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Determining The Number of Groups From Measures of Cluster Stability

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Determining the number of groups from

measures of cluster stability

G. Bel Mufti1 , P. Bertrand2 and L. El Moubarki3

U.R. CEFI, ESSEC de Tunis, 4 rue Abou Zakaria El Hafsi, Montfleury, 1089
Tunis, Tunisie (e-mail: belmufti@yahoo.com)
GET - ENST Bretagne, Dept. Lussi, CS 83818, 29238 BREST Cedex 3, France
(e-mail: patrice.bertrand@enst-bretagne.fr)
ISG de Tunis, 41 rue de la liberté, Cité Bouchoucha, Le Bardo, 2000 Tunis,
Tunisie (e-mail: elmoubarki lassad@yahoo.fr)

Abstract. An important line of inquiry in cluster validation involves measuring the

stability of a partition with respect to perturbations of the data set. Several authors
have recently suggested that the ‘correct’ number of clusters in a partition can be
determined simply by examining the partition stability measures for different values
of numbers of clusters. In this paper, we consider the clustering stability measures
that were recently proposed in [Bertrand and Bel Mufti, 2005], and we present
experiments that compare the method for predicting the number of clusters that
is derived from these stability measures with two of the most successful methods
reported in recent surveys.
Keywords: Cluster Stability, Monte Carlo Test, Cluster Isolation and Cluster
Cohesion, Loevinger’s measure, Number of clusters of a partition.

1 Introduction
A major challenge in cluster analysis is the validation of clusters resulting
from cluster analysis algorithms. One relevant approach involves defining
an index measuring the adequacy of a cluster structure to the data set and
establishing how likely a given value of the index is under some null model
formalizing ‘no cluster structure’, e.g., [Bailey and Dubes, 1982], [Jain and
Dubes, 1988], [Gordon, 1994], [Milligan, 1996] and [Gordon, 1999]. Another
type of approach is concerned with the estimation of the stability of clustering
results. Informally speaking, cluster stability holds when membership of
the clusters is not affected by small changes in the data set [Cheng and
Milligan, 1996]. Several recent approaches, see for example [Tibshirani et al.,
2001], [Levine and Domany, 2001], [Ben-Hur et al., 2002] and [Bertrand and
Bel Mufti, 2005], suggest that cluster stability is a valuable way to determine
the number of clusters of any partitioning of the data. Such a stability based
approach aims to identify those values of the number of clusters (or any other
parameter of the clustering method) for which local maxima of stability are
The main contribution of this paper is to compare this stability based
approach with two of the most (classical) successful methods of predicting
Determining the number of groups from cluster stability 405

the number of clusters. In what follows, we restrict our attention to the

measures of cluster stability that were introduced by Bertrand and Bel Mufti
[Bertrand and Bel Mufti, 2005]. In section 2, a summarized description of the
cluster validation method introduced by Bertrand and Bel Mufti [Bertrand
and Bel Mufti, 2005] is presented. This method involves the definition of
stability measures both of the partition and of its clusters. Each stability
measure is defined as Loevinger’s measure of a rule quality, that is assessed
by a probability significance which is approximated by comparing the value
of the measure with values that would be obtained under a null model that
specifies the absence of cluster stability. In section 3, we compare three
methods for determining the number of clusters of any partitioning of a data
set, on the basis of their experimental results obtained for the partitioning
of two data sets. The first method is the stability based approach that is
briefly mentioned here above and that is specified by the stability measures
of Bertrand and Bel Mufti [Bertrand and Bel Mufti, 2005]. The other two
methods are classical methods performing the best for estimating the number
of clusters, according to the survey of Milligan and Cooper [Milligan and
Cooper, 1985].

2 The cluster stability measures proposed by Bertrand

and Bel Mufti (2005)
In this section, we briefly describe the stability based method of cluster vali-
dation that was recently introduced by Bertrand and Bel Mufti, and we refer
the reader to [Bertrand and Bel Mufti, 2005] for more details.

