Lesson 2: Positive Impact of Global Health Initiatives: Group 4
Lesson 2: Positive Impact of Global Health Initiatives: Group 4
Lesson 2: Positive Impact of Global Health Initiatives: Group 4
Digital Health
Digital Health: Positive Impact
UNICEF has harnessed the power of ICT
to support countries to ensure that every child
survives and thrives.
Health Inititative
Strengthening Health
Systems (SHS): Positive Impact
Since 1990, through the UNICEF Health
Systems Strengthening Approach remarkable
gains have been made in improving outcomes
for children and women.
The number of children dying before the age of five years has
almost halved and similar progress has been
made in maternal mortality.
Stunting (chronic undernutrition)
among children below age five decreased from
40 per cent in 1990 to 25 percent in 2013.
What are the negative effects of tobacco and
alcohol use?
How can someone avoid being involved in the
use of alcohol and tobacco?
Thank You
For Your