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Research Methadology Forum 1 - Group

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1. Identify a topic for your study.

2. Articulate your problem statement that relates to your proposed area of study.


3. Next, with the formation of the problem statements, develop your research
objectives and questions. (5%)

4. Review the literature Synthesize the literature you have collected. Organize it by

important concepts and develop a visual diagram of the literature. (5%)

5. Explain your research design/methodology clearly (5%)

1. Identify a topic for your study.

Job Stress On The Performance Of Primary Tamil School Teachers In Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia
2. Articulate your problem statement that relates to your proposed area of study.

Teachers play a vital role to students in dissemination of knowledge to learners. However, when teachers face
challenges, it may be difficult to properly deliver to their expectation or the school expectation due to the
incapacitation. This study will be conducted in the light of one of the difficulties faced which is work-related
stress. The study will be informed by four main objectives which include the influence of working conditions,
institutional role, work relations and organizational structure on their performance. The study will employ
both quantitative and qualitative methodologies and a descriptive survey research design. A sample of 33
teachers 13 senior assistance and 4 head teachers of primary Tamil schools which will be selected using
stratified random sampling because of its suitability in selecting a sample from a classified population. Data
will be collected using semi-structured questionnaires so as to collect both qualitative and quantitative data.
The collected data will be subject to qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. Qualitative data will be
analyzed using thematic analysis and presented in narrative form. The quantitative data will be analyzed using
descriptive statistics of mean, mode and standard deviation, and inferential statistics which involve regression;
and the findings will be presented in percentages, tables, graphs and pie charts. Anonymity together with
confidentiality will be ensured throughout and after the research process. The study is useful to primary Tamil
school management because it may be utilized to address job stressors of teachers that hinder their

Statement of the Problem

Teachers play an important role in the academic growth of students especially in the interaction with their
school work. However, teachers who face many challenges in their job are likely to have a lower output
compared to those who face less. Job stress is a likely scenario for any employee especially when specific
needs are not addressed in a proper way and in most cases, it affects their performance.

Different studies have been conducted to determine the influence of job stress on performance of employees.
Stress from working conditions has been found to influence performance of employees although the studies
focus on different populations and conditions like those of physical conditions of dust, rain and the like
(Omari & Okashe, 2017; Ekundayo & Kolawole, 2013; Nduku et al., 2015). Stress from employee roles in an
organization is effectual on performance although the studies focus on the causes of stress (Naidoo et al.,
2013) and on occupational stress (Koros et al., 2018). Relationships in the organizations significantly
influence performance, but studies do not explain in which ways they influence it, and most are conducted on
non-teacher populations (Min & Yong, 2014; Ajayi, 2018; Musyoka et al., 2012). Most studies establish a
positive correlation between organizational structure and performance (Hao et al., 2012; Sibindi, 2014) and
others have targeted secondary schools (Kirui & Ongiti, 2016). This brings in the purpose of the current study
to determine how job stress influences the performance of primary Tamil school teachers in Pasir Gudang,

3. Next, with the formation of the problem statements, develop your research objectives and questions.

Purpose of the study

The study seeks to determine the influence of job stress on the performance of primary Tamil school teachers
in Pasir Gudang District

Specific objectives
1 To establish the influence of working conditions related stress on the performance of primary Tamil
school teachers in Pasir Gudang District
2 To establish the influence of institutional roles related stress on the performance of primary Tamil school
teachers in Pasir Gudang District
3 To find out the influence of work relationships related stress on the performance of primary Tamil school
teachers in Pasir Gudang District
4 To find out the influence of organizational structure related stress on the performance of primary Tamil
school teachers in Pasir Gudang District
Study Questions
1. What is the influence of working conditions stress on the performance of primary tamil school teachers in
Pasir Gudang District?
2. What is the influence of organizational role-related stress on the performance of primary tamil school
teachers in Pasir Gudang District?
3. What is the influence of work relationships stress on the performance of primary tamil schools in Pasir
Gudang District?
4. What is the influence of organizational structure-related stress on the performance of primary tamil school
teachers in Pasir Gudang District?

