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Home Construction Enquiry Form

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Module Scenario Id Scenario Name Scenario Description

To check whether the user is able to
TS_01 Submit an enquiry Form
submit an enquiry
To check whether the user is able to
TS_02 Validate the first name
enter the valid name

TS_03 Validate an email To check whether the user is able to

enter an email
To check whether the user is able to
TS_04 Validate the contact number
enter the valid contact number
To check whether the user is able to
HOUSING TS_05 Validate country
choose the NRI or RI
TS_06 Validate City Preference To check whether the user isa ble to
choose the valid city

TS_07 Validate Project Location To check whether the user is able to

choose the valid location
To check whether the user is able to
TS_08 Validate Type of Flat
choose the type of flat
To check whether the user is able to
TS_09 Validate Investment Range choose investment range
Requirement Id








Test cases and logs

Test procedure and name

Test Scenario Id Test Case Id Test Case Description

To check whether the user is able to submit an

To check whether the application navigates to the
page containing the search result ,if the user choose
the value <80 lakhs> in the "Investment Range" field
to submit an enquiry

To check whether the application navigates to the
page containing the search result ,if the user choose
TS_01 TC_03
the value <40 lakhs> in the "Investment Range" field
to submit an enquiry
To check whether the application navigates to the
page containing the search result ,if the user choose
the value <20 lakhs> in the "Investment Range" field
to submit an enquiry
To check whether the application navigates to the
page containing the search result ,if the user choose
the value <1 Crore> in the "Investment Range" field
to submit an enquiry

To check whether the application is accepting

characters in the "First Name" field

TC_07 To check whether the application is not accepting

alphanumerics in the "First Name" field


To check whether the application is not accepting

special characters in the "First Name" field
To check whether the application is not
TC_09 accepting,when the user left the "First Name " field
as blank

To check whether the application is accepting email

in the valid abc@gmail.com format

To check whether the application is accepting

alphanumerics in the "email" field


To check whether the application is not accepting

TC_12 email in the format other than abc@gmail.com in
the "email" field

To check whether the application is not accepting ,if

the user left the "email" field empty

To check whether application is accepting a valid

TC_14 phone number with length =10 in the "contact
number" field
To check whether application is not accepting
TC_15 numerics with length =9 in the "contact number"

To check whether the application is not accepting

TC_16 numerics with length =11 in the "contact number"


To check whether the application is not accepting

alphabets in the "contact number" field

To check if the application is not accepting special

characters in the "contact number" field

To check whether the application is not accepting ,if

the user left the "contact number" field as empty.

To check whether the user is able to select the [RI]

radio button.

To check whether the user is able to select the [NRI]

TS_05 TC_21
radio button.

TC_22 To check whether application is accepting if the user

chooses none of the radio button.

To check whether the user is able choose an indian

TC_23 residence if the user had choosen [RI] radio button
in the "city preference" field.


To check whether the user is able choose the

TC_24 country if the user had choosen [NRI] radio button
in the "city preference" field.

To check whether the application is not accepting if

the user left the "city preference " field as empty.

To check whether the user is able to choose the

TC_26 values in the database in the "project area" field.


To check whether the application is not accepting ,if

the user left the "project area" field as blank.

To check whether the user is able to choose the

TC_28 values in the database in the "Type of Flat required"


To check whether the application is not accepting ,if

TC_29 the user left the "Type of Flat required " field as
To check whether the user is able to choose the
TC_30 values in the database in the "Investment Range"


TC_31 To check whether the application is not accepting ,if

the user left the "Investment Range" field as blank.
Run Number Testing done by

Pre-Requisites Steps to Execute

1.Enter the valid <first name> in the "first name "
2.Enter the valid<email> in the "email" field.
3.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
4.Click the [IR] radio button.
5.Choose the valid <Place> in the "city preferred"
6.Choose the valid <Project area> in the "project
area" field.
7.Choose the valid<type of Flat> in the "Type of Flat
requied " field.
8.Choose the valid <Investment range> in the
"investment range " field.
Pre-Requisites 9.Enter the <enquiry> in the "Your Enquiry" field
The application should open in browser. 10.Click on "Submit Your Request"button.
Test Data
First Name:Ronitha
Contact No:9876543216
Project Area:Kilpauk,OMR
Type of Flat required:Single Bedroom
Investment Range:40 lakhs
Enquiry:What profit does jain housing provides ?

