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A Problem in Enumerating Extreme Points

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A Problem in Enumerating Extreme Points

Katta G. Murty
Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2117, USA
Phone: 734-763-3513, fax: 734-764-3451
e-mail:katta murty@umich.edu
October 2002

We describe the central problem in developing an efficient algorithm
for enumerating the extreme points of a convex polytope specified by
linear constraints, and discuss a conjecture for its solution.

Key words Convex polytopes, enumeration of extreme points, ad-

jacency, segments, central problem, strategy for its solution.

1 Introduction
We consider the problem of enumerating all the extreme points (also called
vertices) of a convex polytope specified by a system of linear constraints.
For any matrix H, we denote by Hi. , H.j its ith row vector, jth column
vector respectively. We will use the abbreviation “LP” for “linear program”.
Superscript T indicates transposition, i.e., for y ∈ Rn , y T is its transpose.
If {a1 , . . . , at } is a set of points in Rn , we denote its convex hull by <
a , . . . , at >. The affine rank of {a1 , . . . , at } is defined to be the rank of {a2 −

a1 , . . . , at − a1 }; it is the dimension of the affine space of {a1 , . . . , at }.

A general system of linear constraints may consist of linear equations, in-
equalities and/or bounds on variables; when its set of feasible solutions is
bounded (which is the case that we deal with in this paper), such a general
system can be transformed into a system of the form (1) given below by simple
transformations that preserve one-to-one correspondence between faces of the
original and transformed systems. So, we consider the convex polytope K which
is the set of feasible solutions of

Ax = b, x≥0 (1)
where A is a matrix of order m × (n + m) and rank m. We assume that A, b are
integer and that K is nonempty, bounded, and of dimension n + m − m = n.
System (1) is said to be in standard form.
For each j = 1 to n + m, without any loss of generality we assume that the
set of feasible solutions of

Ax = b
xj = 0
xi ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , j − 1, j + 1, . . . , n + m.

is a facet, denoted by Fj of K. Since the equation “xj = 0” defines the fac-

etal hyperplane containing the facet Fj , we will define “xj ” to be the facetal
constraint function (FCF) corresponding to Fj .

Let xB = (xn+1 , . . . , xn+m ) be a feasible basic vector for (1). Let xN =

(x1 , . . . , xn ). Then (xB , xN ) is a basic , nonbasic partition of the variables
in the vector x. The important property that holds in this (basic, nonbasic)
partition is that B = corresponding basis = the m × m matrix consisting of
column vectors of basic variables xB in (1), is nonsingular and hence invertible.
Let N be the m × n matrix consisting of column vectors of nonbasic variables.
Then, after rearranging variables, Ax = b becomes BxB + N xN = b. So, (1)
is equivalent to xB + B −1 N xN = B −1 b, xB , xN ≥ 0. Eliminating the basic
variables, K can be represented by

B −1 N xN ≤ B −1 b (2)
xN ≥ 0

in the space of the independent variables xN in which it is of full dimension.

2 Historical Note
Extreme points of convex polyhedra were brought to prominence by George
Dantzig when he introduced the simplex method for solving linear programs in
1947 [3]. This work of his is perhaps the most fundamental contribution in the
annals of the study of convex polyhedra. Until then work on them remained
the domain of abstract thinkers and their imagination. His work brought a new
computational dimension to the study of convex polyhedra [4].
Until Dantzig’s work, visualization was only possible for 2-dimensional poly-
hedra. The techniques that originated in Dantzig’s simplex method made it
possible to compute any portion of a convex polyhedron that we want to see
and visualize. One of the most important outcomes of Dantzig’s work for mathe-
matics is to bring about the possibility of clear visualization to convex polyhedra
of dimension ≥ 3.
Ever since his work in 1947, the problem of enumerating all the extreme
points of a convex polytope specified by linear constraints has been recognized
as an important one.
There are several algorithms for this problem already, most of them are
based on enumerating the feasible bases for (1). Public software programs im-
plementing these algorithms are also available. But in all these algorithms, after
computing r extreme points, the effort needed to compute the next one grows
exponentially with r in the worst case.
An algorithm for this problem is said to be an efficient algorithm, or poly-
nomial time algorithm, if it satisfies the following properties:

1. It should obtain the extreme points of K sequentially one after the other
in a list.
2. When the list of known extreme points of K, {d1 , . . . , dr }, contains r
extreme points, the effort needed in the algorithm to check whether it
contains all the extreme points of K, and if it does not, to generate a new
extreme point, should be bounded above by a polynomial in r and the size
of system (1).

