Solitude - ENGLISH
Solitude - ENGLISH
Solitude - ENGLISH
IAFT Values 2
Work Model 3
Work Agendas 5
To care for, assess, preserve, and promote the Theosophical Legacy that the great
beings who formed this society have shared with us. To offer a responsible and
effective promotion of this legacy, helping young people to drink from this spring,
helping people who need us to live the ideal of progress through service to others. To
form a nucleus of fraternity by studying methods incessantly that allow us to stay away
from conflicts and to be united to progress, and to promote freedom of Thought.
Integrate ourselves as a team and integrate the whole America in a common objective
associated with the care of the legacy, theosophical study, and living the theosophical
ideal of Fraternity. Produce efficient spaces for interior development and offer
experiential spaces of service.
A clean life, an open mind, a pure heart, an eager intellect, an unveiled spiritual
perception, a brotherliness for all, a readiness to give and receive advice and
instruction, a loyal sense of duty to the Teacher, a willing obedience to the
behests of Truth, once we have placed our confidence in, and believe that
Teacher to be in possession of it; a courageous endurance of personal injustice,
a brave declaration of principles, a valiant defence of those who are unjustly
attacked, and a constant eye to the ideal of human progression, and perfection
which the Secret Science depicts.
One may wish to be helpful, and still fail altogether. One can do a lot of harm
by expecting to do good. Knowing how to serve is an art that must be learned
with devotion and continuity. Moreover, to know what is really helpful, a lot
of study is required... From the theosophical point of view, it is understood
that studying is that kind of study that makes the mind mature, that makes the
mind perceptive and has clarity about what is truly useful. Study should
provide inner sensitivity and a growth in wisdom.
Radha Burnier
Theosophical Legacy To care, to appreciate, preserve and promote the theosophical legacy that Helena
Blavatsky and her Masters have shared with us.
It has the purpose of making known the theosophical knowledge and practices of
Pan - American Magazine fraternity at Pan-American level so that the reader can apply it to his daily life.
Official media of the activities carried out in the different regions of the Continent in
each quarter and dissemination of the activities already carried out in the previous
IATF Magazine quarter, which can serve as inspiration to the different branches and regions. Presentation
through its different sections of models of integration of theosophical knowledge to
everyday life and application of this at the service of those who need it.
To monitor and promote management styles to attract new members, link Theosophical
Membership work in environments where it can be useful, take care of current members and in
general everything related to current, absent and potentially future members.
Organize face-to-face workshops and seminars or by virtual means that contribute to the
Practical Theosophy learning and development of different practices for self-knowledge and individual
growth to put them into practice for the service to those who need it.
Investigate through the Secretaries, Presidential Agents etc. the educational and material
Lodge Infrastructure needs of their branches so that all have a minimum of technological equipment for the
best development of their activities, as well as a decent place of work.
Fundraising Development of activities that allow a reasonable capitalization of the branches through
visits to the countries of the region, seeking to attract funds that will be destined to the
branches in their needs, whether material and / or educational.
Juliana Cesano (JC): Today I have the joy of offices in the local group, as well as regional,
sitting drinking tea with Barbara Hebert, a and finally as president of the TS in America.
wonderful person from whom I have learned a In addition to that, I had a regular life as well.
lot. Someone I am grateful to call my friend, I'm a mother and a grandmother. I have two
sister, and mentor. Together we are going to grown sons who are men (I don't know how
have a very informal conversation, so you all that happened), I have three grandchildren
get to know her better. Barbara, thank you for ages nine, six and almost two and they are the
being here with me today. light of my life. Through the years I have
worked in a number of places. I began as an
Barbara Hebert (BH): Thank you for having educator and loved teaching. And then I
me. I look forward to meeting my brothers and became a counselor and found that I loved
sisters in South and Central America, very having the opportunity to work one on one
much. with people who were trying to determine what
was not working in their life and helping them
JC: You are currently president of the to make decisions about what they wanted and
Theosophical Society in America. I know that how they wanted to overcome some of those
you are a third-generation theosophist and obstacles. And then I discovered that I could
have been a member of the TS for over 40 combine the two things that I loved, teaching
years, but can you tell us a little bit about your and counseling, and so I went back to school
background and what you did before you came and obtained my PhD in counselor education,
to be the president of the TSA. so that I was able to work at the university level
teaching young professionals how to become
BH: Of course. The Theosophical Society has counselors. And I love that.
