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Gas Springs and Dampers For Industrial Applications: STABILUS Technology Gives Comfort

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Gas springs and dampers

for industrial applications

STABILUS technology gives comfort

Pioneering achievements STABILUS sees itself as a problem has been a supplier to the international
solver for the most varied of applica- vehicle, aircraft, shipbuilding, mechanical
STABILUS is a member of the Sachs tions and, since the start of production, engineering, furniture, swivel chair and
Group within the MANNESMANN Con- has attributed the greatest significance building industries for decades now, with
cern, with over 60 years experience in to perfect operation, outstanding safety ever increasing success.
the manufacture of hydropneumatic and excellent quality.
equipment. In addition to having produced
hydraulic dampers over several decades, STABILUS, with its production facilities Each STABILUS gas spring embodies
STABILUS presented the world’s first in Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, the experience of more than 750 million
standard production gas spring in 1962. Italy, the USA, Mexico and Australia, units produced.

Gas springs and dampers for of the reasons for the constant growth in photocopiers, acoustic hoods and
industrial applications the use of gas springs for the most varied computer swivel arms. In buildings, gas
of applications. springs perform the task of opening
For decades now, STABILUS gas springs STABILUS products are found in the roof windows or assisting the operation
have been well known for their successful general furniture sector, for example, to of awnings.
use in the automobile industry. adjust table height or the angle of head In the mechanical engineering industry,
Since the early 1960’s, STABILUS and foot sections of beds. In the medical STABILUS gas springs are used to an
products have also been used in the engineering industry, gas springs and increasing extent in safety and noise
furniture industry, notably for applications dampers are used ln hospital beds, protection panels which can be
in swivel chairs. theatre couches and in the operation of effortlessly opened and closed by gas
Today, the gas spring has become a massage and beauty couches and springs.
practical design element in more than equipment. The applications for STABILUS
100 different applications. In the office equipment sector, gas products are as varied as your ideas.
Compact design, high level of operating springs are an invisible aid in the We will be pleased to advise you
convenience and safety in use are some positioning of covers and lids of regarding your specific application.

Operating principle of a gas The extension rate is determined by the

spring overflow cross-section in the piston
system and pressure tube, respectively.
The gas spring is a hydropneumatic
adjusting element, consisting of a The interior of the gas spring is filled
pressure tube with a connecting fitting, not only with nitrogen, but also with a
a piston rod with piston system and a precisely defined quantity of oil which,
piston rod connection fitting. on the one hand, ensures proper
lubrication of the piston and the seal
A special seal and guide system seals guide system and, on the other,
off the interior to atmosphere. The gas provides for proper dampening of the
spring is filled with compressed nitro- piston in the end position.
gen. The filling pressure acts on the
cross-sectional area of the piston rod The gas spring is completely mainte-
and produces an extension force, which nance-free in operation. In the standard
can be freely selected within physical version, the gas spring is designed for
limits. If the extension force of the gas at least 50.000 operations.
spring is higher than the force of the
counterweight, the piston rod extends.
If the extension force is less, it con-

Lifting, lowering, moving, adjusting

The gas spring can be designed with an The force diagram on the left shows the
approximately linear, progressive or line of the extension and compression
degressive spring rate curve, to match the force with a flat spring rate. The difference
particular need. between the two lines is the result of the
The characteristic curve of the spring system friction produced during com-
describes the progression of the force of pression and extension.
the gas spring over the stroke, from the The measuring points F1 and F4 are each
extended to the compressed state and located 5 mm before the fully extended
vice versa. and compressed stroke. The measure-
If the spring rate is flat and progresses in ments were conducted at a temperature
a practically linear manner, the force of the of 20° C.
gas spring consequently rises only slightly You can get details regarding tolerances
over the entire spring travel. from the technical drawings or on
Spring rate: X = F2 : F1 demand.

Product Range
Pressure tube
The LIFT-O-MAT gas spring is available
as follows:
• Standard range
DD2 2 Extension force
D1 D2 F1 [N] Max. stroke x FR max.
[mm] [mm] min. max. [mm] () [N]
6 15 50 - 400 150 1,3 50
8 19 100 - 800 250 1,35 60
Piston system 10 22 150 - 1150 400 1,4 80
10 49 150 - 950 566 1,04 80
14 28 500 - 2100 500 1,5 80
Piston rod 20 42 1000 - 5200 500 1,45 150

Pressure tube
Druckrohr • A choice can be made between the
mit filling medium
standard versions with eyelet end
fittings or ball sockets
ÖlOil • Further connection variants available
on request
Spezialdichtungs- • Standard features are the proven
und system
Nislide piston rod for extended life,
with high resistance to corrosion
and an environmentally friendly design
DD1 1
• Special gas spring types available with
protective tube
Piston rod
• Roll-closed as standard at the
pressure tube end to ensure optimal
seal without weld seams and high
resistance to corrosion
• With different sets of seals, depending
upon the application

Variable positioning, rigid or spring

Characteristic curve of a gas spring blocking
extended compressed Operating principle When the valve is closed, the gas spring
F4 is fixed which enables it to be blocked
ssion This version operates on the same in any desired position. If the release
F3 principle as the LIFT-O-MAT. In addition, plunger is operated, the valve is opened
the gas spring features an integrated and the gas spring unit can be moved

ion forc into any desired position.
extens valve and can thus be blocked in any
F1 desired position.