The goal of developing an efficient algorithm for this problem is more of a

mathematical challenge, than a practical one. We will address this mathematical

3 Relationship Between the Problems of Enu-
merating Extreme Points, and Facets
Consider a convex polytope P of dimension n in Rn . There are two different
ways of representing it algebraically. These are:

1. Convex hull representation: Let {x1 , . . . , x } be the set of all extreme

points of P . Then P = < x1 , . . . , x >, the convex hull of its set of extreme

2. Halfspace intersection representation: P can be represented as the

intersection of a finite number of halfspaces of Rn .

These two different representations lead to two different enumeration prob-

lems associated with P . They are:

Extreme point enumeration problem: When P is given in halfspace

intersection representation (i.e., as the set of feasible solutions of a system of
linear inequalities), enumerate all the extreme points of P .

Facet enumeration problem: When P is given as the convex hull of its

extreme points, enumerate all the facetal inequalities to represent it as the set
of feasible solutions of a system of linear inequalities.

In the theory of convex polytopes, these two problems are known as the
duals of each other. An algorithm for one of these problems can be used to
solve the other problem directly. To show this, we denote by:

Procedure A: Any algorithm for enumerating the extreme points of P when

it is specified as the set of feasible solutions of a system of linear inequalities.

Procedure B: Any algorithm for enumerating all the facetal inequalities to

represent P when it is given as the convex hull of its extreme points.

How to enumerate all the facetal inequalities to represent P when

the set of its extreme points {x1 , . . . , x } is given, using Procedure A

We assume that each xt is an extreme point of P = < x1 , . . . , x > of full

dimension n. Let x̄ = (x1 + . . . + x )/, an interior point of P .
Take the transformation x = y + x̄, let y t = xt − x̄ for t = 1 to . Then
P = < x1 , . . . , x > = < y 1 , . . . , y  > +x̄. Also 0 is an interior point of

< y 1 , . . . , y  >.
Let q = (q1 , . . . , qn ) be a row vector of variables in Rn . Use Procedure A
to generate all the extreme points of the polytope in q-space defined by the
inequalities qy t ≤ 1, t = 1 to . Let {q 1 , . . . , q M } be the set of extreme points
of this polytope. Then

< y 1 , . . . , y  > = {y : q s y ≤ 1, s = 1, ..., M }


P = < x1 , . . . , x > = {x : q s x ≤ 1 + q s x̄, s = 1, ..., M }

with each inequality being a facetal inequality for K.

How to enumerate all the extreme points of P = {x : Qx ≤ h} using

Procedure B

Let Q be of order m × n. Assume that each inequality in the representation

of P corresponds to a facet of P , and that the dimension of P is n. Find an
interior point x̄ of P by using the Low dimension step in Murty & Chung [7] (also
discussed in the next section) to generate extreme points of P until the convex
hull of generated extreme points is of full dimension. Take the transformation
x = y + x̄. Then P = {y : Qy ≤ h − Qx̄} + x̄. Also, since x̄ is an interior point
of P , h − Qx̄ > 0. For each i = 1 to m, define ai = Qi. (1/(hi − Qi. x̄)) where Qi.
is the i-th row vector of Q. Therefore P = {y : ai y ≤ 1, i = 1, ..., m} + x̄.
Use Procedure B to generate a linear inequality representation of < a1 , . . . , am >.
Suppose it is {a : adr ≤ 1, r = 1, ..., L}.
Then {d1 , . . . , dL } is the set of extreme points of {y : ai y ≤ 1, i = 1, ..., m}.
So, the set of extreme points of P is {d1 + x̄, . . . , dL + x̄}.
Here we will study the extreme point enumeration problem.

4 Segments and Their Properties

Murty and Chung [7] introduced the concept of a segment of a polytope and
used it to enumerate its extreme points and faces. They defined segments of
various orders ranging from 1 to (−2 + the dimension of the polytope). Here we
will only use segments of order 1, and hence we will refer to segments of order
1 as segments.

Definition 3.1: (Segment): A segment of a convex polytope K of dimen-

sion n is the convex hull, Ω, of a subset of its extreme points satisfying: (i) its
dimension is the same as that of K, n, (ii) adjacency of extreme points on Ω
coincides with that on K (i.e., every edge of Ω is also an edge of K).