always been a part of my life. From the time I
JC: What an opportunity!
was a tiny it's been a part of my life, and so, as
I became an adult I attended TS meetings, held
BH: It was! It was a part time job so during that BH: No… In the summertime we would go to
time I continued working in the counseling Baptist Bible School for a couple of weeks. My
profession. I was at one time the director for best friend was Episcopalian and so she invited
the university counseling center at the local me to go to church with her, so I did that for
university and then later I became the director several years. And the Catholic church had a
of the Children's Advocacy Center, in the youth organization and several of my friends
small town in which I was born. The Advocacy were involved there, so we became involved
Center really works primarily with children with that, so it was just very natural, organic.
when there are allegations of abuse and
neglect. So those were jobs that I loved very JC: And in this experience of going through
much, but the Theosophical Society is who I different churches, did you have the sense that
am, it's my soul, and so while counseling is there was something behind it that was
something that I love, this reaches my soul, common? Even as a child, as a young person,
touches my soul. did you have a sense that there were things that
didn't match but it didn't matter because there
JC: I've always been impressed by the work was something there that was important and
you did before becoming president of the TSA; equal in all places?
I think that shows how in touch you are with
the more active ways of helping humanity. BH: Absolutely. But it was confusing, I think,
Personally, I appreciate the vision that that to me at times, because not only was there this
gives you. Now going back a little bit to your thread, and I could make the connection that
upbringing, and being part of this theosophical there were some similarities, but then I would
family, would you say that that was a blessing meet someone who is very dogmatic in their
or a curse, or a mix of both? particular tradition, and it didn't fit for me. And
then I knew what my grandmother had taught
BH: I wouldn't go so far as to call it a curse, me about the unity of all life, and that Jesus
but it definitely had some difficulties attached was a great teacher, so I was always a little
to it. Mostly a blessing, especially in cautious about what I could or should say to
retrospect, but, as I was going through it, those people in these environments. So it could be a
difficulties were very clear. I learned little bit confusing at times, although it
theosophy from my grandmother. She joined provided me with, I think, a great deal of
the TS in the mid-1930s and remained a experience and breadth of knowledge that I
member until her death. My mother and most wouldn't have had otherwise.
of my aunts were members, my siblings and
many of my cousins are members too. I think JC: Recently a friend of mine reminded me of
the blessing of it is that my grandmother and this quote by Albert Schweitzer that says that
my mother, too, but mostly my grandmother “there are only three ways to teach a child: the
was so open to answering questions and to first is by example, the second is by example,
providing insight from her perspective, but and the third is by example.” So, what do you
never in a dogmatic way. We were allowed and think are the most theosophical lessons that
encouraged to go to every church in town. It's you learned from your grandmother, by
a small town in the southern part of the United example?
States, so it was basically Christian, so we
attended the Catholic Church, we attended the BH: I feel like everything I've learned from
Methodist church, the Baptist church… her… She taught us both directly and
indirectly. A couple of things that I remember
JC: Really? You took turns to go to each of so clearly… You know how little children will
these? go along and they'll grab a branch and kind of
pull the leaves off of the branch of a bush and
she would stop us and say, “don't do that, that
hurts the bush”, trying to get us to understand was a very violent wing of a group of people
that there's life in all things, and feeling, and who were adamantly opposed to integration,
consciousness in all things. We lived next door and they burned a cross in her front yard as a
to her when I was little, and so we were in and warning to her, to stop with her beliefs and to
out of her house all of the time, (it was before stop with her comments and her language to
air conditioning was in much use in the others, and of course she didn't. She lived her
southern part of the United States, so the doors theosophy until the day she died. She was a
were open) and we'd run in and out and slam huge example, so I think of her often.
the screen door, we would let it slam, and
finally she just put a note on the door that said, JC: What an inspiration for you…
“Please don't slam me. It hurts.” So again, that
whole “consciousness is everywhere.” But she BH: She really was.
