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Contents SH200-5


Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
Engine Oil ................................................................................................................... 1
Removal and Installation of Engine Oil Filter Element................................................ 4
Fuel Filter.................................................................................................................... 5
Charge Fuel Pump Filter ............................................................................................ 9
Removal and Installation of Fan Belt ....................................................................... 11
Removal and Installation of Air Conditioner Belt ...................................................... 13
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Engine Hood................................................................. 15
Removal and Installation of Engine Assembly.......................................................... 17
Removal and Installation of Starter Motor ................................................................ 29
Removal and Installation of Alternator...................................................................... 31
Removal and Installation of Supply Pump ................................................................ 33
Removal and Installation of Common Rail................................................................ 47
Removal and Installation of Injector.......................................................................... 50
Removal and Installation of Muffler .......................................................................... 62
Removal and Installation of Turbo Charger .............................................................. 64
Removal and Installation of EGR Cooler and EGR Valve......................................... 69
Removal and Installation of Engine Sensors ............................................................ 73
Removal and Installation of Fuel Cooler................................................................... 74
Removal and Installation of Engine Inter Cooler ...................................................... 75

Air Conditioner
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Compressor.................................................................... 1
Removal and Installation of Condenser...................................................................... 3
Removal and Installation of Receiver Dryer ............................................................... 5
Assembly and Disassembly of Unit ............................................................................ 7
Procedures for Gas Filling
Work Precautions ..................................................................................................... 13
Work Procedures ...................................................................................................... 14
Procedures for Filling................................................................................................ 16

Procedure for Electrical Equipment Judgment
Procedure for Electricity Measurement ...................................................................... 1
Maintenance Standards
Check Sheet ............................................................................................................... 3

1 RSM-00-00-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
Track Shoe
Removal and Installation of Shoe Assembly .............................................................. 1
Removal and Installation of Shoe Plate...................................................................... 6
Travel Unit
Removal and Installation of Travel Motor.................................................................... 7
Assembly and Disassembly of Travel Motor ............................................................. 15
Travel Motor Internal Structure Diagram................................................................... 81
Travel Motor Part Table ............................................................................................. 82
Take-up Roller
Removal and Installation of Take-up Roller .............................................................. 83
Assembly and Disassembly of Take-up Roller ......................................................... 86
Upper Roller
Removal and Installation of Upper Roller ................................................................. 98
Assembly and Disassembly of Upper Roller........................................................... 101
Lower Roller
Removal and Installation of Lower Roller ............................................................... 112
Assembly and Disassembly of Lower Roller........................................................... 115
Swing Unit
SH210-5 Removal and Installation of Swing Unit ................................................... 125
SH210-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Unit .............................................. 131
SH210-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Motor............................................ 136
SH210-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Reduction Gear............................ 160
SH240-5 Removal and Installation of Swing Unit ................................................... 173
SH240-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Unit .............................................. 178
SH240-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Motor............................................ 183
SH240-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Reduction Gear............................ 203
Center Joint
Removal and Installation of Center Joint ................................................................ 217
Removal and Installation of Counterweight ............................................................ 222
Hydraulic Pump
Removal and Installation of Pump .......................................................................... 225
Procedures for Assembly and Disassembly of Hydraulic Pump Main Unit............. 231
Pump Main Unit Maintenance Standards ............................................................... 239
Explanation of Regulator Operation........................................................................ 242
Procedures for Assembly and Disassembly of Regulator....................................... 248

RSM-00-00-001E 2
Remote Control Valve
Removal and Installation of Operation Remote Control Valve ............................... 257
Procedures for Assembly and Disassembly of Operation Remote Control Valve... 266
Removal and Installation of Travel Remote Control Valve ...................................... 279
Procedures for Assembly and Disassembly of Travel Remote Control Valve ......... 283
Control Valve
Removal and Installation of Control Valve .............................................................. 302
Procedures for Assembly and Disassembly of Control Valve ................................. 312
Other Valves
Removal and Installation of 5 Stack Solenoid ........................................................ 335
Removal and Installation of Cushion Valve............................................................. 339
Assembly and Disassembly of Cushion Valve ........................................................ 343
Radiator and Oil Cooler
Removal and Installation of Radiator...................................................................... 351
Removal and Installation of Oil Cooler ................................................................... 361
Removal and Installation of Hydraulic Oil Tank....................................................... 365
Removal and Installation of Fuel Tank.................................................................... 375
Removal and Installation of Bucket......................................................................... 381
Removal and Installation of Bucket Link ................................................................. 383
Removal and Installation of Bucket Cylinder .......................................................... 386
Removal and Installation of Arm Cylinder............................................................... 390
Removal and Installation of Arm............................................................................. 395
Removal and Installation of Boom Cylinder............................................................ 397
Removal and Installation of Boom .......................................................................... 402
Removal and Installation of Arm HBCV.................................................................. 408
Removal and Installation of Boom HBCV ............................................................... 410
Procedures for Operation / Assembly and Disassembly of Hydraulic Cylinder ...... 413
Removal and Installation of Boom Light ................................................................. 442
Removal and Installation of Tool Box Light ............................................................. 443
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
Removal and Installation of Cab Assembly ............................................................ 444
Removal and Installation of Operator's Seat .......................................................... 452
Removal and Installation of Wiper .......................................................................... 454
Removal and Installation of Wiper Controller ......................................................... 455
Removal and Installation of Wiper Motor................................................................ 458
Removal and Installation of Monitor ....................................................................... 462
Removal and Installation of Cab Front Glass ......................................................... 463
Procedure for Window Lock Adjustment................................................................. 466

3 RSM-00-00-001E
Hydraulic Equipment-related Parts
Accumulator............................................................................................................ 468
Suction Filter........................................................................................................... 469
Return Filter............................................................................................................ 471
Pilot Filter................................................................................................................ 473
Removal and Installation of Side Door ................................................................... 474
Draining Oil from Hydraulic Oil Tank....................................................................... 475

RSM-00-00-001E 4
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts SH200-5
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts

Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts

Engine Oil

Warning ・ Keep away from fire.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (19 mm)
• Special plug (drainer plug)
• Waste oil can
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Engine Oil Draining
[1] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts
(1), and then remove the under cover (2).

[2] Remove the drain cap (3).

1 Bolt
2 Under cover
3 Drain cap

1 RSM-06-10-001E
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
[3] Prepare a waste oil can (4).
[4] When the drainer plug (5) is screwed in,
engine oil will drain.

4 Waste oil can

5 Drainer plug

2. Engine Oil Filling

[1] Remove the drainer plug used for draining oil.
[2] Attach the drain cock cap removed when oil
was drained.
[3] Fill at the feed port (3) with new engine oil.
Next, wait about 15 min. for the oil to com-
pletely travel down to the oil pan, remove the
oil level gauge (1), and wipe the tip of the
gauge off with a rag before fully inserting the
gauge again.
[4] Gently pull out the oil level gauge (1). If oil is
adhered to the area between the "upper limit"
and "lower limit", the amount of oil is appropri-

1 Oil level gauge

2 Pressure cap
3 Feed port
4 Engine
5 Radiator
6 Correct oil volume
7 Upper limit
8 Lower limit

RSM-06-10-001E 2
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
3. Inspection After Engine Oil and Element Replacement
Oil leak inspection
[1] Start the engine.
Slowly raise the rotation from idling rotation.
[2] Check the oil pan drain cock and each installation section of the oil filter for oil leaks.
Rechecking the oil volume
Stop the engine and wait 10 - 20 min. to recheck the engine oil volume. If the volume is low, fill up
with oil to the stipulated level.
The oil level will decrease due to engine oil entering the oil filter and oil path when the engine is
Refill with oil if the oil level is low.

3 RSM-06-10-001E
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
Removal and Installation of Engine Oil Filter Element

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Filter wrench
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Oil Filter Element
[1] Use a filter wrench (1) to remove the oil filter
element (2).

1 Filter wrench
2 Oil filter element

2. Installation of Oil Filter Element

Use the following procedure to install a new car-
[1] Apply a thin layer of grease to the cartridge
[2] After the cartridge is screwed in and the gasket
is touching the seal surface, use the filter
wrench to tighten cartridge 1 rotation.

RSM-06-10-001E 4
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
Fuel Filter

Warning ・ Keep away from fire.

・ Always do air bleeding when the fuel tank has been emptied, water has been drained from
Caution fuel, the element has been replaced, or any other similar work has been done.
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (10 mm, 22 mm)
• Filter wrench
• Waste oil can
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Tighten the cock (1).

1 Cock

5 RSM-06-10-001E
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
[2] Prepare a waste oil can (2).
[3] Use a wrench (22 mm) to loosen the air bleed
plug (3).

[4] Remove the drain plug (4).

2 Waste oil can

3 Air bleed plug
4 Drain plug

RSM-06-10-001E 6
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
[5] Drain the fuel.

[6] Use the filter wrench (5) to remove the cover


[7] Replace the element (7) and O-ring (8).

The O-ring cannot be reused. Always replace it
with a new one.

5 Filter wrench
6 Cover
7 Element
8 O-ring

7 RSM-06-10-001E
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
[8] After replacing the filter, use the filter wrench
(5) to attach the cover (6).

[9] Use a wrench (10 mm) to loosen the air bleed

plug (3).
[10] When the filter case priming pump (9) is turned
in the direction of the arrow, the knob pops out.

[11] Move the priming pump in and out until the fuel
filter is filled with fuel (more than 10 times).
When fuel appears inside the filter case, gently
tighten the air bleed plug. Press the knob a few
times with the plug tightened.
Finally, hold the knob pressed in and slightly
loosen the air bleed plug.
Fuel will ooze out from the hose (10) like bub-
[12] Repeat the operation in [11] until no more bub-
bles appear.
[13] Tighten the air bleed plug, and then turn the
knob and lock it.

3 Air bleed plug

5 Filter wrench
6 Cover
9 Priming pump
10 Hose

RSM-06-10-001E 8
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
Charge Fuel Pump Filter

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (10 mm)
• Pliers
• Caps
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Remove the connector (1).

[2] Use pliers or another tool to loosen the hose

bands (2), and then remove the hoses (3) and
• Use caps to cover the charge fuel pump filter
and hoses to prevent the entry of water, dust or

1 Connector
2 Hose band
3 Hose
4 Hose

9 RSM-06-10-001E
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
[3] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 2 instal-
lation bolts (5), and then turn the filter cover (7)
to the left and remove the element (6).

5 Bolt
6 Element
7 Filter cover

RSM-06-10-001E 10
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
Removal and Installation of Fan Belt

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (14 mm, 17 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Remove the air conditioner belt.

(For details, see "Removal and Installation of
Fan Belt".)

[2] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the bolts (1)

and (2), and then remove the fan guard (3).

[3] Use a wrench (17 mm) to loosen the nut (4).

1 Bolt
2 Bolt
3 Fan guard
4 Nut

11 RSM-06-10-001E
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
[4] Use a wrench (17 mm) to loosen the tension
bolt (5).

[5] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the nut (4),

and then remove the tension bolt (5).

[6] Pass the fan belt (6) over each of the fans and
remove it.

4 Nut
5 Tension bolt
6 Fan belt

RSM-06-10-001E 12
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
Removal and Installation of Air Conditioner Belt

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (19 mm)
• Box wrench (14 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(2), and then remove the under cover (1).

[2] Use a box wrench (14 mm) to loosen the nut


1 Under cover
2 Bolt
3 Nut

13 RSM-06-10-001E
Procedures for Replacing Consumable Parts
[3] Use a box wrench (14 mm) to loosen the ten-
sion bolt (4), and then remove the air condi-
tioner belt (5).

4 Tension bolt
5 Air conditioner belt

RSM-06-10-001E 14
Assembly and Disassembly SH200-5
Assembly and Disassembly

Assembly and Disassembly

Removal and Installation of Engine Hood
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ Do not perform this operation in strong wind.
・ Be sure to inspect the nylon sling and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (19 mm)
• Nylon sling (with the required breaking load)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)

[1] Open the engine hood, and then remove the

Matsuba pin (1) and the flat washer (2).

[2] Pull out the lock arm (4) from the engine hood

1 Matsuba pin
2 Flat washer
3 Engine hood
4 Lock arm

15 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly

[3] After closing the engine hood, use a wrench

(19 mm) to remove the 6 installation bolts (5)
from the engine hood.

[4] Wrap the nylon sling (6) around the engine

hood, and then use the crane to lift the engine
hood (7).

3 Engine hood
4 Lock arm
5 Bolt
6 Nylon sling
7 Engine hood

RSM-06-11-001E 16
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Engine Assembly
・ Keep away from fire.
・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.
Warning ・ The air conditioner circuit is filled with high-pressure gas, so beware of the gas released
when loosening lines.
・ Do not use open flames and do not allow sparks near the battery.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (7 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 13 mm, 14 mm, 17 mm, 36 mm)
• Box wrench (24 mm)
• Shackle (with the required lifting capacity) x 2
• Wire rope (with the required breaking load)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Waste oil can
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.

[1] Remove the counterweight.

(For details, see "Removal and Installation of
[2] Remove the pump.
(For details, see "Removal and Installation of
Hydraulic Pump".)
[3] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the bolts (1)
and (2), and then remove the fan shroud (3).

1 Bolt
2 Bolt
3 Fan shroud

17 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[4] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the bolts (4),
and then remove the fan guard (5).

[5] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band

(6) on the radiator, and then remove the upper
hose (7).

[6] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band

(6) on the radiator, and then remove the lower
hose (8).
• Use caps to cover the radiator and hoses to
prevent the entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Before removing the radiator hoses, com-
pletely drain the coolant.

4 Bolt
5 Fan guard
6 Hose band
7 Upper hose
8 Lower hose

RSM-06-11-001E 18
Assembly and Disassembly
[7] Use a wrench (12 mm) to loosen the line bolts
(9) in 2 locations, and then remove the 2 lines
(10) and (11) from the compressor.
• Always remove the low-pressure (suction side)
line (10) first.
• Attach caps or plugs to the compressor and
lines to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[8] Use a wrench (8 mm) to loosen the hose band

(12) on the inter cooler, and then remove the
hose (13).
• Use caps to cover the line and hose to prevent
the entry of water, dust or dirt.

[9] Remove the hose bands (14) in the 3 loca-


9 Bolt
10 Line (suction side)
11 Line (discharge side)
12 Hose band
13 Hose
14 Hose band

19 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[10] Take the breather hose (15) that is on the out-
side and insert it inside.

[11] Prepare a waste oil can (16).

• Drain the engine oil before removing the
engine oil hose.

[12] Use a wrench (36 mm) to remove the 2 engine

oil remote hoses (17).
• Mark the engine and hoses so that the connec-
tors match at the time of assembly.
• Attach caps or plugs to the engine and hoses
to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the engine and hoses by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

15 Breather hose
16 Waste oil can
17 Engine oil remote hose

RSM-06-11-001E 20
Assembly and Disassembly
[13] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the bolt (18),
and then remove the negative-side battery
cable (19).
• When removing the terminal and harness,
secure them so that they do not interfere with
the frame.
Also, cover with a rubber cap to protect against

[14] Use a wrench (8 mm) to remove the 1 nut (20),

and then remove the wiring (21) from the
starter motor.

[15] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the 1 nut

(22), and then remove the wiring (23) from the
starter motor.

18 Bolt
19 Battery cable
20 Nut
21 Wiring
22 Nut
23 Wiring

21 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[16] Remove the hose band (24), and then remove
the fuel hose (25).
• Attach caps or plugs to the engine and hose to
prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[17] Remove the hose band (26), and then remove

the fuel hose (27).
• Attach caps or plugs to the engine and hose to
prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[18] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 3 bolts

(28), and then remove the box cover (29).

24 Hose band
25 Fuel hose
26 Hose band
27 Fuel hose
28 Bolt
29 Box cover

RSM-06-11-001E 22
Assembly and Disassembly
[19] Remove the connectors (30) in the box.
• Wrap the removed connectors in plastic after
tying them together.

[20] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band

(31), and then remove the heater hose (32).
• Attach caps or plugs to the engine and hose to
prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[21] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band

(33), and then remove the heater hose (34).
• Attach caps or plugs to the engine and hose to
prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

30 Connector
31 Hose band
32 Heater hose
33 Hose band
34 Heater hose

23 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[22] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band
(35), and then remove the radiator hose (36).
• Use caps to cover the line and hose to prevent
any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[23] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band

(37), and then remove the air hose (38).
• Use caps to cover the line and hose to prevent
any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[24] Use a wrench (8 mm) to loosen the hose band

(39), and then remove the air hose (40).
• Use caps to cover the line and hose to prevent
any entry of water, dust or dirt.

35 Hose band
36 Radiator hose
37 Hose band
38 Air hose
39 Hose band
40 Air hose

RSM-06-11-001E 24
Assembly and Disassembly
[25] Remove the connectors (41) from the alterna-

[26] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the nut (42),

and then remove the wiring from the alternator

[27] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the bolt (44),

and then remove the radiator hose clamp (45).

41 Connector
42 Nut
43 Wiring
44 Bolt
45 Clamp

25 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[28] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the bolt (44),
and then remove the breather hose clamp

[29] Install the 2 shackles (47), and then use the

wire rope (48) and crane to secure the engine.

44 Bolt
46 Clamp
47 Shackle
48 Wire rope

RSM-06-11-001E 26
Assembly and Disassembly
[30] Use a box wrench (24 mm) to remove the 4
bolts (49) from the mount.

[31] Use the wire rope (48) and crane to lift the
[32] Thoroughly check that the location is safe
before lowering the engine on wood planks,

48 Wire rope
49 Bolt

27 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[33] To install the engine, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
After installing the engine, resupply coolant and engine oil, perform fuel line air bleeding, and per-
form filling for the air conditioner gas.
For details, see the individual explanations for each procedure.
[34] Run the engine at no-load idling and check for any water or oil leaks.
[35] Attach the hydraulic pump, covers, and counterweight.
For details, see the individual explanations for each procedure.

RSM-06-11-001E 28
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Starter Motor

Warning ・ Do not use open flames and do not allow sparks near the battery.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (8 mm, 14 mm, 17 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the bolt (1),

and then remove the battery cable (2) on the
negative side.
• When removing the terminal and harness,
secure them so that they do not interfere with
the frame.
Also, cover with a rubber cap to protect against

[2] Use a wrench (8 mm) to remove the nut (3),

and then remove the wiring (4).

1 Bolt
2 Battery cable
3 Nut
4 Wiring

29 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[3] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the nut (5),
and then remove the wiring (6).

[4] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the bolt (7),

and then remove the wiring on the ground side

[5] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the nut (8),

and then remove the starter motor (9).

5 Nut
6 Wiring
7 Bolt
8 Nut
9 Starter motor

[6] To install, perform the reverse of the removal

Mount nut tightening torque: 82.4 N•m

RSM-06-11-001E 30
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Alternator

Warning ・ Do not use open flames and do not allow sparks near the battery.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (10 mm, 17 mm, 20 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Remove the fan belt.

(For details, see "Removal and Installation of
Fan Belt".)
[2] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the bolt (1),
and then remove the battery cable (2) on the
negative side.
• When removing the terminal and harness,
secure them so that they do not interfere with
the frame.
Also, cover with a rubber cap to protect against

[3] Remove the connectors (3).

1 Bolt
2 Battery cable
3 Connector

31 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[4] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the bolt (4),
and then remove the wiring (5).

[5] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the nut (6),

and then remove the wiring (5).

[6] Use a wrench (20 mm) to remove the bolt (7),

and then remove the alternator (8).

4 Bolt
5 Wiring
6 Nut
7 Bolt
8 Alternator

[7] To install, perform the reverse of the removal

Adjust the fan belt according to the tension
adjustment procedure.

RSM-06-11-001E 32
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Supply Pump

Warning ・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Each part of the fuel system is a high-precision part.

Caution Damage may result if foreign matter, etc. enters the fuel system, so use extreme caution when
handling these parts.

When high-pressure lines in the fuel system are removed, replace them with new lines.
Replace gaskets or O-rings with new ones.
Warning Fuel leaks may cause fires. Thoroughly wipe off fuel after work is completed, and carefully
check for any leaks after starting the engine.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 14 mm, 17 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm)
• Hexagon wrench (4 mm)
• Gear puller
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Supply Pump
[1] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the bolt (1),
and then remove the hole cover (2).

1 Bolt
2 Hole cover

33 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[2] Turn the crankshaft in the correct rotation
direction and align the reference mark of the
1st or 4th cylinder with the compression top
dead center position.

[3] Use a wrench (8 mm) to loosen the hose

bands (3), and then remove the air hose (4).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the hose and line
to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[4] Remove the connector (5).

3 Hose band
4 Air hose
5 Connector

RSM-06-11-001E 34
Assembly and Disassembly
[5] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the 3 bolts
(6), and then remove the inlet pipe (7).
• Cover the line to prevent the entry of water,
dust or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

[6] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the bolts (6)

on the clamps (8).
[7] Remove the connectors (9) and (10).

[8] Use a hexagon wrench (4 mm) to remove the

bolt (11) on the clamp (12).

6 Bolt
7 Inlet pipe
8 Clamp
9 Connector
10 Connector
11 Bolt
12 Clamp

35 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[9] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the bolts
(13), and then remove the oil gauge line (14).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the lines to pre-
vent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

[10] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the sleeve

nuts (15), and then remove the injection pipe
• Use caps and plugs to cover the lines to pre-
vent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

[11] Remove the fuel hose (17).

• Use caps and plugs to cover the lines to pre-
vent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

13 Bolt
14 Oil gauge line
15 Sleeve nut
16 Injection pipe
17 Fuel hose

RSM-06-11-001E 36
Assembly and Disassembly
[12] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the bolt (19)
on the leak-off pipe (20).
[13] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the eye bolt
(18) on the leak-off pipe (20).

[14] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the eyebolts

(21) and (22) on the leak-off pipe (20).

[15] Remove the leak-off pipe (20).

• Use caps and plugs to cover the lines to pre-
vent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

18 Eyebolt
19 Bolt
20 Leak-off pipe
21 Eyebolt
22 Eyebolt

37 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[16] Remove the connectors (23) and (24).
[17] Use a wrench (22 mm) to remove the eyebolt
(25) on the fuel pipe (26).

[18] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the nuts

[19] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the bolts
(28) and (29).
[20] Remove the supply pump assembly (30).
• Use caps and plugs to prevent any entry of
water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the assembly by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

23 Connector
24 Connector
25 Eyebolt
26 Fuel pipe
27 Nut
28 Bolt
29 Bolt
30 Supply pump assembly

RSM-06-11-001E 38
Assembly and Disassembly
[21] Remove the nut securing the supply pump
gear (31) and use the gear puller (32) to
remove the gear from the supply pump assem-
bly (30).

[22] Remove the 3 bolts (36), and then remove the

supply pump (33). Also remove the O-ring (34)
at the same time.

30 Supply pump assembly

31 Supply pump gear
32 Gear puller
33 Supply pump
34 O-ring
35 Bracket
36 Bolt

39 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
2. Installation of Supply Pump
[1] Install the O-ring (2) on the supply pump (1).
Install the pump on the bracket (3) and tighten
the 3 bolts (4) to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 19 N•m

[2] Align the key of the supply pump shaft with the
gear (5), install the gear, and tighten the nut (6)
to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 64 N•m

[3] A reference mark circle has been stamped

onto the end face surface of the gear.
Paint the upper part of the gear tooth just
above the stamped "0" mark white.
This paint is very important for checking the
correct position.

1 Supply pump
2 O-ring
3 Bracket
4 Bolt
5 Gear
6 Nut

RSM-06-11-001E 40
Assembly and Disassembly
[4] Install the O-ring (7) on the supply pump
assembly (8).
Align the supply pump gear position with the
reference mark (0 mark) on the gear end face
surface and the slit on the pump bracket side.
Install the supply pump assembly on the
engine so that the alignment position is cor-
Temporarily tighten the bolts (10) and (11) and
the nut (9).

[5] When looking from the plug hole, check that

the gear tooth with the reference mark (0
mark) and white paint is at the center of the
hole and in the position shown in the diagram.
If alignment is not correct, adjust the gear posi-
tion again and install the pump on it.
Temporarily tighten bolts (10) and (11) and nut
(9) to the specified torque.
Tightening torque
Nut: 50 N•m
Bolt: 76 N•m

7 O-ring
8 Supply pump assembly
9 Nut
10 Bolt
11 Bolt

41 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[6] Install the hole cover (13) in the plug hole.
Tighten the bolt (12) to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 8 N•m

[7] Connect the connectors (14) and (15).

Install the line (17) with the eyebolt (16).

12 Bolt
13 Hole cover
14 Connector
15 Connector
16 Eyebolt
17 Line

RSM-06-11-001E 42
Assembly and Disassembly
[8] Install the leak-off pipe (18) with eyebolts (19),
(21) and (22) and bolt (20).
• Be careful not to allow entry of any water, dust
or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.
Always replace seals.

[9] Install the fuel hose (23).

• Be careful not to allow entry of any water, dust
or dirt.

18 Leak-off pipe
19 Eyebolt
20 Bolt
21 Eyebolt
22 Eyebolt
23 Fuel hose

43 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[10] Install the injection pipe (25). This injection
pipe cannot be reused, so always replace it
with a new one.
Tighten the sleeve nuts (24).
• Be careful not to allow entry of any water, dust
or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

[11] Install the clamp (27) with the bolt (26).

[12] Install the oil gauge line (29) with the bolt (28).
• Be careful not to allow entry of any water, dust
or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

24 Sleeve nut
25 Injection pipe
26 Bolt
27 Clamp
28 Bolt
29 Oil gauge line

RSM-06-11-001E 44
Assembly and Disassembly
[13] Install each wiring clamp (33) with a bolt (32)
and install the wiring connectors (30) and (31).

[14] Install the inlet pipe (35) with the 3 bolts (34)
and tighten to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 24 N•m

[15] Connect the connector (36).

30 Connector
31 Connector
32 Bolt
33 Wiring Clamp
34 Bolt
35 Inlet pipe
36 Connector

45 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[16] Install the air hose (38), and tighten the hose
bands (37).
• Be careful not to allow entry of any water, dust
or dirt.

37 Hose band
38 Air hose

RSM-06-11-001E 46
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Common Rail

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (10 mm, 12 mm, 14 mm, 17 mm)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

See "Removal and Installation of Supply Pump" for procedures for removal and installation of the oil
level gauge pipe, intake hose, manifold, etc.
[1] Remove the connector (1).

[2] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the bolts (2)

on the wiring clamp.
[3] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the bolts (3)
on the wiring clamp.

1 Connector
2 Bolt (M8)
3 Bolt (M6)

47 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[4] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the eyebolts
(4) and (5) on the leak-off pipe (6), and remove
the leak-off pipe.

[5] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the nuts (8)

on the line clamps (7).
[6] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove each sleeve
nut (9) in the 4 locations.
• Replace the removed line in the same way as
the common rail.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the lines to pre-
vent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

[7] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove bolts (11)

and (12) and nuts (10).

4 Eyebolt
5 Eyebolt
6 Leak-off pipe
7 Line clamp
8 Nut
9 Sleeve nut
10 Nut
11 Bolt
12 Bolt

RSM-06-11-001E 48
Assembly and Disassembly
[8] Remove the common rail (13).

13 Common rail

[9] To install the common rail, perform the reverse

of the removal procedure.
High-pressure lines that have been removed
cannot be reused.
Always replace them with new ones.

49 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Injector

Warning Do not use open flames and do not allow sparks near the battery.

Warning Injector wirings are high voltage wirings, so make sure to remove the battery.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be careful not to drop any removed parts inside the engine.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (7 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 14 mm, 17 mm, 19 mm)
• Pliers
• Marking pen
• Torx wrench (T40)
• Caps
• Plugs
• Waste oil can
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Injector
Removal and installation of the No. 1 injector is explained here as a representative example. Use
the same procedure for other cylinder injectors.
Be extremely careful when handling injectors. The nozzle tips are especially delicate. Hitting the
nozzles or wiping them with a rag may cause the hole to clog. Also, injector wiring use high voltage,
so make sure to remove the battery terminals before beginning work.
High-pressure lines, seals, and packing that have been removed cannot be reused, so always
replace them with new parts.
[1] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the bolt (1),
and then remove the battery cable (2) on the
negative side.
• When removing the terminal and harness,
secure them so that they do not interfere with
the frame.
Also, cover with a rubber cap to protect against

1 Bolt
2 Battery cable

RSM-06-11-001E 50
Assembly and Disassembly
[2] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the bolt (3),
and then remove the oil gauge line (4).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the lines to pre-
vent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

[3] Use pliers to loosen the hose band, and then

remove the blow-by hose (5).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the hose and line
to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[4] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the bolt (6)

on the hose clamp (7).

3 Bolt
4 Oil gauge line
5 Blow-by hose
6 Bolt
7 Hose clamp

51 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[5] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the 9 bolts
(8) on the cylinder head cover (10) and the 2
nuts (9), and then remove the cylinder head

[6] Remove the connector (11).

8 Bolt
9 Nut
10 Cylinder head cover
11 Connector

RSM-06-11-001E 52
Assembly and Disassembly
[7] Use a wrench (7 mm) to remove the 2 nuts
(13) at each of the 4 injector terminal locations.
[8] Use a wrench (14 mm) to loosen the 3 bolts
(12), and then remove the harness bracket
• When removing the nuts, loosen them equally
a little bit a time to simultaneously remove

[9] Use wrenches (12 mm, 17 mm) to remove the

5 bolts (15) and (16) and the 5 gaskets (17)
and (18), and then remove the nozzle leak-off
pipe (19).

12 Bolt
13 Nut
14 Harness bracket
15 Bolt
16 Bolt
17 Gasket
18 Gasket
19 Nozzle leak-off pipe

53 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[10] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the bolt (20)
on the line clamp (23).
[11] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the sleeve
nut (21) of the injector-side line.
[12] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the sleeve
nut (22) of the common rail-side line.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the lines to pre-
vent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

[13] Use a Torx wrench (T40) to remove the bolt

(24) on the injector clamp (26).
[14] Remove the injector (25).

20 Bolt
21 Sleeve nut
22 Sleeve nut
23 Line clamp
24 Bolt
25 Injector
26 Clamp

RSM-06-11-001E 54
Assembly and Disassembly
[15] Use the injector remover (28) when it is difficult
to remove the injector (29).
Install the injector remover on the injector line
connection section. Also connect the sliding
hammer (27) and then remove the injector.
1) Sliding hammer
Isuzu Part No.: 5-8840-0019-0
2) Injector remover
Isuzu Part No.: 5-8840-2826

27 Sliding hammer
28 Injector remover
29 Injector

55 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
2. Installation of Injector
[1] Record the "QR code" (2) that appears on the
top of the QR plate (1) of the replacement
The "QR code" is different for each injector, so
match the cylinder to be installed with the
injector and record the code.

[2] Always replace the gasket (5) and O-ring (7).

Apply Molybdenum to the threaded section of
the bolt (4) on the injector clamp (6) and seat-
ing surface.
Install the injector (3) on the cylinder head. As
shown in the diagram, insert the injector by
pressing it in with the clamp. Temporarily
tighten the bolt on the injector clamp.

1 QR plate
2 QR code
3 Injector
4 Bolt
5 Gasket
6 Clamp
7 O-ring

RSM-06-11-001E 56
Assembly and Disassembly
[3] Apply a small amount of engine oil to the out-
side surface of the injector-side sleeve nut
Install the line.
Carefully tighten each of the sleeve nuts (9)
and (10) until the line is touching the common
rail and injector.
Tighten the bolt (8) on the line clamp (11) to
the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 6 N•m

Fully tighten the bolt (4) on the injector clamp

to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 30 N•m
Tighten the line sleeve nuts to the specified
Tightening torque: 44 N•m

4 Bolt
8 Bolt
9 Sleeve nut
10 Sleeve nut
11 Line clamp

57 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[4] Install the nozzle leak-off pipe (16) with the
bolts (12) and (13).
Replace the gaskets (14) and (15).
Tighten each of the lines to the specified
Tightening torque: 12 N•m

[5] Secure the harness bracket (19) with the bolts

Secure the bolts in sequence from the inside to
the outside.
Tightening torque: 48 N•m
[6] Install the injector terminal nuts (18) on each
Tighten to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 2 N•m
Be careful not to tighten the nuts too much.
Tightening all at once with a ratchet wrench,
etc. may cause damage to the terminal stud.

12 Bolt
13 Bolt
14 Gasket
15 Gasket
16 Nozzle leak-off pipe
17 Bolt
18 Nut
19 Harness bracket

RSM-06-11-001E 58
Assembly and Disassembly
[7] Connect the injector harness connector (20).

[8] Install the head gasket (24) on the cylinder

head cover (23) and tighten with each of the
bolts (21) and nuts (22).
Tighten in the order shown in the diagram.
Specified torque: 18 N•m

20 Connector
21 Bolt
22 Nut
23 Cylinder head cover
24 Head gasket

59 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[9] Install the hose clamp (26) with the bolt (25).

[10] Install the blow-by hose (27).

[11] Install the oil gauge line (29) with the bolt (28).
• Be careful not to allow entry of any water, dust
or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

25 Bolt
26 Hose clamp
27 Blow-by hose
28 Bolt
29 Oil gauge line

RSM-06-11-001E 60
Assembly and Disassembly
[12] Install the negative-side battery cable (31) ter-
Be careful of shorts with the terminal and har-

30 Bolt
31 Battery cable

[13] When replacing an injector (3) with a new one,

make sure to enter the QR code of the
replaced injector into the ECM.
[14] See the Service Text for this procedure.

61 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Muffler
・ The muffler is extremely hot just after stopping the engine. Wait for it to sufficiently cool
before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (14 mm, 17 mm)
• Caps
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Muffler
[1] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 9 bolts
(1), and then remove the covers (2) and (3).

[2] Use a wrench (14 mm) to loosen the nut (5) to

remove the 2 bolts (4), remove the seal clamp
from the exhaust pipe, and then remove the
• Use caps to cover the line to prevent any entry
of water, dust or dirt.

1 Bolt
2 Cover
3 Cover
4 Bolt
5 Nut

RSM-06-11-001E 62
Assembly and Disassembly
[3] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the 2 nuts

[4] Remove the U-bolts (7), and then remove the

muffler (8).

6 Nut
7 U-bolt
8 Muffler

2. Installation of Muffler
Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
After installation, check for any leaks or vibration.

63 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Turbo Charger
The turbo charger is extremely hot just after stopping the engine.
Warning Wait for it to sufficiently cool before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (7 mm, 10 mm, 14 mm, 17 mm)
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Turbo Charger
The engine oil line and coolant line wil be removed, so either drain the engine oil and coolant
beforehand or use stoppers on the ends of the lines to prevent leaking.
[1] Remove the muffler.
(For details, see "Removal and Installation of
[2] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band
(1), and then remove the intake hose (2).
• Use caps to cover the turbo charger and hose
to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[3] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band

(3), and then remove the hose (4).
• Use caps to cover the turbo charger and hose
to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

1 Hose band
2 Intake hose
3 Hose band
4 Hose

RSM-06-11-001E 64
Assembly and Disassembly
[4] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 4 bolts
(5), and then remove the heat shield (6).

[5] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the eyebolt

(7), and then remove the oil feed pipe (8).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the turbo charger
and oil feed pipe to prevent any entry of water,
dust or dirt.
• When removing the oil feed pipe, take care not
to damage or lose the packing.

[6] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the eyebolt

(9), and then remove the water return pipe
• Use caps and plugs to cover the turbo charger
and water return pipe to prevent any entry of
water, dust or dirt.

5 Eyebolt
6 Heat shield
7 Eyebolt
8 Oil feed pipe
9 Eyebolt
10 Water return pipe

65 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[7] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the eyebolt
(11), and then remove the water feed pipe
Use caps and plugs to cover the turbo charger
and water feed pipe to prevent any entry of
water, dust or dirt.

[8] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 2 bolts

(13), and then remove the oil return pipe (14).
Use caps and plugs to cover the turbo charger
and oil return pipe to prevent any entry of
water, dust or dirt.

[9] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the 4 nuts

(15), and then remove the turbo charger (16).

11 Eyebolt
12 Water feed pipe
13 Bolt
14 Oil return pipe
15 Nut
16 Turbo charger

RSM-06-11-001E 66
Assembly and Disassembly
[10] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 8 nuts
(17), and then remove the line (18) from the
turbo charger.

17 Nut
18 Line

67 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
2. Installation of Turbo Charger
To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure. During installation, replace each gasket
and the packing with new ones.
Make sure to check the engine oil and coolant levels and resupply as necessary.
Each of the installation tightening torque values are indicated below.
Check carefully for exhaust leaks, water leaks, and oil leaks.

1 Oil feed pipe 16.7 N•m

2 Water return pipe 34.5 N•m
3 Exhaust manifold -
4 Water feed pipe 34.5 N•m / 41.2 N•m
5 Turbo charger assembly 52 N•m
6 Exhaust adapter 32.4 N•m
7 Oil return pipe 8.8 N•m / 21.6 N•m

RSM-06-11-001E 68
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of EGR Cooler and EGR Valve
The EGR cooler and EGR valve are extremely hot just after stopping the engine.
Warning Wait for them to sufficiently cool before beginning work.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

・ Be sure to drain coolant before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (12 mm)
• Pliers
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of EGR Cooler and EGR Valve
[1] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the 2 bolts

[2] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the 3 bolts


1 Bolt
2 Bolt

69 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[3] Use pliers to loosen the hose band (3), and
then remove the hose (4).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the line hose to
prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[4] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the 2 bolts


[5] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the bolts (6)

and (7).

3 Hose band
4 Hose
5 Bolt
6 Bolt
7 Bolt

RSM-06-11-001E 70
Assembly and Disassembly
[6] Use pliers to loosen the hose band (8) to
remove the hose (9), and then remove the
EGR cooler (10).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the line and hose
to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

[7] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the nuts

(12), and then separate the manifold (11) and
the EGR cooler (10).

[8] Remove the connector (13).

Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the bolts
(14), and then remove the EGR valve (15).

8 Hose band
9 Hose
10 EGR cooler
11 Manifold
12 Nut
13 Connector
14 Bolt
15 EGR valve

71 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
2. Installation of EGR Cooler and EGR Valve
To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure. During installation, replace gaskets with
new ones.
Check that there is sufficient coolant and resupply as necessary. Each of the installation tightening
torque values are indicated below.
Check carefully for exhaust leaks and water leaks.

RSM-06-11-001E 72
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Engine Sensors
Sensor name Bolt or nut Tool size Remarks
1 Engine coolant temperature sensor Lock nut x 1 Wrench (19 mm)
Bolt x 2 Wrench (10 mm)
2 Boost pressure sensor
Clip x 1 Pliers
Lock nut x 1 Wrench (22 mm)
3 Overheat switch
Wiring fastener nut Wrench (7 mm)
4 Common rail pressure sensor Lock nut x 1 Wrench (27 mm)
5 EGR valve DC motor Installation screw x 4 Phillips screwdriver
6 Boost temperature sensor Lock nut Wrench (19 mm) Tightening torque: 82.4 N•m
7 Starter motor Installation nut x 2 Wrench (17 mm)
8 Engine hydraulic pressure sensor Lock nut x 1 Wrench (27 mm)
9 Suction control valve Installation bolt x 2 Hexagon wrench (5 mm)
10 Fuel temperature sensor Lock nut x 1 Wrench (19 mm)
11 Cam position sensor Installation bolt x 1 Wrench (10 mm)
12 Crank position sensor Installation bolt Wrench (10 mm)

73 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Fuel Cooler
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ As the fuel hose will be removed, strictly prohibit open flames.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (12 mm)
• Screwdriver
• Pliers
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Drip pan
1. Removal of Fuel Cooler
[1] Mark the fuel cooler (5) and hoses (1) and (2)
so that the connectors match at the time of
• Use pliers to loosen the hose bands (3) and
(4), and then remove the hoses.
• Fuel will spill out, so place a drip pan directly
below the area.
• Attach caps or plugs to the fuel cooler and
hoses to prevent any entry of water, dust or

[2] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(6), and then remove the fuel cooler (5).

1 Hose
2 Hose
3 Hose band
4 Hose band
5 Fuel cooler
6 Bolt

2. Installation of Fuel Cooler

Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
[1] After connecting the hoses, carefully check for any fuel leaks.

RSM-06-11-001E 74
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Engine Inter Cooler
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ As the fuel hose will be removed, strictly prohibit open flames.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (8 mm, 14 mm)
• Flathead screwdriver
• Wire cutters
• Caps
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Inter Cooler
[1] Remove the fuel cooler.
(For details, see "Removal and Installation of
Fuel Cooler".)
[2] Use wire cutters to cut the hose band on the
fuel cooler.

[3] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(1), and then remove the bracket (2) from the
fuel cooler.

1 Bolt
2 Bracket

75 RSM-06-11-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[4] Use a wrench (8 mm) or flathead screwdriver
to loosen the hose bands (3) in the 2 locations,
and then remove the 2 hoses (4) and (5).
• Use caps to cover the inter cooler and hose to
prevent the entry of water, dust or dirt.

[5] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(6), and then remove the inter cooler (7).

3 Hose band
4 Hose
5 Hose
6 Bolt
7 Inter cooler

2. Installation of Inter Cooler

Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
Check for any air leaks.

RSM-06-11-001E 76
Assembly and Disassembly SH200-5
Assembly and Disassembly

Assembly and Disassembly

Removal and Installation of Compressor
・ The air conditioner circuit is filled with high-pressure gas, so there is the danger of gas splay-
ing out when loosening lines.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

・ When removing and installing the compressor, check the compressor oil quantity.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (12 mm)
• Box wrench (12 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Compressor
[1] Remove the counterweight.
(For details, see "Removal and Installation of
Counterweight page 222”.
[2] Remove the connector (1).

[3] Use a box wrench (12 mm) to loosen the bolts

(2) on the lines in the 2 locations, and then
remove the 2 lines (3) and (4).
• Always remove the low-pressure line (3) first.
• Attach caps or plugs to the compressor and
line to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

1 Connector
2 Bolt
3 Line (low-pressure side)
4 Line (high-pressure side)

1 RSM-07-07-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[4] Use a wrench (12 mm) to remove the 4 bolts
(5), and then remove the compressor (6).

5 Bolt
6 Compressor

2. Installation of Compressor
[1] To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
Compressor installation bolt tightening torque: 19.6 - 29.4 N•m
[2] Check the compressor oil quantity.
The compressor contains 135 cc of oil.
The oil quantity being low will cause seizing and a reduction in durability. The oil quantity being
high will cause a reduction in cooling capabilities.
Make sure to check the oil quantity and adjust if needed.
Measure the oil quantity of the removed compressor. Only this oil quantity is necessary, so sub-
tract this quantity from 135 cc to determine the amount by which the oil quantity of the new com-
pressor should be reduced.
If the remaining oil quantity of the removed compressor is 30 cc:
Remove 135 cc - 30 cc = 105 cc from the new compressor to be installed.
Resupply oil: SP-10 or SP-20 (P.A.G. oil)
[3] Perform air conditioner gas charging.
For details, see "Procedures for Gas Filling".

RSM-07-07-001E 2
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Condenser
・ The air conditioner circuit is filled with high-pressure gas, so there is the danger of gas splay-
ing out when loosening lines.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Caution ・ When removing and installing the condenser, resupply and check the compressor oil quantity.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (13 mm, 17 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm)
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Condenser
[1] Use a wrench (17 mm) to press the condenser
side line (1), and then use a wrench (19 mm)
to loosen and remove the sleeve nut of the low-
pressure line (2).
• Always remove the low-pressure line first.
• Attach caps or plugs to the condenser and line
to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying it with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

[2] Use a wrench (22 mm) to press the condenser

side line (3), and then use a wrench (22 mm)
to loosen and remove the sleeve nut (4) of the
high-pressure line.
• The "H" cap indicates the high-pressure line.
• Attach caps or plugs to the condenser and line
to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the line by spraying with a parts cleaner
to prevent scratches and prevent dirt from
accumulating on the connectors.

1 Line (condenser side)

2 Sleeve nut
3 Line (condenser side)
4 Sleeve nut

3 RSM-07-07-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[3] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 4 bolts
(5), and then remove the condenser (6).

5 Bolt
6 Condenser

2. Installation of Condenser
[1] To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
Condenser installation bolt tightening torque: 19.6 N•m
[2] Make sure to resupply and check the compressor oil quantity.
The compressor contains 135 cc of oil.
The oil quantity being low will cause seizing and a reduction in durability. The oil quantity being
high will cause a reduction in cooling capabilities.
Make sure to check the oil quantity and adjust if needed.
Resupply quantity: 40 cc
Resupply oil: SP-10 or SP-20 (P.A.G. oil)
[3] Perform air conditioner gas charging.
For details, see "Procedures for Gas Filling".

RSM-07-07-001E 4
Assembly and Disassembly
Removal and Installation of Receiver Dryer
・ The air conditioner circuit is filled with high-pressure gas, so there is the danger of gas splay-
ing out when loosening lines.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Caution ・ When replacing the receiver dryer, resupply and check the compressor oil quantity.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (10 mm)
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Receiver Dryer
[1] Remove the connector (1).

[2] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 2 bolts

(2) and the washers (3) of the lines (4).
• Attach caps or plugs to the receiver dryer and
lines to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the receiver dryer and lines by spraying
them with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches
and prevent dirt from accumulating on the con-

1 Connector
2 Bolt
3 Washer
4 Line

5 RSM-07-07-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[3] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 1 bolt
(5), and then remove the receiver dryer (6).

5 Bolt
6 Receiver dryer

2. Installation of Receiver Dryer

[1] To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
Receiver dryer installation bolt tightening torque: 6.9 N•m
[2] Check the compressor oil quantity.
The compressor contains 135 cc of oil.
The oil quantity being low will cause seizing and a reduction in durability. The oil quantity being
high will cause a reduction in cooling capabilities.
Make sure to check the oil quantity and adjust if needed.
Resupply quantity: 20 cc
Resupply oil: SP-10 or SP-20 (P.A.G. oil)
[3] Perform air conditioner gas charging.
For details, see "Procedures for Gas Filling".

RSM-07-07-001E 6
Assembly and Disassembly
Assembly and Disassembly of Unit
Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Caution ・ When replacing the evaporator, resupply and check the compressor oil quantity.

1. Removal of Blower Unit

[1] Remove the connectors connected
to the refresh/recirculate motor
actuator, blower motor, blower con-
troller, and inside air sensor, and
also the harness in which the
blower case is installed.

[2] Remove the inside air filter (8) from

the intake duct (12), and remove
the 3 T4 x 14 (T1) Phillips screws
(16) to remove the intake duct.
[3] Remove the filter clog sensor (11)
along with the nylon clip (17) from
the intake case (13).
[4] Remove the 4 T5 x 14 (T1) Phillips
screws (14) and remove the intake
case (13).
[5] Remove the 3 T5 x 14 (T1) Phillips
screws (18) and separate the
blower case (10) and air condi-
tioner unit.

1 Evaporator sensor connector

2 Blower controller connector
3 Blower motor connector
4 Harness
5 Filter clog sensor
6 Inside / outside air motor actuator connector
7 Inside air sensor connector
8 Inside air filter
9 Unit
10 Blower case
11 Filter clog sensor
12 Intake duct
13 Intake case
14 Phillips screw
15 Inside air sensor
16 Phillips screw
17 Nylon clip
18 Phillips screw

7 RSM-07-07-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
2. Replacement of Blower Motor
[1] Remove the coolant hose (4) connecting the
blower motor (5) and the blower case (6).
[2] Remove the 3 N5 x 16 (W) Phillips screws (3)
installed at the bottom of the blower unit case
and remove the blower motor (5).
[3] The installation procedure is the reverse of the
removal procedure.
Do not remove the fan from the blower
Caution motor.

3. Replacement of Blower Controller

[1] Remove the 2 T4 x 14 (T1) Phillips screws (2)
installed at the bottom of the blower case and
remove the blower controller (1).
[2] The installation procedure for the new blower
controller (1) is the reverse of the removal pro-
Never disassemble the blower control- 1 Blower controller
Caution ler. 2 Phillips screw
3 Phillips screw
4 Coolant hose
5 Blower motor
6 Blower case

4. Removal of Heater Core

[1] Drain the coolant.
[2] Remove the 1 N5 x 16 (T2) Phillips screw (2),
and remove the pipe clamp (3) fixing the
heater core (4) to the unit (1) to remove the
heater core from the unit.
[3] To install, perform the reverse of the removal

1 Unit
2 Phillips screw
3 Pipe clamp
4 Heater core

RSM-07-07-001E 8
Assembly and Disassembly
5. Removal of Air Conditioner Case Front, Rear and Bottom
[1] Remove the mode motor actuator (4) and
evaporator sensor connector.
[2] Remove the mode rod (1) from the rod holder
installed on the mode motor actuator (4) lever
MAL 1 (3).
[3] Remove the 3 N4 x 30 (T1) Phillips screws (6)
and remove the mode motor actuator (4)
installed on the bottom (5) and rear (7) of the
unit case.

[4] Remove the 11 N5 x 16 (T2) Phillips screws (8)

and remove the bottom (5) and front (12) of the
unit case.
While being careful not to let the evaporator
sensor cord get caught by the case, pull the
front of the unit case upwards to remove it.
At this time, perform work with the
Caution heater core removed from the unit

1 Mode rod
2 Rod holder
3 Lever MAL 1
4 Mode motor actuator
5 Unit case bottom
6 Phillips screw
7 Unit case rear
8 Phillips screw
9 Evaporator sensor
10 Expansion valve
11 Evaporator
12 Unit case front

9 RSM-07-07-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
6. Replacement of Evaporator and Expansion Valve
[1] Remove the evaporator assembly from the
case with the case heat insulating material and
expansion valve attached to the evaporator.
[2] After removing the case heat insulating mate-
rial from the top and bottom of the evaporator,
remove the evaporator sensor (1) as one piece
with the sensor holder.
[3] Use a hexagon wrench (4 mm) to remove the 2
M5 x 40 hexagon socket head bolts (2), and
remove the expansion valve (3) from the evap-
orator (5).
[4] Install O-rings (4) on the new evaporator (5) (1
NF O-ring 5/8 and 1NF O-ring 1/2).
(Tightening torque 6.9 N•m)
Be careful of the O-rings getting 1 Evaporator sensor
Caution caught, etc. when installing the expan- 2 Hexagon socket head bolt
sion valve. 3 Expansion valve
4 O-ring
5 Evaporator

7. Installation of Evaporator Sensor

[1] Make sure to install the evaporator sensor (1)
in the original position of the evaporator (2), as
in the figure.

Be careful that the sensor cord does

Caution not get squeezed in the case when the
case is assembled.

1 Evaporator sensor
2 Evaporator

RSM-07-07-001E 10
Assembly and Disassembly
8. Replacement of Motor Actuator
[1] Replacement of mode motor actuator
Remove the connector connected to the motor
actuator (4).
Remove the mode rod (1) connecting the
motor actuator and mode cam from the rod
holder (2).
Remove the 3 N4 x 30 (T1) Phillips screws (13)
that are used to install the motor actuator,
remove the motor actuator from the unit with
the rod holder and lever MAL 1 (12) attached
to the actuator, remove the rod holder and
lever MAL 1 from the motor actuator, and then
install the new motor actuator. To install, per-
form the reverse of the removal procedure.
[2] Replacement of air mix motor actuator
Remove the connector connected to the motor
actuator (11).
Remove the AM rod (9) connecting the motor
actuator and lever AM (8) from the rod holder
Remove the 12 N4 x 30 (T1) Phillips screws
(13) that are used to install the motor actuator,
remove the motor actuator from the unit with
the rod holder and lever MAL 1 (3) attached to
the actuator, remove the rod holder and lever
MAL 1 from the motor actuator, and then install
the new motor actuator. To install, perform the
reverse of the removal procedure.
1 Mode rod
2 Rod holder
3 Lever MAL 1
4 Mode motor actuator
5 Unit case bottom
6 Phillips screw
7 Unit case rear
8 Lever AM
9 AM rod
10 Rod holder
11 Air mix motor actuator
12 Lever MAL 1
13 Phillips screw

11 RSM-07-07-001E
Assembly and Disassembly
[3] Replacement of refresh/recirculate motor actu-
Remove the connector connected to the motor
actuator (15).
Remove the 3 N4 x 28 (T1) Phillips screws (16)
that are used to install the motor actuator and
remove the motor actuator from the unit with
the lever MAL 2 (14) attached. Remove the
lever MAL 2 from the motor actuator and
attach the new motor actuator. To install, per-
form the reverse of the removal procedure.

14 Lever MAL 2
15 Refresh / recirculate motor actuator
16 Phillips screw

RSM-07-07-001E 12
Procedures for Gas Filling SH200
Procedures for Gas Filling

Procedures for Gas Filling

Work Precautions
・ Refrigerant gas filling involves handling dangerous high-pressure gas, so make sure that a
experienced and qualified worker with the procedure performs this operation.
・ Always wear protective eyewear.
・ Gas entering the eyes may cause blindness.
・ Refrigerant in the liquid state is very cold (about -26 ℃ ), so be very careful during handling.
・ Refrigerant coming in contact with skin may cause frostbite.

Always use R134a refrigerant.

• Storage
Keep service cans (hereinafter, cans) with refrigerant in them at 40 ℃ or below.
The insides of the cans are highly pressurized and filled with refrigerant, so if the temperature rises
there is the danger of internal pressure rising sharply and an explosion occurring.
Never store in direct sunlight, in a closed vehicle, or near open flames.
Be careful not to drop cans or have them collide with other objects.
• Filling operation
When cans are heated in order to fill them with refrigerant, make sure that the service can valve and
gauge manifold low-pressure valve are open and heat with water at 40 ℃ or below.
Direct heating or heating to 40 ℃ or higher may cause explosions, so use caution.
If refrigerant filling is done after the engine is started, never open the gauge manifold high-pressure
This is very dangerous, as the high-pressure gas will flow in the opposite direction and may cause a
can or charging hose explosion.
Be careful not to allow the entry of dust or dirt into the air conditioner circuit.
Air, moisture and dirt are very bad for the cooling cycle.
Perform work quickly and accurately, and be especially careful to prevent the entry of foreign matter.
Be careful not to overfill with gas.

