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Colgajo Abductor Del Dedo Gordo Del Pie

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IJLXXX10.1177/1534734617724306The International Journal of Lower Extremity WoundsRodriguez-Collazo et al

Case Report
The International Journal of Lower

Reverse Distally Based Abductor Hallucis

Extremity Wounds
© The Author(s) 2017
Muscle Flap for Soft Tissue Coverage of the Reprints and permissions:

First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Wounds DOI: 10.1177/1534734617724306


Edgardo R. Rodriguez-Collazo, DPM1,

Ryan J. Pereira, DPM, FACFAS2, and Grace C. Craig, DPM3

Loss of soft tissue coverage distally around the foot poses threats of amputation of the exposed boney structures. An
amputation of a portion of the foot leads to loss of the biomechanical structural integrity of the foot. This promulgates an
imbalance with its inherent risks of developing new ulcers. This in turn potentiates the limb loss cycle. The reverse abductor
hallucis muscle flap is ideally suited for small to moderate-sized defects in the vicinity of the first metatarsophalangeal joint
based on its arc of rotation. In this article, we present cases of 5 patients who failed local wound care and healing by
secondary intention for at least 6 months duration. The patients were treated successfully using reverse abductor hallucis
muscle flap.

abductor hallucis brevis, muscle flap, limb salvage, osteomyelitis, amputation

Loss of soft tissue coverage distally around the foot poses Major advantages of muscle flaps are reliable soft tissue
threats of amputation of the exposed boney structures. An coverage of bone and tendons and preservation of arteries
amputation of a portion of the foot leads to loss of the bio- of the lower extremity.5,6 There have been reports of satis-
mechanical structural integrity of the foot. This promul- factory results of distally based abductor hallucis muscle
gates an imbalance with its inherent risks of developing flap for medial forefoot defects.7
new ulcers. This in turn potentiates the limb loss cycle. The reverse abductor hallucis muscle flap is ideally suited
Exposure of critical structures such as joints, bone, liga- for small to moderate-sized defects in the vicinity of the first
ments, and tendons necessitates expeditious closure. The metatarsophalangeal joint based on its arc of rotation. It
longer these structures remain open to the environment, the allows for robust vascularized soft tissue coverage. It is sim-
higher the risk is for that patient developing osteomyelitis ple to rise and is transposed easily within the wound.5
and an amputation. Soft tissue reconstruction of the lower In this article, we present our experience with 5 patients
extremity often requires coverage by local or distant flaps. who failed local wound care and healing by secondary inten-
Utilizing vascularized flaps to attain rapid wound closure tion for at least 6 months duration. The patients were treated
diminishes the risk in our patients with already compro- successfully using reverse abductor hallucis muscle flap.
mised health. This not only allows for immediate closure
but also has the ability to perfuse the area with parenteral
Patients and Methods
Muscle flaps remain often first choice when dealing From September 2015 to May 2017, 5 distally based abduc-
with bone infections associated with osteomyelitis, soft tor hallucis muscle flaps were used for reconstruction of
tissue infections, and large cavities.1 Because common soft tissue and bone defects of the first metatarsal head
local distally based muscle transpositional flaps have dif- region. Of these patients, 2 were females and 3 were males
ficulty reaching the forefoot plantar region, these defects
are normally treated by free tissue transfer.2 However, 1
Presence St Joseph Health Care, Chicago, IL, USA
free flap procedures are relatively complex, time consum- 2
Flagler Hospital, St Augustine, FL, USA
ing, requires microsurgical expertise, and has donor-site 3
Fairview Hospital, Fairview Park, OH, USA
morbidity, which may not be suitable to candidates who Corresponding Author:
are high risk for long operating times and extensive anes- Grace C. Craig, 2880 Plymouth Ave, Rocky River, OH 44116, USA.
thesia risk.3,4 Email: gracecraigdpm@gmail.com
2 The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 00(0)

Figure 1.  All patients’ wound was due diabetes mellitus

peripheral neuropathy. The size of the defects ranged from 1.7
cm × 3.2 cm to 3.2 cm × 3.3 cm (average = 9.17 cm2).
Figure 3.  After exposure of the abductor hallucis muscle, the
muscle was then cut with a tenotomy scissors proximally.

