette is passed into the postnasal
is inserted into the postnasal space to: space and the adenoidal pad curetted with firm
but gentle pressure. The postnasal space is packed
●● Confirm the presence of an enlarged adenoidal with swabs to achieve haemostasis (several swab
pad. changes may be required).
Posterior margin of
nasal septum
Tongue blade
Anterior pillar
Left tonsil Right tonsil
Adenoidal pad
Suction diathermy
Adenoidectomy 63
Patients may develop minor neck stiffness and
regular analgesia should be taken for up to a week. REFERENCES
Prophylactic oral antibiotics may also be prescribed. 1 Hartley BE, Papsin BC, Albert DM. 1998.
If torticollis occurs, this may indicate Grisel’s Suction diathermy adenoidectomy. Clin
syndrome and the patient should return to hospital. Otolaryngol Allied Sci 23: 308–9.
2 Lo S, Rowe-Jones J. 2006. How we do it:
There is a risk of bleeding for the week following transoral suction diathermy adenoid ablation
surgery, and relative isolation from other children under direct vision using a 45 degree
reduces the risk of viral transmission and the endoscope. Clin Otolaryngol 31: 440–2.
development of secondary haemorrhage. In 3 Suction Diathermy Adenoidectomy (December
children this requires one week off school. Should 2009). NICE guidance IPG328. www.nice.org.
bleeding occur, the patient should attend the uk/nicemedia/live/12127/46633/46633.pdf.
Emergency Department immediately.
Grommets are tubes placed in the tympanic Current National Institute for Health and
membrane to ventilate the middle ear space. Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines (CG60
February 2008) recommend direct surgical
Indications intervention for otitis media with effusion
(OME) in children up to the age of 12 years
●● Persistent bilateral middle ear effusions resulting and who demonstrate a hearing loss due to a
in >30 dB HL bilateral conductive hearing loss in persistent middle ear effusion lasting three
two or more frequencies for at least three months. months or more (1). However, patients must
●● Recurrent acute otitis media. be treated on a case-by-case basis, taking
●● In adults, a unilateral middle ear effusion into account their educational progress and
(combined with a postnasal space examination speech development. Grommet insertion is not
and biopsy). currently recommended for children with Down’s
●● Significant tympanic membrane retraction. syndrome, who are managed with hearing aids.
●● Mènière’s disease.
In children and in most adults, this procedure is with the non-dominant hand and the microscope
performed under general anaesthetic. focused to provide a clear image of the tympanic
membrane (Figure 8.1(a)). Any wax is removed
The anaesthetized patient is positioned supine using a Jobson–Horne probe, crocodile forceps
and the head rotated away from the operator, or a Zoellner sucker. Care must be taken not to
who is seated. A perforated ear drape is placed traumatize the canal mucosa. If bleeding does
over the ear. The largest aural speculum that occur, a cotton wool pledget soaked in 1:10,000
comfortably fits in the canal is used. This is held adrenaline provides haemostasis.
Grommet insertion 65
The anteroinferior quadrant is identified and a needle is usually required to push the grommet
a myringotome used to make a radial incision into place (Figure 8.1(h)).
from the umbo towards the annulus (Figure
8.1(b)). As the incision is performed, a note A grommet inadvertently pushed into the middle
is made of the presence of an effusion and its ear may be retrieved by a senior colleague.
appearance (Figure 8.1(c)). This is removed
gently with suction using a fine end attached to a The use of topical ear drops immediately following
Zoellner sucker. grommet insertion has gained popularity and may
reduce the incidence of grommet blockage (2).
Forceps are used to grasp the grommet at either its
rim or heel (Figure 8.1(e), (f)). Once firmly grasped, Complications
the long axis of the grommet should be in line with
the long axis of the forceps (Figure 8.1(g)). ●● Recurrent ear infections, occasionally requiring
removal of the grommet.
The grommet is advanced such that its toe is ●● Persistent perforation (1%–2%); patients may
inserted into the myringotomy incision. Gentle require a myringoplasty in order to close the
pressure applied at the heel of the grommet with perforation (3).
Long process
of incus
Line of
Round incision
window Myringotome
ear effusion
in place
Curved needle
Crocodile forceps
Grommet insertion 67
Joanne Rimmer
Perpendicular plate
of ethmoid
Keystone area
cartilage Vomer
Maxillary crest
An appropriately informed, consented and Compensatory hypertrophy
anaesthetized patient is positioned supine, head of the right inferior turbinate
up or in a beach chair position, with a head ring
for support. Topical nasal preparations such as
Moffett’s solution (a variable mixture of cocaine,
adrenaline, normal saline and sodium bicarbonate)
(6) or co-phenylcaine spray (5% lidocaine and 0.5%
phenylephrine) may be instilled into the nose to
improve the surgical field. The patient’s eyes are
taped closed or lubricating ointment is instilled.
The surgeon wears a headlight, although the
procedure may be performed endoscopically (7).
A short nasal speculum is held with one blade on mucocutaneous junction (Killian’s incision)
either side of the caudal edge of the quadrilateral (Figure 9.4). It is often easier to find the correct
cartilage, and both sides of the septum are infil plane of dissection using a Killian’s incision, but it
trated with a solution of 2% lidocaine with 1:80,000 is difficult to address very caudal septal deviations
adrenaline using a dental syringe (Figure 9.3(a)). though this incision. The incision is usually made
The mucoperichondrium should blanche following on the left (for a right-handed surgeon), but in
infiltration, which aids haemostasis. certain cases (e.g. caudal septal dislocation to the
right) the surgeon may elect to make the incision
A number 15 scalpel blade is used to incise on the right.
the mucoperichondrium down to cartilage
(Figure 9.3(b)). This incision can be placed along It is important to find the correct plane for
the caudal edge of the quadrilateral cartilage at dissection; this is subperichondrial, between the
the septocolumellar junction (hemitransfixion cartilage and the perichondrium. It is all too
incision) or approximately 0.5 cm behind the easy to dissect the plane between perichondrium
Septoplasty 69
(a) (b)
Figure 9.3. Infiltration of the septal mucosa (a) before an incision is made (b).
Hemitransfixion incision
Killian’s incision
Figure 9.4. Incisions for a septoplasty. A hemitransfixion incision is made along the caudal (anterior) edge of
the septum, whilst a Killian’s incision is made 0.5 cm posterior to the mucocutaneous junction.
and mucosa in error. Perichondrium has a pale may be pressed firmly into the incision against the
pink appearance due to its blood supply, whereas cartilage to assist dissection (Figure 9.5).
septal cartilage has a shiny white/pale blue colour.
If a hemitransfixion incision has been made, Once the plane has been identified, insert
sharp pointed scissors are helpful initially as the a Freer elevator between the cartilage
mucopericondrium is tethered anteriorly due to and mucoperichondrium and raise the
McGilligan’s fibres. The shortest nasal speculum mucoperichondrial flap carefully along the full
Figure 9.6. An incision is made through the septal cartilage (a). A Freer elevator is passed through the
incision and the mucoperichondrium elevated off the cartilage on the contralateral side (b). Turbinectomy
scissors may be used to excise the deviated cartilage (c).
Septoplasty 71
be incised (often along fracture lines) in order to necessary in severe and/or caudal deviations, and
help repositioning, and various scoring, cutting is avoided if possible to reduce the risk of septal
and suturing techniques have been described, perforation.
particularly to address the most difficult problem
of caudal deviation (8,9). Once the deviation has been corrected, the incision
is closed with a 4/0 or 5/0 absorbable suture. The
It is sometimes necessary to elevate a complete same suture should be used to ‘quilt’ the septum
contralateral mucoperichondrial flap, in which with continuous through-and-through mattress
case the plane can be followed over the caudal sutures. This reduces the risk of septal haematoma
edge of the quadrilateral cartilage onto the right formation by closing the dead space (Figure 9.7).
side and dissected as above. This is usually only Nasal packing is not routinely inserted.
Figure 9.7. Continuous quilting suture of the nasal septum, secured anteriorly.
The patient can be discharged the same day or the ●● Ongoing symptoms – Either related to
next day according to local protocol. Discharge persistent/recurrent deviation as septal cartilage
medication should include analgesia and nasal has ‘memory’, or to concurrent mucosal disease.
douches. Patients are advised to take 7–14 days off ●● Septal perforation – Usually asymptomatic, but
work, avoid nose-blowing for one week and avoid may cause crusting, bleeding or whistling.
heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for two weeks. ●● Cosmetic change – Significant collapse (saddle
Follow-up should be after three months. nose) is rare, but subtle changes are probably
underrecognised by patients and surgeons.
Septoplasty 73
Joanne Rimmer
Patient selection in rhinoplasty is paramount; preoperative photographs are required in lateral,
expectations must be realistic. Standard frontal, oblique, bird’s eye and basal views.
An appropriately informed, consented and The septum is infiltrated with 2% lidocaine with
anaesthetized patient should be positioned supine 1:80,000 adrenaline as for a septoplasty (Chapter 9).
or in a beach chair position, head up, with a Infiltration is continued superiorly in the nasal
head ring for support. Topical nasal preparations vestibules, along the lines of intercartilaginous
such as Moffett’s solution (a variable mixture of incisions (Figure 10.1). It is continued into the
cocaine, adrenaline, normal saline and sodium soft tissue overlying the dorsum of the nose, and
bicarbonate) or co-phenylcaine spray (5% lidocaine particularly at the incision sites for external lateral
and 0.5% phenylephrine) may be instilled into the osteotomies. The nasal hairs are removed with a
nose to improve the surgical field. The patient’s scalpel blade or short curved scissors.
eyes are taped closed (over the lateral aspect only)
or lubricating ointment is instilled. A headlight is Septoplasty is performed via a left hemitransfixion
worn, although overhead operating lights may be incision as described in Chapter 9. Once this is
used in the external approach. completed, bilateral intercartilaginous incisions are
made between the upper and lower lateral cartilages
Skin preparation is used around the nose. The (Figure 10.1). The groove between the cartilages
patient is draped with a head towel so that the face is best displayed using an alar retractor with
is exposed from eyebrows to upper lip. external pressure from the surgeon’s middle finger.
Septorhinoplasty 75
intercartilaginous incision. It should be positioned The incisions are closed with a 4/0 or 5/0
perpendicular to the caudal end of the nasal bone, absorbable suture. The same suture should be used
just lateral to the septum. The line of the osteotomy to ‘quilt’ the septum with through-and-through
is shown in Figure 10.3. The assistant gently taps mattress sutures to reduce the risk of septal
with the mallet, while the surgeon palpates the haematoma formation by closing the dead space
edge of the osteotome with the second hand to as for standard septoplasty. Steristrips are applied
ensure its position and to prevent buttonholing the over the dorsum and to support the tip, and a
skin. Firm digital pressure is used to reposition the triangular plaster of Paris is placed over these.
bones appropriately. Nasal packing is not routinely inserted.
The patient can be discharged the same day or the ●● Ongoing obstructive symptoms – Either related
next day according to local protocol. Discharge to persistent/recurrent deviation as septal
medication should include analgesia. Patients are cartilage has ‘memory’, or to concurrent
advised to take 10–14 days off work, avoid nose- mucosal disease.
blowing for one week and avoid heavy lifting or ●● Septal perforation – Usually asymptomatic but
strenuous exercise for two weeks. They are warned may cause crusting, bleeding or whistling.
to expect periorbital bruising and swelling. Initial ●● Ongoing cosmetic concerns – Patients should
follow-up is after 7–10 days for removal of the plaster, be advised of a 5%–10% revision rate following
after which patients can begin to douche the nose. primary rhinoplasty surgery.
●● Bleeding – Some oozing is normal but heavy 1 Daniel RK. 2010. Mastering Rhinoplasty. 2nd ed.
epistaxis requires return to hospital and may Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
warrant nasal packing. If a septal haematoma 2 Nolst Trenite GJ. 2005. Rhinoplasty: A Practical
develops it will require draining and packing. Guide to Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the
●● Infection. Nose. 3rd ed. Kugler Publications, The Hague.
There is an ever-increasing number of methods
to reduce ITs, and a Cochrane review found no
high quality evidence for any one technique over
another (1). All are performed in an appropriately
informed, consented and anaesthetized patient
positioned supine or in a beach chair position,
head up, with a head ring for support. Topical
nasal preparations such as Moffett’s solution
(a variable mixture of cocaine, adrenaline,
normal saline and sodium bicarbonate) or
co-phenylcaine spray (5% lidocaine and 0.5%
phenylephrine) may be instilled into the nose to
improve the surgical field. A headlight may be Figure 11.1. Outfracture of the right inferior turbinate.
worn by the surgeon or a rigid Hopkins rod used
for endoscopic techniques. The patient’s eyes are
taped closed. Skin preparation is not routinely Radiofrequency or coblation
used. The patient is draped with a head towel with turbinoplasty
the nose exposed.
A Thudichum’s speculum is used to allow
Outfracture of inferior visualization of the IT. A radiofrequency or
turbinate coblation turbinate probe, both of which are
commercially available, is inserted into the
A Hill’ elevator is used to first infracture inferior turbinate soft tissue, medial to the bone,
(medialize) the IT and then outfracture (lateralize) and then activated. Three passes are generally
it (Figure 11.1). performed, superiorly, inferiorly, and at the
Turbinate surgery 77
(a) (b)
Figure 11.2. Radiofrequency turbinoplasty. (a) Points of turbinate probe contact. (b) Probe in situ.
midpoint of the IT (Figure 11.2). The specific can be used to reduce the soft tissue inferiorly and
techniques vary depending to the device used, but laterally prior to elevation of the medial mucosal
the radiofrequency energy is transmitted to the flap (4). A specific turbinoplasty microdebrider
submucosal soft tissue of the IT, ablating it, with a attachment is also available, which is inserted
subsequent reduction in the size of the IT (2, 3). through a stab incision as above and allows
powered removal of IT bone and soft tissue (5).
