Merc Tad: IRB Disclose Ollege Party
Merc Tad: IRB Disclose Ollege Party
Merc Tad: IRB Disclose Ollege Party
V o l XXVII—No. 4
are under the general chairman- places in the auditorium by two large jacks-in-the-box, who served as last year's Merciad editor and is Friday night chairman; Dorothea
ship of Ina Smith while Joyce a welcoming committee to "Toyland." .*.• present editor of Praeterita. MorreU, Saturday morning and
Baker will act as overseer of the Faculty and students were seated at small tables decorated with afternoon [ c h a i r m a n ; and Jo •
decoration committees. Invitation's a large red candle banked with boughs. The holiday *mood was in Huggler, Sunday chairman.
will be handled by Betty Schwind creased with the singing of Christmas|icarols. Following the Friday night
and No la Weingard. Phyllis Burke
Watching all the festivities from _ (tyefa fin '56 . \. sleighride, a soc dance willtoeheld
their lofty *, places along the wall Andrie andjEMe Broscoe. "The In the gym with a -bonfire in the
.and Rita Walters will be in charge were teddy bears, toys, toy soldiers, Old Soft Shoe"! was danced by Beginning January I, Mercy- back campus at intermission. A
*of|favdrs.l and rag dolls; Jane McKenna and Pat Faber. hurst dining rooms, cafeteria, and Whirlwind of tobogganing, skiing,
The stage arrangements jj gave Solos were sung by Pat Foley and kitchen will be managed by Crot- or ice-skating has been planned
Food chairmen Lois Young and the effect of a department store Priscilla Hehir. "I'm Gettin' Nut- ty's, national restaurateurs who Saturday morning and afternoon.
^Marguerite McLaughlin will work window flUed with Christmas toys. tin' for Christmas" was sung by specialize in cooking for institu- Rachel Shine, Sophomore Class
with Marcia Meagher who is Because the store was closed, a group consisting of |* Nancy tions. This move f is intended to president,-is chairman of the for-
chairman of the serving commit- the toys came alive and provided Marshall, Carol McGinty, Mary alleviate the work of the Sisters mal Sophonade held on Saturday
entertainment fori everyone. Pat Lou Little, and Joan Holsinger. A who have been managing, the evening. Sunday's activities, ten
tee. The maintenance committee dining rooms -since the opening of o'clock Mass in our chapel follow-
Carlisle narrated the "Littlest violin solo, "Ave Maria/' by Sandy
under Sheila Flynn will t consist Angel" iandfVThe Parade* of the Cronin, accompanied by Pat Pauls, the College.. - ed byg a brunch^ in|. the lounge,
• of the entire Junior class. Wooden Soldiers" was led by Doris closed the program. ' # • # " # " # " > * "
conclude the weekend.
\ i
Page Two TMI ESR 0 I A D December 15. 1966
ome 7 Jet -Al ore Gjve Us Love! A n Ounce Of Etcetera
"She . .» wrapped himl in swaddling
clothes and laid him in a manger," and the As I raise my eyes from the By Ann McGinnis
simple stable was filled with .the Light of the I Infant in the straw . . . I gaze You survey the total wreck of your room primary job of the Liberal Arts college is
World. She held Him close to her heart while f: upon the woman who bore Him —seven - scattered crinolines, two wilting not to teach sewing j or typing, but to
Joseph watched land protected. The world . . . Kneeling there beside His corsages, a broken strap on your gold eve- develop intellects. "*,i
felt His nearness as the trembling stars manger bed . . . a beautiful Naz- ning slippers, the scattered hair pins, the We | were very much inclined to agree
looked down and the joyous angels announc- arene girl looks at her Son . . . engraved {[invitations. You reflect on the with Tom Briggs concerning the !j issue of
ed. ;.His coming| ^ \ %; next morning's I unhappy visit from the restricting the Gannon dance clientele.
*The angels' voices will not flib our sky Her head is bent low .-with hu- housemother, and the four unprepared-for \
Limply I move toward the stable cellent move on the part of the Adminis- Lizards' appreciation.
door . . . only to turn i back once tration, following the popular conclusion, Heard in English Class the other day
more . . .{to behold her lovely that they have changed the schedule to from the^ head of the department was a
y,are Okee Welt countenance .f. . Her illuminated include more history, language, philosophy,
face lights the dark, damp stable etc. in the other fields. After all. the
. . . The? warm glow surrounding
strictly non-Websterian definition of the
term "coUegebred"—"a four-year loaf."
