Question Bank: Subject Name: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Subject Code: 18CS71 Sem: VII
Question Bank: Subject Name: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Subject Code: 18CS71 Sem: VII
Question Bank: Subject Name: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Subject Code: 18CS71 Sem: VII
Module -1 Questions.
1. What is Artificial Intelligence? List the fields that form the basis for AI.
2. List the task domains of AI.
3. What are the 3 different ways of solving Tic-Tac-Toe Problem applying AI. Show the
improvements obtained from one over the other using better knowledge
4. How will we know if AI model developed is successful? Justify the criteria for
5. How do you define a problem as a state-space search
6. Solve the Water Jug problem: you are given 2 jugs, a 4-gallon one and 3-gallon one.
Neither has any measuring maker on it. There is a pump that can be used to fill the
jugs with water. How can you get exactly 2 gallons of water into 4-gallon jug?
Provide Initial state, goal state, production rules and solution by applying the rules.
7. Solve the Water Jug problem: Given a full 5-gallon jug and an empty 2-gallon jug, the
goal is to fill the 2-gallon jug with exactly one gallon of water. Provide the initial and
goal state for the problem, production rules and solution by applying the rules.
8. Differentiate Informed & Uninformed search. Give examples.
9. Explain the following uninformed search strategies with examples. List their
advantages and disadvantages.
a) Breadth First Search. b) Depth First Search
10. What are Heuristic Search Techniques? List it’s advantages and disadvantages.
11. What is a Production System? Explain the categories of Production system.
12. List and explain briefly the various problem characteristics?
13. Provide algorithms for Simple Hill Climbing and Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing.
Differentiate simple hill Climbing and Steepest Hill climbing.
14. What are the problems encountered during hill climbing and what are the ways
available to deal with these problems? Explain with an example of Blocks Word
15. Explain the process of simulated annealing with algorithm. Differentiate simple hill
Climbing and Simulated Annealing.
16. Explain A* algorithm and find the shortest path from ‘a’ to ‘z’ using the following
graph using A*
d. Specific Boundary
e. Concept
3. Write Find –S algorithm. List its applications and disadvantages.
4. Find maximally specific hypothesis for the following datasets using Find-S
7. Trace the Candidate Elimination Algorithm for the hypothesis space H’ given
the sequence of training examples from following datasets.
Origin Make Color Decade Type Result
1 Japan Honda Blue 1980 Economy Yes
2 Japan Toyota Green 1970 Sports No
3 Japan Toyota Blue 1990 Economy Yes
4 USA Chrysler Red 1980 Economy No
5 Japan Honda White 1980 Economy Yes
6 Japan Toyota Green 1980 Economy Yes
10. With a neat diagram, explain how you can model inductive systems by equivalent
deductive systems
Module -3 Questions.
2. Give decision trees to represent the following boolean functions:
(a) A ˄˜B
(b) A V [B ˄ C]
(c) A XOR B
Instance Classification a1 a2
1 + T T
2 + T T
3 - T F
4 + F F
5 - F T
6 - F T
(a) What is the entropy of this collection of training examples with respect to the
target function classification?
4. NASA wants to be able to discriminate between Martians (M) and Humans (H)
based on the following characteristics: Green {N, Y} , Legs {2,3} , Height {S,
T}, Smelly {N, Y}
1 M N 3 S Y
2 M Y 2 T N
3 M Y 3 T N
4 M N 2 S Y
5 M Y 3 T N
6 H N 2 T Y
7 H N 2 S N
8 H N 2 T N
9 H Y 2 S N
10 H N 2 T Y
a) Greedily learn a decision tree using the ID3 algorithm and draw the tree.
b) (i) Write the learned concept for Martian as a set of conjunctive rules (e.g., if
(green=Y and legs=2 and height=T and smelly=N), then Martian; else if ... then
Martian;...; else Human).
7. What type of problems are best suited for decision tree learning
18. Why are Multi-Layer Networks preferred over single layer networks?
19. Write the algorithm for Back propagation.
20. Derive the Backpropagation rule considering the training rule for Output Unit
weights and Training Rule for Hidden Unit weights
21. What is Differential threshold unit? Write the Sigmoid or Squashing Function.
Module -4 Questions.
Given the data for symptoms and whether patient have flu or not, classify following:
x = (chills = Y, runny nose = N, headache = mild, fever = Yes)
8. Compute Posterior Probabilities of the classes using Naïve Bayes for the following