A similar technique using a submucosal
monopolar diathermy needle has been employed
for many years, but it tends to cause significant
postoperative crusting in the nose and the results
are less predictable than newer techniques used.
Inferior turbinoplasty
The patient can be discharged the same day or the ●● Ongoing/recurrent symptoms – Any benefit may
next day according to local protocol. Discharge be temporary, and ongoing medical treatment of
medication includes analgesia and nasal douche; rhinitis may be required postoperatively.
regular intranasal steroid treatment for rhinitis
should be recommenced after a few days. Patients
are advised to take one week off work and to avoid REFERENCES
nose-blowing for one week and heavy lifting or 1 Jose J, Coatesworth AP. 2010. Inferior turbinate
strenuous exercise for two weeks. Follow-up may surgery for nasal obstruction in allergic rhinitis
be arranged. after failed medical management. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev 8: CD005235.
2 Benjamin E, Wong DKK, Choa D. 2004.
‘Moffett’s’ solution: A review of the evidence
and scientific basis for the topical preparation.
●● Bleeding – This may be torrential
3 Lin HC, Lin PW, Friedman M, Chang HW,
and patients should be warned of the
Su YY, Chen YJ, Pulver TM. 2010. Long-
potential need for a blood transfusion.
term results of radiofrequency turbinoplasty
The risk is higher with turbinectomy than
for allergic rhinitis refractory to medical
therapy. Archiv Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
●● Nasal crusting – Turbinectomy leaves a large
136: 892–5.
raw area, unlike turbinoplasty; diathermy can
4 Di Rienzo Businco L, Di Rienzo Businco
also cause crusting.
A, Lauriello M. 2010. Comparative study
●● Adhesions – Between the IT and septum.
on the effectiveness of coblation-assisted
●● Empty nose syndrome – Excessive removal of
turbinoplasty in allergic rhinitis. Rhinology 48:
IT tissue has been implicated in worsening
symptoms of obstruction, possibly due to a loss
5 Barham HP, Knisely A, Harvey RJ, Sacks
of sensation of nasal airflow; hence, the newer
R. 2015. How I do it: medial flap inferior
turbinoplasty procedures do not remove the
turbinoplasty. Am J Rhinol Allergy 29: 314–5.
medial mucosa.
Turbinate surgery 79
Joanne Rimmer
A CT scan of the sinuses is mandatory, and should evaluate the extent of disease, any previous surgery
be available at the time of surgery. This must or bony loss, and any anatomical variants (2).
be reviewed pre-operatively by the surgeon to
An appropriately informed, consented and not taped or covered, but lubricating ointment is
anaesthetized patient should be positioned supine, instilled. This allows immediate identification of
head up or in a beach chair position, with a head any orbital movement or bleeding, and for the eye
ring for support. Topical nasal preparations such to be balloted while observing the lateral nasal
as Moffett’s solution (a variable mixture of cocaine, wall for any evidence of movement (suggesting a
adrenaline, normal saline and sodium bicarbonate) dehiscent lamina papyracea). Skin preparation is
or dilute adrenaline are instilled into the nose to not routinely used. The patient is draped with a
improve the surgical field. The patient’s eyes are head towel, exposing the nose and eyes.
Middle turbinate
Middle meatus
Floor of
nasal cavity
Nasal septum
Joanne Rimmer 81
Middle turbinate Middle
Nasal septum turbinate
to superior (Figure 12.5). Care should be taken not A curved sucker may be passed into the maxillary
to enter the orbit with this incision. sinus to remove any mucus or pus. The antrostomy
may be widened if necessary using a backbiting
Endoscopic scissors are used to cut through the forceps or the microdebrider. The ethmoid bulla is
remaining superior and inferior attachments of opened using 45° angled Blakesley–Wilde forceps
the uncinate process, or straight Blakesley–Wilde or a small curette behind its inferior edge.
forceps can be used with a twisting motion to
avoid tearing the mucosa (Figure 12.6). The anterior ethmoids are opened with a curette
or Blakesely–Wilde forceps (Figure 12.8), as are
The retrograde technique is said to reduce the the posterior ethmoids, if indicated. Appropriately
risk of orbital penetration. A backbiting forceps trained and experienced surgeons may perform
is placed behind the free posterior edge of the sphenoid sinus and frontal recess surgery, as
uncinate process at its most inferior point and required.
the uncinate is detached inferiorly. A 45° angled
through-cutter is then used to remove it along its If bleeding is minimal then no packing is required.
anterior attachment. Depending on the surgeon’s preference and the
amount of bleeding, packing may be inserted into
Once the uncinectomy is complete, the natural the middle meatus, in the form of adrenaline-
maxillary ostium should be visible and the soaked ribbon gauze or newer absorbable packing
ethmoid bulla will also be in view (Figure 12.7). materials.
Middle turbinate
Opened anterior
ethmoid air cells
Nasal Curette
Inferior turbinate
Nasal septum
Joanne Rimmer 83
Joanne Rimmer
As nasal polypectomy is now invariably performed any anatomical variants (1). Nasal polypectomy
as an endoscopic procedure, a CT scan of the is commonly combined with endoscopic sinus
sinuses is mandatory. This should be available at surgery (ESS), as there is evidence that even
the time of surgery and should be reviewed pre- limited ESS in addition to polypectomy can reduce
operatively by the surgeon, to evaluate the extent revision rates over a 5-year period (2).
of disease, any previous surgery or bony loss and
An appropriately informed, consented and A 0° rigid Hopkins rod endoscope is used to
anaesthetized patient should be positioned supine, inspect the nasal cavities bilaterally. Representative
head up or in a beach chair position, with a head biopsies are taken from both sides. Neuropatties
ring for support. Topical nasal preparations or ribbon gauze soaked in 1:10,000 adrenaline are
such as Moffett’s solution (a variable mixture of inserted bilaterally for further decongestion and
cocaine, adrenaline, normal saline and sodium vasoconstriction.
bicarbonate) or co-phenylcaine spray (5% lidocaine
and 0.5% phenylephrine) are instilled into the Polyps are commonly removed using powered
nose to improve the surgical field, if the extent of instrumentation in the form of a microdebrider.
polyposis allows. The patient’s eyes are not taped This instrument consists of an oscillating cutting
or covered, but lubricating ointment is instilled. blade within a sheath, attached to irrigation and
This allows immediate identification of any orbital suction. Care must be taken to ensure that the tip
bleeding. Skin preparation is not routinely used. of the instrument can be seen at all times to avoid
The patient is draped with a head towel, exposing damage to adjacent structures. Alternatively,
the nose and eyes. grasping instruments such as Blakesley–Wilde
If non-absorbable nasal packing is inserted, advised to continue long-term treatment with
it can be removed in recovery, on the ward or intranasal steroids and douche after surgery.
the next morning, depending on the amount ●● Persistent anosmia – Surgical polypectomy does
of oozing. The patient may be discharged the not guarantee the return of a sense of smell, and
same day or the next day as per local protocol. may even reduce it.
Discharge medication can include analgesics, oral ●● Orbital injury or bleeding – This is unlikely
and/or topical nasal steroids and nasal douche. in the absence of formal ESS, but the lamina
Antibiotics may be given. Patients are advised papyracea may be dehiscent in nasal polyposis.
to avoid nose-blowing for one week and have ●● Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak – Again, this is
7–14 days off work, avoiding heavy lifting or unlikely in the absence of formal ESS, but polyp
strenuous exercise during this time. Follow-up removal in the region of the olfactory niche may
should be after two weeks to allow for outpatient damage the cribriform plate.
decrusting of the nasal cavities.
Complications REFERENCES
1 Lund VJ, Stammberger H, Fokkens WJ
●● Bleeding – Some oozing is normal, but heavy et al. 2004. European position paper on the
epistaxis may warrant nasal packing or rarely anatomical terminology of the internal nose and
return to theatre. paranasal sinuses. Rhinology 50(Suppl. 24): 1–34.
●● Infection. 2 Hopkins C, Slack R, Lund V, Brown P, Copley L,
●● Recurrent symptoms/polyps – It is important to Browne J. 2009. Long-term outcomes from the
make patients aware that polypectomy is not English national comparative audit of surgery
a cure for the underlying disease process, and for nasal polyposis and chronic rhinosinusitis.
that polyps tend to recur. They are, therefore, Laryngoscope 119: 2459–65.
Nasal polypectomy 85
Neil Donnelly and Olivia Kenyon
Tympanoplasty is the term used for the surgical intact and mobile ossicular chain. This procedure
eradication of middle ear disease and the is synonymous with the term myringoplasty.
restoration of middle ear function, including the
reconstruction of the tympanic membrane and Type III tympanoplasty describes the
ossicular chain (ossiculoplasty). reconstruction performed when the incus and
malleus have been removed or eroded by disease.
Historically, Wullstein described five types of The tympanic membrane is reconstructed to lie
tympanoplasty (1): on the stapes head to create a columella effect
Type 1 – Myringoplasty – closure of a tympanic or myringostapediopexy. The same principle is
membrane perforation. applied with some ossiculoplasty procedures,
Type 2 – Reconstruction of the tympanic where the stapes superstructure or footplate
membrane over the malleus remnant and long is in contact with the reconstructed tympanic
process of incus. membrane via a prosthesis.
Type 3 – Reconstruction of the tympanic
membrane over the head of the stapes. Indications
Type 4 – Reconstruction of the tympanic
membrane over the round window. ●● Recurrent ear infection.
Type 5 – Reconstruction of the tympanic ●● Hearing loss.
membrane over an artificial fenestration in the ●● To ‘waterproof’ the ear.
basal turn of the cochlea.
Type 6 – Reconstruction of the tympanic The main indications for tympanoplasty
membrane over an artificial fenestration in the are chronic secretory otitis media, either
horizontal semicircular canal. mucosal (tympanic membrane perforation)
or with cholesteatoma, and the surgical
Only two of these remain relevant today. management of pars tensa retraction pockets.
These conditions often result in ear discharge
Type I tympanoplasty describes the reconstruction (otorrhoea), conductive hearing loss, and the
of the tympanic membrane in the presence of an social inconvenience of being unable to get
the ear wet.
Aims of surgery Complications
The principal aims of surgery are to provide the ●● Scar (potential for poor cosmesis).
patient with an intact tympanic membrane resulting ●● Bleeding.
in a safe and dry ear that hears as well as possible. ●● Infection.
●● Graft failure (personal audit will determine this
Alternatives to surgery risk – 10%−30%).
●● Chorda tympani injury with taste disturbance
In addition to discussing surgery, it is important (usually temporary).
to advise patients of the alternatives available ●● Ear numbness (particularly with a post-
to them. In the case of a central perforation, auricular incision).
these include observation coupled with water ●● Hearing loss (dead ear <1%).
precautions, particularly if there are few symptoms ●● Tinnitus (rare).
and the impact on lifestyle is minimal. A trial of ●● Vertigo (rare).
a hearing aid is an option if hearing loss is the ●● Facial nerve palsy (usually temporary and
primary symptom. rare).
Tympanoplasty 87
Preoperatively, it is important to ensure the ●● Scan – has the scan been checked?
patient is adequately marked, has an up-to-date ●● Shave − is hair removal adequate?
audiogram within 3 months and still has the
perforation (Figure 14.1). Procedure steps
Do not assume that the anaesthetist is familiar With the perforation clearly in view a gently
with the type of surgery planned. In particular, curved needle can be used to make a series of tiny
discuss the need for intraoperative hypotension perforations around it (Figure 14.2). It is helpful
to reduce bleeding and lack of paralysis to enable to start inferiorly and work superiorly to prevent
facial nerve monitoring. bleeding from the edge obscuring the view. The
small perforations are joined together and the
Patients are placed supine, with their head on a inner ring of tissue can be gently pulled away using
head ring, rotated away from the operative ear. crocodile or cupped forceps leaving a freshened
and slightly larger perforation.
A small amount of hair removal may be required.
We recommend the use of a facial nerve monitor
if it is used for all otological cases (other than
insertion of a grommet). The entire theatre team
becomes familiar with how to set it up and there
is no ambiguity as to whether it is required for a
particular procedure. It is also useful in the event
of any unexpected pathology. Strapping patients to
the table is helpful and allows them to be rotated
during surgery, which can improve visualization of
middle ear structures. A useful check list prior to
scrubbing up is to consider five Ss:
Tympanoplasty 89
Graft harvest
Graft sizing
KEY POINTS: 1 Wullstein H. 1956. Theory and practice of
tympanoplasty. Laryngoscope 66: 1976–93.
●●Audiometry − Ensure the patient 2 Sade J, Berco E. 1976. Atelectasis and
has an up-to-date, ear-specific, secretory Otitis media. American Journal of
appropriately masked audiogram Otolaryngology 85(Suppl. 25): 66–72.
within 3 months prior to surgery. 3 Dornhoffer J. 2003. Cartilage tympanoplasty:
●●CT scan − A high-resolution temporal Indications, techniques and outcomes in a 1000
bone CT scan provides a useful patient series. Laryngoscope 113(11): 1844–56.
‘roadmap’ for mastoid surgery.
