Wear Protection Conveyor Technology
Wear Protection Conveyor Technology
Wear Protection Conveyor Technology
stahlotec GmbH sees itself as a pioneer in the field of auto- Alongside the production areas already mentioned, stahl-
mated welding processes, in the wear and corrosion protec- otec GmbH has focused on the manufacture and optimisa-
tion of conveyor technology for the bulk-materials-proces- tion of components for conveying, crushing, mixing, separa-
sing industry, and in the complex production and welding of tion and extrusion technology for many years.
copper components for the steel-producing industry.
Based in Hagen a.T.W., the company specialises in the
Since 2002, stahlotec GmbH – based in Hagen a.T.W. in the automated laser cladding process, laser welding, laser har-
Osnabrück area of Lower Saxony – has been a competent dening and PTA welding on components and welded as-
partner and service provider for the processing and machi- semblies, such as screw shafts. For the above-mentioned
ning of steel, aluminium, copper and special alloys. Other areas, the company produces machine, plant and conveyor
areas of expertise include wear protection, 3D scanning, technology for a very broad customer base across different
reverse engineering, mobile spectral analysis and coating industrial sectors.
thickness measurement.
From prototypes and supporting field tests through to se-
Among other things, stahlotec GmbH designs, manufactu- ries production, stahlotec supplies everything from a sing-
res and coats components, spare parts and wear parts that le source. In addition to a very high reproducibility in the
meet the most demanding of standards in terms of wear and design of the screw shafts, the focus is on the functional
corrosion protection. They are successfully used in agricul- coating and temperature resistance, as well as the wear and
ture, road construction and open-cast mining, as well as in corrosion protection based on the bulk-material specifica-
the steel and iron, glass and cement, concrete, refractory, tion available.
brickworks and metallurgical industries.
stahlotec GmbH - Heideweg 8a - 49170 Hagen a.T.W., Germany | Head of Wear Protection - Andreas Frische
a.frische@stahlotec.de | +49 5405 80 449 - 28 | +49 172 580 6961 | www.stahlotec.de
The reasons why components wear or fail are often complex. of the screw shafts. This mixed compound of base material
And again, investigating the circumstances is very costly and hard coating is often significantly harder than individu-
and time-consuming. In our experience, common reasons al components within the bulk material. Alongside certain
for extreme wear and subsequent failure are due to incorrect positive aspects such as versatility and easy handling, un-
design, constant changes in the bulk-material specification, fortunately the hand-guided processes also have significant
caking material, operating errors and foreign matter. disadvantages compared to automated processes. What’s
more, these processes result in significantly greater blending
Most manufacturers of plant and conveyor technology in the with the base material. The blend is approx. 30-40%, which
bulk-materials-processing industry have defined their own represents a significant loss of hardness for the hard coa-
empirical values and also their own standards. Screw shafts ting layer, as well as significantly larger heat-affected zones,
or screw flights made of HB steels have become very popu- and by extension hardened, embrittled areas. These partial
lar in the bulk-materials industry as a cost-effective, proven hard coatings often cause trouble in the conveying process
means of providing simple wear protection. HB steels are by slowing down and compressing the bulk material, or by
commonly referred to as steels containing chromium and inducing pulsating conveying currents. These disruptive and
carbon, hardened in air, water or oil. HB steels are not only artificially created resistances and barriers slow down the
inexpensive, but also very tough and relatively easy to weld natural movement and thus the material flow of the bulk ma-
and machine with normal means for simple applications. terial. This gives the mineral and hard components in the
They also often have a hardness of 300-500 HB and are the- bulk material more time to work through the components
refore a proven, cost-effective means for simple bulk mate- due to abrasion, among other things. Often, actual prob-
rials such as lime and gypsum. If you take into account the lem areas are shifted by partial changes or hard coatings,
bulk-material characteristics when designing various screw and the wear occurs at another point of the component (see
shafts, as well as the grain shape, composition and hard- Image 1 & 2, hole in the pipe). These barriers also sometimes
ness, then you quickly recognise when the limits of these result in the designed or planned filling quantity of the shaft
HB steels are reached. being significantly exceeded, and thus the shaft is subjected
to significantly more load. The material therefore remains in
Well-known equipment manufacturers also refer to their own the trough or pipe housing for much longer.