Post Condition
The application validates the data and navigates to the
next page where the search results are given
1.Enter the valid <first name> in the "first name "
2.Enter the valid<email> in the "email" field.
3.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
4.Click the [IR] radio button.
5.Choose the valid <Place> in the "city preferred"
6.Choose the valid <Project area> in the "project
area" field.
7.Choose the valid<type of Flat> in the "Type of Flat
requied " field.
8.Choose the valid <Investment range> in the
"investment range " field.
Pre-Requisites 9.Enter the <enquiry> in the "Your Enquiry" field
The application should open in browser.

Test Data
First Name:Ronitha
Contact No:9876543216
Project Area:Kilpauk,OMR
Type of Flat required:Single Bedroom
Investment Range: 80 lakhs
Enquiry:What profit does jain housing provides ?

Post Condition
The application validates the data and navigates to the
next page where the search results are given
1.Enter the valid <first name> in the "first name "
2.Enter the valid<email> in the "email" field.
3.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
4.Click the [IR] radio button.
5.Choose the valid <Place> in the "city preferred"
6.Choose the valid <Project area> in the "project
area" field.
7.Choose the valid<type of Flat> in the "Type of Flat
requied " field.
8.Choose the valid <Investment range> in the
"investment range " field.
9.Enter the <enquiry> in the "Your Enquiry" field
The application should open in browser.

Test Data
First Name:Ronitha
Contact No:9876543216
Project Area:Kilpauk,OMR
Type of Flat required:Single Bedroom
Investment Range: 40 lakhs
Enquiry:What profit does jain housing provides ?

Post Condition
The application validates the data and navigates to the
next page where the search results are given
1.Enter the valid <first name> in the "first name "
2.Enter the valid<email> in the "email" field.
3.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
4.Click the [IR] radio button.
5.Choose the valid <Place> in the "city preferred"
6.Choose the valid <Project area> in the "project
area" field.
7.Choose the valid<type of Flat> in the "Type of Flat
requied " field.
8.Choose the valid <Investment range> in the
"investment range " field.
Pre-Requisites 9.Enter the <enquiry> in the "Your Enquiry" field
The application should open in browser.

Test Data
First Name:Ronitha
Contact No:9876543216
Project Area:Kilpauk,OMR
Type of Flat required:Single Bedroom
Investment Range: 20 lakhs
Enquiry:What profit does jain housing provides ?

Post Condition
The application validates the data and navigates to the
next page where the search results are given
1.Enter the valid <first name> in the "first name "
2.Enter the valid<email> in the "email" field.
3.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
4.Click the [IR] radio button.
5.Choose the valid <Place> in the "city preferred"
6.Choose the valid <Project area> in the "project
area" field.
7.Choose the valid<type of Flat> in the "Type of Flat
requied " field.
8.Choose the valid <Investment range> in the
"investment range " field.
Pre-Requisites 9.Enter the <enquiry> in the "Your Enquiry" field
The application should open in browser.

Test Data
First Name:Ronitha
Contact No:9876543216
Project Area:Kilpauk,OMR
Type of Flat required:Single Bedroom
Investment Range: 1 Crore
Enquiry:What profit does jain housing provides ?

Post Condition
The application validates the data and navigates to the
next page where the search results are given
1.Enter the valid characters <first name> in the "first
name " field.
Test Data
First Name:Ronitha

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays no error
message .
1.Enter the valid <first name> in the "first name "
Test Data
First Name:Ronitha

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Enter the valid <first name> in the "first name "
Test Data
First Name:Ronitha

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Leave the "first name " field as empty.

Test Data

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Enter the valid<email> in the "email" field.

Test Data

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays no error
1.Enter the valid<email> in the "email" field.

Test Data

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays no error
1.Enter the invalid<email> in the "email" field.

Test Data

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Leave the "email" field as empty.

Test Data

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
Test Data
Contact No: 9876543216

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays no error
1.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
Test Data
Contact No: 9876543216

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
Test Data
Contact No: 9876543216

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
Test Data
Contact No: 9876543216

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
Test Data
Contact No: 9876543216

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
Test Data
Contact No: 9876543216

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Click on [IR] radio button.