5 5
The piston is sealed at the pressure The extension rate and the damping
damping range
hydraulic pneumatic tube and separates two gas spaces. can be varied accordingly by the choice
stroke [mm] of nozzle in the piston.
Pressure tube
connection selec-
wählbar nach
table according
• With hydraulic damping control as a Typenprogramm
to product range Variants
result of patented labyrinth pistons Pressure cylinder
with filling medium
(damping during extension and/or mit Füllmedium • BLOC-O-LIFT gas spring with resilient
compression of the piston rod) blocking in the extension or compres-
Separating piston
• With dynamic damping system for sion direction. If the piston is moved
achieving the desired degree of over the range of stroke in the gas, a
damping over the entire stroke of the
2 2 resilient blocking effect is achieved as
gas spring Valve system
Geschwindigkeits- gas is compressible
und speed
and dampening
• BLOC-O-LIFT gas spring with rigid-
blocking in the extension or compres-
Variants sion direction. If the piston is moved
• LIFT-O-MAT gas spring with mechani- over the range of stroke in the oil, a
cal external or internal limit lock as an rigid blocking effect is achieved as
Special seal and
additional safeguard to cope with und
guide system
oil is not compressible
varying weights, e.g. snow loads or In the case of the position-independent
wind gusts rigid blocking variant, the gas and oil
1 1
• HYDRO-LIFT gas spring for stepless spaces are separated by a separating
positioning at any desired point piston rod
anschluß piston and rigid blocking is possible in
mit Gewinde
the extension or compression direction,
• Gas spring with increased friction
depending on the design.
(Reib-LIFT-O-MAT) for stepless
positioning at any desired point
Product Range Accessories:
• ELECTRO-LIFT gas spring with the
additional benefit of transmitting an
The BLOC-O-LIFT gas spring is available Release head with lever and handle,
electric current of up to 25A/12V or
both in a resilient and also a rlgid block- buffer and nuts, release head with
with a switch function, e.g. for
ing version as follows: bowden cable and operating unit
illuminating a stowage area in a
camper • Standard range of products
Extension force • With special sealing system suitable
D1 D2 F1 [N] Max. stroke x FR max.
[mm] [mm] min. max. [mm] () [N] for continuous operation
8 28 200 - 1000 100 1,1 60
10 28 200 - 1500 250 1,2 80 • With special sealing system for any
desired installation position
• Special gas spring types are available
with an 8 mm piston rod and 22 mm • With short release travel of 1 mm
pressure tube diameter instead of the standard 2,5 mm
• Fitted as standard with thread or • With reversed valve operation (valve
eyelet end fittings closes when released)
• Further connection variants available • Without extension force (HYDRO-BLOC)
on request

Hydraulic dampening of vibrations

The damper is a hydraulic damping seal-guide system in the pressure tube. through the valve system and thus
element and consists of a pressure tube The piston rod in the pressure tube produces a damping force.
with a connection fitting, a piston rod features damping piston and the related Dampers are needed to influence the
with piston system and a piston rod valve system. nature of movements and vibrations,
connection fitting. The movement of the piston displaces Dampers are designed to optimally
The piston rod is mounted in a special the filling medium (oil), which is pressed match the particular application.

Product Range
Connection part
The damper is available as follows: hinged eye
• STAB-O-SHOC as a position-depend-
ent damper without extension force with
damping forces in one direction or in the Füllmedium Gas gas
Filling medium,
extension and compression direction Membran
Bottom valve unit
• STAB-O-SHOC as a position-dependent
damper with extension force, with
Bottom valve unit
damping forces in one direction or in the einheit
extension and compression direction
Damping piston
Dämpfkolben mit
• STAB-O-SHOC as a position-independ- with valve system
ent damper without extension force with
damping forces in one direction or in the
extension and compression direction
Pressure tube
Druckrohr mit
filled with oilÖl
• Standard range of products
D1 [mm] D2 [mm] Max. Damping force [N] Max. stroke
6 15,6 1000 80 Spezialdichtungs-
Seal-guide unit
8 24 5000 180 und
10 24 5000 180
10 29 7000 200 D1
8 38 1600 250
11 50 2500 300
Piston rod
14 64 3000 450
• Special types of dampers with higher
damping forces available on request
• Fitted as standard with eyelets at
both ends
• Further connection variants available
on request

