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Term Romanian Example: Definition in English

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Pascari Silvia group 175F


Politics I
Vocabulary with high frequency

Polical parties Partide politice

Term Definition in English Romanian Example
To join sth. To do or say something with other people Before joining the
A adera la ceva European Union, we
had a very good
freedom space.
A member Someone who belongs to Un membru Each Member State
a club, organization, or group pays the amount of its
Membership The fact of being a member of Totalitatea The society has a large
a club, organization, or group membrilor membership.
A policy A set of plans or actions agreed on by O politică The country has always
a government, political party, business, or pursued a policy of
other group peace.
A politician Someone who has Un politician,un A politician must be
a job in politics, especially a Member of om politic able to communicate.
Radical A radical change or way Radical The radical group in the
of doing something is new and ruling party is becoming
very different from the usual way increasingly isolated.
Extreme Very great in degree Extrem(ă) The riots started Against
the authorities
of extreme right.
An extremist A person who holds extreme political or Un extremist When it comes to
religious views, especially one who talking about
advocates illegal, violent, or other patriotism, he's an
extreme action. extremist.
Moderate A person who is moderate in opinion or Moderat He is the most
opposed to extreme views and actions, moderate senator in the
especially in politics or religion. country.
Left-wing, A member of the political Left or a person De stînga Radical left-wing parties
leftist sympathetic to its views. gained control of local
Right-wing, A member or supporter of the political De dreapta He maintains a rigidly
rightist Right; conservative or reactionary. right-wing political
Labour The workers in Laburist She was a lifelong
a particular country, industry, member of the Labour
or company considered as a group party.
Tory,conservat A member or supporter of a conservative Conservator The Minister of the
ive political party Interior is
too conservative.
A program A plan of action to accomplish a specified Un program The Parliament has
approved a program of
radical economic
A view, an The attitude that you have towards O opinie Everybody has a right to
opinion something, especially your thoughts abou their own opinion.
t how good it is
A coalition A temporary union of different political p O coaliție The two parties have
arties that agree to form united to form a
a government together coalition.
Before the election Înainte de alegeri
An opinion An attempt to find out Un sondaj de An opinion poll showed
poll what people in general think about opinie a dramatic slump in
a subject by asking some people question approval rating.
s about it
To publish To produce something that people want A publica The newspaper refused
to read, to publish the letter.
To survey Examine and record the area and A chestiona(un She sent an away team
features of (an area of land) so as to eșantion de to survey the number
construct a map, plan, or description populație) the population in the
A survey An act or instance of surveying or of O anchetă, un The reporter is doing a
taking a comprehensive view of studio survey of public
something: attitudes.
A figure A number, especially one which forms O cifră In the list of voters a
part of official statistics or relates to the figure is superfluous.
financial performance of a company.
A rating Classification according to grade or rank. O cotă ,un scor Most of our top picks
have a high rating.
A lead The initiative in an action; an example for Un avans The government should
others to follow.: give a lead in tackling
To trail To lag behind (someone, such as a A avea întîrziere Because of having a
competitor) competitor his business
to trail.
A margin A limit in condition, capacity, etc., beyond O marjă She won the seat by a
or below which something ceases to margin of ten votes.
exist, be desirable, or be possible:
Popular Prevailing among the people generally: Popular This year the popular
party received less vote.
Popularity The quality or fact of being popular Popularitate The president's
popularity nationally is
at an all-time low.
Dissatisfaction The state or attitude of not being Nemulțumire Dissatisfaction with the
satisfied; ,insatisfacție government seems to
have permeated the
whole society .
A referendum An occasion when everyone in Un referendum The government has
a country can vote to make a decision ab agreed in principle to a
out one particular subject refere
Local Relating to a particular region or part Local, municipal He stood as a candidate
in the local elections.
General,legisla Relating to laws or to Legislativ She was nominated to
tive the process of creating new laws the legislative council.
Presidential Relating to a president Prezidențial The presidential
elections are held every
four years.
An election The selection of a person or persons for O alegere An election in June
office by vote. seems increasingly
A by-election A formal and organized choice by vote of O alegere parțială He also notes that this
