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Merc Tad: IRB Disclose Ollege Party

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V o l XXVII—No. 4

Dramatics Club Reveal d Time Travels

Choice of 'Dear \Brutus Toward Fete
Opening F e b r u a r y 9 for a three-day |run, "Dear B r u t u s " Q f S l t l O l l F tV
is t h e dramatics club selection for their annual play. A three- ™ *" ** #
act comedy by J a m e s Barrie, t h e play includes a cast of five j Angelic smiles, sparkling eyes,
men, five women, and one "dream child." •> cries of delight, and an air off an-
"Dear Brutus" first appeared in ticipation wilj create hhe atmos-
London in 1914 with Gerald Du- phere for the annual Orphan's
Maurier 'in the male lead. Its first
appearence in the United States
IRB Disclose Party December 17,*
The small fry capture Mercy-
THIS. GYPSY BAND'S STAGE is the village square for their
iromptu presentation of the Visitation Scene* Del Dwyer, Anne
was in New York in 1918, starring
William GiUette and Helen Hayes.. ollege Party hurst's hearts during their after-
noon of Christmas, which will be
Bowman, Mary Rachel Shine, Joanne Schmalzried, and Jeanne
Cannon are the sophomore ^actresses.
In this play, the audience sees a under the general! chairmanship
group of people who have one de- A Post NewsYear's Party to be
of Jo Ciancaglini.
sire in common, that of wishing to held on January 7 at the East
have a chance to live their lives Erie Turners is the first social
Transferring the auditorium in-
to a Santa CI a us land, Betty
SophslDon Gypsies' Garb
over again. What happens when affair of the Intercollegiate Rela- Schwind and her elves will pro-
they all come I together on Mid-
summer's Night Eve and are trans-
tions Board to include the three vide a fairy-tale setting for the
For AnnuallChristmas Play
ported into a forest makes up a colleges. Santa Claus himself passes out A band of wandering gypsy comedians will Invade the Little Theatre
typically Barrie story. Featured at the Tri-college gifts obtained by Jean Heavey and to present "Christmas on the Village Square" on Sunday evening ,
Casting has been under way for party will be entertainment from her committee Pat Murphy, Rose- December 18. \.
{be past week and Miss Helen mary Crawford and Marty liilc- Disguised as these traveling folk will be the members of the 'Sopho-
Kelly, director of the play, is hop- Villa Maria, Mercyhurst, and more class as they enact the traditional Nativity play.
Nulty. Joy Mader and her helpers
ing to have the listing of the cast Gannon. The Bob Cross Combo are the \ gift wrappers. Presented In New York in 1950, the play is set in a square, late
completed. before vacation."" Stu- win furnish music for community • * on Christmas eve. The gypsies fcre sitting "round the fire eating when
dents from Gannon College have as well as round dancing, and After ,an entertainment program they notice a crowd watching them. f is
been trying out for the male leads. a dance marathon will also be planned under the direction of Melchior, the eldest gypsy ami ancestor of one of the Magi, assures
Dramatic club members and held. 11 I I Joan Clancy, Mary Ann Schmidt the crowd that gypsies are Christians, too, land mot rowdy as some Say.
pledges are asked to volunteer for and her cooks will provide a sup- The method he takes to convince
the production. Buffet style refreshments win per of sandwiches, cookies and the crowd is to stage the story
add another note to the formality
of the evening.
hot chocolate, to send the little
ones home full and satisfied. appas eceive of the Annunciation and Christ's
birth With whatever properties
and costumes their hamper will
*pond tfautt Senior Students produce. j
Stage manager for the produc-
As the Merciad went j to press, Breaking tradition, the faculty tion is Maureen" Clancy while Ann
word was received that Mercy- has released the names of those Miller as Prop Mistress will ( be
hurst College is to benefit in the selected |to Kappa Gamma Pi. assisted by Lois Whelan.£
Usually conferred at graduation,
amount of $147,000 from the grant membership in this honor society 1 Melchior and Josephat will be
Of the Ford Foundation. Mercy- is given now to Beverly Buerkle, portrayed by Del Dwyer and Jean
hurst is one of the many educa- Carol Donovan, Mary McCarthy, Cannon* while Anne Bowman is
tional institutions to share in the and Martha McNulty. Mercedes. Sara is Carol Conrath
one half billion dollar gift of the National honor and activity so- a n d Elizabeth, Mary Rachel
Ford Foundation. Details will be ciety of Catholic women's colleges, Shine. i W- f
Kappa Gamma Pi \ admits only Angels wiU be enacted by Mau-
announced later. those who excel in character, reen Jones, Joanne Schmalzried,
scholarship, leadership, and ser- and Ann Sedfelmeyer; neighbors
vice. & by Betsy Schnatter' and Jean
A Sodality officer *since her Criswell^ Cast as a Roman lady is
Juniors Elect sophomore year, peveriy Buerkle Barbara Jakubowskl and as Jos-
is tHisjye'ar's prefect. /An elemen- eph, Nancy Stubler. ~5p -
tary education major (from Pitts-
Birth Months burgh, Beverly's other interests lie
in the Merciad and dramatics.
Janie Hagedish,* Lucille Turner,
and Kay King portray shepherds
g Carol Donovan, majoring in ele- and Cathy Cruise and Pat Corri-
Partyl Theme mentary education, also calls gan, carolers.
Pittsburgh? her home J Her name
"A Very Happy Unbirthday" is has a standing place Oh the Dean's
the song theme announced for
, the Junior-Freshman partyfto be
"list and she^was recently named
to "Who's Who in American Col- A A Announces
held on January 12, in the audi- leges and Universities."
torium from 8:30 to 10:30.
ATTENTION! \TOY SOLDIERS Dora Andrie andfEleanor Broscoe
form a guard of honor as Patricia Carlisle t steps forward to in-
Mary McCarthy, a Buffalonian
and a sociology^ major, naS diver- Carnival Dates
The two classes are to be di- troduce the freshman Christmas Party. |& M l f sified* interest. On <6he staffs'* of Only 54 more shopping days til
vided into groups who share the the Merciad and Praeterita, Mary Winter Carnival! February 3, 4,
same birth month. Each month
wiU carryiout its own decorating
Toyland Scene Recreated is also a leader in the Great Books and jj 5 are the dates set for the
d u b and a member of IRC and weekend activities.
'the A A | %*. * V
theme and provide;; suitable en-
As Frosh Host At Party 9 Marge Russell, AA • president,
From Conneaut, Ohio, is lousi- "ha? announced the election of
ness education and!sociology ma- Sheila Flynn, general chairman,
As the guests of the annual Christmas Party given by the fresh- jor, Martha McNultfr. ^Active on and her assistants, Margie Mack,
All entertainment committees man class arrived last evening, they were-greeted and directed to their school publications, Marty was . / „ 'M.Ze, > • - • •• •-*-• ^ E T > -