standards in Production, which are referred to as “original
equipment quality” (OE quality). OE quality is often not parti-
cularly robust or high quality, and indeed rather utilitarian. At
first glance, this simple equipment is cheap and, given the
competitive nature between rival companies, is a fairly stan-
dard market approach. In addition to the above-mentioned
points, manufacturers of such bulk-material plants also have
an increased interest in the after-sales business.
stahlotec GmbH - Heideweg 8a - 49170 Hagen a.T.W., Germany | Head of Wear Protection - Andreas Frische
a.frische@stahlotec.de | +49 5405 80 449 - 28 | +49 172 580 6961 | www.stahlotec.de
If increasing the material thicknesses and applying partial If the Mohs scale and the principle of “hard grinds soft”
wear protection surfaces does not result in the desired suc- are taken into consideration for designs and constructions
cess, composite sheets are often used instead. Composite made of composite armour plates and, in addition, a bulk
sheets are armour plates comprising two materials. Unalloy- material of quartz sand (hardness approx. 900-1200 HV) is
ed or low-alloy steels are often used as a base material. For conveyed, this wear protection appears more suitable than
hard coatings, an Fe-Cr-C steel is often used, which can be the previously mentioned HB steels at first glance. Howe-
used as strip, solid or flux-cored wire, optionally with carbi- ver, composite armour plates also have many significant and
des (supplied separately) that are embedded or form them- crucial disadvantages. Depending on the different matrices,
selves during the process. The finished product is a com- more or fewer cracks appear in the hard coating layer, also
posite armour plate, e.g. 8 mm total thickness, consisting known as “relaxation cracks”. Initially, these do not appear
of 5 mm steel and approx. 3 mm hard coating – commonly dangerous for the coating or functional layer. The problem
referred to as 5+3, 6+4, etc. (see Images 3 & 4). that can result from this is that these relaxation cracks can
continue to grow under heavy impact loads or when defor-
med. They then often reach into the base material of the
component and consequently lead to fracture when in use
or under dynamic load (see Images 5, 6 & 7).
Image 3 Image 5
Image 4 Image 6
Image 7
stahlotec GmbH - Heideweg 8a - 49170 Hagen a.T.W., Germany | Head of Wear Protection - Andreas Frische
a.frische@stahlotec.de | +49 5405 80 449 - 28 | +49 172 580 6961 | www.stahlotec.de
Contrary to what is advertised and indeed popular opinion, To make matters worse, as previously mentioned, the de-
these composite or armour plates are not suitable for dyna- sign often continues to match the original equipment qua-
mically loaded constructions, or only partially suitable. Their lity, without being redesigned or further adapted. This also
use should therefore be predominantly limited to applica- means that a newly plated shaft is subsequently significantly
tion areas such as linings. In the case that not only the base heavier than the original equipment quality shaft. As a con-
flights of an existing shaft are partially plated, but the screw sequence, this results in the screw shaft sagging further in
shaft is constructed entirely from composite armour pla- the middle than intended due to the higher dead weight. A
tes, it should be taken into account that these same flights design failure is a given by this point and a break as shown
will be significantly more solid than the original equipment in the picture will only take a matter of time.
quality. Armouring composite sheets not only causes stress (see Image 12)
peaks (wave-shaped penetrations) and cracks, but the com-
ponent also loses considerable amounts of substrate mate-
rial. What’s more, the hard coating and the resulting embritt-
lement also significantly reduce flexibility and ductility. In the
following images, the cracks going through the hard coating
layer into the base metal – which were caused by the wel-
ding process, the residual stress and the filler metal – have
been made visible and marked using fluorescent paint.
