TIADRP Final v1-2
TIADRP Final v1-2
TIADRP Final v1-2
Earthquake preparedness in Nepal is not a new concept. The native sons and daughters of
my country are aware that this beautiful place tucked next to the soaring Himalayan
Mountains can erupt in a violent fit at any time due to the collision and friction of
unfathomable power. There are institutions, organizations and volunteers using
substantial and positive energy to work towards better preparedness and risk reduction
measures. This includes the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) and the Tribhuvan
International Airport (TIA) Civil Aviation Office (CAO). Given Nepal’s remote nature and
dynamic and challenging topography, it is essential that we ensure that Nepal’s only
international airport stands ready to assist the people of Nepal in recovering quickly from
any type of disaster, especially an earthquake. It is easy to become complacent. However,
the people of Nepal cannot afford too to act in such a manner. Our lives depend on it.
Over the past two years, CAAN and TIA have been taking great strides to ensure the
airport is prepared to face disaster situations and overcome the calamities they may
present. Efforts have touched all facets of aviation safety, with specific focus on gaining a
better understanding of the aerodrome’s current vulnerability, condition, strength and
subsurface characteristics. In April 2011, CAAN and TIACAO worked with the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and others to identify
seismic vulnerability of structural and non-structural elements at the airfield. The team
prepared a list of recommendations for future actions and retrofitting measures. We are
actively pursuing support and donors to execute those projects. In January 2012, we again
worked with USACE, FAA, and the U.S. Air Force to perform a pavement strength and
condition survey of the runway, taxiways and aprons to determine the durability of the
system. In February 2012, we worked with USACE to perform a geotechnical subsurface
investigation of the aerodrome. From this information, we now have a greater
understanding of our risk as it relates to liquefaction, slope stability and water table.
CAAN and TIACAO are using this information to enhance our readiness.
In partnership with our friends from USACE, FAA and the University of British Columbia,
we have been hard at work since July 2012 to enhance our existing emergency response
plan to include preparedness measures for an earthquake. Herein, you will find our initial
effort, which we intend to revise often as we test and practice the plan. The plan will help
us ensure the airfield can be recovered as quickly as possible after an earthquake.
Given Nepal’s primary lifeline to the outside world runs through the Tribhuvan
International Airport, it is critical that we ensure we are ready to respond in the wake of
catastrophic. It is my great hope that this plan will assist the people of Nepal in this effort,
and strong efforts will be encouraged for other organizations and institutions throughout
Nepal to use this plan as a model to do the same.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal and the Tribhuvan International Airport would like to
acknowledge the U.S. Pacific Command for providing funding to support the development
of the Tribhuvan International Airport Disaster Response Plan. Additionally, gratitude is
extended to the following individuals that helped prepare this document and make the plan
a reality.
The following individuals and organizations assisted with the development of this
The TIADRP has been developed in partnership with a range of subject matter experts, but
most importantly through intense, honest and deliberate interviews, discussions, and
brainstorming sessions with employees and first responders at TIA. Representatives from
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the
University of British Columbia (UBC) have supported the authorship of this plan, but the
Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) and the Tribhuvan International Airport Civil
Aviation Office (TIACAO) owns it. It is through their hard work, coordination,
communication and dedication that this plan has been prepared.
The goal of this project was to support the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal and the
Tribhuvan International Airport better prepare the country’s only international airport to
plan for, respond to, and recover from a large-scale emergency situation.
The purpose of this document is to develop a disaster response plan for Tribhuvan
International Airport in case of an earthquake, which can be applied to all hazards.
1. Centralize aviation requirements for emergency response and recovery into one
2. Identify critical land-use requirements at TIA for emergency response/recovery;
3. Analyze subsurface and geotechnical data to derive a hazard plan that includes a
liquefaction potential map;
4. Prepare a response document that can tie into Nepal's National Disaster Response
5. Ensure the final plan maximizes airfield operations, space, and equipment to
support disaster relief operations; and
6. Encourage interaction and communication of all stakeholders.
Nepal is one of the most earthquake prone countries in the world. A detailed review of the
existing earthquake catalogue for the region indicates that devastating earthquakes are
inevitable in the long term and a major earthquake is likely to occur in the near future. In
the past, big earthquakes in Nepal have caused a huge number of casualties and damage to
structures. The Great Nepal-Bihar earthquake in 1934 reportedly killed 8,519 persons and
damaged 80,000 buildings just within Nepal’s borders. The earthquake destroyed 20
percent, and damaged 40 percent, of Kathmandu’s building stock. However, a large
earthquake today near Kathmandu, which is the cultural, political and economic heart of
the country, would cause a far greater human tragedy, extensive physical damage, cultural
loss and economic crisis than was caused by past earthquakes. With the city’s burgeoning
population, uncontrolled development, and a construction practice that has actually
degraded over the last decades, it is becoming increasingly vulnerable to earthquakes
with each passing year.
The critical needs in regards to the continued operation of the airport for a smooth supply
of emergency aids and relief operation missions are:
Through this plan and previous efforts, TIA can stand ready to respond and recover from a
large natural disaster.
The development of the plan built upon previous work already performed by CAAN, TIA
and others. The plan incorporated information, results, and recommendations from
Subject Matter Experts (SME) who visited Kathmandu before to make a visual assessment
of TIA and assist Nepalese stakeholder in carrying out further studies.
The plan used stakeholder input, among others, in the form of views, strategy and
programs for preparation of this document.
Secondary data was used wherever available in authentic form. Site visits were
conducted and first-hand information was collected for major and critical points
and also for sample verifications.
Relevant international methodologies were adapted for Nepalese context while
developing the methodology for post-earthquake evaluation and airport earthquake
emergency plan. Relevant methodologies from the United States, Canada, Japan and
Spain were also considered.
The draft plan incorporates continuous feedback from stakeholders and will always
remain a dynamic document that changes and improves.
All available data, information and maps, including geotechnical reports and other
assessment of airport facilities were collected and reviewed. They were verified by field
inspection as much as possible. The outcome familiarized stakeholders on the current
status of the Tribhuvan International Airport.
Aviation specialists and earthquake engineers interacted with key persons of the
Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HA/DR) and Aerodrome community to collect
information regarding strategy, programs and organizational strengths in emergency
response and relief operation. The interaction was in the form of a workshop, meetings
and discussions that took place for two weeks in July 2012.
Aviation specialists and earthquake engineers worked out a development strategy for
emergency response and recovery of the airport system after a possible severe
earthquake. Interactions with Civil Aviation Authorities, private aviation companies,
international governmental organizations, the military, and other agencies were the major
factor defining the strategy. Areas of improvements in institutional capacity, provision of
system redundancy and operational improvement were discussed, documented and
included in this plan.
A workshop was held in Kathmandu in July 2012 and September 2012 inviting
stakeholders, donor agencies and diplomatic missions to get input for their contribution
towards managing the aid supply in the airport. A sectoral approach was taken to manage
the aid supply. A comprehensive strategy was formulated with roles and responsibilities
in line with commitment from the agencies.
Preparation of Report
A written text has been prepared describing the findings and recommendations of the
project in this final report. In addition, the following has been delivered with this report:
The TIADRP is a living document, and as such, requires continuous update to be relevant
and beneficial. In the preparation of the document, it has a primary focus on earthquake
hazards. Therefore, its application to other hazards can be cross-referenced, but may not
match specific requirements and/or needs in all circumstances. The plan still requires
revision, modification and input from CAAN and TIACAO before it is considered final.
During the preparation of the plan, the team met with as many stakeholders as possible.
In some instances, the team was not able to meet with every aviation stakeholder, and
their contributions to this plan are still required.