are under the general chairman- places in the auditorium by two large jacks-in-the-box, who served as last year's Merciad editor and is Friday night chairman; Dorothea
ship of Ina Smith while Joyce a welcoming committee to "Toyland." .*.• present editor of Praeterita. MorreU, Saturday morning and
Baker will act as overseer of the Faculty and students were seated at small tables decorated with afternoon [ c h a i r m a n ; and Jo •
decoration committees. Invitation's a large red candle banked with boughs. The holiday *mood was in Huggler, Sunday chairman.
will be handled by Betty Schwind creased with the singing of Christmas|icarols. Following the Friday night
and No la Weingard. Phyllis Burke
Watching all the festivities from _ (tyefa fin '56 . \. sleighride, a soc dance willtoeheld
their lofty *, places along the wall Andrie andjEMe Broscoe. "The In the gym with a -bonfire in the
.and Rita Walters will be in charge were teddy bears, toys, toy soldiers, Old Soft Shoe"! was danced by Beginning January I, Mercy- back campus at intermission. A
*of|favdrs.l and rag dolls; Jane McKenna and Pat Faber. hurst dining rooms, cafeteria, and Whirlwind of tobogganing, skiing,
The stage arrangements jj gave Solos were sung by Pat Foley and kitchen will be managed by Crot- or ice-skating has been planned
Food chairmen Lois Young and the effect of a department store Priscilla Hehir. "I'm Gettin' Nut- ty's, national restaurateurs who Saturday morning and afternoon.
^Marguerite McLaughlin will work window flUed with Christmas toys. tin' for Christmas" was sung by specialize in cooking for institu- Rachel Shine, Sophomore Class
with Marcia Meagher who is Because the store was closed, a group consisting of |* Nancy tions. This move f is intended to president,-is chairman of the for-
chairman of the serving commit- the toys came alive and provided Marshall, Carol McGinty, Mary alleviate the work of the Sisters mal Sophonade held on Saturday
entertainment fori everyone. Pat Lou Little, and Joan Holsinger. A who have been managing, the evening. Sunday's activities, ten
tee. The maintenance committee dining rooms -since the opening of o'clock Mass in our chapel follow-
Carlisle narrated the "Littlest violin solo, "Ave Maria/' by Sandy
under Sheila Flynn will t consist Angel" iandfVThe Parade* of the Cronin, accompanied by Pat Pauls, the College.. - ed byg a brunch^ in|. the lounge,
• of the entire Junior class. Wooden Soldiers" was led by Doris closed the program. ' # • # " # " # " > * "
conclude the weekend.