a person for a political office or other was a by-election.
To fight To contend with or against in any A lupta , disputa This country to fight
manner: against terrorism must
To stand for To attempt to become elected to a certai A candida la He declared his
To run for n public position or office that is decided  intention to stand for
by a vote. president.
A candidate One of the people competing in Un candidat He stood as a candidate
an election in the local elections.
The front- The person considered the most likely to Favorit,cel mai This debate could make
runner win an election bine plasat(în cursa us the front-runner.
A constituency A division of O circumscripție A constituency
a country that elects a representative to operation was begun at
a parliament about the same time
A deposit Money placed in a bank account or an A cauțiune A deposit is payable on
instance of placing money in a bank arrival .
A campaign Series of actions intended to produce poli O campanie They conducted a
tical or social change campaign of economic
To promise Doing exactly what you said you would A promite Sometimes politicians
do forget to fulfill what
they promise during the
A promise something that is promised O promisiune A promises to increase
salaries have not been
made by president.
To pledge To promise seriously and publicly to do A promite, a se When he is into office
something angaja he will have to pledge
his allegiance
A pledge A solemn promise or undertaking. O promisiune ,un A promise he will never
angajament fulfill.
Elections Alegeri
A ballot A solethe process of voting secretly to Un scrutin The members have
choose a candidate in an election demanded a ballot
A ballot Paper used for voting in a ballot, Un bulletin de vot  Democracy is not just a
paper periodic right to put a
cross on a ballot paper.
Polling day The day when people vote in an election Ziua alegerilor The document
appeared in the press
shortly before polling
A polling A building where people go to vote in Un birou de vot A polling station is
station an election where I vote
A ballot box A box in which you put O urnă The ballot box is sealed
your ballot paper after you have voted
To vote To formally express an opinion by A vota The committee
choosing between two people responsible shall put
these suggestions to
the vote.
A vote A formal indication of a choice between Un vot The government held a
two or more candidates or courses of vote of confidence
A voter Someone who votes in an election Un alegător A voter must necessarily
be no younger than
The electorate, All the people who are allowed to vote in Electoratul A majority of the
the voters an election electorate oppose the
A round A period of time when Un tur(de scrutin) The results of the fourth
an audience reacts by clapping their hand round of voting did not
s reveal the winner.
Turn- The act of voting in an election Participare la vot Security is tight this
out,polling week at the polling
To count To calculate how A număra The next day they
many people or things there are in started counting the
a group votes they received.
Counting To say numbers one after another Numărare We are counting on
in order your cooperation.
A seat Un loc Today a seat in
parliament has been
To elect To choose to do something A alege(prin vot) The time has come to
elect a real
To win,to To defeat everyone else by being A cîștiga To win, we must
carry the best or by finishing first in prepare, even for the
a competition impossible.
A win,a A successful result in a contest, conflict, O victorie This ruling represents a
victory bet, or a victory. victory for all members
Overwhelming Much larger, stronger, Zdrobitor An overwhelming
more important etc than anything else in feeling of despair is
a situation when it comes to the
elderly people in our
Close to have friendship, partnership with Strîns The district council is in
someone close partnership with
the local authorities.
To retain To keep someone or something O conservare Member States should
be allowed to
retain their competence
in these fields.
A defeat Failure to win a competition or O înfrîngere A defeat in the election
to succeed in doing something disappointed our
original plans.
An overall More votes won in an election than all O majorare The government does
majority the other political parties added together absolută not have an overall
majority .
To swing To produce a change A produce o Party members met to
schimbare, un swing the country for
transfer the better.
A swing An act of swinging. O schimbare, un The new president will
transfer(al puterii) undoubtedly try to
make some swings in
foreign policy.
To shift To put (something) aside and replace it A schimba, a se He hopes to shift the
by another or others; change or muta media's attention away
exchange: from foreign policy
A shift A change or transfer from one place, O schimbare ,o There is a shift in
position, direction, person, etc., to mutație citizens' perceptions of
another: the new leadership.
Results Something that happens as a Rezultate The results of the votes
consequence; outcome. will be published in the
The outcome The final result of Rezultatul final, These voters often
a process, meeting, activity etc concluzia determine the outcome
of statewide elections.