did teach us directly as well. When I was a
teenager, I had a group of friends who were JC: You have shared with me a few of the
interested in metaphysical things, and so we many anecdotes you have with what we call
formed a group at my grandmother's. We met “famous theosophists” that were from the US
once a week for several years, so she taught us or that traveled to the US, and sometimes
about the human constitution, the seven levels because of the language barrier they didn't
of an individual. She took a baby doll and had come to South America. The fact that you
a shoe box, and she put the baby doll in seven worked with Dora Kunz and met people like
different layers of clothing, and so she Eunice and Felix Layton… Did you meet Clara
explained that the outer layer, which was a Codd?
heavy thick overcoat, was the physical body,
and then the next layer was a little bit lighter BH: I did. I don't really remember. I was about
and a little bit shiny and, you get the idea, until
three or four years old, but I'm told… So let me
she got to the seventh layer, which was a
back up a little bit. My grandmother (of course
golden dress, a shimmery golden dress,
we go back to my grandmother) had a large
helping us to understand that we were not the
house, so when theosophists would come
body, not the emotions, not the mind, but that
through the south, they would inevitably stop
we were the soul in this shimmering golden
at her house and rest for a few days. They knew
dress. So it was both direct and indirect. And I
they could get vegetarian food and rest
will say that she taught by example. She lived
between their travels and their talks. Because
the theosophical worldview. This may be
of that, I had the opportunity to meet a number
something that many in South and Central
of people. Sometimes I was very young and
America are not familiar with, but in the
don't remember, as in the case of Clara Codd.
1960s, in the southern United States, there was
My understanding is–these are stories told on
a great deal of racial unrest. It was a time of
me by my family– that I was about three or
integration where African American people,
four, and I've already said we lived next door
who had been kept separate from white or
to my grandmother, and even from that young
Caucasian people, were finally allowed by
age I never met a theosophist that I didn't love.
society to go to the same schools, to eat at the
So, Clara got out of the car, I understand she
same restaurants, to ride wherever they wished
was in her 80s, so she was a little old lady, and
in the bus, and there was a great deal of
she got out of the car, and they said that I ran
turmoil, anger, and violence at that time. It was
up to her and grabbed her around the knees and
the time of the civil rights movement. And my
hugged her! And here is this sweet precious
grandmother, of course, with her theosophical
wonderful lady, sort of tilting back and forth
perspectives always taught us that everyone
trying to maintain her balance while this little
was equal, that we were all part of the divine,
kid has her caught in an embrace. So, they told
no matter what the overcoat looked like. And
me that I was never to touch the visitors again.
she was not quiet about her perspectives. You
I could not touch the visitors. So, shortly after
may have heard of the Ku Klux Klan, which
that Sri Ram came to visit or came through, blockage. They inserted a tube into my
(and I don't remember this either, again, it's a stomach and removed that blockage.
family story). He came and with him he
brought his Secretary, Elithe Nisewanger. JC: Wow… So, you were literally saved by
Elithe was about 20 or 30 years younger than him and his vision.
Sri Ram. She traveled with him to make it
easier for him. I was warned, I’m sure, not to BH: Yes… And one more quick little story
touch the guests, and so as he and Elithe got about him… He and Sandra were out at the
out of the car, they were walking up to the back Krotona Institute of Theosophy, and this was
door of my grandmother's house, they said that in the late 1970s. He was quite elderly.
I turned around and told my grandmother: Actually, he spent most of his time in bed,
“See! I didn't touch him!” and he kind of except when he was doing his talks. But
smiled gently, as was his way, and then I said: because I've known him for so many years, and
“And look! He brought his mother with him!”– the family was so close to him, I was able to
meaning Elithe. And, of course, you know, out go over and visit periodically. So one day I
of the mouths of babes… But many years later went over and… So majestic… so majestic he
I met Elithe at the Krotona Institute and she was, even laying in bed propped up on pillows.
