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User Manual Version 2

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User Manual · Version 2

Quick Start
Welcome to Aquarius, the Acustica Audio application manager. Its purpose is to automate and simplify the
products download, installation, and authorization.

1 - Refresh and support section.

2 - Running version and current user-name email.
3 - Purge stage area and settings icons.
4 - Aquarius main pages.

• Home page: on this page shows products and their popularity in a form of charts.
• Purchased page: on this page contains your purchased products supported by Aquarius. Use
for install your products.
• Search page: on this page you can search a product or a group of products supported by Aquarius.
• Updates page: on this page you can update, downgrade, authorize, de-authorize, and uninstall your

IMPORTANT: most of the Aquarius issues are fixed in the periodic auto-updates, we recommend you
always keep Aquarius application updated to the latest available version to avoid compatibility problems.
System Prerequisites:
• Operating system macOS 10.9 64-bits or higher (32-bits operating system are not supported).
• Operating system Windows 10 64-bits or higher (32-bits operating system are not supported).
• A working Internet connection (offline mode is not possible).
• An Acustica Audio email user-name.
• A SSD or HDD with enough free space to download, store, and install the products.
• Have port 8080 open and accessible.
• Have Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.1 or supperior woring and accessible.

NOTE: it is mandatory to close all your audio applications and reboot your operating system before run

IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to make a complete backup before making changes to your com-
puter systems.

MPORTANT: Acustica Audio cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising directly or indirect-
ly from any error or omission in this manual.
Upon startup, Aquarius searches your computer for installed
products and then connects to the Aquarius servers in order
to retrieve the status of products found.

The progress bar at the top of the window will keep you in-
formed of its progress. This is the main progress bar, which
will always tell you what Aquarius is doing at that moment.

For a successful Aquarius server connection, your us-

er-name email and password (credentials) must be en-
tered in the pop-up window. If the ‘Remember me’ option is
checked, the application will remember your credentials the
next time you log-in. You can cancel this operation using the
‘Escape’ key or by clicking on the ‘Close’ button, in this case,
the application will close.

When started for the first time, Aquarius creates a default standard path for the stage area but you can
change this paths in the ‘Settings’ window. See Settings chapter for more details.

IMPORTANT: Before you actually start to install plug-ins, Aquarius needs to know two important things to
operate correctly:

• The path where your products should be downloaded, the Aquarius stage area.
• The paths where your installed products are located, plug-in or N4 paths, so Aquarius can find them.

You will notice four icons at the top center of the Aquarius window. They represent the major application
pages. A mouse click on any of the icons opens its corresponding page. The currently selected icon is
colored blue. When Aquarius starts the Home page is opened automatically.

When clicking on the icon at the top right corner of the application, a pop-up menu will appear.

This pop-up menu contains the following options:

• Log-out (will disconnect you from the server and the log-in window will pop-up again).
• Settings (settings window will pop-up).
• Exit (application will terminate).

You can click on the AQUARIUS logo in the top left hand corner to force a data refresh the current page.
Home page

Home page shows products and their popularity in a form of charts. Products are grouped into multiple
sections as:

• TODAY (new content).

• THIS WEEK (best of the week).
• TOP SELLING ACQUA (purchased).
• TOP FREE ACQUA (free and trials products).
• TOP LIBRARIES (Acqua libraries for N4 and Nebula libraries for N4).

Each product is presented in a form of product strip, similar as those found on the ‘Purchased’ page. Some
products might be presented using a big product strip, similar as those found on the ‘Product information’
page, which contains additional large thumbnails and an extended description.
Clicking on the products thumbnail, name - category or ‘MORE’ button will open the product information
Purchased page

Purchased page contains your purchased products supported by Aquarius.

Each product is presented in the form of a ‘product’ strip. Strips are presented using four sections:
ACQUA, NEBULA, NEBULA libraries for N4, and ACQUA libraries fro N4 .

Below is an example of an ACQUA plug-in product strip.

Each product can be installed and/or reinstalled at any time and as many times you like. The installation
process on this page will always install the latest version of the selected product.

