Traffic Management Plan (Part of Construction Method Statement)
Traffic Management Plan (Part of Construction Method Statement)
Traffic Management Plan (Part of Construction Method Statement)
Client Name
Contact Details:
Enzygo Ltd. tel: 0114 3215151
Samuel House email:
5 Fox Valley www:
S36 2AA
Traffic Management Plan (part of Construction Method Statement) at
Houghton Main TRRC, Great Houghton
Project: Traffic Management Plan (part of Construction Method Statement) at Houghton
Main TRRC, Great Houghton
For: Peel Environmental Ltd
Status: Final
Date: March 2018
Author: Sarah Strauther – Senior Transport Planner
Reviewer: Barry Roberts BSc (Hons) IEng MICE MIHT – Director of Traffic & Transportation
Approver: Barry Roberts BSc (Hons) IEng MICE MIHT – Director of Traffic & Transportation
This report has been produced by Enzygo Limited within the terms of the contract with the client and taking account of
the resources devoted to it by agreement with the client.
We disclaim any responsibility to the client and others in respect of any matters outside the scope of the above.
This report is confidential to the client and we accept no responsibility of whatsoever nature to third parties to whom
this report, or any part thereof, is made known. Any such party relies on the report at their own risk.
Enzygo Limited Registered in England No. 6525159
Registered Office Stag House Chipping Wotton‐Under‐Edge Gloucestershire GL12 7AD
Contents ........................................................................................................................................ i
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background ....................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 Overview of Construction Activity ....................................................................................... 2
2.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Site Clearance .................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Remediation Works .......................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Highway Access ................................................................................................................. 3
2.5 Preparation Works ............................................................................................................ 4
2.5 Construction Works .......................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Soft Landscaping ............................................................................................................... 6
2.7 Construction Programme .................................................................................................. 6
3.0 Specific Measures................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Health and Safety Requirements ...................................................................................... 7
3.3 Site Security and Fencing .................................................................................................. 8
3.4 Site Logistics ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Traffic Management ........................................................................................................ 10
4.0 Construction Traffic and Deliveries .................................................................................... 12
4.1 Construction Period and Contractor Liaison ................................................................... 12
4.2 Vehicle Types and frequencies ....................................................................................... 13
4.3 Abnormal Loads .............................................................................................................. 13
4.4 Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) ......................................................................................... 13
4.5 Light Goods Vehicles ....................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Loading/Unloading and Parking ...................................................................................... 14
4.7 Parking ............................................................................................................................ 16
4.8 Route to and from Site .................................................................................................... 16
5.0 Pedestrian and Vehicle Controls ........................................................................................ 18
5.1 Pedestrian Measures ...................................................................................................... 18
5.2 Vehicle Controls .............................................................................................................. 18
6.0 Signage and Lighting .......................................................................................................... 19
6.1 Signage and Lighting ....................................................................................................... 19
SHF.1268.001.R.TR.001 i March 2016
Houghton Main TRRC TMP March 2018
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Enzygo has been instructed by Peel Environmental Ltd to prepare a Construction Method
Statement, that includes issues that relating to Traffic Management, to discharge Planning
Condition 9 as part of the existing planning consent (2015/0137). This Traffic Management
Plan should be read in conjunction with the Construction Method Statement.
1.1.2 In terms of the Traffic Management requirements that Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
(BMBC) has requested these are outlined in the BMBC document reference
1.1.3 Following our discussing with Peel Environmental Ltd and using Enzygo’s experience of
Renewable Energy Park developments this document will aim to address the above issues
raised by BMBC;
1.1.4 Enzygo’s traffic and transportation team will introduce similar traffic management
procedures, methods of management, communication techniques and monitoring methods
experienced on similar renewable energy sites that we have worked on;
1.1.5 Currently the Principal Contractor is yet to be appointed and additional information and
refinement to this plan is expected from the Contractor. Any amendments will be provided to
the Local Planning Authority for approval prior to commencement of construction of the
1.1.6 In accordance with good practice this statement is being prepared at an early stage in the site
development to allow it to be used to influence the detailed design and construction process.
1.1.7 This Traffic Management Plan should be read in conjunction with the Construction Method
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2.0 Overview of Construction Activity
2.1 General
2.1.1 The site currently comprises overgrown derelict land with shrub bushes and rough grassland.
Access is from Houghton Main Colliery Roundabout to the south east of the site. An access
spur is present on Houghton Main Colliery Roundabout, which will provide future access onto
the site for construction traffic and subsequently for future site users.
