Leg Form Reviewer
Leg Form Reviewer
Leg Form Reviewer
Note: You can use this pattern for all kinds of deeds. JUDICIAL FORMS
You need only vary the “act or conveyance” portion to
convert it into a deed of assignment, a deed of Note: All judicial forms have one mold or pattern. The
easement of right of way, a deed of real estate parts of a typical judicial form are:
mortgage, a deed of chattel mortgage, and others. [1] Caption
[2] Title
3. POWER OF ATTORNEY [3] Introduction
[4] Body
[5] Relief
Q: How is a General Power of Attorney dierent
[6] Attorney
from Special Power of Attorney?
[7] Plus or addendums
A: A special power of attorney is a very limited power
of attorney as it allows the Attorney-in-Fact to do only
those things specied by the principal. The authority
granted is usually very limited and clearly dened in
the power of attorney form. A general power of
attorney allows the Attorney-in-Fact to do anything the 1. AFFIDAVITS
principal would legally be able to do in his name. Q: What is an Adavit?
A: It is an ex parte statement in writng made under
Q: What are the parts of a general power of oath before a notary public or other ocer authorized
attorney? to administer oaths, about facts which the aant
A: VeT-PAP-GA either knows of his personal knowledge or is aware of
[1] Venue and Title to the best of his knowledge. (Khan, Jr., 2007)
[2] Personal Circumstance
[3] Appointment operative words Q: Is oath similar from an adavit?
[4] Power A: No. An adavit consists of statement of fact which
[5] Granting authority operatives is sworn as to the truth, while an oath is a pledge.
[6] Acknowledgment (Suarez, 2007)
Q: Who is an aant?
A: It refers to a person who signs an adavit and
Q: What are the parts of a special power of
swears to its truth before a Notary Public or some
person authorized to take oath
[1] Venue and Title
Q: What are the parts of a typical sworn
[2] Personal Circumstance
statement or adavit?
[3] Appointment operative words
[4] Power
[1] Venue
[5] Granting authority operatives
[2] Title
[6] Acknowledgment
[3] Person
[4] Oath
[5] Statement
[6] Signature
[7] Jurat
Q: What does a secretary’s certicate contain?
[1] Personal circumstances of the secretary
[2] Date of the Meeting and Resolution of the Board
[3] Resolutions still in force
Q: What is an Adavit of Merit?
[4] Jurat
A: It is an adavit which states that the defendant has
a meritorious defense of a substantial and not merely
Note: Being regular on its face, a Secretary's
technical nature and stating the facts constituting the
Certicate is sucient for a third party to rely on. It
does not have to investigate the truth of the facts
contained in such certication; otherwise business
Note: In executing an adavit, the aant’s primary
transaction of corporations would become tortuously
qualication is that he has knowledge of the facts
slow and unnecessarily hampered.
which he states, and the truth of which he arms.
(Suarez, 2007)