We will denote as X an arbitrary data set of n objects to be clustered,

and as Pk any generic k-way partitioning algorithm. The partition obtained
by running Pk on the data set X will be denoted by P, in other words
P = Pk (X ). The validation method proposed in [Bertrand and Bel Mufti,
2005] is designed to estimate the stability of both the partition P and its
clusters, with regards to both cluster isolation and cluster cohesion criteria.
The perturbed data sets are (random) samples of the population X . If all
partitions into k clusters obtained from running algorithm Pk on different
samples of X are close in structure to partition P, then P can be deemed to
be stable. In order to guarantee that each cluster of P is still represented in
each random sample of X , we use a sampling procedure, called proportionate
stratified sampling. More precisely, given any cluster A of P and denoting
by nA the size of A, and by f some sampling ratio, this sampling procedure
involves selecting randomly and without replacement n0A elements in each
cluster of P, where n0A is the integer value obtained by rounding down f nA
to the nearest integer. On the basis of experimental results presented in
[Bertrand and Bel Mufti, 2005] and recommendations given in [Levine and
Domany, 2001] and [Ben-Hur et al., 2002], the value of f has to be chosen in
the interval [0.7, 0.9].
406 Bel Mufti et al.

Let us focus on the single criterion of cluster isolation. Informally speak-

ing, there is much evidence that any cluster of P, say A, is isolated whenever
the following rule holds for any sample X 0 of X :
(R) Isolation rule of A. If two objects of X 0 are not clustered together
by partition {A, X \ A}, then they are not in the same cluster of Pk (X 0 ).
Any measure of rule quality can assess the rule (R). However, due to its spe-
cific properties and its simplicity of interpretation (see [Lenca et al., 2003]),
Loevinger’s measure ([Loevinger, 1947]) is preferred to other measures of
rule quality. Loevinger’s measure of rule E ⇒ F , is defined as the expression
1 − P (E ∩ ¬F )/P (E)P (¬F ). Denoting by t(A, X 0 ) Loevinger’s measure of
the quality of rule (R), we obtain:

n0 (n0 − 1)m(X 0 ; A, A)
t(A, X 0 ) = 1 − , (1)
2n0A (n0 − n0A ) m(X 0 )

where m(X 0 ) is the number of pairs of objects that are clustered together by
Pk (X 0 ), and where m(X 0 ; A, A) is the number of pairs of sampled objects that
are in the same cluster of Pk (X 0 ) and for which exactly one of the two objects
belongs to A. Taking into account only the criterion of cluster isolation, the
stability measure of cluster A is defined simply as the average, denoted here
by tN (A), of the values t(A, Xi0 ) obtained for a large number N of samples
Xi0 (i = 1, . . . , N ):
1 X
tN (A) = t(A, Xi0 ). (2)
N i=1

It should be noted that tN (A) is an (unbiaised) estimation of the expected

value of the random variable t(A, X 0 ), when X 0 is considered as a random
sample. This leads us to select a value of N large enough so that both
the central limit theorem holds and the length of the approximate standard
95%-confidence interval is less than some maximal desired length l.

Several other stability measures were similarly defined in order to assess

other characteristics of any cluster, i.e., its isolation with respect to another
cluster, its cohesion and its validity. In addition, the same three characteris-
tics (isolation, cohesion and validity) of any partition were defined. Further-
more, it was proved that each stability measure of any partition that concerns
isolation (resp. cohesion) is a weighted mean of the stability measures of all
its clusters with respect to the criterion of isolation (resp. cohesion).
One important issue concerns the interpretation of the order of magnitude
of the observed values of stability measures. This is a general problem in
cluster validation: Jain and Dubes ([Jain and Dubes, 1988] p.144) noted that
it is easy to propose indices of cluster validity, but that it is very difficult to
fix thresholds on such indices that define when the index is large or small
enough to be ‘unusual’. The difficulty is solved by following the general
Determining the number of groups from cluster stability 407

procedure presented by Jain and Dubes [Jain and Dubes, 1988] (see also
[Gordon, 1994]), since it seems reasonable to specify the absence of cluster
stability by the absence of clustering structure:

Step 1. Define a null model M0 that specifies the null hypothesis H0

of absence of cluster stability for the data set under investigation; in the
case of a data set that can be represented by n points of an euclidean
space, an example of such a null model is the uniform distribution of n
points in the convex hull of the data set.

Step 2. Estimate the probability significance of the observed value of

the stability measure under the null hypothesis H0 . Since the analytic
expression of the distribution of the stability measure under the null
model M0 is usually unknown, this step generally involves performing
a Monte Carlo test: a large number, say M , of data sets are simulated
according to the model M0 , and each of them is partitioned and the
corresponding value of stability measure is computed. The probability
significance is then estimated on the basis of these M values of the
stability measure.

