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Evaluation Scheme & Syllabus For B. Tech. Second Year (Electronics and Communication Engineering)

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(An Autonomous Constituent Institute of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow)

Evaluation Scheme & Syllabus

B. Tech. Second Year
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)

[Effective from the Session: 2019-20]
B.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engg.) Semester III

Sr. Course Course Title Periods Evaluation Scheme End Total Credits
No. Code Semester
KOE031-38/ Engg. Science Course 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
KAS302 /Maths IV
1. KAS301/ Technical Communication 2 1 0
KVE301 /Universal Human values 30 20 50 100 150 3
3 0 0
2. KEC301 Electronic Devices 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
3. KEC302 Digital System Design 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
4. KEC303 Network Analysis and 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
6. KEC351 Electronics Devices Lab 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
7. KEC352 Digital System Design Lab 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
8. KEC353 Network Analysis and 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
Synthesis lab
9. KEC354 Mini Project or Internship 0 0 2 50 50 1
10. KNC301 Computer System Security 2 0 0 15 10 25 50 0
/KNC302 /Python Programming
11. MOOCs (Essential for
Hons. Degree)
TOTAL 950 22
*The Mini Project or internship (3-4 weeks) conducted during summer break after II semester and will be assessed during III

Semester IV
Sr. Course Course Title Periods Evaluation Scheme End Total Credits
No. Code Semeste
T al E
1. KAS402/ Maths-IV / Engg. Science 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
KOE041-48 Course
2. KVE401/ Universal Human Values/ 3 0 0
KAS401 Technical Communication 30 20 50 100 150 3
2 1 0
3. KEC401 Communication Engineering 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
4. KEC402 Analog Circuits 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
5. KEC403 Signal System 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
6. KEC451 Communication Engineering 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
7. KEC452 Analog Circuits Lab 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
8. KEC453 Signal System Lab 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
9. KNC402/ Python Programming/ 2 0 0 15 10 25 50 0
KNC401 Computer System Security
10. MOOCs (Essential for Hons.
TOTAL 900 21
KEC301 Electronics Devices 3L:1T:0P 4 Credits

Unit Topics Lectures

I Introduction to semiconductor physics: Review of quantum mechanics, 8
electrons in periodic lattices, E-k diagrams.
II Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic silicon, carrier transport, diffusion 8
current, drift current, mobility and resistivity, sheet resistance, design of
III Generation and recombination of carriers, Poisson and continuity equation 8
P-N junction characteristics, I-V characteristics, and small signal switching
IV Avalanche breakdown, Zener diode, Schottky diode, Bipolar Junction 8
Transistor, I-V characteristics, Ebers-Moll model.
V MOS capacitor, C-V characteristics, MOSFET, I-V characteristics, and 8
small signal models of MOS transistor, LED, photodiode and solar cell.

Text /Reference Books:

1. G. Streetman, and S. K. Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices,” 7th edition, Pearson,
2. D. Neamen , D. Biswas, "Semiconductor Physics and Devices," McGraw-Hill Education.
3. S. M. Sze and K. N. Kwok, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” 3rd edition, John Wiley
&Sons, 2006.
4. C.T. Sah, “Fundamentals of Solid State Electronics,” World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc,
5. Y. Tsividis and M. Colin, “Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor,” Oxford univ.
press, 2011.
6. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Electronic Devices and Circuits,” Cengage publication, 2014.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the principles of semiconductor Physics.
2. Understand and utilize the mathematical models of semiconductor junctions.
3. Understand carrier transport in semiconductors and design resistors.
4. Utilize the mathematical models of MOS transistors for circuits and systems.
5. Analyse and find application of special purpose diodes.
KEC302 Digital System Design 3L:1T:0P 4 Credits

Unit Topics Lectures

I Logic simplification and combinational logic design: Binary codes, code 8
conversion, review of Boolean algebra and Demorgans theorem, SOP &
POS forms, Canonical forms, Karnaugh maps up to 6 variables, tabulation
II MSI devices like comparators, multiplexers, encoder, decoder, driver & 8
multiplexed display, half and full adders, subtractors, serial and parallel
adders, BCD adder, barrel shifter and ALU.
III Sequential logic design: Building blocks like S-R, JK and Master-Slave JK 8
FF, edge triggered FF, state diagram, state reduction, design of sequential
circuits, ripple and synchronous counters, shift registers, finite state
machines, design of synchronous FSM, algorithmic state machines charts.
Designing synchronous circuits like pulse train generator, pseudo random
binary sequence generator, clock generation.
IV Logic families and semiconductor memories: TTL NAND gate, 8
specifications, noise margin, propagation delay, fan-in, fan-out, tristate
TTL, ECL, CMOS families and their interfacing, memory elements,
concept of programmable logic devices like FPGA, logic implementation
using programmable devices.
V Digital-to-Analog converters (DAC): Weighted resistor, R-2R ladder, 8
resistor string etc. analog-to-digital converters (ADC): single slope, dual
slope, successive approximation, flash etc. switched capacitor circuits:
Basic concept, practical configurations, application in amplifier, integrator,
ADC etc.

Text/Reference Books:
1. R.P. Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics,” Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2009.
2. A. Anand Kumar, “Fundamental of Digital Circuits,” PHI 4th edition, 2018.
3. W.H. Gothmann, “Digital Electronics- An Introduction to Theory and Practice,” PHI, 2 nd
edition, 2006.
4. D.V. Hall, “Digital Circuits and Systems,” Tata McGraw Hill, 1989.
5. A. K. Singh, “Foundation of Digital Electronics & Logic Design,” New Age Int.
6. Subrata Ghosal, “Digital Electronics,” Cengage publication, 2nd edition, 2018

Course outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Design and analyze combinational logic circuits.
2. Design and analyze modular combinational circuits with MUX / DEMUX, Decoder &
3. Design & analyze synchronous sequential logic circuits
4. Analyze various logic families.
5. Design ADC and DAC and implement in amplifier, integrator, etc.
KEC303 Network Analysis and Synthesis 3L:0T:0P 3 Credits

Unit Topics Lectures

I Node and mesh analysis, matrix approach of network containing voltage & 8
current sources and reactances, source transformation and duality.
II Network theorems: Superposition, reciprocity, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, 8
Maximum power transfer, compensation and Tallegen's theorem as applied
to A.C. circuits.
III Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series: Discrete spectra and 8
symmetry of waveform, steady state response of a network to non-
sinusoidal periodic inputs, power factor, effective values, Fourier
transform and continuous spectra, three phase unbalanced circuit and
power calculation.
IV Laplace transforms and properties: Partial fractions, singularity functions, 8
waveform synthesis, analysis of RC, RL, and RLC networks with and
without initial conditions with Laplace transforms evaluation of initial
V Transient behaviour, concept of complex frequency, driving points and 8
transfer functions poles and zeros of immittance function, their properties,
sinusoidal response from pole-zero locations, convolution theorem and two
four port network and interconnections, behaviour of series and parallel
resonant circuits, introduction to band pass, low pass, high pass and band
reject filters.

Text/Reference Books
1. Franklin F. Kuo, “Network Analysis and Synthesis,” Wiley India Education, 2nd Ed., 2006.
2. Van, Valkenburg, “Network analysis,” Pearson, 2019.
3. Sudhakar, A., Shyammohan, S. P., “Circuits and Network,” Tata McGraw-Hill New
Delhi, 1994.
4. A William Hayt, “Engineering Circuit Analysis,” 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education.
5. A. Anand Kumar, “Network Analysis and Synthesis,” PHI publication, 2019.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand basics electrical circuits with nodal and mesh analysis.
2. Appreciate electrical network theorems.
3. Apply Laplace transform for steady state and transient analysis.
4. Determine different network functions.
5. Appreciate the frequency domain techniques.
KEC351 Electronic Devices Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 Credits


1. Study of Lab Equipment and Components: CRO, multimeter, and function generator,
power supply- active, passive components and bread board.
2. P-N Junction diode: Characteristics of PN junction diode - static and dynamic resistance
measurement from graph.
3. Applications of PN Junction diode: Half & Full wave rectifier- Measurement of Vrms,
Vdc, and ripple factor.
4. Characteristics of Zener diode: V-I characteristics of Zener diode, graphical
measurement of forward and reverse resistance.
5. Characteristics of Photo diode: V-I characteristics of photo diode, graphical
measurement of forward and reverse resistance.
6. Characteristics of Solar cell: V-I characteristics of solar cell, graphical measurement of
forward and reverse resistance.
7. Application of Zener diode: Zener diode as voltage regulator. Measurement of
percentage regulation by varying load resistor.
8. Characteristic of BJT: BJT in CE configuration- graphical measurement of h-
parameters from input and output characteristics. Measurement of Av, AI, Ro and Ri of
CE amplifier with potential divider biasing.
9. Field Effect Transistors: Single stage common source FET amplifier –plot of gain in dB
Vs frequency, measurement of, bandwidth, input impedance, maximum signal handling
capacity (MSHC) of an amplifier.
10. Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors: Single stage MOSFET amplifier
–plot of gain in dB Vs frequency, measurement of, bandwidth, input impedance,
maximum signal handling capacity (MSHC) of an amplifier.
11. Simulation of amplifier circuits studied in the lab using any available simulation software
and measurement of bandwidth and other parameters with the help of simulation