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays no error
1.Click on [NIR] radio button.

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays no error
1.Do not click on any radio button

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Click on the [IR] radio button.
2.Choose the valid <Place> in the "city preferred"
Test data
City preference: Chennai

Post Condition
The application validates the data and user should be able
to select a city in India from list populated in the "city
preference" field and should display no error message on
selecting the city ftom the list populated .
1.Click on the [NIR] radio button.
2.Choose the valid <Place> in the "city preferred"
Test data field.
City preference: United States,Brighton

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays no error
1.Leave the "city preference" field as empty.

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Choose the valid <Project area> in the "project
area" field.
Test data
Project Area: Kilpauk,OMR

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays no error
1.Leave the "project area" field as empty.

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Choose the valid<type of Flat> in the "Type of Flat
requied " field.
Test data
City preference: Single Bedroom

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays no error
1.Leave the "project area" field as empty.

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error
1.Choose the valid <Investment range> in the
"investment range " field.
Test data
Investment Range: 80 lakhs
Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays no error
1.Leave the "investment range " field as empty.
Test data

Post Condition
The application validates the data and displays an error

Expected Result
1.Entered the valid <first name> should be displayed in the "first
name " field.
2.Entered the valid<email> should be displayed in the "email" field.
3.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in the
"contact no" field.
4.[IR] radio button should be clicked.
5.Choosen the valid <Place>should be displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
6.Choosen the valid <Project area> should be displayed in the
"project area" field.
7.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> should be displayed in the "Type
of Flat requied " field.
8.Choosen the valid <Investment range> should be displayed in the
"investment range " field.
9.Entered the <enquiry>should be displayed in the "Your Enquiry"
10."Submit Your Request "button should be clicked.

The application should validate the data and user should be

navigated to the next page where the required search is displayed.
1.Entered the valid <first name> should be displayed in the "first
name " field.
2.Entered the valid<email> should be displayed in the "email" field.
3.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in the
"contact no" field.
4.[IR] radio button should be clicked.
5.Choosen the valid <Place>should be displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
6.Choosen the valid <Project area> should be displayed in the
"project area" field.
7.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> should be displayed in the "Type
of Flat requied " field.
8.Choosen the valid <Investment range> should be displayed in the
"investment range " field.
9.Entered the <enquiry>should be displayed in the "Your Enquiry"
10."Submit Your Request "button should be clicked.

The application should validate the data and user should be

navigated to the next page where the required search is displayed.
1.Entered the valid <first name> should be displayed in the "first
name " field.
2.Entered the valid<email> should be displayed in the "email" field.
3.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in the
"contact no" field.
4.[IR] radio button should be clicked.
5.Choosen the valid <Place>should be displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
6.Choosen the valid <Project area> should be displayed in the
"project area" field.
7.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> should be displayed in the "Type
of Flat requied " field.
8.Choosen the valid <Investment range> should be displayed in the
"investment range " field.
9.Entered the <enquiry>should be displayed in the "Your Enquiry"
10."Submit Your Request "button should be clicked.

The application should validate the data and user should be

navigated to the next page where the required search is displayed.
1.Entered the valid <first name> should be displayed in the "first
name " field.
2.Entered the valid<email> should be displayed in the "email" field.
3.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in the
"contact no" field.
4.[IR] radio button should be clicked.
5.Choosen the valid <Place>should be displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
6.Choosen the valid <Project area> should be displayed in the
"project area" field.
7.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> should be displayed in the "Type
of Flat requied " field.
8.Choosen the valid <Investment range> should be displayed in the
"investment range " field.
9.Entered the <enquiry>should be displayed in the "Your Enquiry"
10."Submit Your Request "button should be clicked.

The application should validate the data and user should be

navigated to the next page where the required search is displayed.
1.Entered the valid <first name> should be displayed in the "first
name " field.
2.Entered the valid<email> should be displayed in the "email" field.
3.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in the
"contact no" field.
4.[IR] radio button should be clicked.
5.Choosen the valid <Place>should be displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
6.Choosen the valid <Project area> should be displayed in the
"project area" field.
7.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> should be displayed in the "Type
of Flat requied " field.
8.Choosen the valid <Investment range> should be displayed in the
"investment range " field.
9.Entered the <enquiry>should be displayed in the "Your Enquiry"
10."Submit Your Request "button should be clicked.