Take a desk and sprinkle It with French books her keeps 'her Child! protected
and $ papers, newspaper clippings, money, , Merciad from the chill of that December
layouts, campus slips and pictures. Only one {per-
son could-fit behind it. %
Sister Mary Gabriel, the one-in-a-million Jack-
night%. « - •
-A Pin?So Wk a t? gifts tucked away in his wing pocket with renewed dismay. "Angel, you
goofed!" The Christ Child had entrusted him to deliver them to some
people from whom He had received gifts. Cherub had forgotten them.
Worse yet they were 2,000 years overdue.|They should have gone to
That everyone attend the interesting" and in-
formative panels that will be presented by the
Liturgical Committee shortly after Christmas.
You are a member of an honor society! So That religious Christmas cards be sent, to keep
the Three Kings. |gg. W&mi .* people in mind of the true meaning of Christmas. |
what? | -1 m m- ' \ At firstIhe was tempted to drownShis sorrow in nectar, j then— Your Editors Congratulate . . . |
Each year Kappa Gamma t Pi selects ten Flash! came the solution! (His guardian human must have inspired Patti Corrigan and Mary Lou Theobold, newly
percent of the graduating class and awards him.) Down to earth he scurried! 1 n I i * chosen Delta Sig and "Teke" queens. »
it membership at the commencement exer- SHI m • • .}• tojthe melodrama when Faure in Sister Maryfcharles on her new position as
cises. Due to all the excitement around this Brotherly Love? return demanded the -dissolution moderator of the Merciad*
time, few know what the honor society is or
what it does. |5? ) First stop India! Two weeks ago off the Assembly in accordance Scholars who have achieved the honor of being
Kappa Gamma Pi's main project in Erie is Bulganin^ and Khruschev were with the constitutional provision received into Kappa Gamma Pi.
to help|the girls at Gannondale. A Big-little warmly greeted by mobs of more that states the Assembly can be Newly elected DSO officers. Congratulations and
than two million cheering Indians; dissolved if two successive govern-
•-_ -*.
their families will have a holy and happy Christ-
take to heart the words of their arrested under gun point and held mas. \
eize Dke t
oriuni newspaper that cautions them to in a guardhouse four hours before
"Return courtesy for courtesy, but they were released. Dibrova, re-
not to the point of letting the fusing $to accept protest, claimed
Opportunity is knocking! Perhaps you
don't realize it, butfyou are passing it by. guest edge the host out of his own East Germany is a sovereign state
mansion. When our Parliament is now; East Berlin is its? capital.
If'you would take a greater interest, you <$5jLVo
I Meicyhurst College, Erie, Pa.
converted into a pulpit from which Plainly this was one morejjmove
would hear opportunity; and if you would guests attack countries with whom in the Communist gambit to force ^—^—-K*! Member of ?.
answer its \ knock, your interest would fun- we have no basio quarrel, it is the West to deal with satellite ^"PRESS Associate|CoUegiate Press
doubtedly become greater. i M time to be more than slightly East Germany. To these people, Editor I „ — Carol Kelly
Opportunity knocked when the!music ap- wary." ' f\ so often used and torn apart by Associate Editor ^-jfe* Judy Roseberry
preciation group began its get-together Sev- selfish dictators, and now the Assistant Editors Kay King, Betsy Schnatter
eral weeks ago. Many students seized and Russians, Cherub gladlySdelivered Business Editor —. Helen Kennedy
held it fast, and by spirited discussion have France In Turmoil
To that flighty grande 'i dame, his third gift of reunification'and Editorial Staff Mary Gene Pyne, Jean Heavey.
gained multi-fold from the little effortIput Bobbie' Imboden, Mary McCarthy, Beverly
forth. * i'i | 1. France, was 'bequeathed stability renewed brotherly love between
and internal peace. Premiers come Germans in the East and West.: Buerkle, Ann McGinnis, Noel Jaeger, Joan
Opportunity is still knocking these Sunday Csemyicky, Barbara Jacubowski, Mary % Drees,
afternoons avhen you wander around com- and premiers go as quickly as a Patting himself on his f wing-
chocolate cake at McAuley Hall. tip, Cherub returned to heaven, Del Dwyer, Lucille Turner, Liz Tatu.
plaining that therelis nothing to do. If you Business Staff Lorraine Enright, Joan Clancy,
would answer its call, you, too, would be Faure was just ousted, mostly be- happy over his absent-mindedness.
able to contribute and enjoy the things 1
cause of his concessions in the For it , had really given him a Betty Schwind, Barbara Cavanaugh, Beth Cole-
which should interest people of your own Mororocan issue, by a vote of 318 chance to bring "Peace on Earth man, B. J. Bisgrove.
intellectual level. to 218. A new climax was added and Good WiU to Men."*
I." Others can be found standing Welcome i I , professional : and college news- MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE LAUGHING ABOUT . . .
