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Journal of Experimental Agriculture International

15(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no.JEAI.30940

Previously known as American Journal of Experimental Agriculture
ISSN: 2231-0606

SCIENCEDOMAIN international

Crop Water Requirement of Major Crops of Srinagar,

Kashmir (J&K)
Latief Ahmad1*, Sabah Parvaze1 and R. H. Kanth1
Division of Agronomy, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology,
Shalimar 190025, Kashmir, India.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. All authors read and approved the final

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/JEAI/2017/30940
(1) Moreira Martine Ramon Felipe, Departamento de Enxeñaría Química, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
(1) M. M. Maina, UPM, Serdang, Malaysia.
(2) Murat Yildirim, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey.
(3) Klaus Reichardt, CENA, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sciencedomain.org/review-history/17628

Received 9 December 2016
Case Study Accepted 12 January 2017
Published 26th January 2017

Precise estimation of crop water requirement is essential for efficient water management of crops.
Reference evapotranspiration plays a vital role in determining the water requirements of crops as
well as planning of irrigation. The present study has been undertaken to determine the water
requirement of major crops cultivated in the Srinagar District of Kashmir Valley on the basis of
reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation measurements. The crops used for the study
are paddy, wheat, maize and pulses. Reference evapotranspiration was estimated by Penmen-
Monteith method using standard meteorological data for a period of four years (2012-2015). The
results showed that the total water requirement is maximum for paddy crop being 573.8 mm by
Penmen-Monteith method and 721.4 mm by pan evaporation method. Wheat crop requires
minimum water being 343 mm by Penmen-Monteith method and 134.3 mm by pan evaporation
method. The water requirement for maize and pulses was in between paddy and wheat being
485.7 mm and 644.1 mm for maize by Penmen-Monteith method and pan evaporation method
respectively. For pulses the water requirement was 370 mm by Penmen-Monteith method and
510.8 mm by pan evaporation method.


*Corresponding author: E-mail: drlatief_skuastk@hotmail.com;

Ahmad et al.; JEAI, 15(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no.JEAI.30940

Keywords: Reference evapotranspiration; crop evapotranspiration; pan evaporation and crop water

1. INTRODUCTION standard Class A pan. Empirical coefficients are

used to adjust pan evaporation values to ET
Climate, water and soil are fundamental values [5]. These coefficients may be determined
resources for crop production. For efficient crop by calibration but acceptable results are also
production, it is essential to utilize these obtained using representative values from other
resources efficiently. The maximum potential studies [6].
yield of a crop is determined primarily by the
climate and the genetic potential of the crop. The present study has been undertaken to
However, the availability of water in quantity and ascertain the water requirement of major crops
time at different stages of growth has a profound cultivated in the Srinagar region of Kashmir
effect on the upper limit of a crop’s productivity. A Valley on the basis of reference
judicious assessment of the water requirement of evapotranspiration and pan evaporation
the crops is crucial for irrigation scheduling and measurements. The crops used for the study are
planning of farm irrigation systems. wheat, maize, paddy and pulses. The problem
with agriculture in the Kashmir Valley is that
Irrigation is the largest consumptive use of water cultivation of crops is carried out by the farmer’s
globally involving 75-80% of the water use [1]. skill and experience but not by the use of proven
Irrigation scheduling necessitates careful scientific methods for maximizing the yield of the
estimation of crop water requirement. The crop crop. If proper scientific methods are adopted
water requirement plays a crucial role in the yield and used the yield of the crops can be increased
of a crop. Crop water requirement is the optimum substantially which can boost the economic
amount of water required by the crop for full- growth of the famers and revenue income of the
fledged nourishment of the plants and to obtain state. The rationale behind the study and
maximum yield. It is defined as “the depth of assessing the water requirements of various
water needed to meet the water loss through crops that are cultivated in the Srinagar District of
evapotranspiration of a disease-free crop, the valley is to boost the agricultural yield to
growing in large fields under non-restricting soil improve the economic condition of the state.
conditions including soil water and fertility and From the ascertained value of water requirement
achieving full production potential under the of crops, the value of discharge of the channel
given growing environment” [2]. can be calculated by using the efficiency of
application of water in the cultivated land and
Crop water requirement is estimated in terms of
efficiency of conveyance of water through the
evapotranspiration. Field measurement of
channel for the design of channels to irrigate
evapotranspiration is arduous and costly. Direct
cultivable area. The Crop water requirement of
measurement of evapotranspiration is also
the crops can be useful in selecting a suitable
impractical for permanent and large scale use
crop in a particular place of the region depending
[3]. Empirical methods are thus commonly used
upon the availability of water, soil texture, water
for estimation of evapotranspiration. These
holding capacity of the soil and land slope.
methods have been developed using the relation
of evapotranspiration with parameters of climate
and atmosphere. Evapotranspiration is 1.1 Study Area
determined by these models by the combination
of energy balance and mass transfer methods The area considered for the present study is the
with parameters describing the crop. A number of Srinagar district of Kashmir Valley. Srinagar has
models for estimation of reference average latitude of 34° 44' N and 74° 54' E
evapotranspiration exist. Penman-Monteith longitude. Himalayas surround the Kashmir
method however gives acceptable results under Valley on all sides. The high elevation and
most of the global climatic conditions and thus is northerly position of the valley bestows it with a
applied extensively for reference ET calculations humid subtropical climate. The SKUAST-K
[4]. Actual or crop evapotranspiration is then station is located within the Srinagar district at an
calculated from reference ET by multiplying it elevation of 1605 m above mean sea level and
with a crop coefficient. latitude and longitude of 34°05’N and 74°50’E
respectively. Winters are cool, with daytime a
Another common method of estimating crop ET January average of 2.5°C (36.5°F), and
is by using the measured evaporation from the temperatures below freezing at night. Moderate