\ i
Page Two TMI ESR 0 I A D December 15. 1966
ome 7 Jet -Al ore Gjve Us Love! A n Ounce Of Etcetera
"She . .» wrapped himl in swaddling
clothes and laid him in a manger," and the As I raise my eyes from the By Ann McGinnis
simple stable was filled with .the Light of the I Infant in the straw . . . I gaze You survey the total wreck of your room primary job of the Liberal Arts college is
World. She held Him close to her heart while f: upon the woman who bore Him —seven - scattered crinolines, two wilting not to teach sewing j or typing, but to
Joseph watched land protected. The world . . . Kneeling there beside His corsages, a broken strap on your gold eve- develop intellects. "*,i
felt His nearness as the trembling stars manger bed . . . a beautiful Naz- ning slippers, the scattered hair pins, the We | were very much inclined to agree
looked down and the joyous angels announc- arene girl looks at her Son . . . engraved {[invitations. You reflect on the with Tom Briggs concerning the !j issue of
ed. ;.His coming| ^ \ %; next morning's I unhappy visit from the restricting the Gannon dance clientele.
*The angels' voices will not flib our sky Her head is bent low .-with hu- housemother, and the four unprepared-for \

During the past month \ or so, thefts In

this Christmas midnight, but thejr songs of mility . . . her hands are crossed classes. But you smile when you think of the powder room have amounted to the
glory and praise must fill our hearts. The on her breast '. . . as she holds the wonderful music of Sauter and Finne- rather neat sum of at least a hundred
stars will not tremble, but; our lips must within I herself . .|. the overflow- gan and you're, glad Gannon'has such a dollars. It throws a bad light on Gannon,
tremble with prayerful words of joy and ing love she possesses for her first- sharp Junior Class, and you know it was which, after, aU, isn't in the least; bit re-
thanksgiving. Now we are I the shepherds born . . . But this never-ceasing, really worth it. Moral—start looking ahead sponsible.
who fall upon our knees in humble' adoration always-increasing love . . . shines to the Mil Ball and around for an ROTC Rosemary Crawford will never know the
of the Child Who is our Redeemer; In that forth from Mary . . . through her boy. j $ really great* service she performed! in do-
blessed moment we see Mary hold up her radiantly aUve face . . . glistening A hot topic world-wide among educa- nating-her radio to the lounge. It i plays
Divine Son for us to behold, so that we may eyes . . . 'sweetly smiling mouth... tors is that of liberal arts education versus format least half of the twenty-four hours
know that this is "theSlast|that we should specialized education. We think it an ex- in every day—testimony of the Lounge
know of loneliness."
i a

Limply I move toward the stable cellent move on the part of the Adminis- Lizards' appreciation.
door . . . only to turn i back once tration, following the popular conclusion, Heard in English Class the other day
more . . .{to behold her lovely that they have changed the schedule to from the^ head of the department was a

y,are Okee Welt countenance .f. . Her illuminated include more history, language, philosophy,
face lights the dark, damp stable etc. in the other fields. After all. the
. . . The? warm glow surrounding
strictly non-Websterian definition of the
term "coUegebred"—"a four-year loaf."
Take a desk and sprinkle It with French books her keeps 'her Child! protected
and $ papers, newspaper clippings, money, , Merciad from the chill of that December
layouts, campus slips and pictures. Only one {per-
son could-fit behind it. %
Sister Mary Gabriel, the one-in-a-million Jack-
night%. « - •

I must drop to my knees before

A We See3t
of-all-trades and master of all, is like the cook- her . . . the person who . . . by
A child cries plaintively as YOUTH Editors Commend . • .
master of the kitchen, with a finger in every pie. the complete subjection of her will
anxious parents hear the iMiss Kelly for her choice of "Dear Brutus" for
Of the long list of titles preceding her name, to God . . . gave us our Redeemer dreaded words: diagnosis, tu- this year's major production.
Professor of French, Treasurer, Dean of Residence, . . . Oh, yes, Mary . . . I kneel be- berculosis meningitis. Ten
Advisor of Press Club, Merciad Moderator, one fore you . . . to thank you each years ago he would have died. The students for thejr greater participation in
must be dropped . . . Merciad Moderator. day for your Son ..;. . Oh, that But he will live be- singing Mass. -.
cause of modern The freshmen for the exceUent success of the
The Merciad staff, wUl truly miss her never- my wUl were that strong . . . that medical science.
failing source of encouragement, its great problem I might possess your virtues . . . Christmas Seals Christmas party. May there be many more.
solver and patient instructor, but it realizes that Help me to overcome my number- support medical re- The students^ who have been displaying their
it is with much prudence that Sister Gabriel has less weaknesses . . . Look upon me search against tu-
berculosis. ,i- * talents on the Christmas seal radio programs. £
resigned her post. as you did your Son two-thousand gMercyhurst and Gannon cheerleaders for their
Combine a warm, winning smile, a good *sense years ago . . . Look upon me with BUY AND USE % great spirit at the Gannon games.
of humor, a firm set of ideals, a genuine interest love, Mary . . . unworthy though CHRISTMAS SEALS Members of DSO for their interest, cooperation,
in everyone, a calm efficiency, and endless supply I am. . • •
and success in their activities.
of energy, and a sincere and' understanding na-
ture with aboundless capacity for modern ideas Your Editors Recommend i . •
and you have a true model of the Christian gentle- That a tobaggan be purchased for the use of the
The editors and staff wish to thank Sister
*' Cherub ProvestAhgelict | students. 0
That everyone buy Christmas Seajs to help in
Gabriel for her wonderful work as moderator and the fight against TB.
friend. Her motto surely must be, "The art of
living is tfie art of giving . . . yourself." Brings Peace To Earth That more students, especially juniors and
seniors, go out for school sports.
"You may not be an angel . . ." The possible truth of this song That worthwhile New Year's resolutions for '56
made the little cherub shudder with anxiety. He looked atfthe three be made and kept.

