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GM Reference Sheet v07

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Action Result
Action Roll Flowchart
1. Player(s) state their goal and choose the action. 
6: ​You do it. 
2. How dangerous is the action? GM decides. 
4/5:​ You hesitate. Withdraw and try a different approach, or else do it with 
Desperate Risky Controlled a minor consequence: a ​minor complication​ occurs, you have ​reduced 
You’re in serious  Most actions.  You have an  effect​, you suffer ​lesser harm​, you end up in a ​risky position​. 
trouble...   advantage or a safety 
1-3: ​You falter. Press on by seizing a ​risky opportunity,​ or by having a 
Mark XP, hooray!  net  complication occur​, or ​withdraw and try a different approach 

You may sacrifice your Position for increased Effect or vice-versa.  Risky
3. How effective will the action be? GM decides.   6​: You do it. 

Limited Standard Great 4/5​: You do it, but there's a consequence: you ​suffer harm​, a ​complication 
occurs​, you have ​reduced effect​, you end up in a ​desperate position​. 
Consider​ Threat ​or​ Potency, Quality/Tier and Scale 
1-3:​ Things go badly. You take one or two consequences: ​suffer harm​, a 
4. Push Self ​for 2 stress or 2 essence, or take a ​Mask Bargain​ to  complication occurs​, you end up in a ​desperate position​, you ​lose this 
gain ​+1d or +effect  opportunity​. 

5. Roll dice, GM interprets result, states any consequences  

1. Resist? Roll attribute -> 6: 1 stress; 4/5: 2 stress 1-3: 3 stress  6​: You do it. 

Teamwork Actions 4/5​: You do it, but there's a consequence: you ​suffer severe harm​, a 
serious complication​ occurs, you have r​ educed effect​. 
Assist​​:​ One other player suffers 1 Stress to give +1 die.  1-3​: It’s the worst outcome. You take up to three consequences: ​severe 
Lead​​:​ ​Everyone rolls, take best roll, Leader takes stress per failure.  harm​, a ​serious complication​ occurs, you ​lose this opportunity​ for action. 
Set Up​​:​ ​If success, follow-ups gain better ​Position​ or ​Effect​.   
Protect​​:​ ​Suffer consequences for someone else. Resist roll. 
Mask Bargains
Essence Tie narratively to the ​goals ​and ​emotions ​of the mask, what does 
the mask want the brigand to do right now?  
Spend 1 essence whenever you use a ​mask ability  ● Offer a ​minor complication​, ​tick a clock​, ​add heat​, ​reduce 
Spend 2 essence for​ +1d or +effect  effect​, ​spend load​, or ​reduce the brigand’s position​. 
Gather Information Results Planning
Great (Crit):​ You get exceptional details. The information is complete and  Players determine goal, select an approach, provide the detail 
follow-up questions may expand into related areas or reveal more than 
you hoped for.  Dramatic Sow chaos and reap the rewards of confusion 
How will you command attention? 
Standard (4-6)​: You get good details. Clarifying and follow-up questions 
are possible.  Subtle Remain unnoticed, slip past suspicion. 
How will you remain unnoticed? 
Limited (1-3):​ You get incomplete or partial information. More 
information gathering will be needed to get all the answers.  Tactical Gain and hold an advantage, ambush cleverly. 
  How will you gain an advantage? 

Gain +Effect Rapid Move quickly, before your opportunity passes. 

How will you strike quickly? 
● Use a ​mask ability  ● Use a ​fine​ item 
Cautious Plan in meticulous detail, be ready for anything.  
● Spend 2 stress / essence  ● Do a ​Setup​ action  How will you prepare? 
● Take a Mask Bargain  ● Use Mask Coherence 
Charismatic Win allies or demoralize your foes.  
● Mark a ​Relationship  How will you rally others to your cause? 

