VersaLink B405 Service Manual
VersaLink B405 Service Manual
VersaLink B405 Service Manual
February 2017
© 2017 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox®, Xerox, Design® and VersaLink® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company trademarks are also acknowledged.
While every care has been taken in the preparation of this manual, no liability will be accepted by Xerox Europe arising out of any inaccuracies or omissions.
All service documentation is supplied to Xerox external customers for informational purposes only. Xerox service documentation is intended for use by certified, product trained service per-
sonnel only. Xerox does not warrant or represent that it will notify or provide to such customer any future change to this documentation. Customer performed service of equipment, or
modules, components or parts of such equipment may affect whether Xerox is responsible to fix machine defects under the warranty offered by Xerox with respect to such equipment. You
should consult the applicable warranty for its terms regarding customer or third-party provided service.
About This Manual .......................................................................................................... iii
How To Use This Manual................................................................................................ iii
Change History ............................................................................................................... iv
Mod/Tag Identification ..................................................................................................... iv
Voltages Resistances and Tolerances ............................................................................ v
Safety Information ........................................................................................................... v
Health and Safety Incident reporting............................................................................... vii
Translation of Warnings .................................................................................................. viii
Section 1 Service Call Procedures NOTE: This manual services all configurations of the machine. Ignore references to options
This section is used to start and complete a service call. The procedures in this section will not installed on the machine.
either direct you to a Repair Analysis Procedure (RAP) or identify a faulty component or subas-
Warnings, Cautions And Notes
Section 4 Repairs/Adjustments A caution is used whenever an operation or maintenance procedure, practice, condition or
statement, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to the equipment.
This section contains the instructions for removal, replacement, and adjustment of parts within
the device. NOTE: A note is used where it is essential to highlight a procedure, practice, condition or state-
Section 5 Parts List
This section contains the illustrated spare parts list. Any part that is spared or that must be
removed to access a spared part is illustrated.
Component Names
Names of parts that appear in the wiring data may not be exactly the same as the names that
appear on the part or listed in the parts lists. For example; a part called the registration chute
assembly may appear as Assembly, Chute REGI.
NOTE: The optional Solid State Drive (SSD), PL 18.1A (B400) or PL 18.1B (B405), is referred
to as the HDD throughout this manual.
Resistance Tolerances
All resistance measurement tolerances are plus or minus 10%, unless otherwise stated in the
Figure 2 Protective ground (earth) symbol
LVPS overcurrent protection circuit
Figure 3 is the symbol indicating a hot surface. Use caution to avoid personal injury.
Each output (+24VDC, +5VDC,+3.3VDC) of the LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B
Item 10 (B405), stops all outputs if shorted to ground or between grounds.
General Procedures
Observe all warnings displayed on the machine and written in the service procedures. Do not
Figure 7 Do not touch symbol attempt to perform any task that is not specified in the service procedures.
Figure 8 is the symbol indicating the item is sensitive to sunlight, and exposure to it will reduce
its life span.
Figure 9 is the symbol indicating the item is sensitive to any light, and exposure to it will reduce
its life span.
III. Objective
To enable prompt resolution of health and safety incidents involving Xerox products and to
ensure Xerox regulatory compliance.
IV. Definitions
An event or condition occurring in a customer account that has resulted in injury, illness or
property damage. Examples of incidents include machine fires, smoke generation, physical
injury to an operator or service representative. Alleged events and product conditions are
included in this definition.
V. Requirements
Initial Report:
1. Xerox organizations shall establish a process for individuals to report product incidents to
Xerox Environment Health and Safety within 24 hours of becoming aware of the event.
2. The information to be provided at the time of reporting is contained in Appendix A (Health
and Safety Incident Report involving a Xerox product).
3. The initial noti fication may be made by the method that follows:
• Email Xerox EH&S at:
• Fax Xerox EH&S at: 1-585-422-8217 (intelnet 8*222-8217).
NOTE: If sending a fax, please also send the original via internal mail.
Mandatory safety warning. This procedure must be performed by 2 people. The module
is heavy.
DANGER: Avertissement obligatoire. Cette procédure doit être effectuée par 2 per-
sonnes. Le module est très lourd.
AVVERTENZA: Avviso di sicurezza obbligatorio. A causa della pesantezza del modulo,
questa procedura deve essere eseguita da due persone.
VORSICHT: Verbindliche Sicherheitsvorschrift - dieser Vorgang muss von zwei Per-
sonen ausgeführt werden, da das Modul sehr schwer ist.
AVISO: Aviso de seguridad obligatorio. Este procedimiento debe ejecutarse entre dos
personas. El módulo pesa mucho.
Fault Codes
If a fault code is displayed, go to the relevant RAP. Also refer to Unresolved Faults.
Unresolved Faults
If a fault cannot be resolved using the appropriate RAP. Obtain a device log, refer to GP 23
Obtaining Audit and Device Logs, then escalate the problem to 2nd level support.
Other Faults
• Unusual machine noise, OF 1.
• Power On Self-Test faults, OF 2.
Additional Information
If necessary, refer to the following general procedures and information:
• GP 1 Service Diagnostics Entry and Exit
• GP 2 Fault Codes and History Logs
• GP 3 Device Information
• GP 4 Machine Software
• GP 5 Miscellaneous Checks
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor
• GP 8 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch
• GP 9 How to Check a Switch
• GP 10 How to Power the Machine On or Off
• GP 11 How to Safely Lift or Move Heavy Modules
• GP 12 Machine Lubrication
• GP 13 Cloning Network Configurations
• GP 14 How to Set the Date and Time
• GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications
• GP 16 Installation Space Requirements
• GP 17 Electrical Power Requirements
• GP 18 Environmental Data
• GP 19 Administrator Log In
• GP 20 First Copy/Print Out Time and Power On Time
Plastic parts deteriorate when unspecified lubricants or chemicals are used. To avoid damage,
use only approved lubricant.
The printer is lubricated during assembly at the factory and does not require periodic lubrica-
tion. Some parts require lubrication following replacement. These parts are identified in the
replacement procedures. When lubricating during replacement, use approved grease.
Chain 123
123-310 to 123-353 UI Error 1 RAP ................................................................................ 2-443
123-354 to 123-381 UI Error 2 RAP ................................................................................ 2-443
123-382 to 123-399 UI Error 3 RAP ................................................................................ 2-444
Chain 124
124-310, 311, 314, 316, 318, 322, 324, 340 344, 360 DC132 Error RAP ...................... 2-445
124-312, 313, 356, 357 DC132 Error 10 and 12 RAP .................................................... 2-445
124-315, 317, 355 DC132 Error 02, 04 and 14 RAP ..................................................... 2-446
124-319 DC132 Error 08 RAP ........................................................................................ 2-446
124-320 SEEPROM Fail RAP ......................................................................................... 2-447
124-321 Backup SRAM Fail RAP ................................................................................... 2-447
124-323 DC132 06 RAP ................................................................................................. 2-448
124-325 Billing Restoration Fail RAP .............................................................................. 2-448
124-326 IOT Speed Not Registered RAP ....................................................................... 2-449
124-327 IOT Speed Change Fail RAP ............................................................................ 2-449
124-328 Punch Unit User Initial Set Up RAP .................................................................. 2-450
124-331 to 124-339 ESS ROM DIMM RAP .................................................................... 2-450
124-341, 351, 361, 381, 391 CRUM Market Fail MCU RAP ........................................... 2-451
124-342, 343, 352, 353, 362, 363, 382, 383, 392, 393 CRUM Market Fail SYS 1 RAP . 2-451
124-344, 346, 348 Information Mismatch RAP ............................................................... 2-452
124-345 Billing Meter Type Restoration Fail RAP........................................................... 2-452
124-347 Billing CountType Restoration Fail RAP ........................................................... 2-453
124-349 Modal Break Point Restoration Fail RAP .......................................................... 2-453
124-350, 354, 380, 390 CRUM OEM Fail RAP ............................................................... 2-454
124-372, 373, 374 IOT Soft Fail RAP ............................................................................. 2-454
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure all connectors on the UI assembly, PL 1.1A (B400) or PL 1.1B (B405), and the
ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B405) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405) are securely connected.
Ensure all surface mounted modules on the ESS PWB are securely connected.
3. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB and the UI assembly.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• UI assembly, PL 1.1A (B400) or PL 1.1B (B405).
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item 14 and the ESS PWB, PL
18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405), are securely connected. Ensure all sur-
face mounted modules on the ESS PWB are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
003-321 IISS sending error detected by the controller. After commands were sent twice from 003-339 Transmission establishing error for sending.
the controller, the controller could not receive acknowledgment from the IISS.
003-340 Synchronous send error.
003-322 IISS sending error detected by the controller. After commands were sent twice from
the controller, the controller could not receive acknowledgment from the IISS. 003-341 Transmission error for sending.
003-323 IISS sending error detected by the controller. After commands were sent twice from
003-342 Incorrect argument error for receiving.
the controller, the controller could not receive acknowledgment from the IISS.
003-343 Synchronous receive error.
003-324 IISS sending error detected by the controller. After commands were sent twice from
the controller, the controller could not receive acknowledgment from the IISS.
003-325 IISS sending error detected by the controller. After commands were sent twice from
the controller, the controller could not receive acknowledgment from the IISS.
003-326 IISS sending error detected by the controller. After commands were sent twice from Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
the controller, the controller could not receive acknowledgment from the IISS. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
003-327 IISS sending error detected by the controller. After commands were sent twice from Perform the steps that follow:
the controller, the controller could not receive acknowledgment from the IISS. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
003-328 IISS sending error detected by the controller. After commands were sent twice from
the controller, the controller could not receive acknowledgment from the IISS. 3. Ensure that all connectors on the IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item 14 and the ESS PWB, PL
18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405), are securely connected. Ensure all sur-
003-329 IISS receiving error detected by the controller. The NAK that notifies of the occurrence face mounted modules on the ESS PWB are securely connected.
of a transmission failure is received. 4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
003-330 IISS receiving error detected by the controller. The NAK that notifies of the occurrence (B405).
of a transmission failure is received.
003-331 IISS receiving error detected by the controller. The NAK that notifies of the occurrence
of a transmission failure is received.
003-332 IISS receiving error detected by the controller. The NAK that notifies of the occurrence
of a transmission failure is received.
003-333 IISS receiving error detected by the controller. The NAK that notifies of the occurrence
of a transmission failure is received.
003-334 IISS receiving error detected by the controller. The NAK that notifies of the occurrence
of a transmission failure is received.
003-335 IISS receiving error detected by the controller. The NAK that notifies of the occurrence
of a transmission failure is received.
003-336 IISS receiving error detected by the controller. The NAK that notifies of the occurrence
of a transmission failure is received.
Procedure 003-345 When IIT image delivered was received from the IISS, an error of the X hot line was
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. WARNING
Perform the steps that follow: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
Perform the steps that follow:
3. Ensure that all connectors on the IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item 14 and the ESS PWB, PL
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405), are securely connected. Ensure all sur-
face mounted modules on the ESS PWB are securely connected. 2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
4. Reload the software, GP 4. 3. Ensure that all connectors on the IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item 14 and the ESS PWB, PL
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405), are securely connected. Ensure all sur-
face mounted modules on the ESS PWB are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Procedure 003-704 Color correction color difference error during 2 sided simultaneous scan.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to correct the magnification settings.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to load the 2 sided simultaneous scan correction chart correctly.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to cancel the job, then retry the job. 1. Advise the customer to change the parameters, then retry the job.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
003-930 For scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 300dpi, 400dpi and 600dpi are not avail- 003-755 Command error returned from the PWB.
003-933 For scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 300dpi, 400dpi and 600dpi are not avail-
Perform the steps that follow:
able (when the next document exists).
1. Advise the customer to cancel the job, then retry the job.
Procedure 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure 003-931 For scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 400dpi and 600dpi are not available.
Perform the steps that follow:
003-934 For scanning in the DADF mix duplex mode, 400dpi and 600dpi are not available
1. Advise the customer to ensure all documents are not blank and are inserted in the correct
(when the next document exists).
orientation, then retry the job.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to perform scanning below 300 dpi resolution or perform scanning in
other than mixed mode.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to cancel the job then to change the scan resolution parameter and 1. Advise the customer to cancel the job then to change the job properties.
then retry the job. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to cancel the job, then to change the scan resolution or document 1. Advise the customer to cancel the job then to clear the B/W setting for color mode or the
size parameters and retry the job. side 2 cover image setting, then retry the job.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to change the job parameters, then retry the job. 1. Advise the customer to change the image repeat count parameter, then retry the job.
2. Ensure the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405), is installed cor- 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to set the number of pages of the document to be within the maxi- 1. Advise the customer to verify the image loss and use a larger paper size if available. Or
mum number of pages that can be stored. use reduction to make a smaller document, then retry the job.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ask the customer to verify that scanning is complete or if other documents should be 1. Ask the customer to load a correct size document, then retry the job.
loaded. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to reload the correct size paper, then retry the job.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Open the DADF top cover, PL 21.1 Item 2 and remove the jammed paper. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the DADF top cover, PL 21.1 Item 2 and remove any jammed paper. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Check the DADF feeder cover for mismatch. 1. Open the DADF top cover, PL 21.1 Item 2 and remove any jammed paper.
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: 2. Check the DADF feeder cover for mismatch.
• DADF top cover, PL 21.1 Item 2. 3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405). • DADF top cover, PL 21.1 Item 2.
• DADF tray assembly, PL 21.1 Item 11. • ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
• DADF tray assembly, PL 21.1 Item 11.
Procedure Procedure
Reload the document. Follow the instructions on the UI to reload the documents.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Remove the fuser. Ensure no foreign substances or paper are wound around the heat Perform the steps that follow:
roll. 1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10.
2. Ensure the fuser is installed correctly.
Procedure 3. Ensure the power supply voltage is within specification, refer to GP 17 Electrical Power
Perform the steps that follow: Requirements.
1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10. 4. Check the drawer connector between the fuser and the main unit (D/J233) for damage.
2. Ensure the fuser is installed correctly. 5. Check the connector between the fuser (P/J233) and the MCU PWB (P/J23) for an open
3. Ensure the power supply voltage is within specification, refer to GP 17 Electrical Power circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
Requirements. 6. Check the connections and wiring between the fuser (D/J233) and the LVPS (P/J201) for
4. Check the drawer connector between the fuser and the main unit (D/J233) for damage. an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
5. Check the connector between the fuser (P/J233) and the MCU PWB (P/J23) for an open 7. Check the connections and wiring between the MCU (P/J22) and the LVPS (P/J220) for
circuit, short circuit or poor contact. an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
6. Check the connections and wiring between the fuser (D/J233) and the LVPS (P/J201) for 8. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact. • Fuser, PL 7.1 Item 1.
7. Check the connections and wiring between the MCU (P/J22) and the LVPS (P/J220) for • LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405).
an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact. • MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
8. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Fuser, PL 7.1 Item 1.
• LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10. 1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10.
2. Ensure the fuser is installed correctly. 2. Ensure the fuser is installed correctly.
3. Ensure the power supply voltage is within specification, refer to GP 17 Electrical Power 3. Ensure the power supply voltage is within specification, refer to GP 17 Electrical Power
Requirements. Requirements.
4. Check the drawer connector between the fuser and the main unit (D/J233) for damage. 4. Check the drawer connector between the fuser and the main unit (D/J233) for damage.
5. Check the connector between the fuser (P/J233) and the MCU PWB (P/J23) for an open 5. Check the connector between the fuser (P/J233) and the MCU PWB (P/J23) for an open
circuit, short circuit or poor contact. circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
6. Check the connections and wiring between the fuser (D/J233) and the LVPS (P/J201) for 6. Check the connections and wiring between the fuser (D/J233) and the LVPS (P/J201) for
an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact. an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
7. Check the connections and wiring between the MCU (P/J22) and the LVPS (P/J220) for 7. Check the connections and wiring between the MCU (P/J22) and the LVPS (P/J220) for
an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact. an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
8. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: 8. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Fuser, PL 7.1 Item 1. • Fuser, PL 7.1 Item 1.
• LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405). • LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2. • MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Procedure Procedure
No service action necessary. Advise the customer that the fuser is near of life.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10.
2. Ensure the fuser is installed correctly.
3. Ensure the power supply voltage is within specification, refer to GP 17 Electrical Power
4. Check the drawer connector between the fuser and the main unit (D/J233) for damage.
5. Check the connector between the fuser (P/J233) and the MCU PWB (P/J23) for an open
circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
6. Check the connections and wiring between the fuser (D/J233) and the LVPS (P/J201) for
an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
7. Check the connections and wiring between the MCU (P/J22) and the LVPS (P/J220) for
an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
8. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Fuser, PL 7.1 Item 1.
• LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Install a new fuser, PL 7.1 Item 1.
016-798 A HDD unavailable error was returned when the decomposer called the S-image
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure the HDD is properly connected to the to the ESS PWB PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or
PL 18.1B Item 5 (B045).
3. Initialise the HDD. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
4. Install a new hard disk, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
For information only, no service action necessary.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure the fax PWB is correctly installed,.
For information only, no service action necessary.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: For information only, no service action necessary.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Advise the customer that the postscript kit is required.
016-223 The S2X PWB has failed the write/read test of the internal SDRAM.
016-224 The S2X PWB has failed to access to the internal PCI space.
016-225 The S2X PWB failed the ROM check sum test.
016-226 The S2X PWB failed to detect the video clocks sent from the IIT.
016-227 The S2X PWB failed the write/read test of the internal DDR memory.
016-228 The S2X PWB failed the desired value comparison of the high-compression process
results using the internal test patterns.
016-240 The high compression PDF board (S2X) failed the NVM checksum
For information only, no service action necessary.
Procedure Procedure
For information only, no service action necessary. For information only, no service action necessary.
016-235 Another internal error causes the XCP function to stop. Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform the steps that follow:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
2. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
WARNING For information only, no service action necessary.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Obtain Audit and Device Logs and escalate to 2nd level support, GP 23.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
016-313 The hybrid watermark detection H/W was detected but the SW option (secure water- 016-317 The system detected an error in the Page Memory (standard) of the scanner.
mark kit) was not enabled.
016-318 The system detected an error in the Page Memory (option) of the scanner.
016-314 The board for detecting the back (side 2) of a document is not installed. Therefore
(paper security) is unavailable. 016-329 Long boot diag page memory not detected fail.
Procedure 016-333 Long boot diag page memory broken standard fail.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine. 2. Ensure that all connectors on the FAX PWB, PL 18.1B Item 15, are securely connected.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
(B405) are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con- 4. If the fault persists, install a new FAX PWB, PL 18.1B Item 15.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine. 2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con- (B405) are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
nected. nected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4. 4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405). (B405).
Procedure Procedure
For information only, no service action necessary. Wait until the Scheduled Image Overwrite to Perform the steps that follow:
complete. 1. Enter dC131. Set NVM value 790-389 to 0.
016-607 Cont-UI Cable Connection Fail 016-328 The controller has detected a failure at its cable connection with the MCU.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB and the UI 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Install new components as necessary: 2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405). (B405) are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
• UI assembly, PL 1.1A Item 4 (B400) or PL 1.1B Item 4 (B405). nected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
016-331 Cont system memory diagnostic fail 2. 016-336 Cont program ROM diagnostic fail 2.
016-332 Cont system memory diagnostic fail 3. 016-337 Cont program ROM diagnostic fail 3.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reseat the EMMC Card, PL 18.1A Item 6 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 6 (B405).
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Procedure 016-354 Communication cannot be established between the IIT and the controller.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and the ESS PWB, PL
18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405), are securely connected. Ensure all sur-
face mounted modules on both PWBs are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform the steps that follow:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. (B405) are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5, are securely connected. nected.
Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected. 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. Reload the software, GP 4. 4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
4. If the fault persists, install a new components and necessary: (B405).
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5.
• IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item 14.
• Scanner assembly, PL 21.1 Item 1.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
016-365 Cont USB 2.0 device diagnostic fail. 016-367 Cont HDD diagnostic fail 2.
Procedure Procedure
For information only, no service action necessary. Wait until the Scheduled Image Overwrite to
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Install new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
• HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
Procedure WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
WARNING death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Perform the steps that follow:
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the FAX PWB, PL 18.1B Item 15, are securely connected.
Perform the steps that follow:
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
4. If the fault persists, install a new FAX PWB, PL 18.1B Item 15.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
016-402 802.1x authentication time-out (there was no response signal from the authentication
WARNING device). The authentication was timed-out because there was no response signal from the
authentication device switch that is physically connected to the machine via the network.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
016-427 802.1x authentication failure (network 2).
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: 016-429 802.1x authentication failure by timing out (network 2).
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 Procedure
(B405) are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con- Have the customer:
1. Enter the correct user name or password for 802.1x authentication from the machine
3. Reload the software, GP 4. panel.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 2. Check the switch settings and network connections of the authentication device switch
(B405). that is physically connected to the machine via the network and connect it correctly.
3. Check the settings in the Authentication Device switch that is physically connected to the
machine via the network.
Have the customer repeat the operation.
Procedure 016-409 The package management function has detected a version mismatch.
Have the customer:
016-410 The package management function has detected the invalid definition file.
1. Store SSL client certificate in this machine and set it up as SSL client certificate.
2. If SSL client certificate cannot be set up, select an authentication method other than 016-411 The package management function has detected an unsupported class file version.
016-412 The package management function has detected the plug-in has caused an error that
is included in a miscellaneous group of errors.
Have the customer modify the plug-in, then re-install.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. If a remote access session in progress, wait for it to end. 1. Cancel the power save mode.
2. If the fault persists, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 2. If the fault persists, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Procedure WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
WARNING death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Perform the steps that follow:
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Perform the steps that follow: (B405) are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
1. Reload the software, GP 4. nected.
2. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
(B405). 4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer specify the correct SMTP server name or specify the IP address. 1. Have the customer specify the correct POP server name or specify the IP address.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
1. Have the customer specify the correct POP Server authentication information.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check the state of the destination image log control server and that of
the network. Clear any factor preventing image logs from being transferred to the image
log control server.
2. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
3. If the fault persists, install a new hard disk, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91
016-510 Rules for log image transfer are not registered. 016-512 Rules for log image transfer are illegal.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer register rules for transfer from the destination image log control server 1. Have the customer overwrite rules for transfer from the destination image log control
to the device. server to the device.
2. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 2. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405). (B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
3. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics. 3. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
4. Install a new HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405). 4. Install a new HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check the print mode. If print mode is set to High Resolution, change it 1. Have the customer check whether the application that sends a print job and the print
to Standard. If print mode is set to Standard, change it to High Speed. instructions has a problem.
2. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 2. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405). Ensure all (B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405). Ensure all
surface mounted modules are securely connected. surface mounted modules are securely connected.
3. Reload the software GP 4. 3. Reload the software GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer resubmit the job with corrected parameters. Rewrite the PostScript file 1. PS booklet and watermark/UUID cannot be specified at the same time. Have the cus-
so that the page device and process color model cannot be changed in the process. tomer cancel either one.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405), are securely (B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405), are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected. connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4. 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Ask the System Administrator to increase the limit of printable sides.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer repeat the operation or change the output file format/color mode.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405), are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer install the SSL client certificate into the device as the LDAP server will
request it.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer insert the smart card into the reader then recheck the PIN before per-
forming the personal signature scan.
2. Check the wiring between the card reader and the machine.
Procedure 016-525 LDAP-SSL authentication error 115 has occurred (the server certificate has expired).
The device cannot trust the SSL certificate of the LDAP server. Have the customer register the
root certificate of the LDAP server SSL certificate in the device. Procedure
Have the customer change the LADP server SSL certificate to one that is valid.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer ensure that the address of the LDAP server set in the device matches the For information only, an internal error has occurred in the program.
address of the LDAP server defined in the SSL certificate.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check the PIN, then perform the personal signature scan. Check the network connection. Have the customer check that the remote download server is
correctly configured and operating on the network.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check the network connection setting (port) of the remote download server.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
3. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
4. Install a new HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer register the device in the ApeosWare Authentication Agent. The version of the ApeosWare Authentication Agent needs to be upgraded. Have the customer
check that the machine is a product that is supported by the upgraded version of the Apeo-
sWare Authentication Agent.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer correctly set the domain user reference login name or the reference pass- Have the customer check that the ApeosWare Authentication Agent can connect to the data-
word of the ApeosWare Authentication Agent domain. base or the active directory.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check that all system data that must be set to perform the remote download Have the customer:
are correct. 1. Check that the network cable is connected and check the settings of the authentication
agent function.
2. If DNS address of the server is set as the server name/IP address of the ApeosWare
Authentication Agent in the printer function settings list, check that DNS is enabled.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer make corrections so that the temporary user entries of the Active Directory Have the customer make corrections so that the temporary user entries of the Active Directory
or Authentication Agent do not have the same IC card information. or Authentication Agent do not have the same IC card information.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Perform the steps that follow:
1. During backup, save the FW download file into the ’dwld’ directory in the USB memory, 1. Before performing the HDD backup, delete existing backup files through to increase the
connect it the machine, then perform the backup. capacity.