on dressers, chairs, or anything paper-like appearance. The Mer- MICKEY SPILLANE'S sleeping sickness, or How To Become a
available in order to suspend The editors and staff of the ciad has changed to the profes- "Sack-Rat" . I. the disappearance of the kitchenette tablecloth
Christmas decorations from the Merciad welcome Sister Mary sional'jnewspaper look which is . . . SUE MCCARTNEY'S canine appetite . . . "Over the Tea-
ceilings of their rooms. Each day Charles as new moderator of the now being used by many colleges. cups"— the cap! . . . MARGE MACK'S seminarian friend • • •
brings more festivities; each hour paper. Congratulations, condol- How do youjlike it? The editors policemen on the iboulevard . gl JOAN IMHOF'S agility in
of the day ?seems to find the ences, and good luck! are anxious to hear your opinion. catching mice . . . JEANETTE MANCUSO'S Mil Ball date . . .
festive spirit heightened. ••••*i
Why not let them know? "now you have it, now you don't" • . .
"But no matter how far away
you roam . . ." you'll always find MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . "Memories
candy canes, tinsel, and pine Are Made of This"—turn it up! . . . new Gannon Juniors at the party
twigs. Beginning in rooms one and . . . STEFFEE'S Christmas trip to Florida *. . . early trains on Wednes-
two on the freshman floor, con- day morning . . . new hair-cuts for DODIE McGAUGHEY and JO
tinuing down to the dayhop HUGGLER . .|. DORA ANDRIE'S aluminum heeled 1 shoes . . . Frosh
lounge, and right over to apart- Christmas party re-instated . . . cute stuffed animals for children's
ment five at McAuley Hall, "your homes . . . Freshmen's farewell party for monitors MARY DREES
heart will be happy in a million and MARILYN CHROMEY I J . MARGE KARAFFA'S elimination of
ways" as you join in the Mercy- all but one Teke . . . invasion of the kitchenette . . . MARY ANN
hurst Christmas spirit. BITTNER'S new secret .{. . DSO's new officers and moderator . .£•
the late Christmas vacation . . . scarcity of canasta cards In
Singers on TV the lounge . . . rise in the price of coffee . • . quarterly marks
. . . . recent GK editorials . . . the failure of diets . . .
LAUGHLIN and ANN McGlNNIS cleaning apartments . . . The Treasure
Three vocalists from Mercyhurst
College are making a contribution of Pancho Villa, or who saw the ending? . . . volleyball at Behrend
to the local T. B. Christmas Seal Center . . . DUBLEY NATILI'S listening comprehension in speech
drive. -| class . . . LOIS YOUNG'S new hideout in the Gannon Aud. . . . Junior
Ann Bowman, Natalie North, exchange of dates . . . RUTH and XUCILLE "sitting on top of the
and Priscilla Hehir combined their world" or Mary Ann's globe proves the world is flat . . . VSpeedo"
talents in a 15-minute fradio pro- FIXING TO BE FIRST in trimming around the campus are the . . . PYNIE, the feline's friend, always willing to lend a hand . . . re-
gram. Taped&here at Mercyhurst, new DSO officers, Mary Kay Donatelli, Audrey3 Havunen, Bar- turn of*the Crisco kids, home-ecersfback at McAuley Hall . .;.
the program willjbe played over bara Story* and Joan Csernyicky. r
one now at Mercyhurst are found Holiday Wishes accepted until January 13, 1956,
SWEETHEARTS of Gannon's Delta;Sigma Phi and Tau Kappa in the homes of Puerto Rico from anyone who plans to apply
Dear Santa Claus, for a teaching position and who
Epsilon hold cherished^emblems of their favorite fraternities. where devotion \ to the Infant is This letter is being written col- wishes to take the exams. Further
very great. lectively because we know how information can i be obtained from
Local Fraternities Elect Near the Bishop's Parlor Is a
mural of the five joyful myster-
busy the postmen are at Christ-
mas time and we don't want to
clutter up the mails. That brings
Sister Mary Esther or Dr. Relihan.
ies painted in 1948 by alumna, us to the strongest wish of all, no rust on the runners to try out
Merc Damoiselles Jean Brigham. A reproduction of
the mural was made and used
150 pairs of hand knit argyle
socks with one or two small mis-
on the new Buffalo snow.
