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Mobile Suit Gundam Battle System

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has been presented in the other Gundam series.

The Battle
System therefore reflects the claustrophobic down to earth
Mobile suit actions that took part on Earth during the One
Year War of UC079 and its immediate aftermath.
Now you can command your own teams of Mobile Suits in battle.
You can choose your side: take command of a beleaguered
Federation Mobile team or the Zeon Expeditionary forces - with
their powerful Zaku’s, Doms and Magella Attack Tanks.

What You Need

Alongside this rule book, each player will need several 6 sided dice,
a Warhammer 40,000 scatter die and a ruler or tape measure with
inches included. Each player should also have a written copy of
their army detailing suits, upgrades and any experience earned.
Extra paper and pens are highly recommended for record keeping
during the game.
Each player must provide a complement of 1/144 scale miniatures
to represent their forces, as well as miniatures or other materials
for battlefield cover and terrain. The book generally assumes the
use of Bandai's High Grade Universal Century line of miniatures,
though players should not feel limited to just these. Similar scale
action figures would also be appropriate.
The most important item for any game however is a good attitude
and sense of fair play. At the end of the day, we are all living out
our fantasies of piloting giant robots with plastic models.
The Mobile Suit Gundam Battle System rulebook is designed to be
fully self contained. It includes the full rules for playing the game as
well as army lists for both the Earth Federation and Principality of

Dice Rolls
In addition to normal rolls of 1 d6 die, the game often requires
A Brief Introduction multiple combinations and variations. For instance when 2 dice
Welcome to the Mobile Suit Gundam Battle System, an exciting must be rolled, the game will denote it as 2D6. If additional
miniatures game for two or more players in which they can act modifications are required, they will be denoted with a +X or -X
out the battles of the One Year War from the anime Mobile after the D6. In that situation, one must add or subtract from the
Suit Gundam. Each player commands a team of bipedal armored total based on the modifier given. Modifiers often come about in
vehicles, called mobile suits fighting to complete various the game as penalties or rewards. These will ALWAYS stack
objectives on the game board. outside of categories. For instance, if a suit is both running and
The inspiration for this system comes from watching the MS obstructed from view, an opponent would combine the penalties
08 Team series. There was something so evocative about Mobile for movement and cover. They would not, however, combine the
Suits fighting it out in the Jungles of Southeast Asia. It was penalties for walking and running.
more gritty and inspirational than the usual ‘space-opera’ that Good luck, pilots. Check your weapons and stay sharp. You are ready to start
fighting in the world of Gundams. Be sure to check out the Federation MS
team list and Zeon Expedition lists for your Suit specs and your pilots
abilities, use your forces wisely Commander. That is all…
Pilot Characteristics vs. Suit Characteristics

Most characteristics are inherent to the pilot and his training. This
is represented by the pilot's stat line, found in the army list. A
mobile suit can improve elements of a pilot’s stat line as
well, represented by a +X found in the mobile suit's entry in the
Hangar. The exception to this is Strength (S), which replaces
the pilot's value.

Below is a sample profile for a pilot and a mobile suit.

Veteran Pilot 4 4 3 1 3 2 8 7 25
Suit Bonus - - 5 - - - - - -
Characteristics Armor Values Front Side Rear PV
There are eight characteristics used to describe a pilot and his Zaku I 12 10 10 80
mobile suit. They tell them player how well he can fight and
shoot, how much brute strength his suit possesses, and even
how likely he is to break and run in combat.
Unit Types
Weapon Skill There are two types of units in MSGBS: Mobile Suits and
Weapon skill is a measure of a pilot's abilities in close combat and Vehicles
how likely they are to strike their opponents with their close
Mobile Suits
combat weapons.
Mobile Suits are humanoid combat vehicles, typically employing
Ballistic Skill two arms to deploy weapons, two legs for propulsion, and a head
Ballistic skill measures a pilot's ability to fire ranged weapons that acts as a main camera and sometimes houses a secondary
and affects how likely they are to score hits with machine guns, weapon that acts as a rotating turret (with the head itself
missile launchers, and beam weaponry carried by their mobile providing the rotation). Typically speaking, a mobile suit is
suit. approximately 60 feet in height, with a cockpit located in the
unit's torso.
Strength is a measure of the raw power of a suit. This affects its
ability to penetrate thick armor when in close contact. Vehicles run the gamut from Federation Hover Trucks to Zeon
Magella Attack Tanks. Outclassed by mobile suits, many vehicles
Hull Points have been reduced to a support or ambush role in Federation and
Zeon Ground Forces.
Hull points represent the amount of structure integrity left until
the mobile suit is no longer functional.
Leadership Tests
Initiative Units in MSGBS will often be called upon to make a test of their
Initiative represents a pilot's reflexes and ability to react to resolve, called a Leadership test. The player rolls 2D6 and
incoming attacks. The higher the value, the more likely a pilot's compares the score to the Pilot's Leadership Score. If the score is
chances of dodging incoming fire. equal to or less than the Leadership Score, the pilot passes the
test. Otherwise, they fail the test.
Failing Leadership tests
Attack represents the number of times a suit may strike its
opponent when locked in close combat. If a pilot fails the Leadership test, it falls back 2D6" towards its
own table edge each movement phase until it passes its leadership
Leadership test. It may continue to shoot as usual. Units may not initiate
assaults, but may react to them as normal.
Leadership represents the grit and will of a pilot under extreme
circumstances. The higher a leadership score, the more likely they Units may regroup as long as no enemy units are within 6". The
are to resist the urge to flee the battlefield. unit takes another leadership test and, if it passes, may act as
normal. It may not move and counts as having moved for the
Pilot Skill purposes of shooting and assaulting. This process is repeated
Pilot skill represents the average piloting ability of the MS until the unit passes the Leadership Test or crosses its own table
operator and several times during the game he may be called edge. In this case the unit is removed from play and counts as
upon to make a roll against his Piloting Skill. To do this roll 2D6 destroyed for calculating victory points
you pass if you score under or equal to your PS total, you fail if
your score above it
The Turn Roads
Roads facilitate the movement of non-mobile suit units, enabling
Turns in MSGBS are divided into three phases: Movement, them to move more quickly throughout the battlefield.
Shooting and Assault. Each player is given an opportunity to
move shoot and assault, one after the other. The order is Impassable
determined by the roll of a d6. Each player rolls one dice and Impassable terrain prevents all movement through it
the highest number has the opportunity to choose to go first or
second. Mobile Suit Terrain Effects
A turn encompasses three phases for each player: Movement,
Mobile Suits are all-terrain attack vehicles and can move through
Shooting and Assault. After each player has completed al the
most terrain with ease. However if moving through woodland,
phases, the game moves to the next turn and all the actions are rocky buildings, broken ground or water the Pilot must take care
repeated. Games of MSGBS typically last 6 turns unless or he might damage or even immobilize his suit. Vehicles also
otherwise specified by game specific special rules.
face challenges in difficult terrain.
Movement To represent this a Mobile Suit that moves through difficult
ground must roll a D6 and move the amount of inches scored
The player may move any suits or vehicles that are capable of
on the roll,

