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DOI:10.4186/ej.2017.21.7.263: ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume 21 Issue 7

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Moreover, once all elements of the smart home have been integrated, older people are able to communicate
with the system, perhaps to instruct it to increase the security level of the property and also to receive
notifications about their scheduled times for medications [12]. A key element in this highly sophisticated
system is e-health, one of the latest medical technologies for the healthcare of older people. E-health is based
on sensor networks connected via Internet to a medical base station. Together, e- health and sophisticated
home technologies therefore offer both smart home and medicine 4, making it possible to remotely
monitor health thorough an internet connection and relay the data to medical staff or families [13]. At
the centre of this configuration between user and receiver or monitor, and fed by remote connections, is
a system based on compatible hardware and software [14]. In the data servers, all personal information
of the user (patient) obtained from the sensors, is stored. This information must be secured in against
unauthorized access or attack 9. One method to achieve high levels of security is through RFID login4,
which means by using tag (ID) for login [15].
A detailed study was carried out the use of sensors, in nursing homes and in smart homes. The best and
latest smart home solutions were selected for this study. This framework for this current selected solution is
based on wireless communications technology (sensors), Fig. 1. The main purpose of these sensors is to
exchange and store information in a data server at the healthcare home base 9. This system allows monitoring
of the vital elements of the human body, such as heart rate, blood presssure, tachycardia or bradycardia [16].

ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume 21 Issue 7, 26


This means, a remote monitoring system is created by wireless sensors connected via an internet connection
[5]. Once the system is implemented, family members and nursing staff or doctors are able to monitor
the health condition of the user (patient) through the internet connection on their smart phones or
computers [17]. Another point is that this system is able to react in case of emergency situations or the
detection of falls, creating an immediate emergency notification to the family and staff members via adequate
applications [18]. Also, the system itself is limited to automated decisions and their performance. These
limitations could be overcome by incorporating more advanced technology in the system [19]. Still,
even with this current framework, older people could live more independtly at home and stress levels would
be lower [20]. Moreover, the cost for healthcare would be cheaper compared with Nursing Homes
healthcare (see Fig. 1).
1.1. Possible Mitigation

In the following figures, all factors and sub factors in Smart Home elder health care are described.. Basically,
each factor considers strength and weakness. Another factor is security and privacy. At this point the positive
points are: accessibility and availability, data integrity and convenience. On the other hand, sensitive
data, cyber-attack, authentication and authorisation are the biggest concern. The infrastructure in Smart
Home care is


have been the most popular form of health care. Nowadays, technology is changing rapidly; therefore the
Smart Home technologies could be the replacement for Nursing Homes. This would allow older people to
stay at home and to monitor their health condition thorough wireless connections on mobile phones and
Essentially, this framework reduces the living of cost and increases the quality of life for older people at
Basically, the main purpose of this system is to improve the health care of older people at home.
Moreover, the system is based on wireless communication technology (sensors) which include wearable
smart sensors, camera sensors, infrared sensors, motion sensors, touch sensors and voice sensors. All these
sensors are connected wirelessly through an Internet connection. The function of these sensors is to
collect information from the user (patient) and convert this into accurate information. This information is
recorded daily and stored in the data server.
The integration of wireless communications technology is to help and improve older people’s healthcare
at home. In addition, Smart Home technology allows older people to be active in their daily activities without
any difficulties, supported by ambient intelligent systems. This technique provides options for talking relation
patient AmI, which means the user is able to ask for any medications or treatment of diseases. Also, this
method provides medication reminders for older people to remind them when they need to take the required
medicines. Older people are able to control this system via voice commands, touch commands or facial and
body talk systems. All these methods are created to help older people to remain in home healthcare in
less stressful conditions.
Another point is online medical support. This support is based on the same wireless sensors for
remote monitoring of health conditions of the user. In other words, older people, families and nursing staff or
doctors are able to monitor the vital elements of the patient and react in case of emergency through an
online connection using the Internet. This feature allows people to feel safe in Smart Home health care
through online medical support via direct connection to care teams. Furthermore, the system is
intelligent and has features to react and to identify falls and emergency situations.
Another feature is that the system is able to correctly identify diseases via smart sensors supported
by AmI and to notify the user of the correct solution. To be enable user to access to this system, that
user has to be registered in the data server with a specific ID (username and password).
This authentication and authorisation process is designed to protect the private information of the user.
26 ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume 21 Issue 7,