For example, the value tN (A) = 0.899 is an indication of high stability if and
only if its estimated probability significance value under H0 is less than 5%.

3 Experimental comparison with two methods for

determining the number of clusters
As previously mentioned in section 1, a method for determining the ‘optimal’
number of clusters in a partitioning of a data set can easily be derived from the
stability measure of a partition introduced in [Bertrand and Bel Mufti, 2005]:
a k-clusters partition is considered as meaningful if the value of the partitional
stability measure is a local maximum when k varies. In what follows, this
partitional stability measure will be denoted as BB(k), when k is the number
of clusters of the partition. The information provided by the stability index
BB(k) can be refined by considering its probability significance under the
null hypothesis H0 , and also by taking into account the stability measures
(concerning isolation and cohesion) of each cluster in the partition together,
with their probability significances.

Otherwise, many indices that measure the adequation between the par-
tition and the data set were proposed to determine the number of clusters.
According to the survey of Milligan and Cooper [Milligan and Cooper, 1985],
the index of Calinski and Harabasz [Calinski and Harabasz, 1974] and the
index of Krzanowski and Lai [Krzanowski and Lai, 1985] are among the in-
dices that perform the best (see also Tibshirani et al [Tibshirani et al., 2001]
408 Bel Mufti et al.

for another experimental comparison). The index of Calinski and Harabasz

is defined by:
B(k)/(k − 1)
CH(k) = (3)
W (k)/(n − k)
where k denotes the number of clusters, and B(k) and W (k) denote the
between and within cluster sums of squares of the partition, respectively. An
optimal number of clusters is then defined as a value of k that maximizes
CH(k). The index of Krzanowski and Lai is defined by:

DIF F (k)
KL(k) = | |, (4)
DIF F (k + 1)

DIF F (k) = (k − 1)2/p W (k − 1) − (k)2/p W (k), (5)
and p denotes the number of features in the data set. A value of k is optimal
if it maximizes KL(k).
The rest of the section is devoted to the comparison of the performance
of the three indices BB, CH and KL on the basis of results obtained for two
data sets: an artificial data set and the well known Iris data set.

3.1 An artificial data set

We consider the artificial data set that is represented in Figure 1. This data
set is a 200 point sample of a mixture of four normal distributions.

cluster 1
cluster 2
cluster 3
cluster 4

Fig. 1. Artificial data set structured into four clusters.

Determining the number of groups from cluster stability 409

Each cluster is indeed a 50 point sample of one of the four normal distri-
butions, and except for one point, the four clusters are easily identified by
looking at Figure 1. The four normal distributions are centered respectively
at µ1 = (−1.5, −.5), µ2 = (3, 2), µ3 = (0, 4) and µ4 = (4.5, 0) and have
the same variance-covariance matrix V = .5I, where I denotes the identity
This data set was partitioned using the batch K-means method and the
stability measures were computed with the ratio sampling f = 0.8. The
values of the three indices are given in Table 1 for k ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. The
probability significances under (H0 ) (p-values) suggest that the 4-partition is
the most significant.

Number of clusters (k)

Index 2 3 4 5 6
CH(k) 145 414 580 ∗
494 446
KL(k) .26 3.36 3.89 1.39 5.95 ∗

BB(k) .779 .958 .992 ∗

.914 .816
Prob. sign. of BB(k) (%) 48 − 61 2.4 − 6.8 0−1 0 − 4.5 2.5 − 9.2

Table 1. Values of the three indices for partitions of the artificial data. According
to each index (row), a symbol (∗ ) indicates the optimal numbers of clusters.

Table 2 contains all the cluster stability measures concerning the 4-

partition. These values indicate that the four clusters are stable: all the
stability measures are high and assessed as being significant under H0 by low
Each stability measure in Table 3 was computed with a precision of at
least 0.01, which required running the batch K-means method on N = 140
samples of the artificial data set. The slight lack of isolation of cluster 2
(.984), just like the slight lack of cohesion of cluster 1 (.980), suggests the
presence of an outlier between these two clusters (see Fig.1). The partition
into 4 clusters is also identified as optimal by the index CH, but the index
KL suggests that k = 6 is the optimal number of clusters.

Table 3 presents the stability measures of the 5-partition. Note that with
a p-value that is less than 4.5% at a 97.5%-approximate coverage probability,
the global validity of the partition into 5 clusters can be deemed as significant.
Each of these stability measures were computed with a precision of at least
0.02, and N = 1500 samples were necessary in order to obtain this precision.
It turns out that the clusters 1, 2 and 3 (which coincide with clusters 3, 4
410 Bel Mufti et al.