Ahmad et al.; JEAI, 15(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no.JEAI.30940

to heavy snowfall occurs in winter. Summers are apply it to cropped surfaces as well. The Penman
warm with a July daytime average of 24.1°C model was modified by Monteith with the
(75.4°F). The average annual rainfall is around inclusion of an aerodynamic and a physiological
720 millimeters (28 in). resistance [8]. The Penman-Monteith method,
also known as FAO-56 Penman-Monteith
2. METHODOLOGY method is considered as a standard method for
estimating evapotranspiration because of
2.1 Data Used relatively accurate calculations for a range of
climatic conditions. The equation is given as,
Daily meteorological data of maximum
temperature (°C), minimum temperature (ºC), 0.408∆( − )+ ( − )
relative humidity (%), wind velocity at 2 m height =
∆ + (1 + 0.34 )
(m/s) sunshine hours (hrs.) and daily pan
evaporation (mm) were obtained from Agro- Where,
meteorological observatory of SKUAST-K,
Shalimar, (J&K) for the time period from January, ET0 = reference evapotranspiration [mm day-1],
2012 to December, 2015. The average monthly Rn = net radiation at the crop surface [MJ m-2 day-1],
values of weather data over this period are given
G = soil heat flux density [MJ m-2 day-1],
in Table 1. The values of crop coefficients for the
crops at different stages of growth are given in Tmean = mean daily air temperature at 2 m height [°C],
Table 2. U2 = wind speed at 2 m height [m s-1],

2.2 Penman-Monteith Method es = saturation vapor pressure [kPa],

ea = actual vapor pressure [kPa],
Penman [7] derived an equation for computing
es - ea = saturation vapor pressure deficit [kPa],
evaporation from open water surfaces using
temperature, humidity, sunshine hours and wind Δ = slope vapor pressure curve [kPa °C-1],
speed data. Many researchers then introduced = psychrometric constant [kPa °C-1].
resistance factors in the equation in order to

Table 1. Monthly values of various meteorological parameters for the time period 2012-2015

Year Month MAXT(C) MINT(C) RH1(%) RH2(%) WS SS(HR) EVP(MM) RF(MM)

2012 1 4.4 -3.3 94 80 1.6 1.8 2.2 67.5
2012 2 8.6 -0.1 91 66 2.8 3.1 10.9 78.9
2012 3 15.7 3.5 80 44 3.6 3.9 61.6 38.6
2012 4 19.3 7 83 54 2.9 4.9 82.4 130.5
2012 5 23.1 8.7 81 57 2.7 7 95.8 43.6
2012 6 27.7 12.5 77 49 2.2 7.7 122.2 24.2
2012 7 31.3 16.7 81 48 1.7 7.9 122.9 32.2
2012 8 30.1 17.8 82 54 1.3 5.9 109.4 60.2
2012 9 26.3 13.5 90 64 1.2 5.9 72.2 86.4
2012 10 20.8 4.3 87 55 1.4 6.4 48.6 8.9
2012 11 16.3 0.1 83 54 1.6 5.1 33.9 12.8
2012 12 8.2 -0.6 89 73 1.6 2.2 11 44.6
2013 1 7.2 -2.8 92 71 2 3.8 6.5 89.4
2013 2 9.6 0.1 87 63 2.4 3.3 15.5 137
2013 3 17.1 3.8 80 48 2.9 5.6 66.5 51.6
2013 4 19 6.6 80 59 2.7 5.2 77.3 135.6
2013 5 24 9.2 80 49 2.5 7.1 114 59
2013 6 29.4 14.9 79 50 2.1 8.9 147.5 107.2
2013 7 30.9 17.8 77 48 1.8 8.7 162.4 73.6
2013 8 28.6 17.7 81 62 1.4 5.7 138.8 178.4
2013 9 27.7 12.1 83 58 1.2 7.3 107.5 31.2
2013 10 24.1 8.1 85 59 1.4 6.1 80.3 21

