13 - Summary Findings and Conclusion
13 - Summary Findings and Conclusion
13 - Summary Findings and Conclusion
Summary, Findings and Conclusions
The NPAs have always been a big worry for the banks in India. It is just not a
problem for banks but a curse for the economy too. The money locked up in
NPAs is not available for productive use and adversely affect on banks'
profitability. The extent of NPA is comparatively higher in public sectors
banks. To improve the efficiency and profitability, the NPAs have to be
scheduled. Various steps have been taken by government to reduce the NPAs.
This has led to decline in the level of NPAs of the Indian banking sector. But a
lot more needs to be done. The NPAs level of our banks is still high as
compared to the international standards. It is highly impossible to have zero
percentage NPAs. But at least Indian banks can try in competing with foreign
banks to maintain international standard. One cannot ignore the fact that a part
of the reduction in NPAs is due to the writing off bad loans by the banks. The
Indian banks should take care to ensure that they give loans to creditworthy
customers as prevention is always better than cure.
NPAs reflect the overall performance of the banks. A high level of NPAs
suggests high probability of a large number of credit defaults that affect the
profitability and net-worth of banks and also erodes the value of the asset. The
NPA growth involves the necessity of provisions, which reduces the overall
profits and shareholders’ value. Due diligence and utmost care must be taken
by the branch managers before sanctioning the loans to the clients and specially
in case of lending to priority sector. So, careful steps like selection of right
borrowers, viable economic activity, adequate finance and timely
disbursement, correct end use of funds and timely recovery of loans are
absolutely necessary pre conditions for preventing or minimizing the incidence
of new NPAs which will enhance the creditability of the banks and in turn
make the foundation of our country strong. Efficient management of loan assets
is need of the hour in the present day context.
Summary, Findings and Conclusions
Summary, Findings and Conclusions
Summary, Findings and Conclusions
> Banks should carry out their independent and objective credit appraisal
in all cases and must not depend on credit appraisal reports prepared by
outside consultants, especially the in-house consultants of the borrower
Summary, Findings and Conclusions
> Banks need to follow the principles of prudent lending and should have
undertaken adequate checks to assess the credit-worthiness of
> Banks should put in place a robust mechanism for early detection of
signs of distress, and measures, including prompt restructuring in the
case of all viable accounts wherever required, with a view to preserving
the economic value of such accounts.
> Before a loan account turns into an NPA, banks should identify incipient
stress in the account by creating a new sub-asset category viz. ‘Special
Mention Accounts’ (SMA). Based on warning signals obtained through
both off-site and on-site monitoring, banks may classify accounts with
irregularities persisting for more than 30 days under ‘Special Mention’
or ‘Potential NPA’ category.
Summary, Findings and Conclusions
> For proper monitoring, each regional office may be suggested to list top
50 NPAs and put them on “critical cases list”. Branches having more
than 5% NPAs to their total advances may be termed as “critical
Branches”. These critical accounts and critical branches may be placed
under personal attention of the concerned Regional Heads with a view to
improving the Recovery.
> In comparative study of NPA in Public and private sector banks, the
contribution of private sector banks were much less than the public
sector banks. So, the researcher suggests that public sector banks should
follow the strategies of private sector banks for loan sanction and
recovery of loan.
> In primary data analysis, it was found that the most irregular sector of
loan repayment was ‘Non-priority Sector’. The researcher suggests
before sanctioning loan to Non-priority sector, bank officers should
check the viability of the project properly.
> Reference to the authority granting permission for filling suit, needs to
be made well in advance (at least six months before expiry of
limitations), so that hasty decisions are avoided and there is a scope for
them to make fresh efforts to strike a compromise by holding personal
discussion with the borrowers.
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Summary, Findings and Conclusions
distress), whose names appear more than once in the list of willful
> A separate bench for speedy disposal of SARFAESI related cases may
be established in DRTs.
> It is also suggested that filling up of vacancies for the posts of senior
officials of DRTs to be expedited and computerisation of publication of
notices and auctions on the website should be explored. The
Government need to expeditiously implement the "e-DRT Project" to
automate and improve DRT services by building IT systems.
> Last but not the least; the act(s) should be judiciously and selectively
applied so that NPAs should be converted into performing assets.
The incidence of non-performing assets (NPAs) are affecting the performance
of credit institutions both financially and psychologically. The non-performing
assets have become a major cause of concern. Imbibing the credit management
skills has become all the more important for improving the bottom-line of the
banking sector. It becomes essential to master the expertise for monitoring
Summary, Findings and Conclusions
Few studies have also indicated a relationship between the size of the bank and
the level of bad loans. Bank’s seizes are often found negatively related to the
rate of non-performing loan (Hu et al, 2002).
The sample size is small and studies the banking system as a whole. Future
research can explore the practices being adopted by the most efficient banks for
each of the factors studied and recommendations can be made for the banking
system in general. Industry wise NPA can be analysed. More number of years
can be taken for the study for getting more appropriate result on NPA.