Course outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand working of basic electronics lab equipment.
2. Understand working of PN junction diode and its applications.
3. Understand characteristics of Zener diode.
4. Design a voltage regulator using Zener diode.
5. Understand working of BJT, FET, MOSFET and apply the concept in designing of
KEC352 Digital System Design Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 Credits


1. Introduction to digital electronics lab- nomenclature of digital ICs, specifications, study
of the data sheet, Concept of Vcc and ground, verification of the truth tables of logic gates
using TTL ICs.
2. Implementation of the given Boolean function using logic gates in both SOP and POS
3. Verification of state tables of RS, JK, T and D flip-flops using NAND & NOR gates.
4. Implementation and verification of Decoder using logic gates.
5. Implementation and verification of Encoder using logic gates.
6. Implementation of 4:1 multiplexer using logic gates.
7. Implementation of 1:4 demultiplexer using logic gates.
8. Implementation of 4-bit parallel adder using 7483 IC.
9. Design, and verify the 4-bit synchronous counter.
10. Design, and verify the 4-bit asynchronous counter.
11. Implementation of Mini Project using digital integrated circuits and other components.

Course outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Design and analyze combinational logic circuits.
2. Design & analyze modular combinational circuits with MUX/DEMUX, decoder, encoder.
3. Design & analyze synchronous sequential logic circuits.
4. Design & build mini project using digital ICs.
KEC353 Network Analysis and Synthesis Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 Credits


1. Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws.
2. Verification of Superposition theorem.
3. Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem and Maximum power transfer theorem.
4. Verification of Tallegen's theorem.
5. Measurement of power and power factor in a single phase AC series inductive circuit
and study improvement of power factor using capacitor.
6. Study of phenomenon of resonance in RLC series circuit and obtain resonant
7. Determination of parameters of AC single phase series RLC circuit.
8. To find poles and zeros of immittance function.
9. Design and find cut-off frequency of low pass and high pass filters.
10. Design and find the pass band frequencies of band pass filters.
11. Design and find the stop band frequencies of band reject filters.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand basics of electrical circuits with nodal and mesh analysis.
2. Appreciate electrical network theorems.
3. Analyse RLC circuits.
4. Determine the stability of an electrical circuit.
5. Design network filters.
KEC401 Communication Engineering 3L:0T:0P 3 Credits

Unit Topics Lectures

I Review of signals and systems, frequency domain representation of 8
signals, principles of amplitude modulation systems- DSB, SSB and VSB
II Angle modulation, representation of FM and PM signals, spectral 8
characteristics of angle modulated signals.
III Review of probability and random process, Gaussian and white noise 8
characteristics, noise in amplitude modulation systems, noise in frequency
modulation systems, pre-emphasis and de-emphasis, threshold effect in
angle modulation.
IV Pulse modulation, sampling process, pulse amplitude and pulse code 8
modulation (PCM), differential pulse code modulation. Delta modulation,
noise considerations in PCM, time division multiplexing, digital
V Digital modulation schemes- phase shift keying, frequency shift keying, 8
quadrature amplitude modulation, continuous phase modulation and
minimum shift keying.

Text/Reference Books:
1. Haykin S., "Communications Systems," John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
2. Proakis J. G. and Salehi M., "Communication Systems Engineering," Pearson Education,
3. Taub H. and Schilling D.L., "Principles of Communication Systems,” Tata McGraw Hill,
4. Wozencraft J. M. and Jacobs I. M., “Principles of Communication Engineering,” John
Wiley, 1965.
5. Barry J. R., Lee E. A. and Messerschmitt D. G., “Digital Communication,” Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2004.
6. Proakis J.G., “Digital Communications',' 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2000.
7. Abhay Gandhi, “Analog and Digital Communication,” Cengage publication, 2015.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Analyze and compare different analog modulation schemes for their efficiency and
2. Analyze the behavior of a communication system in presence of noise.
3. Investigate pulsed modulation system and analyze their system performance.
4. Investigate various multiplexing techniques.
5. Analyze different digital modulation schemes and compute the bit error performance.
KEC402 Analog Circuits 3L:1T:0P 4 Credits

Unit Topics Lectures

I Diode circuits, amplifier models: Voltage amplifier, current amplifier, 8
trans-conductance amplifier and trans-resistance amplifier. biasing
schemes for BJT and FET amplifiers, bias stability, various configurations
(such as CE/CS, CB/CG, CC/CD) and their features, small signal analysis,
low frequency transistor models, estimation of voltage gain, input
resistance, output resistance etc., design procedure for particular
specifications, low frequency analysis of multistage amplifiers.
II High frequency transistor models, frequency response of single stage and 8
multistage amplifiers, cascode amplifier, various classes of operation
(Class A, B, AB, C etc.), their power efficiency and linearity issues,
feedback topologies: Voltage series, current series, voltage shunt, current
shunt, effect of feedback on gain, bandwidth etc., calculation with practical
circuits, concept of stability, gain margin and phase margin.
III Oscillators: Review of the basic concept, Barkhausen criterion, RC 8
oscillators (phase shift, Wien bridge etc.), LC oscillators (Hartley, Colpitt,
Clapp etc.), non-sinusoidal oscillators.
IV Current mirror: Basic topology and its variants, V-I characteristics, output 8
resistance and minimum sustainable voltage (VON), maximum usable
load, differential amplifier: Basic structure and principle of operation,
calculation of differential gain, common mode gain, CMRR and ICMR,
Op-Amp design: Design of differential amplifier for a given specification,
design of gain stages and output stages, compensation.
V Op-Amp applications: Review of inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, 8
integrator and differentiator, summing amplifier, precision rectifier,
Schmitt trigger and its applications, active filters: Low pass, high pass,
band pass and band stop, design guidelines.

Text/Reference Books:
1. J.V. Wait, L.P. Huelsman and GA Korn, “Introduction to Operational Amplifier theory
and applications,” Mc Graw Hill, 1992.
2. J. Millman and A. Grabel, “Microelectronics,” 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, 1988.
3. P. Horowitz and W. Hill, “The Art of Electronics,” 2nd edition, Cambridge University
Press, 1989.
4. A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits,” Saunder's College11 Publishing,
4th edition.
5. Paul R. Gray and Robert G. Meyer, “Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits,”
John Wiley, 3rd edition.
6. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Electronic Devices and Circuits,” Cengage publication, 2014.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the characteristics of diodes and transistors.
2. Design and analyze various rectifier and amplifier circuits.
3. Design sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators.
4. Understand the functioning of OP-AMP and design OP-AMP based circuits.
5. Design LPF, HPF, BPF, BSF.
KEC403 Signal System 3L:1T:0P 4 Credits

Unit Topics Lectures

I Signals and systems as seen in everyday life, and in various branches of 8
engineering and science, energy and power signals, continuous and
discrete time signals, continuous and discrete amplitude signals, system
properties: linearity, additivity and homogeneity, shift-invariance,
causality, stability, realizability.
II Linear shift-invariant (LSI) systems, impulse response and step response, 8
convolution, input-output behaviour with aperiodic convergent inputs,
characterization of causality and stability of linear shift invariant systems,
system representation through differential equations and difference
equations, Periodic and semi-periodic inputs to an LSI system, the notion
of a frequency response and its relation to the impulse response
III Fourier series representation, Fourier transform, convolution/multiplication 8
and their effect in the frequency domain, magnitude and phase response,
Fourier domain duality , Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) and the
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), Parseval's Theorem, the idea of signal
space and orthogonal bases, the Laplace transform, notion of Eigen
functions of LSI systems, a basis of Eigen functions, region of
convergence, poles and zeros of system, Laplace domain analysis, solution
to differential equations and system behaviour.
IV The z-Transform for discrete time signals and systems-Eigen functions, 8
region of convergence, z-domain analysis.
V The sampling theorem and its implications- spectra of sampled signals, 8
reconstruction: ideal interpolator, zero-order hold, first-order hold, and so
on, aliasing and its effects, relation between continuous and discrete time