2. During restore, use the same IOT and IIT ROM versions as those during backup. When 2. Before performing USB backup, delete the backup files in the USB memory, or use a PC
performing restore using a USB backup file, also use the same HDD configuration. to delete unnecessary files on the USB memory to increase the capacity.
3. If there is no HDD, use the same ESS ROM versions as well. If the same configuration
cannot be attained, delete the backup file from the panel.
4. If the problem occurred at an attempt to restore a backed-up file from an external place,
check that the ESS/IIT/IOT/fax ROM version is still the same as the version used when
the backed-up file was created. Furthermore, check the device is the same as the one
that generated the backed-up file.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Increase memory size for job ticket on UI Panel. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP
1. Format the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics. 10. Run the job.
2. Before performing the restore using the HDD backup file, delete backup files.
3. For USB backup, check that the USB memory is correctly installed. If the fault persists,
use a PC to format the USB Memory.
4. When performing restore using USB backup files, check that the USB memory is correctly
installed. If the fault persists, delete the backup files.
5. If the problem still persists, use a PC to format the USB memory.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check for a mismatch between parameters specified by the job ticket. Cor- Have the customer check that the device that receives data can print it onto paper whose prop-
rect the parameters, then resend the job. erties (size/type/weight/color/punched) are specified by job ticket.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer ensure the that software is correctly installed on client that generates job Have the customer check the connection to the DNS and whether the destination server name
ticket; operational requirements are met; and software version matches device version. has been registered in the DNS.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer set the DNS address or set the destination server address using IP Have the customer check that the network communication between the transfer destination
address. FTP server and the machine is available. For example:
• Check that the server IP address is correct.
• Check the connection of network cables.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer check that the login name (user name) and password are correct.
1. Check that the server IP address is correct.
2. Check the connection of the network cables.
016-584 When creating a folder in the server after connecting to the FTP server, the folder cre- 016-587 When deleting a folder in the server after connecting to the FTP server, the deletion
ation has failed. has failed.
Procedure 016-589 Failed to read data from the FTP server after connecting to the FTP server during
Have the customer: scanner (save to PC) FTP transfer.
1. If a lock directory (*.LCK) remains in the transfer destination, delete it then retry the job.
2. Check that the specified name is a folder name that can be created in the storage desti-
Have the customer check whether there is access right to the FTP server and grant the proper
3. Check whether a folder with the same name as the specified name already exists.
4. Check that the storage destination has enough free space.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer set ’File Name Conflict’ to other than ’Cancel Job’.
1. Check the access right to the server.
2. If a lock directory (*.LCK) remains in the transfer destination, delete it then retry the job.
Procedure Procedure
When ’Add’ is selected for ’File Name Conflict’, have the customer check that the file format is When ’Add’ is selected for ’File Name Conflict’, have the customer check that the NEXT-
not set to Multi-page. NAME.DAT file is correct.
Have the customer repeat the operation.
Procedure Procedure
If required, refer to GP 19 to reset password to 1111 (default) if the System Administrator ID is Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
NOTE: Default is 10 users. NVM Read/Write 700-564 can be set between 1 to 600 users.
016-608 Cont-MCU cable connection fail. 016-610 PCI EX option no support device fail.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer deselect the unknown PCI or PCIEX option.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and the ESS PWB, PL
18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405), are securely connected. Ensure all sur-
face mounted modules on both PWBs are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure the EMMC card, PL 18.1A Item 6 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 6 (B405), is correctly For information only, no service action necessary.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer delete unnecessary documents, then repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check that the required optional software is installed and enabled.
Also check that the correct print driver is being used.
2. If the fault persists, perform the steps that follow:
a. Reload the software, GP 4.
b. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item
5 (B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
c. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
d. Install new components as necessary:
• HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405)
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405)
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer delete unnecessary documents or users, then repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer:
a. Remove the conditions that disable sample print.
b. If the fault occurred at installation, check whether the operations for Sample Print are
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
5. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
6. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405)
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405)
WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow:
Perform the steps that follow: 1. Have the customer:
1. Have the customer: a. Switch off parallel bi-directional communication in the printer driver.
a. Cancel annotation or watermark, then repeat the operation. b. Set a longer time for Auto Output Time.
b. Reduce the number of document pages. In Mixed Size mode, only a single size is c. Change the PC BIOS settings.
d. Use a shorter, genuine, parallel cable.
c. For printing Stored Document, delete unnecessary documents from the hard disk,
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
then repeat the operation.
(B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 nected.
(B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con- 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
(B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
4. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
5. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
(B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
6. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
5. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
• HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405)
6. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405)
• HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405)
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405)
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer increase the resolution or enlarge the scan area. 1. Have the customer set a correct password and try again.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con- (B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
nected. nected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4. 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405). (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer open the appropriate mailbox and then try again. 1. Have the customer input the correct password to use ESCP form.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con- (B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con-
nected. nected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4. 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405). (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 1. Have the customer:
(B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely con- a. Split any internet fax documents that would exceed 2GB in document storage size
nected. into several jobs and control the usage amount of memory.
2. Reload the software, GP 4. b. If there is a large amount of scan or internet fax documents being processed, wait
3. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 until the other jobs are completed before performing additional jobs.
(B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405). 2. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics. 3. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: (B405) and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
• HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405). 4. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405). 5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer decrease the resolution to reduce the PLW memory. 1. Have the customer increase the PCL memory size. Increasing the memory for the whole
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. system will increase the memory to be allocated to the Decomposer in some measure.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
016-724 Job canceled due to invalid combination of staple and punch positions.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer correct the settings, then execute the command again.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: For information only, no service action necessary. Refer the customer to the User Guide.
1. Have the customer to switch off paper saving, then print the job again.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure 016-732 The decomposer detected that the form specified is not registered.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer refer to the User Guide to correct the valid range.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer resend the data or form data.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer obtain the download data again, then retry the job. Have the customer source a download file that has the same model with the device VerUP
then retry the job.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
1. Ensure that the cable connected to the device is secured correctly, then retry the job.
016-774 Disk full was detected when opening/writing file for compression type conversion. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
016-775 Disk full was detected when opening/writing file for image processing operation.
1. Have the customer:
016-778 HDD full was detected when opening/writing file for operation. a. Use the printer driver of the machine to print.
b. Not use ContentsBridge to print a PDF file.
016-981 When accessing it, the HDD is detected being full. c. Request the other party to resend the internet fax document using a print language
that can be printed by the machine.
Procedure 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer:
a. Split the job into pages in order to prevent the full state. Reduce the resolution if pos-
b. Delete documents that are no longer needed, such as; mailbox documents, fax send
wait documents, secure print documents and delayed print documents.
c. Retrieve each page from the EWS.
2. Initialise the HDD. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
3. Install a new HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
4. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer request the Account Administrator for access to use the service. 1. Have the customer set the correct account, then resubmit the job.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer: 1. Have the customer request the Account Administrator to set the number of copies, etc.
a. Set the new function that is allowed for that account then try again. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
b. Request the Account Administrator to add the rights.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer resubmit the job. 1. Have the customer print in the high speed mode. If the fault persists, use print guaranteed
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. mode.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure 016-766 The memory capacity allocated by the SMTP server is exceeded.
Have the customer:
1. Print a configuration report and confirm that the DNS settings are correct.
2. Confirm that the SMTP server settings are correct. Have the customer:
3. Enter the IP Address of their SMTP server into the machine. 1. Delete jobs on their server because the machine is receiving communication from their
SMTP (email) server that the server disk drive or mailboxes are full.
4. If the fault persists, refer the customer to the System Administrator Guide to check that
2. Refer to the product's System Administrator Guide to be sure that the machine is properly
the machine is correctly configured.
configured if the fault persists.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Have the customer check that the sender address is correct.
1. Have the customer check a specific mail addressor set a correct address.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer contact the network administrator for advice and ensure that the SMTP Have the customer release the direct fax job prohibition (set the target system to 0).
server supports DSN.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer: 1. Have the customer:
a. Repeat the operation. a. Correctly set the subnet mask and gateway.
b. Reduce the scan resolution to 400dpi or less then repeat the operation. b. From the destination server, ping the machine.
2. Reload the software, GP 4. c. Check whether characters other than ASCII are set for the host name of the device.
Set the host name of the device to ASCII characters.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Have the customer:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
a. Reload the browser page then perform retrieval operation again.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. b. Re-activate the browser, then perform retrieval operation again.
Perform the steps that follow: c. Improve the connection status to a network.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. d. Check whether there are problems such as duplicated IP addresses.
2. Ensure all paper trays are loaded. 3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
3. If this occurs when sending email, have the customer:
– Reduce the resolution then resend it.
– Reduce the size then resend it.
– Reduce the number of pages and separate the job into several batches when send-
– Set the output color to Black then resend it.
4. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405), and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
5. Initialise the HDD. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
6. Reload the software, GP 4.
7. Install a new HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer: 1. Have the customer repeat the operation.
a. Reduce resolution (image to send quality), then resend the job. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
b. Reduce magnification, then resend the job.
c. Increase the maximum fragment quantity.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check the me dis content from the PC. Check whether the print file 1. Have the customer check the me dis content from the PC. Check whether the print file
attribute data is displayed on the PC, then reset the settings. images are displayed on the PC, then reset the settings.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure 016-911 The paper and staples requested by the print specification are not loaded or different
Perform the steps that follow: sizes and/or types of paper switching are requested from the same tray.
016-941 Mixed size/direction set for the page with images was detected after the job had Procedure
started with Booklet specified. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer:
016-942 Different size settings for side 1 and side 2 were detected after the pages with 2-Sided
Print specified had been deleted. a. Process or delete the jobs (documents) stored in the same HDD partition, then
repeat the operation.
016-943 Different size settings for side 1 and side 2 were detected after the document and b. If step A does not resolve the problem, expand the HDD partition size of the relevant
separators had been inserted for the pages with 2-Sided Print specified. service.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
016-944 The document collate setting for the pages including the cover with images or the
3. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
document with separators with Document Attachment specified was detected.
(B405), and the HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
4. Initialise the HDD. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
016-945 The documents that do not support 2-Sided Print has been inserted for the pages for
2-Sided Print. 5. Install a new HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
016-946 A document or separator has been inserted between Cover pages or Separator
016-947 The system detected that no tray is loaded with paper for Auto Paper Selection after
the job for which the paper for APS (Auto Paper Selection) was selected or APS was set has
016-948 The covers with images, separators, or blank pages were detected after the job had
started with Booklet specified.
016-949 The document with a different size/orientation from the operated page was tried to be
inserted for the job with Attachment specified.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. have the customer re-submit the job with the correct settings.
NOTE: Network errors can be complex to diagnose and resolve. Actions are limited to check-
ing for fundamental faults and to collect system information, before contacting 2nd level sup-
NOTE: If it is possible to log in to the Embedded Web Server by entering the IP address of the
device, then the network controller on the ESS PWB is good.
Check that the date and time are set correctly on the device, refer to GP 14 How to Set the
Date and Time. The time and date are correct.
Set the time and date parameters correctly.
Check the LED link lights at the ESS PWB ethernet connection. The LEDs illuminate.
If possible, perform the following to try and eliminate the problem of a faulty network port:
• Check the connections at the network port and ESS PWB are good.
• Connect the device to another network port.
• Have the customer a provide a new network port to ESS PWB cable.
• Check the operation of a known good device to the network port.
If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400)/PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405). The LEDs illuminate.
Contact 2nd level support.
c. In the Command window (where the blinking cursor is) type ping. Press the space
bar once, then enter the IP address of the device. Press Enter.
d. If the ping command is successful, the device will reply four times. This should not
take more than two or three seconds.
e. If the ping command times out, or responds with ‘host unreachable’, check the IP
address that was entered. If the IP address is correct, contact 2nd level support.
2. Attempt to send a scan job from the device, if the scan to job did not complete, contact
2nd level support.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer change the user privileges.
1. Check the job parameter settings, then re-run the job.
2. Check the response packet from the job limit server.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer lower the number of password digits. Have the customer change the SSL operation mode setting to other than STARTTLS mode.
017-717 The validity period of the server certificate has expired. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
017-718 The server name does not match the server address of the server certificate.
1. Have the customer repeat the operation.
Procedure 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
NOTE: This problem can also be fixed by switching off the machines SSL Server Verifica-
tion setting. This will render the machine unable to guarantee the authenticity of the
SMTP server that it is connecting to.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Have the customer:
1. Have the customer: 1. Set the spooling of the print data at the destination device to hard disk.
a. Change output format to other than MS Word, MS Excel. 2. Change spooling setting to Spool to Hard Disk.
b. Start Job Flow Service after satisfying all conditions below:
• The document for processing is a scan document.
• The document for processing is full color.
• Size of the document for processing is 50x50mm or more, 297x432mm or less.
• Color space of the document for processing is standard color space.
• Resolution of the document for processing is 300dpi.
• Magnification of the of the document for processing is 100%.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check the connection of the network cable. 1. Have the customer check that network communication between the POP server and the
2. Check the destination device is powered on. machine is available:
3. Check that the IPP port of the destination device is enabled. a. Check that the POP server IP address that is set in the device is correct.
b. Check the connection of network cables.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer disable the offline status of the destination device. Have the customer repeat the operation.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer check the device settings required for file transfer.
1. Wait a while, then re-run the job.
2. If the situation does not improve, consult with the Network Administrator.
017-767 An SSL server authentication error has occurred as there is something wrong in the 017-763 The validity period of the server certificate has expired.
server certificate data.
017-764 The server name does not match the server address of the server certificate.
The machine is unable to trust the SSL certificate of the POP server. Have the customer regis- 017-768 The validity period of the Server Certificate has not started yet.
ter the root certificate of the POP server SSL certificate in the machine.
017-769 The validity period of the server certificate has expired.
017-770 The server name does not match the server address of the server certificate.
Have the customer:
1. Check that the clock of the POP server and the machine are correct. If the clock is cor-
rect, change the POP server SSL certificate to one that is valid.
2. Check the validity period settings of the POP server certificate.
3. Check that the server name that are registered in the POP server certificate and the
server address are correct.
NOTE: This problem can also be fixed by switching off the machines SSL Server Verifica-
tion setting. This will render the machine unable to guarantee the authenticity of the POP
server that it is connecting to.
017-771 Software internal error has occurred when POP over SSL process is in progress. Procedure
Have the customer:
Procedure 1. Darken the density during scan.
Have the customer repeat the operation. 2. Turn off the blank suppression instruction.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check the setting related to the Netlog function. For information only, no service action necessary.
Have the customer check the status of the Syslog server, address value of the Syslog that is
set to the device, whether there is an issue in the network route between the device and the
Syslog server, or a network cable failure.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer reinstall after correcting the custom image processing plug-in.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Have the customer set the permissions as required.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer clear the IPSEC setting mismatch and re-enable the IPSEC. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer that there is a check mark at Account Invalid for the relevant user in
NOTE: Mismatched IPSEC settings occur when the password is not set because the authenti- the active directory of the LDAP authentication destination server. The server has been
cation method is set to pre-shared key, or when IPSEC certificate is not set because the set to prohibit access from the relevant user.
authentication method is set to digital signature.
2. Have the customer consult with the Server Administrator.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Have the customer change the setting to a different IP address. Either that or allow the same
1. Have the customer change the setting to a different IP address. IP address setting.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
018-429 The same IP address device as the IPv4 address of this machine exists on the net- 018-412 The same IP address device as the state-less auto setting address 2 of this machine
work in the network environment where the Wireless Network adapter is connected. exists on the network in the network environment where Ether 2 is connected.
018-430 The same IP address device as the IPv4 address of this machine exists on the net- 018-413 The same IP address device as the IPv6 state-less auto setting address 3 of this
work in the network environment where the WiFi Direct is connected. machine exists on the network in the network environment where the Ether 2 is connected.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer: 1. Have the customer:
a. Change the IPv4 address of this machine or the IPv4 address of the network upper a. Change the IPv6 address of the network upper apparatus that is duplicated to
apparatus. resolve the IP address duplication.
b. For manual address setting, ensure that the IP address specified by the client is not b. Check if the IP address that was set in state-less address auto setting is not used in
used in other places. other places.
c. Check the respective server setting environments with the client. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer change the IPv6 manual setting address of this machine or the IPv6 Perform the steps that follow:
address of the network upper apparatus. 1. Have the customer:
a. Change the IPv6 address of the network upper apparatus that is duplicated to
resolve the IP address duplication.
b. Check if the IPv6 address that was automatically set as link local address is not used
in other places.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer: 1. Have the customer:
a. Change the machine's IPv6 ‘Manual Address’ or the IPv6 address of the device on a. Change the IPv6 address of the device on the network with the duplicate address to
the network. resolve the problem.
b. Check if the IPv6 address automatically set as the manual address is being used b. Check if the IPv6 address automatically set as the link-local address is being used
somewhere else. somewhere else.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
018-501 The device could not connect to the CA server when trying to do CA authentication. Procedure
The device has failed in communication. Have the customer check the properties information of the specified user and check whether
the workstations that can log in to the server are limited.
018-503 The device received a message from the CA server and was waiting for a JRM/UI
judgment, but received no response in time.
018-504 During communication between the device and the CA server for authentication, a
mismatch in Session ID between both has occurred.
018-506 During communication between the device and the CA server, a mismatch in Field ID
between both has occurred.
018-507 The CA authentication server requested an entry of user info, and the server deter-
mined that the entered info was different.
018-508 In process of CA authentication, the device has received a server exception message
from the CA authentication server.
Have the customer:
1. Make the IOT and the controller the same in agreement info.
2. Set up the server certificate, or set the CA function to off.
3. Check the address of the CA server, or recheck the connection to the network.
4. Retry the authentication operation.
5. Enter the correct user name and password.
6. Check the status of the CA server. Reboot it if necessary.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer contact the network administrator for the correct user name or password. Have the customer check whether the settings in the job template are correct. For example:
1. A setting that cannot be used in the device is set.
2. The transfer repository is not set correctly.
3. A nonexistent template name is specified.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check whether the port and network related settings that are required to execute the scan 1. Advise the customer to wait for a while, then perform the same operation again.
job are set properly in the device. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.
2. Check whether the DNS server setting is correct.
3. Check whether the port for the specified protocol is activate.
018-527 CUI scan: internal error occurred when processing job template. Procedure
Advise the customer to either perform the correct authentication operation or check the limita-
018-528 CUI scan: soap argument error.
tions (color mode, number of sheets, services) that was set by the administrator.
Advise the customer to wait for a while, then perform the same operation again.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer:
1. Check the shared name specified then set the correct name. 1. Check the limit for the number of users that can connect to the shared folder.
2. Check that the user has the right to access the shared name specified. 2. Check whether the number of users who are concurrently using the server has exceeded
the maximum number.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer ensure that the file name that is specified in the scanned document desti-
1. Check that the drive and directory that are specified in the HTTP server that sends nation does not contain any invalid characters.
scanned documents are accessible.
2. Repeat the operation.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Advise the customer that when performing scan Jobs, set File Name Conflict to other than
1. Check that the directory that is specified in the scanned document destination HTTP Cancel Job.
server exists.
2. Check that the file name that is specified in the scanned document destination HTTP
server exists.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer:
1. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the 1. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the
2. Check whether the SSL setting of the scanned document destination HTTP server is 2. Check whether the SSL server certificate of the scanned document destination HTTP
valid. server is registered in the device.
3. Check the name of scanned document destination HTTP server. 3. Check whether the SSL server certificate of the scanned document destination HTTP
4. Check the server path name of scanned document destination HTTP server. server is valid. For example, check the items that follow:
• The certificate has not expired yet.
• The time that is set in the device is correct.
• It is not in the discard list.
• The certificate path of the SSL server certificate and import any necessary CA certif-
4. If the certificate is not registered in the scanned document destination HTTP server, dis-
able the device certificate validation.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer repeat the operation.
1. Check whether the scanned document destination HTTP server is accessible from the
2. Check whether the SSL client certificate is set correctly in the device.
3. Check whether a valid device certificate is registered in the scanned document destina-
tion HTTP server.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer set File Name Conflict to other than Cancel Job. Advise the customer that when Add is selected for File Name Conflict, check that the file format
is not set to Multi-page.
Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer that when Add is selected for File Name Conflict, check that the NEXT- Have the customer perform the same operation again without multiple machines accessing the
NAME.DAT file is correct. same folder in the same server.
018-702 LDAP protocol error 02 at address book operation (operation error). Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
018-703 LDAP protocol error 03 at address book operation.
1. For a single occurrence, take no action.
018-704 LDAP protocol error 04 at address book operation (too many search results to be pro- 2. If the fault persists, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
018-705 LDAP protocol error 05 at Address Book operation (comparison request result is
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Have the customer verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a prob-
lem with the remote LDAP server.
018-708 LDAP protocol error 08 at address book operation (strong authentication is required)
Procedure 1. In case of IPv4 environment, have the customer:
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup a. Check whether the address that is being used as the IPv4 address of the device is
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates undefined, or whether it has become the Auto IP address.
valid network settings. b. Check if the network has been connected properly.
Y N c. Check with the network administrator on whether the DHCP server address has
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a been exhausted.
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service. 2. In case of IPv6 environment, have the customer:
a. Check whether the address that is being used as the IPv6 address of the device has
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
been allocated with a global address that uses the network address distributed by
Have the customer verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a prob-
the IPv6 router.
lem with the remote LDAP server.
b. Check if the network has been connected properly.
c. Check with the network administrator on whether the IPv6 router has been config-
ured correctly.
018-711 LDAP protocol error 11 at address book operation (admin limit is exceeded). Procedure
Advice the customer that:
018-712 LDAP protocol error 12 at address book operation (extended function cannot be
1. If the error occurred in the case of smart card authentication, algorithm not supported by
the device is specified by KDC.
018-713 LDAP protocol error 13 at address book operation (secrecy is required). 2. In the case of password authentication, KDC does not support any of the device’s algo-
018-714 LDAP protocol error 14 at Address Book operation (SASL bind in progress). 3. KDC settings should be reviewed. Also, in the case of devices supporting FIPS, disabling
FIPS mode may correct the problem.
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Have the customer verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a prob-
lem with the remote LDAP server.
018-720 LDAP protocol error 20 at address book operation (the specified attribute already
018-721 The server returned RFC2251 standard result message 21 (syntax error of the speci-
fied attribute value) in response to the address book inquiry.
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Have the customer verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a prob-
lem with the remote LDAP server.
018-740 Connection error of certificate has occurred during communication through XMPP Procedure
protocol with Google server. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer confirm with the network administrator the network (SSL Communica-
Procedure tion) connection status, SSL settings status.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
1. Have the customer confirm with the network administrator the correct root CA certificate is
present, certificate authentication settings are correct .
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer that the user Kerbeors password set on the Kerbeors server has expired, Have the customer check if a higher CA certificate in the user SmartCard is registered with the
it is necessary to ask the server administrator to extend the expiration date of it. device. If not, register it with the device.
018-739 Network-related internal error has occurred during communication through XMPP pro-
tocol with Google server.
018-743 A network related (proxy connection) error has occurred when communicating with
Google server via HTTP.
018-744 A network related (DNS name resolution) error has occurred when communicating
with Google server via HTTP.
018-745 A network related (proxy connection) error has occurred when communicating with
Google server via XMPP protocol.
018-746 A network related (DNS name resolution) error has occurred when communicating
with Google server via XMPP protocol.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check the network connection status, settings status as the network
might be congested.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
018-733 LDAP protocol error 33 at address book operation (wrong alias). 018-741 Other internal error has occurred during GCP module (XMPP library) processing.
018-734 LDAP protocol error 34 at address book operation (wrong DN format, wrong pass- Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
018-735 LDAP protocol error 35 at address book operation (object is terminated). 1. Have the customer check the settings.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
018-736 LDAP protocol error 36 at address book operation (cannot refer to alias).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Have the customer verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a prob-
lem with the remote LDAP server.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server. NOTE: If the situation does not improve, it is highly likely that there is a problem occurring
Ask the customer to re-verify user name and password to be used for authentication to cancel at the server.
incorrect search login name. Check with the network administrator to verify authentication set-
ting of server side when the status is not improved.
Verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem with the remote
LDAP server.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer:
1. If the transfer destination server belongs to the Active Directory domain, check for delays 1. For communication that goes beyond the subnet, check the DNS server settings and
in the communication between transfer destination server and Domain Controller by the check whether the server name address can be resolved correctly.
method that follows: 2. If there is no problem, login to the SMB server from another PC using the same user
a. Check whether it is taking a long time to access the transfer destination server from name and check whether a file can be written to the same storage destination on that
a PC client. SMB server. If write is possible, try to perform the same operation again from the
b. If it is taking a long time, consult with the System Administrator. machine.