A Mobile suit if equipped with a jetpack can use it to enter
The player may choose to fire the weapons of some or all of his or leave difficult ground. Both require a Pilot Skill roll to be
mobile suits and vehicles made. If failed the suit counts as stunned next turn. If a double
six is rolled the suit leg actuators are too badly damaged by the
Assault landing and the suit counts as immobilized for the rest of the
The player may nominate units to charge into the melee and game.
resolve those close combat actions.
Vehicle Movement Terrain Effects
The Movement Phase Vehicles must make the a roll when entering or leaving
Most Mobile suits can move up to 6” in the movement difficult terrain. The player must roll a D6 for movement, just
phase. Some suits have the option to be equipped with jetpacks as with Mobile Suits, but on a roll of 1, the vehicle is
allowing them to jump up to 9” in any direction. immobilized. In this instance, it is unable to move for the
remainder of the game. It may continue to take other actions as
normal. If a vehicle fails a leadership test and would normally
Mobile Suit Movement Chart
be required to fall back, it is instead abandoned and considered
Walking 6” destroyed for the remainder of the game.
Jump Packs 9” Vehicles that travel on road terrain for their entire
Difficult Terrain 2D6( take movement may add 4" to their total move distance. This does
highest)” not apply if the vehicle shoots or takes a difficult terrain test at
any point in its movement phase that turn. The Shooting Phase
All Mobile suits can move an additional 6” in the assault phase if
they are within 6” of an enemy Mobile Suit. This represents the The Shooting/Running Phase
pilot charging into action and he gains additional attack bonus 1. Choose a target: Select an enemy unit for one your units to
for this. Mobile suits equipped with a jump pack may move at a fire at. You must pass a leadership test if you wish to
maximum of 9" in the assault phase. shoot at an enemy besides the closest enemy unit
2. Check line of sight and range: See if the target is within
Vehicle Movement Chart sight and range of your firing unit. Despite the interference of
Minovsky Particles, Mobile Suits and Vehicles posses high
Cross Country 8”
powered cameras, enabling them to accurately judge
Difficult Terrain 2D6 (take distances. The player may pre-measure all hooting distances
prior to committing to a ranged attack and may change
targets should a target be out of range.
Terrain 3. Roll to hit: Roll a D6 for each shot fired by the unit.
There are 4 types of terrain: clear, difficult, roads and impassible and consult the Ballistic Score To Hit chart to determine if
each shot hits. Each type of weapon should be rolled
Clear separately.
Clear terrain covers most of the board and causes no penalties to
movement Ballistic Score 1 2 3 4 5+
Roll to hit 6 5 4 3 2
Difficult terrain slows movement of any units moving though it.
4. Consult damage charts: Consult the damage charts for the
mobile suit or vehicle. First, determine armor penetration then
consult the appropriate damage chart. Damage charts are Shooting at Mobile Suits
divided between Vehicles and Mobile Suits, with each A Mobile suit is harder to destroy than a tank. They are heavily
possessing separate sections for glancing, penetrating or constructed with advanced alloys protecting their vital systems.
ordinance penetrating hits. A glancing hit is a any hit whose Any hits that do penetrate might hit a non-vital system or on the
strength exactly matches the targeted armor value. Penetrating other hand it might hit the Mobile Suits reactor blowing it sky-
hits are any hits which exceed the armor value. Ordinance high. Plus it doesn’t matter how tough a Mobile Suit is, the
weapons a large, high powered weapons which make use of pilot inside can still be stunned or shaken by the concussion of
the large blast template. This characteristic is noted in the the hits against its armored hide.
weapon's profile
5. Roll to Penetrate: Take saving hull point rolls armor saves
and other damage mitigation attempts as necessary. The Rule of One and Six
6. Make Leadership Tests if applicable: Any unit which
suffers a penetrating or glancing hit must take a leadership When firing work out if the weapon is in range, find the score
tests. Penetrating hits add +1 to the dice roll. you need to hit and roll a D6 then apply the following modifiers.
7. Choose another target: Continue selecting targets until all If the modifiers take you below the to-hit score you fail to hit
units that may shoot that the player wishes have fired. your target. If the modifiers take you above the to hit score then
you hit. As long as you make the to hit roll you will hit your
Choosing to run instead of shoot: During the Shooting target. These modifiers are accumulative also don’t forget to
phase you can choose to run by rolling 2d6 and taking the check your weapons profile as they normal have a modifier to
highest result as the number of inches you can move. You can apply according the range to the target.
still assault as normal even if you run. You may notice looking at the modifiers there are times when
you won't be able to hit your target. Or that you BS skill of the
Mobile Suits, Movement, Shooting pilot you’ve chosen makes it almost impossible to miss. This is
Mobile suits are capable of moving and shooting at the same where the rule of One and Six comes in, a roll of a One on a D6
time. Unless they using a heavy or ordinance weapon which they always misses regardless of modification and roll of a Six always
must remain still to shoot, the represents the suit bracing against hits regardless of modification.
the weapons recoil. If you are moving at the firing at the same
Shooting Phase Leadership Tests
time this effects targeting due the suit jolting – the faster you go
the harder it becomes to target your enemy. Of course this works Whenever pilots suffer major damage to their suits or vehicles,
the other way too the faster you go the harder it is for your fear can easily take hold. To represent this, any time a pilot's suit
enemies targeting system to get a lock on you. or vehicle suffers a penetrating or glancing hit, they must take a
leadership test. Penetrating hits, which cause even more damage,
Mobile Suits must fire their weapons against one target, and
force the pilot to add +1 to his leadership roll.
cannot unless specified by the Suit specs pick out multiple
targets. In addition if the Suit is moving the Pilot can only For example: A GM armed with a 100mm Machine gun is standing still
activate and use one weapons system at a time, unless of course trying to target a running Zaku in quartered cover. The pilot’s ballistic skill
they remain still then they can use up to two different weapons (BS) is 3. Looking at the to hit chart means he needs a 4 or more to hit. He
systems. It is also important to remember that Mobile Suits rolls the two dice as indicated by the weapon type and scores a 5 and a 6,
have a 270 degree fire arc but cannot fire at targets behind them. and then applies the modifiers. First, he applies a –2 for the running Zaku,
then an addition –1 for the cover the Zaku is in taking his dice score down
Line of Sight to 2 and 3. However his GM was stationary to improve his targeting and his
When checking to see whether a unit is within line of sight, target was within half range of his weapon so he gains a +2 to his dice,
the player must be able to look from the shooting unit's taking both of his scores back to 4 and 5. A double hit!
perspective and see the target unit. If the target unit is 25%
obscured, the shooting unit suffers a -1 on its To Hit roll. If the
The Assault Phase
target is obscured up to 50%, the shooting unit suffers -2 on its The assault phase is divided into two sections: the charge and
To Hit roll. combat phases. In the charge phase, the player declares that a
Line of sight is determined from the head of a mobile suit as unit is charging before moving them into contact with their
that is the location in which the primary cameras are located. opponent. In the combat phase, the players fights close
Vehicles, due to their small size, do not draw line of sight from a combat, determines damage to his and his opponents suits and
particular point due to their small size and can draw line of takes any saves and morale checks as necessary.
sight from any point on the hull of the model. Barrels and 1. Choose a unit: Select a unit that has not already made an
weaponry do not count. assault and is capable of making an assault in that phase. Units
that fired during the shooting phase may only assault their
shooting phase target. Units that fired rapid fire weapons
FIRE ARC twice or remained stationary to fire heavy or ordinance
weapons may not assault at all in the same turn.
2. Declare a charge with that unit: Choose a target within
range of the assaulting unit and declare it that target of the
3. Move the charging unit: Mobile suits may move up to 6" in
the assault phase to close to their opponent. Suits equipped
with Jump Packs may move up to 9".
4. Fight Close Combat: To determine the order the suits combat equipment, vehicles tend to shy away from melee with
attack, compare Initiative values of the pilots, adding in any mobile suits. As a result, they may not initiate assaults or fight
bonuses listed under the Mobile Suit's profile. The process for back. They may still be the target of assaults however. These are
determining the number of attacks is the same. The pilot may resolved as normal. Because of their height advantages, mobile
make one attack for each point of their listed Attack value suits always strike at the top of the vehicle, as represented by the
in their profile. Again, consult the Mobile Suit's profile or any rear armor value.
For each attack, the player who controls the Mobile Suit Immobilized
consults the To Hit chart, comparing his Weapon Skill to that Suits that are immobilized can still fight as normal. Their attack
of his opponent. If he succeeds in his role, he rolls 1D6 and characteristic is reduced by –1 and any close combat hits against
adds the Suit Strength and Close Combat Weapon Strength it are made against the rear armor
Bonus to determine armor penetration.
5. Determine Assault winner: If neither Mobile Suit has been Hand-to-Hand Multiple Combats
destroyed in the resulting combat, then the Mobile Suit that There are occasions were a Mobile Suit is up against more than
has scored the largest number of hits will win the combat. The one opponent. Pilots may choose to split their attacks against
hits don’t have to penetrating or glancing. Imagine the their opponents or concentrate on one assailant
opponent being driven back by the series of blows. If neither
suit scored more hits, then the combat continues into the next Leaving Combat
Mobile Suits may leave Combat during the movement phase, if
6. Morale Checks: The mobile suit that loses the assault must
he makes a successful Piloting Skill roll. The opponent suit
make an immediate leadership test or fall back as described in
receives a free attack that automatically hits (roll for penetration
the Leadership Test section. If the morale test is completed
as normal).
successfully, both suits remain in the assault.
Fall Back & Crossfire
Close Combat Weapons
If a Mobile Suit Pilot fails his leadership role he will retreat.
Mobile Suits are usually armed with close combat weapons be
Note you cannot crossfire a Mobile Suit and if pursued, and
it Beam saber or Heat Hawk. These weapons add their own
caught the pursuing Pilot get a free back against the rear armor. If
bonuses onto the strength of the Suit. So when you hit work out
the pursued suit survives this free attack he has to turn and face
penetration as normal. A Mobile suit armed with two close
his attacker again.
combat weapons gains an extra attack.
Cover in Assaults
Additional Close Combat Weapons
A mobile suit in cover when assaulted strikes at initiative equal to
Although some suits are armed with two close combat weapons,
its Pilot Skill, regardless of its Initiative score. This advantage
like for example 2 Beam Sabers. Mobile suits lack the basic
represents a pilot's ability to effectively use terrain, based on his
automated coordination needed to use both weapons at the same
overall experience as a pilot.
time. A Mobile Suit can only use one Beam Saber at a time.
Cover only functions in a logical direction. A Suit hiding
Vehicles in Assaults behind a concrete wall does not gain a cover bonus if assaulted
Because of their small size and lack of dedicated close quarters from behind.

To Hit Chart
Opponent’s Weapon Skill

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
Attacker’s Weapon Skill

3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5

5 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4

6 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4

7 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4

9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4

10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4
Charge Bonus at units directly in their line of fire. A third result and the suit
When charging into combat, the assaulting suit gains +1 to its cannot fire any weapons and counts as destroyed (result four on
attack profile just for the turn it assaults. the chart) for the rest of the game.

Damage Pilot Concussion

Mobile Suits can absorb a great amount of damage before
Armor Value collapsing. However the pilots inside cannot and they suffer the
Armor Values are different on each type of Suit and vehicle. effects of the concussive force of the weapons used against them.
They represent the strength and thickness of the alloy used to Any hit that scores an armor penetration total of 11 or more
armor up the Suit. Armor values on Mobile Suits also differ regardless of penetration the pilot must take a PS roll or count as
depending on whether the shot hits the front, side or rear. stunned next turn. Concussion is ignored if the pilot is in close
combat as the desperation to stay alive overrides any pain caused.
Damage Rolls
If the Mobile Suits suffers a glancing or penetrating hit, make a
SIDE SIDE Damage roll to see what happens. Roll a D6 and look up the
result on the appropriate Damage Table. Please note there are
separate Damage tables for glancing and penetrating hits, and also
for Ordinance glancing and penetrating hits.
Mobile Suit Glancing Hit Table
1-4 Nothing
Armor Penetration 5 Shaken: can’t shoot or run next turn. Can move and
assault as normal
Once a hit is scored against a Mobile Suit roll a D6 and add
the weapons Strength characteristic to it. Then compare it 6 Stunned: can’t move or shoot next turn. Can assault
against the total of the Mobile Suits Armor value. if within range.
If the total is less than the Suits armor value the shot bounces off
it's armor and causes no damage. Mobile Suit Penetrating Hit Table
If the total is equal to the Suits armor value the shot causes 1 Nothing
a glancing hit. 2 Off Balance: WS, BS, and I -1 next turn
If the total is greater than the Suits armor value the shot causes 3 Shaken: Can’t shoot or run next turn. Can move and
a penetrating hit. assault as normal
Ordinance weapons fire such a large projectile that they can 4 Stunned: Can’t move, shoot, or run next turn. Can
smash apart armor with ease, or turn the pilot to mush with assault if within range.
concussive force. When you roll for an Ordinance penetration 5 Limb Destroyed: Roll a D6
roll two dice and pick the highest result. 1-3 Legs Destroyed: immobilized
4-6 Arm Destroyed: weapon destroyed
Hull Points Critical Hit: The shot deals one extra hull point of
When your suit is hit and receives a penetrating hit, you lose one damage. Additionally, the shoot cannot shoot or run next
hull point. Once your mobile suit runs out of hull points it is then turn. It may move and assault as normal.

