Homework 1.1: A: Cell Structure and B: Viruses
Homework 1.1: A: Cell Structure and B: Viruses
Homework 1.1: A: Cell Structure and B: Viruses
A: Cell structure and B: Viruses
In question 1, you will check your understanding of some important terminology, and practise carrying
out magnification calculations that involve converting units between mm and µm.
Question 2 refers to the structure and classification of viruses and will help you to identify differences
between the structure of a virus and a prokaryotic cell.
1 a Explain what is meant by the terms magnification and resolution. [2]
b Explain why the details of the structure of a chloroplast can be seen using an electron
microscope, but not with a light microscope. [3]
c The photograph below shows two plant cells, as seen using a light microscope.