This document is owned, managed and maintained by the Civil Aviation Authority of
Nepal and the Tribhuvan International Airport Civil Aviation Office. Contributions to the
document are made by various supporting partners that are described in detail in this
Tribhuvan International Airport
1.1.4. NESTING OF TIAEEP WITHIN NDRF AND UN LOGISTIC CLUSTER PLAN ............................................................ 2
2.6.2. TIA CIVIL AVIATION OFFICE (GM’S OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION DIVISION ) ................................................. 14
2.6.13. NEPAL EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER (NEOC)/M INISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS ....................................... 18
2.6.15. WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME, WFP (UN LOGISTIC CLUSTER LEAD AGENCY ) ...................................................... 19
3.2.3. IMMEDIATE RECOVERY / DISASTER RELIEF OPERATION (72 HOURS ONWARDS ) .............................................. 26
4.2.1. ACTION BY TIA GENERAL MANAGER (GM) OR MANAGER ON DUTY (MOD) ..................................................... 30
LOGISTICS) ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
6.3.2. SUPPORT TO RESCUE, RELIEF AND EVACUATION EMERGENCY AIR OPERATIONS ............................................. 45
Tribhuvan International Airport Disaster Response Plan (TIADRP) is approved by
National Civil Aviation Security Committee in accordance with Civil Aviation Security
(Management) Rules 1989 and promulgated by Director General of Civil Aviation
Authority of Nepal (DGCAAN), exercising the power of Appropriate Authority for Civil
Aviation Security within Nepal as designated by National Civil Aviation Security Programme,
A. During routine weekday business hours: The Director General (DG) of the Civil
Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), or DG’s designee/substitute shall have the
authority to initiate the TIAEEP in its entirety or in portion. In case DG is not
available, following will be the line of succession as a substitute to initiate the
All of the agencies and personnel responding to earthquake emergency situation shall
be coordinated under the direction of the Emergency Control Centre established as
per section 2.3. Coordination and cooperation between the agencies shall be
continuous until such time as the emergency situation has been terminated
All airlines and aircraft operators serving TIA will also be issued copies of this plan.
Plans will also be provided to domestic airports within Nepal as a backup mechanism.
Amendments to this plan, when necessary, will be made, published and distributed by
Deputy Director, Aviation security management division, TIACAO upon approval from
DGCAAN in the form of replacement pages. Each page will be dated. A checklist of
current pages will be issued annually. The Custodian of the TIADRP shall ensure that
the amended pages are properly inserted, the old pages destroyed, and the
amendment numbers logged on the Amendment Check Sheet located on Page II.
General Manager
Tribhuvan International Airport Civil Aviation Office
GPO Box 7950
Gauchar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel. 977-1-4-4113161
Fax 977-1-4-4113180
Email planstat@tiairport.com.np
This plan is a subset of the Airport Emergency Plan (AEP) and shall be taken as a
standalone document for earthquake emergencies. For other aviation and aviation
security emergency types the main AEP document shall be referenced and used.
The TIADRP includes only action items that are directly related to airport earthquake
emergency services and passage of relief aid supply through TIA. It is bound by the
Nepal Civil Aviation Rules (2002), Nepal Civil Aviation Authority Act (1996) and the
National Disaster Response Framework (NDRF).
The TIADRP is applicable for major earthquakes with moderate to significant damage
as defined in section 1.2.3. The plan may also be used for response to any large scale
natural disaster.
This plan is primarily based on the disaster scenario described in Section 1.2.3-B. If
actual field conditions are significantly different, the Emergency Control Center will
make decisions to address the situation at hand.
B. There will be no labor strike, and normal operations are carried out with the full
airport staff on hand.
C. The airport runway is well maintained and fully functional for normal operations.
E. Full access to the airport is feasible within 72 hours after an earthquake disaster.
A. Immediate Response (0-24 hrs): Action items that needs to be taken during the
earthquake shaking and right after the shaking stops include
Follow personal and collective safety procedures (duck-cover-hold) and
Conduct internal emergency communication.
conduct Emergency Medical, Search and Rescue, and firefighting operations, if
necessary .
Activate Emergency Control Centre and TIA Earthquake Emergency Plan.
Contact NEOC
Communicate to all responders and agencies
Establish Airport Perimeter security.
Establish Emergency Air Traffic Control
Issue NOTAM on airport operating status
Make public communication at the airport for guidance to passengers and
whereabouts of approaching flights.
Manage public affairs communications regarding the airport status through
Activate Airport earthquake restoration team for rapid screening assessment
of airport facilities (runway/taxiways, utilities, Air Traffic Control
facilities/equipment and NAVAIDS, fuel farm, access roads, terminals and
cargo facilities)
Law enforcement
Operation and
Control and
Relief aid
Ministry of Home Affairs/
P S P S S - S
Civil aviation authority of
S S - - S S
Emergency Control Centre P P S S S S S
TIA GM office P P S S S P P
Flight Operation Dept./ TIA S S - - - P S
Technical Service Dept./ TIA - S - S - S S
Airport Operation Dept./ TIA S S S S - P P
Rescue & Firefighting Services - S - P S - -
Civil Engineering Div./ TIA - S - - - S S
Kathmandu Medical Hospital - S - - P - S
Nepal Oil Corporation - S - S - S S
Nepal police S S P S S S S
Armed police force - S S P S - -
Nepal Army - S S P S S S
Airline Managers - S - - - S S
Ministry of physical planning - - - - - S -
Dept. of immigration/ custom - - S - - S S
UN log. Cluster ( WFP led) - S - - S S P
Note: P= Primary, S = Secondary
The Command & Control section will provide an overview of the mechanism used by
the Tribhuvan International Airport to command and control the earthquake
emergency situation by effective response and recovery activities. Command &
Control provides for those actions essential to saving lives, protecting assets,
supporting relief activities, restoring the airport for enhanced operations at the
shortest time possible and returning the airport to normal after an earthquake.
If necessary, it will coordinate with national and international airports to deal with
the situation.
The ECC will provide direction to the Operation Commander (defined in section 2.4.2)
for implementation of decisions made. This will also notify the status of airport
facilities and services to NEOC at a regular interval and when needed.
Director General, CAAN or designate/ substitute will serve as the lead of the ECC
This section provides information on how TIA will establish and use emergency
communication systems after an earthquake. This section also describes the general
procedure of notification between agencies. More specific details of notification
actions at the instance of the earthquake event including public announcement to
passengers are included in Section 4- Emergency Actions in the Immediate Aftermath
of an Earthquake.
The GM or designee/substitute
Director General (DG) of CAAN or designate/ substitute shall notify the airport
emergency situation to:
- Nepal Army, Armed Police Force (APF) and Metropolitan Police for added
security at the airport as needed.
- Kathmandu Medical Collage Hospital for Emergency Medical Services.
- Flight Operation Department/ Air Traffic Control Service for emergency flight
- Airport Operation Department/Terminal Management Division to make
communication with airlines and aircraft operators
- The Technical Service Department ( TSD) to restore emergency functionality
of airport equipment including NAVAIDS, VISAIDS, communication, security
equipment, radar, electro-mechanical systems and others..
- The Civil Engineering Division (CED) to conduct a rapid screening assessment
of the runway, taxiways, aprons, utility infrastructure, perimeter road,
terminal and cargo facilities as per section 5.
- Airline and aircraft operators to provide ground handling equipment and
- The Nepal Police at TIA for additional security and crowd control personnel.
- The Nepal Army Engineering Directorate for rescue operation and security of
airport facilities.
- The Kathmandu Medical College (KMC) for providing emergency medical
services to tenants and transient passengers at the airport.
The commencement of this phase begins as soon as international relief supply starts
or 72hrs after the earthquake, whichever comes first. The communication structure
established during preceding phase will be maintained in addition to further
communication by:
- The agencies involved in international supply of rescue and relief goods for the
movement of their personnel in and out of airport.
The following frequencies are used by the Control Tower and Area Control to
communicate with aircraft in Nepalese airspace and with aircraft on the ground at
Location Frequency
There are two frequencies 118.1 and 118.5 as primary and secondary frequencies
If existing VHF and HF system get damaged by earthquake, desktop VHF and HF shall
be established by Technical Service Department (TSD) for Air Traffic Control Services.
Note: For an EMERGENCY call, 121.5 MHz is in use at Kathmandu Tower and Area
Control Center.
Phone 2: +977-1-4200203
Fax: +977-1-4200103
E-mail: neoc@moha.gov.np
All responding agencies must be familiar with the preceding sections of this
Earthquake Emergency Plan, which describe essential details and general
responsibilities after an earthquake occurs, to ensure immediate actions are
performed accurately and efficiently.
- Evacuate to designated evacuation locations ( Refer Land use map Section 6.5)
- Conduct roll call (head count) and compare with the daily/ shift Roster.
- Report the situation, including information on causalities and missing
personnel, to the General Manager (GM) or Manager on Duty (MOD). This
reporting shall be done manually in-person, if the communication system is
- Recall off-duty staff, as needed.
- Activate the Siren/Alarm located at roof of International Terminal Building to
implement earthquake emergency procedures at TIA.
The following emergency actions shall be taken by agencies, units and individuals
once the earthquake emergency siren is activated by the GM or MOD.