Text/Reference books:
1. A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and I.T. Young, "Signals and Systems," Pearson, 2015.
2. R.F. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter and D.R. Fannin, "Signals and Systems - Continuous and
Discrete," 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 1998.
3. B.P. Lathi, "Signal Processing and Linear Systems," Oxford University Press, 1998.
4. Douglas K. Lindner, "Introduction to Signals and Systems," McGraw Hill International
Edition: 1999.
5. Simon Haykin, Barry van Veen, "Signals and Systems," John Wiley and Sons (Asia)
Private Limited, 1998.
6. V. Krishnaveni, A. Rajeswari, “"Signals and Systems," Wiley India Private Limited,
7. Robert A. Gabel, Richard A. Roberts, "Signals and Linear Systems," John Wiley and
Sons, 1995.
8. M. J. Roberts, "Signals and Systems - Analysis using Transform methods and
MATLAB," TMH, 2003.
9. J. Nagrath, S. N. Sharan, R. Ranjan, S. Kumar, "Signals and Systems," TMH New Delhi,
10. A. Anand Kumar, “Signals and Systems,” PHI 3rd edition, 2018.
11. D. Ganesh Rao, K.N. Hari Bhat, K. Anitha Sheela, “Signal, Systems, and Stochastic
Processes,” Cengage publication, 2018.
Course outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Analyze different types of signals.
2. Analyze linear shift-invariant (LSI) systems.
3. Represent continuous and discrete systems in time and frequency domain using Fourier
series and transform.
4. Analyze discrete time signals in z-domain.
5. Study sampling and reconstruction of a signal.
KEC451 Communication Engineering Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 Credits


1. To study DSB/ SSB amplitude modulation & determine its modulation factor & power
in side bands.
2. To study amplitude demodulation by linear diode detector.
3. To study frequency modulation and determine its modulation factor.
4. To study sampling and reconstruction of pulse amplitude modulation system.
5. To study pulse amplitude modulation.
a) Using switching method
b) By sample and hold circuit
6. To demodulate the obtained PAM signal by 2nd order LPF.
7. To study pulse width modulation and pulse position modulation.
8. To study pulse code modulation and demodulation technique.
9. To study delta modulation and demodulation technique.
10. To construct a square wave with the help of fundamental frequency and its harmonic
11. Study of amplitude shift keying modulator and demodulator.
12. Study of frequency shift keying modulator and demodulator.
13. Study of phase shift keying modulator and demodulator.
14. Study of single bit error detection and correction using hamming code.
15. Study of quadrature phase shift keying modulator and demodulator.
16. To simulate differential phase shift keying technique using MATLAB software.
17. To simulate M-ary Phase shift keying technique using MATLAB software (8PSK,
16PSK) and perform BER calculations.
18. Design a front end BPSK modulator and demodulator.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Analyze and compare different analog modulation schemes for their modulation factor
and power.
2. Study pulse amplitude modulation.
3. Analyze different digital modulation schemes and can compute the bit error performance.
4. Study and simulate the Phase shift keying.
5. Design a front end BPSK modulator and demodulator.
KEC452 Analog Circuit Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 Credits


1. Characteristic of BJT: Study of BJT in various configurations (such as CE/CS, CB/CG,

2. BJT in CE configuration: Graphical measurement of h-parameters from input and output
characteristics, measurement of Av, AI, Ro and Ri of CE amplifier with potential divider
3. Study of Multi-stage amplifiers: Frequency response of single stage and multistage
4. Feedback topologies: Study of voltage series, current series, voltage shunt, current shunt,
effect of feedback on gain, bandwidth etc.
5. Measurement of Op-Amp parameters: Common mode gain, differential mode gain,
CMRR, slew rate.
6. Applications of Op-Amp: Op-Amp as summing amplifier, difference amplifier, integrator
and differentiator.
7. Field effect transistors: Single stage common source FET amplifier –plot of gain in dB vs
frequency, measurement of bandwidth, input impedance, maximum signal handling
capacity (MSHC) of an amplifier.
8. Oscillators: Study of sinusoidal oscillators- RC oscillators (phase shift, Wien bridge etc.).
9. Study of LC oscillators (Hartley, Colpitt, Clapp etc.),
10. Study of non-sinusoidal oscillators.
11. Simulation of amplifier circuits studied in the lab using any available simulation software
and measurement of bandwidth and other parameters with the help of simulation
12. ADC/DAC: Design and study of Analog to Digital Converter.
13. Design and study of Digital to Analog Converter.

Course Outcome
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the characteristics of transistors.
2. Design and analyze various configurations of amplifier circuits.
3. Design sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators.
4. Understand the functioning of OP-AMP and design OP-AMP based circuits.
5. Design ADC and DAC.
KEC453 Signal System Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 Credits


1. Introduction to MATLAB
a. To define and use variables and functions in MATLAB.
b. To define and use Vectors and Matrices in MATLAB.
c. To study various MATLAB arithmetic operators and mathematical functions.
d. To create and use m-files.
2. Basic plotting of signals
a. To study various MATLAB commands for creating two and three dimensional
b. Write a MATLAB program to plot the following continuous time and discrete
time signals.
i. Step Function
ii. Impulse Function
iii. Exponential Function
iv. Ramp Function
v. Sine Function
3. Time and Amplitude transformations
Write a MATLAB program to perform amplitude-scaling, time-scaling and time-
shifting on a given signal.
4. Convolution of given signals
Write a MATLAB program to obtain linear convolution of the given sequences.
5. Autocorrelation and Cross-correlation
a. Write a MATLAB program to compute autocorrelation of a sequence x(n) and
verify the property.
b. Write a MATLAB program to compute cross-correlation of sequences x(n) and
y(n) and verify the property.
6. Fourier Series and Gibbs Phenomenon
a. To calculate Fourier series coefficients associated with Square Wave.
b. To Sum the first 10 terms and plot the Fourier series as a function of time.
c. To Sum the first 50 terms and plot the Fourier series as a function of time.
7. Calculating transforms using MATLAB
a. Calculate and plot Fourier transform of a given signal.
b. Calculate and plot Z-transform of a given signal.
8. Impulse response and Step response of a given system
a. Write a MATLAB program to find the impulse response and step response of a
system form its difference equation.
b. Compute and plot the response of a given system to a given input.
9. Pole-zero diagram and bode diagram
a. Write a MATLAB program to find pole-zero diagram, bode diagram of a given
system from the given system function.
b. Write a MATLAB program to find, bode diagram of a given system from the
given system function.
10. Frequency response of a system
Write a MATLAB program to plot magnitude and phase response of a given system.
11. Checking linearity/non-linearity of a system using SIMULINK
a. Build a system that amplifies a sine wave by a factor of two.
b. Test the linearity of this system using SIMULINK.

Course outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the basics operation of MATLAB.
2. Analysis the time domain and frequency domain signals.
3. Implement the concept of Fourier series and Fourier transforms.
4. Find the stability of system using pole-zero diagrams and bode diagram.
5. Design frequency response of the system.
Engineering Science Courses for B.Tech.(AICTE Model Curriculum) 2nd Year
(effective from the session 2019-20)
Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme End Semester Total Credit
Sl.No. Subject
Codes L T P CT TA Total PS TE PE
1 KOE031/041 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
2 KOE032/042 Material Science 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
3 KOE033/043 Energy Science & Engineering 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
4 KOE034/044 Sensor & Instrumentation 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
5 KOE035/045 Basics Data Structure & Algorithms 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
6 KOE036/046 Introduction to Soft Computing 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
7 KOE037/047 Analog Electronics Circuits 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
8 KOE038/048 Electronics Engineering 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4

To be offered to any Engg. Branch except ME/CE/AG and allied
1 Engineering Mechanics
2 Material Science
3 Energy Science & Engineering To be offered to any Engg. Branch except EE and allied branches
4 Sensor & Instrumentation
5 Basics Data Structure & Algorithms To be offered to any Engg. Branch except CSE and allied branches
6 Introduction to Soft Computing
7 Analog Electronics Circuits To be offered to any Engg. Branch except EC and allied branches
8 Electronics Engineering

Important Note: CH/BT/TX Engg. and allied branches can be offered any of the above listed ES.

Two-dimensional force systems: Basic concepts, Laws of motion, Principle of transmissibility of forces,
transfer of a force to parallel position, resultant of a force system, simplest resultant of two dimensional
concurrent and non-concurrent force systems, distribution of force systems, free body diagrams, equilibrium
and equations of equilibrium.
Friction: Friction force – Laws of sliding friction – equilibrium analysis of simple systems with sliding
friction – wedge friction.