In [7] the following two steps, LD and NS-1, have been developed for our
problem (these names for the steps are new, they have not been used in [7]).

LD (Low Dimension Step): Let Γ = < d1 , . . . , dr > be the con-

vex hull of the present list of known extreme points of K. If dimension(Γ) <
dimension(K), find the equation for a hyperplane containing Γ, in the space of
the variables xN in which K has full dimension. To do this, for k = 1 to r,
let (dkB , dkN ) be the partition of the vector dk according to (xB , xN ) partition
selected above for the variables x.
The dimension of {d1 , . . . , dr } is the rank of the set of vectors {dkN − d1N :
k = 2, . . . , r}.
If this dimension is < n, the following homogeneous system of linear equa-
tions in variables fN (written as a row vector)

fN (dkN − d1N ) = 0, k = 2, . . . , r

has a nonzero solution fN = 0, find it. Let β = fN d1N . Then all the extreme
points d1 , . . . , dr lie on the hyperplane represented by the equation fN xN = β
in the space of the independent variables xN .
Now solve the two LPs, minimize fN xN , and maximize fN xN subject to (1).
One or both of these LPs will have as an optimum extreme point a point not in
the current list. Call it dr+1 , add it to the list.

NS-1 (Non-Segment-1 Step): Let Γ = < d1 , . . . , dr > be the convex

hull of the present list of known extreme points of K satisfying dimension(Γ) =

Let p = (p1 , . . . , pn+m )T , q = (q1 , . . . , qn+m )T be a pair of extreme points of

K. They are:

adjacent on K iff rank of {A.j : j such that either pj or qj or both are

> 0} is −1 + (its cardinality)
nonadjacent on K iff rank of {A.j : j such that either pj or qj or both are
> 0} is < −1 + (its cardinality).

p, q are adjacent on Γ = < d1 , . . . , dr > iff the following system in variables

c = (c1 , . . . , cn+m ) has a feasible solution, which can be checked by solving an

c(p − q) = 0
c(p − dk ) > 0, for all k such that dk = p or q. (3)

If a pair of extreme points of Γ; p, q say; which are adjacent on Γ, are not
adjacent on K, then from the vector c satisfying (3); we get the supporting
hyperplane cx = cp of Γ that contains only extreme points p, q but no other
expreme point of Γ, which is not a supporting hyperplane for K.
Now solve the LP: maximize cx over K to get an extreme point optimum
solution. That extreme point may be a new extreme point of K not in the
present list, but it could also be p itself. In the latter case p, q are the only
extreme points of K known at present on the face S of K determined by

Ax = b
cx = γ
x ≥ 0
Therefor by applying the LD step on S a new extreme point of K on S not
in the present list can be determined in this case.

The application of NS-1 can be continued until at some stage the convex
hull of the present list becomes a segment of K. To continue the enumeration
then, some new steps are needed. One of those is LDF-1 given below.

LDF-1 (Low Dimension Facet Intersection Step): Let Γ =< d1 , . . . ,

d > be the convex hull of the present list of known extreme points of K which
is a segment of K. If there is a facet F of K satisfying dimension(F ∩ Γ) <
dimension(F ), apply the LD step on F and obtain a new extreme point of K
on F and add it to the list.

The application of Steps NS-1, LDF-1 can again be continued until at some
stage the conditions in the following definition hold for the extreme points in
the present list.

Definition 3.2 (Mukka): A mukka of a convex polytope K is the convex

hull of a subset of extreme points of K which is a segment of K that has a full
dimensional intersection with every facet of K.

When the convex hull of the present list of extreme points of K becomes a
mukka of K, to continue the enumeration some new steps are needed. These
are discussed in the next section.

5 The Central Problem

Let Γ = < d1 , . . . , dr > be the convex hull of the present list of known extreme
points of K which is a mukka of K. A facet F of K is said to be

• a complete facet of K for mukka Γ if F ∩ Γ = F
• an incomplete facet of K for mukka Γ if F ∩ Γ = F .

The central problem in enumerating extreme points: Given a mukka

Γ of K, develop a criterion for identifying any incomplete facets of K for Γ

I have the following conjecture for this central problem.