Cover Saves Mobile Suit Ordinance Glancing Hit Table

1 Shaken: can’t shoot or run next turn. Can move and
Various elements of battlefield terrain can block incoming fire.
assault as normal
To represent this, suits and vehicles standing within cover may
take a cover save. On a successful dice roll, the terrain absorbs 2 Stunned: can’t move or shoot next turn. Can assault if
within range.
the hit, negating all damage. Cover saves are taken after a roll
to hit but before armor penetration is rolled, as necessary. The 3 Immobilized: May not move for the remainder of the
required roll is dependent on the level of cover surrounding the game. Suit can shoot on a successful PS check.
target unit. 4 Limb Destroyed: Roll a D6
Cover Save Success 1-3 Leg Destroyed: Immobilized
4-6 Arm Destroyed: weapon destroyed
Light Cover +6
5 Head Destroyed: Movement halved. WS, BS and I -2.
Medium Cover +5
6 Destroyed
Heavy Cover +4

An immobilized suit cannot turn in place. If it received a second
immobilized result, its weapons are jammed, pointing in the
direction they last fired. Weapons jammed in place can only fire
5-6 Explosion: All Mobile Suits or vehicles within 6” take an
Mobile Suit Ordinance Penetrating Hit Table S4 hit on a roll of 4+.
Stunned: May not move or shoot next turn
Limb Destroyed: Roll a D6
Mobile Suits carry a variety of different weapons classes to suit
4 Immobilized: May not move for the remainder of the
game. Suit can shoot on a successful PS check. various battlefield roles. These can range from large caliber
machine guns to bazookas to highly advanced E-cap powered
4 Extreme Damage: Loose another hull point.
beam weaponry.
5 Destroyed
6 Explosion: The suit’s reactor is hit and explodes. The Hand To Hand
resulting explosion causes a 3D6 radius blast measured Hand to Hand weapons are generally handheld weapons. They do
from the center of the Suit. Any Mobile Suit or Vehicle not fire projectiles and rely on the strength of the wielder to inflict
caught in the explosion suffers a glancing hit on a 2+ and
a penetrating hit on a 5+.
Vehicle Glancing Hit Table Pistols are small, one handed designed to be used at close range.
1-2 Shaken: May not shoot next turn Pistols may be fired once if a Mobile Suit moves or twice (roll two
3 Stunned: May not move or shoot next turn dice) if it remains stationary during the movement and assault
4 Weapon Destroyed: May not move or shoot next turn.
Loses one weapon S4 or higher. If the vehicle has no
Rapid Fire
remaining S4+ weapons, it loses all other weapons. If all
weapons have been lost, the vehicle is immobilized. Rapid Fire weapons are typically large rifle style weapons that are
5 Immobilized: May not move for the remainder of the fed by a magazine and capable of firing in a semi-automatic or
game. May not shoot next turn fully-automatic rate of fire. These weapons are particularly
6 Destroyed effective at close range. If the suit does not move, the weapon can fire
twice up to half range or once up to maximum range. If the suit moves,
the weapon can fire once up to half range.
Vehicle Penetrating Hit Table
Assault X
1-2 Stunned: May not move or shoot next turn
Weapon Destroyed: May not move or shoot next turn.
Assault weapons are medium sized, fully automatic weapons.
Loses one weapon S4 or higher. If the vehicle has no Weapon can fire X number of dice regardless of movement.
remaining S4+ weapons, it loses all other weapons. If all
weapons have been lost, the vehicle is immobilized. Heavy X
4 Immobilized: May not move for the remainder of the Heavy Weapons are large, fully automatic or high damage
game. May not shoot next turn weapons that require the pilot’s full attention to operate. Suit
5 Destroyed must remain still to fire this weapon, can fire as many times as
number next to type indicates.
6 Explosion: All Mobile Suits or vehicles within 6” take an
S4 hit on a roll of 4+. Ordinance and Blast Weapons
Unlike normal weapons, large ordinance and blast weapons often
deal damage to their target even if they do not directly strike it. To
Vehicle Ordinance Glancing Hit Table
represent this, ordinance shooting follows a different system,
1 Stunned: May not move or shoot next turn making use of the large Warhammer 40,000 Blast Template.
2 Weapon Destroyed: May not move or shoot next turn. 1. Place the appropriate blast template over the target unit, large
Loses one weapon S4 or higher. If the vehicle has no
for ordinance weapons, small for blast weapons.
remaining S4+ weapons, it loses all other weapons. If all
weapons have been lost, the vehicle is immobilized.
2. Roll the Warhammer 40,000 Scatter die. If the crosshair is
rolled, the shot is on target. Otherwise, move the center of the
3 Immobilized: May not move for the remainder of the
template 2D6" in the direction the scatter die points.
game. May not shoot next turn
3. Any unit fully under the template is hit. Any partially but not
4 Head Destroyed: Movement halved. WS, BS and I -2. fully under the template is hit on a roll of 4 or more.
5-6 Destroyed 4. Calculate armor penetration and damage as normal

Vehicle Ordinance Penetrating Hit Table

Vehicle Weaponry
1 Stunned: May not move or shoot next turn Unlike Mobile Suits, vehicle-based weapons are divided into 3
categories: Ordinance, Main and Defensive. Ordinance weapons
2 Weapon Destroyed: May not move or shoot next turn.
are any weapon that uses an ordinance blast template. Main
Loses one weapon S4 or higher. If the vehicle has no
remaining S4+ weapons, it loses all other weapons. If all Weapons are any weapon of strength 7 or higher. Defensive
weapons have been lost, the vehicle is immobilized. Weapons are those with a strength of 6 or lower
3 Immobilized: May not move for the remainder of the Vehicles that remain stationary during the movement phase may
game. May not shoot next turn fire 1 Ordinance weapons or all Main and Defensive Weapons. If
4 Destroyed the vehicle move 6" or less, it may fire 1 Main and all Defensive
Weapons or 1 Ordinance Weapon. If it moves move than 6", the
crew must focus entirely on movement and it may not fire any Escape/Leave the table +100
Ejecting from a Damaged Suit & surviving the Battle
Campaign & Experience Rules As mentioned before Pilots have a higher chance to surviving
As Mobile suit teams fight over a protracted campaign and engagements than their Mobile Suits. Once they eject the Pilots
survive to tell the tale, they will build up their skills and are normally ignored and they can make there way back to their
fighting abilities. They become harder and learn specialized supporting units.
skills helping them to survive longer in the field – even the All Mobile Suits are fitted with ejection systems as standard – this
Mobile Suits learn as the onboard advanced computer is not an automated system and must be activated by the pilot. If
learning system picks up data from every engagement. his suit is immobilized or destroyed the Pilot may eject. On a D6
roll of 4+ the pilot safely ejects from his suit, if the roll fails,
Unit Roster Cards players roll a D6 and consult the Pilot Injury Table.
If you wish to use the Experience system it may be a good idea
to fill out a Roster card for the each pilot and his suit in your Pilot Injury Table
team. I have included a separate page in this download for you to 1-2 Pilot Dies
photocopy and use – check out the example below. This card Pilot Survives: Roll a D6
becomes a record of the Suit and Pilot over your following
battles. As the Mobile Suit teams fight they will lose or gain 1-2 Serious Injuries: Pilot misses D6+2 injuries
experience and any new skills or abilities. 3-4 Injured: Pilot misses two battles
The main point is that the Pilot and suit become regular 5-6 Superficial Injuries: Pilot misses one battle
components of our Mobile suit teams, rather than being a one- 6 Miraculous Escape: Pilot Survives uninjured
off choice for a specific engagement. Some members of your
team will be tried and tested veterans, whilst others will have yet Damaged Suits and repair time
to prove their mettle. This way after a number of battles your If your Mobile suit is immobilized or damaged during the battle
team will start to develop its own character with its particular it has to be repaired. Destroyed Mobile Suits are destroyed and
strengths and weaknesses. must be completely replaced, however there is a chance that the
learning computer can be salvaged and put in a new suit.
Earning Experience Points On a D6 roll of 5+ the suits learning computers are recoverable
Pilots and suits can earn experience points in number of ways and can be ported into a new suit at a cost of minus D3
(and lose them if they perform badly). The chart on the next multiplied by 100 from the suits earned experience. If the roll is
table details the different ways experience can be gained or lost. failed the Mobile Suits learning computer is non-recoverable and
All experience points awards are cumulative with each other. the pilot must start with a new suit.
The pilot gains 300 points of experience but with his suit Mobile Suit Technicians are highly trained and can perform
destroyed he must take the negative modifier as well. If the D3 repair miracles even on the most seriously damaged suits.
came up with a 2 he would lose 200 points from his experience However, there are times when the technicians are over worked
earned. It’s worth noting at this point that this is only lost from or the repairs are just too complex to be completed in time for
experience earned in this battle, not from experience earned the next mission. For every immobilized and damaged suit in
prior to the engagement – unless otherwise noted in the case your team roll a D6 on a 4+ the repairs will be completed in time
of the Mobile Suit learning computers. for the next engagement. If the roll fails roll on the table below.

