CFAS Module Week 1-2
CFAS Module Week 1-2
CFAS Module Week 1-2
Week 1
Course Learning Outcome Explain the various theoretical concepts in the development of the Financial
Accounting Framework
Student Learning Outcomes 1. Identify the concepts related to the Accountancy Profession
2. Describe the practice of accountancy profession in the Philippines
3. Explain the role of the various standard-setting bodies in the Philippines
Learning Content
Welcome to the first week of this course Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards. In this course, we will learn
the conceptual framework in accounting and the standards in the preparation of financial statements. Obtaining a copy
of the textbook in Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards is a must to understand better the topics included in
this module. For this week, we will learn about the accountancy profession.
Lesson Content
Definitions of Accounting
☑Accounting as an Information System. Accounting is a service activity. Its function is to provide quantitative
information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities, that is intended to be useful in making
economic decisions. -Accounting Standards Council (ASC)
The first definition emphasizes that accounting is a service activity and that Information provided by
accounting could be classified into 3 types:
• Quantitative information - this is information that is expressed in numbers, quantities or units
• Qualitative information - this is information that is expressed in words
• Financial information - this information is expressed in terms of money
☑Accounting as an Art. Accounting is an art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner
and in terms of money, transactions and events which are in part at least of a financial character and
interpreting the results thereof. - American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
COURSE LEARNING MODULE | 2nd Semester, 2021-2022
Mater Dei College | Tubigon, Bohol | (038)508-8106
College of Accountancy, Business and Management - Business Department
The third definition emphasizes the following:
1. Identifying - the process of recognition or non-recognition of business activities as accountable events.
Stated differently, this is the process which determines if an event has accounting relevance. This is the
analytical component.
An event is quantifiable when it has an effect on assets, liabilities and equity. Only economic activities
are emphasized and recognized in accounting. Economic activities of an entity are referred to as
2. Measuring - the process of assigning monetary amounts to the accountable events. This is the technical
component. If the accounting information to be useful, it must be expressed in terms of a common
financial denominator. Financial statements without monetary amounts would be expressed in terms of
a common financial denominator.
The Philippine peso is the unit of measuring accountable economic transactions.
The measuring bases are historical cost and current value.
o Historical cost – the original acquisition cost and the most common measure of financial
o Current value – includes fair value, value in use, fulfillment value and current cost.
3. Communicating - As we could notice with the above definitions, one main similarity between the three is
the impact of communication. In order to be useful, accounting information should be communicated to
the different decision makers. Communicating accounting information is achieved by the presentation of
different financial statements. This is the formal component.
COURSE LEARNING MODULE | 2nd Semester, 2021-2022
Mater Dei College | Tubigon, Bohol | (038)508-8106
College of Accountancy, Business and Management - Business Department
The Accountancy Profession
Republic Act No. 9298 “Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004” – the law regulating the practice of accountancy in
the Philippines.
Board of Accountancy (BOA) – body authorized by law to promulgate the rules and regulations affecting the
practice of the accountancy profession in the Philippines. – are responsible for preparing and grading the CPA
COURSE LEARNING MODULE | 2nd Semester, 2021-2022
Mater Dei College | Tubigon, Bohol | (038)508-8106
College of Accountancy, Business and Management - Business Department
Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – the inculcation and acquisition advanced knowledge, skill,
proficiency, and ethical and moral values after the initial registration of the CPA for assimilation into
professional practice and lifelong learning.
Republic Act No. 10912 – law mandating and strengthening the continuing professional development program
for all regulated professions, including the accountancy profession.
CPD credit units – CPD credit hours required for the renewal of the CPA license and accreditation of a CPA to
practice the accountancy profession every three years. All CPAs are required to comply with 120 CPD credit units
in a compliance period of three years. Exemption from CPD requirements for renewal of license: CPAs who
reached 65 years of age. (Exemption not applicable for accreditation to practice the accountancy profession)
Composition of FRSC
The FRSC is composed of 15 members with a Chairman who had been or is presnetly a senior accounting
practitioner and 14 representatives from the following:
Board of Accountancy 1
Securities and Exchange Commission 1
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas 1
Bureau of Internal Revenue 1
Commission on Audit 1
Major organization of preparers and users of financial statements – Financial 1
COURSE LEARNING MODULE | 2nd Semester, 2021-2022
Mater Dei College | Tubigon, Bohol | (038)508-8106
College of Accountancy, Business and Management - Business Department
Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX)
Accredited national professional organization of CPAs:
Public Practice 2
Commerce and Industry 2
Academe or Education 2
Government 2
Total 14
The chairman and the members of the FRSC shall have a term of 3 years renewable for another term. Any
member of the ASC shall not be disqualified from being appointed to the FRSC.