In this case, security and privacy of this framework are supported by these two methods as well as by
the firewall process. The user access is granted based on his ID through the router, firewall and data
server. In case the user is not authorised, the firewall will refuse entry, after attempting to process IP and
MAC addresses. The main point of this framework is that the cost is drastically reduced. Thus, smart
power management allows control of the fully automated house by the user. In other words, this system can
control the house by itself and can provide correct decisions to help older people. Also, payment fees for
medical appointments and hospital consultations are drastically reduced through this framework. In addition,
users need to pay only when a specific medical opinion is needed and for technical support in case of system
issues. The framework of this system is represented in Fig. 4.
The participants of this study were older people, families and nursing staff. The data was collected
by using an online survey.
To evaluate results, different questions were designed. The survey was conducted using Google Survey.
All questions were given scores from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating a strong disagreement with the statement, a 3
indicating a neutral position, and a 5 indicating a strong agreement.
The collected data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences) tool. The first part of the survey was analyzed using Excel graphs, and the correlations between the
results and demographics were analyzed using SPSS. The bivariate correlation results are given in Table.

ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume 21 Issue 7, 26


Fig. 4. Proposed framework for elder people healthcare in a Smart Home.

2. Discussion and Evaluation

2.1. Results Discussion

The goal of this study was to consider the real facts about Older People’s healthcare in Nursing Home and a
Smart Home. The findings clearly support that Smart Home healthcare is cheaper and more technologically
for older people. Those who took part in this study clearly indicated that Smart Home healthcare can
drastically improve the life of older people in their home environment. The survey results also confirm that
older individuals can live more independently at home and they would be in better health.
Another reason for the success of this study is that the quality of life will be higher due to the framework
being based on wireless communication technology. Furthermore, with this framework, safety is increased.
This study has aimed to investigate the impact of the framework on older individuals with mental and general
disabilities issues. The results show that Smart Home healthcare based on wireless communication
technology constitutes a significant benefit for those groups. However, this system has several
limitations in terms of management and control of the system, outsourcing founds, the need for a better
storage system for personal information and also in the area of medical support.
Overall, the system is less costly than a nursing home. The integrated sophisticated technology is a
significant factor for the success of the framework. The survey was carried out to back assumptions
with data, based on matching health conditions of subjects with previously recorded statistics.

2.2. Proposed Enhanced Model

The main focus of this model (Fig. 5) is to overcome the limitations of the previous model. In addition,
stakeholders will be able to manage and control this system, after appropriate training. Training solutions are
required for all three types of stakeholders: older people, families and external medical staff. This
training should be provided by specialist engineers involved with this technology. In terms of cost,
Australian government and Centerlink funds can potentially be allocated to the installation of the system
in the homes of older people at reduced cost. There are also benefits for the Australian government.
Ambient Intelligent medical support is an advanced level of technological development with the ability
to help individuals in a
26 ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume 21 Issue 7,

range of difficult situations, through anInternet connection. This means medical advice can be provided
by the system in a timely manner when required.
Basically, this support could be physical via online conn ection or from the system itself. A final point in
this model is Cloud storage. Cloud storage provides significant benefits for stakeholders for keeping
information rather than on physical devices. One of the positive points is that all information will be
protected through advanced encryption methods (see Fig. 5.) However, there are limitations. While the
system can detect certain common disease, it cannot give specific disease related decisions or offer
advice about medication.
The integrity of the system is guaranteed by sensors and data with applications integrated in the system,
such as: Dialling 000 emergency call, contact with medical personnel or families. The system is controlling
the response and there is no a specific app. Limitations could be overcome by implementing backup internet
connections (a second ISP) using a router, adding more advanced sensors for monitoring health, and
increasing the security measures by integrating firewalls. The conclusion is that to ascertain if this system is
capable of functioning in a real environment requires more live tests.

Fig. 5.