2.1.2 Proposed development works will involve the following:
1 Clearance of existing vegetation, including trees and bushes;
2 Construction of internal road system
3 Reduced level excavation to sub‐formation level;
4 Placement of piling mat;
5 Substructure works to the buildings and plant;
6 Construction of site drainage and services;
7 Construction of the structures
8 Construction of pavement and hardstanding areas;
9 Landscaping;
2.1.3 The proposed development is shown on Drawing CRM.066.006.GE.D.001 a copy of which is
included in the Drawing Section of this document.
2.1.4 More specific information is given for the three main stages of work are outlined below:
2.2 Site Clearance
2.2.1 Prior to any site clearance works being undertaken fencing it to be erected around retained
trees to protect them in accordance with Planning Condition 7. The fencing will be undertaken
in accordance with approved plans.
2.2.2 Prior to commencement of works a condition survey of the highways to be used by
construction traffic will be undertaken in Accordance with Planning Condition 10.
2.2.3 Site clearance will involve the felling of trees, which are not to be retained and grubbing out
of shrubs and root balls.
2.2.4 Areas of low vegetation such as grass and scrub will be subject to a soft strip using an excavator
or dozer.
2.2.5 Soils containing roots will be stockpiled on site awaiting suitable disposal off site.
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2.2.6 Vegetation and timber will be temporarily stored on site awaiting removal for appropriate re‐
use or disposal.
2.2.7 No demolition of structures is proposed.
2.3 Remediation Works
2.3.1 Ground investigations and risk assessments have been undertaken by Enzygo Ltd (Reference
CRM.066.005.GE.R.001.A) in accordance with the requirements of Planning Conditions.
2.3.2 The ground investigation identified no evidence of significant contamination on the site, with
no specific requirements for remediation.
2.3.3 A discovery strategy is included within the Contamination Assessment Report. If unforeseen
contamination is encountered during construction works such as localised spillage outside the
areas investigated an Environmental consultant will be available on a ‘call out’ basis to
undertake an assessment of risk. If ‘unforeseen contamination’ is encountered the discovery
strategy will be to remove the source as it is likely to be very limited in extent and the Local
Planning Authority advised
2.3.4 It is proposed that should contaminated soils be encountered requiring remediation that these
are discarded directly off site to avoid the potential risk of cross contamination. Where this is
not feasible soils will be stockpiled on areas of hardstanding or on suitable membrane awaiting
2.3.5 It is anticipated that this operation will require the use of a single tracked excavator and road
vehicles for disposal. The excavation of contaminated soils will be monitored by an
environmental consultant to minimise the volume of waste generated.
2.3.6 Should remediation of unforeseen contamination be required a validation report will be
prepared in accordance appropriate guidance and in liaison with regulators and with the
requirements of the Planning Conditions.
2.4 Highway Access
2.4.1 A highway access is to be constructed on to the site from the existing spur off the Houghton
Main Colliery Roundabout in a north westerly direction. The civil engineering access works
comprise an extension to the existing roundabout spur that includes the provision of new
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pavement construction up to the extent of the ASOS car park access and the access to the
west. It also extends south to the threshold point of the compound.
2.4.2 The access works includes additional footpath construction, on both sides, along with kerbing
proposals, new linear drainage, an uncontrolled crossing point, new speed limit signs on the
approach and new thermoplastic lining. The proposed access works have been submitted to
BMBC to address conditions 5 and 7 referenced in HDC/DC/2017/1726.
2.5 Preparation Works
2.5.1 The site preparation works will comprise:
Bulk excavation down to sub‐formation level across the site. This will be designed and
implemented in accordance with regulatory requirements. of Planning Condition 3.
Existing redundant service runs and old foundations will be excavated in accordance
with Series 200 of the Specification for Highway Works. Where possible underground
obstructions will be crushed and processed on site for re‐use.
Resultant voids will be backfilled with suitable granular fill, placed and compacted in
accordance with Series 600 of the Specification for Highway Works.
The reduced level excavation will be raised to formation level using selected granular
materials. Where possible secondary aggregate will be used, including processed site
won arisings. The selected granular fill will comprise a piling mat below the proposed
building footprint and within the working area. Areas of proposed hard standing outside
of the working area will be made up using capping material. This will then form a
running layer for plant and equipment.