The counterpart of the PIC in the United Kingdom is the International Financial Reporting Interpretations
Committee (IFRIC) which has already replaced the Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC).
b. To work generally for the improvement and harmonization of regulations, accounting standards and
procedures relating to the presentation of financial statement.
The Philippines is fully compliant with IFRS effective January 2005, a process which was started back in 1997 in
moving from USA GAAP to IFRS.
The following factors are considered in deciding to move totally to international accounting standards:
a. Support of interntional accounting standards by Philippine organizations, such as the Philippine SEC,
Board of Accountancy, and PICPA.
COURSE LEARNING MODULE | 2nd Semester, 2021-2022
Mater Dei College | Tubigon, Bohol | (038)508-8106
College of Accountancy, Business and Management - Business Department
b. Increasing internationalization of business which has heightened interest in a common language for
financial reporting.
c. Improvement of international accounting standards or removal of free choices of accounting standards.
d. Increasing recognition of international accounting standards by the World Bank, Asian Development
Bank and World Trade Organization.
Review Questions
Recall the lesson and try to answer the following review questions:
1. What are the important points made in the definition of accounting?
2. Explain why accounting has been called the “universal language of business”.
3. What are the kinds of CPAs offered by CPAs in the practice of public accounting?
4. What do you understand by the Continuing Professional Development of CPAs?
5. What constitute GAAP in the Philippines?
6. Explain the purpose of accounting standards.
7. Explain why the Philippines has moved totally from American accounting standards to international
accounting standards?
Exercise 1.
A. Identify what is being described by the following statements.
1. It is the law regulating the practice of accountancy in the Philippines.
2. It is the body authorized by law to promulgate rules and regulations affecting
the practice of the accountancy profession in the Philippines.
3. It is the standard-setting body in the Philippines at the present time.
4. It is the area of the accountancy profession in which accountants are employed
in various capacity as accounting staff, chief accountant or controller.
It is the age in which a CPA will be permanently exempted from renewal of CPA
6. It is the accounting that is concerned with general-purpsoe reports on financial
position and financial performance.
7. It is the primary service of CPAs in the public practice.
8. It is the type of accounting that emphasizes developing accounting for use
within an entity.
9. It is the area of accounting that is focused on the process of recording and the
management of all financial transactions incurred by the government which
includes its income and expenditures.
10. These are like laws that must be followed in financial reporting.
COURSE LEARNING MODULE | 2nd Semester, 2021-2022
Mater Dei College | Tubigon, Bohol | (038)508-8106
College of Accountancy, Business and Management - Business Department
B. Determine if the statement is true or false by writing your answer on the space provided.
COURSE LEARNING MODULE | 2nd Semester, 2021-2022
Mater Dei College | Tubigon, Bohol | (038)508-8106
College of Accountancy, Business and Management - Business Department
Course Title Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards Course No. AE 102
Instructor Ma. Angelica C. Balatucan, CPA, MSA Schedule 10:30-12:00 TF
Week 2
Course Learning Outcome Explain the various theoretical concepts in the development of the Financial
Accounting Framework
Student Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the purpose and usefulness of a Conceptual Framework
2. Explain the authoritative status of a Conceptual Framework
3. Determine the users of financial information
4. Explain the objectives of financial reporting
Learning Content
Welcome to the second week of this course Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards. This week is all about the
overview of the Conceptual Framework. This lesson aims to orient the students on the purpose, content and authoritative
status of the Conceptual Framework, including the explanation of the objective of financial reporting, which is the first
component of the scope of the Revised Conceptual Framework.
Lesson Content
a. To assist the International Accounting Standards Board to develop IFRS based on consistent concepts.
b. To assist preparers of financial statements to develop consistent accounting policy when no Standard
applies to a particular transaction or other event or where an issue is not yet addressed by an IFRS.
c. To assist preparers of financial statements to develop accounting policy when a Standard allows a choice
of an accounting policy.
d. To assist all parties to understand and interpret the IFRS.
1. Primary Users
– need information about the resources and claims against resources of the entity.
