ProcIEEE 61 1443
ProcIEEE 61 1443
ProcIEEE 61 1443
I& Paper
Abstract-The term sditon has recently been coined to describe VII. Stability of Traveling Waves
a pulselike nonlinear wave (solitary wave) which emerges from a A. Linear Stability Theory
collision with a similar pulse having unchanged shape and speed. B. Nonlinear Stability Theory
To tiate at least seven distinct wave systems, represeating a wide
range of applications in applied science, have been found to erhibit C. Envelope Stability
such s o l u ~ n sThis
. review paper cove= the ament status of soliton D. Inverse Method
research, paying parti& attention to the very important “inverse VIII. Fundamental Physical Theory
method”wherebythe initial valueproblem for a nonlinear wave A. The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Problem
system can be solved exactly through a succession of linear calcn-
&tiOXlS. B. Elementary Particle Theory
IX. Conclusions
I.Introduction Appendix A N-Soliton Formulas
11. Wave Equations that Exhibit Solitons Appendix B TravelingWaveSolutions for theNonlinear
A. The Korteweg-deVries Equation and Its General- Shriidinger Equation
izations Appendix C The Lagrangian Density
B. The Self-Induced Transparency Equations Appendix D The Gel’fand-Levitan (Marchenko) Equation
C. The Sine-Gordon Equation
D. Nonlinear Lattice Equations I.INTRODUCTION
E. The Boussinesq Equation
F. The Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
G. The Hirota Equation
H. The Born-Infeld Equation
T HE CONCEPT of a solitary wave was introduced to
the budding science of hydrodynamics well over a cen-
tury ago by Scott-Russell with the following delightful
description [I921 :
111. Elementary Soliton Calculations
A. KdV Solitary Waves I was observing the motion of a boat which was rapidly
B. Two-Soliton (Doublet) Solutions drawn along a MITOW channel by a pair of horses, when the
IV. Elementary Spectral Considerations boat suddenly stopped-not so the maw of water in the chan-
nel which it had put in motion; it accumulated roundthe prow
A. Periodic Boundary Conditions of the vessel in a state of violentagitation, then suddenly leav-
B. Infinite Systems ing it behind, rolled forward withgreat velocity, assumingthe
C. The Manley-Rowe Equations form of a large solitary elevation, a rounded, smoothand well-
V. The Inverse Method defined heap of water, which continued its course along the
channel apparently without change of form or diminution of
A. Related Linear Problem for KdV speed. I followed it on horseback, and overtook it still rolling
B. Evolution of the Scattering Data on at a rate of some eight or nine milesan hour, preserving its
C. The Gel’fand-Levitan (Marchenko) Equation original figure somethirty feet long and a foot to a foot and a
D. Evaluation of + ( x , t ) forKdVbytheInverse halfin height. Its height gradually diminished, and after a
Method: Soliton and Doublet Formulas chase of one or two milesI lost it in the windings of the chan-
nel. Such, in the month of August 1834, was my first chance
E. @ O ( X ) - ~ X ~ ( X - X O ) interview with that singular and beautiful phenomenon. . . .
F. KdV as a CompletelyIntegrableHamiltonian
System In 1895 Kortewegand deVries[128] provided a simple
G. The Inverse Method for Self-Induced Transparency analytic foundation for the study of solitary waves by de-
VI. Constants of the Motion and Conservation Laws veloping an equation for shallow water waves (see (II.A.l)
A. Definition of Constants of the Motion below) which includes both nonlinear and dispersiveeffects
B. Construction of an Infinite Numberof Conservation but ignores dissipation.Travelingwavesolutions of this
Laws Korteweg-deVries(KdV)equationcan be obtainedby as-
C. Applications of Conservation Laws suming
D. Interacting Solitons
This inoikd paper is cue of a series planned m lopus of g ~ o is-l
44%0 = h(t) (I.1)
kresi-The Editor.
Manuscript received May 7, 1973; revised June 13, 1973. This work where
has been supported by the National Saence Foundation under Grants
GK-12502, GK-37552, and GP-37627. t=x-?Ct (1.2)
A. C. Scott and F. Y.F. Chu are with the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin,Madison, Wis.
53706. represents the position in a coordinate system moving at a
D. W. McLaughlin is with the Department of Mathematics, Iowa
State University, Am-, Iowa 50010. velocity u for which the wave appears stationary. Equation
with respect to ( of the wave in Fig. l(c) has the shape indi-
cated in Fig. 1(b).
The solitary wave was long considered a rather unimpor-
tantcuriosityinthemathematicalstructure of nonlinear
wave theory. Since i t clearly is a special solution to the partial
differential equation (PDE), many have assumed that some-
what special initial conditions would be required to launch it
and, therefore, that its role inrelationtotheinitialvalue
problem would be a minor one at best. Furthermore, i t was
generally supposed that if two solitary waves were initially
launched on a collision course, the nonlinear interaction upon
collision would completely destroy their integrity and iden-
tity. With the development of the modern digital computer it
became possible to test these assumptions by direct calcula-
The results of the first such test were obtained in 1962 by
Pemng and Skyrme [181]. They were interested in the soli-
tary wave solutionsof the sine-Gordon equation (see (II.C.2)
below) as a simple model for the elementary particles of mat-
Fig. 1. (a)Travelingwavesolutions tothe KdV equation (II.A.l). ter.Computerexperiments were initiatedto see how such
(b) A solitary wave. (c) A solitary wave with different asymptotic
valuesatE=+- and[=--. model elementary particles would scatter upon collision. The
computer solution indicated that the solitary waves did not
scatter. They emerged from the collision having the same shapes
(1.2) then implies andvelocities withwhichtheyentered. From this ‘computer
clue,” Pemng and Skryme were able to find analytic expres-
(1.3a) sionsdescribing collision events which, i t is interesting to
note, had e n derived a decade earlier bySeeger, Donth, and
and Kochendorfer [200]. Such is the vicissitudinousprocess by
which knowledge of nonlinearwavetheoryhas beendis-
Shortly thereafter Zabusky and Kruskal published results
of a completely independent computer study of the applica-
so the original partial differential equation is reduced to an tion of the KdV equation to the investigation of plasma waves
ordinary differential equation which in turn can be solved by [245]. Once again the computer indicated that solitary waves
conventionalanalyticorgraphicaltechniques (see Section would emerge from the collision having the same shapes and
111-A, Appendix B, and [197, ch. 41). The qualitative nature velocities with which theyentered.ZabuskyandKruskal
of such a solution is indicated in Fig. l(a). It consists of an coined the term soliton to indicate this remarkable property
infinite and periodic train of localized ‘humps” for which the and launched a deep and many-faceted investigation of the
velocity u of the train and the spacing d between humps are conditions under which solitons should be observed. The ram-
continuouslyvariable. The solitary wave,which so strongly ifications of this investigation are the subject of the present
excited the scientific and poetic imagination of Scott-Russell, review. I t is by no meanscomplete (indeed the number of
is obtained simply by lettingd+ m. papersappearto be enteringthe ‘exponential growth” re-
This review paper studies certain special solutions of dis- gime), but certain broad outlines are taking shape.
persive waveequations which are called ‘solitons.” Scott- Although the term soliton was originally applied only to
Russell’s solitary wave is an example of such a solution. In solitary waves of the KdV equation, there are now several
order to attempt thedefinition of a soliton we first define pre- nonlinearwaveequations known to exhibit similar effects,
cisely the concept of a traveling wave as follows. and the term is often used in a wider context without formal
Definition: Given an underlying wave equation, a traveling definition. We do not mention this as a criticism; indeed we
wave h ( i ) is a solution which depends upon x and t only feel that outstanding theoretical uncertainties make it prema-
through €=x-ut, where u is a fixed constant. ture to establish a final definition. I t is, however, necessary
From the class of traveling waves we then pick out local- for us to indicate to the reader whatwe mean by a soliton in
ized solutions, called solitary waves, which satisfy thefollowing this paper. Thus we present the following working definition.
definition. Working Definition: A soliton @,(%-ut) is a solitary wave
Definition: A solitary wave @ST([) is a localized traveling solution of a wave equation which asymptotically preserves
wave; or, more precisely, a traveling wave whose transition its shape andvelocity upon collision with other solitarywaves.
from one constant-asymptotic state as [+- 00 to (possibly) T h a t is, given any solution @ ( x , t ) composed only of solitary
another as .++ m is essentially localized in f‘. waves for large negative time,
Two types of solitary waves are sketched in Fig. l(b) and
(c). We remark that the concept of a solitary wave might have
@(X, t> @ST(fj), as t + - 00
been restricted to those waves having the general shape of j- 1
Fig. l(b) and excluding those with the shape of Fig. l(c). We
choose nottomakethisrestriction because the derivative ti = x - ujt, uj const
SCOTT et al.: THE SOLITON 1445
+(xl t> - N
j- 1
4BT(h), +
as t + a
to characterize such a system is to demonstrate the existence
of an “energy function,” called a Lagrangiandensity,from
which the equation defining the system can be derived [89].
& = x - u j t 6jl 6 j const. For the convenience of the reader, a brief review of this classi-
cal theory is included in Appendix c. The paper begins with
Note that we have not explicitly introduced the concept a catalog of interesting wave equations including the corre-
of stability into this working definition. This is not because sponding energy functions, analytic expressionsfor solitary
we think stability considerations are unimportant. Indeed we waves,evidence for soliton behavior, and a brief survey of
feel that some aspect of stability will play a major role in the experimentsthatrevealsoliton effects. Thisis followed by
development of a fully satisfactory definition of the soliton Sections I11 and IV which outline elementary soliton calcula-
concept. In anycase, the asymptotic statements in this defini- tionsandintroduceconsideration of theFourierfrequency
tion imply some degree of stability. spectrum of a soliton. On this basis, Sections V through VI1
Under this definition the simplest exampleof a soliton is a discuss various theoretical developments relatedto the soliton
pulselike traveling wave solution of the dispersionless linear concept and attempt wherever possible to indicate demon-
wave equation1 strated or suspected theoretical interrelationships. Particular
attention will be given to the important ”inverse method”
whereby the initial value problem for several nonlinear wave
equations can be solved by linear techniques. Finally, we in-
clude some comments on the implications of soliton concepts
which isfamiliarto all electrical engineers. I t may seem for some fundamental theories in physical science.
strange that a nonlinear and dispersive wave equation could
even exhibita solitary wave solution, much less a soliton. This 11. WAVEEQUATIONS THAT EXHIBIT SOLITONS
situation is illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. 2 . The effect Inthis section we present a list of equationsthatare
of introducing dispersion without nonlinearity into (1.4) is to “interesting” from the pointof view of soliton theory. Clearly,
destroy the possibility of solitary waves because the various this list is incomplete; we expect it to grow in future years as
Fourier componentsof any initial conditionswill propagate at solitons become better understood. The ultimate limit of this
different velocities. Introducing nonlinearity without disper- growth and the directions it may take are presently unknown;
sion again removes the possibility for solitary waves because b u t i t is just this uncertainty, this sense of exploring a “new
the pulse energy is continually injected (via harmonic genera- continent”inapplied science, which is so intriguingand
tion) into higher frequency modes. In the time domain this exciting. We include a relatively full bibliography on poten-
often appears as the formation of shock waves. But with both tial applications with the hope that knowledge of the fruits
dispersion and nonlinearity, solitary waves can again form. and resources which have already been discovered will lead
The solitary wave can be qualitatively understood as repre- to rapid colonization and active exploitation.
senting a balance between the effect of nonlinearity and that In most cases for which they are available we include a
of dispersion. solitary wave solution and a two-soliton (“doublet”) solution
Solitary waves occur also on propagating systems that are to indicate that the solitary waves are “solitons” as defined in
characterized by nonlinearity and dissipation.Again a balance the Introduction. Various N-soliton solutions are collected in
obtains but in this case i t is between the release of stored Appendix A. Allof these soliton solutions can be considered
energy by the nonlinearity and its consumption by the propa- as limiting cases of the periodic traveling waves [shown in
gatingdisturbance.Thesimplestexample is probablythe Fig. l(a)] as d+ EQ . In Appendix B we illustrate this limiting
flame of anordinary candle. Takingthe chemical energy procedure byexamining a waveformulaforthenonlinear
Schrodinger equation; however, in the text we do not write
I Throughout this paper we will write a+/& as &C wherever it is formulas for the periodic waves because the elliptic function
typographically convenient. notation is not particularly lucid.