The AERT shall mobilize resources to conduct rapid visual damage assessment and
emergency restoration of key facilities and equipment. The priority of assessment and
restoration shall be:
Examples of typical damage of the airfield surface are listed in Appendix V: Examples
of Earthquake Damage of Airfield
The AERT shall mark inspected structures with the following placards:
Assessment of functional loss: The AERT shall check cables and water supply system
at the airport for functional loss. The status of each system and utility shall be
reported to the Operation Commander as soon as possible.
Assessment of damage to the utility components: The AERT shall carry out
assessment of physical damage to components of utilities. Utility components that
require assessment may include:
Following departments and units of TIA shall carry out the damage assessment of
equipment and report the results to Operation Commander. The damage assessment
report should contain the location, extent of damage, estimated repair time and
alternative continuity of operation options for each unit.
- Technical Service Department (TSD), TIA shall carry out Rapid screening
assessments of communication, navigation & surveillance (CNS) and ATS
- Flight Operation Department shall carry out functional assessment of all ATS
- Airside Management Division, AVSEC Division and RFF Division shall carry out
assessment of damages to their facilities.
The AERT shall inspect all airport buildings for non-structural damage. Any damage
identified that would hamper the operation of a building should be reported to
Operation Commander immediately. The architectural/ functional components that
may sustain damage include all furniture, glazing, canopies, cladding, parapets, light
roofing, detached planters, appendages, doors, cornices, louvers, signs, porches,
balconies, walkways, corbels, veneer attachments, ceilings, doors, ornamentation,
partitions, glass, skylights, artwork, stairways, storage racks, shafts, shelves, atrium
spaces, furnishing, etc.
Based on the extent of the damage, the following techniques may be used for the
repair of the pavement:
1. Sealing: This technique is used to repair small cracks in the pavement caused
by light damage in the subgrade and/or basement. Cold asphalt material can
be used for sealing.
2. Patching: This technique is used for severe cracks in the pavement. Cold mix
polymer material is used for the repair.
3. Rehabilitation or Overlay: If the damage is extensive, with faults and potholes
over a large area, hot mix asphalt with pulverised material is used for the
repair. If the overlay is used to cover a large area, then cracks need to be
sealed first.
A typical example of rapid repair of airfield pavement is presented in Appendix VIII
adopted from Air Force Runway Repair Instruction (FPAM10-219V4, 2004).
In the case when earthquake damages the fuel farm significantly and fuel supply from
TIA fuel farm is not possible for several days, ECC shall coordinate with NEOC and UN
Logistic cluster for arrangement of alternate provision of supply as per section 6.3.2.
Figure below shows the surface liquefaction potential map of the airport as estimated
from the investigation.
This section describes both internal logistics for Airport Emergency Operations and
the external logistics support that will be provided by the Airport to the Disaster
Relief Operation. The Disaster Relief operations will include Air Operations for
Rescue, Relief, and Evacuation and UN Logistics Cluster operation of the
Humanitarian Staging Area(s) which will be located at the Airport. The plan also
addresses support for alternate Fuel Re-Supply operations.
MoHA has designated the Logistics Cluster run by the World Food Program (WFP) as
the lead UN cluster that will operate at TIA; all other clusters and international
support that goes through the airport will be managed by /coordinated through, the
Log Cluster, including Urban Search and Rescue and Medical Teams (UN response is
dependent on funding). One or two Humanitarian Staging Area(s) (HSA) will be
established at the Airport by the Log Cluster to support the relief operation. The UN
Log Cluster has done extensive pre-planning for an earthquake response. UN
Contingency Plans may be found at:
Section 6.3 provides the requirements for the HSA. Section 6.4 provides coordination
mechanisms between TIA Airport and the Log Cluster that will be required to support
Disaster Relief flights.
The Government of Nepal shall establish the provision of visa fees and custom duty
exemptions at entry points to IHC along with relief goods, search and rescue
equipment. Based on this provision, the immediate visa granting to International
Humanitarian Communities along with relief goods, search and rescue equipment
customs duty exemptions shall be facilitated at the entry points (land or airport)
during the disaster. Nepal Customs and Immigration Offices maintain emergency
plans to support this requirement at the airport.
The normal supply chain for Nepal will be severely impacted in the scenario
earthquake used for this plan. Blocked roads and collapsed bridges will seriously
hinder movement of persons, relief goods, and equipment. TIA will likely be
impacted with shortened runway lengths limiting aircraft size. TIA will become the
focal point for the incoming personnel, equipment and relief supplies and for
evacuations. Integration of TIA airport operations with the overall national strategic
response will be critical to an effective disaster response. CAAN and TIA will support
the Log Cluster through rapid repair of the airport, maximization of aircraft
throughput and helicopter operations, and support to the HSA.
UN Logistics Cluster is working to pre-position food and other emergency relief supplies
at the airport and other warehouses throughout Nepal. Currently, 5 ea. 20’x 8’ storage
containers have been placed at the airport containing 30m x 20m storage tents which
would be set up post incident as the Storage Area for the HSA, storing relief supplies,
generators, water bladders, office kits, water purification, etc. Section 6.5 provides the
TIA Airport Land Use Plan
The provision of space for the Log Cluster HAS(s) is a complex issue. Major
construction to implement the airport improvement plan will be underway for the next
four years. Construction work and contractor mobilization areas will be shifted to
numerous locations throughout the 4 years, impacting potential HAS sites. The Director
of Civil Maintenance will identify space for the HAS(s) during the different phases of the
construction period. The Airport Improvement Plan will integrate the requirement for
pre-selected HSA sites through the phases of the project (especially at the north end
where the runway will be extended).
The potential area identified for the main HAS is an undeveloped area that runs along the
SW side of south end of RWY 02, just south/adjacent to the Cargo bldg. However, this
area will likely be used for contractor mobilization for construction of the runway and
taxiway extensions. If the area was required for an HAS now, they could do emergency
work to grade and compact the area and provide an access road. They asked that this
work be one of the recommendations for work to be done now. The area south of RWY
02, across the highway where the VOR is located would make an ideal location if there
were a tunnel connecting it to the main airport grounds. Other space potential is the
domestic apron and vacant land near Buddha Air.
The Log Cluster Contingency Plan identifies that the Golf Course adjacent to the Airport
will be used for Individually Displace Persons camps (IDP) and will not be available for
an HSA.
Airport Security Police will need to provide security for the HSA and
provide an access badge system for disaster relief workers.
Both the Nepal Customs and Nepal Immigration will execute plans to
support expeditious entry of relief personnel and cargo.
TIA Civil Maintenance Division support for the HSA will be required for
site preparation, access roads, provision of utilities.
Air operations following the earthquake are expected to increase greatly from normal
operations. Operations will involve both fixed wing and helicopter involved with rescue,
relief supplies air lift, evacuations, and other emergency response work.
Numerous organizations will be involved with air operations. The Nepal Army operates
maintains helicopter and fixed wing aircraft. The Log Cluster has standby agreements in
place with the Nepal Airline Operators Association (AOA) for airlift support and the
Airlines within the AOA have contingency plans to shift from commercial operations to
rescue/relief operations. The UN Humanitarian Air Service may supply helicopter
service for passengers and cargo if requested. If commercial operators are not available,
a regional air service may be set arranged by WFP. The Nepal Government may also
make appeals to the International Community for fixed wing airlift and helicopter
support including foreign military airlift and helicopters. The Chief of the NEOC (MoHA)
will be the Point of Contact for setting the priority of disaster relief flights. UN support is
dependent on funding.
CAAN and TIA support to rescue and disaster relief air operations:
Nepal Oil Corporation’s (NOC) tank farm at the airport has a 7.640 Kilo Liters (KL)
capacity. They maintain approximately 4,000 of Jet fuel in their tank farm for normal
airport operations; International, and Domestic airlines including helicopter operators.
Normal operations consume approximately 300KL/day (20% is domestic fixed and
Helicopter operation) and this will supply will last approximately 7 days. Nepal Oil
Corporation has 13 ea. fuel tenders (tanker trucks) used to transfer fuel from the tanker
farm to aircraft.
Following an earthquake, if roads/bridges to India are open, Nepal Oil will increase their
normal re-supply operation to accommodate emergency relief operations. If additional
storage capacity or fuel tenders are needed, a request will be made through MoHA and
the UN Logistic Cluster for this required bladders and trucks.
