Updated Compact Nclex Study Guide
Updated Compact Nclex Study Guide
Updated Compact Nclex Study Guide
E - evaluate
A - assess
T – teach
Addison’s= Everything is DOWN except Potassium… Mineral corticoids are give in Addison’s
hyponatremia, hypotension, decreased blood vol, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia
EleVate Veins
DAngle Arteries ….for better perfusion
Chicken Pox/Varicella Hez - Herpez Zoster/Shingles TB
Private Room - negative pressure, Exchange air 6-12 hrs - DOOR CLOSED
Mask, N95 for TB
Disposable supplies
think of SPIDERMAN!
S - sepsis
S - scarlet fever
S - streptococcal pharyngitis P - parvovirus B19
P - pneumonia
P - pertussis
I - influenza
D - diptheria (pharyngeal) E - epiglottitis
R - rubella
M - mumps
M - meningitis
M - mycoplasma or meningeal pneumonia An - Adenovirus
Private Room
cohort Mask – Pt wears mask when leaving the room
Disposable supplies
M - multidrug resistant organism
R - respiratory infection
S - skin infections *
W - wound infxn
E - enteric infxn - clostridium difficile E - eye infxn – conjunctivitis
3. Tube Feeding w/ Decreased LOC --> position pt on right side (promotes emptying of the stomach)
with the HOB elevated (to prevent aspiration)
5. After Lumbar Puncture (and also oil-based Myelogram)--> pt lies in flat supine (to prevent
headache and leaking of CSF)
7. During Continuous Bladder Irrigation (CBI) --> catheter is taped to thigh so leg should be kept
straight. No other positioning restrictions.
8. After Myringotomy --> position on side of affected ear after surgery (allows drainage of
9. After Cataract Surgery --> pt will sleep on unaffected side with a night shield for 1-4 weeks.
10. After Thyroidectomy --> low or semi-Fowler's, support head, neck and shoulders.
11. Infant w/ Spina Bifida --> position prone (on abdomen) so that sac does not rupture
12. Buck's Traction (skin traction) --> elevate foot of bed for counter-traction
13. After Total Hip Replacement --> don't sleep on operated side,
don't flex hip more than 45- 60 degrees,
don't elevate HOB more than 45 degrees. hip abduction by
separating thighs with pillows.
15. Infant w/ Cleft Lip --> position on back or in infant seat to prevent trauma to suture line. While
feeding, hold in upright position.
17. Above Knee Amputation --> elevate for first 24 hours on pillow, position prone daily to provide
for hip extension.
18. Below Knee Amputation --> foot of bed elevated for first 24 hours, position prone daily to
provide for hip extension.
19. Detached Retina --> area of detachment should be in the dependent position
20. Administration of Enema --> left side-lying (Sim's) with knee flexed
21. After Supratentorial Surgery (incision behind hairline) --> elevate HOB 30-45 degrees
22. After Infratentorial Surgery (incision at nape of neck)--> position pt flat and lateral on either
25. Shock --> bedrest with extremities elevated 20 degrees, knees straight, head slightly elevated
(modified Trendelenburg)
26. Head Injury --> elevate HOB 30 degrees to decrease intracranial pressure
27. Peritoneal Dialysis when Outflow is Inadequate --> turn pt from side to side BEFORE checking
for kinks in tubing
28. Lumbar puncture => AFTER the procedure, the client should be placed in the supine position for
4 to 12 hrs as prescribed.