Beam: Introduction, shear force and bending moment, different equations of equilibrium, shear force and
bending moment diagram for statically determined beams.
Trusses: Introduction, simple truss and solution of simple truss, methods of F-joint and methods of sections.

Centroid and moment of inertia: Centroid of plane, curve, area, volume and composite bodies, moment of
inertia of plane area, parallel axis theorem, perpendicular axis theorem, principle moment of inertia, mass
moment of inertia of circular ring, disc, cylinder, sphere, and cone about their axis of symmetry.

Kinematics of rigid body: Introduction, plane motion of rigid body, velocity and acceleration under
translational and rotational motion, relative velocity.
Kinetics of rigid body: Introduction, force, mass and acceleration, work and energy, impulse and momentum,
D’Alembert’s principle and dynamic equilibrium.

Simple stress and strain: Introduction, normal and shear stresses, stress-strain diagrams for ductile and
brittle material, elastic constants, one-dimensional loading of members of varying cross sections, strain
Pure bending of beams: Introduction, simple bending theory, stress in beams of different cross sections.
Torsion: Introduction, torsion of shafts of circular cross sections, torque and twist, shear stress due to torque.

Books and References:

1. Beer, F.P and Johnston Jr. E.R., “Vector Mechanics for Engineers (In SI Units): Statics and Dynamics”, 8th
Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company, New Delhi (2004).
2. Vela Murali, “Engineering Mechanics”, Oxford University Press (2010).
3. A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics, R.K. Bansal, Laxmi Publications.
4. Engineering Mechanics, R.S. Khurmi, S.Chand Publishing.
5. Meriam J.L. and Kraige L.G., “Engineering Mechanics- Statics - Volume 1, Dynamics- Volume 2”, Third
Edition, John Wiley & Sons (1993).
6. Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G., “Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics”, 3 rd Edition,
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., (2005).
7. Bhavikatti, S.S and Rajashekarappa, K.G., “Engineering Mechanics”, New Age International (P) Limited
Publishers, (1998).
8. Engineering mechanics by Irving H. Shames, Prentice-Hall.

Phase Diagrams:
Solid solutions – Hume Rothery’s rules – the phase rule – single component system – one-component system
of iron – binary phase diagrams – isomorphous systems – the tie-line rule – the lever rule – application to
isomorphous system – eutectic phase diagram – peritectic phase diagram – other invariant reactions – free
energy composition curves for binary systems – microstructural change during cooling.

Ferrous Alloys:
The iron-carbon equilibrium diagram – phases, invariant reactions – microstructure of slowly cooled steels –
eutectoid steel, hypo and hypereutectoid steels – effect of alloying elements on the Fe-C system – diffusion in
solids – Fick’s laws – phase transformations – T-T-T-diagram for eutectoid steel – pearlitic, baintic and
martensitic transformations – tempering of martensite – steels – stainless steels – cast irons.

Mechanical Properties:
Tensile test – plastic deformation mechanisms – slip and twinning – role of dislocations in slip –
strengthening methods – strain hardening – refinement of the grain size – solid solution strengthening –
precipitation hardening – creep resistance – creep curves – mechanisms of creep – creep-resistant materials –
fracture – the Griffith criterion – critical stress intensity factor and its determination – fatigue failure – fatigue
tests – methods of increasing fatigue life – hardness – Rockwell and Brinell hardness – Knoop and Vickers

Magnetic, Dielectric & Superconducting Materials:
Ferromagnetism – domain theory – types of energy – hysteresis – hard and soft magnetic materials – ferrites –
dielectric materials – types of polarization – Langevin-Debye equation – frequency effects on polarization –
dielectric breakdown – insulating materials – Ferroelectric materials – superconducting materials and their

New Materials:
Ceramics – types and applications – composites: classification, role of matrix and reinforcement, processing
of fiber reinforced plastics – metallic glasses: types , glass forming ability of alloys, melt spinning process,
applications – shape memory alloys: phases, shape memory effect, pseudoelastic effect, NiTi alloy,
applications – nanomaterials: preparation (bottom up and top down approaches), properties and applications –
carbon nanotubes: types.

Text Books & References:

1. Balasubramanian, R. ―Callister’s Materials Science and Engineering‖. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2014.
2. Raghavan, V. ―Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice‖. PHI Learning, 2015.
3. Raghavan, V. ―Materials Science and Engineering: A First course‖. PHI Learning, 2015.
4. Askeland, D. ―Materials Science and Engineering‖. Brooks/Cole, 2010.
5.Smith, W.F., Hashemi, J. & Prakash, R. ―Materials Science and Engineering‖. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.
Ltd., 2014.
6. Wahab, M.A. ―Solid State Physics: Structure and Properties of Materials‖. Narosa Publishing House, 2009.
Energy Science and Engineering
Unit-I Energy and its Usage: Units and scales of energy use, Mechanical energy and transport,
Heat energy: Conversion between heat and mechanical energy, Electromagnetic energy: Storage,
conversion, transmission and radiation, Introduction to the quantum, energy quantization, Energy
in chemical systems and processes, flow of CO2, Entropy and temperature, carnot and Stirling
heat engines, Phase change energy conversion, refrigeration and heat pumps, Internal combustion
engines, Steam and gas power cycles, the physics of power plants. Solid-state phenomena
including photo, thermal and electrical aspects

Unit-II Nuclear Energy: Fundamental forces in the universe, Quantum mechanics relevant for
nuclear physics, Nuclear forces, energy scales and structure, Nuclear binding energy systematics,
reactions and decays, Nuclear fusion, Nuclear fission and fission reactor physics, Nuclear fission
reactor design, safety, operation and fuel cycles

Unit-III Solar Energy: Introduction to solar energy, fundamentals of solar radiation and its
measurement aspects, Basic physics of semiconductors, Carrier transport, generation and
recombination in semiconductors, Semiconductor junctions: metal-semiconductor junction & p-n
junction, Essential characteristics of solar photovoltaic devices, First Generation Solar Cells,
Second Generation Solar Cells, Third Generation Solar Cells

Unit-IV Conventional & non-conventional energy source: Biological energy sources and
fossil fuels, Fluid dynamics and power in the wind, available resources, fluids, viscosity, types of
fluid flow, lift, Wind turbine dynamics and design, wind farms, Geothermal power and ocean
thermal energy conversion, Tidal/wave/hydro power

Unit-V Systems and Synthesis: Overview of World Energy Scenario, Nuclear radiation, fuel
cycles, waste and proliferation, Climate change, Energy storage, Energy conservation.
Engineering for Energy conservation: Concept of Green Building and Green Architecture; Green
building concepts, LEED ratings; Identification of energy related enterprises that represent the
breath of the industry and prioritizing these as candidates; Embodied energy analysis and use as a
tool for measuring sustainability. Energy Audit of Facilities and optimization of energy

Reference/Text Books
1. Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability, World Energy Assessment, UNDP, New
York, (2000).
2. Perspective of Modern Physics, A. Beiser, McGraw-Hill International Editions (1968).
3. Introduction to Modern Physics, H.S. Mani and G.K.Mehta, East-West Press (1988).
4. Introduction to Electrodynamics, D. J. Griffiths, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall (2013).
5. Introductory Nuclear Physics, R. K. Puri and V.K. Babbar, Narosa Publishing House
6. Physics of Solar Cells: From Basic Principles to Advanced Concepts by Peter Wurfel,
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
7. Principles of Solar Engineering, D.Y. Goswami, F.Kreith and J.F. Kreider, Taylor and
Francis, Philadelphia, 2000.

Pre-requisites of course: Basic Electrical Engineering

Course Outcomes: Knowledge

Level, KL
Upon the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO 1 Apply the use of sensors for measurement of displacement, force and pressure. K3
CO2 Employ commonly used sensors in industry for measurement of temperature,
position, accelerometer, vibration sensor, flow and level.
CO3 Demonstrate the use of virtual instrumentation in automation industries. K2
CO4 Identify and use data acquisition methods. K3
CO5 Comprehend intelligent instrumentation in industrial automation. K2

Detailed Syllabus:

Unit- I:
Sensors & Transducer: Definition, Classification & selection of sensors, Measurement of displacement
using Potentiometer, LVDT & Optical Encoder, Measurement of force using strain gauge, Measurement
of pressure using LVDT based diaphragm & piezoelectric sensor.

Measurement of temperature using Thermistor, Thermocouple & RTD, Concept of thermal imaging,
Measurement of position using Hall effect sensors, Proximity sensors: Inductive & Capacitive, Use of
proximity sensor as accelerometer and vibration sensor, Flow Sensors: Ultrasonic & Laser, Level
Sensors: Ultrasonic & Capacitive.