Gain +1 Die Vampire Maneuvers

● Remind ​the brigands what’s at stake, with threats or taunts 
● Use a ​mask ability  ● Mark a ​Relationship 
in the voice of their enemies, or with questions or requests 
● Spend 2 stress / essence  ● Take a Mask Bargain  posed by their friends and allies. 
● Use an ​assist​ action  ● Sneer​, look down on, or abuse the less-powerful. 
● Flee ​from power, reposition to strength, throw underlings at 
a problem 
Gaining Essence ● Haunt ​the brigands, use weak vampiric magic, temporarily 
confound their senses 
● If you swear an ​oath​, roll dice equal to your ​current oaths 
and gain Essence accordingly.​ 1-3:​ 2, ​4/5: ​4, ​6:​ 5, ​Crit:​ 6  ● Make unreasonable ​demands​, abuse power 
  ● Cryptically ​hint ​at grand schemes, terrible works, or ancient 
● When you fulfill an ​pact​, gain an ​oath. I​ f you fail to fulfill an  plots and vendettas.  
oath​ you have pledged, ​lose​ an​ oath​.Gain essence  ● Toy ​with prey, make idle threats, soliloquize  
accordingly.​ 1-3:​ 2, ​4/5: ​4, ​6:​ 5, ​Crit:​ 6 
● Ab
​ an​ b
​ ars the brigand​ ​from using a mechanic and, 
Engagement Rolls narratively, something important, while it is on their sheet. 
Think bans against silver, cold iron, wood, etc.  
At the start of a Foray, roll for engagement.  ● The GM and brigand should negotiate the mechanical and 
➢ Start with ​1d​ for each Sedition Level at the foray’s location.   narrative nature of the ban, and the ban should be recorded 
in it’s relevant slot on the background sheet. 
➢ Remove 1d for each level of Tyranny. This cannot drop the 
number of dice below zero.  Level 1 - Light Ban: ​The brigand succeeds with limited effect 
and takes a minor ban. Usually an object / class of object 
➢ Is your ​approach​ something your enemies are particularly 
Level 2 - Normal Ban:​ The brigand succeeds with standard 
weak against? ​Take +1d​. Are your enemies strong against 
effect and takes a normal ban.  
your chosen approach? ​Lose -1d​. 
Level 3 - Desperate Ban:​ The brigand succeeds with great effect 
➢ Are any of your ​relationships ​able to help you with your  and takes a dangerous ban. Several actions, a major 
approach? Gain +1d and mark that relationship.   mechanic, or entire masks are banned.  

➢ Can any member of the Conclave provide specialized  Level 4 - Final Ban: ​The brigand succeeds with extreme effect 
assistance? Gain +1d and mark that ally.  and, when narratively appropriate, their character f​ ades. 
*Note, a ban’s ​effect ​supersedes all other adjustments to e
​ ffect​. 
➢ Does your fae patron’s court specialize in this action? If so, 
gain +1d.  Bans ​can be invoked post-roll to flip a failure to success by 
taking a ban equal to the current position, such that: 
➢ Does your average ​load​ affect your ​approach​? Are you trying 
Desperate -Level 3, Risky - Level 2, Controlled - Level 1.  
to sneak in somewhere with a ​heavy load​? If so,​ take -1d​. 
Are you at an average of a ​light​ load while trying to infiltrate   
a location? ​Take +1d​. 
➢ Are you spending any downtime actions to gain an  If a brigand still wishes to succeed at a cost, but does not have 
advantage on your engagement roll? If so, ​take +1d.  an appropriate ​ban​ available to them, they may s ​ car​ a 
current ban and take another. Once a ban ​scars​, ​it is 
  immediately removed from the ban slot, though it’s 
Bans and Harm mechanical effects remain.  
When a brigand’s stress track fills, they may choose to be ​taken 
Consequence - Harm out​ of the scene and gain a ​scar​, though not from a ban. If 
Harm​ may be divided across 
the stress and essence track.    Minor - 1 Harm  Severe - 3 Harm  the character is ​taken out​ in this way, all ​bans ​are erased. 
Normal - 2 Harm   If the brigand chooses to remain in the scene, the ​mask takes 
hold​. The highest level ban becomes a ​scar​ and the player 
● When a brigand wishes to succeed at a cost ​without ​rolling, 
loses all ​stress​. 
they may take a b
​ an.  
4,5​: A messy escape: You get away, but there are consequences. Maybe 
Disengagement Roll you take additional heat as you are chased across Cardenfell. Maybe a 
brigand or two takes ​harm​ holding back enemies while retreating. Maybe 
A disengagement roll can be made when running short on time for a Foray  something important is left behind, or a side goal left unaccomplished.  
or when the group wants to abstract their exit strategy. 
1-3​: The skin of your teeth: You escape, but only barely. Everyone takes 
Once the brigands have accomplished their ​goal​ for a foray, if nothing is  harm, you move up a “level” of heat, or you leave behind something of 
standing between them leaving, it is often best for the GM to narratively  vital importance. 
wrap things up and get the fiction to ​downtime​.  
Remember​: Any consequences gained from this roll can be ​resisted​, harm 
If something stands between the brigands and escape, they have yet to  can be ​canceled by armor​, and brigands can ​protect ​their allies.  
accomplish their goal but time is running short, or they wish to cut and 
run on a foray before accomplishing their goal, use this mechanic.  IMPORTANT​: A brigand ​cannot​ die or suffer permanent harm (unless they 
choose to do so) during an escape. Do not threaten permanent 
consequences, and do not ​subvert the foray​ by canceling out / rendering 
Start with ​1d ​for pure luck.  moot their main goal with a consequence. 

Add +​1d​ for each ally, associate, cohort, or expert that can aid your escape. 
Mark ​any associate you invoke for this. 
Add +​1d​ for each advantage you establish to aid your escape. This is a 
good chance for flashbacks or flash-forwards to set up escape routes, find 
When brigands use resources that may be in short supply, such as 
secret exits, or sabotage pursuers. 
ashwood ​or b​ lack powder​, the GM may choose to tick the 
Add ​+1d​ if you are in seditious territory, subtract ​-1d​ if the vampire  “Resupply” clock. If the Resupply clock is filled, it means the 
presence is strong here.  rebellion is dangerously low on supplies, and the brigands should 
take immediate action to remedy this.  
Subtract ​-1d ​if you have not yet accomplished your main goal. 