Prior to a liver biospy its important to be aware of the lab result for prothrombin time (10-13
Myxedema/hypothyroidism: slowed physical and mental function, sensitivity to cold, dry skin and

Graves’ disease/hyperthyroidism: accelerated physical and mental function; sensitivity to heat,
fine/soft hair
Hypo-parathyroid: – convulsions, arrhythmias, tetany, spasms, stridor (decreased calcium), high Ca,
low phosphorus diet
Hyper-parathyroid: fatigue, muscle weakness, renal calculi, back and joint pain (increased calcium),
low Ca, high phosphorus diet
Hypovolemia – incrased temp, rapid/weak pulse, increase respiration, hypotension, anxiety, urine
specific gravity >1.030
Hypervolemia – bounding pulse, SOB, dyspnea, rares/crackles, peripheral edema, HTN, urine
specific gravity <1.010; Semi-Fowler’s
Diabetes Insipidus (decreased ADH): excessive urine output and thirst, dehydration, weakness,
administer Pitressin
SIADH (increased ADH): change in LOC, decreased deep tendon reflexes, tachycardia, n/v/a, HA;
administer Declomycin, diuretics
Hypokalemia: muscle wakness, dysrhythmias, increase K (raisins, bananas, apricots, oranges, beans,
potatoes, carrots, celery)
Hyperkalemia: MURDER – muscle weakness, urine (oliguria/anuria), respiratory depression,
decreased cardiac contractility, ECG changes, reflexes
Hyponatremia: nausea, muscle cramps, increased ICP, muscular twitching, convulsion; osmotic
diuretics, fluids
Hypercalcemia: muscle weakness, lack of coordination, abdominal pain, confusion, absent tendon
reflexes, sedative effect on CNS
HypoMg: tremors, tetany, seizures, dyrshythmias, depression, confusion, dysphagia; dig toxicity
HyperMg: depresses the CNS, hypotension, facial flushing, muscle weakness, absent deep tendon
reflexes, shallow respirations, emergency
2. I kept forgetting which was dangerous when you're pregnant; regular measles (rubella), or
German measles (rubella), so remember:
-Never get pregnant with a German (rubella)
3. When drawing up regular insulin & NPH together, remember: -RN (regular comes before NPH)
4. Tetralogy of fallot; child drops to floor or squats…. TET SPELLS
Digoxin-check pulse, less than 60 hold, check dig levels and potassium levels.
Vistaril: tx of anxiety and also itching...watch for dry mouth. given preop commonly
Versed: given for conscious sedation...watch for resp depression and hypotension
Apresoline(hydralazine)-tx of HTN or CHF, Report flu-like symptoms, rise slowly from sitting/lying
position; take with meals.
Librium: tx of alcohol w/d...dont take alchol with this...very bad nausea and vomiting can occur.
kwell: tx of scabies and lice...(scabies)apply lotion once and leave on for 8-12 hours...(lice) use the
shampoo and leave on for 4 minutes with hair uncovered then rinse with warm water and comb
with a fine tooth comb
Ritalin: tx of ADHD..assess for heart related side effects report immediately...child may need a drug
holiday b/c it stunts growth.
dopamine (Intropine): tx of hypotension, shock, low cardiac output, poor perfusion to vital
organs...monitor EKG for arrhythmias, monitor BP
If the cord is prolapsed, cover it with sterile saline gauze to prevent drying of the cord and to
minimize infection.
For late decels, turn the mother to her left side, to allow more blood flow to the placenta.
For any kind of bad fetal heart rate pattern, you give O2, often by mask...
Always assess the patient first; for exmaple listen to the fetal heart tones with a stethoscope in
NCLEX land. Sometimes it's hard to tell who to check on first, the mother or the baby; it's usually
easy to tell the right answer if the mother or baby involves a machine. If you're not sure who to
check first, and one of the choices involves the machine, that's the wrong answer.
If the baby is anterior, the sounds are heard closer to midline, between the umbilicus and where you
would listen to a posterior presentation.
If the baby is breech, the sounds are high up in the fundus near the umbilicus. If the baby is vertex,
they are a little bit above the symphysis pubis.
ventilator alarms
High alarm- Obstruction due to incr. secretions, kink, pt. coughs, gag or bites
Low press alarm- Disconnection or leak in ventilator or in pt. airway cuff, pt. stops
spontaneous breathing
1. remember blood sugar:
hot and dry-sugar high (hyperglycemia)
cold and clammy-need some candy (hypoglycemia)
3. cor pulmonae: right sided heart failure caused by left ventricular failure (so pick edema, jvd, if it is
a choice.)
