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UN Internal Screw Thread: in Practice It Is Necessary To Provide For Some Threading Tool

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Machinery's Handbook 27th Edition


UN Internal Screw Thread: In practice it is necessary to provide for some threading tool
crest wear, therefore the root of the Design Profile is rounded and cleared beyond the
0.125P flat width of the Basic Profile.There is no internal UNR screw thread.
American National Standard Unified Internal and External Screw
Thread Design Profiles (Maximum Material Condition) .—
;;;;;;;; 0.375H

Rounded crest
60 deg
0.625H Pitch line 30 deg


Flanks to be straight Nominal flat root

beyond 0.25H from sharp design minor
apex of root diameter
Rounded root optional
90 deg
Axis of external thread


;;;;;;;;; 0.125P
60 deg
Rounded crest
0.375H 0.5P
H ;;;;;;;;;
0.25P 0.6875H
Pitch line

30 deg

0.25H 0.1875H

r = 0.108P
0.0625H 0.25H

Tangency flank/root rad.

Flanks to be straight UNR design minor
beyond 0.25H from sharp diameter specified in
apex of root dimensional tables
90 deg
Axis of external thread


Min major diameter 0.125P Thread
specified in dimensional (Nut)
0.125H 0.125H
0.25P 0.375H
60° H
line 0.625H 0.25H
0.25H 0.25H
90 deg
Axis of external thread
(H = height of sharp V-thread = 0.86603 × pitch)

Thread Series.—Thread series are groups of diameter-pitch combinations distinguished

from each other by the numbers of threads per inch applied to a specific diameter. The var-
ious diameter-pitch combinations of eleven standard series are shown in Table 2. The lim-
its of size of threads in the eleven standard series together with certain selected
combinations of diameter and pitch, as well as the symbols for designating the various
threads, are given in Table 3. (Text continues on page 1763)

Copyright 2004, Industrial Press, Inc., New York, NY

Machinery's Handbook 27th Edition

Table 1. American Standard Unified Inch Screw Thread Form Data

Depth of Truncation Truncation Truncation Truncation Flat at Ext. Basic Maximum
Depth Int. Thd. Depth of Truncation of UNR of of of Thd. Crest Flat at Ext. Thd. Addendum
Threads per of Sharp and UN UNR of Ext. Thd. Ext. Thd. Ext. Thd. Int. Thd. Int. Thd. and Int. Thd. Int. Thd. Root of
Inch Pitch V-Thread Ext. Thd.a Ext. Thd. Root Rootb Crest Root Crest Root Crestc Radius Ext. Thd.
n P 0.86603P 0.54127P 0.59539P 0.21651P 0.16238P 0.10825P 0.10825P 0.2165P 0.125P 0.25P 0.14434P 0.32476P
80 0.01250 0.01083 0.00677 0.00744 0.00271 0.00203 0.00135 0.00135 0.00271 0.00156 0.00312 0.00180 0.00406
72 0.01389 0.01203 0.00752 0.00827 0.00301 0.00226 0.00150 0.00150 0.00301 0.00174 0.00347 0.00200 0.00451
64 0.01563 0.01353 0.00846 0.00930 0.00338 0.00254 0.00169 0.00169 0.00338 0.00195 0.00391 0.00226 0.00507
56 0.01786 0.01546 0.00967 0.01063 0.00387 0.00290 0.00193 0.00193 0.00387 0.00223 0.00446 0.00258 0.00580
48 0.02083 0.01804 0.01128 0.01240 0.00451 0.00338 0.00226 0.00226 0.00451 0.00260 0.00521 0.00301 0.00677
44 0.02273 0.01968 0.01230 0.01353 0.00492 0.00369 0.00246 0.00246 0.00492 0.00284 0.00568 0.00328 0.00738