3. Correlation Analysis

The bivariate correlation results for survey are given in Table. The values of the Pearson Correlation
range from -1 to +1, following the convention that the negative numbers represent a negative
correlation and positive numbers represent a positive one.
We found that the “Pearson correlation” and “Cost” were strongly correlated: r(0.799**)p < 0.01.
The “cost” was also strongly correlated: r(0.799**)p < 0.01.
The survey was only design to collect data from random people, who would like to use this technology.
For the objective to be achieved, further tests are needed.
The survey was carried out with the participation of 25 random respondents.
The Pearson correlation results for the variables “age” and “marital status” are indicating interesting
results. The “age” and “marital status” change in different directions, though the magnitude of the relation is
very small (-.472). This is an unexpected result. But that is what a detailed bivariate analysis yielded.
While analyzing the significance (2-tailed) factor, if this value is less than .05, the correlation is
considered to be significant (meaning that the researcher can be 95% confident that the relationship between
these two variables is not due to chance). Based on the results given in Table 5, since the significance value is
.000, we can say that there is a significant correlation between the “person” and “remote monitoring
system” and “cost”.

ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume 21 Issue 7, 26


Table 1. Correlation table for Older People perspective based on cost, health, quality of life and security.

Select Select Select The cost is One of the Remote monitoring Smart Home
your age your your the main purposes to system is for healthcare is
group gender marital issue to implement controlling and based on wireless
status develop a the Smart managing the vital communication
Smart Home Home elements of the technology, which
healthcare technology is human body, which means your
method to improve means this method is personal data is
the helpful in Smart secured
healthcare Home
Correlation 1 -.021 -.472* .051 .085 .197 .015
Select your age
Sig. (2-tailed) .921 .017 .809 .687 .345 .945
N 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
-.021 1 .095 -.261 -.079 -.079 -.002
Select your gender Sig. (2-tailed) .921 .651 .207 .707 .706 .993
N 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Correlation -.472* .095 1 -.025 -.358 -.118 -.184
Select your marital
Sig. (2-tailed) .017 .651 .906 .079 .576 .379
N 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
The cost is the Pearson
.051 -.261 -.025 1 -.289 .799** .240
main issue to Correlation
develop a Smart Sig. (2-tailed) .809 .207 .906 .161 .000 .248
Home healthcare
method N 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
One of the Pearson
Correlation .085 -.079 -.358 -.289 1 .000 .282
purposes to
implement the Sig. (2-tailed) .687 .707 .079 .161 1.000 .172
Smart Home
technology is to
improve the N 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Remote Pearson
monitoring system Correlation .197 -.079 -.118 .799** .000 1 .301
is for controlling
and managing the Sig. (2-tailed) .345 .706 .576 .000 1.000 .144
vital elements of
the human body,
which means this
method is helpful N 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
in Smart Home
Smart Home Pearson
.015 -.002 -.184 .240 .282 .301 1
healthcare is Correlation
based on wireless
Sig. (2-tailed) .945 .993 .379 .248 .172 .144
technology, which
means your
N 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
personal data is
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The bivariate correlation results for survey are given in Table. The values of the Pearson
Correlation range from -1 to +1, following the convention that the negative numbers represent a negative
correlation and positive numbers represent a positive one. We found that the “depression condition” and
“emotional feelings” were strongly correlated: r(0.695*)p < 0.01. The “gender” was also strongly correlated:
(0.412*)p <
0.01. The Pearson correlation results for the variables “age” and “marital status” are indicating
interesting results. The “gender” and “customer service” change in different directions, though the
magnitude of the relation is very small (-.0.249). This is an unexpected result. But that is what a detailed
bivariate analysis yielded. While analyzing the significance (2-tailed) factor, if this value is less
than .05, the correlation is considered to be significant (meaning that the researcher can be 95% confident
that the relationship between these two variables is not due to chance).

26 ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume 21 Issue 7,


Table 2. Families participants of aged care.

