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Write On Care and Maintenance of Fabrics

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8 Care and Maintenance of Fabrics


Introduction :

Clothes get dirty when we wear it. Then they have to be washed, dried and ironed. By
doing this, they can be kept carefully for a long time. Hence it is essential to know about how to
take care of clothes. For some fabrics, hot water should not be used. For some, avoid detergents,
some clothes can not be soaked in water. Some needs to be dried in shade, like this by knowing
the tips to take care of clothes, their life can be improved.


• Explain the meaning and importance of laundering

• List the steps of laundering
• Explain the meaning and importance of stain removal
• Learn different methods of storing garments
• State the different methods of washing and ironing fabrics

5 Marks Questions

1. Write on care and maintenance of fabrics.

A. Life of fabric will be improved by taking care of them. The care includes :
a) Brushing and airing of garment
b) Mending of damaged garments

SSC(APOSS) 216 Home Science Q.B.

c) Immediate stain removal
d) Selecting right laundry method
e) Proper ironing
f) Storing ironed clothes

a) Brushing and ironing : Woolen fabrics cannot be washed frequently. Hence they need
to be brushed thoroughly after every use, hang them in air. Brush the fabrics in the
direction of piles.

b) Mending damaged garments : Always mend the fabrics as soon as it gets torn.
Temporary mending with the help of safety pins might cause great damage to the
fabrics after laundering.

c) Stain removal : Remove the stains on fabrics at the earliest. Identify the stain and clean
it as per its nature. Otherwise there is a possibility of damaging the fabric.

d) Laundry methods : Properties of fibers should be kept in mind to follow the right
method of washing, rinsing, drying and ironing. All the fabrics cannot be soaked and
washed. Some cannot be dryed under sun. Longivity of fabrics can be improved by
proper care.

e) Ironing methods : Depending on the fabrics, use the correct temperature.

i) low temperature i.e. 150OC for wool, polyester, nylon, terelene
ii) Moderate temperature i.e. 18OC for silk and rayon
iii) High temperature i.e. 250OC for cotton and linen.

In this way care needs to be for fabrics.

2. Write about stains ? Explain how to remove stain ?

A. Various marks on clothes other than dirt on fabric are called stains. You may get a curry stain
on dress while eating. Fresh stains can be removed easily. There is a possibility of fabric
getting spoiled while removing old stains.

Stains can be identified in the following way, They are

a) Colour : Every stain has a specific colour. Curry stains are in yellow colour, coffee /
tea stains are brown in colour and grass stains green in colour.

b) Smell : Some stains have a peculiar smell. Eg : Stains of egg or paint

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c) Feel : Some stains also change the feel of fabric. Fabric becomes stiff after painting.
While lipstick or shoe polish makes the fabric feel slippery.

d) Stains can be classified as follows:

1. Vegetable stains – tea, coffee, fruits etc.
2. Animal stains – milk, blood, egg, ice cream, curd etc.
3. Grease stains – pickle, curry, shoe polish, lipstick
4. Mineral stain – rust
5. Grass stain
6. Miscllaneous stains – dye, ink, ball point, mildew, perspirations. Sponging or dipping
methods are used in removing stains.
i) Dipping : Entire fabric has to be dipped in water in this method. It is suitable if
there are many stains or a large stain on the fabric.
ii) Sponging : It is a common method, keep an absorbent paper of fabric under the
stain. It prevents the stain from spreading. Then dip sponge in correct solution
and rub it on the stain. This has to be done slowly.
While removing stains, there are chances of fabrics becoming weakened.

3. How to remove stains from different fabrics ? What are the precautions to be taken?
Various marks on the fabric other than dirt are called stains. We should not try same methods
for removing all stains. Depending on the fabric, try to remove the stains. Some stain removal
methods are given below.
a) Tea, coffee, fruits, chocolates stains : If it is a white cotton fabric, pour boiling water
on the stain. Old stains can be removed by dipping in glycerine. For coloured cotton
fabrics, silk, woolens and synthetics, soak the fabric in warm water and borax.
(2 cups of water + ½ tea spoon of borax).
b) Blood, egg and meat stains : Wash all types of fabrics with cold water and soap.
c) Butter, ghee, oil, curry stains : When stains are fresh, apply talcum powder and keep
it for few hours. Brush off the powder. This helps to absorb the grease in the stain.
Later wash cotton fabrics in hot water, silk and woolen fabrics in luke warm water.
d) Ink stains : Fresh stains have to be washed with soap and water. Old stains have to be
removed by soaking in sour butter milk for some time. Bleach it later. Coloured wool
and silk fabrics need to be dryed under shade.

