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Effect of Adjustment Ability On Academic Performance of First Year Mbbs Students in A Government Medical College in South Kerala

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International Journal of Medical Science and Education

pISSN- 2348 4438 | eISSN-2349- 3208

Published by Association for Scientific and Medical Education (ASME)
www.ijmse.com Int.J.Med.Sci.Educ. Jan-February. 2020; 7(1) : 1-7
Available Online at www.ijmse.com Original Research Article


Dr. Gilsa.E.S1*, Dr. Miriam Varkey2, Dr. Rajad. R3, Dr. Alen Jude Thambi4

1. Associate Professor of Biochemistry, 2. Professor of Biochemistry, 3.Assistant Professor of Anatomy, 4.

Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, Government TD Medical College, Alappuzha.
*Corresponding author – Dr. Gilsa.E.S
Email id – mailgilsaes@gmail.com
Received:08/01/2020 Revised:11/02/2020 Accepted:28/02/2020
Background: The adjustment problem is highly prevalent among medical students compared to other streams of education.
Maladjustment has profound influence on the academic performances and also will also have many immediate and remote
influence on the students both physical and mental health. Hence this study was undertaken to assess the adjustment ability
of our students and its effect on their academic performances Methodology: Adjustment ability of 98 first year MBBS
students in Government in Kerala Medical College was assessed using Bell’s adjustment Inventory (BAI). Scores obtained
were compared with the marks scored for the final sessional examination using independent sample t Test Results: The
mean Bells score for our students was 48.36± 14.17 which is above the cut off score of 44 indicating unsatisfactory
adjustment ability. Out of 98 students 59 students were having Total Bell’s score above 44. There was no significant gender
difference noted. There was a significant difference in the Bells score between the students who secured more than 50%
marks and those who have not. Conclusion: This study shows that a majority of first year MBBS students in our institution
have unsatisfactory adjustment ability. Adjustment issues should be of concern because they may lead to undesirable coping
strategies like substance abuse and the incidence of this is found to be increasing in medical students in India as shown by
many studies. Hence adjustment issues among students should be addressed effectively not only to improve academic
performance, but to prevent psychiatric morbidities in the future
Keywords-Adjustment ability, Academic Performance, Bell’s adjustment Inventory

The medical school environment is highly stressful also have many immediate and remote influence on
everywhere in the world .There are several factors both physical and mental health of the students
like vast syllabus, unending series of examinations, leading to the development of negative emotional
fear of failure, peer pressure, high expectations of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress and can
parents and demanding society etc put the students even result in suicide or suicidal attempts (2)
under pressure .The adjustment problem is highly
Adjustment is described as a process by which an
prevalent among medical students compared to other
individual adapts to oneself and environment at
streams of education (1) The ability to cope up can
home, school or college, at work and life situations
differ in individuals based on many inherent and
during growing as well as aging. A good adjustment
environmental factors. Studies from east and west
ability helps to keep the basic impulses in a tolerable
shows the adjustment ability has profound influence
level and to achieve goals by believing in one’s own
on the academic performances. Maladjustment will

