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Risk For Self-Directed or Other Directed Violence

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Gordon’s Functional Health Pattern

Functional Prior to Hospitalization During Hospitalization Analysis and Interpretation

Health Pattern
Health The patient verbalized Upon her stay to the The patient may inflict any
Perception that she was brought to institution, it reveals that harm to self or others. Her
Health- the institution on the she was brought to the condition may be characterized
Management afternoon due to high hospital due to continuous by disturbances in the
Pattern fever and because she tantrums and refusal to regulation of mood, behavior
has not eaten 4 days and eat for 4 days. She was and affect.
upon waking up she was given a 4-point restraint
already in the institution, order due to pulling her IV Nursing Diagnosis:
prior to the admission. line and did that because Risk for self-directed or other
she was afraid. The directed violence
patient also verbalized, Reference:
“hindi ko po tanggap na P. Martin (2019). Nurseslabs.
may sakit ako sa

Nutritional and Before the patient’s After the patient’s The patient has a normal BMI
Metabolic hospital admission, the interaction with the of 18.6, meaning, the patient
Pattern patient is 173 meters tall physician, she was has a normal body mass index
and weighs 115 pounds. advised to consume that is suitable for her height
Four days before the nutritious food including and weight.
patient’s hospital foods rich in
admission, she refuses carbohydrates for this Nursing Diagnosis:
to eat anything as she may boost the serotonin Readiness for enhanced
verbalized, “hindi ako production, fish rick in nutrition
kumain ng 4 na araw”. omega-3 fatty acids for Reference:
this kind of cholesterol is Ackley, B., &Ladwig, G.
healthy for the brain, and (2014). Nursing diagnosis
nuts for this contains handbook (10th ed).
magnesium that plays role
in regulating the body’s
stress response.

Legg, T. J., (2020). Foods
and Nutrients for Mania
and Depression.
Retrieved May 12, 2021

Elimination Prior to the During hospitalization, the The patient’s elimination

Pattern hospitalization, the patient has IV line and patterns were not much
patient had no complains verbalized that she did not affected by her condition
and no known difficulties eat for 4 days. although some support was
in bowel movement and necessary such as IV line. Her
urination frequency. intake and output values
continuously improved.

Nursing Diagnosis:
Readiness for enhanced
urinary elimination
Herdman, T.H. & Kamitsuru, S.
(Eds.). (2014). P.68

Activity and Before the patient During hospitalization the Most of the time the patient
Exercise admission, the patient’s patient was seen excited expressed enjoyment during
Pattern hobby was playing and joyful during the activities which provide
computer games and activity. The patient also temporary relief from her
also enjoys biking verbalized “Masaya po. anxiety.
strolling around the park. Nag enjoy ako”. But
The patient verbalized during the nurse-patient Nursing Diagnosis:
that she is fond of sports interaction she was Moderate to severe level of
such as badminton. observed to have difficulty anxiety related to right
focusing and has poor delusional system
attention span. Reference:
Wayne, G (2019). Nurselabs

Sleep-Rest Prior to the Upon her stay in the Sleep is required to regain
Pattern hospitalization of the institution, the patient is energy for physical and mental
patient, the patient does having a hard time activities. The patient has
not have any complains sleeping at night and difficulty in sleeping and unable
about her sleeping often wakes up early in to participate in some activities.
pattern at home. the morning. The patient
observed restless and Nursing Diagnosis:
groggy. She also Disturbed sleep pattern
verbalized “Hindi na ako Reference:
sumali sainyo kahapon, Wayne, G (2019). Nurselabs
kasi inaantok po talaga

Cognitive- Prior to admission the During hospitalization, the The patient showed withdrawal
Perceptual patient does not recall patient heard voices of from reality and may inflict to
Pattern any other event during man telling her that he will harm the others.
her childhood. The bury her alive and a
patient does not have female asking her to hurt
any problems in her her friends. The patient Nursing Diagnosis:
other senses. The also verbalized “Mayroon Risk for self-directed or other
directed violence related to
patient is oriented to po akong narinig na hostile ideations
people, time and place. bulong, si Locsin daw po Reference:
ilalagay daw n’ya po ako Gil Wayne (2020). Nurseslabs
sa kabaong” and
“Natatakot nga po ako eh.
Ayoko na po makarinig ng

Self-Perception- Before hospitalization, During hospitalization, the Positive self-esteem develops

Self-Concept the patient had social patient is observed to when a person feels good and
Pattern anxiety and guardedness become vulnerable capable of responding to
which rooted from her inexperiencing low sense challenges and stressors. She
need to belong and her of self and being exhibits mild to a remarkable
fear of rejection and negativistic. She also shift in the view of herself such
disapproval. It shows verbalized that she does as being negative, low self-
the client’s need for not have a mental esteem develops. This phase is
Emotional satisfaction. disorder but rather she a temporary phase response in
thinks that she has a helpless to control current
lighter condition which is situation.
bipolar disorder.

Nursing Diagnosis:
Chronic Low Self-Esteem
Gil Wayne (2020). Nurseslabs.

Role- The patient plays the role During her hospitalization, The behavior and self-
Relationship of being an adopted the patient did not expression do not match the
Pattern daughter by her aunt. verbalized any attitude environmental context, norms
The patient verbalized that she projects when and expectations; this may be a
that during her school there are disagreements change in self perception,
years she frequently among the family, denial of role, a conflict
went out with her friends however, verbalized that between roles or some other
rather than stay at home. she was a victim of violent change.
acts performed by her
auntie when she wasn’t Nursing Diagnosis:
do the household chores. Ineffective Role performance
Ackley, B., &Ladwig, G.

Sexuality- Prior to admission, the During the hospitalization, .Hyper sexuality is described as
Reproductive patient had no known the nurses assessed the a dysfunctional preoccupation
difficulties with her patient’s drawing that a with sexual fantasies, urges or
sexual functioning. lighter shade of purple behaviors that are difficult to
represented the client’s control.
rejection of sexuality and
shows sexual Nursing Diagnosis:
ambivalence. And the Sexual dysfunction as
drawing that has long-but- evidenced by emotional and
not- filed-in hair shows stress related problems
over-concern and Reference:
oversexuality. M. Knutson (2015)

Coping-Stress Before, the patient During hospitalization, The patient shows ineffective
Tolerance mentioned that her The client exhibits shifting coping to a stressful situation or
Pattern individual coping of mood from time to time event comprehensively and
patterns are linked with and also get easily therefore fails to make
her significant people in offended, frustrated and decisions using inappropriate
her life. She also depressed. The client can resources or none at all.
verbalized that she cries be troublesome and it Coping mechanisms break
when she faces reveals that due to her down due to stress and build
problems especially inability to have emotional pressure that eventually
when she is being control, she is bound to
reprimanded by her aunt have conflicts and exceeds problem-solving skills.
for using computer too consistent tension with
much. others. Nursing Diagnosis:
Ineffective Coping
Gil Wayne (2017). Nurselabs.

Value-Belief Prior to hospitalization, During the patient’s stay, Patient’s value-belief patterns
Pattern the patient has a clear there were no observed showed no major effect on her
understanding of her religious practices that the condition.
religion by praising God patient performed.
and by doing good deeds Nursing Diagnosis:
to other people by being Readiness for enhanced
a good member of the spiritual well-being
community and by Reference:
helping others in carrying  Earthpages.ca (2016).
their belongings.

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