●●Facial nerve monitor − Make it a
routine part of your practice.
●●Correct side.
●●Optimal access and visualization. The
local anaesthetic, hypotensive general
anaesthetic, surgical approach and
ability to manoeuvre the operating
table combine to provide the best
surgical conditions.
Tympanoplasty 91
Neil Donnelly and Olivia Kenyon
Mastoidectomy is the surgical removal of all or (CSOM) and, most commonly, CSOM with
part of the petromastoid portion of the temporal cholesteatoma.
bone. The degree of removal depends on the ●● For access – The mastoid component of the
condition being addressed. temporal bone acts as a conduit for a number
of surgical procedures, including hearing
Indications implantation surgery (cochlear and middle ear),
endolymphatic sac surgery, labyrinth surgery
●● For pathology – Removal of disease within (posterior or superior semicircular canal
the mastoid air cells or from the middle ear, occlusion and osseous labyrinthectomy) and
including acute mastoiditis, malignancy, translabyrinthine approaches to the internal
mucosal chronic secretory otitis media auditory canal and cerebellopontine angle
(vestibular schwannoma surgery).
Cholesteatoma is keratinizing squamous of enzyme production and pressure necrosis
epithelium (skin cells) within the middle ear space. can result in the destruction of bony structures,
They tend to gradually enlarge. The combination including the ossicles and otic capsule.
History semicircular canal fistula. As with any otological
procedure, the condition of the contralateral ear is
Cholesteatomas typically present with a painless an important consideration.
discharging ear (often with an unpleasant odour)
and an associated hearing loss. Less commonly, Examination
they can present with one of the more serious
complications of CSOM with cholesteatoma, Document the origin of the cholesteatoma. Does it
including meningitis, acute mastoiditis, facial originate in the attic, from a marginal perforation
nerve palsy and vertigo secondary to a lateral or a pars tensa retraction pocket? Describe
(a) (b)
Figure 15.1. (a) Combined approach tympanoplasty. (b) Attico antrostomy. (c) Modified radical mastoidectomy.
Mastoidectomy 93
●● Atticotomy or small cavity mastoidectomy, A good otologist should be trained in all three
also known as front-to-back mastoidectomy techniques so that the procedure performed can be
(Figure 15.1(b)). This is increasingly combined tailored to the specific disease and requirements of
with an endoscopic approach. the patient.
●● Modified radical mastoidectomy also known
as a canal wall down mastoidectomy (Figure
The principal aims of surgery are to provide the its ability and to eradicate the risks associated with
patient with a safe, dry ear that hears to the best of untreated cholesteatoma.
When discussing surgery, it is important to ●● Scar (potential for poor cosmesis).
advise patients of the alternatives available to ●● Bleeding.
them. In the case of cholesteatoma, surgery is ●● Infection.
the only means of eradicating the disease and ●● Residual or recurrent disease (up to 25% with
the associated complications. Observation is an CAT, hence the need for second-look surgery).
option in selected cases, in particular, in patients ●● Facial nerve injury (<1%).
who are symptom-free, too unfit for surgery or ●● Chorda tympani injury with taste disturbance
who decline surgery. (usually temporary even if the chorda is
Cholesteatoma in an only hearing ear is not an ●● Ear numbness (particularly with postauricular
absolute contraindication to surgery, but it is incision).
advisable that any procedure be undertaken by an ●● Hearing loss (risk of dead ear up to 1%).
experienced otologist. ●● Tinnitus (rare).
●● Vertigo (rare).
Preoperatively, it is important to ensure the prostheses, the availability of a KTP laser with
patient is adequately marked and has an up-to- appropriately trained operator or a range of
date audiogram. Review the CT scan and otoendoscopes.
determine whether any complicating factors are
anticipated. Ensure that the anaesthetist is aware of the
need for intra-operative facial nerve monitoring
Check the availability of any specialist equipment and relative hypotension to reduce bleeding. A
with the scrub team. This may include an adequate reinforced endotracheal tube is preferred to a
selection of the preferred ossicular replacement laryngeal mask.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 15.2. (a) Local anaesthetic infiltration. (b) Postaural incision. (c) Cutaneous incision elevated in
superficial temporal plane. (d) Anteriorly based periosteal flap.
Mastoidectomy 95
Combined Approach is useful for dividing the adherent fibres
Tympanoplasty attaching the TM to the umbo (“Llyod’s
4 Check the ossicular chain – Visually inspect
Procedure steps
the ossicles and their relationship with the
1 Injection of local anaesthetic – The use of a
cholesteatoma. If the ossicular chain is intact,
local anaesthetic such as 2% xylocaine with a decision regarding whether it will be possible
1:80,000 adrenaline is used to infiltrate the to clear disease adequately without disrupting
canal skin and the region of the postauricular it must be made. With a more extensive
incision (Figures 15.2(a) and (b)). cholesteatoma involving the mesotympanum,
2 Incision (postauricular) – A curved incision
it may be necessary to remove disease in order
is made 1−2 cm behind the postauricular to get a view of the incus and or stapes. In
crease through skin and subcutaneous tissue these cases, there is often erosion of the long
onto loose aorta tissue lateral to temporalis process of the incus. If the incudostapedial
fascia in its upper half (Figure 15.2(c)). An joint is intact, it is divided with a joint knife
incision is made through the periosteum of the and the incus carefully removed without
mastoid and an anteriorly based subperiosteal damaging the stapes superstructure. The neck
flap raised (Figure 15.2(d)) using a periosteal of the malleus is then divided with malleus
elevator. The skin of the posterior EAC is then nippers and the head of the malleus removed;
elevated prior to making a reentry incision the handle of malleus can either be removed or
into the EAC. Tapes passed through the ear left in situ. Removal of the handle of malleus
canal and out via the reentry incision are can make reconstruction simpler and reduce
used to keep the pinna and lateral meatal skin recurrent cholesteatoma.
5 Cortical mastoidectomy – Using a 5 or 6 mm
This approach provides excellent exposure cutting burr, the cortical bone is removed to
of the cortical bone of the mastoid and the root make a cavity, the superior margin of which
of the zygomatic process. is the tegmen tympani, posterior margin
3 Tympanomeatal flap and disease isolation –
the sigmoid sinus and anterior margin the
The goal is to isolate the middle ear component bony wall of the external auditory canal. As
of the cholesteatoma, while preserving the bone is removed, air cells will come into view
healthy remnant of the tympanic membrane. depending on the degree of sclerosis of the
As with a myringoplasty, a posteriorly placed mastoid. It is important to find the tegmen and
bucket handle incision is made, extending sigmoid sinus and then skeletonize them (leave
from the 12 o’clock position of the TM a thin layer of bone) with a diamond burr. This
(adjacent to the lateral process of the handle ensures that optimal access is achieved and
of malleus) to beyond the 6 o’clock position. that the surgeon does not become lost down a
The superior aspect of the tympanomeatal deep dark hole. The bone of the posterior canal
flap incision is taken right up to the margin is thinned while looking into the cavity and
of cholesteatoma. Microscissors are used to down the EAC. With progressive bone removal,
cut around the neck of the cholesteatoma. the mastoid antrum is encountered. With the
It may be necessary to divide the chorda mastoid antrum open, the bony bulge of the
tympani cleanly if it is involved in the disease. lateral semicircular canal comes into view, as
The resulting flap of posterior canal skin and does the lateral process of the incus. Extreme
tympanic membrane remnant is elevated caution is required as drilling on an intact
and reflected anteroinferiorly. At the same ossicular chain may result in a sensorineural
time, the TM may be elevated off the handle hearing loss. Anterosuperiorly, the dissection
of malleus. An ophthalmic keratome knife continues forward with a smaller cutting burr
Mastoidectomy 97
A Weber test or scratch test is also performed to 2 weeks after surgery, at which time the dressings
confirm that there is still hearing in the operated are removed. Postoperative antibiotics are not
ear. While the majority of mastoidectomy cases usually necessary.
require an overnight stay, an increasing number
are being performed as day-case procedures.
Patients are is advised to keep their ear dry until 1 Dornhoffer J. 2003. Cartilage tympanoplasty:
after review. Postoperative follow-up is usually indications, techniques and outcomes in a 1,000
patient series. Laryngoscope 113(11): 1844−56.
Stapedectomy literally means the surgical removal fenestration in the stapes footplate (stapedotomy).
of the stapes bone. The term has come to refer to This procedure is used to correct the conductive
the operation in which the stapes superstructure hearing loss that arises as a result of otosclerosis
is replaced by an artificial piston attached to (Figure 16.1).
the incus (typically) and placed through a
Figure 16.1. Stapedectomy typically involves removal of the stapes crura, fenestration of the footplate and
the insertion of an artificial piston.
Otosclerosis affects the bone of the otic capsule, Eventually, the stapes becomes fixed, resulting in
leading to new bone formation around the reduced transmission of sound to the cochlea and
edge of the oval window and stapes footplate. significant conductive hearing loss.
History bilateral condition in patients with a family history
of hearing loss. Otosclerosis genes are transmitted
The typical presenting symptom of otosclerosis is in an autosomal dominant manner. However, due
hearing loss. Less often there may be associated to variable penetrance and expression, it does not
tinnitus or vertigo. It is commonly (70%) a affect every generation.
Stapedectomy 99
Examination stapes, higher frequencies become affected. There
may be a mixed conductive and sensorineural
Tuning fork tests are useful to confirm clinically loss if there is additional cochlear otosclerosis.
a conductive hearing loss. It is necessary to Characteristically, a Carhart’s notch is seen, where
document the state of both ears and exclude other a dip in the bone conduction occurs maximally
causes of conductive hearing loss (e.g. otitis media at 2 kHz. This is due to the loss of the middle ear
with effusion or a retraction pocket with ossicular component of sound conduction at this natural
erosion). In active disease, hypervascularity of frequency of resonance of the ossicular chain.
the promontory may be seen as a pinkish blush
through the tympanic membrane. This is known Tympanometry demonstrates a normal type A
as Schwartze’s sign. tympanogram, confirming normal middle ear
compliance. Stapedial reflexes are typically absent
Investigations on the affected side.
Pure tone audiometry including air conduction Speech audiometry can be a useful investigation,
and appropriately masked bone conduction, is an particularly in the presence of a mixed hearing
essential part of the assessment. In early disease, a loss. Maximum speech discrimination scores
predominantly lowfrequency conductive hearing (SDS) of less than 70% may be associated with a
loss is found. With increased fixation of the poorer perceived benefit from surgery.
The principal aims of stapedectomy are to provide ability. The probability of improving the hearing to
the patient with an ear that hears to the best of its within 10 dB of the bone conduction is >90%.
In addition to discussing surgery, it is important ●● Failure to close the air−bone gap within 10 dB
to advise patients of the alternatives available to (approximately 5%).
them. Many patients will elect for observation ●● Late failure.
once the diagnosis has been made. ●● Tinnitus.
●● Vertigo.
A trial of a hearing aid is a riskfree and effective ●● Facial nerve injury (rare).
option that should be encouraged prior to
electing for surgery. Another alternative is a bone
conduction device such as BAHA.
●● Bleeding.
●● Infection.
●● Chorda tympani injury with taste disturbance.
●● Dead ear or hearing loss (approximately 1%).
Stapedectomy 101
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 16.2. Steps involved when performing a stapedectomy. (a) Elevated tympanomeatal flap. (b) Divided
stapedius tendon and stapes crura. (c) Fenestrated footplate. (d) Artificial stapes piston in place.
The facial nerve function is documented and a Patients are given advice to keep their ear dry until
Weber test is performed to confirm that there after review, and to avoid straining. Postoperative
is still hearing in the operated ear. The eyes are follow-up is usually 2 weeks after surgery, at which
examined and any nystagmus noted. While some time the dressings are removed.
stapedectomy cases require an overnight stay,
increasing numbers are being performed as day-
case procedures.
Ensure that patients have completed their a trial of a bone conductor worn on a headband.
audiological assessment for BAHA, which includes Mark the side on which the BAHA is to be placed.
The implants have become wider over recent years, The surgery is now usually performed under local
allowing longer abutments up to 14 mm to be anaesthetic. The patient is positioned supine with
safely used. This has resulted in the use of a tissue the head facing 45° away from the surgeon. Shave
preservation technique without the need for a skin the postauricular area, prepare the skin and drape
flap or thinning of subcutaneous tissues. This has (Figure 17.1(a)).
resulted in shorter operative time and retention
of the normal hair that grows back around the Mark the position of the implant 55 mm from the
abutment, with a vast decrease in infections that external auditory meatus in the direction shown
cause most long-term problems with BAHAs. (Figure 17.1(b)). Use the dummy sound processor
55 mm
(g) (h)
Figure 17.1. (a) Postauricular shave. (b) Marking implant position and incision. (c) Linear skin incision. (d)
Drilling. (e) Countersunk hole ready for implant. (f) Implant and abutment mounted on drill for one-stage
insertion. (g) Placing implant and abutment together. (h) Implant complete.
in order to ensure that the eventual position of A cruciate incision is made in the periosteum and
the processor will not impinge on the ear and the the corners elevated to access the bone. Drill the
arm of glasses if worn. Measure the skin depth at hole for the implant, using the hand-held drill
the mark using a needle. This allows calculation with sufficient irrigation. Drill a 3 mm guide
of the appropriate abutment length to traverse perpendicular to the skull. Palpate the base of the
the skin. Methylene blue can also be used to hole carefully to ensure that dura is not exposed. If
mark the implant site on the periosteum. A 2 cm bone remains, deepen the hole to a depth of 4 mm.
linear incision is marked 1 cm from the proposed A countersink is then used to widen the hole
implant position (Figure 17.1(c)). (Figure 17.1(d), (e)).