2. If there is no problem, login to the SMB server from another PC using the same user
name and check whether a file can be written to the same storage destination on that
SMB server. If write is possible, try to perform the same operation again from the
NOTE: If the situation does not improve, there is a possibility of bad connection status in
the customers environment. Advise them to consult with the System Administrator.
018-759 SMB Scan image storage location or file name error. Procedure
Have the customer check the settings of the distributed file system (DFS) with the system
Procedure administrator.
Have the customer:
1. Check whether the storage location is correct.
2. Check whether the specified file name is one that can be created on the SMB server.
3. Check whether the storage destination or file name of the scan image that is set at the
main unit contains restricted characters.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer:
1. Check whether the usage condition at the storage destination PC has caused all the 1. Check whether an anti-virus software is operating at the storage destination PC. If operat-
memory to be used. ing, reduce the number of document copies to make the transmission file smaller.
2. Terminate the applications that are currently not in use. 2. Check that there is no cable unplugged or any issues with the router or the hub in the net-
3. Check the memory usage status and perform upgrades to increase the memory. work route.
4. Reboot the server.
Procedure 018-765 LDAP protocol error 65 at address book operation (object class specification error).
Have the customer:
1. Check whether the server name, shared name, path name, etc. contains machine-depen- 018-766 LDAP protocol error 66 at address book operation (entries other than termination can-
dent characters such as (special symbol), (number symbol), IV (roman numeral), and etc. not be executed).
2. If it contains any machine-dependent characters, edit it so that the name no longer con-
tain any and operate. 018-767 LDAP protocol error 67 at Address Book operation (cannot be executed at RDN).
018-768 LDAP protocol error 68 at address book operation (the specified entry already exists).
018-769 LDAP protocol error 69 at address book operation (object class cannot be changed).
018-771 LDAP protocol error 71 at address book operation (influence on multiple DSA).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Have the customer verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a prob-
lem with the remote LDAP server.
Ask the customer to retry search with narrower search target by changing search condition/
search start position in Address Book internal data. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server.
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Have the customer verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a prob-
lem with the remote LDAP server.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
1. Check if the network cable is connected. settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
2. If it is connected, check the start up state of the target request server. valid network settings.
3. Check whether the shared name that is set at the main unit is only specified by a period.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
4. Check that the server name is correct. problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
Ask the customer to retry search with narrower search target by changing search condition/
search start position in Address Book internal data. Ask the customer to verify the machine
LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem with the remote LDAP server.
018-787 LDAP protocol error 87 at address book operation (mistake in definition of search fil-
018-789 LDAP protocol error 89 at address book operation (an incorrect parameter was
018-791 LDAP protocol error 91 at address book operation (server connection prohibited).
018-793 LDAP protocol error 93 at address book operation (result is not returned).
018-794 LDAP protocol error 94 at address book operation (result no longer exist).
018-795 LDAP protocol error 95 at address book operation (result still exist).
018-796 LDAP protocol error 96 at address book operation (client loop detected).
018-797 LDAP protocol error 97 at address book operation (maximum hop number for refer-
ence is exceeded).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Have the customer verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a prob-
lem with the remote LDAP server.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Enter dC131. Set NVM value 850-007 to the appropriate one for the connected acces-
2. Advise the customer that the encryption settings of the connected USB IC card reader are sory. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
wrong. Connect an USB IC card reader that has never been used before, or one that has 2. Or replace the connected accessory with the appropriate one for the setting. Switch off,
had its encryption settings initialized as factory default settings to the machine. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Procedure • There was an attempt to start up a job for accessory billing in the middle of a fax send job
• There was an attempt to start up a Fax send Job in the middle of a Job for accessory bill-
WARNING ing operation. This fault is not detected when the fax send billing function is disabled.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Procedure
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Have the customer wait for the current running job to complete, and then restart the job.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10.
2. Advise the customer to disconnect the USB IC card reader that caused this error to occur
from the USB connector.
021-511 Installation status mismatch (EP system) 021-513 EP-DX installation conflict (EP system).
Have the customer check with the EP Center for the EP contract status, registration status and
system operation status.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
021-529 The latest version is detected (software update). 021-531 A large load on the server is detected (software update).
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Have the customer:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Wait a while, then operate again.
2. If the fault persists, have the customer check with the EP Center for the EP contract sta- 2. If the fault persists, have the customer check with the EP Center for the EP contract sta-
tus, registration status and system operation status. tus, registration status and system operation status.
024-341 MCU sending error detected by controller (sequence number error). WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
024-342 MCU sending error detected by controller (packet number error). not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
024-343 MCU sending error detected by controller (message length error). Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
024-345 MCU sending error detected by controller (check code error).
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
024-346 MCU sending error detected by controller (parity error detected by the IOT. 3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
024-347 MCU sending error detected by controller (framing error detected by the IOT). mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
024-348 MCU sending error detected by controller (overrun error detected by the IOT). 5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400)
024-349 MCU sending error detected by controller (receive abort detected by the IOT after the
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405)
header had been recognized).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
024-350 MCU receiving error detected by controller (sequence number of the received mes-
sage packet is incorrect).
024-354 MCU receiving error detected by controller (parity error detected by the UART).
024-355 MCU receiving error detected by controller (framing error detected by the UART).
024-356 MCU receiving overrun error detected by controller (overrun error detected by the
024-357 MCU receiving error detected by controller (receiving abort detected after the header
had been recognized).
024-358 Print sequence error detected by controller (paper feed and paper output that are not
applicable to the number detected.)
024-359 MCU transmission receiving error detected by controller (invalid parameter used).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Perform the steps that follow: not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected. 2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Initialize the user NVM, refer to dC301 NVM Initialization. 3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
4. Reload the software, GP 4. (B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405) 5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If installed, ensure the connectors on the hard disk are securely connected.
3. Remove, then re-install the EMMC card, PL 18.1A Item 6 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 6
(B405). If necessary, install a new EMMC card.
4. If installed, format the hard disk drive, refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
(B405). 3. Ensure the connectors on the hard disk are securely connected.
4. If installed, format the hard disk drive, refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Ensure the connectors on the hard disk are securely connected. 2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
4. If installed, format the hard disk drive, refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics. 3. Change the Print mode (Normal/High Quality/High Resolution). Inform the customer of
any print mode setting changes.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Remove, then re-install the EMMC card, PL 18.1A Item 6 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 6
6. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405). If necessary, install a new EMMC card.
5. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
6. Reload the software, GP 4.
7. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400).
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
024-373 DLL communication failure recovery error detected by the controller. WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
024-375 DLL receiving error detected by the controller (incorrect parameter instruction). not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
4. Check the harness, PL 2.1 Item 2 between the ROS and the MCU PWB.
Perform the steps that follow:
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
6. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
• ROS, PL 2.1 Item 4.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400).
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
For information only, no service action necessary.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Remove, then re-install the EMMC card, PL 18.1A Item 6 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 6
(B405). If necessary, install a new EMMC card.
2. If installed, ensure the connectors on the HDD and ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or
PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405) are securely connected.
3. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91
Procedure 024-742 The number of sheets per set exceeds a specific allowable number for a booklet.
Clear the paper jam.
024-775 A job that exceeds booklet paper quantity is cancelled.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to use paper of a lighter weight so as not to exceed the maximum
output limit or use less pages.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to use paper that is within specification or to print simplex. Refer to 1. Advise the customer to use paper that is within specification or to print face up. Refer to
GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications. GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
024-747 The specified combination of parameters (stored file size, paper size, paper tray, Procedure
duplex command, output tray) cannot be executed or continued. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to reduce the number of documents to less than the user-specified
Procedure number or reduce the number of numbering digits.
Advise the customer to use the correct print parameters.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
1. Advise the customer to: • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
a. Use paper that is within specification. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Specifica- Perform the steps that follow:
tions. 1. Advise the customer to:
b. Ensure the paper in tray 1, PL 9.2 Item 1, is the correct size for the job. a. Use paper that is within specification. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Specifica-
c. Ensure tray 1 is fully inserted. tions.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine. b. Ensure the paper in tray 2, PL 11.1A Item 15 or PL 11.1B Item 15, is the correct size
3. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Enter dC330, code 071-102. Move the registration sensor for the job.
shutters, PL 15.2 Item 14 to actuate the registration sensor. If the display does not c. Ensure tray 2 is fully inserted.
change, install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. 2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
NOTE: The registration sensor is mounted on the HVPS. 3. Refer to Wiring Diagram 13. Enter dC330, code 071-119. Check the tray 2 path sensor,
PL 11.4 Item 4.
4. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new option tray PWB assembly, PL 11.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL
11.1B Item 5 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary: Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to: 1. Advise the customer to:
a. Use paper that is within specification. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Specifica- a. Use paper that is within specification. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Specifica-
tions. tions.
b. Ensure the paper in tray 3 is the correct size for the job. b. Ensure the paper in tray 4 is the correct size for the job.
c. Ensure tray 3 is fully inserted. c. Ensure tray 4 is fully inserted.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine. 2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Refer to Wiring Diagram 13. Enter dC330, code 071-120. Check the tray 3 path sensor, 3. Refer to Wiring Diagram 13. Enter dC330, code 071-121. Check the tray 4 path sensor,
PL 11.4 Item 4. PL 11.4 Item 4.
4. Reload the software, GP 4. 4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new option tray PWB assembly, PL 11.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 5. If the fault persists, install a new option tray PWB assembly, PL 11.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL
11.1B Item 5 (B405). 11.1B Item 5 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Load the specified media. 1. Check the UI settings, ensure that bypass tray is selected and the correct media used.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface (B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected. mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4. 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
024-975 Number of Booklet sheets exceeded (occurs at process with no images). Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Procedure
1. Ensure that the job is programmed in compliance with the maximum number of sheets for
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
a booklet.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Perform the steps that follow:
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected. 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Enter dC330, code 071-101. Move the no paper tray sensor
3. Reload the software, GP 4. shutters, PL 15.2 Item 14 to actuate the tray 1 no paper sensor. If the display does not
change, install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Procedure Procedure
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary: Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 13. Enter dC330, code 071-116. Check the tray 2 no paper sen- 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 13. Enter dC330, code 071-117. Check the tray 3 no paper sen-
sor, PL 11.2 Item 2. sor, PL 11.2 Item 2.
2. Reload the software, GP 4. 2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, install a new option tray PWB assembly, PL 11.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 3. If the fault persists, install a new option tray PWB assembly, PL 11.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL
11.1B Item 5 (B405). 11.1B Item 5 (B405).
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Procedure Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Reload the relevant paper tray.
2. If the fault persists, perform the steps that follow:
a. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
b. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B
Item 5 (B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all
surface mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
c. Reload the software, GP 4.
Perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.
026-707 In the processing of a security-protected DocuWorks file, either of the password set Procedure
on the UI panel and the XPJL specified password (set in ContentsBridge utility) does not Have the customer:
1. Reduce a resolution send parameter (image-to-send quality) then re-send the job.
Procedure 2. Reduce a magnification send parameter, then re-send the job.
3. Increase the maximum file accumulated data size.
Have the customer:
1. Enter the correct password.
2. Enter Full Access Password, etc. from DocuWorks viewer then disable printing prohibited.
Print using printer driver (ART-EX, PCL, etc.).
Procedure Procedure
For information only, no service action necessary. Advise the customer to wait for approxi- Perform the steps that follow:
mately one day until an automatic deletion of documents makes space available. Then re-run 1. Have the customer:
the job. a. Ask the sender of the S/MIME encrypted mail to encrypt the mail by the encryption
method (3DES), then re-send it.
b. Set FIPS140 Authentication Mode of the device to off.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer set up the device configuration info on the printer driver screen so that it Have the customer shorten the specified storage location or the filename.
can match the actual configuration.
Have the customer correct the PIN number, print count or password that is specified by PJL
Command, then try again.
For one occurrence, take no action. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer change the IPv6 (Manual Setting Address) of this machine to the IPv6 1. Have the customer change the IPv6 Link Local Address of this device or the IPv6 address
address that can be used as the self-machine address. of the other device on the network.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Have the customer:
1. Have the customer change the duplicated IP address of the PC. 1. Check with the System Administrator that the mail server has been launched and the
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP. environment is already used for other purposes (such as for PC).
2. Check that a correct SMTP server address is reflected in the device setting list:
a. When the SMTP server address is specified using IP address, set a correct IP
b. When the SMTP server address is specified using FQDN, check that the FQDN
name is correct. Also check that a correct DNS server address is set for the device,
and set a correct IP address.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check with the System Administrator that the mail server has been launched and the 1. Have the customer specify the correct POP server authentication information.
environment is already used for other purposes (such as for PC). 2. Perform the 027-501 POP Server Fail for Mail IO RAP, then have the customer specify a
2. Check that a correct POP server address is reflected in the device setting list: correct POP User Name.
a. When the POP server address is specified using IP address, set a correct IP 3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
b. When the POP server address is specified using FQDN, check that FQDN name is
correct. Also check that a correct DNS server address is set for the device, and set a
correct IP address.
027-773 Time to communicate with the SMTP server ran out (after connection to the server).
Have the customer wait for a while, then perform the operation again.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check the connection to the DNS. Or, check whether the SMB server name Have the customer set the DNS server address. Or, set the SMB server address of the transfer
of the transfer destination has been registered in the DNS. destination using IP address.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer check the password that was set for the shared folder.
1. Check that network communication between the transfer destination SMB server and this
machine is available, by checking:
a. The connection of network cables.
b. The TCP/IP settings.
c. For communication through port 137 (UDP), port 138 (UDP) and port 139 (TCP).
2. Check the network settings that follow to see if the computer operates as an SMB server.
a. Check that the file sharing service for Microsoft network is enabled.
b. Check that NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled in the TCP/IP settings.
c. Check the file sharing service (communications through port 137 (UDP), port 138
(UDP) and port 139 (TCP)) is allowed in the firewall settings.
3. For communication that goes beyond the subnet, check the WINS server settings and
check whether the server name address can be resolved correctly.
4. Check whether the NetBIOS interface device at the transfer destination SMB server has
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer change the file name/destination folder on the SMB scan server. Else, Have the customer:
move or delete the files in the destination folder. 1. Check if the specified file name already exists on the server.
2. Check if the specified file name is in use.
3. Check if the specified file name already exists as a directory.
4. Check if a prohibited character was detected in the specified file name.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer check if a file or folder with the same name as the specified name exists on
1. Manually delete the lock directory (*.LCK) from the transfer destination. the SMB server.
2. Check whether a folder with the same name as the specified name already exists.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check that the storage destination has enough free space. Have the customer log in to the SMB server from another PC using the same user name and
check whether they can write a file into the same storage destination on that SMB server.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer set File Name Conflict to other than Cancel Job. Have the customer check that the file format is not set to Multi-page When Add is selected for
File Name Conflict.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check that the NEXTNAME.DAT file is correct when Add is selected for File Have the customer check that the server name of the SMB server is correct.
Name Conflict.
027-548 SMB protocol error (4-008), the scan user name specification is incorrect 027-572 SMB protocol error (4-032), incorrect parameter.
Have the customer perform the operation again.
Procedure 027-578 SMB protocol error (4-038), communication timeout has occurred.
Have the customer:
1. Check that the authentication server and the device can communicate through the net-
work (check the network group, TCP/IP settings, check the communication at Port No. Have the customer check that the authentication server and the device can communicate
137 (UDP)/Port No. 138 (UDP)/Port No. 139 (TCP)). through the network (check the network group, TCP/IP settings, check the communication at
Port No. 137 (UDP)/Port No. 138 (UDP)/Port No. 139 (TCP)).
2. If the authentication server and the device are connected to different subnets, check that
the device has settings that can resolve the address of the authentication server.
3. Check if the NetBIOS over TCP/IP has become enabled at the authentication server set-
a. Check if the authentication server and the device can resolve the addresses from
the WINS server.
b. Check if the authentication server and the device can resolve the addresses from
the DNS server.
4. Check if the NetBIOS over TCP/IP has become enabled at the authentication server set-
5. Check at the Internet connection firewall if the communication through Ports 137, 138 and
139 are not blocked.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check if the SMB client has been started. Have the customer check that SMB (TCP/IP) is enabled.
Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to obtain a valid password from the system administrator. Advise the customer to request the system administrator to disable the change password at
next login setting.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check that the domain of the destination mail address is not designated as Ensure the network cable is connected correctly.
a prohibited domain.
027-703 The certificate for the destination expired (before connection to the server). 027-711 SMIME mail certificate retrieval error.
027-704 The certificate for the destination is not reliable (before connection to the server). 027-712 Invalid S/MIME mail certificate error.
027-705 The certificate for the destination existed on a list of revoked certificates (before con- 027-713 Receive S/MIME mail tampered error.
nection to the server).
027-714 S/MIME mail sender impersonation error.
027-706 No device certificate exists (before connection to the server).
027-715 S/MIME mail certificate not supported.
027-707 The device certificate expired (before connection to the server).
027-708 The device certificate is not reliable (before connection to the server).
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer:
027-709 The certificate for the destination existed on a list of revoked certificates (before con-
nection to the server). a. Enable S/MIME setting in the machine.
b. Register the sender certificate in the machine or change the mailer options so that
Procedure the S/MIME signature mails from the sender will be sent with the certificate.
Perform the steps that follow: c. Check that the signature bearer of the CA certificate is registered in the device.
1. Have the customer: d. Check that the mail address written on the device certificate is the same as that set
a. Store the correct certificate for the destination in the machine. Check the items that up on the device.
follow: 2. Advise the customer that the sender needs to send a mail that is signed with a valid certif-
icate because the sender certificate has expired.
i. That the term for which the certificate is valid.
3. Advise the customer that the device may be blocking the attacks.
ii. The machines time is correct.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
b. Check the certification path for the destination certificate and import the necessary
CA certificate. 5. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
c. Store in this machine a destination certificate that is not on the list of revoked certifi-
d. Check that the mail address written on the device certificate is the same as that set
up on the device.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
027-721 Application interface destination during web service interface - not found. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. Advise the customer:
Perform the steps that follow: a. That if a number of documents is specified for scanning, scan one document and
1. Have the customer check that the DNS server address is set properly. Check that the PC store it.
running the application interface is registered in DNS. b. That when scanning and storing are successful, change the application interface
2. Reload the software, GP 4. timeout value. If scanning and storing are not successful,
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP. c. To check that the scan document can be uploaded from the PC browser. When
uploading is successful, change the application interface timeout value.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure 027-725 Application interface during web service interface - job operation failure.
Perform the steps that follow:
027-726 Application interface during web service interface - unknown job status.
1. Have the customer check the user name and password to be entered for creating a job
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check that the application interface is working correctly.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer increase the preset pagination value, or reduce the number of original Have the customer check that the server disk is normal and has free space, and then retry the
pages scanned. operation.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check that the SSL setting for the job template server is enabled. Have the customer:
1. Using the HTTPS protocol, check whether the job template server is accessible from the
2. Check whether the SSL server certificate of the job template server is registered in the
3. Check whether the SSL server certificate of the job template server is valid. For example,
check that:
a. The certificate has not expired yet.
b. The time that is set in the device is correct.
c. It is not in the discard list.
d. The certificate path of the SSL server certificate and import any necessary CA certif-
4. If the certificate is not registered in the job template server, disable the device certificate
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check that Read Authorization is established for the storage destina- 1. Have the customers set the resource of the storage destination path from the client PC.
tion server directory set as a resource. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check the user information: 1. Have the customer:
a. Set the log-in name and password in the job template file storage destination. a. Check hat the network cable is connected correctly.
b. From some other PC connected to the network, check that they can log in with the b. From the destination server, ping the machine.
relevant account. c. Perform the ping test on the destination server from PSW.
c. From a client PC, set a login name and password as a resource d. From a client PC, check that the FTP connection to the destination server is possi-
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. ble.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer re-examine the contents of the instruction. 1. Have the customer:
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. a. Not link the box to the instruction that requires user entry.
b. Set preset values for the items in the instruction requiring user entry.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer enable the service. 1. Have the customer check the system data setting of the XDW/PDF signature and the sig-
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. nature setting that is specified in the instruction. If the system data setting is different from
the setting in the instruction, either change the instruction or change the system data.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Have the customer:
1. Have the customer: 1. Check whether the login name and password have been set correctly.
a. Check the server/network connection. 2. Consult with the Network Administrator to check the authentication settings at the LDAP
b. Check the communication route that can be reached. Server.
c. Ping the DNS server.
d. Check if the CA certificate of the connection destination server is imported to the
device by using the browser.
e. Check if the device does not go through the proxy that SSL has the function to check
the communication details SSL.
f. Specify the device as out of the SSL proxy target.
g. Check if the server supports the relevant encryption method.
h. Set the client certificate to the device.
i. Import the client certificate to the device and set to use as the client certificate.
j. Check the daylight saving time difference to see if the date/time of the device is cor-
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check whether the machines network settings are set correctly. 1. Have the customer:
2. Consult with the network administrator to check the connection status from the machine a. Check if the parameter setting specified in XDOD client is out of system specifica-
to the reference server. tions.
b. Check the XDOD client and controller versions.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer repeat the print instruction.
1. If on-demand print for multiple documents was instructed using the external access func-
tion, reduce the number of documents then retry it.
2. Either extend the print on demand print duration or set it to 0.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer:
1. Check if the external accounting server is working correctly. 1. Check that network communication between the transfer destination AirPrint scan client
2. Connect the cable correctly. and the machine is available.
3. Set up the device so that it can correctly communicate with the external accounting 2. Check whether the AirPrint scan client has enough free capacity.
server. 3. Check the network cable connection.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer:
1. Check that the scan document destination WebDAV server is registered in DNS. 1. Check that the proxy server name that is configured on the machine is registered in DNS.
2. Check that the DNS server connection is good. 2. Check that the DNS server connection is good.
3. Check that the DNS server is correctly configured. 3. Check that the address of the DNS server is correctly configured.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Have the customer:
1. Check the access from the PC to the scan document destination WebDAV server. 1. Check the access from the PC to the scan document destination WebDAV server.
2. Check the scan document SSL settings of the destination WebDAV server. 2. Ensure the device is registered.
3. Check the scan document destination WebDAV server name and server path name. 3. Ensure the scan SSL server certificate of the document destination WebDAV server is
correct. For example:
a. Check the expiration date.
b. Check that the device time is correct.
c. Check that they are not on the disposal list.
d. Check the SSL server certificate of the certification path.
4. If the Scan document certificate to the destination WebDAV server is not registered, dis-
able the certificate validation of the device.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check the network cable connection. 1. Have the customer change the job conditions then try again.
2. Check the access from the PC to the Scan document destination WebDAV server. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
3. Ensure the correct network interface is selected.
Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to reduce the number of mail addresses. Advise the customer to send mail without setting SMTP-AUTH.
Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to contact the network administrator to check what SMTP authentication Advise the customer to check if the authentication information (user name/password) has been
method the server uses. set correctly.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer select the network interface that can be used. Have the customer split the scan data.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check the redirection settings of the WebDAV server. Have the customer:
1. Check the access from the PC to the scan document destination WebDAV server.
2. Check the login user name and password.
3. Check the scan document destination WebDAV server name and server path name.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check that the user name and password for the proxy server that was con- Have the customer set the processing of duplicated filenames at the time of scanning job exe-
figured on the device are correct. cution to anything other than Stop the Job (Not Save).
027-793 Error number 400 from the WebDAV server has been answered. 027-791 WebDAV server method not allowed.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer correct the settings, then repeat the operation. 1. Have the customer specify the output destination that can be processed by the device,
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. then repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Advise the customer to check whether or not there is free space in the storage location.
1. Have the customer select another document, then repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Install a new fuser, PL 7.1 Item 1.
029-701 The response from the server does not meet the specifications of the WebDAV. Procedure
Have the customer retry the same operation.
Have the customer:
1. Ensure that the WebDAV server is up and running.
2. Verify the configuration of the server.
3. Check the access from the PC to the scan document destination WebDAV server.
029-717 In Ethernet 1 mode, failed to locate the storage destination URL of PACFile the proxy
auto-detection function (WPAD).
Have the customer check whether the URL information of the PACFile in the DHCP server is
correctly registered.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer switch off the fax send billing function or change to a single-line installation. Perform dC301 NVM initialization.
033-316 An error has occurred at the device cont section in fax controller.
033-317 An error has occurred at the fax device section in fax controller.
033-319 Due to an error during fax cont 2 software processing, subsequent processes cannot
be performed.
033-320 The system side did not respond within the specified time on booting.
033-321 The fax card did not respond within the specified time on booting.
033-327 During fax communication, the FCM stopped responding and even though a commu-
nication interrupt request was issued to the FCM, it remained unresponsive.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10.
2. Check that the telephone cables and network cable are securely connected.
3. Ensure that the fax PWB, PL 18.1B Item 15 is installed correctly.
4. Refer to Wiring Diagram 1. Check the connections and wiring between the ESS PWB, PL
18.1B Item 5 and the fax PWB, PL 18.1B Item 15 for an open circuit, short circuit or poor
033-331 The initialization process with the FoIP controller has failed. Procedure
Perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-332 The FoIP controller did not respond within the specified time on booting.
