Tabulated Geohazard Susceptibility Assessment of The Barangay Centers Within The Municipality of Mahayag, Zamboanga Del Sur
Tabulated Geohazard Susceptibility Assessment of The Barangay Centers Within The Municipality of Mahayag, Zamboanga Del Sur
Tabulated Geohazard Susceptibility Assessment of The Barangay Centers Within The Municipality of Mahayag, Zamboanga Del Sur
Bagong MAHAYAG 123.420750 8.121000 none high Purok 7 located near Tiwalos Creek 2008 JOINT
Balamban is seasonally flooded with depths at
more than one (1) meter;Identify
evacuation and/or relocation site;
Observe for increase/decrease in
floodwater; Activate BDCC
Delusom MAHAYAG 123.449222 8.150417 None – Brgy. high Monitor progress of mass Puroks 5 and 7 situated in the 2008 JOINT
Proper; movements (e.g. landslides, alluvial plain are directly hit by
Moderate - tension cracks); Observe for overflowing discharge from the
Purok 5 presence of mass movement (e.g. Salug-Dako river; Flashfloods in
landslide, tension cracks). An 1970 and 1988 brought havoc to
almost vertical slope posts danger crops and houses;Identify
to Purok 5 in Brgy. Delusom. evacuation/relocation site; Observe
for rapid increase/decrease in
floodwater level); Activate BDCC
Diwan MAHAYAG 123.478889 8.134444 moderate moderate Monitor progress of mass Flooding occurs at Puroks Vargas 2008 JOINT
movements (e.g., landslides, and Palomo where crops are
tension cracks); Observe for directly affected.
presence of mass movement (e.g.
landslide, tension cracks).
Guripan MAHAYAG 123.433111 8.159861 moderate to low Monitor progress and observe for Very common (annually – every 2008 JOINT
high new presence of mass movements rainy season) flashflood occurrence
(e.g. landslides, mass movements); with moderate turbidity. Seasonal
Observe for rapid increase/ (annually – every rainy season)
decrease in creek/ river water sheet flooding with low (0 – 0.5 1m)
levels, possibly accompanied by water depths.
increased turbidity.
Kaangayan MAHAYAG 123.409417 8.152500 None – Brgy. high Monitor progress and observe for Very common (annually – every 2008 JOINT
Proper; new presence of mass movements rainy season) flashflood occurrence
Moderate to (e.g. landslides, mass movements); with moderate turbidity. Seasonal
High – High Observe for rapid increase/ (annually – every rainy season)
areas decrease in creek/ river water sheet flooding with high (> 1m)
(particularly in levels, possibly accompanied by water depths.
Sitio Danao, increased turbidity.
Puroks 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, along roads)
Kabuhi MAHAYAG 123.413333 8.074167 None – Brgy. high Observe for presence of mass Puroks 2, 3 and 7 are regularly 2008 JOINT
Proper; Low- movement (e.g. landslides, tension affected by flood waters with
Puroks 5 and 6 cracks). depths at more than one (1)
meter;Identify evacuation and/or
relocation site; Observe for
increase/decrease in floodwater;
Activate BDCC
Lourmah (Lower MAHAYAG 123.440806 8.112222 none none None; but the historic 1970 2008 JOINT
Mahayag) flashflood, portions of Brgy. Lower
Mahayag were covered with flood
Lower Salug MAHAYAG 123.427139 8.132972 None – Brgy. low Observe for presence of mass Seasonal (annually – every rainy 2008 JOINT
Daku Proper; Low – movements (e.g. landslides, mass season) sheet flooding with low (0 –
Upland areas movements). 0.5 m) water depths.
Lower Santo MAHAYAG 123.454361 8.069722 none high Entire barangay proper is located 2008 JOINT
Niño near Dipolo River and is regularly
flooded with flood depths at more
than one (1) meter. Brgy. Lower Sto.
Nino is bounded by two (2) rivers,
namely: Katipunan and Dipolo
Rivers giving it a high susceptibility
to flooding; Identify evacuation
and/or relocation site; Observe for
increase/decrease in floodwater;
Activate BDCC
Malubo MAHAYAG 123.451639 8.199944 None – Brgy. high Monitor progress and observe for Very common (annually – every 2008 JOINT
Proper; High – new presence of mass movements rainy season: July to October)
Upland areas (e.g. landslides, mass movements); flashflood occurrence with high
(particularly Sitio Develop an early warning device/ turbidity. Seasonal (annually –
Pilas & system intended for landslide & every rainy season: July to October)
Latayan);Possibl flood-related hazards; Observe for sheet flooding with high (> 1m)
e Accumulation rapid increase/ decrease in creek/ water depths;Identify evacuation
Zone Area river water levels, possibly and/or relocation site; Observe for
accompanied by increased increase/decrease in floodwater;
turbidity; Implement simple slope Activate BDCC
stability measures like planting
vetiber along slopes (e.g. road
Manguiles MAHAYAG 123.374556 8.158972 None – Brgy. low Monitor progress and observe for Very common (annually – every 2008 JOINT
Proper; Low – new presence of mass movements rainy season) flashflood occurrence
Upland areas (e.g. landslides, mass movements); with moderate turbidity.
Observe for rapid increase/
decrease in creek/ river water
levels, possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity.
Marabanan MAHAYAG 123.481944 8.165278 low low (creek) Observe for presence of mass Flooding of about .5m is only 2008 JOINT
movements (e.g. landslides, mass confined within the perimeter of
movements) the Balanan Creek.