4. herion withdrawal neonate: irratable poor sucking
13. best way to warm a newborn: skin to skin contact covered with a blanket on mom.
14. when a pt comes in and she is in active labor...nurse first action is to listen to fetal heart
If the patient is not a child an answer with family option can be ruled out easily
ARDS (fluids in alveoli), DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulaton) are always secondary to
something else (another disease process).
With pneumonia, fever and chills are usually present. For the elderly confusion is often present.
Cor pulmonale (s/s fluid overload) is Right sided heart failure caused
by pulmonary disease, occurs with bronchitis or emphysema.
COPD is chronic,
Pneumonia is acute.
Emphysema and bronchitis are both COPD.
In COPD patients the baroreceptors that detect the CO2 level are destroyed. Therefore, O2 level must be low for
pt with COPD
Prednisone toxicity: cushing’s syndrome= buffalo hump, moon face, high glucose, hypertension.
4 options for cancer management: chemo, radiation, surgery, allow to die with dignity.
no live vaccines, no fresh fruits, no flowers should be used for neutropenia patients.
mevacor (anticholesterol med) must be given with evening meal if it is QD (per day).
Nitroglycerine is administered up to 3 times (every 5 minutes). If chest pain does not stop go to
hospital. Do not give when BP is < 90/60.
Unstable angina is not relieved by nitro.
For a CABG operation when the great saphenous vein is taken it is turned inside out due to the
valves that are inside.
Dead tissues cannot have PVC’s (premature ventricular contraction. If left untreated pvc’s can lead
to VF (ventricular fibrillation).
1 t (teaspoon)= 5 ml
1 T(tablespoon)= 3 t = 15 ml
1 oz= 30 ml
1 cup= 8 oz
1 quart= 2 pints
1 pint= 2 cups
1 gr (grain)= 60 mg
1 g (gram)= 1000 mg
1 kg= 2.2 lbs
1 lb= 16 oz
Med of choice for bipolar is lithium. Get levels checked… OVER 2.0 TOXIC
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)= when body is breaking down fat instead of sugar for energy. Fats leave
ketones (acids) that cause pH to decrease. DKA is rare in diabetes mellitus type II because there is
enough insulin to prevent breakdown of fats.
Parkinson’s = RAT: rigidity, akinesia (loss of muscle mvt), and tremors. Treat with levodopa.
TIA (transient ischemic attack) mini stroke with no dead brain tissue
Birth weight doubles by 6 month and triple by 1 year of age. 91. if HR is <100 do not give dig to
First sign of cystic fibrosis may be meconium ileus at birth. Baby is inconsolable; do not eat, not
passing meconium.
Heart defects. Remember for cyanotic -3T’s(TOF, Truncys arteriosus, Transposition of the great
vessels). Prevent blood from going to heart. If problem does not fix or cannot be corrected
surgically, CHF will occur following by death.
cerebral palsy = poor muscle control due to birth injuries and/or decrease oxygen to brain tissues.
Wilm’s tumor is usually encapsulated above the kidneys causing flank pain
place apparatus first then place the weight when putting traction
a patient with a vertical c-section surgery will more likely have another c-section.
Perform amniocentesis before 20 weeks gestation to check for cardiac and pulmonary abnormalities.
caput succedaneum= diffuse edema of the fetal scalp that crosses the suture lines. Swelling reabsorbs
within 1 to 3 days.
Obsession is to thought.
Compulsion is to action
Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic, progressive, degenerative cognitive disorder that accounts for more
than 60% of all dementias
Iron injections should be given Z-track so they don't leak into SQ tissues.
