Distance & Direction-1: Floor, Behind Bus Stand, Karnal - Contact: 7015275075, 7206600658
Distance & Direction-1: Floor, Behind Bus Stand, Karnal - Contact: 7015275075, 7206600658
Distance & Direction-1: Floor, Behind Bus Stand, Karnal - Contact: 7015275075, 7206600658
Q. 1-3 Study the information given below Direction (4-6): Study the following
and answer the questions that follow. information carefully to answer the given
Point U is 8m east of point B. Point R is question:
2m south of point B. Point R is 7m north Rahul starts to walk for 5m to his east
of point S. Point K is between points S from point A then he takes a right turn
and M. Point K is 3m away from point M. and walks for 10m then again, he takes a
Point Y is 4m south of point M. Point M is right turn and walks for 3m then he takes
to the east of point S. a left turn and walks for 7m and reached
to point B. Manish starts walks for 7m to
1. Point M is in which direction with his south from point C then he takes a left
respect to point R? turn and walks for 4m and reached to
A. North - east point B.
B. South - east
C. South 4. If point D is 2m to the west of B then
D. East what is the distance between A and D?
E. North A. 15m
B. 17m
2. Point U is in which direction with C. 22m
respect to point S? D. 14m
A. North - west E. None of these
B. South
C. West 5. In which of the following direction is
D. North - east point C with the respect to point A?
E. East A. South-east
B. North-west
3. Which of the following three points lie C. South-west
in a straight line excluding S, K, M ? D. South
A. BRS E. North
6. If point E is 17m to the north of point
C. SMY B then in what is the position and
D. BUR direction of point of E with respect to
E. KMY point A?
A. West, 2m
ACE ACADEMY |SCO 82, 2nd floor, Behind bus stand, Karnal | Contact: 7015275075, 7206600658 1
B. East, 2m C. 241 m
C. West, 3m D. √170 m
E. None of these
D. East, 3m
E. East, 4m
Q9. Vishesh is in which direction with
respect to Heena?
Q7. Prakash walked 30 metres towards
A. NorthWest
West, took a left turn and walked 20
B. SouthWest
metres. He again took a left turn and
C. East
walked 30 metres. He then took a right
D. Cannot be determined
turn and stopped. Towards which
E. None of these
direction was he facing when he
stopped? Q10. Kavya runs 8 km to south , then she
turns to her left and runs 15 km then she
A. South
turn to her right and runs 12 km again
B. North she turns to her right and runs 15 km and
C. East stopped. How far and in which direction
D. Data inadequate is she from the starting point?
A. 12km north
E. None of these
B. 20 km north
C. 20 km south
Directions (8-9) : Study the information D. 10km south
and answer the questions : E. None of these
Jaya is 12 m east of Mani. Brijesh is 7 m
east of Vishesh.Jaya is 10 m west of Directions (11-12): J , K , L , M , N , O , P ,
Heena. Lokesh is 19 m south of Xylo. Q , R are nine huts. L is 2 km east of K. J
Heena is 15 m north of Girish which is 7 is 1 km north of K and Q is 2 km south of
m east of Lokesh.Xylo is 8 m north of J. P is 1 km west of Q while M is 3 km east
Brijesh. of P and O is 2 km north of P. R is situated
just in middle of K and L while N is just in
middle of Q and M.
Q8. What is the shortest distance
between Vishesh and Lokesh?
A. 100 m Q11. Distance between K and L is?
B. √145 m A. 2 km
ACE ACADEMY |SCO 82, 2nd floor, Behind bus stand, Karnal | Contact: 7015275075, 7206600658 2
B. 1 km (a) South
C. 5 km (b) North
D. 1.5 km
(c) North East
E. none of these
(d) West
Q12. Distance between K and R is? (e) None of these
A. 1.41 km
B. 3 km
Direction (15-16): Study the information
C. 2 km
and answer the following questions:
D. 1 km
E. none of these D is 20m in south of A. C is 5m east of D.
E is 10m north of C. F is 10m east of E. G
is 15m south of F. X is 15m west of G. B is
Directions (13-14): Study the following 10m to the east of A. Z is 10m to the
information carefully and answer the south of B. L is 10m to east of C.
questions given below:
Point C is 15m in the east of point F. Point
Q15. In which direction is point A with
A is 10m west of point B which is 15m
respect to point G?
north of point H. Point D is 15 west of
point E. Point B is 15 m south of point C. (a) North-west
Point E is 5m east of point H. Point G is (b) South-east
15m north of point A.
(c) North
(d) South-west
Q13. In which direction and at what
(e) North-east
distance is point G from point C?
(a) 10m east
Q16. Four of the following are alike in a
(b) 5m, east
certain way so form a group, which of the
(c) 10m, west following does not belong to that group?
(d) 5m, west (a) EF
(e) None of these (b) EC
(c) LG
Q14. Point D is in which direction with (d) BZ
respect to point A?
ACE ACADEMY |SCO 82, 2nd floor, Behind bus stand, Karnal | Contact: 7015275075, 7206600658 3
Q.21 If point V is exactly between point Q23. How far is point B with respect to
Q and R, then how far and in which point A?
direction is point U with respect to V? A. 24 km
(a)15m, North-East B. 40 km
(b) 15m, East C. 45 km
(c) 10m, North-west D. 29 km
(d) 20m, West E. 49 km
(e) 20m, North-East
D. Cannot be determined C) P, Q, U
E. None of these D) T, R, U
E) None of these
Directions (31-33): Read the following
information to answer the questions that Q33. Given that, A&B+D*E, E#C, B+C,
follow: point C is which direction respect of point
(1) A+B = B is south of A, A?
(2) A&B = A is west of B, A) North-west
(3) A*B = B is east of A, B) North-east
(4) A-B = A is north of B, C) North
(5) A@B = A is north-west of B, D) None of these
(6) A#B = B is south west of A, E) Cannot be determined
(7) A%B = A is north East of B, and
(8) A$B = A is south east of B
ACE ACADEMY |SCO 82, 2nd floor, Behind bus stand, Karnal | Contact: 7015275075, 7206600658 7