2.5 Construction Works
2.5.1 Sub structure works to the proposed buildings will comprise the following:
Construction of pile caps; and,
Construction of the ground floor slabs.
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2.5.2 Based on the findings of the ground investigation it is proposed that piled foundations are to
be used. Details of the piling works will be determined by the specialist contractor. The piling
works will require the use of piling rigs with support crane and ancillary plant, including
excavators and dumpers.
2.5.3 Piles will be advanced from the top of the piling mat to the embedment depth. When seated,
the soils around the piles will be excavated to allow construction of the pile caps. The concrete
at the top of the pile will be broken out to reveal the reinforcement. This will then be
connected in to the reinforcement cage of the pile cap, temporary formwork installed and the
concrete cast.
2.5.4 Once the piles and pile caps are in place the floor slab will be constructed.
2.5.5 Infrastructure comprising surface and foul water, gas and electricity will be installed and
connected to service entry points within the ground floor slab.
2.5.6 Appropriate attenuation will be constructed to the surface water drainage system to meet the
requirements of Conditions 3 and 12.
2.5.7 Foul drainage shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of
Planning Condition 12.
2.5.8 Areas of hardstanding will be constructed up to road base, together with temporary setting of
2.5.9 The structures will be erected. The buildings are to comprise steel portal frame structures,
which will be erected using a crane. The crane will also be used place the roof, internal floors,
staircases, ‘stack’ and hoist equipment to height, for placement within the buildings.
2.5.10 Cladding to the structures will also be placed using a mobile crane.
2.5.11 Following completion of the main structures, the wearing course can then be constructed on
areas of hardstanding. The screed (power‐floated) will then be constructed to complete the
ground floor slabs.
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2.6 Soft Landscaping
2.6.1 Areas of proposed landscaping will be constructed in accordance with landscape plan and
management plan required under Planning Condition 15.
2.6.2 Landscape works will be undertaken following the main construction phases.
2.7 Construction Programme
2.7.1 A Construction Programme will be prepared by the Principal Contractor, taking account of
their method and schedules of working. The construction programme will incorporate a
critical path which can accommodate incorporated design, co‐ordinated trade contractors
design and design reviews, procurement, equipment/materials orders, deliveries and site
installation period as necessary.
2.7.2 The construction programme will be monitored, tracked and updated on a regular basis and
any corrective action applied as necessary.
2.7.3 The construction programme will be used to identify times and periods of works, which may
have adverse impact on neighbours. Typically, this may include periods of more noisy
operations, such as piling. By identifying these periods, the impact on neighbours can be more
easily managed.
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3.0 Specific Measures
3.1 General
3.1.1 This section provides details of the measures proposed to address the specific items.
3.1.2 As part of the site management process it is proposed that the Principal Contractor, in
conjunction with the Client, will liaise on a regular basis with ASOS and its operator Expo, and
the local residents/businesses regarding the progress of the construction works. In particular,
it is proposed that the Construction Programme is used to identify critical stages of the works
which, could cause potential nuisance to neighbours. These typically include:
1 Noisy operations such as piling;
2 Periods of increased traffic such as major deliveries;
3 Periods where there is a greater risk of mud on the roads, as a result of earthworks
4 On the basis of the terms agreed in the sale contracts by both Peel and ASOS, the
construction of the access road will be undertake by ASOS in order to ensure there is no
disruption to the Fulfilment Centre arising during the peak months of business (November
to January).
3.1.3 The method of stakeholder engagement is yet to be finalised, though is likely to include: letter‐
drops to neighbours and a pre‐start meeting with local stakeholders.
3.1.4 Contact details for the Site Agent will be included on the site hoarding, should members of the
public need to raise concerns of complain over activities being undertaken. Details of the
client and Resident Engineer will also be included. Any complaints received will be relayed to
the Local Planning authority, together with any investigation undertaken and mitigation
measures proposed or implemented.
3.2 Health and Safety Requirements
3.2.1 Prior to the commencement of the works a Designers Risk Assessment and Pre‐Tender Health
and Safety Plan will be prepared outlining the Health and Safety issues by the CDM Co‐
ordinator (CDMc).