Unit -III:
Virtual Instrumentation: Graphical programming techniques, Data types, Advantage of Virtual
Instrumentation techniques, Concept of WHILE & FOR loops, Arrays, Clusters & graphs,
Structures: Case, Sequence & Formula nodes, Need of software based instruments for industrial

Data Acquisition Methods: Basic block diagram, Analog and Digital IO, Counters, Timers, Types of
ADC: successive approximation and sigma-delta, Types of DAC: Weighted Resistor and R-2R
Ladder type, Use of Data Sockets for Networked Communication.

Unit V:
Intelligent Sensors: General Structure of smart sensors & its components, Characteristic of smart sensors:
Self calibration, Self-testing & self-communicating, Application of smart sensors: Automatic robot
control & automobile engine control.
Text Books:
1. DVS Murthy, Transducers and Instrumentation, PHI 2nd Edition 2013
2. D Patranabis, Sensors and Transducers, PHI 2nd Edition 2013.
3. S. Gupta, J.P. Gupta / PC interfacing for Data Acquisition & Process Control, 2nd ED / Instrument
Society of America, 1994.
4. Gary Johnson / Lab VIEW Graphical Programing II Edition / McGraw Hill 1997.

Reference Books:
1. Arun K. Ghosh, Introduction to measurements and Instrumentation, PHI, 4th Edition 2012.
2. A.D. Helfrick and W.D. cooper,Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques,
PHI – 2001
3. Hermann K.P. Neubert, “Instrument Transducers” 2nd Edition 2012, Oxford University Press.
Basics Data Structure and Algorithms

Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)

At the end of course , the student will be able to understand
CO 1 Understand and analyze the time and space complexity of an K2, K4
CO 2 Understand and implement fundamental algorithms K2, K3
(including sorting algorithms, graph algorithms, and dynamic
CO 3 Discuss various algorithm design techniques for developing K1, K2
CO 4 Discuss various searching, sorting and graph traversal K2, K3
CO 5 Understand operation on Queue , Priority Queue , D-Queue. K2

K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyze, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create
Basics Data Structure and Algorithms

Detailed Syllabus
Unit Topic Proposed
Introduction to data structure and Algorithms: Performance analysis of Algorithm, time
I complexity, Big-oh notation, Elementary data organization data structure operations, Recurrences, 08
Arrays, Operation on arrays, representation of arrays in memory, single dimensional and
multidimensional arrays, spare matrices, Character storing in C, String operations.
Stack And Queue and Link List: Stack operation, PUSH and POP, Array representation of stacks,
II Operation associated with stacks Application of stacks, Recursion, Polish experession, 08
Representation Queue, operation on Queue , Priority Queue , D-Queue , Singly and circularly
linked list, List operations Lists implementations
Trees : Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Binary tree representation, Algebraic/expressions,
III Complete Binary Trees, Extended binary tree, representing binary tress in memory, linked 08
representation of Binary trees, Traversing binary trees & Searching in binary trees, Inserting in
binary search trees, Complexity of searching algorithm, Heaps, general trees, Threaded binary tree.
Graphs: Terminology & representations, Graphs & Multigraphs, Directed Graphs, Sequential
IV representation of graphs, adjacency Matrices, Transversal, connected component and spanning trees, 08
Minimum Cost spanning tree, Prims and Kruskal Algorithm, BFS, DFS, Shortest path and transitive
closure, Activity networks, topological sort and critical paths.
Searching and Sorting: Linear search, binary Search, Internal and External sorting, Bubble sorting,
selection sort, Insertion sort, quick sort, Two way merge sort, Heap sort, sorting on different keys,
V practical consideration for internal sorting, External Sorting, Storage Devices : Magnetic tapes, Disk 08
Storage, Sorting with disks and Indexing techniques, introduction to B tree and B+ tree, File
organization and storage management, Introduction to hoisting.
Text books:
1. Thomas H. Coreman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, PHI.
2. Horowitz and Sahani, "Fundamentals of Data Structures", Galgotia Publication.
3. Weiss, "Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C", Addision Wesley.
4. Basse, "computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design & Analysis", Addision Wesley.
5. Lipschutz, "Data structure, "Schaum series.
6. Aho, hopcropt, Ullman, “Data Structure & Algorithm", Addision Wesley.
7. Aho, Hopcraft, Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms” Pearson Education, 2008
Introduction to Soft Computing

Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)

At the end of course , the student will be able to understand
CO 1 Comprehend the fuzzy logic and the concept of fuzziness K1, K2
involved in various systems and fuzzy set theory.
CO 2 Understand the concepts of fuzzy sets, knowledge K2, K3
representation using fuzzy rules, approximate reasoning,
fuzzy inference systems, and fuzzy logic
CO 3 Describe with genetic algorithms and other random search K4
procedures useful while seeking global optimum in self-
learning situations.
CO 4 Understand appropriate learning rules for each of the K2, K3
architectures and learn several neural network paradigms and
its applications.
CO 5 Develop some familiarity with current research problems and K5, K6
research methods in Soft Computing Techniques.

K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyze, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create
Introduction to Soft Computing
Detailed Syllabus
Unit Topic Proposed
Introduction to Soft Computing,
Basic concepts - Single layer perception - Multilayer Perception - Supervised and Unsupervised
learning – Back propagation networks - Kohnen's self-organizing networks - Hopfield network.
Fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Relations and Fuzzy reasoning, Fuzzy functions - Decomposition - Fuzzy 08
automata and languages - Fuzzy control methods - Fuzzy decision making.


Adaptive networks based Fuzzy interface systems - Classification and Regression Trees - Data 08
clustering algorithms - Rule based structure identification - Neuro-Fuzzy controls - Simulated
annealing – Evolutionary computation
Survival of the Fittest - Fitness Computations - Cross over - Mutation - Reproduction - Rank method 08
- Rank space method.


Optimiation of traveling salesman problem using Genetic Algorithm, Genetic algorithm based 08
Internet Search Techniques, Soft computing based hybrid fuzzy controller, Introduction to MATLAB
Environment for Soft computing Techniques.
Text books:
1.An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm Melanic Mitchell (MIT Press)
2.Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Multi-objective, Optimization Problems (2nd Edition), Collelo, Lament, Veldhnizer (
3.Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications Timothy J. Ross (Wiley)
4.Neural Networks and Learning Machines Simon Haykin (PHI)
5.Sivanandam, Deepa, “ Principles of Soft Computing”, Wiley
6.Jang J.S.R, Sun C.T. and Mizutani E, "Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft computing", Prentice Hall
7.Timothy J. Ross, "Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications", McGraw Hill
8.Laurene Fausett, "Fundamentals of Neural Networks", Prentice Hall
9.D.E. Goldberg, "Genetic Algorithms: Search, Optimization and Machine Learning", Addison Wesley
10.Wang, “Fuzzy Logic”, Springer
Analog Electronics Circuits 3L:1T:0P 4 Credits
Unit Topics Lectures
I Diode circuits, amplifier models: Voltage amplifier, current amplifier, 8
trans-conductance amplifier and trans-resistance amplifier. biasing
schemes for BJT and FET amplifiers, bias stability, various configurations
(such as CE/CS, CB/CG, CC/CD) and their features, small signal analysis,
low frequency transistor models, estimation of voltage gain, input
resistance, output resistance etc., design procedure for particular
specifications, low frequency analysis of multistage amplifiers.
II High frequency transistor models, frequency response of single stage and 8
multistage amplifiers, cascode amplifier, various classes of operation
(Class A, B, AB, C etc.), their power efficiency and linearity issues,
feedback topologies: Voltage series, current series, voltage shunt, current
shunt, effect of feedback on gain, bandwidth etc., calculation with practical
circuits, concept of stability, gain margin and phase margin.
III Oscillators: Review of the basic concept, Barkhausen criterion, RC 8
oscillators (phase shift, Wien bridge etc.), LC oscillators (Hartley, Colpitt,
Clapp etc.), non-sinusoidal oscillators.
IV Current mirror: Basic topology and its variants, V-I characteristics, output 8
resistance and minimum sustainable voltage (VON), maximum usable
load, differential amplifier: Basic structure and principle of operation,
calculation of differential gain, common mode gain, CMRR and ICMR,
Op-Amp design: Design of differential amplifier for a given specification,
design of gain stages and output stages, compensation.
V Op-Amp applications: Review of inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, 8
integrator and differentiator, summing amplifier, precision rectifier,
Schmitt trigger and its applications, active filters: Low pass, high pass,
band pass and band stop, design guidelines.