2-3 months: turns head side to side
4-5 months: grasps, switch & roll
6-7 months: sit at 6 and waves bye-bye
8-9 months: stands straight at eight
10-11 months: belly to butt (phrase has 10 letters)
12-13 months: twelve and up, drink from a cup
Hepatitis: -ends in a VOWEL, comes from the BOWEL
(Hep A) Hepatitis B=Blood and Bodily fluids
Hepatitis C is just like B
Apgar measures HR,RR,Muscle tone, Reflexes, Skin color each 0-2 point.
avoid salt substitutes when taken dig and k-supplements many are potassium based
Signs of hypoxia: restless, anxious, cyanotic tachycardia, increased resps. (also monitor ABG's)
Dumping syndrome: increase fat and protein, small frequent meals, lie down after meal to decrease
peristalsis, wait 1 hr after meals to drink.

For blood types: "O" is the universal donor (remember "o" in donor)
"AB" is the universal receipient
Give NSAIDS, Corticosteroids, drugs for Bipolar, Cephalosporins, and Sulfanomides WITH food.
When using a bronchodilator inhaler inconjuction with a glucocorticoid inhaler, administer the
bronchodilator first
Theophylline increases the risk of digoxin toxicity and decreases the effects of lithium and Dilantin
INtal, an inhaler used to treat allergy induced asthma may cause bronchospasm, think... INto the
asthmatic lung
Peptic ulcers caused by H. pylori are treated with Flagyl, Prilosec and Biaxin. This treatment kills
bacteria and stops production of stomach acid, but does not heal ulcer.
Weighted NI (Naso intestinal tubes) must float from stomach to intestine. Don't tape the tube right
away after placement, may leave coiled next to pt on HOB. Position patient on RIGHT to facilitate
movement through pylorus.
* Diaphragm must stay in place 6 hours after intercourse. They are also fitted so must be re- fitted if
you lose or gain a significant amount of weight.
* Tagamet with food (H2; messes with elderly ppl be careful ! Interacts with alot of things)
*Antacids after meals
Long term use of amphogel (binds to phosphates, increases Ca, robs the bones...leads to increased
Ca resortion from bones and WEAK BONES)
*Glaucoma intraocular pressure is greater than the normal (22 mm Hg), give miotics to constrict
(pilocarpine) NO ATROPINE.
* Push fluids with Allopurinol - flush the uric acid out of system
* Koplick's spots are red spots with blue center characteristic of PRODROMAL stage of Measles.
Usually in mouth.
* INH can cause peripheral neuritis, take Vit B6 to prevent also hepatotoxic
* Rifampin - Red orange tears and urine, also contraceptives don't work as well
* Apply eye drop to conjunctival sac and after wards apply pressure to nasolacrimal duct / inner
* Pancreatitis patients but them in fetal position, NPO, gut rest, prepare antecubital site for PICC cuz
they'll probably be getting TPN/Lipids
When giving Kayexalate we need to worry about dehydration ( K ha ineverse relationship with Na)
Itching under cast area- cool air via blow dryer, ice pack for 10- 15 minutes. NEVER use qtip or
anything to scratch area
Murphy’s sign – pain with palpation of gall bladder area seen with cholecystitis
Turner’s sign – flank grayish blue (turn around to see your flanks) pancreatitis
Guthrie Test – Tests for PKU, baby should have eaten source of protein first Shilling Test – test for
pernicious anemia/ how well one absorbs Vit b12
Allen’s test – occlude both ulnar and radial artery until hand blanches then release ulnar. If the hand
pinks up, ulnar artery is good and you can carry on with ABG/radial stick as planned. ABGS must be
put on ice and whisked to the lab.
It’s ok to have abdominal craps, blood tinged outflow and leaking around site if the Peritoneal
Dialysis cath (tenkhoff) was placed in the last 1-2 wks. Cloudy outflow NEVER NORMAL.