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3.2.2 The appointed Contractor for the works will be required to provide a Construction Stage
Health and Safety Plan and comprehensive supporting Method Statement for the works.
3.2.3 As a general measure all working areas at the site will require fencing and appropriate signs
to prevent access by unauthorised persons during the progression of deeper excavations or
demolition works.
3.2.4 All personnel will be inducted prior to gaining access to the site by the Principal Contractor.
They will be informed of the specific site rules which apply. In addition, all site staff operating
without supervision by the Principal Contractor and all plant operators will be required to hold
valid and appropriate CSCS cards.
3.2.5 All trade contractors are obliged to provide safety policies, plans and method statements and
will be interviewed, where appropriate, prior to placement of orders, on relevant aspects of
health and safety.
3.2.6 A ‘tool box talk’ will be provided to the Contractors and site staff by the Principal Contractor.
3.2.7 Banksmen and Traffic Marshalls will be used where appropriate.
3.3 Site Security and Fencing
3.3.1 Due to the nature of the construction works it is proposed that plywood hoarding will be
constructed around the site boundary. This will reduce potential risks associated with material
migrating out of the site and reduce noise impact.
3.3.2 The existing site access off Houghton Main Colliery Roundabout will be retained for
construction traffic. Access and egress routes are shown on Drawing CRM.066.006.GE.D.001.
3.3.3 The site access and internal haul road system will be linked to the existing access spur.
3.3.4 Temporary site accommodation will be constructed adjacent to the site access and will provide
security to the site. This will be used to prevent members of the public accessing the site and
to check vehicles entering and leaving the site.
3.3.5 The site hoarding will include the names and contact details of the Principal Contractor, Client
and Engineer. Details of any decorative displays will be provided to the Local Planning
Authority for approval in advance.
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3.3.6 Details of any specific health and safety requirements such as the use of PPE and site
requirements, will also be included on the hoarding.
3.4 Site Logistics
3.4.1 A plan showing the proposed locations of site offices and compound is presented as Drawing
CRM.066.006.GE.D.001. The key features are discussed below:
Temporary site accommodation will be provided by the Principal Contractor,
comprising: office accommodation, mess facilities and welfare facilities. The
temporary accommodation is located adjacent to the site access so that it can also be
used for security;
Car parking for site workers and visitors will be provided adjacent to the temporary
Any vehicles showing substantial amounts of mud and dirt will be required to be
cleaned using the Jet Wash facility and road sweepers will also be employed;
The proposed sequence of construction discussed in Section 2 should limit the
generation of mud and dirt.
The Contractors Compound will be constructed on hardstanding comprising either
tarmac or granular capping. Vehicles using the Contractors Compound will not enter
the site and will not be required to use the wheel wash.
The adjacent highway will be regularly inspected and if mud/debris is identified then
a road sweeper will be used to remove the material.
3.4.2 Areas of proposed storage for materials are shown on Drawing CRM.066.006.GE.D.001. This
area will be used for loading and unloading of plant and materials. Materials will be stored
within the building ready for the finishing trades once construction of the building has been
completed. Where possible a ‘just in time’ delivery system will be used to minimise on‐site
storage. This will be further developed by the appointed Principal Contractor.
3.4.3 More vulnerable materials and equipment will be stored within the Contractor’s Compound.
3.4.4 A single point of access and egress is proposed. There will be separation on‐site of
construction plant and pedestrian access from the Contractor’s Compound to the construction
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3.4.5 A circular route is proposed, where possible, for delivery vehicles to prevent vehicle crossing
and to ensure that the wheel wash facilities are used. These will be kept separate from the
working area of the plant. The internal traffic route is shown on Drawing
CRM.066.006.GE.D.001. A specific plan will be developed in accordance with the proposed
Traffic Management procedures discussed later in this document.
3.4.6 The working areas for plant and machinery on site will vary depending on the stage of the
construction works. Suitable phasing plans will be determined by the Principal Contractor and
the route for delivery vehicles will be amended as necessary.
3.5 Traffic Management
3.5.1 The works will comply with Regulation 36 (Traffic Routes) and Regulation 27 (Vehicles) of CDM
2007 by providing a traffic management plan which will be displayed in the site office. The
objectives of the plan will ensure:
The safe and efficient working environment for all staff, visitors and contractors when
on site;
To ensure visiting traffic and deliveries arriving and leaving site can operate within
definitive areas;
Abnormal loads to be pre‐booked;
To ensure that any contractors on site can operate their workforce, plant and
equipment in a safe and manageable environment.
