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Wisdom Public School (+2) : Subject: English Core

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Quarsi, Ramghat Road, Aligarh-202001


Affiliated to CBSE, Delhi
Session 2021-22
(With the structure of the question paper & distribution of marks)
CLASS - 12

Subject : English Core (Written 40 + ASL 10 = 50 Marks)

SECTION-A : Reading Comprehension (14 Marks)

Sr. No. Testing Area Marks Allotted
01. Unseen Passage 08 Marks
02. Case Based Unseen Passage 06 Marks
SECTION-B : Creative Writing Skills (08 Marks)
03. Formal & Informal Invitation Cards or the replies to invitation/s 03 Marks
04. Letter of Application for a Job
05 Marks
05. Report Writing
SECTION-C : Literature (18 Marks)
Question based on extract / text to assess comprehension and appreciation, analysis, inference,
Flamingo :
Prose : The Rattrap, Indigo
11 Marks
Poetry : A Thing of Beauty, Aunt Jennifer’s Tiger.
Vistas : Should wizard hit mommy, On the Face of it, Evans Tries an O-Level. 07 Marks
ASL (10 Marks) : ASL (Project-05 Marks) + Viva Voce (05 Marks)

Content of ASL Project : (Word Limit 1000)

 Introduction of the Chapter (Word Limit 50)
 About the Author (Word Limit 100)
 Character List (Word Limit 50)
 Brief Summary (Word Limit 100)
 It’s relevancy to the contemporary times (Word Limit 50)
 Issue raised in the chapter (Word Limit 50)
 Theme (Word Limit 600)
1. Students can select any chapter of Term-2 from both the prescribed book (Flamingo & Vistas) for their
project of ASL.
2. The Project portfolio may include the following.
 Cover page, with title of project, school details/details of students.
 Statement of purpose/objectives/goals
 Certificate of completion under the guidance of the teacher.
 Action plan for the completion of assigned tasks.
 List of resources/bibliography.
NOTE : Viva Voce (05 Marks) based on ASL Project may be conducted in the presence of external examiners.
Last date of submission is 10 March, 2022.

Design of the question paper

One Word /
SA LA-1 LA-2 LA-3 Total
Types of Questions VSA
(2 Marks) (3 Marks) (4 Marks) (5 Marks) Marks
(1 Mark)
Reading Skills 14 - - - 14
Creative Writing - - 1 - 1 08
Literature - 5 - 2 - 18
ASL - - - - - 10
Total 1X14 = 14 2X5 = 10 3X1= 03 4x2 = 08 5x1 = 05 40+10 = 50

1/6 Cl XII AE Syl. (2021-22)

Subject : Mathematics (M.M. 40 Marks)

Unit No. Topic Weightage

3 Calculus 18 Marks
1. Integrals
2. Application of the Integrals
3. Differential Equations
4 Vectors and Three-Diamensional Geometry 14 Marks
1. Vectors
2. Three Diamensional Geometry
6 Probability 08 Marks
1. Probability
Internal Assessment 10


(i) Paper Consists has THREE Sections, Section-A, Section-B & Section-C.
(ii) Section-A contains SIX (6) Questions of 02 marks each. (12 Marks)
(iii) Section-B contains FOUR (4) Questions of 03 marks each. (12 Marks)
(iv) Section-C contains THREE (3) Questions of 04 marks each. (12 Marks)
(v) Case Studies contain TWO (2) Questions 02 mark each. (04 Marks)

Subject : Physics (M.M. 35 Marks)

UNITS Topics Weightage

5. Electromagnetic Waves 03 Marks
6. Optics 14 Marks
7. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 05 Marks
8. Atoms and Nuclei 06 Marks
9. Electronic Devices 07 Marks
Total 35 Marks


(i) Paper Consists has THREE Sections, Section-A, Section-B & Section-C.
(ii) There are 12 questions in Question Paper.
(iii) Section-A contains THREE (3) Very Short Answer Type Questions of 02 marks each.
(iv) Section-B has EIGHT (8) Short Answer Type Questions of 03 marks each.
(v) Section-C has ONE (1) Case Based Questions of 05 marks each.