The application should validate the data and user should be

navigated to the next page where the required search is displayed.

1.Entered the valid characters <first name>should be displayed in

the "first name " field.

The application should validate the data and no error message

should be displayed

1.Entered the valid <first name> should be displayed in the "first

name " field.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed

1.Entered the valid <first name>should be displayed in the "first

name " field.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed
1.The "first name " field should be empty.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed

1.Entered the valid<email>should be displayed in the "email" field.

The application should validate the data and no error message

should be displayed

1.Entered the valid<email> should be displayed in the "email" field.

The application should validate the data and no error message

should be displayed

1.Entered the invalid<email>should be displayed in the "email"


The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed

1. The "email" field should be empty.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed

1.Entered the valid <contact number> should be displayed in the

"contact no" field.

The application should validate the data and no error message

should be displayed
1.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in the
"contact no" field.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed.

1.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in the

"contact no" field.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed.

1.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in the

"contact no" field.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed.

1.Entered the valid <contact number> should be displayed in the

"contact no" field.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed.

1.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in the

"contact no" field.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed.

1. [IR] radio button should be clicked.

The application should validate the data and no error message

should be displayed

1. [NIR] radio button should be clicked.

The application should validate the data and no error message

should be displayed
1.No radio button should be clicked.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed.

1. [IR] radio button should be clicked.

2.Choosen the valid <Place>should be displayed in the "city
preferred" field.

The application should validate the data and the user should be
able to select a city in India from the list populated in the "city
preference " field and should display no error message on selecting
the city from the list populated.

1. [NIR] radio buttonshould be clicked.

2.Choosen the valid <Place>should be displayed in the "city
preferred" field.

The application should validate the data and .

1."city preference" field should be empty.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed

1.Choosen the valid <Project area>should be displayed in the

"project area" field.

The application should validate the data and no error message

should be displayed.

1."project area" field should be empty.

The application should validate the data and an error message

should be displayed.

1.Choosen the valid<type of Flat>should be displayed in the "Type

of Flat required " field.

The application should validate the data and no error message

should be displayed .

1."project area" field should be empty.

The application should validate the data and no error message

should be displayed .
1.Choosen the valid <Investment range>should be displayed in the
"investment range " field.

The application should validate the data and no error message

should be displayed.

1."investment range " field should be empty.

The application should validate the data and an error message is

displayed .

Actual Result Pass/Fail Defect Id Remarks

1.Entered the valid <first name> is displayed in the "first
name " field.
2.Entered the valid<email> is displayed in the "email" field.
3.Entered the valid <contact number> is displayed in the
"contact no" field.
4.[IR] radio button is clicked.
5.Choosen the valid <Place> is displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
6.Choosen the valid <Project area> is displayed in the
"project area" field.
7.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> is displayed in the "Type
of Flat requied " field.
8.Choosen the valid <Investment range> is displayed in the
"investment range " field.
9.Entered the <enquiry> is displayed in the "Your Enquiry"
field. Pass
10."Submit Your Request" is clicked.

The application has validated the data and the user is

navigated to the next page where the required search is
1.Entered the valid <first name> is displayed in the "first
name " field.
2.Entered the valid<email> is displayed in the "email" field.
3.Entered the valid <contact number> is displayed in the
"contact no" field.
4.[IR] radio button is clicked.
5.Choosen the valid <Place> is displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
6.Choosen the valid <Project area> is displayed in the
"project area" field.
7.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> is displayed in the "Type
of Flat requied " field.
8.Choosen the valid <Investment range> is displayed in the
"investment range " field.
9.Entered the <enquiry>is displayed in the "Your Enquiry"
field Pass
10."Submit Your Request" is clicked.

The application has validated the data and the user is

navigated to the next page where the required search is
1.Entered the valid <first name> should be displayed in the
"first name " field.
2.Entered the valid<email> should be displayed in the
"email" field.
3.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in
the "contact no" field.
4.[IR] radio button should be clicked.
5.Choosen the valid <Place>should be displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
6.Choosen the valid <Project area> should be displayed in
the "project area" field.
7.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> should be displayed in the
"Type of Flat requied " field.
8.Choosen the valid <Investment range> should be
displayed in the "investment range " field.
9.Entered the <enquiry>should be displayed in the "Your
Enquiry" field. Pass

10."Submit Your Request "button should be clicked.