remembered. She remembered and called me And he said to Sandra, his wife, “Sandra, if the
on it, and laughed, of course, but I think it was dear child ever asks what she could do for me,”
quite insulting. and I'm waiting and I'm saying, “Anything,
anything. I'll do anything for you,” he said, “It
Geoffrey Hodson, I knew, I think, my whole would be to never again say ‘okay’”. And I
life. My grandmother knew him, had met him said, “Okay!” He was very formal in his
before I was born, and she loved him. And language and okay was very informal at that
anytime he came to the United States, he and time. So, I didn't keep up with that promise to
his wife Sandra would stay with my him.
grandmother. And we were not allowed… Her
house was easily divided into two parts and the JC: How interesting… I know we don’t want
guests would stay in the front part of the house to extend this too much, but just a little bit
and we were not allowed to go there because about Dora, because you worked with Dora
we were noisy! We were little kids, and we Kunz and, as much as we know that we all
were running around. But when I was born, have this wonderful and beautiful side as
this is sort of an interesting and different kind theosophists, we can be so given, so amazing,
of a story that I really don't often tell… When but also so very human. And I think we get to
I was born, I was quite ill, and they didn't know know that when we work with people, we get
what was wrong with me. I could not keep to know them and love them in their lights and
down any formula, food, milk, anything. For shadows, right?
five days this continued, and I was dying
because I was not getting any nutrition. And BH: Yes, absolutely. Dora was wonderful, but
so, the family called Geoffrey in New Zealand
she was the most difficult boss that I've ever
and told him what was going on, and he said
had in my entire life. Anytime I worked in a
there is some blockage in the stomach area.
job and thought I had a difficult boss, I
And so my mother told the pediatrician,
thought, but not as difficult as Dora! She was
actually, there was no pediatrician at that time,
so wonderful, but in many ways, she didn't
she told the doctor who called in a pediatrician
see… I don't think –so this is my supposition–
to examine me and determine what it was that
that she didn't see the personality component
I had, which is very rare in girls and even more
of others, a lot of times. Because she was very
rare in newborn babies, and they called in a
unselfish and selfless, and others of us, of
surgeon from the city of New Orleans to come
course, are not that way. And she would
and do surgery. And he was right, it was the
sometimes say things that could potentially be
hurtful. But she never meant them that way. looked at me, and she paused, and she said
Never. Yet the personality takes it that way, “Sweetie pie, something bad is always
and it can feel really offended. One day I went happening. Just go back to your room and send
and knocked on her door, because she lived in out white light.” Okay… And I did. And she
the building at the National Headquarters… was right, the anxiety of course dissipated. So
practical, but, you know, very different. She
JC: And you did too. You were living there. was remarkable. Anecdotes about Dora could
fill a book.
BH: And I did too, yes. I was there working. I
was young, in my early 20s, and you know, Juliana Cesano: Yes, I bet. Such a privilege to
sometimes I think those of us who are a little be with them and learn from them. Something
bit empathic, or at least sensitive, can feel that for you was so natural, but it's really a
waves of anxiety. unique opportunity.
And so, I was feeling this, and I couldn't let it
go, so I went and knocked on her door and she Barbara Hebert: Yes. And one that hopefully,
was so kind, and she came to the door, and she hopefully, I’ve learned from, and taken in those
said, “Yes, sweetie pie?” And I said, “I feel lessons from those very special people.
like something bad is going to happen.” She
To be continued…
At the very root of Theosophy, beyond centeredness is devote our lives to the well-
the descriptions, computations of how we being of others in a practical manner.
came to be, and theoretical framework that This may seem the work many do in
many feel is Theosophy, lies a very simple, yet the name of Theosophy for the Theosophical
profound Truth so far removed from mental Society, however, it is the sole reason Annie
exercises. It lies beyond the realm of Besant started the Theosophical Order of
categories, confinements of right, wrong, Service (TOS) in 1908. She was inspired by a
higher, lower, or any other qualifiable or letter from a Master of the Wisdom who wrote,
quantifiable index—beyond anything the “Theosophy must be made practical; and it
human mind can fathom. Sages and mystics has, therefore, to be disencumbered of useless
state that you cannot search for this Truth. It is digressions, in the sense of desultory orations
nowhere to be found. And yet it lies and fine talk. Let every Theosophist only do
everywhere, and we do not see it. his duty, that which he can and ought to do,
In her book, Voice of the Silence, H.P. and very soon the sum of human misery,
Blavatsky (HPB) writes, “The Self of matter within and around the areas of every Branch of
and the SELF of Spirit can never meet. One of your Society, will be found visibly diminished.