However, it is likely that following a large earthquake, access roads and bridges to India
will be damaged, disrupting re-supply of fuel to TIA for an extended period of time.
There is currently no written plan for Emergency Fuel Operations in this scenario and
there is no lead agency; the agencies noted below will join in a coordinated operation.
The organizations involved with emergency fuel operations are: Nepal Oil, the UN Log
Cluster, TIA Airport, and the Airline Operators Association (AOA) (Domestic Airlines)
and the Airline Operators Committee (AOC) (International carriers). Aircraft tankers will
be required and will be coordinated by TIA Operations through the ECC to the NEOC for
appeals to the international community for Military or Commercial aircraft tankers.
If the NOC fuel farm is damaged and non-operable, a fuel bladder storage system will
need to be established at TIA. The UN Log Cluster will coordinate procurement of the
bladders and TIA operations will facilitate the site preparation at the airport. A pre-
designated site at the airport has been established, see Section 6.5
Airlines and military air operations will need to plan accordingly for limited fuel supplies
at TIA with alternate fuel stops enroute and landing with adequate fuel for departure.
Nepal Oil:
- Plan flights accordingly for fuel shortages, i.e. extra fuel, alternate fuels
- Provide contract aircraft fuel tankers – both to support their own
operation and/or general support via a UN procured contract
The Logistic Cluster Contingency Plan provides additional information on Fuel
Management and alternate airports for fueling stopovers in Nepal, India and China,
including Bagdogra Airport in India.
The Airport Incident Commander or designated section in the ECC, i.e. Air Traffic
Operation Contingency unit, will inform the NEOC of available flight slots based on the
throughput capability/Maximum (aircraft allowable) On-Ground (MOG). The MOG takes
into account the airport operating status, refueling capabilities, parking and relief supply
storage space available, off-loading/loading capability, etc. A key function of the Airport
ECC will be a constant recalculation of the throughput/MOG and slot availability (see
Appendix IV).
The On Site Operations Coordination Center (OSOCC) set up by OCHA nearby the NEOC
will be the link between the Nepal Government and the International Disaster Relief
community. The OSOCC will communicate the priority of flights with the International
Community and coordinate with the Log Cluster. The World Food Program which leads
the Log Clusters has been given direct communications with the NEOC.
The Chief of the NEOC will set the priorities, OSOCC will communicate them to the
International Community and the Airport Incident Commander will assign the flights to
the available slot allocations.
During a large scale disaster response where transportation is limited, all delivery of
emergency equipment will be coordinated through MoHA at the NEOC where the relief
supplies and equipment priorities will be prioritized for the limited relief flights.
Airport capacity drives incident command. However, it is complex, with multiple factors that interrelate and
influence each other and the total capacity. The first factor is the ability to move aircraft from the runway to
an offloading and servicing location, and then return to the runway for takeoff. Current efforts are in place to
evaluate and strengthen the AOA, which includes the runway, turn‐off, taxiways and ramps. We will assume
adequate runway, turn‐off, taxiways, and ramps are available to support Boeing C‐130 operations for this
report. This assumption, of course, must be verified prior to dispatching aircraft for relief operations.
TIA does not have enough ramp space to support the calculated requirements. Ramp space utilization should
be pre‐planned and designed with additional parking, cargo management, and aircraft servicing (fuel, engine
starters, tugs to push back, etc.). Furthermore, ground control (movement of any and all vehicles within the
AOA) should be designed and documented, and local airport personnel and relief workers should be trained.
There appears to be adequate space to provide aircraft parking and servicing, cargo storage, movement
areas (helipads, truck loading areas, etc.), and other critical relief operations within the current TIA
perimeter fence. However, any and all operations that can be supported outside of the airport perimeter
fence should be considered to decrease the potential incursion of actions in the AOA. This includes the use of
the golf course adjacent to the existing TIA facility. This will also reduce the number of potential airport
safety issues that may arise, as facilities will be more spread out allowing increased safe passage from the
various operating areas outlined in the draft emergency operations land‐use plan.
Airport capacity is summarized by the ability to offload aircraft, move the cargo from the AOA, and distribute
it away from the airfield property. It is clearly understood that aircraft may play a role in multiple
operations, such as delivery to the airport (ex. C‐130 Hercules cargo airplanes), and then pickup and delivery
off the airport property (ex. CH‐47 Chinook cargo helicopters). Each AOA requires the same factors to assure
safety and then capacity. In this instance, capacity is specifically tied to the movement of cargo from the
delivery aircraft, to an area that is clear of the delivery AOA, and then to the pickup point. The links between
these operations are usually ground vehicles of various types.
The layout of an AOA for each purpose must be addressed in the airfield emergency response plan with
pre‐designated roads, storage yards, and other mobility and egress issues identified. Storage must be more
than 200 ft. (61 m) from the centerline of the runway (max height is 8 ft. [2.4 m]), outside of jet intake or
engine blast ranges, and at least 1,000 yards (914 m) away from the ASR and Very High Frequency
Omni‐Directional Radio Range (VOR) to prevent operational and/or safety issues .
The impact of not having these issues addressed before an emergency occurs can lead to significant
inefficiency, such as what was seen at the recent Haiti earthquake response. Transportation and logistical
issues will dominate the ability to manage cargo and will usually determine the airport capacity.
The requirements for the various relief operations must be identified and verified with the potential
organizations expecting to support the disaster operations (ex. World Food Programme or U.S. Government).
These requirements are used to evaluate the ability of TIA, CAAN, and the Nepal Army to meet these needs
and determine if the current plan is effective. Without reasonable requirements, we can never determine if
the airport capacity represents an adequate and reliable source. TIA, CAAN, and the Nepal Army need to
collaboratively engage these potential aid organizations and partner nations as soon as possible so that their
requirements can be included in a final emergency operation land‐use plan for TIA.
Capacity could also be increased by adding integrated voice switches and installing a standalone Remote
Transmitter and Receiver (RTR) in the International Terminal. The RTR needs climate control (HVAC), so its
facilities could be used to store other critical response equipment (ex. portable transmitters and receivers
[PET 2000 radios], spare electronic parts, etc.). Additionally, high value recovery supplies would include
chain link fence parts, cold mix asphalt (emulsion or cut back), and high strength quick setting cement. These
recovery supplies need to be stored near the airfield where they can be expeditiously accessed and used in
an emergency situation.
A. Runway:
Minimum runway length for the design aircraft (C‐130) at the altitude of TIA is 6,200ft (1,900 meters).
For a C‐130 Hercules and CH‐47 Chinook, TIA can currently support an average of 40 operations per hour on
their runway in most weather conditions.
The critical limitation of the TIA runway is the taxiway not extending to the end of the runway. Aircraft have
to enter the runway, taxi to the end, turn around and then take off which requires a significant amount of
additional time on the runway. This could be a limiting factor based on the turn‐around (ability to unload,
service and return aircraft to the runway for departure) rate of the aircraft.
B. Taxiways:
Taxiways and turn offs allow the aircraft to depart the runway and proceed to the ramps where they park
and are serviced. If no turn offs or taxiways are available, then only one aircraft at a time can land, be
serviced (off loaded), and then take off.
C. Ramps:
Ramps are areas for aircraft to park and be serviced. Services include off‐loading, fueling, engine starting,
push back (tugs), reloading, etc.
D. Approach Control:
High Altitude Area Control (En Route in U.S.) manages aircraft between airports, and Terminal Approach
Control (TRACON in U.S.) controls the transition from high altitude to/from the airport. In a large‐scale
earthquake, both control systems will be lost, since they are located in the International Terminal and rely
on remote locations to communicate with the pilots. With advanced planning agreements, these services can
be backed up and provided regionally until they are recovered locally.
The TIA ASR is critical to optimizing runway operations at all times and will significantly decrease capacity if
it is damaged or destroyed. Plans must be created to rapidly repair or replace the ASR. The structural
retrofitting measures outlined in Section 3 should be followed.
The Aerodrome Traffic Control, or Air Traffic Control, manages landing/takeoff clearances, ground control of
the runway, taxiways, and ramp.
G. Weather Conditions:
TIA has a Category I (one) Instrument Landing Capability (ILC) when Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) are
required, which indicates minimal adverse effects from weather. When Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) are not
required, then Visual Flight Rules (VFR) apply. Helicopters can approach and depart from the airport
without using the runway. This allows operations in conjunction with fixed wing aircraft using the runway.
