Barriers in BIM Adoptions
Barriers in BIM Adoptions
Barriers in BIM Adoptions
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Image Processing (ICETCIP'2014) Dec. 15-16, 2014 Pattaya (Thailand)
phenomenon that aims to change the way established professionals plays a role in ensuring the smooth-running of
construction industries have conducted their practices, makes this part of the model.
it even harder to adopt and implement.
Other barriers to the implementation of Building
From the literature that was reviewed, the researcher found Information Modeling
that there were two major issues which were turning out to
Ku and Taiebat [4] study did not concur with the work of
being barriers to the adoption and implementation of BIM in
Ashraf [7]; they had different view of which barriers affect
construction industries across the world. These barriers could
the adoption of BIM the most. These findings were conducted
be divided into two groups namely contractual issues as
when they distributed electronic surveys to companies who
explained by Ashcraft [7], and personnel issues as explained
were working with or have worked with BIM on their current
by Ku and Taiebat [4].
or previous projects. From the number of respondents that
Ashraf [7] have identified certain legal issues that that
they received, and observation was made that the levels of
stand in the way of the full adoption and implementation of
BIM in our modern society. These issues provide headaches experience in the field of BIM were low amongst most
with regards to who should be taking responsibility for which companies. Simultaneously, they found that most of the issues
parts of the model, as well as the distribution of risk amongst that prevent the full implementation of BIM in the
all the professionals within the project team. construction industry were the personnel elements of the
A. Some of the barriers to the implementation of BIM that
Due to the fact that most companies carry out the bulk of
were identified by Ashraf [7] include the following:
the BIM related work in house, the researcher has found that
Standard of care of using BIM one of the biggest challenges faced by companies and
This looks at the inability of the professionals to identify professionals is a lack of skill [4]. Together with that, they
and rectify any physical conflicts (clash detection) that may have also identified issues such as lack of company
occur during the project life using BIM. The resulting investment in BIM, a reluctance to co-operate from other
consequences of such ‘negligence’ may include delays and professionals, lack of collaborative working processes, lack of
cost overruns due to reworks that will be required once legal agreements and interoperability, which looks at the
clashes are detected. capability of BIM being used or operated reciprocally.
Design delegation and professional responsibility In the study of Ku and Taiebat [4], it was also identified
This clause looks to define and identify the roles and that other barriers contributing to the reluctance of the full
responsibilities of the parties involved in the project. The adoption and implementation of BIM include the
process between design, construct and ownership of the comprehension levels of BIM amongst professionals,
building normally puts the architect and/or engineer as the professionals’ collaboration capabilities as well as software
person with the most responsibility for the model. related.
Alternatively, a new position such as a BIM-modeler can be
created [6] to carry out the same responsibilities. III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
Intellectual property The study is conducted using existing theoretical literature
which includes published journals, books, and conference
This refers to the challenges that will arise in terms of what
papers. The study is mainly a research on the barriers in
is the design and who owns it amongst others. Such problems
adoption, and implementation strategies of building
are only resolved by contractual agreements at the
information modelling.
commencement of the design process. Failure to do so may
lead to violations because the model holds the parts of the
Literature has revealed that the full adoption and
Insurability implementation of BIM would be beneficial for the
This relates to who has rights in the model of the project at advancement of the South African construction industry.
hand. Hence the rights to the models have to be insured. However, literature has also revealed that this change will not
Insurance brokers involved in the construction industries are be one that comes with its own problems and barriers. These
yet to allow stable and assured policies with regards to these barriers have been identified as either being due to personnel
issues. issues (where the professionals are at fault for the stagnation
in the implementation of the BIM technology), or contractual
Data translation
issues (where the gap in information has led to a lot of
This relates to the sharing/feeding and/or transferring of uncertainty with regards to things such as ownership,
information into the model. The appropriate interoperability insurance, etc.).
of the information is a fundamental aspect of BIM. The As a result of these barriers, the full adoption of BIM will
ability for different tools in the model to adequately send and remain a problem unless the barriers are addressed urgently.
receive information is of utmost importance. The ethics of the Furthermore, the construction stakeholders will need to
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Image Processing (ICETCIP'2014) Dec. 15-16, 2014 Pattaya (Thailand)
This paper has examined literature relating to the barriers
to the adoption, and implementation strategies of BIM. The
literature has identified different barriers that exist to the full
adoption of BIM. Furthermore, the literature has divided the
barriers into categories to make them easier to identify, and
ultimately rectify.
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