Effects of Experience points

Mobile Suit Repair Time Table
As Pilot and his Suit gain experience they gain more skills – it
is possible to have a suit with more experience than its pilot or 1-3 Major Repairs and Refit: Roll a D6
visa versa. For every 600 experience points earned for Suit or 1-2 Parts Acquisition: Suit Misses D6+1 Battles
Pilot they get to roll on their respective Advance tables. Note 3-4 Tricky Repair: Suit Misses 2 Battles
that certain skill or advances you can only get once, if you end up 5-6 Easy Job: Suit Misses 1 Battle
with one of these twice re-roll the dice – if you end up with it 4-5 Minor Repairs: The suit misses one battle
again you may choose a skill from their respective tables.
6 All Nighter: The suit is ready for the next battle

General Experience Table

During the time the Mobile Suit is on the repair rack – the Pilot
Participated in Battle +100 most either sit it out with his suit or pilot a different suit into
Winning a Battle +100 battle. It doesn’t have to be the same class of suit as long the
Breaking Enemy Pilot Assault +100 points are allocated for it in the army list. However, piloting a
Destroyed Suit -D3*100 newer suit has it’s own inherent risks, for a start all the learned
skills the Pilot relied on his suit on having have now gone. So he
starts the battle at –100 experience before he earns any
Scenario Specific Experience Table experience from the battle.
Holding a Territory +50
Possessing an objective at the end of a battle +100
Destroy an Objective +100
Becoming Elite 1-3 +1 WS
A suit or pilot from the Troops or Heavy Support section of 4-6 +1 BS
the army list with 2800 points or more in experience becomes
Elite. These specialized troops are often called upon to fight
in other battles and their availability is limited. To represent this, Pilot Skill Table
Mobile Suits with 2800 points count as Elite for choosing them 2-3 Street Fighter: A pilot and Mobile Suit in cover gain +1 to
for your team, deployment an d so on in subsequent hit
battles. Also their point cost is increased by an additional 50% of 4 Counter Attack: When defending against a charging
their original points cost. attack, the pilot may attempt a counter attack. Roll 1D6. If
the result is less than initiative, the attacking suit attacks
Advancement Tables at -1.
5 Feint: Pilot may reroll 1 attack dice.
6 Hip Shooter: Pilot may ignore the walking and shooting
Pilot Advancement Table penalty. Acquiring this skill twice lets the pilot ignore the
1-4 New Pilot Skill: Roll 2D6 on the Pilot Skill Table running and shooting penalty.
5 Characteristic Increase: Roll a D6 7 Skilled Gunner: Pilot may reroll one shooting die per
1-3 +1 Strength game. This skill can be acquired up to 4 times.
4-6 +1 Attack 8 Step Aside: Pilot may choose to dodge an assault
instead of a shield save. Roll a D6. The attack misses on
6 Characteristic Increase: Roll a D6
a roll of 6. Acquiring this skill a second time lets attacks
1-3 +1 WS miss on a roll of 5 or 6.
4-6 +1 BS 9 Lightning Charge: Pilot may add 2” to his charge
7 Characteristic Increase: Roll a D6 10 Rapid Fire: Pilot may take an additional shot if standing
1-3 +1 Initiative still. Cannot be used with heavy weapons
4-6 +1 Leadership 11 Overwatch: Pilot may forego all action during his turn. In
8 Characteristic Increase: Roll a D6 exchange, he may fire one weapon at any time during his
opponent’s turn
1-3 +1
12 Infiltration: This pilot’s suit is always placed on the
4-6 +1 battlefield after the opposing team has been set up. He
9-12 New Pilot Skill: Roll 2D6 on the Pilot Skill Table may be placed anywhere on the table out of sight of the
enemy team.

Maximum Characteristic Advancement

A pilot may not add more than 3 to any of his characteristics Mobile Suit Skill Table
from his base profile. 2-3 Terrifying: Enemy Pilots must pass a Leadership check
A Mobile Suit may not add more than one to any of its before charging at this unit. Enemy pilots may engage
characteristics from its base profile. other units on failure
4-5 Fast: Suit may charge regardless of proximity to enemy
suits. Front and Side armor -1. May override but not
stack with Reinforced Armor.
Mobile Suit Advancement Table
6 Reinforced Armor: Front and Side armor +1. May
1-4 Roll 2D6 on the Mobile Suit Skill Table
override but not stack with Fast
5 Characteristic Increase: Roll a D6
7 Shield Defense: +1 to shield saves against shots. May
1-3 +1 Pilot Skill be acquired twice.
4-6 +1 Initiative
6 Characteristic Increase: Roll a D6
8 Parry: Pilot can force an assaulting enemy to reroll one Turn on which N/A 4+ 3+ 2+
attack die and use the second result. Acquiring this skill a unit arrives
second time allows a pilot to force a reroll on a second
9 Crack Shot: +1 to shooting Independent Character
10 Damage Mitigation: -1 to all damage rolls Independent Characters are warriors and officers who stand
11 Ferocious: +1 to assault during opponent’s turn above other units. They are more highly motivated and usually
Enhanced Eject: +1 to all Ejection saves
have a higher leadership value. As a result, they may apply their
leadership value to any units within 8” for any leadership test.

Universal Special Rules Swift

Some mobile suits are faster than others. Suits with the Swift
Several units in MSGBS have special design features or training special rule are able to move 12” rather than 9” with a jump pack
which allow them to perform specialized tasks during the movement phase..

Infiltrating units may move ahead of their compatriots, staring the
game outside of their deployment zone. Infiltrating units may be
placed anywhere on the board as long as they are more than 12”
for any enemy forces line of sight or 18” from a visible enemy

Deep Strike
Deep Strike enables units to descend from the sky, landing behind
enemy lines. The unit in question begins in reserve off the table
during Turn 1and may enter the game on a subsequent turn. The
owing player rolls a die to determine whether the model enters on
that turn.
If the roll is successful, the player places the model anywhere on
the table. Roll one scatter die to determine of the unit missed its
target. If a Hit is rolled, the unit remains in place. If an arrow is
rolled, the player must roll 2D6” and move the suit that many
inches. If the suit is within 1” of an enemy suit, lands on a piece
of terrain or off the table it is considered destroyed. Deep
Striking units may not move or assault but may shoot. They
count as having moved for the purpose of shooting.
Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 Turn 4
Pilot Profile Force Organization Placement

Player Name: Exp:

Pilot Name: Current Suit:




Suit Profile
Player Name: Exp:

Suit Name: Type: Category:


Pilot Bonus

Front Side Rear PV




The reason for this system is simple – many of the Pilots on the
list can pick from a number of different types of Mobile Suit.
This cuts down repetition in the list and makes it a lot easier to
To choose your pilot you need to look in the relevant section of
the list. The entry will also tell you what types of mobile suit can

Mobile Suit be chosen for that pilot from the Mobile Suit Hanger. Refer to
the Hanger to find the points cost of the Mobile Suit and the
weapon options and upgrades you can get for it. Remember you
cannot field Suits that are equipped with the weapons or

Army List upgrades not shown on the Mobile Suit model.

The total points cost for the unit is equal to the points noted for
the Suit and its upgrades in the hanger, plus the points for the
pilot in the army list. Subtract this total from your army’s total
points, and then go back and make another choice. Continue to
do this until you have spent all your points. Then get ready to
Important Note The Mobile suits add additional bonuses to
the Pilots profile make sure you note these on the Pilots profile,
don’t forget to replace the pilots strength with the Mobile Suits
strength while he is piloting the machine. Also note that Mobile
suits can only be armed with one hand held mobile suit weapon

Earth Federation
The Federation Mobile Suit force is large a diverse organization
with many specialized formations such as the Pathfinders and
Sniper units. The most common military unit to be found is the
Mobile Suit Teams, three or more Mobile Suits led by a
Commander who under take patrol duties, engage and destroy
missions, and even infiltration operations.
The Mobile suit team is the jack of all trades and is a vital part
of the Federation armed group. The list below is designed to
reflect the nature of a Mobile Suit team and any support units
that might be assigned to them to complete their mission –
such as Guntanks or even Guncannons.
A Brief Introduction - Using the Team List
The Mobile Suit List is split into two sections the army list and Principality of Zeon
the Mobile Suit Hanger. You use the Army list to pick the During the Earth Invasion the Zeon forces had the upper hand
Pilots you want to make up your Team and then use the Mobile with superior Mobile Suits, armor, weapons and pilots. Their
Suit Hanger to decide what type of suit your Pilot would be Mobile Suit teams are used to working together and trained in
Mobile Suit Heavy Support -
Team Eight, part Pilot Buyaki in RX-77
of the Lougheed - 260pts
stationed in
North America.
Currently in action
against the Zeon
forces in that

