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The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

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Robert Cohn was once middleweight boxing champion Robert Cohn fusese cindva campion la box la categoria
of Princeton. Do not think that I am mijlocie la Princeton.
very much impressed by that as a boxing title, but it Nu cred că sunt foarte impresionat de acest titlu la box,
meant a lot to Cohn. He cared nothing dar pentru Cohn însemna foarte mult . Nu-i păsa deloc de
for boxing, in fact he disliked it, but he learned it box, de fapt nu-i plăcea, dar il învățase cu mult chin și
painfully and thoroughly to counteract temeinic pentru a contracara sentimentul de inferioritate
the feeling of inferiority and shyness he had felt on și timiditate pe care-l simțea la Princeton , cauzata de
being treated as a Jew at Princeton. faptul ca era tratat ca un evreu.
There was a certain inner comfort in knowing he could Era o oarecare consolare interioara, stiind ca putea sa
knock down anybody who was doboare pe oricine care l-ar fi suparat, deși, fiind foarte
snooty to him, although, being very shy and a timid și foarte drăguț, el nu a luptat decât în sala de
thoroughly nice boy, he never fought except sport. A fost cel mai straluit elev a lui Spider Kelly.
in the gym. He was Spider Kelly's star pupil. Spider Kelly ii învăța pe toți tinerii săi , să boxeze ca
Spider Kelly taught all his young gentlemen pentru categoria pana, indiferent dacă ar fi cântărit 47
to box like featherweights, no matter whether they sau 90 kilograme . Dar se parea ca aceasta lui Cohn i se
weighed one hundred and five or two potriveste. El era intradevar foarte rapid. Era atât de bun
hundred and five pounds. But it seemed to fit Cohn. încât Spider promt la depasit si ia zdrobit nasul odata
He was really very fast. He was so pentru totdeuna. Acest lucru a crescut dezgustul lui Cohn
good that Spider promptly overmatched him and got fata de box, dar i-a oferit o anumită satisfacți ciudata, și
his nose permanently flattened. This cu siguranță i-a îmbunătățit nasul.
increased Cohn's distaste for boxing, but it gave În ultimul an la Princeton , a citit prea mult și a început să
him a certain satisfaction of some strange poarte ochelari.
sort, and it certainly improved his nose. In his last year N-am intalnit niciodata nici unul dintre elevii lui care sa-si
at Princeton he read too much and aminteasca de el.
took to wearing spectacles. I never met any one of his Nu-si mai aminteau macar ca fusese campion de box la
class who remembered him. They did categoria mijlocie.
not even remember that he was middleweight boxing Nu am încredere în oamenii sinceri și simpli, mai ales
champion. atunci când poveștile lor se aduna la un loc, și am avut
I mistrust all frank and simple people, especially when întotdeauna o suspiciune că, probabil, Robert Cohn nu a
their stories hold together, and I fost niciodată campion de box la categoria mijlocie, și că,
always had a suspicion that perhaps Robert Cohn had probabil, un cal a călcat pe fața lui, sau că poate mama lui
never been middleweight boxing a fost speriată sau a văzut ceva, sau ca s-ar fi lovit, poate,
champion, and that perhaps a horse had stepped on de ceva în copilărie , Dar in cele din urma am pus cineva
his face, or that maybe his mother had sa verifice povestea întrebînd-ul pe Spider Kelly.
been frightened or seen something, or that he had,
maybe, bumped into something as a
young child, but I finally had somebody verify the
story from Spider Kelly.

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