– Are the parties to whom general-purpose financial reports are primarily directed.
a. Existing and potential investors – are concerned with the risk inherent in and return provided by
their investments.
o Investors need information to help them determine whether they should buy, hold or sell.
o Shareholders are also interested in information which enables them to assess the ability of the
entity to pay dividends.
b. Existing and potential lenders and other creditors – are interested in information which enables
them to determine whether their loans, interest thereon and other amounts owing to them will be
paid when due.
2. Other Users – are users of financial information other than the existing and potential investors,
lenders, and other creditors. Other users are so-called because they are parties that may find the
general-purpose financial reports useful, but the reports are not directed to them primarily.
a. Employees – are interested in information about the stability and profitability of the entity. They
are interested in information which enables them to assess the ability of the entity to provide
remuneration, retirement benefits and employment opportunities.
b. Customers – have an interest in information about the continuance of an entity especially when
they have a long-term involvement with or are dependent on the entity.
c. Government and other agencies– are interested in the allocation of resources and therefore the
activities of the entity. These users require information to regulate the activities of the entity,
determine taxation policies and as a basis for national income and similar activities.
d. Public – Entities make substantial contribution to the local economy in many ways including the
number of people they employ and their patronage of local suppliers. Financial statements assist
the purpose by providing information about the trend and the range of its activities.
COURSE LEARNING MODULE | 2nd Semester, 2021-2022
Mater Dei College | Tubigon, Bohol | (038)508-8106
College of Accountancy, Business and Management - Business Department
Overall objective of financial reporting:
“to provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to existing and potential investors,
lenders and other creditors in making decisions about providing resources to the entity”.
Specific Objectives:
1. To provide information useful in making decisions about providing resources to the entity
• that is useful to present and potential investors and creditors and other users in making rational
investment, credit, and similar decisions
2. To provide information useful in assessing the cash flow prospects of the entity
• to help present and potential investors and creditors and other users to assess the amounts, timing,
and uncertainty of prospective cash receipts.
3. To provide information about entity resources, claims and changes in resources and claims
• financial position – the information about the entity’s economic resources and claims against the
reporting entity (assets, liabilities and equity at a particular moment in time)
• financial performance (or results of operations) – changes in economic resources and claims (revenue,
expenses and net income or loss for a period of time)
Accrual Accounting
✔ depicts the effects of transactions and other events and circumstances on an entity’s economic resources
and claims in the periods in which those effects occur even if the resulting cash receipts and payments occur in a
different period.
✔ income is recognized when earned regardless of when received and expense is recognized when incurred
regardless of when paid
b. General purpose financial reports are not designed to show the value of an entity, but the reports provide
information to help the primary users estimate the value of the entity.
c. General purpose financial reports are intended to provide common information to users and cannot
accommodate request for information.
d. To a large extent, general purpose financial reports are based on estimate and judgement rather than exact
Management Stewardship
Information about how efficiently and effectively management has discharged its responsibilities to use the
entity’s economic resources helps users to assess management stewardship of those resources. Such
information is also useful for predicting how management will use the entity’s economic resources in future
Hence, the information can be useful for assessing the entity’s prospects for future net cash flows.
COURSE LEARNING MODULE | 2nd Semester, 2021-2022
Mater Dei College | Tubigon, Bohol | (038)508-8106
College of Accountancy, Business and Management - Business Department
Review Questions
Recall the lesson and try to answer the following review questions:
1. What are the purposes of the Revised Conceptual Framework?
2. Explain the authoritative status of the Conceptual Framework.
3. Who are the users of financial information and what are their information needs?
4. What is the scope of the Revised Conceptual Framework?
5. What is the overall and specific objectives of financial reporting?
6. What are the limitations of financial reporting?
Exercise 2.
A. Identify the users of information described by the following statements.
1. need information on trends and recent developments where an entity makes a
substantial contribution to the local economy providing employment and using local
2. are interested in information that enables them to assess whether their loans, the
related interest thereon, and other amounts owing to them will be paid when due.
3. require information on risk and return provided by their investment.
4. need financial information to help them make decisions on what to do with their
5. are interested in an entity's financial information for taxation and regulatory purposes.
6. are interested in the company’s ability to pay liabilities upon maturity (solvency).
need information to assess the company's potential for success and profitability, and
whether to continue, improve or drop it.
8. are after the ability of the company to pay salaries and provide employee benefits.
9. become interested in the company’s ability to continue its existence and maintain
stability of operations when there is a long-term involvement or contract between
them and the company.
are interested in information which enables them to assess the ability of the company
to pay dividends.
B. Determine if the statement is true or false by writing your answer on the space provided.
COURSE LEARNING MODULE | 2nd Semester, 2021-2022