Text/Reference Books:
1. J.V. Wait, L.P. Huelsman and GA Korn, “Introduction to Operational Amplifier theory
and applications,” McGraw Hill, 1992.
2. J. Millman and A. Grabel, “Microelectronics,” 2ndedition, McGraw Hill, 1988.
3. P. Horowitz and W. Hill, “The Art of Electronics,” 2ndedition, Cambridge University
Press, 1989.
4. A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits,”Saunder's College11 Publishing,
4th edition.
5. Paul R. Gray and Robert G. Meyer, “Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits,”
John Wiley, 3rd edition.
6. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Electronic Devices and Circuits,” Cengage publication, 2014.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the characteristics of diodes and transistors.
2. Design and analyze various rectifier and amplifier circuits.
3. Design sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators.
4. Understand the functioning of OP-AMP and design OP-AMP based circuits.
5. Design LPF, HPF, BPF, BSF.
Electronics Engineering 3L:1T:0P 4 Credits
Unit Topics Lectures
I PN junction diode: Introduction of semiconductor materials; 8
Semiconductor diode: Depletion layer, V-I characteristics, ideal and
practical, diode resistance, capacitance, diode equivalent circuits, transition
and diffusion capacitance, Zener diodes breakdown mechanism (Zener and
II Diode application: Series, parallel and series, parallel diode configuration, 8
half and full wave rectification, clippers, clampers, Zener diode as shunt
regulator, voltage-multiplier circuits special purpose two terminal devices :
light-emitting diodes, Varactor (Varicap) diodes, tunnel diodes, liquid-
crystal displays.
III Bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistor: Bipolar junction 8
transistor: Transistor construction, operation, amplification action,
common base, common emitter, common collector configuration dc
biasing BJTs: operating point, fixed-bias, emitter bias, voltage-divider bias
configuration. Collector feedback, emitter-follower configuration. Bias
stabilization. CE, CB, CC amplifiers and AC analysis of single stage CE
amplifier (re Model), Field effect transistor: Construction and
characteristic of JFETs. AC analysis of CS amplifier, MOSFET (depletion
and enhancement) type, transfer characteristic.
IV Operational amplifiers: Introduction and block diagram of Op-Amp, ideal 8
& practical characteristics of Op-Amp, differential amplifier circuits,
practical Op-Amp circuits (inverting amplifier, non-inverting amplifier,
unity gain amplifier, summing amplifier, integrator, differentiator), Op-
Amp parameters: input offset voltage, output offset voltage, input biased
current, input offset current differential and common-mode operation.
V Electronic instrumentation and measurements: Digital voltmeter: 8
Introduction, RAMP techniques digital multimeters: Introduction
Oscilloscope: introduction, basic principle, CRT, block diagram of
oscilloscope, simple, measurement of voltage, current phase and frequency
using CRO, introduction of digital storage oscilloscope and comparison of
DSO with analog oscilloscope.

Text /Reference Books:

1. Robert L. Boylestand / Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,” Latest
Edition, Pearson Education.
2. H S Kalsi, “Electronic Instrumentation”, Latest Edition, TMH Publication.
3. Meetidehran/ A.K. singh “fundamental of electronics Engineering”, New age
international publisher.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the concept of PN junction and special purpose diodes.
2. Study the application of conventional diode and semiconductor diode.
3. Analyse the I-V characteristics of BJT and FET.
4. Analyzethe of Op-Amp, amplifiers, integrator, and differentiator.
5. Understand the concept of digital storage oscilloscope and compare of DSO with analog
( PDE, Probability and Statistics )
Computer/Electronics/Electrical & Allied Branches, CS/IT, EC/IC, EE/EN,
Mechanical& Allied Branches, (ME/AE/AU/MT/PE/MI/PL)
Textile/Chemical & Allied Branches, TT/TC/CT, CHE/FT
Subject Code KAS302/KAS402

Category Basic Science Course

Theory Sessional
L-T-P Total Credit
Scheme and Credits Marks Test Assig/Att.
3—1—0 100 30 20 150 4
Pre- requisites (if any) Knowledge of Mathematics I and II of B. Tech or equivalent

Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with partial differential
equation, their application and statistical techniques. It aims to present the
students with standard concepts and tools at an intermediate to superior level that
will provide them well towards undertaking a variety of problems in the

The students will learn:

 The idea of partial differentiation and types of partial differential equations
 The idea of classification of second partial differential equations, wave , heat
and transmission lines
 The basic ideas of statistics including measures of central tendency,
correlation, regression and their properties.
 The idea s of probability and random variables and various discrete
and continuous probability distributions and their properties.
 The statistical methods of studying data samples, hypothesis testing and statistical
quality control, control charts and their properties.

Module I: Partial Differential Equations

Origin of Partial Differential Equations, Linear and Non Linear Partial Equations of first order,
Lagrange’s Equations, Charpit’s method, Cauchy’s method of Characteristics, Solution of Linear
Partial Differential Equation of Higher order with constant coefficients, Equations reducible to
linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients.

Module II: Applications of Partial Differential Equations:

Classification of linear partial differential equation of second order, Method of separation of

variables, Solution of wave and heat conduction equation up to two dimension, Laplace equation
in two dimensions, Equations of Transmission lines.
Module III: Statistical Techniques I:

Introduction: Measures of central tendency, Moments, Moment generating function (MGF) ,

Skewness, Kurtosis, Curve Fitting , Method of least squares, Fitting of straight lines, Fitting of
second degree parabola, Exponential curves ,Correlation and Rank correlation, Regression
Analysis: Regression lines of y on x and x on y, regression coefficients, properties of regressions
coefficients and non linear regression.

Module IV: Statistical Techniques II:

Probability and Distribution: Introduction, Addition and multiplication law of probability,

Conditional probability, Baye’s theorem, Random variables (Discrete and Continuous Random
variable) Probability mass function and Probability density function, Expectation and variance,
Discrete and Continuous Probability distribution: Binomial, Poission and Normal distributions.

Module V: Statistical Techniques III:

Sampling, Testing of Hypothesis and Statistical Quality Control: Introduction , Sampling

Theory (Small and Large) , Hypothesis, Null hypothesis, Alternative hypothesis, Testing a
Hypothesis, Level of significance, Confidence limits, Test of significance of difference of means,
T-test, F-test and Chi-square test, One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).Statistical Quality
Control (SQC) , Control Charts , Control Charts for variables ( X and R Charts), Control Charts
for Variables ( p, np and C charts).

Text Books
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9thEdition, John Wiley &
Sons, 2006.
2. P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory,
Universal Book Stall, 2003(Reprint).
3. S. Ross: A First Course in Probability, 6th Ed., Pearson Education India, 2002.
4. W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol. 1, 3rd
Ed., Wiley, 1968.
Reference Books
1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 35th Edition, 2000.
2.T.Veerarajan : Engineering Mathematics (for semester III), Tata McGraw-Hill, New
3. R.K. Jain and S.R.K. Iyenger: Advance Engineering Mathematics; Narosa Publishing
House, New Delhi.
4. J.N. Kapur: Mathematical Statistics; S. Chand & Sons Company Limited, New Delhi.
5. D.N.Elhance,V. Elhance & B.M. Aggarwal: Fundamentals of Statistics; Kitab Mahal
Distributers, New Delhi.

Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s

Level (KL)
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
Remember the concept of partial differential equation and to solve
CO 1 K1& K3
partial differential equations
Analyze the concept of partial differential equations to evaluate
CO 2 K4 & K5
the problems concerned with partial differential equations
Understand the concept of correlation, moments, skewness and
CO 3 K2
kurtosis and curve fitting
Remember the concept of probability to evaluate probability
CO 4 K1 & K5
Apply the concept of hypothesis testing and statistical quality
CO 5 K3 & K6
control to create control charts
K1 – Remember, K2 – Understand, K3 – Apply, K4 – Analyze, K5 – Evaluate, K6 – Create

Evaluation methodology to be followed:

The evaluation and assessment plan consists of the following components:
a. Class attendance and participation in class discussions etc.
b. Quiz.
c. Tutorials and assignments.
d. Sessional examination.
e. Final examination.

Award of Internal/External Marks:

Assessment procedure will be as follows:
1. These will be comprehensive examinations held on-campus (Sessionals).
2. Quiz.
a. Quiz will be of type multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks or match the columns.
b. Quiz will be held periodically.
3. Tutorials and assignments
a. The assignments/home-work may be of multiple choice type or comprehensive type at
least one assignment from each Module/Unit.
b. The grades and detailed solutions of assignments (of both types) will be accessible online
after the submission deadline.
4. Final examinations. These will be comprehensive external examinations held on-campus or off
campus (External examination) on dates fixed by the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University,
Technical Communication
(Effective from the session 2019-20)
21 0
Unit -1 Fundamentals of Technical Communication:
Technical Communication: Features; Distinction between General and Technical
Communication; Language as a tool of Communication; Dimensions of Communication:
Reading & comprehension; Technical writing: sentences; Paragraph; Technical style: Definition,
types & Methods; The flow of Communication: Downward; upward, Lateral or Horizontal;
Barriers to Communication.