+=- 12Ki9
sech2 [Ki(Z-4Ki2t)+6i], i= 1, 2; 6 i COllSt (II.A.4)
Fig. 4. Nondestructive collision of ion-acoustic plasma pulses.
with ~ 1 1= and ~2 = 2. Redrawn from Ikezi et d.[106].
The firstevidence of solitonsinshallowwaterwas re-
corded by Scott-Russell [192]. Soliton effects have recently calculation known as the “inverse method.” Determination of
been observed in tank experiments by Zabusky and Galvin the soliton velocities is quite simple: it involves only calcula-
[250], and Hammack [go]. The natureof these effects is indi- tion of the bound state “energies” of a Schrodinger equation
catedinFig. 3 (redrawnfromthedata of Hammack). An for which the “potential” is the initial displacement. Similar
initial disturbance of the water waves breaks up into a num- soliton effects have been observed by Ikezi et 02. [46], [106]-
ber of individual solitons with the larger amplitude solitons [lo8 j, [93] in ion-acoustic plasma .wave experiments which
traveling at greater velocities. This process can be computed can also be described by the KdV equation [233]. The non-
numerically by directly integrating the KdV equation.’ The destructive collision forion-acousticwavesolitonshasalso
result of such an integration is also shown in Fig. 3. Experi- been observed [46], [106]; for example, Fig. 4 (from the ex-
mentally,ZabuskyandGalvin [250]show thatthis KdV periments of Ikezi et al.) showsthe collision of twosuch
model of shallow water waves is very accurate even for very solitons that are traveling in opposite directions. However, in
large nonlinearities. We shall see in Section V that the evolu- thiscase, the ion-acousticwavesolitonsshouldperhaps be
tion of the solitons can be exactly computed through a linear described by some other wave equation like the Boussinesq
equation which allows waves propagating in both directions
By rescaling x and t one can place this equation in the familiar form rather than the KdV equation whichallowsonlyunidirec-
+tf+&+&, where the parameter 62 is analogous to theReynolds tionalpropagation. The existence of solitonshasalsobeen
number [250].
* Hammack‘s integration procedure employed the equation
-&st 0.
&++& observed by Narayahamurti and Varma in nonlinear crystal
experiments 11661.
SCOTT et al. : THE SOLITON 1447
A generalized form of the KdV equation is a resonant two-level optical medium as if it were transparent
41 + a4Pdz + &*+I = 0,
[155]-[157]. This effect has been extensively studied [131]-
[138], [SO], [MI, [85] and can be physically explained as fol-
a const; p , r nonnegative integers (II.A.5) lows. The time interval of an ultrashort pulse (10-9-10-12 s)
is less than the phase memory time of the atomic levels in the
where optical medium; therefore, the induced polarization can re-
tain a definite phase relationship with the incident pulse. The
leading edge of the pulse then inverts the atomic population
while thetrailingedgereturns ittothegroundstate via
If r = 2 a (where a is a nonnegative integer), the Lagrangian stimulated emission. Thustheenergytransferred from the
density of (II.A.5) is leading edge of the pulse to the quantum systemis recaptured
by the trailing edge. The result, under proper conditions of
coherence and intensity, isa steady pulse profile which propa-
gates without attenuation at a velocity that can be two or
three orders of magnitude less than the phase velocity of light
+ +%-~,a$~,z + +%-I+z + * * +a+l$a + $+a,z2 (II.A.6) in the medium.
Inorderto model this effect, oneneeds (in principle)
Maxwell’s equations to describe the light wave, and an assem-
e, = 4 bly of quantum (two-level) atoms to describe the medium.
+i et%, i = I, 2. The light wave polarizes the atoms which, acting together,
become a source of the electromagnetic (EM) field. Suppose
If r = 2b - 1, where b is a positive integer, the Lagrangian the atoms are distributed with uniform density no and the
density of (II.A.5) is electric field is
E(x, t ) = & ( x , t ) cos (kox - wot)
where the envelope & ( x , t ) is assumed to be slowly varying
+ $2&2,z$’I,z + ‘ * $b&b-I,z + 3#b2* (II.A.7)
withrespect to the carrier, cos ‘(kox-wot). Then Maxwell’s
equations reduce to
I t is obvious that when r =0, p = O [i.e., when (II.A.5) is
linearanddispersionless],linearsolitarywavesdoexist. Et 8, = (6) + (
Zabusky [246] has shown that solitary wave solutions exist if whereforconvenience we have taken the velocity of light,
r = 1. In this case, if p is odd, one gets a solitary wave with and other physical parameters, to be unity. For the equations
sgn [amplitude of wave] = sgn [a]. complete with physical parameters, we direct the reader to
the excellent survey paper by Lamb [135].
However, if p is even, one gets either a compressive solitary To understand (6)better [135], [139], consider a single
wave with two-level atom with energy levels separated by w =wo-&,
anddenotethepolarization a t ( x , t ) duetotheatom by
sgn [amplitude of wave] = sgn [a]
p ( h , x , t ) . Now p(&, x , t ) may be approximately decomposed
or a rarefactive wave where into components in phase and in quadrature with the EM
carrierwave.Thus p(&, x , t ) =6(&, x , t ) sin (&x-wot)
sgn [amplitude of wave] = - sgn [a]. +Q(h, x , t ) cos (Kox-o&), and the Schrodinger equation for
By phase plane analysis one can also show that no solitary the atom reduces to the Bloch equationsfortheenvelope
wave solutions existfor r > 1. functions 6 and Q :
The most simple generalization included in (II.A.5) is the 6 1 &X- AwQ (
m o d i f i d KdV equation
= Aw6 (
4: + + 4zzz = 0. (II.A.8)
3 t t = -&E6 (1I.B.ld)
This equation has beenused to describeacousticwavesin where X(&, x , t ) denotes the population inversion fora single
certain anharmonic lattices [246] and AlfCn waves in a col- atom. We can now define
lisionless plasma[114]. Intheircomputer film, Zabusky
et ul. [247] have shown that the rarefactive and compressive
solitary waves of (II.A.8) are soliton solutions. Miura [160] (6)= no! a g(Aw)@(Ao, x , t)dAw
has shown thatif 4 is a solution of (II.A.8) with a = -6, then
(&++*) is a solution of the KdV equation with a = -6. The where no is the atomic density and g(&) describes the un-
‘inverse method” for this modified KdV equation has been certainty in the energy levels.
discussed indetail by Wadati [230], 12311, andN-soliton I t has been shown both experimentally [87], [88], [I791
formulas obtained by Hirota [lo21 are listed in Appendix A. and by numerical.computations [87] that solutionsof (II.B.l)
break into a sequence of isolated coherent optical pulses. The
B. The Self-Induced Transparency Equations amplitude of each of these solitons can be predicted from the
In 1965 McCall and Hahn discovered, through numerical conservationlaws of (II.B.l) [136]. Theycan bederived
computation, that ultrashortpulses of light can travel through through an inverse method for the self-induced transparency
equations that have recently been developed by Lamb. This 2) Bloch wall motion of magneticcrystals [16], [53], [59];
method is discussed in Section V-G. A doublet solution is 3)propagation of a “splaywave”alonga lipid membrane
[63]; 4) a unitary theory for elementary particles [ 5 8 ] , [185],
2/r1 sech X1+2/72 sech X Z [204], [205]; and 5 ) propagation of magnetic flux on a
&= A (II.B.2)
1- B(tanh X1 t a n h X z - sech X1 sech X,) Josephson line [130],[143], [194],[196],[198].
I t is interesting to note that by a simple change of inde-
where pendentvariables,thesine-Gordonequationcan be trans-
Tq2 - 71’ formed into
A =
71% + 722 4=t + 4tt = sin 4 (II.C.4)
which has beenuseful as a guide to solutions of the self-
induced transparency equations (II.B.l) [6]-[8], [54], [104],
[131]-[135], or into
q5zt = sin 4 (II.C.5)
-1 = 1 + which wasstudiedmanyyearsagoinconnectionwiththe
(ri2(Aco)’ + 1). theory of pseudospherical surfaces (surfaces of constant nega-
curvature) [57]. Evidently
Here (l/[~i*(Au)*+l])indicatesanappropriatelyweighted (II.C.5) share many common properties since they are equiva-
average over g(Au). The doublet breaks up into two isolated lent except for an independent variable transformation.
pulses of the form Solitary wave solutions of the sine-Gordonequation
* - )]
4 = 4 tan-’ [exp (II.C.6)
traveling at velocities ul and ut.
Eilbeck, Gibbon, Caudrey, and Bullough [56] have indi-
cated that self-induced transparency equations can be writ- in which the + sign corresponds to a positive sense of rotation
ten for the total (instantaneous) electric field E ( # , t ) , rather and the pulse can be considered a soliton, while the - sign
than for just a slowly varying envelope & ( x , t ) . Nozaki and indicates a negative sense of rotation and the pulse can be
Taniuti [I711 have discussed a nonlinear interaction of three considered an “antisoliton.” Since total rotation mustbe con-
plane waves, which is similar to that described by (II.B.l), served, the difference between the number of solitons and the
and have shown how the formalism can be applied to plasma number of antisolitons must be conservedin any collision.
wave propagation. They are created and destroyedin pairs. In addition, the sine-
Gordonequation is invariant to a Lorentztransformation.