It would be possible to have dual helicopter approaches (each side of the runway), with fixed wing aircraft
using the runway (Figure 17). Under VFR rules, this could allow up to 120 operations an hour (40 per
approach and departure route) during an emergency in Nepal.
When ILS conditions exist, every aircraft has to use the runway approach and departure. Therefore, the total
operations would drop to 40 per hour. This doesn’t appear to be a significant threat, but must be taken into
account in the detailed design.
H. Security:
The Airport Operating Area (AOA), which is everything inside the airport perimeter fence, must be secure
from animals and personnel. This is to prevent accidents, which will severely restrict and hamper
operations. The first security priority will be to repair the airport fence, and then remove all non‐ essential
personnel from the AOA. Passenger and cargo screening will not be necessary until outbound flights are
I. Cargo:
If all of TIA’s current cargo capacity was available, then they may be able (under normal conditions) to meet
the food supply requirements. The earthquake will eliminate almost all normal conditions (ex. no road
transportation to/ from the airport, damaged equipment, etc.). Therefore, there is a reduced chance that TIA
would be able to support relief operations without significant preparation and outside support.
Based on the field assessments that took place at the CMEP Seismic Vulnerability Procedures Workshop, the
following risk categories have been generated for airport capacity at TIA.
To summarize, aircraft parking and cargo management will be the limiting factors to airport capacity. This
includes ground‐based vehicles to move and manage cargo, with a goal of four (4) hours from airplane
touchdown (C‐130 Hercules) to take‐off for the delivery of emergency relief supplies.
Airport Throughput
A 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) newsletter1 indicated that, “approximately 40,000 deaths,
95,000 injures, and 600,000‐900,000 homeless could be expected” if a catastrophic earthquake were to
occur in the Kathmandu Valley. Using these numbers as an approximate estimate, we can derive throughput
estimates for TIA during an emergency situation.
• Roughly 4,000 metric tons (MT) of food and water, or 1,000 MT of just food, would be required per
day. The airport currently supports about 533 MT per day, and can support about 860 MT per day at
its maximum capacity.
In order to determine the throughput estimates above, the C‐130 Hercules, C‐47 Chinook helicopter,
semi‐truck, and 200‐bed hospital were used for all design calculations. The load capacity of these resources
The following document only addresses objective planning computations. It is designed to help service, joint,
and combined planners make gross estimates about mobility requirements in the early stages of the
planning process. It covers strategic airlift, air refueling, and aeromedical evacuation
This publication is available by downloading from the e-Publishing website at www.e-Publishing.af.mil
There are no releasability restrictions on this publication
This pamphlet supersedes AFPAM 10-1403 dated 18 December 2003 Air Mobility Planning Factors. It
provides broad air mobility planning factors for peacetime and wartime operations. It is designed to help
service, joint, and combined planners make gross estimates about mobility requirements in the early stages
of the planning process. It covers strategic airlift, air refueling, and aeromedical evacuation (AE). For greater
detail, or in-depth mobility analysis call HQ AMC/A3XP at DSN 779-4363/3382 or 618 TACC/XOP at DSN
779-1930. Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to the Office of Primary
Responsibility (OPR) via AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route AF Form 847s
from the field through the appropriate functional‘s chain of command. Ensure that all records created as a
result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with AFMAN 33-
363, Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force Records
Disposition Schedule (RDS) located at https://www.my.af.mil/afrims/afrims/afrims/rims.cfm
Section A—Mobility Planning
1.1. There are four basic parts to this pamphlet: terms and definitions, formulas, planning factors, and
examples. Although each of these parts can be individually used, we recommend you review the entire
contents to get a full understanding of the planning process.
1.2. Due to the number of variables involved in every air mobility operation, the planning factors presented
are not universally applicable. Instead, they provide ―order of magnitude‖ approximations in the context of
a generic scenario. The use of detailed computer simulation models is encouraged for extensive calculations.
1.3. This pamphlet only addresses objective planning computations. It does not provide guidance
concerning other factors such as environmental and tactical considerations which can impact the mobility
NOTE: PAX on Cargo Missions = Number of PAX seats available on each cargo mission x
Number of Cargo Missions.
5. Time to Arrival
= active route flying time (ARFT) + active route ground time (ARGT)
6. Cycle Time
= round trip flying time (RTFT) + round trip ground time (RTGT)
7. Closure
NOTE: For major wartime operations, we recommend planners use the wartime objective surge UTE rates
published in Table 6. For non-mobilized contingencies, we recommend the contingency UTE rates published
in Table 6. The computations involved in determining actual UTE rates are quite involved and not necessary
for initial gross planning estimates.
8. Fleet Capability
NOTE: This formula is preferred for contingency planning because it accurately relates the variables
affecting the deployment of requirements.
9. Fleet Capacity
NOTE: Although planners do not commonly use this formula, occasionally we need to convert short ton
figures into million ton-miles per day (MTM/D). AMC force structure programmers use MTM/D when
funding out-year aircraft purchases and many civilian agencies are accustomed to visualizing our fleet
capability in terms of MTM/D. Fleet Capacity is generally more optimistic than actual Fleet Capability for a
particular contingency.
Refer to Table 10, Table 11, and Table 12 for determining the approximate number of tankers required to
meet the air refueling requirements for various size fighter/airlift deployments. These tables were
constructed using average/historical data and will provide a gross estimate of the size and duration of an air
refueling operation. If actual mission specifics and data are known, such as aircraft model, configuration, air
refueling altitude, airspeed, tanker basing, etc, using the formulas below will provide more accurate planning
estimates. However, this formula does not consider specific air refueling abort reserves and the impact on
destination fuel. As stated in the introduction we recommend using computer simulation models whenever
TAS = average airspeed of receiver leg (use Table 4 Aircraft Block Speeds or applicable flight manual
airspeeds for other aircraft.)
Aircraft Load Planning Factor = standard number of patients loaded per aircraft for aeromedical evacuation
(see Table 14).
12.2. AE Crew (# required for missions flown, does not include stage)
Section E—Examples
13. Airlift Example. As an example of how to use the formulas and planning factors in this pamphlet, assume
the following scenario. The 10th Mountain Div. out of Ft. Drum, NY, is to deploy to Kathmandu, Nepal, at the
foot of the Himalayas, to assist in earthquake relief. The requirement is to move 700 personnel and 800
short tons of cargo.
NOTE: The following examples use International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) codes, which are four-
character alphanumeric code designating each airport around the world and commonly used in flight
13.1.1. Referring to the Aircraft Airfield Restrictions (Table 1), we see that the B-767 requires a minimum of
6,000 feet of runway and the C-17 requires a minimum of 3,500 feet. Since the airfield at Ft. Drum, Wheeler-
Sack AAF, has a runway length of 10,000 feet, it meets the requirements for both aircraft (this assumes
adequate runway width).
NOTE: Refer to the HQ AMC Airfield Suitability and Restrictions Report (ASRR) or the airfield database (AFD)
in AMC‘s Global Decision Support System (GDSS) to determine suitability for mobility aircraft (C-5, C-17, C-
21, C-130, KC-10, KC-135). If the airfield does not appear in the ASRR/AFD, contact AMC/A3AS and request
the airfield be evaluated and added to the database (Airfield.Helpdesk@amc.af.mil). AMC/A3AS will
provide prompt feedback and include suitability information in future editions of the ASRR.
13.1.2. Looking in the Kathmandu area, we find Tribhuvan International airport in Kathmandu to have
10,121 feet of runway which, along with the associated taxiways and ramp, is stressed for B-767 aircraft.
Therefore, we make our initial plans based on using Wheeler Sack AAF as the onload and Tribhuvan
International as the offload.
13.2. Missions Required. Our examples will address only the cargo requirements, however passenger
movement would be handled in a similar manner. For all examples to follow, assume we have 15 C-17s
apportioned for our use and we will use crew staging where necessary.
13.3. Time to Arrival. The time required for cargo/PAX to arrive at the offload location including all en route
ground times. For this example, the C-17‘s will depart McGuire (KWRI), fly to Wheeler Sack AAF (KGTB) for
onload, then en route stop at Rota (LERT), Dhahran (OEDR), Delhi, (VIDP), and then offload at Tribhuvan
(VNKT). Refer to definitions and tables as needed.
= active route flying time (ARFT) + active route ground time (ARGT)
NOTE: First leg from McGuire to Wheeler is inactive as it‘s a positioning leg. Block speeds were interpolated
from Table 4.