The damping force characteristic may
be designed to be linear, progressive
or degressive. The damper may be used
up to a temperature of 100° C. Special
designs for temperatures in excess of
100° C are possible.
STABILUS Quality pursues is aimed at achieving zero By means of production self inspections
faults. The STABILUS Quality Assurance based on statistical aspects as well as
Quality ranks high at STABILUS and is System controls the quality-assuring parameter control on automatic production
the basis for our leading position in the elements from the product idea through facilities, a range of product accompanying
market. to customer implementation on the basis tests and inspections are conducted from
The high quality standard for STABILUS of “Total Quality Management” (TQM). the Incoming Goods Department through
products which the market demands to Shipping. These measures assure to-
was the impetus for establishing a The basis for this is our certification in specification manufacture of all STABILUS
Quality Assurance System several conformity with IS0 9001. Internal as well products. The quality inspection seal on
decades ago which constantly inte- as specific customer requirements are each package is verification that the
grates growing requirements and new fully considered. product fully complies with specification.
knowledge. Use is made in this connection of special Numerous international quality awards are
The product philosophy of ongoing quality measuring instruments such as confirmation of the efficiency and the
further development which STABILUS “Design of Experiments”, FMEA, SPC. success of STABILUS quality.

Installation instructions Calculating installation of a LIFT-O-MAT gas spring

• Install without twisting
To help you choose the right
• Pivot only at the connections provided LIFT-O-MAT gas spring for your
• Avoid lateral forces B +- 2 application you need to know:
• It is recommended to install the unit
with the piston rod facing down, if • the stroke A [mm]
possible • the extended length B [mm]
• the extension force F1 [N]
• Protect piston rod from dirt, paint and • and the type of connection
• Do not perform any metal-cutting work Determining the extension force F1 [N]
on the unit P
F1 = G · L * 11 [ N ]

Disposal in conformity with SN 03.10-00/13 G = Weight of flap in kg

G L = Distance of centre of gravity to
Subject to modification. pivot point in mm
b = Effective lever arm of gas spring
in mm, flap open
n = Number of gas springs
11= Conversion factor kg→N
+ safety margin
P = Flap attachment approx. 2/3 L

G = 30 kg, L = 400 mm, b = 200 mm, n = 2
30 · 400
F1 = 11 = 330 N
200 · 2 *

Please request detailed information.

Deutschland España Italia United Kingdom USA México Australia

Wallersheimer Weg 100 División de Sachs Ibérica, S.A. Via Nazionale, 209 Beaumont Road 92 Country Line Road Industria Metalurgica 1010 23 Valley Street
D- 56070 Koblenz Barrio de La Cruz, núm. 128 I-10069 Villar Perosa GB-Banbury USA-Colmar Parque Industrial Ramos Arizpe South Oakleigh
E-48196 Lezama (Vizcaya) Oxon. OX16 7QZ PA 18915-9607 CP 25900 Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila Victoria 3167
Tel. 2 15-8 22-19 82
Tel. 02 61-89 00-0 Tel. 94-4 55 50 50 Tel. 01 21-31 67 11 Tel. 0 12 95-27 47 77 Fax 2 15-8 22-70 57 Tel. 84-11 07 07 Tel. 03-95 62-74 90
Fax 02 61-89 00-2 04 Fax 94-4 55 60 23 Fax 01 21-31 56 37 Fax 0 12 95-26 57 15 Fax 84-11 07 06 Fax 03-95 62-96 32
1201 Tulip Drive
N.C. 28052
Stand 11/96/1

STABILUS technology gives comfort A company of Mannesmann Sachs

Convenient Operation and Safety in Automotive
Engineering with Gas Springs and Dampers

STABILUS technology gives comfort

Pioneering achievements STABILUS sees itself as a problem has been a supplier to the international
solver for the most varied of applica- vehicle, aircraft, shipbuilding, mechanical
STABILUS is a member of the Sachs tions and, since the start of production, engineering, furniture, swivel chair and
Group within the MANNESMANN Con- has attributed the greatest significance building industries for decades now, with
cern, with over 60 years experience in to perfect operation, outstanding safety ever increasing success.
the manufacture of hydropneumatic and excellent quality.
equipment. In addition to having produced
hydraulic dampers over several decades, STABILUS, with its production facilities Each STABILUS gas spring embodies
STABILUS presented the world’s first in Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, the experience of more than 750 million
standard production gas spring in 1962. Italy, the USA, Mexico and Australia, units produced.

Gas springs and dampers for vehicle engineering, examples being STABILUS gas springs open, adjust
the automobile industry superstructures, bodies and vehicle and close hoods, covers, hatches,
seats. In addition, STABILUS products doors and casings in a controlled and
STABILUS gas springs and dampers are used increasingly in agricultural damped movement and permit the
have been used for decades in ever vehicles, in special bodies, in railway stepless adjustment of seats.
increasing numbers in general automo- vehicles and in the general transport STABILUS dampers find application in
bile engineering. They offer the user a sector. steering systems, engines, gearshift
high level of operating convenience and and throttle linkages, V-belts, overrun
security and are characterised by their STABILUS is a major supplier to the brakes and driver seats.
compact design and thus their pratical international automobile industry and The applications of STABILUS products
integration in vehicle design. STABILUS many millions of STABILUS products in automotive engineering are as varied
gas springs and dampers are used in a are fitted each year to passenger cars as your ideas and the answer to your
wide range of applications in general and commercial vehicles. problems.