033-333 The FoIP controller did not respond within the specified time after entering sleep
033-335 A fault notification due to invalid fault code was received from the fax card or FoIP.
Perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10. Perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-501 The number of receive line is 0. 033-511 DTS/NSC resending exceeded the limit.
033-502 There was no response for up to the 3rd post message. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
033-503 T1 timeout has occurred.
1. Have the customer check the destination device for a problem, for example a document
033-504 T2 timeout has occurred. jam or mismatched password or request a polling document to prepared. Then repeat the
033-505 T5 timeout has occurred. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check the status of the remote machine, If the remote machine is
good, repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
1. Have the customer repeat the operation. If the problem persists after repeating the opera-
tion, check the status of the receiver at the destination side.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-513 The remote machine does not have the mailbox function. 033-516 EOR-Q was received.
033-518 No SUB receive function in the receiver. 033-517 Timeout has occurred between the ECM frames.
033-519 No SEP receive function in the receiver. 033-521 The system sent a reject command signal and stopped the transmission.
033-520 No PWD/SID receive function in the receiver. 033-522 DTMF I/F timed out. Correct operation was not performed within the specified time.
033-534 No remote collate copy function in the remote machine. 033-526 An ECM error has occurred.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer request for the sender to check the remote machine for an error, then
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ensure the relevant telephone cable is connected correctly.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-552 When receiving G3 image data, the detected total number of error lines exceeded the
threshold value indicated in the system data.
033-578 The frame size of received command exceeded the specification value.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer request for the sender to check the remote machine for an error, then
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-537 A conflict between outgoing and incoming calls has occurred and the sending was 033-566 The fax card is unable to call because there is no dial.
033-538 During the image processing of fax send, an error has occurred in the fax card.
Perform the steps that follow:
033-539 During the image processing of fax receive, an error has occurred in the fax card. 1. Have the customer specify the appropriate address by using the speed dial number that is
registered with the correct fax address number, etc.
033-540 During the image processing for fax print format, an error has occurred. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-568 During fax communication, there was no response from the FCM for the specified
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check the dial data, then repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Procedure Procedure
For information only. No service action necessary. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Use a phone to establish communications, then have the customer repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-556 The remote ID was not sent from the remote machine. The sending password and the 033-565 The total number of requested addresses exceeded the number defined by the speci-
remote ID do not match. fications.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer consult with the operator of the remote machine on whether the wrong 1. Have the customer wait for the jobs that are waiting to be sent to decrease or reduce the
machine password was input. number of addresses, then try again.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-569 The paper tray status is such that paper with orientation that can be output can only 033-570 An error due to power off during transmission. the power switch was turned off, or the
be supplied from the SMH. system was reset.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer specify the correct paper size and check that the paper trays are cor- 1. Have the customer:
rectly loaded with the paper guides correctly adjusted. a. Wait for a while then check the fax function settings and dial numbers, then resend
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP. data if needed.
b. Check the self-terminal status and line status, then perform the operation again.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-588 T38 packet loss causing unrecoverable error was detected. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. For a single occurrence, take no action.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
1. Have the customer wait for some of the jobs that are queued to be completed or can-
celled, then retry the operation.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
1. Have the customer:
a. Check whether the correct address or phone number was input.
b. Check whether the network cable is connected.
c. Check whether the SIP server is running.
d. Check the connection status of the network cable between the machine and the SIP
server, as well as between the machine and the recipient side.
e. Check whether the SIP server and the recipient side are able to communicate.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer request for the sender to check the remote machine for an error, then
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
1. Have the customer:
a. Repeat the operation if the fault occurs while sending.
b. Request for the sender to re-send if the fault occurs when receiving.
c. Check the remote machine for an error.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-718 The document was not found in the polling sending box or the specified folder.
033-719 The document was not found in the polling sending box or the specified folder.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
033-741 When transferring image data to the fax card, the conditions for sending the response
to the fax card did not match.
033-743 When receiving image data from the fax card, the conditions for sending the response
to the fax card did not match.
033-744 When receiving image data from the fax card, the conditions for sending the response
to the fax card did not match.
033-745 When receiving image data from the fax card, the conditions for sending the response
to the fax card did not match.
033-746 When transferring image data to the fax card, the conditions for sending the response
to the fax card did not match.
033-750 During formatting, when image data was retrieved from the fax card, even though the
image data was determined to be free from error, extension failed.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Fault code 041-340 Only. Check that the NVM values that follow are set to default:
1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10. • 740-016 Range Over Chain No
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 • 740-017 Range Over Link No
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface • 740-018 Range Over Chain Link
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
• 740-019 Range Over Value
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
• 740-020 Write in Progress Range Over Chain No
4. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• 740-021 Write in Progress Range Over Link No
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400)
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405) Procedure
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. dC301 NVM Initialization.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400)
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405)
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Procedure Procedure
1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
Enter dC330 code 042-001 to run the rear fan. The rear fan runs.
Refer to Wiring Diagram 9. Check the items that follow:
• The wiring between the rear fan and the LVPS for open circuit, short circuit or poor
• Load towards the rear fan.
Install new components as necessary:
• Rear fan, PL 19.3A Item 9 (B400) or PL 19.3B Item 9 (B405).
• LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405).
Enter dC330 code 042-003 to run the LVPS fan. The LVPS fan runs.
Refer to Wiring Diagram 4 (B405) or Wiring Diagram 5 (B400). Check the items that fol-
• The wiring between the LVPS fan and the LVPS for open circuit, short circuit or poor
• Load towards the rear fan.
Install new components as necessary:
• LVPS fan, PL 4.1A Item 13 (B400) or PL 4.1B Item 14 (B405).
• LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400)
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405)
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
059-326 The system detected an open circuit of the heat roll thermistor.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Remove the fuser. Check the heat roll for paper or foreign substances.
• (Fault code 058-310 only) Check that the initial temperature is not set to high in NVM,
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that the fuser is installed correctly and is the correct voltage for the region.
3. Check the connections and wiring between the fuser, PL 7.1 Item 1, and the MCU PWB,
PL 18.2 Item 2, for open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
4. Check the connections and wiring between the fuser, PL 7.1 Item 1, and the LVPS, PL
18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405), for open circuit, short circuit or poor
5. Check the connections and wiring between the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2, and the
LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405), for open circuit, short circuit
or poor contact.
6. Check the FSR harness assembly, PL 18.3A Item 9 (B400) or PL 18.3B Item 9 (B405),
and the LV harness assembly PL 18.3A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.3B Item 5 (B405), for
7. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Fuser, PL 7.1 Item 1.
• LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
• FSR harness assembly, PL 18.3A Item 9 (B400) or PL 18.3B Item 9 (B405).
• LV harness assembly PL 18.3A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.3B Item 5 (B405).
062-386 A CCD output error was detected when performing AOC. Procedure
Advise the customer to refer to the Legal Notices in the User Guide to check the types of docu-
Procedure ment available for copying.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Clean the document glass and the white strip, GP 24.
3. Check the connections and wiring between the ESS PWB (P/J451, P/J452, P/J453), and
the IIT assembly PL 21.1 Item 14, for an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
4. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
• IIT assembly PL 21.1 Item 14.
• Scanner Assembly PL 21.1 Item 1.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
Perform the steps that follow: • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Check the tray 1 feed roll, PL 9.2 Item 4, for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install 1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
new components as necessary. 2. Check the tray 2 feed roll, PL 11.2 Item 13, for foreign substances or wear. Clean or
3. Check the registration actuator, PL 15.2 Item 20 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
install new components as necessary. 3. Enter dC330, code 071-119. Check the path sensor, PL 11.4 Item 4.
4. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Enter dC330, code 071-102. Move the registration sensor 4. Enter dC330, code 071-018. Check the option feeder clutch assembly, PL 11.1A Item 8
shutter, PL 15.2 Item 14 to actuate the registration sensor. If the display does not change, (B400) or PL 11.1B Item 8 (B405).
install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. 5. Enter dC330, code 071-021. Check the takeaway roll assembly, PL 11.2 Item 21.
NOTE: The registration sensor is mounted on the HVPS. 6. Enter dC330, code 071-009. Check the motor assembly, PL 11.1A Item 19 (B400) or PL
11.1B Item 19 (B405).
5. Enter dC330, code 071-005. Check the feeder clutch, PL 15.2 Item 16.
7. Refer to Wiring Diagram 13. Check the connections and wiring between the MCU PWB,
6. Enter dC330, code 071-001. Check the main motor, PL 11.1A Item 19 (B400) or PL 11.1B
PL 18.2 Item 2, and the option feeder PWB assembly PL 11.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 11.1B
Item 19 (B405).
Item 5 (B405), for an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
7. If the fault persists, install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2. 8. If the fault persists, install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
1. Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10. • GP 8 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
2. Reload the software, GP 4. Perform the steps that follow:
3. If the fault persists, install a new option feeder (tray 2), PL 11.1A Item 1 (B400) or PL 1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
11.1B Item 1 (B405). 2. Check the MSI feed roll assembly, PL 13.1 Item 18 for foreign substances or wear. Clean
or install new components as necessary.
3. Enter dC330, code 071-004. Check the MSI feed solenoid, PL 13.1 Item 5.
4. If the fault persists, install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
077-104 The paper deactuated the fuser exit sensor earlier than the specified time. Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 2. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifi-
Initial Actions cations.
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 1. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifi- • Check that the tray 2 paper guides are set correctly.
• Check that the tray 1 paper guides are set correctly. Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: Perform the steps that follow:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. 1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. 2. Check the tray 1 feed roll, PL 9.2 Item 4, and option feeder (tray 2, 3 or 4) feed roll assem-
Perform the steps that follow: bly, PL 11.2 Item 13, for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path. necessary.
2. Check the tray 1 feed roll, PL 9.2 Item 4, for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install 3. Check the registration actuator, PL 15.2 Item 20 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or
new components as necessary. install new components as necessary.
3. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Enter dC330, code 071-102. Move the registration sensor 4. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Enter dC330, code 071-102. Move the registration sensor
shutter, PL 15.2 Item 14 to actuate the registration sensor. If the display does not change, shutter, PL 15.2 Item 14 to actuate the registration sensor. If the display does not change,
install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
NOTE: The registration sensor is mounted on the HVPS. NOTE: The registration sensor is mounted on the HVPS.
4. Enter dC330, code 071-006. Check the registration clutch, PL 15.2 Item 4. 5. Enter dC330, code 071-005. Check the feeder clutch, PL 15.2 Item 16.
5. Enter dC330, code 071-103. Check the exit sensor, PL 17.1 Item 1. 6. Enter dC330, code 071-001. Check the main motor, PL 11.1A Item 19 (B400) or PL 11.1B
6. Enter dC330, code 071-001. Check the main motor, PL 11.1A Item 19 (B400) or PL 11.1B Item 19 (B405).
Item 19 (B405). 7. If the fault persists, install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
7. If the fault persists, install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow: • GP 8 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Check the tray 1 feed roll, PL 9.2 Item 4, and option feeder (tray 2, 3 or 4) feed roll assem- 1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
bly, PL 11.2 Item 13, for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as 2. Check the exit roll assembly, PL 17.1 Item 5 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or
necessary. install new components as necessary.
3. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Enter dC330, code 071-102. Move the registration sensor 3. Enter dC330, code 071-007. Check the T21 exit clutch assembly, PL 3.1 Item 6.
shutter, PL 15.2 Item 14 to actuate the registration sensor. If the display does not change, 4. Enter dC330, code 071-008. Check the T24 inverter clutch assembly, PL 3.1 Item 7.
install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
5. Check the duplex roll assembly, PL 14.1 Item 2 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or
NOTE: The registration sensor is mounted on the HVPS. install new components as necessary.
6. Check the registration actuator, PL 15.2 Item 20 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or
4. Enter dC330, code 071-006. Check the registration clutch, PL 15.2 Item 4.
install new components as necessary.
5. Enter dC330, code 071-103. Check the exit sensor, PL 17.1 Item 1. 7. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Enter dC330, code 071-102. Move the registration sensor
6. Enter dC330, code 071-001. Check the main motor, PL 11.1A Item 19 (B400) or PL 11.1B shutter, PL 15.2 Item 14 to actuate the registration sensor. If the display does not change,
Item 19 (B405). install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
7. If the fault persists, install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
NOTE: The registration sensor is mounted on the HVPS.
8. Enter dC330, code 071-001. Check the main motor, PL 11.1A Item 19 (B400) or PL 11.1B
Item 19 (B405).
9. If the fault persists, install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary: Perform the steps that follow:
• GP 9 How to Check a Switch 1. Ensure the option feeder (tray 2, 3 or 4) is correctly seated.
Perform the steps that follow: 2. Power off, then power on the machine, GP 10.
1. Check the actuator on the front cover for damage. If necessary, install a new interlock 3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
actuator, PL 19.1A Item 3 (B400) or PL 19.1B Item 3 (B405). • Option feeder, PL 11.1A Item 1 (B400) or PL 11.1B Item 1 (B405).
2. Enter dC330 code 041-300. Check the front cover interlock switch, PL 18.1A Item 12 • MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
(B400) or PL 18.1B Item 23 (B405).
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Front cover interlock switch, PL 18.1A Item 12 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 23 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2
• LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Perform the steps that follow: not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Ensure the option feeder (tray 2, 3 or 4) is correctly seated.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Power off, then power on the machine, GP 10.
1. Clear the paper jam.
3. If the fault persists, install the correct Option feeder, PL 11.1A Item 1 (B400) or PL 11.1B
Item 1 (B405).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to specify the correct paper size and quality when submitting the job.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
• GP 9 How to Check a Switch
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Enter dC330 code 041-301. Check the rear cover interlock switch, PL 15.1A Item 97
(B400) or PL 15.1B Item 97 (B405).
2. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Rear cover interlock switch, PL 15.1A Item 97 (B400) or PL 15.1B Item 97 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2
• LVPS, PL 18.1A Item 10 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 10 (B405).
091-913 Drum cartridge end of life. 091-915 Drum Cartridge CRUM physical damage detected.
Procedure Procedure
Install a new drum cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 2. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Remove, then reinstall the toner cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 2.
2. If the fault persists, install a genuine Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Remove, then reinstall the toner cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 2.
2. If the fault persists, install a genuine Xerox toner cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 2.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Remove, then reinstall the toner cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 2.
3. Check the toner cartridge CRUM connector for damage and contamination.
4. Refer to Wiring Diagram 1 (B405) or Wiring Diagram 2 (B400). Check the wiring between
the toner CRUM connector assembly, PL 5.1 Item 2, and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2
for an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Toner CRUM connector assembly, PL 5.1 Item 2.
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Tap Restart to restart the machine and re-establish communication between the MCU
and toner cartridge CRUM.
2. If the fault persists, switch off the machine, GP 10, then reseat the toner cartridge, PL 8.1
Item 2.
3. Switch on the machine, GP 10.
102-312 It was detected that MAC address of another M/C was recorded in the dongle during Procedure
the initial installation by the USB dongle.
102-313 An illegal IOT speed setting key was detected during the initial installation by the USB WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
102-314 Setting the IOT speed setting key failed during the initial installation by the USB don-
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
102-315 Setting the SW Key failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
102-316 Setting the supply setting failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle. 3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) / PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules on the PWB are
102-317 Setting the page pack failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle. securely connected.
4. Initialise the hard disk, refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
102-318 Setting the country code failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
102-319 The NVM rewriting list process failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle. 6. If the fault persists, ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) / PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ensure the USB dongle is installed correctly.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
4. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) / PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules on the PWB are
securely connected.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Front USB harness, PL 18.1A Item 13 (B400) / PL 18.1B Item 17 (B405).
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) / PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
103-312 The secure watermark kit cannot be made available because the hybrid watermark WARNING
detection hardware for document side 2 is not installed.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
103-313 The secure watermark kit did not become available because of insufficient IISS exten-
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
sion memory.
Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
For information only. No service action necessary. 2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) / PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules on the PWB are
securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) / PL 18.1B Item 5
116-211 Connection cable disconnected. 116-220 The downloader software that processes downloads within the ESS failed to initialize
during transition into download mode.
116-310 An error was detected when the ESS font ROM DIMM #2 was checked.
WARNING 116-311 A fail is detected during a check of ESS font ROM DIMM #3.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Procedure
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
Perform the steps that follow:
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform the steps that follow:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Ensure that the EMMC card, PL 18.1A Item 6 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 6 (B405) is
1. If installed, initialise the HDD, refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics. securely connected.
2. When the system has been recovered, advise the customer to set a correct HDD encryp- 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
tion key.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Refer to Wiring Diagram 10 (B405) or Wiring Diagram 11 (B400). Ensure that all connec-
tors on the UI assembly, PL 1.1A Item 4 (B400) or PL 1.1B Item 4 (B405) and the ESS
PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405) are securely con-
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• UI assembly, PL 1.1A Item 4 (B400) or PL 1.1B Item 4 (B405).
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
116-322 Due to an error in software processing, subsequent processes cannot be performed. Procedure
116-328 A failure was detected in the level 2 cache built in the CPU.
116-329 A system call error related to the serial I/F was detected.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
116-338 Overall JBA fatal error. Due to an error in software processing, subsequent processes
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
cannot be performed.
Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
WARNING (B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 4. Reload the software, GP 4.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
Perform the steps that follow: 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 2. Reload the software, GP 4.
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface 3. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected. 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Check the wiring between the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the HDD.
5. If installed, initialise the HDD. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
6. Install a new HDD, PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91 (B405).
116-336 An error was detected when the HDD was accessed. WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
116-337 Overall SNTP fatal error. Due to an error in software processing, subsequent pro-
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
cesses cannot be performed.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
116-339 When the JBA is started up, the HDD is not installed. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Procedure 2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
Perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP. 3. Check the faults, dC125. If a 124-3XX fault code is displayed, perform the relevant RAP.
4. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
116-394 Abnormal authentication mode and accounting mode settings detected during AAA
manager boot sequence.
Reload the software, GP 4.
116-346 A response such as system function recall error was detected. 116-349 An error occurred when calling the Pflite function using the SIF.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Perform the steps that follow: not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface 2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected. 3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
4. Reload the software, GP 4. (B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
18.1B Item 5 (B405). 4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. Advise the customer to ensure that the machine’s network port settings are correct.
6. Perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
7. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
116-354 The M/C was not started up due to a product code error detected in the HDD on boot- Procedure
116-356 The M/C was not started up due to an insufficient HDD capacity error detected during WARNING
HDD formatting.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
116-361 Fatal error of SPL HDD.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
116-362 HDD Software Fail. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Procedure 2. Reload the software, GP 4.
Perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP. 3. Advise the customer to ensure that the machine’s network port settings are correct.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
116-367 Overall fatal error of Parallel. 116-365 Fatal error of the SPL.
116-370 Fatal error of XJCL. 116-366 Print utility operational failure, report generator operational failure.
116-373 Fatal error related to dynamic DNS. 116-368 Fatal error of DumpPrint.
116-376 Port 9100 software fail. 116-371 PCL decomposer software failure.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Ensure that the fax USB cable is connected to the correct USB port. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Initialize the NVM, refer to dC301 NVM Initialization.
NOTE: Inform the customer that this will clear all address information. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
2. Reload the software, GP 4. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, enter dC131. Ensure NVM values 700-165, 700-338 and 700-402 are
correct. Change the values as necessary.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Enter dC131. Ensure the value of 720-061 is higher than 720-060. Adjust the values as 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
necessary. 2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Ensure that all paper trays are loaded with the correct media.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
116-716 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access
to media.
116-717 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access
to media.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer check the contents in the media for errors from the PC:
a. Check the file format/directory and selected mode (digital camera print/document
b. Check whether the printed file attribute information is displayed.
c. Check whether the print file images are displayed.
d. Check whether the printed file attribute information is displayed.
e. If the fault persists, inform the customer that the media may be defective.
2. If the fault persists, inform the customer that the media may be defective.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Advise the customer to cancel the disabled parameters.
1. Reload the software, GP 4.
2. Perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.
017-726 Color, single sided print attempted. Output changed to monochrome, duplex.
Have the customer set the permissions as required.
017-741 The form data cannot be registered due to the restriction on the no. of forms. Procedure
Have the customer upgrade the driver.
017-742 The logo data cannot be registered due to the restriction on the no. of logos.
017-743 The received data (form/logo) exceeded the registered buffer size.
Have the customer delete the unnecessary forms/logos. Otherwise, if not already installed,
inform the customer that the optional HDD is required.
Have the customer repeat the operation.
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer add the necessary font, or specify a substitute font. Have the customer set the banner sheet feed tray status to normal or change the banner sheet
feed tray.
WARNING 116-774 An incorrect JBIG parameter YD was detected and automatically corrected.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
116-775 An incorrect JBIG parameter L0 was detected and automatically corrected.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
116-776 An incorrect JBIG parameter MX was detected and automatically corrected.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer: 116-777 An incorrect JBIG parameter MY was detected and automatically corrected.
a. Re-run the job.
b. Print to a machine that supports the printing instructions. 116-778 An incorrect JBIG parameter VLENGTH was detected and automatically corrected.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
116-780 The system detected an error in the document attached to the E-mail to XXX
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
For information only. No service action necessary.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Install the security enhancement kit into the correct slot.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Reload the software, GP 4. Perform the steps that follow:
2. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
18.1B Item 5 (B405). 2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer install the correct CRUs for the changed geographic region and contract Perform the steps that follow:
type. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
117-318 The contract manager detected that the DC command write that was performed at the Procedure
end of a PPP contract has failed.
Procedure WARNING
Advise the customer to wait for the machine to reboot. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
117-321 When starting, the installed EMMC card was detected to be unsupported by Sys- 117-326 Software fault processing of NVRAM area/access.
117-322 When starting, EMMC encryption error was detected by SysCheckSD.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
117-323 When starting, EMMC card file system access error was detected by SysCheckSD.
117-324 When the OS is starting up, the system detected that the EMMC card is meant for
another product and an error is issued.
117-329 When starting up, the EMMC card was detected to be not connected by the OS or
117-338 Fault in the connection with EMMC card is detected by the controller.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ensure the EMMC card, PL 18.1A Item 6 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 6 (B405) is the correct
variant for the machine and securely installed.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
4. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
5. (117-323 Only). If installed, initialise the HDD, refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
6. (117-327 Only). Initialize the NVM, refer to dC301 NVM Initialization.
NOTE: Inform the customer that this will clear all address information.
WARNING Perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Have the customer check whether HTTP and HTTPS have started up normally and are
3. Have the customer check that the TCP/IP ports are correctly configured.
4. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. Perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
7. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Have the customer check if public print it is set to be stored as charge print.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. For a single occurrence, take no action.
2. If the fault persists, perform the steps that follow:
a. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
b. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
c. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B
Item 5 (B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all
surface mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
d. Reload the software, GP 4.
e. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB,
PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
117-350 A problem has occurred in the AirPrint scan service software processing and it is WARNING
unable to continue with the subsequent processes.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Procedure death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
WARNING 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Initialize the NVM, perform dC301 NVM Initialization.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. (B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
Perform the steps that follow:
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or ESS PWB, PL
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
117-363 During the initial installation by USB dongle, it fails to set the count-up mode. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. If the fault persists, switch off, then switch
Perform the steps that follow: on the machine a second time.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 2. If the fault still persists, perform dC305 Initialize Hard Disk.
2. Ensure the correct USB dongle is installed.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that the wireless adaptor, PL 18.1A Item 90 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 90 (B405) is
connected securely.
3. If the fault persists install a new wireless adaptor, PL 18.1A Item 90 (B400) or PL 18.1B
Item 90 (B405).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) / PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405), are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules on the ESS PWB
are securely connected.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) / PL 18.1B Item 5
121-327 EPSV accessory not in service fail. 121-312 IC card auditron config fail 02.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Disconnect the FDI accessory.
2. Set the authentication method to an option other than Secure Access (either Authentica-
tion Off, Local Authentication or Remote Authentication).
3. Reconnect the FDI accessory.
117-330 The disconnect boot of related products in the product is not the correct specification.
117-332 The wake command from this machine to related products has elapsed.
117-341 Undefined accessory information was detected in the wake up answer message.
For information only. No service actions necessary.
Procedure Procedure
For information only. No service actions necessary. For information only. No service actions necessary.
123-325 The specified UI internal object could not be created due to a setting/specification 123-358 The control panel has detected that writing in the EEPROM for logging failed.
error. UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-362 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-326 The memory in the GUAM exceeded the upper limit.
123-368 There is insufficient memory or the connection failed.
123-333 The H/W connection in the UI is faulty or the internal connection could not be correctly
detected. 123-369 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-343 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB. 123-371 The parameter sent from the controller was incorrect.
123-344 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB. 123-374 The job ID parameter sent from the controller was incorrect.
123-350 MCW panel one-touch key fail. 123-377 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-352 An error internal to the con-panel (an abnormal value in EEPROM for Sys) has been 123-379 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-380 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-353 The control panel has detected that the UI cable is disconnected.