Unit - II Forms of Technical Communication:

Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance;
synopsis writing: Methods; Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar &
Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs
of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.

Unit - III Technical Presentation: Strategies & Techniques

Presentation: Forms; interpersonal Communication; Class room presentation; style; method;
Individual conferencing: essentials: Public Speaking: method; Techniques: Clarity of substance;
emotion; Humour; Modes of Presentation; Overcoming Stage Fear; Audience Analysis &
retention of audience interest; Methods of Presentation: Interpersonal; Impersonal; Audience
Participation: Quizzes & Interjections.

Unit - IV Technical Communication Skills:

Interview skills; Group Discussion: Objective & Method; Seminar/Conferences Presentation
skills: Focus; Content; Style; Argumentation skills: Devices: Analysis; Cohesion & Emphasis;
Critical thinking; Nuances: Exposition narration & Description; effective business
communication competence: Grammatical; Discourse competence: combination of expression &
conclusion; Socio-linguistic competence: Strategic competence: Solution of communication
problems with verbal and non verbal means.

Unit - V Dimensions of Oral Communication & Voice Dynamics:

Code and Content; Stimulus & Response; Encoding process; Decoding process; Pronunciation
Etiquette; Syllables; Vowel sounds; Consonant sounds; Tone: Rising tone; Falling Tone; Flow in
Speaking; Speaking with a purpose; Speech & personality; Professional Personality Attributes:
Empathy; Considerateness; Leadership; Competence.

Reference Books

1. Technical Communication – Principles and Practices by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta

Sharma, Oxford Univ. Press, 2007, New Delhi.
2. Personality Development and Soft Skills by Barun K. Mitra, OUP, 2012, New Delhi.
3. Spoken English- A Manual of Speech and Phonetics by R.K.Bansal & J.B.Harrison,
Orient Blackswan, 2013, New Delhi.
4. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by Prof. R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan,
Tata McGraw Hill & Co. Ltd., 2001, New Delhi.
5. Practical Communication: Process and Practice by L.U.B. Pandey; A.I.T.B.S.
Publications India Ltd.; Krishan Nagar, 2014, Delhi.
6. Modern Technical Writing by Sherman, Theodore A (et.al); Apprentice Hall; New
Jersey; U.S.
7. A Text Book of Scientific and Technical Writing by S.D. Sharma; Vikas Publication,
8. Skills for Effective Business Communication by Michael Murphy, Harward University,
9. Business Communication for Managers by Payal Mehra, Pearson Publication, Delhi.

Course Outcomes

1. Students will be enabled to understand the nature and objective of Technical

Communication relevant for the work place as Engineers.
2. Students will utilize the technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication
and its exposure in various dimensions.
3. Students would imbibe inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in face of
diverse audience.
4. Technical communication skills will create a vast know-how of the application of the
learning to promote their technical competence.
5. It would enable them to evaluate their efficacy as fluent & efficient communicators by
learning the voice-dynamics.
KVE401 Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics
3 0 0 3

1. To help students distinguish between values and skills, and understand the
need, basic guidelines, content and process of value education.
2. To help students initiate a process of dialog within themselves to know what
they ‘really want to be’ in their life and profession
3. To help students understand the meaning of happiness and prosperity for a
human being.
4. To facilitate the students to understand harmony at all the levels of human
living, and live accordingly.
5. To facilitate the students in applying the understanding of harmony in
existence in their profession and lead an ethical life

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom, distinguish
between values and skills, understand the need, basic guidelines, content and
process of value education, explore the meaning of happiness and prosperity
and do a correct appraisal of the current scenario in the society
2. Distinguish between the Self and the Body, understand the meaning of
Harmony in the Self the Co-existence of Self and Body.
3. Understand the value of harmonious relationship based on trust, respect and
other naturally acceptable feelings in human-human relationships and
explore their role in ensuring a harmonious society
4. Understand the harmony in nature and existence, and work out their
mutually fulfilling participation in the nature.
5. Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices, and start working out
the strategy to actualize a harmonious environment wherever they work.

Catalogue Description
Every human being has two sets of questions to answer for his life: a) what to
do? and, b) how to do?. The first set pertains to the value domain, and the other
to the skill domain. Both are complimentary, but value domain has a higher
priority. Today, education has become more and more skill biased, and hence,
the basic aspiration of a human being, that is to live with happiness and
prosperity, gets defeated, in spite of abundant technological progress. This
course is aimed at giving inputs that will help to ensure the right understanding
and right feelings in the students in their life and profession, enabling them to
lead an ethical life. In this course, the students learn the process of self-
exploration, the difference between the Self and the Body, the
naturally acceptable feelings in relationships in a family, the comprehensive
human goal in the society, the mutual fulfillment in the nature and the co-
existence in existence. As a natural outcome of such inputs, they are able to
evaluate an ethical life and profession ahead.
UNIT-1 Course Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and
Process for Value Education
Understanding the need, basic guidelines, content and process for Value Education,
Self-Exploration–what is it? - its content and process; ‘Natural Acceptance’ and
Experiential Validation- as the mechanism for self exploration, Continuous
Happiness and Prosperity- A look at basic Human Aspirations, Right
understanding, Relationship and Physical Facilities- the basic requirements for
fulfillment of aspirations of every human being with their correct priority,
Understanding Happiness and Prosperity correctly- A critical appraisal of the
current scenario, Method to fulfill the above human aspirations: understanding and
living in harmony at various levels.

UNIT-2 Understanding Harmony in the Human Being - Harmony in

Understanding human being as a co-existence of the sentient ‘I’ and the material
‘Body’, Understanding the needs of Self (‘I’) and ‘Body’ - Sukh and Suvidha,
Understanding the Body as an instrument of ‘I’ (I being the doer, seer and enjoyer),
Understanding the characteristics and activities of ‘I’ and harmony in ‘I’,
Understanding the harmony of I with the Body: Sanyam and Swasthya; correct
appraisal of Physical needs, meaning of Prosperity in detail, Programs to
ensure Sanyam and Swasthya.

UNIT-3 Understanding Harmony in the Family and Society- Harmony in

Human-Human Relationship
Understanding harmony in the Family- the basic unit of human interaction ,
Understanding values in human-human relationship; meaning of Nyaya and
program for its fulfillment to ensure Ubhay-tripti; Trust (Vishwas) and Respect
(Samman) as the foundational values of relationship, Understanding the meaning of
Vishwas; Difference between intention and competence, Understanding the
meaning of Samman, Difference between respect and differentiation; the other
salient values in relationship, Understanding the harmony in the society (society
being an extension of family): Samadhan, Samridhi, Abhay, Sah-astitva as
comprehensive Human Goals, Visualizing a universal harmonious order in society-
Undivided Society (AkhandSamaj), Universal Order (SarvabhaumVyawastha )-
from family to world family!.

UNIT-4 Understanding Harmony in the Nature and Existence - Whole

existence as Co-existence
Understanding the harmony in the Nature, Interconnectedness and mutual
fulfillment among the four orders of nature- recyclability and self-regulation in
nature, Understanding Existence as Co-existence (Sah-astitva) of mutually
interacting units in all-pervasive space, Holistic perception of harmony at all levels
of existence.

UNIT-5 Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on

Professional Ethics
Natural acceptance of human values, Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct,
Basis for Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic
Universal Order, Competence in Professional Ethics: a) Ability to utilize the
professional competence for augmenting universal human order, b) Ability to
identify the scope and characteristics of people-friendly and eco-friendly
production systems, technologies and management models, Case studies of typical
holistic technologies, management models and production systems, Strategy for
transition from the present state to Universal Human Order: a) At the level of
individual: as socially and ecologically responsible engineers, technologists and
managers, b) At the level of society: as mutually enriching institutions and

Text Books:
1. R R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria, 2009, A Foundation Course in Human
Values and Professional Ethics.