Page 1
abilities. It has multiple dimensions like intellectual, in Southern Kerala. The students who volunteered
emotional, social, physical, psychological, were recruited to the study after getting an informed
vocational etc. Adjustment is by Halonen and consent to a protocol which was approved by
Santrock defined as the psychological process which Institutional Research committee and Institutional
helps a person to adapt, cope and manage the Ethical Committee. The study was done towards the
problems, problems challenges and demands of end of second semester when most of the students
everyday life faced in daily life (3). Simon et al also might have accustomed to the new environment. So
gives a similar definition for adjustment” (4) students with real adjustment issues can be picked
Students commonly face adjustment issues during
the first year of their medical College. Many Tools used
students experience the entrance to the stressful
Socio-Demographic Questionnaire
environment of medical college as distressing which
may result in many adjustment problems causing Socio demographic data like age sex, parent’s
poor academic performance (5). Srivastava et al educational status and occupation, marks obtained
notices that students with adjustment problems are for the qualifying examination, rank obtained for the
less with good psychological support (6). Hence medical entrance examination etc was collected
early recognition of such problems and giving using a questionnaire (Appendix I)
necessary psychological and emotional support may Modified Bell’s adjustment inventory (BAI) -
be beneficial in reducing the short term and long student form8
term consequences. The factors known to affect
academic performance of medical students are which This modified adjustment inventory is a
include family background, gender, age, personality, psychometric analytic tool developed by Hugh
intelligence and level of comprehension, method and M.Bell (1934) to assess the adjustment ability of a
style of learning ,pressure from peers and parents person in four aspects. It is a widely used tool used
and sometimes even psychological disturbances and by several researchers and therapist in in Indian
psychiatric disorders (9-11). Academic performance scenario. It has two forms –a student form and an
is also influenced by multiple other factors. Poor adult form. The student form is used for this study. It
academic performance and poor attendance often is a self-administered questionnaire with four parts
indicates difficulties in adjusting to the new and each part has 35 questions and a total 140
environment (12). These students face social, questions. Each question is answered in a three point
emotional , physical and family problems which may scale as Yes, No and Uncertain. Each section has
affect their learning ability and academic different scores and norms are given to interpret the
performance (13) Some of them find it hard to cope results. The scores obtained in each areas like home,
with the stress and lag behind, while others see the health, social and emotional were added together to
pressure as a challenge to work harder (14,15). For determine the total level of adjustment. Higher score
many students, entrance to the Medical college indicate more adjustment issues. Bells adjustment
causes displacement from family and friends to an inventory and the scoring key is given as Appendix
entirely different environment with a vast syllabus, II
newer terminologies and newer pattern of study Procedure
different from their school .This challenges the
Study was conducted at the end of second semester,
students self-image and may cause loss of self-
a week before the study leave. The students were
confidence (16, 17)
briefed about the purpose of the study and 98
MATERIALS AND METHODS students out of 150 volunteered to participate. They
This cross sectional study was conducted in the were given socio demographic questionnaire and
Department of Biochemistry among 98 first year Bell’s adjustment inventory. Instructions for the
medical students in a Government Medical College administration of inventory were given.40-45

Page 2
minutes were taken to complete the questionnaire. students have better social adjustment compared to
Score for individual students were calculated using female students t(96)=2.604 and p=0.011
Microsoft Excel. The interpretation of the score was
done as given below. The academic performance
was assessed based on the final sessional marks The results show more than half of the students who
scored by the student which was followed after one participated in the study have adjustment issues. It is
month. well known that medical education impart
significant psychological stress on students (20)
Data was analyzed by SPSS version 21.Descriptive
There are various studies which prove that
statistics was used to find the frequencies and
considerable degree of psychological morbidity is
percentages of nominal data and mean and Standard
seen among medical students ranging from stress,
deviation of numeric data.
interpersonal problems and suicidal ideation to
RESULTS psychiatric disorders 21-27 and they tend to have
greater psychological distress than the general
Out of 150 students admitted in the first year ,98
population. There are many studies from different
students participated in the study 68 were females
streams showing that Several studies have reported
and 30 were males and it was conforming to the
that poor adjustment can result in poor academic
general trend of female to male ratio of 2:1 getting
performance. The findings of our study is consistent
admission to the medical colleges for the past few
with those reports, with a significant difference in
years. were males and it was conforming to the
the adjust ability between students who scored more
general trend of female to male ratio of 2:1 getting
marks and who scored less marks. There was no
admission to the medical colleges for the past few
significant gender difference noticed in our study
contrary to the study done by Rekha and Narasimha
Only 39 students out of 98 have a satisfactory Bells swami among first year medical students in
score of above 44. Approximately one fifth of the Karnataka5. Emotional adjustment is poor in
students scored in the very unsatisfactory levels. majority of the students .This may be because 94%
More than 58 % have unsatisfactory Bells score. of students are hostellers. Lack of emotional support
Majority of the students have good home (75.5%) is a major issue for students. Most have good home
and social adjustment score (98.98%).But 90.8% of (75.5%) and social adjustment scores (98.98%). But
students are having poor health score. Emotional 90.8% of students are having poor health score
score also is unsatisfactory in majority (69.4%).
Based on the marks scored in the final sessional
This study shows that a majority of first year MBBS
examination students were grouped into two.
students in our institution have unsatisfactory
Group1-Students who secured less than 50% for the
adjustment ability. Adjustment issues should be of
final sessional examination n=35, Group 2 –Students
concern because they may lead to undesirable coping
who secured more than 50% marks
strategies like substance abuse and the incidence of
n=63.Independent sample t test was used to compare
this is found to be increasing in medical students in
the Total Bells score and the scores of subdomains in
India as shown by many studies 27, 28.Hence
two student groups. There was significance
adjustment issues among students should be
difference between the two groups in total bells
addressed effectively not only to improve academic
score and the scores of sub domains-Home, Health,
performance, but to prevent psychiatric morbidities
Social and Emotional.
in the future.
No significant difference was observed among male
and female students in Total Bells score and scores
of subdomains except for social adjustment. Male We sincerely thank our students who were willing to
take part in the study