Troop - Pilots Kennedy

& Curren in RGM-79E’s
This is a good - 320pts
example of a 1100
point Mobile suit Elite - Veteran Pilot Ide in
team RX-79 - 255pts
HQ - Lieutenant Tarrant in EZ8 - 265pts
close support, recon and raiding tactics. The MS Teams often
worked closely with more conventional forces such as the Magella Force Organization
Attack Tank, and Doff Fighters operating as a cohesive unit. The
Teams even use adapted Lugan Recon planes for a rapid Compulsory
redeployment and terror raids behind enemy lines. 1 HQ
The backbone of the Zeon forces is the Zaku suit, which is 2 Troops
adaptable, easy to maintain and largely superior too most
Federation suits. Even more specialized Mobile Suits can be Optional
found in the Zeon forces as well, like the close combat Gouf and 1 HQ
the heavier technological impressive Dom. 3 Elites
Building Your Army 4 Troops
All pilots in MSGBS are split into four categories: HQ, Elite, 3 Heavy Support
Troop and Heavy Support. Each category of unit has minmum and maximum numbers that
HQ pilots are the commanders of a Mobile Suit force. They are may be taken in a given battle. The chart which describes this is
the highest-ranking members of their force and, as a result, have kown as the Force Organization Chart. Each possible selction on
access to some of the best equipment available to their faction. the chart delinates one Mobile Suit, vehicle, or group of vehicles.
Every army will contain at least one HQ pilot to lead it Note, sometimes a single choice may allow you to take more than
one physical unit.
Elite pilots are veterans who have honed their Mobile Suit skills
in countless battles. They are granted access to a wide range of
Mobile Suits and equipment in order to defeat their opponents.
Troops are newer pilots and form the core of any force. These
pilots are not as experienced as others in a Mobile Suit force and
costs less points as a result. Every army will contain at least 2
Heavy Support pilots are long-range combat experts. These
soldiers are experienced and are granted special access to larger,
destructive weapons and powerful Mobile Suits.
Earth Federation Pilot List Mobile Suit Options: RX-75 GunTank, RX-77-2 Guncannon,
or RX-79(G) Gundam.
Headquarters – Team Leader Special Note: It takes a crew of two to pilot the GunTank. If
WS BS S HP I A PS LD PV you choose this option from the list you must buy an extra Heavy
Support Pilot - he therefore counts as a single choice on the list
Ensign 4 4 - - 4 3 8 8 30
Lieutenant 4 4 - - 4 3 9 9 35 Federation Mobile Suit Hanger
Captain 5 4 - - 5 4 10 10 45
Unit Size: One Suit The first mass-produced Federation
Mobile Suit and standard space
Mobile Suit Options: RGM(E)-79 GM, RGM-79(G) GM, RX- Mobile Suit in the Federation
79(G) Gundam, RX-79 (G) Ez8 Gundam Extra Zero-Eight, or forces. On the ground it was slowly
RX-78-2 Gundam being phased out in exchange for
Independent Character: The Team Leader is an Independent the Type G, until the Zeon invaded
Character and follows the independent character special rules in earth, and it was pressed into
the Universal Special Rules section of the Core Rules. service again forming the backbone
of the Fed’s-MS forces. The suit is
normally assigned to line units and
Elite – Veteran Pilots defensive actions- it’s a very capable
design able to carry and power most
Federation Mobile Suit weapon
Veteran Pilot 4 4 - - 4 2 8 7 25 systems

Unit Size: One Suit

Mobile Suit Options: RGM-79 (E) GM, RGM-79 (G) GM, RX-
79(G) Gundam or RX-78-2 Gundam. RGM-79 GM
Elite – Sniper Pilot Bonus - - 6 2 - - - -
WS BS S HP I A PS LD PV Armor Values Front Side Back PV
Sniper 2 5 - - 3 1 8 7 35 RGM-79 11 10 10 65

RGM-79 Standard equipment & weapon:

Unit Size: One Suit Twin-linked 60mm Vulcans, beam saber, jump pack
Mobile Suit Options: RGM-79(G) GM Sniper
Infiltrate: A Sniper Pilot is an expert in positioning his suit for RGM-79 Optional equipment & weapon options:
the best shot before the battle. If the scenarios allows it a Sniper Beam pistol (+20pts), 90mm Machine gun (+10pts), 100mm
Pilot may infiltrate using the rules stated in that scenario machine gun (+25pts), 380mm bazooka (+45pts)

Troop – Pilot RGM-79 (G) GM Type G

WS BS S HP I A PS LD PV Ground Type
Pilot 3 3 - - 3 1 7 7 0 The Type G is quickly becoming
the standard issue Grunt suit of the
Federation Mobile Forces. Its
Unit Size: One Suit rugged, well powered and
Mobile Suit Options: RGM-79 (E) GM, RGM-79 (G) GM, RX- adaptable, its armor is heavier and
79(G) Gundam, or Type 61 Battle Tank. it’s capable of mounting a wide
Mutual Support: Pilots are trained to work in concert with each variety of Federation MS weapon
other and are often too inexperienced to operate alone. Therefore systems.
Pilots must always attempt to remain within 8” of another MS Many of its parts and systems are
unit or suffer a -1 to all Leadership tests. interchangeable with the RX-79(G)
making field repairs for both units
Heavy Support – Artillery Pilot very easy. Many times Federation
WS BS S HP I A PS LD PV field Techs have rebuilt a suit using
the shattered remains of an RX-
Pilot 3 4 - - 2 2 7 7 15 79(G) and RGM-79(G).

Unit Size: One Suit

RGM-79 (G) GM Type G Ground Type
WS BS S HP I A PS LD RX-79 (G) Gundam Ez-8
Pilot Bonus - - 7 3 - 1 - -
Ground Type
The Ez-8 Gundam is the perfect
Armor Values Front Side Back PV
example of Field Tech’s adaptability
RGM-79 (G) 12 10 10 115 to the RX-79 part situation. The Ez-
8 is a field modification and is
RGM-79 (G) Standard equipment & weapon: normally built around the core of a
beam saber badly damaged RX-79 and
incorporates many parts from other
RGM-79 (G) Optional equipment & weapon options: salvaged RGM-79(G). Ez-8’s are
Jump pack (+20pts), beam pistol (+20pts), 100mm machine gun fitted with additional armor baffles
(+25pts), 380mm bazooka (+45pts) or missile launcher (+50pts) and improved communication
RX-79 (G) Gundam Type To date there are only seven Ez-8’s
G Ground Type in active service. The most famous
The RX-79 Gundam is still a being Extra Zero Eight piloted by
prototype with a very limited Lieutenant Shiro Armada, the suits
production run when the Zeon’s performance was excellent able to go
invaded earth. It was quickly toe to toe and beat a Gouf Custom,
pressed into service with the elite of the primary Zeon close-combat suit.
the Federation Mobile Suit forces
getting to jockey it. The Gundam RX-79 (G) Gundam Ez-8 Ground Type
suits soon proved to be more of WS BS S HP I A PS LD
match for the then superior Zaku. Pilot Bonus - - 7 3 1 1 - -
As the RX-79 Gundam is an Armor Values Front Side Back PV
experimental suit – so spare parts
for suits were always extremely hard Ez-8 (G) 13 12 10 175
to acquire. Over the course of the
Ez-8 (G) Standard equipment & weapon:
one year war the Gundams started
to resemble the RGM-79 G’s as the Beam saber, improved comms, ablative armor, jump pack
Field Techs interchanged parts Optional equipment & weapon options
between the two suits to keep the Beam pistol (+20pts), beam rifle (+40pts) or 100mm machine
Gundams in the field. gun (+25pts), twin beam saber (+45pts), 380mm bazooka
RX-79 (G) Gundam Type G Ground Type Special Rule: Can move 12” rather than the normal 9” during
WS BS S HP I A PS LD the Movement Phase.
Pilot Bonus - - 7 3 1 1 - -
Armor Values Front Side Back PV RX-77-2 Guncannon
RX-79 (G) 13 12 11 160 Another suit that saw itself
pressed into action during the
RX-79 (G) Gundam Standard equipment & weapon: Zeon invasion was the
Beam saber, 60mm vulcans, one-shot multi- launcher (counts as Guncannon. The suit was an
cracker grenade), jump pack experiment in mobile mid-
ranged fire support and
RX-79 (G) Gundam Optional equipment & weapon options: mounts a pair of 240mm
cannons on its shoulders.
Beam pistol (+20pts), twin beam saber (+45pts), beam rifle
(+40pts) 100mm machine gun (+25pts), 380mm bazooka A limited number of the suits
(+45pts), or 180mm cannon (+50pts) were built and the Guncannon
suffered throughout the One
Year War due to a lack of
parts. Several Guncannons
were re- equipped in the field
with missile launchers due to
the scarce ammunition for
their cannons. Some even used
hand held weapon Mobile Suit
weapons systems to
supplement their firepower.

RX-77-2 Guncannon
Pilot Bonus - - 7 3 - - - -
Front Side Back PV Type 61 Battle Tank
Armor Values The Type 61 is the Federations main battle tank and was used
RX-77-2 12 10 10 140 extensively during the defense of earth. Its crews had the
unenviable task of going up against the vastly superior Zeon
RX-77-2 Standard equipment & weapon: Mobile Suits. Despite horrendous casualties and through some
very hard-learned lessons, the Tankers were able to slow down
Twin-linked 60mm Vulcan cannons,
and eventually stop the Zeon advance.
The RX-77-2 Guncannon must mount either a twin linked
Even with the advent of the Federation Mobile Suits the Type 61
240mm cannon (+75pts) or twin-linked spray missile launchers
still sees combat action. It's not uncommon for several Tank
squadrons to be assigned to support of a Mobile Suit battalion,
RX-77-2 optional equipment & weapon options: and to accompany them into battle. In dense terrain like cities or
jungle, these Tanks can give Zeon pilots a considerable headache.
Jump Pack (25pts), beam pistol (+20pts), Beam Rifle (+40pts) or
100mm Machine-gun (+25pts) Indeed many Tank squadrons have earned themselves nicknames
for their Mobile Suit hunting abilities. Like the famous 31st 'Leg
Breakers' Squadron, led by Commander Steve Voight - a bear of a
man who is determined to prove the worth of his Tanks. His
tactics have met with great success and his squadron has
accredited 10 kills and over two dozen immobilizations to their
Crew Profile 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 7
Armor Values Front Side Back PV
Type 61 9 8 8 50

Type 61 Standard equipment & weapon:

150mm Cannon (same as the 100mm Machine Gun)

Type 61 Army Entry:

The Type 61 counts as a Troop choice. You can have up to four
RX-75 Production Guntank Type 61’s per troop slot on the Force Organization chart. You do
not need to purchase any pilots to take this Tank as if comes
This prototype Mobile Suit was in the early stages of mass-
already crewed. Plus no Mobile Suit pilot in their right mind
production when the invasion hit. The Guntank is a mobile
would step inside these metal coffins.
artillery piece that mounts cut down versions of mass-reaction
cannons. It has extreme of mobility as its primary mounted on
Type 61 Special Rules
tracked system. The suit also it takes two pilots to operate it; one
to pilot and the other to fire the suits weapon systems. Its primary The Type 61 Battle Tank is a vehicle and follows all the rules
role is long- ranged fire-support and its cannon is capable of featured for vehicles in Core Rules.
blowing holes through starships!
Pilot Bonus - 1 5 3 - - 1 -
Armor Values Front Side Back PV
RX-75 11 11 10 240

RX-75 standard equipment:

Targeter, 120mm low-reaction cannons and twin missile launcher
Note; The Production Guntank requires a team of two pilots to
operate. If you are using this suit in your team you must purchase
two pilots to use it!