13 RSM-07-08-001E
Procedures for Gas Filling
Work Procedures
1. Air Conditioner Refrigerant Filling is Divided into the "Vacuum Operation" and "Gas Filling
[1] The "vacuum operation" consists of eliminating moisture in the air conditioner circuit.
If there is any moisture left inside the air conditioner circuit, various problems may occur during
operation such as freezing in the small hole of the expansion valve causing the circuit to clog and
rust developing in the circuit.
For this reason, perform vacuuming before filling the circuit with refrigerant. This operation con-
sists of eliminating moisture inside the circuit through boiling and evaporation.
[2] The "gas filling operation" consists of filling the circuit with refrigerant after the vacuum operation.
Gas filling does not only affect the cooling capabilities of the air conditioner, it also affects the life
of the parts which make up the circuit.
Severely overfilling the circuit will cause pressure inside the circuit to be abnormally high, and
this will cause reductions in the cooling ability of the air conditioner.
Additionally, if pressure is extremely low, the circulation of lubricating oil within the compressor
will be poor and this will cause seizing with sliding parts of the compressor.
Because the gas filling operation itself involves handling high-pressure gas, performing the oper-
ation using an incorrect procedure is very dangerous.
Follow the operation and observe all precautions indicated in this text to correctly perform refrig-
erant filling.
2. Operation Chart

RSM-07-08-001E 14
Procedures for Gas Filling
3. Tools
No. Part name Q'ty Shape Application

1 Gauge manifold 1

Red: high-pressure side

2 Charging hose 3 Blue: low-pressure side
Yellow: vacuum pump side

3 Quick joint 1

4 Quick joint 1 Low-pressure side

5 T joint 1 For service can valve

6 Service can valve 2 For service can

7 Vacuum pump adapter 1 For vacuum pump

15 RSM-07-08-001E
Procedures for Gas Filling
Procedures for Filling
・ Because gauge manifold specifications such as hose color are different depending on the
Caution manufacturer, please read the Operator's Manual for the gauge manifold to be used for

1. Charging Hose Connection Positions

1 High-pressure side (DIS) service valve

2 Low-pressure side (SUC) service valve
3 Air conditioner compressor
4 Condenser
5 Receiver dryer
6 Air conditioner unit

RSM-07-08-001E 16
Procedures for Gas Filling
2. Gauge Manifold Connection
[1] Close the high-pressure valve (HI) (8) and low-pressure valve (LO) (7) of the gauge manifold (9).
[2] Connect the charging hoses (red and blue) to the service valve.
Red hose (1): Gauge manifold high-pressure side (HI) → compressor high-pressure side (DIS)
service valve (10)
Blue hose (2): Gauge manifold low-pressure side (LO) → compressor low-pressure side (SUC)
service valve (11)
Push in the connections for the high-pressure and low-pressure sides until a "click" is heard to
make sure they are secure and in the correct position.
[3] Connect the charging hose (yellow) (3) to the vacuum pump (4).

1 Charging hose (red)

2 Charging hose (blue)
3 Charging hose (yellow)
4 Vacuum pump
5 Low-pressure gauge
6 High-pressure gauge
7 Low-pressure valve (LO)
8 High-pressure valve (HI)
9 Gauge manifold
10 High-pressure side (DIS) service valve
11 Low-pressure side (SUC) service valve

17 RSM-07-08-001E
Procedures for Gas Filling
3. Vacuuming
[1] Open the high-pressure valve (HI) (3) and low-
pressure valve (LO) (2) of the gauge manifold (1).
[2] Turn the vacuum pump (4) switch on and vac-
uum for at least 30 min.
[3] After the prescribed vacuuming time has elapsed
(degree of vacuuming achieved: -750 mmHg or
less), close the gauge manifold (1) high-pressure
valve (3) and low-pressure valve (2).
[4] Next, turn the vacuum pump (4) switch off.
[5] Perform a check of air-tightness.
Let the gauge manifold (1) sit for at least 5 min.
with the high-pressure valve (3) and low-pres-
sure valve (2) closed, and check that the
gauge indicator does not go back to 0.
If the gauge indicator starts to swing back to 0,
this indicates there is a leak. Tighten the line 1 Gauge manifold
connections, perform vacuuming again, and 2 Low-pressure valve (LO)
check to see if there is still a leak. 3 High-pressure valve (HI)
4 Vacuum pump

4. Gas Filling Operation, High-pressure Side

First, start the filling operation from the high-pres-
sure side.
[1] After repeating vacuuming, switch the charging
hose (yellow) (3) of the gauge manifold (1)
from the vacuum pump to the service can (6).
[2] Air purging
Open the valve for the service can (7). (How-
ever, keep the gauge manifold high-pressure
and low-pressure valves closed.) Next, press
the air purge valve (2) of the side service port
on the gauge manifold low-pressure side with
a screwdriver to discharge the air inside the
charging hose using the refrigerant pressure.
(Complete after the swooshing sound stops.)
[3] Open the high-pressure valve (4) of the gauge
manifold (1), and fill with coolant.
(Fill with refrigerant gas up to a gauge pres-
sure of 0.098 MPa.)
After filling, close the gauge manifold high-pres-
sure valve and valve for the service can (7).
Never operate the compressor. (This is very
dangerous, as the refrigerant will flow in the
opposite direction and may cause a service
can or hose explosion.)
[4] Gas leak check
Check for gas leaks in the cycle using the gas
leak tester.
If there are leaks, eliminate them through tight-
Always use the tester for R134a.
1 Gauge manifold
2 Air purge valve
3 Charging hose (yellow)
4 High-pressure valve (HI)
5 Low-pressure valve (LO)
6 Service can
7 Valve for service can

RSM-07-08-001E 18
Procedures for Gas Filling
5. Gas Filling Operation, Low-pressure Side

・ Never open the gauge manifold high-pressure valve.

・ Never tip over the service can. This may cause damage to the compressor.
After finishing the high-pressure side filling operation, perform the operation for the low-pressure
[1] Check that the high-pressure valve (4) and low-pressure valve (5) of the gauge manifold (1) and
the valve for the service can (2) are closed.
[2] Start the engine, increase speed to 1500±100 min-1, and completely open the cab door and win-
[3] Turn the air conditioner switch on, move the fan switch to the maximum position, and move the
temperature adjustment switch to the maximum cooling position.
[4] During filling, set the degree of discharge for the compressor at 1.37 - 1.57 MPa.
[5] Open the low-pressure valve (5) of the gauge manifold (1) and valve for the service can (2), and
fill with refrigerant until the air bubbles in the receiver sight glass (9) are gone.
・ Judging the amount of refrigerant from the receiver dryer sight glass
After the AC is turned ON, a few air bub-
When the amount is bles are visible. The glass then becomes
correct transparent and turns to a pale, milky-
white color.

When overfilling After the AC is turned ON, no air bubbles

occurred at all are visible.

When filling was After the AC is turned ON, air bubbles

insufficient are seen continuously.

(Total gas filling amount: 950±50 g)

[6] After refrigerant filling is complete, close the low-pressure valve (5) of the gauge manifold (1) and
the valve for the service can (2), and stop the engine.
• If the air conditioner is operated with very little refrigerant (R134a), this will have a damaging
effect on the compressor.
• If the air conditioner is filled with too much refrigerant (overcharge), this will actually cause insuf-
ficient cooling and there is the danger of pressure in the circuit becoming abnormally high.
Be sure to use an appropriate amount of refrigerant.
• Never open the gauge manifold high-pressure valve (4).
• Never invert the service can.
(Gas is suctioned in liquid form, so this may cause damage to the compressor valve.)

19 RSM-07-08-001E
Procedures for Gas Filling
[7] After refrigerant filling and inspection, remove the gauge manifold and hoses.
Quickly remove the low-pressure side charge hose (blue) (8) from the low-pressure side (SUC)
service valve.
Do not do anything on the high-pressure side until the high-pressure gauge indicator falls to 0.98
MPa or below.
After confirming that the indicator has fallen below this point, quickly remove the high-pressure
side charge hose (red) (7) from the high-pressure side (DIS) service valve.

1 Gauge manifold
2 Valve for service can
3 Charging hose (yellow)
4 High-pressure valve (HI)
5 Low-pressure valve (LO)
6 Service can
7 Charging hose (red)
8 Charging hose (blue)
9 Sight glass

RSM-07-08-001E 20
Procedure for Electrical Equipment Judgment SH200-5
Procedure for Electrical Equipment Judgment

Procedure for Electrical Equipment Judgment

Procedure for Electricity Measurement
Items to prepare
• Service connectors
• Tester

[1] Use service connector (female) (1) and service

connector (male) (2) for voltage measurement.

[2] Remove the connector (3) in which voltage is

to be measured.

1 Service connector (female)

2 Service connector (male)
3 Connector

1 RSM-09-13-001E
Procedure for Electrical Equipment Judgment
[3] Connect the service connector (female) (1) to
the removed connector, and attach the tester
(4) to measure voltage.

[4] Also attach the service connector (male) (2) to

the removed connector on the opposite side
and measure voltage with the tester (4).

1 Service connector (female)

2 Service connector (male)
4 Tester

RSM-09-13-001E 2
Maintenance Standards SH200
Maintenance Standards

Maintenance Standards
Check Sheet
1. Drive sprocket

* See the gauge list for measurement gauges.

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Acceptable /
a 66 60
Acceptable /
b φ φ585.5 φ579.5 Unacceptable
Acceptable / Cladding by welding or
Drive sprocket c φ φ659 φ653 Unacceptable replacement
Acceptable /
d φ φ644.6 - Unacceptable
Acceptable /
p 190 - Unacceptable

3 RSM-09-14-001E
Maintenance Standards
2. Take-up Roller

* See the gauge list for measurement gauges.

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm) (mm)

Acceptable /
a φ φ494 φ490 Unacceptable
Acceptable / Cladding by welding or
Take-up roller b 19 - Unacceptable replacement
Acceptable /
c 84 80
Acceptable /
Shaft d φ φ65 φ64.5 Unacceptable Replacement

Acceptable /
d φ φ65 φ65.8 Unacceptable
Bushing Replacement
Acceptable /
e 69 68.6 Unacceptable
Acceptable /
Hub f 12.4 11.9 Replacement

RSM-09-14-001E 4
Maintenance Standards
3. Upper Roller

* See the gauge list for measurement gauges.

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Acceptable /
a φ φ120 φ112 Unacceptable
Acceptable / Cladding by welding or
Carrier roller b 10 - Unacceptable replacement
Acceptable /
c 85 79
Acceptable /
Shaft d φ φ46 φ45.5 Unacceptable

Acceptable /
d φ φ46 φ46.8 Unacceptable
Bushing Replacement
Acceptable /
e 83 82.6
Acceptable /
Thrust plate f 5.5 5 Replacement

Cover g 29.7 29.2 Acceptable / Replacement


5 RSM-09-14-001E
Maintenance Standards
4. Lower Roller

* See the gauge list for measurement gauges.

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Acceptable /
a φ φ150 φ142 Unacceptable
Acceptable / Cladding by welding or
Track roller b 15 - Unacceptable replacement
Acceptable /
d 173 179
Acceptable /
Shaft e φ φ65 φ64.5 Unacceptable

Acceptable /
e φ φ65 φ65.8 Unacceptable
Bushing Replacement
Acceptable /
f 69 68.6
Acceptable /
Collar g 23.3 22.8 Replacement

RSM-09-14-001E 6
Maintenance Standards
5. Track Shoe (grouser shoe)

* See the gauge list for measurement gauges.

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Shoe plate a 34.5 21.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
b 106 101 Acceptable / Unacceptable
Cladding by
Link c 37.985 36 Acceptable / Unacceptable welding or
d 17.95 16 Acceptable / Unacceptable
e φ φ58.72 φ57.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable
Master bushing Replacement
f φ φ37.3 φ38.3 Acceptable / Unacceptable
Master pin g φ φ36.3 φ35.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Link pitch h 190 195 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
e' φ φ58.72 φ57.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable
Track bushing Replacement
f' φ φ37.3 φ38.3 Acceptable / Unacceptable
Track pin g' φ φ36.65 φ35.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

7 RSM-09-14-001E
Maintenance Standards
6. Attachment (backhoe)

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

(1) Boom and swing frame installation section
Measured Standard Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Swing frame a 684 692 Acceptable / Unacceptable -
Boom b 681.5 679.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Clearance c 0.5 - 3.0 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
Pin d φ φ90 φ89 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Bushing (boom) e φ φ90 φ91.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(2) Boom cylinder and swing frame installation section
Measured Standard Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value (mm)
Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Swing frame a 106 112 Acceptable / Unacceptable -
Boom cylinder
b 105 103 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(foot section)
Clearance c 1.0 - 2.5 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
Pin d φ φ80 φ79 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(boom cylinder)
e φ φ80 φ81.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

RSM-09-14-001E 8
Maintenance Standards

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

(3) Boom and boom cylinder installation section

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Boom cylinder
(top section)
a 100 98 Acceptable / Unacceptable -

Boom b 525 521 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

Clearance c 1.0 - 2.5 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
Pin d φ φ85 φ84 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(boom cylinder)
e φ φ85 φ86.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

(4) Boom and arm cylinder installation section

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Boom a 121 127 Acceptable / Unacceptable -
Boom cylinder
b 120 118 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(foot section)
Clearance c 0.5 - 2.0 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
Pin d φ φ80 φ79 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(arm cylinder)
e φ φ80 φ81.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

9 RSM-09-14-001E
Maintenance Standards

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

(5) Boom and arm installation section

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm) (mm)

Acceptable /
Boom a 310 313 Unacceptable -

Arm b 307.5 305.5 Acceptable / Replacement


Clearance c 0.5 - 1.1 Adjust with Acceptable / Adjust with shims

shims Unacceptable
Acceptable /
Pin d φ φ90 φ89 Unacceptable

Acceptable /
Bushing (arm) e φ φ90 φ91.5 Unacceptable

Acceptable /
Boom f φ φ90 φ91.5 Unacceptable

Acceptable /
Boom g 68 66 Replacement

RSM-09-14-001E 10
Maintenance Standards

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

(6) Arm and arm cylinder installation section

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Arm a 121 127 Acceptable / Unacceptable -
Arm cylinder
b 120 118 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(top section)
Clearance c 0.5 - 3.0 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
Pin d φ φ80 φ79 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(arm cylinder)
e φ φ80 φ81.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

(7) Arm and bucket cylinder installation section

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Arm a 101 107 Acceptable / Unacceptable -
Bucket cylinder
b 100 98 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(foot section)
Clearance c 0.5 - 3.0 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
Pin d φ φ75 φ74 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Bushing (bucket
e φ φ75 φ76.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

11 RSM-09-14-001E
Maintenance Standards

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

(8) Arm and arm link installation section
Measured Standard Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm) (mm)

Arm link a 32 30 Acceptable / Unacceptable -

Arm b 296 294 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Clearance c 1.0 - 1.5 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
Pin d φ φ75 φ74 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Bushing (arm) e φ φ75 φ76.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

(9) Bucket and bucket link installation section

Measured Standard Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm) (mm)

Bucket a 307 313 Acceptable / Unacceptable -

Bucket link b 306 304 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Clearance c 1.0 - 3.5 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
Pin d φ φ80 φ79 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(bucket link)
e φ φ80 φ81.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

RSM-09-14-001E 12
Maintenance Standards

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

(10) Bucket link and bucket cylinder installation section

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm) (mm)

Arm link a 32 30 Acceptable / Unacceptable -

Bucket link b 296 294 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Clearance c 1.0 - 1.5 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
Bucket link d φ 96 98 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Bucket cylinder
(top section)
e φ 95 93 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

Clearance f -0.5 - 2.0 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
Pin g φ85 φ84 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
(bucket link)
h φ85 φ86.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

(bucket cylinder)
i φ85 φ86.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

13 RSM-09-14-001E
Maintenance Standards

* Use the maintenance standard values table for judgment.

(11) Bucket and arm installation section

Measured Standard
Usage limit
Part name Code dimensions value Judgment Action
(mm) (mm)
Bucket a 307 313 Acceptable / Unacceptable -
Arm b 306 304 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Clearance c 1.0 - 3.5 Adjust with shims Acceptable / Unacceptable Adjust with shims
d 16 8 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Pin e φ80 φ79 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
Bushing (arm) f φ80 φ81.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement
g φ80 φ81.5 Acceptable / Unacceptable Replacement

RSM-09-14-001E 14
Maintenance Standards
Inspection Gauge
1. For Drive Sprocket

2. For Take-up Roller

15 RSM-09-14-001E
Maintenance Standards
3. For Upper Roller

RSM-09-14-001E 16
Maintenance Standards
4. For Lower Roller


17 RSM-09-14-001E
Track Shoe SH200-5
Track Shoe

Track Shoe
Removal and Installation of Shoe Assembly
・ When loosening the grease cylinder check valve, loosen it a little bit at a time.
・ The pressure inside the cylinder is very high, so there is the danger of grease being expelled
and the plug flying off. The check valve adjustment procedure should not be done in front of
the check valve.
・ Do not get under the main unit when it is jacked up.
Make sure to place the main unit on crossties to prevent falling.

Caution ・ Make sure to stop the engine for loosening shoes and when removing master pins.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (17 mm, 19 mm)
• Box wrench (19 mm)
• Hammer
• Wood planks, etc.
• Striking rod
• Crowbar
• Rag
• Lifting equipment (with the required breaking load)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
1. Removal of Shoe Assembly
[1] Rotate the shoe and align it so that the master
pin (1) is next to the idler.

[2] Use a box wrench (19 mm) to loosen the check

valve (2) to slowly release grease, and then
loosen the shoe tension.
Do not loosen the check valve all at once.
Loosen it slowly while monitoring the grease
output and shoe loosening.
Use a rag to catch grease that trickles out of
the check valve.
If the check valve is loosened too much at this
time, it may fly off. Be careful not to work in
front of the check valve.

1 Master pin
2 Check valve

1 RSM-13-01-001E
Track Shoe
[3] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the check
valve stopper (4).
• If the check valve is removed, it is easier to
loosen the track shoe tension.

[4] Straighten out the S-pin (5) attached to the

master pin by striking one side of it with a ham-
mer, and use a crowbar, etc. to remove it.

[5] Use a hammer (6) and striking rod (7) to push

the master pin (1) out.

1 Master pin
3 Bolt
4 Stopper
5 S-pin
6 Hammer
7 Striking rod

RSM-13-01-001E 2
Track Shoe
[6] Remove the track shoe (8).
At this time, place a wood plank (9) under the
bottom track shoe so that it does not fall.

[7] Start the engine, raise the lower side frame of

the track shoe removal side about 20 cm,
slowly set the travel lever to backwards, and
move the track shoe to remove it from the
lower frame.

8 Track shoe
9 Wood plank

3 RSM-13-01-001E
Track Shoe
2. Installation of Shoe Assembly
[1] Raise the lower side frame about 20 cm.
Lift the track shoe (1) and align it with the
sprocket (2).
Pay attention to the backwards and forward
direction of the track shoe.

[2] Slowly set the travel lever to forward and feed

the track shoe to the take-up roller side as
shown in the diagram.
In the middle of this procedure when the track
shoe passes the upper roller, use a crowbar,
etc. to lift the track shoe while it is being fed.
Lower the lower side frame after the shoe has
reached position A shown in the diagram.

[3] Wrap the edge of the track shoe (4) onto the
take-up roller (3).
Place a wood plank (5) on the ground and lift
the bottom-side link to align the position where
the master pin is inserted.

1 Track shoe
2 Sprocket
3 Take-up roller
4 Track shoe
5 Wood plank

RSM-13-01-001E 4
Track Shoe
[4] Insert the master pin (7).
Insert the S-pin (6) and bend it so that it cannot
slip out.

[5] Tighten the check valve (8).

While monitoring the track shoe tension, inject
grease into the grease cylinder.

[6] To adjust the track shoe tension, raise the

lower side frame as shown in the diagram.
Adjust the tension so that the distance indi-
cated with A between the frame bottom (9) of
the center area of lower side frame and the
lowest hanging part of the top of the shoe plate
(10) is 280 - 300 mm.

5 Wood plank
6 S-pin
7 Master pin
8 Check valve
9 Frame lower section
10 Topside of shoe plate

5 RSM-13-01-001E
Track Shoe
Removal and Installation of Shoe Plate

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Box wrench (30 mm)
• Grease
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Use a box wrench (30 mm) to remove the 4

shoe bolts (1), and then remove the shoe plate

1 Shoe bolt
2 Shoe plate

RSM-13-01-001E 6
Travel Unit SH200-5
Travel Unit

Travel Unit
Removal and Installation of Travel Motor
・ When loosening the check valve, loosen it a little at a time and stop when any grease
Warning appears. (The pressure inside the cylinder is very high, so there is the danger of grease
being expelled and the plug flying off if the check valve is loosened too much.)

・ Before removing the shoes, be sure to bleed off any air in the hydraulic circuits.
Caution ・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Box wrenches (19 mm, 24 mm)
• Wrenches (17 mm, 19 mm, 27 mm, 36 mm)
• Hammer (to remove the master pin)
• Striking jig (to remove the master pin)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Wire rope (with the required breaking load)
• Loctite #262
• Wood planks, etc.
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Travel Motor
[1] Allow the bucket (1) to touch the ground so as
to elevate the side with the shoe (2) to be
removed as in the diagram on the right.

1 Bucket
2 Shoe

7 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[2] Slowly rotate the shoe so that the shoe joint
section (3) is aligned as in the diagram on the
[3] Place wood planks (4) under the shoe and
return the bucket to its original position.
[4] Perform air bleeding for the hydraulic line.
For details, see Air Bleed Procedure.

[5] Use a box wrench (19 mm) to rotate the

grease cylinder check valve (5) and loosen the
shoe tension.
• Grease will flow out, so have rags ready. If the
check valve is loosened too much at this time,
it may fly off. Be careful not to work in front of
the check valve.

[6] Pull out the S-pin (6) from the rear of the joint

3 Shoe joint section

4 Wood plank
5 Check valve
6 S-pin

RSM-13-02-001E 8
Travel Unit
[7] Place a striking jig (9) against the master pin
(7) and hit it with a hammer (8) to push the
master pin out.

[8] Open the shoe (2) to the rear.

[9] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(10), and then remove the cover (11).

2 Shoe
7 Master pin
8 Hammer
9 Striking jig
10 Bolt
11 Cover

9 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[10] Use wrenches (27 mm for drain hose, 36 mm
for high-pressure hose) to remove the drain
hose (13) and 3 high-pressure hoses (12).
• Be sure to use plugs on the removed drain and
high-pressure hoses.

[11] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the pilot

hose (15) and elbow joint (14) as in the dia-

[12] Attach the wire rope (17) to the travel motor

(16) as in the diagram.
Adjust the wire rope so that it is located at the
center of mass and lift it with the crane so that
it is slightly tensed.

12 High-pressure hose
13 Drain hose
14 Elbow joint
15 Pilot hose
16 Travel motor
17 Wire rope

RSM-13-02-001E 10
Travel Unit
[13] Use a box wrench (24 mm) to remove all 30
bolts (18).

[14] Remove the travel motor (16).

16 Travel motor
18 Bolt

11 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
2. Installation of Travel Motor
[1] Attach the travel motor to the lower frame as in
the diagram.
Be careful of the installation angles.

[2] Apply Loctite #262 to the installation bolt (2)

threaded sections and temporarily tighten
Tighten top and bottom alternately to the spec-
ified torque so that an even tightening force
acts on opposing corners as shown in the dia-
gram below.

[3] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the elbow

joint (3) and pilot hose (4) and as in the dia-

1 Travel motor
2 Bolt
3 Elbow joint
4 Pilot hose

RSM-13-02-001E 12
Travel Unit
[4] Use wrenches (27 mm for drain hose, 36 mm
for high-pressure hose) to install the drain
hose (6) and high-pressure hose (5).

[5] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(7), and then install the cover (8).

[6] Wrap the shoe (9).

5 Main hose
6 Drain hose
7 Bolt
8 Cover
9 Shoe

13 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[7] Insert the master pin (11).
Insert the S-pin (10) and bend it so that it can-
not slip out.

[8] Tighten the check valve (12).

While monitoring the track shoe tension, inject
grease into the grease cylinder.

[9] To adjust the track shoe tension, raise the

lower side frame as shown in the diagram.
Place a wood plank (13) under the lower frame
to prevent falling.
Adjust the tension so that the distance indi-
cated with A between the frame bottom (14) of
the center area of the lower side frame and the
lowest hanging part of the top of the shoe plate
(15) is 280 - 300 mm.

10 S-pin
11 Master pin
12 Check valve
13 Wood plank
14 Frame lower section
15 Topside of shoe plate

RSM-13-02-001E 14
Travel Unit
Assembly and Disassembly of Travel Motor
1. To Ensure Safe Use

Please follow these precautions.

When transporting the motor with a crane, do not use the tap on top of the base plate to sus-
pend the motor.
The motor falling may cause personal injury or damage the machine.

When disassembling the motor for transport, installation or maintenance inspection, make sure
to wear a helmet, protective shoes, gloves and safety goggles.
When there is little hydraulic oil in the hydraulic tank and the oil surface is near the inlet port or
there is no hydraulic oil, do not run the motor.
The motor will take in air and may run out of control, which could cause personal injury or dam-
age the machine.


Do not operate the motor when there is no hydraulic oil in the lines.
The motor will take in air and may run out of control, which could cause personal injury or dam-
age the machine.
For 1 hr. after operating the motor, do not remove the plugs for the oil fill, oil drain and oil check
ports for reduction gear lubrication oil.
Hot lubricating oil may spray out and cause burns.
Hot lubricating oil spraying out and entering the eyes may cause blindness.

15 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit

Please follow these precautions.

When pressure is applied inside the lines, do not remove the motor pressure detection port
plug or the drain port plug.
Pressurized oil spraying out and entering the eyes may cause blindness.
When removing plugs, always let out the pressure inside the lines.

Do not remove the reduction gear cover with the motor left installed in the machine main unit.
Fingers or hands may get caught in gears and this could result in injury.


Do not disassemble the motor with the motor left installed in the machine main unit.
The machine may run out of control, which could result in personal injury.
For motor disassembly, be sure to remove the motor from the machine main unit.

Do not remove the spool of the double counter balance valve with the motor left installed in the
machine main unit.
The motor may run out of control, which could cause personal injury or damage the machine.

RSM-13-02-001E 16
Travel Unit

Please follow these precautions.

Do not tamper with the relief valve adjuster.
The set pressure of the relief valve may change and cause the motor to run out of control,
which could cause personal injury or damage the machine.


17 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit

Please follow these precautions.

Do not operate the motor at settings beyond its specified range.
This could cause damage to the machine.
Do not touch the motor for 1 hr. after operation.
The surface of the motor is very hot due to operation. Touching the surface could cause burns.

Do not suddenly remove the plugs for the oil fill, oil drain and oil check ports on the reduction
A plug may fly off and cause injury.
Align the port positions with the specified positions and slowly loosen the plug for each port,
starting with oil fill port on top, to release air inside the reduction gear.


When handling lines, make sure to confirm the input and output flow of the hydraulic oil and the
motor rotation direction.
It is extremely dangerous if the motor rotates in the opposite direction.

Do not use hydraulic oil other than the type specified.

Doing so could cause damage to the machine.

RSM-13-02-001E 18
Travel Unit

Please follow these precautions.

Do not use reduction gear lubricating oil other than the type specified.
Doing so could cause damage to the machine.
Do not let foreign matter into the motor.
This will damage the machine.

Caution Perform motor maintenance and inspection after the motor has cooled down.

19 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
2. Tools for Assembly and Disassembly
Use the tools indicated below for assembly and disassembly of the motor.
(1)Standard tools
The necessary standard tools for assembly and disassembly of this motor are indicated in Table 1.
Table 1. Standard tools for assembly and disassembly
Standardized number
No. Tool name Type and dimensions Part used with
Manufacturer name
1 Nominal size 60 1-2-6-6, 1-2-17, 1-2-18, 1-2-19
2 Nominal size 120 1-2-8
3 Nominal size 230 1-2-6-5
4 Nominal size 450 1-2-20
5 Preset-type torque wrench JIS B4650 Nominal size 900 24, 28
6 Nominal size 1800 1-2-2-4, 1-2-6-3, 1-2-11, 1-2-14, 29
7 Nominal size 2800 11
8 Nominal size 4200 1-2-7
9 Nominal size 5600 8, 14
10 Rachet handle for socket wrench JIS B4641
11 Bolt width 2.5 mm 1-2-6-6, 1-2-17, 1-2-18, 1-2-19
12 Bolt width 4 mm 1-2-8
13 Bolt width 6 mm 1-2-20
14 Hexagon bit for socket wrench Bolt width 8 mm 28
15 Bolt width 10mm 1-2-6-3, 1-2-11
16 Bolt width 12 mm 11, 29
17 Bolt width 14 mm 1-2-2-4, 1-2-6-5
18 Size T50 24
Torx T-shaped bit JASO F116-89
19 Size T90 8, 14
20 Bolt width 10 mm 1-2-14
Socket for socket wrench JIS B4636
21 Bolt width 27 mm 1-2-7
22 Bolt width 2.5 mm 1-2-6-6, 1-2-17, 1-2-18, 1-2-19
23 Bolt width 4 mm 1-2-8
24 Bolt width 6 mm 1-2-20
25 Hexagon bar wrench JIS B4648 Bolt width 8 mm 28
26 Bolt width 10 mm 1-2-6-3, 1-2-11
27 Bolt width 12 mm 11, 29
28 Bolt width 14 mm 1-2-2-4, 1-2-6-5
29 Bolt width 10 mm 1-2-14
Wrench JIS B4630
30 Bolt width 27 mm 1-2-7
31 Longnose pliers JIS B4631 1-2-7
32 Snap ring pliers S-2 type 1-4-5
33 Flathead screwdriver JIS B4609 6×100 2, 1-27, 1-2, 1-21
34 Plastic hammer OF-05 Nominal size #3
35 Punch Length of about 10 mm
36 Press 200 kgf or higher
37 Crane For 400 kg
38 For M20
39 For M12 1-2
40 Chain string (wire)

RSM-13-02-001E 20
Travel Unit
(2)Secondary materials
The necessary secondary materials for disassembly and assembly of this motor are indicated in
Table 2.
Table 2. Secondary materials
Standardized number
No. Secondary materials name Type and dimensions Part used with
Manufacturer name
1 Seal tape 1-2-8
2 Adhesive Loctite 271 8, 14
1-1, 1-7, 1-6 1-2-1, 1-2-2, 1-2-9,
3 Gear oil GL-4#90 equivalent 1-4-1, 1-4-2, 1-21, 1-4-4, 1-4-3,
1-5, 1-4-2, 1-6
4 Hydraulic oil ISO VG46 equivalent
1-2-2-5, 1-2-6-2, 1-2-6-4, 1-2-12,
5 Grease Lithium-series 1-2-21, 1-2-24, 1-16, 1-17, 1-23,
1-12, 1-15, 1-21
6 White kerosene No.2 equivalent oil
7 Liquid packing ThreeBond 1211 4, 27
8 Lapping plate For sliding surface repair 1-4-1, 1-4-2, 1-5, 1-21
9 Lapping agent #1000 For sliding surface repair
10 Copper plate
11 Tube brush For cleaning 1-2-1, 1-4-1
12 Bamboo brush For cleaning
13 Oil pan For receiving oil
14 Plastic container For grease
15 Rag

(3)Special tools
The necessary special tools for assembly and disassembly of this motor are indicated in Table 3.
Table 3. Special tools
Standardized number
No. Tool name Type and dimensions Part used with
Manufacturer name
1 Pulley remover 1-8, 1-9
2 Bearing press-fit jig 1-8
3 Bearing press-fit jig 1-9
4 Floating seal mounting jig 2
5 Rod 3
6 Angular bearing press-fit jig 3
7 Shim thickness adjustment jig 5
8 Rod 1-2-2
10 Thrust plate selection jig 26
11 Oil seal press-fit jig 1-12
12 Brake piston positioning jig 1-15
13 Snap ring removal jig 1-4-5
14 Poppet seat removal jig 1-2-7-3

21 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
(4)Measurement device
The necessary measurement devices for assembly of this motor are indicated in Table 4.
Table 4. Measurement devices
Standardized number
No. Tool name Type and dimensions Part used with
Manufacturer name
1 Dial gauge JIS B7503 5, 26
2 Micrometer caliper JIS B7502 5, 26

RSM-13-02-001E 22
Travel Unit
3. Disassembly of Motor
(1)Precautions before motor disassembly
Begin motor disassembly only after thoroughly reading the precautions below.
[1] When performing disassembly, always wear protective devices such as a helmet, goggles
and safety shoes.
[2] Use the specified tools when performing disassembly.
[3] Remove all lines connected to the motor and remove the motor from the mother machine
only after making sure that the machine is on a level surface and there are no external forces
acting on rotating parts so that the mother machine does not operate uncontrollably when
the motor is removed.
[4] To prevent foreign matter from entering the lines and motor when removing the motor from
the mother machine, sufficiently clean off mud and dirt adhered around the motor before
removing lines connected to the motor.
[5] When removing lines connected to the motor, hydraulic oil from inside the lines will spray
out. For this reason, remove these lines only after removing pressure from inside the lines
and preparing an oil pan. To prevent injuries due to the motor falling when transporting it by
lifting the motor with a crane, lift the machine with the eyebolts mounted in the positions indi-
cated in the diagram below.
[6] The motor is filled with hydraulic oil. Before disassembling the motor, prepare an oil pan and
drain the hydraulic oil from the motor.
[7] To prevent injuries during disassembly, prepare a waist-high, stable work platform to perform
work on.
[8] The motor comprises high-precision parts. For this reason, foreign matter adhering to parts
can be damaging. Motor disassembly should be done in an inside space without dust, and
mud and dirt should be prevented from adhering to parts.
[9] The motor comprises high-precision parts. For this reason, dents and scratching on part sur-
faces can be damaging. Be very careful when handling parts during disassembly and do not
create any dents or scratching.
[10] To prevent personal injury and damage to parts during disassembly, do not force disassem-
bly of parts which are especially tight to disassemble.

Motor lifting positions

23 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
(2)Tightening torque
Table 5 indicates tightening torque for each connection section.
Table 5. Tightening torque for each section
number Part name Screw size Bolt width Tightening torque

1-2-2-4 Plug M24 x 1.5 14 137 ± 10 N•m

1-2-6-3 Hexagon socket head bolt M12 x 1.75 x 40L 10 108 ± 10 N•m
1-2-6-5 Plug G1/8 14 20.6 ± 1.0 N•m
1-2-6-6 Orifice M5 x 0.8 x 5L 2.5 2.45 ± 0.49 N•m
1-2-7 Relief valve assembly 1-5/16 12UNF 27 373 ± 20 N•m
1-2-8 Plug NPTF 1/16 4 9.8 ± 1.0 N•m
1-2-11 Plug G1/2 10 118 ± 6 N•m
1-2-14 Plug G1/2 10 118 ± 6 N•m
1-2-17 Orifice M5 x 0.8 x 5L 2.5 2.45 ± 0.49 N•m
1-2-18 Orifice M5 x 0.8 x 5L 2.5 2.45 ± 0.49 N•m
1-2-19 Orifice M5 x 0.8 x 5L 2.5 2.45 ± 0.49 N•m
1-2-20 Plug G1/4 6 36.8 ± 2.5 N•m
1-11 Hexagon socket head bolt M14 x 2.0 x 35L 12 205 ± 10 N•m
8 Bolt M20 x 2.0 x 70L Torx T90 539 ± 28 N•m
14 Bolt M20 x 2.0 x 130L Torx T90 539 ± 28 N•m
24 Screw M10 x 1.5 Torx T50 58.8 ± 4.9N•m
28 Hexagon socket head bolt M10 x 1.5 x 16L 8 73.4 ± 3.63 N•m
29 Plug G3/4 12 157 ± 8 N•m

RSM-13-02-001E 24
Travel Unit
(3)Disassembly procedure
Perform disassembly by observing the precautions listed in Section 1 and following the proce-
dure indicated below.
[1] Removal of cap assembly
Secure the motor on top of the stable
work platform, loosen the 8 hexagon
socket head bolts (1-2-6-4), and remove
the 2 cap assemblies (1-2-6).
Next, remove the spring seats (1-2-5),
springs (1-2-4), and spring seats (1-2-3).
The cap assemblies are pushed out by
the spring. For this reason, observe the
following precautions when working.
a. Loosen the hexagon socket head bolts
b. Loosen the hexagon socket head bolts
while pressing down the cap assem-
[2] Removal of plunger assembly
Lightly press the end of the plunger
assembly (1-2-2), and eject one part of
the plunger assembly out from the base
plate (1-2-1). Next, grasp the end of the
plunger assembly by hand and remove
the plunger assembly from the base plate
while rotating it.
The plunger assembly and base plate
are fit together with a very small gap.
For this reason, observe the following
precautions when working.
a. Do not try to force out the plunger with
extreme force if the plunger assembly
becomes stuck when it is being
removed. If it is forced out, this could
scratch the inner diameter surface of
the base plate hole or the outer diame-
ter surface of the plunger assembly. If
the plunger assembly becomes stuck,
lightly hit the end surface of it with a
plastic hammer to insert it once into the
base plate. After this, check that the
plunger assembly moves smoothly and
remove it again while rotating it.
b. Do not perform disassembly of the
plunger assembly if it is not necessary.
Disassembly can cause scratching on
the outside diameter surface of the
plunger assembly. When disassembly
is necessary, contact our company.

25 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[3] Removal of relief valve assembly
Loosen the plug (1-2-7-6) to remove the
relief valve assemblies (1-2-7).
At this time, each poppet seat (1-2-7-3)
remains in the base plate (1-2-1).
The relief valve assemblies are at a set
pressure. The motor driving force and
braking force are both determined by
this set pressure.
For this reason, do not perform the fol-
lowing actions.
a. Loosen the nut (1-2-7-16), and do not
tamper with the set screw (1-2-7-15). If
this part is tampered with, the set pres-
sure of the relief valve will change and
the machine will no longer display pre-
scribed capabilities.
b. Do not perform disassembly of the
relief valve assemblies. The set pres-
sure will change and the machine will
no longer display prescribed capabili-
[4] Poppet seat removal
Use the poppet seat removal jig to remove
each poppet seat (1-2-7-3) from the base
plate (1-2-1).
Do not perform disassembly if it is not

RSM-13-02-001E 26
Travel Unit
[5] Removal of valve assembly
Loosen the plugs (1-2-11) and (1-2-14)
and remove the plugs and spring (1-2-10).
Lightly press the end of the valve assem-
bly (1-2-9), and eject one part of the valve
assembly out from the base plate (1-2-1).
Next, grasp the end of the valve assembly
by hand and remove the valve assembly
from the base plate while rotating it.
The valve assembly and base plate are
fit together with a very small gap. For
this reason, observe the following pre-
cautions when working.
a. Do not try to force out the plunger with
extreme force if the valve assembly
becomes stuck when it is being
removed. If it is forced out, this could
scratch the inner diameter surface of
the base plate hole or the outer diame-
ter surface of the valve assembly. If the
valve assembly becomes stuck, lightly
hit the end surface of it with a plastic
hammer to insert it once again into the
base plate. After this, check that the
valve assembly moves smoothly and
remove it again while rotating it.
b. Do not perform disassembly of the
valve assembly if it is not necessary.
When disassembly is necessary, con-
tact our company.
[6] Do not remove the plugs (1-2-8) if it is not
Each orifice (1-2-22) (1-2-23) (1-2-19) is
caulked to prevent loosening.
Do not perform disassembly.

27 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[7] Removal of base plate
Loosen the hexagon socket head bolts (1-
11) and remove the base plate (1-2-1).
When removing the base plate,
observe the following precautions.
a. The base plate is pushed upwards by
the springs (1-18). For this reason,
loosen the hexagon socket head bolts
evenly when loosening.
b. Positioning knock pins (1-19) are
mounted between the base plate and
main unit. For this reason, pull the base
plate (1-2-1) straight off in alignment
with the center axis of the motor when
removing it so that it does not become
stuck with the knock pins. If it becomes
stuck, lightly strike the base plate with
a plastic hammer to put the knock pins
in the correct position, and then
remove the base plate.
c. When removing the base plate, the
valve plate (1-21) is attached to the
base plate. The valve plate sliding sur-
face is easily scratched, so be careful
not to let the valve plate fall.

[8] Removal of valve plate

Use a flathead screwdriver to remove the
valve plate (1-21) from the base plate (1-
When removing the valve plate,
observe the following precaution.
a. The valve plate sliding surface is easily
scratched. If the sliding surface is
scratched, prescribed capabilities will
disappear so prevent scratching from

RSM-13-02-001E 28
Travel Unit
[9] Removal of O-ring, knock pin and spring
Remove the O-rings (1-22) and (1-23),
knock pins (1-19), and springs (1-18).

[10] Removal of brake piston

Attach a pressured air nozzle to the flange
(1-1) oil path for the parking brake, and
inject compressed air to the parking brake
cylinder chamber to raise the brake piston
(1-15) and remove it.
After removing the brake piston, remove
the disk plates (1-13) and friction plates
(1-14), and remove the O-rings (1-16) and
(1-17) from the brake piston.

When removing the brake piston,
observe the following precautions.
a. When injecting compressed air from
the flange oil path for the parking
brake, do not let any compressed air
leak out.
b. When injecting compressed air from
the flange oil path for the parking
brake, the brake piston may fly off if the
pressure of the compressed air is high,
and this may cause injury. For this rea-
son, set the air pressure at 0.29 MPa
or below, and hold down the brake pis-
ton while performing work so that it
does not fly off.

29 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[11] Removal of cylinder block assembly
Remove the cylinder block assembly (1-4)
from the flange (1-1).
When removing the cylinder block
assembly, observe the following pre-
a. Grasp the cylinder block assembly with
both hands and lightly rotate it left and
right to slowly remove it.
b. Be careful not to scratch the surface of
the cylinder block (1-4-1) that slides
against the valve plate (1-21). If this
surface is scratched, the machine will
no longer display prescribed capabili-
c. Be careful not to scratch the piston
assembly (1-4-2) shoe sliding surfaces.
If this surface is scratched, the
machine will no longer display pre-
scribed capabilities.
[12] Disassembly of cylinder block assembly
1) Mark the piston assemblies (1-4-2) and
cylinder block (1-4-1) with permanent
ink so that parts can be reassembled in
the exact same configuration, and
remove the piston assemblies and
retainer plate (1-4-3) from the cylinder

2) Mark the piston assemblies (1-4-2) and

retainer plate (1-4-3) with permanent ink
so that parts can be reassembled in the
exact same configuration, and remove
the piston assemblies from the retainer

RSM-13-02-001E 30
Travel Unit
3) Remove the retainer holder (1-4-4) from
the cylinder block (1-4-1) and remove
the pins (1-4-9) from the cylinder block.

4) Secure the cylinder block (1-4-1) on the

manual press platform with the sliding
surface facing up, remove the snap ring
(1-4-5), press the collar (1-4-8) with the
removal jig to make the spring (1-4-7)
bend, and use snap ring pliers to
remove the snap ring.
When removing the snap ring,
observe the following precaution.
a. The snap ring is stiff and may come
off from the snap ring pliers when the
snap ring is being removed, which
could cause injury. When removing
the snap ring, make sure to use a dis-
assembly jig and check that the nails
of the snap ring pliers are in the snap
ring hole before removal.
5) Remove the collar (1-4-8), spring (1-4-
7), and spring seat (1-4-6) from the cyl-
inder block (1-4-1).

31 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[13] Removal of swash plate
Remove the swash plate (1-5) from the
flange (1-1).
When removing the swash plate,
observe the following precautions.
a. Be careful not to scratch the swash
plate sliding surface. If this surface is
scratched, the machine will no longer
display prescribed capabilities.
b. Piston assemblies (1-7) and steel balls
(1-6) may be attached to the swash
plate. When these are attached, be
careful not to let them fall.
[14] Removal of piston assembly and steel ball
Remove the piston assemblies (1-7) from
the flange (1-1) and remove the springs
Remove the steel balls (1-6) from the
The steel balls are difficult to remove,
so use the following procedure to do
a. With the steel balls mounted on the
flange, use white kerosene or thinner
to degrease.
b. Use a magnet to remove the steel balls
from the flange.
[15] Removal of shaft
Remove the shaft (1-3) and ball bearing
(1-8) from the flange (1-1).
When removing the shaft, observe the
following precautions.
a. Be careful not to scratch the spines on
the shaft.
b. Be careful not to scratch the sliding
section of the shaft oil seal (1-12).
Scratching this surface may cause oil

RSM-13-02-001E 32
Travel Unit
[16] Draining reduction gear lubricating oil
Before disassembling the reduction gear
section, use the tap for securing the
flange (1-1) and mount two eyebolts in
opposing positions to lift the reduction
gear with a crane. Remove the plugs (29)
in the 2 locations and drain the reduction
gear lubricating oil.
a. Prepare an oil pan before performing
b. Do not lift to too high position when lift-
ing with the crane. Perform work with
the reduction gear at the lowest possi-
ble position (at about knee height).
[17] Removal of cover
Loosen and remove the hexagon socket
head bolts (28). After this, remove the
cover (27).
Use the following procedure when
removing the cover.
a. Liquid packing has been applied
between the cover and housing (4). For
this reason, it is difficult to remove the
cover. Loosen the socket head bolt and
strike the top and side of the cover with
a plastic hammer after removing the
b. Insert a flathead screwdriver in the gap
between the cover and housing and
remove the cover.
[18] Removal of thrust plate
Remove the thrust plate (26) from the
thrust plate (23) top surface.

33 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[19] Removal of drive gear
Remove the driver gear (25).

[20] Removal of 1st stage holder assembly

Remove the 1st stage holder assembly
comprising the holder B (17), planetary
gears B (21), needle bearings (20), inner
races (19), thrust plates (18), thrust plates
(22), thrust plate (23), and screws (24).
When removing the 1st stage holder
assembly, observe the following pre-
When removing the assembly, be care-
ful of fingers getting caught.

[21] Disassembly of 1st stage holder assembly

Secure the 1st stage holder assembly
with a vice and warm the screws (24) with
a dryer to loosen them.
Remove the screws, thrust plate (23),
thrust plates (22), planetary gears B (21),
needle bearings (20), inner races (19) and
thrust plates (18) from holder B (17), in
that order.
When loosening the screws, observe
the following precautions.
Loctite has been applied to the screws.
For this reason, they do not loosen
If they are scratched due to being forc-
ibly loosened, they cannot be used
Before loosening, warm the screws
sufficiently with a dryer.

RSM-13-02-001E 34
Travel Unit
[22] Removal of sun gear C
Remove sun gear C (15).

[23] Removal of planetary gear C

Secure the flange (1-1) and loosen the
bolts (14) to remove them. Next, remove
the thrust plates (13), planetary gears C
(12), needle bearings (11), inner races
(10), and thrust plates (9), in that order.
When loosening bolts, observe the fol-
lowing precautions.
a. Loctite has been applied to the bolts to
prevent loosening. For this reason,
securely fix the flanges.
b. When loosening bolts, use a tool such
as a steel pipe that is long enough to
reach the bolts. Straining excessively
may cause back pain or injury.

35 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[24] Disassembly of holder C
Secure the flange (1-1) and loosen and
remove the bolts (8).
Holder C (6) is secured to the flange with
the pins (31). Mount the removal jig from
the motor side and use the press to
remove holder C.
When loosening bolts, observe the fol-
lowing precautions.
a. Loctite has been applied to the bolts to
prevent loosening. For this reason,
securely fix the flanges.
b. When loosening bolts, use a tool such
as a steel pipe to reach the bolts.
Straining excessively may cause back
pain or injury.

[25] Separation of flange and housing

Mount the jig on the outer circumference
brim end surface of the housing (4), and
then press the flange (1-1) with the press
to separate the housing and flange.

RSM-13-02-001E 36
Travel Unit
[26] Removal of floating seal
Raise the outer circumference of the float-
ing seals (2) with a flathead screwdriver
and remove the floating seals.

[27] Parts storage

This completes the entire disassembly.
When storing disassembled parts, place
parts in plastic bags in a cool, dark and
dry location after cleaning the parts and
applying anti-rust oil.
If parts are stored in a hot, moist location,
rust will develop even if anti-rust oil is
Also store them in a way so that dust does
not collect on them.

37 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
4. Maintenance Standards
(1)Motor parts maintenance standards
Table 6 shows maintenance standards for motor parts. Check each part according to the motor
parts maintenance standards in Table 6. When a permissible limit has been exceeded or is near
being exceeded, perform part repair or replacement according to repair and solution procedures.
Table 6. Motor parts maintenance standards
Inspection and
Applicable part Permissible limit value Repair, solution procedure
measurement location
Piston assemblies 1. Shoe sliding sur- 0.8 a degree of roughness Lap the shoe sliding surface(s) (#1000)
(1-4-2) faces Or the surface is rough and If the scratching cannot be removed,
there is scratching of at least replace the cylinder block assembly (4).
0.02 mm deep.
2. Piston outer circum- 1.2 a degree of roughness Replace the cylinder block assembly (4).
ferences Or the surface is rough and
there is scratching at least
0.02 mm deep.
3. Piston outer diame- Gap 0.060 mm
ters and cylinder
block (4-1) bore
inner diameters
4. Shoe bore backlash 0.4 mm of backlash
Cylinder block 1. Surface that slides 0.8 a degree of roughness Lap the sliding surface (#1000)
(1-4-1) against the valve Or the surface is rough and If the scratching cannot be removed,
plate there is scratching at least replace the cylinder block assembly (4).
0.02 mm deep.
2. Bore inner diameter 1.6 a degree of roughness Replace the cylinder block assembly (4).
Or the surface is rough and
there is scratching at least
0.02 mm deep.
3. Bore inner diameter Gap 0.060 mm
and piston assembly
(4-2) outer diameter
Cylinder block 3. Shaft bonding sec- Diameter between parts Replace the cylinder block assembly (4).
(1-4-1) tion spline 38.749 mm
Diameter of measurement pin
φ3.333 (V1=2.80) mm
Or breaking damage is
Valve plate (1-21) 1. Sliding surface 0.8 a degree of roughness Lap the sliding surface (#1000)
There is scratching at least If the scratching cannot be removed,
0.02 mm deep on the sliding replace the valve plate (22).
Or seizing is occurring.
There is abnormal wear on the
sliding surface.
Retainer plate 1. Sliding surface 0.8 a degree of roughness Replace the retainer plate and retainer
(1-4-3) There is scratching at least holder.
Retainer holder 0.02 mm deep on the sliding
(1-4-4) surface.
Or seizing is occurring.
Swash plate (1-5) 1. Sliding surface 0.8 a degree of roughness Lap the sliding surface (#1000)
There is abnormal wear or If the scratching cannot be removed,
scratching least 0.02 mm deep replace the valve plate (22).
on the sliding surface.
2. Steel ball mounting 1.6 a degree of roughness Replace the swash plate.
section spherical There is scratching at least
hole 0.02 mm deep on the ball
surface or the surface is
3. Steel ball mounting Ball depth 14.5 mm
section spherical

RSM-13-02-001E 38
Travel Unit
Inspection and
Applicable part Permissible limit value Repair, solution procedure
measurement location
Shafts (1-3) 1. Oil seal sliding sur- 1.6 a degree of roughness Replace the shaft(s).
face outer diameters Aside from the oil seal lip
sliding imprint, there is
scratching at least 0.02 mm
deep or the surface is rough.
2. Cylinder block bond- Over-pin diameter
ing section spines 47.380 mm
Diameter of measurement pin
φ3.00 mm
Or breaking damage is
3. Drive gear bonding Diameter between parts
section spines 30.498 mm
Diameter of measurement pin
φ3.33 mm
Or breaking damage is
Break piston 1. Appearance dimen- Height 38.2 mm Replace the brake piston.
(1-15) sions
2. Sliding surface 2.5 a degree of roughness
3. Appearance There is scratching at least
0.02 mm deep or the surface
is rough.
Disk plates (1-13) 1. Appearance dimen- Thickness 3.2 mm Replace the disk plate(s).
2. Appearance There is deep scratching or
friction material is peeling off.
Ball bearing (1-8) 1. Rotation surface Flaking or pressure imprinting Replace the ball bearing.
Ball bearing (1-9) is occurring.
2. Operation There are rotation
abnormalities (abnormal
noises, rotation unevenness)
Piston assemblies 1. Shoe sliding sur- 1.6 a degree of roughness Lap the shoe sliding surface(s) (#1000)
(1-7) faces Or the surface is rough and If the scratching cannot be removed,
there is scratching at least replace using the flange holder kit.
0.02 mm deep.
2. Piston outer circum- 1.2 a degree of roughness Replace using the flange holder kit.
ferences Or the surface is rough and
there is scratching at least
0.02 mm deep.
3. Piston outer diame- Gap 0.040 mm
ters and flange
holder (1-1) inner
4. Shoe bore backlash 1.0 mm of backlash
Plunger assembly 1. Plunger outer diam- 0.8 a degree of roughness Replace using the base plate kit.
(1-2-2) eter There is scratching at least
0.02 mm deep or the surface
is rough.
2. Plunger outer diam- Gap 0.060 mm
eter and base plate
inner diameter

39 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
Inspection and
Applicable part Permissible limit value Repair, solution procedure
measurement location
Base plate (1-2-1) 1. Plunger assembly 0.8 a degree of roughness Replace using the base plate kit.
(2-2) mounting hole There is scratching at least
0.02 mm deep or the surface
is rough.
2. Base plate inner Gap 0.060
diameter and
plunger outer diam-
3. Spool assembly (2- 0.8 a degree of roughness
11) mounting hole There is scratching at least
0.02 mm deep or the surface
is rough.
4. Base plate inner Gap 0.060 mm
diameter and spool
outer diameter
5. Relief valve assem- There is scratching at least
bly free piston slid- 0.02 mm deep or the surface
ing and seat is rough.
Spool assembly 1. Spool outer diame- 0.8 a degree of roughness Replace using the base plate kit.
(1-2-9) ter There is scratching at least
0.02 mm deep or the surface
is rough.
2. Spool outer diame- Gap 0.060 mm
ter and base plate
inner diameter
Free piston 1. Surface that slides There is scratching at least Replace using the relief valve assembly.
(1-2-7-9) against the base 0.02 mm deep or the surface
plate and seat sec- is rough.
Housing (1-2-7-1) 1.Surface that slides There is scratching at least
against free piston 0.02 mm deep or the surface
(outer diameter) is rough.
Spring (1-4-7) 1.Appearance Free length 61.0 mm
2.Appearance There is deformation and
scratching on the coil surface.
Springs (1-18) 1.Appearance Free length 39.0 mm
2.Appearance There is deformation and
scratching on the coil surface.
Springs (1-20) 1.Appearance Free length 41.5 mm
2.Appearance There is deformation and
scratching on the coil surface.
Springs (1-2-4) 1.Appearance Free length 48.5 mm
2.Appearance There is deformation and
scratching on the coil surface.
Spring (1-2-10) 1.Appearance Free length 28.3 mm
2.Appearance There is deformation and
scratching on the coil surface.
Each O-ring and During disassembly Replace each O-ring and oil seal.
oil seal

RSM-13-02-001E 40
Travel Unit
(2)Reduction gear parts maintenance standards
Table 7 shows maintenance standards for reduction gear parts. Check each part according to the
reduction gear parts maintenance standards in Table 7. When a permissible limit has been
exceeded or is near being exceeded, perform part repair or replacement according to repair and
solution procedures.
Table 7. Reduction gear maintenance standards
Inspection and
Applicable part Permissible limit value Repair, solution procedure
measurement location
Planetary gears Tooth thicknesses Across 6 teeth Replace the planetary gear(s).
(21) 66.649 mm
Tooth surfaces There is pitching on 10 % or
more of the tooth surface or
breaking damage is
Inner diameters Flaking is occurring on the Replace the planetary gear(s), needle
inner diameter surface. bearing(s) and inner race(s).
Needle bearings Roller rotation Flaking is occurring on the
(20) surfaces surface.
Inner races (19) Outer diameter Flaking is occurring on the
surfaces surface.
Drive gear (25) Tooth thickness Across 3 teeth Replace the drive gear.
29.908 mm
Tooth surface There is pitching on 10 % or
more of the tooth surface or
breaking damage is
Spline section Over-pin diameter If replacing the drive gear(s), inspect the
38.989 mm shaft at the same time.
Diameter of measurement pin
φ3.00 mm
Or breaking damage is
Holder (17) Tooth thickness of Diameter between parts Replace the holder.
internal tooth 66.742 mm
Diameter of measurement pin
φ7.00 mm
Or breaking damage is
Sun gear (I5) Tooth thickness Across 4 teeth Replace the sun gear.
41.371 mm
Tooth surface There is pitching on 10 % or
more of the tooth surface or
breaking damage is
Planetary gears Tooth thicknesses Across 6 teeth Replace the planetary gear(s).
(12) 65.662 mm
Tooth surfaces There is pitching on 10 % or
more of the tooth surface or
breaking damage is
Inner diameters Flaking is occurring on the Replace the planetary gear(s), needle
inner diameter surface. bearing(s) and inner race(s).
Needle bearings Roller rotation Flaking is occurring on the
(11) surfaces surface.
Inner races (10) Outer diameter surface Flaking is occurring on the

41 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
Inspection and
Applicable part Permissible limit value Repair, solution procedure
measurement location
Housing (4) Tooth thickness Diameter between parts Replace the housing.
330.449 mm
Diameter of measurement pin
φ7.000 mm
Tooth surface There is pitching on 10 % or
more of the tooth surface or
breaking damage is
Shim (5) During disassembly Replace the shim.
Flange (1-1) 2-speed piston hole Gap 0.040 mm Replace using the flange kit.
inner diameter and
piston assembly outer
2-speed piston hole 1.2 a degree of roughness
inner diameter Or the surface is rough or
there is scratching at least
0.02 mm deep.
Thrust plate (26) Thickness Plate thickness 3.3 mmPlate Replace the thrust plate.
thickness 2.5 mm
Plate thickness 2.9 mmPlate
thickness 2.0 mm
Plate thickness 2.7 mm
Or there is deep scratching on
the sliding surface.
Angular bearings Ball rotation surfaces Flaking is occurring. Replace the angular bearing(s).
Operation Abnormal noise or unsmooth
rotation occurs with rotation.
Floating seals (2) Sliding surfaces There is deep scratching that Replace the floating seal(s).
may cause oil leaking. When doing more disassembly beyond
this, because oil leaking may occur due
O-rings Cracking is occurring on the to the seal ring slide imprints not
surface. matching up of reused seals when
reassembly is done, replace these seals
before reassembly.
Each O-ring During disassembly Replace each O-ring.