(see Images 8, 9, 10 & 11)
Image 12
Image 9
Adhesion Abrasion
Image 10
stahlotec GmbH - Heideweg 8a - 49170 Hagen a.T.W., Germany | Head of Wear Protection - Andreas Frische
a.frische@stahlotec.de | +49 5405 80 449 - 28 | +49 172 580 6961 | www.stahlotec.de
What’s more, the ambient and ancillary conditions such as tool available for use. These intelligent tools automatically
the installation situation, temperature and design must also synchronise with the surface data of the component on the
be taken into account when designing screw conveyors. line, using an upstream and automated 3D scan. Subse-
Practical example: Secondary fuel Fluff, SBS, RDF, caking quently, the components’ coating areas can be determined
sludge and liquid phase. (see Image 13) within a few seconds and the welding paths can be automa-
tically calculated and executed by means of laser-cladding
path programming.
stahlotec GmbH - Heideweg 8a - 49170 Hagen a.T.W., Germany | Head of Wear Protection - Andreas Frische
a.frische@stahlotec.de | +49 5405 80 449 - 28 | +49 172 580 6961 | www.stahlotec.de
In summary, the following conclusion can be drawn about without great effort. Coatings can also be applied to both
the laser build-up welding process. very small and very large components. Coating materials
and properties can be combined and filler metals can be
The coatings are characterised by a fine-grained structure, mixed as required.
high density and perfect adhesion as a result of melt-me-
tallurgical bonding. The minimal intermixing with the base The selected wear protection is always mixed and combined
material allows significantly lower layer thicknesses when individually according to bulk-material specifications. Due to
directly compared to conventional hard surfacing and thus a the different spot sizes, it is possible to achieve a high con-
significantly lower loss of hardness, as well as a significantly tour accuracy that is highly precise. If necessary, functional
reduced need for filler metal. layers can also be applied very close to the final contour,
which often eliminates the need for time-consuming and
LASER CLADDING PROCEDURE costly reworking, e.g. diamond grinding. Components such
as screw shafts, whose areas are exposed to varying de-
grees of stress in the process, can be specifically protected
When laser cladding, the surface of the component to be or upgraded via the laser process precisely where wear and
coated is melted locally. In the melt created by the laser corrosion actually occur or are most severe.
beam in the base body, the welding filler material required
for the application is pneumatically conveyed in powder For complicated contours, in urgent cases or when the re-
form through different dosing pots by means of delivery ho- quired original parts cannot be procured, it is possible to
ses and introduced into the component’s melt pool through rapidly 3D print complex geometries or significant areas at
a nozzle. The 2D and 3D movement of the optics and pow- short notice to match the article. Upon completion, a 3D
der nozzle create weld tracks or weld beads on the compo- scan can be taken to create a template for an automated
nent to be coated. In contrast to arc processes such as PTA RetroFIT as part of a special service for our customers. In
or coatings with electrode/flux cored wire, carbides inten- this instance, it is easily possible to automatically recon-
tionally added to the powder – such as tungsten carbides dition the components based on an agreed wear rate and
– are not destroyed. These carbide materials are embedded period of time – such as an overhaul. This can also be done
undamaged in a melt bath of the base body and powder several times.
TION OR FUNCTIONAL LAYER ON SCREW ons, please contact the author of this article and Head of
Wear Protection and the Materials Handling Technology di-
SHAFTS vision at stahlotec directly.
stahlotec GmbH - Heideweg 8a - 49170 Hagen a.T.W., Germany | Head of Wear Protection - Andreas Frische
a.frische@stahlotec.de | +49 5405 80 449 - 28 | +49 172 580 6961 | www.stahlotec.de
stahlotec GmbH - Heideweg 8a - 49170 Hagen a.T.W., Germany | Head of Wear Protection - Andreas Frische
a.frische@stahlotec.de | +49 5405 80 449 - 28 | +49 172 580 6961 | www.stahlotec.de
stahlotec GmbH - Heideweg 8a - 49170 Hagen a.T.W., Germany | Head of Wear Protection - Andreas Frische
a.frische@stahlotec.de | +49 5405 80 449 - 28 | +49 172 580 6961 | www.stahlotec.de
stahlotec GmbH - Heideweg 8a - 49170 Hagen a.T.W., Germany | Head of Wear Protection - Andreas Frische
a.frische@stahlotec.de | +49 5405 80 449 - 28 | +49 172 580 6961 | www.stahlotec.de
stahlotec GmbH - Heideweg 8a - 49170 Hagen a.T.W., Germany | Head of Wear Protection - Andreas Frische
a.frische@stahlotec.de | +49 5405 80 449 - 28 | +49 172 580 6961 | www.stahlotec.de