Significance of the Study

The study may be helpful, first of all, to the teachers in primary schools. By understanding the influence of
stress, major stressors to the teachers are likely to be identified and probably ways of reducing or creating
resilience among the workers established. This may ensure that most stress-related outcomes are well
Thirdly, the findings of the study may be useful to employers in goverment organizations because employees
in primary school may face stress in their daily tasks. By utilizing the findings of this study, it may be easier to
initiate programs that support the wellbeing of employees in order to ensure sustained positive performance.
The study also may be used to inform policy in the goverment sector. Most policies may not be enacted
without an evidence base that informs practice. By utilizing studies conducted on goverment organizations,
this study may inform new policies based on the employees experience to come up with a policy that
addresses their needs.
The study is also useful because it contributes to knowledge base. Once published, it may be utilized to inform
other studies on the state of affairs regarding employee wellness. Furthermore, the suggestions of this research
may be useful because further research can be conducted to address emergent issues in employee

Justification of the Study

This study is important because it delves into job stress; an aspect of performance presents itself in all
organizations. By understanding how job stress influences them, employees can be helped in averting the
destructive consequences of stress by laying down well spelt strategies for managing it. With proper
mechanisms in place, the negative impacts are likely to be averted and with positive inputs, the organizational
performance improved.

Scope of the Study

The study focuses on the influence of job stress on the performance of primary tamil school teachers in Pasir
Gudang District. Job stress will be measured on the basis of working conditions, institutional roles, work
relationships and organizational structure. Performance will be measured by subject excellence and
turnaround times. The study will be carried out on the month of March and June in 2022.

4. Review the literature Synthesize the literature you have collected. Organize it by important
concepts and develop a visual diagram of the literature

Literature Summary
The empirical literature has found that most have shown a significant influence of working conditions on the
performance of employees. Most of the studies however are conducted on non-teaching population.
Furthermore, some focus on housing structures which are not covered in the current study and others use
designs and sampling methods that limit generalization of findings especially convenient and purposive
sampling. Literature on organizational role stress shows a high influence of role ambiguity, role overload and
role conflict on the performance employees. However, literature focusing on teachers is limited and the
available focuses on banks, hospitals and engineering companies.
Work relationships significantly affect performance but studies addressing the independent variable do not
directly address the independent variable as the current study. Some focus on work relationship management
and others motivational factors which include the independent variable. This is the same as the influence of
organizational structures where most studies focus on the influence of decision making, work-related stress
and burnout and employee participation. As for the dependent variable, some studies focus on job satisfaction
and organizational commitment rather than performance. Furthermore, some studies utilize quantitative data
as opposed to the current study which will utilize both quantitative and qualitative data.

Conceptual Framework
Maxwell (2005) defines a conceptual framework as a system of concepts, assumptions, beliefs and theories
which supports and informs a research, and forms part of the design. In figure 1.0, below job stress is
hypothesized to influence the performance of teachers. The independent variable of the study is performance
which is indicated by the absenteeism, turnaround times, resignations and student performance. On the other
hand, independent variable is job stress which is indicated by working conditions stress, organizational role
stress, work relationships stress and organizational structure stress. These are expected to directly influence
the performance of primary tamil school teachers.
Independent variable Dependent variable
Working Conditions Stress
 Enough classrooms
 Ventilation of the classrooms
 Enough safety gear

Organizational Role Stress

 Role overload Teacher Performance
 Role ambiguity  Absenteeism
 Role conflict  Turnaround times
 Resignations
F  Student performance
Work relationships Stress
 Teacher-to-teacher relations
 Teacher and pupil relations
 Teachers and parent relations

Organizational Structure Stress

 Decision making processes
 Rules and regulations
 Formalization and job

Figure 1.0: Conceptual Framework:

Source: Researcher (2018)
5. Explain your research design/methodology clearly

The research design, the study population, sampling techniques, sample size, data collection methods, study
instrument, validity and reliability of the instrument, data analysis and techniques and ethical considerations.