Local anaesthesia (2% xylocaine, 1:80,000 One-stage implants are used in the majority
adrenaline) is instilled and an incision made down of cases, consisting of the implant screw and
to the periosteum. Tissues are elevated until the abutment as one unit (Figure 17.1(f)). Mount the
blue implant site mark is seen on the periosteum. implant onto the drill using a no-touch technique.
All imaging must be reviewed. Patients at risk of opening and neck movement are assessed in the
cervical spine injury should undergo a cervical awake patient as this will impact the ease of the
spine x-ray. Loose teeth or dental crowns require procedure.
extra precautions to prevent damage. Mouth
The light source and carrier are checked to The eyes are taped closed and the head draped
make certain they are functioning correctly. with the nose and mouth exposed. The body is
An appropriate range of endoscopes, Hopkins draped leaving the neck exposed.
rods and a variety of biopsy forceps must be
available. In all cases, the neck is inspected for scars and the
neck palpated for masses and laryngeal crepitus.
The procedure is undertaken under general The oral cavity, tongue base and tonsils are also
anaesthesia and the patient placed supine on the palpated. For all procedures, except examination
operating table. Either a pillow or head ring and of the PNS, an appropriate mouth guard is
shoulder roll are used to allow the neck to be placed to protect the upper teeth. If the patient is
slightly flexed and the head extended to achieve edentulous a wet swab will suffice.
the ‘sniffing the morning air’ position. The
endotracheal or nasotracheal tube is secured, the Biopsies, if required, are taken distal to proximal
former being secured on the left if the surgeon is in order to ensure that bleeding does not obscure
right-hand dominant. the surgeon’s view.
The patient is intubated with a microlaryngeal be required to allow assessment of the anterior
tube which is of a standard length but of smaller commissure.
diameter to allow better visualization.
A 0° Hopkins rod is passed through the lumen
The mouth is held open with the non-dominant of the laryngoscope. Careful assessment is made
hand. The laryngoscope is gently inserted and the of the supraglottis, glottis and subglottis and
tongue followed until the oropharynx is reached, appropriate photographs taken. In paediatric
with any secretions suctioned. patients, a probe is used to assess mobility of the
cords and the cricoarytenoid joints. Representative
The endotracheal tube acts as a guide and can biopsies can be taken from any lesions.
be followed directly to the larynx. Inspect the
lingual and laryngeal surfaces of the epiglottis The operating microscope can now be used if the
and the remainder to the supraglottis including following procedures are undertaken (Figure 19.1):
the arytenoids. Once the vocal cords including
the anterior commissure, are visible, the ●● A magnified view of the larynx is required to
laryngoscope handle can be attached and the allow accurate excision of a lesion or vocal cord
suspension arm fixed to the handle to support injection.
the laryngoscope when microlaryngoscopy is ●● Both hands are required to perform the
required. An anterior commissure laryngoscope procedure.
which has a narrower cross-sectional profile, may ●● Laser excision of a laryngeal lesion.
Suspension arm
Figure 19.1. Microlaryngoscopy. A laryngoscope is passed and suspended by its handle. A microscope
provides a binocular view of the larynx.
●● If the patient is difficult to intubate and there undertaken prior to transfer to recovery.
is a high likelihood that the airway will be If there is any concern, reintubation and
unstable on extubation, a tracheostomy should tracheostomy may be required.
be undertaken.
●● If there is any concern that the airway may be Patients are advised to rest their voice for at least
compromised, then extubation is performed 48 hours, or to talk normally, with no shouting
in theatre and assessment of the airway and/or whispering.
The non-dominant hand is used to gently open the of the cervical oesophagus. The tip of the scope is
mouth and the pharyngoscope inserted (Figure advanced gently into the upper oesophagus. A 0°
20.1). The tongue will guide the surgeon inferiorly Hopkins rod can be passed through the lumen to
towards the oropharynx. Suction is required at this
point, as secretions will obscure the surgical field.
The tongue base, valleculae, tonsils, posterior and
lateral pharyngeal walls are carefully examined.
Pharyngoscopy 109
Figure 20.2. At the cricopharyngeus, the scope is
gently advanced in order to avoid tearing.
At the end of the procedure, ensure haemostasis dental trauma which must be documented in the
and remove the teeth guard, checking for any operation note.
If there is any concern of trauma to the upper Complications
oesophagus, a nasogastric tube should be passed
under direct vision during the procedure and the ●● Bleeding.
patient kept nil by mouth. A contrast swallow ●● Infection.
allows visualization of a potential perforation. If ●● Damage to teeth, gums, lips or tongue.
the suspicion of perforation is low, the patient is ●● Sore throat.
observed closely for pain radiating to the back, ●● Dysphagia.
pyrexia, tachycardia or tachypnoea. If these do ●● Hoarse voice.
not occur, the patient can commence sips of sterile ●● Damage to pharyngeal mucosa, including
water, gradually building up to free fluids and a perforation.
soft diet prior to discharge home.
The procedure is performed under general scope, especially if the lumen is not visible, which
anaesthesia. The airway is secured with an can traumatise the mucosa and potentially cause
appropriately sized microlaryngoscopy tube. an oesophageal perforation.
The patient is positioned supine on the operating If an abnormality is identified, use the etched
table with a head ring or equivalent, the lower marks on the oesophagoscope to estimate the
cervical spine is flexed and the upper cervical distance from the incisors, and document this in
spine is extended, as is the atlanto-occipital joint the operation note. Representative biopsies are
(‘sniffing the morning air’ position). taken.
A mouth guard, or wet swab if edentulous, A soft food bolus obstruction can be pushed down
is placed to protect the teeth and gums. and into the stomach.
The procedure is similar to that for rigid
pharyngoscopy. The tongue is followed back Sharp foreign bodies must be removed with care
to the oropharynx and the oesophagoscope is to minimize trauma to the oesophageal mucosa.
passed behind the endotracheal or nasotracheal If possible the foreign body can be manoeuvred
microlaryngoscopy tube. The oesophagoscope into the lumen of the oesophagoscope and the
is manoeuvred into the post-cricoid region. The oesophagoscope removed.
tip of the oesophagoscope is gently lifted to allow
identification of the lumen of the oesophagus Carefully assess the mucosa as the oesophagoscope
and the scope is gently advanced. Never force the is removed and, if there is any suspicion of a
Where there is no suspicion of trauma to the the radiologists. Obtain an urgent chest x-ray to
oesophagus, patients can eat and drink normally. exclude a pneumomediastinum indicative of a tear,
Otherwise, manage the patient as recommended and inform a senior member of the team.
for perforations after pharyngoscopy.
This procedure is usually undertaken last if it is is carefully examined. The fossa of Rosenmüller in
part of a panendoscopy, as any bleeding from the particular must be assessed, as this may harbour a
nasopharynx due to instrumentation can track malignancy. Biopsies are taken, if indicated, with
into and obscure the view of the rest of the upper straight Blakesley–Wilde or Tilley–Henckel forceps.
aerodigestive tract. Adrenaline-soaked neuropatties or diathermy can
be applied if required for haemostasis.
The patient is placed supine on the operating
table and the head supported with a head ring. Complications
A decongestant or topical anaesthetic with
adrenaline is applied to the nose, usually in the ●● Bleeding/epistaxis.
anaesthetic room. ●● Infection.
●● Otitis media with effusion secondary to
A 0° Hopkins rod with an appropriate light source inadvertent damage to the Eustachian tube
is passed into the nasal cavity, and the nasopharynx orifice.
Bronchoscopes are available in a number of sizes. glottic opening, which minimizes the risk damage
Selection of an appropriately sized bronchoscope is to the vocal cord from the tip of the bronchoscope.
essential for paediatric patients. Before the patient
is anaesthetized, ensure that the bronchoscope Once the bronchoscope is in the proximal
is assembled correctly and that the anaesthetic trachea, the anaesthetic circuit is connected
connectors are compatible (Figure 23.1). Confirm and the bronchoscope is advanced towards the
that the light source is working and that the carina. By gently turning the head to the left, the
camera has been attached. Appropriate optical bronchoscope can be advanced into the right
forceps must be available if foreign body removal main bronchus, and vice versa. Secretions can be
is required. removed using narrow suction tubing, which can
be advanced by an assistant or scrub nurse.
Safe bronchoscopy requires good teamwork and
communication between the surgeon and the If a foreign body, especially an organic foreign
anaesthetist. When the patient is well oxygenated body is visualized, it is vital that a small volume
and the anaesthetist feels it is appropriate, the of 1:10,000 adrenaline is instilled via the suction
endotracheal tube or laryngeal mask is withdrawn tubing to reduce mucosal oedema and to allow
and a mouth guard placed over the upper teeth. vasoconstriction. This improves access and
Using the anaesthetic laryngoscope, the larynx minimizes the risk of bleeding which can make
is visualized as the non-dominant hand supports removal of the foreign body very challenging.
the laryngoscope. The bronchoscope is held in the Appropriate optical forceps are then used to
dominant hand and advanced until the larynx remove the foreign body. The bronchoscope is
is reached. The bronchoscope may be rotated reinserted to ensure that there are no more foreign
through 90° to facilitate passage through the bodies and to assess for mucosal damage.
Hopkins rod
Ventilating bronchoscope
The patient is recovered in theatre to ensure Complications
that there are no breathing difficulties. If
there has been mucosal damage, then a These are similar to those for laryngoscopy. Others
chest x-ray (CXR) is performed to exclude a include:
●● Damage to the vocal cords by the bronchoscope.
●● Laryngospasm.
●● Breathing difficulties due to airway oedema.
●● Pneumothorax due to damage to the mucosa of
the trachea or main bronchi.
This is a common surgical procedure performed ●● Benign tumours of the gland. If there is any
by both ENT surgeons as well as oral and suspicion of malignancy, then a Level I neck
maxillofacial surgeons for benign and malignant dissection is more appropriate than simple
disease. excision of the gland.
●● Following open trauma to the gland,
The standard transcervical approach is exploration and removal may be necessary to
described below. Nonstandard techniques include avoid salivary fistula formation.
submental, retroauricular, transoral, endoscopic ●● Drooling.
and robot-assisted surgery (1).
Mark the operative side and check the function of ●● Marginal mandibular nerve damage: transient
the marginal mandibular, lingual and hypoglossal 5%–30% (1–3); permanent <1% (1).
nerves. ●● Lingual nerve damage – 2%–3% (1–3).
●● Hypoglossal nerve damage.
Complications ●● Salivary fistula.
●● Scar.
●● Bleeding. ●● Recurrence (if surgery is for a tumour).
●● Infection. ●● Retained stone in stump of Wharton’s duct.
Once intubated and transferred to the operating appropriately prepared and draped to expose the
table, position the patient supine on a head ring corner of the mouth, and also the angle and lower
and shoulder roll with a slight head-up tilt. The border of the jaw to the superior border of the
head is turned to the contralateral side. The skin is clavicle to the midline.
(c) (d)
Mark the lower border of the mandible and the Make an incision through the skin, subcutaneous
site of the skin incision, which lies two finger tissue and platysma. The marginal mandibular
breadths (approx. 5 cm) below the lower border nerve can be damaged in the early stages of the
of the mandible, in order to avoid the marginal procedure.
mandibular nerve (Figure 24.1(a)). The incision,
ideally in a skin crease runs forward from the The nerve does not always have to be formally
anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and identified but knowledge of the relevant clinical
is approximately 5−7 cm in length (Figure 24.1(b)). anatomy is important as the nerve lies deep to the
Examine the patient for nerve injury and 2007. Sub-mandibular gland excision: 15 years
haematoma. The drain can usually be removed in of experience. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 65(5):
the morning and the patient discharged home with 953−7.
routine wound care advice. 3 Chua DY, Ko C, Lu KS. 2010. Submandibular
mass excision in an Asian population: A 10-year
Non-absorbable skin sutures are removed after review. Ann Acad Med Singapore 39(1): 33−7.
seven days. 4 Ichimura K, Nibu K, Tanaka T. 1997. Nerve
paralysis after surgery in the submandibular
triangle: review of University of Tokyo Hospital
experience. Head Neck 19(1): 48−53.
REFERENCES 5 Riffat F, Buchanan MA, Mahrous AK, Fish
1 Beahm DD et al. 2009. Surgical approaches to
BM, Jani P 2012. Oncological safety of the
the submandibular gland. A review of literature. Hayes-Martin manoeuvre in neck dissections
Int J Surg 7(6): 503–9. for node-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell
2 Preuss SF, Klussmann JP, Wittekindt C,
carcinoma. J Laryngol Otol 126(10): 1045–8.
Drebber U, Beutner D, Guntinas-Lichius O.
Indications ●● Scar.
●● Hoarseness due to recurrent laryngeal nerve
●● Thyroid nodule or goitre. injury.
–– Suspicious (usually hemi-thyroidectomy) ●● Loss of the upper vocal range due to damage to
or confirmed (usually total thyroidectomy) the superior laryngeal nerve, which is especially
malignancy. important in singers.
–– Compressive symptoms. ●● Breathing difficulties and, rarely, tracheostomy
–– (Cosmesis). if bilateral vocal cord palsy after total
●● Thyrotoxicosis − a total thyroidectomy is thyroidectomy.
usually undertaken. ●● Hypocalcaemia.
●● Risk of requiring thyroid replacement following
Complications hemi-thyroidectomy alone.