RSM-13-02-001E 42
Travel Unit
5. Assembly of Motor
(1)Precautions before motor assembly
Begin motor assembly only after thoroughly reading the precautions below.
[1] When performing assembly, always wear protective devices such as a helmet, goggles and
safety shoes.
[2] Use the specified tools when performing assembly.
[3] To prevent injuries during disassembly, prepare a waist-high, stable work platform to perform
work on.
[4] The motor comprises high-precision parts. For this reason, foreign matter adhering to parts
can be damaging. Motor assembly should be done in an inside space without dust, and mud
and dirt should be prevented from adhering to parts.
[5] The motor comprises high-precision parts. For this reason, dents and scratching on part sur-
faces can be damaging. Be very careful when handling parts during assembly and do not
create any dents or scratching.
[6] Be sure to repair any damage discovered during disassembly, and prepare replacement
parts before beginning assembly.
[7] Remove metal fragments and foreign matter from all parts, and check that there are no burrs
or nicks on parts before beginning assembly. If there are burrs or nicks, use a whetstone to
remove them.
[8] When performing assembly, apply clean hydraulic oil to each sliding and rotating section
before assembly.
[9] Thoroughly degrease areas where Loctite and liquid packing is used, and remove oil and
water before assembly.
[10] As a rule, replace all seal parts such as O-rings and backup rings with new parts.
[11] Be careful not to damage O-rings and backup rings during assembly. When assembling O-
rings and backup rings, apply a small amount of grease for assembly.
[12] It is recommended that petroleum jelly or grease be used to prevent parts from falling during
[13] Tighten each type of bolt at the connection sections to the tightening torque indicated in
Table 5 in 3. (2). Tightening torque should be controlled with a torque wrench.
[14] After assembly is complete, plug all ports leading into the motor to prevent dirt from entering.

43 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
(2)Assembly procedures
Perform assembly by observing the precautions listed in Section 1 and following the procedure
indicated below.
[1] Assembly of reduction gear section
1) Attaching floating seal to flange
After confirming the items below con-
cerning the floating seals (2), use the
floating seal installation jig to attach the
floating seals to the flange (1-1).
Confirmation items:
a. Check that there is no dirt adhered to
the floating seal mounting surfaces
on the flange.
b. Thoroughly degrease the floating
seal mounting surfaces on the flange.
c. Check that there is no dirt adhered to
the O-ring surfaces on the floating
d. Thoroughly degrease the O-ring sur-
faces on the floating seals.
2) Attaching angular bearing to housing
Use the press-fit jig or press to press fit
the angular bearings (3) to the housing

RSM-13-02-001E 44
Travel Unit
3) Attaching floating seal to housing
After confirming the items below con-
cerning the floating seals (2), use the
floating seal installation jig to attach the
floating seals to the housing (4).
Confirmation items:
a. Check that there is no dirt adhered to
the floating seal mounting surface on
the housing.
b. Thoroughly degrease the floating
seal mounting surface on the housing
c. Check that there is no dirt adhered to
the O-ring surfaces on the floating
d. Thoroughly degrease the O-ring sur-
faces on the floating seals.
4) Attaching the housing to the flange
After confirming the items below, use a
crane to attach the housing to the flange
so that the floating seal (2) section of the
flange (1-1) is aligned with the floating
seal section of the housing (4).
Confirmation items:
a. Check that there is no dirt adhered to
the seal ring sliding surfaces of the
floating seals.
b. Apply reduction gear lubricating oil or
hydraulic oil all around the seal ring
sliding surfaces of the floating seals
c. When attaching the flange holder and
housing (1-6), attach them after
checking that the axis center is

45 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
5) Shim thickness selection
Select the precompression adjustment
shim (5) thickness according to the fol-
lowing procedure.
1. Use the shim thickness adjustment
jig to press the inner ring end sec-
tions of the angular bearings (3) with
a load of 2.94 kN.
2. Measure the H level dimensions at
this time for the angular bearings
inner ring end surfaces and flange
end surface.
3. Measure the h level dimensions of
the holder (6).
4. Select a shim and install it so that the
shim thickness is appropriate to the
dimensions (H-h).
a. Do not reuse shims.
b. Be sure to perform this procedure
properly. If precompression adjust-
ment is not done properly, reduction
gear damage could occur during
c. Clean the measurement surfaces.
1 Press load of 2.94 kN
2 H dimensions
3 h dimensions

RSM-13-02-001E 46
Travel Unit
6) Holder attachment
Secure the flange (1-1) and stand the
pins (31) straight up on the flange in 4
Use grease to attach the shim selected
in 5) to the holder (6), and press fit the
shim with it on the holder in alignment
with the pin holes.
Mount the washers (7) on the holder,
apply Loctite to the threaded sections,
and tighten the bolts (8) to the specified
a. Check that the pins (31) have not
b. The loosening stop spikes should be
attached to the washers. Put the
spikes on the holder seating surface
side to mount them.
c. Thoroughly clean the bolt threaded
sections and apply Loctite after
d. Also thoroughly clean the internal
areas of the screw holes of the
flange, and thoroughly degrease

Be careful to attach the washers (7) in

the correct direction. Attach them in
the direction shown in the diagram
*1 Holder side
*2 Bolt seating surface side

47 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
7) Planetary gear attachment
Attach the thrust plates (9) to the plane-
tary gears (12).
Next, attach the needle bearings (11) to
the planetary gears.
Finally, after attaching the inner races
(10), join the flange trunnion sections (4
locations) with the internal diameter sec-
tions of the inner races to attach the
planetary gears.
a. When attaching the thrust plates to
the planetary gears, make sure the
shear droop on the thrust plates cre-
ated by the press is facing the 1-1
flange side.
b. When finally attaching the planetary
gears to the flange, attach them so
that the internal teeth of the housing
(4) engage with the planetary gear
c. Be careful with the attachment direc-
tions of the planetary gears.

Make the shear droop side face the

planetary gear C (6) side.
*2 Thrust plate (9) attachment direction

RSM-13-02-001E 48
Travel Unit
8) Thrust plate attachment
Mount the thrust plates (13) on the plan-
etary gears (12) in such a way that the
chamfers of the bolt hole sections are
the neck bottom section of the bolts
After mounting, mount the bolts that
have had Loctite applied to the threaded
sections and tighten them to the speci-
fied torque.
a. Be careful with the mounting direc-
tion of the thrust plates. Mistakes
could cause scratching on the bolt
neck sections and this could result in
b. Thoroughly clean the bolt threaded
sections and apply Loctite after
c. Also thoroughly clean the internal
areas of the screw holes of the flange
(1-1), and thoroughly degrease them.

Mount so that the C2 chamfer side is

*1 the seating surface side for the
hexagon socket head bolts.

9) Sun gear C attachment

After checking that the snap ring (16) is
mounted on sun gear C (15), mount the
sun gear C in the middle of the 4 plane-
tary gears (12).
Mount the sun gear C so that the
teeth engage with the teeth of the
planetary gears.

49 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
10)Holder attachment
Engage the internal teeth of the holder
(17) with the teeth of sun gear C (15)
and attach sun gear C.

11)Planetary gear attachment

Attach the thrust plates (18) to the plan-
etary gears (21).
Next, attach the needle bearings (20) to
the planetary gears.
Finally, after attaching the inner races
(19), join the holder (17) trunnion sec-
tions (3 locations) with the internal diam-
eter sections of the inner races to attach
the planetary gears to the holder.
a. When attaching the thrust plates to
the planetary gears, make sure the
shear droop on the thrust plates cre-
ated by the press is facing the holder
b. When finally attaching the planetary
gears to the holder, attach so that the
internal teeth of the housing (4)
engage with the planetary gear teeth.
c. Be careful with the attachment direc-
tions of the planetary gears.

Make the shear droop side face the

holder B (17) side.
*2 Thrust plate (18) attachment direction

RSM-13-02-001E 50
Travel Unit
12)Drive gear attachment
Attach the thrust plates (22) to the plan-
etary gears (21), and attach the thrust
plate (23). Insert the screws (24) with
Loctite applied in the threaded sections
and tighten them to the specified torque.
Make the spline-side of the drive gear
(25) face the motor section attachment
side and attach the drive gear in the
middle of the 3 planetary gears. Also
engage the teeth of the planetary gears
with the drive gear teeth.
a. Be careful with the attachment direc-
tion of the thrust plates.
b. Thoroughly clean and degrease the
screw holes and threaded sections of
the holder (17)

Make the shear droop side face the

planetary gear C (12) side.
*2 Thrust plate (13) attachment direction

51 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
13)Thrust plate attachment
Measure the level difference between
the housing (4) end surface and the
thrust plate (23) end surface with the
thrust plate selection jig, and select and
attach a thrust plate (26) according to
the table below.

Level difference
Appropriate thrust plate
1.20 - 0.67 20941-62306

0.66 - 0.04 20941-62307

0.03 - -0.16 20941-62308

-0.17 - -0.41 20941-62309

-0.42 - -0.80 B0841-23017

Align the center hole of the thrust
plate with the protruding section of
the drive gear (25) and attach.

*1 Measure the level difference

14)Cover attachment
Thoroughly clean off any foreign matter
from the housing (4) end surface and
cover (27) matching surface.
Next, thoroughly degrease the housing
end surface and cover matching sur-
Additionally, apply liquid packing to the
centering location corners on the hous-
ing attachment surface-side of the
cover, and align the housing screw holes
and bolt openings on the cover to mount
the cover on the housing.
Finally, mount the hexagon socket head
bolts (28) and tighten them to the speci-
fied torque.

RSM-13-02-001E 52
Travel Unit
15)Plug attachment
Remove the O-rings (30) attached to the
plugs (29), and replace them with new
Next, attach plugs to the oil fill, oil drain
and oil check ports (3 total) on the cover
(27) and tighten them to the specified

This completes assembly of the reduction gear parts.

Next is assembly of motor parts. Perform assembly while referring to "[2] Assembly of motor

53 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[2] Assembly of motor parts
1) Oil seal attachment
Check whether the oil seal is mounted
on the flange (1-1), and use an oil seal
press-fit jig to press fit the oil seal (1-12)
to the flange if it is not mounted already.
a. Press fit the oil seal after applying
grease to the internal diameter sur-
face of flange oil seal press-fit section
and the oil seal outside diameter sec-
b. Press fit the oil seal after applying
grease to the lip section of the oil seal
inner diameter.
c. When press fitting the oil seal, push it
vertically with the press. Slanting will
cause damage to the oil seal outer
diameter surface.
d. When press fitting the oil seal, be
careful not to scratch the lip section
of the oil seal internal diameter.
Scratching may cause oil leaking and
reduction gear internal damage could
occur during motor operation.
2) Piston assembly attachment
Attach the springs (1-20) to the flange
(1-1) holes for attaching the piston
assemblies (1-7).
Next, attach the piston assemblies to the
a. Attach springs in the center of the
hole when attaching.
b. When attaching the piston assem-
blies, have the cylinder sections fac-
ing down.
c. Before attaching the piston assem-
blies, apply hydraulic oil to the inter-
nal diameter surface of the flange
mounting holes and the outer diame-
ter of the piston assembly cylinder
d. After attaching the piston assemblies,
check that the piston assemblies
move smoothly.

RSM-13-02-001E 54
Travel Unit
3) Steel ball attachment
Attach steel balls (1-6) to the spherical
hole sections of the flange (1-1).
Before attaching the steel balls, apply
hydraulic oil to the inner diameter
surface of the spherical holes of the

4) Shaft attachment
Use the bearing press-fit jig to press fit
the ball bearing (1-8) to the shaft (1-3).
Next, attach the shaft to the center of
the flange (1-1).
a. When attaching the ball bearing,
attach it vertically.
b. After attaching the shaft, check that it
rotates smoothly.

55 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
5) Swash plate attachment
Point the slanted surface of the swash
plate (1-5) upwards and attach the
swash plate to the flange (1-1).
a. Attach by matching the rear surface
spherical holes of the swash plate
with the steel balls (1-6).
b. Attach the swash plate after applying
hydraulic oil to the surface of the
steel balls.
c. After attaching the swash plate,
check that it moves smoothly.
6) Assembly of cylinder block assembly
1. Point the surface of the cylinder block
(1-4-1) that slides against the valve
plate (1-21) upwards and place the
cylinder block on the work platform of
the hand press. Point the slanted sur-
face of the spring seat (1-4-6) down
and attach it to the cylinder block.
Place both the spring (1-4-7) and col-
lar (1-4-8) on top of spring seat with
the collar on top.

*1 Cylinder block attachment direction

RSM-13-02-001E 56
Travel Unit
2. Use the jig to press the top surface of
the collar (1-4-8) to attach the snap
ring (1-4-5).
a. The snap ring is stiff and may
come off from the snap ring pliers
when the snap ring is being
attached, which could cause
injury. Make sure to use a jig when
attaching the snap ring, and check
that the nails of the snap ring pli-
ers are in the snap ring before
b. When retracting the snap ring is
difficult, use the snap ring pliers
that are one size bigger.
c. When pressing in the collar (1-4-
8), make the centers of the cylin-
der block and press align with
each other.
3. Point the surface of the cylinder block
(1-4-1) that slides against the valve
plate (1-21) down and place the cylin-
der block on the work platform.
Insert the 3 pins (1-4-9) into the diag-
onal holes of the cylinder block (1-4-
a. When placing the cylinder block
on top of the work platform, check
that there is no foreign matter on
top of the work platform.
b. Be careful not to scratch the sur-
face of the cylinder block that
slides against the valve plate.
Scratching may cause a reduction
in motor performance and early
damage to the motor.
c. Apply grease to the pin holes
before attaching the pins.

57 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
4. Attach the retainer holder (1-4-4) to
the cylinder block (1-4-1).

5. Place the side of the retainer plate (1-

4-3) with a taper on the outer circum-
ference down, and attach the 9 piston
assemblies (1-4-2) to the retainer

6. Attach the piston assemblies (1-4-2)

to the cylinder block (1-4-1).
a. Apply hydraulic oil to the 9 cylinder
block piston attachment holes
before attaching the piston assem-
b. Apply hydraulic oil to the spherical
surface of the retainer holder (1-4-
4) before attaching it.

RSM-13-02-001E 58
Travel Unit
7) Cylinder block assembly attachment
Place the valve plate (1-21) sliding sur-
face side of the cylinder block assembly
(1-4) upwards, engage the internal teeth
spines of the retainer holder (1-4-4) and
cylinder block (1-4-1) with the external
teeth spines of the shaft (1-3), and
attach the cylinder block assembly to the
inside of the flange (1-1).
a. When performing attachment, check
that the piston assemblies (1-4-2),
retainer plate (1-4-3) and retainer
holder do not come off from the cylin-
der block assembly.
b. Before performing attachment, apply
hydraulic oil to the swash plate (1-5)
surface and sliding surfaces of the
piston assemblies.
8) Disk plate attachment
Engage the internal teeth of the disk
plates (1-13) with the external teeth of
the cylinder block (1-4-1) and attach the
disk plates to the flange.
Also, align the arc sections on the exter-
nal circumference of the friction plates
(1-14) with the notch sections of the
flange and attach the friction plates to
the flange.
Attach in this manner with the disk
plates being attached before the friction
The disk plates are wet type disk.
Before attachment, immerse the fric-
tion material parts in hydraulic oil and
have the friction materials thoroughly
absorb the hydraulic oil.

59 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
9) Brake piston attachment
Attach O-rings (1-16) and (1-17) to the
brake piston (1-15).
Next, place the large bore side of the
brake piston upwards and attach it to the
flange (1-1).
a. Thoroughly apply grease when
attaching the O-rings.
b. Attach the brake piston after using a
positioning jig to align the flange base
plate (1-2-1) knock pin hole and
brake piston knock pin hole so that
they are arranged in a straight line.
c. When attaching the brake piston,
apply grease to the outer circumfer-
ence of the brake piston and inner
diameter section of the flange.
d. Push and attach the brake piston
evenly all around so that it does not
become slanted. If the brake piston is
attached at a slant, this could cause
operational problems or the O-rings
to break.

10)Spring attachment
Insert the springs (1-18) into the 8
spring mounting holes on the brake pis-
ton (1-15).

RSM-13-02-001E 60
Travel Unit
11)Valve plate attachment
Place the base plate (1-2-1) on top of
the work platform and press fit the bear-
ing (1-9) in the center of the base plate
using the bearing press-fit jig.
Attach the valve plate (1-21) to the base
plate after checking that the knock pins
(1-19) are mounted to the base plate.
a. Place the copper alloy side of the
valve plate up to attach it.
b. Thoroughly apply grease to the
matching surface between the base
plate and valve plate to prevent the
valve plate from falling.
c. Be careful not to scratch the copper
alloy surface of the valve plate.

61 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
12)Base plate attachment
Attach O-ring (1-23) and the 4 O-rings
(1-22) to the top surface of the flange (1-
Attach the knock pins (1-19) to the base
plate (1-2-1).
Place the valve plate (1-21) mounting
surface of the base plate downwards
and tighten it to the flange with the hexa-
gon socket head bolts (1-11).
a. Apply grease to the O-ring (1-23).
b. Do not apply grease to the O-rings
c. Attach the knock pins with their
tapered sections up.
d. Attach the base plate after applying
hydraulic oil to the valve plate surface
and cylinder block (1-4-1) surface.
e. Be careful that the valve plate does
not fall because the valve plate
mounting surface of the base plate is
pointing down when the base plate is
f. Check the mounting position of the
O-rings on the flange and the posi-
tion of the holes for the oil path on the
base plate to attach the base plate.
g. Check the position of the knock pins
mounted to the base plate, the spring
(1-18) mounting holes on the base
plate and the flange-side knock pin
holes, and the spring positions to
attach the base plate.
h. When tightening the socket head
bolts, screw in all of the bolts around
the circumference evenly.

RSM-13-02-001E 62
Travel Unit
13)Valve assembly attachment
Attach the spring (1-2-10) to the valve
assembly (1-2-9) and attach the assem-
bly to the base plate (1-2-1). After
attaching the valve assembly, check that
the O-rings (1-2-12) are mounted to the
plug (1-2-11), attach the plug to the
base plate and tighten it to the specified
Next, check that the O-rings (1-2-12) are
mounted to the plug (1-2-14), attach the
spring guide (1-2-13) and washer (1-2-
15), and then attach the plug to the base
plate and tighten it to the specified
a. Attach the valve assembly to the
base plate so that the base plate line
port side is on the nearest to the
installer and the valve assembly
spring mounting side is on the right.
Attaching in the opposite direction
may cause problems such as switch-
ing errors.
b. Attach the valve assembly after
applying hydraulic oil to the outer cir-
c. After attaching the valve assembly,
check that it moves smoothly.
14)Relief valve assembly attachment
Attach the relief valve assemblies (1-2-
7) to the base plate (1-2-1) and tighten
to the specified torque after checking
that poppet seat (1-2-7-3) is mounted on
the end of each relief valve assemblies.
a. Replace the O-ring (1-2-7-7) with
new one before attaching the relief
valve assemblies.
b. Check that the O-ring (1-2-7-17) and
backup rings (1-2-7-18) are mounted
on the each poppet seat (1-2-7-3).
c. Apply grease to the O-rings and
backup rings before attaching the
relief valve assemblies.

63 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
15)Plunger assembly attachment
Attach the base plate (1-2-1) to the
plunger assembly (1-2-2).
a. Apply hydraulic oil to the plunger
assembly outer circumference before
b. Attach the plunger assembly slowly
and in a straight line while rotating it.
c. If the plunger assembly becomes
stuck, do not force it too much and
lightly strike it with a hammer.

16)Cap assembly attachment

Attach the spring seats (1-2-3) and
springs (1-2-4) to the plunger assembly
(1-2-2) in that order.
After checking that the O-ring (1-2-6-2)
is mounted to the cap assemblies (1-2-
6) and that the O-ring (1-2-24) is
mounted to the base plate, mount the
spring seats (1-2-5) on the cap assem-
blies and attach the cap assemblies to
the base plate.
Finally, tighten the hexagon socket head
bolts (1-2-6-4) to the specified torque.
a. Apply grease to the O-rings.
b. The cap assemblies are pushed by
the springs. Push the cap assemblies
down by hand when tightening the
socket head bolts.
c. When tightening the hexagon socket
head bolts, evenly tighten the 4 bolts.
If the cap assemblies are tightened at
a slant, this could cause damage O-
rings and cause oil leaking.

This completes assembly of the motor.

When installing the motor in the machine body, see "7. Installation of Motor", "8. Operation Check",
and the Operator's Manual for the machine.

RSM-13-02-001E 64
Travel Unit
6. Motor Section Names

Diagram 1. Motor section names

65 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
7. Installation of Motor
(1)Motor inspection
Before placing the motor in the mother machine, perform inspection for the following items. If
there is a problem, perform the given procedure.
Table 14. Motor inspection and solving problems before installation
Solution for solving problem
Inspection item before
installation When installing a motor stored after
When installing a new motor
maintenance inspection
Are there any damaged Contact our company's service plant Replace damaged parts.
areas? concerning damage that occurred
during shipping.
Replace parts that have been
damaged during storage.
Are there any missing Contact our company's service plant Purchase lost parts.
parts? concerning parts lost during
Purchase parts that have been lost
during storage.
Is there any looseness If there is looseness in bolts just When there is looseness with bolts,
in the tightening after delivery of the motor, contact disassemble again and inspect the
sections of the bolts? our company's service plant for motor for rust on the inside.
instructions on tightening bolts to the
specified torque.
If there is bolt loosening on a stored
motor, contact our company's
service plant as there is a chance
that rust has formed internally.
Dirt around ports When ports for lines are dirty, When ports for lines are dirty, perform
perform air blowing with compressed air blowing with compressed air or a
air or a high-pressure jet or cleaning high-pressure jet or cleaning with water
with water vapor to remove dirt. vapor to remove dirt.
Are all of the port areas When checking just after delivery When the plugs for each of the ports are
completely air-tight? When the plugs for each of the ports loose or there are no plugs on the ports,
are loose, use the plugs after perform disassembly for confirmation
removing dirt adhered to the ports. that dirt has not entered the motor or
When there are no plugs on the there is no rust.
ports, contact our company's service
plant as dirt has probably entered
the motor.
When checking after storage
Contact our company's service plant
as rust has probably formed inside
the motor.
Is there any rust on the Contact our company's service plant If there is light rusting, use the motor
port sections or the after confirming the presence of rust. after removing the rust.
installation sections on If rusting is severe, replace parts.
the mother machine?
Oil leaking from ports Contact our company's service plant If oil leaking is discovered, there is
and connection if oil leaking is discovered. probably a problem with air-tightness
surfaces and rust has formed inside the motor,
so perform disassembly again to check
for rust.

RSM-13-02-001E 66
Travel Unit
8. Operation Check
Before performing work driving after installing the new motor or post-inspection motor in the
machine main unit and completing all line operations, perform a driving check according to the pro-
cedure listed below.
(1)Check before driving check
[1] Fill the inside of the piston motor case with hydraulic oil
Before performing a driving check, fill the inside of the piston motor case with about 500 cc
of hydraulic oil from the piston motor drain port to prevent problems at the start of driving in
sliding sections of the piton motor.
When using a hand pump or a small-quantity electric pump for oil filling, make the internal
case pressure of the piston motor 0.3 MPa or less.
[2] Reduction gear lubricating oil check
Use the oil fill, oil drain and oil check ports for reduction gear lubricating oil shown in the Dia-
gram 8 to check that the reduction gear case contains the stipulated level of lubricating oil.
<How to check the quantity of reduction gear lubricating oil in a new motor>
Remove the lubricating oil check port plug and check that lubricating oil flows out.
If lubricating oil seems to be flowing out, return the oil check port plug to its original position
and tighten it to the specified torque.
If lubricating oil does not flow out even though the oil check port is open, open the oil fill port
and fill with oil until reduction gear lubrication oil flows out from the oil check port. After filling
with oil, return the plugs for the oil fill port and oil check port and tighten them to the speci-
fied torque.
When motors are shipped from the plant they are filled with Mitsubishi Diamond Hypoid
Gear Oil 90 to the stipulated volume (3.5 L).

67 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit

Diagram 8. Oil fill, oil drain and oil check ports for reduction gear lubricating oil and stipulated oil volume

(2)Motor operation check

Slowly operate the machine and perform air-bleeding for inside the motor circuit and inside the
line according the Operator's Manual for the machine main unit. First, perform an operation check
by repeating "C direction rotation and stopping and A direction rotation and stopping" a number
of times at low speed. At this time, remaining air inside the circuit may cause abnormal noises
from the valves, etc. The abnormal noises will stop as air is bled out while operation is done
repeatedly at low speed. If abnormal noises go away through repeated operation over a while,
there is no problem with the motor and it can be used as is. If operation is done repeatedly and
abnormal noises do not stop, there is an abnormality within the motor and it should be replaced.
Check for the presence of oil leaking from the motor, line port sections, each line and each piece
of equipment. When oil leaking has been confirmed, retighten the bolts and line joints at the loca-
tion where the leak is occurring to the specified torque.
After checking is completed, raise the pressure and perform load operation, and check that no
abnormal noises or vibrations, etc. are occurring in the motor.

• When tightening lines, etc. after confirming oil leaking, make sure to have
operation of hydraulic devices stopped.
• Make sure that the pressure operating on the motor is low when checking for
oil leaking. If the operating pressure is high and there is oil leaking, there is the
danger of oil spraying out.

RSM-13-02-001E 68
Travel Unit
9. Troubleshooting
See the troubleshooting section below to perform checking, countermeasures and to solve prob-
lems when any kind of problem occurs in the motor during operation.
[1] Piston motor troubleshooting
Problem Possible cause Countermeasure and solution
The motor does There is an operation problem in a piece of After investigating whether pressure is
not rotate equipment other than the piston motor or reaching the motor inlet side, investigate
reduction gear. the causes of problems and
countermeasures for each piece of
equipment and perform inspection and
If the cause is in the motor itself, there is Perform disassembly and clean and
dirt clogging an operation section or there remove dirt from parts before reassembling
is an operation problem. the motor.
If parts are damaged due to dirt, replace
the parts.
Motor inlet side pressure is low. Operate the main relief valve of the circuit
and raise the set pressure.
There is abnormal wear on the sliding Perform disassembly and replace
sections of the piston motor and abnormally worn parts.
pressurized oil is escaping. After completely removing surface
scratching, burrs, etc. and cleaning,
perform reassembly.
Damage is occurring with the main parts of Perform disassembly and replace
the piston motor. In this instance, abnormal damaged parts. Perform reassembly after
noise is coming from the piston motor. cleaning parts.
The load on the piston motor is too large Investigate the load conditions and adjust
and the relief valve is operating. the load to an amount appropriate to the
set pressure of the relief valve.
Motor rotation The cause resides in the hydraulic pump, After investigating whether the required
speed is pressure control valve, flow control valve, flow is being supplied to the piston motor
insufficient etc. Required oil flow is not being supplied inlet side, investigate the causes of
to the piston motor and rotation is problems and countermeasures for each
insufficient. piece of equipment and perform inspection
and repair.
pressurized oil is moving from the high- Perform disassembly, investigate the status
pressure side to the low-pressure side due of wear on the sliding sections of the piston
to wear on the sliding sections of the piston motor, and perform repair and replacement
motor (volume efficiency reduction), and according to the Maintenance Procedures.
speed is insufficient.
There is looseness in the piston motor Retighten the base plate fastening bolts to
base plate fastening bolts. Internal leaking the specified torque.
is increased and speed is insufficient.
Motor rotation There is wear on the sliding sections of the Perform disassembly, investigate the status
variation is high piston motor and high-pressurized oil is of wear on the sliding sections, and
leaking and flowing out from the drain port, perform repair and replacement according
which is causing speed to greatly decrease to the Maintenance Procedures.
and causing rotation variation.
When going down an incline, the double Perform disassembly, investigate the status
counter balance valve is causing hunting of wear on the double counter balance
and rotation variation. valve, and perform repair and replacement
according to the Maintenance Procedures.

69 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
Problem Possible cause Countermeasure and solution
Noise is high The shaft is touching driven parts due to Make the shaft core alignment accurate.
problems with shaft core alignment, and
this is producing noise.
There is wear or damage on the piston Perform disassembly and replace
motor bearing or damage has occurred damaged parts such as bearings or
with a spring, etc. and noise is being springs. Perform reassembly after cleaning
produced. parts.
Oil leaking There is looseness in bolts on matching Retighten the fastening bolts the specified
surfaces, etc. and oil leaking is occurring. torque.
Oil leaking is occurring due to damage to Perform disassembly and replace seals.
oil seals, O-rings, packing, etc. Check the hydraulic oil temperature. When
the temperature of the hydraulic oil is 80 ℃
or higher during operation, recheck the
cooler and reduce the temperature of the
hydraulic oil to below 80 ℃ .
The amount of drain oil is high due to wear Perform disassembly, investigate the status
on the sliding sections of the piston motor, of wear on the sliding sections, and
and oil leaking is occurring due to damage perform repair and replacement according
to the oil seals. to the Maintenance Procedures. Replace
oil seals. Perform reassembly after
cleaning parts.
Drain pressure has increased due to Perform disassembly and replace oil seals.
clogging in the drain line or because the Perform drain line cleaning and remove
drain line is long and thin, and this has foreign matter. Recheck lines and minimize
damaged the oil seals and oil leaking is resistance in line paths.
Cavitations is The amount of hydraulic oil in the hydraulic Check the amount of hydraulic oil in the
causing tank has decreased, and aeration is hydraulic tank, and crisply with hydraulic oil
abnormal noise, occurring due to tank taking in air. according to the instructions on the
rotation variation machine main unit.
and pressure
Hydraulic oil within the motor lines and Check the motor installation direction and
motor circuit is flowing out while hydraulic correct it.
devices are turned off because the motor Check that the oil surface within the
installation direction is inappropriate or the hydraulic tank is above the motor, and
hydraulic tank position is inappropriate, and either modify it so that it is above the motor
this is causing aeration to occur within the or set up a self-supply circuit so that the
motor just after the motor is started. insides of the motor circuit and lines are
fully supplied with oil before driving.
When the motor is pumping, pressure on Perform disassembly and perform repair
the motor inlet side becomes negative due and replacement according to the double
to double counter balance valve operation counter balance valve Maintenance
problem and cavitation occurs. Procedures.
Motor rotation The load is too large and this caused the Check the load conditions and change the
stopped during engine to stall. load to an appropriate amount.
Seizing occurred in the sliding sections of Investigate specifications values
the piston motor and the motor stopped (especially flow amount and motor speed).
rotating. If the motor speed has exceeded the upper
limit, lower the flow amount.
It is not possible to reuse the inside of the
motor, so the motor should be replaced.

RSM-13-02-001E 70
Travel Unit
[2] Parking brake troubleshooting
Problem Possible cause Countermeasure and solution
The motor Parking brake torque has decreased due to Perform disassembly and replace the
rotates if it is disk wear. parking brake disk. Perform reassembly
stopped with an after cleaning parts.
external load
The disk surface has been altered due to Perform disassembly and replace the disk.
acting on the
contact errors, etc., and the parking brake Also, repair the surface of the disk
torque has decreased. companion parts and perform reassembly.
The spring is worn or damaged and the Perform disassembly and replace the
parking brake torque is reduced. spring. Perform reassembly after cleaning
The external load is too large and the Check the external load and change the
parking brake capabilities are insufficient. load to an appropriate amount.
Motor drive force O-rings are damaged and pressurized oil is Perform disassembly and replace the O-
is not being escaping, so the parking brake cannot be rings. Perform reassembly after cleaning
produced. released. parts.
Motor is heating
Foreign matter is clogging the orifice inside Perform disassembly and remove foreign
up to an
the parking brake release oil path and matter from the orifice. Perform reassembly
abnormal degree
pressurized oil is not reaching the parking after cleaning parts. Also, flush the inside
brake cylinder chamber, which prevents the of the line.
parking brake from being released.
Drain pressure has increased due to Clean the drain line. Also, recheck the line
clogging in the drain line or because the system and minimize resistance in the line
drain line is long and thin, and this has path.
increased drain pressure and the parking
brake cannot be released.

71 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[3] Relief valve troubleshooting
Problem Possible cause Countermeasure and solution
The motor does There is foreign matter caught between the Perform disassembly and remove foreign
not rotate or poppet seat and poppet on the relief valve, matter. Perform reassembly after cleaning
motor rotation is which is causing seating problems, and parts.
slow. high-pressurized oil is leaking to the low-
pressure side.
The relief valve spring is damaged and Replace the relief valve.
high-pressurized oil is leaking to the low- Disassemble the motor and reassemble it
pressure side. after cleaning each part.
The relief valve spring is worn and the set Replace the relief valve.
pressure is decreased, which causes the
relief to operate at low pressure.
There is foreign matter caught in the seat Remove the relief valve and remove foreign
section of the free piston and base plate of matter.
the relief valve, and the set pressure
There is foreign matter clogging the orifice Remove the relief valve and remove foreign
set in the poppet of the relief valve, and the matter.
set pressure has decreased.
The motor does There is foreign matter caught in between Perform disassembly and remove foreign
not stop or the poppet seat and poppet on the relief matter. Perform reassembly after cleaning
stopping is slow. valve, which is causing seating problems, parts.
and the relief valve will not close.
The relief valve spring is damaged and the Replace the relief valve.
relief will not close. Disassemble the motor and reassemble it
after cleaning each part.
The relief valve spring is worn and the set Replace the relief valve.
pressure has decreased, which has
caused the brake force to decrease.
There is foreign matter caught in the seat Remove the relief valve and remove foreign
section of the free piston and base plate of matter.
the relief valve, and the set pressure and
brake force have decreased.
There is foreign matter clogging the orifice Remove the relief valve and remove foreign
set in the poppet of the relief valve, and the matter.
set pressure and brake force have
Shock at There is foreign matter caught in the sliding Replace the relief valve.
stopping is high section of the poppet and the poppet is not
There is foreign matter caught in the free Remove the relief valve and reassemble
piston and the piston is not moving. after removing foreign matter.
The relief set pressure is too high. Replace the relief valve.

RSM-13-02-001E 72
Travel Unit
[4] Counter balance valve troubleshooting
Problem Possible cause Countermeasure and solution
The motor does pressurized oil is not reaching the motor After investigating whether pressurized oil
not rotate or inlet and the plunger is not switching. is reaching the motor inlet side, investigate
motor rotation is the causes of problems and
slow. countermeasures for each piece of
equipment and perform inspection and
Pressure is reaching the motor inlet, but Measure the pressure of the return side
foreign matter is clogging the orifice in the inside the motor circuit, and check that the
pilot oil path and the plunger is not pressure has increased. After this, perform
switching. disassembly and remove foreign matter.
Next, perform reassembly.
There is foreign matter caught in the Perform disassembly and remove foreign
plunger and it is not switching. matter.
Investigate the degree of damage
according to Maintenance Procedures and
reassemble the plunger if reusing is
If scratching make the plunger unusable,
replace it using the base plate kit.
The motor does There is foreign matter caught in the Perform disassembly and remove foreign
not stop or plunger, so the plunger will not return and matter. Investigate the degree of damage
stopping is slow. brake force has decreased. according to Maintenance Procedures and
reassemble the plunger if reusing is
possible. If it is unusable, replace it using
the base plate kit.
There is damage to the plunger spring, so Perform disassembly and replace the
the plunger will not return and brake force spring after removing foreign matter.
has decreased.
Foreign matter is clogging the orifice in the Perform disassembly and remove foreign
pilot oil path, and the plunger will not return matter. Next, perform reassembly.
or return is slow.
The plunger spring is not fit in place. Fit the spring correctly in place.
The check valve is not fit in place. Fit the check valve correctly in place.
The check valve spring is damaged. Perform disassembly and replace the
spring after removing foreign matter.
The check valve spring is not fit in place. Fit the spring correctly in place.
When an There is foreign matter caught in the Perform disassembly and remove foreign
external load plunger and plunger movement is not matter. After this, clean the plunger and
acts on the motor smooth. perform reassembly.
and pumping
The diameter of the pilot oil path orifice is Attach the correct orifice.
operation is
done, rotation
variation occurs. The pilot oil path orifice is not fit in place. Attach the orifice in the correct position.

73 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
Problem Possible cause Countermeasure and solution
When an There is foreign matter caught in the Perform disassembly and remove foreign
external load plunger, plunger movement is poor, and matter.
acts on the motor counter balance functions are not fulfilled. Investigate the degree of damage
and pumping according to Maintenance Procedures and
operation is reassemble the plunger if it is useable.
done, cavitation If reusing is impossible, perform
occurs and replacement with the base plate kit.
abnormal noise
There is damage to the plunger spring and Perform disassembly and replace the
is created.
counter balance functions are not fulfilled. spring and perform reassembly after
removing foreign matter.
The plunger spring is not fit correctly in Fit the spring correctly in place.
place and counter balance functions are
not fulfilled.
There is damage to the check valve spring Perform disassembly and replace the
and counter balance functions are not spring after removing foreign matter.
The check valve spring is not fit correctly in Fit the spring correctly in place.
place and counter balance functions are
not fulfilled.
Foreign matter is clogging the orifice in the Perform disassembly and reassemble after
pilot oil path, and counter balance removing foreign matter.
functions are not fulfilled.

RSM-13-02-001E 74
Travel Unit
[5] 2-speed control function section troubleshooting
Problem Possible cause Countermeasure and solution
Will not switch to Pilot pressure oil is not reaching the Ps After investigating whether pilot pressure
high-speed port. oil is reaching the Ps port, investigate the
rotation causes of problems and countermeasures
for each piece of equipment and perform
inspection and repair.
There is foreign matter caught between the After performing disassembly and
spool and base plate, and the spool will not removing foreign matter, investigate the
switch. degree of damage according to the
Maintenance Procedures and perform
reassembly if reusing is possible.
If reusing is impossible, perform
replacement with the base plate kit.
There is abnormal wear in the sliding Perform disassembly and replace using the
sections of the 2-speed control piston flange holder kit.
section, and pressurized oil is leaking into
the case.
The 2-speed control piston is not fit in Attach the 2-speed pistons in the correct
place. position.
Foreign matter is clogging the orifice in the Perform disassembly and reassemble after
2-speed oil path, and pressurized oil is not removing foreign matter.
reaching the 2-speed control piston.
Switching to There is abnormal wear in the sliding Perform disassembly and replace using the
high-speed sections of the 2-speed control piston flange holder kit.
rotation occurs, section, and pressurized oil is leaking into
but switching to the case.
rotation occurs if
the hydraulic oil
Will not switch to Even if the speed control switch is set to Investigate whether the Ps port pressure is
low-speed low speed, the Ps port pressure does not 0.5 MPa or lower and recheck the line
rotation decrease. system.
The 2-speed control valve spring is Perform disassembly and replace the
damaged. spring after removing foreign matter.
The 2-speed control valve spring is not fit in Attach the spring in the correct position.
There is foreign matter caught between the After performing disassembly and
spool and base plate, and the spool will not removing foreign matter, investigate the
return. degree of damage according to the
Maintenance Procedures.
Perform reassembly if reusing is possible.
If reusing is impossible, perform
replacement with the base plate kit.
Foreign matter is clogging the orifice in the Perform disassembly and reassemble after
2-speed oil path, and pressure cannot removing foreign matter.
escape from inside the 2-speed control
piston chamber.
The 2-speed control valve spring is worn Perform disassembly and replace the
and the switching pressure is reduced. spring.
Switching to low- Foreign matter is clogging the pilot line, Clean the inside of the line and remove
speed rotation and the pilot pressure increases up to foreign matter. Also, recheck the line
occurs, but switchover pressure due to leaking from system.
switching to high- the 2-speed control valve.
speed rotation
occurs during

75 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
[6] Reduction gear troubleshooting
Problem Possible cause Countermeasure and solution
Rotation does There is an operation problem in a piece of After investigating whether pressure is
not occur equipment other than the piston motor or reaching the motor inlet side, investigate
reduction gear. the causes of problems and
countermeasures for each piece of
equipment and perform inspection and
There is an operation problem in the motor See [1] - [5] in Troubleshooting.
aside from the reduction gear.
A load exceeding the motor output torque After investigating the load, remove the
is operating. load acting on the motor.
The reduction gear angular bearing is Replace the reduction gear.
damaged and will not rotate. Investigate whether an excessive external
load is acting on the motor. If the external
load is excessive, remove this load.
The gear inside the reduction gear is Replace the reduction gear.
damaged and it will not rotate.
The bearing inside the reduction gear is
damaged and it will not rotate.
The spline inside the reduction gear is
damaged and it will not rotate.
Abnormal noise The gear inside the reduction gear is Replace the reduction gear.
is coming from damaged.
the reduction
The bearing inside the reduction gear is
gear during
There is abnormal wear on the sliding Perform disassembly and check the status
sections of the reduction gear and of damage. If damage is discovered,
interference between parts is occurring. replace the reduction gear.
In there are no parts that are especially
damaged, replace worn parts and
reassemble after cleaning.
The reduction Reduction gear lubricating oil is insufficient. Check that there are no locations from
gear section is which oil is leaking.
heating up to an Perform disassembly and check the status
abnormal of damage within the reduction gear. If
degree. damage is discovered, replace the
reduction gear. Fill with lubricating oil to the
stipulated volume.
There is too much reduction gear Adjust the lubricating oil amount to the
lubricating oil. stipulated volume.
The bearing inside the reduction gear is Replace the reduction gear.
An abnormal thrust load is occurring in the Perform disassembly and check the status
reduction gear due to inappropriate thrust of internal damage.
plate selection. If damage is discovered, replace the
reduction gear.
If no especially notable amount of damage
is discovered, replace the thrust plate with
another one of the correct thickness.

RSM-13-02-001E 76
Travel Unit
Problem Possible cause Countermeasure and solution
Oil leaking is There is looseness in fastening bolts on the Remove the cover, reapply liquid packing,
occurring reduction gear cover, and oil leaking is and tighten the cover to the specified
occurring. torque.
Fill with lubricating oil to the stipulated
Plugs for the oil fill, oil drain and oil check Retighten the plugs to the specified torque.
ports on the reduction gear cover are After tightening, fill with lubricating oil to the
loose, and oil leaking is occurring. stipulated volume.
O-rings for oil fill, oil drain and oil check Replace the O-rings for the plugs. After
ports on the reduction gear cover are replacement, tighten the plugs to the
deteriorating, and oil leaking is occurring. specified torque and fill with lubricating oil
to the stipulated volume.
There is cracking in the housing and oil Replace the reduction gear.
leaking is occurring.
There is foreign matter caught on the Disassemble the reduction gear, remove
sliding surface of the floating seal and oil foreign matter from the floating seal and
leaking is occurring. perform reassembly.
Oil leaking is occurring due to corrosion on Disassemble the reduction gear and
the sliding surface of the floating seal. replace the floating seal.
The O-ring of the floating seal is
deteriorated or damaged and oil leaking is
The seal collar of the floating seal is split
and oil leaking is occurring.

10.Motor Repair Kit

See the attached Parts List for the contents of the repair kit.

77 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit

RSM-13-02-001E 78
Travel Unit

79 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit

RSM-13-02-001E 80
Travel Unit
Travel Motor Internal Structure Diagram

81 RSM-13-02-001E
Travel Unit
Travel Motor Part Table
Code Part name Q'ty Code Part name Q'ty Code Part name Q'ty
1 Piston motor 1 Cylinder block 13 Thrust plate 4
1-4 1
1-1 Flange 1 assembly 14 Bolt 4
1-2 Base plate assembly 1 1-4-1 Cylinder block 1 15 Sun gear C 1
1-2-1 Base plate 1 1-4-2 Piston assembly 9 16 Snap ring 1
1-2-2 Spool assembly 1 1-4-3 Retainer plate 1 17 Holder B 1
1-2-2-1 Spool 1 1-4-4 Retainer holder 1 18 Thrust plate 3
1-2-2-2 Check valve 2 1-4-5 Snap ring 1 19 Inner race 3
1-2-2-3 Spring 2 1-4-6 Spring seat 1 20 Needle bearing 3
1-2-2-4 Plug 2 1-4-7 Spring 1 21 Planetary gear B 3
1-2-2-5 O-ring 2 1-4-8 Collar 1 22 Thrust plate 3
1-2-3 Spring seat 2 1-4-9 Pin 3 23 Thrust plate 1
1-2-4 Spring 2 1-5 Swash plate 1 24 Screw 3
1-2-5 Spring seat 2 1-6 Steel ball 2 25 Drive gear 1
1-2-6 Cap assembly 2 1-7 Piston assembly 2 26 * Thrust plate t=3.6 1
1-2-6-1 Cap 1 1-8 Ball bearing 1 26 * Thrust plate t=2.3 1
1-2-6-2 O-ring 1 1-9 Ball bearing 1 26 * Thrust plate t=2.8 1
Hexagon socket head 1-10 Pin 1 26 * Thrust plate t=3.0 1
1-2-6-4 4
bolt Hexagon socket head 26 * Thrust plate t=3.2 1
1-11 10
1-2-6-5 Steel ball 1 bolt
27 Cover 1
1-2-6-6 Spring 1 1-12 Oil seal 1
Hexagon socket head
1-13 Disk plate 3 28 16
1-2-6-7 Plug 1 bolt
1-2-6-8 O-ring 1 1-14 Friction plate 2 29 Plug 3
1-2-7 Relief valve assembly 2 1-15 Brake piston 1 30 O-ring 3
1-2-7-1 Relief housing 1 1-16 O-ring 1 31 Pin 4
1-2-7-2 Poppet 1 1-17 O-ring 1 The * mark indicates 1 size is selected
1-2-7-3 Poppet seat 1 1-18 Spring 8 and used.
1-2-7-4 Spring seat 1 1-19 Pin 4
1-2-7-5 Spring 1 1-20 Spring 2
1-2-7-6 Plug 1 1-21 Valve plate 1
1-2-7-7 O-ring 1 1-22 O-ring 4
1-2-7-9 Free piston 1 1-23 O-ring 1
1-2-7-10 O-ring 1 1-24 Nameplate 1
1-2-7-11 Backup ring 2 1-25 Rivet 2
1-2-7-13 Spring guide 1 1-26 Plug 2
1-2-7-14 O-ring 1 1-27 Plug 1
1-2-7-15 Locking screw 1 1-28 Plug 1
1-2-7-16 Nut 1 1-29 Spacer 1
1-2-7-17 O-ring 1 2 Floating seal 2
1-2-7-18 Backup ring 2 3 Angular bearing 2
1-2-8 Plug 8 4 Housing 1
1-2-9 Spool assembly 1 5* Shim t=3.6 1
1-2-9-1 Spool A 1 5* Shim t=2.3 1
1-2-9-2 Spool C 1 5* Shim t=2.8 1
1-2-10 Spring 1 5* Shim t=3.0 1
1-2-11 Plug 1 5* Shim t=3.2 1
1-2-12 O-ring 2 6 Holder C 1
1-2-13 Spring guide 1 7 Washer 8
1-2-14 Plug 1 8 Bolt 8
1-2-19 Orifice 2 9 Thrust plate 4
1-2-20 Plug 5 10 Inner race 4
1-2-21 O-ring 5 11 Needle bearing 4
1-3 Seat 1 12 Planetary gear C 4

82 RSM-13-02-001E
Take-up Roller SH200-5
Take-up Roller

Take-up Roller
Removal and Installation of Take-up Roller
・ When loosening the grease cylinder check valve, loosen it a little at a time.
・ The pressure inside the cylinder is very high, so there is a danger of grease being expelled
and the plug flying off. The check valve adjustment procedure should not be done in front of
Warning the check valve.
・ Do not get under the machine when the main unit is jacked up.
・ Make sure to place the main unit on wood planks or the like to prevent falling.
・ Align the shoe assembly feed location and stop the engine except when working.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (24 mm)
• Hammer
• Lifting equipment
• Loctite #262
• Striking jig
• Crane
• Crowbar
• Wood planks, etc.
• Rag
1. Removal of Take-up Roller
[1] Remove the shoe assembly.
See the "Removal and Installation of Shoe
Assembly" procemdure.
[2] Use a crowbar (3) to pull off the take-up roller
(1) and recoil spring assembly from the side
frame (2).

1 Take-up roller
2 Side frame
3 Crowbar

83 RSM-13-03-001E
Take-up Roller
[3] Install the lifting equipment (5) on the take-up
roller (1) and recoil spring assembly (4) and
hang them from the side frame (2) with the

[4] Place the take-up roller (1) and recoil spring

assembly (4) onto wood planks (7) as in the
diagram. Use a wrench (24 mm) to remove the
take-up roller bolt (6) and separate the roller
and the recoil spring assembly.

1 Take-up roller
2 Side frame
4 Recoil spring assembly
5 Lifting equipment
6 Bolt
7 Wood plank

RSM-13-03-001E 84
Take-up Roller
2. Installation of Take-up Roller
[1] Use a wrench (24 mm) to fasten the take-up
roller (1) and recoil spring assembly (2) with
the bolt (3).
At this time, be sure to coat the bolt with
Loctite #262.

[2] Install the lifting equipment (6) on the take-up

roller and recoil spring assembly (2) as in the
diagram, lift them up with the crane, and insert
them into the side frame (5).
Push in with the crowbar until the recoil spring
assembly contacts the grease cylinder.

1 Take-up roller
2 Recoil spring assembly
3 Bolt
4 Wood plank
5 Side frame
6 Lifting equipment

[3] Install the shoe assembly.

For details on installation, see the "Removal and Installation of Shoe Assembly" procedure.