Ahmad et al.; JEAI, 15(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no.JEAI.30940

Year Month MAXT(C) MINT(C) RH1(%) RH2(%) WS SS(HR) EVP(MM) RF(MM)

2013 11 15.3 -0.4 86 66 1.1 4.1 30.9 17
2013 12 10.1 -2.2 90 70 1.1 2.6 17.1 25.2
2014 1 4.7 -1.7 89 79 0.5 1 7.1 165.6
2014 2 9.2 0 88 61 2.1 3.4 21.3 68.5
2014 3 11.1 3.1 85 66 1.9 2.2 40 278.2
2014 4 17.8 6.2 78 61 1.4 4.8 79.6 124.8
2014 5 23.1 8.9 81 56 1.2 5.8 102.7 68.9
2014 6 29.3 11.4 72 44 1.8 9.2 157.5 24.1
2014 7 30.5 16.8 79 49 1 7.7 148.7 72.8
2014 8 29.1 14.8 80 53 1.5 7.4 141.7 80
2014 9 24.8 10.1 88 66 1.7 6.3 75.8 211.1
2014 10 21.2 6.5 92 67 1.7 5.7 75.5 23.4
2014 11 13.7 0.2 90 72 1.3 2.7 28.7 19.6
2014 12 10.1 -4.2 91 64 1.5 2 13.6 0
2015 1 10.4 -2.9 90 56 2.1 4.3 16.6 14.8
2015 2 9.3 -0.2 90 67 2.4 2.7 20.3 249.5
2015 3 11.7 1.8 89 66 2.7 3.4 42.1 440.3
2015 4 19.4 6.6 80 52 2.9 6 102.6 186.6
2015 5 23.8 9 77 59 3.1 7 134.7 64.2
2015 6 25.2 12.1 77 58 2.5 7.1 136.3 125.6
2015 7 29 17.5 84 63 1.8 6.5 133.9 268.6
2015 8 29.9 16.3 83 55 1.4 7.2 142.1 174.6
2015 9 26.3 10 82 53 1.7 7.7 115.3 75.4
2015 10 21 5.7 88 59 1.4 5.9 76.7 92.3
2015 11 13.6 2.2 88 69 1.3 2 36.7 39
2015 12 9.1 -2.4 89 70 1.5 2.2 23.2 23
MAXT = Maximum temperature WS = Wind speed
MINT = Minimum temperature SS = Sunshine hours
RH1 = Morning relative humidity EVP = Evaporation
RH2 = Evening relative humidity RF = Rainfall

Table 2. Crop coefficient values at different stages of development

Crop Crop development stage

Initial Crop development Mid-season Late season
Paddy 1.1-1.15 1.1-1.5 1.1-1.3 0.95-1.05
Wheat 0.3-0.4 0.7-0.8 1.05-1.2 0.65-0.75
Maize 0.3-0.5 0.7-0.85 1.05-1.2 0.8-0.95
Pulses 0.3-0.4 0.7-0.8 1.05-1.2 0.65-075
(Source: Hargreaves et al., 1985)

2.3 Pan Evaporation Method Where,

ET0 = Reference evapotranspiration [mm day-1],
Evaporation pans combine the effect of different
meteorological parameters, namely radiation, Epan = Pan evaporation [mm day-1],
wind, temperature and humidity on evaporation
from a particular exposed water surface. Plants
Kp = Pan coefficient (0.70 for the present study).
also react to these climatic variables in a similar
manner [6]. In order to take the climate and pan 2.4 Crops
environment into consideration, empirical 2.4.1 Paddy
coefficients are used to relate pan evaporation
and reference crop evapotranspiration. One of It is the staple cereal crop of Kashmir Region
these relations is given as: and is cultivated in Kharif (summer) Season.
Optimum growth of paddy requires diurnal
= × temperatures of 25-33°C and nocturnal

Ahmad et al.; JEAI, 15(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no.JEAI.30940