between the abductor hallucis and the flexor hallucis brevis

muscle belly. The minor pedicles appeared to be approxi-
mately 1 mm in diameter. Vessel loops were utilized to tag
the minor pedicles. The muscle was then dissected proxi-
mally. It was skeletonized from the abductor hallucis ten-
don utilizing blunt dissection.
The tourniquet was deflated. Utilizing a hand-held intra-
operative Doppler, a brisk signal was obtained from the
minor pedicles. An approximate measurement was made
from the distal most pedicle flap to distal most aspect of the
ulcer. The measurement was then transposed proximally
from the pedicle. The pedicle was to be utilized as the pivot
Figure 2.  The abductor hallucis tendon was identified distally point. One centimeter was added to the length of the muscle
and a vessel loupe was inserted around it for manipulation. proximally. The muscle was then cut with a tenotomy scis-
sors (Figure 3). A vascular clamp was then applied to the
with an age range of 39 to 56 years (average 48 years). The proximal pedicle. The muscle cut was evaluated for bleed-
patients were followed-up from 1.1 years to 1.7 years. All ing based on the distal pedicle. This intraoperatively con-
patients’ wound was due diabetes mellitus peripheral neu- firmed adequate vascularity to the muscle flap. The proximal
ropathy. The size of the defects ranged from 1.7 cm × 3.2 minor pedicle was ligated with a hemoclip.
cm to 3.2 cm × 3.3 cm (average = 9.17 cm2; Figure 1A and The muscle was then turned down distally to cover the
B). Patients’ wound was staged8,9 with an initial surgical exposed bone and joint of the medial first metatarsophalan-
intervention of incision drainage and excisional debride- geal joint (Figure 4). It was provisionally tagged distally
ment of all nonviable tissues and bone. The patients then with 4-0 Vicryl. The artery pedicle was then checked via
underwent a second staged procedure of reverse abductor hand-held Doppler and confirmed a brisk signal. The
hallucis muscle flap. remainder of the muscle was then secured in place with 4-0
Vircyl. The area was irrigated with normal saline. The mus-
cle continues to bleed. A 2 × 2 bilayer allograft matrix was
Surgical Technique then utilized to close the remainder of the soft tissue deficit
A skin incision was made from the proximal most aspect of (Figure 5). It was secured in place utilizing skin staples.
the ulcer with extension along the glaberous junction of the
medial aspect of the foot under tourniquet. Results
The abductor hallucis tendon was identified distally and
a vessel loupe was inserted around it for manipulation All flaps survived with no further operations needed to
(Figure 2). The abductor hallucis muscle was dissected out achieve defect coverage. All cases underwent a third-stage
proximally under 3.5× loupe magnification and a hand-held wound closure 3 weeks postoperatively that involved har-
Doppler. Two minor perforator arteries were identified in vest and application of split thickness skin graft from the
Rodriguez-Collazo et al 3

Figure 4.  The muscle was transposed distally to cover the

exposed bone and joint of the medial first metatarsophalangeal
Figure 6.  All flaps survived with no further operations needed
to achieve defect coverage and underwent a third-stage wound
closure 3 weeks postoperatively that involved harvest and
application of split thickness skin graft from the ipsilateral lower

muscle classified by Mathes and Nahai and defined as being

supplied by one major proximal pedicle and minor distal
The distally based abductor hallucis flap has well-vascu-
larized tissue in providing reliable coverage. It receives its
blood supply from minor and major pedicles in a retrograde
fashion from both the dorsal arterial network and the deep
plantar system through communicating branches with the
Figure 5.  A 2 × 2 bilayer allograft matrix was utilized to close medial plantar artery. Because the proposed flap has a dou-
the remainder of the soft tissue deficit and was secured in place ble source of vascularity, the presence of a single, patent
utilizing skin staples.
dorsalis pedis or tibial artery alone would suffice for utiliza-
tion of the flap with safety. Since the lateral plantar artery is
ipsilateral lower extremity (Figure 6). They attained com- not sacrificed during flap dissection, the vascularity of the
plete wound closure 6 weeks from the initial incision and sole and the entire foot is preserved.11
debridement. The donor sites in all patients healed The abductor hallucis muscle flap is advantageous for
uneventfully (Table 1). At the last follow-up all flaps pro- lower extremity wounds since donor site morbidity is mini-
vided stable defect coverage and good contour (Figure 7). mal and harvest does not harm the weight-bearing surface. In
No patients needed further flaps for defect reconstruction. addition, the majority of the donor site can be closed primar-
In our series, all patients were satisfied with the surgical ily while the muscle is covered with bilayer allograft matrix.
outcome. No disturbance of foot mobility and strength A disadvantage of the abductor hallucis muscle may be
was noticed. The absence of abductor hallucis muscle did the small muscle bulk, which may not be adequate for cov-
not affect the foot function and secondary hallux valgus erage of wounds. A study by Attinger et al reported that
deformity. local muscle flaps are ideal for closure of defects less than
or equal to 3 × 6 cm2 at the foot or ankle with exposed bone,
joint, or tendon.12
Discussion This article demonstrated that distally based abductor
Vascularized muscle flaps offer coverage of wounds in the hallucis muscle flap is an excellent option for reconstruc-
lower extremity when local wound care fails. They pro- tion of the soft tissue defects of the forefoot. Delayed split
vide increase blood supplies with improve oxygen trans- thickness skin graft for the muscle flap as utilized in order
ports, which allows direct delivery of host defense to enhance the survival rate as the exudate of the flap would
mechanisms.4 be decreased and uptake of the skin could be more favor-
The abductor hallucis muscle is 1 of 6 intrinsic muscles able. Therefore, bilayer wound matrix allograft was used
reported useful for foot and ankle defects. It is a Type II initially to augment the muscle transfer.13
4 The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 00(0)

Table 1.  Five Cases of Abductor Hallucis Muscle Transpositional Flap With Age, Sex, Cause of Defect, Defect Site, Defect Size,
Follow-Up, and Complications.

Age (Years) Cause of Defect Site (First Defect Size Follow-up

Case and Sex Defect Metatarsal Head) (cm) (Years) Complications
1 43, male Diabetic ulcer Dorsal medial 3.0 × 3.3 1.5 None
2 49, male Diabetic ulcer Dorsal medial 1.7 × 3.2 2 None
3 56, male Diabetic ulcer Dorsal medial 4.1 × 2.2 1.4 None
4 39, female Diabetic ulcer Medial 2.8 × 3.9 1.7 None
5 54, female Diabetic ulcer Dorsal medial 3.2 × 3.3 1.6 None

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