SSC(APOSS) 216 Home Science Q.B.

e) Pan Stains: Apply a paste of onions and leave in the sun when the stain is fresh.

f) Mehndi Stains : Fresh stains have to be dipped in warm milk for half an hour. If they
are old stains, repeat the same method above 2 or 3 times.

g) Lipstick, ball pen and nail polish stains : Sponge the stains with spirit or kerosene
gently. Repeat the same method 2-3 times for old stains.

Stains can be removed by the above methods.

4. What are the precautions to be taken when stains have to be removed. The following
points to be followed.
A. a) If stains are removed, fabrics would be safe.
b) Remove stains when it is fresh.
c) Try to identify the characteristics of stained fabric i.e. cotton or wool or silk or synthetics.

d) Try to remove the stains as per their nature.

e) For unknown stains, start the stain removal with a simpler process and then move out
a complex one.

f) use chemicals which do not damage the fabric.

g) For delicate and / or coloured fabrics, try out the chemical being used on a position of
the fabric first. In case the fabric is damaged, do not use it.

h) Better to use a milder reagent repeatedly than a one-time use of strong reagent.

i) Wash fabrics in water to remove chemicals completely. Later wash them in

soap solution.

ii) Sunlight acts as a natural bleach. Hence should be dried under sun. According
to the nature of clothes, dry them in shade if necessary.

5. Explain the laundry methods ?

Laundering is very important to remove dirt or stains. Properties of fibers should be kept in
mind while laundering fabrics. Laundering methods are
a) Friction washing
b) Kneading and squeezing
c) Machine washing

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The details are given below:
(a) Friction washing, strong fibers like cotton can be washed in this way. The different
types are.
(i) Washing by hand friction: This means rubbing vigorously with hand. It is suitable
for washing handkerchief. It is economical in the use of soap.
(ii) Friction by using a plastic scrubbing brush, strong fiber can be washed by this
(iii) Beating with a stick: fabrics like bed sheets are washed by this method. But this
might damage fabric.
(b) Washing by kneading and squeezing: This method is used for delicate fabrics like silk,
woolens, rayon, etc. In this method apply soap and scrub it with hands gently. By
doing that fabrics will not be spoilt and can be safe for a long time.
(c) Washing by machines : These machines are used by big industries to reduce the laborers.
Now a days these machines are used at home also. The washing time varies with
types of fabrics and amount of soiling. Fabrics can be dried in these machines. These
machines are useful to wash bed sheets, curtains etc. and dry them. For washing
cotton fabrics, more time is required. Wool or silk fabrics can be washed in time. It is
better to read the booklet that comes with washing machine while using it.
7. Write in brief about the laundering methods for cotton fabrics.
A. Soak cotton fabrics to loose dirt from the fabrics. White clothes and colored clothes should
be soaked in soap solution separately. By doing that time and energy required for washing is
reduced. Precautions to be taken while soaking are:
(a) Use sufficient water for soaking .
(b) Use warm water for soaking.
(c) Do not put too many clothes together .
(d) Soak clothes only for an hour or two.
Washing use friction method of washing. Use soap for very dirty fabrics. Later brush.
Rinsing: After washing, rinse them thoroughly to remove soap completely. Used cold
water for rinsing.
Stiffenning : After cotton fabrics can be stiffened except the fabrics with some damage.
Due to starching cottons get a smooth, shining and fresh look, starched articles do not get
dirty early to prepare starch boil water and add maida starch powder with cold water, keep
stirring till it thickens. When starch becomes transparent, remove from fire.

SSC(APOSS) 216 Home Science Q.B.

Add this starch paste in a basin of water and starch clothes. Wet the fabrics in water
and then dip it in the starch solution. And dry under the sun.
Ironing: Starch clothes have to be ironed.
Blue ing: Normally, when white clothes are washed, they lose some of their whiteness
and begin to look yellow. So blueing is done to make them look white again. Washing blue
is tied in a thin cloth and stirred in water. Then fabrics need to be dipped, squeeze out water
and dry it. This blue can be added in starch.
After putting starch and blue, white clothes need to be dried in sun. Colored clothes
need to dried in shade.