Houghton Main TRRC TMP March 2018
3.5.2 The plan will be developed by the Principal Contractor and will detail specific measures,
including those outlined in the Site Locations Section and will include:
Speed restrictions;
Traffic flow directions;
Road crossing points;
Turning circles;
Wheel wash facilities; Pedestrian access and egress points;
Site offices and compounds;
Materials storage;
Emergency assembly points.
3.5.3 The site entrance will be clearly signed to raise driver’s awareness to the site entrance. The
site will have adequate signage in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual.
3.5.4 A speed limit of 5mph will be applied on site vehicles when operating within the works. All
drivers will be notified of the limit with speed signs clearly displayed.
3.5.5 To mitigate risks associated with plant and vehicles the following will also be used:
Pedestrian barriers at site entrance;
Temporary crossings to direct pedestrians across road way away from conflict areas;
Banksmen and Traffic Marshalls;
Houghton Main TRRC TMP March 2018
4.0 Construction Traffic and Deliveries
4.1 Construction Period and Contractor Liaison
4.1.1 The predicted construction period for the construction of the new Renewable Energy Park, that
will comprise of a Timber Resource Recovery Centre (TRRC) and associated infrastructure, is
between approximately 30 months. However, it should be noted that this contract period may
fluctuate as the construction work progresses on site.
4.1.2 It should be noted that construction works will be limited to the following hours unless
otherwise agreed with the Local Planning Authority;
07:00 hours to 19:00 hours Monday to Friday;
07:00 hours to 13:00 hours on Saturday;
No working on Sundays or Bank Holidays
There may be exceptional circumstances where work will be necessary outside of the hours
set out above. Any abnormal working hour requirements outside the proposed construction
working hours will be notified in writing to the Local Planning Authority.
4.1.3 The main construction phases of the TRRC will include the following, although timescales are
currently unavailable for the main construction activities. Indicative construction durations
have been included below and will be firmed up once the contractor has been appointed.
4.1.4 As the temporary ASOS car park is currently in use and has been temporarily ‘stoned up’ to
approximate levels it has not yet been confirmed when the permanent car park works will
4.1.5 The details of the personnel who will be responsible for supervising, controlling and
monitoring vehicle movements to and from the site will be provide once the contractor has
been confirmed. The contractor will nominate an individual who will operate as a site security
who will be responsible for ensuring all drivers sign in and out once they have visited the site.
The site security staff will work alongside the site project manager who will ensure that the
vehicle movements are supervised with site operatives assigned specific roles.
Houghton Main TRRC TMP March 2018
4.2 Vehicle Types and frequencies
4.2.1 Peel Environmental Limited’s design team has experience in the delivery of similar Renewable
Energy schemes and therefore an appreciation of the construction Information provided by
design team has been used to inform this section.
4.3 Abnormal Loads
4.3.1 During the construction process, it may be necessary for the occasional abnormal load vehicles
to transport components to the site. In advance of any such movements, the routing, timing
and any specific traffic management requirements for such deliveries will be agreed in advance
with the police and local highway authority.
4.4 Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs)
4.4.1 The construction period is anticipated to take approximately two and a half years. During
this period there will be trips associated with the arrivals and departures of construction
staff, and with the delivery of parts and construction materials. Staff trips will mainly be
made by cars, vans or minibuses, whilst deliveries of construction materials and equipment
will mainly be made by HGVs.
4.4.2 The construction phase includes the preparation of the site, including the installation of any
required internal roads, erection of fencing, construction of the building and grid connection.
4.4.3 The Contractor will seek to limit traffic flows during the road network peak hours and
consideration will be given to any need for concrete pours requiring an intensification of HGV
4.4.4 A maximum of up to 200 construction workers are anticipated to be on site during key
milestones of the construction phase over a 24 – 30 month period. A temporary construction
compound will be provided to accommodate storage, parking for contractors and turning
provision for HGVs.
4.4.5 The location from which staff will travel is not yet known, however it is envisaged that a
number of the non‐local workforce will stay in local accommodation and be transported to
the site by minibuses to minimise the impact on the road network.
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4.4.6 The construction period will include the use of HGVs to bring equipment onto the site and
these operations will be strictly managed to ensure that vehicle movements are controlled
and minimised.