The United States Statele Unite

A primary Also called primary election. A Întâlnire electorală
preliminary election in which voters of pentru propunerea
each party nominate candidates for candidatului
office, party officers,
A caucus A meeting of party leaders to select Un comitet pentru In Congress, a caucus is
candidates, elect convention delegates desemnarea unui a meeting of members
candidat of the same political
A convention A formal assembly, as of representatives Un congres, o A convention has the
or delegates, for discussion of and action întrunire, o responsibility to
on particular matters of common concern convenție implement human
A delegate Someone who Un delegat They decided not to
is chosen to represent a group of send a delegate to the
other people at a meeting conference.
Nomination The action of nominating or state of Numire, She has withdrawn her
being nominated. nominalizare nomination as
Congress A  large meeting of members of Congresul The Congress has not
a political group yet passed the bill.
A A man who is a member of the Un membru al A Congressman should
congressman US Congress, especially the House of Repr Congresului accept the opinions of
esentatives his constituency.
The senate He more senior part of a law- Senatul The Senate is expected
making institution that has two parts to pass the bill shortly.
A senator Someone who is a member of a senate Un senator The duty of a senator is
not only for the country
but also for his family.
The house of The larger and less powerful part of the Camera The House of
representative US Congress reprezentanților Representatives
approved a new budget
A Someone who has Un reprezentant The new Constitution
representative been chosen or elected by allocated one seat to a
a person or group to vote, give opinions, representative.
or make decisions for them
To inaugurate To start or introduce something new and  A investi The two Prime
important Ministers also attended
the ceremony to
inaugurate several
Inauguration The beginning or introduction of a Investitura the president's
system, policy, or period. inauguration will
take place tomorrow

Expressions Expresii
To be in the To be in position that is ahead of others A fi în frunte, a the Democrats now
lead conduce appear to be in the
They are To have an advantage; be winning Au un avans de două Opinion polls placed
two points puncte two points ahead of
ahead them in this way
were the winners.
The run-up to Event that takes place before the Perioada pre- It said that in the run-up
an election elections. electorală to an election, it would
comment on planning
To hold an To indicate that people are organizing a A organiza alegeri they can hold an
election particular activity. election in the next
couple of days.
To call an To Put the candidacy in a choice A provoca alegeri the prime minister has
election to call an election
before the end of the
To go to the To call for a general election to be held A apela la alegători the Prime Minister has
country decided to go to the
To field a If a candidate in an election is A prezenta un As only a few parties
candidate representing a political party, you can candidat were allowed to field
say that the party is fielding that candidates,they were
candidate. prohibited from
registering an election
To jump on To join an activity that has become very A prinde trenul din The socialists are now
the popular so that you can share in its mers climbing on the
bandwagon success: bandwagon.
To hit the To start an effort to win an election/ A se lansa într-o To hit the campaign trail
campaign competition etc. campanie electorală he worked a lot.
To go
To press the To shake hands with a lot of people: A strînge mîini Politicians have to get
flesh out and about and press
the flesh
To be a vote To perform a popular action that could A primi sufragiile To be a vote winner he
winner secure votes for a person or party had to receive the most
of votes.
To go to the To vote in an election A merge la urne I will go to the polls with
polls my compatriots and
express my vote.
To cast a vote To vote in an election A depune un buletin It's become clear that
de vot she needs to cast a
vote in order to be
To concede To admit one has been defeated A accepta înfrângerea They were forced
defeat to concede defeat..
To hold the To A controla minoritatea One other group is
balance of be able to support either opposing side  decisivă în cazul unui expected to get more
power in a competition, etc. blocaj than 23 seats - and
And therefore be able to decide who therefore to hold the
will win: balance of power.
To be sworn To have a solemn commitment, A depune jurământ She’s due to be sworn in
in expressed by a certain formula, by to the United States
which one commits himself to do his senate tomorrow
duty to the people

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