Term Romanian Example: Definition in English
Term Romanian Example: Definition in English
Term Romanian Example: Definition in English
Politics I
Vocabulary with high frequency
Expressions Expresii
To be in the To be in position that is ahead of others A fi în frunte, a the Democrats now
lead conduce appear to be in the
They are To have an advantage; be winning Au un avans de două Opinion polls placed
two points puncte two points ahead of
ahead them in this way
were the winners.
The run-up to Event that takes place before the Perioada pre- It said that in the run-up
an election elections. electorală to an election, it would
comment on planning
To hold an To indicate that people are organizing a A organiza alegeri they can hold an
election particular activity. election in the next
couple of days.
To call an To Put the candidacy in a choice A provoca alegeri the prime minister has
election to call an election
before the end of the
To go to the To call for a general election to be held A apela la alegători the Prime Minister has
country decided to go to the
To field a If a candidate in an election is A prezenta un As only a few parties
candidate representing a political party, you can candidat were allowed to field
say that the party is fielding that candidates,they were
candidate. prohibited from
registering an election
To jump on To join an activity that has become very A prinde trenul din The socialists are now
the popular so that you can share in its mers climbing on the
bandwagon success: bandwagon.
To hit the To start an effort to win an election/ A se lansa într-o To hit the campaign trail
campaign competition etc. campanie electorală he worked a lot.
To go
To press the To shake hands with a lot of people: A strînge mîini Politicians have to get
flesh out and about and press
the flesh
To be a vote To perform a popular action that could A primi sufragiile To be a vote winner he
winner secure votes for a person or party had to receive the most
of votes.
To go to the To vote in an election A merge la urne I will go to the polls with
polls my compatriots and
express my vote.
To cast a vote To vote in an election A depune un buletin It's become clear that
de vot she needs to cast a
vote in order to be
To concede To admit one has been defeated A accepta înfrângerea They were forced
defeat to concede defeat..
To hold the To A controla minoritatea One other group is
balance of be able to support either opposing side decisivă în cazul unui expected to get more
power in a competition, etc. blocaj than 23 seats - and
And therefore be able to decide who therefore to hold the
will win: balance of power.
To be sworn To have a solemn commitment, A depune jurământ She’s due to be sworn in
in expressed by a certain formula, by to the United States
which one commits himself to do his senate tomorrow
duty to the people