40 0.02500 0.02165 0.01353 0.01488 0.00541 0.00406 0.00271 0.00271 0.00541 0.00312 0.00625 0.00361 0.00812
36 0.02778 0.02406 0.01504 0.01654 0.00601 0.00451 0.00301 0.00301 0.00601 0.00347 0.00694 0.00401 0.00902
32 0.03125 0.02706 0.01691 0.01861 0.00677 0.00507 0.00338 0.00338 0.00677 0.00391 0.00781 0.00451 0.01015
28 0.03571 0.03093 0.01933 0.02126 0.00773 0.00580 0.00387 0.00387 0.00773 0.00446 0.00893 0.00515 0.01160
27 0.03704 0.03208 0.02005 0.02205 0.00802 0.00601 0.00401 0.00401 0.00802 0.00463 0.00926 0.00535 0.01203
24 0.04167 0.03608 0.02255 0.02481 0.00902 0.00677 0.00451 0.00451 0.00902 0.00521 0.01042 0.00601 0.01353
20 0.05000 0.04330 0.02706 0.02977 0.01083 0.00812 0.00541 0.00541 0.01083 0.00625 0.01250 0.00722 0.01624
18 0.05556 0.04811 0.03007 0.03308 0.01203 0.00902 0.00601 0.00601 0.01203 0.00694 0.01389 0.00802 0.01804
16 0.06250 0.05413 0.03383 0.03721 0.01353 0.01015 0.00677 0.00677 0.01353 0.00781 0.01562 0.00902 0.02030
14 0.07143 0.06186 0.03866 0.04253 0.01546 0.01160 0.00773 0.00773 0.01546 0.00893 0.01786 0.01031 0.02320
13 0.07692 0.06662 0.04164 0.04580 0.01655 0.01249 0.00833 0.00833 0.01665 0.00962 0.01923 0.01110 0.02498
12 0.08333 0.07217 0.04511 0.04962 0.01804 0.01353 0.00902 0.00902 0.01804 0.01042 0.02083 0.01203 0.02706
111⁄2 0.08696 0.07531 0.04707 0.05177 0.01883 0.01412 0.00941 0.00941 0.01883 0.01087 0.02174 0.01255 0.02824
11 0.09091 0.07873 0.04921 0.05413 0.01968 0.01476 0.00984 0.00984 0.01968 0.01136 0.02273 0.01312 0.02952
10 0.10000 0.08660 0.05413 0.05954 0.02165 0.01624 0.01083 0.01083 0.02165 0.01250 0.02500 0.01443 0.03248
9 0.11111 0.09623 0.06014 0.06615 0.02406 0.01804 0.01203 0.01203 0.02406 0.01389 0.02778 0.01604 0.03608
8 0.12500 0.10825 0.06766 0.07442 0.02706 0.02030 0.01353 0.01353 0.02706 0.01562 0.03125 0.01804 0.04059
7 0.14286 0.12372 0.07732 0.08506 0.03093 0.02320 0.01546 0.01546 0.03093 0.01786 0.03571 0.02062 0.04639
6 0.16667 0.14434 0.09021 0.09923 0.03608 0.02706 0.01804 0.01804 0.03608 0.02083 0.04167 0.02406 0.05413
5 0.20000 0.17321 0.10825 0.11908 0.04330 0.03248 0.02165 0.02165 0.04330 0.02500 0.05000 0.02887 0.06495
41⁄2 0.22222 0.19245 0.12028 0.13231 0.04811 0.03608 0.02406 0.02406 0.04811 0.02778 0.05556 0.03208 0.07217
4 0.25000 0.21651 0.13532 0.14885 0.05413 0.04059 0.02706 0.02706 0.05413 0.03125 0.06250 0.03608 0.08119
a Also depth of thread engagement.
b Design profile.
c Also basic flat at external UN thread root.

All dimensions are in inches.

Copyright 2004, Industrial Press, Inc., New York, NY

Machinery's Handbook 27th Edition

Table 3. (Continued) Standard Series and Selected Combinations — Unified Screw Threads
Externalb Internalb
Nominal Size,
Threads per Inch, UNR Minor Major
and Series Major Diameter Pitch Diameter Minor Diameter Pitch Diameter Diameter
Allow- Dia.,c Max
Designationa Class ance Maxd Min Mine Maxd Min (Ref.) Class Min Max Min Max Min
31⁄2–14 UNS 2A 0.0018 3.4982 3.4879 — 3.4518 3.4457 3.4132 2B 3.423 3.438 3.4536 3.4615 3.5000
31⁄2–16 UN 2A 0.0017 3.4983 3.4889 — 3.4577 3.4519 3.4238 2B 3.432 3.446 3.4594 3.4669 3.5000
3A 0.0000 3.5000 3.4906 — 3.4594 3.4551 3.4255 3B 3.4320 3.4408 3.4594 3.4650 3.5000
31⁄2–18 UNS 2A 0.0017 3.4983 3.4896 — 3.4622 3.4567 3.4322 2B 3.440 3.453 3.4639 3.4711 3.5000
35⁄8–6 UN 2A 0.0029 3.6221 3.6039 — 3.5138 3.5041 3.4237 2B 3.445 3.475 3.5167 3.5293 3.6250