Operating principle of a gas The extension rate is determined by the

spring overflow cross-section in the piston
system and pressure tube, respectively.
The gas spring is a hydropneumatic
adjusting element, consisting of a The interior of the gas spring is filled
pressure tube with a connecting fitting, not only with nitrogen, but also with a
a piston rod with piston system and a precisely defined quantity of oil which,
piston rod connection fitting. on the one hand, ensures proper
lubrication of the piston and the seal
A special seal and guide system seals guide system and, on the other,
off the interior to atmosphere. The gas provides for proper dampening of the
spring is filled with compressed nitro- piston in the end position.
gen. The filling pressure acts on the
cross-sectional area of the piston rod The gas spring is completely mainte-
and produces an extension force, which nance-free in operation. In the standard
can be freely selected within physical version, the gas spring is designed for
limits. If the extension force of the gas at least 50.000 operations.
spring is higher than the force of the
counterweight, the piston rod extends.
If the extension force is less, it con-

Lifting, lowering, moving, adjusting

The gas spring can be designed with an The force diagram on the left shows the
approximately linear, progressive or line of the extension and compression
degressive spring rate curve, to match the force with a flat spring rate. The difference
particular need. between the two lines is the result of the
The characteristic curve of the spring system friction produced during com-
describes the progression of the force of pression and extension.
the gas spring over the stroke, from the The measuring points F1 and F4 are each
extended to the compressed state and located 5 mm before the fully extended
vice versa. and compressed stroke. The measure-
If the spring rate is flat and progresses in ments were conducted at a temperature
a practically linear manner, the force of the of 20° C.
gas spring consequently rises only slightly You can get details regarding tolerances
over the entire spring travel. from the technical drawings or on
Spring rate: X = F2 : F1 demand.

Product Range
Pressure tube
The LIFT-O-MAT gas spring is available
as follows:
• Standard range
DD22 Extension force
D1 D2 F1 [N] Max. stroke x FR max.
[mm] [mm] min. max. [mm] () [N]
6 15 50 - 400 150 1,3 50
8 19 100 - 800 250 1,35 60
Piston system 10 22 150 - 1150 400 1,4 80
10 49 150 - 950 566 1,04 80
14 28 500 - 2100 500 1,5 80
Piston rod 20 42 1000 - 5200 500 1,45 150

Pressure tube
Druckrohr • A choice can be made between the
mit filling medium
standard versions with eyelet end
fittings or ball sockets
Oil • Further connection variants available
on request
Spezialdichtungs- • Standard features are the proven
und system
Nislide piston rod for extended life,
with high resistance to corrosion
and an environmentally friendly design
• Special gas spring types available with
protective tube
Piston rod
• Roll-closed as standard at the
pressure tube end to ensure optimal
seal without weld seams and high
resistance to corrosion
• With different sets of seals, depending
upon the application

Variable positioning, rigid or spring

Characteristic curve of a gas spring blocking
extended compressed Operating principle When the valve is closed, the gas spring
F4 is fixed which enables it to be blocked
ssion This version operates on the same in any desired position. If the release
F3 principle as the LIFT-O-MAT. In addition, plunger is operated, the valve is opened
the gas spring features an integrated and the gas spring unit can be moved

ion forc into any desired position.
extens valve and can thus be blocked in any
F1 desired position.