●● Bleeding.
●● Infection.
It is essential that all patients undergo a vocal cord endocrinologists in order to render them euthyroid
check preoperatively to assess cord movement. to minimize the risk of an intraoperative thyroid
Review thyroid function tests and fine needle
aspiration cytology (FNAC) results. Thyrotoxic Ensure the correct side is marked in a
patients are managed jointly with the hemi-thyroidectomy.
The patient is placed supine on the operating table Monitoring may either be intermittent or
with a shoulder roll and head ring. The skin is continuous. The electrodes are typically attached
prepared and draped. or integrated into the endotracheal tube.
A nerve monitor may be used to monitor the Surgery can be performed with standard
integrity of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. instruments or with a variety of electrosurgical
Platysma muscle
Strap muscles
Figure 25.1. Axial section through the neck at the level of the thyroid isthmus.
techniques or with the surgical robot now The gland is freed in the para-carotid tunnel and
available. the straps and carotid retracted laterally.
A horizontal skin crease collar incision is made The superior pole is dissected from an inferior to
approximately 1−2 finger breadths (2.5–5 cm) superior direction. The superior vascular pedicle is
above the sternal notch. Marking the incision prior isolated, ligated and divided close to the gland to
to anaesthesia helps identify an appropriate skin minimize damage to the superior laryngeal nerve.
crease. This allows the superior pole to be freed from its
fascial attachments.
The incision passes through skin, subcutaneous
tissue and platysma (Figure 25.1). Sub-platysmal The thyroid gland is retracted medially, which
flaps are elevated as far as the superior thyroid also rotates the larynx, exposing the tracheo-
notch superiorly and the supra-sternal notch oesophageal groove. The middle thyroid vein is
inferiorly. The anterior jugular veins lie within the identified and divided. The recurrent laryngeal
sub-platysmal plane and may require ligation and nerve (RLN) lies in the tracheo-oesophageal
division. An appropriate retractor or sutures are groove and has a variable course, but always
used to retract the flaps out of the operative field. enters the larynx at the cricothyroid joint. Safe
identification of the RLN can be made in several
The investing layer of deep fascia is incised and ways including:
the strap muscles (sternothyroid and sternohyoid)
lying in the midline will come into view. The ●● The RLN runs within Beahrs’ triangle, which is
strap muscles are separated in the midline. formed by the common carotid, inferior thyroid
Sternothyroid may occasionally need to be artery, and the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
divided for large goitres. This is performed as The RLN runs within Lore’s triangle which is
high as possible to preserve innervation from ansa formed by the trachea, the carotid sheath and
hypoglossi. the under-surface of the inferior lobe of the
The strap muscles are retracted laterally and ●● The RLN is related to the inferior thyroid artery,
the underlying gland dissected free, using a which is identified laterally at the external
combination of sharp and blunt dissection. carotid and followed medially. The nerve is
Once the nerve has been identified, it is followed Haemostasis is achieved with the careful use of
until it enters the larynx and the thyroid is bipolar and great care taken around the nerve.
carefully dissected free. It is vital that the A drain is optional.
parathyroid glands are identified and dissected
free from the thyroid with their blood supply. The strap muscles are closed in the midline using
Divide the inferior thyroid artery close to the an absorbable suture, with a gap left inferiorly to
thyroid gland to help achieve this. allow blood to escape from around the trachea and
to minimize the risk of airway obstruction from a
The thyroid gland remains attached to the trachea haematoma.
by Berry’s ligament, a dense fascial condensation.
This is usually vascular and the gland is freed to The wound is closed in layers.
the midline using bipolar and sharp dissection.
A patient undergoing a total thyroidectomy or level is low, then the local protocol is followed
with a known vocal cord palsy is extubated in in conjunction with the endocrinology team.
theatre and the patient’s airway assessed prior to Calcium may be replaced orally or, if very low,
transfer to recovery. intravenously, with the addition of 1-α calcidol
as required. The patient is also commenced on
Voice and cough should be assessed postoperatively. thyroid replacement with either levothyroxine (T)
A bovine cough or weak and breathy voice indicates or, where radioactive iodine is to be administered
an RLN injury which should be confirmed by within the following six weeks, liothyronine (T).
nasoendoscopy. Clip removers or scissors must
always be at the patient’s bedside to enable If a drain has been inserted, it is left in place
immediate evacuation of a haematoma should this overnight and removed when less than 20 mL
occur with compromise of the airway. has drained in a 24-hour period. The patient is
discharged home once the drain has been removed
If a completion hemi-thyroidectomy or total and, if applicable, when the calcium is normal.
thyroidectomy has been undertaken, postoperative
calcium levels may be checked after 4−6 hours Vocal cord movement is assessed at outpatient
and again the following morning. If the calcium follow-up.
Always check and document facial nerve function FNAC results and ensure that any preoperative
preoperatively (Figure 26.1). Review imaging, blood test results are available.
Once the patient has been intubated and the unit, including correct placement of electrodes,
transferred to the operating table, a head ring connection to the monitor and checking correct
is placed under the head, a sandbag under the function.
shoulder, and the head turned to the opposite side.
A cotton wool ball may be placed in the external
Facial nerve monitoring is used by most surgeons. auditory canal (EAC), The patient is prepared
Be familiar with the facial nerve monitor used in with aqueous iodine or chlorhexidine and draped
lobe of parotid
Facial nerve trunk
Posterior belly
of digastric
Always check and document facial nerve function Sutures or skin staples are removed at 5–7 days,
postoperatively and exclude a haematoma. The with a follow-up arranged to review histology in
drain will usually be left in place at least overnight. the clinic.
The patient can be discharged home once the drain
has been removed.
Thyroid cartilage
Cricothyroid membrane
Cricoid cartilage
Site of tracheotomy
Tracheostomy 125
●● Cricothyroidotomy – This may be required This is often performed with the benefit of a
in the emergency setting when access to the flexible bronchoscope through the larynx from
airway is required. The gap between the thyroid above to ensure correct positioning in the
and cricoid cartilages (cricothyroid membrane) trachea.
is palpated. A horizontal stab incision facilitates ●● Transtracheal needle – Wide-bore needles
the insertion of a mini-tracheostomy. are available which can be inserted and
●● Percutaneus tracheostomy – This technique has then connected to a jet ventilation system
gained popularity with intensive therapy unit to maintain an airway. This is a temporary
(ITU) interventionists. It is performed using measure to allow oxygenation while a secure
a Seldinger technique where a guide wire is airway is inserted.
inserted through a transtracheal needle which Since it does not allow for expiration, the upper
has been placed in the midline through the skin airway should be clear enough to allow for gases
into the trachea. A series of dilators are gradually to be expired.
‘railroaded’ over this to widen the tract. ●● Surgical tracheostomy – This will be considered
Finally, the tracheostomy tube can be inserted. in greater detail below.
Cricoid cartilage
Right sternocleidomastoid
Horizontal skin crease incision
Suprasternal notch
Suprasternal notch
Strap muscles
Linea alba
Tracheostomy 127
First tracheal ring
Thyroid isthmus
Fourth tracheal ring
Pressure = Force/Area
Cuffed tubes (Figure 27.5)
Low-pressure, high-volume cuffs reduce the
Advantages: incidence of pressure-induced complications, but it
is still important not to over-inflate the cuff.
●● A cuff is required for:
– Ventilation, continuous positive airway The cuff should be deflated as soon as possible
pressure. to allow for the insertion of a speaking tube or
– Patients who aspirate as they cannot protect decannulation cap.
their airway.
Patients with normal swallowing reflexes may find Uncuffed tubes (note Figure 27.6)
their swallowing impaired as a result of pressure
exerted on their oesophagus and the impedance of These tubes are often found in patients returning
laryngeal elevation by an inflated cuff. from ITU after a prolonged stay as they allow
Outer tube
Inflated cuff
Obturator tip
Tracheostomy 129
suction and physiotherapy. The tubes are easy to ●● Foam filter protectors such as the Buchanan
replace and suitable for long-term use. Patients can laryngectomy protector.
speak around it. They are not suitable for patients
who aspirate or who need ventilation.
Tracheostomy dressings
Fenestrated tubes
The objective is to keep the trachea, stoma and
The fenestration directs airflow through adjacent skin clean and dry, and minimize
the patient’s vocal cords, oropharynx and skin irritation and infection. Wet skin results
nasopharynx. It helps some patients to resume in maceration and excoriation. Hydrophilic
breathing normally and can be used to wean them polyurethane foam dressings absorb moisture
off their tracheostomy tube. Remember that a away from the skin.
fenestrated inner tube is also required.
If a tracheostomy site shows signs of granulation,
Tube with adjustable flange this can be treated with silver nitrate cautery,
although care should be taken not to damage
This is designed for patients with deep-set tracheas surrounding normal skin.
and fat necks.
Changing a tracheostomy tube
The flange can be adjusted to fit the depth of tissue
between incision and trachea. Most surgeons recommend the first tube change
to be performed at 1 week. The first change should
Cleaning inner tubes be performed by an experienced practitioner or,
ideally, by the surgeon.
Most recommend water or warm salty water only.
Avoid alcohol, bleach and glutaraldehyde. Flush If a difficult tube change is anticipated, use an
the tube and do not soak it as this increases the exchange device (guide wire or a bougie) and
risk of bacterial proliferation. consider changing the tube in the operating
The steps involved are as follows:
●● Nebulizers 5 mL, 0.9% N/saline in mask over
stoma. 1 Explain to the patient what you plan to do.
●● Heat moisture exchangers fit onto the Ensure that a good light source, preferably a
tracheostomy tube. headlight, is available.
Tracheostomy 131
Francis Vaz
Voice is the method by which humans The vibratory source creates a sound by chopping
predominantly communicate. However, speech up air from the trachea by the intricate movement
also allows us to add emotion and expression to of the vocal cord mucosa. The vocal fold is a five-
what we communicate. Changes in our voice, layered structure that allows the mucosa to move
therefore can alter the way we communicate or over Reinke’s space and the lower elements that
express ourselves. make up the vocal fold ligament. This movement
is referred to as the mucosal wave, and it forms a
The production of voice, however, is not purely vibration that is then moulded by the UADT. The
based around the larynx, as it is essential to vocal folds may vibrate 80–1000 times/second;
have the ‘ballast’ from the lungs to produce the therefore, if visualized with white light, the
vibration created at the laryngeal level. This mucosal wave cannot be visualized. Stroboscopic
vibratory source creates a sound that is shaped and examination allows for the production of a
moulded by the articulators and resonators in the montage of different phases in the cycle of the
upper aerodigestive tract (UADT). A change in mucosal wave to be collected and visualized on
any of these three areas can change the quality of screen. This chapter deals specifically with the
the voice. history, examination and subsequent management
of patients with abnormalities of the larynx.
When taking a history it is essential to listen The duration and progression of the hoarseness
carefully to the voice itself, as often a diagnosis can are important to ask about as longstanding
be made by listening to the quality of the voice and voice changes are unlikely to be sinister, but a
the story that comes with it. progressive change in the voice over a few months,
especially associated with other UADT symptoms
It is essential to find out what the patient uses their such as dysphagia, odynophagia, a neck mass or
voice for − both in their occupation and in their otalgia, indicates a potential malignant pathology.
Preceding symptoms, such as an upper respiratory
Certain professions put more strain on voices (e.g. tract infection (URTI) can affect the likelihood of
teachers and actors) and are prone to pathology as pathology forming, especially in a situation where
a result. the voice is strained as a result of the URTI.
Initially, a general ENT examination is helpful, A stroboscopic light source allows the mucosal wave
specifically to look at the oral cavity, oropharynx to be captured and processed by the human retina,
and nasal cavity, because these are the articulators enabling visualization of the differences between
and resonators and therefore affect voice. mucosal waves and also pathologies. Without a strobe
the vibrations of the mucosal wave are too fast for the
Laryngeal examination then follows. The human retina to register. The strobe splits the wave
voice clinic often uses rigid laryngoscopy or up and puts together a cycle of its different aspects in
flexible nasolaryngoscopy with a stack system. a slower fashion for the retina to distinguish.
Voice changes at the laryngeal level occur because 3 Poor vibration or mucosal wave as a result of
of the following changes: pathology.
1 Mass effect on the vocal fold. Common voice conditions and their treatment
Incomplete closure of the vocal folds.
2 options are described below.
In this situation the patient has had a long- The correct treatment is smoking cessation and the
standing deepening of the voice. They are often use of anti-reflux therapy in the form of a proton
smokers, but acid reflux may also play a part. pump inhibitor. If the patient ceases smoking
Pathologically, oedema occurs within Reinke’s but the voice does not return to normal and the
space in the vocal fold, increasing the mass of findings are still the same on laryngoscopy, then a
the vocal fold and therefore deepening the voice superior cordotomy on the non-vibratory surface
(Figure 28.1). of the vocal cord can be undertaken and some of
the oedema reduced.
Voice 133
Squamous epithelium
Basement membrane
Intermediate lamina
propria Vocal
Deep lamina propria
Vocalis muscle
two-thirds. This does not allow for good closure of For the vast majority of these we use speech and
the vocal folds and results in a change in voice. language therapy to educate patients on use of the
voice and to help them use their voice appropriately.
Rarely do they require surgical intervention.