C. The Sine-Gwdon Equation Thus the solitary wave solutionsof (II.C.2) do indeed exhibit
One can obtain the familiar sine-Gordon equation from manyproperties of theelementaryparticles of physics. In
the self-induced transparency equations (II.B.l) in the limit 1953, Seeger, Donth, and Kochendorfer, using this equation
Aw4). Precisely, the transformation to describe the motion of a crystal dislocation, derived ana-
lytic expressionsfor “solitonsoliton” and for“soliton-anti-
Ao+O soliton” collisions [200], which were independently obtained
g ( A 4 +s(Au> by Perring and Skyrme in 1962 [181]. The “solitonsoliton”
collision is given by
8 +4t
4 u sinh ( % / d l - u’)
6 + - sin 4 tan - = (11. C. 7)
4 cash (uf/dl- u’)
and the “soliton-antisoliton” collision is given by
(t - 2 4 +x (II.C.1)
4 sinh ( u f / d m )
yields tan- = * (II.C.8)
4 u cash dl - u’)
4= - btt = sin 4 (II.C.2)
I t is interesting and important to notice thata soliton and an
which is the sine-Gordon equation [IS], [186], [195], [197]. antisoliton can, accordingto (II.C.8), pass through each other
Sincethisequationcan be derivedfromtheLagrangian withoutmutualdestructioneventhoughsuchdestruction
density would not violate conservation of total rotation.
Recently, Ablowitz, Kaup, Newell, andSegur [l], [2]
1 = $42 - +#8t* - cos 9 (II.C.3)
have solved the initial value problem for (II.C.5) byusing the
it can be considered to conserveenergy (see AppendixC). inverse scattering method. Through this formulism, one can
The sine-Gordon equation has been used to describe 1) propa- obtain the solutionfor a multisoliton collision. Other methods
gation of a crystal dislocation [71], [126], [lW],[200]; of obtaining N-soliton solutions are discussed in Appendix A.
SCOTT et a!. : THE SOLITON 1449
Physical evidence of such solitons has been obtained from Hirota recently presented N-soliton solutions for the non-
studies of magnetic flux propagationonsuperconducting linear electric filter equations [99]
transmission lines shunted by Josephson-typetunneljunc-
tions[178], [196], [73],[74],[76].Eachsolitonrepresents
a single quantum of magnetic flux. Thequantum 'flux
(1 + Vn(t)) = Vn+l(t) - 2Vn(t) + J'n-I(t) (II*D.S)
shuttle" described byFulton,Dynes,andAnderson[75],
[77] and recently realized by Fulton and Dunkleberger [78] and [98]
uses this effect to obtain a shift register. A mechanical analog
of (II.C.2) is useful to demonstrate these pulse interactions
[195], [197].
l m ~ K I ~ Xl-ki~2
sech2 ~ X2-I-A sech2 X I sech2 X 2
4 = - - B2 sech2 [ 3 ( ~ -
4 ab
n Bt) + 63, K, 6 const (II.D.4) 4 b , 0= [cosh B+sinh B t a n h X I tanh X2I2
K; const; i = 1, 2 (II.E.2a)
P2 = 4ab/m sinh2 ~ / 2 .
Toda [226] has found a doublet solution for 4. He shows that
xi = $(KiX - Bit)
thisdoubletbreaksupinto two solitonsasymptotically. B i = _+ K i ( 1 Ki2)'" +
Ooyama and Sait8 [I751 have numerically demonstrated that
e4B =
6% - 8 2 ) ' - (KI - ~ 2 -) (~ ~ 1- K ~ ) ~
the solitary wave solution for4 is a soliton. They also discuss
numerical studies of stability. (81 82)' - (KI +
~ 2 - +
) (~ ~ 1 + K,)'
*t + &tz+ b4132 = 0. (11. G.2)
61- = 71 -
+ Hirota’s N-soliton solutions exclude the case p = u =O.
The imposing generality of (II.G.l) leads one to suspect
B somerelationwiththe general form of the inverse method
62- = 7 2 - - recently announced by Ablowitz et al. [2].
H. The Born-Infeld Equation
and the velocity of the soliton is f (1 +~ci)l’*.
F. The Nonlinear Schrddinger Equation [I91
as a nonlinear
was derived in three spatial dimensions by Born
can be derived from the Lagrangian density modification of the Maxwell equations to permit the electron
to appear in a natural way as a singularity [3O], [SI], [MI,
[62], [173], [182]. Equation (II.H.1) can be derivedfrom
the Lagrangian density
where 4* is the complex conjugate of 4. This equation has L = [l + 4.2 - 4t’]l/2 (II.H.2)
been used to describe 1) stationary two-dimensional self-
focusing of a plane wave [22],[124],[210]; 2) one-dimen- where # J ~represents the magneticfield and r # ~the
~ electricfield.
sional self-modulation of a monochromatic wave [213], 191, Traveling waves of unit velocity
11161, [91], [92]; 3) theself-trappingphenomena of non-
4 = &(z 5 t) (II.H.3)
linear optics [116]; 4) propagation of a heat pulse in a solid
[217]; 5) Langmuir waves in plasmas [72], [105], [202]; and will render the Lagrangian density constant and thus satisfy
6) is related to the Ginzburg-Landau equation of supercon- (II.H.1) for any(suitablycontinuous)function h. Inthis
ductivity [84]. Envelope solitary wave solutions to this equa- case, the velocity of the solitary wave is fixed, but the skpC
tion are derived in Appendix B and take the form isarbitrary.Recentstudiesindicatethat,after a collision
involving two such traveling wave solutions, the pulse shapes
4 Notice that these solutions are not traveling waves, and hence do
not strictly fit our “working debition” o soliton. This points out one
weakness of that ‘working definition.” $course. one could claim that
the “envelope”is the soliton.
SCOTT et al. : THE SOLITON 145 1
CALCULATIONS B. Two-Soliton(Doublet)
In this section we briefly sketch some of the computational 1) Numerical computations can provide a direct answer to
techniques that have proved useful in ferreting out solitons. the question: “Is this solitary wave a soliton?” Initial condi-
The first task is to determine whether suitable solitary wave tions can be selected which correspond to two solitary waves
solutions exist [197]. The second task is to see if these solitary on a collision course. If they emerge from the collision with
waves are solitons, i.e., whether they preserve their shapes and their initial shapes and speeds, they canbe considered solitons.
speeds after a collision. One way to begin checking for this Earlycalculations of this effect were donebyPerringand
property is tolook for two-solitonor doublet solutions. Eventu- Skyrme [181] and by Zabusky and Kruskal [245]. A recent
ally, of course, i t will be necessary to check any such solutions example of such a calculation for the nonlinear Schrodinger
for stability. Often computer results can indicate stability. equation (II.F.l) by Tappert is shown in Fig. 5 .
2) Dependent variabktransformations provide interesting
A . K d V Solitary Waves and helpful simplifications of many nonlinear wave equations
Starting with the KdV equation (II.A.1) and assuming a which exhibitsolitons.Suchtransformationsseem tobear
traveling wave solution with velocity u as indicated by (1.1)- somerelation to the Cole-Hopf transformation[47],[103],
(1.3), we have the ordinary differential equation 4= +2(log f).,
which reduces the Burgers equation, &+#.
- 4 + 4IIE
+&=O, to the linear diffusion equation f t + f , , 1.0. For ex-
4rb4 =0 (III.A.l) ample, the transformation
where ~ = + ( X - U # ) =$([). This equation can be integrated to
4 = - 200g f>zz (III.B.1)
a reduces the KdV equation, (II.A.1) with a = -6, to
4II = K1+ 244 - 42 2(III.A.2)
ff.t - f z f t +f-f - 4fzzzjz + 3fn2 = 0. (III.B.2)
where K 1 is a constant of the first integration. The second
Onemight well wonderwhether(III.B.2)isindeed a “re-
integration may be effected after multiplying both sides of
duced” form of (II.B.1). Note, however, that if f is a solution
(III.A.2) by 41. Then
of (III.B.2), then any constant timesf is also a solution, and
a even more, so is a(t)f(x, t ) . Thus, although (III.B.2) is not
$ 4 1=
~ Kz + K14 + 2 U
t$2 - 6 4* (III.A.3) linear, i t shares one of the properties of a linear equation.
Hirota [94] has obtained an N-soliton solution of the KdV
and the general traveling wave solution can be written in the equation from a study of (III.B.2); this solution is listed in
form of an elliptic integral 1381 Appendix A. I t is interesting to note that all of the N-soliton
equations in Appendix A are related to dependent variable
transformations similar to (III.B.1).
3) Backlund transformation
techniques [131]-11331,
[126],[199],[200],[13] haveprovedusefulindeveloping
where $0 is the value of 4 a t (x-ut) =0, and N-solitonsolutionsforthesine-Gordonequation.Since the
turn of the century it has been known that if 40is a solution
P(4) 2Kz + 2K14 + 244’ - -a3 +*. (III.A.5) of the sine-Gordon equation (II.C.S), then 41,which satisfies
the first-order pair [57], [69]
Since a solitary wave is localized, its first and second deriva-
tives qvst vanish as [+ m . This condition, together with 3 ( h z - $JO,+) = a sin (0’
- “O) (III.B.3a)
(III.A.‘2) and(III.A.3),requires K1=0 and Kt=O. Then
(III.A.4) is readily integrated to yield the solitary wave
- ut) = -sech2
[$ (x - ut)]. (III.A.6) also satisfies (II.C.5). Equations (III.B.3) define a Backlund
transformation which generates a “new” solution t$l from an
[More general solutions of (III.A.4) include a periodic travel- ‘old” solution 40. Clearly the new solution can be taken as
ing wave with the form indicated in Fig. 1. This may be ob- the old in a subsequent transformation and a hierarchy of
tained by taking nonzero values for the constants K 1 and K t such solutions can be sequentially developed. For the sine-
and suitably adjusting the location of the zeros of P ( 4 ) ;the Gordon equation, each transformation can introduce an addi-
details of such an adjustment are discussed in Appendix B.] tionalsolitonwith a velocitydeterminedbytheparticular
From (III.A.4)-(1II.A.6), however, i t is possible to see some value chosen for a. Thus N-soliton formulas can be explicitly
basic properties of KdV solitary waves. developed for the sine-Gordon equation (see Appendix A and
1) The amplitude of a KdV soliton increases with its ve- [I31 for details). Recently, McLaughlin and Scott [158] have
locity, and its width is inversely proportional to the square discussed techniques to search for such Backlund transforma-
root of its velocity. tions for other equations.
2) The sign of a solitarywavesolution of (II.A.l)de- 4) The inverse method is mentioned here only for complete-
pends upon the sign of a. ness; it is discussed in detail in Section V. I t is extremely im-
3) KdV solitary waves are unidirectional, i.e., u cannot be portant because, when applicable, it allows one to use linear
solutions of (II.A.l)
remain techniques to solve the initial value problem for a nonlinear
real. wave equation, and to discover solitons.
Habituated as we are to the application of Fourier trans-
form techniques in problems of linear wave dynamics, i t is
natural to consider the frequency spectrum of a soliton. An
understanding of spectralproperties is importantforboth
stability theory and collision theory. One must tread warily
in this direction,however. There are importantdifferences be-
tween the spectra of nonlinear systems and those of linear
systems; for example, Fourier components do not appear to
be particularly useful for the constructionof solutions to non- Fig. 6. Wave systems with periodic boundary conditions.
linear wave equations. They may, however, be helpful for the (a) Linear. (b) Nonlinear.
study of such solutions. The purposeof this section is to indi-
cate some of the difficulties and possibilities of a careful theo-
retical development.