Conjecture: Let K be the convex polytope defined by (1), and let Γ =

< d1 , . . . , dr > be a mukka of K. Consider a facet of K, say F1 defined by the
FCF x1 . For j = 2 to n + m, the FCF of the facet Fj of K is xj , and let

[αj , βj ] be the interval of values of xj , the FCF of the facet Fj , on F1 (i.e.,

αj = min {xj : x ∈ F1 }; and βj = max {xj : x ∈ F1 }),
Pj , Qj be the optimal faces for min {xj : x ∈ F1 }; and max {xj : x ∈ F1 }
[γj , δj ] be the interval of values of xj on F1 ∩ Γ (extreme points of F1 ∩ Γ
are known, so this can be computed in O(r) time),
Rj , Sj be the optimal faces for min {xj : x ∈ F1 ∩ Γ}; and max {xj : x ∈
F1 ∩ Γ} respectively, these sets are determined in terms of their extreme

Then F1 is an incomplete facet of K for Γ iff

either [γj , δj ] is a proper subset of [αj , βj ] for some j = 2 to n + m,

or [γj , δj ] = [αj , βj ] for all j = 2 to n + m, but either dimension(Rj ) <
dimension(Pj ), or dimension(Sj ) < dimension(Qj ) for some j.

If this conjecture is true, it provides an efficient criterion for identifying all

the incomplete facets of K for mukka Γ. If Ft is an incomplete facet of K for
mukka Γ, then of course Ft ∩ Γ is a segment of Ft but it may not be a mukka. If
Ft ∩ Γ is not a mukka of Ft , then the enumeration can be continued by applying
the LDF-1 step on Ft .
If Ft ∩Γ is a mukka of Ft , then by applying the conjecture on Ft and continu-
ing in the same way, a face G of Ft satisfying dimension(G ∩ Γ) < dimension(G)
can be identified. Then the enumeration can be continued by applying the LD
step on G.

Example: Consider the polytope P ⊂ R4 defined by the constraints

ai (x) = ai1 x1 + ai2 x2 + ai3 x3 + ai4 x4 ≤ 1, i = 1, . . . , 15

where {(ai1 , ai2 , ai3 , ai4 ) : i = 1 to 15} = {(1, 1, 1, −1), (1, 1, −1, 1), (1, 1, −1, −1),
(1, , −1, 1, 1), (1, −1, 1, −1), (1, −1, −1, 1), (1, −1, −1, −1), (−1, 1, 1, 1), (−1, 1, 1,
−1), (−1, 1, −1, 1), (−1, 1, −1, −1), (−1, −1, 1, 1), (−1, −1, 1, −1), (−1, −1, −1, 1),
(−1, −1, −1, −1)}. Here P is defined by a general system of linear constraints,
which is not in standard form.
Let I denote the unit matrix of order 4. It can be verified that Ω = convex
hull of {I.j , −I.j : j = 1 to 4} is a mukka of P .
Let Ft be the facet of P on the facetal hyperplane defined by at (x) = 1, for
t = 1 to 15. at (x) is the FTF corresponding to Ft for t = 1 to 15.
Consider the problem of maximizing a2 (x), the FTF of F2 , on F1 and on F1 ∩
Ω =< I.1 , I.2 , I.3 , −I.4 >. The optimum objective value is 1 in both problems,
but the dimension of the optimum face on F1 is 2; while on F1 ∩ Ω it is only
1. This shows that F1 is an incomplete facet of P for Ω. A similar argument
shows that the facets F4 and F8 are also incomplete facets of P for Ω.

6 References
[1] A. Y. Alfakih, T. Yi, K. G. Murty, “Facets of an Assignment Problem with a
0 − 1 Side Constraint”, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 4(2000)365-388.
[2] D. Avis and K. Fukuda, “A pivoting algorithm for convex hulls and vertex
enumeration of arrangements and polyhedra”, Discrete and Computational Ge-
ometry 8(1992)295-313.
[3] G. B. Dantzig, Linear Programming and Extensions, Princeton University
Press, 1963.
[4] B. Grünbaum, Covex Polytopes, Wiley Interscience, NY, 1967.
[5] K.G. Murty, “Adjacency on convex polyhedra”, SIAM Review 13, no. 3(1971)377-
[6] K.G. Murty, Linear Programming (Wiley, NY, 1983).
[7] K.G. Murty, S. J. Chung, “Segments in Enumerating Facets”, Mathematical
Programming 70(1995)27-45.
[8] J.S. Provan, “Efficient enumeration of the vertices of polyhedra associated
with network LPs”, Mathematical Programming 63(1994)47-64.

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