1. Ivan Illich, 1974, Energy & Equity, The Trinity Press, Worcester, and
Harper Collins, USA
2. E.F. Schumacher, 1973, Small is Beautiful: a study of economics as if
people mattered, Blond & Briggs, Britain.
3. Sussan George, 1976, How the Other Half Dies, Penguin Press. Reprinted
1986, 1991
4. Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, William W.
Behrens III, 1972, Limits to Growth – Club of Rome’s report, Universe
5. A Nagraj, 1998, Jeevan Vidya Ek Parichay, Divya Path Sansthan,
6. P L Dhar, RR Gaur, 1990, Science and Humanism, Commonwealth
7. A N Tripathy, 2003, Human Values, New Age International Publishers.
8. SubhasPalekar, 2000, How to practice Natural Farming, Pracheen (Vaidik)
KrishiTantraShodh, Amravati.
9. E G Seebauer & Robert L. Berry, 2000, Fundamentals of Ethics for
Scientists & Engineers , Oxford University Press
10. M Govindrajran, S Natrajan & V.S. Senthil Kumar, Engineering Ethics
(including Human Values), Eastern Economy Edition, Prentice Hall of
India Ltd.
11. B P Banerjee, 2005, Foundations of Ethics and Management, Excel Books.
12. B L Bajpai, 2004, Indian Ethos and Modern Management, New Royal
Book Co., Lucknow. Reprinted 2008.
Mode of Evaluation:

Assignment/ Seminar/Continuous Assessment Test/Semester End Exam



Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)

At the end of course , the student will be able to understand

To discover software bugs that pose cyber security threats and to explain how to fix the bugs to
CO 1 mitigate such threats K1, K2

To discover cyber attack scenarios to web browsers and web servers and to explain how to
CO 2 mitigate such threats K2

To discover and explain mobile software bugs posing cyber security threats, explain and
CO 3 recreate exploits, and to explain mitigation techniques. K3

To articulate the urgent need for cyber security in critical computer systems, networks, and
CO 4 world wide web, and to explain various threat scenarios K4

To articulate the well known cyber attack incidents, explain the attack scenarios, and explain
CO 5 mitigation techniques. K5, K6


Unit Topic Proposed

Computer System Security Introduction: Introduction, What is computer security and what to l
earn? , Sample Attacks, The Marketplace for vulnerabilities, Error 404 Hacking digital India part 1
I Hijacking & Defense: Control Hijacking ,More Control Hijacking attacks integer overflow ,More 08
Control Hijacking attacks format string vulnerabilities, Defense against Control Hijacking -
Platform Defenses, Defense against Control Hijacking - Run-time Defenses, Advanced Control
Hijacking attacks.

Confidentiality Policies: Confinement Principle ,Detour Unix user IDs process IDs and privileges
II , More on confinement techniques ,System call interposition ,Error 404 digital Hacking in India
part 2 chase , VM based isolation ,Confinement principle ,Software fault isolation , Rootkits 08
,Intrusion Detection Systems

Secure architecture principles isolation and leas: Access Control Concepts , Unix and windows
access control summary ,Other issues in access control ,Introduction to browser isolation .
III Web security landscape : Web security definitions goals and threat models , HTTP content 08
rendering .Browser isolation .Security interface , Cookies frames and frame busting, Major web
server threats ,Cross site request forgery ,Cross site scripting ,Defenses and protections against XSS
, Finding vulnerabilities ,Secure development.
IV Basic cryptography: Public key cryptography ,RSA public key crypto ,Digital signature Hash
functions ,Public key distribution ,Real world protocols ,Basic terminologies ,Email security 08
certificates ,Transport Layer security TLS ,IP security , DNS security.

Internet Infrastructure: Basic security problems , Routing security ,DNS revisited ,Summary of
V 08
weaknesses of internet security ,.Link layer connectivity and TCP IP connectivity , Packet filtering
firewall ,Intrusion detection.
Text books:

1. William Stallings, Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards, Prentice Hall, 4th edition, 2010.

2. Michael T. Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Introduction to Computer Security, Addison Wesley, 2011.

3. William Stallings, Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards, Prentice Hall, 4th edition, 2010.

4. Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press,

Mapped With : https://ict.iitk.ac.in/product/computer-system-security/

Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)

At the end of course , the student will be able to understand

To read and write simple Python programs.
CO 1 K1, K2
To develop Python programs with conditionals and loops.
CO 2 K2, K4
To define Python functions and to use Python data structures –- lists, tuples, dictionaries
CO 3 K3
To do input/output with files in Python
CO 4 K2
To do searching ,sorting and merging in Python
CO 5 K2, K4


Unit Topic Proposed
Introduction: The Programming Cycle for Python , Python IDE, Interacting with Python Programs ,
Elements of Python, Type Conversion.
I 08
Basics: Expressions, Assignment Statement, Arithmetic Operators, Operator Precedence, Boolean

Conditionals: Conditional statement in Python (if-else statement, its working and execution),
Nested-if statement and Elif statement in Python, Expression Evaluation & Float Representation.
II 08
Loops: Purpose and working of loops , While loop including its working, For Loop , Nested Loops ,
Break and Continue.
Function: Parts of A Function , Execution of A Function , Keyword and Default Arguments ,Scope
Strings : Length of the string and perform Concatenation and Repeat operations in it. Indexing and
Slicing of Strings. 08
Python Data Structure : Tuples , Unpacking Sequences , Lists , Mutable Sequences , List
Comprehension , Sets , Dictionaries
Higher Order Functions: Treat functions as first class Objects , Lambda Expressions
Sieve of Eratosthenes: generate prime numbers with the help of an algorithm given by the Greek
Mathematician named Eratosthenes, whose algorithm is known as Sieve of Eratosthenes.
File I/O : File input and output operations in Python Programming
Exceptions and Assertions
IV Modules : Introduction , Importing Modules , 08
Abstract Data Types : Abstract data types and ADT interface in Python Programming.
Classes : Class definition and other operations in the classes , Special Methods ( such as _init_,
_str_, comparison methods and Arithmetic methods etc.) , Class Example , Inheritance , Inheritance
and OOP.

Iterators & Recursion: Recursive Fibonacci , Tower Of Hanoi

Search : Simple Search and Estimating Search Time , Binary Search and Estimating Binary Search
V 08
Sorting & Merging: Selection Sort , Merge List , Merge Sort , Higher Order Sort

Text books:
1. Allen B. Downey, ``Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist‘‘, 2nd edition, Updated for Python 3,
Shroff/O‘Reilly Publishers, 2016 (http://greenteapress.com/wp/thinkpython/)
2. Guido van Rossum and Fred L. Drake Jr, ―An Introduction to Python – Revised and updated for Python 3.2, Network
Theory Ltd., 2011.
3.John V Guttag, ―Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python‘‘, Revised and expanded Edition, MIT
Press , 2013
4.Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, Robert Dondero, ―Introduction to Programming in Python: An Inter-disciplinary
Approach, Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd., 2016.
5.Timothy A. Budd, ―Exploring Python‖, Mc-Graw Hill Education (India) Private Ltd.,, 2015.
6.Kenneth A. Lambert, ―Fundamentals of Python: First Programs‖, CENGAGE Learning, 2012.
7.Charles Dierbach, ―Introduction to Computer Science using Python: A Computational ProblemSolving Focus, Wiley
India Edition, 2013.
8.Paul Gries, Jennifer Campbell and Jason Montojo, ―Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
using Python 3‖, Second edition, Pragmatic Programmers, LLC, 2013.
Mapped With : https://ict.iitk.ac.in/product/python-programming-a-practical-approach/
List of MOOCs (NPTEL) based recommended Courses for B. Tech
Students (AICTE Model Curriculum)
1. Developing Soft Skills and personality 8 Weeks-3 Credits
2. Enhancing Soft Skills and personality 8 Weeks-3 Credits
3. Spearing Effectively 8 Weeks-3 Credits
4. Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things 12 Weeks-4 Credits
5. Emotional Intelligence. 8 Weeks-3 Credits
6. Patent Law for engineers and Scientist. 12 Weeks-4 Credits


After successful completion of 160 credits, a student shall be eligible to get Under Graduate degree
in Engineering. A student will be eligible to get Under Graduate degree with Honours only, if he/she
completes additional university recommended courses only (Equivalent to 20 credits; NPTEL
Courses of 4 Weeks, 8 Weeks and 12 Weeks shall be of 2, 3 and 4 Credits respectively) through
MOOCs. For registration to MOOCs Courses, the students shall follow NPTEL Site
http://nptel.ac.in/ as per the NPTEL policy and norms. The students can register for these courses
through NPTEL directly as per the course offering in Odd/Even Semesters at NPTEL. These NPTEL
courses (recommended by the University) may be cleared during the B. Tech degree program (not
necessary one course in each semester). After successful completion of these Moocs courses the
students, shall, provide their successful completion NPTEL status/certificates to the University
(COE) through their college of study only. The student shall be awarded Hons. Degree (on
successful completion of MOOCS based 20 credit) only if he/she secures 7.50 or above CGPA and
passed each subject of that Degree Programme in single attempt without any grace marks.

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