-A Pin?So Wk a t? gifts tucked away in his wing pocket with renewed dismay. "Angel, you
goofed!" The Christ Child had entrusted him to deliver them to some
people from whom He had received gifts. Cherub had forgotten them.
Worse yet they were 2,000 years overdue.|They should have gone to
That everyone attend the interesting" and in-
formative panels that will be presented by the
Liturgical Committee shortly after Christmas.
You are a member of an honor society! So That religious Christmas cards be sent, to keep
the Three Kings. |gg. W&mi .* people in mind of the true meaning of Christmas. |
what? | -1 m m- ' \ At firstIhe was tempted to drownShis sorrow in nectar, j then— Your Editors Congratulate . . . |
Each year Kappa Gamma t Pi selects ten Flash! came the solution! (His guardian human must have inspired Patti Corrigan and Mary Lou Theobold, newly
percent of the graduating class and awards him.) Down to earth he scurried! 1 n I i * chosen Delta Sig and "Teke" queens. »
it membership at the commencement exer- SHI m • • .}• tojthe melodrama when Faure in Sister Maryfcharles on her new position as
cises. Due to all the excitement around this Brotherly Love? return demanded the -dissolution moderator of the Merciad*
time, few know what the honor society is or
what it does. |5? ) First stop India! Two weeks ago off the Assembly in accordance Scholars who have achieved the honor of being
Kappa Gamma Pi's main project in Erie is Bulganin^ and Khruschev were with the constitutional provision received into Kappa Gamma Pi.
to help|the girls at Gannondale. A Big-little warmly greeted by mobs of more that states the Assembly can be Newly elected DSO officers. Congratulations and
than two million cheering Indians; dissolved if two successive govern-
•-_ -*.

Sister plan has been established to prepare good luck. j

the girls to live well after they leave Gannon- red flags fluttered on every side. ments are so overthrown within Your Editors Thank . . .k ?|
dale. This year the new Kappa members will The "good-will missionaries" |lov- 18 mohths. France is now the \ Sister Gabriel, for her constant efforts, patience,
have an opportunity to take anv active part ingly called the people "Brother" scene of bitter argument and con- and perseverance with all temperamental editors
in the project, -r J? £ | as they spread their gospel of fusion^ H during her years as Merciad moderator.
Belonging to an honor society isn't wear- hate against the ^Western world— • • •
Members of the Sodality for the excellently
ing rajgold pin or having your name in the particularly the British.*To these Berlin Reunited planned Communion breakfast held on the feast of
paper . . . it's being an active member of£a our little Cherub gave the wisdom U Animosity and hostility flared the Immaculate Conception/
working group. \ f to see the insidious dupUclty be- again between East and West Ber- Your Editors Predict • «.•• \'
ing practiced to convert them into lin when two American senators That the administration, faculty, students,\ and
another Russian puppet, and to visiting the Eastern sector were