5 5
The piston is sealed at the pressure The extension rate and the damping
damping range
hydraulic pneumatic tube and separates two gas spaces. can be varied accordingly by the choice
stroke [mm] of nozzle in the piston.
Pressure tube
connection selec-
wählbar nach
table according
• With hydraulic damping control as a Typenprogramm
to product range Variants
result of patented labyrinth pistons Pressure cylinder
with filling medium
(damping during extension and/or mit Füllmedium • BLOC-O-LIFT gas spring with resilient
compression of the piston rod) blocking in the extension or compres-
Separating piston
• With dynamic damping system for sion direction. If the piston is moved
achieving the desired degree of over the range of stroke in the gas, a
damping over the entire stroke of the
DD2 2 resilient blocking effect is achieved as
gas spring Valve system
Geschwindigkeits- gas is compressible
und speed
and dampening
• BLOC-O-LIFT gas spring with rigid-
blocking in the extension or compres-
Variants sion direction. If the piston is moved
• LIFT-O-MAT gas spring with mechani- over the range of stroke in the oil, a
cal external or internal limit lock as an rigid blocking effect is achieved as
Special seal and
additional safeguard to cope with und
guide system
oil is not compressible
varying weights, e.g. snow loads or In the case of the position-independent
wind gusts rigid blocking variant, the gas and oil
DD1 1
• HYDRO-LIFT gas spring for stepless spaces are separated by a separating
positioning at any desired point piston rod
anschluß piston and rigid blocking is possible in
mit Gewinde
the extension or compression direction,
• Gas spring with increased friction
depending on the design.
(Reib-LIFT-O-MAT) for stepless
positioning at any desired point
Product Range Accessories:
• ELECTRO-LIFT gas spring with the
additional benefit of transmitting an
The BLOC-O-LIFT gas spring is available Release head with lever and handle,
electric current of up to 25A/12V or
both in a resilient and also a rlgid block- buffer and nuts, release head with
with a switch function, e.g. for
ing version as follows: bowden cable and operating unit
illuminating a stowage area in a
camper • Standard range of products
Extension force • With special sealing system suitable
D1 D2 F1 [N] Max. stroke x FR max.
[mm] [mm] min. max. [mm] () [N] for continuous operation
8 28 200 - 1000 100 1,1 60
10 28 200 - 1500 250 1,2 80 • With special sealing system for any
desired installation position
• Special gas spring types are available
with an 8 mm piston rod and 22 mm • With short release travel of 1 mm
pressure tube diameter instead of the standard 2,5 mm
• Fitted as standard with thread or • With reversed valve operation (valve
eyelet end fittings closes when released)
• Further connection variants available • Without extension force (HYDRO-BLOC)
on request

Hydraulic dampening of vibrations

The damper is a hydraulic damping seal-guide system in the pressure tube. through the valve system and thus
element and consists of a pressure tube The piston rod in the pressure tube produces a damping force.
with a connection fitting, a piston rod features damping piston and the related Dampers are needed to influence the
with piston system and a piston rod valve system. nature of movements and vibrations,
connection fitting. The movement of the piston displaces Dampers are designed to optimally
The piston rod is mounted in a special the filling medium (oil), which is pressed match the particular application.

Product Range
Connection part
The damper is available as follows: hinged eye
• STAB-O-SHOC as a position-depend-
ent damper without extension force with
damping forces in one direction or in the Füllmedium Gas gas
Filling medium,
extension and compression direction Membran
Bottom valve unit
• STAB-O-SHOC as a position-dependent
damper with extension force, with
Bottom valve unit
damping forces in one direction or in the einheit
extension and compression direction
Damping piston
Dämpfkolben mit
• STAB-O-SHOC as a position-independ- with valve system
ent damper without extension force with
damping forces in one direction or in the
extension and compression direction
Pressure tube
Druckrohr mit
filled with oilÖl
• Standard range of products
D1 [mm] D2 [mm] Max. Damping force [N] Max. stroke
6 15,6 1000 80 Spezialdichtungs-
Seal-guide unit
8 24 5000 180 und
10 24 5000 180
10 29 7000 200 D1
8 38 1600 250
11 50 2500 300
Piston rod
14 64 3000 450
• Special types of dampers with higher
damping forces available on request
• Fitted as standard with eyelets at
both ends
• Further connection variants available
on request

The damping force characteristic may
be designed to be linear, progressive
or degressive. The damper may be used
up to a temperature of 100° C. Special
designs for temperatures in excess of
100° C are possible.
STABILUS Quality pursues is aimed at achieving zero By means of production self inspections
faults. The STABILUS Quality Assurance based on statistical aspects as well as
Quality ranks high at STABILUS and is System controls the quality-assuring parameter control on automatic production
the basis for our leading position in the elements from the product idea through facilities, a range of product accompanying
market. to customer implementation on the basis tests and inspections are conducted from
The high quality standard for STABILUS of “Total Quality Management” (TQM). the Incoming Goods Department through
products which the market demands to Shipping. These measures assure to-
was the impetus for establishing a The basis for this is our certification in specification manufacture of all STABILUS
Quality Assurance System several conformity with IS0 9001. Internal as well products. The quality inspection seal on
decades ago which constantly inte- as specific customer requirements are each package is verification that the
grates growing requirements and new fully considered. product fully complies with specification.
knowledge. Use is made in this connection of special Numerous international quality awards are
The product philosophy of ongoing quality measuring instruments such as confirmation of the efficiency and the
further development which STABILUS “Design of Experiments”, FMEA, SPC. success of STABILUS quality.

Installation instructions Calculating installation of a LIFT-O-MAT gas spring

• Install without twisting
To help you choose the right
• Pivot only at the connections provided LIFT-O-MAT gas spring for your
• Avoid lateral forces B +- 2 application you need to know:
• It is recommended to install the unit
with the piston rod facing down, if • the stroke A [mm]
possible • the extended length B [mm]
• the extension force F1 [N]
• Protect piston rod from dirt, paint and • and the type of connection
• Do not perform any metal-cutting work Determining the extension force F1 [N]
on the unit P
F1 = G · L * 11 [ N ]

Disposal in conformity with SN 03.10-00/13 G = Weight of flap in kg

G L = Distance of centre of gravity to
Subject to modification. pivot point in mm
b = Effective lever arm of gas spring
in mm, flap open
n = Number of gas springs
11= Conversion factor kg→N
+ safety margin
P = Flap attachment approx. 2/3 L

G = 30 kg, L = 400 mm, b = 200 mm, n = 2
30 · 400
F1 = 11 = 330 N
200 · 2 *

Please request detailed information.