Armn = lim
2rRT -
T ~
J-,,,+ ( x , 0 Assuming that the soliton wave equation can be derived from
a Lagrangian density insures the conservation law for energy
(C.5). Thus a time averaged power flow can be defined as
.e-i(kz*+unrt)dxdt. (IV.A.9)
l T
The ratio of pulse velocities will be (P)= lim -J0 Pdt. (IV.C.2)
T-c T
-- N + UA(NTA - TB)
Conservation of energy requires that the total time averaged
* (IV.A.lO)
UB 2rR power flow into any segment of the x axis (say between x1
and xq) must be zero. Thus
Thus, with an infinitesimal adjustment of R, theratio
OA,/OB,, can be maintained irrational while the ratio U A / U B (P(x1)) - (P(x2)) = 0 (IV.C.3)
takes any value from the continuum of real numbers.
which can be written in the form
B . Infinite Systems
Let us now attempt to describe the spectrum of the soli-
tary wave of Fig. 6(b) in the limit as R+ 00. I t is customary
to denote 1/R by dk, and 1/R by k after which, as R+m,
(IV.A.4) and (IV.A.5) formally become the Fourier integral
pair i wj
+(€) = -$
1 “
27r -“
A(K)eWk (IV.B.1)
where (Pi) is the time averaged power flow a t frequency Gj.
Since the frequencies w i can be independently varied, the indi-
vidual sums in (IV.C.4) must be zero if they are independent
A (K) = $ “ +(t)e-*Ui
of the wi’s. That this is the case for wave systems which can
be derived from a Lagrangian density function was demon-
strated by Sturrock [207] and also in a very complete review
where we havesubstitutedthetravelingwavevariable by Penfield [180]. Thus we can write the ManleyRowe egua-
€ = x - u t . Equation (IV.B.1) can be considered eithera spatial tions in the form
or a temporal transform of the solitary wave depending upon ml(Pj(x))
whether we hold t or x fixed in f . c1 =
Consider now the case of two interacting solitons described i ;j
by the almost periodic function (IV.A.8). For any finite value ..... . . . ....
of R, (IV.A.8) is periodic in x but not in t . As R+ 01,the fre-
quency spectrum includes elements from (IV.A.6) representing
t$~,elements from (IV.A.7) representing +B, and the sum or
difference frequencies representing the nonlinear soliton inter-
action. In the limit we might suppose that one rationally re- -
where Cl * * CN are constants of the motion.
lated subset of the frequency continuum represents t $ ~and As Weiss[235] and Brown[36]havepointed out, it is
another represents t$~. From (IV.A.lO) these two spectra will ofteninteresting to considerManley-Rowe equations from
be rationallyunrelated if theratio U A / U B is anirrational the point of view of quantum theory. If we consider that the
number. power flowing a t frequency G j is carried bya stream of photons
In this sense, then,we suggest that the temporal spectrum of energy h G j (where h is Planck’s constant divided by 2r),
of a single soliton is not necessarily the frequency continuum then the first equation of (IV.C.5) becomes
as is formally implied by (IV.B.1) and (IV.B.2), but might
be a rationally related subset of that continuum. If the non- mlrj(z) = const (IV.C.6)
linearity can be expressed as a power series, this speculation
seems reasonable for then the rational numbers form a closed where rj(x) is the number of photons at frequency G j which
set of frequency components. pass the point x per unit time. Physically (IV.C.6) can be in-
terpreted as the requirement that theflow rate for all photons
C. The ManleyRowe Equations at w i , plus the flow rates for all photons which are created
With our elementary understandingof the frequency spec- from photons atw i , plus twice the flow rate for photons at hi,
trum it is now interesting to consider briefly the application plus twice the flow rates forall photons which are created from
of the‘(frequency-power”formulasintroducedbyManley photons at h i , plus three times the flow rate at 3
wi * and -
and Rowe [152] to a soliton system with periodic boundary so onthrough all values of iji forwhich ml#O iscon- - -
conditions. We assume N solitons with incommensurate fre- stant.
One of theimportantcontributionsmadebyGardner,
velopment of an “inverse method” whereby the initial value
problem for the KdV equation can be solved through a suc- SCATTERING
cession of linearcomputations [79]. Thismethodwas soon X. Q
( V.3)
expressed in an elegant and general form by Lax [141].We
will begin by summarizing the general formulation of Lax un-
encrusted with analytical details. We trust this brief survey Fig. 8. Diagram of the inverse method.
will make the detailed constructions of this section easier to
We are interested in a general nonlinear wave equation In spite of these difficulties, the inverse method solves a
represented abstractly by variety of evolution equations. Before considering the inverse
method in some detail, we summarize the equations that it
41 = K(4) (V.1) covers to date. At the time of this writing, its breadth is best
where K denotes a nonlinear operator on some suitable space cataloged in thepreprint of Ablowitz et d . [2]. Strongly
of functions. Suppose we can find linear operators L and B motivated by the work of Zakharov and Shabat 12521 on a
which depend upon 4, a solution of PDE (V.l),and satisfy nonlinearSchrodingerequation,theseauthors consider the
the operator equation linear problem
~t - 6rqrZ + Y Z ~ Z= 0. (V.
4: = 6 4 4 2 - 4zzz
When I = -1, (V.10)reduces totheKdVequation;when
I = &q,(V.10) reduces to the modified KdV equation. On the d x , 0) = 40(4. (V.A.l)
other hand, the choices We seek solutions+(x, t ) with an infinite number of x deriva-
tives, all of which tend to zero as x+* m . I t can be shown
[141],[203],[254] that KdV has a unique solution of this
type provided 40(x) is sufficiently smooth and vanishes rap-
yield the sine (sinh)-Gordon equation idly enough as x+ *
00.Guided by Gardneret al. [79], we now
‘pull from the air” a family of the second-order differential
operators L(t):
L(t) = - -+ 0. (V.A.2)
The choice ax2
a = 2{2 + rq (V.12a) Here t indexes the family and &(x, t ) is a solution ofKdV.6
[Technically the operators act in the Hilbert spaceof Lebes-
yields guesquareintegrablefunctionsover (- < x < a).]
iqt + q,, - 2q3r =0
At present it is an unfortunate characteristic of the in-
irt - r,, + 2q2r = 0. verse method that the appropriate linear operator must be
‘pulled out of the air.” Only in a recent example (see Section
When I = q*, (V. 12)reduces tothenonlinearSchrodinger V-G)is the choice of the linear operator motivated by the
equation. physical problem.
Thus, through their approach, Ablowitz eta2. have set up The eigenvalue problem for the operator L is
a general inverse framework encompassing the KdV equation,
the modified KdV equation, a ‘coupled pair of KdV equa-
-922 + $ ( x , t)$ = E$ (V.A.3)
tions,”thesine-Gordonand generalizedsine-Gordon equa- where
tions, and a nonlinear Schrodinger equation. It is interesting
to note that there is a striking similarity between their ap- $ = $(x, E ( 0 , 0 . (V.A.4)
proach to the inverse method and the Backlund formalism Note that for fixed t we havethe well-knownSchrodinger
of classical transformationtheory [69]. Thissimilarityis equation for a “particle” in the potential 4 ( x , t ) . Since the
particularly apparent in Loewner’s study of the infinitesimal solutions + ( x , t ) of’the KdV equation are smooth, bounded,
Backlund transformationduringthe
early 1950’s [147], and tend to zero as x+ m , this Schrodinger equation will
[148]. I t appears conceivable that this similarity will yield have a t most a finite number of negative energy bound states
ageometricalinterpretation of the inversemethod. In this ( E = -K,,*, n = 1, 2, * , N ) and a continuousspectrum for
connection,twoparticularlygoodreferences on Backlund positive E ( E = k2, R real). For fixed t , we define scattering
theory are [MI, [153]. solutions of (V.A.3) as shown in Fig.9bytheboundary
In view of theseresults, we see that theseevolution conditions
equations possess remarkably similar properties. Along these
lines, we remark that Hirota [ l o l l has recently found an N- $(x, +
K, t ) = e--ik0 R(K, t)e*”, as x + + m
soliton formula for “the Hirota equation” which encompasses = T ( k , t)e--iLz, as x + - 00 (V.A.5a)
the nonlinear Schrodinger and the modified KdV equation:
and the bound state solutionsby the boundary conditions
$t + i3a I 4 124z + + i PL c + 6~I 4 124= 0; ha(%,K n ( f ) , 4
a,p , u, 6 2 0; ap = 6u (V.13)
= e-xn(f)z as x + + m
by a dependent variable transformation (see Section11-G).
In this section we analyze the original inverse method for
= C,(K,,(~),
t)e+r*(t)z, as x--+ - a. (V.A.Sb)
the KdV equation in detail. I t is the simplest and the best The direct probkm may be stated as follows. Given 4, find
understood of the inverse methods. Corresponding results for thescatteringparameters [ N ; K,,, C,, (for 1, A=
* , N ) ;
the nonlinear Schrodinger have been published by Zakharov R(K), T(K) (for O < R * < a ) ] . FortheSchrodingeroperator,
and Shabat [252],forthemodifiedKdVbyWadati[230], the following inverse problem has been solved. Given the scat-
[231]andTanaka [211],for thesine-GordonbyAblowitz -
tering data [ N ;K,,, C,,(for n = 1 , * * , N ) ; R(R) ( O < k 2 < m)],
et al. [l], and for the equations of self-induced transparency find 4 for all x .
by Lamb [137]. I t is interesting to note that Lamb’s work These are the basic toolsfor traversal of paths a and c
was strongly influenced byanalogiesbetween the coherent of Fig. 8. For path b we must consider how the scattering data
optical pulses and the ‘Bargmann potentials” which predate evolve with time.
thesolution of the inversescatteringproblembyseveral
years [ 1401, [ 141. Finally, Ablowitz et al. are currently study-
5 It should be noted that this linear operator arose rather naturally
ing the inverse procedure for other members of their class of (in the KdV c a s e ) while studying transformations assodated with con-
evolution equations. servation laws [la].
[ U O ) L ( o ) ~ t ( t ) l [ ~ ( t ) ~ kKn(O),
( z , 011 $b, k, 0 = U(O$(z,k, 0)
= L(O[U(Wn(z, Kn(O), 0)l which satisfies
= - Kn2[U(f)$n(X, K s ( O ) , O)]. (V.B.5) L(t)$(z,k, = W ( z ,k, 0 (V.B.8)
Thus if $,,(x, K,,(O), 0) is a bound state with energy (-K,,*(O)) and
at time t =0, then U(t)iG;(x,K,,(O), 0) is a bound state with the
same energy (-~,,*(0)) for t # O . Runningthesame proof a
backwards shows that if +,,(x, K,,, t ) is a bound state with
i - $(z, K, t ) = B$(x, k, t ) . (V.B.9)
energy ( -K,,') at time t, then Ut(t>$,,((r,K,,, t ) is a bound state
with the same energy at t = 0. The number N of bound statcs Since $ ( x , K, t ) satisfies (V.B.8), i t has the asymptotic be-
and the bound st& c i g e n o d u w (- K,,') do not change with t as havior
4 ( x , t ) molacs according to the K d V e q u d i e n ; they are deter-
mined by the initial data &(%). These eigenvalues may be $(z, k, t ) = u+(k, t)e* + u-(k, t)c* (V.B.lO)
considered as functionals of the initial data &, As such they
as x-++ 03. This asymptotic behavior, together with that of
are constantsof the motion. We shallsee that they are related
B , implies that (V.B.9) can be written as
to the velocities of the N individual solitons into which the
a a
-u+(k, t)eQz + - a&,
initial data eventually evolve.