123-381 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
Perform the 002-500 UI Error RAP. Procedure
Perform the 002-500 UI Error RAP.
Perform the 002-500 UI Error RAP.
124-360 All three CRUM enable/disable settings are not set (0 or different values are set). Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. All three product numbers are different.
Procedure Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2, then a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400)
or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
WARNING Perform dC132. Make all three product numbers the same.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
3. Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2. Perform dC132. Make all three product numbers
the same.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405). Perform dC132. Make all three product numbers the same.
124-317 Stored data mismatch. Internal control error was detected. Procedure
124-355 At least one set of territory information at the 3 locations is different.
Procedure Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
WARNING Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Y N
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists. Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 700-606, 700-607 and 700-608. All three values are dif-
Y N ferent.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. Y N
Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2, then a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400)
Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 700-600, 700-601 and 700-602. All three values are dif- or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Y N Perform dC132. Make all three values the same.
Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2, then a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400)
or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors and surface mounted modules on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A 2. Ensure that all connectors and surface mounted modules on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A
Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405) are securely connected. Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405) are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4. 3. Ensure that the fax PWB, PL 18.1B Item 15 is installed correctly.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 4. Reload the software, GP 4.
(B405). 5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 700-603, 700-604 and 700-605. All three values are dif- Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. All three product numbers are different.
ferent. Y N
Y N Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2, or a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or
Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2, or a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405) as necessary.
PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405) as necessary.
Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2, then a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL
Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2, then a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to follow the instructions on the UI in order to enter the SW key for chang-
ing IOT speed.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
• MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
124-338 The system detected that a duplicate font ROM was installed.
124-339 The system detected that the ROM DIMM for another model was installed.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
WARNING 124-382 One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (SYS 1).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 124-383 One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (SYS 2).
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: 124-392 One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (SYS 1).
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
124-393 One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (SYS 2).
2. Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. Make all three values the same.
3. If the fault persists, install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2, Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. Make all three product numbers the same. The fault
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Reinstall the EMMC card, PL 18.1A Item 6 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 6 (B405). The fault per-
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Install a new EMMC card, PL 18.1A Item 6 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 6 (B405). The fault per-
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Procedure WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
WARNING death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Y N
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
Y N Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 720-002 and 720-062. Both values are different.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. Y N
Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. Make all three product numbers the same. The fault
persists. Install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2, then a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400)
or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 720-052 and 720-063. Both values are different. Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 720-057 and 720-064. Both values are different.
Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2. Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405). Install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5 (B405).
124-354 The territory info that is stored in 3 locations are not initialized. Although the values all 124-373 IOT manager software failure.
match, they are the values for ’Not set’ (0).
124-374 IOT IM device driver software failure.
124-380 The CRUM destinations stored in three positions match but their values are not set
(0). Procedure
124-390 The CRUM OEM destinations stored in three positions match but their values are not
set (0). WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Procedure not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
2. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Perform the LONGDIAG MODE routine.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 3. Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
Perform the steps that follow:
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
2. Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. Make all three product numbers the same.
5. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
3. Install a new MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
4. If the fault persists, install a new ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Have the customer check that the TCP/IP ports are correctly configured.
3. Perform the 016A Workflow Scanning Error Entry RAP.
Perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
133-221 The fax card did not respond within the specified time on booting.
133-222 The fax card did not respond within the specified time.
Perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
133-282 As downloading of fax card could not be completed due to either a fax card failure or
fax cont SW failure, subsequent processes could not be performed.
133-283 Mailbox not open was detected when fax report is stored in a mailbox.
Perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP.
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Have the customer set the character that can be used by referring to the User Documen- 1. Have the customer load the correct the paper size and type for fax printing or specify the
tation. If the customer does not know the type of letter that can be used, advise them to tray for fax printing.
use only alphanumeric characters. 2. If the fault persists, perform the steps that follow:
2. If the fault persists, perform the 033-312, 033-313, 033-315 to 033-327 Fax Fault RAP. a. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
b. Reload the software, GP 4.
Load the required number and size of documents, then re-run the routine.
Re-run the routine.
Switch off the electricity to the machine GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the cus-
tomer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Ask the customer to demonstrate the function that generates the unusual noise.
2. Cycle system power. Wait while the printer performs a normal initialization and warm-up.
3. Run the machine in all modes. Also use the diagnostics to run individual components. Go
to the relevant subsection:
• When Switching on the Machine
• During Standby
• During Printing
• During DADF Feeding
When Switching on the Machine
Do not run the dispenser motor, PL 5.1 Item 9 for more than 3 seconds at any speed as dam-
age may occur.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check the operation of the dispenser motor. Enter dC330 code 093-001 (normal speed)
or 093-002 (half-speed) and run the dispenser motor. If the noise persists, install a new
toner cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 2.
2. Check the operation of the main drive assembly. Enter dC330 code 071-001 (normal
speed), 071-002 (half-speed) or 071-003 (low speed) and run the main drive assembly. If
the noise persists, install a new main drive assembly, PL 3.1 Item 1.
3. If the noise persists, replace the machine.
During Standby
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check the operation of the LVPS fan. Enter dC330 code 042-003 and run the LVPS fan. If
the noise persists, install a new LVPS fan, PL 4.1A Item 1 (B400) or PL 4.1B Item 1
During Printing
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Install a new MSI feed solenoid, PL 13.1 Item 5.
2. If the noise persists, install a new registration clutch,PL 15.2 Item 4.
• Power on Self Test (POST) occurs each time the machine is powered on. POST verifies
the functionality of key subsystems.
• POST begins when power is switched on before higher level machine functions (such as
the user interface) are operational.
• POST is performed by the ESS PWB.
• The fault is communicated via an LED display on the ESS PWB. This is to help diagnose
common faults which prevent the machine from powering up correctly to the point where POST Diagnostic
faults are displayed and service mode can be entered.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
To check for the system power up error: Figure 1 POST diagnostic LEDs
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. To view the LEDs, remove the option HDD PL 18.1A Item 91 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 91
(B405), and HDD bracket, PL 18.1A Item 4 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 4 (B405) if fitted, Fig-
ure 1.
3. Check if the power on self test has completed successfully by ensuring that all LEDs are
lit when the device has completed start-up.
4. If the system power up sequence has failed, contact 2nd level support.
Use this RAP to determine the source of an image quality defect. Defect Definition Go To
Jagged charac- Text in image is fuzzy or blurry IQ14
Initial Actions ters
Refer to Figure 1 for the print/copy definitions. Lead edge paper The page comes out with the leading edge damaged. IQ18
Perform the steps that follow. If the image quality fault persists, go to Image Defect Definitions: Light prints The overall image density is too light. IQ2
• Discuss the IQ problem with the customer to fully understand the defect and the modes in Light-induced Light fatigue pattern appearing across image IQ11
which it occurs. Produce the customer job that displays the customer’s IQ defect. fatigue
• Check the condition of the paper. Do not use incorrectly cut paper, damp paper, paper Pitched dots Recurring dots or spots in the process direction. IQ8
with rough edges, badly drilled paper, paper with wrapper wax or glue. Paper and media
Skewed images Images in the output are not parallel to the edge of the IQ20
should be stored flat, enclosed in wrappers, in a cool dry environment. printed sheet.
• Check that the paper is within specifications, GP 15.
Spots There are random spots of toner on the page. IQ4
• Verify that the media type is set correctly.
Unfused image Part or all of the image is unfused. Refer to the specification. IQ3
• Inspect the paper path for items such as staples, paper clips or paper fragments.
In process dele- Areas of image appear as blanks or deletions. IQ9
• Check that all paper tray guides are set to the correct paper size. tions
• Check that the document guides on the DADF are set correctly. Wrinkled paper The paper comes out either wrinkled, creased, stained, or IQ17
• Ensure that the image adjustment mode selections are those used by the customer. torn
• Check the original documents for defects.
• Ensure the machines altitude NVM value is correct. Refer to ADJ 1.3 Altitude Adjustment.
• Ensure that the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1 and the toner cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 2 are
installed correctly.
• Enter dC131 Check NVM value 756-800 Xerographic Unit Page Count. If the Drum Car-
tridge is close to end of life (65K feeds), install a new Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1.
• Enter dC131. Check NVM value 756-824 Toner Gas Gauge. If the toner cartridge is
nearly empty, install a new toner cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 2.
Trail edge
To print the test print from the control panel, perform dC612Print Test Pattern.
Image Quality February 2017 Launch Issue
IQ1, IQ2 3-4 Xerox® VersaLink® B400 and B405 Family Multifunction Printer
Check the BTR plate spring on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The plate spring is clean and IQ3 Unfused Image RAP
The printed image is not fully fused to the paper, Figure 1. The image rubs off easily. A cold
As necessary, clean the plate spring or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. environment affects the warm-up time, while high humidity has an adverse effect on fusing.
Also, media weight and composition affect fusing performance.
Remove the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Check the BCR and
DB spring connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The spring connectors are clean and
As necessary, clean the spring connectors or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Enter dC330, code 093-001 to run the toner dispenser motor, PL 5.1 Item 9. The toner dis-
penser motor runs.
Check the toner dispenser motor. Refer to:
• Wiring Diagram 6
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
If necessary, install a new toner dispenser motor, PL 5.1 Item 9.
Check the ATC sensor contact point on the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1 and the xerographic
connector assembly, PL 5.1 Item 10. The contact point is good.
Install new components as necessary:
• Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1.
• Xerographic connector assembly, PL 5.1 Item 10.
Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Figure 1 Unfused image
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected. The image qual-
ity defect persists.
Initial Actions
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Install new components as necessary: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
• ROS unit, PL 2.1 Item 4.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
• Check the environment. A location that is too cold or humid reduces fusing performance.
• Set media type setting to the next heavier type.
• Ensure the green fuser nip release levers are in the locked position.
• Adjust the fuser temperature setting for the loaded paper type. Refer to ADJ 1.2 Fuser
Replace the media with new, dry media from an unopened ream. The image smears.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Remove the fuser unit, PL 7.1 Item 1. Check the fuser rolls for contamination. The fuser rolls
are clean.
Clean the fuser rolls. If necessary, install a new fuser assembly, PL 7.1 Item 1.
Refer to Wiring Diagram 9. Check the fuser electrical connection and wiring. The connector
and wiring are good.
Repair or install a new fuser harness assembly, PL 18.3A Item 9 (B400) or PL 18.3B Item
9 (B405).
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
• Check that the paper is clean, dry, and meets specifications.
• Check the drum surface for spots or contamination.
• Check the fuser unit for wear or contamination.
Print a test pattern. The image quality defect persists.
Clean the document glass. If the fault persists, install a new IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item
Image Quality February 2017 Launch Issue
IQ3, IQ4 3-6 Xerox® VersaLink® B400 and B405 Family Multifunction Printer
Remove the CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1. Check for surface contamination or IQ5 Blank Print RAP
excessive wear, ensure the transfer roller is correctly seated. The transfer roller is good.
No visible image anywhere on the output, Figure 1.
Install a new CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1.
Check the BTR plate spring on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The plate spring is clean and
As necessary, clean the plate spring or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Remove the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Check the BCR and
DB spring connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The spring connectors are clean and
As necessary, clean the spring connectors or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
• Clear any obstructions in the laser light path.
Remove the CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1. Check for surface contamination or
excessive wear, ensure the transfer roller is correctly seated. The transfer roller is good.
Install a new CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1.
Check the BTR plate spring on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The plate spring is clean and
Enter dC330, code 093-001 to run the toner dispenser motor, PL 5.1 Item 9. The toner dis-
penser motor runs.
Check the toner dispenser motor. Refer to:
• Wiring Diagram 6
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
If necessary, install a new toner dispenser motor, PL 5.1 Item 9.
Check the ATC sensor contact point on the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1 and the xerographic
connector assembly, PL 5.1 Item 10. The contact point is good.
Install new components as necessary:
• Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1.
• Xerographic connector assembly, PL 5.1 Item 10.
Ensure that all connectors on the ESS PWB, PL 18.1A Item 5 (B400) or PL 18.1B Item 5
Figure 1 Streaks
(B405) and the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 are securely connected. Ensure all surface
mounted modules on the ESS PWB and MCU PWB are securely connected. The image qual-
ity defect persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Install new components as necessary: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
• ROS unit, PL 2.1 Item 4.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
Print a test pattern. The image quality defect persists.
Clean the document glass. If the steaks are the full length of the paper, clean the CVT
glass (position to the left of the document glass). If the fault persists, install a new IIT
assembly, PL 21.1 Item 14.
Remove the CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1. Check for surface contamination or
excessive wear, ensure the transfer roller is correctly seated. The transfer roller is good.
Install a new CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1.
Image Quality February 2017 Launch Issue
IQ5, IQ6 3-8 Xerox® VersaLink® B400 and B405 Family Multifunction Printer
Check the BTR plate spring on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The plate spring is clean and IQ7 Black Prints RAP
Black, or partially black image, Figure 1.
As necessary, clean the plate spring or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Remove the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Check the BCR and
DB spring connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The spring connectors are clean and
As necessary, clean the spring connectors or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the Fuser while it is hot.
Print a test pattern. The image quality defect persists.
Install a new IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item 14.
Check the BTR plate spring on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The plate spring is clean and
As necessary, clean the plate spring or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Remove the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Check the BCR and
DB spring connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The spring connectors are clean and
As necessary, clean the spring connectors or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Install new components as necessary:
• HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
• ROS unit, PL 2.1 Item 4.
Check the BTR plate spring on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The plate spring is clean
and undamaged.
As necessary, clean the plate spring or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Remove the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Check the BCR
and DB spring connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The spring connectors are
clean and undamaged.
As necessary, clean the spring connectors or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Remove the fuser unit, PL 7.1 Item 1. Check the fuser rolls for contamination. The fuser
rolls are clean.
Clean the fuser rolls. If necessary, install a new fuser assembly, PL 7.1 Item 1.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
Print test pattern 63, Pitch Confirmation. The cause of the image quality defect can be
determined from the test pattern.
Print a test pattern. The image quality defect persists.
Clean the document glass and the DADF feed rolls. If the fault persists, install a new
components as necessary:
• DADF feed roller assembly, PL 21.1 Item 3.
• IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item 14.
Image Quality February 2017 Launch Issue
IQ8 3-10 Xerox® VersaLink® B400 and B405 Family Multifunction Printer
IQ9 In Process Deletions RAP Y N
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Deletions in the process direction, Figure 1.
Print a test pattern.. The image quality defect persists.
Install a new IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item 14.
Switch off the machine, GP 10. Use a dry, lint free cloth to clean the ROS window. Switch on
the machine. Print a test pattern.. The image quality defect persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Remove the CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1. Check for surface contamination or
excessive wear, ensure the transfer roller is correctly seated.. The transfer roller is good.
Install a new CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1.
Check the BTR plate spring on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.. The plate spring is clean and
As necessary, clean the plate spring or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Remove the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Check the BCR and
DB spring connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.. The spring connectors are clean and
Figure 1 Deletions Y N
As necessary, clean the spring connectors or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Initial Actions
Remove the fuser unit, PL 7.1 Item 1. Check the fuser rolls for contamination. . The fuser
rolls are clean.
Clean the fuser rolls. If necessary, install a new fuser assembly, PL 7.1 Item 1.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Install a new ROS unit, PL 2.1 Item 4.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
• Check that rollers and other media path components are clean and unobstructed.
• If the deletions are small and align with the stripper fingers in the fuser, clean the stripper
fingers. If necessary, install a new fuser unit, PL 7.1 Item 1.
Do not touch the surface of the drum while cleaning the Drum Cartridge.
Remove the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. Use a dry, lint free cloth to clean the rear side of
the Drum Cartridge. Refer to Figure 2. Reinstall the Drum Cartridge. Make a copy from the
document glass. The image quality defect persists.
Remove the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Check the BCR and
DB spring connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The spring connectors are clean and
As necessary, clean the spring connectors or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Remove the fuser unit, PL 7.1 Item 1. Check the fuser rolls for contamination. The fuser rolls
are clean.
Clean the fuser rolls. If necessary, install a new fuser assembly, PL 7.1 Item 1.
Figure 1 Ghosting
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Remove the CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1. Check for surface contamination or
excessive wear, ensure the transfer roller is correctly seated. The transfer roller is good.
Install a new CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1.
Image Quality February 2017 Launch Issue
IQ10 3-12 Xerox® VersaLink® B400 and B405 Family Multifunction Printer
IQ11 Light Induced Fatigue RAP IQ12 Fog, Background Contamination RAP
Light fatigue pattern appearing across image, Figure 1. There is toner contamination on all or part of the page, Figure 1. The contamination appears as
a very light dusting or fog.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Install a new Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
• Some glossy media or photo paper will exhibit high background. If the issue only occurs
on a particular media, advise the customer to use a different brand.
• Ensure all covers and doors are in place and no outside light is entering the machine.
Check the ATC sensor contact point on the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1 and the xerographic
connector assembly, PL 5.1 Item 10. The contact point is good.
Install new components as necessary:
• Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1.
Launch Issue February 2017 Image Quality
Xerox® VersaLink® B400 and B405 Family Multifunction Printer 3-13 IQ11, IQ12
• Xerographic connector assembly, PL 5.1 Item 10. IQ13 Bead Carry-Out RAP
Multiple dots appearing across image, Figure 1.
Ensure that all connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5 are securely connected. The con-
nections are good.
Securely connect the connectors. If necessary, install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
Ensure that all connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5 are securely connected. The con-
nections are good.
Securely connect the connectors. If necessary, install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
Perform the steps that follow: Print a test pattern. Cross process bands are visible on the test pattern.
1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 7. Ensure PJ18 is securely connected to the MCU PWB. Y N
Clean the document glass. If the fault persists, install a new IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item
2. If necessary, install a ROS unit, PL 2.1 Item 4.
Print test pattern 63, Pitch Confirmation. The cause of the image quality defect can be
determined from the test pattern.
Remove the CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1. Check for surface contamina-
tion or excessive wear, ensure the transfer roller is correctly seated. The transfer roller
is good.
Launch Issue February 2017 Image Quality
Xerox® VersaLink® B400 and B405 Family Multifunction Printer 3-15 IQ14, IQ15
Y N IQ16 Auger Marks RAP
Install a new CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1.
Auger marks appear across output, Figure 1.
Check the BTR plate spring on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The plate spring is clean
and undamaged.
As necessary, clean the plate spring or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Remove the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Check the BCR
and DB spring connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The spring connectors are
clean and undamaged.
As necessary, clean the spring connectors or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Remove the fuser unit, PL 7.1 Item 1. Check the fuser rolls for contamination. The fuser
rolls are clean.
Clean the fuser rolls. If necessary, install a new fuser assembly, PL 7.1 Item 1.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
Install a new Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. The image quality defect persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Remove the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 8. Check the BCR and
DB spring connectors on the HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5. The spring connectors are clean and
As necessary, clean the spring connectors or install a new HVPS, PL 18.2 Item 5.
Check the ATC sensor contact point on the Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1 and the xerographic
connector assembly, PL 5.1 Item 10. The contact point is good.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
• If wrinkle is occurring when the customer prints on envelopes, ensure the machines set-
tings are correct for printing on envelopes.
NOTE: Wrinkles within 30mm (1.25 inches) of the envelope edge are within specification.
Check the following components for damage or contamination. Clean or install new compo-
nents as necessary:
• The rolls in the registration feeder transport assembly, PL 15.1A Item 6 (B400) or PL
15.1B Item 6 (B405).
Perform the IQ17 Wrinkled or Stained Paper RAP.
Check the DADF feed roller assembly, PL 21.1 Item 3.. The feed roller assembly is
damaged or contaminated. WARNING
Y N Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
Install a new scanner assembly, PL 21.1 Item 1. Print a test pattern. The image is skewed.
Clean or install a new DADF feed roller assembly as necessary, PL 21.1 Item 3.
Make a copy from the document glass. The image is skewed.
Install a new Drum Cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 1.. The image quality defect persists. Y N
Y N Clean or install a new DADF feed roller assembly as necessary, PL 21.1 Item 3. If
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. the image quality defect persist, install a new IIT assembly, PL 21.1 Item 14.
Install a new CRU transfer roller assembly, PL 6.1 Item 1.. The image quality defect per- Install a new scanner assembly, PL 21.1 Item 1.
Y N Check the following components for damage or contamination. Clean or install new compo-
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. nents as necessary:
Install a new ROS unit, PL 2.1 Item 4. • MSI feed rolls, PL 13.1.
NOTE: The repeating defect must be measured accurately to ensure the correct assem-
bly is identified.
REPs 18 - Electrical
REP 18.1 ESS PWB Assembly B405 ............................................................................. 4-143
REP 18.2 ESS PWB Assembly B400 ............................................................................. 4-146
REP 18.3 MCU PWB Assembly B405 ............................................................................ 4-149
REP 18.4 MCU PWB Assembly B400 ............................................................................ 4-151
REP 18.5 HVPS B405..................................................................................................... 4-152
REP 18.6 HVPS B400..................................................................................................... 4-154
REP 18.7 LVPS PWB B405 ............................................................................................ 4-155
REP 18.8 LVPS PWB B400 ............................................................................................ 4-156
REP 18.9 Front USB Harness B405 ............................................................................... 4-157
REP 18.10 Front USB Harness B400 ............................................................................. 4-159
REP 18.11 Inlet Harness Assembly B405....................................................................... 4-160
REP 18.12 Inlet Harness Assembly B400....................................................................... 4-162
REP 18.13 Front Interlock Switch Assembly B405 ......................................................... 4-163
REP 18.14 Front Interlock Switch Assembly B400 ......................................................... 4-164
REP 18.15 Hard Disk Drive (HDD) ................................................................................. 4-165
REPs 19 - Covers
REP 19.1 Front Cover Assembly B405........................................................................... 4-167
REP 19.2 Front Cover Assembly B400........................................................................... 4-168
REP 19.3 ESS Window Cover Assembly B405 .............................................................. 4-169
REP 19.4 ESS Window Cover Assembly B400 .............................................................. 4-169
REP 19.5 Cover Extension B405 .................................................................................... 4-170
REP 19.6 Cover Extension B400 .................................................................................... 4-171
REP 19.7 Right Cover B405 ........................................................................................... 4-172
REP 19.8 Right Cover B400 ........................................................................................... 4-173
REP 19.9 Exit Top Cover Assembly B405 ...................................................................... 4-174
REP 19.10 Exit Top Cover Assembly B400 .................................................................... 4-175
REP 19.11 Left Cover B405 ............................................................................................ 4-176
REP 19.12 Left Cover B400 ............................................................................................ 4-177
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
2. Remove the IIT left cover, Figure 1. IIT front top
3. Remove the IIT front top cover, Figure 1.
UI console assem-
ICCR cover
UI access door
UI top cover
UI speaker
UI harness assembly
6. Slide the UI access door in the arrowed direction, then remove it from the UI console Replacement
assembly, Figure 3. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
7. Disengage PJ1 of the UI harness assembly, Figure 3.
8. Disengage PJ4 of the UI speaker, Figure 3.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 3.
2. Pull the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9, out of the printer.
3. Remove the front cover, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
6. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
7. Remove the UI access door, UI console assembly, ICCR cover, UI top cover IIT front top
cover and IIT left cover, REP 1.1.
8. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11. ESS lower window plate
9. Remove seven screws (silver, M3, 6mm), then remove the ESS lower window plate and
the WIFI release lever, Figure 1.
10. Remove two screws (silver, M3, 6mm), then remove the ESS top plate, Figure 1. Figure 1 ESS Top and lower plate removal
11. Disengage P/J632, then release the ICCR USB harness from the harness guide, Figure
UI harness assembly
UI harness assembly
ICCR USB harness
Push tie
13. Release one clamp, remove two screws (silver, M3, 6mm), then remove ICCR USB har-
ness, Figure 3.
Figure 4 Speaker push ties release Figure 5 Inner ICCR cover and UI bottom frame removal
16. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm), then remove the ICCR inner cover, Figure 5.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
UI speaker Speaker assembly cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove one screw (black, tapping, 6mm), then remove the UI top cover, Figure 1.
UI top cover
Figure 6 Replacement
2. Slide the UI access door in the direction shown, then remove it from the UI console
assembly, Figure 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
UI access door cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
2. Open the front cover, PL 19.1A Item 2.
3. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm), then remove the UI front cover, Figure 1.
UI harness assembly
UI speaker
UI harness assembly
UI front cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
2. Release the hook, then remove the UI speaker, Figure 1.
UI speaker
UI left cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
ESS top plate
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9, out of the printer.
3. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
4. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
5. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
6. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
7. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
8. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
9. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4. Front
10. Remove the left cover assembly, REP 19.12.
11. Remove seven screws (silver, M3, 6mm), then remove the ESS lower window plate and
WIFI release lever, Figure 1.