On her gift ^certificate for
Hear ye, hear ye! For the second consecutive year {two Mercy- takes in each to make them look Christmas, Pat Foley .'wants four
hurst beauties will reign as the queens of Gannon's fraternities. This for the official Christmas card of authentic. These are Ho be deliv- digits and no decimal points.
year, Patti Corrigan and .Mary Lou Theobald will wear the crowns. Mercyhurst for several years. ered at|various points across the 100,000 shares of US Steel i s ' all
f Music Major Elected United States . . . we're sure you Beth Coleman wants. A trip to
On December 6, Patti, sophomore resident student majoring in A product of Sister M. Thomas rknow where. Europe will easily satisfy Barbara
music, received word that she. had been elected* and proclaimed queen is the outdoor crib which she de- Barnes' Christmas wish. Barb
of the Delta Sig fraternity. The formal announcement of the out- signed and painted under the di- Carol Kelly wants to become Cavanaugh wants a baby grand
come of the elections was made by \ John Mangus, fraternity presi- rection of Sister M. Angelica. Mehitabel from the book, "Ar- piano and a bay window to set
dent. The queen was nominated by Jerry Boudreau, a Junior at Gan- Finished in 1948, the following chie's Adventures of Mehitabel."
non. Patti, whose hobbies are singing and painting, is the daughter Joan Szymanski doesn't want it in. And Jean Heavey wants a
of Dr. and^Mrs. James J. Corrigan of Pittsburgh, Pa. Her voice lifted year saw first prize for outdoor nothin' for Christmas cause she snow shovel (because she heard
In song highlights many a college program. cribs in Erie awarded to the ain't .been nothin' but bad. Many they are paying $2.25 per hour
scene. girls I want rings for Christmas for shoveling in ,Buffalo if you
"Tekes"g Choose Junior After school hours find Mary . . . some onjthe third finger left
The night following |the an- Lou pleasing customers at Halle Even the chimes are of Christ- hand, othersjwill be content with have your own shovel. Jean al-
Vs nouncement of iPatti's new title, Brothers store. J one on thelphone. ways has her shovel but it toroke
Mary Lou Theobald received the mas origin. Donated in memory of
Mercyhurst has had the% honor the parents of Sister Mary Alice last i week.
gladi tidings that she had been of having two of its girls elected All Deans of Residence are ask-
selected * from several candidates fraternity queens again this year. and Sister Mary Rachel, they we')e ing for two weeks of peace and A 6 4 blonde crew cut is Judy
as queen of the TKE fraternity. In unison, congratulations are first played on January 6, 1946f- quiet. Mother Eustace wants Schwinden's wish. Ann ^Bowman
Mary Lou, daughter of f Mr. and voiced. Little Christmas. \ boots for all the girls with radi-
Mrs. Michael J. Theobald of Erie, ant ^heat to melt the snow and wants to* know her lines for the
is a junior majoring in business evaporate the water, so there will Christmas Pageant. These,-Santa,
and minoring in 'psychology. The ibeino puddles in the halls.
announcement of her election was Modeling, TV, School',{Provide Yarn f or* socks £ and the know-
are only a few of the things the
girls want. Most of all, they want
made by l'om .O'Connor, presi-
ledge to knit them is all Ann a vacation and the ^administra-
dent of TKE at a dinner held on
Wednesday, December 7. ' The Busy Schedule fori Miss Erie I Sedelmeyer
Santa, should
. . that,
tion J has
of (that.
very nicely
taken care
queen of the "Tekes" was nomi-
nated (by the fraternity vice- - The story of many stars skyrocketing to fame is no less exciting Mary Ann Regan wants black —Collegians on the hill
president, John Schwartz. Mary than that of Natalie North, one of our^own-college Juniors.. denim trousers and Mary Kay
Lou, like! the Delta Sig queen, is For years Natalie modeled for various stores and £ took singing
lessons from Sister Helen Jean diligently every day. Then, so to speak, Garvey wants motorcycle boots.
musically talented, having been her great day came. While singing for a fund-raising campaign at Ann Schultz wants only the ter- BLILA HARDWARE
an \ instructor at the Erie Dance St. Luke's parish, someone suggested that she enter the current Miss 38th and Pine Ave.
of highway 101. And Pat
Academy for the past four years. Erie contest.J After much prodding from friends, Natalie finally con- ror Phone 0-7464
Murphy wants a new sled with Erie, Pa.H
sented^ Overnight her fame be- f
came a part of everyday Brie con- . 9&SK $r , 3 w
times we ooh-ed and aah-ed over urday find her modeling for the ICE CREAM BAR
the Innocent beauty of a newly- Boston Store. We Make Our Own
baptized infant. Natalie is a quiet girl, conspic- Ice Cream Luncheonette and Magazines Burhenn's Pharmacy
Although we all share Father uous only by her beauty and un-
Goodill's joy in his parish's new Corner 38th St. & Pine Ave
achievement, there's still that one affected manner. She may not be 4026 Pine Avenue 8709 pftne Avenue Spencer Place Store No. 8
regret: did they have to leave so the first one you'll notice, but PHONB 01849 Erie. Penna.
soon? * She's that last one you'll forget.