= 26.55 hours
13.4. Cycle Time. For this example, we calculated round trip flying time (RTFT) and round trip ground time
(RTGT) using reverse routing except the last leg will be from Rota (LERT) to McGuire (KWRI). Refer to
definitions for RTFT and RTGT.
Cycle Time = round trip flying time (RTFT) + round trip ground time (RTGT)
= 20 hours
13.5. Closure
= 3.8 days
= 208.8 Stons/day
13.7. Airfield Throughput Capability It is necessary to look at the throughput capability of all airfields
associated with a deployment, to determine whether any one airfield limits a planned operation. However,
for initial planning, the en route locations may be assumed to have a higher throughput capability than the
onload and offload locations. For this example, we have used Tribhuvan International and a working MOG of
one narrow body (NB) aircraft.
NOTE: Since the arrival airfield can handle the estimated fleet capability that will be delivered, this
calculation is complete. If the fleet capability had exceeded the airfield‘s throughput, either the flow would
need to be slowed to compensate or the airfield‘s resources increased to handle the airflow.
14. Air Refueling Example. For this example, assume you need to deploy 6 F-15C‘s from
Langley (KLFI) to Spangdahlem (ETAD). How much fuel and how many tankers (KC-135R) are required?
Note: For this example average/historical figures were used. Actual numbers would vary according to
aircraft model, configuration, altitude, airspeed, etc.
TAS = average airspeed of receiver leg (use Table 4. for mobility aircraft or applicable flight manual
airspeeds for other aircraft.)
= 6 KC-135Rs required
15. Aeromedical Evacuation Example. For this example, C-130s will be used to evacuate 500 patients per
= 10 AE Missions required
Table 1. Aircraft Airfield Restrictions
1. HQ AMC/A3 retains runway criteria waiver authority for AMC organic aircraft.
2. Refer to DOD Flight Information Handbook for an airfield‘s specific Pavement Classification Number (PCN)
and subgrade as well as additional aircraft Aircraft Classification Number (ACN). Table 1 reflects values for
the aircraft‘s empty weight and the aircraft‘s maximum take-off/taxi weight.
3. Refer to the weight bearing information in the Airfield Suitability and Restrictions Report (ASRR) or
Global Decision Support System (GDSS) for an airfield‘s specific PCN and sub- grade. The GDSS also provides
weight bearing capacity (WBC) information when pavement strength is reported in terms other than ACN or
PCN, and translates raw WBC into aircraft gross weight limits. Planners can contact the AMC Airfield Help
Desk (Airfield.Helpdesk@amc.af.mil) for assistance regarding weight bearing capacity information in the
ASRR or GDSS/AFD. Mobility aircraft planners will use only the weight bearing information figures
published in the ASRR and GDSS.
4. For Non-Tactical Assault Operations, minimum runway width is 80 ft; minimum runway length is 5000 ft.
5. Values listed are maximum values for the Aircraft Type.
Table 2. Aircraft Size
1. Wingtip clearance: 10 ft on each side with wing walker, 25 ft each side without wing walker.
(Does not apply to CRAF aircraft)
2. Refer to DOD Flight Information Publication (Enroute Supplement) for an airfield‘s maximum runway load
bearing capability expressed as a maximum aircraft weight for a particular landing gear type. Additionally,
the ASRR and GDSS/AFD provide maximum runway/taxiway/parking apron load bearing capability
information for AMC aircraft by landing gear type.
3. Width required is for landing gear only and does not include the wingspan footprint required for a 180
degree turn.
4. C-17 Parking spot equivalent calculation
= Aircraft Length x Aircraft Width
C-17 length x C-17 width
5. The C-17 minimum width for a Star Turn is 90 ft (can be done in 80 feet, but 90 feet is the minimum
runway width for landing).
6. Values listed are maximum values for the Aircraft Type.
7. Based on full asymmetric thrust and initial differential braking.
Table 3. Aircraft Payloads.
1. Cargo and passenger payloads (except for the C-5) are exclusive of one another.
2. Organic (except C-130) calculated as the maximum ACL for a 3200 nm leg, CRAF calculated for a 3500nm
leg. C-130 calculated based on a 2000 nm leg.
3. CRAF based on mixed service averages (B-747-100 Equivalent = 78 Stons).
4. CRAF MAX and AVG passengers are the same because PAX are loaded to the max allowable by weight.
5. Lower NEO number reflects life raft capacity.
6. Weights are based on 400 lbs per passenger, which includes passenger, baggage, and combat gear. Take
total passenger weight into account as part of total cargo weight when requirements dictate movement of
cargo and passengers on the same aircraft.
Table 4. Aircraft Block Speeds
NOTE: Organic aircraft block speeds obtained from computer flight plan data. Civil aircraft
figures are a composite average of various configurations and series participating in CRAF. For Civil aircraft
whose passenger and cargo configuration speeds differed, the lower speed was used. All airspeeds are TAS.
Table 5. Ground Times
1. Onload or offload operations only. Does not include refuel or reconfiguration operations.
2. KC-135 times apply to roller-equipped aircraft.
3. For Commercial Contract and Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF), add 1 hour to onload times if concurrent
loading and servicing are prohibited.
4. Stations where loading, servicing to include catering, and/or unloading will occur.
5. Assumes aircraft configured to accommodate 463L pallets.
6. No aircraft servicing, to include catering, is planned.
7. Currently the only commercial aircraft supporting AE is the 767 from CRAF AE.
Table 6. Aircraft Utilization
1. Surge UTE rates apply for the first 45 days, (C-130‘s surge for 30 days).
2. Reflects active/ARC aircraft inventory, not apportionment. See JSCP, Enclosure 11.
3. KC-10 and KC-135 UTE rates apply in the airlift role.
4. CRAF CARGO/PASSENGER aircraft is updated quarterly. For the latest CRAF capability,
go into the Air Force Portal, select AMC/A3B, click on the CRAF Capability link. CAC and AF Portal access
Table 7. Productivity Factors
1. Use the lower of working MOG, parking MOG, or fuel MOG.
2. Passenger throughput based on B-767-400 equivalents (average payload 216 passengers, ground time
3. Cargo throughput based on C-17 equivalents (average payload 45 Stons, ground time 3+15).
4. Queuing efficiency of 85% applied.
5. Daylight operations in summer months.
6. Daylight operations in winter months.
Table 9. Fuel Burn Rates
NOTE: Fuel burn rates extracted from AFPAM 23-221, Fuels Logistics Planning, 22 December
2006 (converted to lbs/hr using 6.7 lbs/gal conversion rate). Fuel burn rates are for planning purposes
only. Actual rate varies according to mission profile, AC model, configuration, altitude, airspeed etc.
1. This table was extracted from AFTTP 3.1.KC-10/KC-135 2 November 2008
2. Based on Sea level, standard day, 10,000-ft dry runway.
3. Offload data based on 1-hour orbit.
4. Cargo carried will reduce fuel load on a 1:1 basis.
5. All KC-10 and a limited number of KC-135 aircraft are air refuelable, providing increased range, off-load,
and loiter capabilities.
Table 11. KC-135 Tanker Aircraft Required.1,2,3
1. Due to the multitude of Air Refueling variables, this table reflects an ―order of magnitude‖
2. Table assumes multiple tanker launch bases would be used for AR distances greater than
3. Fighter/tanker ratio can be limited by boom cycle time.
4. For the airlift aircraft, assume average payloads, maximum takeoff gross weight, optimum located air
refueling tracks and divert bases, and a minimum tanker off-load capability of 90,000 lbs.
Table 12. KC-10 Tanker Aircraft Required.1,2,3
1. Due to the multitude of Air Refueling variables, this table reflects an ―order of magnitude‖
2. Table assumes multiple tanker launch bases would be used for AR distances greater than
3. Fighter/tanker ratio can be limited by boom cycle time.
4. For the airlift aircraft, assume average payloads, maximum takeoff gross weight, optimum located air
refueling tracks and divert bases, and a minimum tanker off-load capability of 90,000 lbs.
Table 13. Aeromedical Evacuation Capabilities Matrix
1. Comm augmentation UTC applies to any AE UTC requiring additional communication spt.
2. Weights: PSP-L: .4 Stons; PSP-W: .4. Stons; PSP-S: .4 Stons
Table 14. Aeromedical Evacuation Capabilities
NOTES: Maximum litter patients on 3 Patient Support Pallets (PSP) would be 18; however, PSPs near cargo
door cannot be configured with stanchions resulting in the loss of 3 litter positions.