85 RSM-13-03-001E
Take-up Roller
Assembly and Disassembly of Take-up Roller
・ To ensure safe operations, wear protective devices before beginning work and follow all pre-
・ When removing devices or positioning devices at the time of installation, use a removal jig
and a hammer or steel rod.
・ Follow the precautions below when suspending the load.
・ The crane must be operated by a qualified operator.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.
・ Check the weight of the roller to determine whether it can be carried by hand or whether a
crane must be used.
・ Fix the roller to a level surface so it does not roll.
・ Be sure to repair any parts damaged during disassembly, and prepare replacement parts in
・ If any parts are significantly rusted or dirty, clean them before disassembling.
・ Any foreign matter entering the equipment during assembly can create a malfunction. There-
fore, after thoroughly cleaning the equipment with cleaning oil, air blow the equipment, and
assemble in a clean location.
・ When assembling sliding (5) parts, be sure to coat them with new hydraulic oil.
・ As a rule, replace all O-rings and other seal parts with new parts.
・ The take-up roller is a heavy object and requires at least 2 workers to handle.
<General cautions>
・ Be careful not to drop precision parts or let bump them with other parts during work.
・ Do not forcefully open or hit parts in an effort to speed up operations. Pay careful attention
and proceed with caution so as not to damage any parts, create any oil leaks, or compromise
the efficiency of the equipment.
・ Disassembled parts can easily rust or collect dust. Therefore, immediately after disassem-
bling parts, take precautions to prevent the parts from rusting or collecting dust.

Items to prepare
• Hexagon wrench (6 mm)
• Hammer
• Wire clips
• Pliers
• Gear puller
• Screwdriver
• Engine oil (Shell Rimula Oil #30)
• Specialty jigs
• Pressing machine
• Loctite
• Special fiber cloth (Kimwipe)
• Micrometer caliper
• Caliper
• Cylinder gauge
• Seal tape
• Oil pan (drip pan)
• Water container for inspection

RSM-13-03-001E 86
Take-up Roller
Configuration diagram




Part name Part number Q'ty

1 Roller KRA1768 1
2 Bushing KRA1201 2
3 Floating seal BLA2371 2
4 Hub KRA1200 1
5 O-ring 1A-G50 BHA0863 2
6 Wire clip KNA0180 2
7 Shaft KRA0988 1
6 8 Plug with seal nylon KHJ0300 1
9 Hub (without plug) KRA1594 1

Dimension diagram


9 1 2 3 5 4 6

Jig dimension diagram






30 X


A Bushing removal jig

B Bushing press-fit jig
C Floating seal installation jig

87 RSM-13-03-001E
Take-up Roller
Disassembly procedure
[1] Stand the roller vertically and use a
hexagon wrench (1) (6 mm) to remove the
plug (2).
• The plug is coated with seal nylon, which
comes off when the plug is removed. To
reuse the plug, use seal tape.

[2] Face down the part of the roller from which

the plug was removed and empty the oil
from within the roller.
• It may take a few hours to completely empty
the roller of oil.
• Place an oil pan (3) under the roller to catch
the oil.

[3] Remove the wire clip (4). Tap with the

hammer (6) and use another wire (5) to
push out from the outside the wire clip that
is in the roller.
• Securely fasten the roller before doing this
• The wire in the roller is very securely fixed,
so prepare several wire clips. Also be sure
to coat with lubricant.

1 Hexagon wrench
2 Plug
3 Oil pan
4 Wire clip
5 Wire
6 Hammer

RSM-13-03-001E 88
Take-up Roller
[4] Use pliers (7) to remove the pushed out
wire clip (4).

[5] Use a gear puller (8) to remove the hub (9).

• If the hub has rusted or is difficult to remove
due to an accumulation of debris, subject it
to a shock, for example by hitting it with a
hammer, to make it easier to move.
• When hitting the hub with a hammer, be
careful not to dent it.

[6] Check whether the surface of the floating

seal (10) sliding against the removed hub
has rusted or is damaged. Also check
whether the O-ring (11) is twisted.
• The O-ring cannot be reused. Always
replace it with a new one.

4 Wire clip
7 Pliers
8 Gear puller
9 Hub
10 Floating seal
11 O-ring
12 Ring

89 RSM-13-03-001E
Take-up Roller
[7] Remove the floating seal (10) on the roller.
As described in Step [6] above, check
whether the surface of the floating seal
sliding against the roller shaft has rusted or
is damaged. Also check whether the O-ring
is twisted.

[8] Remove the O-ring (13) on the roller shaft

• The O-ring cannot be reused. Always
replace it with a new one.

[9] Remove the shaft (14).

[10] As described in Steps [3] - [6], remove the
hub (15) on the opposite side and check
that floating seal sliding surface is not
rusted and that the O-ring is not twisted.

10 Floating seal
13 O-ring
14 Shaft
15 Hub

RSM-13-03-001E 90
Take-up Roller
[11] As described in Step [7], remove the
floating seal (16) on the opposite side.

[12] Use a micrometer caliper to measure the

roller (with bushing) (18), hubs (15) and
(17), and shaft (14) for wear and
deformation. Replace with new parts as

14 Shaft
15 Hub
16 Floating seal
17 Hub
18 Roller
19 Micrometer caliper
20 Cylinder gauge
21 Caliper

91 RSM-13-03-001E
Take-up Roller
[13] When replacing the bushing (23), remove it
by placing a striking rod (22) against the
end surface and striking that with a hammer
(6) uniformly left and right as in the diagram.

[14] Invert the roller (18), use jig A (24) to push

up against the bushing (23), and press with
a rod-shaped object (14) (such as a shaft).
The bushing comes off.

6 Hammer
14 Shaft
18 Roller
22 Striking rod
23 Bushing
24 Jig A

RSM-13-03-001E 92
Take-up Roller
Assembly procedure
[1] Clean all parts.
• Find a clean location.
• Place a rubber plate or cloth on the work
surface so as not to damage the parts.

[2] After cleaning the parts, air blow them to

remove any remaining cleaning fluid or

[3] If the bushing (3) was removed during

disassembly, put it into the roller (2). Use a
pressing machine (4) to press in both the
left and right sides.

1 Cleaning fluid
2 Roller
3 Bushing
4 Pressing machine

93 RSM-13-03-001E
Take-up Roller
[4] Use the jigs (5) and (6) attached to the
pressing machine to attach the bushing (3).
Use the pressing machine to press from the
opposite side. Next, use a special fiber cloth
to remove all dust and debris.

[5] Attach the floating seal (8) to the hub (7).

Use jig C (9) to press the floating seal into

[6] Use jig C (9) to attach the floating seal (8) to

the roller (2) side.

2 Roller
3 Bushing
5 Jig
6 Jig
7 Hub
8 Floating seal
9 Jig C

RSM-13-03-001E 94
Take-up Roller
[7] Use a special fiber cloth to thoroughly wipe
the sliding surface of the floating seal to
prevent any dust or scratches.

[8] Apply engine oil to the floating seals (8) on

the hubs.

[9] Attach O-rings (12) to the shaft (11) and

mount them on the roller side.

7 Hub
8 Floating seal
10 Hub
11 Shaft
12 O-ring

95 RSM-13-03-001E
Take-up Roller
[10] Install the hubs (7) and (10) on both sides.

[11] Attach the wire clip (13) to the hub.

[12] Inject compressed air (0.2 MPa) from the oil

fill port and immerse in water to check that
there are no leaks.

7 Hub
10 Hub
13 Wire clip

RSM-13-03-001E 96
Take-up Roller
[13] Insert a wire clip and fill the engine oil (120
cc) into the roller main unit.
• The roller main unit can be very unstable,
so give consideration to securing it.

[14] After filling the oil, use a hexagon wrench (6

mm) (14) to tighten the plug (15) with the
nylon seal applied.
• To reuse a plug, wrap it with seal tape.

14 Hexagon wrench
15 Plug

97 RSM-13-03-001E
Upper Roller SH200-5
Upper Roller

Upper Roller
Removal and Installation of Upper Roller
・ When loosening the check valve, loosen it a little at a time and stop when any grease
appears. (The pressure inside the cylinder is very high, so there is the danger of grease
being expelled and the plug flying off if the check valve is loosened too much.)
The check valve adjustment procedure should not be done in front of the check valve.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Box wrenches (19 mm, 30 mm)
• Jack (That meets the lifting weight.)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
1. Removal of Upper Roller
[1] Use a box wrench (19 mm) to loosen the
grease cylinder check valve (1), then loosen
the shoe tension.
• Grease drains out, so provide rag (2) close to
the drain port.
Do not loosen the check valve all at once.
Loosen it slowly while monitoring the grease
output and shoe loosening.

[2] Use a jack (3) to lift the top of the shoe, and
then insert wood planks (4) to separate the
shoe (5) and upper roller (6) by about 10 mm.

1 Check valve
2 Rag
3 Jack
4 Wood plank
5 Shoe
6 Upper roller

98 RSM-13-04-001E
Upper Roller
[3] Use a box wrench (30 mm) to remove the 2
bolts (7), and then remove the upper roller (6).

6 Upper roller
7 Bolt

RSM-13-04-001E 99
Upper Roller
2. Removal of Upper Roller
[1] Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
Apply Loctite to the bolts and tighten them to
the specified torque.
Installation specified tightening torque: 521 -
608 N•m
[2] Tighten the check valve (1).
While monitoring the track shoe tension, inject
grease into the grease cylinder.

[3] To adjust the track shoe tension, raise the

lower side frame as shown in the diagram.
Place a wood plank (2) under the lower frame
to prevent falling.
Adjust the tension so that the distance indi-
cated with A between the frame bottom (3) of
the center area of the lower side frame and the
lowest hanging part of the top of the shoe plate
(4) is 280 - 300 mm.

1 Check valve
2 Wood plank
3 Frame lower section
4 Topside of shoe plate

100 RSM-13-04-001E
Upper Roller
Assembly and Disassembly of Upper Roller
・ To ensure safe operations, wear protective devices before beginning work and follow all
・ When removing devices or positioning devices at the time of installation, use a removal jig
and a hammer or steel rod.
・ Follow the precautions below when suspending the load.
・ The crane must be operated by a qualified operator.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.
・ Check the weight of the roller to determine whether it can be carried by hand or whether a
crane must be used.
・ Fix the roller to a level surface so it does not roll.
・ Be sure to repair any parts damaged during disassembly, and prepare replacement parts in
Caution ・ If any parts are significantly rusted or dirty, clean them before disassembling.
・ Any foreign matter entering the equipment during assembly can create a malfunction.
Therefore, after thoroughly cleaning the equipment with cleaning oil, air blow the equipment,
and assemble in a clean location.
・ When assembling touching parts, be sure to coat them with new hydraulic oil.
・ As a rule, replace all O-rings and other seal parts with new parts.
<General cautions>
・ Be careful not to drop precision parts or let bump them with other parts during work.
・ Do not forcefully open or hit parts in an effort to speed up operations. Pay careful attention
and proceed with caution so as not to damage any parts, create any oil leaks, or compromise
the efficiency of the equipment.
・ Disassembled parts can easily rust or collect dust. Therefore, immediately after
disassembling parts, take precautions to prevent the parts from rusting or collecting dust.

Items to prepare
• Hexagon wrench (6 mm)
• Hammer
• Wrenches (13 mm, 17 mm)
• Box wrench (17 mm)
• Screwdriver
• Engine oil (Shell Rimula Oil #30)
• Specialty jigs
• Pressing machine
• Loctite 262
• Special fiber cloth (Kimwipe)
• Marking pen
• Micrometer caliper
• Caliper

RSM-13-04-001E 101
Upper Roller
Configuration diagram

Part name Part number Q'ty
High strength bolt
1 102R010Y016N 2
2 Loctite #262 KRC5007 Q'ty
3 Cover (bolt stopper) KRA1719 1
8 4 Plug with seal nylon KHJ0300 1
5 O-ring UHA0049 1
1 High strength bolt
6 M8X25 102R008 3
3 7 Thrust plate KRA1123 1
8 Shaft KRA1252 1
4 9 Bushing KRA1248 1
10 Bushing KRA1249 1
11 Roller KRA1718 1
12 Floating seal KBA0783 1
13 Bracket KRA1305 1

Dimension diagram
114.5 65

1 2 12


2 6

7 8 9 10 11

Jig dimension diagram

A Bushing removal jig

B1 Bushing press-fit jig (10)
B2 Bushing press-fit jig (9)
C Floating seal installation jig

102 RSM-13-04-001E
Upper Roller
Disassembly procedure
[1] Stand the roller vertically and use a hexa-
gon wrench (6 mm) (1) to remove the plug
• The plug is coated with seal nylon, which
comes off when the plug is removed. To
reuse the plug, be sure to use seal tape.

[2] Face down the part of the roller from which

the plug was removed and empty the oil
from within the roller.
• It may take a few hours to completely empty
the roller of oil.
• Place an oil pan (3) under the roller to catch
the oil.

[3] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 3

bolts (4) from the cover (5).

1 Hexagon wrench
2 Plug
3 Oil pan
4 Bolt
5 Cover

RSM-13-04-001E 103
Upper Roller
[4] Remove the cover (5).
If the cover is difficult to remove, it is possi-
ble to use an adapter to apply compressed
air or to pry it open by inserting a flathead
screwdriver into either end of the cover.
• When using compressed air, be careful of
flying parts.

[5] Use a box wrench (17 mm) to remove the 2

bolts (7) inside the roller, and then remove
the thrust plate (8).

[6] Lift the roller (9) and the shaft (10) comes

5 Cover
6 Air hose
7 Bolt
8 Thrust plate
9 Roller
10 Shaft

104 RSM-13-04-001E
Upper Roller
[7] Remove the floating seal (11) on the roller.
Check whether the surface of the floating
seal sliding against the roller has rusted or
is damaged. Also check whether the O-ring
(12) is twisted.

[8] Remove the floating seal (11) on the shaft

• The shaft and bracket (14) cannot be

[9] Remove the O-ring (15) on the cover (16)

• Check whether the O-ring is twisted. If it is
twisted, replace it with a new O-ring.

9 Roller
10 Shaft
11 Floating seal
12 O-ring
13 Ring
14 Bracket
15 O-ring
16 Cover

RSM-13-04-001E 105
Upper Roller
[10] Use a micrometer caliper to measure the
roller (with bushing) (9), bracket (14), and
shaft (10) for wear and deformation.
Replace with new parts as necessary.

[11] When replacing a bushing (22) and (23),

use jig A (21) to restrain it from the side
where the shaft (10) was removed and
press it out with a pressing machine (20).

9 Roller
10 Shaft
14 Bracket
17 Caliper
18 Micrometer caliper
19 Cylinder gauge
20 Pressing machine
21 Jig (A)
22 Bushing [10]
23 Bushing [9]

106 RSM-13-04-001E
Upper Roller
Assembly procedure
[1] Clean all parts.
• Find a clean location.
• Place a rubber plate or cloth on the work
surface so as not to damage the parts.

[2] After cleaning the parts, air blow them to

remove any remaining cleaning fluid or

[3] If the bushing (2) was removed during dis-

assembly, put it into the roller (5). Face up
the thrust plate installation side, restrain
from above using jig B2 (3), and push in
with the pressing machine (4).

1 Cleaning fluid
2 Bushing
3 Jig (B2)
4 Pressing machine
5 Roller

RSM-13-04-001E 107
Upper Roller
[4] Invert the roller (5) and insert the bushing
(6). Restraining from above using jig B1 (7),
push in with the pressing machine (4).
Push in all the way to the position where jig
B1 stops.

[5] Insert the floating seal (8) into the roller (5)
and bracket (10). Use jig C (9) to press the
floating seal into position.

[6] Use a special fiber cloth to wipe the sur-

faces of the floating seals so as to increase
adhesion and prevent dust from entering.

4 Pressing machine
5 Roller
6 Bushing
7 Jig (B1)
8 Floating seal
9 Jig (C)
10 Bracket

108 RSM-13-04-001E
Upper Roller
[7] Apply hydraulic oil to the roller (5).

[8] Attach the shaft (11) to the roller (5).

[9] Use a special fiber cloth to thoroughly wipe

the thrust plate (12) to prevent any dust or

5 Roller
11 Shaft
12 Thrust plate

RSM-13-04-001E 109
Upper Roller
[10] Use a box wrench (17 mm) to fasten the
thrust plate (12) with the 2 bolts (13).
Degrease the bolts well, apply Loctite (14)
to the bolt openings, and tighten the bolts.
After tightening the bolts, mark them (15).
• The bolt tightening torque is 62.8 - 72.6

[11] Use a wrench (13 mm) to fasten the cover

(18) with the 3 bolts (17). Degrease the
bolts, apply Loctite (14) to the bolt open-
ings, and tighten the bolts. After tightening
the bolts, mark them (16).
• The bolt tightening torque is 31.4 - 37.2

[12] Rotate the roller in the direction of the arrow

and check that it rotates smoothly.

12 Thrust plate
13 Bolt
14 Loctite
15 Marking
16 Marking
17 Bolt
18 Cover

110 RSM-13-04-001E
Upper Roller
[13] Inject compressed air (0.2 MPa) from the oil
fill port and immerse in water to check that
there are no leaks.

[14] Fill engine oil (50 - 55 cc) into the roller.

After filling the engine oil, use a hexagon
wrench (20) to tighten the plug (21) (coated
with seal nylon). After tightening the bolts,
mark them (19).
• To reuse a plug, wrap it with seal tape.

19 Marking
20 Hexagon wrench
21 Plug

This completes the assembly.

RSM-13-04-001E 111
Lower Roller SH200-5
Lower Roller

Lower Roller
Removal and Installation of Lower Roller
・ Do not get under the main unit when it is jacked up.
Make sure to place the main unit on wood planks to prevent falling.
Warning ・ When loosening the grease cylinder check valve, loosen it a little at a time and stop when any
grease appears. (The pressure inside the cylinder is very high, so there is the danger of
grease being expelled and the plug flying off if the check valve is loosened too much.)

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Box wrenches (19 mm, 27 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
1. Removal of Lower Roller
[1] Use a box wrench (19 mm) to loosen the check
valve (1), and then loosen the shoe tension.
Do not loosen the check valve all at once.
Loosen it slowly while monitoring the grease
output and shoe loosening.
• Grease drains out, so provide rag (2) close to
the drain port.

1 Check valve
2 Rag

112 RSM-13-05-001E
Lower Roller
[2] Jack up the side frame as in the diagram on
the side where the roller is being replaced.
Jack up so that the shoe is floating about 5 cm
and insert wood planks (3) under the lower
frame to prevent falling.

[3] If it is impossible to insert wood planks (3)

under the lower frame, insert wood planks (4)
between the side frame and the link shoe (5) to
separate the link shoe and lower roller (6) by
about 15 mm.

[4] Use a box wrench (27 mm) to remove the 4

bolts (7), and then remove the lower roller (6).

3 Wood plank
4 Wood plank
5 Link shoe
6 Lower roller

RSM-13-05-001E 113
Lower Roller
2. Installation of Lower Roller
[1] Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
Apply Loctite to the bolts and tighten them to
the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 371 - 432 N•m
[2] Tighten the check valve (1).
While monitoring the track shoe tension, inject
grease into the grease cylinder.

[3] To adjust the track shoe tension, raise the

lower side frame as shown in the diagram.
Place a wood plank (2) under the lower frame
to prevent falling.
Adjust the tension so that the distance indi-
cated with A between the lower frame (3) of
the center area of the lower side frame and the
lowest hanging part of the shoe plate (4) is 280
- 300 mm.

1 Check valve
2 Wood plank
3 Frame
4 Shoe plate

114 RSM-13-05-001E
Lower Roller
Assembly and Disassembly of Lower Roller
・ To ensure safe operations, wear protective devices before beginning work and follow all
・ When removing devices or positioning devices at the time of installation, use a removal jig
and a hammer or steel rod.
・ Follow the precautions below when suspending the load.
・ The crane must be operated by a qualified operator.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.
・ Check the weight of the roller to determine whether it can be carried by hand or whether a
crane must be used.
・ Fix the roller to a level surface so it does not roll.
・ Be sure to repair any parts damaged during disassembly, and prepare replacement parts in
Caution ・ If any parts are significantly rusted or dirty, clean them before disassembling.
・ Any foreign matter entering the equipment during assembly can create a malfunction.
Therefore, after thoroughly cleaning the equipment with cleaning oil, air blow the equipment,
and assemble in a clean location.
・ When assembling sliding parts, be sure to coat them with new hydraulic oil.
・ As a rule, replace all O-rings and other seal parts with new parts.
<General cautions>
・ Be careful not to drop precision parts or let bump them with other parts during work.
・ Do not forcefully open or hit parts in an effort to speed up operations. Pay careful attention
and proceed with caution so as not to damage any parts, create any oil leaks, or compromise
the efficiency of the equipment.
・ Disassembled parts can easily rust or collect dust. Therefore, immediately after
disassembling parts, take precautions to prevent the parts from rusting or collecting dust.

Items to prepare
• Hexagon wrench (6 mm)
• Hammer
• Wire clips
• Pliers
• Gear puller
• Screwdriver
• Gear oil (Mobile Gear Oil SHC320)
• Specialty jigs
• Pressing machine
• Loctite
• Special fiber cloth (Kimwipe)
• Micrometer caliper
• Caliper
• Cylinder gauge

RSM-13-05-001E 115
Lower Roller
Configuration diagram


Part name Part number Q'ty
3 1 Roller KRA10370 1
5 2 Shaft KRA11260 1
3 Bushing KRA1197 2
4 Floating seal BHA1099 2
5 O-ring 1A-G60 BHA0863 2
6 Collar KRA1196 1
7 Plug with seal nylon KHJ0300 1
8 Wire clip KNA0180 2
9 Collar (without plug) KRA1595 1

Dimension diagram


9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Jig dimension diagram

A Bushing removal jig

B Bushing press-fit jig
C Floating seal installation jig

116 RSM-13-05-001E
Lower Roller
Disassembly procedure
[1] Stand the roller vertically and use a hexa-
gon wrench (6 mm) (1) to remove the plug
• The plug is coated with seal nylon, which
comes off when the plug is removed. To
reuse the plug, be sure to use seal tape.

[2] Face down the part of the roller from which

the plug was removed and empty the oil
from within the roller.
• It may take a few hours to completely empty
the roller of oil.
• Place an oil pan (3) under the roller to catch
the oil.
• Securely fasten so that the roller does not
fall over.

[3] Remove the wire clip (4). Tap another wire

(5) with the hammer (6) from the outside to
push out the wire clip that is already in the
• Place the roller horizontally and secure it so
it does not roll before doing this work.
• The wire in the roller is very securely fixed,
so prepare several wire clips. Also be sure
to coat with lubricant.

1 Hexagon wrench
2 Plug
3 Oil pan
4 Wire clip
5 Wire
6 Hammer

RSM-13-05-001E 117
Lower Roller
[4] Use pliers (7) to remove the pushed out
wire clip (4).

[5] Use a gear puller (8) to remove the collar

(9). If the collar is difficult to remove, hook
the collar on the bolt and catch the puller on
that part.
• If the collar has rusted or is difficult to
remove due to an accumulation of debris,
subject it to a shock, for example by hitting it
with a hammer, to make it easier to move.
• When hitting the collar with a hammer, be
careful not to dent it.

[6] Check whether the surface of the floating

seal (10) sliding against the removed collar
has rusted or is damaged. Also check
whether the O-ring (11) is twisted.
• The O-ring cannot be reused. Always
replace it with a new one.

4 Wire clip
7 Pliers
8 Gear puller
9 Collar
10 Floating seal
11 O-ring
12 Ring

118 RSM-13-05-001E
Lower Roller
[7] Remove the floating seal (10) on the roller.
As described in Step [6] above, check
whether the surface of the floating seal slid-
ing against the roller has rusted or is dam-
aged. Also check whether the O-ring is

[8] Remove the O-ring (13) on the shaft (14).

• The O-ring cannot be reused. Always
replace it with a new one.

[9] Remove the shaft (14).

10 Floating seal
13 O-ring
14 Shaft

RSM-13-05-001E 119
Lower Roller
[10] As described in Step [7], remove the float-
ing seal (10) on the opposite side.

[11] Use a micrometer caliper to measure the

roller (with bushing) (17), collars (9) and
(18), and shaft (14) for wear and deforma-
tion. Replace with new parts as necessary.

[12] When replacing a bushing, insert jig A (15)

into the bushing (16), and use a cylindrical
object (such as a shaft) (14) to push from
the top.
The bushing comes off.

9 Collar 17 Roller
10 Floating seal 18 Collar
14 Shaft 19 Caliper
15 Jig (A) 20 Micrometer caliper
16 Bushing 21 Cylinder gauge

120 RSM-13-05-001E
Lower Roller
Assembly procedure
[1] Clean all parts by immersing them in clean-
ing fluid.
• Find a clean location.
• Place a rubber plate or cloth on the work
surface so as not to damage the parts.

[2] After cleaning the parts, air blow them to

remove any remaining cleaning fluid or

[3] If the bushing (2) was removed during dis-

assembly, put it into the roller (5). Restrain-
ing from above using jig B (3), push in with
the pressing machine (4).
Invert the roller and insert the bushing on
the opposite side in the same manner.

1 Cleaning fluid
2 Bushing
3 Jig (B)
4 Pressing machine
5 Roller

RSM-13-05-001E 121
Lower Roller
[4] Use jig C (8) to push the floating seal (6)
into the collar (7) and roller (5).

[5] Use a special fiber cloth to wipe the sur-

faces of the floating seals so as to increase
adhesion and prevent dust from entering.

[6] Apply gear oil to the floating seals (6) on the

collars (7) and (9).

5 Roller
6 Floating seal
7 Collar
8 Jig (C)
9 Collar

122 RSM-13-05-001E
Lower Roller
[7] Attach O-rings (11) to the shaft (10) and
mount into the roller (5).

[8] Install the collars (7) and (9) on both sides.

[9] Attach the wire clip (12).

• When attaching the wire clip, secure the
roller main unit so that it does not roll.

5 Roller
7 Collar
9 Collar
10 Shaft
11 O-ring
12 Wire clip

RSM-13-05-001E 123
Lower Roller
[10] Turn the main unit and check that the roller
rotates properly.

[11] Inject compressed air (0.2 MPa) from the oil

fill port and immerse in water to check that
there are no leaks.

[12] Fill gear oil (125 cc) into the roller. Use a
hexagon wrench (6 mm) (14) to tighten the
plug (13) with the nylon seal applied.
• Mobile Gear Oil SHC320 is recommended
for use.
• The plug tightening torque is 24.5 N•m.
• To reuse a plug, wrap it with seal tape.

13 Plug
14 Hexagon wrench

This completes the assembly.

124 RSM-13-05-001E
Swing Unit SH200-5
Swing Unit

Swing Unit
SH210-5 Removal and Installation of Swing Unit
Warning ・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.
・ When removing this product from the equipment it is mounted on, stop that equipment
system and wait for the surface temperature of this product to fall to about 40 ℃ or below
before removing it. Working on this product while it is still hot can cause burns. Additionally,
always bleed out the pressure before removing any line from this product. Removing a
pressurized line can result in oil spraying out and causing burns and oil leaking.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (14 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm, 27 mm, 36 mm, 41 mm)
• Hexagon wrench (5 mm)
• Box wrench (30 mm)
• Pliers
• Hammer
• Grease
• Specialty adapter for vacuum pump connection
• Vacuum pump (vacuum pump power supply)
• Extension cable
• Wire rope (with the required breaking load)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
1. Removal of Swing Unit
[1] Use a hexagon wrench (5 mm) to remove the 4
bolts (1), and then remove the air breather (2)
on the hydraulic oil tank.

1 Bolt
2 Air breather

125 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[2] Attach the specialty adapter (3) to the area
where the air breather was removed, and set
the vacuum pump.
Create negative pressure in the hydraulic oil
tank using the vacuum pump (4).

[3] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 6 bolts

(5), and then remove the center cover (6).

3 Specialty adapter
4 Vacuum pump
5 Bolt
6 Center cover

RSM-13-06-001E 126
Swing Unit
[4] Use the wrenches [22 mm, 27 mm, 36 mm, 41
mm] to remove the hoses (7), (8), (9), (10),
(11) and (12) from the swing motor.
• Mark the swing motor and hoses so that the
connectors can be matched during assembly.
• Attach caps or plugs to the swing motor and
hoses to prevent any entry of water, dust or
• Clean the swing motor and hoses by spraying
them with a parts cleaner to prevent scratching
and prevent dirt from accumulating on the con-

[5] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the grease

hose (13) that feeds grease to the swing motor
reduction gear bearing.

[6] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 3 bolts

(14), and then remove the under cover (15).

7 Make-up hose (use 41 mm)

8 Main hose (right) (use 36 mm)
9 Main hose (left) (use 36 mm)
10 Drain hose (use 27 mm)
11 Drain hose (use 27 mm)
12 Pilot hose (use 22 mm)
13 Grease hose
14 Bolt
15 Under cover

127 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[7] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the bolt (16)
on the clamp (17) for the hose.

[8] After removing all of the hoses, use pliers to

cut the wire band (19) that binds the hoses.

[9] Use a box wrench (30 mm) to remove the 11

bolts (20) from the swing unit.

16 Bolt
17 Clamp
18 Drain hose
19 Wire band
20 Bolt
21 Knock pin

RSM-13-06-001E 128
Swing Unit
[10] Wrap the wire rope (22) around the swing
motor and lift it with a crane.
• A knock pin (21) is driven into the installation
section of the swing unit. Apply lubricating oil
to the knock pin and pull it out together with the
main unit of the swing motor while hitting with a

[11] Thoroughly check that the location is safe

before lowering the swing unit on wood planks
• Thoroughly secure the swing unit so that it
does not fall over.

21 Knock pin
22 Wire rope
23 Wood plank

129 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
2. Installation of Swing Unit
[1] Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
When installing the swing unit, be careful with the position of the knock pin.
The tightening torque for the bolts for installing the swing unit on the swing frame is 539 - 630
[2] Before driving, be sure to fill the inside of the motor casing with hydraulic oil from the drain port
Thoroughly perform air bleeding from the air bleed port (2).
Use the level gauge (3) to check that gear oil for the reduction gear is filled to the stipulated vol-

1 Drain port
2 Air bleed port
3 Level gauge

RSM-13-06-001E 130
Swing Unit
SH210-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Unit
1. Read and understand the contents of this Maintenance Manual before performing
disassembly, reassembly, inspection, repair, or other such work of this product.
2. Handle this product according to the separate "Usage Cautions".
3. When removing this product from the equipment it is mounted on, stop that equipment
system and wait for the surface temperature of this product to fall to about 40 ℃ or below
before removing it. Working on this product while it is still hot can cause burns. Additionally,
always bleed out the pressure before removing any line from this product. Removing a
pressurized line can result in oil spraying out and causing burns and oil leaking.
4. Use the specialty tools and measurement instruments for disassembly, reassembly,
inspection, and repair, etc. of this product. Using an inappropriate tool may result in injury or
Caution product damage.
5. Be careful of parts falling when performing disassembly, reassembly, inspection or repair,
etc. of this product. This may result in injury or parts damage.
6. Do not directly touch with bare hands the machined edges or threaded sections of parts
during disassembly, reassembly, inspection, or repair etc. of this product. This may result in
7. Check performance after reassembly. Do not resume use unless performance is fully
recovered. Using this product at a sub-par performance level may result in product damage.
8. The cautions (mark !) listed in this Maintenance Manual do not cover all possible dangers.
Always think of safety first during disassembly, inspection, reassembly, repair, or other such

131 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
1. Disassembly
[1] Making a reference mark on the unit matching
It is useful to place a reference mark (*1) on
the matching surface of the housing (25) and
ring gear (73) with paint, etc.

[2] Removal of level gauge assembly

Remove the level gauge assembly (42), cap
(44) (27 mm hex diameter), and cap (34) (10
mm hex socket diameter).

[3] Gear oil draining

Loosen the drain hose (*1) end plug, and then
drain the gear oil.
• Gear oil cannot be reused.

RSM-13-06-001E 132
Swing Unit
[4] Removal of hose
Remove the drain hose (*1) and grease hose

[5] Removal of motor

Loosen the hexagon bolts (75) (19 mm hex
diameter) and remove them along with the
washers (74).
Use the make-up port (G1) to raise the motor
and remove it.
• Liquid packing has been applied to the match-
ing surfaces of the housing (25) and ring gear
(73), so use the notch sections (*1) in the dia-
gram on the right to remove the motor.

This completes the disassembly.

133 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
2. Assembly
[1] Liquid packing application
After cleaning and degreasing the reduction
gear ring gear (73) and the motor housing (25)
matching surfaces, apply (*1) liquid packing
(ThreeBond Co.,Ltd. "1215" gray or the equiva-
lent) as shown in the diagram on the right.

[2] Installation of motor

Lift the motor and softly install it in the reduc-
tion gear, tighten the hexagon bolts (75) (19
mm hex diameter) holding the washers (74) in
place to the tightening torque of 103 N•m.
• Align the housing (25) and ring gear (73)
according to the reference mark (*1) made
before disassembly.

RSM-13-06-001E 134
Swing Unit
[3] Installation of level gauge assembly
Install the cap (44) (27 mm hex diameter) into
the housing by tightening it to a torque of 49
N•m, and insert the level gauge assembly (42).

[4] Gear oil filling

Install a plug in the female side of the hose,
and install a hose (*1) in the drain port on the
side of the gear case.
Fill with gear oil (5 L) from the housing (25)
gear oil fill port.
Tighten the gear oil fill port cap (34) (10 mm
hex socket diameter) to the housing to a tight-
ening torque of 49 N•m.

[5] Grease-up
Remove the plug (68) (5 mm hex socket diam-
eter) from the gear case (66) and inject grease
(1 L) from the grease fill port.
• When injecting grease, there is the possibility
of the reduction gear oil seal being damaged
by internal pressure, so remove the air bleed
port plug before injecting grease.
Tighten the plug to the gear case to a tighten-
ing torque of 20 N•m.
After injecting grease, install the grease hose
in the grease fill port.

This completes the assembly.

135 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
SH210-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Motor
1. Read and understand the contents of this Maintenance Manual before performing
disassembly, reassembly, inspection, repair, or other such work of this product.
2. Handle this product according to the separate "Usage Cautions".
3. When removing this product from the equipment it is mounted on, stop that equipment
system and wait for the surface temperature of this product to fall to about 40 ℃ or below
before removing it. Working on this product while it is still hot can cause burns. Additionally,
always bleed out the pressure before removing any line from this product. Removing a
pressurized line can result in oil spraying out and causing burns and oil leaking.
4. Use the specialty tools and measurement instruments for disassembly, reassembly,
inspection, and repair, etc. of this product. Using an inappropriate tool may result in injury or
Caution product damage.
5. Be careful of parts falling when performing disassembly, reassembly, inspection or repair,
etc. of this product. This may result in injury or parts damage.
6. Do not directly touch with bare hands the machined edges or threaded sections of parts
during disassembly, reassembly, inspection, or repair etc. of this product. This may result in
7. Check performance after reassembly. Do not resume use unless performance is fully
recovered. Using this product at a sub-par performance level may result in product damage.
8. The cautions (mark !) listed in this Maintenance Manual do not cover all possible dangers.
Always think of safety first during disassembly, inspection, reassembly, repair, or other such

RSM-13-06-001E 136
Swing Unit
1. Causes of Trouble and Solutions
This list consists of actions to be taken when an abnormality is sensed or there are problems with
functions during use of the hydraulic motor. Additionally, details concerning disassembly inspection
and reassembly are listed after this, but sufficient caution should be exercised in handling during
these actions so as to prevent scratching of sliding parts of the motor.
Table 1
Symptom Cause External inspection Solution Correction
It is very likely that sliding
Internal motor Measure the amount of section is damaged when the
oil fed to the motor is mostly See Table 2
damage drained oil.
being drained, so disassembly
inspection is necessary.
Open the motor inlet and It is very likely that there is
outlet ports and apply 3.2 - internal damage if the output Replace
No rotation 4.9 MPa of pilot pressure to
Internal motor the brake release port, and
shaft does not turn smoothly damaged part(s)
damage at the torque listed to the left, or motor
attempt to turn the output so disassembly inspection is assembly.
shaft using about 30 - 40 N•m
of torque.
Setting problem
Measure the load pressure Reset to the correct set
with relief valve
within the circuit with the pressure gauge. pressure.

Wear or damage The leaking amount is high if

on sliding section the amount of drained oil is
Measure the amount of
or high-pressure 2.5 L/min or more, so See Table 2
seal section of drained oil. disassembly inspection is
Severe the motor necessary.
High oil
temperature and
Measure the oil temperature. Lower the oil temperature.
high internal
motor leaking
Open the motor inlet and Inspect the parts
outlet ports and apply 3.2 - It is very likely that there is
and bearings in a
4.9 MPa of pilot pressure to internal damage if the output
Wear or seizing - e of Table 2,
the brake release port, and shaft does not turn smoothly
on motor sliding at the torque listed to the left,
and perform
section attempt to turn the output replacement if
so disassembly inspection is
shaft using about 30 - 40 N・ there are any
necessary. abnormalities.
m of torque.
Setting problem
Measure the load pressure Reset to the correct set
with relief valve with the pressure gauge. pressure.
Abnormal within the circuit
noise due
to It is very likely that there is
insufficient Check for metallic foreign internal motor damage if
Repair or replace
torque Internal motor matter in oil drained from the metallic foreign matter is
damaged part(s).
damage motor and within the return Replace motor
discovered, so disassembly
filter. inspection is necessary.

Large amount of Inspect oil within the tank and Thoroughly perform air
air in oil motor case. bleeding.

Looseness in Check for looseness in line

fitting, fitting installation bolt, Tighten the bolt(s) to the
motor installation bolt and appropriate torque.
section each bolt on the motor.

137 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
Symptom Cause External inspection Solution Correction
Check for metallic foreign It is very likely that there is
matter in oil drained from the internal motor damage if
motor and within the return metallic foreign matter is Repair or replace
Abnormal Seizing in motor filter. Also, apply 3.2 - 4.9 MPa discovered or the output shaft damaged part(s).
generation sliding or rotating
of pilot pressure to the brake does not turn smoothly at the Replace motor
of heat section release port and attempt to torque listed to the left, so assembly.
turn the output shaft using disassembly inspection is
about 30 - 40 N•m of torque. necessary.
Replace O-
Scratched O-ring
Oil leaking
Repair seal
from Scratched seal
matching surface surface(s) or
surface replace seal(s).
Looseness in Tighten the bolt(s) to the
Inspect looseness in bolt.
bolt. appropriate torque.
Scratching or
Replace oil
wear on the oil
seal lip section
Scratching or
Repair part(s) or
wear on the seal
Oil leaking section of the
replace the
from oil motor assembly.
Lower the internal case Replace oil
Abnormal Check the internal case pressure to 0.3 MPa or below. seal(s). Repair or
internal case pressure and amount of If the amount of drained oil is replace damaged
pressure drained oil. high, disassembly inspection part(s). Replace
is necessary. motor assembly.

Table 2
No. Inspection part Correction
a Wear on balance plate (21) sliding section Repair or replace part.
b Damage to cam plate (5) sliding section Repair part or replace motor.
c Damage to piston assembly (7) sliding section(s) Repair part(s) or replace motor.
d Wear on piston outer diameters of piston assembly (7) Repair part(s) or replace motor
e Wear on cylinder (24) piston hole(s) Replace motor
f Damage to teflon ring(s) (19) Replace part(s)

RSM-13-06-001E 138
Swing Unit
2. Maintenance Standard Table
Table 1
Reference value
Inspection and Measurement Repair, solution
Part name (permissible limit
measurement location device procedure
Shoe sliding surface 0.8 S Surface roughness Repair with
roughness gauge sandpaper lapping.
Shoe sliding surface Replace it (them)
0.4 mm or greater Micrometer caliper
Piston groove depth(s) with new part(s).
assemblies (7) Piston and shoe spherical Replace it (them)
0.4 mm or less Dial gauge
coupling section backlash with new part(s).
There is almost no wear. If there are any scratching or seizing,
Piston bore(s) replace it (them) with new part(s).
Surface roughness
Cam plate (5) Surface roughness 0.8 S Lap

End surface roughness 0.4 S Surface roughness Lap

Cylinder (24)
There is almost no wear. If there are any scratching or seizing,
Piston holes
replace the motor.
Balance plate Surface roughness
(21) Surface roughness 0.8 S gauge Lap

Piston Micrometer caliper

Gaps between piston bore
assemblies (7) 0.04 mm or less Air micrometer Replace motor.
and cylinder hole
Cylinder (24) caliper

Table 2
Part name Inspection and maintenance standards
Tapered roller bearing (3) Even with normal use, bearings need to be replaced with new parts every
Needle bearing (22) 3000 hr. of use.
Auto aligning roller bearing (65) Also, make sure to replace them with new parts even within the 3000 hr.
Auto aligning roller bearing (71) limit during reassembly after disassembly.
Oil seals (2) (70) If there is scratching on lip(s), replace it (them) with new part(s).
Also, even with normal use without any leaks, replace them with new parts
every 3000 hr. of use.
Also, make sure to replace the O-rings with new ones even within the 3000
hr. limit during reassembly after disassembly.
O-rings (10) (12) (16) (30) (31) (36) If there is any scratching on O-ring(s), replace it (them) with new part(s).
(43) (91) (93) Also, even with normal use without any leaking, replace the O-rings with
new ones every 3000 hr. of use.
Also, make sure to replace the O-rings with new ones even within the 3000
hr. limit during reassembly after disassembly.
Backup rings (29) (41) When reassembling after disassembly, always replace them with new parts.

139 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
3. Disassembly
[1] Removal of relief assembly, etc.
Remove the relief valve assemblies (35) (14
mm hex socket diameter), caps (40) (14 mm
hex socket diameter), springs (39), checks
(38), caps (28) (10 mm hex socket diameter),
and plugs (33) from the cover (32).
• When reassembling the disassembled relief
assemblies, caps, springs, checks, and plugs,
make sure to install them in their original loca-

[2] Making a reference mark on the motor match-

ing surface
It is useful for reassembly to make a reference
mark (*1) with paint etc. on the matching sur-
face of the cover (32) and housing (25).

RSM-13-06-001E 140
Swing Unit
[3] Loosening the tightening bolts
Loosen the hexagon socket head bolts (37) (14
mm hex socket diameter), place the motor with
the output shaft facing down, and lift up and
remove the cover (32).

[4] Removal of inner race

Remove the snap ring (23) with the mark-off
pin, and remove the needle bearing (22) inner
race and balance plate (21).
At this time, the inner race of the needle bear-
ing is press fit into the male shaft of the cover
(32), so place the gear puller in the arch-
shaped groove sections of the balance plate
and on the male shaft of the cover to remove
the inner race.
Next, take out the pistons (14) from the bal-
ance plate.
• Be careful not to scratch the sliding surface of
the balance plate or apply a great deal of force
and cause deformation.
• The attachment direction of the balance plate
in relation to the cover is set, so place a mark
on the balance plate and cover to confirm the
attachment direction during reassembly.

141 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[5] Removal of O-ring
Remove the O-ring (12) from the cover (32).

[6] Removal of bushing

Remove the bushings (20) with the teflon rings
(19) attached and the Scrowave springs (18)
from the cover (32).

[7] Removal of spring

Take out the springs (13) from the brake piston
• Make sure the spring positions for installation
on the piston can be determined.

RSM-13-06-001E 142
Swing Unit
[8] Removal of brake piston
When taking the piston (11) out from the hous-
ing (25), sliding resistance occurs due to the
force-fitting effect of O-rings (10) and (12). The
piston is difficult to remove, so use a monkey
wrench (*1) with the tap holes (M6) on the pis-
ton as shown in the diagram to remove the pis-
Next, remove O-ring (10) from the housing and
O-ring (12) from the piston.
• Place the metal blocks (*2) outside the housing
inner diameter.

[9] Removal of friction plate and partner plate

Remove the friction plates (8) and partner
plates (9).

143 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[10] Removal of cylinder assembly
Grasp the end of the cylinder (24) by hand and
remove the cylinder assembly from the hous-
• Oil on the cylinder (24) makes it easy for it to
slide, so be careful not to let it fall.
• The tapered roller bearing (3) outer race and
the oil seal (2) should be left within the hous-
• The "A" end surface of the cylinder is the slid-
ing surface, so cover this surface with a soft
rag, etc. to prevent scratching.
• Place reference marks or numbers on the cyl-
inder piston holes and piston assemblies (7) so
that during reassembly piston assemblies are
placed in the same holes they were in at disas-

[11] Removal of tapered roller bearing outer race

Remove the tapered roller bearing (3) outer
race from the housing (25).
Next, strike the oil seal (2) with a screwdriver
and hammer to remove it.
• The oil seal cannot be reused.

RSM-13-06-001E 144
Swing Unit
[12] Disassembly of cylinder assembly
1) Remove the inner race (1) and tapered roller
Remove the snap ring (27) with the mark-off
pin, use the gear puller on the two locations
on the tapered roller bearing (3) inner race
and the cylinder (24) spline end to remove
the bearing along with the inner race (1).

2) Remove the collar (26) from the cylinder

(24). Remove the cam plate (5), return plate
(6), and piston assemblies (7) all together
from the cylinder.

3) Remove the cam plate (5) so that it slides on

the piston assembly (7) sliding surfaces.
• Be very careful with handling to prevent
scratching of the cam plate or piston
assembly sliding surfaces.

145 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
4) Remove the receiving spring (4) from the cyl-
inder (24).

This completes the disassembly.

RSM-13-06-001E 146
Swing Unit
4. Assembly
[1] Preparation before operation
Execute the following preparations before
1) Check each part for scratches from use or
from disassembly. If there are any scratches,
remove them with a whetstone or sandpaper
of the necessary grain, clean with cleaning
oil, then dry off with an air blower.

2) Replace seal parts with new ones.

3) Lap the piston assemblies (7), cam plate (5),
and balance plate (21) sliding surfaces on a
surface plate with #2000 sandpaper.

4) When assembling sliding sections, apply

clean hydraulic oil to the parts to assemble

147 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[2] Assembly of cylinder assembly
1) Apply hydraulic oil to the spherical section
(interference section with receiving spring)
(*1) of the cylinder (24) and install the receiv-
ing spring (4).

2) Insert the piston assemblies (7) into the

return plate (6) holes.

3) Install the piston assemblies (7) and return

plate (6) together onto the cylinder (24).
• At this time, install the piston assemblies in
the same holes they were in before disas-
• When installing, apply hydraulic oil to the
cylinder piston holes.

RSM-13-06-001E 148
Swing Unit
4) Apply hydraulic oil to the shoe sliding sur-
faces of the piston assemblies (7), and then
install the cam plate (5) on the cylinder
assembly (24).
Next, install the collar (26) on the cylinder

5) Use the press-fit jig 1 (*1) to install the

tapered roller bearing (3) inner race on the
cylinder (24) with a hand press, etc.
• When press fitting, use a soft rag (*2)
under the cylinder end surface to prevent

149 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
6) Clean the inner race installation section (*2)
of the cylinder (24), lightly apply sealant
(Loctite 515, 518, or the equivalent) after
degreasing, and use the press-fit jig 1 (*1) to
install the cleaned and degreased inner race
(1). Next, install the snap ring (27).
• Be careful not to let sealant adhere to the
roller of the tapered roller bearing (3).
• Thoroughly wipe off any sealant coming
out from in between the inner race and
tapered roller bearing.

[3] Installation of oil seal

Clean and degrease the housing (25) oil seal
installation section.
Next, degrease the oil seal (2) outer circumfer-
ence, apply liquid packing (ThreeBond Co.,Ltd.
"1211" white or the equivalent), and use the
press-fit jig 2 (*1) to install it on the housing.
• Be careful to install the oil seal in the correct

RSM-13-06-001E 150
Swing Unit
[4] Installation of tapered roller bearing outer race
Install the tapered roller bearing (3) outer race
on the housing (25).
• Be careful to install the tapered roller bearing
outer race in the correct direction.

[5] Installation of cylinder assembly

Lightly apply grease to the oil seal (2) lip sur-
face, and then grasp the sides of the cylinder
(24) to gently install the cylinder assembly into
the housing (25).
• Oil on the cylinder makes it easy for it to slide,
so be careful not to let it fall.
• When installing the cylinder assembly, check
that the receiving spring (4) is down in the spot
facing section of the return plate (6).
• When the cylinder assembly is installed, the
spline shaft of the cylinder will stick out from
the bottom surface of the housing, so place
blocks of 30 - 40 mm (*4) under the surface.
• Check that the end surface of the cylinder (*1)
is sunk about 15.5 mm below the end surface
of the housing (*3). If this distance is small, this
means the cam plate is not completely placed
in the spot facing section of the housing. Gen-
tly move the housing on its side so that the
steeply diagonal side of the housing is on the
bottom and lightly swing the cylinder up and
down to put the cam plate in place.
• When installing the cylinder assembly, place
the jig 3 (*2) on the end of the spline to prevent
scratching of the oil seal by the spline.

151 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[6] Installation of friction plate and partner plate
Install the friction plates (8) and partner plates
• Apply hydraulic oil to both sides of each of
these plates.

[7] Installation of O-ring

Attach the O-ring (10) to the housing (25).
Attach the O-ring (12) to the piston (11).
• Apply grease to the O-rings.

RSM-13-06-001E 152
Swing Unit
[8] Installation of brake piston
Apply hydraulic oil to the outer circumference
sliding section of the piston (11) and install it in
the housing (25).
• The O-ring force fits the piston, and this results
in the piston being stiff during assembly. Make
the entire piston level and use the installation
jig 4 (*1) to press the piston down by hand in
one push.

[9] Installation of spring

Install the springs (13) into the brake piston
• Install the springs in the same locations they
were in before disassembly.

[10] Installation of balance plate

Install the bushings (20) with the Scrowave
springs (18) and teflon rings (19) attached into
the bushing holes on the cover (32).
Apply grease to the pistons (14) and install the
pistons into the balance plate (21).
Install the balance plate on the cover.
• Be careful to install in the correct direction
according to the marks made on the balance
plate and cover before disassembly.

153 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[11] Installation of inner race
Press fit the needle bearing (22) inner race
onto the cover (32) and install the snap ring

[12] Installation of O-ring

Attach the O-ring (12) to the cover (32).
• Apply grease to the O-ring.

[13] Installation of cover

Clean the matching surfaces of the cover (32)
and the housing (25) and lift the cover by hand
to gently install it in the housing.
• Align the housing and cover using the refer-
ence mark (*1) made before disassembly.
• At this time, there is a space of about 4.5 mm
between the housing and cover.

RSM-13-06-001E 154
Swing Unit
[14] Bolt tightening
Install the cover (32) in the housing (25) by
tightening the hexagon socket head bolts (37)
to a torque of 284 N•m.
• At this time, tighten each of the 4 bolts evenly a
little at a time to straightly install the housing
and cover.

[15] Installation of relief assembly, etc.

Install the relief assemblies (35) (14 mm hex
socket diameter) into the cover (32) to a tight-
ening torque of 78 N・m. Install the checks (38)
and springs (39) into the cover and tighten the
caps (40) (14 mm hex socket diameter) to the
cover to a tightening torque of 137 N・m. Install
the plugs (33) and caps (28) (10 mm hex
socket diameter) into the cover to a tightening
torque of 78 N・m.
• Install the disassembled relief assemblies,
caps, springs, checks and plugs so they are in
their original locations.

155 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[16] Assembly confirmation
Open the input/output ports, apply 3.2 - 4.9
MPa of pilot pressure to the brake release port
to check if the output shaft rotates smoothly for
at least 1 rotation with about 30 - 40 N•m of
torque. There is an assembly problem if it does
not rotate, so disassemble the swing unit again
and adjust it.
• At this time, have the drain port open.

This completes the assembly.

• Check that the set pressure of the relief assembly

is at the correct pressure after the hydraulic motor
is installed in the actual machine.

RSM-13-06-001E 156
Swing Unit
Jig 1
(For assembly of tapered roller bearing (3) and inner race (1))

Jig 2
(For assembly of oil seal (2))

Jig 3
(For assembly of cylinder assembly (24))

Jig 4
(For assembly of brake piston (11))

157 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit

SH210-5 Swing motor internal structure diagram

RSM-13-06-001E 158
Swing Unit

Relief internal structure diagram

1 Inner race 20 Bushing 39 Spring

2 Oil seal 21 Balance plate 40 Cap
3 Tapered roller bearing 22 Needle bearing 41 Backup ring
4 Receiving spring 23 Snap ring 42 Level gauge assembly
5 Cam plate 24 Cylinder 43 O-ring
6 Return plate 25 Housing 44 Cap
7 Piston assembly 26 Collar 45 Seat
8 Friction plate 27 Snap ring 46 Poppet
9 Partner plate 28 Cap 47 Spring
10 O-ring 29 Backup ring 48 Spring seat
11 Piston 30 O-ring 49 Shim
12 O-ring 31 O-ring 50 Liner
13 Spring 32 Cover 51 Piston
14 Piston 33 Plug 52 Cap
15 Parallel pin 34 Cap 53 Backup ring
16 O-ring 35 Relief assembly 54 O-ring
17 Cap 36 O-ring 55 Holder
18 Scrowave spring 37 Hexagon socket head bolt
19 Teflon ring 38 Check

159 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
SH210-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Reduction Gear
1. Read and understand the contents of this Maintenance Manual before performing disas-
sembly, reassembly, inspection, repair, or other such work of this product.
2. Handle this product according to the separate "Usage Cautions".
3. When removing this product from the equipment it is mounted on, stop that equipment sys-
tem and wait for the surface temperature of this product to fall to about 40C or below before
removing it. Working on this product while it is still hot can cause burns. Additionally, always
bleed out the pressure before removing any line from this product. Removing a pressurized
line can result in oil spraying out and causing burns and oil leaking.
4. Use the specialty tools and measurement instruments for disassembly, reassembly, inspec-
tion, and repair, etc. of this product. Using an inappropriate tool may result in injury or prod-
Caution uct damage.
5. Be careful of parts falling when performing disassembly, reassembly, inspection or repair,
etc. of this product. This may result in injury or parts damage.
6. Do not directly touch with bare hands the machined edges or threaded sections of parts
during disassembly, reassembly, inspection, or repair etc. of this product. This may result in
7. Check performance after reassembly. Do not resume use unless performance is fully recov-
ered. Using this product at a sub-par performance level may result in product damage.
8. The cautions (mark !) listed in this Maintenance Manual do not cover all possible dangers.
Always think of safety first during disassembly, inspection, reassembly, repair, or other such

RSM-13-06-001E 160
Swing Unit
1. Disassembly
[1] Remove the sun gear (76), thrust plate (77)
and holder 1 assembly (82).
• The opening is caulked by the press after
press fitting the shaft 1 assembly (78) to holder
1 (81), so disassembly beyond this is impossi-

[2] Remove the spur tooth 4 (72) and holder 2

assembly (88).