Amniotic fluid yellow with particles = meconium stained
Hyper reflexes (upper motor neuron issue “your reflexes are over the top”)
Rhogam : given at 28 weeks, 72 hours post partum, IM. Only given to Rh NEGATIVE mother. Also if
indirect Coomb’s test is positive, don’t need to give Rhogam cuz she has antibody only give if
negative coombs
Order of assessment:
EXCEPT with abdomen cuz you don’t wanna mess with the bowels and their sounds so you Inspect,
Percuss then
Palpate (same with kids, I suppose since you wanna go from least invasive
Latex allergies => Assess for allergies to bananas, apricots, cherries, grapes, kiwis, passion fruit,
avocados, chestnuts, tomatoes, peaches

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) is a condition in which there is a degeneration of motor
neurons in both the upper & lower motor neuron systems.
Transesophageal Fistula (TEF) - esophagus doesn't fully develop (this is a surgical emergency)
The 3 C's of TEF in the newborn:
1) Choking
2) Coughing
3) Cyanosis
4 year old kids cannot interpret TIME. Need to explain time in relationship to a known COMMON
EVENT (eg: "Mom will be back after supper").
** Fat Embolism: Blood tinged sputum (r/t inflammation), inc ESR, respiratory alkalosis (not
acidosis r/t tachypnea), hypocalcemia, increased serum lipids, "snow storm" effect on CXR.
** IVP requires bowel prep so they can visualize the bladder better
**Acid Ash diet - cheese, corn, cranberries, plums, prunes, meat, poultry, pastry, bread
** Greenstick fractures, usually seen in kids bone breaks on one side and bends on the other

** BOTOX for strabismus. Patch the GOOD eye so that the weaker eye can get stronger. Found a cool
link about its use in peds pt with strabismus. I had to look it up cuz I heard it was important *ah hem
ah hem*
** COPD patients REMEMBER: 2LNC or less (hypoxic NOT hypercapnic drive), Pa02 of 60ish and
Sa02 90% is normal for them b/c they are chronic CO2 retainers. ...
**Ampho B causes hypokalemia (amongst many other things..gotta premedicate before giving. Pts
will most likely get a fever)
Tardive Dyskinesia - irreversible - involuntary movements of the tongue, face and extremities, may
happen after prolonged use of antipsychotics
Akathisia - motor restlessness, need to keep going, tx with antiparkinsons meds, can be mistaken for
When drawing an ABG, you need to put the blood in a heparinized tube, make sure there are no
bubbles, put on ice immediately after drawing, with a lable indicating if the pt was on room air or
how many liters of O2.
Remember to preform the Allen's Test prior to doing an ABG to check for sufficient blood flow
Before going for Pulmonary Fuction Tests (PFT's), a pt's bronchodilators will be with-held and they
are not allowed to smoke for 4 hrs prior
For a lung biopsy, position pt lying on side of bed or with arms raised up on pillows over bedside
table, have pt hold breath in midexpiration, chest x-ray done immediately afterwards to check for
complication of pneumothorax, sterile dressing applied
For a lumbar puncture, pt is positioned in lateral recumbent fetal position, keep pt flat for 2-3 hrs
afterwards, sterile dressing, frequent neuro assessments
EEG, hold meds for 24-48 hrs prior, no caffeine or cigarettes for 24 hrs prior, pt can eat, pt must
stay awake night before exam, pt may be asked to hyperventilate and watch a bright flashing
light, after EEG, assess pt for seizures, pt's will be at increased risk
Diamox, used for glaucoma, can cause hypokalemia

Dexedrine, used for ADHD, may alter insulin needs, avoid taking with MAOI's, take in morning
(insomnia possible side effect)
Cytovene, used for retinitis caused by cytomegalovirus, pt will need regular eye exams, report
dizziness, confusion, or seizures immediately
INH, used to treat and prevent TB, do not give with dilantin, can cause phenytonin toxicity, monitor
LFT's, give B6 along with, hypotension will occur initially, then resolve
If mixing antipsychotics (ie Haldol, Throazine, Prolixin) with fluids, med is incompatible with
caffeine and apple juice
Haldol preferred anti-psychotic in elderly, but high risk extrapyramidal side effects (dystonia,
tarditive dyskinesia, tightening of jaw, stiff neck, swollen tongue, later on swollen airway), monitor
for early signs of reaction and give IM Benadryl
Risperdal, antipsychotic, doses over 6mg can cause tarditive dyskinesia, first line antipsychotic in
Hydroxyurea, for sickle cell, report GI symptoms immediately, could be sign of toxicity
Zocor, for hyperlipidemia, take on empty stomach to enhance absorption, report any unexplained
musle pain, especially if fever
-Hirschsprung’s --> bile is lower obstruction, no bile is upper obstruction; ribbon like stools. -
Pancreatic enzymes are taken with each meal! Not before, not after, but WITH each meal.