The application has validated the data and the user is

navigated to the next page where the required search is
1.Entered the valid <first name> is displayed in the "first
name " field.
2.Entered the valid<email> is displayed in the "email" field.
3.Entered the valid <contact number>is displayed in the
"contact no" field.
4.[IR] radio button is clicked.
5.Choosen the valid <Place>is displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
6.Choosen the valid <Project area> is displayed in the
"project area" field.
7.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> is displayed in the "Type
of Flat requied " field.
8.Choosen the valid <Investment range> is displayed in the
"investment range " field.
9.Entered the <enquiry>should be displayed in the "Your
Enquiry" field. Fail Def_01
10."Submit Your Request "button should be clicked.

The application is validated the data and the user is

navigated to the next page where the required search is not
1.Entered the valid <first name> should be displayed in the
"first name " field.
2.Entered the valid<email> should be displayed in the
"email" field.
3.Entered the valid <contact number>should be displayed in
the "contact no" field.
4.[IR] radio button should be clicked.
5.Choosen the valid <Place>should be displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
6.Choosen the valid <Project area> should be displayed in
the "project area" field.
7.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> should be displayed in the
"Type of Flat requied " field.
8.Choosen the valid <Investment range> should be
displayed in the "investment range " field.
9.Entered the <enquiry>should be displayed in the "Your Pass
Enquiry" field.
10."Submit Your Request "button should be clicked.

The application has validated the data and the user is

navigated to the next page where the required search is

1.Entered the valid characters <first name> should be

displayed in the "first name " field.

The application has validated the data and an error message Fail Def_02
is displayed

1.Entered the valid <first name> should be displayed in the

"first name " field.

The application has validated the data and an error message

is displayed Pass

1.Entered the valid <first name>should be displayed in the

"first name " field.

The application has validated the data and an error message

is displayed Pass
1.The "first name " field should be empty.

The application has validated the data and an error message

is displayed

1.Entered the valid<email>should be displayed in the

"email" field.

The application has validated the data and no error message

is displayed Pass

1.Entered the valid<email> should be displayed in the

"email" field.

The application has validated the data and no error message

is displayed Pass

1.Entered the invalid<email>should be displayed in the

"email" field.

The application has validated the data and an error message

is displayed Pass

1. The "email" field should be empty.

The application has validated the data and an error message

is displayed

1.Entered the valid <contact number> should be displayed

in the "contact no" field.

The application has validated the data and no error message

is displayed Pass
1.Entered the valid <contact number> is displayed in the
"contact no" field.

The application has validated the data and an error message

is displayed. Pass

1.Entered the valid <contact number>is displayed in the

"contact no" field.

The application has validated the data and an error message

is displayed. Pass

1.Entered the valid <contact number> is displayed in the

"contact no" field.

The application has validate the data and an error message

is displayed. Pass

1.Entered the valid <contact number> is displayed in the

"contact no" field.

The application has validated the data and an error message

is displayed. Pass

1.Entered the valid <contact number>is displayed in the

"contact no" field.

The application has validated the data and an error message

is displayed. Pass

1. [IR] radio button is clicked.

The application has validated the data and no error message Pass
is displayed

1. [NIR] radio button is clicked.

The application has validated the data and no error message Pass
is displayed
1.No radio button is clicked.

The application has validated the data and an error message Pass
is displayed.

1. [IR] radio button is clicked.

2.Choosen the valid <Place> is displayed in the "city
preferred" field.

The application has validated the data ,but the list

populated in the "city preference " field is not the required Fail Def_03
cities in India ,instead the list populated displays the
countries in the world.

1. [NIR] radio button is clicked.

2.Choosen the valid <Place> is displayed in the "city
preferred" field.
The application has validated the data and no error message
is displayed.

1."city preference" field is empty.

The application has validated the data and an error message Pass
is displayed.

1.Choosen the valid <Project area>is displayed in the

"project area" field.