Type 74 Hover Truck

With the advent of the Minovsky particle ground radar is virtually
impossible. The old ‘fashioned’ method of spotting and scouting
for the enemy has been re-introduced. With radar now as good as
useless the Hover truck also has another system to track enemy
suits called ground sonar. A skilled operator can track any suit by
tremors alone within a mile radius, then relay the information to
his team for fire support or attack vectors. The Federation Hover
truck was introduced to support Mobile suits in a combat zone. It
carries tools needed for field repairs and all the supplies the team
needs for its combat mission
Crew Profile 3 3 3 1 1 1 6 7
Armor Values Front Side Back PV times. It is supplied from a Hover Truck as listed above. It must
remain within 2" to use the external power supply
Type 74 6 5 5 50
Special Weapon: Long Beam Rifle
Hover Truck Standard equipment & weapon:
This cut-down version of a starship cannon has only recently
20mm Machine gun (no stats anti-infantry only), ground sonar.
been developed for use with Mobile Suits. These specialized
Type 74 Army Entry support units are usually piloted by the best shooters in the
Mobile Suit battalion. The Beam Rifle is an extremely heavy piece
The Type 61 counts as single Troop choice. of equipment, even for Mobile suit, to carry. It’s large and bulky,
and although it can operate on the Mobile Suits power systems
Type 61 Special Rules for continuous use, it needs an external power source and cooling
The Type 61 Battle Tank is a vehicle and follows all the rules system.
featured for vehicles in Core Rules. The Long Beam Rifle requires a reasonable amount of time to
Ground Sonar: This special radar allows a skilled operator to build up power for firing. The Mobile Suit carrying it cannot
track suits by ground tremors alone. The Truck cannot move move and fire during the same turn. Also the suit cannot use any
while using its sonar and it can detect infiltrating targets and other weapons during the same turn, as all power is channeled to
ambushers within 36”. The truck can relay firing patterns to any the weapon’s cooling and targeting systems. In addition, the
Mobile suit within 18” allowing a +1 to hit or a re- roll of scatter Mobile Suit carrying the Long Beam Rifle cannot carry or use a
dice. shield at the same time.
As the Long Beam Rifle is being operated independently from its
RGM-79 (G) GM Sniper external power supply, the gun has a limited amount of shots
The RGM-79 (G) GM Sniper before it needs to be recharged by its off-field support crew.
was the first of a long line of Therefore, the Long Beam Rifle cannot be fired any more than
GM variants, although in a sense three times during battle. Recharging cannot be done on the
it wasn't much of variant. The battlefield, as a full recharge requires 24 hours. This can be
Snipers various hand-carried mitigated, however, if the Long Beam Rifle is accompanied by an
standard weapons were replaced ancillary truck-mounted power supply.
with a large, long-range beam If the arm carrying the Long Beam Rifle is destroyed, there is
rifle, and the unit also had its chance that the unused energy in the weapons capacitors will go
targeting software upgraded to off. Roll a D6. On a one or six the weapon explodes and the suit
handle the precise targeting carrying it suffers an addition Strength 10 hit (roll for penetration
needed to use snipe with such a as normal).
weapon. The energy required to
fire such a powerful rifle, was
more than the GM's power The rule of one and six does not apply to firing the Long Beam
generator could produce. For Rifle. Targets larger than a Gundam (yes there is some!)
sustained use the rifle had to be automatically gain a+2 to hit on the dice.
connected via cable to an The Long Beam Rifles fires a continuous stream of energy
external power supply and concentrated on a point on the target's armor. This means the
cooling system on a support armor penetration is not worked out in the standard way as the
vehicle. beam burrows into the target. The beam penetration strength is
worked out on the thickness of armor. For example a target with
RGM-79 (G) GM Sniper an armor thickness of 9-11 the Sniper pilot would roll 3D6 adding
WS BS S HP W I A PS LD them together scoring somewhere between 3 and 18.
Pilot Bonus - 1 5 3 - - - - -
Armor Values Front Side Back PV Armor Thickness 1-4 5-8 9-11 12-14 15+
RGM-79 (G) 11 11 10 100 Penetration D6+2 2D6+2 3D6+2 4D6+2 5D6+2

RGM-79 (G) Sniper Standard equipment & weapon: LONG BEAM RIFLE WEAPON PROFILE
Sensor Targeter, Improved comms, beam saber

RGM-79 (G) Optional equipment & weapon options Weapon Range Short Long Strength Type
Jump-Pack (+20pts) Long beam rifle (+100pts - see special rules Long Rifle 12”-120” - -1 Special Heavy 1
below), External Power Supply (+50pts - see special rules below)
or a 100mm machine gun (+40pts)

RGM-79 (G) Special Rules

Sensor Targeter: The RGM-79 Sniper is equipped with a Sensor
Targeter, this allows the Sniper Suit to detect infiltrating targets
and ambushers within 18” if it stays still for one turn and does
not fire. In every other way it acts like a normal Targeter and its
bonus has already been added to the suits profile
External Power Supply: The RGM-79 Sniper can make use of
an external power supply which allows it to fire more than 3
RX-78-2 Gundam
The RX-78 Gundam, a product of
the Earth Federal Forces'
Operation V program, is a state-
of-the-art close combat mobile
suit, developed for use by the
Federation Navy. This versatile
prototype is equipped with the
same sturdy Luna Titanium armor
and adaptive learning computer as
the Guncannon and Guntank. Its
armed with a pair of lethal beam
sabers, and can carry a hyper
bazooka or a powerful beam rifle
for longer-range combat.

A total of eight RX-78 units were produced at Jaburo, the

Federal Forces headquarters. In August of UC 0079, three of
these were sent to the Side 7 research colony for further
testing. These three units were upgraded to the RX-78-2
version, with higher power output to satisfy its beam rifle's
energy requirements, and their initial color schemes were
changed to eye- catching demonstration colors.
On September 18, the mobile assault carrier White Base arrived
at Side 7 to collect the prototypes and their vital test data. As
fate would have it, a Zeon cruiser spotted the White Base in
transit and launched a surprise attack on Side 7. With most of
the White Base crew and the Side 7 garrison wiped out, it fell to
a fifteen-year-old civilian named Amuro Ray to pilot the sole
surviving Gundam prototype and fend off the attackers. In the
months to come, Amuro would become the greatest ace of the
One Year War, and the RX-78-2 Gundam would become a

RX-78-2 Gundam
Pilot Bonus +1 +1 7 4 +1 +1 +1 -
Armor Values Front Side Back PV
RX-78-2 13 13 10 220

RX-78-2 Standard equipment & weapon:

Targeter, beam saber, twin-linked 60mm Vulcans, jump pack

RX-78-2 Optional equipment & weapon options

Beam pistol (+20pts), beam rifle (+40pts) 100mm machine gun
(+25pts), 380mm bazooka (+45pts), Improved Comms (+50pts)

Special Rules: Can move 12” rather than the normal 9” during
the movement phase.

RX-78-2 Army Entry

The RX-78-2 Gundam can only be used by Federation HQ and
Elite Pilots only.
Principality of Zeon Pilot List Zeon Mobile Suit Hanger
Headquarters – Team Leader MS-05B Zaku I
WS BS S HP I A PS LD PV Introduced in U.C. 0075, the MS-
Lieutenant 4 4 - - 3 3 8 8 30 05B Zaku I was the Principality of
Zeon's first true mass-production
Captain 4 4 - - 4 3 8 9 35 model mobile suit. The Zaku I was
Major 5 4 - - 4 4 10 10 45 soon replaced by the MS-06F Zaku
Unit Size: One Suit II as the mainstay of Zeon's mobile
Mobile Suit Options: MS-05S Zaku I, MS-06S Zaku II suit forces. During the war's
Command Type, MS-07B Gouf, MS-09 ‘Dom, MS-14A Gelgoog, opening days, Zaku I’s were used in
MSM-03 Gogg or MSM-07 Z-Gok other roles, including gassing of
colony populations and attaching
Independent Character: The Team Leader is an Independent booster engines to space colonies
Character and follows the independent character special rules in to hurtle them towards Earth. After
the Universal Special Rules section of the Core Rules. the crushing defeat of Operation
Odessa, Zaku I's reinforced their
Elite – Veteran Pilots faltering main forces and saw some
WS BS S HP I A PS LD PV of the bitterest action of the entire
Veteran Pilot 4 4 - - 3 2 8 8 25 war, fighting desperate holding
actions often against superior
Unit Size: One Suit
Federation Mobile suits, fighting
Mobile Suit Options: MS-05B Zaku I MS-06F/J Zaku II, MS- alongside advanced mobile suits
07B Gouf, MS-07H-8 Gouf Flight Type, MS-09 Dom, MS-14A such as MS-14 Gelgoog units used
Gelgoog, MSM-03 Gogg or MSM-07 Z-Gok during Zeon's last stand at the
Troop – Pilot
Pilot 3 3 - - 2 2 7 7 0 WS BS S HP I A PS LD
Unit Size: One Suit Pilot Bonus - - 6 2 - - - -
Mobile Suit Options: MS-05B Zaku I, MS-06F/J Zaku II, MS- Armor Values Front Side Back PV
09 Dom, MSM-03 Gogg, MSM-04 Acguy MS-05B 11 10 10 70

Heavy Support – Artillery Pilot MS-05B Standard equipment & weapon:

WS BS S HP I A PS LD PV Heat hawk, cracker grenade
Pilot 3 4 - - 2 2 7 7 20
Unit Size: One Suit
MS-05B Optional equipment & weapon options:
Mobile Suit Options: MS-05B Zaku I, MS-06F/J Zaku II, MS-
09 Dom, Magella Attack Tank Jump pack (+20pts), 90mm MMP- 78 Machine Gun (+45pts),
Panzer Faust (Single Shot) (+10pts), 105mm machine gun
Special Note: It takes a crew of two to pilot the GunTank. If (+25pts), 120mm machine gun (+35pts), 175mm Cannon
you choose this option from the list you must buy an extra Heavy (+40pts), 280mm Bazooka (+35pts)
Support Pilot - he therefore counts as a single choice on the list
MS-05B Command Upgrade (+30pts):
The MS-05B Zaku I may be upgraded to an MS-05S Zaku I
Command (+2). It replaces the Heat Hawk with a Heat Sword
and gains +1 to Side Armor and improved comms. This upgrade
may only be selected by HQ Pilots
MS-06F Zaku II MS-06S Standard equipment & weapon:
Heat hawk, 120mm Machine Gun, jump pack, improved comms
The Zaku II is an advanced
design sharing only the body MS-06S Optional equipment & weapon options
design of the first ever mass-
produced Mobile Suit the Zaku. Cracker grenade (+5pts), 90mm MMP- 78 Machine Gun (+45pts)
It’s superior to most Federation or Panzer Faust (Single Shot) (+10pts)
Mobile Suit and can be modified
to carry several different weapon MS-06S Army Entry
systems. The Zaku II forms the The MS-06S Zaku II can only be used by HQ Pilots only.
backbone of the Zeon mobile
forces. The Zaku II F Type was a Special Rules:
lightened, improved version of Hit & Run
the original C Type which served Hit & Run: The MS-06S Zaku II is a customized suit with an
as the baseline for further emphasis on speed. The MS-06S Zaku II may make a 6” move in
improvements. The Zaku II J the assault phase regardless of weather of not it is within 6” of an
Type was a ground combat enemy.
variant which made used a more
powerful reactor but fewer MS-07B Gouf
The Gouf is a dedicated close-
MS-06F Zaku II support/combat Mobile Suit. Its
WS BS S HP I A PS LD pilots are amongst the elite of
Pilot Bonus - - 7 3 - 1 - - the Zeon forces, and the Gouf is
faster, more powerful and
Armor Values Front Side Back PV stronger than the Zeon Zaku.
MS-06F 12 11 10 140 This is one of the most deadly
Zeon Mobile suits that
MS-06F Standard equipment & weapon: Federation pilots can face.
heat hawk, jump pack, cracker grenade Every feature of the Gouf is
designed for close combat. It
MS-06F Optional equipment & weapon options carries a built in 35mm hand
90mm MMP- 78 Machine Gun (+45pts), 105mm machine gun cannon, which can be linked to a
(+25pts), 120mm machine gun (+35pts), 280mm Bazooka shield mounted 75mm Gatling
(+35pts), Panzer Faust (Single Shot) (+10pts), 3-shot Missile Cannon. The suits other main
Launcher (+10pts). feature is a Heat Rod, which can
The 175mm Shoulder Cannon (+40pts) may also be selected by be used to grab enemy suits and
Heavy Support Pilots. disable the suits systems. The
Gouf is normally only seen
MS-06S Zaku II piloted by Command level staff,
Zeon Aces and other elite pilots.
Command Type
This rare variant of the Zaku II MS-07B Gouf
is a high-performance model WS BS S HP I A PS LD
designed for company Pilot Bonus - - 7 3 1 1 1 -
commanders and ace pilots.
Armor Values Front Side Back PV
The communications antenna
on its head identifies it as a MS-07B 12 12 10 170
command unit, and its thruster
output is 30% higher than that MS-07B Standard equipment & weapon:
of a normal Zaku II. This Heat rod, 35mm hand cannon, flare launcher (counts as Cracker
limited-edition mobile suit is Grenade) & jump pack, heat hawk
assigned only to deserving
Zeon aces like Major Char MS-07B Optional equipment & weapon options:
Aznable, who won renown by 75mm Gattling Cannon (+45pts), Heat Saber (+35pts)
single- handedly destroying five
Federation battleships during
the Battle of Loum.

MS-06S Zaku II Command Type

Pilot Bonus - - 7 3 1 - - -
Armor Values Front Side Back PV
MS-06S 12 12 10 170
MS-07H-8 Gouf Flight
Developed as a refined version
of the MS-07 Gouf Flight
Type, the MS-07H-8 was a
prototype unit designed to test
the concept of an atmospheric
flight-capable mobile suit,
However, the Zeon military
halted this unit's development
to focus on the creation of a
flying mobile suit.

Despite the cancellation of the program, several experimental

units still occasionally found their way into the field for testing.
The MS-07H-8 featured an improved backpack fitted with more
powerful thrusters and thermonuclear jet engines. Aerodynamic
control surface wings were added to the backpack and waist
armor, giving the MS-07H-8 more stability in flight. Magella Attack Tank
An odd development in Zeon War machines the Magella is
MS-07H-8 Gouf Flight Type designed to work in close-support of Mobile Suits and
WS BS S HP I A PS LD conventional forces. The pilots of these vehicles became very
adept at ambushing Federation Suits and firing on the run.
Pilot Bonus - - 7 3 1 1 - - During the conflict in the Asian jungles they accounted for over
Armor Values Front Side Back PV a third of the confirmed kills of Federation Mobile suits.
MS-07H-8 12 12 11 185 WS BS S HP I A PS LD
Pilot Bonus - +1 - 1 - - - -
MS-07H-8 Standard equipment & weapon:
Armor Values Front Side Back PV
35mm hand cannon, flare launcher (counts as Cracker Grenade)
& jump pack. heat hawk Magella 11 10 10 80

MS-07H-8 Optional equipment & weapon: Magella Standard equipment & weapon:
75mm Gattling Cannon (+45pts), 120mm machine gun (+35pts) 175mm Cannon & 35mm cannon (same as the 35mm hand
and Heat Saber (+35pts) cannon), targeter

MS-07H-8 Special Rules: Magella Special Rules:

Deep Strike: The MS-07H-8 Gouf Flight Type is equipped with The Magella Attack Tank is a vehicle and follows all the rules
thrusters that enable it to strike from the skies using the Deep featured for vehicles in the Core Rules.
Strike rules as found in the Universal Special Rules section of the
Core Rules. MS-09 Dom
Swift: able to move 12” during the movement phase rather than The MS-09 Dom is the new
9” Zeon space superiority Mobile
Suit, its heavily armored and a
superior suit to the Zaku. It is
also the only Zeon suit that can
mount the 360mm Super
The Mobile Suit has seen
extensive use in the Zeon Space
Forces and a few suits have
found their way onto Earth. On
the ground it’s a primary role is
heavy support.

MS-09 Dom
Pilot Bonus - - 7 3 - - 1 -
Armor Values Front Side Back PV
MS-09 13 12 10 190
MS-09 Standard equipment & weapon:
scattering beam cannon (counts as cracker grenade), jump pack, MSM-03 Gogg
heat hawk The MSM-03 Gogg is the
first mass-produced Zeon
MS-09 Optional equipment & weapon options: submersible Mobile Suit,
90mm MMP- 78 Machine Gun (+45pts), 120mm machine gun like the Z-Gok its heavily
(+35pts), 280mm Bazooka (+35pts), Panzer Faust (Single Shot) armored to withstand the
(+10pts), 360mm Super Bazooka (+65pts) water pressure. Although
the suit is slow and
MS-09 Special Rules: cumbersome out of the
Swift: can move 12” instead of 9” during movement. water it is the most
powerful amphibious suit
available in the Zeon
Stable Fire: The MS-09 Dom is capable of firing heavy weapons
Mobile forces. Like the Z-
while on the move due to its design as a mobile heavy weapons
Gok it’s design and
platform, however it cannot score direct hits after moving. If a
theatre of war limits its
direct hit is rolled then re-roll the scatter die.
weapon systems.

MS-14A Gelgoog MSM-03 Gogg

The Gelgoog is Zeon's final mass-
produced mobile suit, a vicious
machine that rivals the Federation's Pilot Bonus - - 9 3 - - - -
dreaded Gundam in terms of Armor Values Front Side Back PV
performance and firepower. MSM-03 12 11 10 150
Like the Zaku II, the Gelgoog is
intended for use both in space and MSM-03 Standard equipment & weapon:
on Earth, and its forearms house jet Twin-linked Mega-particle cannon,
engines for use in atmosphere or
within space colonies. These jets can MSM-03 Optional equipment & weapon options:
be replaced with small shields,
machine guns, or rocket launchers as
the mission demands. The reason for MSM-04 Acguy
the Gelgoog's late arrival is also its
greatest advantage: It's the first The MSM-04 Acguy is a
general-purpose Zeon mobile suit to Zeon mass produced
carry beam weapons, in the form of a amphibious mobile suit
beam rifle and twin beam sword that used many of the
same parts and
MS-14A Gelgoog components as the MS-
06F Zaku II, including
WS BS S HP I A PS LD twin Zaku II F-Type
Pilot Bonus - - 7 3 1 1 - - fusion reactors. However,
Armor Values Front Side Back PV even with the twin
MS-14A 13 13 10 220 reactors, the Acguy left
only a trace heat signature,
MS-14A Standard equipment & weapon: making it effective for
stealth operations.
Twin Beam Saber, jump pack, targeter, 35mm cannon

MS-14A Optional equipment & weapon options

Cracker grenade (+5pts), Beam Rifle (+40 Pts.), 120mm Cannon
(+35 Pts), 280mm Bazooka (+35 Pts.), 175mm shoulder cannon
MSM-04 Acguy
(40pts) WS BS S HP I A PS LD
Special Rules: Pilot Bonus +1 - 8 3 - - - -
Swift: Able to move 12” during the movement phase Armor Values Front Side Back PV
MSM-04 12 11 10 170

MSM-04 Acguy Standard equipment & weapon:

105mm Machine Gun, Mega Particle Cannon, Rocket Launcher

MSM-04 Acguy Optional equipment & weapon options:

jump pack (25pts)
MSM-07 Z-Gok
The MSM-07 Z-Gok is
the Zeon main
submersible Mobile
Suit, its heavily armored
to withstand the water
pressure and is one of
the strongest suits
available to a Zeon
Pilot. Its design limits
its weapon systems, but
within the crushing
depths of the ocean
floor this is not a
drawback. The Z-Gok
saw a lot of action in
the Zeon’s European
and pacific operations.