From boundary conditions (V.A.5b) the bound states are f)e-**
normalizedaccording to theamplitudes C,,(K., t ) . How do
at at
these amplitudes evolve in time? By(V.B.5), +,,(r, K,,, t ) may
SCOTT et al. : T H E SOLITON 1457
gl(x, s
r) + K ( z + r) + “ K ( y + r’)h(z7y’ldy’ O7
y >x (V.C.1)
Fig. 10. “Left-hand” scattered waves of the related linear operator. is an integral equation that is to be solved for g,(z, y). The
potential can then be determined by
- - - 4ik%+ and
- - - 4iRaa-
at at The kernel K , which appears in (V.C.l), is defined as
which immediately integrate to yield
K(x + y) = &(x + y) + n-1
%e-‘”(=*) (V.C.3)
a+@, t ) = e 4 * ’ t u + ( ~ , 0)
1 “
a_@, t ) = e-4*’ta-(k, 0). (V.B.
&(x + y) E --~-,R(R)e*(z*)dk. (V.C.4)
Comparing (V.B.lO) with the boundary condition (V.ASa),
we obtain R(R, t)=a+(R,t)/a-(K, t ) ; thus,from(V.B.ll), Thesumin (V.C.3) is specified bythenumber of bound
we find states N and the eigenvalues K ~ *for the Schrodinger eigen-
R ( K ,t ) = e**’tR(k, 0). (V.B.12) value problem (V.A.5). The m, is defined by
T o recapitulate the results of this section, we have found &(t) = e&*’tm,,(O), n = I, 2, * ,N . (v.c.~)
the time evolution of the scattering data for the Schradinger
Here m , ( O ) is a normalizationconstantdeterminedbythe
equation when the potential +(z,t ) evolves in time according
initial data & for the KdV equation [see (D.19b) in Appen-
to the KdV equation.
dix Dl.
1) The number of bound states N does not change with
time. N is determined by the initial potential &(z). D . Evaluation of @(x,t) fw K d V b y the Inverse Method:
2) From the initial scattering data as determined by the Soliton and Doubkt F w m h
potential &(z), the scattering data evolve according to these
Following the prescriptionoutlinedinconnectionwith
formulas: K,,(t)=G(O); C,(a, t)=exp (-4&*t)C,,(~”, 0), for
n-1, - * , N ; and R(R, t)=exp (8iPt)R(R, 0).
Fig. 8, we now insert scattering data for the KdV equation.
From (V.C. 1), (V.C.3), and (V.C.2),
We have traversed path b of Fig. 8 for the KdV equation.
In order to negotiate path t and obtain 4(z, t ) , it is necessary
to consider how one obtains the potential of a Schrodinger
operator from the scattering data.We do this in SectionV-C.
h(z, y, t) + K(x + y, + t)
“K(y + y’, t)gl(z, y’, t)df = 0,
Later it will be useful to have analogous formulas for the y >x (
“mirror image” of the scattering problem (V.A.5) as shown
in Fig. 10. Here we summarize these formulas. The subscript
1 refers to ”impingement from the left.”
K(Z + y, t ) = n-1
&(f) = K n ( o ) , Cl.(f) = e+h”*tCn(Kn, o), The importanceof this method is that the nonlinc~KdV
equation (V.A.l) has been replaced by the linear Gel’fand-
= 1, * * * ,N (v.B.13~)
Levitan equation ( which, in many cases, is easier to
Rz(K, t ) = e-***tRZ(k, 0). (V.B.13d) solve. For example, as t - t + Q , it seems clear from (V.D.l)
+ m 2 e 8 K * 3 t e-g*(v+U’)~l(x,
~i y’, t)dy’ = 0, y > x. (V.D.6)
p x , t)dx
While it is historically correct that the N-soliton formulas Thus the scattering data at time t = O are given explicitly by
for KdV were first obtained through the inverse method, we
wish to emphasize that the power of themethoddoesnot N = 1; K = X; m(0) = XeZAw;
rest with this accomplishment. In fact, as was indicated in
Section111-B,Hirotahasshown[94] thatthe N-soliton iX
formulas for KdV can be obtained through a simple change R ( k , 0 ) = -ed2*w (V.E.6)
of variables without the inverse machinery. In our opinion, k - ZX
the real power of the inverse method is that it exactly solves
the initial value problem by linear methods. Study of (V.D.l) At time t these scattering data evolve, according to (V.C.5)
will show exactly how arbitrary initial datawill break up into and (V.B.12), into
N solitons plus some additional "background effect" associ-
atedwith R(k,O)#O in( N = I ; K = X; m(t) = e a " [ ~ e * ] ;
dynamic data of Fig. 3, the nonlinear electric filters discussed
in the companion paper by Hirota and Suzuki [96], and the
many other applications noted in Section I1 should convince
the reader that these investigations are of considerable inter-
est. The quotation from Scott-Russell included at the begin- Withthesescatteringdata at time t , the Gel'fand-
ning of this paper is perhaps the first description of such an Levitan equation takes the form
effect. We now consider an application of these more general
calculations to the special initial condition of an impluse or
& ( x , y ; t> + K(x + y ; t>
E. + o ( x ) = - 2 X 6 ( ~ - ~ o )
+ JzaK(y + y'; t)&(x, y'; Ody' = 0, Y >z
The special initial data where
+(x, t ) Ig-0 = - 2 X 6 ( ~- SO), X >0 (V.E.l) ~ ( +xy ; t ) = ~ e a ' t e a ~ l e - ~ ( " + ~ )
provide a particularly explicit example of the inverse theory.
[While these data are notP(- a , a), they are a limitof the
P functions; the inverse theory may be extended to include
such data.] d
The physical scattering problem (V.A.3) is quickly solved
+(x, t ) = - 2 -& ( x , x ; t).
at time t = 0 to yield
At t =0, a short calculation confirms that (V.E.8) is consis-
tent; &(x, x ; 0) =2M(x-x0) [where O ( t ) = + 1 for t > O and
vanishes for t < O ] is the solution.
Notice that for large t>>O, i t seems clear that the kernel K
in (V.E.8) may be approximated by K O :
KO(% y ; t ) Xe*'te~e-A(z*). (V.E.9)
Such a delta function supports one bound state at energy
E = -X*; the bound state wave function is given by If we replace K by KO,a single-soliton solution results:
t d x , y ; t> = &O(Z, y ; 0 , as t -+ +a
[It isinteresting to notethatthetransmission coefficient
T(k)=(l--th/K)-l, which may be read from
is Calculating the solution 4 ( x , t ) from (V.E.10), we obtain
analytic in theupper half k planewith the exception of a
simple pole at R = A ] +(x, t) N - 2X2 sechz [X(% - 4Xzt) - 61,
Similarly, the solution fl(x, k ; 0) [as defined by ( as t + + 00 (V.E.11)
in Appendix D ] is found to be
fib, k ; 0)
and 50
i) - < x2; s) - = A t ;
- > X2.
s. dk 24t 24t 24t
1(t0,X; t ) E -eit(a’+MO/t)
k - iX In these
thepoint K+ lies i) below
the pole, ii) on the pole, iii) above the pole. Using the method
to = [ - 220. of “steepest descent,” we evaluateintegral
For large t>>O, the integrand of I is highly oscillatory; hence
the method of stationary phase shows that the integral will
bedominatedbythevicinities of itstwocriticalpoints K*: i) l ( 5 0 , X i ; f ) ‘v
i( I k+ I - x)
For fixed finite to, these two critical points coalesce at K+ =O.
fact that two
points of the
integrand of I pinch t >> 0, t o >> tilr, 5 0 = 24X2t
at 0 indicates a similarity between I and the Airy function.
T o be more precise, we changevariables of integrationand iii) I(5o,x; t ) &(24t k+ I l)-l/z e-tt(~o/t)’/~+ 2*ie8~~t-~0
obtain i<l
k+I - x>
t >> 0, 5 0 >> t l / * , f o > 24X2t. (V.E.13R)
The additional terms in cases ii) and iii) are due to the pole;
k‘ = kt1/*. (V.E.12b) in case ii) we have defined the integral by the Cauchy princi-
pal value. Thus, for large t , the kernel behaves quite differ-
For t>>O but [O fixed and finite, I(&,, X; t ) may be approxi- entlyinthethree regions. Thesituationistabulatedin
mated by the Airy integral Table I.
With this information about the behavior of the kernel,
we turn to consider the long-time behavior of the Gel’fand-
Levitansolution itself. First, fix xlargeenough so that
(x+y-2xo) lies in region R (see Table I) and to the right of the
as t >> 0; tofixed. (V.E.13M) “soliton line” 8X*t-(x+y-2x0)=0. In this region, the entire
kernel K(x+y: t ) is exponentially small. Since the variableof
On the other hand, if 50<<-t11a, the integrand in (V.E.12b)
integration y ’ > r , the kernel K(y+y’: t ) in the integrand is
is highly oscillatory with real critical points. In this case, a
also exponentially small in the region. Writing the Gel’fand-
stationary phase analysis of (V.E.12a) yields
Levitan equation abstractly as g+K = -Kg, we can see that,
inthis region, -K,
i x [2&8X’t-A(~+U-W
+ xe8xat-A(Z+U-2ep) + -
!(x, y; f )
I k+ I + i X
+(x, t) =
- 2 -g ( x , x ; t )
H[P, Q1 = -
[Qa(4 + 4QzZ(x>
+ PzS(x) + )P,z2((z)]dz. (V.F.l)
Treating the functional H [ P , Q] as a Hamiltonian, we calcu-
late Hamilton’s equationsof motion:
+ O(#) (V.E.14b)
for t>>l,
and r>4Xzt.
To the left of the soliton line, the kernel is exponentially
large due to the term exp[8Xat-X(x+y-2~)]. However, by
explicitly subtracting out the soliton, we can eliminate this
6 8 dQ=
a- - P, + 6PzP,. (V.F.2b)
dt 6P dt
exponentially large term. More precisely, we define
Q = +(x, 0 (V.F.3a)
where g,, is defined by (V.E.10). Then the Gel’fand-Levitan
equation may be written symbolically as
may be considered as a canonical transformation connecting On the other hand, it is easy to show [253] that In a(R, t )
the canonical variables (P, Q) and (p, q ) . The transformed can also be expressed as
Hamiltonian takes the formh(q, p ) : m
In a(k, t ) = - d m ( x , k , 1) (V.F.12)
dP -_ - 6h
- -- 0 u(2, k ; t) =
at 69 ,,-I (2ik)"
X+i6 1+Q
-=-= 4 G.2a)
1-Q X-&'
'X--@ 1+Q 1
-=-=--- - 4*. (V.G.2b)
1-Q X+i6 #
Inverting (V.G.2) yields
(V. G.3b)
+ 1 x (i~,,)**l. (V.F. 1
2 N
-- lc)
2j n-1
(V. G.3c)
I n view of (V.F.8), C2j+t are constants of the motion.