These patients usually present with a long history have developed a progressively worsening voice
of smoking and/or high alcohol intake. They over 6–12 weeks and may have associated otalgia,
Human papilloma virus (HPV) can cause viral obstruction or for significant change in voice due
warts. In the larynx this can be extremely to mass effect. The problem is that each surgical
troublesome. If a viral wart impinges the glottis, procedure is associated with some laryngeal
the airway may be compromised, but more often scarring, and although some patients will require
hoarseness is produced due to incomplete closure multiple procedures it is wise to minimize the
of the glottis and/or poor mucosal wave formation. trauma to the larynx unless there is good reason to
operate on it.
There are many treatments. Surgical interventions
are often reserved for significant airway
This pathology is not infrequently seen following cord leads to a change in voice. This sometimes
an upper respiratory tract infection, where the heals, but occasionally persists and matures. If
voice has been used and then a small telangiectatic persistent, it may require surgical excision with a
vessel bleeds. This slight irregularity on the vocal microlaryngoscopy with or without laser resection.
Voice 135
endotracheal tube. Also of importance in the symptoms and signs persist, surgical resection
pathology may be gastropharyngeal reflux of acid. may be undertaken with a micro-laryngoscopic
Treatment often involves aggressive anti-
reflux treatment over a 6-week period, but if
This is an examination under general anaesthesia the anaesthetist (i.e. with a micro-laryngoscopy
and is often undertaken for diagnostic or tube, supraglottic/subglottic or transtracheal jet
therapeutic procedures on the larynx. The use of ventilation).
the microscope offers magnification, depth of field,
bimanual handling of instrumentation and the use The endoscope, light source, suction, lubrication
of other attachments, such as a CO2 laser. and dental guard should all be checked prior to
starting with the laryngoscopy. The laryngoscope
Before commencing a laryngoscopy the patient is inserted carefully to get a view of the larynx and
should be placed in ‘the sniffing the morning air’ then suspended with a Lewis suspension arm. At
position, which is flexion of the neck and extension this point the microscope or a Hopkins rod may be
of the atlanto-occipital joint. A decision on how used for more careful examination of the larynx in
to maintain the airway should be made with preparation for the biopsy or surgical undertaking.
Airway management is one of the most critical A further point to note is the difference between
emergency situations in ENT practice. A sound an adult’s airway and a child’s. In the child, the
understanding of the anatomy, physiology and airway is both absolutely and relatively smaller
management of a patient with airway problems than in the adult. The larynx is higher and
is essential. In light of the order of resuscitation external landmarks are less easily identifiable.
priorities − Airway, Breathing, Circulation The trachea lies nearer the skin in children, diving
(ABC) – the importance of airway management into the chest at a steeper angle than in the adult.
cannot be underestimated. Important contents of the thorax (e.g. the domes
of the lungs and the great vessels) lie higher in
An additional point to consider is that as the the child. In addition, since the neonate is an
airflow increases through a narrowed segment, obligatory nasal breather, nasal obstruction
pressure is decreased. This is known as the resulting from bilateral choanal atresia may be
Bernoulli’s phenomenon. This draws the mucosa fatal.
into an already narrowed airway inducing local
oedema of the mucosa, which further narrows the
airway with resulting compromise.
Level of
obstruction Pathological Anatomical
Nasopharynx Tumour Choanal atresia
Infection (unilateral or bilateral)
Foreign body Crouzon syndrome
Apert syndrome
Oropharynx/ Infection (tonsillitis, Ludwig’s angina) Short lower jaw
Hypopharynx Bleeding (post-tonsillectomy) (especially
Tumour micrognathia)
Burns Large tongue
Supraglottis Infection (epiglotitis, supraglottitis) Laryngomalacia
Tumour (squamous cell carcinoma, respiratory papillomatosis)
Cyst of vallecular or epiglottis
Foreign body
Glottis Infection (croup) Laryngeal cleft
Tumour (squamous cell carcinoma, respiratory papillomatosis) Laryngeal web
Vocal cord palsy
Oedema (postoperative anaphylaxis)
Foreign body
Subglottis Infection (croup) Congenital subglottic
Tumour (squamous cell carcinoma, respiratory papillomatosis) stenosis
Stricture (post-intubation, post-tracheostomy) Subglottic haemangioma
Extrinsic compression (thyroid, lymph nodes, tumour)
Foreign body
Tracheal Infection (tracheitis) Tracheosophageal fistula
Tumour (squamous cell carcinoma, respiratory papillomatosis)
Stricture (post-tracheostomy)
Foreign body
Bleeding (post-tracheostomy)
Inspiratory stridor is during inspiration only, often Biphasic stridor involves both inspiration and
a crowing sound, and is due to obstruction at the expiration, and, while representing laryngeal
glottis, supraglottis or subglottis level. obstruction, is a hallmark of severe obstruction.
Hyoid bone
Thyroid cartilage
Figure 30.1. Landmarks visible on a lateral soft tissue film of the neck. The soft tissue space anterior to the
vertebral column should always be inspected.
A contrast swallow may be indicated for the examine the pharynx and oesophagus. It can
following: be used to demonstrate strictures, tumours,
pharyngeal pouches, tracheo-oesophageal fistulae,
●● Globus sensation. oesophageal dysmotility and gastro-oesophageal
●● Suspected pharyngeal pouch. reflux. A non-ionic contrast medium such as
●● Suspected foreign body. Omnipaque is used in cases where there is a
●● Suspected oesophageal lesion. clinical suspicion of aspiration as barium can
remain in the chest indefinitely and alternatives
The barium or contrast swallow is a fluoroscopic such as gastrograffin can cause a chemical
technique using low-dose pulsed x-rays to pneumonitis.
Ultrasound is a safe, easily accessible test. to drainage can be determined. In children it can
Superficial structures such as the thyroid, parotid be used to assess lesions such as thyroglossal cysts
and submandibular glands are easily evaluated and or fibromatosis colli (sternomastoid tumour). The
beautifully depicted. Morphology of lymph nodes presence or absence and velocity of coloured blood
and the presence of any suspicious features (Table flow in congenital lesions such as venolymphatic
30.1), as well as diagnostic fine needle aspiration malformations and haemangiomas can be assessed
(FNA), can be performed (1). The presence of as an adjunct to further cross-sectional imaging,
collections and whether they would be amenable such as MRI.
Radiology 141
Table 30.1. Morphology of lymph nodes in the neck.
(a) (b)
Anterior limb of
superior SCC
Mastoid semicircular Mastoid Posterior limb of
air cells canal (SCC) air cells superior SCC
(e) (f)
Geniculate Apical turn
ganglion of the cochlea
Malleus Horizontal portion auditory Basal turn of
Incus of the facial nerve canal the cochlea
Internal auditory Round
meatus window niche
Internal carotid artery
External Eustachian tube
Basal turn of the cochlea
Cochlear aqueduct
Figure 30.2. (a−g) Axial CT views of the right temporal bone (superior to inferior).
Radiology 143
A CT scan is reviewed in order specifically to assess: ●● Facial nerve dehiscence.
●● Position and dehiscence of the tegmen/middle
●● Extent of disease. fossa plate.
●● Pneumatization of the temporal bone. ●● Ossicular chain continuity.
●● Position of the sigmoid sinus. ●● A breach of the inner ear.
CT of the sinuses has now replaced plain film 1 Extent of disease.
radiography and is indicated in patients who do Position of the septum − a deviated septum
not respond to medical treatment of sinusitis. may require correction in order to access the
It can demonstrate severity and distribution of paranasal sinuses (Figure 30.3).
disease, patency of the osteomeatal complexes and 3 Position of lamina papyracea and uncinate
any anatomical variants such as concha bullosa process.
(an accessory air cell within the middle turbinate), 4 Attachment of the middle turbinate.
Haller and Onodi cells and to aid surgery. Both
5 Presence of a concha bullosa.
axial sections and coronal reformats are required.
6 Length of the lateral lemniscus (Keros
classification; Table 30.2).
A CT scan is reviewed in order specifically to 7 Position of the optic nerves (axial views).
Table 30.2. The Keros classification refers to the vertical height of the
lateral lemniscus. Types 2 and 3 are at greater risk of cerebrospinal
fluid leak during functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
Left cochlea
Left lateral
Right internal semicircular canal
auditory meatus
Left cerebellopontine
Figure 30.4. Normal MRI view of the internal auditory meatii (see Chapter 1, Figure 1.5 regarding the
relative positions of the nerves within the internal auditory meatus).
Radiology 145
PET has the ability to detect abnormal metabolic –– Radiation therapy causes oedema making
activity at cellular level in organs that do not yet tissue planes indistinct, also difficult to
appear morphologically different on other imaging detect recurrence.
modalities. ●● Detection of recurrence of cranial base
●● Directing biopsy.
Uses of PET-CT in head and ●● Detection of unknown primary tumour site:
neck malignancy –– Cervical node metastases common with
occult carcinoma.
PET-CT is useful in giving physiological and –– PET-CT used to detect areas that are
anatomical information and particularly PET-avid and may be a source of the
important in detection and follow-up of head and malignancy (Figure 30.5).
neck tumours. ●● Staging head and neck tumours.
(a) (b)
Figure 30.5. (a) CT and (b) PET-CT fused with PET avid nodes in supraglottic SCC.
Radiology 147
Francis Vaz
The management of masses in the head and triangle of the neck, can assist in the diagnosis
neck region may seem daunting because of the (Table 31.1).
wide variety of pathology and the consequences
of missing an important diagnosis. This Table 31.1. General considerations in the
exceptionally common clinical finding can be diagnosis of a neck lump.
seen across age groups and important factors must
be elicited in order to obtain the correct diagnosis. Age (yrs) Position
An understanding of the anatomy of the neck and <20 Inflammatory Midline – Thyroglossal cyst
the associated pathologies relevant to the various Congenital Dermoid
Lymphoma Lymph node
positions in the neck is helpful. Delineation of
20–40 Salivary disease Thyroid
whether a lump is in the midline (often suggestive
Thyroid disease Lateral – Lymph node
of a thyroid or thyroglossal cyst pathology) Inflammatory Salivary
or laterally, either in the anterior or posterior Malignancy (upper)
>40 Malignancy
A careful history should be elicited from the dysphonia, dysphagia, odynophagia, otalgia and
patient. Age of onset of the neck lump should breathing disorders, can be helpful in localizing
be documented as congenital pathology pathology. Personal habits such as smoking
presents in the early years and more often and high alcohol intake can highlight a risk for
malignant pathologies present later in life. malignant potential.
Upper aero-digestive tract symptoms, such as
A thorough examination of the head and neck tongue base should be palpated as pathology
should be undertaken. The oral cavity should may be deep and not obvious to the eye (this
be illuminated with a headlight and examined does, however, induce a significant gag reflex).
with two tongue depressors. If appropriate, the A flexible fibreoptic nasolaryngoscope is usually
The use of special investigations can be divided Ultrasonography is an excellent, noninvasive
into those pertinent to preparing a patient for tool to delineate structures but is difficult for the
a general anaesthetic and those relevant to the surgeon to interpret. Computerized tomography
pathology of the head and neck. (CT) is superb for looking at most of the head and
neck, is easy to obtain and quick to undertake, but
When investigating a lump in the neck the can be prone to dental artifacts in and around the
principal investigation of choice, almost always, oral cavity. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is
is fine needle aspirate cytology (FNAC). This is a an excellent tool to look at soft tissues, especially of
process by which cells are sampled by means of the tongue, postnasal space and oral cavity. It does
multiple passes of a needle through the mass while often carry a longer waiting time to be performed,
simultaneously aspirating with a syringe. The is more claustrophobic to undertake, and takes
cells in the barrel of the needle are then sprayed longer to be scanned.
onto a cytology slide and either air-dried or fixed
chemically, depending on the preference of the Investigations pertinent to general anaesthesia
cytology department. This test is often undertaken should be discussed at a local pre-admission level,
by the cytology department itself. This is a crucial and each department should have an appropriate
investigation and there are only a few instances protocol for preparing a patient for general
where an FNAC of a neck lump is not appropriate. anaesthesia.
The treatment of any neck mass is dependent primary malignant disease of the upper aero-
on the diagnosis. Reactive lymphadenopathy digestive tract may be treated with surgery,
secondary to tonsillitis requires treatment of the radiotherapy, chemoradiotherapy or a combination
tonsillitis with antibiotics. Congenital pathologies of these. All treatment plans will be decided in the
may be observed if asymptomatic but, if causing context of a multidisciplinary team meeting.
problems, often warrant surgical excision. The
Lymphadenopathy can be benign or malignant. in this chapter. However, a lymph node in
The benign causes of lymphadenopathy are the neck should be approached as though it
multiple and too large a group to be discussed is malignant until it is shown that it is not.
Branchial cysts are another congenital pathology FNAC often demonstrates a straw-coloured liquid.
that typically present in the first two decades of life. Imaging should be undertaken in the form of a CT
They may present as an asymptomatic mass, but can or MRI scan of the neck to give relationships to
be seen to enlarge, especially in association with the great vessels and also to characterize the mass
upper respiratory tract infections. The position of further.
these is quite characteristic, being hidden under the
junction of the upper third and lower two-thirds of Surgical excision should not be undertaken
the sternocleidomastoid muscle. lightly and should be considered almost like a
Thyroid masses are commonplace and warrant expertise; however, most people with a mass in the
a whole chapter. However, certain aspects of the thyroid will have at least an ultrasound ± FNAC to
history should be elicited, namely aspects of the guide surgeons in their management plan.
lump and growth rate, pain, dysphagia, hoarseness
and stridor, together with aspects of risk factors, Treatment is dependent on the appearances of the
such a family history or exposure to ionizing FNAC and ultrasound, together with the patient’s
radiation. feeling about the lump, as cosmesis is potentially
an indication for removal of the goitre.