Research Methodology
A research methodology is defined by Kothari (2004) as a systematic way of solving a given research problem
through both research methods and the logic behind the methods used in a specific context. This study will use
a mixed methodology that will incorporate the aspects of qualitative and quantitative methods. The mixed
methods have been selected because they enable the researcher to collect data and the same time captures
other aspects that may not be captured if a single methodology is utilized.

Research Design
According to Kothari (2004), a research design is the arrangement of conditions for collecting and analyzing
of data in a way that purposes to put together relevance to the research aim with economy in procedure. It is
thus the conceptual structure in which research is carried out; consisting of the blue print for collecting,
measuring and analyzing data. This study will utilize a descriptive survey design which involves the empirical
enquiry on the present condition of phenomena by utilizing multiple sources of evidence so as to make valid
general conclusion (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003; Kothari, 2004). This method has been selected because it
enables a researcher to collect responses from large population samples in faster and efficient way. It is
therefore suited in giving systematic factual information that can be utilized to make a specific decision,
identification of current practices, conditions, opinions and relationships across different variables. This
design will therefore make it easy for the researcher to collect first-hand information from the study

Location of the Study

The study will be conducted in Pasir Gudang District of Johor State In Malaysia

Target Population
Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) define a target population as the total objects or elements that exhibit the
relevant information to a given study and from which the sample of the study is drawn purposely for
collection of research data. The study targets 33 primary tamil school teachers, 13 senior assistant and 4 head
teachers and senior assistant across 9 primary tamil schools in Pasir Gudang District of Johor State . The
population has been selected because they key determinants of school performance.
Sampling Techniques and Procedures
The study will utilize stratified random sampling to select teachers and head teachers and senior assistant from
the primary tamil schools. Stratified random sampling is suitable for cases with heterogeneous target
population and where the characteristic of interest is size and not variability (Kothari, 2004). The method has
been selected because it allows greater generalization of findings to the larger population.

Sample Size
Kothari (2004) defines a sample size as the number items selected from the universe to make a sample that is
optimal to the level of fulfilling the needs of efficiency, representativeness, reliability as well as flexibility. In
Pasir Gudang Dustrict 9 primary tamil schools, 9 head teachers, 27 senior assistans and 333 teachers. Out of
the total population, a 10 percent sample of the total population of teachers will be selected (33) , half the
population of head teachers (4) and half the population senior assistant (13) which will make a sample size of
50 participants.

Methods of Data Collection

The study will utilize semi-structured questionnaire to collect data from the study participants. A semi-
structured questionnaire combines the elements of a structured and unstructured questionnaire so that it can
capitalize on the data quality collected in the study (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003). Due to their nature,
qualitative and quantitative aspects of data are fused into the instrument. Quantitative data will be collected
using closed ended questions while qualitative data will be collected through open ended questions. The semi-
structured questionnaire has been adapted because it can be applied to large samples with dependable and
reliable data and at the same time it saves time.

Data Collection Procedures

Data collection is described as the process of gathering along with measuring information regarding targeted
variables through an established systematic way that facilitates the researcher to answer relevant questions and
evaluating the outcomes (Kothari, 2004). The researcher will collect the data through hired assistants who will
be trained on the same. The data collection exercise will be conducted through distribution of the instrument
to the respondents. Before administration, the respondents will have the purpose of the study explained then
they will be left to fill the questionnaire in a period of one week when it will be collected for data analysis.