Panagaan MAHAYAG 123.460889 8.164333 none low Flooding is only confined along 2008 JOINT
creeks channels.
Paraiso MAHAYAG 123.407722 8.214417 moderate moderate Monitor progress and observe for Sheet flooding with (0.5-1.0 m.) 2008 JOINT
new presence of mass movements water depths;dentify
(e.g. landslides, mass movements); evacuation/relocation site; Observe
Develop an early warning device/ for rapid increase/decrease in
system intended for landslide & floodwater; Activate BDCC
flood-related hazards; Observe for
rapid increase/ decrease in creek/
river water levels, possibly
accompanied by increased
turbidity; Implement simple slope
stability measures like planting
vetiber along slopes (e.g. road
cuts). Constant communication
and updates with Brgy. Pidagan
Sur on geohazard situation.
Pidagan Sur MAHAYAG 123.416667 8.234167 High (Particularly high Monitor progress and observe for The entire brgy. Is seasonally 2008 JOINT
in Puroks 1 and new presence of mass movements affected by sheet flooding from
3); These areas (e.g. landslides, mass movements); Yabo and Guripan Rivers with high
are Possible Develop an early warning device/ (>1 meter) floodwater depths. A
Accumulation system intended for landslide & catastrophic flashflood in 1970
Zone for flood-related hazards; Observe for affected this brgy (verbal
landslide rapid increase/ decrease in creek/ communication with
materials. river water levels, possibly residents);Identify
accompanied by increased evacuation/relocation site; Observe
turbidity; Implement simple slope for rapid increase/decrease in
stability measures like planting floodwater; Activate BDCC
vetiber along slopes (e.g. road
cuts). Constant communication
and updates with Brgy. Paraiso on
geohazard situation.
Poblacion MAHAYAG 123.434444 8.118611 None – Brgy. moderate to high Observe for presence of mass Flooding is caused by clogged, silted 2008 JOINT
(Upper Proper; Low – movements (e.g. landslides, mass and insufficient drainage system;
Mahayag) Purok 4 movements) particularly in Purok the entire Poblacion was totally
4. covered by flood waters during the
1970 and 1988 flashflood;Identify
evacuation/relocation site; Observe
for rapid increase/decrease in
floodwater; Activate BDCC
Pugwan MAHAYAG 123.386639 8.123778 None – Brgy. high Observe for presence of mass Very common (annually – every 2008 JOINT
Proper; Low – movements (e.g. landslides, mass rainy season: July to October)
Upland areas movements). flashflood occurrence with
moderate turbidity. Seasonal
(annually – every rainy season)
sheet flooding with high (> 1m)
water depths;Identify
evacuation/relocation site; Observe
for rapid increase/decrease in
floodwater; Activate BDCC
Sicpao MAHAYAG 123.398306 8.099861 none high Puroks 2, 4, 5 and 6 are located 2008 JOINT
near Dipolo River and are regularly
affected by flood waters with
depths at more than one (1) meter;
Identify evacuation/relocation site;
Observe for rapid
increase/decrease in floodwater;
Activate BDCC
Tuburan MAHAYAG 123.461750 8.135833 low moderate Observe for presence of mass Flooding occurs only in areas where 2008 JOINT
movements (e.g. landslides, mass the creeks discharge overflows;
movements); Road cut with highly Brgy. Tuburan was hit by the 1970
altered materials along a road flash flood where crops were
bend between Brgys, Tuburan and affected;Identify
Diwan posts an imminent danger evacuation/relocation site; Observe
in the area. for rapid increase/decrease in
floodwater level); Activate BDCC
Tulan MAHAYAG 123.446417 8.218972 None – Brgy. high Monitor progress and observe for Very common (annually – every 2008 JOINT
Proper; High – new presence of mass movements rainy season: July to October)
Upland (e.g. landslides, mass movements); flashflood occurrence with high
areas;Possible Develop an early warning device/ turbidity. Seasonal (annually –
Accumulation system intended for landslide & every rainy season: July to October)
Zone Area flood-related hazards; Identify sheet flooding with high (> 1m)
evacuation site; Observe for rapid water depths;Identify
increase/ decrease in creek/ river evacuation/relocation site; Observe
water levels, possibly accompanied for rapid increase/decrease in
by increased turbidity; Implement floodwater; Activate BDCC
simple slope stability measures like
planting vetiber along slopes (e.g.
road cuts).
Tumapic MAHAYAG 123.430500 8.105028 none high Sheet flooding with depths of more 2008 JOINT
than one (1) meter is regularly
observed particularly when Salug
River overflows its channel;Identify
evacuation/relocation site; Observe
for rapid increase/decrease in
floodwater level); Activate BDCC
Upper Santo MAHAYAG 123.445194 8.086500 none high Puroks 3 and 5 are regularly 2008 JOINT
Niño affected by flooding with flood
depths at more than one (1) meter.
Both barangays are located near
Salug and Dipolo Rivers,
respectively; Identify
evacuation/relocation site; Observe
for rapid increase/decrease in
floodwater level); Activate BDCC
Upper Salug MAHAYAG 123.421889 8.142361 None – Brgy. low Observe for presence of mass Seasonal (annually – every rainy 2008 JOINT
Daku Proper; Low – movements (e.g. landslides, mass season) sheet flooding with low (0 –
Upland areas movements). 0.5 m) water depths;Observe for
rapid increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels, possibly
accompanied by increases turbidity
(soil content).