SCOTT et al. : THE SOLITON 1463
Inserting (V.G.3) intothe self-induced transparencyequa- the relation between conservation laws and constants of the
tions (II.B.l), we obtain equations for 4 and $ which will motion, and construct an infinite set of conservation laws for
replace (II.B.l). These equations are uncoupled; both $ and the sine-Gordon equation using as a tool the Backlund trans-
$ satisfy the same Ricatti equation: formation. Finally, several applications of conservation laws
$t = &$ - - (A@)[$' - 11. (V. G.4) A . Definition of Constants of the Motion
Let 63 denote a linearspaceand consider the abstract
The transformations equation in 63:
4: = m 4. (VI.A.1)
Here K is a (nonlinear) operator mapping 63 into 63 and, for
w = u(t) exp {- i J m t E ( t t ) d t t } 0 < t < m , $ ( t ) denotes an element in 63. Consider two exam-
ples of (VI.A.1).
Example 1: 63 is the six-dimensional phasespace for a
linearize the Ricatti equation, reducing i t t o Newtonian particle of unit mass and (VI.A.1) becomes
wtt + +[(Au)' + (E)' + 2iEt]w = 0. (V.G.5) 2 UZ
integral have been discovered. Each of these takes the form [148]. We seek $ in the form
of a constantcoefficient polynomial in $I and its spatial deriva-
tives, integrated over all space. While the concept
pendence has not been adequately formulated for the PDE
of inde-
$j(Z, t)ai, as a + 0. (VI.B.3)
nomials in of progressively higher degree and order. In fact, Inserting (VI.B.3) into (VI.B.2b) yields
Miura, Gardner, and Kruskal [161] use this idea to define a
concept of independence.
We have already seen several constants of the motion for
the PDE case. If the equation has a Lagrangian density that As a 4 , the foregoing demands $0 and =+ = 2&. Equating
does not depend explicitly upon time, the'energy functional" the coefficients for higher powers ofa yields
isconstant (see AppendixC).FortheKdVequation, the
eigenvalues (of the associated linear problem and hence the $0 =4
speeds of the solitons which emerge as t++ a) may be con- $1 = 241
sidered as functionals of the data. These are constant.
In practice, constants of the motion arise most natural- $2 = 2411
As an example thatillustratestheconstruction of an + +
WtdtzVt + Wt2+tdttz (v1.B.7~) &t'+tdz.
infinite .number of conservation laws, we consider the sine- . . . . . . . . . etc. . . . . . . . . .
Gordon equation in characteristic coordinates
This infinite sequence of conservation laws was first ob-
+zt = sin 4. (VI.B.1) tained by Kruskal and Wiley [168] without specific reference
Given a solution of (VI.B.l), it is indicated in Section
111-B tothe Backlundtransformationtheory.Lamb[I361men-
that another solution $ may be generated from through the tionstheconnectionbetweenBacklundtheoryandcon-
servationlawsin his recentpaperintroducinganinverse
Backlund transformation [ 1581
methodforsolution of the self-induced transparency equa-
tions. In fact, Schnack and Lamb first found the conserva-
(VI.B.2a) tionlawsforsine-Gordon andthen, usingthese results as
amodel,lookedfor and' found an infinitenumber of con-
servation laws for the equation of self-induced transparency
a [191]. This connection is developed in detail for the general-
ized sine-Gordon equation by McLaughlin and Scott [158].
In Appendix A (VI.B.2) is used to generate a new solution $ The first example of such an infinite sequence of explicit
from which contains an additional soliton, the velocity of conservationlawswasdiscovered byMiura,Gardner,and
which is fixed by choice of the constant a. Here,however, Kruskal [161] in connectionwiththeir study of theKdV
we take a to be a small number andconsider $ to be generated equation. This sequence has been described in Section V in
from + throughan infinitesimal Backlundtransformation connectionwith
SCOTT et al. : THE SOLITON 1465
system. For future reference we list the first few densities for
+(x, t)
- ~ j [ ~ j ] ,
0 otherwise.
as t + m ; =
Miura [I621 has investigatedthe Conservation laws
J -
associatedwiththe generalized form of theKdVequation
given in (II.A.5). He shows that the total number of distinct In[Sj] E Dm[Sj]d~. (VI.C.4)
polynomial conservation laws isinfinitefor: a ) p = O (the
linear case), b) r=O, c) p = 1 and r = l (KdV), and d) p = 2 Equations (VI.C.3) and (VI.C.4), togetherwiththe con-
and r = 1 (modified KdV). Otherwise the number of distinct stancy of the I,,, along solutions, yield a set of equations for
polynomial conservation laws is only three. the ~j in terms of the initial data40:
Recently, Benney [ l a g ] has found an infinite number of
conservation laws for a nonlinear wave equation describing
water waves in one time and two spatial dimensions. These
take the form of an integral over one of the spatial variables.
Miura [163] has extended this approach and has been able
to eliminate the spatial integral. Zakharov and Shabat [252]
have found an infinite set of conservation laws for the non-
= s-. OD
Dm[4o(z)]dx. (VI.C.5)
+(x, t ) - N
~j[tj], as t + +a (VI.C.1)
Zabusky and Kruskal [245]noticed the interesting fact waveforanypair of positive speeds u1 and u2. Earlier,
that the variational problem “aIa[+]= O subject to the con- Zabusky and Kruskal [245] had observed numerically inter-
straint I2 [+] = constant” has a soliton as its solution. Tosee actions between twosuch solitons. Theyfoundthat, when
this, use Lagrange multipliers and calculate thefirst variation u1 >>uz,the faster-bigger wave ‘swallows” the slower-smaller
of I , [+] - CI*[+] : one and reemits i t later. On the other hand, they observed
that, when u1 =u~(t,the bigger wave shrinks as it approaches
the smaller, while thesmaller grows. Thiscontinuesuntil
Equation (VII.A.1) is an elliptic integral with three arbitrary -(s2+1) = - 1. Any other bound state must have higher
parameters: u, the traveling wave velocity; &, the value of energy or a negative value for st. Thus we can conclude the
& at ( x - u t ) =O; and F, a constant of integration. Setting following. Withrespecttotheboundarycondition If1 4
F = 1 and & = r gives the soliton (II.C.6). For u=O, this soli- as x+ 00, thelinearproblemindicatesthatthesolution
ton takes the form given in (VII.A.2) is stable. A similar result has recently been
obtained by Jeffery and Kakutanifor a solitary wave solution
&(x) = 4 tan-’ [exp ( x ) ] . (VII.A.2) of the KdV equation [lll].
I t is important to appreciate the general significance of
Now write + ( x , t ) as the sum of & ( x ) plus a perturbation,
(VII.A.9). A n y travelingwave &(E), where [ = % - u t , will
r$p(x, t ) , which wewillbe prepared to assume small in some
haveaperturbationeigenfunction %/dE with s=O. This
sense. Thus
follows directly from translational symmetry since the per-
4b,0 = 4 T ( 4 + 4 P b , 0. (VII.A.3) turbation
4p,z.- 4p,tt = sin (& + 4p)- sin 4 ~ .(VII.A.4) is equivalent totranslating & in the x direction by an amount
e. Such a translation of h is again a solution so, of course!
Equation(VII.A.4)isexact.Thelinearassumptionisthat we must have s=O.
l 4 P l <<I, so Consider now solutions of the sine-Gordon equation given
by (VII.A.l) with F#1, but again taking the traveling wave
sin (h 4 p ) - sin +T N + p cos +T velocity u = O . There are two cases to consider: 1) F> f l ,
h i s a monotone increasing functionof x ; and 2) - 1< F< 1, +
Qr is periodic about the value T . We can still write (VII.A.6)
and (VII.A.7), but the “potential” (cos h - 1 ) in (VII.A.7)
4 P . Z . - 4 P , t t = 4 P cos 4T. (VII.A.5)
no longer tends to zero as x+ f m . We can, however, consider
Equation(VII.A.5)is no longer exact, but it is linear and aneigenvalueproblemwith periodic boundaryconditions
therefore easier to solve. I t is separable into product solutions as is indicated in Fig. 6(b). The stabilityof M pulses traveling
of the form at equalvelocitycan be investigatedsimply by setting
2*R= Md where d is the wavelength of a periodic wave as
+ P b , 0 = f(x>e*t. (VII.A.6) indicated in Fig. 1. In this case, the eigenvalues ( -sf) of
(VII.A.7) are a countably infinite set of real numbers, and
The basicproblem of linearstabilityistodetermine
there is a lowesteigenvaluecorresponding tothe unique
whether or not for any such product solution, with reasonable
eigenfunctionwithnozerocrossings[45]. We still have
boundary conditions on f as x+ f m , the real part of s is
(VII.A.9) which says that the eigenfunction for s = O is the x
greater than zero. We will say that with respect to the boundary
derivative &. Thus in case l ) , &,,#O and -sz=O is the low-
conditions on f thelinearproblemindicatesthefollowing:
est eigenvalue. All other eigenfunctions correspond to values
1) instability if a n y product solution has Re[s] >0, 2) asymp-
totic stability if ,all productsolutionshaveRe[s] <0, and of s which are purely imaginary. For case 2), on the other
hand, h,,has 2 M zero crossings which impliesthat -s2 = 0 is
3) stability otherwise.
From (VII.A.5) and (VII.A.6), f must satisfy
not the lowest eigenvalue. Thus there are eigenfunctions cor-
responding to values of s real and >O. We can therefore con-
fzz+ [-(s’ + 1) - (COS 4~ - l)]f = 0 (VII.A.7) clude the following. With respect to periodic boundary condi-
tions [as in Fig. 6(b)], the linear problem indicates that the
where f=f(x, s). This is a Schrodinger eigenvalue problem. solutions of thesine-Gordonequationgivenby(VII.A.l)
Forthestationarysoliton & given by(VII.A.Z),the ‘PO- with u=O are stable for F 2 1 and unstable for I FI < 1.
tential” (cos &- 1) is smooth .and bounded and tends to zero Fortheinvestigation of movingsolutions (u#O) it is
as x+ f m . Thus there are a t most a finite number of bound often helpful to consider the dynamic symmetry of the non-
product solutions for which f 4as x+ f m . The eigenvalues linear wave equation. For example, the sine-Gordon equation
or “energies” of these bound states are equal to - ( s t + 1) and is invariant to the Lorentz transformation defined by
will be ordered according to the number of zero crossings of
the correspondingeigenfunctions. As Lindgren and Buratti -a - U- a
havenoted [146], the eigenfunctionforwhich s = O is the X - ut a ai ar
derivative of Qr. This is because h satisfies +...=sin & x+[ =
which, upon differentiation with respect to x , becomes
d m ;a x’ JF-2
-a - U-
(VII.A.8) t - ux a ar at
t+r = * -4
J G - 2 ’ at JF-2
and this is the same as (VII.A.7) with s=O. Therefore, 4b,0 ‘4’k 4 = 4. (VII.A.ll)
tween and t#T will remain less than any desired value for
all time.