[3] Hammering the spring pin in

Hammer the spring pin (86) into the shaft 2
assembly (83).
• The spring pin cannot be reused.

[4] Disassembly of holder 2 assembly

Remove the shaft 2 assembly (83) from holder
2 (87) while supporting the spur tooth 5 (84) by
hand, and then remove the thrust plate 2 (85)
and spur tooth 5. Remove the spring pin (86)
from the shaft 2 assembly.

161 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[5] Removal of ring gear
Remove the ring gear (73) from the gear case
(66). Liquid packing (ThreeBond Co.,Ltd.
"1215" gray) is applied to the matching sur-
faces of the ring gear and gear case to prevent
gear oil leaking, so use the notch section (*1)
on the gear case to remove the ring gear.
• Place a reference mark (*2) on the matching
surface of the ring gear and gear case so the
attachment position can be determined during

[6] Removal of snap ring

Use the gear case (66) notch section to
remove the snap ring (64) with a flathead

RSM-13-06-001E 162
Swing Unit
[7] Removal of shaft assembly
To ensure the distance that the pinion shaft
(61) is removed from the gear case (66) flange
section, use blocks of about 300 mm to hold up
the gear case. Press the end surface of the
shaft with a hydraulic press etc., and remove
the pinion shaft (61), collar (62), plate (63),
auto aligning roller bearing (65), collar (67),
and snap ring (69) as one assembly.
• Do not reuse the oil seal (70).
• Place a cushion such as a rag (*1) under the
pinion shaft before removing it.

[8] Removal of auto aligning roller bearing

Remove the auto aligning roller bearing (71)
from the gear case (66).

[9] Removal of oil seal

Strike the oil seal (70) using a screwdriver and
hammer to remove it from the gear case (66).
• Do not reuse the oil seal.

163 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[10] Removal of collar
Remove the snap ring (69) from the pinion
shaft (61) using a mark-off pin and remove the
collar (67).
• Do not perform disassembly of the pinion shaft
assembly beyond this. If abnormalities are
found amongst the parts of the pinion shaft
assembly, replace the assembly.

This completes the disassembly.

RSM-13-06-001E 164
Swing Unit
2. Assembly
[1] Preparation before operation
Execute the following preparations before
1) Check each part for scratches from use or
from disassembly. If there are any scratches,
remove them with a whetstone or sandpaper
of the necessary grain, clean with cleaning
oil, then dry off with an air blower.
2) Replace seal parts with new ones.
[2] Installation of collar
Install the collar (67) onto the pinion shaft (61)
and install the snap ring (69).
• Be careful to install the collar in the correct
direction. (See the diagram)

[3] Grease application

Apply grease to the roller section within the
auto aligning roller bearing (65) and to the
outer circumference (*1).
Brand: Product equivalent to Shell Alvania
Capacity: 400 cc
• A total of about 1 L of grease is injected into
the unit.
The remaining grease is injected during unit

165 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[4] Oil seal press fitting
Degrease the oil seal installation section of the
gear case (66) and oil seal (70), and apply liq-
uid packing (ThreeBond Co.,Ltd. "1211" white
or equivalent product) to the oil seal outer
diameter. Use the seal press-fit jig 1 (*1) to
install the seal on the gear case. Apply a thin
layer of grease to the oil seal lip section after
• Be careful to install the oil seal in the correct
direction. (See the diagram below)

[5] Installation of pinion shaft assembly

Place the gear case (66) so that the output
shaft side is pointing upwards, and screw an
eyebolt into the tap hole (M8) on the end sur-
face of the pinion shaft (61) output shaft side to
lift the pinion shaft assembly and install it in the
gear case.
Install the jig 2 (*1) on the spline section so
that the pinion shaft spline does not scratch
the oil seal.
• Place an object of about 130 mm under the
bottom surface of the gear case when install-
ing the pinion shaft assembly.

RSM-13-06-001E 166
Swing Unit
[6] Installation of snap ring
Install the snap ring (64) in the gear case (66).
• To make disassembly easier later, install the
snap ring with the open ends meet about 30
mm away from the notch section of the gear

[7] Installation of auto aligning roller bearing

Place the entire gear case (66) so that the out-
put shaft points downwards, heat the auto
aligning roller bearing (71) to "ambient temper-
ature + 50 ℃ " and install it into the pinion shaft
• Be careful about burns when handling the
heated auto aligning roller bearing. Be sure to
wear heat-resistant gloves and do not directly
touch the bearing.

[8] Application of liquid packing

Degrease the matching surface of the gear
case (66). Apply liquid packing along the ring
gear centering location section (*1) (ThreeB-
ond Co.,Ltd. "1215" gray or equivalent prod-
uct). Evenly apply liquid packing so that the
diameter of the liquid packing extracted from
the nozzle is about φ1.5.

167 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[9] Installation of ring gear
Degrease the matching surface of the ring
gear (73). Align the parallel pins (89) with the
ring gear parallel pin installation holes along
with aligning the angles of the bolt holes, and
gently install the ring gear on the gear case
• Align the gear case and ring gear using the ref-
erence mark made before disassembly.

[10] Assembly of holder 2 assembly

Install the spur tooth 5 (84) and thrust plate 2
(85) into holder 2 (87). Next, install the shaft 2
assembly (83) into holder 2.
• At this time, apply gear oil to the inner diameter
of spur tooth 5 and outer diameter of the shaft
2 assembly.
• Align the pin hole of the shaft 2 assembly with
the holder 2 pin hole and install.

RSM-13-06-001E 168
Swing Unit
[11] Installation of spring pin
Hammer the spring pin (86) into the shaft 2
assembly (83).
• Hammer the spring pin in with the crevice fac-
ing the spur tooth 5 (84) side.
• After hammering in the spring pin, caulk the 2
opening locations of holder 2 (87) using a
punch. (To stop the spring pin from coming
out) (*1)

[12] Installation of holder 2 assembly and spur

tooth 4
Insert the holder 2 assembly (88) assembled in
[10] while gently engaging the assembly with
the inner teeth of the ring gear (73). Addition-
ally, insert the holder 2 assembly while turning
it lightly so that spline of the pinion shaft (61)
engages correctly.
Gently engage the spur tooth 5 (84) with the
spur teeth 4 (72) and insert.
Make the groove on the thrust plate (77) face
the spur teeth 4 side and insert it into the spur
teeth 4.

169 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[13] Installation of holder 1 assembly and sun gear
Insert the holder 1 assembly (82) while gently
engaging the assembly with the inner teeth of
the ring gear (73). Additionally, insert the
holder 1 assembly while turning it lightly so
that teeth of the holder 1 assembly engage
with the teeth of spur tooth 4 (72).
Make the groove on the sun gear (76) face the
thrust plate (77) side and gently engage the
groove with spur tooth 2 (79) to insert the sun

[14] Assembly confirmation

Rotate the holder 1 assembly (82) by hand and
check that the output shaft rotates smoothly.

This completes the assembly.

RSM-13-06-001E 170
Swing Unit
Jig 1
(For assembly of oil seal (70))

Jig 2
(For assembly of pinion shaft (61))

171 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit

SH210-5 Swing reduction gear internal structure diagram

61 Pinion shaft 72 Spur tooth 4 83 Shaft 2 assembly

62 Collar 73 Ring gear 84 Spur tooth 5
63 Plate 74 Lock washer 85 Thrust plate 2
64 Snap ring 75 Hexagon bolt 86 Spring pin
65 Auto aligning roller bearing 76 Sun gear 87 Holder 2
66 Gear case 77 Thrust plate 88 Holder 2 assembly
67 Collar 78 Shaft 1 assembly 89 Parallel pin
68 Plug 79 Spur tooth 2 90 Cap
69 Snap ring 80 Thrust plate 1 91 O-ring
70 Oil seal 81 Holder 1 92 Cap
71 Auto aligning roller bearing 82 Holder 1 assembly 93 O-ring

RSM-13-06-001E 172
Swing Unit
SH240-5 Removal and Installation of Swing Unit
Warning ・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.
・ When removing this product from the equipment it is mounted on, stop that equipment sys-
tem and wait for the surface temperature of this product to fall to about 40 ℃ or below before
removing it. Working on this product while it is still hot can cause burns. Additionally, always
bleed out the pressure before removing any line from this product. Removing a pressurized
line can result in oil spraying out and causing burns and oil leaking.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (13 mm, 14 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm, 27 mm, 36 mm, 41 mm)
• Hexagon wrench (5 mm)
• Box wrench (36 mm)
• Pliers
• Hammer
• Grease
• Specialty adapter for vacuum pump connection
• Vacuum pump (vacuum pump power supply)
• Extension cable
• Wire rope (with the required breaking load)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
1. Removal of Swing Unit
[1] Use a hexagon wrench (5 mm) to remove the 4
bolts (1), and then remove the air breather (2)
on the hydraulic oil tank.

1 Bolt
2 Air breather

173 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[2] Attach the specialty adapter (3) to the area
where the air breather was removed, and set
the vacuum pump.
Create negative pressure in the hydraulic oil
tank using the vacuum pump (4).

[3] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 6 bolts

(5), and then remove the center cover (6).

3 Specialty adapter
4 Vacuum pump
5 Bolt
6 Center cover

RSM-13-06-001E 174
Swing Unit
[4] Use the wrenches (22 mm, 27 mm, 36 mm, 41
mm) to remove the hoses (7), (8), (9), (10),
(11) and (12) from the swing motor.
• Mark the swing motor and hoses so that the
connectors can be matched during assembly.
• Attach caps or plugs to the swing motor and
hoses to prevent any entry of water, dust or
• Clean the swing motor and hoses by spraying
them with a parts cleaner to prevent scratching
and prevent dirt from accumulating on the con-

[5] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 3 bolts

(13), and then remove the under cover (14).

[6] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the bolt (15)

on the clamp (16) for the hose.

7 Make-up hose (use 41 mm)

8 Main hose (right) (use 36 mm)
9 Main hose (left) (use 36 mm)
10 Drain hose (use 27 mm)
11 Drain hose (use 27 mm)
12 Pilot hose (use 22 mm)
13 Bolt
14 Under cover
15 Bolt
16 Clamp
17 Drain hose

175 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[7] Use a box wrench (36 mm) to remove the 9
bolts (18) from the swing unit.

[8] Wrap the wire rope (20) around the swing

motor and lift it with a crane.
• A knock pin (19) is driven into the installation
section of the swing unit. Apply lubricating oil
to the knock pin and pull it out together with the
main unit of the swing motor while hitting with a

[9] Thoroughly check that the location is safe

before lowering the swing unit on wood planks
• Thoroughly secure the swing unit so that it
does not fall over.

18 Bolt
19 Knock pin
20 Wire rope
21 Wood plank

RSM-13-06-001E 176
Swing Unit
2. Installation of Swing Unit
[1] Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
When installing the swing unit, be careful with the position of the knock pin.
The tightening torque for the bolts for installing the swing unit on the swing frame is 784 - 914
[2] Before driving, be sure to fill the inside of the motor casing with hydraulic oil from the oil fill port
Use the level gauge (2) to check that gear oil for the reduction gear is filled to the stipulated vol-

1 Drain port
2 Level gauge

177 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
SH240-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Unit
1. Read and understand the contents of this Maintenance Manual before performing disas-
sembly, reassembly, inspection, repair, or other such work of this product.
2. Handle this product according to the separate "Usage Cautions".
3. When removing this product from the equipment it is mounted on, stop that equipment sys-
tem and wait for the surface temperature of this product to fall to about 40 ℃ or below before
removing it. Working on this product while it is still hot can cause burns. Additionally, always
bleed out the pressure before removing any line from this product. Removing a pressurized
line can result in oil spraying out and causing burns and oil leaking.
4. Use the specialty tools and measurement instruments for disassembly, reassembly, inspec-
tion, and repair, etc. of this product. Using an inappropriate tool may result in injury or prod-
Caution uct damage.
5. Be careful of parts falling when performing disassembly, reassembly, inspection or repair,
etc. of this product. This may result in injury or parts damage.
6. Do not directly touch with bare hands the machined edges or threaded sections of parts
during disassembly, reassembly, inspection, or repair etc. of this product. This may result in
7. Check performance after reassembly. Do not resume use unless performance is fully recov-
ered. Using this product at a sub-par performance level may result in product damage.
8. The cautions (mark !) listed in this Maintenance Manual do not cover all possible dangers.
Always think of safety first during disassembly, inspection, reassembly, repair, or other such

RSM-13-06-001E 178
Swing Unit
1. Disassembly
[1] Making a reference mark on the unit matching
It is useful to place a reference mark (*1) on
the matching surface of the casing K1 (301)
and ring gear (22) with paint, etc.

[2] Removal of level gauge and cap

Remove the level gauge (08) and cap (06).

[3] Gear oil draining

Loosen the plug (25) (10 mm hex socket diam-
eter) to drain the gear oil.
• Gear oil cannot be reused.

179 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[4] Removal of motor
Remove the pipe (06) and the pipe (04), and
loosen and remove the hexagon socket head
bolts (01) (10 mm hex diameter).
Use the make-up port (G1) to raise the motor
and remove it.
• Liquid packing has been applied to the match-
ing surfaces of the casing K1 (301) and ring
gear (22), so use the notch sections (*1) in the
diagram on the right to remove the motor.

This completes the disassembly.

RSM-13-06-001E 180
Swing Unit
2. Assembly
[1] Application of liquid packing
After cleaning and degreasing the reduction
gear ring gear (22) and the motor casing K1
(301) matching surfaces, apply (*1) liquid
packing (ThreeBond Co.,Ltd. "1215" gray or
the equivalent) as shown in the diagram on the

[2] Installation of motor

Lift the motor and softly install it in the reduc-
tion gear, and tighten the hexagon socket head
bolts (01) (10 mm hex diameter) to the tighten-
ing torque of 90 N•m.
Install pipes (06) and (04).
• Align the casing K1 (301) and ring gear (22)
according to the reference mark (*1) made
before disassembly.

181 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[3] Installation of level gauge
Insert the level gauge (08).

[4] Gear oil filling

Tighten the plug of the oil drain hose.
Fill with gear oil (9.7 L) from the gear oil fill
Tighten the gear oil fill port cap (06).

This completes the assembly.

RSM-13-06-001E 182
Swing Unit
SH240-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Motor
1. Read and understand the contents of this Maintenance Manual before performing disas-
sembly, reassembly, inspection, repair, or other such work of this product.
2. Handle this product according to the separate "Usage Cautions".
3. When removing this product from the equipment it is mounted on, stop that equipment sys-
tem and wait for the surface temperature of this product to fall to about 40 ℃ or below before
removing it. Working on this product while it is still hot can cause burns. Additionally, always
bleed out the pressure before removing any line from this product. Removing a pressurized
line can result in oil spraying out and causing burns and oil leaking.
4. Use the specialty tools and measurement instruments for disassembly, reassembly, inspec-
tion, and repair, etc. of this product. Using an inappropriate tool may result in injury or prod-
Caution uct damage.
5. Be careful of parts falling when performing disassembly, reassembly, inspection or repair,
etc. of this product. This may result in injury or parts damage.
6. Do not directly touch with bare hands the machined edges or threaded sections of parts
during disassembly, reassembly, inspection, or repair etc. of this product. This may result in
7. Check performance after reassembly. Do not resume use unless performance is fully recov-
ered. Using this product at a sub-par performance level may result in product damage.
8. The cautions (mark !) listed in this Maintenance Manual do not cover all possible dangers.
Always think of safety first during disassembly, inspection, reassembly, repair, or other such

183 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
1. Causes of Trouble and Solutions
[1] General cautions
This list consists of actions to be taken when an abnormality is sensed during use of the hydrau-
lic motor.
General cautions are listed below.
1) Think before attempting to fix a problem.
Determine the nature of the abnormality before beginning work and think whether this same
kind of problem has occurred before.
Also, reconfirm whether the motor is the source of the problem.
2) Be careful about dust and dirt.
The cause of wear is very often dust and dirt. So be careful that dust and dirt do not get into
parts during disassembly.
3) Parts handling
Parts are manufactured with a high degree of precision, so be careful not to scratch them dur-
ing handling.
4) Do not damage O-rings or gasket surfaces while performing work. Also, it is recommended that
O-rings are replaced for new ones during disassembly.
[2] Investigating abnormalities in the motor main unit
It is very difficult to search for the source of troubles in the hydraulic circuits. Inspect the following
items and thoroughly investigate whether the motor is the source of troubles.
1) Inspecting oil within the casing
Remove the drain plug and inspect the hydraulic oil within the casing. If a large amount of metal
particles come out at the same time as oil, it is very likely that there is damage with parts within
the motor.
2) Abnormal noise
Check whether abnormal noise is coming from the motor main unit.
3) Measure pressure for each part.
Do not perform disassembly inspection carelessly. Measure pressure for each part and look for
abnormalities in each area.
4) Measure the amount of oil drained from the motor.
1. Operation is normal if about 30 L/min or less of oil drains from the motor when pressurized
oil is applied after the swing is locked.
2. 2 L/min or less of drained oil at constant swing is normal.

RSM-13-06-001E 184
Swing Unit
[3] Trouble conditions and countermeasures
1) Hydraulic motor does not rotate.
Symptom Cause Solution
No pressure rise 1. Incorrect setting of the circuit safety 1. Reset safety valve correctly.
valve 2. Disassemble and inspect.
2. Operation problems with relief valve 1) Repair or replace sticking section(s).
1) Plunger sticking 2) Disassemble and clean.
2) Clogged plunger orifice 3. Check seating sections and replace
3. Plunger seating problem scratched part(s).
Pressure rises 1. Overload 1. Eliminate load.
2. Seizing of driving part 2. Inspect and repair piston/shoe, cylinder/
3. No release pressure acting on the brake valve plate, etc.
4. Piston sticking to the brake 3. Inspect and repair circuit.
5. Spool for brake release sticking 4. Disassemble and inspect.
6. Friction plate seizing 5. Disassemble and inspect.
6. Disassemble and inspect. Replace seiz-
ing part(s).

2) Rotation direction is reversed.

Symptom Cause Solution
Reversed 1. Motor rotation direction reversed. 1. Check the rotation direction and assem-
rotation direction 2. Input and output for line reversed. ble the motor correctly.
2. Correct line configurations.

3) Motor speed is not reaching the set value.

Symptom Cause Solution
Motor speed not 1. Insufficient oil flow amount 1. Check the pump discharge volume and
reaching the set 2. High temperature and severe leaking of the circuit up to the motor.
value oil 2. Lower the temperature of the oil.
3. Wear or damage on each sliding sec- 3. Replace part(s).

4) Hydraulic motor does not rotate.

Symptom Cause Solution
Insufficient 1. Wear on the friction plate 1. Disassemble and inspect. Replace
braking torque 2. Brake piston sticking parts worn beyond the limit.
3. Brake release pressure cannot be 2. Disassemble and inspect.
released. 3. Inspect and repair circuit.
4. Spool for brake release sticking 4. Disassemble and inspect.
5. Damaged friction plate spline 5. Disassemble and inspect. Replace
damaged part(s).

185 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
5) Severe hydraulic motor slipping
Investigate the amount of oil drained from the hydraulic motor. Motor operation is normal if the
amount is 500 cc/min or less.
Symptom Cause Solution
Slipping is 1. Operation problems with relief valve 1. Disassemble and inspect.
severe when an 1) Plunger sticking 1) Repair or replace sticking section(s).
external driving 2) Clogged plunger orifice 2) Disassemble and clean.
torque acts on
2. Plunger seating problem 2. Check seating sections and replace
the hydraulic
scratched part(s).

6) Oil leaking
1) Oil leaking from oil seal.
Symptom Cause Solution
Oil leaking from 1. Debris lodged in lip causing scratching. 1. Replace oil seal(s).
oil seal 2. Shaft scratched or worn 2. Stagger the position(s) of the lip and
3. Pressure within the casing becoming shaft(s) or replace it (them).
abnormally high caused oil seal lip to 3. Repair any clogged drain line(s).
turn up. 4. Disassemble and repair.
4. Shaft rusted.

2) Oil leaking from matching surface

Symptom Cause Solution
Oil leaking from 1. O-ring has not been inserted. 1. Insert O-ring(s) and assemble.
matching surface 2. Scratched O-ring 2. Replace part(s).
3. Scratched seal surface 3. Disassemble and repair.
4. Loosened or damaged bolt 4. Tighten to the specified torque or

RSM-13-06-001E 186
Swing Unit
2. Maintenance Procedures
[1] Replacement standards for worn parts
If wear on any part exceeds the standard values below, replace or readjust that part.
However, parts should be replaced regardless of these standards if it appear to be extremely
worn based on appearance.
Table 1. Part replacement standards
Value at which
Standard dimensions replacement is
Item Solution
(mm) recommended
Clearances between piston Replace the piston(s) or
0.028 0.058
and cylinder bore (D-d) cylinder(s).
Piston and shoe caulking Replace the piston shoe
0 0.3
section backlash (δ) assembly.
Replace the piston shoe
Shoe thickness (t) 5.5 5.3
Friction plate thickness 2.0 1.6 Replace the part(s).

Clearance (D-d) Piston and shoe backlash (δ)

Shoe thickness (t)

187 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[2] Sliding surface repair standards
If the roughness of the sliding surface in any section exceeds the standard values below, repair or
replace that part.
Table 2. Sliding surface repair standards
Standard surface
Part name Surface roughness requiring repair
0.8-Z (Ra=0.2)
Shoe 3-Z (Ra=0.8)
0.4-Z (Ra=0.1)
Shoe plate 3-Z (Ra=0.8)
1.6-Z (Ra=0.4)
Cylinder 12.5-Z (Ra=3.2)
0.8-Z (Ra=0.2)
Valve plate 6.3-Z (Ra=1.6)

1) Using lapping, make the degree of surface roughness of each sliding surface equal to or lower
than the standard value.
2) If the plate spring and cylinder spherical surface sliding section are rough, these should be
replaced as a set.

RSM-13-06-001E 188
Swing Unit
3. Assembly and Disassembly
[1] Bolt tightening torque
Tightening torque values for bolts used in the motor are indicated in Table 3. When assembling,
securely tighten bolts to these values.
Table 3
Screw size Name Tightening torque N•m Applicable part code
M20 Hexagon socket head bolt 431 401
M33XP1.5 Relief valve 177 051
M36XP1.5 ROMH plug 539 469
PF1/4 ROH plug 36 467
If there is a variance with the part codes listed above, see the assembly cross-section diagram.

[2] Tools for assembly and disassembly

The necessary tools for assembly and disassembly are indicated in Tables 4 and 5. The bolts and
plugs used vary for each type, so prepare tools based on examination beforehand.
Table 4 Wrenches
Name Size Bolt width Applicable part code Tool
Hexagon socket head bolt M20 17 401 Hexagon wrench
Hexagon wrench, socket
Relief valve M33XP1.5 41 051
ROMH plug M36XP1.5 17 469 Hexagon wrench
ROH plug PF1/4 6 467 Hexagon wrench
If there are variances with the plugs and bolts listed above, see the assembly cross-section dia-
Table 5 Other
Tool Dimensions
Screwdriver Medium-sized flathead x 2
Steel rod About size 10 x 8 x 200 x 1
Plastic hammer
Metal hammer 1 each
Torque adjustment range
・ For 5 - 10 N•m
Torque wrench ・ For 10 - 45 N•m
・ For 40 - 275 N•m
・ For 75 - 550 N•m
Slide hammer bearing puller
Brake piston removal jig See the next page

189 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit

Brake piston removal specialty tool

*1 Brake piston removal jig

*2 Brake piston
*3 Casing

RSM-13-06-001E 190
Swing Unit
[3] Disassembly procedure
When disassembling the motor, disassemble
using the sequence indicated below. The num-
bers in parentheses after the part names are
the codes used in the structure diagram.

1) Wrap the wire rope around the outer circum-

ference of the motor, lift the motor with a
crane, and clean with white kerosene. After
cleaning, dry the motor using compressed air.
• To prevent foreign matter from entering the
motor, mask each port with tape, etc.
before cleaning off adhered dirt and dust.

2) From the drain plug, drain the oil inside the

casing (301).

3) Point the shaft end of the drive shaft (101)

downwards and secure the motor on a sur-
face which makes disassembly easy. At this
time, place reference marks on the sections
of the casing (301) and valve casing (303)
that match with each other.
• Select a clean location for disassembly.
Place a rubber plate or cloth on the plat-
form so as not to damage the parts.

4) Loosen the relief valves (051) and remove

them from the valve casing (303).
• O-rings will be damaged when the relief
valves are loosened, so be sure to replace
the O-rings.

5) Remove the ROMH plugs (469) from the

valve casing (303) and take out the springs
(355) and plungers (351).
• Be careful not to scratch the plunger seat-
ing sections.

191 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
6) Loosen the hexagon socket head bolts (401)
and remove the valve casing (303) from the
(The valve casing will rise up from the casing
when the bolts are removed due to the force
of the brake springs (712).)
Additionally, remove the valve plate (131)
from the valve casing.
• Do this carefully so as not to let the valve
plate fall from the valve casing.
(The valve plate may be attached to the
cylinder side.)
When prying open the matching surface
with a screwdriver, etc., be careful not to
scratch the surface.

7) Take out the brake springs (712) from the

brake piston (702).

8) Use a jig and remove the brake piston (702)

from the casing (301).
• Apply the tips of the jig to the sides of the
brake piston. Pull the brake piston out
straight up.

RSM-13-06-001E 192
Swing Unit
9) Move the motor on its side so that it is hori-
zontal with the ground and remove the cylin-
der (111) from the drive shaft (101).
Additionally, remove the pistons (121), holder
plate (123), plate spring (114), and shoe
plate (124).
• Be careful not to scratch the sliding sur-
faces of the cylinder, shoe, etc.
If the shoe plate cannot be removed, pro-
ceed to 11) and remove.

10) Take out the friction plates (742) and separa-

tor plates (743) from the casing (301).

11) Take out the drive shaft (101) and shoe plate
• The spline will damage the oil seal (491)
when the drive shaft is removed, so wrap
the spline section of the drive shaft with
vinyl tape, etc. (*1).

193 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
12) Perform the following as necessary.
1. Use a press (*1) to remove the inner race
of the cylinder roller bearing (443) from
the drive shaft (101).
• It is acceptable to strike the inner race of
the cylinder roller bearing using a steel rod,
but be careful to strike the inner race
evenly and to not damage the bearing.
Do not reuse removed bearing.
2. Lightly strike the outer race of the cylinder
roller bearing (443) from the oil seal (491)
housing section side using a steel rod to
remove the outer race from the casing
• Do not reuse removed bearing.
3. Use the slide hammer bearing puller (*1)
to remove the cylinder roller bearing (444)
from the valve casing (303).
• Do not reuse removed bearing.

This completes the disassembly. Thoroughly inspect each section for abnormalities.

RSM-13-06-001E 194
Swing Unit
Swing motor internal structure diagram (SH240-5)

195 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[4] Assembly procedure
The assembly procedure is the reverse of the disassembly procedure. However, follow the pre-
cautions below.
1) Be sure to repair any parts damaged during disassembly, and prepare replacement parts in
2) Thoroughly clean all parts with cleaning fluid and dry with compressed air.
3) Be sure to apply clean hydraulic oil on sliding parts and bearings before assembling.
4) As a rule, replace all O-rings, oil seals, and other seal parts with new parts.
5) Use a torque wrench to tighten all installation bolts and plugs to the torque values specified in
Table 3.
The assembly procedure is indicated below.

1) Place the casing (301) on an appropriate

platform with the valve casing (303) side fac-
ing up.

2) (This section is only necessary when the cyl-

inder roller bearing (443) is removed.)
Shrink fit the inner race of the cylinder roller
bearing to the drive shaft (101).
• Be careful with the direction of the collar of
the cylinder roller bearing.

3) Use a jig to insert the oil seal (491) into the

casing (301).
• Be careful with the direction of the oil seal.
(See the diagram below)
Apply a thin layer of grease to the oil seal
lip section.
Evenly strike the oil seal and be careful not
to scratch the outer circumference.

4) Install the outer race of the cylinder roller

bearing (443) in the casing (301) by lightly
striking it with a steel rod.

RSM-13-06-001E 196
Swing Unit
5) Mount the drive shaft (101) in the casing
• Carefully insert it so as not to scratch the
lip section of the oil seal (491).
Wrapping vinyl tape, etc. around the shaft
spline section to protect it is recommended.

6) Lay the casing (301) horizontal and insert the

shoe plate (124).
• Install with the larger chamfered side of the
shoe plate on the casing side.
Apply a thin layer of grease to the matching
surface to prevent it from falling out.

7) Set the holder plate (123) and plate spring

(114) and also set the piston subassembly

197 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
8) Install the piston subassembly (10) set in the
holder plate (123) into the cylinder (111).
Then align the cylinder with the spline of the
drive shaft (101) and insert it.

RSM-13-06-001E 198
Swing Unit
9) Set the casing (301) down with the oil seal
(491) side facing downwards and alternately
install separator plates (743) and friction
plates (742) in that order.
Install the 4 separator plates and 3 friction

10) Mount the O-rings (706) and (707) on the

casing (301).
• If a thin layer of grease is applied to the O-
rings, they will not break easily when
inserting brake piston.

199 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
11) Install the brake piston (702) into the casing

12) Install the brake springs (712) into the brake

piston (702).

13) (This section is only necessary when the cyl-

inder roller bearing (444) is removed.)
Install the outer race of the cylinder roller
bearing into the valve casing (303) with a
steel rod by lightly striking the rod with a
• Evenly strike the outer circumference of the
outer race completely in until it stops at the
stepped section of the valve casing.

RSM-13-06-001E 200
Swing Unit
14) Install the valve plate (131) into the valve
casing (303) and also mount the O-ring
• Apply a thin layer of grease to the valve
plate matching surface. (To prevent falling
off) (*1)

15) Install the valve casing (303) on the casing

(301) and tighten with the hexagon socket
head bolts (401).
Tightening torque: 430 N•m
• Be careful with the installation direction of
the valve casing.
Make sure that the valve plate (131) does
not come off.
Make sure that the brake springs (712) do
not fall over.
Tighten the hexagon socket head bolts

16) Insert the plungers (351) and springs (355)

into the valve casing (303) and tighten the
ROMH plugs (469) with the O-rings (488)
mounted on them to the valve casing.
Tightening torque: 539 N•m
• Check that the plungers move smoothly.

201 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
17) Mount the relief valves (051) on the valve
casing (303) and tighten them.
Tightening torque: 177 N•m

This completes the assembly.

RSM-13-06-001E 202
Swing Unit
SH240-5 Assembly and Disassembly of Swing Reduction Gear
1. Read and understand the contents of this Maintenance Manual before performing disas-
sembly, reassembly, inspection, repair, or other such work of this product.
2. Handle this product according to the separate "Usage Cautions".
3. When removing this product from the equipment it is mounted on, stop that equipment sys-
tem and wait for the surface temperature of this product to fall to about 40C or below before
removing it. Working on this product while it is still hot can cause burns. Additionally, always
bleed out the pressure before removing any line from this product. Removing a pressurized
line can result in oil spraying out and causing burns and oil leaking.
4. Use the specialty tools and measurement instruments for disassembly, reassembly, inspec-
tion, and repair, etc. of this product. Using an inappropriate tool may result in injury or prod-
Caution uct damage.
5. Be careful of parts falling when performing disassembly, reassembly, inspection or repair,
etc. of this product. This may result in injury or parts damage.
6. Do not directly touch with bare hands the machined edges or threaded sections of parts
during disassembly, reassembly, inspection, or repair etc. of this product. This may result in
7. Check performance after reassembly. Do not resume use unless performance is fully recov-
ered. Using this product at a sub-par performance level may result in product damage.
8. The cautions (mark !) listed in this Maintenance Manual do not cover all possible dangers.
Always think of safety first during disassembly, inspection, reassembly, repair, or other such

203 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
1. Disassembly
[1] Put the nylon sling around the swing motor section and lift it with a crane.

Caution Swing unit weight: about 301 kg

[2] Place the swing unit on the bracket (8098413), and secure it with the 2 bolts (M24). Secure the
bracket to the work platform so that reactive force is absorbed.
: 36 mm

*1 Swing unit
*2 Bracket (8098413)

[3] Remove the drain plug (25), and then drain oil.
: 22 mm

[4] Remove the hose (24) from the housing (31).

: 22 mm

[5] Place reference marks on the matching sections of the motor (2) and ring gear (22) and the ring
gear and housing (31). Loosen and remove the hexagon socket head bolts (1) and lift the motor
with a crane to remove it.
: 10 mm

Caution Motor weight: 71 kg

Tip: Inserting a flathead screwdriver in the gap between the motor and ring gear will make
the motor rise up and make it easier to remove.
[6] Remove the 1st stage sun gear (4) and 1st stage carrier (21) assembly from the ring gear (22).
: 8 mm

[7] Loosen and remove the hexagon socket head bolts (32) and install eyebolts (M12, 1.75 mm
pitch) on the motor installation screw section of the ring gear (22). Remove the ring gear from the
housing (31) lifted by the crane.
: 14 mm

Caution Ring gear weight: 27 kg

Tip: ThreeBond has been applied to the matching surfaces of the housing and ring gear.
Placing a flathead screwdriver in the notch section of the matching section outer
circumference raises the ring gear and makes it easier to remove.
[8] Remove the 2nd stage sun gear (20) and 2nd stage carrier (19) assembly.

Caution 2nd stage carrier assembly weight: 32 kg

RSM-13-06-001E 204
Swing Unit
[9] Remove the bolts (17), and then remove the lock plate (16).
[10] Use the nut removal and installation jig (8083297) (*1) to remove the nut (15) from the shaft (26).

[11] Install eyebolts (M18, 2.5 mm pitch) in the bolt holes on the housing (31).
Remove the 2 bolts (M24) securing the housing and bracket.
Lift the housing assembly with a crane and remove the bracket.

Caution Housing assembly weight: 148 kg

[12] Set the housing assembly on top of the blocks (*1) set on the press platform.

205 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[13] Place an upper lid (*1) on the housing (31) before removing the shaft (26) with the press (*2). At
this time, the roller bearing (30) inner race and sleeve (29) will become attached to the shaft.

When pressing on the shaft with the press, make sure to produce an upper lid (outer
diameter 369 mm, inner diameter 90 mm, thickness 25 - 30 mm) and do pressing with
the upper lid in place. There is a possibility of the housing and roller bearing breaking
Caution and fragments flying off, which may cause injury. Also, the upper limit of the press is 30 t.
When heating the roller bearing, thoroughly degrease the inside of the housing before
heating. If heating is done without degreasing, there is the danger of fires occurring.

[14] Remove the roller bearing (30) inner race from the housing (31).
[15] Set a jig on the shaft assembly (26).
Tip: Use the following items for the roller bearing removal jig.
Shafts (bolts are also useable): length 220 mm, diameter 19 mm x 8 (*1) (All should be
the same length and have no wear deformation on either end)
Raw materials: S35C
Hose clamp: (standard diameter of 8-1/2 inches, tightening range of 185 - 215 mm) x 2
Guide: height 160 mm, outer diameter 250 mm, inner diameter 230 mm (*3)
Bearing removal jig

RSM-13-06-001E 206
Swing Unit
[16] Set the shaft (26) with the jig attached in the press (*1) to remove the roller bearing (30).
[17] Remove the sleeve (29) from the shaft (26), and remove the O-ring (27) from the sleeve.

Caution When pressing the shaft with the press, be sure to do this within the guide.

[18] Insert the round rod into the internal oil path (*2) of the housing (31), and strike the outer race
(*1) of the roller bearing (23) to remove it.

[19] Bind the body of the housing (31) with the nylon sling, lift it with a crane, and turn the housing
around. Insert a screwdriver into the notch section of the oil seal (28) installation section of the
housing and remove the oil seal.

Caution Housing (31) weight: 104 kg

Tip: ThreeBond has been applied to the outer circumference of the oil seal. Accordingly,
the oil seal cannot be reused.
[20] Use a striking rod and hammer to strike the back surface of the roller bearing (30) outer race, and
remove the outer race from the housing (31).
[21] Use a round rod and hammer to remove the spring pins (6) from the 1st stage carrier (21).
[22] Remove the 3 pins (5), 3 1st stage planetary gears (9), 3 thrust plates (7), and 3 needle bearings
(8) from the 1st stage carrier (21).
[23] Remove the thrust plate (18) from the 1st stage carrier (21).
[24] Use a round rod and hammer to remove the spring pins (11) from the 2nd stage carrier (19).

207 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[25] Remove the 3 pins (10), 3 2nd stage planetary gears (14), 3 thrust plates (12), and 6 needle
bearings (13) from the 2nd stage carrier (19).
[26] Remove the thrust plate (18) from the 2nd stage carrier (19).

This completes the disassembly.

Thoroughly inspect each section for abnormalities.

RSM-13-06-001E 208
Swing Unit
2. Assembly
[1] Preparation before operation
Execute the following preparations before reassembly.
1) Check each part for scratches from use or from disassembly. If there are any scratches, remove
them with a whetstone or sandpaper of the necessary grain, clean with cleaning oil, then dry off
with an air blower.
2) Replace seal parts with new ones.
3) When assembling sliding sections, apply clean hydraulic oil before assembling.
[2] Install 1 needle bearing (8) into each of the 3 1st stage planetary gears (9).
[3] Install the thrust plate (18) into the 1st stage carrier (21) with the side of the thrust plate with the
oil groove facing upwards.
[4] Install the 3 1st stage planetary gears (9) and 3 thrust plates (7) into the 1st stage carrier (21).
[5] Align the 3 pins (5) with the spring pin holes of the 1st stage carrier (21) and strike the pins with a
hammer to install them.
Important: Be careful with the direction of the spring pins.

[6] Arrange the spring pins (6) so that the slit section (*1) faces the end surface of the pins, and drive
the spring pins into the 1st stage carrier (21) and pins (5) with a hammer.

[7] Assemble the 2nd stage carrier in the same sequence as shown in Step [2] - [6]. Assemble the 3
2nd stage planetary gears (14), 6 needle bearings (13), 3 thrust plates (12), 1 thrust plate (18), 3
pins (10), and 3 spring pins (11).
[8] Install the O-ring (27) into the sleeve (29).

209 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[9] Install the sleeve (29) and inner race of the roller bearing (30) into the shaft (26). Use the bearing
press-fit jig (ST A) (ST B) to press fit the sleeve and inner race with the press (*1).

Tip: The press-fit amount of the bearing inner race is preserved by using the press-fit jig.

[10] Bind the body of the housing (31) with the nylon sling. Lift the housing with a crane, and set it
down with the sleeve (29) installation side facing up.

Caution Housing weight: 104 kg

[11] Use a striking rod and hammer to evenly strike the roller bearing (30) outer race and install it in
the housing. Listen for the sound of the outer race striking the bottom to check that it is fully in.
[12] Apply ThreeBond #1205 to the outer circumference of the oil seal (28). Place the oil seal on the
housing (31) so that it is level, and press the oil seal in a small amount by hand. Place the seal
installation jig (8026527) (*1) on top of the oil seal and strike it straight with the hammer.

[13] Apply grease to the inner circumference of the oil seal (28). Additionally, also apply grease to the
outer circumference surface of the sleeve (29) attached to the shaft (26).

RSM-13-06-001E 210
Swing Unit
[14] Install eyebolts (M18, 2.5 mm pitch) in the bolt holes on the housing (31). Lift the housing and
slowly lower it over the shaft (26) to fit it on the shaft. At this time, carefully perform centering dur-
ing assembly so that the oil seal (28) lip does not get turned up.
[15] Use a striking rod and hammer to evenly strike the roller bearing (23) outer race and install it in
the housing (31). Listen for the sound of the outer race striking the bottom to check that it is fully
[16] Use a striking rod and hammer to hammer the roller bearing (23) inner race into the shaft (26).
Hammer in the inner race so that the top surface of the inner race is 2 threads down from the
threaded section for the shaft nut (15).
[17] Tighten the nut (15) onto the shaft (26) to the maximum degree it can be tighten by hand.
Tip: This prevents the shaft from falling when the housing is lifted.

[18] Attach eyebolts (M18, 2.5 mm pitch) into the bolt holes of the housing (31), and lift the housing
with a crane and set it on the press.

Caution Housing + shaft + bearing weight: 148 kg

[19] Remove the nut (15) from the shaft (26).

[20] Place the inner race press-fit jig (ST C) on the roller bearing (23) inner race and press-fit the
inner race with the press.
Tip: The specified amount to which the inner race is pressed in can be preserved by using
the press-fit jig.

211 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[21] Lift the housing (31) assembly with a crane, place it on the bracket (8098413) (*2), and install it
using the 2 bolts (M24). At this time, the stopper on the bottom section of the bracket (*1) should
be arranged so that it can be inserted in between the pinion gear teeth. Additionally, secure the
bracket to the work platform so that reactive force is absorbed.
: 36 mm

Important: Be careful with the attachment direction of the bearing nut.

[22] Apply a small amount of grease to the threaded section of the nut (15) and install it on the shaft
(26). At this time, place the stepped end surface of the nut on the roller bearing (23) side. Use the
nut tightening jig (8083297) (*1) to tighten it to the specified torque.
: 735 N•m

Tip: Be sure to apply grease to preserve the correct tightening torque.

[23] Install the lock plate (16) on the nut (15) using the bolts (17). When the lock plate spline does not
fit with the shaft (26) spline, retorque the lock plate in the nut tightening direction to align the
: 17 mm
: 50 N•m

RSM-13-06-001E 212
Swing Unit
[24] Attach the 2nd stage carrier (19) assembly to the shaft (26) spline.

Caution 2nd stage carrier weight: 32 kg

Important: Be careful to install the carrier in the correct direction.

[25] Install the 2nd stage sun gear (20) into the 2nd stage carrier (19) assembly.
[26] Apply ThreeBond #1215 to the ring gear (22) installation surface of the housing (31). At this time,
thoroughly remove old adhesive.
[27] Attach eyebolts (M12, 1.75 mm pitch) to the motor installation threaded sections of the ring gear
(22), lift with a crane, and align the reference marks made during disassembly to install the ring
gear to the housing (31).
Tighten the 12 hexagon socket head bolts (32).
: 14 mm
: 300 N•m

Caution Ring gear weight: 27 kg

[28] Align the 1st stage carrier (21) assembly with the spline of the 2nd stage sun gear (20) to install
the assembly.
Important: Be careful with the attachment direction of the sun gear.

[29] Attach the 1st stage sun gear (4) to the 1st stage carrier (21) assembly with the stepped end sur-
face facing downwards.
[30] Wrap the hose (24) threaded section with seal tape and install it on the housing (31).
: 22 mm
[31] Install the drain plug (25) on the hose.
: 22 mm
: 50 N•m
[32] Fill with gear oil (9.7 L).
[33] Apply liquid packing (ThreeBond #1215) to the ring gear (22) motor installation surface.

213 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
[34] Lift the motor with a crane, align the reference marks made during disassembly, and install it onto
the ring gear (22) with the 12 hexagon socket head bolts (1).
: 10 mm
: 90 N•m

Caution Motor weight: 71 kg

This completes the assembly.

RSM-13-06-001E 214
Swing Unit
Swing Reduction Gear Breakdown Diagram

215 RSM-13-06-001E
Swing Unit
Swing Reduction Gear Structure Diagram

1 Hexagon socket head bolt (12) 12 Thrust plate (3) 23 Roller bearing
2 Swing motor 13 Needle bearing (6) 24 Hose
3 Retaining ring 14 2nd stage planetary gear (3) 25 Drain plug
4 1st stage sun gear 15 Nut 26 Shaft
5 Pin (3) 16 Lock plate 27 O-ring
6 Spring pin (3) 17 Bolt (2) 28 Oil seal
7 Thrust plate (3) 18 Thrust plate (2) 29 Sleeve
8 Needle bearing (3) 19 2nd stage carrier 30 Roller bearing
9 1st stage planetary gear (3) 20 2nd stage sun gear 31 Housing
10 Pin (3) 21 1st stage carrier 32 Hexagon socket head bolt (12)
11 Spring pin (3) 22 Ring gear

RSM-13-06-001E 216
Center Joint SH200-5
Center Joint

Center Joint
Removal and Installation of Center Joint
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
Caution ・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (17 mm, 19 mm, 27 mm, 36 mm)
• Hexagon wrench (5 mm)
• Box wrench (19 mm)
• Specialty adapter for vacuum pump connection
• Vacuum pump (vacuum pump power supply)
• Extension cable
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Wire rope (with the required breaking load)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Wood planks, etc.
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Center Joint
[1] Use a hexagon wrench (5 mm) to remove the 4
bolts (1), and then remove the air breather (2)
on the hydraulic oil tank.

[2] Attach the specialty adapter (3) to the area

where the air breather was removed, and set
the vacuum pump (4).
Create negative pressure in the hydraulic oil
tank using the vacuum pump.

1 Bolt
2 Air breather
3 Specialty adapter
4 Vacuum pump

217 RSM-13-07-001E
Center Joint
[3] Use a box wrench (19 mm) to remove the 8
bolts (5), and then remove the lower under
covers (6).

[4] Prepare a waste oil can (7) to receive the oil

that spills out under the center joint.

[5] Use a wrench (36 mm) to remove the travel

hoses (8) and another wrench (27 mm) to
remove the drain hoses (9).
• Mark the center joint and hoses so that the
connectors match at the time of assembly.
• Attach caps or plugs to the center joint and
hoses to prevent any entry of water, dust or
• Clean the center joint and hoses by spraying
them with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches
and prevent dirt from accumulating on the con-

5 Bolt
6 Lower under cover
7 Waste oil can
8 Travel hose
9 Drain hose

RSM-13-07-001E 218
Center Joint
[6] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the pilot
hoses (10) and another wrench (27 mm) to
remove the drain hose (11).
• Attach caps or plugs to the center joint and
hoses to prevent any entry of water, dust or
• Clean the center joint and hoses by spraying
them with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches
and prevent dirt from accumulating on the con-

[7] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 2 bolts

(12), and then remove the center joint lock bar

[8] Use a wrench (36 mm) to remove the 4 travel

hoses (14).
• Mark the hoses so that the connectors can be
matched during assembly.
• Attach caps or plugs to the hoses to prevent
any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the hoses by spraying them with a parts
cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent dirt
from accumulating on the connectors.

10 Pilot hose
11 Drain hose
12 Bolt
13 Lock bar
14 Travel hose

219 RSM-13-07-001E
Center Joint
[9] Wrap a wire rope (15) around the center joint
and suspend it with a crane so that the center
joint does not fall during removal and installa-
tion operations.

[10] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(16) from the center joint.

[11] Use the wire rope (15) and crane to lift the cen-
ter joint (17).
[12] Thoroughly check that the location is safe
before lowering the center joint on wood

15 Wire rope
16 Bolt
17 Center joint

RSM-13-07-001E 220
Center Joint
2. Installation of Center Joint
[1] Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
The tightening torque for the center joint bolts
(1) is 109 - 127 N•m.
[2] The tightening torque for the lock bar (2) bolt
(3) is 88.3 - 107 N•m.
Also, apply Loctite #262 to the bolts.

1 Bolt
2 Lock bar
3 Bolt

221 RSM-13-07-001E
Counterweight SH200-5

Removal and Installation of Counterweight
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
Caution ・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.
・ Thoroughly secure the removed counterweight with the wire ropes and crane so that it does
not fall over.

Items to prepare
• Box wrench (50 mm)
• Eyebolts (M36 mm)
• Balance lifting device
• Shackle (with the required lifting capacity) x 4
• Wire rope (with the required breaking load) x 4
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Wood planks, etc.
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Counterweight
[1] Remove the 2 rubber plugs (2) from the top of
the counterweight (1).

[2] Install the 2 eyebolts (M36) (3) in place of the 2

removed rubber plugs.
• Apply lubricating oil to the eyebolts.
• Fully tighten the eyebolts, and then loosen
them by a half turn.

1 Counterweight
2 Rubber plug
3 Eyebolt

222 RSM-13-08-001E
[3] Connect the eyebolts to the shackles (4), and
then use the wire ropes (5) and crane to
secure the counterweight so that it does not fall
during removal and installation operations.

[4] Use a box wrench (50 mm) to remove the 4

bolts (6) and spacers (7) on the lower section
of the counterweight.

4 Shackle
5 Wire rope
6 Bolt
7 Spacer

RSM-13-08-001E 223
[5] Use the wire ropes and crane to lift and
remove the counterweight.
• Move the counterweight about 50 cm to the
rear while lifting it so that it does not interfere
with the housing, engine parts and pipes.

[6] Thoroughly check that the location is safe

before lowering the counterweight on wood
planks (8).
• Thoroughly secure the counterweight with the
wire ropes and crane so that it does not fall

8 Wood plank

2. Installation of Counterweight
Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
The tightening torque for the counterweight bolts is 1862 - 2058 N 疥 .
Do not apply oil, etc. to the bolts.

224 RSM-13-08-001E
Hydraulic Pump SH200-5
Hydraulic Pump

Hydraulic Pump
Removal and Installation of Hydraulic Pump
Warning ・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (13 mm, 14 mm, 17 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm, 30 mm, 36 mm)
• Hexagon wrenches (8 mm, 10 mm)
• Nylon sling (with the required breaking load)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
1. Removal of Hydraulic Pump
[1] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 6 bolts
(1), and then remove the under cover (2).

[2] Remove the engine hood.

For procedure, see "Removal and Installation
of Engine Hood".

[3] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(3) from the top cover.

1 Bolt
2 Under cover
3 Bolt

225 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
[4] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 2 bolts
(3), and then remove the torsion bar bracket
(4) for the engine hood.

[5] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(5) from the inside of the top cover.

[6] Remove the top cover (6).

3 Bolt
4 Torsion bar bracket
5 Bolt
6 Cover

RSM-13-09-001E 226
Hydraulic Pump
[7] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 9 bolts
(7), and then remove the 4 covers (8), (9), (10),
and (11).

[8] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the 2 bolts

(12) and 2 nuts (13), and then remove the
exhaust pipe seal clamp (14).

[9] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 3 bolts

(15), and then remove the muffler installation
bracket (16).

7 Bolt
8 Cover
9 Cover
10 Cover
11 Cover
12 Bolt
13 Nut
14 Seal clamp
15 Bolt
16 Muffler bracket

227 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
[10] Remove the muffler (17).

[11] Remove the hoses and connectors that are

connected to the pump.
Use a hexagon wrench (8 mm) to remove the 8
hose bolts (18), and remove the pressure
hoses (19).
Use a wrench (36 mm) to remove the drain
hose (20).
Use a wrench (22 mm) to remove the pilot
hose (21).
Use a wrench (30 mm) to remove the suction
hoses (24) and (25).
Remove the connectors (23).
Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the pilot
hoses (22) and (25).
Remove the connectors (26).
Use a hexagon wrench (10 mm) to remove the
suction line bolts (27) (2 in front, 2 in back),
and remove the suction line (28).
• Mark the pump and hoses so that the connec-
tors match at the time of assembly.
• Attach caps or plugs to the pump and hoses to
prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the pump and hoses by spraying with a
parts cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent
dirt from accumulating on the connectors.

17 Muffler 23 Connector
18 Bolt 24 Pilot suction hose
19 Pressure hose 25 Pilot hose
20 Drain hose 26 Connector
21 Pilot hose 27 Bolt
22 Pilot hose 28 Suction line

RSM-13-09-001E 228
Hydraulic Pump
[12] Secure the pump with a crane and nylon sling
(29) so that it does not fall during removal and
installation operations.

[13] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 9 bolts

(30) from the pump.

[14] Use a crane and the nylon sling (29) to pull the
pump out from the shaft and lift the pump.

29 Nylon sling
30 Bolt

229 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
[15] Thoroughly check that the location is safe
before lowering the pump on wood planks (31).
• Thoroughly secure the pump so that it does
not fall over.

31 Wood plank

2. Installation of Hydraulic Pump

Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
The tightening torque for the pump bolt (1) is 63.7
- 72.6 N•m.
Fill the pump case with hydraulic oil from the drain
port so that no air remains in the pump case.
Additionally, when there is a 2nd option gear
pump, bleed off air from the air bleed port on the
top surface of the power take-off case.

1 Bolt

RSM-13-09-001E 230
Hydraulic Pump
Procedures for Assembly and Disassembly of Hydraulic Pump Main Unit
1. Tools
The table below shows the tools required for assembly and disassembly of the K3V pump. The bolts
and plugs may vary by pump type.
Pump type
Tool name and (The ○
indicates a Part name
Hexagon Rc mounted
K3V63 K3V112 K3V140/180 PO plug socket head
Name B socket head valve
K5V80 K5V140 K5V200 (G screw) locking
bolt (Rc screw)
2 - - - M4
2.5 - - - M5
3 - - - M6
4 ○ ○ ○ M5 BP-1/16 - M8
5 ○ ○ ○ M6 BP-1/8 - M10
6 ○ ○ ○ M8 BP-1/4 PO-1/4 M12 M14
8 ○ ○ ○ M10 BP-3/8 PO-3/8 M16 M18
Hexagon wrench
10 M12 BP-1/2 PO-1/2 M20
12 M14 - - -
14 ○ M16 M18 BP-3/4 PO-3/4 -
17 ○ ○ M20 M22 BP-1 PO-1, 1 4, 11 /2 -
19 M24 M27 - - -
21 - - - -
22 M30 - PO-2 -
19 ○ ○ ○ M12 M12 VP-1/4 -
22 ○ - - VP-3/8 -
24 ○ ○ M16 M16 - -
Closed wrench 27 ○ ○ M18 M18 VP-1/2 -
Socket wrench
Double-head 30 ○ ○ M20 M20 - -
wrench 36 ○ ○ - - VP-3/4 -
41 ○ ○ - - VP-1 -
50 - - VP-11/4 -
55 - - VP-11/2 -
Monkey wrench - ○ ○ ○ Medium-sized x 1
Screwdriver - ○ ○ ○ Medium-sized flathead screwdriver x 2
Hammer - ○ ○ ○ Plastic hammer x 1
Pliers - ○ ○ ○ For stop ring, TSR-160
Steel rod - ○ ○ ○ Key material steel rod, about 10X8X200
Torque wrench - ○ ○ ○ With adjustable specified torque tightening

231 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
2. Disassembly Procedure
When disassembling the pump, read the disassembly procedure thoroughly before following the
sequence below. The numbers in parentheses after the part names are the codes indicated in
Attached diagram 1. Pump assembly cross-section diagram .
[1] Select the location for disassembling the
• Find a clean location.
• Place a rubber plate or cloth on the work plat-
form so as not to damage the parts.