Many people argue about investigation of the
thyroid mass. This depends on the institution’s
Vertigo and dizziness affect approximately one with another ten per thousand with symptoms of
third of the general population before the age of dizziness or giddiness (2). A balance disorder in
65 years (1). Annually, five out of every thousand the elderly may result in a fall, with the subsequent
patients present to their general practitioner injuries sustained leading to serious injury and
complaining of symptoms classified as vertigo, even death.
Normal human balance function relies on and provide information regarding self and
vision, the peripheral vestibular organs, environmental movement (spatial awareness).
proprioception and hearing (Figure 32.1). This Interpretation involves cross-referencing this
sensory information is relayed centrally, where sensory information with previously generated
it is integrated and interpreted within the brain templates. A mismatch results in symptoms of
in order to maintain posture, stabilize vision dizziness, unsteadiness or vertigo.
Taking a thorough history is the key to establishing of dizziness/vertigo should also be established.
a diagnosis. It is essential to allow patients to speak Associated symptoms should be documented (e.g.
freely at the start of the consultation. Although nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, tinnitus, loss of
some of this information may be of little diagnostic consciousness, photophobia and headache).
value, it does allow some insight into their principal
concerns and also establishes rapport with the Subsequent episodes, their duration, frequency
individual patient. It is often the case that this will and precipitants will confirm a working diagnosis.
be the first time that ‘anyone has listened’. The most recent episode is also worth exploring as
symptoms may evolve as central changes partially
A detailed history of the first episode is essential. compensate for the peripheral or central pathology.
When, where and what possible precipitants It is always worth considering more than a single
were associated with the event should be sought pathology responsible for a patient’s symptoms
(e.g. had the patient rolled over in bed, a recent (e.g. benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
change in medication). The duration and form and a peripheral vestibular deficit).
Gaze stabilization
Postural control
Spatial awareness
A past medical and surgical history must always of migraine. In females, a delicate and difficult
be taken, including details regarding the patient’s subject is that of spontaneous miscarriage, but may
vision and mobility and a family or personal history suggest an autoimmune or embolic aetiology.
A neuro-otological examination is required in saccades and latent squint and cerebellar signs.
every patient presenting with vertigo. Although Romberg test (on both floor and foam) and the
a working diagnosis may have been made, it is Fukuda stepping test should also be performed.
essential both to confirm and exclude possible Whilst the latter is generally regarded to
concurrent pathology. This includes ear and localize a peripheral vestibular deficit (rotation
cranial nerve examination, eye movement in occurs towards the weaker side), the Halmagyi
all four planes for nystagmus, smooth pursuit, head thrust test is a far more sensitive and
All patients should undergo a pure tone audiogram Bithermal caloric testing remains a simple
and tympanometry. A sensorineural asymmetry and valuable method of comparing lateral
may suggest a cerebellopontine angle tumour, semicircular canal function. Eye movements
which must therefore be excluded with MRI may be recorded with electrodes attached to
internal auditory meatii. Vestibular testing is the face, electronystagmography (ENG) or by
required in the majority of subjects referred videoing pupil movement, videonystagmography
to a balance service (exceptions may include (VNG). Saccades, smooth pursuit and optokinetic
BPPV that settles completely following particle movement may also be assessed with this
repositioning manoeuvres). Not only do these recording method. Additional tests include
investigations support a working diagnosis, rotational chair and vestibular evoked myogenic
but in approximately 5%−10% of cases reveal potentials (VEMPs).
unexpected unilateral or bilateral peripheral
vestibular hypofunction and guide vestibular Patients with a history and assessment in keeping
rehabilitation. with central pathology should also undergo an
MRI scan to exclude a space-occupying lesion or
As it is not possible to directly access the demyelination. Patients with chronic ear disease or
peripheral vestibular organs, an indirect suspected superior semicircular canal dehiscence
assessment based on the vestibulo ocular reflex is require a fine-cut computed tomography scan of
generally used (Figure 32.2). the temporal bones.
Oculomotor nucleus
Abducens nucleus
Vestibular nucleus
Head turning
Figure 32.2. The vestibulo ocular reflex. As a result of head rotation, endolymph flow within the semicircular
canals causes movement of the cupulae within the ampullae of the lateral semicircular canals and relative
shearing of the underlying stereocilia. Neural impulses increase on the right and decrease on the left. Neural
connections to the IIIrd and VIth cranial nuclei result in contraction of the left lateral rectus and right medial
rectus to stabilize gaze.
Table 32.1. Common causes of dizziness (in order stimulating the associated hair cells and causing
of frequency). vertigo (Figure 32.2). The mismatch in input
between each side that occurs may also result in
●● Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) nausea, vomiting and anxiety.
●● Acute peripheral vestibular deficit (labyrinthitis/
vestibular neuritis) The most common form affects the posterior
●● Vertiginous migraine semicircular canal. On Dix–Hallpike testing,
●● Multilevel vestibulopathy
following a short latency, geotropic (towards
●● Cholesteatoma (CSOM)
●● Hyperventilation syndrome
the ground) torsional nystagmus will gradually
●● Menière’s disease appear, increase in severity and gradually subside
●● Vestibular schwannoma completely. This will correlate well with the
●● Multiple sclerosis symptoms of vertigo experienced by the patient
●● Vertebrobasillar insufficiency during the test. Having confirmed the diagnosis,
●● Superior semicircular canal dehiscence an Epley manoeuvre should be performed. This
Rotatory vertigo, Continuous Vertigo or Intermittent Chronic ear ‘Lightheadedness’ Aural fullness, Sudden hearing
lasting seconds, on rotatory vertigo disequilibrium disequilibrium on discharge or due to rapid hearing loss, loss or asymmetric
rising or turning with persistent lasting two to four rapid movement. intermittent ‘ear breathing. Anxiety rotatory vertigo sensorineural
over in bed. nystagmus, not days associated History of poor infections’. state. Clinical and tinnitus. Hours hearing loss.
Torsional fatigable associated with with periods or, vision, peripheral Otoscopy examination, with nausea and Occasional
nystagmus on hearing loss nor previous history of neuropathy, demonstrates TM normal. vomiting. episodes of
Dix-Hallpike tinnitus. Nausea classic migraine osteoarthritis. retraction with Nystagmus during disequilibrium
testing. and vomiting. then subsequent keratin/debris. episodes. or vertigo.
spells lasting days.
No associated
hearing loss, nor hearing loss.
tinnitus. Patients
prefer bed rest in
a quiet darkened
• Epley manoeuvre • Vestibular • Dietary • Physiotherapy • Surgical • Cognitive • Salt-free diet • Regular
rehabilitation in restrictions rehabilitation intervention behavioural • Bendrofluazide assessment
those who fail • Antimigrainous therapy • Surgical • Surgical
to recover Tx intervention intervention
Figure 32.3. Management pathways for common vestibular pathology. (PTA – pure tone audiometry; FVT – formal vestibular testing)
is curative in approximately 90% of cases. A Patients may describe a recent flu-like illness.
repeat manoeuvre may on occasion be required. They classically wake up with severe continuous
Alternative particle repositioning manoeuvres rotatory vertigo that persists for 3−5 days.
for posterior semicircular canal BBPV include Initially, patients must lie still as any movement
Brandt–Daroff (9) and Semont manoeuvres (10). results in worsening symptoms. Thereafter,
Gans manoeuvre may be used if the anterior movements may be tolerated, but compensation
semicircular canal is involved (11). for normal activities may take weeks or months.
Prochlorperazine, a peripheral vestibular
Acute peripheral vestibular sedative, is indicated in this situation, but should
deficit (labyrinthitis/vestibular be limited to 7 days, as long-term use may limit
central compensation and, hence, functional
neuritis) recovery.
This relatively common cause of vertigo arises due
Clinical examination may reveal rotation on
to a sudden failure of one peripheral vestibular
Fukuda. More reliable is the head thrust test,
organ. This results in labyrinthine asymmetry, and
where a catch-up saccade may be evident (note
the sensory mismatch that occurs causes severe
Table 32.3).
persistent rotatory vertigo and profuse vomiting.
Patients who do not compensate benefit from and visually stimulating environments (12).
generic or customized physiotherapy. Those with Those who fail to improve must be reassessed and
visual vertigo (over-reliance on visual input) possible limitations to compensation excluded
benefit from combining physiotherapy exercises (Table 32.2).
Although no abnormalities are likely to be found Squamous epithelium within the middle ear may
on clinical examination, ENG/VNG testing may expand to erode into the inner ear. While most
support central changes. All patients should patients present with intermittent or chronic ear
undergo MRI scanning in order to exclude central discharge and hearing loss, some also experience
pathology. intermittent vertigo and unsteadiness.
Other relatively uncommon conditions that Superior semicircular canal dehiscence is a rare
may present with vertigo or dizziness include condition whereby a defect in the bony covering
multiple sclerosis, vestibular schwannoma of the superior semicircular canal results in a third
(Figure 32.4), and vertebrobasilar ischaemia. window through which a pressure wave may be
In each an MRI scan is required to establish a transmitted from and into the intracranial cavity.
diagnosis. This not only results in momentary vertigo in
response to loud sounds (Tullio’s phenomenon)
but also results in patients hearing their eyes moving.
●●An understanding of the sensory
pathways and their central
interpretation provides a valuable
guide to the diagnosis and
management of patients who
complain of vertigo and dizziness.
●●While a number of conditions exist
that may result in vertiginous spells,
treatment is either curative or
enormously beneficial in the vast
majority of patients.
●●The commonest cause of vertigo,
BPPV, should be excluded in all cases
by Dix–Hallpike testing.
Figure 32.4. Right vestibular schwannoma.
