Learning Task 1: Around the globe, the human race experienced an unforgettable
turning event in the year 2020. I, you and all the rest out there have in a way or another
about your actual experiences and your realizations in life while in this crisis.
Note the rubrics shown below which will be used in scoring your essay.
The essay was The essay was The essay has no
written in an written in an style; no novel
Quality of writing extraordinary style; interesting style; information and not
(score x 3) very informative somewhat organized
and well-organized informative and
Grammar, usage With no spelling or With some With many spelling
and mechanics grammatical errors spelling or or grammatical
grammatical errors errors
(score x 2)
Learning Task 2: Make spoken word poetry on any topic relevant to you. To be sure
that it is meaty, include as many propositions with logical operators as you can. Use a
You may improve your output by checking against the following rubric:
Criteria 3 2 1
The poem reflects a The poem reflects The poem reflects no
specific topic; all little of a specific specific topic; very
ideas are consistent topic; some ideas are few ideas are
(score x 4)
and seamless consistent and consistent and
seamless seamless
Structure All lines highlight Some lines highlight Very few lines
(score x 3) rhythm and reflect rhythm and reflect highlight rhythm and
Criteria 3 2 1
spoken poetry; most spoken poetry; some reflect spoken poetry;
lines include lines include very few lines include
propositions with propositions with propositions with
logical operators logical operators logical operators
Uses clear, rich and Uses imaginative Uses pure everyday
detailed imaginative language language
(score x 3)