temperatures of 15-20°C. Maturity period is 2.5 Crop Coefficients

130-150 days.
The idea of crop coefficient(Kc) was made
2.4.2 Wheat known by Jensen [9]. The idea was further
advanced by some more researchers [6,10,11].
It is a rabi (winter season) crop and its plant The value of Kc is influenced by the crop
requires a cool and somewhat moist climate in characteristics and the stage of growth. To
the beginning and warm and dry weather at the some extent climate also influences the value of
harvest time. It is sown in August and harvested Kc. Kc is an integrated representation of four
in March-April. It is largely a rain-fed crop chief factors; crop height, albedo, canopy
particularly in foothills and hilly areas of the resistance and evaporation from the soil.
2.4.3 Maize
The water requirement of some major crops of
In terms of acreage, maize is a chief crop of J&K Kashmir valley, namely wheat, maize, paddy
state. It is a kharif crop and grown mostly in and pulses was estimated using Penman-
warmer parts of temperate regions and areas of Monteith Method and Pan evaporation method.
humid sub-tropical climate. Nearly 85% of the The results showed that the crops require
cropped area in the state is rain-fed and thus maximum water during mid-season stage and
prone to vagaries of rainfall distribution. final stages of development. Paddy crop
requires maximum water for growth while least
2.4.4 Pulses water requirement is for wheat crop. The yearly
water requirement of these crops during 2012-
Hot and dry climate suit their cultivation. They 2015 during different stages of growth by
are largely grown on small patches of land and Penman-Monteith Method is given in Table 3
the pulses of Kashmir Valley are well known for and Pan evaporation method is given in
their quality. Table 4.

Table 3. Annual water requirement by penman-monteith method

Crop Year Crop water requirement (mm)

Initial Crop MID-season Final Total
stage development stage stage
Paddy 2012 98.0 118.5 210.2 128.9 555.6
2013 102.7 130.3 228.0 140.0 601.0
2014 59.2 105.1 205.5 157.8 527.5
2015 113.4 136.8 196.4 164.6 611.2
Wheat 2012 18.8 72.3 48.9 280.2 420.3
2013 17.1 65.2 50.0 88.0 220.3
2014 16.1 53.1 56.3 295.0 420.5
2015 16.4 44.9 53.7 195.7 310.7
Maize 2012 11.2 50.8 152.1 320.9 535.0
2013 10.9 56.3 166.7 267.7 501.6
2014 6.4 31.9 153.2 252.8 444.3
2015 11.2 65.0 144.4 241.5 462.0
Pulses 2012 13.2 32.0 86.6 247.0 378.9
2013 12.9 35.5 95.4 269.1 412.9
2014 7.6 20.1 81.4 278.6 387.7
2015 13.3 41.0 98.2 255.9 408.3

Ahmad et al.; JEAI, 15(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no.JEAI.30940

Table 4. Annual water requirement by pan evaporation method

Crop Year Crop water requirement (mm)

Initial Crop development Mid-season Final Total
stage stage stage stage
Paddy 2012 97.3 130.0 250.6 134.5 612.4
2013 105.2 157.0 320.8 184.6 767.7
2014 100.3 156.3 313.2 163.0 732.7
2015 130.5 162.7 286.8 192.9 772.9
Wheat 2012 8.7 31.7 13.2 34.3 88.0
2013 14.5 28.9 20.5 37.5 101.4
2014 13.6 26.9 16.3 87.6 144.4
2015 13.8 34.4 27.8 127.2 203.2
Maize 2012 11.2 50.1 180.0 303.3 544.5
2013 10.4 60.6 224.1 393.2 688.4
2014 10.7 54.6 227.2 379.1 671.7
2015 13.9 71.6 225.9 360.3 671.7
Pulses 2012 13.2 31.6 97.2 296.4 438.4
2013 12.4 48.2 127.8 357.7 546.2
2014 12.7 34.4 118.6 382.0 547.7
2015 16.4 45.1 118.7 330.6 510.8

The water required by the crops during different Monteith Method is shown in Fig. 2 and by Pan
stages are shown in Fig. 1. The charts are based Evaporation Method is shown in Fig. 3. The
on 4-year average of water required in different results show that paddy requires more water as
stages of growth. For wheat, maize and pulses compared to other crops in initial, crop
maximum water is required during final stage of development and mid-season stages of growth.
growth. The maximum water requirement for The water requirement of paddy is however less
paddy is however during mid-season stage. in the final stage of growth as compared to other
crops. The results obtained by Penmen-Monteith
The comparison of water requirement during Method are analogous to those obtained by Pan
different stages for each crop by Penmen- Evaporation Method.

Fig. 1. Relative water requirement during different growth stages

Ahmad et al.; JEAI, 15(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no.JEAI.30940

Water Requirement by Penman-Monteith Method

Water Requirement (mm)






Crop Stage

Fig. 2. Stage-wise water requirement by penman-monteith method

Water Requirement by Pan Evaporation Method











Fig. 3. Stage-wise water requirement by pan evaporation method

The estimated water requirement by crop, the estimated water requirement by Pan
Penman-Monteith Method is more than Evaporation Method is lower than that
estimated water requirement for maize, by Penman-Monteith Method as shown in
paddy and pulses crops. However, for wheat Fig. 4.

Ahmad et al.; JEAI, 15(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no.JEAI.30940


Water requirement (mm)







Penman-Monteith Pan Evaporation

Fig. 4. Comparison of estimated water requirements of different crops by penman-monteith

method and pan evaporation method

4. CONCLUSIONS irrigation. Agricultural Water Management.

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© 2017 Ahmad et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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