IMPORTANT: before installing a product, check the Settings, Installation tab to ensure the proper installa-
tion target paths are defined. Please see the Settings chapter for more details.

The question mark button will show a hint about possible actions, which can be taken.
Clicking on the product thumbnail or name - category will open the product information page.

For more information about the downloading and installing process read the Stage area, downloading
and installing details section.
Search page

On search page you can search a product or a group of products supported by Aquarius. Enter one or
more search terms delimited by spaces and execute the search operation using the ‘enter - return’ key or
mouse-click on the magnifier. Each search result is presented in a form of a ‘product’ strip, similar as those
found on the ‘Purchased’ page. If you use empty search term, you’ll be presented with a list of all available

Clicking on a product thumbnail, name - category or install button will open the product information page .
Updates page

On update page you can update your installed products with newer (upgrade) or older (downgrade) re-
leases of the product. There can be multiple sections of items visible on this page, up to four. Called them
sections A, B, C and D, from top to bottom, respectively. Each section item is presented in a form of an
‘update’ strip.

You can authorize and re-authorize products using this page, as well.

IMPORTANT: you will not see items from your installed products here, unless those products were previ-
ously installed from the ‘Purchased’ page.

Section A (Updates available)

This section contains available updates for installed products. You can update a product with a newer or
older version. When a product is updated to the latest version, it is automatically moved to section B, oth-
erwise it remains in section A.

IMPORTANT: before installing update(s), check ‘Settings, Installation tab’ to ensure, that proper installation
target paths are defined. For more details read section ‘Settings’ for more details.

To install a product update, select desired update from the menu, update description and size will be dis-
played, and click on the UPDATE button. Product will be updated and authorized. If multiple updates are
available in this section, you can install all of them using UPDATE ALL button. This will install all available
updates from the section A, one after another.

To authorize or re-authorize a product, select ‘Re-Authorize’ menu option and click on the RE-AUTHOR-
IZE button. To de-authorize a product, select ‘De-Authorize’ menu option and click on the DE-AUTHOR-
IZE button .

To uninstall a product, select ‘Uninstall’ menu option and click on the UNINSTALL button, product will be
automatically deauthorized.

Question mark button will show a hint about possible actions, which can be taken.

Clicking on a product thumbnail or name - category will open product information page.
Section B (Updates Installed)

This section contains up-to-date installed products sorted by days, months, and etc.

To downgrade a product, select desired version from the menu, updated description and release size will
be displayed, and click on the DOWNGRADE button. After you downgrade a product, it will be automati-
cally moved to the section A.

To authorize or re-authorize a product, select ‘Re-Authorize’ menu option and click on the

To de-authorize a product, select ‘De-Authorize’ menu option and click on the DE-AUTHORIZE button.

To uninstall a product, select ‘Uninstall’ menu option and click on the UNINSTALL button, product will be
additionally automatically de-authorized.

Question mark button will show a hint about possible actions, which can be taken.
Clicking on a product thumbnail or name - category will open product information page.

IMPORTANT: before downgrading, check always ‘Settings - Installation’ page to ensure, that proper instal-
lation target paths are defined.

Section C (Manual Updates Only – Please Re-install)

This section contains manually installed products supported by Aquarius. Re-installation of these prod-
ucts is required, use the ‘Purchased’ page for this task. When installed, the product will be automatically
moved to the section A.

To authorize or re-authorize a product, click on the RE-AUTHORIZE button.

Question mark button will show a hint about possible actions, which can be taken.

Clicking on a product thumbnail or name -category will open product information page.
Section D (Manual Updates)

Section contains installed products, which are not supported by Aquarius and only authorization is pos-

To authorize or re-authorize a product, click on the RE-AUTHORIZE button.

Question mark button will show a hint about possible actions, which can be taken.

IMPORTANT: this section contains also products, which are part of product bundles. Simply ignore them,
because only the bundle product is relevan, and are listed in sections A or B).