Select your Select Select One of the The cost is Remote monitoring Smart Home
age group your your purposes to the main system is for healthcare is based on
gender marital implement issue to controlling and wireless
status the Smart develop a managing the vital communication
Home Smart elements of the technology, which
technology is Home human body, which means your personal
to improve healthcare means this method data is secured
the method is helpful in Smart
healthcare Home healthcare
Correlation 1 -.114 .243 -.238 -.261 -.206 -.179
Select your age
Sig. (2-tailed) .565 .213 .223 .180 .293 .361
N 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
Correlation -.114 1 -.103 -.161 -.167 .040 .412*
Select your
Sig. (2-tailed) .565 .604 .413 .397 .840 .029
N 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
Correlation .243 -.103 1 .031 -.043 -.062 -.039
Select your
Sig. (2-tailed) .213 .604 .876 .829 .756 .843
marital status
N 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
One of the Pearson
Correlation -.238 -.161 .031 1 -.349 .039 -.047
purposes to
implement the Sig. (2-tailed) .223 .413 .876 .069 .845 .814
Smart Home
technology is
to improve the N 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
The cost is Pearson
-.261 -.167 -.043 -.349 1 -.053 -.263
the main issue Correlation
to develop a Sig. (2-tailed) .180 .397 .829 .069 .787 .176
Smart Home
healthcare N 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
monitoring -.206 .040 -.062 .039 -.053 1 .447*
system is for
and managing
the vital Sig. (2-tailed) .293 .840 .756 .845 .787 .017
elements of
the human
body, which
means this
method is
N 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
helpful in
Smart Home
Smart Home Pearson
healthcare is -.179 .412* -.039 -.047 -.263 .447* 1
based on
wireless Sig. (2-tailed) .361 .029 .843 .814 .176 .017
n technology,
which means
your personal N 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
data is secured
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

The bivariate correlation results for survey are given in Table. The values of the Pearson
Correlation range from -1 to +1, following the convention that the negative numbers represent a negative
correlation and positive numbers represent a positive one. We found that the “Security and Privacy” and
“gender” were strongly correlated: r(0.412*)p < 0.01. The “Quality of life” were also strongly
correlated to Security and Privacy (r = 0.447*) where p < 0.01. The “cost” and “health” change in
different directions, though the magnitude of the relation is very small (-.0.349). This is an unexpected
result. But that is what a detailed bivariate analysis yielded. While analyzing the significance (2-tailed)
factor, if this value is less than .05, the correlation is considered to be significant (meaning that the
researcher can be 95% confident that the relationship between these two variables is not due to chance).

ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume 21 Issue 7, 27


Table 3. Staff participants of aged care.

Select your To what extend Moving in Moving in Rate the safety Rate your
gender you are nursing home nursing home in nursing satisfactory level for
interested in can lead to and fare away home customer service in
Smart Home depression from their nursing home
technology families can
lead to
emotional and
Pearson Correlation 1 .480 .031 .255 .240 -.249
Select your Sig. (2-tailed) .070 .913 .359 .389 .371
N 15 15 15 15 15 15
To what extend Pearson Correlation .480 1 .163 .429 .461 .152
you are Sig. (2-tailed) .070 .563 .111 .084 .588
interested in
Smart Home N 15 15 15 15 15 15
Moving in Pearson Correlation .031 .163 1 .695** -.487 -.192
nursing home Sig. (2-tailed) .913 .563 .004 .066 .493
can lead to
depression N 15 15 15 15 15 15
Moving in Pearson Correlation .255 .429 .695 ** 1 -.115 -.164
nursing home
and fare away Sig. (2-tailed) .359 .111 .004 .684 .558
from their
families can lead
to emotional N 15 15 15 15 15 15
and stressful
Pearson Correlation .240 .461 -.487 -.115 1 .472
Rate the safety Sig. (2-tailed) .389 .084 .066 .684 .076
in nursing
home N 15 15 15 15 15 15
Rate your Pearson Correlation -.249 .152 -.192 -.164 .472 1
satisfactory level
for customer Sig. (2-tailed) .371 .588 .493 .558 .076
service in N 15 15 15 15 15 15
nursing home
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, these days the aging population is growing rapidly everywhere. This means the increased
demand for nursing home healthcare has become a major concern for every country in the world.
Possible solutions come from the rapid evolution of technology, with an example being smart home
healthcare a particularly suitable solution for older people which allows them to remain at home and so
reduces the need for nursing home places. This technology provides numerous benefits for older people in
their daily tasks, as it supports their activities through automated systems and smart sensors.
This framework has outline a model that provides a high standard of living for older people if they
choose to remain in a smart home with healthcare instead of going to a nursing home. Therefore Smart
Home healthcare would be the best solution for older people because it allows them to remain at home.
Clearly, it is in the best interest of governments to be part of such an initiative with investments in
technology, to curb the spiraling cost caused by age-related overpopulation in nursing homes as the system
would help people to remainat home and feel safe. This remarkable technology is the future for such groups,
increasing happiness and monitored health.

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