The application has validated the data and no error message
is displayed.

1."project area" field is empty.

The application has validated the data and an error message Pass
is displayed.

1.Choosen the valid<type of Flat> is displayed in the "Type

of Flat required " field.

The application has validated the data and no error message
is displayed.

1."project area" field is empty.

The application has validated the data and no error message

is displayed. Pass
1.Choosen the valid <Investment range>is displayed in the
"investment range " field.

The application has validated the data and no error message Pass
is displayed.

1."investment range " field is empty.

The application has validated the data and an error message

is displayed. Pass
Serial No Defect Id Defect Description Reproduc
The application should navigate to the page where the search
result corresponding to the <20 lakhs> should be given and it
should not navigate to the page where the search result
corresponding to <80 lakhs> ,when the user chooses <20 lakhs> in
the "investment range" field.

Expected Result
On giving the value <20 lakhs> in the "investment range" field ,the
application should navigate to the page where the search results
corresponding to <20 lakhs> should be given,and the application
should not navigate to the page where the search results
corresponding to <80 lakhs > .

Actual Result
On giving the value <20 lakhs > in the "investment range" field,the
application is navigating to the page where the search results
corresponding to <80 lakhs> is given, and the application is not
navigating to the page where the search results corresponding to
<20 lakhs>

Release Cycle: 1

Def_01 yes

Test Data

First Name:Ronitha
Contact No:9876543216
Project Area:Kilpauk,OMR
Type of Flat required:Single Bedroom
Investment Range: 20 lakhs
Enquiry:What profit does jain housing provides ?
The application should accept characters in the "First name" field
and should not display any error message.

Expected Result
On giving characters in the "First Name" field , the application
should not display any error message

Actual Result
Def_02 On giving characters in the "First Name" field , the application is yes
displaying an error message.

Build Version: build_version_1.01

Release Cycle:1

Test Data
First Name

The application should display the list of cities in India in the list
populated ,and should not display the list of countries in the world
in the list populated in the "city preferred" field ,when the user
clicks on the [IR] radio button.

Expected Result
On selecting [IR] radio button ,the "city preferred" field should
populated the list of cities in India,and it should not populate the
list of countries in the world.

Actual Result
On selecting [IR] radio button,the "city preferred " field is
populating the list of countries in the world ,and it is not populating
the list of cities in India .
Def_03 yes
Build Version: build_version_1.01
Realease Cycle: 1

Test Data
City preferred:Coimbatore
Steps to Reproduce Severity Priority Reported By

1.Enter the valid <first name> in the "first name "

2.Enter the valid<email> in the "email" field.
3.Enter the valid <contact number> in the "contact
no" field.
4.Click the [IR] radio button.
5.Choose the valid <Place> in the "city preferred"
field. Critical High Sonitha
6.Choose the valid <Project area> in the "project
area" field.
7.Choose the valid<type of Flat> in the "Type of Flat
requied " field.
8.Choose the valid <Investment range> in the
"investment range " field.
9.Enter the <enquiry> in the "Your Enquiry" field
10.Click on "Submit Your Request"button.
1.Enter the valid characters <first name> in the "first
High High Sonitha
name " field.

1.Click on the [IR] radio button.

2.Choose the valid <Place> in the "city preferred" High High Sonitha
Reported Date Status Remarks

2/22/2020 open
2/22/2020 open

2/22/2020 open
Serial No Requirement Id Requirement Description Test Scenario Id Test Case Id Defect Id
User must be able to submit an
1 R_1.1 TS_01 TC_03 Def_01
enquiry form TC_04
2 R_1.2 First Name must be of alphabets TS_02 TC_07

Email must be of the format TC_11
3 R_1.3 abc@gmail.com TS_03 TC_12

4 R_1.4 Contact number must be of 10 digits TS_04

5 R_1.5 Country can selected either RI or NRI TS_05 TC_21

TC_23 Def_03
6 R_1.6 City Preference can selected with TS_06 TC_24
respect to the country selected
Project Location should be selected TC_26
7 R_1.7 from the populated list TS_07 TC_27
Type of Flat should be selected from TC_28
8 R_1.8 TS_08
the populated list TC_29
Investment Range can selected from TC_30
9 R_1.9 TS_09
the populated list TC_31

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