the twain must disappear; there is no place for Forget SELF in working for others—and the
both.” Fragment One continues to state that task will become an easy and a light one for
“Thou canst not travel on the Path before thou you.”
hast become that Path itself.” For many of us, We can study and meditate as much as
we have only a very small idea of what this we want, but until “thy Soul lend its ear to
means. But it continues to give us clues by every cry of pain” we have not awoken our
stating, “Let thy Soul lend its ear to every cry hearts to the world. Theosophy remains a
of pain like as the lotus bares its heart to drink hollow shell. Service is the necessary vehicle
the morning sun. Let not the fierce Sun dry one to fulfill the first Object of the Society. It
tear of pain before thyself hast wiped it from allows us to take what we study about life and
the sufferer’s eye. But let each burning human ourselves and put it to the test. Compassion is
tear drop on thy heart and there remain, nor a beautiful topic to talk about, but it remains a
ever brush it off, until the pain that caused it is word until we experience true compassion.
removed.” Dedicating our lives to the welfare of
These words, while poetic, show us others as our spiritual practice (karma yoga) is
that the Truth mentioned earlier cannot be not something unique to Theosophy, but it is
experienced in our regular “Self of matter,” imperative to the work of the Theosophical
but only in the “SELF of Spirit.” It matters not Society. Divine Wisdom means little if one’s
how many degrees we have, how many books life does not reflect the nature of the teaching.
we have read, or what positions in life we hold. This is why every international president since
We must put all that aside. To travel the Path, Dr. Besant has encouraged the work of the
we must become beings of deep compassion, Theosophical Order of Service. It is “a union
bearing the suffering in the world while of those who love, in the service of all that
understanding we are the creators of it. The suffers.”
only way to stop our personal self-
This motto is quite powerful. Can we standing before us. It is unlikely that in the
love the drug addict in our family? Or the number of lives we have lived, including this
homeless person who keeps asking us for one, we have not received help from another.
money? Or the stray dog covered with fleas? To believe otherwise is foolish.
Can we understand and serve the neighbour Serving humanity cannot just be acts
who is bitter and says unkind things about of good thoughts toward others when we are
others? Is it possible to see beyond the image capable of doing or giving more. When one is
of what we see before us, and see the elderly and physically unable to do more,
“beingness” within the physical form? It is thoughts of beneficence for others play an
when we are able to connect with that which important role for such individuals. The
lies beyond the physical that love, in the real thoughts not only help the world, but the
sense of the word, surfaces. We feel the power individual as well whose life is coming to a
of it in our physical heart. close. Such energy helps with the transition
Our work is love and to love in the process no differently than when a mother is
deepest sense of the word. It is this Truth giving birth.
mentioned earlier that cannot be found through One of the questions that is often
mental exercises. To love in the real sense asked is “where do I start?” There is no need
means we do not put any type of lens or filter to invent the wheel regarding service work.
on what we see before us. We do not love to Many organizations are in need of volunteers
benefit ourselves or because something or material. TOS groups can help provide
pleases us. What pleases us will eventually these. Many TOS groups partner with other
change because we are fallible beings. Our service organizations whose principles align
emotions, like water, are rarely steady. Love with Theosophy. Such partnerships, not only
does not ebb and flow. It is steadfast and create new friendships and help TOS groups
serene. with service ideas, but it introduces others to
To awaken and connect with this the Theosophical Society. In some ways, we
energy, we must put our egos aside and give can think about the TOS as an avenue to
what we can to others. As mentioned in the Theosophy and the TS. Despite our TOS
letter from a Master of the Wisdom, “Let every groups being small, it does serve a higher
Theosophist only do his duty, that which he purpose. The first Object of the TS begins, “To
can and ought to do, and very soon the sum of form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood. .
human misery, within and around the areas of ,” when service groups come together,
every Branch of your Society, will be found selflessly, enthusiastically, with the TOS
visibly diminished. . .” motto in mind, something indescribable can
We often have more to give than we think we transpire. (I fortunately have been a witness to
do. Too often either from laziness or apathy, it many times.) The work becomes inspired
we do not heed the Master’s words. with an energy that is difficult to put into
Opportunities are missed for our soul’s growth words. Perhaps one can say that we get a small
and the chance to step into a realm where there taste of the nucleus mentioned in the first
are no limits. Object or the union mentioned in the motto.