MSM-07 Z-Gok
Pilot Bonus +1 - 9 3 - +1 - -
Armor Values Front Side Back PV
MSM-07 13 11 10 190

MSM-07 Standard equipment & weapon:

240mm Missile launcher, twin linked mega-particle cannon

MSM-07 Optional equipment & weapon options:

Jump pack (25pts)
Mobile Suit Weapon Armory
Close Combat Weapons
Weapons Range Short Long Str Type
Beam Saber - - - +1 HTH
Twin Beam Saber - - - +2 HTH (+1 A)
Heat Hawk - - - +1 HTH
Heat Saber - - - +2 HTH
Heat Rod - - - Special HTH#
Beam Pistol 12” - - 9 Pistol
Cracker - - - Special HTH#

Rapid Fire
Weapons Range Short Long Str Type
100mm Machine Gun 32” - - 8 Rapid Fire 2
105mm Machine Gun 32” - - 8 Rapid Fire 2
120mm Machine Gun 32” - - 8 Rapid Fire 2
90mm Machine Gun 32” - - 7 Rapid Fire 2
Beam Machine Gun 32” - - 9 Rapid Fire 2

Assault Weapons
Weapons Range Short Long Str Type
Panzer Faust 18” - - 9 Assault 1 Single
35mm (hand) Cannons 12” - - 6 Assault 3
75mm Gatling Cannon 24” - - 7 Assault 6
Scattering Beam Cannon 12” - - 4 Assault 2
Spray Missile Launchers 72” - - 8 Assault 3
Beam Machine Gun 24” - - 9 Assault 3
20mm Vulcan Cannon 8” - - 3 Assault
60mm Vulcan Cannons 12” - - 4 Assault
90mm MMP-78 Machine 18” - - 8 Assault 4
Gun Rending*
Beam Rifle 36” - - 9 Assault 2
Mega-particle cannon 24” - - 9 Assault 2
3-Shot Missile Launcher 72” - - 6 Assault

Heavy Weapons
Weapons Range Short Long Str Type
175mm Cannon 48” - - 9 Heavy 2
180mm Cannon 48” - - 9 Heavy 2
Beam Cannon 24” +1 - 9 Heavy
240mm Missile Launcher 54” 0 0 9 Heavy
280mm Bazooka 36” 0 0 10 Heavy
380mm Bazooka 48” - - 11 Ordinance
240mm Cannons 84” 0 0 11 Ordinance
120mm Low Reaction Cannon 12”-150” 0 0 10 Ordinance
360mm Super Bazooka 48” 0 0 11 Ordinance

*see Armory List

Armory List
Ablative Armor
Some Suits are fitted with Ablative armor; extra plates the overlay
vital systems and is designed to distribute weapons energy.
Suits wearing ablative armor can disregard the first penetrating hit
on their suit. After that all shots will penetrate as normal as the
ablative armor is now useless.

Improved Comms
Command Suits are sometimes fitted with improved commas,
keeping the Teams command in touch with his troops, even in a
storm of Minovsky particles.
Suits within 12” of a Command suit fitted with improved comms
can use their commander’s leadership to take tests on.

Heat Rod
The Heat Rod is a very dangerous weapon in the hands of an
experienced pilots its capable of shorting out Mobile Suits
rendering them inoperable. It can be also used to grab an
opponent in HTH, entangling them and reducing their number of
A Heat Rod attack takes place just before hand to hand happens.
Roll to hit as if you are firing at the enemy suit, if you hit roll a die
and apply the result.
Heat Rod Effect Table
1-2 Miss: Proceed as usual
3-4 Pilot Shocked: Suit Loses an Attack this round
5 Mobile Suit Overload: Roll on the glancing hit table.
6 Mobile Suit System Blow: Suit Immobilized for the
remainder of the game

Cracker Grenade
Zeon forces have developed a number of anti-Suit targeting
devices. One of which is the Cracker grenade. When used it can
overload the visual sensors of a Mobile suit rendering them
useless for a short while.
A Cracker is used in HTH combat and can only very once per
game for each suit that carries one. It’s sudden flash and
scrambling electronic waves will overload the Zeon’s opponent
on a role of 5+ rendering the enemy suit unable to attack back for
that turn or defend itself for that turn.

A Targeting computer helps a Pilot keep a lock on his target by
calculating range, speed and various other factors in to the firing
solution. A lot of Mobile Suits have a targeter built in and the +1
to hit is already included in their Pilot bonus profile. It may be
purchased by others, adding a +1 to their shooting To Hit rolls.
Amuro Ray - 120 points Major Char Aznable - 155
The hero of the One Year War and the points
pilot of the RX-78 Gundam, Amuro Char is Zeon's most famous ace pilot,
started off as a sullen and antisocial youth nicknamed the "Red Comet" after his
more comfortable with machines than mobile suit's color scheme. In the Battle
people. His parents separated when he was of Loum at the start of the One Year
a child, and Amuro moved with his father War, Char sank five Federation
Tem Ray to the under-construction Side 7. battleships singlehandedly, spurring
Here, Tem concentrated on his military speculation that he might be a newtype
research, leaving Amuro's neighbor Fraw of the kind predicted by Zeon Deikun.
Bow to look after the boy and make sure Once he encounters the Gundam, he
he remembered to eat his breakfast. begins a fierce rivalry with Amuro,
Amuro's knack for gadgetry is which escalates after Amuro
demonstrated by his hand-made toy robot, inadvertently kills Char's newtype
the notorious Haro. protégé Lalah Sune.
Once fate placed Amuro in the cockpit of In addition to his color preference, Char
the prototype Gundam, his life and is a man of many eccentricities. He is
personality began to change dramatically. seldom seen without his face- obscuring
Though Amuro was fiercely possessive of helmet, which serves to conceal his
the Gundam, which he regards as his identity from his fellow Zeon soldiers
personal property, he began to form and it seems with all his skill in a Mobile
genuine friendships and develop a sense of Suit he cannot drive a car.
duty and compassion. He also began to
manifest his latent newtype abilities, which
make him a ferocious combatant Major Char Aznable
Amuro Ray 6 6 - - 3 6 5 10 145
4 6 - - 3 5 4 9 120 Special Character
A Zeon Mobile Suit Team may include Char as a special
Special Character character. If you decide to take him then he counts as one of the
A Federation Team may include Amuro Ray as a special HQ choices- both players must agree if you are going to use him.
character. If you decide to take him, then he counts as one of the He must be used exactly as described below and may not be given
HQ choices - both players must agree if you are going to use him. any extra equipment.
He must be used exactly as described below and may not be given
any extra equipment. Mobile Suits
Char is a natural pilot and, being a Zeon ace, no suit is denied him
Mobile Suits You may choose one of the following suits for Char to use; Zaku
Although Amuro is more than qualified to use any Federation II Command Type (+195pts), Dom (145pts - if you choose this
Suit, he mainly pilots the RX-78-2 Gundam. You may choose one suit you cannot arm it with a the 360mm Super Bazooka),
of the following suits for Amuro to use; RX-78-2 Gundam Gelgoog (200pts) or Z-Gok (125pts). All suits are painted red and
(+200pts), RX-77-2 Guncannon (150pts or the RX-75 GunTank are fitted with Improved Comms as standard.
(240pts). All suits are fitted with improved comms as standard. If
you choose the Guntank option you must purchase an additional Special Rules
pilot from the Federation Pilot list. Hit & Run: Char emphasis speed over hitting power, this
lightning attack earned him the nickname of the Red Comet. To
Special Rules represent this if his suit is fitted with an improved overpowered
Newtype Radar: During the course of the One Year War, Jumppack, so he may make a 6” move in the assault phase
Amuro Ray’s newtype abilities increased to the point where he regardless of weather or not he is within 6” of an enemy pilot.
could sense incoming fire or his opponent’s next move. Amuro Newtype Radar: During the course of the One Year War, Char’s
gets a 4+ invulnerable dodge save, in addition to normal saves. newtype abilities increased to the point he could sense incoming
fire or his opponents next move. Char gets a 4+ invulnerable
dodge save, in addition to normal saves.
Irrational Rivalry: If Char is on the same battlefield as Amuro
Ray he will attempt to engage him in a duel. You must move
Char’s suit the maximum distance towards Amuro suit as his
irrational rivalry towards Amuro takes precedent over everything
Assault Phase – The phase of the game turn in which units fight
in close combat against one another.
Shooting Phase – The phase of the game turn in which units fire
ranged weapons at their opponents.
Movement Phase – The phase of the game turn in which units
move across the game board.
Turn –A method of time keeping which divides the game into a
series of back and forth actions. Each player is given a chance to
move, shoot and assault in that order, with one player completing
all 3 phases before the next player.
Mobile Suit – Bipedal armored fighting vehicles
Vehicle – Tracked, wheeled and other non-bipedal fighting units
used by the Federation and Zeon
Unit – Any mobile suit or vehicle used by the Federation or
Zeon. Units have armor values which denote the strength of its
armor and may make modifications to a pilot’s stat line.
Pilot – The individual who controls a unit. Pilots have a stat line
which denotes their abilities in various combat skills.

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