Page 3
Table 1 Demographic characteristics and academic and adjustment score
Sl.No Variables Mean ±SD Frequency ( percentage in bracket)
1 Age 19.68±1.090
2 Sex
Male 30(30.61)
Female 68(69.39)
3 Marks for qualifying examination 93.94±4.312
4 Marks scored in final sessional
<50 35(35.71)
>50 63(64.29)

5 Total bells Score

<44 39(39.80)
>44 59(60.20)

Table 2 Bells’s score in subdomains –Frequency and percentage

Score Mean ±SD Interpretation Frequency of Percentage of
students students
Total 48.36± 14.17 0-12 Excellent 1 1.02
Bells 13-24 Good 1 1.02
Score 25-44 Average 37 37.76
45-60 Unsatisfactory 41 41.84
>61 Very unsatisfactory 18 18.37
Home 7.94±5.20 0-2 Excellent 10 10.20
3-4 Good 22 22.45
5-10 Average 42 42.86
11-16 Unsatisfactory 15 15.31
17 Very unsatisfactory 9 9.18
Health 15.65±4.32 0-1 Excellent 0 0.00
2-5 Good 0 0.00
6-9 Average 10 10.20
10-16 Unsatisfactory 45 45.92
17 Very unsatisfactory 43 43.88
Social 9.53±4.86 0-5 Excellent 21 21.43
6-9 Good 32 32.65
10-21 Average 44 44.90
22-26 Unsatisfactory 1 1.02
27 Very unsatisfactory 0 0.00
Emotional 15.23 ±6.48 0-3 Excellent 1 1.02
4-5 Good 6 6.12
6-11 Average 21 21.43
12-19 Unsatisfactory 46 46.94
20 Very unsatisfactory 24 24.49

Page 4
Figure -1 Bells score Total and sub domains in male and female student (% are in figure)

Very unsatisfactory

Table 3-Comparison of Group1 and Group2 based on Bells score (Group1-Students secured < 50% marks
n=35, Group 2 –Students secured > 50% marks n=63)
Bells Score Group 1 n= Group 2 n= t value p value
Mean ±SD Mean ±SD
Home 9.78±5.064 4.30±3.197 5.664 0.000
Health 16.54±4.228 13.91±4.018 2.957 0.000
Social 11.52±4.120 5.61±2.947 7.344 0.004
Emotional 18.22±5.410 9.36±3.872 8.365 0.000
Total 56.06±10.298 33.18±6.20 11.7 0.000

Table 4-Gender difference in the Bells score

Bells score Female (n= Mean ±SD Male n= Mean ±SD t value p value
Home 7.5±4.66 8.93±6.225 1.261 0.21
Health 15.6±4.373 15.67±4.278 0.021 0.984
Social 8.74±4.468 11.33±4.744 2.604 0.011
Emotional 14.96±6.677 15.87±6.056 0.640 0.640
Total Bells score 46.84±13.597 51.80±15.078 1.610 1.610

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How to cite this article: Gilsa. E. S, Varkey M.,

Rajad. R., Thambi A.J., Effect of adjustment ability on
academic performance of first year mbbs students in a
government medical college in south kerala.
Int.J.Med.Sci.Educ 2020;7(1):1-7

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