their families will have a holy and happy Christ-
take to heart the words of their arrested under gun point and held mas. \
eize Dke t
oriuni newspaper that cautions them to in a guardhouse four hours before
"Return courtesy for courtesy, but they were released. Dibrova, re-
not to the point of letting the fusing $to accept protest, claimed
Opportunity is knocking! Perhaps you
don't realize it, butfyou are passing it by. guest edge the host out of his own East Germany is a sovereign state
mansion. When our Parliament is now; East Berlin is its? capital.
If'you would take a greater interest, you <$5jLVo
I Meicyhurst College, Erie, Pa.
converted into a pulpit from which Plainly this was one morejjmove
would hear opportunity; and if you would guests attack countries with whom in the Communist gambit to force ^—^—-K*! Member of ?.
answer its \ knock, your interest would fun- we have no basio quarrel, it is the West to deal with satellite ^"PRESS Associate|CoUegiate Press
doubtedly become greater. i M time to be more than slightly East Germany. To these people, Editor I „ — Carol Kelly
Opportunity knocked when the!music ap- wary." ' f\ so often used and torn apart by Associate Editor ^-jfe* Judy Roseberry
preciation group began its get-together Sev- selfish dictators, and now the Assistant Editors Kay King, Betsy Schnatter
eral weeks ago. Many students seized and Russians, Cherub gladlySdelivered Business Editor —. Helen Kennedy
held it fast, and by spirited discussion have France In Turmoil
To that flighty grande 'i dame, his third gift of reunification'and Editorial Staff Mary Gene Pyne, Jean Heavey.
gained multi-fold from the little effortIput Bobbie' Imboden, Mary McCarthy, Beverly
forth. * i'i | 1. France, was 'bequeathed stability renewed brotherly love between
and internal peace. Premiers come Germans in the East and West.: Buerkle, Ann McGinnis, Noel Jaeger, Joan
Opportunity is still knocking these Sunday Csemyicky, Barbara Jacubowski, Mary % Drees,
afternoons avhen you wander around com- and premiers go as quickly as a Patting himself on his f wing-
chocolate cake at McAuley Hall. tip, Cherub returned to heaven, Del Dwyer, Lucille Turner, Liz Tatu.
plaining that therelis nothing to do. If you Business Staff Lorraine Enright, Joan Clancy,
would answer its call, you, too, would be Faure was just ousted, mostly be- happy over his absent-mindedness.
able to contribute and enjoy the things 1
cause of his concessions in the For it , had really given him a Betty Schwind, Barbara Cavanaugh, Beth Cole-
which should interest people of your own Mororocan issue, by a vote of 318 chance to bring "Peace on Earth man, B. J. Bisgrove.
intellectual level. to 218. A new climax was added and Good WiU to Men."*

December 15. 1955 *

Old Year Ends
Twas list efore Christmas With New Look
"There's no place like home for the holidays . . ." And there's no
place like Mercyhurst the week before the holidays. Beginning on Wed- It's the same old face against
nesday, classmates sit together at dinner and set the tone of the week a new background. Recognize Sit?
with Christmas carols and strains of "seven more days 'til vacation." What happened to the Merciad?
? Activity and the Christmas spirit make these days go quickly. Somehow it looks different. This Jf; MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING |ABOUT .=. . . "Sixteen
Instead of grumbling, we sing;! instead of asking, we give; instead change %rom the type of paper Ton" . . . LUCY PAYNE'S broken finger . . . Ideas . . . new fraternity
of wasting time, we decorate. Christmas carols are heard continuously, used in magazines to that used sweethearts . . . J0AN*HOTCHKISS and her newly-acquired ^button
in every hall and lounge, for all are ready to join in at a moment's notice. by professional newspapers was from Canisius . . . wedding bells for PAT McQUILLEN . . . CAROL
suggested at the recent Associa- CONRATH'S Christmas spirit as evidence in the non-smokers' lounge
Girls are seen going through . . . Khruschev and Bulgaria's royal ^reception in India, or the Ameri-
their jjclosets to see "what that I >+wt"S«QM$uf 11011 ted Collegiate Press Conference.
1 can Indians aren'tr the only "red" ones
poor family could use more than Its purpose is to produce a more • ••

I." Others can be found standing Welcome i I , professional : and college news- MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE LAUGHING ABOUT . . .
on dressers, chairs, or anything paper-like appearance. The Mer- MICKEY SPILLANE'S sleeping sickness, or How To Become a
available in order to suspend The editors and staff of the ciad has changed to the profes- "Sack-Rat" . I. the disappearance of the kitchenette tablecloth
Christmas decorations from the Merciad welcome Sister Mary sional'jnewspaper look which is . . . SUE MCCARTNEY'S canine appetite . . . "Over the Tea-
ceilings of their rooms. Each day Charles as new moderator of the now being used by many colleges. cups"— the cap! . . . MARGE MACK'S seminarian friend • • •
brings more festivities; each hour paper. Congratulations, condol- How do youjlike it? The editors policemen on the iboulevard . gl JOAN IMHOF'S agility in
of the day ?seems to find the ences, and good luck! are anxious to hear your opinion. catching mice . . . JEANETTE MANCUSO'S Mil Ball date . . .
festive spirit heightened. ••••*i
Why not let them know? "now you have it, now you don't" • . .
"But no matter how far away
you roam . . ." you'll always find MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . "Memories
candy canes, tinsel, and pine Are Made of This"—turn it up! . . . new Gannon Juniors at the party
twigs. Beginning in rooms one and . . . STEFFEE'S Christmas trip to Florida *. . . early trains on Wednes-
two on the freshman floor, con- day morning . . . new hair-cuts for DODIE McGAUGHEY and JO
tinuing down to the dayhop HUGGLER . .|. DORA ANDRIE'S aluminum heeled 1 shoes . . . Frosh
lounge, and right over to apart- Christmas party re-instated . . . cute stuffed animals for children's
ment five at McAuley Hall, "your homes . . . Freshmen's farewell party for monitors MARY DREES
heart will be happy in a million and MARILYN CHROMEY I J . MARGE KARAFFA'S elimination of
ways" as you join in the Mercy- all but one Teke . . . invasion of the kitchenette . . . MARY ANN
hurst Christmas spirit. BITTNER'S new secret .{. . DSO's new officers and moderator . .£•
the late Christmas vacation . . . scarcity of canasta cards In
Singers on TV the lounge . . . rise in the price of coffee . • . quarterly marks
. . . . recent GK editorials . . . the failure of diets . . .
LAUGHLIN and ANN McGlNNIS cleaning apartments . . . The Treasure
Three vocalists from Mercyhurst
College are making a contribution of Pancho Villa, or who saw the ending? . . . volleyball at Behrend
to the local T. B. Christmas Seal Center . . . DUBLEY NATILI'S listening comprehension in speech
drive. -| class . . . LOIS YOUNG'S new hideout in the Gannon Aud. . . . Junior
Ann Bowman, Natalie North, exchange of dates . . . RUTH and XUCILLE "sitting on top of the
and Priscilla Hehir combined their world" or Mary Ann's globe proves the world is flat . . . VSpeedo"
talents in a 15-minute fradio pro- FIXING TO BE FIRST in trimming around the campus are the . . . PYNIE, the feline's friend, always willing to lend a hand . . . re-
gram. Taped&here at Mercyhurst, new DSO officers, Mary Kay Donatelli, Audrey3 Havunen, Bar- turn of*the Crisco kids, home-ecersfback at McAuley Hall . .;.
the program willjbe played over bara Story* and Joan Csernyicky. r