The Theosophical Order of Service is Either way, the flavour spreads and suddenly,
not about just doing good works or acts of those who we are helping have light in their
kindness. As an organization, it has a two-fold eyes again. The spark has been reignited. Love
nature. There is the outreach work which has done its work.
lightens the karma in the world, but there is
also the inner work which has a greater impact
when the outer work is done without
selfishness and imbued with deep love and
compassion. Sometimes it helps to remember
that in one life or another we were the being
In the transition between the new year Naturally, considering the principles
and the one that leaves, there are the twelve of Theosophy, we must assume that, in both
grapes: Love, Peace, Health, Happiness, definitions, must be implicit the fact that
Changes, Work... Tradition came to the "unconfessed dreams" and that which the
continent from Spain and with each of them person "wants to be" must not damage the
the desire is grinding and squeezing in the natural, social, and family environment in
mouth the extract of what the year that says which he operates, but, on the contrary, must
goodbye did not leave us, or perhaps took from contribute to the harmonious development of
us. So those grapes have, in a way, an all these elements. Therefore, to complete the
individual flavor. idea, we can add the thought of Dr. Samuel
One of the most frequent desires is Hahnemann, father of Homeopathy: health is
health, ours, or others, especially when it that state that allows the realization of the
concerns a loved one. But if we look at it from highest ends of human existence.
the deepest perspective, health really In this way, a more complete
encompasses everything else: love, happiness, definition would include the well-being of the
peace at home, stable work. physical, mental, psychological, and social
Because what is good health? aspects to achieve, without obstacles, the
Numerous researchers have given themselves highest realization of being.
the task of defining this term and diverse are The idea of unhindered realization is
the perspectives to be analyzed. Only in implicit in the etymology of the word health in
relation to the human person can one have Spanish: “salud”. This derives from the Latin
definitions of physical, mental, psychological, salus, which means to overcome a difficulty, to
and social health. In its charter, the WHO be able to overcome an obstacle. Hence its
defined it as that state of complete physical, close relationship with the term salvation,
mental, and social well-being and not only the salvatio. And "saving" oneself includes
absence of diseases. overcoming, from our theosophical
However, there are also other perspective, not only physical and
definitions that we need to examine. For environmental obstacles, but those that put at
example, Moshe Feldenkrais tells us, "A risk the progress of our human Soul. In this
healthy person is one who can fully live his way, if we perceive ourselves to be sick in
unconfessed dreams." But, in addition, it some way, and we intend to take the reins of
provides us with a formula to measure our our health into our own hands, what we have
level of health: "Health is measured by the really decided is to take charge of our life in
impact that a person can receive without all its aspects.
compromising their life system." This tells us, On the other hand, if as Theosophists
therefore, that the healthier we are, the faster we accept the doctrine of reincarnation, in this
we will regain control of our lives after a pursuit of health we must consider that any
catastrophe of some kind, to continue to measure that in its attainment we are taking in
realize ourselves as people. the current life is not only generating
Feldenkrais' contemporary René temporary changes that will result in benefits
Dubos states: "Health is primarily a measure for the present existence, but we are providing
of each person's ability to do or become what a basis for the development of qualities or
they want to be." characteristics that will be projected into a next
incarnate existence. In other words, we plant
the seed of the attributes of our future health, A Master of Wisdom invites us to
which will allow us an increasingly healthy reflect: Think profoundly and you will find that
and productive relationship with ourselves, sabe death – which is not evil but necessary
with our social surroundings and with the law, and accidents which will always find their
environment. reward in a future life – the origin of every evil
How to achieve this? whether small or great is in human action, in
If health involves all these aspects of man whose intelligence makes him the one free
human life, we cannot seek it by orienting it agent in Nature. It is not nature that creates
exclusively to just one of them. And speaking diseases, but man. The latter´s mission and
of our aspects implies considering the four destiny in the economy of nature is to die his
vehicles that allow us to live a vital experience natural death brought by old age…Food,
on this plane, as Theosophy teaches us. Life sexual relations, drink, are all natural
after life, but also day by day, we have been necessities of life; yet excess in them brings on
planting seeds that guide their development in disease, misery, suffering, mental and
one way or another; either towards our physical, and the latter are transmitted as the
progress or by putting obstacles ourselves, greatest evils to future generations, the
which, sooner or later, we must overcome. A progeny of the culprits…Become a glutton, a
balanced and healthy diet and adequate debauchee, a tyrant, and you become the
physical activity could, for example, give us a originator of diseases, of human suffering and
healthy physical body, but if we limit misery. .