3 Marks questions
1. What are the precautions to be taken while washing silk fabrics?
(a) Do not soak them.
(b) Use luke warm water.
(c) Rita nut solution if used increases the longivity of fabrics.
(d) Do not squeeze them tightly.
(e) Rinse it thoroughly till soap water is removed.
(f) Do not dry under sun. Dry it in shade.

2. What are the precautions to be taken while washing woolens?

(a) Do not soak.
(b) Use luke warm water
(c) Wash gently.
(d) Do not hang wet clothes to dry them.
(e) Dry them under the shade.

3. How do you wash in a machine?

Washing machines are used even at home. The washing time depends on the type of fabric
and amount of soiling. Machine wash is suitable for washing and drying bed sheets and curtains.
4. Write about stiffening?
All kinds of cotton fabrics can be stiffened. Stiffening gives cotton fabrics softnes shine and
fresh look. Due to stiffening fabrics would not be soiled easily.

5. How to put blue to fabrics?

Blueing is done only to white fabrics. Normally after washing white fabrics tend to become
yellow. To make them white blueing is done. Tie one spoon blue in a small cloth, tie it and put it in

SSC(APOSS) 216 Home Science Q.B.

water. Then soak white fabrics in water, squeeze and dry. For white cotton fabrics starching can
be done by mixing starch and blue in water.
6. What is the meaning of laundering?
Laundering does not only washing. It also includes drying ironing and storing.

7. What is the importance of laundering?

(a) Through laundering, we can remove dirt, sweat and grease from fabrics.
(b) Helps in individual cleanliness
(c) Clothes would appear very clean.
(d) Longevity of clothes would be improved.

8. Write in brief about the classification of stains?

Stains are classified in the following way.
(a) Plant related stains – tea, coffee, fruits
(b) Animal related stains – milk, blood, egg, Ice cream
(c) Grease stains – pickle, curry, shoe polish, lipstick
(d) Mineral stains – Rust
(e) Grass stains
(f) Miscellaneous stains – Ink, ball point, pen, sweat

9. Write about ironing ?

When we wash and dry clothes, they get wrinkled. To remove the wrinkles, ironing has to
be done. There is a difference in the temperature for different fabrics.
a) Less heat 150OC – wool, polyester, nylon, terelene
b) Moderate heat 180OC – silk, rayon
c) High heat 250OC – Cottons, linen

10. Write about four precautions to be taken while removing stains.

a) Remove the stains when they are fresh
b) If chemicals are used, rinse them thoroughly in water till it is removed.
c) Better to use a milder agent several times than one time use of a strong reagent.
d) Life of fabrics would be reduced if stains are not removed.

Fill in the blanks.

1. Laundering means only washing
2. Washing, drying and ironing is called Laundering
SSC(APOSS) 216 Home Science Q.B.
3. Colour, smell and texture helps in identifying stains.
4. Tea, coffee, fruits cause plant related stains.
5. Milk, blood, egg cause animal related stains.
6. Mineral stains cause rust.
7. Using another wet cloth to remove the stains is called sponging
8. To remove mehendi stains, soak them in luke warm milk for half an hour.
9. For removing ghee, butter and curry stains, use hot water
10. By stiffening, shine of cotton fabrics is increased
11. Dry cotton fabrics in Sun.
12. Dry silk fabrics in shade.
Identify the correct answer and write it in the brackets.

13. What do you use to stiffen. (c)

a) Blue b) Soap c) Starch d) none
14. Low heat while ironing means (b)
a) 110OC b) 150OC, c) 90OC d) 18 OC
15. High heat while ironing mean (d)
a) 240OC b) 260OC c) 250 CO
d) 255 C

16. While washing silk fabrics water should be (c)

a) Hot b) cold c) luke warm d) No need of water

Match the following.

17. 1. Spirit ( d ) a) Ink
2. Hot water ( e ) b) paan
3. Onion Paste ( b ) c) Mehndi
4. Cold water, soap ( a ) d) paint
5. Luke warm milk ( c ) e) oil

18. 1. Mineral stains ( d ) a) coffee

2. Other stains ( e ) b) blood
3. Plant stains ( a ) c) curry
4. Grease stains ( c ) d) Rust
5. Animal stains ( b ) e) Ink
* * * * *

SSC(APOSS) 216 Home Science Q.B.


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