the Erie and county radio stations

during the Christmas Season. 50 million times a day
I Ann, Natalie, ..and Priscilla will
be heard singing the solos. "O
Holy Night," "The Christ Child."
DSO Elects Officers at home, at work or while at play
and "I Wonder As I Wander."
Georgia Lackey acts as - nar-
rator and Miss Helen Kelly sneaks
Years Work Begins
on the significance of Christmas
Each of the three singing par-
In an effort to become a more integral part of the school, the day
students have formed Delta Sigma Omicron. The purpose of this club
is to promote greater co-operation not only between dayhops andf re-
ticipants made personal appear-
ances on T. V. in connection with
the Christmas Seal drive. These
sidents, but also among the dayhops |themselves.
Elected to the president's chair for the first year is Barbara Story,
nothing \ •

with Joan Csernyicky as vice-president. Other pioneer officers are

appearances took place on the Mary Donatelli, secretary; Maureen Kossler, treasurer; and Audrey
sixth, eighth, and Sixteenth of this Havunen, student council representative. Sister Mary Charles was
month. named as moderator of the group.
The constitution, which is known
s4Cotm& £*ttentcii$t as i one of the most completed on Campus Echoes
Resident students f r o m the campus, provides for M number
Pittsburgh and Buffalo areas have of standings committees which arolers ongs
a treat in store for them over the help the club to operate. Carol
holidays. Alumnae Chapters in Strains of Christmas song and
Conrath heads the Activities Com- story ^floating from off "the hill"
both these cities are playing host mittee, which will plan the social
to their future members. | v next Monday and Tuesday even-
functions for the year. Transpor- ings will mean the Mercyhurst
The College Club will be the i e t
Academic Family ^is| celebrating
setting for the Christmas Dinner tation Committee, under Pat
i the holy season in its ^traditional
to be given by the Pittsburgh Kuharsky. will supervise the park- manner. v * *
Chapter, December 28. All Alum- Monday evening all members
nae and students home for the ing lot and provide the needed
transportation for club members. will gather around the outside
holidays have been invited, m crib on the steps leading to the
In Buffalo, the Coral Room of Vivetta Petronio's committee, Stu- Chapel. Here they will sing carols
the Westbrook Hotel will be the dent Relations,? will take care of and hymns. Told by Miss Helen
meeting place for | the | Alumnae any dayhop problems that arise. Kelly, head of the, dramatic de-
and students from the area. A din- partment, the story of the \ Nativ-
ner has been planned for Decem- Promoting membership a n d
ity will echo and reecho over the
ber 29 with Mrs. Helen Martin keeping track of he members are campus into the city of Erie. It is
Calhoun in charge. . - the duties of Virginia Flak and with the words, "And she brought
forth her first-born Son," that
SHEED COMING f) 1 her Membership Committee. The this manger scene will be illumi-
y On the list of coming attrac- Alumnae Committee, with^ Kay nated. I ^
tions is Prank J^Sheed. One of Cooper at the head, will keep in Carols will again fill the air
the more versatile men of modern Tuesday night as Juniors and
times, he will lecture February 6. touch with the Erie Chapter of
seniors sing the familiar words
-He is particularly noted as co- the Mercyhurst Alumnae. Inform-
founder of the Catholic Publish-
through! the college halls and
across the campus. To climax
ing the school of Delta Sigma i
ing House of Sheed and Ward, for this celebration of Christ's' birth,
the translation of many books, Omicron's activities, and the club th«ir last with this family, the BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OP THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY
and also, the writings of several of the school's activities is the seniors will attend benediction in
books. One of these, "Theology the Chapel of Christ the King, re- ERIE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY
and Sanity" is used by classes at work of the Publicity! Committee, "Coke" Is a registered trade-mark. © 1955, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY
ceiving Christ's personal blessing
Mercyhurst. under the direction of Noel Jaeger. at midnight. *
Page3?onr THE MCRGIAD December 15, 1955
• - A r t * v - - v . v : ^