Isolation Cohesion Validity

% % %
Cluster 1 .990 0−1 .980 0−5 .986 0−1
2 .984 0−1 .992 0−2 .987 0−1
3 1. 0−1 1. 0−1 1. 0−1
4 .994 0−1 .996 0−2 .995 0−1
Partition .992 0−1 .992 0−1 .992 0−1

Table 2. Stability measures for the 4-partition (prec. 0.01), and their p-values (%).

and 2 respectively in Figure 1) are clearly stable, for all cluster characteristics
except the cohesion of cluster 3. Clusters 4 and 5 (obtained by splitting the
cluster 1 of Figure 1 into two clusters) are assessed by low stability values
(i.e., .716 and .777) and by high p-values (i.e., in the intervals 34 − 50% and
22 − 39%). Therefore, their existence is clearly dubious. Stability measures
for partial isolation between clusters were also computed: the extremely weak
stability measure for partial isolation between cluster 4 and cluster 5 (i.e.,
-.999) suggests that the split represents more a dissection than a real cluster
structure involving separate and homogeneous clusters.

Isolation Cohesion Validity

% % %
Cluster 1 .993 0−1 .939 0−1 .973 0−1
2 .993 0−1 .936 0−1 .972 0−1
3 .989 0−5 .873 1 − 13 .945 0−8
4 .696 32 − 49 .798 48 − 65 .716 34 − 50
5 .727 29 − 47 .980 1−9 .777 22 − 39
Partition .915 0 − 4.5 .913 0−1 .914 0 − 4.5

Table 3. Stability measures (prec. 0.01) of the 5-partition, and their p-values (%).
Determining the number of groups from cluster stability 411

3.2 Iris data

The famous Iris data set reports four characteristics of 3 species namely the
iris setosa, versicolor and virginica. Each class contains 50 instances. One
class (namely, the virginica) is linearly separable from the others, but the
latter are not linearly separable from each other. Iris data were partitioned
using the batch K-means method, taking into account only the two variables
petal length and width. As in the previous subsection, we have set the value
of the ratio sampling f to 0.8.

Number of clusters (k)

Index 2 3 4 5
CH(k) 756 1211 1266 1358∗
KL(k) 4.83 6.01∗ 1.3 1.12
BB(k) .992 ∗
.959 .881 .900
Prob. signif. of BB(k) (%) .3 − 3.4 6.7 − 11.9 > 34 5.2 − 9.4

Table 4. Values of the indices on Iris data partitions. According to each index
(row), a symbol (∗ ) indicates an optimal number of clusters.

Table 4 shows the values of the three indices used for choosing the optimal
number of clusters on Iris data. The 2-partition with a p-value between .3
and 3.4% is the most stable partition according to the index BB, followed by
the 5-partition and the 3-partition with p-values in the intervals 5.2 − 9.4%
and 6.7 − 11.9%, respectively. Even if the p-values of the last two partitions
do not differ significantly, the large p-values of the stability measures of two
clusters of the 5-partition (i.e., in the intervals 39 − 53% and 52 − 65%) raise
doubts about the validity of this partition (see also [Bertrand and Bel Mufti,
2005]). The stability measure BB is the only one to identify the trivial
partition in two clusters, and the KL index identifies the 3-partition as the
optimal one. Choosing the 5-partition, the index CH is the worst performer
on the Iris data set.

4 Conclusion
The results presented in this paper confirm that measuring cluster stability
can be a valuable approach to determine the ‘correct’ number of clusters of
any partition. A real advantage of this general approach is that it does not
require selecting or using any measure of adequation between the data set
and the partition examined.
412 Bel Mufti et al.

It can be noticed that the p-values for assessing the measures of clus-
ter stability may be decisive when estimating the stability of clusters. For
example, the p-values of Table 1 show that the stability value .915, which
assesses the stability of the 5-partition, is statistically more significant un-
der the null hypothesis of absence of structure, than the stability value .958
which assesses the stability of the 3-partition. In addition, an advantage of
the stability based approach that is proposed in [Bertrand and Bel Mufti,
2005] is that a careful interpretation of the p-values of the stability measures
enables one to identify not only a pertinent partition but also several sources
of variation in the partitional stability, such as individual cluster isolation
and cohesion.

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