Deutschland España Italia United Kingdom USA México Australia

Wallersheimer Weg 100 División de Sachs Ibérica, S.A. Via Nazionale, 209 Beaumont Road 92 Country Line Road Industria Metalurgica 1010 23 Valley Street
D- 56070 Koblenz Barrio de La Cruz, núm. 128 I-10069 Villar Perosa GB-Banbury USA-Colmar Parque Industrial Ramos Arizpe South Oakleigh
E-48196 Lezama (Vizcaya) Oxon. OX16 7QZ PA 18915-9607 CP 25900 Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila Victoria 3167
Tel. 2 15-8 22-19 82
Tel. 02 61-89 00-0 Tel. 94-4 55 50 50 Tel. 01 21-31 67 11 Tel. 0 12 95-27 47 77 Fax 2 15-8 22-70 57 Tel. 84-11 07 07 Tel. 03-95 62-74 90
Fax 02 61-89 00-2 04 Fax 94-4 55 60 23 Fax 01 21-31 56 37 Fax 0 12 95-26 57 15 Fax 84-11 07 06 Fax 03-95 62-96 32
1201 Tulip Drive
N.C. 28052
Stand 11/96/1

STABILUS technology gives comfort A company of Mannesmann Sachs

Gas Springs and Dampers
for Automotive Applications

STABILUS technology gives comfort

STABILUS quality
Gas Springs and Quality ranks high at STABILUS and is the
basis for our leading position in the market.

Dampers for Cars The high quality standard for STABILUS

products which the market demands was
the impetus for establishing a Quality
Assurance System several decades ago
which constantly integrates growing
requirements and new knowledge.
The product philosophy of continuous Rear seat adjustment
development which STABILUS pursues
is aimed at achieving zero faults. The
STABILUS Quality Assurance System requirements are fully considered. Use is
controls the quality-assuring elements made in this connection of special quality
from the product idea through to customer measuring instruments such as ”Design
implementation on the basis of ”Total of Experiments“, FMEA and SPC.
Quality Management“ (TQM).
STABILUS has achieved
The basis for this is our certification in a number of quality
conformity with ISO 9001. Internal awards from the inter-
as well as specific customer national automotive industry.

Gas Springs and

Dampers for
Commercial Vehicles

Centre console
Engine vibration damping Telephone console
Gas Springs and
Dampers for Cars

Pioneering achievements
Since the foundation of the company in The multiplicity of technical solutions
Koblenz in 1934, STABILUS has been guarantees an optimal solution to our
producing hydraulic damping elements customers' requirements. STABILUS
for the automotive industry. In the fifties, gas springs and dampers have become
STABILUS offered the first hydraulic the international standard. STABILUS
damper for horizontal installation. Since offers its customers extensive service
then, many millions have been used and development support, ranging from
particularly for steering damping. computer-supported analysis to on-site
fine-tuning on the vehicle by mobile
ln 1962, STABILUS presented the
world’s first standard production gas
spring. This hydropneumatic adjusting
element gradually replaced mechanical
systems. Today it is being increasingly
used by the automotive industry in further
applications additionally to the existing,
such as hatchbacks, bonnets, trunk
lids, and seat adjustments.
Established know-
how and solid
quality have
the world
leader for
gas springs.
in the field of
dampers and gas
springs have started their triumphal
campaign from Koblenz.
There are STABILUS production facilities
in Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain,
Italy, the U.S.A., Australia and Mexico.

Development supplier
STABILUS has been supplying the
international automotive industry for
decades and is a recognised development
supplier. Throughout the world STABILUS
employees perform creative innovative
work to further enhance our products.
® ® ®

Gas Springs and

Dampers for
Commercial Vehicles
Gullwing doors Folding headlights Folding table Roll bar

® ®

Lifting, lowering, moving, Variable positioning,

adjusting. rigid or spring blocking.
The LIFT-O-MAT® raises weights and Variable positioning in many
offers a weight compensation. applications.
If the extension force of the gas spring
is higher than the force of the counter- e.g.
weight, the piston rod extends, Driver’s seat back, steering column.
e.g. Iifting the hatchback. If the extension Height adjustment
force is smaller, it compresses. Hatchback Seat back adjustment

Convertible top
Convertible top adjustment Bonnet Steering column adjustment Window adjustment

Glove compartment Seat adjustment Trunk lid Radiator mascot (disappearing)

Applications in
Hydraulic dampening commercial vehicles
of vibrations. Storage tray for driver Engine bonnet
Vibration dampers for the steering Storage of hand luggage Steering
engine and other applications. Glove compartment Hood
Battery box Bonnet
Sliding folding top Streamline deflector
Injection pump damping Hatchback Sleeper berth

Luggage lid Engine

Maintenance lid Injection control linkage
Seats Manual transmission
Roof lid Driver’s seat
Steering column Driver’s cab
Steering damping Belt-tension damping Radio lid

Design of a Submission to
STABILUS of specifica-

gas spring tions, drawings, geometri-

cal data by the customer.