ESS lower window plate
12. Remove two screws (silver, M3, 6mm), then remove the ESS top plate, Figure 1.
13. Disengage P/J631, then release the harness from the HDD bracket, Figure 2.
14. Disengage P/J302 and P/J310, then remove the optional HDD, Figure 2.
UI harness assembly
HDD bracket
Figure 2 Optional HDD and bracket removal Figure 3 UI harnesses assembly removal
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the MCU housing
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Disengage all connectors from the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
Figure 2 MCU housing location
2. Disengage P/J253 from the CRUM housing assembly, REP 5.1.
3. Release the harness from the harness guide installed on the MCU housing, PL 18.2 Item
ROS assembly
MCU housing
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
MCU housing
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Disengage all connectors from the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
2. Disengage P/J253 from the CRUM housing assembly, REP 5.1.
3. Release the harness from the harness guide installed on the MCU housing, PL 18.2 Item
ROS assembly
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
ESS housing
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
6. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
7. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
8. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.1.
9. Remove the fuser, REP 7.1.
11. Push the left front link fully into the printer to disengage the main motor harness assem-
bly, PL 18.3B Item 11 from the clamp.
12. Remove the four screws (silver, tapping, 8mm) that fix the main drive assembly, then
remove the LM main drive assembly from the printer, Figure 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Link cover cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
LM main drive
assembly 1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
8. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
9. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
P/J101 10. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12.
AC inlet 11. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.2.
12. Remove the fuser, REP 7.2.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Inlet harness
ESS housing
LM main drive assembly
14. Disengage the main motor harness assembly, PL 18.3A Item 11, from the clamp. Figure 2 Main drive assembly removal
15. Remove four screws (silver, tapping, 8mm) that fix the main drive assembly, then remove
the LM main drive assembly from the printer, Figure 2. NOTE: Keep the link cover with the printer.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. ESS housing
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the Drum Cartridge. REP 8.1.
5. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
6. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
8. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
9. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.1.
10. Remove the fuser, REP 7.1.
16. Remove one screw (silver, M3, 6mm) that fixes the left upper corner of the LVPS PWB,
then lift the earth plate.
Exit out drive holder assembly
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the Drum Cartridge. REP 8.2.
5. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
6. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
7. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
8. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
9. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
10. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
11. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12.
12. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.2.
13. Remove the fuser, REP 7.2.
ESS housing
15. Release the hook that fixes the FSR harness assembly from above. Disengage P/J233
from the FSR harness assembly, Figure 2.
MCU cover
Harness guide
21. Release the hook that fixes the E3 gear to the exit out drive holder assembly. Remove the
E3 gear and E3 Z gear. Remove the T24 inverter clutch assembly, Figure 5.
MSI in lock
Exit Out Drive Holder Assembly
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. ESS housing
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the Drum Cartridge. REP 8.1.
5. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
6. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
8. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
9. Remove the right cover assembly, REP 19.7.
10. Remove the exit top cover assembly. REP 19.9.
11. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.1.
13. Release the four hooks that fix the MSI top frame, then remove the MSI top frame, Figure
Figure 2 T24 inverter clutch assembly harness release 16. Release the harness from the harness guide installed on the exit in drive holder assem-
MSI in lock
Figure 6 Exit in drive holder assembly installation
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
8. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
9. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
10. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12.
11. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.2.
ESS housing
Front 16. Release the harness of the T21 exit clutch assembly from the exit in drive holder assem-
E4 gear
E5 gear
Exit 6 gear
MSI in lock
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the rear cover, PL 19.2B Item 99.
2. Rotate the duplex gear holder, clockwise while pulling the tab, Figure 1.
Duplex in gear
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the rear cover, PL 19.2A Item 99.
2. Rotate the duplex gear holder, clockwise while pulling the tab, Figure 1.
Duplex in gear
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Right chassis
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the right cover, REP 19.7.
6. Remove the scanner assembly, REP 21.1.
8. Release the hook on the link connector, then remove the front right link.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the right cover, REP 19.8.
8. Release the hook on the link connector, then remove the front right link.
Connector link
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
(2) 1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9, out of the printer.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the Drum Cartridge, REP 8.1.
5. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
6. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
8. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
9. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.1.
Right shaft link
10. Remove the main drive assembly, REP 3.1.
11. Remove the LVPS PWB, REP 18.3.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
LVPS plate
MCU cover
Connector Link
Left shaft link
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Screw
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
8. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
9. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
10. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12.
11. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.2.
12. Remove the main drive assembly, REP 3.2.
13. Remove the LVPS PWB, REP 18.8.
Figure 1 MCU cover removal
LVPS plate
Connector link
17. Remove the left xerographic stopper assembly, PL 4.1A Item 10.
18. Release the two hooks, and then lift the harness guide.
Harness guide
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. When installing the MCU cover, do not pinch the wire with the screws.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Open the front cover assembly, PL 19.1B Item 98.
Figure 2 Toner CRUM connector assembly removal
2. Remove the Drum Cartridge, REP 8.1.
3. Release the hook, open the CRUM housing assembly, Figure 2.
4. Remove the toner CRUM connector assembly, from the CRUM swing housing, Figure 2.
MCU housing
CRUM swing spring
Figure 3 CRUM swing housing removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Open the front cover assembly, PL 19.1A Item 98.
Figure 2 Toner CRUM connector assembly removal
2. Remove the Drum cartridge, REP 8.2.
3. Release the hook, open the CRUM housing assembly, Figure 2.
4. Remove the toner CRUM connector assembly, from the CRUM swing housing, Figure 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Right chassis
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the right cover, REP 19.7.
6. Remove the scanner assembly, REP 21.1.
Connector link
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9. (2)
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3. (1)
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the right cover, REP 19.8.
8. Release the hook on the front right link, then remove the connector link, and the front right
link from the right shaft link, Figure 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the Drum cartridge, REP 8.1.
5. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
6. Remove the right cover, REP 19.7.
7. Disengage all connectors from the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
8. Disengage PJ253 from the CRUM housing assembly, PL 5.1 Item 1.
9. Release the harness from the harness guide installed on the MCU Housing, PL 18.2 Item
Dispenser drive assembly
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
MCU housing
Dispenser motor
11. Disengage P/J111 of the harness connected to the dispenser motor, Figure 2.
Earth wire
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
Dispenser motor
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the Drum cartridge, REP 8.2.
Figure 3 Dispenser motor installation
5. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
6. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
7. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
8. Remove the right cover, REP 19.8.
9. Disengage all connectors from the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
10. Disengage P/J253 from the CRUM housing assembly, PL 5.1 Item 1.
11. Release the harness from the harness guide installed on the MCU Housing, PL 18.2 Item
MCU housing
MCU housing
Earth wire
Dispenser motor
Dispenser motor
Figure 4 Dispenser motor removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure. P/J25
1. Open the front cover assembly, PL 19.1B Item 98.
2. Remove the drum cartridge, REP 8.1.
Figure 2 Xerographic connector assembly removal
3. Release three hooks, then remove the MCU cover, PL 18.2 Item 1.
4. Disengage P/J25 from the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2.
5. Release the yellow harness from the harness guides around the MCU PWB.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
6. Release the hook that fixes the xerographic connector assembly, and then remove the
xerographic connector assembly, Figure 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Figure 1 ESD symbol
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Open the front cover assembly, PL 19.1A Item 98.
2. Remove the drum cartridge, REP 8.2.
Figure 2 Xerographic connector assembly removal
3. Release three hooks, and then remove the MCU cover, PL 18.2 Item 1.
4. Disengage P/J25 from the MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2. Replacement
5. Release the yellow harness from the harness guides around the MCU PWB. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
6. Release the hook that fixes the xerographic connector assembly, and then remove the
xerographic connector assembly, Figure 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the rear cover assembly, PL 19.2B Item 99. 1. Open the rear cover assembly, PL 19.2A Item 99.
2. Release two hooks that fix the CRU transfer roller assembly, then remove the CRU trans- 2. Press the two hooks on the left and right sides of the CRU transfer roller assembly to
fer roller assembly by rotating it in the arrowed direction, Figure 1. unlock the CRU transfer roller assembly, then remove the CRU transfer roller assembly
by rotating it along the axis between the bosses, Figure 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the rear cover assembly, PL 19.2B Item 99. 1. Open the rear cover assembly, PL 19.2A Item 99.
2. Rotate the two levers that lock the fuser in the arrowed direction to unlock and remove the 2. Rotate the two levers that lock the fuser in the arrowed direction to unlock and remove the
fuser, Figure 1. fuser, Figure 1.
Replacement Replacement
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. 1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. If a new fuser is installed, enter dC135 HFSI Counter. Reset the HFSI counters that fol- 2. If a new fuser is installed, enter dC135 HFSI Counter. Reset the HFSI counters that fol-
low: low:
• 950-800. • 950-800.
• 950-804. • 950-804.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care not to touch the xerographic drum and protect it from dirt and dust.
Take care not to touch the xerographic drum and protect it from dirt and dust.
1. Open the front cover assembly, PL 19.1B Item 98.
1. Open the front cover assembly, PL 19.1A Item 98.
2. Unlock and remove the toner cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 2. 2. Unlock and remove the toner cartridge, PL 8.1 Item 2.
3. Remove the drum cartridge, Figure 1.
3. Remove the drum cartridge, Figure 1.
NOTE: . Note that the drum cartridge is locked while the right front link, PL 4.1B Item 3,
NOTE: . Note that the drum cartridge is locked while the front right link, PL 4.1A Item 3,
and left front link, PL 4.1B Item 4, are pressed.
and front left link, PL 4.1A Item 4, are pressed.
Toner cartridge Toner cartridge
Drum cartridge
Drum cartridge
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1. 1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Release the hook that fixes the option tray retard holder assembly, then rotate the option 2. Release the hook that fixes the option tray retard holder assembly to the 550 tray assem-
tray retard holder assembly in the arrowed direction, Figure 1. bly, rotate the option tray retard holder assembly, along the axis, then remove the retard
3. Release the two bosses on the retard holder assembly, and then remove the retard roll holder assembly by moving it in the arrowed direction, Figure 1.
holder assembly, Figure 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1. 1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the retard holder assembly, REP 9.1. 2. Remove the retard holder assembly, REP 9.2.
3. Release the hook fixing the option tray retard shaft, then remove the option tray retard 3. Release the hook fixing the option tray retard shaft, then remove the option tray retard
shaft, together with the feed roll assembly by pulling it out sideways, Figure 1. shaft, together with the feed roll assembly by pulling it out sideways, Figure 1.
NOTE: Handle the hook of the option tray retard holder carefully to avoid breakage. NOTE: Handle the hook of the option tray retard holder carefully to avoid breakage.
4. Pull out the feed roll assembly while releasing the hook fixing it, Figure 1. 4. Pull out the feed roll assembly while releasing the hook fixing it, Figure 1.
Mandatory safety warning. This procedure must be performed by two people. The mod-
ule is heavy.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the IOT
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Lock screws
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
4. Release the two lock screws fixing the option feeder assembly, Figure 1.
Use safe handling procedures, GP 11. The module is heavy.
5. Release the five bosses on the option feeder assembly from the holes on the IOT, then lift
Option feeder assembly
the IOT upward from the option feeder assembly, Figure 1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99. 1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1 from the printer.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9. 2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1.
3. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1. 3. Remove the one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm) that fixes the option feeder left cover,
4. Release the two lock screws fixing the option feeder assembly, Figure 1. release the two hooks from the bosses, release the six bosses from the holes, then
remove the option feeder left cover, Figure 1.
5. Release the five bosses on the option feeder assembly from the holes on the IOT, then lift
the IOT upward from the option feeder assembly, Figure 1.
Lock screw
Lock screw
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
3. Remove the one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm) that fixes the option feeder left cover,
release the one hook from the boss, release the six bosses from the holes, then remove
the option feeder left cover, Figure 1.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1.
3. Remove the option feeder left cover, REP 11.3.
4. Release the harness from the clamp, then remove the clamp from the frame.
5. Disengage all connectors from the option tray PWB assembly, Figure 2.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
P/J419 1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
Option tray PWB assembly 3. Remove the option feeder left cover, REP 11.4.
4. Release the harness from the clamp, then remove the clamp from the frame.
Front 5. Disengage all connectors from the option tray PWB assembly, Figure 2.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
P/J419 1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1.
Option tray PWB assembly
P/J420 Front
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
3. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm) that fixes the option feeder right cover, release
the two hooks from the bosses, release the six bosses from the holes, then remove the
option feeder right cover, Figure 1.
Right side cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1. 1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1. 2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
3. Remove one side of the rear cover spring from the option feeder rear cover, Figure 1. 3. Remove one side of the rear cover spring from the option feeder rear cover, Figure 1.
4. Remove the left boss from the hole, then remove the option feeder rear cover, Figure 1. 4. Remove the left boss from the hole, then remove the option feeder rear cover, Figure 1.
Front Front
Rear cover Rear cover
Figure 1 Option feeder 550 rear cover removal Figure 1 Option feeder rear cover removal
Replacement Replacement
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Earth plate
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1.
3. Remove the option feeder left cover, REP 11.3.
4. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm), then remove the cover by lifting the earth
plate, Figure 1.
5. Disconnect PJ4221 from the option feeder motor assembly, Figure 1.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
3. Remove the option feeder left cover, REP 11.4.
4. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm), then remove the cover by lifting the earth
plate, Figure 1.
5. Disconnect PJ4221 from the option feeder motor assembly, Figure 1.
Motor bracket
Option feeder gear
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Option feeder gear
Earth plate
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1.
3. Remove the option feeder left cover, REP 11.3.
4. Remove the option feeder clutch assembly, REP 11.15.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
3. Remove the option feeder left cover, REP 11.4.
4. Remove the option feeder clutch assembly, REP 11.16.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
P/J4201 Front
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1. 1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1. 2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
3. Remove the hook that fixes the option feeder feed roll assembly, then remove the option 3. Remove the hook that fixes the option feeder feed roll assembly, then remove the option
feeder feed roll assembly, Figure 1. feeder feed roll assembly, Figure 1.
Front Front
Figure 1 Option feeder feed roll assembly removal Figure 1 Option feeder feed roll assembly removal
Replacement Replacement
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1.
Takeaway clutch assembly
3. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.13.
4. Remove the idler gear and remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm) that fixes the nudger
spring bracket, then remove the nudger spring bracket, Figure 1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2. Takeaway clutch assembly
3. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.14.
4. Remove the idler gear and remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm) that fixes the nudger
spring bracket, then remove the nudger spring bracket, Figure 1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1.
2. Remove the harness from the clamp, Figure 1.
3. Disconnect PJ4203, then remove the option feeder no paper sensor, Figure 1.
No paper sensor
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
2. Remove the harness from the clamp, Figure 1.
3. Disconnect PJ4203, then remove the option feeder no paper sensor, Figure 1.
No paper sensor
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1. 1. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
2. Remove two screws (silver, tapping, 8mm), then remove the chute cover, Figure 1. 2. Remove two screws (silver, tapping, 8mm), then remove the chute cover, Figure 1.
3. Disconnect PJ4212, then remove the option feeder path sensor, Figure 1. 3. Disconnect PJ4212, then remove the option feeder path sensor, Figure 1.
Chute cover
Chute cover
P/J4212 P/J4212
Front Front
Figure 1 Option feeder path sensor removal Figure 1 Option feeder path sensor removal
Replacement Replacement
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1. 1. Remove the tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1. 2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
3. Remove the E-ring, then remove the option feeder no paper actuator, Figure 1. 3. Remove the E-ring, then remove the option feeder no paper actuator, Figure 1.
Front Front
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1. 1. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.1. 2. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.2.
3. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.13. 3. Remove the option feeder assembly, REP 11.14.
4. Remove the option feeder takeaway clutch assembly, REP 11.19. 4. Remove the option feeder takeaway clutch assembly, REP 11.20.
5. Remove the E-ring and nudger bearing, then remove the option feeder take away roll 5. Remove the E-ring and nudger bearing, then remove the option feeder take away roll
assembly by shifting it to the left, Figure 1. assembly by shifting it to the left, Figure 1.
Figure 1 Option feeder take away roll assembly removal Figure 1 Option feeder take away roll assembly removal
Replacement Replacement
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99. (1)
MSI retard roll
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9. assembly
3. Release the hook that fixes the MSI retard roll assembly to the MSI frame assembly.
Remove the MSI retard roll assembly by rotating it in the arrowed direction, Figure 1.
MSI cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Release the hook that fixes the MSI retard roll assembly to the MSI frame assembly, then MSI retard roll assembly
remove the MSI retard roll assembly by rotating it in the arrowed direction. Figure 1.
MSI cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. When installing the MSI feed solenoid, ensure that the actuator is latched to the MSI seg-
ment gear 1, Figure 3.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Bottom
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
4. Remove the drum cartridge, REP 8.1.
5. Place the printer on its right side.
Pick up flange
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Bottom
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
4. Remove the drum cartridge, REP 8.2.
5. Place the printer on its right side.
Pick up flange
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the (1)
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. (2)
1. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
2. Remove the CRU transfer roller assembly, REP 6.1. (2)
3. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 4mm), then remove the DTS out earth spring from the
rear cover assembly, Figure 1.
4. Release the two hooks, then remove the duplex chute assembly by sliding it to the left
until the four bosses are released, Figure 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
2. Remove the CRU transfer roller assembly, REP 6.2.
3. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 4mm), then remove the DTS out earth spring from the
rear cover assembly, Figure 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can MCU cover
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
4. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
5. Remove the drum Cartridge, REP 8.1.
6. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
7. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
8. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
9. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
10. Remove the right cover, REP 19.7.
11. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.1.
12. Remove the fuser unit, REP 7.1.
13. Remove the main drive assembly, REP 3.1.
14. Remove the HVPS, REP 18.5.
15. Remove the rear interlock switch assembly, REP 15.3.
16. Release four hooks, then remove the MSI top frame, Figure 1.
MSI top frame
18. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm), then remove the MSI feed solenoid, Figure 2.
Figure 2 MSI feed solenoid, segment and MSI feed gears removal
Front Front
Registration out earth plate
Registration shutter sensor
Figure 8 MSI lifter stopper installation Figure 9 MSI lifter arm installation
Figure 10 MSI segment gear 1 and 2 installation MSI segment gear 1 and 2
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Figure 2 MSI feed solenoid, segment and MSI feed gears removal
21. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm), then remove the MSI feed solenoid, Figure 2.
Registration out earth plate
Figure 5 Registration out earth plate removal
Pickup holder assembly
MSI in lock
MSI segment gear 1 and 2
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
11. Disconnect P/J230 from the LVPS PWB, release the harness from the harness guide
fixed on the printer, then pull the harness out of the hole on the printer. Rear interlock switch assembly
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the option tray assembly, PL 9.2 Item 1.
4. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
5. Remove the drum Cartridge. REP 8.2.
6. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
7. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
8. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
9. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20. Front
10. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
11. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
12. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12.
ESS housing
13. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.2.
MSI segment gear 2,
16. Disconnect PJ230 from the LVPS PWB. Release the rear interlock switch harness from MSI feed solenoid Front
the harness guide. MSI segment gear 1
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the drum cartridge, REP 8.1.
4. Place the printer right side up.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Front
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the drum cartridge, REP 8.2.
4. Place the printer right side up.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
No paper tray actuator cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the drum Cartridge. REP 8.2.
5. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
6. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
7. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
8. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
9. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
10. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12.
11. Remove the right cover, REP 19.8.
12. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.2.
13. Remove the fuser, REP 7.2.
14. Remove the main drive assembly, REP 3.2.
15. Remove the HVPS, REP 18.6.
16. Remove the rear interlock switch assembly, REP 15.4.
17. Remove the registration transport assembly, REP 15.2.
18. Remove the feed roll assembly, REP 15.6.
19. Turn the registration transport assembly upside down, remove the E-ring that fixes the
tray feed clutch. Remove the tray feed clutch and nudger bearing, Figure 1
Figure 2 Feeder assembly installation
Feeder assembly
feeder assembly
Nudger bearing
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the MSI feed bearing
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the registration transport assembly, REP 15.1.
2. Remove the pick up flange, then remove the pickup holder assembly, Figure 1.
Figure 2 MSI spring, feed bearing, lifter lever and feed shaft removal
Registration in chute
Registration bearing cartridge
Registration clutch
earth bearing
Right registration bearing
Registration in chute
MSI feed bearing Registration bearing cartridge
MSI feed shaft
Figure 2 MSI spring, feed bearing, lifter lever and feed shaft removal
Registration clutch
earth bearing
Front Harness
Right registration bearing
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Exit roll assembly
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9. Exit gear
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the right cover, REP 19.7.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.9.
7. Remove the exit chute assembly, REP 17.5. Exit bearing
8. Turn the exit chute assembly upside down, release the hook, then remove the exit gear,
Figure 1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the fuser, REP 7.2. Exit bearing
2. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
Exit roll assembly
3. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
4. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
5. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14. Exit bearing
6. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3. Left cover
7. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10. Exit chute assembly
8. Remove two screws (silver, M3, 6mm) that fix the exit chute assembly to the printer. Lift
the exit chute assembly in the arrowed direction, then disconnect P/J272 from the photo
sensor, Figure 1.
9. Bend the left cover release the two bosses of the exit chute assembly from the printer,
then lift the exit chute assembly in the arrowed direction, Figure 1. P/J271
10. Disconnect PJ271 from the exit sensor, then remove the exit chute assembly, Figure 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Right pinch assembly Left pinch assembly cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the fuser unit, REP 7.2.
2. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
3. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
4. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
5. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
6. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
7. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Right pinch assembly Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Left pinch assembly cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the right cover, REP 19.7.
6. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
8. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
Front 9. Remove the UI access door, console assembly, ICCR cover, UI top cover, IIT top cover
and IIT left cover, REP 1.1.
10. Remove the UI harness assembly, UI speaker, UI bottom frame, REP 1.2.
11. Remove the scanner assembly, REP 21.1.
12. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.9.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Exit gear
Exit bearing
Left cover
Exit bearing
14. Bend the left cover, release the two bosses of the exit chute assembly from the printer,
then lift the exit chute assembly in the arrowed direction, Figure 2.
15. Disconnect P/J271 from the exit sensor, then remove the exit chute assembly, Figure 2.
Figure 2 Exit chute assembly removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
CAUTION 10. Remove the fax clamp fixing the fax harness assembly, Figure 3.
If a new ESS PWB is to be installed, ensure the EMMC card is removed from the old ESS
PWB, then installed onto the new ESS PWB.
When installing a new ESS PWB, address book data will be lost. Prior to removal, backup the
address book as detailed in the System Administrator’s Guide.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
Fax plate
Fax clamp
14. Disconnect, P/J1352, P/J631 and P/J632, then remove the harnesses from the HDD
bracket, Figure 5.
Fax harness 15. Disconnect P/J302 and P/J310, then remove the option HDD, Figure 5.
12. Remove two screws (silver, M3, 6mm), then remove the fax PWB, Figure 4.
HDD bracket
Option HDD
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
EMMC card customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
When installing a new ESS PWB and a new MCU PWB at the same time, first install the new
ESS PWB, switch off, then switch on the machine. If the new ESS PWB installation is success-
Figure 7 EMMC card ful, switch off the machine, then install the new MCU PWB.
3. When installing the ESS PWB, ensure the harness is connected properly to the power
connector P/J441 before powering on the printer. CAUTION
If a new ESS PWB is to be installed, ensure the EMMC card is removed from the old ESS
PWB, then installed onto the new ESS PWB.
When installing a new ESS PWB, address book data will be lost. Prior to removal, backup the
address book as detailed in the System Administrator’s Guide.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
HDD bracket
Option HDD
13. Disconnect P/J631, then remove the harness from the HDD bracket, Figure 3.
14. Disconnect P/J302 and P/J310, then remove the option HDD, Figure 3.
Figure 5 EMMC card
Figure 4 ESS PWB removal 3. When installing the ESS PWB, ensure the harness is connected properly to the power
connector P/J441 before powering on the printer.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
P/J23 P/J22 P/J24 P/J25
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
P/J15 P/J19
P/J17 P/J21
P/J16 P/J12 P/J26 P/J11
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
If a new MCU PWB is to be installed, ensure the U105 ROM chip is removed from the old MCU
PWB, then installed onto the new MCU PWB.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the drum cartridge, REP 8.1.
5. Remove the MCU cover, by releasing the hooks, Figure 2.
6. Disconnect all connectors from the MCU PWB, Figure 2.
Do not confuse connectors with same number of pins. The PJ12 connectors are white. The
PJ15 connectors are black, Figure 3.
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
PJ15 (Black)
PJ12 (White)
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
When installing a new MCU PWB and a new ESS PWB at the same time, first install the new
MCU PWB, switch off, then switch on the machine. If the new MCU PWB installation is suc-
cessful, switch off the machine, then install the new ESS PWB.