1. Basic crew only (2 Flight Nurses and 3 AE Technicians). B-767s require 1 additional Flight Nurse for basic
crew to act as overall mission MCD.
2. Total positions. Data reflects the subtraction of litter positions and seat requirements for a basic AE crew
with medical equipment. Addition of one CCATT would subtract an additional 3 seats and 2 litter positions.
3. Various litter and ambulatory patient combinations are available based on requirement.
4. Limited to 80 seats including crew for overwater flights.
5. No integral litter capability. PSP required to increase number of positions.
6. Capacity increases to 36 litter positions with LSAS Litter Stanchion Kit installed, or by redistributing
assets from other airframes.
7. Only configuration possible due to number of ship sets available.
8. Not used for contingency planning at this time.
HQ AMC/A3XP, Aeromedical Evacuation Plans Branch, DSN 779-3382, Comm (618) 229-
618 TACC/XOP, Contingency Operations & Exercise Division, DSN 779-1930, Comm (618)
AMC Pamphlet 24-2 Volume 1, Civil Reserve Air Fleet Load Planning Guide, 1 December 2001
Adopted Forms
AE—Aeromedical Evacuation
AFD—Airfield Database contained in
AR—Air Refueling
DOD—Department of Defense
FL—Flight Level
NM—Nautical Miles
OPLAN—Operational Plan
STON—Short Ton
TAS—True Airspeed
VORTAC—Very High Frequency Omni directional Range and Tactical Air Navigation
Active route flying time (ARFT)— The flying time from onload to the offload location including all
intermediate locations en route. This does not include ground time.
Active route ground time (ARGT) — The cumulative ground time of all intermediate stops from the onload
location to the offload location. This does not include flying time.
Aeromedical Evacuation (AE) Patients— Litter = Patient who needs to be carried during both enplaning
and deplaning. Patient requires assistance to enplane and deplane. Ambulatory = Patient capable of walking
who may not require assistance to enplane and deplane.
Air cargo— Stores, equipment or vehicles, which do not form part of the aircraft, and are part or all of its
payload. Note: There are different classifications of military cargo, categorized as follows:
Bulk Air Cargo, including the 463L pallet itself, which is within the usable dimensions of a 463L pallet (104‖
x 84‖ x 96‖) and within the height and width requirements established by the cargo envelope of the
particular model of aircraft.
Oversize Cargo exceeding the usable dimensions of a 463L pallet loaded to the design height of
96‖ but is equal to or less than 1,090‖ in length, 117‖ in width, and 105‖ in height. This cargo is
transportable on the C—5, C-17, C-130, and to a limited extent the KC-10.
Outsize Cargo which exceeds the dimension of oversize (1,090‖ x 117‖ x 105‖) and requires use of a C—5 or
Rolling Stock Equipment that can be driven or rolled directly into the cargo compartment.
Special Items requiring specialized preparation and handling procedures, such as space satellites or nuclear
Aircraft block speed— True airspeed in knots under zero wind conditions adjusted in relation to length of
sortie to compensate for takeoff, climb out, descent, instrument approach, and landing.
Aircraft parking size— The ramp space a particular aircraft occupies, usually expressed in C-
17 equivalents (See Table 2.).
Airfield database (AFD)— The airfield database is contained in the AMC Global Decision Support System
(GDSS) and establishes suitability and restrictions for AMC and AMC-gained C-5, KC-10, C-17, C-130, and KC-
135 aircraft operations.
Airfield Suitability and Restrictions Report (ASRR) — AMC/A3 quarterly publication available on line
that contains AMC policy and guidance regarding airfield suitability and a synopsis of suitability for airfields
AMC operates at globally.
Airfield throughput capability— The amount of passengers or cargo which can be moved through the
airfield per day via strategic airlift based on the limitations of the airfield (such as parking spots).
Air refueling track— A track designated for air refueling reserved by the receiver unit/planner. If possible,
the track from the ARIP to the ARCP should be along a TACAN/VORTAC radial and within 100 NM of the
Air refueling initial point (ARIP) — A point located upstream from the ARCP at which the receiver aircraft
initiates a rendezvous with the tanker.
Air refueling control point (ARCP) — The planned geographic point over which the receiver(s)
arrive in the observation/pre-contact position with respect to the assigned tanker.
Air refueling control time (ARCT) — The planned time that the receiver and tanker will arrive over the air
refueling control point (ARCP).
Air refueling exit point (AR EXIT PT) — The designated geographic point at which the refueling track
terminates. In a refueling anchor it is a designated point where the tanker and receiver may depart the
anchor area after refueling is completed.
Allowable cabin load (ACL) — The maximum payload that can be carried on a mission. Note: The ACL may
be limited by the maximum takeoff gross weight, maximum landing gross weight, or by the maximum zero
fuel weight.
Anchor point— A designated geographical point on the downstream end of the inbound course of the
Anchor Refueling Pattern.
Anchor refueling— Air refueling performed as the tankers maintain a prescribed pattern which is anchored
to a geographical point or fix.
Base air refueling altitude— A reference altitude at which lead aircraft of a tanker formation
(or single aircraft for individual air refueling) will fly at initial contact.
Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) — A program in which the Department of Defense (DOD) uses FAA Part
121-certificated, US-flagged aircraft. These aircraft are allocated by the Department of Transportation (DOT)
to augment the military airlift capability of the DOD. These aircraft are allocated, in accordance with DOD
requirements, to segments, according to their capabilities, such as International, Domestic, and Aeromedical
segments as may be mutually agreed upon by the DOD and the DOT. The CRAF can be incrementally
activated by the DOD in three stages in response to defense-oriented situations, up to and including a
declared national emergency or war, to satisfy DOD airlift requirements. Note: The International segment is
further divided into long-range and short-range sections; and the Domestic segment is further divided into
National and Alaskan sections.
Closure— In transportation, the process of a unit arriving at a specified location. It begins when the first
element arrives at a designated location, e.g. port of entry/port of departure, intermediate stops, or final
destination, and ends when the last element does likewise, For the purposes of studies and command post
exercises, a unit is considered essentially closed after 95 percent of its movement requirements for
personnel and equipment are completed.
Critical Care Air Transport Teams (CCATT) — CCATTs provide critical care augmentation to
aeromedically evacuated injured, ill and/or burn patients requiring advanced care during transportation.
They are available to assist the AE crews if a patient‘s condition dictates. A CCATT is comprised of three
personnel: a physician who may be an intensivist (cardiopulmonary), a critical care nurse, and a respiratory
Cycle time— Total elapsed time for an aircraft to depart home station, fly a complete mission and be back to
start a second time.
Dual role mission— A mission where both air refueling and airlift are provided to the user. The primary
mission role is normally air refueling. Missions where cargo movement is primary require a dedicated
funded special assignment airlift mission (SAAM).
Enroute rendezvous— A rendezvous procedure whereby the tanker and receiver arrive at a common
rendezvous (RZ) point at the same time with 1,000 feet altitude separation.
Fleet capability— The amount of cargo or passengers which can be moved into or out of a location or
theater expressed in short tons or PAX per day. Limitations include the number of aircraft in the operation,
their UTE rate, and the distance between onload and offload locations.
Global Decision Support System (GDSS)— GDSS is AMC's force level command and control (C2) system
supporting 618th Tanker Airlift Control Center (618 TACC) execution authority for effective airlift mission
management. It provides AMC accurate, near real-time data required for making decisions concerning the
deployment and employment of AMC resources. New accounts may be obtained by following the "GDSS2
Accounts" guidance on the support web site: https://gdss2ams.c2.amc.af.mil/gdss2web/
Ground time— The planned ground time for the type of aircraft used.
Parking MOG— The number of aircraft that can fit, or be parked, on the ground.
Working MOG— The number of parked aircraft can be worked simultaneously based on available
personnel, materials handling equipment (MHE), and ramp space.
Missions required— The number of strategic airlift missions (by aircraft type) required to move a
requirement from the onload to the offload location.
Number of aircraft— The specific number of aircraft apportioned to any peacetime operation, contingency,
or exercise, or the number apportioned in the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) Enclosure 11 for tasked
Pavement/Aircraft classification system— The ICAO standard method of reporting pavement strengths.