3A 0.0000 3.6250 3.6068 — 3.5167 3.5094 3.4266 3B 3.4450 3.4646 3.5167 3.5262 3.6250
35⁄8–8 UN 2A 0.0027 3.6223 3.6073 — 3.5411 3.5322 3.4735 2B 3.490 3.515 3.5438 3.5554 3.6250
3A 0.0000 3.6250 3.6100 — 3.5438 3.5371 3.4762 3B 3.4900 3.5047 3.5438 3.5525 3.6250
35⁄8–12 UN 2A 0.0019 3.6231 3.6117 — 3.5690 3.5626 3.5239 2B 3.535 3.553 3.5709 3.5793 3.6250
3A 0.0000 3.6250 3.6136 — 3.5709 3.5661 3.5258 3B 3.5350 3.5448 3.5709 3.5772 3.6250
35⁄8–16 UN 2A 0.0017 3.6233 3.6139 — 3.5827 3.5769 3.5488 2B 3.557 3.571 3.5844 3.5919 3.6250
3A 0.0000 3.6250 3.6156 — 3.5844 3.5801 3.5505 3B 3.5570 3.5658 3.5844 3.5900 3.6250
33⁄4–4 UNC 1A 0.0034 3.7466 3.7109 — 3.5842 3.5674 3.4489 1B 3.479 3.517 3.5876 3.6094 3.7500
2A 0.0034 3.7466 3.7228 3.7109 3.5842 3.5730 3.4489 2B 3.479 3.517 3.5876 3.6021 3.7500
3A 0.0000 3.7500 3.7262 — 3.5876 3.5792 3.4523 3B 3.4790 3.5094 3.5876 3.5985 3.7500
33⁄4–6 UN 2A 0.0029 3.7471 3.7289 — 3.6388 3.6290 3.5487 2B 3.570 3.600 3.6417 3.6544 3.7500
3A 0.0000 3.7500 3.7318 — 3.6417 3.6344 3.5516 3B 3.5700 3.5896 3.6417 3.6512 3.7500
33⁄4–8 UN 2A 0.0027 3.7473 3.7323 3.7248 3.6661 3.6571 3.5985 2B 3.615 3.640 3.6688 3.6805 3.7500
3A 0.0000 3.7500 3.7350 — 3.6688 3.6621 3.6012 3B 3.6150 3.6297 3.6688 3.6776 3.7500
33⁄4–10 UNS 2A 0.0021 3.7479 3.7350 — 3.6829 3.6760 3.6289 2B 3.642 3.663 3.6850 3.6940 3.7500
33⁄4–12 UN 2A 0.0019 3.7481 3.7367 — 3.6940 3.6876 3.6489 2B 3.660 3.678 3.6959 3.7043 3.7500
3A 0.0000 3.7500 3.7386 — 3.6959 3.6911 3.6508 3B 3.6600 3.6698 3.6959 3.7022 3.7500
33⁄4–14 UNS 2A 0.0018 3.7482 3.7379 — 3.7018 3.6957 3.6632 2B 3.673 3.688 3.7036 3.7115 3.7500
33⁄4–16 UN 2A 0.0017 3.7483 3.7389 — 3.7077 3.7019 3.6738 2B 3.682 3.696 3.7094 3.7169 3.7500
3A 0.0000 3.7500 3.7406 — 3.7094 3.7051 3.6755 3B 3.6820 3.6908 3.7094 3.7150 3.7500
33⁄4–18 UNS 2A 0.0017 3.7483 3.7396 — 3.7122 3.7067 3.6822 2B 3.690 3.703 3.7139 3.7211 3.7500

Copyright 2004, Industrial Press, Inc., New York, NY
Maximum Major Dia. of Nut
Minimum Major Dia. of Nut
Maximum Major Dia. of Screw
Minimum Major Dia. of Screw
Basic Major Dia. of Screw and Nut



Maximum Pitch Dia. of Nut
Minimum Pitch Dia. of Nut 30°

External Thread
Basic Pitch Dia. of Screw ond Nut
Maximum Pitch Dia. of Screw

Minimum Pitch Dia. of Screw

1/2 Tolerance on
Minor Dia. of Nut
UNR Maximum Minor
Dia of Screw
Minimum Minor
of Screw

Dia. of Screw
UNR Contour

(see text)
Form of
Internal Thread

UN Thread


From New Tool

Minimum Minor
Dia. of Nut
1/ 2 Tolerance on Major Diameter

Crest Clearances for Unified Classes 1A, 2A, 1B, and 2B

Maximum Minor
1/2 PD Tolerance on Nut

1/2 PD Tolerance on Screw

Dia. of Nut
1/2 Allowance (Screw only)

UN Nominal (Max.)

Limits of Size Showing Tolerances, Allowances (Neutral Space), and

Minor Dia. of Screw
1/ 2 Allowance

(Screw Only) Basic Form

Maximum Major Dia. of Nut

Minimum Major Dia. of Nut
Maximum Major Dia. of Screw
Minimum Major Dia. of Screw
Basic Major Dia. of Screw and Nut
Machinery's Handbook 27th Edition



Maximum Pitch Dia. of Nut



Minimum Pitch Dia. of Nut

Basic Pitch Dia. of Screw and Nut
External Thread

Copyright 2004, Industrial Press, Inc., New York, NY

Maximum Pitch Dia. of Screw


Minimum Pitch Dia. of Screw

1/ 2 PD Tolerance on
Minor Dia. of Nut

UNR Maximum Minor

Dia. of Screw
of Screw

Minimum Minor

Dia. of Screw

UNR Contour
(see text)
Internal Thread

Form of
UN Thread

From New Tool

Tolerance on Major Diameter

Minimum Minor
Classes 3A and 3B and American National Classes 2 and 3

Dia. of Nut
PD Tolerance on Nut

Maximum Minor
PD Tolerance on Screw

Limits of Size Showing Tolerances and Crest Clearances for Unified

Dia. of Nut
UN Nominal (Max.) Basic Form

Minor Dia. of Screw


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