Figure 2 MCU PWB removal
CAUTION Replacement
If a new MCU PWB is to be installed, ensure the U105 ROM chip is removed from the old MCU
PWB, then installed onto the new MCU PWB.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
Do not confuse connectors with same number of pins. The PJ15 connectors are white. The
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9. PJ15 connectors are black, Figure 3.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2. 1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
4. Remove the drum cartridge, REP 8.2.
5. Remove the MCU cover, by releasing the hooks, Figure 2.
6. Disconnect all connectors from the MCU PWB, Figure 2.
PJ15 (Black)
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. If a new MCU PWB is to be installed, remove the U105 ROM chip from the old MCU
PWB, then install it onto the new MCU PWB, Figure 4. Figure 1 ESD symbol
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the right cover, REP 19.7.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9. HVPS
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2. Figure 2 HVPS removal
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the right cover, REP 19.8.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
Figure 3 HVPS installation
6. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
7. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
8. Disconnect all connectors from the LVPS PWB, Figure 2.
P/J200 Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
LVPS PWB 2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
Figure 2 LVPS PWB removal 6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
Replacement 8. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. 9. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
10. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12.
11. Disconnect all connectors from the LVPS PWB, Figure 2.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
6. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
7. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
Front interlock switch assembly 8. Remove seven screws (silver, M3, 6mm), then remove the lower ESS window plate with
WIFI release lever, Figure 1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Figure 1 ESS top and lower plate removal Figure 2 Front USB harness removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
8. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
9. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
10. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12.
11. Remove seven screws (silver, M3, 6mm), then remove the lower ESS window plate with
WIFI release lever, Figure 1. Lower ESS window plate
Front USB harness
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Front Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
6. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
7. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
8. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
ESS housing
When installing a wiring harness, ensure the new harness follows same routing as the old har-
ness. Check that the harness is properly seated in the harness guides, ensure the harness is
not trapped when the cover is closed and that no unnecessary slack is present. Ensure that the
harness does not contact moving parts.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
8. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
9. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
10. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12.
11. Remove the ESS PWB, REP 18.2.
ESS housing
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
6. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
7. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
8. Remove the LVPS PWB, REP 18.7.
When installing a wiring harness, ensure the new harness follows same routing as the old har-
ness. Check that the harness is properly seated in the harness guides, ensure the harness is
not trapped when the cover is closed and that no unnecessary slack is present. Ensure that the
harness does not contact moving parts.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Front interlock switch assembly
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
8. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
9. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
10. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12.
11. Remove the LVPS PWB, REP 18.8.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the cus-
tomer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Front interlock switch assembly
Xerox does not recommend removal of the hard disk unless it is defective or the device is
being returned to Xerox. If the hard disk is thought to be defective, before removal, first create
a clone file of the hard disk data, GP 13. Once the hard disk is removed a factory initialization
from the special boot menu will be required, GP 25.
1. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4 (B400) or REP 19.3 (B405).
2. Disconnect P/J302 and P/J310, then remove the option HDD, Figure 1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Open the front cover assembly. Release the hooks on the right and left front links, Figure
4. Remove the front cover assembly by flexing it to release one of the bosses from the hole,
Figure 1.
Right front link The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Front cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Loosen the thumb screw that fixes the ESS window cover assembly, then remove the 1. Loosen the thumb screw that fixes the ESS window cover assembly, then remove the
ESS window cover assembly from the printer, Figure 1. ESS window cover assembly from the printer, Figure 1.
Figure 1 ESS window cover assembly removal Figure 1 ESS window cover assembly removal
Replacement Replacement
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the cover extension assembly by flexing it to release one of the bosses from the
hole, Figure 1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the cover extension assembly by flexing it to release one of the bosses from the
hole, Figure 1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm) that fixes the scanner outer right cover.
Release one hook, then remove the scanner outer right cover, Figure 1.
Right cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove two screws (silver, tapping, 8mm) that fixes the right cover, Figure 1. Front
Right cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the right cover assembly, REP 19.7.
6. Release the hooks that fix the scanner inner right cover, then slide it out of the printer,
Figure 1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the right cover assembly, REP 19.8.
6. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
7. Remove two screws (silver, tapping, 8mm), then remove the exit top cover assembly, Fig-
ure 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
6. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
7. Release eleven hooks, then remove the scanner left cover, Figure 1.
Left cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
8. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4.
9. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
10. Remove two screws (silver, tapping, 8mm) and one screw (silver, M4, 6mm) that fix the
left cover. Release four holes from the bosses on the frame. Release two hooks, then
remove the left cover, Figure 1.
Left cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the rear cover, PL 19.2B Item 10.
2. Release three hooks that fix the connector cover, then remove the connector cover, Fig-
ure 1.
3. Disconnect PJ2401 from the rear cover assembly, Figure 1.
4. Remove the stopper that fixes the rear cover assembly, by rotating the stopper in the
arrowed direction, Figure 1. P/J2401
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the rear cover, PL 19.2A Item 10.
2. Release three hooks that fix the connector cover, then remove the connector cover, Fig-
ure 1.
3. Disconnect P/J2401 from the rear cover assembly, Figure 1.
4. Remove the stopper that fixes the rear cover assembly, by rotating the stopper in the
arrowed direction, Figure 1.
Rear cover assembly
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
2. Remove the transfer roll assembly, REP 6.1.
3. Remove the duplex chute assembly, REP 14.1.
4. Release two hooks, then remove the harness guide, Figure 1.
Duplex out chute
Rear latch
Rear fan
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
2. Remove the transfer roll assembly, REP 6.2.
3. Remove the duplex chute assembly, REP 14.2. Duplex out chute
4. Release two hooks, then remove the harness guide, Figure 1.
5. Release the two hooks that fix the duplex out chute. Release the four bosses from the
holes, then remove the duplex out chute, Figure 1.
Rear latch
Rear fan
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.1.
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
5. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
6. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
7. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
8. Release two holes on the rear under cover from the bosses on the printer, Figure 1.
9. Remove the rear under cover by sliding it to the left to disengage three hooks, Figure 1.
rear under cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 19.2. Boss
4. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.14.
5. Remove the UI console assembly, REP 1.3.
6. Remove the exit top cover assembly, REP 19.10.
7. Remove the Right Cover, REP 19.8.
8. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.20.
9. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.4. Front
10. Remove the front/left UI cover assembly, REP 1.4.
11. Remove the left cover, REP 19.12. Boss
12. Release two holes on the rear under cover from the bosses on the printer, Figure 1. rear under cover
13. Remove the rear under cover by sliding it to the left to disengage three hooks, Figure 1.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Push the lever and remove the WiFi cap cover, Figure 1. 1. Push the lever and remove the WiFi cap cover, Figure 1.
WiFi cap cover WiFi cap cover
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
4. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
5. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
6. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
7. Remove the right cover, REP 19.7.
8. Remove the UI access door, UI console assembly, ICCR cover, UI top cover, IIT front top
cover, IIT left cover, REP 1.1.
9. Remove the UI harness assembly, UI speaker, UI bottom, REP 1.2.
Scanner inner
right cover
11. Remove two screws (silver, M3, 6mm), then remove the ESS top plate, Figure 2.
12. Disconnect, PJ451, PJ452, PJ453 and PJ454 from the ESS PWB. Release the ribbon
cable from the hole on the frame and from the harness guide, Figure 2.
NOTE: When removing the ribbon cable, remove the adhesive surface of the double-
sided tape from the metal plate.
DADF assembly
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the MSI cover, PL 13.2 Item 99.
2. Pull out the MSI tray assembly, PL 13.2 Item 9.
3. Remove the rear cover assembly, REP 19.13.
4. Remove the ESS window cover assembly, REP 19.3.
5. Remove the WIFI cap cover, REP 19.19.
6. Remove the left cover, REP 19.11.
7. Remove the right cover, REP 19.7.
8. Remove the UI access door, UI console assembly, ICCR cover, UI top cover, IIT front top
cover, IIT left cover, REP 1.1.
9. Remove the UI harness assembly, UI speaker, UI bottom, REP 1.2.
10. Remove the scanner assembly, REP 21.1.
11. Turn the DADF assembly upside down.
IIT assembly
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Right hinge assembly
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the DADF top cover, PL 21.1 Item 2.
2. Release two hooks, then remove the separation pad, Figure 1.
Separation pad
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Guide
1. Open the DADF top cover, PL 21.1 Item 2.
2. Release two lock levers, then remove the DADF roller assembly, Figure 1.
Guide Guide
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the DADF top cover, PL 21.1 Item 2.
2. Release the cover from the front stud, then remove the DADF top cover, Figure 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the scanner assembly, REP 21.1.
2. Remove one screw (silver, tapping, 8mm), then remove the scanner front bottom cover,
Figure 1.
CON 12
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Adjustment Adjustment
To adjust the transfer amount by editing NVM values: Fuser temperature adjustment for a particular paper type is accomplished by editing the NVM
1. Identify the paper type for which you need to adjust the transfer amount.
2. Refer to dC131, NVM Read /Write for detailed instructions on accessing NVM values.
To adjust the Fuser temperature by editing NVM values:
3. Enter the Chain-Link code for the paper identified in step 1. Refer to Table 1 for the appro-
1. Identify the paper type for which you need to adjust the fuser temperature.
priate Chain-Link code.
2. Refer to dC131, NVM Read /Write for detailed instructions on accessing NVM values.
4. Adjust the value up or down as necessary within the range 1 to 16, with 6 as the default
3. Enter the Chain-Link code for the paper identified in step 1. Refer to Table 1 for the appro-
priate Chain-Link code.
Table 1 Adjustments 4. Adjust the value up or down as necessary using one of the following settings:
-9, -6, -3, 0 (default), +3, +6, +9.
Media Name Chain-Link Default
The value of the setting raises (if positive) or lowers (if negative) the Fuser temperature
Plain 1 746-500 6
for the specified paper type. For example, entering +3 will raise the temperature by three
Plain 2 746-501 6 degrees celsius.
High-Quality 746-502 6
Heavyweight 1 746-503 6 Table 1 Adjustments
Heavyweight 2 746-504 6 Media Name Chain-Link Default
Heavyweight 3 746-505 6 Plain 1 744-050 0
Postcard 746-506 6 Plain 2 744-051 0
Envelope 746-507 6 High-Quality 744-052 0
Label 746-508 6 Heavyweight 1 744-053 0
Thin 746-510 6 Heavyweight 2 744-054 0
Heavyweight 3 744-055 0
Postcard 744-056 0
Envelope 744-057 0
Label 744-058 0
Thin 744-060 0
1. Refer to dC131.
2. Enter the Chain-Link code 746-526.
3. Refer to Table 1 to set the NVM value corresponding to your altitude in meters. The
default setting is 0. Use only the NVM values listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Adjustments
Altitude NVM Value
0m 0 (default)
500 m 1
1000 m 2
1500 m 3
2000 m 4
2500 m 5
3000 m 6
PL 6 - Transfer PL 21 - Scanner
PL 21.1 Scanner.............................................................................................................. 5-40
PL 6.1 Transfer ............................................................................................................... 5-12
PL 7 - Fusing
PL 7.1 Fuser.................................................................................................................... 5-13
PL 8 - Xerographics
PL 8.1 Xerographics........................................................................................................ 5-14
PL 9 - Tray 1
PL 9.2 Tray 1................................................................................................................... 5-15
PL 11 - Option Feeder
PL 11.1A Option Feeder (1 of 4) - B400 ......................................................................... 5-16
PL 11.1B Option Feeder (1 of 4) - B405 ......................................................................... 5-17
PL 11.2 Option Feeder (2 of 4) ....................................................................................... 5-18
PL 11.3 Option Feeder (3 of 4) ....................................................................................... 5-19
PL 11.4 Option Feeder (4 of 4) ....................................................................................... 5-20
PL 13 - MSI
PL 13.1 MSI (1 of 2) ........................................................................................................ 5-21
PL 13.2 MSI (2 of 2) ........................................................................................................ 5-22
PL 14 - Duplex
PL 14.1 Duplex................................................................................................................ 5-23
PL 15 - Registration
PL 15.1A Registration (1 of 3) - B400 ............................................................................. 5-24
PL 15.1B Registration (1 of 3) - B405 ............................................................................. 5-25
PL 15.2 Registration (2 of 3) ........................................................................................... 5-26
PL 15.3 Registration (3 of 3) ........................................................................................... 5-27
GP 20 to GP 26
GP 20 First Print Out/Copy Time and Startup Time ........................................................ 6-23
GP 21 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) ..................................................... 6-23
GP 22 Printing Reports ................................................................................................... 6-24
GP 23 Obtaining Audit and Device Logs......................................................................... 6-24
GP 24 Cleaning the Document Glass and White Strip.................................................... 6-25
GP 25 Special Boot Modes ............................................................................................. 6-25
GP 26 Ethernet Crossover Cable Setup ......................................................................... 6-26
GP 40
GP 40 Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................ 6-29
dC118 to dC131
dC118 Jam Counter ........................................................................................................ 6-35
dC120 Failure Counter.................................................................................................... 6-35
dC122 Shutdown History ................................................................................................ 6-36
dC125 Faults................................................................................................................... 6-36
dC131 NVM Read/Write.................................................................................................. 6-37
NOTE: When diagnostics is entered, all existing copy jobs are cancelled and an ‘Offline’ Fault Data Available from Diagnostics
screen message is displayed. Diagnostics (GP 1) gives access to the fault history options that follow:
• For information on paper jam codes, refer to dC118 Jam Counter.
How to Enter Diagnostics
• For information on failures, refer to dC120 Failure Counter.
1. Switch on the machine, GP 10.
• For information on current machine faults, refer to dC125 Faults.
2. When the machine is ready, press and hold the Home button for 5 seconds.
3. When the passcode screen opens, enter the passcode, 6789. Tap the OK button on the
Function, Fault, Component Codes
UI. Refer to Table 1 for a description of some of the function and fault code prefixes.
4. Tap Diagnostics.
Table 1 Function and fault code prefixes
5. Select the relevant diagnostics routine:
Chain Code Function
• dC118 Jam Counter
• dC120 Failure Counter 002 User interface
• dC122 Shutdown History 003 Network Controller (IITSC)
• dC125 Faults 005 Document transportation (DADF)
• dC131 NVM Read/Write 010 Paper Handling/Fuser
• dC132 Machine ID and Billing Data 016 Network controller (Controller)
• dC135 HFSI Counter 017 Network controller (Controller)
• dC140 Analog Component Monitoring 018 Network controller (Network)
• dC301 Initialize NVM 021 Network controller (EP Accessory)
• dC305 Panel Diagnostics 023 Network controller (MF-UI)
• dC330 Component Control 024 Network controller (IOTSC)
• dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics 025 Network controller (HDD/SSD)
• dC500 Blank Page Threshold Value 026 Network controller (JRM)
• dC612 Print Test Pattern 027 Network controller (Network)
• dC945 IIT Calibration 028 Network controller (IOTSC)
• dC1010 Signals Sending Test 029 Network controller (Network)
• dC1011 Relay On/Off Test 03X Fax
How to Exit Diagnostics 04X IOT Manager/Drive
05X IOT (Jam Zone / Fuser)
1. Tap the Exit button. Select either Clear Error Log History or Keep Error Log History.
2. Tap the Service button.
07X (X = tray No.) Paper Trays and Handling / Interlocks
3. Tap the Log Out button.
09X Xerographics
102 USB
103 Network controller (IITSC)
116 Network controller (Controller)
117 Network controller (Controller)
118 Network controller (Network)
121 Network controller (EP Accessory)
123 Network controller (MF-UI)
• Language
• About:
– Device Name
– Model
– Serial Number
– Xerox Asset Tag
– Customer Asset Tag
– Software Version
– Contact information
– Network information
– WiFi information
– Job Overwrite
– Information Pages
• Notifications
• Paper Trays
• Supplies
• Billing Usage
• Support
Four methods are available to download the machine software:
1. Firmware Download Manager Tool via Port 9100, using the customer network or ethernet
crossover cable.
2. Firmware Download Manager Tool via the rear USB Type B Port, using the rear USB port
from a PC to the device.
3. Special Boot Menu and USB Drive Software Loading, using the front USB port.
4. Embedded Web Server Software Loading, using an internet connection.
NOTE: The USB device must be formatted using the FAT32 file system.
NOTE: If the Windows key is enabled (the key located in the lower left corner with
the Microsoft logo), hold the Windows key down, press R and release both keys to
open the Command window.
b. In the Command window (where the blinking cursor is) type ping. Press the space
bar once, then enter the IP address of the device. Press Enter.
c. If the ping command is successful, the device will reply four times. This should not
take more than two or three seconds.
d. If the ping command times out, or responds with ‘host unreachable’, check the IP
address that was entered. If the IP address is correct, contact 2nd level support.
10. Select Network (Port9100) on the Communication Interface Selection screen, then touch 12. The Firmware update status appears on the Update in Progress screen, Figure 5.
Next, Figure 3.
8. Select the Printer model from the pull-down menu then browse to where the firmware file
(.bin) is located. Double-click the (.bin) file then touch Add and then touch Next, Figure 8.
Firmware Download Manager Tool via the rear USB Type B Port
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Download the appropriate firmware download manager tool (FWDLMgr.exe), B400 or
B405 to a location on your PC or laptop, refer to Obtaining Machine Software.
2. Download the firmware (.bin) file, refer to Obtaining Machine Software.
3. Connect a PC or laptop to the device with a USB cable (Type A to Type B, male on both
NOTE: For both the B400 and B405, the USB Type B port is on the back of the device).
4. Switch on the power for the PC or laptop and the device, GP 10.
5. Enter special boot mode, GP 25. Select Download Mode on SPECIAL BOOT MENU 1/3.
6. As the front panel UI displays 0% completed, quickly double click on FWDLMgr.exe to run
the firmware download manager tool.
10. The Firmware update status appears on the Update in Progress screen, Figure 10.
Figure 11 Result
Do not switch off the printer until the reboot is complete. The printer will reboot after the down-
load is complete.
6. Once the reboot is complete, a Software Upgrade Report will print. The process is com-
plete and the USB memory device can be removed.
Use this feature setup the device to check periodically (daily, weekly, monthly) for software
1. Assess the fault. Check if the part is broken, too loose or too tight. Check if it needs clean- • Flats.
ing or lubricating. • Tears.
2. Check the components that follow as appropriate: • Contamination.
• Actuators • Secure E-clips and other retainers.
• Bearings Shafts
• Drive Belts • Contamination.
• Gears • Misalignment.
• Gravity Fingers and Stripper Fingers • Rotates without binding.
• Harnesses and Wiring
• Rollers
• Shafts
• Free movement.
• Damage
• Contamination.
• Wear.
• Damage.
• Contamination.
Drive Belts
• Wear.
• Damaged teeth.
• Correct tension.
• Contamination of tension rollers and support shafts.
• Contamination.
• Chips or cracks.
• Wear.
• Misalignment.
Gravity Fingers and Stripper Fingers
• Free movement.
• Missing fingers.
• Damage.
• Contamination on the fingers, rollers or on the pivot shaft.
Harnesses and Wiring
• Continuity.
NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example
NOTE: In cases where the motor may be driven forward or backward, the same 2 feed wires
are used, but the voltages on them are reversed, to reverse the motor direction. Such motors
may have 2 component control codes, for forward and reverse. A typical application is a tray lift
motor with a tray-up and a tray-down direction.
• Disconnect PJB (Flag 2). Check that +24V is measured when the component control
code for the motor is entered.
• Disconnect PJA (Flag 1). Check for +24V on the LVPS.
• Disconnect PJC (Flag 3). Check that the signal changes on the ESS PWB when the com-
ponent control code for the motor is entered.
• Check the wiring and the connectors for the motor circuit.
Four Wire Stepper Motor
NOTE: A stepper motor with an internal open circuit may appear to be fully functional under
dC330 component control. However, under normal operation it will run with intermittent failure.
Use the standard digital meter to check that the resistance of the stepper motor coils are simi-
• Disconnect PJH (Flag 6). Check the motor on pulses on the harness when the component
control code for the motor is entered.
• Disconnect PJJ (Flag 6). Check the motor on pulses on the harness when the component
control code for the motor is entered.
NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example only.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ensure that the sensor is installed correctly.
2. Clean the sensor and the area around the sensor.
3. If a flag actuator is installed, check that it has free movement.
4. Check that the paper path is clear.
5. If the sensor activates by a surface that reflects, check that the surface is clean. Also
ensure that there is not an obstruction between the sensor and the surface.
6. If the sensor actuates by an encoder disc, ensure the holes or gaps in the disc are aligned
correctly with the sensor.
Sensor Action
In the upper sensor in Figure 1, when light from the LED is allowed to fall on the photo-sensi-
tive transistor, the sensing line, PJA, pin 2, is low. When light from the LED is blocked by the
flag, the sensing line is high.
In the lower sensor in Figure 1, when light from the LED is reflected by the paper onto the
photo-sensitive transistor, the sensing line, PJE, pin 2 is low. When no paper is present, no
light falls on the transistor and the sensing line is high.
Figure 1 Wiring diagram
Quick Sensor Check
Enter the component control code for the sensor. Refer to dC330. Activate the sensor. If the
display changes, the sensor operates correctly. If the display does not change, perform the
Initial Actions NOTE: The circuit in Figure 1 shows an interlock switch activated by the closing of a door.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
1. For a clutch, check that the mechanical components are clean, free to move and are lubri- not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
cated correctly death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. For a solenoid, check that the armature and associated mechanical components are free Manually check that the switch operates. Ensure that the magnet or other actuator has enough
to move. mechanical movement to operate the switch.
Procedure NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example only.
NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example only.
NOTE: When a solenoid is energized in diagnostics, armature movement is seen. When a • Disconnect PJA (Flag 1). Check the electrical operation of the switch.
clutch is energized in diagnostics, the sound of the clutch action is heard. If possible, energize • Disconnect PJB (Flag 1). Check for +5V and 0V on the IOT PWB.
the motor connected to the clutch to confirm when the clutch is energized.
• Check the wiring and the connectors for the switch circuit.
• Check that the signal changes on the ESS PWB (Flag 1) when the component control
code for the clutch or solenoid is entered.
• Disconnect PJC (Flag 2). Check that +24V is measured when the component control
code for the clutch or solenoid is entered.
• Disconnect PJD (Flag 3). Check for +24V on the LVPS.
• Check the wiring and the connectors for the clutch or solenoid circuit.
Do not disconnect the power cord or interrupt the electricity supply before the power down is
complete unless advised. The data and software can become damaged.
1. Press the Power button on the UI. The Power Down Options window will display.
2. Tap the Power Off button.
3. For B400, switch off the main power switch.
4. When the machine has switched off, remove the power lead from the outlet.
Restart is selected from the Power Down Options window. When pressed, the machine should
restart within 2 minutes.
Sleep Mode
Sleep is selected from the Power Down Options window. When pressed, the machine should
immediately enter sleep mode.
WARNING NOTE: To establish a direct Ethernet connection between the PWS and printer requires the
printer’s driver installation CD-ROM, a crossover cable, and the PWS.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Depending on the printer, a Windows 7 (W7) driver might not be available on the printer’s
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. driver installation CD-ROM. If not, download the driver from under the Support and
Drivers page. W7 has two kernal types, 32 and 64-bit. If you try to install the wrong driver, Win-
dows displays an error to indicate the driver is incorrect. To check the kernal type, click on
CAUTION Start, in the right column, right click on Computer and select Properties, you will see the kernal
Only use lubricants as directed. Incorrect use of lubricants could seriously affect the perfor- type listed as System Type.
mance of the machine.
Establishing a LAN connection
Take the precautions that follow when performing machine lubrication:
Use these steps to establish a Local Area Network (LAN) connection between the PWS and
• Wear disposable gloves. printer using a crossover cable.
• Only use lubricants that are specified in the Parts List.
NOTE: Record the original data for every change you make. You may or may not need to reset
• Only lubricate parts of the machine as directed in the relevant RAPs, Repairs, Adjust-
the IP address, depending on PWS usage and local network practice.
ments and General Procedures.
• Apply only the smallest amount of lubricant, sufficient to lubricate the parts. To prevent 1. Print a Configuration Report, GP 22. Note the printer’s IP address.
contamination, remove any surplus lubricant before the machine is run. 2. Connect the crossover cable between the PWS and printer.
• Take great care not to contaminate other parts of the machine with the lubricant. 3. Open a Command window (CMD) on the PWS.
• If running XP, click on Start, then select Run. Type CMD in the Run dialog box and
press Enter.
• If running W7, select Start and in the Search box above the Start button, type CMD
and press Enter.
NOTE: If the Windows key is enabled (the key located in the lower left corner with the
Microsoft logo), hold the Windows key down, press R and release both keys to open the
Run dialog box.
4. Type ipconfig at the prompt, then write down the current network settings displayed.
Restore these settings when the LAN connection is no longer needed.
NOTE: Use the IPv4 address for the Local Area Connection, not the address listed under
Wireless Ethernet Connection (if enabled in your laptop).
5. Check the IP addresses of the PWS and printer. If the PWS has been connected to the
same subnet, the PWS and printer address should share the same values for the first
three and have a different value for the forth number. Refer to Table 1 for an example.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Enter Customer Administration Mode, GP 19.