[2] Use cleaning oil to remove any dirt or rust from

the surface of the pump.

[3] Remove the drain port plugs (468) and drain

the oil from the pump casing.
• Remove the plugs from both the front and rear

[4] Remove the hexagon socket head bolts (412)

and (413) to remove the regulators, and then
remove the hexagon socket head bolts (414) to
remove the cover (326).
Loosen the 3 hexagon socket head bolts
securing the electromagnetic proportional
pressure reducing valve and casing subas-
sembly (079), and remove the electromagnetic
proportional pressure reducing valve and cas-
ing subassembly.
• See the manual for the regulator for how to dis-
assemble the regulators.

[5] Loosen the 4 hexagon socket head bolts

securing the gear pump and remove the gear

RSM-13-09-001E 232
Hydraulic Pump
[6] Loosen the hexagon socket head bolts (401)
fastening the swash plate support boards
(251), pump casings (271), and valve block
(312) together.

[7] Face down the pump regulator installation sur-

face horizontally on the work platform, and
separate the pump casings (271) and valve
block (313).
• When placing the regulator installation surface
with the face down, be sure to place a rubber
plate or similar material on the work platform
so as not to damage the regulator installation
• When separating the pump casings and valve
block, remove the 1st gear (116) at the same

[8] Remove the cylinder blocks (141) out from the

pump casings (271) in a straight line in relation
to the drive shafts (F) (111) and (R) (113), and
remove the piston subassemblies (011), holder
plates (153), spherical bushings (156), and cyl-
inder springs (157) at the same time.
• Be careful not to damage the sliding surfaces
of the cylinder blocks, spherical bushings,
shoes (152), and swash plates (212).

[9] Remove the hexagon socket head bolts (406),

and remove the seal cover (F) (261).
• The seal cover (F) can be easily removed by
inserting a bolt into the hole (M6 tap) on the
seal cover and then pulling the bolt out.
• The seal cover (F) has an oil seal, so be care-
ful not to damage the oil seal when removing
the seal cover.

233 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
[10] Lightly strike the rear end sections of the drive
shafts (F) (111) and (R) (113) to remove them
from the swash plate support boards (251).

[11] Remove the shoe plates (211) and swash

plates (212) from the pump casings (271).

[12] Lightly strike the installation flange sections of

the swash plate support boards (251) on the
pump casing (271) sides, and separate the
swash plate support boards and the pump cas-

[13] Remove the valve plates (R) (313) and (L)

(314) from the valve block (312).
• These can also be removed in Step [7].

[14] If necessary, remove the stoppers (L) (534), stoppers (S) (535), servo pistons (532), and tilting
pins (531) from the pump casings (271), and remove the needle bearing (124) from the valve
block (312).
• To avoid damaging the heads of the tilting pins, use a jig when removing them.
• Loctite has been applied to the sections where the tilting pins and servo pistons are bonded, so
be careful not to damage the servo pistons.
• Try to avoid removing the needle bearings unless they are at the end of their service life.
• Do not loosen the hexagon nuts of the valve block or swash plate support boards. This changes
the flow volume setting.

RSM-13-09-001E 234
Hydraulic Pump
3. Assembly Procedure
The assembly procedure is the reverse of the disassembly procedure. However, follow the precau-
tions below.
(1) Be sure to repair any parts damaged during disassembly, and prepare replacement parts in
(2) Thoroughly clean all parts with cleaning oil and air blow them before assembly.
(3) Be sure to apply clean hydraulic oil to sliding parts and bearings before assembly.
(4) As a rule, replace all O-rings, oil seals, and other seal parts with new parts.
(5) Use a torque wrench to tighten all installation bolts and plugs to the torque specified in “Mainte-
nance Standards.”
(6) Be careful not to mix up the pump parts for the front and rear of the tandem pump.
[1] Install the swash plate support boards (251) in
the pump casings (271) by lightly striking them
with a hammer.
• When the servo pistons (532), tilting pins
(531), stoppers (L) (534), and stoppers (S)
(535) are removed, install these parts in the
pump casings in advance.
• To avoid damaging the heads of the tilting pins
and the feedback pins (548), use a jig when
tightening the servo pistons and tilting pins.
Also be sure to apply Loctite (moderate
strength) to the threaded sections.

[2] Attach the shoe plates (211) to the swash

plates (212). Place the pump casings (271)
with the regulator installation surfaces facing
down, insert the tilting bushings (214) of the
swash plates onto the tilting pins (531), and
correctly mount the swash plates and shoe
plates on the swash plate support boards
• Use the fingertips of both hands to check that
the swash plates move smoothly.
• Apply grease to sliding sections of swash
plates and swash plate support boards for eas-
ier installation of the drive shafts (F) (111)and
(R) (113).
• Be careful not to damage the sliding surfaces
of the shoe plates.
[3] Install the drive shafts (F) (111) and (R) (113)
with cylinder roller bearings (123), bearing
spacers (127), and springs (824) set on them
to the swash plate support boards (251).

235 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
[4] Attach the seal cover (F) (261) to the pump
casings (271), and secure the cover with the
hexagon socket head bolts (406).
Tightening torque: 29 N・m
• Apply a thin layer of grease to the oil seal (774)
inside the seal cover (F).
• Be careful not to damage the oil seal when
attaching it.

[5] Assemble the piston cylinder subassemblies

(cylinder blocks (141), piston subassemblies
(011), holder plates (153), spherical bushings
(156), cylinder springs (157)), align piston sub-
assemblies with the spherical bushings and
cylinder splines and insert them into the pump

[6] Install the valve plates (R) (313) and (L) (314)
on the valve block (312) in alignment with the
pins (885).
• Be careful not to mistake the suction and dis-
charge directions of the valve plates.

RSM-13-09-001E 236
Hydraulic Pump
[7] Place the pump regulator horizontally on the
work platform with the regulator installation
surface facing down, and install the pump cas-
ings (271) and the valve block (312).
• When placing the regulator installation surface
with the face down, be sure to place a rubber
plate or similar material on the work platform
so as not to damage the regulator installation
• Install the valve block in the correct direction.
(Install the valve block so that the regulator
faces up and the suction flange faces right
when looking at the valve block from the front.)
• When installing the pump casings and valve
block, install the 1st gear (116) at the same
[8] Install the gear pump (04) with the 4 hexagon
socket head bolts.

237 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
[9] Tighten the valve block (312) and pump cas-
ings (271) with the hexagon socket head bolts
Tightening torque: 430 N•m
• Assembly is easier when starting with the rear
side pump.

[10] Tighten the hexagon socket head bolts (414) to

the valve block (312) to attach the cover (326).
Tightening torque: 57 N•m

[11] Insert the feedback pins (548) of the tilting pins

(532) into the feedback lever (611) of the regu-
lators, install the regulators, and tighten the
hexagon socket head bolts (412) and (413).
Tightening torque: 29 N•m
• Install the regulator, making sure not to mis-
take the front and the rear of the regulator.

[12] Tighten the 3 hexagon socket head bolts to the

valve block (312) to install the electromagnetic
proportional pressure reducing valve and cas-
ing subassembly (079).
Tightening torque: 11.8 N•m

[13] Attach the drain port plugs (468) to finish

Tightening torque: 170 N•m

RSM-13-09-001E 238
Hydraulic Pump
Pump Main Unit Maintenance Standards
1. Standards for Replacing Worn Parts
If any part exceeds the standard values below and is worn, replace or readjust that part. If, however,
the appearance of the part shows significant damage, replace that part.
(Units: mm)
Standard dimensions/recommended replacement value
Part name and
Pump type Solution
inspection item
K3V63, K5V80 K3V112 K5V140, K3V140 K5V200, K3V180
Replace the
Piston and cylinder
0.028/0.056 0.039/0.067 0.043/0.070 0.0375/0.078 piston or
bore clearance (D-d)
Piston, shoes, and
piston and
caulking section 0 ~ 0.1/0.3 0 ~ 0.1/0.3 0 ~ 0.1/0.3 0 ~ 0.1/0.35
backlash (δ)
piston and
Shoe thickness (t) 3.9/3.7 4.9/4.7 5.4/5.0 5.4/5.0
Free height of
31.3/30.2 41.1/40.3 47.9/47.1 40.9/40.1 cylinder
cylinder spring (L)
Assembled height of Replace
holder plate and holder plate
19.0/18.2 23.0/22.0 23.8/22.8 23.8/22.8
spherical bushing or spherical
(H-h) bushing.
Cylinder opening
diameter (spline in
cylinder and
cylinder) 35.17 (φ5) / 35.57
Spline in spherical

239 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
2. Standards for Repairing Cylinder, Valve Plate, and Swash Plate (Shoe plate)
Valve plate (sliding section) Surface roughness
Swash plate (shoe plate section) requiring repair
Cylinder (sliding section) Standard surface
Surface roughness 0.4 Z or lower (lapping)
roughness (repair value)

3. Tightening torque
Tightening torque
Part name Size Tool name (mm)
M5 6.9 B=4
M6 12 B=5
M8 29 B=6
M10 57 B=8
Hexagon socket head bolt
M12 98 B=10 Hexagon wrench
(material SCM435)
M14 160 B=12
M16 240 B=14
M18 330 B=14
M20 430 B=17
Rc1/16 6.9 B=4
Rc plug (material S45C) Rc1/8 10 B=5
Note:Wrap seal tape
Rc1/4 17 B=6 Same as above
around the plug 1.5 - 2
times Rc3/8 34 B=8
Rc1/2 49 B=10
G1/4 29 B=6
G1/2 98 B=10
G3/4 150 B=14
PO plug (material S45C) Same as above
G1 190 B=17
G1 1/4 260 B=17
G1 1/2 270 B=17

RSM-13-09-001E 240
Hydraulic Pump

Attached diagram 1. Pump assembly cross-section diagram

241 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
Explanation of Regulator Operation
1. Regulator Adjustment
The adjusting screws on the regulators can be used to adjust the maximum flow, minimum flow,
horsepower control characteristics, and flow control characteristics. (Attached table 1 shows the
adjustments and changes that can be made.)
(1)Maximum flow adjustment (on the pump main
Loosen the hexagon nuts (808) and tighten (or
loosen) the locking screws (954) to adjust the
maximum flow. This only changes the maxi-
mum flow. It does not change the other control

(2)Minimum flow adjustment (on the pump main

Loosen the hexagon nuts (806) and tighten (or
loosen) the hexagon socket head locking
screws (953) to adjust the minimum flow. Simi-
lar to the maximum flow adjustment, this does
not change other control characteristics. How-
ever, the required power may increase at the
time of maximum discharge pressure (during
relief) if the hexagon socket head locking
screws are tightened too much, so adjust
these carefully.

(3)Input horsepower adjustment

These regulators use the simultaneous full-
horsepower method. Therefore, when chang-
ing the horsepower setting, adjust the adjust-
ing screw of both the front and rear pump to
the same amount. The adjusted pressure
value is the value when pressure in both
pumps is simultaneously increased.
[1] Outer spring adjustment
Loosen the lock nuts (630) and tighten (or
loosen) the adjusting screws (C) (628) to
adjust the outer springs. As the adjusting
screws (C) are tightened, the control line
graph shifts to the right as shown in the
diagram, and the input horsepower
increases. When the adjusting screws (C)
are rotated N times, the inner spring (626)
settings also change. Therefore, return
the adjusting rings (C) (627) by rotating
them N x A times in the opposite direction.

RSM-13-09-001E 242
Hydraulic Pump
[2] Inner spring adjustment
Loosen the hexagon nuts (802) and
tighten (or loosen) the adjusting rings (C)
(627) to adjust the inner springs. As the
adjusting rings (C) are tightened, the flow
increases as shown in the diagram, and
the input horsepower increases.

(4) Flow control characteristics adjustment

Loosen the hexagon nuts (801) and tighten (or
loosen) the hexagon socket head locking
screws (924) to adjust the flow control charac-
As the hexagon socket head locking screws
(924) are tightened, the control line graph
shifts to the right as in the diagram on the right.

2. Causes and Solutions for Regulator Trouble

If a malfunction occurs that is thought to be caused by the regulators, disassemble and inspect the
regulators while referring to the Maintenance Procedures.
(1) Flow control characteristics adjustment
Apply a load to each individual pump and investigate whether there is a problem with the front or
rear pump. If there is a problem with both pumps, see Steps (1) and (2) below. If there is a prob-
lem with only one, start from Step (3).
(1) Inspect whether the power shift command milli-
amp value I is correct.
Inspect the amp dither.
(2) Power shift pressure (Pf) is low. → Replace the electromagnetic proportional
pressure reducing valve.
(3) Compensation piston (621) and compensation
→ Disassemble and clean.
rod (623) are sticking.
(4) Pin (898) is sticking. → Disassemble and clean.

(2) When maximum flow is not output

(1) Check whether the pilot pressure Pi is correct.
(2) Pilot piston (643) is sticking. → Disassemble and clean.
(3) Spool (652) is sticking. → Disassemble and clean.
(Note) If any parts have deep scratches, replace those parts.

243 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
3. Attached Table and Diagram
Rotation speed (min-1) 1800
Adjusting screw (954) tightening amount
Maximum flow adjustment (rotation)
Flow amount change (L/min) -5.2
Adjusting screw (953) tightening amount
Minimum flow adjustment (rotation)
Flow amount change (L/min) +4.1
Adjusting screw (628) tightening amount
Compensation control start pressure change
Outer spring adjustment +1.88
amount (MPa)
Input torque change amount (N•m) +57.9
Input horsepower
adjustment A 1.87
Adjusting ring (627) tightening amount
Inner spring adjustment
Flow amount change (L/min) +8.5
Input torque change amount (N•m) +44.2
Adjusting screw (924) tightening amount
Flow control characteristics adjustment Flow control start pressure change amount
Flow amount change (L/min) +11.7
Attached table 1. Regulator adjustment amount list

RSM-13-09-001E 244
Hydraulic Pump

Front side regulator (KR3G-9Y04-HV) Rear side regulator (KR3G-9X04-HV)

Hydraulic circuit diagram Hydraulic circuit diagram

Attached diagram 1. Regulator operation explanation diagram

245 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump

Attached diagram 2-1. Regulator breakdown diagram (KR3G-9X04-HV)

RSM-13-09-001E 246
Hydraulic Pump

Attached diagram 2-2. Regulator breakdown diagram (KR3G-9Y04-HV)

247 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
Procedures for Assembly and Disassembly of Regulator
1. Tools
The table below shows the tools required for the assembly and disassembly of KR3G-9*04-HV.
Required tools
Tool name and dimensions are indicated Part name
with ○
Hexagon socket Rc mounted Hexagon
ROH plug
Name B head bolt valve socket head
(G screw)
(shouldered bolt) (Rc screw) locking screw
2 - - - M4
2.5 - - - M5
3 - - - M6
4 M5 BP-1/16 - M8
5 M6 BP-1/8 - M10
6 M8 BP-1/4 RHO-1/4 M12 M14
Hexagon wrench
8 M10 BP-3/8 RHO-3/8 M16 M18
10 M12 BP-1/2 RHO-1/2 M20
12 M14 - - -
14 M16 M18 BP-3/4 RHO-3/4 -
17 M20 M22 BP-1 RHO-1 -
19 M24 M27 - - -
22 - - VP-3/8 -
24 M16 M16 -
27 M18 M18 VP-1/2 -
Closed wrench
Socket wrench
30 ○ M20 M20 -
Double-head 36 - - VP-3/4 -
41 - - VP-1 -
46 M30 M30 - -
50 - - VP-11/4 -
55 - - VP-11/2 -
Monkey wrench - ○ Medium-sized x 1
Screwdriver - ○ Medium-sized flathead screwdriver x 1
- ○ For stop ring, TSR-160
- ○ For locking ring, TRR-150
Torque wrench - ○ With adjustable specified torque tightening
Steel rod - ○ Diameter φ4 or less L=100
Hexagon socket
head bolt - ○ M4 for pulling out adjusting ring, L=about 50

RSM-13-09-001E 248
Hydraulic Pump
2. Disassembly Preparations
[1] These regulators comprise small precision parts, so disassembly and assembly operations are
somewhat complex.
[2] The pressure-flow settings of the front side regulator and rear side regulator differ, so mark the
regulators when disassembling to differentiate between the drive side and the driven side.
[3] When disassembling the regulators, read the disassembly procedure thoroughly before following
the sequence below.
The numbers in parentheses after the part names are the codes indicated in "Attached diagram
1. Front-side regulator assembly cross-section diagram (KR3G-9Y04-HV)" and "Attached dia-
gram 2. Rear-side regulator assembly cross-section diagram (KR3G-9X04-HV)".

3. Disassembly Procedure
[1] Select a location for disassembly.
• Select a clean location.
• Place a rubber plate or cloth on the work plat-
form so as not to damage the parts.

[2] Use cleaning oil to remove any debris or rust

from the surface of the regulators.

[3] Remove the hexagon socket head bolts (438),

and remove the covers (C) (629).
• The covers (C) (629) are assembled with
adjusting screws (C) (628), adjusting rings (C)
(627), lock nuts (630), hexagon nuts (801) and
(802), and hexagon socket head locking
screws (924). Do not loosen these screws and
nuts. Doing so changes the adjusted pressure-
flow setting.

[4] After removing the cover (C) (629) subassem-

blies, remove the outer springs (625), inner
springs (626), and spring seatings (C) (624)
from the compensation sections, and pull out
the adjusting rings (Q) (645), pilot springs
(646), and spring seatings (644) from the pilot
• The adjusting rings (Q) can be easily removed
by pulling them out with an M4 bolt.

249 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
[5] Remove the hexagon socket head bolts (436),
and remove the pilot covers (641).
After removing the pilot covers, remove the
pins (898) and Pf sleeves (631) from the com-
pensation sections and the set springs (655)
from the pressure adjustment sections.

[6] Remove the stop rings (814), and remove the

spring seatings (653), return springs (654),
and sleeves (651).
• The sleeves are assembled with retaining rings
• When removing the stop rings, the return
springs fly out, so be careful not to lose these

[7] Remove the locking rings (858), and remove

the fulcrum plugs (614) and adjusting plugs
• The fulcrum plugs and adjusting plugs can be
easily removed by pulling them out with an M6

[8] Remove the levers 2 (613). Do not pull out the

pins (875).
• These can be easily removed by using a pair
of tweezers.

RSM-13-09-001E 250
Hydraulic Pump
[9] Pull out the pins (874), and remove the feed-
back levers (611).
• Use a fine steel rod to push out the pins (874)
(pin diameter φ4) from above without touching
the levers 1 (612).

[10] Remove the levers 1 (612). Do not pull out the pins (875).

[11] Pull out the pilot pistons (643) and spools (652).

[12] Pull out the piston cases (622), compensation pistons (621), and compensation rods (623).
• The piston cases can be removed by pushing out the compensation rods from the opposite side
of the piston cases.

[13] Remove the hexagon socket head bolts (418), and remove the electromagnetic proportional
pressure reducing valve (079) from the pilot cover (641). This completes the disassembly of the
regulator main units.
• This operation is only for the front-side regulator (KR3G-9Y04-HV).
• Be careful not to damage the connector section of the electromagnetic proportional pressure
reducing valve.
(Caution) The component parts are small, so be very careful not to lose them.

251 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
4. Assembly Procedure
The assembly procedure is the reverse of the disassembly procedure. However, follow the precau-
tions below.
(1)Be sure to repair any parts damaged during disassembly, and prepare replacement parts in
(2)Any foreign matter entering the equipment can create a malfunction. Therefore, after thoroughly
cleaning the equipment with cleaning oil, air blow the equipment, and perform assembly in a
clean location.
(3)Be sure to apply clean hydraulic oil to sliding sections before assembly.
(4)As a rule, perform replacement for all O-rings and other seal parts.
(5)Use a torque wrench to tighten all installation bolts and plugs to the torque specified in “Mainte-
nance Standards”.

[1] Select a location for assembly.

• Select a clean location.
• Place a rubber plate or cloth on the work platform so as not to damage the parts.

[2] Install the compensation rods (623) into the compensation holes on the casings (601).

[3] Insert the pins (875) press fit in the levers 1 (612) into the grooves on the compensation rods
(623), and install the levers 1 on the pins press fit in the casings (601).

[4] Install the spools (652) and sleeves (651) in the casing spool holes.
• Check that the spools and sleeves slide smoothly in the casings without catching.
• Be careful to assemble the spools in the correct direction.

[5] Install the feedback levers (611), and insert the pins (874) in alignment with the pin holes on the
feedback levers.
• Assembly is easier if the pins are inserted into the feedback levers in advance.
• Be careful to assemble the feedback levers in the correct direction.

[6] Install the pilot pistons (643) into the pilot holes on the casings (601).
• Check that the pilot pistons (643) slide smoothly without catching.

[7] Insert the pins (875) press fit in the levers 2

(613) into the grooves on the pilot pistons
(643), and assemble the levers 2.

RSM-13-09-001E 252
Hydraulic Pump
[8] Assemble the fulcrum plugs (614) and install
the locking rings (858) so that the pins (875)
press fit in the fulcrum plugs (614) are inserted
into the pin holes on the levers 2 (613).

[9] Insert the adjusting plugs (615), and install the

locking rings (858).
• Be careful to insert the fulcrum plugs (614) and
adjusting plugs (615) into the correct holes.
• At this time, check that the backlash from the
movement of the feedback levers (611) is not
too great and that the feedback levers do not
catch on anything.

[10] Install the return springs (654) and spring seat-

ings (653) into the spool holes, and install the
stop rings (814).

[11] Install the set springs (655) into the spool

holes, and install the compensation pistons
(621), piston cases (622), Pf sleeves (631),
and pins (622) into the compensation holes.
• Check that the Pf sleeves and pins move

253 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump
[12] Install the electromagnetic proportional pres-
sure reducing valve (079) in the pilot cover
(641), and tighten the hexagon socket head
bolts (418).
Tightening torque: 6.9 N•m
• This operation is only for the front-side regula-
tor (KR3G-9Y04-HV).
• Be careful not to damage the connector sec-
tion of the electromagnetic proportional pres-
sure reducing valve.

[13] Install the pilot covers (641), and tighten the

hexagon socket head bolts (436).
Tightening torque: 12 N•m

[14] Install the spring seatings (Q) (644), pilot

springs (646), and adjusting rings (Q) (645)
into the pilot holes, and install the spring seat-
ings (Q) (624), inner springs (626), and outer
springs (625) into the compensation holes.
• Be careful to install the spring seatings (Q) in
the correct direction.

[15] Assemble the covers (C) (629) set with the

adjusting screws (C) (628), adjusting rings (C)
(627), lock nuts (630) ,hexagon nuts (801) and
(802), hexagon socket head locking screws
(924), and tighten the hexagon socket head
bolts (438).
Tightening torque: 12 N•m

This completes the assembly of the regulator main units.

RSM-13-09-001E 254
Hydraulic Pump

Attached diagram 1. Front-side regulator assembly cross-section diagram (KR3G-9Y04-HV)

255 RSM-13-09-001E
Hydraulic Pump

Attached diagram 2. Rear-side regulator assembly cross-section diagram (KR3G-9X04-HV)

RSM-13-09-001E 256
Remote Control Valve SH200-5
Remote Control Valve

Remote Control Valve

Removal and Installation of Operation Remote Control Valve
Warning ・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (19 mm, 22 mm)
• Box wrench (10 mm)
• Hexagon wrench (5 mm)
• Phillips screwdriver
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Operation Remote Control Valve (Left Side)
[1] Roll up the boot (1) of the control lever and use
the Phillips screwdriver or box wrench (10 mm)
to remove the 2 bolts (2) of the console top

[2] Use the Phillips screwdriver to remove the 2

screws (3), and then remove the handle of the
tilt lever (4).

1 Boot
2 Bolt
3 Screw
4 Tilt lever

257 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
[3] Use a hexagon wrench (5 mm) to remove the 2
bolts (5), and remove the grip (6) of the gate
lock lever.

[4] Use the Phillips screwdriver to remove the 2

screws (7) of the console top cover.

[5] Remove the 3 connectors (8) and remove the

console top cover (9).

5 Bolt
6 Gate lock lever grip
7 Screw
8 Connector
9 Console top cover

RSM-13-10-001E 258
Remote Control Valve
[6] Use the Phillips screwdriver or box wrench (10
mm) to remove the 5 bolts (10).

[7] Remove the cover (11).

[8] Roll up the boot (12) of the control lever,

remove the connector (13) of the horn switch,
and cut the wire band (14).

[9] While securing the nut (15) with a wrench (22

mm), use another wrench (19 mm) to remove
the lock nut (16) and remove the control lever

10 Bolt
11 Cover
12 Boot
13 Connector
14 Wire band
15 Nut
16 Lock nut
17 Control lever

259 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
[10] Roll back the hose cover (18).

[11] Use a wrench (22 mm) to remove the 6 hoses

• Mark the joystick remote control valve and
hoses so that the connectors match at the time
of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the joystick
remote control valve and hoses to prevent any
entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the joystick remove control valve and
hoses by spraying them with a parts cleaner to
prevent scratches and prevent dirt from accu-
mulating on the connectors.

[12] Use the hexagon wrench (5 mm) to remove the

4 bolts (20).

18 Hose cover
19 Pilot hose
20 Bolt

RSM-13-10-001E 260
Remote Control Valve
[13] Remove the joystick remote control valve (21).

21 Remote control valve

261 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
2. Removal of Operation Remote Control Valve (Right Side)
[1] Roll up the boot (1) of the control lever and use
the Phillips screwdriver or box wrench (10 mm)
to remove the 2 bolts (2) of the console top

[2] Use the Phillips screwdriver to remove the 2

screws (3), and then remove the handle of the
tilt lever (4).

[3] Use the Phillips screwdriver to remove the 2

screws (5) of the console top cover.

1 Boot
2 Bolt
3 Screw
4 Tilt lever
5 Screw

RSM-13-10-001E 262
Remote Control Valve
[4] Remove the 3 connectors (6) and remove the
console top cover (7).

[5] Use the Phillips screwdriver or box wrench (10

mm) to remove the 5 bolts (8).

[6] Remove the cover (9).

[7] Roll up the boot (10) of the control lever,

remove the connector (11) of the horn switch,
and cut the wire band (12).

6 Connector
7 Console top cover
8 Bolt
9 Cover
10 Boot
11 Connector
12 Wire band

263 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
[8] While securing the nut (13) with a wrench (22
mm), use another wrench (19 mm) to remove
the lock nut (14) and remove the control lever

[9] Roll back the hose cover (16).

[10] Use a wrench (22 mm) to remove the 6 hoses

• Mark the joystick remote control valve and
hoses so that the connectors match at the time
of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the joystick
remote control valve and hoses to prevent any
entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the joystick remove control valve and
hoses by spraying them with a parts cleaner to
prevent scratches and prevent dirt from accu-
mulating on the connectors.
13 Nut
14 Lock nut
15 Control lever
16 Hose cover
17 Pilot hose

RSM-13-10-001E 264
Remote Control Valve
[11] Use the hexagon wrench (5 mm) to remove the
4 bolts (18) and 4 washers (19).

[12] Remove the joystick remote control valve (20).

18 Bolt
19 Washer
20 Remote control valve

3. Installation of Operation Remote Control Valve

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
Be careful not to connect the hydraulic hoses in incorrect locations.
Before installing the hoses, check that the hose adapters are not loose and retighten them to the
specified torque.
P port
Hose adapter tightening torque :28.4 ± 2.9 N•m
Hydraulic hose tightening torque :49 ± 4.9 N•m
T port, Ports 1 - 4
Hose adapter, hydraulic hose tightening torque :49 ± 4.9 N•m

265 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
Procedures for Assembly and Disassembly of Operation Remote Control Valve
1. Maintenance Procedures
(1) Required tools and tightening torque
Dimensions Tightening torque
Tool Part number Part name Screw size
(mm) (N•m)
22 312 Adjusting nut M14 68.6 ± 4.9
32 302 Disk M14
Special jig
(diagram in
24 301 Joint M14 47.1 ± 2.9
diagram 2. Joint
disassembly jig
page 278)

・ Vapor corrosion inhibitor ・Sandpaper (#1000, #2000)
・White kerosene ・Whetstone
・Heat-resistant grease ・Vice

(2)Maintenance standards
Standard Remarks
inspection item
When handle is in neutral 1000 cc/min or more Conditions
During operation 2000 cc/min or more Primary pressure 2.94 MPa
Leak amount
If either condition occurs, replace the remote
control valve as one unit. Oil viscosity 23 mm2/s

The same approximate

When wear on the sliding sections exceeds wear conditions as those listed above
Spool on the non-sliding sections by 10 μm or more, for leak amount are expected
replace the remote control valve as one unit. when the condition on the left
If the end section is worn by 1 mm or more, perform replacement.

Push rod

Replace the operation section disk (302) and joint Make adjustments if the backlash
section (301) if there is backlash of 2 mm or more is due to looseness in the
section backlash
due to wear. tightening sections.
If abnormal noise, hunting, or a drop in primary
pressure occurs and the problem cannot be
resolved with "4. Causes of Trouble and Counter-
measures", replace the remote control valve as
one unit.

It is desirable for seal materials such as O-rings to be replaced with each disassembly, but it is
acceptable to reuse these after it is confirmed that they are not damaged.

RSM-13-10-001E 266
Remote Control Valve
2. Disassembly Procedures
[1] Preparations
1) Prepare a sufficiently spacious, solid and stable work platform so that parts will not fall or move
during work.
2) Prepare the tools and materials indicated in "1. Maintenance Procedures (1) Required tools
and tightening torque".
3) When disassembling the valve, read the disassembly procedures thoroughly before following
the sequence below.
The numbers in the parentheses after the part names indicate codes in "Attached diagram 1.
Remote control valve assembly cross-section diagram Attached diagram 1. Remote control
valve assembly cross-section diagram”.

[2] General work precautions

1) Each part has been manufactured with a high degree of precision, so be careful not to let parts
bump each other or fall when handling them.
2) If parts are struck or pulled with excessive force during work because they are tight, this may
cause burrs or damage which lead to faulty assembly causing reduction in performance or oil
leaking. Perform work carefully and thoroughly.
3) Rust may form on parts due to moisture or debris if the valve is left disassembled or if work is
abandoned in the middle of disassembly. If work must be halted, be careful about preventing
rust from forming and dust settling on parts.

[3] Disassembly procedure

1) Clean the remote control valve with white
• Place plugs in each port.
2) Use copper plate (or lead plate) to secure the
remote control valve in a vise.
3) Remove the bellows (501).
• Be careful not to tear the bellows.

267 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
4) Use a wrench on the bolt width of the adjust-
ing nut (312) and disk (302) to loosen them,
and remove the adjusting nut and disk.

RSM-13-10-001E 268
Remote Control Valve
5) Use a jig to rotate the joint (301) to the left
and loosen it.
• The diagram shows the valve with the jig
• If the return springs (221) are strong, the
plate (151), plugs (211), and push rods
(212) will rise at the same time the joint is
loosened, so be careful of parts flying off
when removing the joint.

6) Remove the plate (151).

7) If the return springs (221) are weak, the

plugs (211) will remain in the casing (101)
due to the sliding resistance of the O-rings
(214), so use a flathead screwdriver to
remove them.
• Use the groove in the outer circumference
of the plugs and remove them while making
sure they are not damaged by an unbal-
anced load.
• Use caution as plugs may fly off when they
are being removed due to the return

269 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
8) Remove the push rods (212), plugs (211),
pressure reducing valve assemblies and the
return springs (221) from the casing (101).
• Record the relation of parts to the casing
hole positions through marking, etc.

9) For disassembly of pressure reducing valves,

press in the spring seatings, move the spring
seatings (216) to the side while bending the
secondary pressure springs (241), and
remove the springs from the spools (201) by
passing the springs through the larger hole
of the spring seatings.
Next, separate the spools, spring seatings, sec-
ondary pressure springs, and washers (217).
• Be careful not to scratch the surface of the
• Do not lower the spring seatings by 6 mm
or more.
• Handle these parts as assemblies until
assembly of the remote control valve.

10) Remove push rods (212) from the plugs


RSM-13-10-001E 270
Remote Control Valve
11) Remove O-rings (214) and seals (213) from
the plugs (211). Use a small flathead screw-
driver, etc. to remove seals.
• O-rings and seals cannot be reused.
Replace them with new parts.

12) Cleaning parts

1. Clean all parts by placing them in a rough cleaning container filled with white kerosene.
(rough cleaning)
2. Clean all parts by placing them in a finish cleaning container filled with white kerosene, and
thoroughly clean them up to the interior while slowly rotating them. (finish cleaning)
Use a rag to thoroughly remove white kerosene adhered to parts.
• Scratching can easily occur if cleaning of parts is begun just after parts are immersed in white ker-
osene, so let parts sit in white kerosene until debris and grease sufficiently loosen off from the sur-
face of parts and float to the surface.
• If the white kerosene is dirty, this will encourage damage to parts and result in reduced
performance after reassembly. Thoroughly manage the level of cleanliness of the white
• Do not dry parts with compressed air, as this will damage parts and cause rust to form
due to debris and moisture being dispersed into the atmosphere.
13) Preventing rust on parts
Apply an anti-rust agent to each part.
• Rust will form on parts if they are left as is after cleaning, and this will cause reduced perfor-
mance of functions after reassemly.

271 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
3. Assembly Procedures
[1] Preparations
1) As with disassembly, prepare a work platform, tools and materials.

[2] General work precautions

1) Observe the same general work precautions as with disassembly.
2) When performing assembly, remove metal fragments and foreign matter from all parts, and
check that there are no burrs or nicks on parts. If there are burrs or nicks, use a whetstone to
remove them.
3) As a rule, replace all O-rings and backup rings with new parts.
4) When installing O-rings and backup rings, be careful not to damage them. (Apply a thin layer of
grease to ensure smooth installation.)
5) When installing parts, using grease is good for preventing parts from falling.
6) Tighten bolts, etc. to the torque values indicated in page 277 "Attached diagram 1. Remote
control valve assembly cross-section diagram". Use the torque wrench to measure the tighten-
ing torque.
7) After assembly is complete, place plugs in all of the ports to prevent entry of debris.

[3] Assembly procedures

1) Insert washers (217), secondary pressure
springs (241) and spring seatings (216) onto
each of the spools (201) in that order.

Additionally, press in the spring seatings and

move them to the side while bending the sec-
ondary pressure springs to pass the seatings
over the larger holes and install them on
each of the spools.
• Do not lower the spring seatings by 6 mm
or more.

RSM-13-10-001E 272
Remote Control Valve
2) Install the return springs (221) in the casing
Install the pressure reducing valve assem-
blies in the casing.
• Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.

3) Install O-rings (214) on the plugs (211).

4) Install seals (213) on the plugs (211).

• Install so that the seal lips are as shown in the diagram below.

*1 Seal
*2 Plug
*3 Push rod
*4 Hydraulic oil application

273 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
5) Install push rods (212) into the plugs (211).
• Apply hydraulic oil to surface of the push

6) Install the plug assemblies into the casing

If the return springs (221) are weak, they will
be stopped by the sliding resistance of the O-
rings (214).
• Be careful not to scratch the casing holes
by forcing in the spools (201).

If the return springs are strong, use the plate

(151) to install all 4 plug assemblies at the
same time and temporarily tighten them with
the joint (301).
• Be careful of the plug assemblies and plate
flying off.

7) Install the plate (151).

8) Use a jig, and tighten the joint (301) to the
casing (101) to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 47.1 ± 2.9 N・m

RSM-13-10-001E 274
Remote Control Valve
9) Install the disk (302) onto the joint (301).
• Screw the disk in until it is equally touching
each of the 4 push rods (212).
Secondary pressure will cause faulty oper-
ation of the machine if the disk is screwed
in too much, so pay attention to adjustment
of the tightening position.

10) Install the adjusting nut (312), use a wrench

on the bolt width of the disk (302) to secure
it, and tighten the adjusting nut to the speci-
fied torque.
Tightening torque: 68.6 ± 4.9 N・m
• During tightening, do not move the disk

11) Apply grease to the rotating section of the

joint (301) and to the top of the push rods

12) Install the bellows (501).

• Be careful not to tear the bellows.

13) Inject vapor corrosion inhibitor into each port and then place plugs in the ports.

275 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
4. Causes of Trouble and Countermeasures
It is not always easy to find where the source of trouble is located. A few problems that may some-
times occur are listed in the table below. Repair of these problems can be difficult, so see the sug-
gested causes and solutions in the table for assistance.
The table below shows general symptoms, suggested causes and also solutions. However, the
cause of machine problems are often not rooted in just a single part. Problems are often due to the
relationship of one part with another. Also keep in mind that solutions other than those listed in the
table may sometimes be necessary.
The table below does not include all possible causes and countermeasures. Accordingly, further
investigation of problems and causes should be done by an experienced and qualified repair per-
son, as necessary.
Symptom Cause Solution
1. Insufficient primary pressure 1. Maintain primary pressure.
2. Secondary pressure spring(s) (241) is 2. Replace it (them) with new
(are) broken or worn. part(s).
Secondary pressure is
not rising. 3. The gap between spool(s) (201) and the 3. Replace the remote control valve
casing (101) is abnormally large. as one unit.
4. There is backlash in the handle section. 4. Disassemble and assemble or
replace the handle section.
1. Sliding parts are sticking. 1. Repair the sticking sections.
Secondary pressure is 2. Tank line pressure is variable. 2. Return directly to the oil tank.
unstable. 3. Air is getting into lines. 3. Perform operation several times
and let out air.
Secondary pressure is 1. Tank line pressure is high. 1. Return directly to the oil tank.
high. 2. Sliding parts are sticking. 2. Repair the sticking sections.

RSM-13-10-001E 276
Remote Control Valve

Attached diagram 1. Remote control valve assembly cross-section diagram

Code Part name Q'ty Code Part name Q'ty

101 Casing 1 217 Washer 4
151 Plate 1 221-1 Return spring (port 1) 1
201 Spool 4 221-2 Return spring (port 3) 1
211 Plug 4 221-3 Return spring (port 2, 4) 2
212-1 Push rod (port 1, 3) 2 241-1 Secondary pressure spring (port 1, 3) 2
212-2 Push rod (port 2, 4) 2 241-2 Secondary pressure spring (port 2, 4) 2
213 Seal 4 301 Joint 1
214 O-ring 4 302 Disk 1
216-1 Spring seating (port 1, 3) 2 312 Adjusting nut 1
216-2 Spring seating (port 2, 4) 2 501 Bellows 1

277 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve

Attached diagram 2. Joint disassembly jig

RSM-13-10-001E 278
Remote Control Valve
Removal and Installation of Travel Remote Control Valve
Warning ・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (17 mm, 19 mm)
• Hexagon wrench (8 mm)
• Phillips screwdriver
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Travel Remote Control Valve
[1] Remove the 3 screws (1) on the cover (2) and
remove the cover.

[2] Remove the floor mat (3).

1 Screw
2 Cover
3 Floor mat

279 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
[3] Use a hexagon wrench (8 mm) to remove the 2
bolts (4) on both the left and right sides, and
then remove the left and right travel pedals (5).

[4] Use a hexagon wrench (8 mm) to remove the 2

bolts (6) on both the left and right sides of the
lever, and then remove the levers (7).

[5] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 5 bolts

(8), and then remove the under cover (9).

4 Bolt
5 Pedal
6 Bolt
7 Lever
8 Bolt
9 Under cover

RSM-13-10-001E 280
Remote Control Valve
[6] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 6 hoses
• Mark the valve and hoses so that the connec-
tors match at the time of assembly.
• Attach caps or plugs to the valve and hoses to
prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the valve and hoses by spraying with a
parts cleaner to prevent scratches and prevent
dirt from accumulating on the connectors.

[7] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 2 hose

adapters (11).

[8] Use a box wrench (17 mm) to remove the 2

bolts (12) on both the left and right sides of the
travel lever .

10 Pilot hose
11 Hose adapter
12 Bolt

281 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
[9] Pull up the travel remote control valve (13) into
the cab, and then remove the travel remote
control valve.

13 Travel remote control valve

2. Installation of Travel Remote Control Valve

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
Be careful not to connect the hydraulic hoses in incorrect locations.
Before installing the hoses, check that the hose adapters are not loose and retighten them to the
specified torque.
Hose adapter, hydraulic hose tightening torque :36.3 ± 2.0 N•m

RSM-13-10-001E 282
Remote Control Valve
Procedures for Assembly and Disassembly of Travel Remote Control Valve
When disassembling the valve, read the disassembly procedures thoroughly before following the
sequence below. The numbers in the parentheses after the part names indicate codes in page 300
"Attached diagram 1. Remote control valve assembly cross-section diagram".
1. Maintenance Procedures
(1) Disassembly procedures
[1] Preparations
1) Prepare a sufficiently spacious, solid and stable work platform so that parts will not fall or
move during work.
2) Prepare tools and materials.
[2] General work precautions
1) Each part has been manufactured with a high degree of precision, so be careful not to let
parts bump each other or fall when handling them.
2) If parts are struck or pulled with excessive force during work because they are tight, this
may cause burrs or damage which may then cause reductions in performance or oil leak-
ing due to faulty assembly. Perform work carefully and thoroughly.
3) Rust may form on parts due to moisture or debris if the valve is left disassembled or if work
is abandoned in the middle of disassembly. If work must be halted, be careful about pre-
venting rust from forming and dust settling on parts.
[3] Disassembly procedure
1) Clean the remote control valve with
white kerosene.
• Place plugs in each port.
2) Use shock plate to secure the remote
control valve in a vise.
Remove the bellows (501) from the cov-
ers (201) and remove the covers by pull-
ing upwards.


3) Use a hexagon wrench on the hexagon

socket head locking screws (423) to
loosen them.
Be careful, as application of Loctite
#241 makes the loosening torque high.


283 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
4) Place a round rod (φ8 mm or less)
against one end of the cam shafts (413)
and lightly strike it with a hammer to
remove the shafts.


5) Remove the cams (420) as an assembly

with the locking screws (471) and lock
nuts (472) left attached.
Record the positions of the cams in rela-
tion to the covers (201).
Be careful when removing, as the push
rods (214) may fly off.


6) Use a hexagon wrench on the hexagon

socket head bolts (271) to loosen and
remove them.


7) Remove the covers (201).

Record the positions of the covers in
relation to the casing (101).
Be careful when removing, as the push
rods (214) or plugs (202) may fly off due
to the damping springs (336) and (337).
(The plugs are only kept in the casing by
the sliding resistance of the O-rings


RSM-13-10-001E 284
Remote Control Valve
8) Remove push rods (214) from the plugs
Record the positions of the plugs in rela-
tion to the push rods.
Be careful not to scratch the surface of
the push rods.
Be careful when removing, as plugs may
fly off.


9) Remove the plugs (202) with the grease

caps (203) and NHU packings (210) left
Record the positions of the plugs in rela-
tion to the casing holes.
Be careful when removing, as the pis-
tons (224) may fly off due to the damp-
ing springs (336) and (337).


10) Remove the pistons (224).

Record the positions of the pistons in
relation to the casing holes.


11) Remove the damping springs (336) and

(337) from the casing (101).
Record the positions of the damping
springs in relation to the casing holes.


285 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
12) Remove the spring seatings (218) from
the casing (101).
Record the position of the spring seat-
ings in relation to the casing holes.


13) Use a magnet, etc. to remove steel balls

Be careful not to lose steel balls.


14) Use pliers to remove the locking rings

(221) from the casing (101).
Record the positions of the locking rings
in relation to the casing holes.
Be careful when removing, as the bush-
ings (223) may fly off due to the return
springs (335).
Be careful not to scratch the inner sur-
face of the casing.


15) Use tweezers, etc. to remove the bush-

ings (223) from the casing (101).
Record the positions of the bushings in
relation to the casing holes.


RSM-13-10-001E 286
Remote Control Valve
16) Remove the pressure reducing valve
assemblies and returns springs (335)
from the casing (101).
Record the positions of these parts in
relation to the casing holes.



17) Lay the covers (201) on their sides on a

level surface, place the special tool 1
against the bushings (412), and remove
the bushings by lightly strike them with a


18) Secure each cam assembly in a vise,

use a wrench to loosen the lock nuts
(472), and remove the lock nuts and
locking screws (471).
If it is not necessary to adjust, the lock-
ing screws due to backlash occurring
during neutral operation, handle the
cam assembly as one unit without per-
forming disassembly.


287 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
19) For disassembly of the pressure reduc-
ing valve assemblies, place the bottom
end of the spools (301) perpendicular
on a level work platform, lower the
spring seatings (311), and use the end
of a small flathead screwdriver to
remove the 2 half-circle washers 1
Be careful not to scratch the surface of
the spools.
Do not lower the spring seatings by 4 4/
mm or more.
20) Separate the spools (301), spring seat-
ings (311), secondary pressure springs
(324), washers 2 (217), and washers 3
Handle these parts as assemblies until
assembly of the remote control valve.
Washers 2 are used for pre-set adjust-
ment of the secondary pressure springs,
so thickness is different for each spool
assembly. Additionally, these are some-
times not used, so record the status for 4/

each assembly.
21) Remove the grease cups (203) from the
plugs (202).


22) Remove the NHU packings (210) from

the plugs (202). Use a small flathead
screwdriver, etc. to remove the pack-
Be careful not to scratch the inner sur-
face of the plugs.


RSM-13-10-001E 288
Remote Control Valve
23) Remove the O-rings (212) from the
plugs (202).


24) Cleaning parts

• Clean all parts by placing them in a rough cleaning container filled with white kerosene.
(rough cleaning)
25) Scratching can easily occur if cleaning of parts is begun just after parts are immersed in
white kerosene, so let parts sit in white kerosene until debris and grease sufficiently loosen
off from the surface of parts and float to the surface.
If the white kerosene is dirty, this will encourage damage to parts and result in reduced
performance after reassembly. Thoroughly manage the level of cleanliness of the white
• Clean all parts by placing them in a finish cleaning container filled with white kerosene,
and thoroughly clean them up to the interior while slowly rotating them. (finish cleaning)
Use a rag to thoroughly remove white kerosene adhered to parts.
26) Do not dry parts with compressed air, as this will damage parts and cause rust to form due
to debris and moisture being dispersed into the atmosphere.
27) Preventing rust on parts
Apply an anti-rust agent to each part.
Rust will form on parts if they are left as is after cleaning, and this will cause reduced per-
formance of functions after reassemly.

289 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
(2)Assembly procedures
[1] Preparations
1) As with disassembly, prepare a work platform, tools and materials.

[2] General work precautions

1) Observe the same general work precautions as with disassembly.
2) When performing assembly, remove metal fragments and foreign matter from all parts, and
check that there are no burrs or nicks on parts. If there are burrs or nicks, use a whetstone
to remove them.
3) As a rule, replace all O-rings and NHU packings.
4) When installing O-rings and NHU packings, be careful not to damage them. (Apply a thin
layer of grease to ensure smooth installation.)
5) When installing parts, using grease is good for preventing parts from falling.
6) Tighten bolts, etc. to the torque values indicated in the assembly cross-section diagram.
7) After assembly is complete, place plugs in all of the ports to prevent entry of debris.

[3] Assembly procedures

1) Install the washers 3 (313), washers 2
(217), secondary pressure springs
(324), and the spring seatings (311)
onto each of spools (301) in that order.
Washers 2 are used for pre-set adjust-
ment of the secondary pressure springs,
so thickness is different for each spool
assembly. Additionally, these are some-
times not used.
Check the status recorded during disas-
sembly and attach parts accordingly. 4/

2) Place the bottom end of the spools

(301) perpendicular on a level work plat-
form, push the spring seatings (311)
down, and install the 2 half-circle wash-
ers 1 (215) onto the spring seatings in
such a way that they are not on top of
each other.


Install the washers 1 so that the sharp

edge side faces up and the washer
catches the head of the spool.
Do not lower the spring seatings by 4
mm or more.

RSM-13-10-001E 290
Remote Control Valve
3) Install the return springs (335) in the
casing (101).
Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.


4) Install the pressure reducing valve sub-

assemblies assembled in the previous
steps 1) and 2) into the casing (101).
Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.


When installing the pressure reducing

valve subassemblies, be careful not to
strongly strike the casing corners with
the bottom ends of the spools.

5) Install the bushings (223) in the casing

(101) on top of the spring seatings
Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.


291 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
6) Use pliers to temporarily install the lock-
ing rings (221) into the casing holes.
Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.
Place them so that they are horizontal.
Be careful not to scratch the inner sur-
face of the casing.
Place the locking rings in such a way
that the sharp edge sides faces up.


7) Set the special tool 2 in each casing

hole, and press in the return springs
(335) and bushings (412) together until
the locking rings (221) click into place in
the grooves.
Slowly press in with caution so as to not
scratch the inner surface of the casing.


8) Install the steel balls (225) into the bush-

ings (412).


9) Install the spring seatings (218) into the

bushings (412).
Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.


RSM-13-10-001E 292
Remote Control Valve
10) Install the damping springs (336) in the
casing (101).
Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.


11) Install the damping springs (337) in the

casing (101).
Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.
Be careful that they do not become
entangled with damping springs (336).


12) Install the pistons (224).

Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.


13) Install O-rings (212) on the plugs (202).


293 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
14) Install NHU packings (210) into the
plugs (202).
When installing the NHU packings, be
careful of the installation direction. (See
the diagram.)
Before installing NHU packings, apply a
thin layer of grease.


NHU packing

15) Install grease cups (203) into the plugs



16) Install push rods (214) into the plugs

Before installing push rods, apply
hydraulic oil to the rod surfaces.
Do not press the rods in strongly, as this
may damage the NHU packing lip sec-


RSM-13-10-001E 294
Remote Control Valve
17) Install the push rod subassemblies
assembled in the previous steps 13),
14), 15), and 16) into the casing (101).


18) Use special tool 1 on the covers (201) to

press down the bushings, and lightly
strike the bushings with a hammer to
press fit them.
Be careful that the ends of the bushings
do not stick out from within the cover.


19) Install the covers (201) on the casing

Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.
Be careful of the cover rising up due to
the damping springs (336) and (337).


20) Tighten the hexagon socket head bolts

(271) to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 78.5 ± 9.8 N・m
Be careful that the covers are horizontal.


295 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
21) Temporarily install the locking screws
(471) and lock nuts (472) on the cams


22) Install the cams (420) on the covers

Install them in the positions they were in
before disassembly.


23) While holding the cams (420), insert the

cam shafts (413) from the outside.


24) Apply Loctite #241 or the equivalent to

the surfaces of the hexagon socket head
locking screws (423).


RSM-13-10-001E 296
Remote Control Valve
25) Tighten the hexagon socket head lock-
ing screws (423) to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 6.9 ± 1 N・m


26) Adjust the height of the locking screws

(471) so that the top surface of the cams
(420) and the bottom surface of the cov-
ers (201) are parallel, and tighten the
lock nuts (472) to the specified torque
after rotating the cams left and right to
check if there is any neutral backlash.
Tightening torque: 33.3 ± 3.4 N・m
Even if the push rods (214) are pressed
in too much by the locking screws, back-
lash during neutral will occur. Use cau-
tion as this may cause the sudden
movement when starting the engine.
27) Tilt the cams (420) and fill the grease
cups (203) of the plugs (202) with
grease while applying grease to the top
of the push rods (214).
For grease application and filling, use a
flat object made of soft material so as to
not scratch the push rod or plug sur-


28) After mounting the top end of the bel-

lows (501) on the cams (420), mount the
bottom end into the grooves on the cov-
ers (201).
Before mounting the bottom end of the
bellows into the grooves of the covers,
spray anti-rust oil on the parts within the


297 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve
Be careful that the bellows are properly
mounted in the grooves and not twisted,
as this may reduce anti-rust and anti-
moisture protection.


RSM-13-10-001E 298
Remote Control Valve
2. Causes of Trouble and Countermeasures
It is not always easy to find where the source of trouble is located. A few problems that may some-
times occur are listed in the table below. Repair of these problems can be difficult, so see the sug-
gested causes and solutions in the table for assistance.
The table below shows general symptoms, suggested causes and also solutions. However, the
cause of machine problems are often not rooted in just a single part. Problems are often due to the
relationship of one part with another. Also keep in mind that solutions other than those listed in the
table may sometimes be necessary.
The table below does not include all possible causes and countermeasures. Accordingly, further
investigation of problems and causes should be done by an experienced and qualified repair per-
son, as necessary.
Symptom Cause Solution
1. Insufficient primary pressure 1. Maintain primary pressure.
2. Secondary pressure spring(s) (324) is 2. Replace it (them) with new
(are) worn. part(s).
Secondary pressure is
not rising. 3. The gap between spool(s) and the 3. Replace spool(s) and casing
casing is abnormally large. assembly.
4. There is backlash in the operation 4. Disassemble and assemble or
section. replace operation section parts.
1. Sliding parts are sticking. 1. Repair the sticking sections.
Secondary pressure is 2. Tank line pressure is variable. 2. Return directly to the oil tank.
unstable. 3. Air is getting into lines. 3. Perform operation several times
and let out air.
Secondary pressure is 1. Tank line pressure is high. 1. Return directly to the oil tank.
high. 2. Sliding parts are sticking. 2. Repair the sticking sections.
1. Air is gathering in the piston chamber. 1. Perform operation several times
2. Sliding parts are sticking. and let out air.
3. Damping spring(s) (336) and/or (337) 2. Repair the sticking sections.
are worn. 3. Replace it (them) with new
Damping is not 4. The gap between piston(s) (224) and part(s).
working. the casing is abnormally large. 4. Replace piston(s) and casing
5. There are check valve operation assembly.
problems. 5. Disassemble and adjust the
6. The piston metering hole(s) is (are) check valve section(s).
abnormally large. 6. Replace piston(s).
1. Sliding parts are sticking. 1. Repair the sticking sections.
Damping torque is high.
2. Piston metering hole(s) is (are) clogged. 2. Repair or replace piston(s).