Much Of Christmas \Spirit ETS cneauies

^ - — • "

Found By History Hunter I eacner xams

There's quite a bit of Christmas in the history of Mercyhurst. If you are planning to apply
In her early days, the school included not only a high school and for a teaching position next year, i
college, but also a gradeschool. Although these elementary grades were it might be a good idea to look
eliminated in 1939, it was a group of primary students who were sre- into the National Teacher Exam-
sponsible for the purchase of the Infant formerly*used in the-foyer. inations given annually by the
Hearing of a life-size infant which had. crystal eyes, a group of Eng- Educational Testing Service.
lish students pleaded to be allowed to collect money (or it—a sum of * The tests this year are scheduled!
about $80. So they acquired the Infant, an Italian reproduction of the for Saturday, February 11, 1956.
one in Bethlehem. > They consist of a common exam-
Last year saw a new occupant DEAR SANTA: ination and one or I two -of ten!
I in the foyer crib, an J Infant of optional exams which are designed
to show mastery of the subject
Spanish design donated by Sopho-
more Puerto Rican student, Luz
Collegians List matter to be taught.
Torres. Such* crib scenes as the Applications 9 and fees will be

one now at Mercyhurst are found Holiday Wishes accepted until January 13, 1956,
SWEETHEARTS of Gannon's Delta;Sigma Phi and Tau Kappa in the homes of Puerto Rico from anyone who plans to apply
Dear Santa Claus, for a teaching position and who
Epsilon hold cherished^emblems of their favorite fraternities. where devotion \ to the Infant is This letter is being written col- wishes to take the exams. Further
very great. lectively because we know how information can i be obtained from
Local Fraternities Elect Near the Bishop's Parlor Is a
mural of the five joyful myster-
busy the postmen are at Christ-
mas time and we don't want to
clutter up the mails. That brings
Sister Mary Esther or Dr. Relihan.