I t must be emphasized that a solitary wave is not neces-
sarily a soliton just because i t satisfies the requirements of where 5 & signifies integration over a period 4. This aver-
SCOTT et al. : THE SOLITON 1469
I(F) E ‘4
J 2 ( F - COS^) &. (VII.C.8)
studies that led to the discovery of the soliton [181],[245]
were motivatedbyconcernwithfundamentalratherthan
applied problems. Although i t would be presumptuous in this
Substituting ‘i into the Lagrange-Euler equations (C.8) and review to state what the fundamental implications of the soli-
considering F and 0 as the two independent variables leads to ton concept are, i t is perhaps appropriate to suggest what they
might be in the important areas of statistical physics and ele-
mentary particle theory.
A . The Fermi-Pacta-Ulam Probkm
ai An important assumptionof classical statistical mechanics
-= 0. (VII.C.9b) has been that “small nonlinearities” lead to equipartition of
aF energy. On the basis of a strictly linear theory, all the energy
in a vibrating crystal or an electromagnetic resonator must
Adding conservation of rotation
remain in those normal modes into which it is placed by the
-aw+ - =ago (VII.C.9c)
initial conditions. In practice, however, suchsystemsare
very often observed tobe “thermalized” into a state for which
ax at
approximately equal energy is shared by each normal mode.
we have in (VII.C.9) three quasi-linear equationsfor the three Thus it seems reasonable to suppose athat small but unavoid-
slowly varying parameters of the wave train @?, w , F). The ablenonlinearityleads from arbitraryinitialconditionsto
characteristic velocities for (VII.C.9) are [239] the thermalized (ergodic) state.
This assumption was first tested during the early 1950’s
(VI1.C. 10) in a series of computer experiments suggested by Fermi and
carried out by Pasta and Ulam [64]. They studied the vibra-
tion of 64 mass particles connected by nonlinear springs ar-
where ranged as an approximation to a nonlinear vibrating string.
Theresults were surprising;notendencytowardthermal-
(VII.C.11) ization was.observed. If the energy was originally put in the
lowest frequency mode, it returned almost entirely to that
mode after interaction with a few other low-frequency modes.
and I ( F ) is as defined in (VII.C.8). If the value of h from
Long-time computer results were limited by available com-
(VII.C.ll) is negative, the characteristic velocities given by
puter power. A similar recurrence was observed by Zabusky
(VII.C.10) are complex. Sincesmallperturbationsinthe
andKruskal [245] for theKdVequationwithsinusoidal
amplitude must vary as
data. Over the past 20 years, a fairly extensive literature has
F exp ibe(x - uof) (VII. c . 12) developed to record computerexperimentsandanalytic
attemptstounderstandwhathas become known asthe
where pe is determined by the spatial form of the envelope, a “Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU)problem” [ 6 4 ] , [25], [65]-[67],
complex value of u indicatesanexponentialgrowthwith [109],[110],[174], [175], [187]-[190],[232],[234],[245],
time and, therefore, with envelope instability. [259],[260].
An investigation of envelope stability for the sine-Gordon The FPUproblem is closely related to the solitonproblem.
equation with w / B < 1 leads to the sameconclusions that were Since the nonlinear mechanical lattice investigated by Toda
obtained in Section VII-A for traveling waves [IS]. One of [225] and described inSection 111-D admits periodicsolu-
the authors (A.C.S.) is indebted to Whitham for pointing out tions, a single lattice soliton can exist on the system with
that some of the statementspreviously made [ 1951 concerning periodic boundary conditions as illustrated in Fig. 6(b). This
the case w / B > 1 are incorrect. is a clear example in which the nonlinearity is not causing the
The importance of Whitham’s theory in nonlinear optics lattice to become thermalized into a state of energy equipar-
has hitherto been largely ignored outside of the USSR [176], tition.
[177], [116]. Wehope this oversight will berectifiedin the An interesting explanation of the original FPU results was
future. suggested in 1961 by Ford [65]. For a sufficiently weak non-
linear system, mode frequencies will be well defined, and only
D . InverseMethod those modes thatsatisfy a self-resonance condition of the
One can use the inverse method, described in Section V, form
to investigate stability with respect to perturbations of the
data. I t is only necessary to consider the effects of the per- miwi = 0, mi areintegers (VIII.A.l)
turbation on the spectrumof the associated linear problem in
order to understand its effects on the solution of the PDE can share energy. According to the ideas outlined in Section
[252]. IV, a single lattice soliton ona system with periodic boundary
- $4
nonlinearities and is incorrect for moderate and strong non-
correct calculation of nonlinear mode interaction [26]-[29],
linearities. In essence, the recurrence seems due to the focus-
and Cercignani, Galgani, and Scotti have revived a sugges-
ing of the solitons at a point in space-time, as is clear in the
tion of Nernst by showing that the quantum zero-point energy
early movies of Zabusky.6
is of the order of magnitude of the critical energy for the FPU
Following the tradition of the originalsoliton computer
resonance expressed in (VIII.A.l) [256]-[258].
film made available by Zabusky, Deem, and Kruskal in 1968
[247], Tappert has produced a remarkable cinematic study B. Elementary Particle Theory
of the KdV equation [218j7
One approach to a fundamental theory for the “elemen-
+I + +
M Z 62+zzz = 0 (VIII.A.2) tary” particles is to consider them as localized singularities
in nonlinearwave fields [33]-[35].Although this approach
with + ( x , 0) =cos 2 ~ and
x + ( x , t ) =+(x+l, t ) , which displays offers the attractive possibility of calculatingparticlemass
not only + ( x , t ) but also the modeenergies as functions of spectra from the assumed nonlinear fields, there remains the
time.This film clearlydemonstratestwodistinctnonlinear difficulty of including, a t leastasalimitingcase,thevery
effects: weak nonlinearity observed for 6>0.1 where (VIII.A.l) successful conventional theory of wave mechanics. This task
is satisfied for a small number of low-frequency modes, and has been attempted in recent years by deBroglie through the
soliton formation observed for 6 <0.1 and shown in Fig. 11. development of his ‘theory of thedoublesolution.”The
Observe that for thecase of solitonformation,the mode essence of this theory is that the particle is described by the
energies fall exponentially with increasingmode wavenumber, solution of a nonlinear wave equation
and considerPlanck’sformulafortheaverageenergy of a
mode with quantized energy levels [184]: +(z, y, z, t ) = +(z, y, z, t ) e J ’ ( z * ~ , r (VIII.B.l)
j- 1
our theoretical understanding, it would be most interesting
to investigate the algebraic properties of a selection of equa- where
tions for which it has been established that solitary waves do
not survive collisions.
= K ; X - Bit x;y;, +
~ i y,i const; ~i # ~j if i # j
meager support it has so far received. imply summation over all possible combinations of p1= 0, 1,
APPENDIX A pe=O, 1, , p ~ = 0 ,1 undertheconditions
The known N-soliton formulas for the equations discussed C(C)
p; = even integer
in Section I1 are listed here.
A . The KortnuepieVrks Equation
Hirota [94] has shown that+ = -2(log f)22 is an N-soliton pi = odd integer
solution of the KdV equation, provided U l
[ +2
N N respectively. For this equation
f = exp BijpGj pix;] (A.A.1)
P O .1 i<i fli = Ki'
Using theinversescatteringformulism,Wadati[230],
[231] obtains a second N-soliton formula for this equation
in another functional form. The solution is
B . The Self-Induced Transparency Equations with the "vacuum" solution, i.e., +0=0, one can generate a
set of solutions 60, 41, , 4 k through a series of such
From his inverse scattering formulism of the self-induced
"Backlund transformations."
transparency equations, Lamb [137] obtained the N-soliton
I t can be shown[57],[158] thatundersuitableinitial
formula for (II.B.1):
conditions, four solutions of (II.C.5) can be linked in terms of
&(X, t ) = 4[Im [log (det M)]]: (A.B.l) two constants a k and ai such that
+ J-. AjlBUdt,
Mjk = 8jk j , k = 1 , 2, * * ,N 4k+l,j+l = B a j B a k & , j = Ba$a#k,j, k,j = 1, 2 (A.C.3)
Ajl(t) = mjet/2ri, rj const where (using the notationof Seeger, Donth, and Kochendorfer
[199],[200]) B, is theBacklundtransformationoperator
BU(t) = etIzrk associated with the constant ai. [The commutative property
of the Backlund transformation (A.C.2) is indicated in Fig.
mk(%) = e?r(1 / 1 + ( h T k ) z ) + ' Y k , yk const.
12 bythediagrammaticrepresentation of (A.C.3)which
C. The Sine-Gordon Equation was introduced by Lamb.]
Barnard[I31hasrecently used a series of theseBack-
Lamb [131]-[133], [I351has used a Backlundtrans- lundtransformations to generatetheN-solitonsolutions of
formationtogeneratetheN-solitonsolution of thesine- the sine-Gordon equation. The diagrammatic representation
Gordon equation (II.C.5). This Backfund transformation was is shown in Fig. 13.
originally used to transform from the solution surface of one The analytical expressions for these solutions are [13]
equationtothesolutionsurface of anotherequation[57],
[ I S ] . It has been used in the areas of gas dynamics, fluids 4j+l,j =0
[147],[148],[181], and nonlinearwavepropagation[131]- . . = 4 tan-'
4381 [e-~+(1/rj)e+~ij], y j j const
[133],[195], McLaughlin.andScott [IS81 haveestablished
the fundamental step in the application of these transforma- (-l)i/Kj <0 (A.C.4)
tions to the study of interacting waves of the equation de-
scribed by if j > O . If j > k , then
Fig. 13. Extended Lamb diagram for the generation of N-soliton solu-
tions for (II.C.5). The number in parentheses indicates the number
of solitons.
Bi = ):( 1/2
2 sinh -
m Ki - Kj
solutions directly. They used the transformation - (Bi - @ j ) 2 - 4 sinh2-
ab 2
- (pi + /3,)2 - 4 sinh' -
Ki + Kj
ab 2
and claim that t$ is a solution for the sine-Gordon equation if and c4.1 impliessummationover all possiblecombina-
f(2,t ) = det I MI tionsofpI=O, 1, p 2 = 0 , 1, . . , p , , = O , 1.