ourselves to only this to achieve health, in Faced with this, two questions arise:
short, we abandon other elements, which are Am I really, in an integral way, fully
fundamental in the health of the physical body. developing my potentialities as this human
Although it responds to environmental being that I am? In other words, am I a healthy
influences, cold, heat, germs, diet, also, and to human being? And if the answer is no, at what
a very important degree, is influenced by level is that imbalance in my health being
emotional stimuli. The karmic imprint of expressed? Why am I getting sick? And
previous lives, chiseled into genes, is besides, who around me am I getting sick in
expressed in certain family or individual my own process?
tendencies towards some diseases. But science To find the answer to those questions,
tells us that, if we maintain a state of emotional the initial step is to look at ourselves with
balance, of inner peace, often that genetic absolute honesty in the mirror. Sit down to talk
defect does not manifest itself as a pathology. with ourselves in the intimacy of reflection,
In addition, regardless of any genetic trying to discover in our physical, emotional,
influence, emotions per se can give rise to and mental constitution those elements that
imbalances at the level of the physical body. could be sick, that is, that are becoming
The science of psychoneuroimmunology, for impediments to our realization. Rudolf
example, reveals the history of an event that Steiner tells us: "disease is a gift from the
affects the emotional balance in people who gods." And it is so if we see it as an
subsequently develop cancer, heart attacks, opportunity for growth. It is the voice of alert
high blood pressure or rheumatoid arthritis, that calls us to realize that something is not
among others. The loss of a loved one, a job, a right, not in us, but with us. That we have put
bankruptcy, can underlie the onset of an an obstacle, a stumbling block on our way to
illness. If we remember the definitions put the development of all our potentialities. And
above of health, this means that in these this impediment is placed in the way
processes we received an impact that we were fundamentally by our egotism. Evil is the
not able to bear, that compromised our life exaggeration of Good, the progeny of human
system. selfishness and greediness. (ML)
What to do then? Where to start? In the process of achieving health, we
First, we must try to discover the root must then learn to free ourselves from the
of disease. poisons that undermine it, poisons that are in
no means foreign to us. We create them from Tibetan Buddhism's ancient practice of what
within, from the very moment our life begins we know today as mindfulness has been
to revolve only around ourselves, our desires, adapted to our times as well, demonstrating
our satisfactions; in short, around our personal wide application in improving physical,
ego. That is why its antidote must come from emotional, and mental health.
within. Cosmic Matter has a characteristic. It Health then consists in a balanced
is malleable. It's plastic. It is responsive to the integration of all the planes that allow us the
influence of the Universal Mind. And since we embodied experience, all the aspects of our
are identical in essence to that Universal Soul, personality, and the more we allow the Light
we also have that ability to drive, direct, of our Higher Ego to illuminate these aspects,
develop, from our higher planes, all matter on the more we will be able to realize ourselves
our lower planes, as long as it is our Higher as full human beings and more we can help
Mind that directs the process. In other words, others in achieving their highest goals. That is
in the same way that the Universe unfolds what the above practices allow us to do. They
from the inside out, in the same way we, who teach us is to live a conscious, more
are the Universe itself, unfold from the harmonious, more compassionate life. They
invisible planes to converge on the physical lead us to direct our lives through volitional
plane. This is, an internal transformation is acts, fully directed and conscious and not
required, from within the being, to achieve the through automatic reactions. We gradually
harmonious development of the human free ourselves from emotional interpretations
personality. That is why any external method of reality, becoming more aware of our role in
to recover or maintain health may perhaps society, the way we relate to and affect our
work on its own plane, but it will do so environment, be it our family, our community,
partially, and undoubtedly, only temporarily. the country, the planet. In other words, we are
The achievement of health is, therefore, a gradually becoming able to perceive and live
creative process, unique for each human being, Unity. We abandon the ego-centric view.