Nduku, S.S., Mwenda, L. & Wachira, A. (2015). Effects of working conditions on performance of employees
on Kenya Commercial Bank head office. International Journal of Current Research, 7(3), 14174-
Wainaina, L., Iravo, M. & Waititu, A. (2014). Effect of employee participation in decision making on the
organizational commitment amongst academic staff in the private and public universities in Kenya.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 3(12), 131-143.
Ekundayo, H.T. & Kolawole, A.O. (2013). Stress among secondary school teachers in Ekiti State, Nigeria.
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 3(2), 311-316.
Al-Omari, K. & Okasheh, H. (2017). The influence of work environment on Job performance: A case of
engineering company in Jordan. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,12(24),
Koros, E.J., Momanyi, J.M. & Chakua, C. K. (2018). The impact of occupational stress on job satisfaction
among Kenyan primary school teachers. International Journal of Scientific Research and
Management, 6(1),51-56.
Chaudhry, M.S., Sohail, F. & Riaz, N. (2013). Impact of employee relation on employee performance in
hospitality industry of Pakistan. Academy of Business and Scientific Research, 1(1), 60-72.
Jayarathna, Y. S. & Weerokkody, W.A (2016). Impact of decision making, reward management on job
performance: mediation of job satisfaction: A case of a private banks in Sri Lanka. European journal
of Business and Management, 8(32), 65-75.
Saha, S. and Kumar, S.P. (2017). Influence of participation in decision making on job satisfaction, group
learning, and group commitment: Empirical study of public sector undertakings in India. Asian
Academy of Management Journal, 22(1), 79–101.
Naidoo, K., Botha, C.J. & Bisschoff, C.A. (2013). Causes of stress in public schools and its ipact on work
performance of educators. Journal of Social Sciences, 34(2), 177-190.

Almanae, M. (2017). Work stress and its effect on performance. American Journal of Business, Economics
and Management, 3(4), 185-192.

Min, L. & Yong, S. (2014). Coworker’s relation influence on individual job performance: A contextuanzing
research. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical research, 6(5), 1986-1993.

Musyoka, M., Ogutu, M. & Awino, Z.B. (2012). Employee stress and performance of companies listed in the
Nairobi Securities Exchange. DBA Africa Management Review, 3(1), 115-129.


Appendix 1: Study Instrument


My name is ________________, a student from UNITAR currently taking my masters in education. As part
of the requirements for course completion, I am conducting a research on the influence of job stress on the
performance of primary tamil school teachers. You have been selected as one of my respondents. Your honest
responses are important in this questionnaire because they assist me in achieving the purpose of this study. I
wish to assure that the information shared here will not be divulged or used against you by any means. Please
respond to them as directed in every section.

Section A: Demographic Data

Please answer the following information as directed.

1. Your age __________
2. Marital Status: Single ( ) Married ( )
3. How long have you been employed as a teacher? _________ years

Section B: Influence of Working Conditions

4. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements working conditions Where
(1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly disagree)
Item 1 2 3 4 5
I feel disoriented by the few classrooms in my school
The ventilation of the classrooms makes it difficult to
I lack protective gear when handling teaching tasks
According to you, do you think the stress from working conditions affects your performance?
Yes ( ) No ( )
Kindly explain your answer

Section C: Influence of Roles in Institutions

5. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements on your role in your institution
(1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly disagree)
Item 1 2 3 4 5
I have many responsibilities in school that stress
I feel the way roles are distributed burdens me
The low collaboration with other teachers is
According to you, do you think that stress from your role in the institution affects your performance?
Yes ( ) No ( )
Briefly explain your answer

Section D: Influence of work relations

6. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements on the influence of work
relations stress on performance
(1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly disagree)
Item 1 2 3 4 5
I get stressed by the relations with other
Handling students in class stresses me
Parents’ demands from me stress me
In your own thinking do work relations stress affect your performance? Yes ( ) No ( )
Kindly explain your answer above

Section E: Influence of Organizational structure stress on performance

7. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements on the influence of
organizational structure stress on performance where
(1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly disagree)
Item 1 2 3 4 5
I get stressed by the way decisions are made in my
I get stressed by the many restrictive rules in my
I get stressed for teaching outside my specialization
According to you, do you think that organization structure stress affects your performance?
Yes ( ) No ( )
Please explain your answer

Section F: Suggestions for dealing with stress

8. From the stress that you undergo, what are some of the suggestions for reducing stress for better
Working conditions related stress
Role in institutions stress
Work relations
Organizational structure
Thank you for your participation
Appendix II: Research Time Plan

Activity March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022

Ethical Review
and Permit

Permit from
District offices

-Pilot Study

Data Collection

Data analysis

Project Writing


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