Index 161
BPPV, see Benign paroxysmal of sinuses, 144 wax, 26
positional vertigo of temporal bone, 143–144 EBV, see Epstein–Barr virus
Branchial cyst, 150–151 Continuous positive airway ECochG, see
pressure (CPAP), 69 Electrocochleogram
C Contrast swallow, 141 Electrocochleogram
Coronal section of paranasal (ECochG), 55
CAEPs, see Cortical auditory sinuses, 10 Electronystagmography
evoked potentials Cortical auditory evoked (ENG), 154
Canal, 2 potentials (CAEPs), 56 Embolization, 46
wall up mastoidectomy, 93 CPAP, see Continuous positive Endoscopic sinus surgery
CAT, see Combined approach airway pressure (ESS), 80
tympanoplasty Cricothyroidotomy, 126 to access middle meatus, 81
Cauliflower ear, see CSF, see Cerebrospinal fluid along anterior attachment of
Pinna—haematoma CSOM, see Chronic secretory uncinate process., 82
Cautery, 43–44 otitis media complication, 83
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 31, Cuffed tubes, 129 indications, 80
71, 81 Cupula, 5
Cervical lymph nodes, 16 middle meatal antrostomy and
CXR, see Chest x-ray ethmoid bulla, 82
Chest x-ray (CXR), 115
Cholesteatoma, 158 opening of left anterior
D ethmoid, 82
surgery, 92
Chronic secretory otitis media Deep neck spaces, 17 operative procedure, 80–82
(CSOM), 92 Direct-and microlaryngoscopy, postoperative review, 83
Clinical anatomy, 1 107 preoperative review, 80
cervical lymph nodes, 16 complication, 108 removal of left uncinate, 82
deep neck spaces, 17 indications, 107 Endotracheal tube (ET), 58
ear, 1–5 operative procedure, 107 ENG, see Electronystagmography
facial nerve, 5–7 postoperative review, 108 ENT examination, 18; see also
larynx, 14–15 Distortion product OAEs Rinne and Weber
nose, 7–11 (DPOAEs), 56 tuning fork testing
oral cavity, 11–12 DPOAEs, see Distortion product otoscopy, 18–19
pharynx, 12–14 OAEs pinna and postaural region
salivary glands, 15–16 examination, 18
E right tympanic membrane
sensory distribution of
face, 17 EAC, see External auditory canal examination, 19
thyroid and parathyroid Ear, 1 ENT pathology, 26
glands, 15 canal, 2 acute mastoiditis, 28
CM, see Cochlear microphonic cochlea, 5 acute otitis media, 27
Cochlea, 5 coronal section of ossicles, 3 acute sinusitis, 32
Cochlear microphonic (CM), 55 cupula, 5 ear wax, 26
Combined approach Eustachian tube dysfunction, 3 epiglottitis, 35
tympanoplasty (CAT), external auditory canal, 1–2 facial nerve palsy, 29–30
93, 96–98 inner ear, 4, 5 foreign bodies removal, 30,
Complication, 113 maculae, 5 31, 36
Compromised airway microsuction, 21–22 impacted wax, 26–27
management, 137–139 middle, 3 leakage or loss of
Computed tomography pinna, 1 tracheoesophageal
axial views of neck, 142 right tympanic membrane, 2 voice prosthesis, 37
162 Index
nasal trauma, 32 treatment, 42 H
otitis externa, 26 treatment algorithm for, 43
Haemorrhagic polyp, 135
otitis media with effusion, 27 vessel ligation, 46
Heliox, 34; see also ENT
parapharyngeal abscess, 35 Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), 33
perichondritis, 28 ESS, see Endoscopic sinus
Hemi-and total
periorbital cellulitis, 32–33 surgery
thyroidectomy, 119
peritonsillar abscess, 34 ET, see Endotracheal tube
complication, 119
pinna cellulitis, 28 Eustachian tube dysfunction, 3;
indications, 119
pinna haematoma, 28 see also Ear
operative procedure, 119–121
retropharyngeal abscess, External auditory canal (EAC),
postoperative review, 121
36–37 1–2, 122; see also Ear
preoperative review, 119
septal haematoma/abscess, 32
F Hereditary haemorrhagic
smoke inhalation, 35
telangiectasia (HHT),
sudden sensorineural hearing Facial nerve, 5 40, 47
loss, 28–29 external branches of, 7 HHT, see Hereditary
supraglottitis, 34 function examination, 25 haemorrhagic
temporal bone fractures, intratemporal course, 6 telangiectasia
30–31 Facial nerve palsy, 29; see also HPV, see Human papilloma
tonsillitis, 33 ENT pathology virus
tympanic membrane acute suppurative otitis Human papilloma virus (HPV),
trauma, 30 media, 29–30 135
Epiglottitis, 35; see also ENT Bells palsy, 29 Hyperventilation syndrome, 158
pathology foreign bodies removal, 30,
Epistaxis, 40 31, 36 I
aetiology, 40 Ramsay Hunt syndrome, 29
anatomy, 40 trauma, 30 Impacted wax, 26–27; see also
anterior nasal packing, 44–45 Fenestrated tubes, 130 ENT pathology
arterial blood supply to Fine needle aspiration Inflated epistaxis balloon in
nose, 41 (FNA), 141 situ, 45
BIPP ribbon gauze packing of Fine needle aspiration cytology Inner ear, 4, 5
nasal cavity, 45 (FNAC), 119 Intensive therapy unit (ITU), 126
cautery, 43–44 FNA, see Fine needle ITU, see Intensive therapy unit
embolization, 46 aspiration
examination, 42 FNAC, see Fine needle K
hereditary haemorrhagic aspiration cytology
Kiesselbach’s plexus, 40; see also
telangiectasia, 47
G Epistaxis
history, 41–42
KTP, see Potassium titanyl
inflated epistaxis balloon in Glue ear, see Otitis media with phosphate
situ, 45 effusion
insertion of nasal pack, 44 Grommet insertion, 65 L
local and systemic causes complications, 66
of, 41 indications, 65 Laryngeal cancer, 134
management, 42 operative procedure, 65 Laryngeal papillomatosis, 135
nasal pack in situ, 44 patient information and Larynx, 14–15
posterior nasal packing, consent, 65 Lateral soft tissue film, 140–141
45–46 postoperative review and Lateral surface of nasal cavity, 9
surgical intervention, 46 follow-up, 67 Lazy-S incision, 123
Index 163
Leakage or loss of N osteomeatal complex, 11
tracheoesophageal principal function, 7
voice prosthesis, skeleton of nasal septum, 8
cavities, 8
37; see also ENT
landmarks and external nasal
pathology O
skeleton, 7
Ludwig’s angina, 12; see also
pack insertion, 44 OAEs, see Otoacoustic emissions
Oral cavity
pack in situ, 44 Objective audiometry, 54–55;
Lymphadenopathy, 149–150
skeleton, 8 see also Audiology
Lymph nodes in neck, 142
trauma, 32; see also ENT Obstructive sleep apnoea
CT axial views of neck, 142
pathology (OSA), 69
CT of sinuses, 144
Nasal polypectomy, 84 Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
CT of temporal bone,
complication, 85 (OGD), 36
indications, 84 OGD, see Oesophagogastro
magnetic resonance
operative procedure, 84–85 duodenoscopy
imaging, 145
postoperative review, 85 Olfactory mucosa, 9
PET-CT, 146–147
preoperative review, 84 OME, see Otitis media with
Nasolaryngoscopy, flexible, 22 effusion
M National Institute for Health Operative procedure, 113
Maculae, 5 and Clinical Oral cavity, 11
Magnetic resonance imaging Excellence (NICE), 65 examination, 23–24
(MRI), 56 Neck and facial nerve function floor of mouth, 12
Mastoidectomy, 92 examination, 24–25 tongue, 11
aims of surgery, 94 Neck lump management, 148 OSA, see Obstructive sleep
alternatives to surgery, 94 branchial cyst, 150–151 apnoea
assessment, 92–94 examination, 148–149 Osteomeatal complex, 11
Attico antrostomy, 93, 94 history, 148 Otitis externa, 26; see also ENT
canal wall up lymphadenopathy, 149–150 pathology
mastoidectomy, 93 salivary gland tumours, 151 Otitis media with effusion
cholesteatoma surgery, 92 special investigations, 149 (OME), 27, 65; see also
chronic secretory otitis thyroglossal duct cyst, 150 ENT pathology
media, 92 thyroid masses, 151 Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs),
combined approach treatment, 149 56; see also Audiology
tympanoplasty, 96–98 NICE, see National Institute for Otoscopy, 18–19; see also ENT
complication, 94 Health and Clinical examination
indications, 92 Excellence Outfracture of inferior
modified radical Nose, 7 turbinate, 77
mastoidectomy, 93 arterial blood supply to, 9
operative procedure, 94 coronal section of paranasal
sinuses, 10 P
Mastoiditis, acute, 28
Ménière’s disease, 158–159 lateral surface of nasal Panendoscopy, 106
Microlaryngoscopy, 136 cavity, 9 Parapharyngeal abscess,
Modified radical lateral wall of nasal cavity, 10 35; see also ENT
mastoidectomy, 93 nasal cavities, 8 pathology
MRI, see Magnetic resonance nasal landmarks and external Parathyroid glands, 15
imaging nasal skeleton, 7 Parent’s kiss, 31
Multilevel vestibulopathy, 158 nasal skeleton, 8 Parotid gland, 15
Myringoplasty, 87 olfactory mucosa, 9 Percutaneus tracheostomy, 126
164 Index
Perichondritis, 28; see also ENT CT of sinuses, 144 Rinne’s test, 20
pathology lateral soft tissue film, Weber’s test, 20
Periorbital cellulitis, 32–33; 140–141 Rinne’s test, 20
see also ENT pathology magnetic resonance RLN, see Recurrent laryngeal
Peritonsillar abscess, 34; see also imaging, 145 nerve
ENT pathology morphology of lymph nodes
Perpendicular plate of the in neck, 142 S
ethmoid (PPE), 71 PET-CT, 146–147
Salivary glands, 15–16
Pharyngoscopy, 109 ultrasound neck, 141
tumours, 151
complication, 110 Ramsay Hunt syndrome, 29;
Scottish Intercollegiate
indications, 109 see also Facial nerve
Guidelines Network
operative procedure, 109–110 palsy
(SIGN), 58
postoperative review, 110 Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Sensory distribution of face, 17
Pharynx, 12 (RLN), 120
Septal haematoma/abscess,
right postnasal space, 13 Reinke’s oedema, 133 32; see also ENT
sagittal section through head Retropharyngeal abscess,
and neck, 13 pathology
36–37; see also ENT Septoplasty, 68
stacked muscular bands, 12 pathology
Pinna, 1; see also Ear; ENT continuous quilting suture of
Rhinoscopy, anterior, 20 nasal septum, 72
pathology Right tympanic membrane, 2; freer elevator, 71
cellulitis, 28 see also Ear
examination of, 18 incisions for septoplasty, 70
examination of, 19 incision Through septal
haematoma, 28 Rigid bronchoscopy, 114
PNS, see Postnasal space cartilage, 71
complication, 115 indications, 68
Posterior nasal packing, 45–46 indications, 114 infiltration of septal
Postnasal space (PNS), 106 operative procedure, 114 mucosa, 70
Post nasal space examination, 113 postoperative review, 115 nasal septum, 68
Potassium titanyl phosphate ventilating bronchoscope, 115 operative procedure, 69–72
(KTP), 47 Rigid oesophagoscopy, 111 postoperative review, 72
PPE, see Perpendicular plate of complication, 112 septal deviation to left, 69
the ethmoid indications, 111 Septorhinoplasty, 74
Pure tone audiometry, 50–51; operative procedure, 111–112 complications, 76
see also Audiology postoperative review, 112 dorsal hump removal, 75
Rinne and Weber tuning fork indications, 74
Q testing, 19; see also intercartilaginous incision, 75
Quinsy, see Peritonsillar abscess ENT examination medial and lateral
anterior rhinoscopy, 20 osteotomy, 75
ear microsuction, 21–22 operative procedure, 74–75
R facial nerve function postoperative review, 76
Radiofrequency turbinoplasty, 78 examination, 25 preoperative review, 74
Radiology, 140 flexible nasolaryngoscopy, 22 SIGN, see Scottish Intercollegiate
computed tomography axial interpretation, 20, 21 Guidelines Network
views of neck, 142 neck and facial nerve function Singer’s nodules, 133
computed tomography examination, 24–25 Skeleton of nasal septum, 8
of temporal bone, oral cavity examination, Smoke inhalation, 35; see also
143–144 23–24 ENT pathology
contrast swallow, 141 rigid endoscopy, 23 SMR, see Submucous resection
Index 165
Sound pressure level (SPL), 50 TEP, see Tracheoesophageal Turbinate surgery, 77
SP, see Summating potential puncture complication, 79
SPA, see Sphenopalatine artery Thyroglossal duct cyst, 150 indications, 77
Speech audiometry, 53; see also Thyroid, 15 operative procedure, 77–79
Audiology and parathyroid glands, 15 outfracture of inferior
roll-over, 53 masses, 151 turbinate, 77
Sphenopalatine artery (SPA), 46 Tongue, 11; see also Oral cavity postoperative review, 79
SPL, see Sound pressure level Tonsillectomy, 58 radiofrequency
SSHL, see Sudden sensorineural bipolar tonsillectomy, 59 turbinoplasty, 78
hearing loss operative procedure, 58, 60 turbinectomy, 78, 79
Stapedectomy, 99, 101 postoperative review and Turbinectomy, 78, 79
aims of surgery, 100 follow-up, 60 Tympanic membrane trauma,
alternatives to surgery, 100 post-tonsillectomy 30; see also ENT
assessment, 99-100 haemorrhage, 61 pathology
complication, 100 preoperative review, 58 Tympanogram, 54
operation, 101–102 Tonsillitis, 33; see also ENT Tympanometry, 54
postoperative review, 102 pathology Tympanoplasty, 86
Submandibular gland excision, Tracheoesophageal puncture alternatives to surgery, 87
116, 117 (TEP), 37 complication, 87
complication, 116 Tracheoesophageal voice indications, 86
indications, 116 prosthesis leakage or myringoplasty, 87
operative procedure, 116–118 loss, 37 operative procedure, 88–90
postoperative review, 118 Tracheostomy, 125 postoperative review, 91
preoperative review, 116 changing tracheostomy tube, preoperative review, 87
Submucous resection (SMR), 68 130–131 types of, 86
Suction diathermy, 63–64; cleaning inner tubes, 130
see also Adenoidectomy complication, 127–128 U
Sudden sensorineural hearing contraindictions, 131
loss (SSHL), 28–29; UADT, see Upper aerodigestive
cricothyroidotomy, 126
see also ENT pathology tract
cuffed tubes, 129
Summating potential (SP), 55 Ultrasound neck, 141
dressings, 130
Superficial parotidectomy, 122 Uncuffed tubes, 129–130
fenestrated tubes, 130
complication, 122 Upper aerodigestive tract
generating voice with, 131
external auditory canal, 122 (UADT), 132
indications, 125
indications, 122 Upper respiratory tract infection
percutaneus tracheostomy, 126 (URTI), 132
Lazy-S incision, 123
surgical tracheostomy, URTI, see Upper respiratory
operative procedure, 122–124
126–127 tract infection
postoperative review, 124
transtracheal needle, 126
preoperative review, 122
tube care and speaking
Supraglottitis, 34; see also ENT V
valves, 128
tube with adjustable flange, 130 Ventilating bronchoscope, 115
Surgical tracheostomy, 126–127
uncuffed tubes, 129–130 Vertigo and dizziness, 152
Transcranial attenuation acute peripheral vestibular
T through air, 51 deficit, 155, 157
Temporal bone fractures, 30–31 Transient evoked OAEs balance function, 152–153
TEOAEs, see Transient evoked (TEOAEs), 56 benign paroxysmal positional
OAEs Transtracheal needle, 126 vertigo, 152, 154–156
166 Index
causes, 159 Vestibular compensation, history, 132–133
cholesteatoma, 158 limitations of, 157 laryngeal cancer, 134
examination, 153–154 Vestibular migraine, 158 laryngeal papillomatosis, 135
history, 152–153 Vestibular pathology, 155 microlaryngoscopy, 136
hyperventilation management pathways pathology, 133
syndrome, 158 for, 156 Reinke’s oedema, 133
limitations of vestibular Vestibulo ocular reflex, 154 upper aerodigestive tract, 132
compensation, 157 Videonystagmography upper respiratory tract
management pathways (VNG), 154 infection, 132
for vestibular VNG, see Videonystagmography vocal cord cysts, 136
pathology, 156 Vocal cord vocal cord granuloma, 135–136
Ménière’s disease, 158–159 cysts, 136 vocal fold nodules, 133
multilevel vestibulopathy, 158 granuloma, 135–136 vocal fold palsy, 134
sensitivity and specificity of Vocal fold
clinical tests, 158 nodules, 133
special investigations, 154 palsy, 134
vestibular migraine, 158 Voice, 132 Weber’s test, 20
vestibular pathology, 155 examination, 133 Woodruff’s plexus, 40; see also
vestibulo ocular reflex, 154 haemorrhagic polyp, 135 Epistaxis
Index 167