a person shouldn't have cantaloupe before a occult stool test, because cantaloupe is high in vit c and
vit c causes a false + for occult blood. They can’t have FISH either
Hypospadias: abnormality in which urethral meatus is located on the ventral (back) surface of the
penis anywhere from the corona to the perineum (remember hypo, low (for lower side or under
Epispadias: opening of the urethra on the dorsal (front) surface of the penis
The deltoid and gluteus maximus are appropriate sites for children
Thoracentesis prep- Take v.s., shave area around needle insertion, position patient with arms on
pillow on over bed table or lying on side, no more than 1000cc at a one time. Post- listen for bilateral
breath sounds, v.s., check leakage, sterile dressing.
Cardiac cath- npo 8-12hr, empty bladder, pulses, tell pt may feel heat palpitations or desire to cough
with dye injection. Post- Vital signs keep leg straight bedrest 6-8hr.
cerebral angio prep- well hydrated, lie flat, sire shaved, pulses marked post- keep flat 12-14hr,
check site, pulses,force fluids.
Lumbar puncture- fetal postion. post- nuero assess q15-30 until stable, flat2-3hr, encourage fluids,
oral anlgesics for headache, observe dressing

EEG- no sleep the night before, meals not withheld, no stimulants for 24hr before,
tranquilizer/stimulant meds held 24-48hr before, may be asked to hyperventilate 3-4min and watch
a bright flashing light.
Myelogram- Npo 4-6hr, allergy hx, phenothiazines, cns depressants, and stimulants withheld 48hr
prior, table will be moved to various postions during test. Post- neuro q2-4, water soluble HOB up,
oil soluble HOB down, oral analgesics for h/a, encourage po fluids, assess for distended bladder,
inspect site.
Liver biopsy- Adm vit k , npo morning of exam 6hr, give sedative, Teach pt that he will be asked to
hold breath for 5-10sec, supine postion, lateral with upper arms elevated. Post- postion on right
side, frequent v.s., report severe ab pain stat, no heavy lifting 1wk.
Paracentesis- semi fowlers or upright on edge of bed, empty bladder. Post- v.s., report elevated
temp, observe for signs of hypovolemia.
Laparoscopy- CO2 used to enhances visual, general anesthesia, foley. Post- walk patient to decrease
CO2 build up used for procedure.
Sengstaken blakemore tube used for tx of esophageal varices, keep scissors at bedside.
Hemovac- used after mastectomy, empty when full or q8hr, remove plug, empty contents, place on
flat surface, cleanse opening and plug with alcohol sponge, compress evacuator completely to
remove air, release plug, check system for operation.