Check of data by using the
installation proposal programme.
Determination of the parameters
for the design of the gas spring.

➂ Design of the gas spring.

Counter-check of installation
Confirmation of data.

➃ Fine-tuning of the gas spring on

vehicle prototypes by using STABILUS’s
mobile workshop.

Release of the gas spring and
finalization of the design.

➅ LIFT - O - MAT Series introduction of the gas spring

TQM to ensure volume production.

Fulfilment of the customer’s expectations
through performance and quality.

Wallersheimer Weg 100
D-56070 Koblenz
P.O. Box 2029, D-56020 Koblenz
Ph. (0261) 8900-0
Fax (0261) 8900-479 Please request more detailed information.
Telex stabk 862 495

STABILUS technology gives comfort A company of Mannesmann Sachs

Stand 08/95/1
Gas springs in swivel chairs
stepless and ergonomic adjustment

STABILUS technology gives comfort


Stepless adjustment of seat angle and backrest

of swivel chairs

Pressure tube con-

nection selectable
according to pro-
duct range

Pressure cylinder
with filling medium


Valve system
regulating speed
and dampening

Special seal and

guide assembly

Threaded piston
Swivel chair engineering
rod connection
Until the introduction of the gas spring
in series production, swivel chairs were
adjusted by means of spindles or detent
mechanisms. The gas spring has per-
Product Range formed this function to an ever increasing
extent since the sixties as a practical
The BLOC-O-LIFT gas spring is and compactly dimensioned adjusting
available both with resilient and also element. Many hundreds of swivel chair
with rigid blocking as follows: manufacturers throughout the world
have been placing their faith for
• With pressure tube diameter decades now in STABILUS gas springs.
22 and 28 mm
• In different lengths, especially also Swivel chair manufacturers and practi-
Variants in different strokes (10 - 50 mm) tioners of occupational medicine rightly
• With different end-fittings regard STABILUS as the pioneer in the
Depending on requirements, the gas • With special sealing systems, suitable development and manufacture of gas
spring can be designed with rigid or for continuous release springs for ergonomic sitting in the
resilient blocking. • With special sealing systems for any swivel chair sector. The gas spring
desired installation position enables a swivel chair to be adjusted
Resilient blocking is achieved if the • With short release travel of 1 mm steplessly in height in the most com-
piston moves over the lift range in the instead of standard 2,5 mm fortable manner. A single operation of
gas as the gas is compressible. Rigid • With pressure relief valve the adjusting lever, and the swivel chair
blocking is achieved if the piston • With reversed valve operation user glides downwards in a gently
moves over its lift range in the oil as the (valve closes during release) controlled movement. If the chair is not
oil is not compressible. • Without extension force occupied, the seat glides smoothly
(HYDRO-BLOC) upwards. A pleasant deep springing
In the case of rigid blocking, the gas exists in the working position. The
and oil spaces are separated by a Accessories: same principle is applied for adjusting
separating piston and, depending on Release head with lever and handle, the seat angle and backrest. The gas
design, rigid blocking is possible in the buffers and nuts, release head with springs can also be designed on request
extension or compression direction. bowden cable and operating unit with a fixed blocking mechanism.
STABILUS, a member of the SACHS
Group within the MANNESMANN
Concern, with over 60 years experience
in the construction of hydropneumatic
equipment, presented to the swivel
chair industry the world’s first standard
production gas spring in 1962.

STABILUS sees itself as a problem

solver for the most varied demands and
has attached the greatest significance
to perfect operation and safety since
the start of production in 1962.
STABILUS gas springs comply with
DIN standards, have the authorised
safety seal of test institutes (such as
the German Technical Inspection
Authority - TÜV - and regional industrial
inspection boards - LGA), and are in
conformity with leading European

STABILUS, with its production facilities

in Germany, United Kingdom, Spain,
Italy, USA, Mexico, Brazil and Australia,
have been an increasingly important
supplier for several decades now to the
swivel chair, furniture and building
industries. Each STABILUS gas spring
embodies the experience of more than
750.000.000 units produced.

Operating principle
BLOC-O-LIFT - gas springs are
hydropneumatic adjusting elements
which can be set to any desired height
and feature a self contained gas/oil
system as an energy store. The spring
force is produced by a compressed
nitrogen filling.