which involves the attention, yes, of all its Theosophy provides us with a series of
components, and very especially, the instruments that we can use in the attainment
strengthening and development of our Higher of this achievement. Its study and subsequent
Mental plane. implementation offer us elements that have
Over the last decades, timidly but already been tested by others to achieve the
consistently, some medical trends begin to path to human fulfillment. Knowledge should
consider, in the approach to the disease, not be limited to a purely intellectual one. It's
practices previously relegated to the plane of like buying a book and storing it in the
spirituality. They are usually introduced into bookcase, without reading it. It must be lived.
treatment when the disease is fully established. If we actively work on our inner
But we can use them not only to deal with a transformation, we will be able to develop
current process but also preventively. There healthy human societies and the definition of
are multiple medical publications that health will become effective: that state of
highlight the benefits in the different aspects physical, psychological, and mental well-
of health provided, for example, by the being in an individual, which enables him to
practice of yoga and tai chi, among others. fully develop his highest aspirations in a
While not the goal, the practice of meditation, society that allows him and that evolves with
for example, is related to significant reduction him towards the highest ends of human
in blood pressure levels, improved sleep, existence. We will be able to cope wisely, in
improved stress response, better impulse peace, in a state of contentment, whatever
management, among others. The vegetarian experience karma offers us, we will rise sooner
diet, consciously and responsibly carried out, and stronger and we will be better able to reach
is also related to higher health rates, not only out to those who need it. We will be healthy
physically but, interestingly, also emotionally. human beings
* The talks are in Spanish and can be searched subtitled on the IATF's official YouTube channel:
The new members receive their Diploma in Puerto Rico, with the virtual assistance
of the Guatemalan Brothers who later received it from Br. Francisco Venegas
(bottom, right)
The Cuban Section of the TS held its Annual Convention on January 15 and 16. In it, and in accordance with the
Rules of Procedure of the Section, elections were held corresponding to the positions of National President and
Vice-President. As a result, they were elected: National President, Fidel Carrazana Macías and as Vice President,
Ana María Folgueira Méndez. Many successes in his management to the new Board.
The Young
Theosophists resume
their activities
Month by month, 114 young people
between the ages of 18 and 45 come
together to meet, share, learn and comment
on their views on various theosophical
Teachings. They constitute the Group
Young Theosophists, founded on
November 20, 2020, initially as a
WhatsApp group. Their origins are
diverse: most of them from Latin America,
although there are also those from Europe,
Asia and Africa. A nucleus of the
organization is in charge of the
programming of the monthly activities and
others that will be announced. Although it
is called young theosophists, its activities
are open to both MST and non-members of
all ages, although only those who belong to
our Society and the limit age group can
participate as speakers, organizers, or
moderators in them. The group has a
YouTube channel where you can find the
meetings held to date:
Contact in your country through WhatsApp:
Adyar – Colombia: Catalina Isaza, +918315847750 Young Philosophers from FTI member
Argentina: Sofía Giménez, +5493476697307 countries have also participated as
Bolivia: Stephanie Vargas, +591 76722772 organizers and speakers in the meetings in
José Luis Cabero, +591 78950290 English organized by the nascent World
Costa Rica and Caribe: Agnes Martínez, +506 8530 8535 Federation of Young Theosophists that we
España: Miriam Martínez, +34 663 87 06 44
will in short have the opportunity to
México: Yunuen Fortanell, +52 1 55 2308 6357
Puerto Rico and Caribe: Francisco Venegas, +1 939248-3851 present.
The second meeting of the year will be held on March 27. The respective information will be
released in a timely manner through different communication channels
Introductory Course in Theosophy