Common Signs and Symptoms
19. MENINGITIS – Kernig’s sign (leg flex then leg pain on extension), Brudzinski sign (neck flex =
20. TETANY – hypocalcemia (+) Trousseau’s sign/carpopedal spasm; Chvostek sign (facial spasm).
22. PANCREATITIS – Cullen’s sign (ecchymosis of umbilicus); (+) Grey turners spots.
28. INTUSSUSCEPTION – sausage shaped mass, Dance Sign (empty portion of RLQ)
33. CHICKEN POX – Vesicular Rash (central to distal) dew drop on rose petal
35. MI – Crushing stubbing pain which radiates to left shoulder, neck, arms, unrelieved by NTG
39. HODGEKIN’S DSE/LYMPHOMA – painless, progressive enlargement of spleen & lymph tissues,
Reedstenberg Cells
40. INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS – Hallmark: sore throat, cervical lymph adenopathy, fever
50. GLAUCOMA – Painfull vision loss, tunnel/gun barrel/halo vision (Peripheral Vision Loss)
51. CATARACT – Painless vision loss, Opacity of the lens, blurring of vision
54. DUCHENNE’S MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY – Gowers’ sign (use of hands to push one’s self from the
55. GERD – Barretts esophagus (erosion of the lower portion of the esophageal mucosa) 56.
63. ULCERATIVE COLITIS – recurrent bloody diarrhea 64. LYME’S DSE – Bull’s eye rash
Osteomyletitis is an infectious bone dz. Give blood cultures and antibiotics, then if necessary surgery
to drain abscess.
Nephrotic syndrome s/s edema + hypotension. Turn and reposition (risk for impaired skin
Renal impairment: serum creatinine  elevated and urine clearance  decreased
Norm. Serum creatinine 0.8-1.8 (men), 0.5-1.5 (women) Norm. Urine clearance 85-135
*Aminoglycocide (Mycin ; except erythromycine) Adverse Effects are bean shaped - Nephrotoxic to
Kidneys and Ototoxic to Ears
L-level of therapeutic affect is 0.5-1.5
I-indicate mania
T-toxic level is 2-3 - N/V, diarrhea, tremors
H-hyrdrate 2-3L of water/day
I-increased UO and dry mouth
U-uh oh; give Mannitol and Diamox if toxic s/s are present
M-maintain Na intake of 2-3g/day
*All psych meds' (except Lithium) side effects are the same as SNS but the BP is decreased.
*SNS- Increase in BP, HR and RR (dilated bronchioled), dilated pupils (blurred vision), Decreased
GUT (urniary retention), GIT (constipation), Constricted blood vessels and Dry mouth.
*Pernicious Anemia - Red, Beffy tongue; will take Vit.B12 for life!
1st Degree - Red and Painful
2nd Degree - Blisters
3rd Degree - No Pain because of blocked and burned nerves
*Meniere's Disease - Admin diuretics to decrease endolymph in the cochlea, restrict Na, lay on
affected ear when in bed. Triad:
*Gastric Ulcer pain occurs 30 minutes to 90 minutes after eating, not at night, and doesn't go away
with food
Knee to chest
Calm pt
Give o2
Give morphine
BNP level should be <100
Furosemide is a “potassium- wasting” diuretic…. TAKE WITH WATER and sit up because can cause
heart dysthymias
Pericarditis is aggravated during inspiration and coughing and relieved by LEANING FORWARD
Raynaud disease: wear gloves when handeling cold objects, stop smoking, avoid caffine, practice
Sildenafil is VIAGRA… DO NOT USE with NITRO and Nitro is used to treat unstable angina so
always question this medication
Any time there is a risk of DVT always do a complete neurovascular assessment
When a child has Kawasaki disease always monitor for a gallop heart rhythm and decreased urine
output… this is the ONLY time a child can have aspirin
When a person has PVD or
PAD … Elevating their legs
causes pain to them
CHEST TUBE Drainage more then 3ml and hr or 5-10 ml/hr REPORT ASAP think hemorrhage
An ICD can defib patients but cannot sense pulselessness… so CPR should still be initiated if the patient is
Hypomagnesemia < 1.5 can lead to Torsades de pointes ( heart rhythm)
If a pt is prescribed clopidogel and antiplatelet be concerned about ULCERS and don’t take GINKO
IF bleeding occurs after a cardiac cath.. apply pressure ABOVE the site
STATINS (cholesterol drugs) monitor for MUSCLE WEAKNESS.. Rhabdomyolysis ( break down of muscle)
Contraindications to thrombolytic
Any intracranial hemorrhage
Stroke within 3 months
Active bleeding
Head trauma (cerebral aneurysm)
Any time a pt comes into the ER with chest pains they should be seen first
A FIB- beat can be 300-600 NO P waves,