Sections Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks

A Very Short Answer Type Questions 03 02 × 03 = 06
B Short Answer Type Questions 08 03 × 08 = 24
Long Answer Type Questions
C 01 05 × 01 = 05
(Case Based)
TOTAL 12 35

Subject : Chemistry (M.M. 35 Marks)

Sr. No. Topics Weightage

1. Electrochemistry
2. Chemical Kinetics 13 Marks
3. Surface Chemistry
4. d & f block Elements
09 Marks
5. Co-ordination Compound
6. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
13 Marks
7. Amines
Total 35 Marks
2/6 Cl XII AE Syl. (2021-22)
(i) Paper Consists has THREE Sections, Section-A, Section-B & Section-C.
(ii) There are 12 questions in Question Paper.
(iii) Section-A contains THREE (3) Very Short Answer Type Questions of 02 marks each.
(iv) Section-B has EIGHT (8) Short Answer Type Questions of 03 marks each.
(v) Section-C has ONE (1) Case Based Questions of 05 marks each.

Sections Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks

A Very Short Answer Type Questions 03 02 × 03 = 06
B Short Answer Type Questions 08 03 × 08 = 24
Long Answer Type Questions
C 01 05 × 01 = 05
(Case Based)
TOTAL 12 35

Subject : Biology (M.M. 35 Marks)

UNITS Topics Weightage

08. Biology and Human Welfare (14 Mark)
Chapter-8: Human Health and Diseases 07 Marks
Chapter-10: Microbes in Human Welfare 07 Marks
09. Biology and Its Application (11 Marks)
Chapter-11: Biotechnology - Principles and Processes 06 Marks
Chapter-12: Biotechnology and its Application 05 Marks
10. Ecology and Environment (10 Marks)
Chapter-13: Organisms and Populations 05 Marks
Chapter-15: Biodiversity and its Conservation 05 Marks

Total 35 Marks


(i) Paper Consists has THREE Sections, Section-A, Section-B & Section-C.
(ii) There are 13 questions in Question Paper.
(iii) Section-A contains SIX (6) Very Short Answer Type Questions of 02 marks each.
(iv) Section-B has SIX (6) Short Answer Type Questions of 03 marks each.
(v) Section-C has ONE (1) Case Based Questions of 05 marks each.

Sections Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks

A Very Short Answer Type Questions 06 02 × 06 = 12
B Short Answer Type Questions 06 03 × 06 = 18
Long Answer Type Questions
C 01 05 × 01 = 05
(Case Based)
TOTAL 13 35

Subject : Economics (Written – 40 + Viva Voce – 10 = M.M. 50 Marks)

Part-A – Introductory Macro-Economic (22 Marks)

Unit-1 : National Income and Related Aggregates 10 Marks
Unit-3 : Determination of Income and Employment 12 Marks
Part-A – Indian Economic Development (18 Marks)
Unit-7 : Current Challenges facing Indian Economy 12 Marks
Sustainable Economic Developments
Unit 8: Development Experience of India: A comparison with neighbours 06 Marks
Comparative Development Experience of India and its Neighbours
Part-C – Project Work (10 Marks)

3/6 Cl XII AE Syl. (2021-22)

This is a Subjective Question Paper
This paper contains 5 questions of 2 marks each, 5 questions of 3 marks each and 3 questions of 5 marks each.
2 marks questions are Short Answer Type
5 marks questions are Short Answer Type
5 marks questions are Long Answer Type
This question paper contains Case/Source Based Questions.

Sr. No. Typology of Questions Marks

1 Case Based Questions 10
2 Descriptive Questions 08
3 VBTs & HOTs Questions 10
4 Numericals 12

Subject : Business Studies (Written – 40 + Viva Voce – 10 = M.M. 50 Marks)

UNITS Topics Weightage

Part-A – Principles and Functions of Management (20 Marks)
6. Staffing
7. Directing 20 Marks
8. Controlling
Part-B – Business Finance and Marketing (20 Marks)
9. Financial Management
15 Marks
10. Financial Market
12. Consumer Protection. 05 Marks
Total 40 Marks
Part-C – Project Work (10 Marks)
Total 10 Marks


The Subjective Question Paper will contain 12 questions.
The paper contains 4 questions of 2 marks each, 4 questions of 3 marks each and 4 questions of 5 marks each.
2 marks questions are Short Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in 30-50 words.
3 marks questions are Short Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in 50-80 words.
5 marks questions are Long Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in 80-120 words.
The question paper contains Case/Source Based Questions.