4.4.7 Construction of the Renewable Energy Centre is unlikely to require any
equipment/components to be delivered by abnormal load vehicles.
4.4.8 The majority of construction traffic movements will be generated from site operatives’ cars
and light vans. Most construction machinery will be delivered to the site during the early
stages of the build programme and will remain on‐site for most of its duration.
4.4.9 The materials required during the construction of the facility will be transported by
articulated vehicles with a maximum length of 16.5 metres.
4.4.10 Generally, the flow of construction traffic would be spread evenly over the working day, with
occasional peaks resulting from operational requirements for materials and stock‐piling on
site. At the peak of construction approximately 60 vehicles are predicted.
4.5 Light Goods Vehicles
4.5.1 In addition to the HGV movements there will also be a small number of construction
movements associated with smaller vehicles, such as the collection of skips and the transport
of construction workers.
4.5.2 The number of construction staff on site will vary over the construction period depending on
the activity that is taking place. The majority of staff will travel in crew buses, which will park
on site during the day.
4.5.3 In addition, there are expected to be a small number of managerial cars / vans. There will be
sufficient parking space provided during construction to accommodate these vehicles and
the unloading of delivery vehicles.
4.6 Loading/Unloading and Parking
4.6.1 GSDA drawing reference 1313 PL003 Revision A, that is in the drawing appendix to this report,
shows the route of circulatory route of the site vehicles including the unloading and loading
Houghton Main TRRC TMP March 2018
points within the site. To confirm the vehicles will enter and exit via the western spur off the
roundabout and will load up via the 2 No. loading access points on the west facing side of the
reception hall. To exit the vehicles will drive around the west, north and east side of the
process building and exit via the western roundabout spur onto the main network. This route
has been tracked on the drawing for a 16.5m legal length articulated HGV. The construction
vehicles will follow a similar route, particularly as the site work progresses.
4.6.2 To ensure that any unloading or loading activities do not result in HGV’s reversing into the live
carriageway a suitable designed part of the site will assigned to accommodate vehicles
entering, turning and exiting in a forward gear. The site is of a sufficient size to accommodate
such movements along with the aid of banksmen who will be readily available under the
supervision of the project manager.
4.6.3 Any unloading or loading times associated with construction activities and deliveries will be
deliberately planned to avoid the staff changeover times of the shifts. At present ASOS employ
approximately 4,000 staff across 3 shifts and each shift employs 3 rota’s of which at any one
time there are only 2 rota’s on shift due to rest days. As a result the maximum number of
people onsite are as follows and any loading, unloading or construction activities will avoid the
changeover periods of the following shifts;
AM Shift (07:00 – 15:00 hours)
PM Shift (15:00 – 23:00 hours)
Nights (23:00 – 07:00 hours)
4.6.4 The routes shown on drawing 1313 PL003 Revision A show that the majority of the main
pedestrian desire lines and walking routes are internal. Any external walking routes, including
the internal parking areas, are clearly separate from the HGV routes to avoid and potential
vehicle/pedestrian conflict.
4.6.5 To ensure delivery vehicles do not queue back onto the live carriageway, via the roundabout
spur, a sufficient length of internal road alongside the western site boundary has been
designated for queuing vehicles. The weighbridge has been positioned at least 4 No.
articulated vehicle lengths into the site (approximately 65 metres) that provides a sufficient
internal queuing length and avoids vehicles queuing into the roundabout.
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4.6.6 In terms of the construction vehicles they will follow a similar on site route to the operational
traffic and as the construction activity ramps up the building lines and areas of ‘stoned up’
internal roads along with signage and banksmen will assist the drivers.
4.7 Parking
4.7.1 A parking area for construction vehicles will be signposted and clearly identifiable once the
construction vehicles have entered the site. The area that is designated as staff parking (see
extract below) seems to be a practical place for construction vehicles to park up that will
encroach too much on the construction activity. This area is large enough to accommodate a
number of large HGV’s and providing they are parked in an organised manner, via the
contractors banksmen.
4.7.2 Internal parking arrangement will also be arranged with the contactor to ensure the staff also
have a safe parking area that is segregated from the construction parking and vehicular routes.
Although this area has yet to be confirmed there is a number of areas within the site that can
accommodate the parking.