Subtract ​-1d ​for each “side objective” you would like to s

​ till try to get​ on  The Resupply clock starts at ​4 segments​, but increases in size 
your way out. This covers quickly grabbing things you don’t already have,  depending on the ​Organization ​of the rebellion, adding +2 
not “getting away with the loot.” We assume you brought enough bags.  
segments for each level of organization. 
Subtract ​-1d ​for each brigand that has been ​taken out​ by their stress bar.  
The Resupply clock may be ​emptied ​through Long Term Projects or 
Roll fortune dice and adjudicate the result:  by appropriating resources during forays. 

Crit​: A clean get-away, with everything you tried for, and a bit extra.   
Maybe you snag a bit of extra reputation or lose some heat.     

6​: A good get-away. You get everything you tried for and everyone gets 
home safe. 
Downtime Actions
Foray Payoff Each brigand starts with 1 free downtime action and may spend 
Influence, Organization and Force for additional actions. 
Influence Organization
● 1 tick​: Mildly seditious activities such as making contacts. 

● 2 ticks​: Moderately seditious activities such as setting up a  Long-Term Project Spread Sedition
cache of supplies or negotiating with locals.  Spend your downtime working  Spend your downtime working 
on a ​long-term project​.  to spread ​sedition. 
● 4 ticks​: Majorly seditious activities, such as creating a cell of 
agents, recruiting a spy, or establishing a safehouse.  1-3:​ one segment,​ 4/5:​ two  1-3:​ no effect,​ 4/5:​ 1 tick,​ 6:​ 2 
segments,​ 6:​ three segments,  ticks, ​critical:​ 3 ticks 
● +1​ each if you aided a community by filling a need, learning  critical:​ five segments 
something new about them, or making a sacrifice for them. 
Reconnect Recover
Spend time aiding others.  Receive aid from another, be it 
Progress:  Unmark a relationship​.  fae, brigand, or ally. ​Remove 
highest ban​. 
● 1 tick: ​A minor success or set-up for a future foray. 
● 2 ticks: ​A modest win or helpful action.  Reduce heat Rest
● 3 ticks: ​A major victory or a crushing blow to your foes. 
Spend your downtime reducing  Spend time ​Resting​ to relieve 
● +1 tick: ​Accomplished an objective or fulfilled a need after  stress.Roll dice equal to your 
your exposure, risk, or the 
discussing with an ally or community.  vampire’s focus.  lowest attribute. Remove stress 
equal to the highest die rolled.
​1-3:​ one,​ 4/5:​ two,​ 6:​ three, 
Heat:  critical:​ five
● 0 heat: Smooth & quiet; low exposure.  Force
● 2 heat: Contained; standard exposure. 
● 4 heat: Loud & chaotic; high exposure.  Hone Equipment Command Cohort
● Add +1 heat for a high-profile or well-connected target. Add  Add the ​fine​ tag to one piece of  Gain the assistance of a cohort 
+1 heat if the foray or conflict took place in a high-security  equipment. This tag is removed  of allies for a single mission.  
location. Subtract -1 heat for each action taken to reduce  at the end of a foray in which  Cohort is dismissed after 
exposure.   the equipment was used.  mission is accomplished. 
  Requisition Asset
Gain the use of of a unique item or asset for one foray or reduce the 
resupply clock by 2 ticks. 


Crafting involves completing long-term projects. Default starting 
clock size is 4-segment. Segment amount varies: 

● +2 item is complex. 
● +2 no blueprint exists, relies on oral tradition 
● +2 no drawbacks to item 
+2 item requires illegal components or is illegal, such as 
black powder​ or ​ashwood​. 
● -2 all resources are easily accessible. 
● -2 if you tick the ​Resupply ​clock.  
● -2 Conclave can assist. 

Note: crafting segments can be reduced to zero, requiring only a 

“Long Term Project” downtime action. 

Inventions​ can be created using the following steps. 

● Player answers​: What type of creation is it and what does it 

● GM answers​: What magnitude does this item’s effect have? 
● Player answers​: What rare, strange, or adverse aspect of this 
formula or design has kept it in obscurity, out of common 
● GM answers​: What drawbacks does this item have, if any? 

GM then calculates a Research long term project based on the 

item’s magnitude. Clock length = segments x 2.  

Once research project is complete, player can produce a p

​ rototype 
based on the Crafting rules, with an additional segment for each 
point of magnitude (rounded down to nearest even number). 

Once a p
​ rototype​ i​ s produced, any player with access to the 
blueprints can craft the item without the “no blueprint” penalty, 
so long as the item’s craft does not rely on oral tradition.   

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