A special sealing system between

piston rod and tube wall seals off the
inner space to atmosphere. The filling
pressure acts on the cross-sectional
area of the piston rod and produces
the extension force F1, which can be
freely selected within the physical limits.
® ®

Stepless height adjustment of swivel chairs

Variants Product Range
gas springs are designed in accordance offered as follows:
with the same operating principle. The
difference is in the arrangement of an • In the diameters 28 and 30 mm • With adjustable release pins
additional supporting tube around the • In various lengths, offering a range of • STAB-O-MAT with short release travel
STAB-O-BLOC gas spring. Whereas adjustment stroke lengths of 1 mm instead of standard 2,5 m
the STAB-O-MAT gas spring with its (50 - 300 mm) • STAB-O-BLOC with standard release
supporting tube performs the guiding • In various taper dimensions for travel of 1,7 mm
function in the column, the gas spring of mounting into the seat carrier • STAB-O-MAT with reduced release
the STAB-O-BLOC is surrounded by an • As complete columns with various force
additional outer supporting tube which diameters of upright tube and taper • With cardan guide bushes as sliding
absorbs the bending stress. The gas dimensions for swivel chair bases element not susceptible to twisting
spring is flanged into this supporting • As telescopic column for over
tube or alternatively screwed in to proportional adjustment range
permit easy subsequent replacement. • With various surface finishes of Accessories:
Both gas spring variants feature an upright tube Plastic bushes, cardan guide bushes
outer tube with a chromium-plated • With additional mechanical deep bearing parts, rubber buffers, simple
surface which is guided by a bush springing systems, also in lowest release mechanisms and bowden
within a support tube. seat position cable release

® ® ®

with additional supporting tube ®

Special Equipment
Adjustable pin

Connection to seat Connection to

carrier selectable seat carrier selec-
according to product table according to
range product range

Valve system
Valve system re- regulating speed
gulating speed and and dampening

Pressure cylinder Pressure cylinder

with filling medium with filling medium

Cardan guide
Additional bush
supporting tube

Piston rod with mi- Piston rod with mi-

nimal peak-to-valley nimal peak-to-valley
height and wear- height and wear-
resistant surface resistant surface

Additional deep
® ®

Stepless height adjustment of swivel chairs

• Various range of products
• Technical assistance for applications
• Suggestions and solutions for difficult applications
• Quality with ISO 9000
• Security with DIN 4550 and 4551
• Tested by LGA, TÜV, ANSI, BIFMA
• Excellent service
• High quality guarantee

Stepless adjustment of seat angle and backrest

of swivel chairs

• As the pioneers in gas spring technology,

STABILUS presented the first standard
production unit for the height adjustment
of swivel chairs in 1962

• For more than 30 years

quality and security

• More than 450 swivel chair manufacturers

in the world have confidence in STABILUS

• Each quality product of STABILUS contains

the experience of more than 750.000.000
produced gas springs for different applications
Quality ranks high at STABILUS and is the
basis for our leading position in the market.

The high quality standard for STABILUS

products which the market demands
was the impetus for establishing a
Quality Assurance System several de-
cades ago which constantly integrates
growing requirements and new know-

The product philosophy of ongoing

further development which STABILUS
pursues is aimed at achieving zero faults.

The STABILUS Quality Assurance

System controls the quality-assuring
elements of the product idea through to
customer implementation on the basis
of ”Total Quality Management“ (TQM).
This is founded on international quality
The drop test.
standards (e. g. ISO 9000). The system Test of complete swivel chairs in
also takes into account internal as well conformity with LGA Specifi-
cation; DIN 4551.
as specific customer demands.
Use is made of recognised quality
measuring instruments such as „Design
of Experiments“, FMEA, SPC.

By means of production self-inspections

based on statistical aspects as well as
parameter control on automatic pro-
duction facilities, a range of product-
accompanying tests and inspections are
conducted from the Incoming Goods
The misuse test (drop test ll).
Department through to Shipping. These Test of complete swivel chairs
measures assure to-specification manu- in conformity with
ANSI X5.1-1985/BIFMA.
facture of all STABILUS products. The
quality inspection seal on each package The alternate bending test.
is verification that the product fully Test of complete swivel chair in
conformity with DIN 4551.
complies with specification.
Numerous international quality awards
are confirmation of the efficiency and the
success of STABILUS quality.

The STABILUS Test Centre

The STABILUS in-house Test Centre

conducts the tests laid down by inde-
pendent institutes (e.g. TÜV, LGA, FIRA,
ANSI/BIFMA) as well as additional tests The backrest test.
Test of BLOC-O-LlFT
in conformity with STABILUS standards. (for seat angle and backrest) or
The principal tests are: swivel chairs in installation position.

1201 Tulip Drive
Gastonia, NC 25602
Tel. 7 04-8 65-74 44 Please request detailed information
Fax 7 04-8 65-77 81

STABILUS technology gives comfort A company of Mannesmann Sachs

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