ies painted in 1948 by alumna, us to the strongest wish of all, no rust on the runners to try out
Merc Damoiselles Jean Brigham. A reproduction of
the mural was made and used
150 pairs of hand knit argyle
socks with one or two small mis-
on the new Buffalo snow.
On her gift ^certificate for
Hear ye, hear ye! For the second consecutive year {two Mercy- takes in each to make them look Christmas, Pat Foley .'wants four
hurst beauties will reign as the queens of Gannon's fraternities. This for the official Christmas card of authentic. These are Ho be deliv- digits and no decimal points.
year, Patti Corrigan and .Mary Lou Theobald will wear the crowns. Mercyhurst for several years. ered at|various points across the 100,000 shares of US Steel i s ' all
f Music Major Elected United States . . . we're sure you Beth Coleman wants. A trip to
On December 6, Patti, sophomore resident student majoring in A product of Sister M. Thomas rknow where. Europe will easily satisfy Barbara
music, received word that she. had been elected* and proclaimed queen is the outdoor crib which she de- Barnes' Christmas wish. Barb
of the Delta Sig fraternity. The formal announcement of the out- signed and painted under the di- Carol Kelly wants to become Cavanaugh wants a baby grand
come of the elections was made by \ John Mangus, fraternity presi- rection of Sister M. Angelica. Mehitabel from the book, "Ar- piano and a bay window to set
dent. The queen was nominated by Jerry Boudreau, a Junior at Gan- Finished in 1948, the following chie's Adventures of Mehitabel."
non. Patti, whose hobbies are singing and painting, is the daughter Joan Szymanski doesn't want it in. And Jean Heavey wants a
of Dr. and^Mrs. James J. Corrigan of Pittsburgh, Pa. Her voice lifted year saw first prize for outdoor nothin' for Christmas cause she snow shovel (because she heard
In song highlights many a college program. cribs in Erie awarded to the ain't .been nothin' but bad. Many they are paying $2.25 per hour
scene. girls I want rings for Christmas for shoveling in ,Buffalo if you
"Tekes"g Choose Junior After school hours find Mary . . . some onjthe third finger left
The night following |the an- Lou pleasing customers at Halle Even the chimes are of Christ- hand, othersjwill be content with have your own shovel. Jean al-
Vs nouncement of iPatti's new title, Brothers store. J one on thelphone. ways has her shovel but it toroke
Mary Lou Theobald received the mas origin. Donated in memory of
Mercyhurst has had the% honor the parents of Sister Mary Alice last i week.
gladi tidings that she had been of having two of its girls elected All Deans of Residence are ask-
selected * from several candidates fraternity queens again this year. and Sister Mary Rachel, they we')e ing for two weeks of peace and A 6 4 blonde crew cut is Judy
as queen of the TKE fraternity. In unison, congratulations are first played on January 6, 1946f- quiet. Mother Eustace wants Schwinden's wish. Ann ^Bowman
Mary Lou, daughter of f Mr. and voiced. Little Christmas. \ boots for all the girls with radi-
Mrs. Michael J. Theobald of Erie, ant ^heat to melt the snow and wants to* know her lines for the
is a junior majoring in business evaporate the water, so there will Christmas Pageant. These,-Santa,
and minoring in 'psychology. The ibeino puddles in the halls.
announcement of her election was Modeling, TV, School',{Provide Yarn f or* socks £ and the know-
are only a few of the things the
girls want. Most of all, they want
made by l'om .O'Connor, presi-
ledge to knit them is all Ann a vacation and the ^administra-
dent of TKE at a dinner held on
Wednesday, December 7. ' The Busy Schedule fori Miss Erie I Sedelmeyer
Santa, should
. . that,
tion J has
of (that.
very nicely
taken care
queen of the "Tekes" was nomi-
nated (by the fraternity vice- - The story of many stars skyrocketing to fame is no less exciting Mary Ann Regan wants black —Collegians on the hill
president, John Schwartz. Mary than that of Natalie North, one of our^own-college Juniors.. denim trousers and Mary Kay
Lou, like! the Delta Sig queen, is For years Natalie modeled for various stores and £ took singing
lessons from Sister Helen Jean diligently every day. Then, so to speak, Garvey wants motorcycle boots.
musically talented, having been her great day came. While singing for a fund-raising campaign at Ann Schultz wants only the ter- BLILA HARDWARE
an \ instructor at the Erie Dance St. Luke's parish, someone suggested that she enter the current Miss 38th and Pine Ave.
of highway 101. And Pat
Academy for the past four years. Erie contest.J After much prodding from friends, Natalie finally con- ror Phone 0-7464
Murphy wants a new sled with Erie, Pa.H
sented^ Overnight her fame be- f
came a part of everyday Brie con- . 9&SK $r , 3 w

Baby Brother versation and the newspapers tooth

ran features on the first "Miss
Erie." since that day Natalie has
Leaves Home hardly' had a moment's rest. If
she was a busy girl I before, she's DAIRYLAND
He's a big boy now, even though twice as busy now.
he's only a year old. Like 300 dot-
£* Grace, Poise, Talent
ing mothers we hated to see him
She has repently .been named
go, but our "baby brother" parish
is standing on his own feet now. Miss Christmas Seal in connec-
The official coming-of-age took tion! with ™ Chamber of Com- 3005 Pine Avenue
place on Monday, December 5, merce fund-raising;! campaign to
when Father Goodill celebrated fight tuberculosis. Her first public
his first Mass in St. Luke's parish appearance ^n this capacity was
school. Twice daily the Holy Sac- made on Thanksgiving day as she
rifice is offered in the school's rode in the Christmas parade.
auditorium, the altar being con- Natalie also appears on the
cealed ordinarily by folding doors. Treasure Hunt TV show with Erie Laundry
Gene Conrad, where her acting
During the year that St. Luke's ability is displayed1* to advantage
used the college chapel, we had as she pantomimes Ho recordings. AND
come to consider ourselves mem-
bers of the new parish, too. We Her grace and poise made her a MISS ERIE and Mercyhurst's Natalie North warms up before
remember afternoon Masses When valuable asset to the '56 Ford and appearing as guestSsoloist at a local program. Dry Cleaning Go
we prayed, *^half-listening to the Plymouth shows at which she
scuffle of children's|feet; we re- was hostess and to many pro- 530 East 1Kb Si
member the sermons we heard— grams at which she has appeared YAPLE'S DAIRY
ones meant for homes I and fami- as guest singer. Monday and Sat-
lies; most of all, we remember the

times we ooh-ed and aah-ed over urday find her modeling for the ICE CREAM BAR
the Innocent beauty of a newly- Boston Store. We Make Our Own
baptized infant. Natalie is a quiet girl, conspic- Ice Cream Luncheonette and Magazines Burhenn's Pharmacy
Although we all share Father uous only by her beauty and un-
Goodill's joy in his parish's new Corner 38th St. & Pine Ave
achievement, there's still that one affected manner. She may not be 4026 Pine Avenue 8709 pftne Avenue Spencer Place Store No. 8
regret: did they have to leave so the first one you'll notice, but PHONB 01849 Erie. Penna.
soon? * She's that last one you'll forget.


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