Clicking on a product thumbnail or name and category will open product information page.
Product page

You can open this page from any other pages as: home page, purchased page, search page or updates
page, by clicking on the product thumbnail, name and category, etc. and you will find additional product
information like:

• Long description.
• Link to developers webpage.
• Link to user manual.
• Category.
• Release date.
• Version.
• Download size.
• Developer.
• Current release version and short description.

The product can be installed from this page as well, in the same way as on ‘Purchased’ page.
You can always return to the previous page by clicking on the ‘Go Back’ button label.
Products are automatically authorized when are installed or updated. If product is installed for the first time
on a particular computer, new authorization slot will be used and number of available authorization slots
for product will be decreased by one.

Manual authorization or re-authorization is available on ‘Updates’ page product strips only. Whenever
there is a RE-AUTHORIZE button available, the following apply:

Under the product name and category you can see the number of used auhtorizations and the total num-
ber of available authorizations. Of course you can not use more authorizations than you own, in that case,
you should request additional authorizations slots. Depending of those two numbers and computers in-
volved in the authorization process, question mark button can have different colors and meanings.

Let’s look at the colored question mark button, it is the main indicator of the authorization status of the
product in question. By clicking on this button, you can see a hint about its status and possible actions.

GREEN: means everything is correct. Your product is properly authorized and you don’t need to do
anything. Still, the authorization button on the right, labeled RE-AUTHORIZE is available. You should
use the authorization button only if you experience unexpected problems with the product, despite
it being properly authorized. Your existing license slot will be used and used authorizations count will
not increase.

Note, if you’ve already used all your available authorizations, the authorization button will not be avail-
able at all, and in such a case, please contact Acustica Audio support and help-desk service.

YELLOW: means your should authorize the product. The product hasn’t been yet authorized on
this computer and the authorization button on the right is labeled AUTHORIZE. By clicking on it, you
will authorize the product in question on this particular computer. Note, that a new authorization slot
will be used, so used authorization count will increase.

There is one exception, though. If a product is already marked as authorized on this computer, but
the license file can not be found (corrupted, deleted), clicking on the authorization button will fix this
situation using the existing license slot, and used licenses count will NOT increase.

RED: means you should contact Acustica Audio support: no further action is possible and au-
thorization button is not available.

Deauthorization is available on »Updates« page product strips only. Note that products are automatically
deauthorized when uninstalled, so this option ( DE-AUTHORIZE button) should only be used if you want
to deauthorize a product without uninstalling it. Deauthorization frees license slot and increases number
of available license slots by one.

Multiple product formats and uninstallation/deauthorization

If you have installed multiple formats (VST2, VST3, AAX, and AU) of a single product, uninstalling or man-
ually deauthorizing any of them will deauthorize all product formats. The quick solution is to re-authorize
any of the product formats, which are still installed on your system. This will re-authorize all formats in one
Stage area usage, downloading and installing

IMPORTANT: always keep a backup of your important data as N4 repository, plug-in files, and
etc. Backup is also strongly recommended before every Aquarius install, update and uninstall

Aquarius stores downloaded files into a stage area. The stage area path is defined in ’Settings - Instal-
lation’ tab. When installing, reinstallting or updating a product, which has already been downloaded, its
files from the stage area are used instead of being downloaded again. This way the installation process is
much faster. You can purge installation files from stage area after installation, but we suggest you to keep
them if possible as a safe backup.

When files are not found in the stage area, they are downloaded from Acustica Audio servers. The down-
load bar located inside product update strip will show you the progress of the download.

The installation process can be stopped by clicking on the ‘Stop’ button. In this case, already downloaded
files will not be deleted. If you decide to repeat the installation, Aquarius will resume and download only
the missing files.

Your audio host should not be active during Aquarius operations. If your computer hasn’t been rebooted
or turned off for a period of time, please restart it before using Aquarius.

If you see an error dialog during the installation, carefully read the message and act accordingly. Errors
are rare, but they can happen because of a few possible reasons as: locked files, not enough privileges,
corrupted downloads, communication errors, and etc. In most cases, repeating the installation fixes the
problem. If the problem persists, please open a helpdecase and assig to echnical support department.