Sr. No. Typology of Questions Marks

1 Case Based Questions 12
2 Descriptive Questions 10
3 VBTs & HOTs Questions 14
4 Numericals 04

Subject : Accountancy (M.M. 40 Marks)

Sr. No. Topics Marks

Part A 1.Non- Profit -Organization 10
Accounting for Partnership firms 12
1.Retirement and Death of Partner
2. Dissolution of Partnership Firm
Part A Company Accounts 08
Accounting for Debentures
Part B Analysis of Financial statements 10
1. Financial statements of a Company
Comparative Statements and Common size statements
2. Cash Flow Statement
Total 40

4/6 Cl XII AE Syl. (2021-22)

S.N. Name of chapter Total Marks 2 Marks 3 marks 5marks No of
1. Part A -Non Profit Organization 10 1 1 1 3
2 Part A -Retirement and Death of Partner 12 2 1 1 4
Dissolution of partnership firms
3 Part A -Accounting for Debentures 08 1 1 2
4 Part B : Analysis of Financial statements
Comparative and Common Size Statements 10 1 1 1 3
Cash Flow statement
Total 40 4 4 4 12

Project Work 10 Marks

Written Exam 06
Project File 02
Viva 02

Subject : Physical Education (M.M. 35 Marks)

Part-A: Theory (70 Marks)

S.No. Name of the Unit
Unit – 3 Yoga and Lifestyle
Unit – 4 Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang)
Unit – 7 Physiology & Injuries in Sports
Unit – 9 Psychology & Sports
Unit – 10 Training in Sports

Practical (15 Marks)

01. Project File (Yoga & General Motor Fitness Test) 05 Marks
02. Demonstration of Fitness Activity / Yoga 05 Marks
03. Viva Voce (From – Viva Voce (Project File ; General Motor Fitness ; Yoga 05 Marks


(i) Paper Consists has THREE Sections, Section-A, Section-B & Section-C.
(ii) Section-A contains NINE (9) Questions among which SEVEN (7) questions have to be attempted. Each question
carries 02 marks and should have 30-40 words.
(iii) Section-B contains FIVE (5) Questions among which THREE (3) questions have to be attempted. Each question
carries 03 marks and should have 80-100 words.
(iv) Section-C contains FOUR (4) Questions among which THREE (3) questions have to be attempted. Each question
carries 04 marks and should have 150-200 words.

Subject : COMPUTER SCIENCE (M.M. 35 Marks)

1 Computational Thinking and Programming - 2
- Data Structure: Stack 5
2 Computer Networks
a. Data communication terminologies
b. Transmission media
c. Network devices
d. Network topologies and Network types
e. Network protocol
f. Introduction to web services 10
3 Database Management
a. Database concepts
b. Relational data model
c. Structured Query Language
d. Aggregate functions
e. Interface of python with an SQL database 20
Total 35

5/6 Cl XII AE Syl. (2021-22)

1. Lab Test :
a. Python program 2
b. 3 SQL Queries based on one/two table(s), 2 output questions 4
based on SQL queries
2. Report file: Term – 2 : 3
a. Minimum 3 Python programs based on Term-2 Syllabus
b. SQL Queries – Minimum 5 sets using one table / two tables.
c. Minimum 2 programs based on Python - SQL connectivity
3. Term – 2 : Final Coding + Viva-voce 5+1
Project to be submitted by the students -based on Synopsis
submitted in TERM-1.
Total 15

S.N. Question Type Total 2 Marks 3 marks 4 marks No of

marks questions
1. Short Answers, Output 14 07 07
2 Python program, SQL Queries 09 03 03
3 Long Answers, 12 03 03
case study,
SQL queries based on relation
Total 35 7(2) 3(3) 3(4) 13

6/6 Cl XII AE Syl. (2021-22)

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