The Pavement Classification Number (PCN) is established by an engineering assessment of the runway. The
PCN is for use in conjunction with an Aircraft Classification Number (ACN). ACN values (provided in Table
1.) relate aircraft characteristics to a runway‘s load bearing capability, expressed as a PCN. An aircraft with
an ACN equal or less than the reported PCN can operate on the pavement subject to any limitations on the
tire pressure. Refer to DOD Flight Information Publication (Enroute Supplement) for an airfield‘s specific
Payload— The sum of the weight of passengers and cargo that an aircraft can carry. Note: Cargo weight is
normally expressed in short tons.
Planning payload— The payload (expressed in short tons of cargo or number of passengers) expected on a
fleet-wide basis, and used by planners to make initial gross planning estimates. The size, shape, and density
of most payloads, as well as passenger constraints (i.e., oxygen or life preservers available), rarely permit
loading to 100 percent capacity. Planning payload data, not maximum payload data, should be used for
operations/transportation planning.
Point parallel rendezvous— A rendezvous accomplished with the tanker maintaining an appropriate
offset, the receiver flying the ARIP to ARCP track, and the tanker turning in front of the receiver at a
computed range.
Primary mission aircraft inventory (PMAI) — Aircraft authorized to a unit for performance of its
operational mission. The Primary authorization forms the basis for the allocation of operating resources to
include manpower, support equipment, and flying hours funds.
Productivity factor— Gross measure of an aircraft‘s expected useful ability to move cargo and passengers
to a user, expressed as a percentage. Positioning, de-positioning, and other non- productive legs all diminish
the overall productivity. For example, on a strategic airlift mission involving an outbound and a return leg,
the return leg is normally considered non-productive. The productivity factor, in this case would be 50
percent. However, this assumes cargo has already been positioned at the aircraft‘s departure point. In most
situations, airlift aircraft must fly one or more positioning legs to an onload location. Since productive cargo
is usually not moved at this time, these positioning legs reduce the overall productivity factor to a value less
than 50 percent.
For planning purposes use the productivity, factors found in Table 7, or calculate your own by dividing
productive leg distance (onload to offload) by round trip cycle distance.
Queuing efficiency— A factor used by planners and applied in formulas (i.e., throughput capability) to
account for the physical impossibility of using limited airfield facilities with perfect efficiency. For example,
when a parking spot is vacated, it is never instantly re-occupied. Historically, planners have applied a
queuing efficiency of 85 percent.
Round trip flying time (RTFT)— The accumulated flying time from the aircraft‘s starting point, to the
onload location, through the en route structure, to the offload location, back through the en route system, to
starting point of origin or other final destination.
Round trip ground time (RTGT) — The accumulated ground time from the aircraft‘s starting point, to the
onload location, through the en route structure, to the offload location, back to the final destination.
Time to arrival— The time required for cargo/PAX to arrive at the offload location including all en route
ground times.
USE rate— The capability of a subset of PMAI aircraft to generate flying hours expressed in average flying
hours per aircraft per day. Computed only for those aircraft applied to a specific mission. For example,
consider an operation using 2 C-17 aircraft. If 1 aircraft flies 10 hours while the other is in maintenance, then
one aircraft has 10 hours of USE rate and the other has 0 hours of USE rate. Collectively, these two aircraft
generate 5.0 hrs/day of ―USE‖.
Utilization rate (UTE rate) — The capability of a fleet of aircraft to generate flying hours in a day,
expressed in terms of per Primary Authorized Inventory (PAI). Applies only to long-term, large scale
operations such as OPLANs. For small operations involving less than the entire fleet, UTE rates are not
normally a factor.
Wartime Objective “Surge” UTE Rate— A command established flying hour goal for planning and
programming to meet JCS directed wartime objectives in the first 45 days of the most demanding wartime
operations. AMC sets this rate as a target for planning and programming aircrews, maintenance, and
aerial port manpower, active and reserve force mixes, and spare parts. This early 45 day surge period
assumes the deferral of scheduled maintenance, support people working overtime, and the full mobilization
of both active and reserve forces with fully funded and fully stocked spares in supply.
Wartime Objective “Sustained” UTE Rate— Sustained UTE rates represent another command goal for
planning purposes. After a 45 day surge operation in wartime, the immediate demand for airlift decreases
somewhat and a greater percentage of needed equipment arrives by sealift/surface. AMC plans to fly at a
lower operational tempo known as a sustained UTE rate. This reduced rate is based upon normal duty days,
100% active and reserve participation, and the accomplishment of maintenance activities deferred in the
surge period.
Contingency Non—Mobilized UTE Rate = Sustained rate of flying hour activity based upon full active duty
participation and 25% reserve volunteerism. (e.g. JUST CAUSE, RESTORE HOPE, PROVIDE COMFORT).
The following graphics provide visual examples of expected damage to an airfield after an
earthquake event. The damage could impact the runway, taxiway, aprons, roads or open areas.
Airfield damages are most commonly caused by liquefaction, shaking and displacement of the
During liquefaction, sand will be ejected out from the liquefied layer of the soil,
deposit to the surface, and often create a hole or crater. Sand boils can deposit sand
on pavement, cause local settlement and generate damage throughout an airfield.
During an earthquake, the ground may experience differential settlement due to
liquefaction or soil failure due to shaking. Differential settlement will create uneven
surfaces, prohibiting flight operations.
Lateral spreading occurs in conjunction with liquefaction when the ground or the soil
has some slope or the cut slope is retained by some means. Lateral spreading causes
open fissures to the pavement or sometimes, large displacement of the ground with
trenches. At the edge of the slope, lateral spreading may case landslides.
The ground may move laterally or vertically due to a strong earthquake near a fault
region. The permanent displacement of the ground can cause severe damage to the
pavement and create stepping in the surface.
Figure 16: Severe ground deformation in the port pavement due to liquefaction
Major determination factors for damage severity are related to the type and extent of structural
components. Airport structural damage caused by earthquakes can be broadly classified into
three groups.
1. Hairline cracks at floor/roof line and 1. cracks at floor/roof line and midheights with mortar
midheights spalling
2. No out-of-plane offsets and spalling 2. Spalling and rounding of units along crack plane
3. Out of plane offsets
Diagonal tension
i. List of Electrical Pump
S. No. Type Location Qty Capacity (HP) Remarks
1 Booster Pump CMD 2 12.5
2 Submersible Pump CMD 1 12.5
3 Submersible Pump CMD 1 25
4 Submersible Pump Transport 1 12.5
5 Submersible Pump Radar Antenna 1 30
1400 1200
42 feet commercial
maintenance of w/b surface transport
and n/b aircrafts
The pavement repair method must be determined and the damaged pavement area
must be cleared of debris to permit upheaval identification. One of four pavement
repair methods can be utilized:
i. Debris backfill
ii. Choke ballast over debris
iii. Choke ballast
iv. Sand grid
The sand-grid repair method must have foreign object damage (FOD) cover and is
only suitable for C-130 operations. Foreign object damage covers are not currently
approved for C-17 Globe master, C-5 Galaxy, For airfields with a mix of aircraft that
includes those not approved for FOD covers and ones that require FOD covers,
multiple MOS' should be selected, if possible, to allow for a MOS with FOD covers and
one without. This will prevent the time consuming and maintenance intensive
removal and replacement of FOD covers between operations of different aircraft. It is
critical in either case to ensure the AERT teams understand which type mission has
higher priority and repair that one first.
The determination of how much upheaved pavement must be removed at the start of
a pavement repair is accomplished by profile measurement. The same process is used
after repairs are complete to see if repairs have been performed within the tolerances
specified. Profile measurement will also be employed at various times following
aircraft trafficking in order to determine if crater maintenance is necessary due to
base course compression. It is of paramount importance that AERT know the exact
extent of the upheaval damage as well as the quality of a completed repair effort.
With the extent of upheaval determined, the next step in the rapid repair process is
the removal of unsound and upheaved pavement. Unsound pavement is pavement
that has been damaged to the point where there is a reasonable possibility that it
might break apart under traffic and present a FOD problem. Based on the repair
method chosen, the crater must be excavated or filled with useable debris. Removing
more pavement than necessary will increase the time to complete the repair and
could enlarge the crater to the extent where additional FOD cover sections are
Clean edges of the crater by making the top 18 inches of the sidewalls as vertical as
possible. Then, level the top layers of fill material. Use shovels to level areas near the
crater’s edge. Next, fill and compact the crater with crushed stone material using six-
inch lifts. Overfill the crater by approximately three inches above the original
pavement surface height.
To ensure the final crater surface is flush and not below the original pavement height,
final grade and compaction procedures must be performed.