299 RSM-13-10-001E
Remote Control Valve

1. Apply anti-rust oil to the inside of the bellows with a spray.
Attached diagram 1. Remote control valve assembly cross-section diagram

Tightening torque list Code Part name Q'ty Code Part name Q'ty
Code Screw size Tightening torque 101 Casing 1 271 Hexagon socket head bolt 2
151 NPTF1/16 6.9 ± 1 N•m 151 Plug 2 301 Spool 4
271 M12 78.5 ± 9.8 N•m 201 Cover 2 311 Spring seating 4
6.9 ± 1 N•m 202 Plug 4 313 Washer 3 4
423 M6
(Loctite coating) 203 Grease cup 4 324 Secondary pressure spring 4
472 M10 33.3 ± 3.4 N•m 210 NHU packing 4 335 Return spring 4
212 O-ring 4 336 Damping spring 4
214 Push rod 4 337 Damping spring 4
215 Washer 1 8 412 Bushing 4
217 Washer 2 4 413 Camshaft 2
218 Spring seating 4 420 Cam 2
221 Locking ring 4 423 Hexagon socket head locking screw 2
223 Bushing 4 471 Locking screw 4
224 Piston 4 472 Lock nut 4
225 Steel ball 12 501 Bellows 2

RSM-13-10-001E 300
Remote Control Valve
[1] Special jig 1 (for bushing removal)

[2] Special jig 2 (for locking ring installation)

Attached diagram 2. Jig for assembly and disassembly

301 RSM-13-10-001E
Control Valve SH200-5
Control Valve

Control Valve
Removal and Installation of Control Valve
・ Keep away from fire.
・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (7 mm, 8 mm, 13 mm, 17 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm, 24 mm, 28 mm, 41 mm)
• Hexagon wrenches (8 mm, 10 mm)
• Wire cutters
• Eyebolts (M10) x 2
• Shackle (with the required lifting capacity) x 2
• Wire rope (with the required lifting capacity)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
1. Removal of Control Valve
[1] Extend the attachment and bring in contact
with the ground.

[2] Drain the oil from the hydraulic oil tank.

(For details, see "Draining Oil from Hydraulic
Oil Tank".)

302 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
[3] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 6 bolts
(1), and then remove the center cover (2).

[4] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 3 bolts

(3), and then remove the under cover (4).

[5] Use wire cutters to cut the wire band (5).

1 Bolt
2 Center cover
3 Bolt
4 Under cover
5 Wire band

RSM-13-11-001E 303
Control Valve
[6] Use wire cutters to cut the wire band (6).

[7] Disconnect the connector (7) and use wire cut-

ters to cut the wire band (8).

[8] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the bolt (9),

and then remove the clamp (10).

6 Wire band
7 Connector
8 Wire band
9 Bolt
10 Clamp

304 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
[9] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the bolt (11),
and then remove the clamp (12).

[10] Remove the connector (13).

[11] Use wire cutters to cut the wire band (14).

11 Bolt
12 Clamp
13 Connector
14 Wire band

RSM-13-11-001E 305
Control Valve
[12] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the bolt (15),
and then remove the clamp (16).

[13] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the bolt (17),

and then remove the clamp (18).

[14] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the bolt (19),

and then remove the clamp (20).

15 Bolt
16 Clamp
17 Bolt
18 Clamp
19 Bolt
20 Clamp

306 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
[15] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band

[16] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the bolt (22)

on the line.

[17] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the bolt (23),

and then remove the clamp (24).

21 Hose band
22 Bolt
23 Bolt
24 Clamp

RSM-13-11-001E 307
Control Valve
[18] Use a wrench (8 mm) to remove the bolt (25)
on the line.

[19] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 2 instal-

lation bolts (26), and then remove the clamp

25 Bolt
26 Bolt
27 Clamp

308 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
[20] Use wrenches (19 mm, 22mm, 41 mm) and
hexagon wrenches (8 mm, 10 mm) to remove
the control valve lines and hoses.
• Mark the lines and hoses so that the connec-
tors match at the time of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the lines and
hoses to prevent any entry of water, dust or
• Clean the line by spraying with a parts cleaner
to prevent scratches and prevent dirt from
accumulating on the connectors.

RSM-13-11-001E 309
Control Valve
[21] Use a wrench (24 mm) to remove the 4 bolts
(28) from the control valve.

[22] Install the 2 eyebolts (29) (M10) on the control


[23] Install the shackles (30) on the eyebolts, then

use the crane and wire rope (31) to lift the con-
trol valve (32).

28 Bolt
29 Eyebolt
30 Shackle
31 Wire rope
32 Control valve

310 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
[24] Place the control valve (32) on wood planks

32 Control valve
33 Wood plank

2. Installation of Control Valve

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.

RSM-13-11-001E 311
Control Valve
Procedures for Assembly and Disassembly of Control Valve
1. Disassembly
(1)Cautions for disassembly
[1] On a level ground, with the main machine horizontal, bring all the operating machines into
contact with the ground.
Check that the machine is in such a state that it will not travel or swing on its own.
Then stop the engine and bleed out the pressure from each actuator.

Do not replace a valve assembly or disassemble a valve with pressure remaining in the system.
This would be dangerous. High-pressure oil might spray out or parts might suddenly come out.
Caution For disassembly, bring the bucket to the ground and adequately bleed out any pressure in the

[2] Bleed the oil pressure from the tank.

[3] Clean well around the location to be disassembled and keep foreign matter from getting into
the valve during disassembly.
[4] Identify disassembled parts with shipping tags to show their position for re-assembly.
[5] Do not reuse any disassembled seals (O-rings, backup rings). Replace them with new ones.
[6] The spool was selected to fit with the valve housing and sleeve, so do not replace the spool.
(2)Disassembly procedure (The reference numbers are from the parts list.)
a) Removal of long cap and pull out of main spool
[1] Loosen the hexagon socket head bolts (74) (8 mm hex socket diameter) for the caps (8)
(9 locations) and the cap (9) (1 location) and remove them. When pulling out the spool
only, do not loosen the M6 screws on the plate except for the hexagon socket head bolts
(75) (4 locations) and (94) fastening the plate assemblies.
[2] Loosen and remove the plugs (91) (19 mm hex diameter) attached to the ports as neces-
[3] Remove the O-rings (7) (one in each section) from the plate assemblies (10) and (11).
[4] Pull out each spool from the valve housing still in the sub-assembly state.

1. When pulling out the spool, be careful not to cause any dents or scratches.
Caution 2. Identify each spool with a shipping tag so that there will be no mistake about their positions
when they are re-assembled.

[5] Loosen and remove the hexagon socket head bolts (75) (8 mm hex socket diameter) and
hexagon socket head bolts (94) (5 mm hex socket diameter) those fastens the plate
assemblies (10), (11), (28) and (29) to the housing.
Remove the plate assemblies still in the assembly state. Do not disassemble them.
[6] Loosen and remove the plugs (91) (19 mm hex socket diameter) as necessary.
[7] Remove the O-rings (7) and (41) from the valve housings (1) and (13).

312 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
[8] Disassembly of spool assembly

1. In order to avoid damaging the outer edge of the spool,

sandwich the spool with wooden blocks (as in the
diagram on the right) and fasten with a vise before
starting the work.
2. Since adhesive is applied to the spool end thread
section, heat up the outer edge of the spool thread
Caution section to break down the adhesive.
3. Heat the spool to 200 - 250 ℃ . Heat until the spool end
loosens easily immediately after the heating.
4. If overheating occurs, replace the spring with a new one.

(Wooden blocks for spool


1) Loosen the spool assembly (2) - (6) and (14) - (17) spool ends (8 mm hex socket diam-
eter) and disassemble the spring seat and spring.
2) The spools in spool assemblies (3), (4), (6) and (14) have poppets, springs, plugs, and
filters in the spools, but do not disassemble them unless necessary.
When disassembly is required, heat up the outer edge of the spool to break down the
adhesive on the thread section, then remove the plug. When assembling, always
replace O-rings and backup rings with new ones.
b) Disassembly of arm 1 parallel-tandem spool, neutral cut spool section
[1] Loosen and remove the hexagon socket head bolts (78) (5 mm hex socket diameter) for
the caps (18) and (86).
[2] Remove the O-ring (23) from the cap (18). Remove the O-rings (65) from the housing (1).
[3] Pull out the spools (19) and (84) from the valve housing still in the sub-assembly state.
[4] Disassembly of spool assembly

1. In order to avoid damaging the outer edge of the spool, sandwich the spool with wooden
blocks for assemble (as in the diagram) and fasten with a vise before starting the work.
2. Since adhesive is applied to the spool end thread section, heat up the outer edge of the
Caution spool thread section to break down the adhesive.
3. Heat the spool to 200 - 250 ℃ . Heat until the spool end loosens easily immediately after the
4. If overheating occurs, replace the spring with a new one.

1) Loosen the spool (19) spool end (22) (5 mm hex socket diameter) and disassemble the
spring seats (20) and spring (21).
c) Disassembly of arm regeneration release valve section (Sub-parts in the assembly are
expressed as [main number - sub-number].)

1. When removing the plug, pressure left within can make parts fly out dangerously.
Caution 2. Slowly loosen the plug to check that there is no resistance due to residual pressure, then

[1] Loosen and remove the plug (24) (32 mm hex diameter) and remove the O-ring (25).
[2] Remove the spring (26) and spool (27-1) from the sleeve (27-2).
[3] Pull out the sleeve (27-2) from the valve housing.
[4] Remove the piston (27-3), O-ring (30), and backup rings (31) from the sleeve (27-2).

RSM-13-11-001E 313
Control Valve
d) Disassembly of load check valve section
1. When removing the plug, pressure left within can make parts fly out dangerously.
Caution 2. Slowly loosen the plug to check that there is no resistance due to residual pressure, then

[1] Loosen and remove the hexagon socket head bolts (75) (4 locations in each section, 8
mm hex socket diameter) for the flanges (37) (6 locations) and (61) (1 location). The (61)
flange has a different shape from the other flanges, so keep it separate from (37).
[2] Remove the springs (35), poppets (34) and (51) and O-rings (36) from the valve housing.
Remove the arm 2 (E-E cross section) poppet (59), spring (60), and sleeve (58).
[3] Loosen and remove the hexagon socket head bolts (75) (8 mm hex socket diameter) for
the flanges (52) (2 locations) .
[4] Remove the spacers (53) from the valve housing and remove the O-rings (54) and
backup rings (55) from the spacers (53).
[5] Remove the springs (35) and poppets (34) from the valve housing.
[6] Loosen and remove the plugs (72) (8 mm hex socket diameter). (D-D cross section)
[7] Remove the springs (33) and poppets (32) from the valve housing.
[8] Loosen and remove the plugs (72) (8 mm hex socket diameter). (D-D cross section)
[9] Remove the spacer (57), springs (33), and poppets (32) from the valve housing.
[10] Loosen and remove the plug assemblies (92) (36 mm hex diameter). (P4 section, H-H
cross section)
[11] Loosen and remove the hexagon socket head bolts (74) (4 locations, 8 mm hex socket
diameter) for the flange (43) .
[12] Remove the spring (45), poppet (44), and O-rings (36) from the valve housing.
[13] Loosen and remove the plug (46) (27 mm hex diameter) and remove the O-ring (47). (H-
H cross section)
[14] Remove the spring (48) and poppet (49) from the valve housing.
e) Disassembly of antidrift valve section (Sub-parts in the assembly are expressed as [main
number - sub-number].)
1. When removing the antidrift valve assembly, pressure left within can make seals and other
parts fly out dangerously.
Caution 2. Slowly loosen the hexagon socket head bolt to check that there is no resistance due to
residual pressure, then disassemble.

[1] Loosen and remove the hexagon socket head bolts (74) (4 locations in each section, 8
mm hex socket diameter) for the antidrift valve assemblies (67) (2 locations).
[2] Remove the O-rings (36) and (41) from the valve housing.
[3] Remove the springs (39) and poppets (38) from the valve housing.
[4] Disassembly of antidrift valve assembly
1. If parts inside the antidrift valve are disassembled with the antidrift valve installed in the
valve housing, pressure left within can make parts fly out dangerously.
Caution 2. Slowly loosen the plug assembly (67-12) to check that there is no resistance due to residual
pressure, then disassemble.

1) Loosen and remove the plug assembly (67-14) (38 mm hex diameter) and remove the
2) Remove the piston (67-3), spool (67-4), and spring (67-6).
3) Loosen and remove the plug (67-14) (12 mm hex diameter).
4) Remove the sleeve (67-5) and poppet (67-2) from the body and remove the O-rings
(67-8) and (67-9), backup rings (67-10) and (67-11) from the outer edge of the sleeve.
5) Remove the spring seat (67-13) and spring (67-7) from deep in the hole.

314 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
f) Disassembly of relief valve
1. When removing the relief valve, loosen and remove the main unit installation section plug.
2. Do not loosen the set pressure adjustment plug or lock nut.
Caution 3. Doing so would be dangerous because the set pressure changes if the set pressure
adjustment plug turns.

[1] Loosen and remove the overload relief valve (69) (32 mm hex diameter).
[2] Loosen and remove the main relief valve (68) (32 mm hex diameter).
[3] Loosen and remove the relief valve assemblies (70) (2 locations, 32 mm hex diameter).
Remove the O-rings (70-5) and (70-8).
g) Disassembly of option section
[1] Loosen and remove the hexagon socket head bolts (75) (8 mm hex socket diameter) for
the caps (88) (2 locations) and remove the O-rings (89).
[2] Loosen and remove the plug assemblies (93) (2 locations, 24 mm hex diameter) and
remove the O-rings and backup rings.
h) Disassembly of straight travel signal control valve
[1] Remove the hexagon socket head bolts (83) (5 mm hex socket diameter) and remove the
body assembly (42).
[2] Loosen and remove the plug assembly (42-5) (5 mm hex socket diameter) and remove
the O-ring.
[3] Pull out the spools (42-2) and (42-3) and spring (42-4).
[4] Loosen the orifice plug (42-7) (36 mm hex diameter) and remove it from the body (42-1).
i) Disassembly of other plugs
[1] Loosen and remove the plug assemblies (71) (10 mm hex socket diameter) and remove
the O-rings.
[2] Loosen and remove the plug assemblies (72) (8 mm hex socket diameter) and remove
the O-rings.
[3] Loosen and remove the orifice plug (40) (5 mm hex socket diameter). (D-D cross section)
[4] Loosen and remove the plug assemblies (92) (36 mm hex diameter) and remove the O-
[5] Loosen and remove the plug assemblies (73) (6 mm hex socket diameter) and remove
the O-rings.
j) Disassembly of add-on section
[1] Loosen and remove the hexagon nuts (97) (4 locations, 22 mm hex diameter).
[2] Remove the outlet housing (95).
Execute Steps [3] - [5] below as necessary.
[3] Remove the spool section assembly (98) and remove the matching surface O-rings (98-
10) and (98-11).
[4] Remove the inlet section assembly (99) and remove the matching surface O-rings (99-3)
and (99-4).
[5] Remove the spool section assembly (111) and remove the matching surface O-rings
(110-10) and (110-11).
[6] Remove the main unit body matching surface O-rings (56) and (64).
[7] Loosen the tie rods (96) and remove them from the main unit valve housing (1).
(Use a pipe wrench.)
When removing the add-on section, be careful not to cause any dents, scratches, or the like on
matching surfaces. Any dents, scratches, or the like on matching surfaces have a danger of
allowing oil to leak from those surfaces and causing malfunction.
Caution Also, be careful not to let any foreign matter enter the oil path. Such foreign matter has a
danger of the spool sticking due to biting of the spool sliding section or a load check seat defect
making the actuator run wild or stop disabled.

RSM-13-11-001E 315
Control Valve
k) Disassembly of valve housing union bolt
1. Do not disassemble the union bolt (77) unless necessary.
Caution 2. If such disassembly is necessary, place the main unit on a flat table to do the work.
3. Prepare the replacement O-rings (65) and (66).

[1] Loosen and remove the hexagon socket head bolts (77) (8 locations, 14 mm hex socket
Tightening torque: 166 - 177 N•m
[2] Remove the valve housing matching surface O-rings (65) and (66).
Completely clean all the disassembled parts with clean mineral oil.
Dry with compressed air and place each part on clean paper or vinyl for inspection.
Inspect all surfaces of each part for burrs, scratches, gouges, and other defects.
[1] Inspect the valve housing load check seat surface for scratches, gouges, and also for debris,
dents, rust. Repair any minor scratches with an oilstone.
[2] Check that there are no scratches, dents, etc. on the outer edge of the spool.
Repair any small scratches with an oilstone.
[3] Sliding parts must all move easily.
Also, all grooves and paths must be free of foreign matter.
[4] If a spring is broken or extremely deformed or worn, replace it.
[5] If relief valve operation is poor, inspect according to "(9) Troubles and countermeasures
Relief valve".
[6] Replace all O-rings and backup rings from disassembled parts.
[7] After removing caps and plugs, check for any paint fragments around the body opening or
plug seating surface. (If paint fragments were to get inside the valve, they could jam up or
clog up the valve, resulting in operation defects and oil leaks.)

316 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
1) Cautions for assembly
a) Cautions for O-Ring handling
[1] Do not use any O-ring with a molding defect or damage caused by handling.
[2] Apply enough grease or hydraulic oil to the O-ring and the section where it is mounted so
that it can be mounted smoothly.
[3] Do not stretch an O-ring so far that this causes permanent deformation.
[4] When assembling an O-ring, be careful not to roll the O-ring into place.
(If an O-ring is mounted twisted, it is difficult for it to naturally recover to its normal state
and that twist causes oil leaks.)
b) Cautions for spool handling
[1] Excessive torque on thread sections causes spool operation defects, so always tighten to
just the specified torque.
[2] Be careful to assemble all spools, springs, and spool ends in the same combinations as
before disassembly.
c) Adhesive application method (for male thread section and female thread section of parts
requiring adhesion)
[1] Cleaning (degreasing)
Either use vapor degreasing with acetate, ether or clean with an alkali cleaning agent.
[2] Drying
Dry the surface to be glued, either by blowing clean air on it or letting it dry naturally.
Inadequate drying reduces the effectiveness of the adhesive.
[3] Applying the adhesive
Apply a small amount of adhesive (equivalent to Loctite #638) to the first 2 - 3 threads at
the entrance of the spool female threads.
At this time, install being careful that the application section does not touch the spring

Caution Do not use "Loctite Primer T" hardening accelerator. It causes insufficient adhesion strength.

[4] Adhesive hardening time

In order to ensure the hardening of the adhesive, after fastening the spool end, leave the
part out in the air for the following period of time.
- Ambient temperature around 22 ℃ : 8 hr. or longer
- Ambient temperature around 40 ℃ : 3 hr. or longer
- Ambient temperature around 5 ℃ : 24 hr. or longer

If the parts are not left out in the air for the above period, adequate adhesive strength may not
Caution be achieved.

RSM-13-11-001E 317
Control Valve
2) Procedure for assembly of sub-assembly
Before starting the assembling, check the quantity of each part, the installation location, the
Caution required tools, etc.

a) Assembly of spool assembly (main spool)

[1] Apply adhesive to the thread sections of the spools (2) - (6), (14) - (17) and assembly the
spring seat, spring, and spool end.
[2] Sandwich the spool with the wooden blocks (the same ones used for disassembly), fas-
ten in place with a vise, then tighten the spool ends to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 20 - 22 N•m
[3] For spools (3), (4), and (14), insert the poppets and springs from the end opposite from
the spool end, then apply adhesive to the thread sections of the plugs with the O-rings
and backup rings mounted, and tighten.
Also, for each spools (5), the plug with filter is mounted at this location.
Tightening torque: 10 - 12 N•m

1. Be careful not to apply so much adhesive that it drips into the spool.
2. Be careful not to tighten any spool end with excessive torque. Excessive torque there would
Caution deteriorate spool operation.
3. There are two types of spring. Be careful to assemble each in its correct location. (only
boom 2 different)

b) Assembly of arm 1 parallel-tandem spool assembly

[1] Apply adhesive to the thread sections of the spool (19) and assemble the spring seats
(20), spring (21), and spring end (22).
[2] Sandwich the spool with the wooden blocks (the same ones used for disassembly), fas-
ten in place with a vise, then tighten the spool ends to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 19 - 22 N•m

1. Be careful not to apply so much adhesive that it drips into the spool.
Caution 2. Be careful not to tighten any spool end with excessive torque. Excessive torque there would
deteriorate spool operation.

c) Assembly of neutral cut spool assembly

[1] Apply adhesive to the thread sections of the spool (84-1) and assemble the spring seat
(84-2), spring (84-3), and spring end (84-4).
[2] Sandwich the spool with the wooden blocks (the same ones used for disassembly), fas-
ten in place with a vise, then tighten the spool ends to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 19 - 22 N•m

1. Be careful not to apply so much adhesive that it drips into the spool.
Caution 2. Be careful not to tighten any spool end with excessive torque. Excessive torque there would
deteriorate spool operation.

d) Assembly of antidrift valve assembly

[1] Assemble the O-rings (67-8) and (67-9) and backup rings (67-10) and (67-11) into the
grooves on the outer edge of the sleeve (67-5).

1. Be careful to assemble O-rings and backup rings in the correct locations.

Caution 2. If they are assembled backwards, there is a danger of an O-ring being damaged and the
drop of the actuator from its own weight increasing.

[2] Insert the poppet (67-2) and spool (67-4) in the sleeve hole. Be careful to assemble the
spool in the correct direction.

318 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
[3] Install the spring seat (67-13) at the small-diameter section at the tip of the poppet, mount
on the spring (67-7), and insert into the body (67-1) together with the sleeve.

Apply grease to the poppet seat so that the spring and spring seat can be installed correctly on
Caution the poppet seat.

[4] Screw the plug (67-14) into the body (67-1) and tighten it.
Tightening torque: 78 - 88 N•m
[5] Assemble the spring (67-6) and piston (67-3) on the plug (67-14).
[6] Tighten the plug assembly (67-12) with O-ring mounted to the body (67-1).
Tightening torque: 147 - 157 N•m
3) Procedure for assembly of control valve main unit
a) Assembly of relief valve
1. When installing the relief valve, be sure to tighten the main unit installation section plug.
2. Do not tighten the set pressure adjustment plug or lock nut.
3. Doing so would be dangerous because the set pressure changes if the set pressure
adjustment plug turns.

[1] Screw in and tighten the main relief valve (68).

Tightening torque: 78 - 88 N•m
[2] Screw in and tighten the overload relief valves (69) (6 locations) at each section.
Tightening torque: 78 - 88 N•m
[3] Screw in and tighten the relief valve assemblies with O-rings mounted (70) (2 locations).
Tightening torque: 103 - 113 N•m
b) Assembly of load check valve
[1] Mount the O-rings (36) in the arm 1 section (E-E cross section), Boom 1 and 2 sections
(F-F cross sections), swing section, and bucket section (G-G cross sections) and assem-
ble the poppets (34) and springs (35).
Mount the flanges (37) and tighten with the hexagon socket head bolts (75).
Tightening torque: 58 - 64 N•m
For the arm 2 section (E-E section), assemble the sleeve (58), poppet (59) and spring
(60), mount the flange (61), and tighten with the hexagon socket head bolts (75).
Tightening torque: 58 - 64 N•m
[2] Mount the O-rings (36) in the travel section (I-I cross section) and assemble the poppet
(51) and springs (35). Tighten the flanges (37) with the hexagon socket head bolts (75).
Tightening torque: 58 - 64 N•m
[3] Assemble the poppets (34) and springs (35) on the common check section (J-J cross
section), then insert the spacers (53) with the O-rings (54) and backup rings (55)
Tighten the flanges (52) with the hexagon socket head bolts (75).
Tightening torque: 39 - 44 N•m

1. Be careful to assemble O-rings and backup rings in the correct locations.

Caution 2. If they are assembled backwards, there is a danger of an O-ring being damaged and
causing external leaks.

[4] Mount the O-rings (36) in the option section (H-H cross section) and assemble the poppet
(44) and spring (45). Mount the flange (43) and tighten with the hexagon socket head
bolts (74).
Tightening torque: 58 - 64 N•m
[5] Assemble the poppet (49) and spring (48) in the travel section (H-H cross section).
Screw in and tighten the plug (46) with O-ring (47) mounted.
Tightening torque: 107 - 117 N•m

RSM-13-11-001E 319
Control Valve
[6] Assemble the poppets (32) and springs (33) in the arm 1 parallel-tandem section (D-D
cross section).
Screw in and tighten the plug assemblies (72) with O-rings mounted.
Tightening torque: 73 - 79 N•m
[7] Assemble the poppets (32), springs (33), and spacer (57) in the arm 2 parallel-tandem
section (D-D cross section).
Screw in and tighten the plug assemblies (72) with O-rings mounted.
Tightening torque: 73 - 79 N•m
c) Assembly of antidrift valve
[1] Mount the O-rings (36) and (41) on the antidrift valve installation surfaces in the arm 1
section (E-E cross section) and boom 1 section (F-F cross section).
[2] Assemble the poppets (38) and springs (39).
[3] Install the antidrift valve assemblies (67) (2 locations) and tighten with the hexagon
socket head bolts (74).
Tightening torque: 39 - 44 N•m
d) Assembly of option section
[1] Install the caps (88) (2 locations) with O-rings (89) mounted and tighten with the hexagon
socket head bolts (75).
Tightening torque: 58 - 64 N•m
[2] Screw in and tighten the plug assemblies (93) (2 locations) with O-rings and backup rings
Tightening torque: 78 - 88 N•m
e) Assembly of arm regeneration release valve
[1] Mount the O-ring (30) and backup rings (31) (2 locations) in the sleeve (27-2).
[2] Assemble the piston (27-3) and spool (27-1) in the sleeve and insert into the valve hous-
[3] Put the spring (26) into the plug (24) with O-ring (25) mounted, then screw into the valve
housing and tighten.
Tightening torque: 103 - 113 N•m
f) Assembly of arm 1 parallel-tandem spool
[1] Assemble the spool (19) in the sub-assembly state into the valve housing.

Caution After inserting the spool, slide it to check for any sticky or rough feeling.

[2] Mount the cap (18) with O-ring mounted (23) and tighten with the hexagon socket head
bolts (78).
Tightening torque: 8.8 - 10.8 N•m
g) Assembly of neutral cut spool
[1] Assemble the spool assembly (84) into the valve housing.

Caution After inserting the spool, slide it to check for any sticky or rough feeling.

[2] Mount the O-rings (65) into the housing and tighten the cap (86) with the hexagon socket
head bolts (78).
Tightening torque: 8.8 - 10.8 N•m

320 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
h) Assembly of main spool
[1] Mount the O-rings (7) and (41) on the valve housing cap matching surface.
[2] Assemble the spool assemblies (2) - (6), (14) - (17) in the sub-assembly state into the
same location as before disassembly.

1. Line up the spool straight with the opening and insert it slowly.
2. After inserting the spool, slide it to check for any sticky or rough feeling.
3. If a spool is left inserted that feels sticky or rough, there is a danger of a spool operation

[3] Install the plate assemblies (28) and (29) and tighten the hexagon socket head bolts in
the order (75), (94). Be careful not to apply excessive tightening torque to (94).
Tightening torque: (75) 39 - 44 N•m, (94) 8.8 - 10.8 N•m
[4] Install the plate assemblies (10) and (11), and tighten with the hexagon socket head bolts
Tightening torque: 39 - 44 N•m
[5] Install the caps (8) and (9), and tighten with the hexagon socket head bolts (74).
Tightening torque: 39 - 44 N•m
[6] Screw in the plug assembly (110) with O-ring mounted into the option section (H-H cross
section) short cap and tighten it.
Tightening torque: 19 - 22 N•m
[7] Screw in the plugs (91) with O-rings (90) mounted into the option section (H-H cross sec-
tion) and straight travel section (I-I cross section) long caps and tighten them.
Tightening torque: 19 - 22 N•m

1. Be careful not to apply excessive torque when tightening a plug to a cap.

2. Applying excessive torque could crush the cap threads.

i) Assembly of straight travel signal control valve

[1] Screw the orifice plug (42-7) (36 mm hex diameter) into the body (42-1) and tighten it.
Tightening torque: 3.0 - 3.8 N•m
[2] Being careful about the insertion orientation, assemble the spools (42-2) and (42-3) and
spring (42-4).
[3] Tighten the plug assembly (42-5) (5 mm hex socket diameter) with O-ring mounted to the
Tightening torque: 13.5 - 16.5 N•m
[4] Install the body assembly (42) with the hexagon socket head bolts (83) (5 mm hex socket
Tightening torque: 8.8 - 10.8 N•m
j) Assembly of add-on section
[1] Screw the tie rods (96) into the main unit valve housing (1).
[2] Install the main unit body matching surface O-rings (56) and (64).
Execute Steps [3] - [5] below as necessary.
[3] Remove the spool section assembly (111) and remove the matching surface O-rings
(110-10) and (110-11).
[4] Remove the inlet section assembly (99) and remove the matching surface O-rings (99-3)
and (99-4).
[5] Remove the spool section assembly (98) and remove the matching surface O-rings (98-
10) and (98-11).
[6] Install the outlet housing (95).
[7] Tighten the hexagon nuts (97) (4 locations, 22 mm hex diameter).

RSM-13-11-001E 321
Control Valve
k) Assembly of other plugs
[1] Screw in and tighten the plug assemblies (71) with O-rings mounted.
Tightening torque: 116 - 128 N•m
[2] Screw in and tighten the plug assemblies (72) with O-rings mounted.
Tightening torque: 39 - 44 N•m
[3] Screw in and tighten the orifice plug (40).
Tightening torque: 14 - 18 N•m
[4] Screw in and tighten the plug assemblies (92) with O-rings mounted.
Tightening torque: 205 - 227 N•m
[5] Screw in and tighten the plug assemblies (72) with O-rings mounted.
Tightening torque: 73 - 79 N•m
[6] Screw in and tighten the plug assemblies (73) with O-rings mounted.
Tightening torque: 31 - 41 N•m

322 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
Internal Structure Diagram

323 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve

324 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve

325 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
Part list
Code Part name Q'ty Code Part name Q'ty
1 Valve housing 1 48 Spring 1
2 Spool assembly 1 49 Poppet 1
3 Spool assembly 1 51 Poppet 1
4 Spool assembly 1 52 Flange 2
5 Spool assembly 2 53 Spacer 2
6 Spool assembly 1 54 O-ring 2
7 O-ring 20 55 Backup ring 2
8 Cap 9 56 O-ring 1
9 Cap 1 57 Spacer 1
10 Plate assembly 1 58 Sleeve 1
11 Plate assembly 1 59 Poppet 1
13 Valve housing 1 60 Spring 1
14 Spool assembly 1 61 Flange 1
15 Spool assembly 1 64 O-ring 3
16 Spool assembly 1 65 O-ring 14
17 Spool assembly 1 66 O-ring 12
18 Cap 1 67 Antidrift valve assembly 2
19 Spool 1 68 Relief valve kit 1
20 Spring seat 2 69-1 Relief valve kit 5
21 Spring 1 69-2 Relief valve kit 1
22 Spool end 1 70 Relief valve kit 2
23 O-ring 1 71 Plug assembly 3
24 Plug 1 72 Plug assembly 10
25 O-ring 1 73 Plug assembly 3
26 Spring 1 74 Hexagon socket head bolt 24
27 Spool assembly 1 75 Hexagon socket head bolt 74
28 Plate assembly 1 77 Hexagon socket head bolt 8
29 Plate assembly 1 78 Hexagon socket head bolt 4
30 O-ring 1 79 Nameplate 1
31 Backup ring 2 80 Drive screw 2
32 Poppet 2 82 Metal plug 5
33 Spring 2 83 Hexagon socket head bolt 4
34 Poppet 7 84 Spool assembly 1
35 Spring 8 86 Cap 1
36 O-ring 10 88 Cap 2
37 Flange 6 89 O-ring 2
38 Poppet 2 90 O-ring 2
39 Spring 2 91 Plug 2
40 Orifice plug 1 92 Plug assembly 2
41 O-ring 27 93 Plug assembly 2
42 Body assembly 1 94 Hexagon socket head bolt 2
43 Flange 1 95 Outlet housing 1
44 Poppet 1 96 Tie rod 4
45 Spring 1 97 Nut 4
46 Plug 1 110 Plug assembly 1
47 O-ring 1

326 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
(6)Relief valve
1) Procedures for assembly and disassembly of main relief valve

1 Plug (32 mm hex diameter) 7 Hexagon nut (30 mm hex diameter)

2 O-ring 8 Plug (27 mm hex diameter)
3 O-ring 9 1-1/16-12UN-2A
4 Hexagon nut (36 mm hex diameter) 10 Piston
5 O-ring 11 PF1/4 JIS O-ring type
6 Plug (27 mm hex diameter)

[1] Disassembly
This part is replaced as an assembly.
When replacing, loosen the plug (1) (32 mm diameter) with a wrench and remove the O-ring
If oil leaks from the nut (4) (36 mm hex diameter), loosen the nut (4) (36 mm hex diameter)
and the plug (1) (32 mm hex diameter), and replace the O-ring (3).
If oil leaks from the nut (7) (30 mm hex diameter), loosen the nut (7) (30 mm hex diameter)
and the plug (8) (27 mm hex diameter), and replace the O-ring (5).
[2] Assembly
Carefully check to make sure there is no debris, paint fragments around the thread sections of
the plugs (1) (32 mm hex diameter), (6) (27 mm hex diameter), (8) (27 mm hex diameter) and
nuts (4) (36 mm hex diameter), (7) (30 mm hex diameter) and assemble the new O-rings.
Also clean the valve housing relief valve installation section well, install the relief valve, and
tighten the plug (1) (32 mm hex diameter).
Tightening torque: 78 - 88 N•m
When the plug has been disassembled, adjust the pressure according to 5) a) Main relief

RSM-13-11-001E 327
Control Valve
2) Procedures for assembly and disassembly of overload relief valve

1 Cap 6 Spring
2 O-ring 7 1-1/16-12UN-2A
3 Adjuster kit section 8 Cap (31.75 mm hex diameter)
4 O-ring 9 Lock nut (17 mm hex diameter)
5 Poppet 10 Adjuster (6 mm hex diameter)

[1] Disassembly
This part is replaced as an assembly.
When replacing, loosen the cap (1) (31.75 mm hex diameter) with a wrench and remove the
O-ring (2).
Also, if oil leaks from the adjuster kit section, loosen the adjuster kit and replace the O-ring (4).

Be careful when disassembling the adjuster kit. The spring may make parts fly out and the
Caution poppet could be lost.

[2] Assembly
Check carefully that there is no debris, paint fragments around the thread section of the cap
and assemble a new O-ring (2).
Also clean the valve housing relief valve installation section well, install the relief valve, and
tighten the cap (1) (31.75 mm hex diameter).
Tightening torque: 78 - 88 N•m
When the adjuster kit has been disassembled, clean around the thread sections well and
adjust the pressure according to 5) b) Overload relief valve.

328 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
3) Procedures for assembly and disassembly of low-pressure relief valve

1 Plug 7 Plug
2 Poppet 8 O-ring
3 Plug 9 PF1/4
4 Spring 10 PF3/4
5 O-ring 11 1 3/16-12UN-2A
6 Piston

[1] Disassembly
Fasten the assembly with a vise, loosen the plug, and remove the piston (6), spring (4), and
poppet (2). Then loosen the plug and take out the O-rings (5) and (8) from each part.
[2] Assembly
Check carefully that there is no debris, paint fragments around the thread section of the plug
and assemble a new O-ring. Install new O-rings (5) and (8) on the plug and install the plug.
Assemble the poppet (2), spring (4), and piston (6) and screw in and tighten the plug.
Tightening torque: 103 - 113 N•m
Also clean the valve housing relief valve installation section well and tighten the relief valve
assembly plug (1) (36 mm hex diameter).
Tightening torque: 103 - 113 N•m

RSM-13-11-001E 329
Control Valve
4) Procedures for assembly and disassembly of add-on main relief valve

1 Plug (32 mm hex diameter) 6 Spring

2 O-ring 7 1-5/16-12UN-2A
3 Adjuster kit section 8 Plug (24 mm hex diameter)
4 O-ring 9 Lock nut (17 mm hex diameter)
5 Poppet 10 Adjuster (6 mm hex diameter)

[1] Disassembly
This part is replaced as an assembly.
When replacing, loosen the plug (1) (32 mm hex diameter) with a wrench and remove the O-
ring (2).
Also, if oil leaks from the adjuster kit section, loosen the adjuster kit and replace the O-ring (4).

Be careful disassembling the adjuster kit. The spring may make parts fly out and the poppet
Caution could be lost.

[2] Assembly
Check carefully that there is no debris, paint fragments around the thread section of the plug
and assemble a new O-ring (2).
Also clean the valve housing relief valve installation section well, install the relief valve, and
tighten the plug.
Tightening torque: 59 - 69 N•m
When the adjuster kit has been disassembled, clean around the thread sections well and
adjust the pressure according to 5) c) Add-on main relief valve.

330 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
5) Relief valve adjustment
This part is neither disassembled nor adjusted. (It is replaced as an assembly.) Therefore, be
Caution aware that proper operation is not guaranteed if pressure is adjusted.

a) Main relief valve

[1] Install an accurate pressure gauge in the entry circuit.
[2] Run the pump at its rated rotation rate.
[3] Switch the control valve spool and read the pressure gauge at the cylinder stroke end.

Switch the spool for the actuator with the overload relief valve set pressure higher than the
Caution main relief valve set pressure.

[4] High pressure setting (1st stage) (See the diagram on “Relief valve page 327”.)
1) Tighten the plug (8) until the piston (10) touches the plug (6) end surface (section
marked *). At this time, the plug (8) (27 mm hex diameter) tightening torque must be
19.6 N•m or less.
However, when tightening the plug (8), be careful that the plug does not turn too. (The A
dimension must be at least 4 mm.)
2) With the plug (6) in the state in [4] 1), tighten and adjust the pressure. (While watching
the pressure gauge, tighten in the plug (6) gradually: One turn of the plug raises the
pressure 28.4 MPa.)
After setting the pressure, lock with the hexagon nut.
[5] Low pressure setting (2nd stage)
With the high pressure set in [4], loosen the plug (8) and adjust the pressure.
(When the plug is loosened, the piston moves to the right in the diagram and the spring
load drops: 21.3 MPa pressure drop per one rotation.)
After setting the pressure, lock with the hexagon nut (7).
[6] Again raise the pressure and check that it reaches the specified pressure.
b) Overload relief valve
If the set pressure is higher than the main relief valve, when adjusting as below, the main relief
valve operates, so the overload relief valve cannot be adjusted. That is why the relief valve is
Caution not disassembled and adjusted but is replaced as an assembly with an assembly that has
already been set.

[1] Switch the control valve spool and read the pressure gauge at the cylinder stroke end.
[2] Turn the adjuster clockwise until the required pressure is obtained.
[3] Reference number 69, total of 6 locations: The pressure rises 21.2 MPa for one rotation
of the adjuster.
[4] When the specified pressure is reached, restrain the adjuster so that it does not turn,
then tighten the lock nut.
Tightening torque: 27.5 - 31.4 N•m
[5] Again raise the pressure and check that it reaches the specified pressure.

RSM-13-11-001E 331
Control Valve
c) Add-on main relief valve
[1] Install an accurate pressure gauge in the entry circuit.
[2] Run the pump at its rated rotation rate.
[3] Switch the control valve spool and read the pressure gauge at the cylinder stroke end.

Switch the spool for the actuator with the overload relief valve set pressure higher than the
Caution main relief valve set pressure.

[4] Turn the adjuster clockwise until the required pressure is obtained.
The pressure rises 17.8 MPa for one rotation of the adjuster.
[5] When the specified pressure is reached, restrain the adjuster so that it does not turn,
then tighten the lock nut.
Tightening torque: 27 - 31 N•m
[6] Again raise the pressure and check that it reaches the specified pressure.
[1] Be careful that the line does not apply excessive force to the valve.
[2] Tighten all the bolts the same.
[3] Be careful. Welding close to a valve can damage its seal due to excess heat and sputter.
[4] In order to keep out debris, do not remove the cap for a port until it is time to work on the
[1] Check that the hydraulic circuits and hydraulic oil are clean, then gradually raise the pres-
sure (inch the operating machine in low idle) and check that no oil leaks to the outside.
[2] For the oil, use hydraulic oil with an aniline point of 82 - 113 ℃ .
[3] Do not raise the relief valve above the specified set pressure.
[4] Set a difference of at least 2.0 MPa between the set pressure for the main relief valve and for
the overload relief valve.
[5] Warm up the machine adequately before starting the actual work.
Pay attention to the following points in order to avoid sticking due to spool heat shock partic-
ularly when starting up with the hydraulic oil temperature or valve temperature low.
• Do not operate the main relief valve and overload relief valve right too suddenly after each
other. Raise the temperature of each section uniformly and operate in such a way that the
hydraulic oil circulates within each actuator.
• Fine operations and compound operations generate heat locally due to throttling of individ-
ual sections, so do not suddenly perform these operations with the machine still at low tem-

332 RSM-13-11-001E
Control Valve
(9)Troubles and countermeasures
Control valves overall

Trouble content Conceivable cause Countermeasure

The spool does not 1. The oil temperature is abnormally Eliminate the section that is providing
move through its stroke. high. resistance to the oil flow in the line.
2. Dirty hydraulic oil Replace the hydraulic oil and at the same
time, clean the circuits.
3. Line port joint tightened too much Check the torque.
4. The valve housing was warped dur- Loosen the installation bolts and check.
ing installation.
5. The pressure is too high. Attach a pressure gauge to the pump and the
cylinder port and check the pressure.
6. The spool is bent. Replace the spool as an assembly.
7. Return spring damage Replace the damaged part.
8. The spring or cap is out of place. Loosen the cap, center it, then tighten it.
9. The temperature distribution within Warm up the circuits as a whole.
the valve is not uniform.
10.Debris is clogging inside the valve. Remove (flush out) the debris.
11.Pilot pressure insufficient Inspect for the pilot valve and pilot relief
The load cannot be 1. Oil leak from cylinder Check the cylinder seal section.
2. Oil from the spool is bypassing. Check for spool damage.
3. Oil leak from overload relief valve Clean the valve housing seat section and relief
valve seat section.
4. Oil leak from antidrift valve Disassemble the antidrift valve and clean the
seat section for each part.
If a seat section is damaged, replace the
poppet or lap the poppet and seat section.
If the antidrift valve spool is abnormal, since
the spool and the sleeve are mating parts,
replace them both at the same time.
When the spool is 1. There is debris jammed in the load Disassemble and clean the check valve.
switched from the check valve.
neutral to the raise
2. The check valve poppet or seat sec- Replace the poppet or lap the poppet and seat
position, the load falls.
tion is damaged. section.

RSM-13-11-001E 333
Control Valve
Relief valve
Trouble content Conceivable cause Countermeasure
Pressure does not rise 1. Either the main poppet, sleeve, or Replace the relief valve.
at all. pilot poppet is stuck open or there is
debris jammed in the valve seat sec-
The relief pressure is 1. The pilot poppet seat section is dam-
unstable. aged.
2. The piston or main poppet is stuck.
The relief pressure is 1. Seat section worn by debris
2. The lock nut and adjuster are loose. Set the pressure again, then tighten the lock
nut to the specified torque.
Oil leak 1. Relief valve seat section damage Replace the relief valve.
2. Each part is stuck due to debris.
3. An O-ring is worn. Replace the adjuster or installation section O-

Hydraulic system overall

Trouble content Conceivable cause Countermeasure
The hydraulic system is 1. Pump trouble Check the pressure or replace the pump.
not working properly or
2. Relief valve trouble Replace the relief valve.
is not working at all.
3. Cylinder trouble Repair or replace.
4. Pump load pressure is high. Check the circuit pressure.
5. There is a crack in the valve. Replace the valve as an assembly.
6. The spool does not move through its
Check the spool movement.
full stroke.
7. The tank oil level is too low. Fill the hydraulic oil.
8. The filter in the circuit is clogged. Clean or replace the filter.
9. The circuit line is throttled. Check the line.

334 RSM-13-11-001E
Other Valves SH200-5
Other Valves

Other Valves
Removal and Installation of 5 Stack Solenoid
Warning ・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (13 mm, 17 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of 5 Stack Solenoid Valve
[1] Attach the specialty adapter (1) to the area
where the air breather was removed, and set
the vacuum pump (2).
Create negative pressure in the hydraulic oil
tank using the vacuum pump.

[2] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 2 cover

bolts (3), and then remove the cover (4).

1 Specialty adapter
2 Vacuum pump
3 Bolt
4 Cover

335 RSM-13-12-001E
Other Valves
[3] Remove the 5 connectors (5).

[4] Use wrenches (19 mm, 22 mm) to remove the

hoses (6), (7) and (8).
• Mark the solenoid valve and hoses so that the
connectors match at the time of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the solenoid valve
and hose to prevent any entry of water, dust or
• Clean the solenoid valve and hoses by spray-
ing them with a parts cleaner to prevent
scratches and prevent dirt from accumulating
on the connectors.

[5] Use a wrench (22 mm) to remove the hoses

(9) and (10).
• Mark the solenoid valve and hoses so that the
connectors match at the time of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the solenoid valve
and hose to prevent any entry of water, dust or
• Clean the solenoid valve and hoses by spray-
ing them with a parts cleaner to prevent
scratches and prevent dirt from accumulating
on the connectors.

5 Connector
6 Pilot hose (use 22 mm wrench)
7 Pilot hose (use 19 mm wrench)
8 Pilot hose (use 19 mm wrench)
9 Pilot hose (use 22 mm wrench)
10 Drain hose (use 22 mm wrench)

RSM-13-12-001E 336
Other Valves
[6] Use wrenches (19 mm, 22 mm) to remove the
hoses (11), (12) and (13).
• Mark the solenoid valve and hoses so that the
connectors match at the time of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the solenoid valve
and hose to prevent any entry of water, dust or
• Clean the solenoid valve and hoses by spray-
ing them with a parts cleaner to prevent
scratches and prevent dirt from accumulating
on the connectors.

[7] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 2 bolts

(14), and then remove the 5 stack solenoid
valve (15).

11 Pilot hose (use 19 mm wrench)

12 Pilot hose (use 19 mm wrench)
13 Pilot hose (use 22 mm wrench)
14 Bolt
15 5 stack solenoid valve

337 RSM-13-12-001E
Other Valves
2. Installation of 5 Stack Solenoid Valve
Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
The hose connections and electrical connector connections are indicated below.

RSM-13-12-001E 338
Other Valves
Removal and Installation of Cushion Valve
Warning ・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.


Items to prepare
• Wrenches (17 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Waste oil can
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Cushion Valve
[1] Attach the specialty adapter (1) to the area
where the air breather was removed, and set
the vacuum pump (2).
Create negative pressure in the hydraulic oil
tank using the vacuum pump.

[2] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 5 bolts

(3), and then remove the under cover (4).

1 Specialty adapter
2 Vacuum pump
3 Bolt
4 Under cover

339 RSM-13-12-001E
Other Valves
[3] Prepare a waste oil can.

5 Waste oil can

RSM-13-12-001E 340
Other Valves
[4] Remove the connector (8).
[5] Use wrenches (17 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm) to
remove each hose and line.
• Mark the cushion valve, hoses and lines so
that the connectors match at the time of
• Use caps and plugs to cover the cushion valve,
hoses and lines to prevent any entry of water,
dust or dirt.
• Clean the cushion valve, hoses and lines by
spraying them with a parts cleaner to prevent
scratches and prevent dirt from accumulating
on the connectors.

6 Pilot hose
7 Line
8 Connector
9 Use 17 mm wrench
10 Use 19 mm wrench
11 Use 22 mm wrench

341 RSM-13-12-001E
Other Valves
[6] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 4 bolts
(12) on the cushion valve bottom, then remove
the cushion valve.

12 Bolt

2. Installation of Cushion Valve

Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
The connections are as follows.

1 Arm in 7 Boom down

2 Boom up 8 Swing left
3 Swing right 9 Bucket open
4 Bucket close 10 Pressure sensor (swing)
5 Heat circuit line 11 Swing priority switching pilot line
6 Arm out 12 Drain line

RSM-13-12-001E 342
Other Valves
Assembly and Disassembly of Cushion Valve
1. Disassembly Procedure
This valve has a structure that forms small gaps. It is precision processed and the parts are carefully
selected and fit together, so do not disassemble it as much as possible. If assembly and disassem-
bly is unavoidable, pay attention to the following. (Failure to follow these instructions may invalidate
the product warranty.)
[1] Only disassemble in a clean location with minimal dirt.
[2] Use only clean tools and cleaning oil and handle them with care.
[3] Use plugs, caps to cover ports to prevent any entry of dirt and clean the outside of the assembly.
[4] Check the internal structure before starting work, and carefully study the disassembly objective
and scope.
(1)Reverse operation spool section
[1] Remove the plugs (1) and O-rings (2).
[2] Remove the springs (3).
[3] Remove the spools (4) with the cap screw and O-ring assembled in them.

Diagram 10

1 Plug
2 O-ring
3 Spring
4 Spool

[4] Use a vise to fasten the spools (4) assembly taken out in [3].
[Caution] Use a piece of wood (jig) to prevent scratches.

343 RSM-13-12-001E
Other Valves
[5] Remove the cap screw (1) and O-ring (2).

1 Cap screw
2 O-ring
3 Spool
Diagram 11 4 Piece of wood (jig)

(2)Check plunger section with throttle

[1] Remove the plugs (1) and O-rings (2).
[2] Remove the springs (3) and remove the check plungers (4).
[Caution] The check plungers have similar shapes, so identify them in such a way that no
one will mix them up with each other.

1 Plug
2 O-ring
3 Spring
4 Check plunger
Diagram 12

RSM-13-12-001E 344
Other Valves
(3)Shuttle valve section
[1] Remove the plugs (1) and O-rings (2) and (3).
[2] Remove the steel balls (4).

Diagram 13

1 Plug
2 O-ring
3 O-ring
4 Steel ball

345 RSM-13-12-001E
Other Valves
2. Assembly Procedure
This valve has a structure that forms small gaps. It is precision processed and the parts are carefully
selected and fit together, so do not disassemble it as much as possible. If assembly and disassem-
bly is unavoidable, pay attention to the following. (Failure to follow these instructions may invalidate
the product warranty.)
[1] Only assemble in a clean location with minimal dirt.
[2] Use only clean tools and cleaning oil and handle them with care.
[3] Clean the disassembled parts and prepared parts.
[4] Study the internal structure before starting the work and prepare the parts required by the disas-
sembly objective and scope.
(1)Reverse operation spool section
[1] Assemble on the spool (3) the cap screw (1) with O-ring (2) attached.
Tightening torque: 9.8 - 14.7 N•m
[Caution] Use a piece of wood (jig) (4) to prevent scratches.

1 Cap screw
2 O-ring
3 Spool
4 Piece of wood (jig)
Diagram 14

RSM-13-12-001E 346
Other Valves
[2] Insert the spool assembly (1) assembled in [1] into the body.
[Caution] The spool assembly is symmetrical left/right, so the insertion direction does not
[3] Insert the springs (2) and assemble the plugs (3) with the O-rings (4) attached.
Tightening torque: 39.2 - 49.0 N•m

Diagram 15

1 Spool assembly
2 Spring
3 Plug
4 O-ring

(2)Check plunger section with throttle

[1] Insert the check plungers (1).
[Caution] The check plungers have similar shapes, so be careful to insert each one in its cor-
rect position.
[2] Insert the springs (2) and assemble the plugs (4) with the O-rings (3) attached.
Tightening torque: 29.4 - 31.4 N•m

1 Check plunger
2 Spring
3 O-ring
Diagram 16 4 Plug

347 RSM-13-12-001E
Other Valves
(3)Shuttle valve section
[1] Insert the steel balls (1).
[2] Assemble the plugs (2) with the O-rings (3) and (4) attached.
Tightening torque: 39.2 - 49.0 N•m

Diagram 17

1 Steel ball
2 Plug
3 O-ring
4 O-ring

RSM-13-12-001E 348
Other Valves
3. Written Materials
[1] Check plunger table
Part number Name Orifice diameter (φ) Remarks
65301-11705 Check plunger 0.5
65301-11706 Check plunger 0.6
65301-11707 Check plunger 0.7 SH240-5
65301-11708 Check plunger 0.8 SH210-5
65301-11709 Check plunger 0.9 SH210/240-5
65301-11710 Check plunger 1.0
65301-11711 Check plunger 1.1 SH240-5
65301-11712 Check plunger 1.2
65301-11713 Check plunger 1.3
65301-11714 Check plunger 1.4
65301-11715 Check plunger 1.5

349 RSM-13-12-001E
Other Valves
[2] Cushion valve assembly diagram

External shape diagram

Cross-section diagram

Code Part name Code Part name Code Part name

1 Body 9 Check plunger 17 Plug
2 Spool 10 Check plunger 18 O-ring
3 Spring 11 Check plunger 19 Name plate
4 Plug 12 Check plunger 20 Drive screw
5 O-ring 13 Spring 21 Plug
6 Cap screw 14 Plug 22 Plug
7 O-ring 15 O-ring
8 Plug 16 Steel ball

RSM-13-12-001E 350
Radiator and Oil Cooler SH200-5
Radiator and Oil Cooler

Radiator and Oil Cooler

Removal and Installation of Radiator
・ Do not remove the radiator cap when the radiator coolant temperature is high. Hot liquid
could spray out.

・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (7 mm, 8 mm, 13 mm, 14 mm, 19 mm)
• Box wrenches (8 mm, 12 mm)
• Pliers
• Shackle (with the required lifting capacity) x 2
• Wire rope (with the required breaking load)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Caps
• Plugs
• Drain tank
• Drain hose
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
1. Removal of Radiator
[1] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 3 bolts
(1), and then remove the under cover (2).

1 Bolt
2 Under cover

351 RSM-13-13-001E
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[2] Install the drain hose (3), and then prepare the
drain tank (4).

[3] To make it easier to drain the coolant, remove

the radiator cap (5).

[4] Loosen the drain plug (6), and then drain the

3 Drain hose
4 Drain tank
5 Radiator cap
6 Drain plug

RSM-13-13-001E 352
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[5] Use a wrench (8 mm) to loosen the hose band
(7), and then remove the hose (8).
• Use caps to cover the line and hose to prevent
any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[6] Use a wrench (8 mm) to loosen the hose band

(7), and then remove the hose (9).
• Use caps to cover the line and hose to prevent
any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[7] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 2 bolts

(10), and then remove the wiring box (11).