2. Touch the Device button.
3. Touch General.
4. Touch Date and Time.
5. Set the correct Time Zone, Date and Time, and date and time display settings, then select
6. Log out of Customer Administration Mode, GP 19.
Machine Weight
Refer to Table 2.
NOTE: If the password is not 1111, ask the customer for the current password. If the cus-
tomer does not know the password, go to Administrator Password Reset.
5. Touch OK.
Call Closeout
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Touch Admin in the top left corner of the UI.
2. Touch Logout.
How to Enter Customer Administration Mode via the Webpage
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Type the device IP address into a web browser.
2. Select Log in, top left corner.
3. The User Accounts screen is displayed. Select Admin.
4. The admin screen is displayed. Enter the password ‘1111’ (default setting).
5. Select Log In.
Call Closeout
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Select Admin, in the top left corner.
2. The pull down menu is displayed. Select Log Out.
Administrator Password Reset
To reset the admin password, contact 2nd level support.
All Xerox® VersaLink® B400 and B405 machines are RoHS compliant at time of manufacture.
Failure to comply with RoHS guidelines can result in product recalls, imprisonment, fines or
Use only spares that are listed in the Xerox® VersaLink® B400 and B405 Spare Parts List. Do
not use spare parts from other similar machines, even if the parts look identical. All Xerox®
VersaLink® B400 and B405 machines are RoHS compliant at time of manufacture and must
be maintained as RoHS compliant.
• Configuration Report NOTE: It may not be possible to obtain audit and device logs if the device executed a reboot
• Billing Summary Report after an error occurred. To enable the device log collection enter dC131, then set the NVM
• Supplies Usage Report value 700-530 value to 0. Once logs are obtained, enter dC131 and set NVM value 700-530 to
• PostScript Font List
• PCL Font List Procedure
• Demonstration Print Audit Log
• Startup Page To obtain the Audit Log:
Configuration Report 1. Obtain the machine’s IP address by printing a configuration report, GP 22.
The Configuration Report lists the current state of system configuration parameters including 2. Access the web UI by entering the IP address into a web browser on a PC on the same
installed options and network settings. network as the machine.
3. Log in to the web UI as an administrator, GP 19.
Billing Summary Report
4. Ensure HTTP- SSL/TLS is enabled:
The Billing Summary Report lists Device Information, Billing Meter impression counters (for
a. Click Connectivity.
customers on billing meter supplies plans only) and Sheet Count by Paper Type.
b. Click HTTP.
Supplies Usage c. Enable HTTP (SSL). You will be prompted to restart the machine, click Restart
The Supplies Usage report includes the current status of printer consumables and routine Now.
maintenance items. Installation dates and replacement part numbers are listed. d. Click OK. You will be prompted to restart the machine, click Restart Now.
5. When the machine restarts, log back in as an administrator, then click System.
PostScript Font List 6. Click Logs.
This report provides a list of the installed PostScript fonts. 7. Click Audit Log.
8. Click Enable.
PCL Font List
9. Click Export. The auditlog.txt file is downloaded via the web browser.
This report provides a list of the installed PCL fonts.
Device Log
Demonstration Print To obtain the Device Log:
This report shows a brief synopsis of the device. 1. Obtain the machine’s IP address by printing a configuration report, GP 22.
2. Access the web UI by entering the IP address into a web browser on a PC on the same
Startup Page network as the machine.
This report lists device type, software versions, enabled protocols and mobile connectivity. 3. Log in to the web UI as an administrator, GP 19.
4. Click System.
Procedure 5. Click Logs.
Reports are printed from the Control Panel 6. Click Device Log.
7. Click Accept. The devicelog.dat file is downloaded via the web browser.
NOTE: It is not necessary to enter SA mode (log in) in order to perform this procedure.
Do not turn off the device until the reboot is complete. The device will reboot after the download
Do not spray detergent directly on the printer. Liquid detergent could enter the printer through a
is complete.
gap and cause problems. Never use cleaning agents other than water or mild detergent.
5. Scroll through SPECIAL BOOT MENU screens 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 to select the appropriate
1. Slightly dampen a soft lint-free cloth or paper towel with water.
function, refer to Table 1, then follow the on screen instructions. The device may reboot
2. Open the document cover. then print a report.
3. Wipe the surface of the document glass and white strip, and then wipe with a dry cloth or
paper towel until they are completely dry. Table 1 Next Level of Menu
4. Pull the tab to open the DADF chute cover and hold it open. Function Display Description
5. Wipe the surface of the white strip, dry with a dry cloth or paper towel.
DOWNLOAD --BOOT MODE-- Starts up in Firmware Download Mode. See
6. Carefully close the DADF chute cover. MODE DOWNLOAD MODE GP 4.
7. Close the document cover. ARE YOU SURE?
LONGDIAG --BOOT MODE-- Performs a more detailed check than the
MODE LONGDIAG MODE usual device diagnostic items at the start up
ARE YOU SURE? of the machine.
7. Refer to the configuration report. Set the IP address of the laptop one number higher than
the device. For example, if the IP address of the device is, set the IP
address of the laptop to
8. Refer to the configuration report. Set the Subnet mask of the laptop to the same as the
Subnet mask of the device.
9. Click on OK to close the properties dialog box, then OK to close the second properties
Figure 1 Properties window dialog box.
10. Close the Local Area Connection Status dialog box.
5. Double-click the entry Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
11. Connect the ethernet crossover cable to the device, then continue with your procedure.
5. Refer to the configuration report. Set the IP address of the laptop one number higher than
the device. For example, if the IP address of the device is, set the IP
address of the laptop to
6. Refer to the configuration report. Set the Subnet mask of the laptop to the same as the
Subnet mask of the device.
Figure 3 Properties window
7. Select OK to close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.
8. Select OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties window.
9. Connect the ethernet crossover cable to the device, then continue with your procedure.
Where possible unit designations as appear in ISO 1000 (International Organization for Stan- Term Description
dardization) and Xerox Standard MN2-905 have been used. All measurements appear in ISO CQ Copy Quality
units followed by any conversion in brackets e.g.; 22.5mm (0.885 inches)
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
B Bels (applies to sound power level units) DMA Direct Memory Access
Binding Part of the communication between modules. DMO Developing Markets Operations
BootP Boot Protocol. AN IP protocol for automatically assigning IP addresses. DMO-W Developing Markets Operations West
CAT Customer Admin Tool Dust Off Routine to return machine to pre-install state
CIPS Common Image Path Software Embedded Fax A fax system included in a system device
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
CIS Contact Image Sensor
EME Electromagnetic Emission
CL Copy Lighter. A copy density setting
EPC Electronic Page Collation (memory dedicated to temporary retention of IFax Internet Fax
images captured from the scanner and network controller) IIT Image Input Terminal
EPROM Erasable / Programmable Read Only Memory Intlk Interlock
ERR End Retransmission Response ioctl input/output control
ERU Engineer Replaceable Unit IOT Image Output Terminal
ESD Electrostatic Discharge IP Internet Protocol
ESS Electronic Sub-System (equivalent to NC) IPA Image Processing Accelerator. Used by the machine scanning services
EU European Union to convert scanned images to a standard format e.g. for scan to file /
scan to E-mail for network transmission.
EUR Europe
IPS Image Processing Service
FAR Fully Active Retard feeder
IPSec Internet Protocol Security
Fax Facsimile
IPX Internetwork Protocol eXchange
FCOT First Copy Out Time
IQ Image Quality
FDI Foreign Device Interface
IQS Image Quality Specification
FIFO First In First Out
IR Intelligent Ready
Firmware Software in a ROM
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network / International Standard Data Net-
FLASH On board erasable and re-programmable non volatile memory
FOIP Fax Over Internet Protocol
ISO International Standards Organization
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
ITP Internal Test Pattern
FPOT First Print Out Time
JBA Job Based Accounting (Network Accounting)
FRU Field Replaceable Unit
JIS Japanese Industrial Standards
FRU Fuser Replacement Unit
kg kilogram
FTP File Transfer Protocol
kHz kilohertz
FX Fuji Xerox
Kill All Routine to return all NVM, including protected NVM, to a virgin state.
G3 Group 3 Factory use only
GMT Greenwich Mean Time KO Key Operator
GND Ground LAN Local Area Network
GSM Grams per square metre LCD Liquid Crystal Display
GUI Graphical User Interface LCSS Low Capacity Stapler Stacker
HCF High Capacity Feeder LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (allows sharing of corporate
HDD Hard Disk Drive phone book information)
HFSI High Frequency Service Intervals LE Lead edge
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol LED Light Emitting Diode
HVPS High Voltage Power Supply LEF Long Edge Feed
Hz Hertz LOA Load Object Attributes
I/O Input/Output LPD Line Printer Daemon
Procedure Procedure
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Tap dC118 Jam Counter. 2. Tap dC120 Failure Counter.
NOTE: There will be a delay while the machine retrieves the jam counter data. NOTE: There will be a delay while the machine retrieves the fault counter data.
3. A list of jams that have occurred is displayed. 3. A list of faults that have occurred on the machine is displayed.
4. Tap Close to return to the Diagnostics screen. 4. Tap Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
5. Exit diagnostics, GP 1. 5. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
Each NVM item is identified using an NVM chain link number in the form XXX-XXX.
Only change an NVM value when instructed by a service procedure or when following advice
from engineering support.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Touch dC131 NVM Read/Write.
3. To read NVM, enter the required chain link number. The current value will be displayed.
4. To write NVM:
a. Enter the required chain link number.
b. Touch Change.
c. Enter a new value.
d. Touch OK.
e. The new value will be displayed in the Current Value box.
5. Touch Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
6. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
NOTE: The Edoc CD must be in the CD drive to use the link below.
The serial and product numbers are held at the following locations: Procedure
• MCU PWB (IOT). 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
• EMMC card (SEEP Data SYS1) on the ESS PWB. 2. Touch dC135 HFSI Counter. The HFSI Counter screen will open.
• Soldered NVM (NVM Data SYS2) on the ESS PWB. 3. Touch Chain-Link, then enter the relevant Chain-Link number or select the component
from the list.
4. Touch Details. The Details screen will open, displaying the part name, current value, last
• This function must only be used when a failure has occurred.
replacement data, 2nd last replacement data, 3rd last replacement data and the specified
• When the values at the three locations (IOT, SYS1, SYS2) are the same, there is no need
to continue with the procedure.
5. To reset an HFSI value:
Procedure a. Touch Reset.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. b. The Reset Current Value screen will open.
2. Touch dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. c. Touch Yes to reset the NVM value.
3. To change the values, touch IOT, SYS1 or SYS2.
NOTE: The three previous replacement values will be updated.
4. Follow the on screen instructions to enter the required values, then touch OK.
6. To edit the specified life of an HFSI:
5. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
a. Touch Spec Life.
b. The Spec Life screen will open.
c. Enter the new value.
d. Touch OK.
7. Touch Close to return to the HFSI Counter screen.
8. Touch Close to return to the diagnostics screen.
9. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
NOTE: Logic levels shown on the Wiring Diagrams with the signal name is the actual signal as
measured with a service meter. This is not necessarily the same as the logic state shown on
the UI, especially where the output is inverted. When testing components using these control
codes, look for a change in state, not for a high or low.
The displayed status of the input component can be changed by causing the component status
to change, e.g. operating a sensor with a sheet of paper.
Purpose Internal
Test Pattern
To print the internal test patterns.
Number Name Intended Use Notes
Procedure 120 Even Density of Detection of band- Screen must be set to: Copy Error
Whole Page ing and defect Diffusion
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Tap the dC612 Print Test Pattern button. 123 Pre IPS/Shading For Engineering/ Screen must be set to: Copy Error
3. Select the test pattern required. Refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP and Table 1. Data BW Manufacturing use. Diffusion
Select from the available options for the required test pattern. 128 Post IPS/Grid/BW Detection of skew Screen must be set to: Copy Error
4. Tap the Start button. and distortion Diffusion
5. Tap the Close button to return to the diagnostics screen. defects.
6. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagrams.............................................................................................................. 7-15
To locate a connector, go to the appropriate table. 101 Figure 1 Connects ESS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 5, and EMMC
• P/J Connectors B405, Table 1. card PL 18.1B Item 6.
101 Figure 4 Connects main drive assembly, PL 3.1 Item 1, and
• P/J Connectors B400, Table 2.
main motor harness assembly, PL 18.3B Item 11.
111 Figure 5 Connects dispenser motor PL 5.1 Item 9 and dis-
Table 1 P/J Connectors B405
penser motor harness assembly, PL 18.3B Item 10.
P/Js Figure Description
200 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and inlet
10 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and main harness assembly, PL 18.3B Item 1.
motor harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 11. 201 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and FSR
11 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB PL 18.2 Item 2 and dispenser harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 9.
motor harness assembly, PL 18.3B Item 10. 210 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and MCU
12 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and registra- 24V harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 6.
tion clutch PL 15.2 Item 4 211 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and ESS
13 Figure 2 Not used. power harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 4.
14 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and cassette 212 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and main
feed clutch PL 15.2 Item 16. motor harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 11.
15 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and MSI feed 213 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and option
solenoid PL 13.1 Item 5. feeder harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 8.
16 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and T21 exit 220 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and LV har-
clutch assembly PL 3.1 Item 6. ness assembly, PL 18.3B Item 5.
17 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and T24 230 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and inter-
inverter clutch assembly PL 3.1 Item 7. lock harness assembly PL 15.1B Item 4.
18 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and ROS 231 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and front
assembly, PL 2.1 Item 1. interlock switch assembly PL 18.1B Item 98.
19 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and ROS- 233 Figure 4 Connects fuser PL 7.1 Item 1 and FSR harness
MCU harness PL 2.1 Item 2. assembly PL 18.3B Item 9.
20 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and ESS har- 240 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and rear fan
ness assembly PL 18.3B Item 3. harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 16
21 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and MCU 24V 241 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB PL 18.1B Item 10 and LVPS
harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 6. fan, PL 4.1B Item 1.
22 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and LV har- 243 Figure 6 Connects feeder drawer 1 harness assembly PL
ness assembly, PL 18.3B Item 5. 11.1B Item 18 and option feeder harness assembly
23 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and FSR har- PL 18.3B Item 8.
ness assembly PL 18.3B Item 9. 253 Figure 5 Connects toner CRUM connector assembly PL 5.1
24 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and option Item 2 and Xerographics CRUM harness assembly
feeder harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 8. PL 18.3B Item 12.
25 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and Xero- 254 Figure 5 Connects Xerographic connector assembly PL 5.1
graphics CRUM harness assembly PL 18.3B Item Item 10 and Xerographics CRUM harness assembly
12. PL 18.3B Item 12.
26 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and HV har- 260 Figure 1 Connects LVPS PWB, PL 18.1B Item 10, and the
ness assembly PL 18.3B Item 13. front interlock switch assembly, PL 18.1B Item 23.
27 Figure 2 Connects MCU PWB, PL 18.2 Item 2 and exit sen- 261 Figure 2 Connects HVPS PL 18.2 Item 5 and HV harness
sor harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 15. assembly PL 18.3B Item 13.
30 Figure 2 Not used. 271 Figure 4 Connects exit sensor PL 17.1 Item 1 and exit sensor
harness assembly PL 18.3B Item 15.
Refer to General Wiring Diagrams for a list of the general wiring diagrams which provide an
overview of the machine components and their connections.
Refer to Subsystem Wiring Diagrams for a list of wiring diagrams that show more detail on indi-
vidual subsystems and their connections.
As the rotating drum surface goes through the steps of charging, exposure, development,
transfer, removal, and cleaning, a toner image is formed on the drum surface and is transferred
onto the paper. As the paper is fed by the feeding mechanism through the steps of transfer, Figure 2 Printing process
removal, and fusing, the toner image is transferred from the drum surface onto the paper, and
then is fused.
Figure 4 Exposure
Figure 3 Charging
• The laser light is illuminated according to the printing data (image data) output from the
printer controller. Only the points on the drum surface corresponding to the pixels (minute
points composing characters of pictures) of the printing data are illuminated by laser light
(the laser diode turns on at the area to be illuminated with toner, and turns off at the are
not to be developed). The areas on the drum illuminated with the laser light become con-
ductive. This allows the negative charge on the drum surface to flow to the positive side
and to cancel out the positive charge, lowering the potential on the drum surface. This
low-potential area becomes the electrostatic latent image. Refer to Figure 5.
Toner Feeding
• The toner in the toner cartridge is fed into the developer unit by the auger driven by the
dispense motor. Refer to Figure 6.
• In the developer section, the incoming toner is mixed with the existing developer (toner/
carrier mixture) by the auger, and then supplied to the magnet roll located near the drum
surface. The toner and carrier are charged by friction due to agitation (toner in negative,
carrier in positive), and they attract each other electrically. The carrier, due to its magnetic
Figure 5 Latent image properties, is attracted to the magnetized magnet roll, and then uniformly leveled by the
trimmer rod.
Figure 8 Transfer
Figure 7 Development
Figure 10 Fusing
Figure 9 Neutralization/removal
Figure 4 Registration
Figure 5 Exit
After being scanned, the sheet is ejected to the document output tray of the DADF by the eject
1 roller and eject 2 roller that rotates by the torque from the DADF motor. Refer to Figure 7.
Figure 6 Duplex
Figure 2 Charging/cleaning
Figure 3 ROS
Figure 5 Transfer/drive
Figure 4 Development
Figure 6 Fusing/exit
B400 (SFP)
Refer to Figure 8. The major components are listed below:
• Main switch. The switch for turning the power on.
• LVPS PWB. Supplies the AC power from the power supply to the heater section of the
fuser and generates stable low DC voltage (+24VDC, +5VDC, and +3.3VDC) to be used
by the logic circuits and other components.
• Front interlock switch. Detects the opening and closing of the cover front. When the cover
front is open, the relay circuit for the +24VDC in the PWB LVPS is interrupted, and the
supply of the I/F +24VDC for the PWB MCU is stopped.
• Rear interlock switch. Detects the opening and closing of the cover assembly rear. When
the cover assembly rear is open, the relay circuit for the +24VDC in the PWB LVPS is
interrupted, and the supply of the I/F +24VDC for the PWB MCU is stopped.
• MCU PWB. Performs the control of the communication between the print controller, or the
control of each component at printing.
• HVPS. Supplies high voltage to the BCR in the drum cartridge, and to the BTR in the CRU
transfer roll assembly.
Figure 11 UI (B400)
Figure 10 UI (B405)
Figure 12 Fax
Figure 13 Scanner
Figure 14 DADF
When the system starts up by power-on, it shifts from the power-off state to the standby mode.
At this point, the provided functions (copying, Fax sending, network scanning) become avail-
able via the operator panel. Fax receiving and printing, Direct Fax, and local scanning also
become available (B405).
After selecting Power Save on the operator panel, the machine enters the Sleep Mode to save
more power consumption.
Running Mode
There are the Print mode, Scan mode, and Fax communication mode in which the IOT, IIT, and
Fax communication operate respectively.
Print Mode
In this mode, the IOT is operating for printing and report printing (B400).
In this mode, the IOT is operating for printing, copying, Fax received printing, and report print-
ing (B405).
When no job is executed for a certain period of time, the machine enters this mode to reduce
the standby electricity consumption.
The shift time from the Standby mode to Low Power mode can be changed from the operator
panel (Setting range: 1-60 min). The factory default is 1 minute.
Shading Compensation
Shading compensation compensates for pixel-by-pixel sensitivity variations and the non unifor-
mity of lamp light in the fast scanning direction. The AGC and AOC adjustment values are used
to compensate for the image data read by the CCD image sensor.
Figure 1 Control
A telephone is a device that replaces the vibrations transmitted by string with electrical signals.
The two paper cups correspond to microphone and speaker and the string to the telephone
line. Because electrical signals travel over the telephone line at a high speed with minimal
attenuation, the telephone enables conversation over great distances.
Voice is changed into electrical signals using electromagnetic induction, a process by which
electrical signals are generated by vibrating a coil in a magnetic field. Both the microphone and
speaker exploit this process. The microphone transduces sound into electrical signals using
electromagnetic induction that occurs at a moving coil coupled to a diaphragm picking up air
On the other hand, the speaker functions in the reverse manner, transducing electrical signals
back to air vibrations. Therefore, its construction is basically the same as that of a microphone.
Electrical signals passing through a coil in the magnetic field vibrate the coil, which in turn
vibrate the air to reproduce the voice. Refer to Figure 1.
These electrical signals are analog signals that fluctuate in response to the volume of the
A signal whose values change in a continuous manner with time like this is called an analog
signal. In contrast, a digital signal is a set of values that change with time in a discrete instead
of continuous manner. In other words, an analog signal is like a hill. A digital signal is like
A digital signal is a series of values obtained by sampling a continuous analog signal at a cer-
tain required rate. For example, when sampling is by time, the rate is once a second, millisec-
ond, etc.
Because the sampling reduces the amount of data along the time axis, the converted signal is
compressed and smaller in data size. Thus, once digitized, the signal information is thinned out
compared to the original analog signal.
NOTE: The difference between analog and digital signals can be easily understood by com-
paring analog measuring instruments, such as clocks and scales with their needles and grada-
tions to digital gauges that display results as a value. An analog instrument with a continuously
moving needle, can, at least in theory, be read beyond the decimal point to infinitely small divi-
sions (12.47253... g, 35.1864... g, etc.). A digital instrument, however, can only display results
to the minimum necessary decimal place (12.5 g, 35.0 g, etc.).
NOTE: Conversion of an analog signal to digital signal is called AD conversion. The reverse is
called DA conversion. Image data read by a Fax is a digital signal in which zeros and ones are
assigned according to whether or not there is black in the squares of a paper surface divided
into a grid. Fax communications that use an analog telephone network perform DA conversion
before transmitting the scanned image from the phone, and AD conversion before printing the
received data.
Figure 2 Signals
Control Circuit
The control circuit executes scanning of image data by controlling the image scanner. A line of
CCD image sensor scans the original image one line at a time. When scanning of one horizon-
tal line is completed, the next line below is scanned. As this continues, the original is scanned
from end to end one line at a time and converted to digital data as black-and-white information.
Figure 1 Fax system
Because this image data is a set of digital signals, it cannot be transmitted using an analog
telephone line. It must be subjected to DA conversion (modulation). On the other hand, the
receiving Fax machine must perform AD conversion to restore the incoming digital data to ana-
log data.
DA conversion, analog signal transmission, analog signal reception, and AD conversion are all
performed by a modem (modulator/demodulator) in the control circuit. A modem consists of a
network control unit (NCU) for connecting to the telephone line and an A/D conversion unit for
performing DA and AD conversions. Refer to Figure 1.
The following is the line connection procedure between two Faxes based on the steps 1 to 5 of
telephone call connection mechanism. At the receiving Fax, step 6 is also automatically per-
1. When an AT command (a modem control command) is sent from the control circuit to the
modem, the hook switch is activated, and a state is obtained that is identical to that when
the handset of a telephone is lifted. A dial tone (400Hz/48VDC) is sent from the local
switch. The modem's speaker emits the dial tone as an audible sound.
2. After image scanning, the telephone number (a previously stored number, number
entered by pressing phone buttons, etc.) is automatically dialed and transmitted to the
local switch.
3. Steps 3, 4, and 5 for establishing a connection via the switches are identical to those for
4. The receiving party's Fax automatically answers when it receives the call signal, and the
hook switch is activated. The local switch on the receiving party side receives a response
signal and stops sending tones to the sending and receiving parties, thereby establishing
a communications path between the both parties.
In the case of a telephone call, only voice conversion between the two parties follows. For Fax,
preparation for delivery of image data is required that includes the following types of
In summary, the NCU automatically executes a series of such operations from hook switch on
to hook switch off.
NOTE: The control circuit also retains other important functions such as data compression and
memory. With data compression, any part of the scanned image data that consists of continu-
ous white or black pixels is encoded into a single element, thus compressing the volume of
Figure 1 Scanner data. Memory temporarily stores data during transmission and reception.
The printer prints image data from the control circuit onto the surface of paper. The principle is
the same as that of an ordinary printer in that black is applied to specified locations on the
Product Description
*Model No. or Product Name:
List damaged and affected part(s) of the machine by description and part number:
Customer Identification
*Customer Name: *Name of Customer Contact Person:
* Required information is preceeded by asterisk, title shown in red, with a tan wash background
Details of Incident
*Description Of Incident: (Check all that apply)
Describe quantity and duration of smoke:
Other, describe:
MANDATORY DESCRIPTION (above): Provide a detailed description of all valid factors that may have
contributed to the incident. Hardware involved in the incident should be preserved and retained for further
investigation should investigation be deemed necessary by EH&S.
*Did external emergency response provider(s) such as a fire department, ambulance, etc. respond?
No Yes Identify: (i.e., source, names of individuals)
Apparent cause of incident (identify part that is suspected to be responsible for the incident)
* Required information is preceeded by asterisk, title shown in red with a tan wash background