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Assignment-1 (Set-1) : Department: Electronics & Communication Engg. School: SECE Course Code: ECE851 Course Title

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Assignment-1 (Set-1)

Department: Electronics & Communication Engg.

School: SECE Student Name:_____________
Course Code: ECE851
Course Title: INTRODUCTION AND PROGRAMMING Reg. Number:______________
Max. Marks:50
Roll Number:______________
Section: Marks Obtained

All questions are compulsory. Each question carries same marks.

Q1. Prepare sketch to control Tubelight and Fan as per availability of person inside the room
using PIR sensor? Also give the circuit interfacing diagram for the same?
Q2. Explain working principle of ultrasonic sensor? Give sketch for distance measurement using
ultrasonic sensor with proper circuit diagram?
Q3. Prepare Arduino IDE sketch to measure temperature and humidity of your room? Also give
circuit diagram?
Q4. Prepare Arduino IDE sketch to control direction of rotation and speed of two DC motors
using L293D IC with Arduino? Give the circuit simulation for the same?
Q5. Explain applications of servo motor? Also prepare Arduino IDE sketch to rotate it from 0-
180 degree?
Assignment-1 (Set-2)

Department: Electronics & Communication Engg.

School: SECE Student Name:_____________
Course Code: ECE851
Course Title: INTRODUCTION AND PROGRAMMING Reg. Number:______________
Roll Number:______________
Section: Marks Obtained

All questions are compulsory. Each question carries same marks.

Q1. Explain what is PWM? Give program to control LED brightness using PWM. Give proteus
simulation for the same?
Q2. Prepare Arduino IDE sketch to control speed on DC motor using L293D IC with
potentiometer? Give proteus circuit simulation also?
Q3. What is IR sensor? Explain object detection using IR sensor and print the same on serial
monitor? Give interfacing diagram?
Q4. Prepare Arduino IDE sketch to design smart dustbin using Ultrasonic sensor. Give proteus
simulation for the same?
Q5. Prepare Arduino IDE sketch to display your course code on CA-Seven segment. Also show
the proteus simulation for the same?


1. You all have to copy the questions of corresponding set allocated to you, into a new word
document, and solve those and save it with section no, roll no for example”
2. Then upload your answer sheet on UMS chat only before the dead line as per CA submission
last date (check UMS), after that no submission will be entertained.
3. Copying the assignment from others is strictly prohibited. Though two students got a same set
of questions to solve, the way of explanation could be different from one to another. This
regard we will be comparing the answer sheets of all the students, before awarding marks. So
be careful and spend some of your time on this activity so as to gain the knowledge.
4. Even roll number of the class has to do SET-1 and odd roll numbers SET-2
5. Wherever the sketch is asked attach the screenshot of the compiled program in
Arduino IDE. (If laptop is available else click the picture of the program written on

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