4.8 Route to and from Site
4.8.1 Although the route that the construction vehicles will take to the site has yet to be confirmed
we have used our local knowledge of the area and the freight journey planner to predict what
routes the HGV’s and abnormal route vehicles will take to reach the site. To avoid any
congested routes and potential torturous routes the HGV’s and abnormal loads will seek to
avoid these area during the AM and PM peak periods.
4.8.2 The diagram below shows how the vehicles are predicted to reach the site from the north and
south. The A1(M) is the main route that can be used for HGV’s and abnormal vehicles and the
A635 Barnsley Road can then be used to access the site. This involves passing through villages
including Marr, Hickleton and along Goldthorpe bypass, although the roads in general are of a
good vertical and horizontal alignment and suitable for HGV’s. Any abnormal vehicles using
this route should also be able to pass safely although it is still recommended that they inform
the local police authority and highway authority. There are a number of laybys that are
between the A1(M) and the site should the vehicles experience any difficulties, although this
is unlikely.
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Houghton Main TRRC Site
4.8.3 The above route is considered to the safest for HGV’s and abnormal sized vehicles to reach
the site.
4.8.4 The above route plan, including a list of directions, will be issued to all contractors prior to
any site activity commencing. The site staff will have been briefed on the highway issues
associated with the site and will be suitably trained to ensure that the vehicles are able to
access and egress from the site in a safe manner.
4.8.5 In terms of the internal haul road system and the predicted route that the vehicles will take
this is shown in the extract in section 3.6 above. Although the route may be subject to slight
deviation the main buildings do dictate the route to an extent.
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5.0 Pedestrian and Vehicle Controls
5.1 Pedestrian Measures
5.1.1 The following measures will be put in place in order to protect pedestrians from construction
The provision of suitable pedestrian safety barriers along with clear signage and
lighting to direct pedestrians away from the site activity;
Banksmen who will be positioned at the site entrance/exit at all times to direct
pedestrians away from the site and ensure safer entry for construction vehicles;
Temporary footpaths will be formed and signed at the site entrance to deter
pedestrians from entering the site or encroaching on areas that are subject to
construction activity;
The site will have tight security with CCTV camera’s, site security guards and suitable
fencing to prevent pedestrians from entering the site that will ensure they are do not
conflict with any vehicles.
5.1.2 The above measures will protect pedestrians during times of deliveries and ensure that any
potential risk of any conflict is minimised.
5.2 Vehicle Controls
5.2.1 To ensure that the deliveries are carried out in a safe manner the following controls will be
enforced at the proposed development site;
The loading bay has been positioned and orientated to ensure the rear of the delivery
vehicle opposes the main vehicle/pedestrian access;
Peel Environmental Ltd has a strict protocol that is followed by all delivery drivers and
staff to ensure the risk of any conflict is minimised;
The delivery and construction vehicles will be briefed prior to arrival at the site to
ensure they follow the correct route once they are approaching the site entrance
The contractor will time the deliveries and construction traffic activity during off peak
periods to minimise any conflict with pedestrians, etc;
Double yellow lines and warning signs will be erected to prevent ill‐disciplined parking
local to the site entrance;
Houghton Main TRRC TMP March 2018
6.0 Signage and Lighting
6.1 Signage and Lighting
6.1.1 Lighting at the entrance to the TRRC and within the site will be provided to assist the delivery
drivers to unload in a safe manner. The lighting will provide clear visibility at all times,
particularly during the dark winter periods, to ensure the vehicles can be loaded and unloaded
in a safe manner.
Houghton Main TRRC TMP March 2018
Site boundary
Adjacent site
Fire water tank
Fire water
pumps enclosure
M e
t e
i 6
5 0%
2 1
ACCs 2 -2% Max Legal Articulated Vehicle (16.5m)
access -3%
Ctrl. Rm
Switchgear Room
First Floor
Turbine Offices/ access
Hall 13
Car park
12 bays inc. 2x disabled
Out weighbridge
Cycle shelter
2 Loading -2%
2 8 0%
Timber Resource access 13
Recovery Centre
A 150130 Issued for planning
2 -3%
HOUGHTON - 150123 Issued for planning
5 -14%
HGV access to
ea 2
this elevation via 0%
0% C
)) LI
2 no. roller shutters 8 td
+ bypass lane 2 5
0 50 100 150m El
ty 1313_PL003 A GS