N4 and N4 Player
• N4 and N4 player cannot coexist.
• Acqua libraries for N4 and Nebula libraries for N4 require N4 or N4 Player to be installed first.
• N4 and N4 player uninstallation will not remove installed Acqua or Nebula libraries for N4.

When Aquarius is started always checks for updates. If a new version is available, it is installed over the
current version. After installation, the application automatically restarts.
The settings window contains three pages:
• Search paths.
• Installation.
• Coupons.
• Security

Search paths
This page contains two main sections. The Upper section shows
factory defined products search paths. All standard paths are
covered, so if you installed your products into standard folders,
they will all be found in the searching and scanning process. The
factory list cannot be changed.

In case you have some or all of your plug-ins installed in non-

standard folders, you can use the bottom section. Here you can
add additional folders, which will then be included in the prod-
ucts searching and scanning process as well.

Use the ‘plus’ button to add new paths, the ‘minus’ button to
delete existing paths and the ‘x’ button to delete all existing user
defined paths. You must confirm changes with the ‘Save’ but-
ton, which will close the settings window and re-scan your in-
stalled products.


On this page, you can define the stage area path.

All paths mentioned are extremely important, if they are not de-
fined properly, Aquarius will fail in many areas, including down-
loading and installation.

If paths are not defined or empty, Aquarius do its best and use
default values. This also happens when you start program for
the first time.

Every path used for VST2 plugins installation is automatically added to user defined product search paths
in “Search paths” page. This way all products will be detected, even if you’ve changed VST2 path after
installation. You can manually delete these paths, when you don’t need them anymore.

If you want to release disk space occupied by downloaded files, use ‘Purge’ button to delete stage area
contents. Press the ‘PURGE’ button only in case you want to finally delete the contents of the stage area.
Before proceeding it is recommended to create a stage area file backup.

If you use AAX plugin format for Pro Tools, don’t forget to check ‘AAX presets path’ is correctly defined.
Enable legacy engine if your CPU or operating system not support new builds with latest Xcode and/or
Visual Studio.
Enable VSTGUI3 (for legacy OSes only) only if you are installing products in legacy operating systems in
32 bits architecture as Windows XP, however compatibility is not 100% guaranteed. Use with caution! This
option is disabled by default.
Enable x86 (32 bits) installers if you want to see the 32 bits installers option, which are hidden by default.
Enable optimize “purchased” view to remove trial products from purchased page.
Enable ACQUA library setup to enable Aquarius to generate Acqua Effect plug-ins in VST, AAX or AU for-
mat from a N4 library.


Here you can enter and apply an Aquarius coupon code.


The Aquarius new security tab allows you to save

your macOS operating system user password due
this password is used constantly by Aquarius to be
able to launch each script required to install your
products, and in that way, the operating system
password is requested by Aquarius application just
one time.

Keep in mind operating system user password may be different from your Acustica Audio website log-in
password and/or Aquarius log-in password.

The password saved in the Aquarius security tab will be saved into the macOS keychain access appli-
cation, and due keychain access stores passwords and account information will reduce the number of
passwords you have to remember, manage, or re-enter continually.

By running macOS keychain access you can edit the Aquarius security tab application password, or if
necessary, you can also delete it.
You can learn more about macOS keychain access in the following link: https://support.apple.com/guide/

To contact Acustica Audio support go to the ‘Support and Help-desk Section’ in your Acustica Audio
account. We do not provide support via social networks, public forums, Acustica Audio forums, or email

Aquarius ‘Catalina’ version is an experimental portable application only for macOS 10.15 operating sys-
tem. For details please download the .zip file and read carefully the ‘Instruction manual’ HERE.


-We remind you that this Aquarius version is experimental and it is strictly intended for ‘Catalina’ user only.
-Do not install this version of Aquarius if you are using a version of the macOS operating system previous to Catalina.
-Acustica Audio cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage, errors or omissions arising directly or indirectly from using
this experimental version of Aquarius.
-All product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are hereby
-As research and development is a continual process, Acustica Audio reserves the right to change
the features and specifications of this application without notice or obligation.

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