Hirota used the transformation [98]
where the N X N matrix M has elements
(akaj)1/2 (A.D.3)
= + (-
+ aj
&fkj ~ [eSbZ-&ti% 1)k+ie-rjz+Bjt-'ri
and claims that (A.D.3) is an N-soliton solution for (II.D.6)if
y j const f, and g, are in the form
~j = aj + l/aj, aj const r N N 1
Bj = l / a j - aj. (A.C.6)
Bjk = ~ ei(Kj--st*)z
Kj - Kkf K; - Kj
-I- K j
Recently, Hirota [97] has found another form of the N-
soliton solution for the sine-Gordon equation (II.C.2). Using (pi + - sinh'
4 ~
the transformation
= 4 [g/f] (A.C.8)
pi = odd integer
and X”’
and implies
over all possible
indicatethesummationover all possible combinations of
nations of p1=0, 1, pz=O, 1, * . , p ~ = 0 ,1.
p1=0, 1, p2=0, 1, * - , pw=O, 1 under the conditions
F. The Nonlinear Schrddinger Equation N N
An N-soliton formula for the nonlinear Schrijdinger equa-
6 1
= 1 + i-1
tion has been obtained by Zakharov and Shabat [252] from
their inverse scattering formulism. If and
I 4(x, t) 4/2K(log d e t I BB* + I I)= N N
12 =
where the N X N matrix B has elements
1 + b l
Pi =
cj(t) = e4icit+~j, ~j const TRAVELING
then (A.F.l) is an N-soliton formula for the nonlinear Schro- In thisAppendix we sketchtheprocedure forfinding
dinger equation (II.F.1). traveling wave solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
x-u. t
@ = @(x - ut).
Under (B.4) we can write (B.3) as the ordinary differential
@= @O sech (:
@O(Z - ut)]. (B.ll)
- Hz2+ u,HZ + k@' = 0 (B.5a) For the case C#O, P(@) appears as in Fig.15 for C in
Hz=+ 2@8, - = 0. (B.5b) the range
conserved. In such a situation one can proceed by checking tion law is satisfied for
whether the wave equation under consideration can be de-
rived from a Lagrangiandensity viathe LagrangeEuler
equations [891.
T o see how this “works” consider a wave system with one
dependent variable 4 and two independent variables,x and t . and
A Lagrangian density 1 is an explicit function of 4 and its
timeandspacederivatives, +t and I t mayalso be an p= - C Pi4i.t.
(C. 10)
explicit function of time and space butwe will, for the present,
exclude this possibility from consideration. Thus we assume Sincethisdevelopmentissymmetricalwithrespectto
x and t , a second conservation law
If (C.2) is the wave equation of interest, then 1 is its corre-
sponding Lagrangian density. As a simple example note that
the Lagrangian density for the linear wave equation (1.4) is and the correspondingflow is
t(&’- l/CVt4. F = - Pi4i.Z. (C.13)
Equations with the structureof (C.l) and (C.2)are inter- i
esting because they allow us to define an energy density and
prove that it is conserved. The procedure is as follows. For the simple system of (1.4), the conservation laws given
1) Define a momentum density as by (C.5) and (C.ll)are identical; a second law, however, is
simply c*pt+rs=O expressing conservation of rotation. Note
that if 1 depends explicitly upon x , an additional term would
appear in (C.ll)and its significance as a conservation law
would be destroyed.
2) Define an energy density (often called a Hamiltonian For purely electrical wave systems consisting only of dis-
density) through the Legendre transformation tributedinductanceandcapacitance, a Lagrangiandensity
is easily constructed. I t may be taken as the difference be-
H 1 - r4t. (C.4) tween electric coenergy and magnetic energy in which case
the Lagrange-Euler equations are the node equations for a
3) Evaluate Ht using (C.2). I t can be expressed by
transmission line equivalent circuit or i t may be taken as the
differencebetween magnetic coenergy andelectricenergy
leading to the loop equations. (Detailed examples are given
in [197].)Thus the Lagrangian density fora physical system
where is not unique. Furthermore, we do not have a general way to
provethat a given equationhasnoLagrangiandensity.
and Lagrangian densities which possess conservation laws. An im-
portant example is the superconducting transmission line with
shunt loss (which destroysthe possibility of a conserved
energy density), but the magnetic flux is exactly conserved
[193], 11781.
is a quantity analogous toT which we choose to call the rota- Notwithstanding its faults, the Lagrangian density is a
tion density. The important result is (C.5). I t states that the useful concept. When one can be found ubyhook or by crook,”
energydensity, defined in (C.4), obeys a conservation law the corresponding wave system may be considered conserva-
for which P,given by (C.6), is the corresponding power flow. tive in the conventional sense of the term.
For thesimpleexample of (1.4), H=+(+z*+(l/c*)~t*) and D
P = -+At. Note that if 1 depends explicitly upon time, an
additionterm would appearin (C.5)andtheconservation THEGEL’FANWLEVITAN (MARCHENKO) EQUATION
law for energy would be destroyed. Having found the scattering data at time t , we must con-
For a Lagrangiandensitywith structthecorresponding“potential”
n dependentvariables 4 ( x , t ) . This“inverse
+i (i= 1, * , n ) , thereare problem” for the Schrijdinger equation can be solved through
n Lagrange-Euler equations of
the form the use of the Gel’fand-Levitan integralequation.(Tech-
nically, this should be called the Marchenko equation since
the Gel’fand-Levitan equation applies to x € [0, EQ).)Here
we derive this important equation and show that it solves
the inverseproblem. Throughoutthis Appendix we omit
If these represent the wave system under study,we can define explicit reference to time dependence for typographical con-
ri=aL/iWi,t, pi=aL/&$i,., and show that the energy conserva- venience.
SCOTT et ol. : THE SOLITON 1477
We restrict
to that
are well & ( x , y) = 0, for y >x (D.8c)
behaved to satisfy g2(x, k) =f2(x, k) - e-“*. (D.8d)
bl(z, y ) = -
gl(x, k)eda*dk
Levitan equation could be carried out in ( x , y) space. Here,
(D*5) however, we follow the more conventionalapproachand use
( x , y) space only to derive the important formulas
e+O+ to obtain When x < y , we can use the Cauchy integral theorem to
evaluate the left-hand side,of (D.16) by completing the con-
(D.12) tour in the upperhalf of the k plane: i t can be shown that the
'arc of infinite radius" doesnot contribute. Nowfe(x, k) is ana-
lytic in the open upper half plane (Im [ k ] > O ) and T ( k ) is
or analyticthereexcept forsimplepolesontheimaginary k
axis. These poles lie a t k =iKn and correspond to the bound
state energies E,, = - K , , ~ . Since the correspondingresidues
play a fundamental role in the evaluation of the contour inte-
which is equivalent to (D.lOa). Thus we need a formula for gral, we will discuss the poles of T ( k ) in some detail. First we
!,(x, y) or & ( X , y) in terms of the scattering data in order to establish that the poles do indeed occur at the bound state
traverse path c of Fig. 8. energies.Webegin byobtainingan expressionfor T ( k ) in
A rather direct method for obtaining this equation begins terms of thesolutions (f1, f~).'Equation(D.14),together
with the 'physical" wave function # ( x , k) = T ( k ) f 2 ( x ,k) ex- with its derivative with respect to x , yields two linear equa-
pressed interms of thetwolinearlyindependentsolutions tions for T ( k ) and R ( k ) :
f i ( x , k) andfl(x, -k). Thus
where i t isclearfrom theboundaryconditions(V.ASa), which can be solved for the transmission coefficient as
(, and ( that T ( k ) and R ( k ) are the appropriate
Consider thescattering problemshown inFig. 9. I t is
obvious from physical considerations that, as the energy (and
thus K) approaches infinity, where W ( a , b ) is the Wronskian of two functions, a and b,
defined as (ab, -a,b). The numerator of (D.17) can be evalu-
T ( k ) + 1, as k m ated as -2ik at x = +
m . Thus (D.17) becomes
R ( k ) +o.
In fact, these limits are approached rapidly enough to insure
existence of the following Fourier transforms:
and the poles of T ( k ) occur at zeros of W [ f i ( x ,k), f2(x, k)].
1 "
p(y) = -J-" [ T ( k ) - l]e-*vdk
Let KO denote such a zero in the upper half k plane. Then
Wlfl(x, KO), f d x , ko)] =0, which implies f l ( z , ko) =c(ko)fz(x,
ko). Consider the behavior of fl and fs as I x I m . From ++
1 "
~ ( y=
) -J-" R(k)e*dk.
( and ( we have
f(x, ko) =f1(z,KO) ~ i z Pol .e-z b [W , asx++ m
We already know that the Fourier transforms of gl =fl-e* KO)
= Cfs(x, = Ce-k BO] e+z h], as x + - m .
and gz=f~-e-* exist. TakingtheFouriertransform of
(D.14), after adding obvious terms, we obtain As long as Im [ko]>0, these equations showf(x,KO) decays ex-
ponentially as [ x / + + 00 : therefore, f(z, KO) is a bound state
with eigenvalue (-ko*) for the Schriidinger equation (V.A.3).
But this Schrodinger equation is self-adjoint, implying (-ko*)
is positive or KO is purely imaginary. All poles of T ( k ) occur
a t k = i w , ( n = 1 , . . * , A').
The residue for the left-hand integral of (D.16) at k =kn
can be written as
Res [iK.] = -- e-cwfl(x, i~,,) (D.19a)
?& ['(d,
iKn)dZ']'. (D.19b)
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Absttuct-We have observed, by using a nonlinear lumped LC a weakly nonlinear lattice, was undertaken by Zabusky and
network, the fundamental propertiesof solitons indicated by Zabtlsky
Kruskal [2]. They discovered, by a computer simulation, the
and Kraslcal, where I) an initial pulselike disturbance breaks into
formation of stable nonlinear dispersive wave entities, which
many solitons, 2) a soliton of high amplitude travels faster than one
they called
of low amplitude, and 3) solitons preserve their identities after in- The
observations of F P U
teracting with each other nonlinearly. could be explained, according to their computer experiments,
Some of the fundamentalproperties of solitons areexplained by the existence of solitons which have the following unique
physically in terms of properties of the nonlinear LC network, and
are demonstrated mathematically by establishing analytical expres-
1) A wavepacket at any givenpositiondissolves into
sions for solitons in a particular network.
many solitons each of which travels at its own velocity.
I . INTRODUCTION 2) A soliton of high amplitude travels faster than one of
N T H E C O U R S Eof a numerical study of the ergodicity low amplitude.
IC of a weakly nonlinearlattice,Fermi,Pasta,and Ulam 3) Solitons pass through one another without losing their
(FPU) [l]found a recurrence phenomenon. For a variety identities. During the overlap time interval their joint am-
of sinusoidal initial conditions, they observed that the energy plitude decreases.
was shared only among the lowest modes of the system and Extended analysis of the KdV equation has been under-
after a sufficiently long time almost all the energy returned to taken by various authors [3]-[7].
the initial state.A related numerical study of the Korteweg-de Meanwhile,Toda successfully obtainedanalyticalsolu-
Vries (KdV) equation, which is an asymptotic equation for tions of the equation of motion in an anharmonic one-dimen-
Manuscript received August 14, 1972;revised March 6, 1973. 1 See a review of the “soliton” problem by A. C. Scott, F. Y.F. Chu,
The authors are with RCA Research Laboratories. Inc.. P.O. Box and D. W. McLaughlin, entitled “The soliton-A new concept inapplied
5151, Tokyo International 100-31, Japan. science,” this iclsue, pp. 1443-1483.