7 Hose band
8 Hose
9 Hose
10 Bolt
11 Wiring box

353 RSM-13-13-001E
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[8] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 3 bolts
(12), bolt (14), washer (15), and seal retainer
(16), and then remove the cover.

[9] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(17), and then remove the cover (18).

[10] Use a box wrench (12 mm) to remove the 8

bolts (19) from the radiator cover.

12 Bolt
13 Cover
14 Bolt
15 Washer
16 Seal retainer
17 Bolt
18 Cover
19 Bolt

RSM-13-13-001E 354
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[11] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band
(20), and then remove the upper hose (21) and
lower hose (22) from the radiator.
• Use caps to cover the radiator and hoses to
prevent the entry of water, dust or dirt.

[12] Remove the drain plug (23), loosen the hose

band (25), and then remove the hose (24).

[13] Loosen the hose band (27), and then remove

the hose (26) from the radiator cap.
• Attach caps or plugs to the hose to prevent any
entry of water, dust or dirt.

20 Hose band
21 Upper hose
22 Lower hose
23 Drain plug
24 Hose
25 Hose band
26 Hose
27 Hose band

355 RSM-13-13-001E
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[14] Turn up the rubber band (28) on the fan.

[15] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose band

(29), and then remove the hose (31) from the
hose bracket (30).
• Use caps to cover the hoses and line to pre-
vent any entry of water, dust or dirt.

[16] Remove the connector (32) from the sensor.

28 Rubber band
29 Hose band
30 Hose bracket
31 Hose
32 Connector

RSM-13-13-001E 356
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[17] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts
(33), and then remove the hose bracket (34).

[18] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 3 bolts

(33), and then remove the cover (35).

[19] Move the radiator cover (36) towards the cover

removed in Step [18].

33 Bolt
34 Hose bracket
35 Cover
36 Radiator cover

357 RSM-13-13-001E
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[20] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the 3 bolts
(37), and then remove the fan shroud (38).

[21] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the bolts

(39) from the fan guard (40), and then move
the fan guard towards the engine.

37 Bolt
38 Fan shroud
39 Bolt
40 Fan guard

RSM-13-13-001E 358
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[22] Use a wrench (14 mm) to remove the 2 bolts
(44), 2 bolts (41), and 4 washers (42), and then
remove the radiator cover (45).
• The washers (42) are installed to hold the rub-
ber cushion (43) in place. Be careful not to
drop the opposite side washer.

[23] Remove the 2 butterfly bolts (46), and then

remove the front anti-insect net (47).

[24] Install the 2 shackles (48) to the top of the radi-

ator, and then use the wire rope (49) and crane
to lift the radiator.

41 Bolt
42 Washer
43 Rubber cushion
44 Bolt
45 Radiator cover
46 Butterfly bolt
47 Anti-insect net
48 Shackle
49 Wire rope

359 RSM-13-13-001E
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[25] Lift the radiator together with the radiator cover
(51) until the fixtures (50) at the bottom of the
radiator become disconnected.

[26] Thoroughly check that the location is safe

before lowering the radiator on square wooden
When laying down the radiator, be careful not
to bend or crush the bottom fixtures (50).

50 Fixture
51 Radiator cover

2. Installation of Radiator
To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
For details on the method for coolant filling, see the Engine Shop Manual.
Use 25.6 L of coolant for the SH210-5 and 25.2 L for the SH240-5.
Finally, check that the level of coolant is correct.

RSM-13-13-001E 360
Radiator and Oil Cooler
Removal and Installation of Oil Cooler
Warning ・ Keep away from fire.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (17 mm, 19 mm)
• Pliers
• Screwdriver
• Eyebolts (M12) x 2
• Shackle (with the required lifting capacity) x 2
• Wire rope (with the required breaking load)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Caps
• Waste oil can
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
1. Removal of Oil Cooler
[1] Drain the hydraulic oil from the hydraulic oil
See the "Draining Oil from Hydraulic Oil Tank"
for details of this procedure.
[2] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 2 bolts
(1), and then remove the under cover (2).

1 Bolt
2 Under cover

361 RSM-13-13-001E
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[3] Prepare a waste oil can (3).

[4] Remove the 2 butterfly bolts (4), and then

remove the anti-insect net (5).

[5] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 2 upper

bolts (6) and 2 lower bolts (6), and then
remove the lines (7) and (8).
• Use caps to cover the oil cooler and lines to
prevent the entry of water, dust or dirt.

3 Waste oil can

4 Butterfly bolt
5 Anti-insect net
6 Bolt
7 Line
8 Line

RSM-13-13-001E 362
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[6] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 2 upper
bolts (9) and 2 lower bolts (9).

[7] Install the 2 eyebolts (M12) (10) on the top of

the oil cooler.
• Fully tighten the eyebolts, and then loosen
them by a half turn.

[8] Use a screwdriver to push in the connecting

part of the line at the bottom of the oil cooler by
about 5 cm.

9 Bolt
10 Eyebolt

363 RSM-13-13-001E
Radiator and Oil Cooler
[9] Install the 2 shackles (11) to the eyebolts, and
then use the wire rope (12) and crane to lift the
oil cooler main unit.

[10] Thoroughly check that the location is safe

before lowering the oil cooler on wood planks,

11 Shackle
12 Wire rope

2. Installation of Oil Cooler

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.

RSM-13-13-001E 364
Tank SH200-5

Removal and Installation of Hydraulic Oil Tank
・ Keep away from fire.
・ Bleed off the pressure in the hydraulic oil tank before beginning work.
・ The temperature of the hydraulic oil is high immediately after stopping the engine. Wait until
the hydraulic oil temperature has decreased (to 40 ℃ or less) before beginning work.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to inspect the nylon sling and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not go under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (7 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm, 27 mm, 36 mm)
• Eyebolts (M12) x 2
• Shackle (with the required lifting capacity) x 2
• Wire rope (with the required breaking load)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Waste oil can
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
1. Removal of Hydraulic Oil Tank
[1] Drain the oil from the hydraulic oil tank. (For
details, see "Drauning Oil from Hydraulic Oil
[2] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 6 bolts
(1), and then remove the under cover (2).

1 Bolt
2 Under cover

365 RSM-13-14-001E
[3] Prepare a waste oil can (3) under the hydraulic
oil tank.

[4] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose

bands (4), and then remove the hose (5).
• Use caps to cover the hose to prevent any
entry of water, dust or dirt.

[5] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 6 bolts

(6), and then remove the center cover (7).

3 Waste oil can

4 Hose band
5 Hose
6 Bolt
7 Center cover

RSM-13-14-001E 366
[6] Use a wrench (7 mm) to loosen the hose
bands (8), and then remove the drain hoses (9)
and (10).
• Use caps to cover the lines to prevent any
entry of water, dust or dirt.

8 Hose band
9 Hose
10 Hose

367 RSM-13-14-001E
[7] Use wrenches (19 mm, 22 mm, 27 mm, 36
mm) to remove the drain hoses.
• Mark the hydraulic oil tank and hoses so that
the connectors match at the time of assembly.
• Attach caps or plugs to the hydraulic oil tank
and hoses to prevent any entry of water, dust
or dirt.
• Clean the hydraulic oil tank and hoses by
spraying them with a parts cleaner to prevent
scratches and prevent dirt from accumulating
on the connectors.

11 Drain hose (use 27 mm wrench)

12 Drain hose (use 27 mm wrench)
13 Drain hose (use 22 mm wrench)
14 Drain hose (use 19 mm wrench)
15 Drain hose (use 19 mm wrench)
16 Drain hose (use 19 mm wrench)
17 Drain hose (use 19 mm wrench)
18 Drain hose (use 19 mm wrench)
19 Drain hose (use 22 mm wrench)
20 Pump drain hose (use 36 mm wrench)

RSM-13-14-001E 368
[8] Cut the hose bands on the tank side, and tie
the hoses together.

[9] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 6 bolts

(21), and then remove the top cover (22) from
the hydraulic oil tank.

21 Bolt
22 Cover

369 RSM-13-14-001E
[10] Use a wrench (22 mm) to remove the 4 bolts
(23) for the L-shaped frame (24) between the
control valve and the hydraulic oil tank, and
then remove the L-shaped frame.

23 Bolt
24 Frame

RSM-13-14-001E 370
[11] Use a wrench (22 mm) to remove the 4 bolts
(25) and 4 collars (26) from the bottom of the
hydraulic oil tank.
• Depending on the machine, there may be
height adjustment shims between the tank and
the frame. Do not lose them.
Also, mark or write down the location where
they are and how many.

[12] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 2 bolts

(27) from the fuel tank front cover (tank) (28),
and then remove the cover (tank).

25 Bolt
26 Collar
27 Bolt
28 Cover (tank)

371 RSM-13-14-001E
[13] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 5 bolts
(29) from the fuel tank side cover, and then
remove the side cover (30).

[14] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(31), and then remove the side cover (tank)

29 Bolt
30 Side cover
31 Bolt
32 Side cover (tank)

RSM-13-14-001E 372
[15] Connect the 2 eyebolts (M12) (33) to the top of
the hydraulic oil tank, and then use the shack-
les (34), wire rope (35) and crane to lift the
hydraulic oil tank (36).
• When lifting, be careful that the level gauge
(37) does not interfere with the frame at the
side of the hydraulic oil tank.
• Fully tighten the eyebolts, and then loosen
them by a half turn.

[16] Thoroughly check that the location is safe

before lowering the hydraulic oil tank on wood
planks (38).
• Thoroughly secure the hydraulic oil tank so
that it does not fall down.

33 Eyebolt
34 Shackle
35 Wire rope
36 Hydraulic oil tank
37 Level gauge
38 Wood plank

373 RSM-13-14-001E
2. Installation of Hydraulic Oil Tank
To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
For the tightening torque, check the "Bolt tightening torque list" in the Service Text .

RSM-13-14-001E 374
Removal and Installation of Fuel Tank
Warning ・ Keep away from fire.

・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Caution ・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (19 mm, 24 mm)
• Eyebolts (M12) x 4
• Shackle (with the required lifting capacity) x 4
• Wire ropes (with the required breaking load)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Caps
• Plugs
• Drum can (for draining fuel)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
Removal of fuel tank
[1] Remove the cap (1) and filter (2).

[2] Drain out all the fuel from the fuel tank into a
drum can.

1 Cap
2 Filter

375 RSM-13-14-001E
[3] Use the drain cock (3) on the bottom of the
tank to drain out any fuel that does not drain
out but remains at the bottom of the tank.

[4] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 7

bolts (4), and then remove the top cover (5).

[5] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 2

bolts (6) from the fuel tank front cover (tank)
(7), and then remove the cover (tank).

3 Drain cock
4 Bolt
5 Cover
6 Bolt
7 Cover (tank)

RSM-13-14-001E 376
[6] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 6
bolts (8) and clamp (9), and then remove
the handle (10).

[7] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 5

bolts (11) from the fuel tank side cover (12),
and then remove the side cover.

8 Bolt
9 Clamp
10 Handle
11 Bolt
12 Side cover

377 RSM-13-14-001E
[8] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 5
bolts (13), and then remove the under cover

[9] Loosen the hose band (15), and then

remove the hose (16).
• Mark the fuel tank and hoses so that the
connectors match at the time of assembly.
• Attach caps or plugs to the fuel tank and
hoses to prevent any entry of water, dust or

[10] Remove the connector (17).

13 Bolt
14 Under cover
15 Hose band
16 Hose
17 Connector

RSM-13-14-001E 378
[11] Use a wrench (24 mm) to remove the 6
bolts (18) and 6 collars (19) from the bottom
of the hydraulic oil tank.
• Depending on the machine, there may be
height adjustment shims between the tank
and the frame. Do not lose them.
Also, mark or write down the location where
they are and how many.

[12] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4

bolts (20), and then remove the side cover
(tank) (21).

[13] Install the 4 eyebolts (M12) (22) on top of

the fuel tank.
• Fully tighten the eyebolts, and then loosen
them by a half turn.

18 Bolt
19 Collar
20 Bolt
21 Side cover (tank)
22 Eyebolt

379 RSM-13-14-001E
[14] Connect the 4 shackles (23) to the eyebolts,
then use the wire ropes (24) and crane to lift
the fuel tank.
[15] Thoroughly check that the location is safe
before lowering the fuel tank (25) on wood

23 Shackle
24 Wire rope
25 Fuel tank

Installation of fuel tank

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
Finally, carefully check for any fuel leaks.
For the tightening torque, check the "Bolt tightening torque list" in the Service Text .

RSM-13-14-001E 380
Attachments SH200-5

Removal and Installation of Bucket
・ Stop the machine on a level location with good footing.
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ When working together with others, always be sure to exchange signals and pay adequate
attention to safety.
・ Always wear protective devices (protective eyewear and safety shoes, etc.) when working
with a hammer.

Items to prepare
• Hammer
• Striking rod
• Screwdriver
• Grease
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Bucket
[1] Place the back of the bucket parallel to the
[2] Use a screwdriver to remove the pin (2) rings
(1), and then remove the bucket side and
boom side pins.

1 Ring
2 Pin

381 RSM-13-15-001E
[3] Use a hammer (3) and striking rod (4) to push
the bucket side pin (6) and arm side pin (5) out,
and then remove the bucket (7).
• If a pin is hard to remove, there is a load on the
Do not force it. Adjust the bucket position.
• When removing the pins, be careful not to
damage the O-rings or dust seals.

3 Hammer
4 Striking rod
5 Pin
6 Pin
7 Bucket

2. Installation of Bucket
Perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
• Clean each pin and pin hole.
• If a pin is hard to insert, do not force it. Adjust the bucket position.
• When insetting pins, be careful not to damage the O-rings or dust seals.
• As the final step, always grease up.

RSM-13-15-001E 382
Removal and Installation of Bucket Link
・ Stop the machine on a level location with good footing.
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ When working together with others, always be sure to exchange signals and pay adequate
attention to safety.
・ Always wear protective devices (protective eyewear and safety shoes, etc.) when working
with a hammer.

Items to prepare
• 2 wrenches (30 mm)
• Hammer
• Striking rod
• Grease
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Bucket Link
[1] Remove the bucket. (For details, see "Removal
and Installation of Bucket".)

[2] Place the bucket link (1) parallel to the ground.

[3] Use 2 wrenches (30 mm) to remove the double

nuts (2), and then pull out the bolts (3) and (4).

1 Bucket link
2 Nut
3 Bolt
4 Bolt

383 RSM-13-15-001E
[4] Use a hammer (5) and striking rod (6) to push
the pin (7) out and remove the bucket link (8).

5 Hammer
6 Striking rod
7 Pin
8 Bucket link

RSM-13-15-001E 384
[5] Use a hammer (5) and striking rod (6) to push
the pin (9) out and remove the arm links (10)
and (11).
• If a pin is hard to remove, there is a load on the
• When removing the pins, be careful not to
damage the O-rings or dust seals.

5 Hammer
6 Striking rod
9 Pin
10 Arm link (left)
11 Arm link (right)

2. Installation of Bucket Link

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
• Clean each pin and pin hole.
• When insetting pins, be careful not to damage the O-rings or dust seals.
• As the final step, always grease up.

385 RSM-13-15-001E
Removal and Installation of Bucket Cylinder
・ Stop the machine on a level location with good footing.
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ When working together with others, always be sure to exchange signals and pay adequate
attention to safety.
・ Always wear protective devices (protective eyewear and safety shoes, etc.) when working
with a hammer.
・ Be sure to inspect the nylon sling and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (19 mm, 36 mm)
• Hammer
• Striking rod
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Nylon sling (with the required lifting capacity)
• Grease
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Crossties
• Wire
1. Removal of Bucket Cylinder
[1] Remove the bucket. (For details, see "Removal
and Installation of Bucket".)
[2] Remove the bucket link. (For details, see
"Removal and Installation of Bucket".)
[3] Bring the arm top in contact with the ground.
Retract the bucket cylinder rod.

[4] Tie the cylinder rod with wire (2) so that it can-
not come out.

1 Arm
2 Wire

RSM-13-15-001E 386
[5] Switch the key switch (3) OFF to stop the
engine. Switch the key switch ON again, and
then turn the control lever (4) about 10 times to
bleed off any pressure.
Do not operate the bucket at this time.

[6] Move the travel lever (5) back and forth about 5
times to bleed out the pressure.

[7] Return the key switch to OFF.

3 Key switch
4 Control lever
5 Travel lever

387 RSM-13-15-001E
[8] Press the air breather button (6) on top of the
hydraulic oil tank to release the pressure inside
the tank.

[9] Use 2 wrenches (36 mm) to remove the hoses

(7) and (8).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the hoses and
line to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the hoses and lines by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

[10] Use a crane and nylon sling (9) to secure the

bucket cylinder (10).
• Wrap the nylon sling to the inside of the line so
that it is not crushed.

6 Air breather button

7 Hose
8 Hose
9 Nylon sling
10 Bucket cylinder

RSM-13-15-001E 388
[11] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the bolt (11)
and washer (12).

[12] Use a hammer (13) and striking rod (14) to

push the pin (15) out.
• If a pin is hard to remove, there is a load on the
• When removing the pins, be careful not to
damage the O-rings or dust seals.

[13] Lift the bucket cylinder (10) and remove it.

[14] Place the bucket cylinder on crossties.

10 Bucket cylinder
11 Bolt
12 Washer
13 Hammer
14 Striking rod
15 Pin

2. Installation of Bucket Cylinder

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
• Clean each pin and pin hole.
• When inserting pins, be careful not to damage the dust seals.
• As the final step, always grease up.

389 RSM-13-15-001E
Removal and Installation of Arm Cylinder
・ Stop the machine on a level location with good footing.
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ When working together with others, always be sure to exchange signals and pay adequate
attention to safety.
・ Always wear protective devices (protective eyewear and safety shoes, etc.) when working
with a hammer.
・ Be sure to inspect the nylon sling and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (19 mm, 36 mm, 41 mm)
• Nylon sling (with the required lifting capacity)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Caps
• Plugs
• Hammer
• Striking rod
• Grease
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Crossties
• Wire
1. Removal of Arm Cylinder
[1] Use a crane and nylon sling (1) to secure the
arm cylinder (2).

1 Nylon sling
2 Arm cylinder

RSM-13-15-001E 390
[2] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the bolt (3)
and washer (4).

[3] Use a hammer (5) and striking rod (6) to

remove the pin (7). Be careful. The arm and
arm cylinder rod may come out of place.

[4] Start the engine, move the arm out at idle, and
retract the arm cylinder (2) rod.

2 Arm cylinder
3 Bolt
4 Washer
5 Hammer
6 Striking rod
7 Pin

391 RSM-13-15-001E
[5] Tie the cylinder rod with wire (8) so that it can-
not come out.

[6] Switch the key switch (9) OFF to stop the

engine. Switch the key switch ON again, and
then turn the control lever (10) about 10 times
to bleed off any pressure.
Do not operate the arm at this time.

[7] Move the travel lever (11) back and forth about
5 times to bleed out the pressure.

[8] Switch the key switch OFF.

8 Wire
9 Key switch
10 Control lever
11 Travel lever

RSM-13-15-001E 392
[9] Press the air breather button (12) on top of the
hydraulic oil tank to release the pressure inside
the tank.

[10] Use a wrench (41 mm) to remove the hose

(13) and use a wrench (36 mm) to remove the
hose (14).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the hoses and
lines to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the hoses and lines by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

[11] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the grease

hose (15).
• Use caps and plugs to prevent any entry of
water, dust or dirt.

12 Air breather button

13 Hose
14 Hose
15 Grease hose

393 RSM-13-15-001E
[12] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the bolt (16)
and washer (17).

[13] Use a hammer (18) and striking rod (19) to

push the pin (20) out.
• If a pin is hard to remove, there is a load on the
• When removing the pins, be careful not to
damage the O-rings or dust seals.

[14] Lift the arm cylinder (2).

[15] Place the arm cylinder (2) on crossties.

2 Arm cylinder
16 Bolt
17 Washer
18 Hammer
19 Striking rod
20 Pin

2. Installation of Arm Cylinder

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
• Clean each pin and pin hole.
• When insetting pins, be careful not to damage the O-rings or dust seals.
• As the final step, always grease up.

RSM-13-15-001E 394
Removal and Installation of Arm
・ Stop the machine on a level location with good footing.
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ When working together with others, always be sure to exchange signals and pay adequate
attention to safety.
・ Always wear protective devices (protective eyewear and safety shoes, etc.) when working
with a hammer.
・ Be sure to inspect the nylon sling and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (19 mm)
• Hammer
• Striking rod
• Nylon sling (with the required lifting capacity)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Grease
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Crossties
1. Removal of Arm
[1] Remove the bucket. (For details, see "Removal
and Installation of Bucket".)

[2] Remove the bucket cylinder. (For details, see

"Removal and Installation of Bucket Cylinder".)

[3] Remove the arm cylinder. (For details, see

"Removal and Installation of Arm Cylinder".)

[4] Bring the arm (1) top in contact with the ground
and use a crane and nylon sling (2) to secure
At this time, insert the arm cylinder pin (3) and
secure with the nylon sling. 1 Arm
2 Nylon sling
3 Pin

395 RSM-13-15-001E
[5] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the bolt (4)
and washer (5).

[6] Use a hammer (6) and striking rod (7) to push

the pin (8) out and remove the arm (9).
• If a pin is hard to remove, there is a load on the
• When removing the pins, be careful not to
damage the O-rings or dust seals.
• Be very careful. When the pin is removed, the
arm may fall slightly.
• Be very careful. The arm may fall over to the

4 Bolt
5 Washer
6 Hammer
7 Striking rod
8 Pin
9 Arm

[7] Lift the arm.

[8] Place the arm on crossties.

2. Installation of Arm
To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
• Clean each pin and pin hole.
• When inserting pins, be careful not to damage the dust seals.
• As the final step, always grease up.

RSM-13-15-001E 396
Removal and Installation of Boom Cylinder
・ Stop the machine on a level location with good footing.
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ When working together with others, always be sure to exchange signals and pay adequate
attention to safety.
・ Always wear protective devices (protective eyewear and safety shoes, etc.) when working
with a hammer.
・ Be sure to inspect the nylon sling and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (19 mm, 30 mm, 36 mm)
• Crowbar
• Wire rope (with the required lifting capacity)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Hammer
• Striking rod
• Grease
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Crossties
• Wire
1. Removal of Boom Cylinder
• When removing only the boom cylinder, put the attachments in the temporary decommissioning
• When removing as far as the boom, first remove the bucket, bucket cylinder, arm, and arm cylinder
according to their respective removal procedures.
Bring the boom top in contact with the ground.
[1] Use a crane and nylon sling (1) to secure the
boom cylinder (2).

1 Nylon sling
2 Boom cylinder (right)
2 Boom cylinder (left)

397 RSM-13-15-001E
[2] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the grease
hose (4).
• Use caps and plugs to prevent any entry of
water, dust or dirt.

[3] Use 2 wrenches (30 mm) to remove the 2 dou-

ble nuts (5) and bolt (6), and then remove the
fastening ring (7).

[4] Use a hammer (8) and striking rod (9) to push

the pin (10) out.

[5] Start the engine, lower the boom at idle, and

retract the boom cylinder rod.

4 Grease hose
5 Nut
6 Bolt
7 Ring
8 Hammer
9 Striking rod
10 Pin

RSM-13-15-001E 398
[6] Tie the cylinder rod with wire (11) so that it
cannot come out.

[7] Switch the key switch (12) OFF to stop the

engine. Switch the key switch ON again, and
then turn the control lever (13) about 10 times
to bleed off any pressure.

[8] Move the travel lever (14) back and forth about
5 times to bleed out the pressure.

[9] Switch the key switch OFF.

11 Wire
12 Key switch
13 Control lever
14 Travel lever

399 RSM-13-15-001E
[10] Press the air breather button (15) on top of the
hydraulic oil tank to release the pressure inside
the tank.

[11] Use a wrench (36 mm) to remove the hose

• Mark the lines and hoses so that the connec-
tors match at the time of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the hoses and
lines to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the hoses and lines by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

[12] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the bolt (17)

and washer (18).

15 Air breather button

16 Hose
17 Bolt
18 Washer

RSM-13-15-001E 400
[13] Use a crowbar to remove the pin (19).

[14] Use a crane and nylon sling (1) to lift up and

remove the boom cylinder (2).

[15] Place the boom cylinder (2) on crossties.

[16] Remove the cab side cylinder (3) with the

same procedure.

1 Nylon sling
2 Boom cylinder (left)
3 Boom cylinder (right)
19 Pin

2. Installation of Boom Cylinder

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
• Clean each pin and pin hole.
• When inserting pins, be careful not to damage the dust seals.
• As the final step, always grease up.

401 RSM-13-15-001E
Removal and Installation of Boom
・ Stop the machine on a level location with good footing.
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ When working together with others, always be sure to exchange signals and pay adequate
attention to safety.
・ Always wear protective devices (protective eyewear and safety shoes, etc.) when working
with a hammer.
・ Be sure to inspect the nylon sling and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (10 mm, 19 mm, 22 mm, 30 mm, 36 mm, 41 mm)
• Slide hammer (24 mm)
• Nylon sling (with the required lifting capacity)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Batten
• Square wooden pieces
• Wire
1. Removal of Boom
[1] Remove the bucket. (For details, see "Removal
and Installation of Bucket".)
[2] Remove the bucket cylinder. (For details, see
"Removal and Installation of Bucket Cylinder".)
[3] Remove the arm cylinder. (For details, see
"Removal and Installation of Arm Cylinder".)
[4] Remove the arm. (For details, see "Removal
and Installation of Arm".)
[5] When removing the boom cylinder too, see
"Removal and Installation of Boom".
[6] This section explains the procedure for when
not removing the boom cylinder.
Bring the boom (1) top in contact with the
ground. 1 Boom

RSM-13-15-001E 402
[7] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the grease
hose (2).
• Use caps and plugs to prevent any entry of
water, dust or dirt.

[8] Use a wrench (30 mm) to remove the double

nuts (3) and bolt (4), and then remove the fas-
tening ring (5).

[9] Use a hammer (6) and striking rod (7) to push

the pin (8) out.
Use a crane and nylon sling (9) to hold the
boom cylinder so that it does not fall.

2 Grease hose
3 Nut
4 Bolt
5 Ring
6 Hammer
7 Striking rod
8 Pin
9 Nylon sling

403 RSM-13-15-001E
[10] Tie the cylinder rod with wire (10) so that it
cannot come out.

[11] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the grease

nipple (11), and then secure the base of the
boom cylinder with the batten (12).

[12] Lower the boom cylinder and let it rest on the

batten (12).

[13] Remove the cab side boom cylinder from the

boom in the same way.

10 Wire
11 Grease nipple
12 Batten

RSM-13-15-001E 404
[14] Install the pin (8) removed in Step [9].
Use a wrench (30 mm) to install the bolt (4)
with the 2 double nuts (3), and then install the
fastening ring (5).

[15] Wrap the nylon sling (9) around the pin

installed in Step [13] and secure with the

3 Nut
4 Bolt
5 Ring
8 Pin
9 Nylon sling

405 RSM-13-15-001E
[16] Use wrenches (22 mm, 36 mm, 41 mm) to
remove the hoses (13), (14), (15), (16), (17)
and (18).
• Mark the hoses and lines so that the connec-
tors match at the time of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the hoses and
lines to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the hoses and lines by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

[17] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the bolt (19)

and washer (20).

[18] Use a slide hammer (21) (24 mm) to remove

the pin (22).

13 Bucket hose (use 36 mm wrench)

14 Bucket hose (use 36 mm wrench)
15 Arm hose (use 36 mm wrench)
16 Arm hose (use 41 mm wrench)
17 2nd option hose (use 22mm wrench)
18 2nd option hose (use 22mm wrench)
19 Bolt
20 Washer
21 Slide hammer
22 Pin

RSM-13-15-001E 406
[19] Back up the machine and remove the boom

1 Boom

2. Installation of Boom Cylinder

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
• Clean each pin and pin hole.
• When inserting pins, be careful not to damage the dust seals.
• As the final step, always grease up.

407 RSM-13-15-001E
Removal and Installation of Arm HBCV
・ Stop the machine in the temporary decommissioning posture on a level location with good
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ When working together with others, always be sure to exchange signals and pay adequate
attention to safety.
・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (22 mm)
• Hexagon wrench (10 mm)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
1. Removal of Arm HBCV
[1] Use a wrench (22 mm) to remove the hoses
(1) and (2).
• Mark the HBCV and hoses so that the connec-
tors match at the time of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the hoses and
HBCV to prevent any entry of water, dust or
• Clean the hoses and HBCV by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

[2] Use a hexagon wrench (10 mm) to remove the

4 hexagon socket head bolts (3), and then
remove the line (4).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the HBCV and
lines to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the HBCV and lines by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

1 Pilot hose
2 Drain hose
3 Bolt
4 Line

RSM-13-15-001E 408
[3] Use a hexagon wrench (10 mm) to remove the
4 hexagon socket head bolts (5), and then
remove the arm HBCV (6).

5 Bolt
6 Arm HBCV

2. Installation of Arm HBCV

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
The tightening torque for line installation and HBCV installation is 92.4 ± 17.5 N•m.

409 RSM-13-15-001E
Removal and Installation of Boom HBCV
・ Stop the machine on a level location with good footing.
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
Caution ・ When working together with others, always be sure to exchange signals and pay adequate
attention to safety.
・ Be sure to release hydraulic pressure before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (19 mm, 22 mm, 27 mm)
• Hexagon wrench (8 mm)
• Marking pen
• Caps
• Plugs
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Crossties
1. Removal of Boom HBCV
[1] Use wrenches (19 mm, 22 mm) to remove the
hoses (1), (2), (3) and (4) from the tool box
side boom HBCV.
• Mark the HBCV and hoses so that the connec-
tors match at the time of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the HBCV and
lines to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the HBCV and lines by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

[2] Use a hexagon wrench (8 mm) to remove the 4

hexagon socket head bolts (5), and then
remove the line (6).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the HBCV and
line to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the HBCV and lines by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

1 Pilot hose (use 19 mm wrench)

2 Drain hose (use 22 mm wrench)
3 Drain hose (use 22 mm wrench)
4 Pilot hose (use 22 mm wrench)
5 Bolt
6 Line

RSM-13-15-001E 410
[3] Use a hexagon wrench (8 mm) to remove the 4
hexagon socket head bolts (7), and then
remove the boom HBCV (8).

[4] Use wrenches (19 mm, 22 mm) to remove the

hoses (1), (3), (4) and (9) from the cab side
boom HBCV in Step [1].

[5] Use a wrench (27 mm) to remove the boom

bottom pressure sensor (10).
• Mark the HBCV and hoses so that the connec-
tors match at the time of assembly.
• Use caps and plugs to cover the HBCV and
lines to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the HBCV and lines by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

[6] Use a hexagon wrench (8 mm) to remove the 4

hexagon socket head bolts (11), and then
remove the line (12).
• Use caps and plugs to cover the HBCV and
lines to prevent any entry of water, dust or dirt.
• Clean the HBCV and lines by spraying them
with a parts cleaner to prevent scratches and
prevent dirt from accumulating on the connec-

1 Pilot hose (use 22 mm wrench)

3 Drain hose (use 19 mm wrench)
4 Pilot hose (use 22 mm wrench)
7 Bolt
8 Boom HBCV
9 Pilot hose (use 22 mm wrench)
10 Boom bottom pressure sensor
11 Bolt
12 Line

411 RSM-13-15-001E
[7] Use a hexagon wrench (8 mm) to remove the 4
hexagon socket head bolts (13), and then
remove the boom HBCV (14).

13 Bolt
14 Boom HBCV

2. Installation of Arm HBCV

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
The tightening torque for line installation and HBCV installation is 51.2 ± 9.6 N•m.

RSM-13-15-001E 412
Procedures for Operation / Assembly and Disassembly of Hydraulic Cylinder
1. Specifications and Structure Diagram (including the assembly diagram and parts table)
This manual explains the KCH-6 model construction machine hydraulic cylinder, which has a struc-
ture typical of such cylinders.
For details on the specifications and structure of the product being used, see the delivery diagram
(including the assembly diagram and parts table) given separately.
2. Operation Explanation
(1) Basic functions
Hydraulic cylinders are a type of hydraulic actuator. A hydraulic cylinder converts the energy of
pressure supplied from the hydraulic pump into a large force of linear motion. By operating the
hydraulic pressure direction switchover valve, one can switch the direction of operation between
extension and retraction. This linear motion with large force and the switchover of the operation
direction are the basic functions.
(2) Function of each location
This manual explains the functions of each section of the cylinder using one of our products with
a typical structure. There may be some slight differences with the product being used, but the
functions are the same.
1) Cylinder head assembly
The cylinder head assembly has the function of bearing the piston rod (2) by the bushing (4)
press fit into the interior diameter of the cylinder head (3). The seal system of the interior diam-
eter of the cylinder head prevents oil from leaking to the outside and prevents foreign matter
from getting into the cylinder. The cylinder head assembly also has the function of supplying
and discharging high-pressure oil from inside the cylinder tube to the retraction side port.

1 Cylinder tube 7 U-ring

2 Piston rod 8 Backup ring
3 Cylinder head 9 Wiper ring
4 Bushing 10 O-ring
5 O-ring 11 Backup ring
6 Buffer ring 12 Installation bolt

• Bushing
Press fit to the inside surface of the cylinder head (3) and contacts the piston rod (2). Together
with the slide rings (18) and (19) on the outer circumference of the piston, the bushing divides
the lateral load applied to the cylinder and moves linearly relative to the piston rod. Further-
more, it supports one end of the piston rod and has the function of minimizing eccentricity
which has a negative impact on the sealing.
• Buffer ring
The buffer ring (6) has the function of buffering the pressure and heat applied on the U-ring (7)
by the hydraulic oil to improve durability.

413 RSM-13-15-001E
• U-ring and backup ring
The U-ring (7) seals the pressurized oil within the cylinder. The U-ring also has the function of
forming an appropriate oil film on the surface of the piston rod in order to prevent rust of the
piston rod (2). The backup ring (8) has the function of suppressing extrusion of the U-ring into
the gap between the piston rod and the cylinder head (3) when the pressure operates and of
improving durability.
• Wiper ring
The wiper ring (9) is positioned in the opening where the piston rod (2) comes out from and
goes into the cylinder and prevents dust and water from getting into the cylinder from the out-
side. It also has the function of wiping off any mud sticking to the surface of the piston rod as
the piston rod moves.
2) Piston assembly
The piston assembly has the function of transmitting the propulsion of the cylinder. A seal ring
(16) is mounted on the center of the piston (15) to prevent the flow of pressurized oil from either
the left or right chamber to the other chamber. There are slide rings (18) and (19) mounted at
each end of the seal ring. They have the function of a bearing to receive the cylinder lateral

1 Cylinder tube 19 Slide ring

2 Piston rod 20 Locking screw
13 Cushion ring 21 Steel ball
14 Cushion seal 22 Cushion ring
15 Piston 23 Cushion seal
16 Seal ring 24 Stopper
17 Backup ring 25 Snap ring
18 Slide ring

RSM-13-15-001E 414
For some cylinder sizes, the piston (15) and nut (21) are separate.

1 Cylinder tube 20 Shim

2 Piston rod 21 Nut
13 Cushion ring 22 Locking screw
14 Cushion seal 23 Steel ball
15 Piston 24 Cushion ring
16 Seal ring 25 Cushion seal
17 Backup ring 26 Stopper
18 Slide ring 27 Snap ring
19 Slide ring

Example of parts numbers for separated piston and nut

• Seal ring and backup ring
The seal ring (16) is positioned at the center of the piston (15) and uses the tension force of
the O-ring to seal the ring-shaped gap between the piston and the cylinder tube (1) and form
chambers with a high-pressure side and a low-pressure side with the piston as the boundary.
The backup ring (17) has the function of suppressing extrusion of the seal ring into the gap
between the piston and the cylinder tube when the pressure operates and of improving dura-
• Slide ring
Slide rings are positioned at both ends of the seal ring (16) and contact the inside surface of
the cylinder tube (1). Together with the bushing (4) positioned on the inside surface of the cyl-
inder head (3), the slide ring divides the lateral load applied to the cylinder and moves linearly
relative to the inside surface of the cylinder tube.
Furthermore, it supports one end of the piston rod (2) and has the functions of minimizing
eccentricity, which has a negative impact on the sealing, and buries and captures any impuri-
ties trapped between the cylinder tube and the slide rings (18) and (19).
• Cushion ring
When the cylinder is fully extended, the cylinder head (3) and the cushion ring (13) fit together.
When it is fully retracted, the cylinder bottom and the cushion ring fit together. In both cases,
this forms a ring-shaped gap and squeezes the oil to reduce the cylinder collision speed at full
extension or full retraction and thus soften the impact.

415 RSM-13-15-001E
3) Pipe assembly
The pipe assembly is mounted on the extension side and retraction side ports of the cylinder
tube assembly. It has the function of supplying and discharging high-pressure oil by connecting
with the hydraulic circuits of the machine body.

28 Pipe assembly
29 Pipe assembly

RSM-13-15-001E 416
3. Handling Precautions
(1) Precautions for installing the cylinder on the machine body
• When installing the cylinder on the machine body or removing it from the machine body, secure
the piston rod at the fully retracted position, check safety, and suspend.
Never suspend the cylinder from the line section. This would not only pose the danger of falling
but could also damage the cylinder.
Use a band to secure the piston rod in the fully retracted state. If the piston rod is not in the fully
Caution retracted state, it could be easily damaged. This could create the need for repair or make the
piston rod unusable. Also, not securing the piston rod is dangerous because the piston rod
might fly out unexpectedly.

• Do not weld after the cylinder has been mounted on the machine body.
Electric welding on the cylinder or even at a position separated from the cylinder can generate
Caution a spark within the cylinder and damage parts. This could cause extensive damage, making it
necessary to replace parts or replace the cylinder.

• When painting the machine body, mask the piston rod and wiper ring.
If the cylinder is operated with paint sticking to the piston rod surface and the wiper ring, the
wiper ring does not function adequately, greatly interfering with cylinder functions. For example,
Caution dirt and paint from the outside may get into the cylinder easily and damage seal parts and
cause an oil leak.

• Clean the cylinder before installing it.

(2)Usage cautions
• Use under the determined conditions.
Use of hydraulic oil other than that specified can cause rapid deterioration of and damage to
seal parts. If the relief valve is set to a value higher than that on the assembly diagram, there is
a danger of this leading to cylinder damage.
General sealing materials cannot handle high ambient temperature (about 100 ℃ or higher) or
low ambient temperature (-20 ℃ or lower), so the cylinder would be damaged if used at such
temperatures. Such temperatures require special seal materials, so check if the cylinder being
used complies with this requirement.
The number one cause of cylinder trouble is oil leaks due to piston rod scratches. Operate very
carefully to avoid scratching the piston rod.
If the piston rod is scratched, handle this according to "5. Trouble Diagnostics".

• Warm up the equipment adequately before work.

After the cylinder has been stopped for a long time, the seal parts inside the cylinder are stuck
to the metal of sliding surfaces, so do not suddenly pressurize or operate such a cylinder.
A new cylinder or one that has been left unused for a long time has much air built up inside, so
it does not operate smoothly. Also, if one suddenly operates or pressurizes the cylinder without
Caution bleeding out the air, the adiabatic compression of the air generates high temperatures, which
may burn and carbonize seal parts, leading to a drastic drop in functioning.
Before starting work, always warm up the cylinder by moving slowly through a few full strokes
under no load to bleed off any air in the cylinder.

417 RSM-13-15-001E
• Always put the machine in a safely secured posture when stopping it temporarily or storing it.
When extended, the cylinder cannot hold a load for a long time in a fixed position. This is
because the cylinder is extended and retracted by very minor oil leaks from hydraulic circuits
and from inside the cylinder and changes in the volume of the hydraulic oil due to oil
Caution temperature variation. This results in the danger of machine moving unexpectedly, which can
lead to serious accidents.
Always put the machine in a safely secured position before stopping it temporarily or storing it.

(3)Maintenance and inspection cautions

• Always carry out daily maintenance inspections.
The most important point for realizing the cylinder functions for a longer time is "daily
maintenance inspections". In order to ensure adequate cylinder functioning, execute "4.
Maintenance Inspection and Service".
Caution Constantly clean off any mud, water, dust, oil or grease stuck to the piston rod and keep the
piston rod in a clean state. However, do not use water or the like to clean the wiper ring section
and seal section. Wipe with a rag. When leaving the machine unused for a week or longer,
apply anti-rust oil to the surface of the piston rod in order to prevent rusting.

• Use genuine KYB parts for replacement parts.

If replacement parts are used that are not genuine KYB parts, adequate functioning cannot be
attained. Always use genuine KYB parts.
Caution Specialty jigs have been produced so that assembly work and disassembly work can be done
safely and quickly, so order them.

• Be careful about assembly and disassembly too.

Disassembling a cylinder still installed on the machine body is extremely dangerous because it
can cause unexpected movement of the machine body. Always remove the cylinder from the
machine body before disassembling it.
Caution Assembling with dirty hands can get dirt inside the cylinder and not only reduce the cylinder
service life but also damage other hydraulic equipment. Assemble under clean conditions.
Use the thread part tightening torque indicated in the diagram. If the torque is either too low or
too high, this can cause thread damage.

• Strictly observe the cylinder storage standards.

Caution Execute according to "7. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures".

RSM-13-15-001E 418
4. Maintenance Inspection and Service
In order to ensure a hydraulic cylinder functions properly for a long time, periodically carry out main-
tenance inspection and service based on the "Autonomous inspection table". Repair any trouble
locations quickly based on the trouble diagnostics.
For periodic inspection and service, first work to prevent any hazard to operators. Strive to
Caution prevent hazards by working with an attitude based on good sense.

Inspection and
Inspection and service detail Daily Monthly Yearly Remarks
service location
Is the cylinder clean (especially rod sliding
sections)? ○

Appearance Is any oil leaking from line installation sections

or other fixed sections? ○

Is there missing or peeling paint, or rust? ○

Is operation smooth and free of abnormal
noise and any other abnormality? ○

Is the responsiveness good? ○

Is any oil leaking from sliding sections? ○
Are there internal leaks? ○
Is the pressure used normal? ○
Is the overload relief valve set pressure
normal? ○

Is hydraulic oil dirty or deteriorated? ○

Hydraulic oil Is hydraulic oil replaced periodically? ○
Are filters inspected periodically? ○
Is the supply of grease to pins adequate? ○
Do pin sections have any abnormal noises or
seizing? ○
Main unit
installation Do pin sections have any backlash or wear? ○
section Are pin seals normal? ○
Are any installation screws loose or fallen out? ○
Retighten installation screws. ○
Are sliding sections worn? ○
When leaving piston
Are sliding sections scratched or dented? ○ rod sliding sections
Piston rod Is sliding section plating peeling off? ○ exposed for long
section periods, apply anti-
Are sliding sections bent? ○ rust oil to the piston
Are there any welding section cracks or rod.
damage? ○

Are there any loose bolts or nuts (threaded

parts)? ○

Cylinder tube Retighten threaded installation parts (bolts

and nuts (threaded parts)). ○
section (including
line sections) Are there any welding section cracks or
damage? ○

Are there large dents on the tube? ○

419 RSM-13-15-001E
5. Trouble Diagnostics
Hydraulic cylinder trouble, countermeasure and solution
It is not easy to discover trouble locations. The table below shows general symptoms, suggested
causes and also solutions.
For repairs, see the possible causes and solutions in the table.
The cause of machine problems are often not rooted in just a single part. Problems are often due to
the relationship of one part with another. In some cases, solutions are required other than those
given in the table. In such a case, contact with our company to investigate the problem and its cause
further and take appropriate measures.
Item Symptom
Piston rod sliding section oil leak
(For the judgment values, see "7. (4) Inspection after assembly".)
2 Cylinder head matching section oil leak
3 Pipe and cylinder tube welding section oil leak
4 Operation defect

Item Symptom Related part Symptom Countermeasure and solution

① Remove the scratches with a whetstone to make the sliding
surface smooth (1.5 s max.). If the oil leak continues, the rod
A sliding surface has scratches may have damaged the U-ring or other seal, so
rust and scratches that disassemble and inspect.
catch on a fingernail. ② If the scratches or rust cover too large an area to be repaired
Piston rod with a whetstone, replace the piston rod and the U-ring, wiper
ring, or other seal and the piston rod bearing part.
① Replate or replace the piston rod.
Plating is peeling off. ② At this time, inspect the seals and piston rod bearing part as
well and replace any that are damaged.
There is foreign matter ① Remove the foreign matter.
caught in the interior or ② If the packing is damaged, replace it.
exterior diameter
There are scratches on
the interior or exterior Replace the part.
diameter section.
Piston rod ① This may be scorching due to adiabatic compression of air
sliding The lips and groove remaining in the cylinder.
section oil section are locally ② When operating the cylinder for the first time after replacing a
leak carbonized (scorched). packing, run at low pressure and low speed to adequately
Rod packing bleed off the air.
(Buffer ring
and U-ring) The packing has lost its ① Replace the part.
rubber elasticity and is ② This may be the end of the packing service life, deterioration of
in tatters. the hydraulic oil, or high temperature of the hydraulic oil.
a. Replace the hydraulic oil.
The lip section is b. Check the temperature of the hydraulic oil. (The oil
defective all the way temperature should be no higher than 80 ℃ .)
around. c. Check for local high temperature.
① Replace the part.
There is major ② Abnormally high pressure may be operating on the packing.
extrusion of the a. Check the pressure during operation.
packing heel section. b. There may be trouble with the buffer ring section.
Inspect the buffer ring section.
① As a rule, replace the rod packing too at the same time.
Backup ring
The part is greatly ② Abnormally high pressure is often the cause. The check items
deformed. for this are the same as those given above for packing heel
section extrusion.

RSM-13-15-001E 420
Item Symptom Related part Symptom Countermeasure and solution
There is foreign matter
Remove the foreign matter.
caught in the lip.
Wiper ring The lip is damaged.
There is other Replace the part.
abnormal damage.
There is major wear of
the bushing and the
Piston rod gap with the piston rod
sliding Replace the part.
1 exceeds the limit on
section oil Bearing part interior diameter wear
leak (bushing) in "8.-(9) Usage limits".
There are large ① Replace the part.
scratches on a sliding ② Inspect the piston rod sliding surfaces for scratches and rust.
A seal mounting ① Remove the scratches or rust with a whetstone.
section has scratches ② If the repair does not solve the problem, replace the cylinder
and rust. head.
① Remove the foreign matter.
② If the O-ring is damaged, replace it.
There is foreign matter
caught in the interior or ③ Tube interior surface inspection: If there are any scratches or
O-ring exterior diameter. rust, use a whetstone to make the surface smooth.
There is damage to the ④ Cylinder head O-ring groove inspection: Same as above
O-ring. ⑤ Backup ring inspection: If the backup ring is deformed or
extruded, replace it.
Check the above and replace the O-ring.
The part is deformed or
Backup ring Replace the backup ring together with the O-ring.
head ① Disassemble the cylinder head and inspect the O-ring and
2 matching backup ring. If there is damage, replace.
section oil ② Check the tube and cylinder head threads for damage and if
leak A part is loose. there is any damage, replace.
③ When the inspection is complete, tighten to the specified
torque. See "7. (7) Assembly procedure".
④ Stop rotation.
There is looseness,
Bolt Replace all the bolts and tighten to the specified torque.
stretching or breakage.
① Replace with a new one.
Cylinder There is abnormal ② Oil leaks at matching sections may be caused by abnormally
tube swelling. high pressure (including cushion pressure), so if the tube is
swollen or deformed, replace it with a new one. Also inspect
the circuit pressure.
Replace with a new one.
Pipe and Caution (See page 421.)
cylinder Pipe and
There are cracks on
tube welding cylinder The crack progresses and ultimately the part fractures.
the welding section.
section oil tube A fracture is extremely dangerous, so if a crack is seen, quickly
leak stop work and replace that part.
3 Welding over a crack is ineffective.
Line fastening bolt is
Tighten to the specified torque according to the work procedure.
Oil leak from loose.
cylinder line Pipe The line is bent. Replace with a new one.
connection assembly
section There are scratches on ① Use a whetstone to make the surface smooth.
a contact surface. ② If the oil leak does not stop, replace.

421 RSM-13-15-001E
Item Symptom Related part Symptom Countermeasure and solution
The bending is large ① Replace with a new one.
and exceeds the ② There may also be damage to seals and sliding parts, so
Piston rod
stipulated bend warp. inspect them. If there is any abnormality, replace.
(Bend warp: See "7. (3)
Cylinder Replace with a new one. Inspect the seal and sliding parts the
defect There are dents.
tube same as above.
Movement is
not smooth. Abnormal wear of ① Replace with a new one.
sliding parts and Inspect the seal and sliding parts the same as above.
Piston rod
damaged piston ② Remove the foreign matter.
section or foreign Inspect the seal and sliding parts the same as above.
matter caught at the
Sliding parts
cylinder head sliding
There are scratches, Replace with a new one.
Internal oil Piston seal
wear, or other damage. Also inspect the cylinder tube interior surfaces.
The piston ① Use honing or a whetstone to eliminate the scratches and rust
rod extends There are scratches and make the surface smooth. If the scratches cover too large
and retracts Cylinder
and rust on interior an area to be repaired, replace the cylinder tube with a new
on its own tube
surface. one.
and drops ② Replace with a new piston seal.
during ① Tighten to the specified torque.¢7.-See "7. - (7) Assembly
operation. procedure".
Tightening is
Also, the Piston nut
insufficient. ② The piston rod thread section could be stretched. Measure the
stipulated diameter where the rod and piston fit together and if this area is
speed is not tapered, replace the piston rod assembly.
Valves Leak from valve. Inspect the amount of valve leakage and service.
Bleed out the air.
a. Cylinder with no air bleeding
Bleed out the air by moving the cylinder back and forth at few
times at low pressure and low speed.
b. Cylinder with air bleeding (air breather)
Operation is There is air remaining After securing the machine so that the cylinder does not move,
unsteady. in the cylinder. bleed the air from the air breather.
The cylinder extends or retracts somewhat when the cylinder
stops suddenly. This phenomenon occurs due to the
compressibility of the hydraulic oil. This occurs particularly
easily for cylinders with long strokes.
The impact
is high when
switching The gap between the
over Pin bushing installation section and Measure the pin and pin bushing dimensions and replace any part
between Pin the pin bushing is that exceeds its stipulated dimension.
extension enlarged.
Cylinder The oil or grease feed
Apply oil or grease.
sliding is inadequate.
Pin bushing
Pin There is galling at
make Replace with a new part and apply oil or grease.
sounds. matching section.


The hydraulic oil expands and contracts with changes in temperature and pressure.
This causes the cylinder to extend and retract too, so it can be mistaken for an internal oil leak.
For internal oil leaks, always check the temperature and pressure under the same conditions.

RSM-13-15-001E 422
6. Storage Standards
When a hydraulic cylinder is shipped from the plant, every measure is taken, but in order to prevent
trouble during storage and to extend the product service life, pay attention to the following items.
1) Storing the cylinder alone (In principle, store indoors.)
• Store the cylinder off the floor and do not store in any location with high temperature and
humidity, corrosive gas or liquids.
• Before shipment, we operates the cylinder with hydraulic oil to which a fixed quantity of vaporiz-
ing anti-rust agent has been added (in order to prevent rust within the cylinder), carries out the
pre-shipping inspection, then retracts the piston rod with ultra-dry air (condensation point -35 ℃
or lower) (in order to prevent condensation due to temperature difference), and then puts caps
on the ports and line joints before shipping the cylinder.
• Any product that has been storage in our product warehouse longer than the standard storage
period is disassembled and inspected before being shipped. Therefore, do not store or leave a
cylinder unused with a cap removed or with the remaining oil in the cylinder drained.
Storage for one month or Storage for six months or longer
Storage for one year or longer
longer (3 months for cylinder alone)
Clean any dust from the Operate the cylinder back and forth
Since there is a danger of packing
cylinder, and then apply with clear hydraulic oil, and then
deterioration, disassemble, inspect,
anti-rust oil to the pin pour anti-rust oil into the cylinder
① bushings, flange sections, and store in compliance with the
and replace packings.
Also, check for rust inside the
piston rod, and other items on the left for storage of one
sections that rust easily. month.
If a cylinder that has been stored for
If the cylinder cannot be operated, a long time is used as is, oil may leak
② -
seal in anti-rust oil. due to temporary running-in defects
of seals.
③ When storing a cylinder, be extremely careful not to drop it, let it collide with anything, strike it.

2) Mounted on vehicle body

① Operate the cylinder at least once per month
② Retract the cylinder so that as much as possible outside air does not touch the piston rod and apply anti-rust
oil at least once per month to the exposed part of the piston rod.
③ Handle carefully to absolutely avoid scratching the piston rod.
④ When putting the cylinder into an environment where rust occurs particularly easily, for example due to
exposure to sea breezes during export, always apply anti-rust oil to the piston rod and as much as possible
protect with polyethylene sheets or VCI paper (vaporizing anti-rust paper).
⑤ Anti-rust oil and other solvents can have negative impacts on seals, so select anti-rust oil carefully and as much
as possible keep it off dust seals etc. (For details on anti-rust oil to select, see "6.3) Recommended anti-rust oil".)

3) Recommended anti-rust oil

Vaporizing anti-rust oil
a. Ferro Gard #1009 (from USC Limited)
a. Knuckle Oil #105S (from Parker Industries, Inc.)
For inside cylinder For both a. and b., add 3 % - 5 % of the hydraulic oil.
By volume,
Ferro Gard: 5/100
Knuckle Oil: 3/100
For piston rod Anti-rust P-1300 (from the Nippon Oil Corporation)
For machine worked surfaces
Select from JIS K 2246 (anti-rust oil) NP-1 through NP-6.
other than parts with oil sealed in

423 RSM-13-15-001E
7. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures
(1) Preparations ・・・・・ Prepare the following before starting disassembly.
[1] Work platform preparation
Prepare a sufficiently spacious, solid and stable work surface so that parts will not fall or
move during work.
[2] Tool and materials preparation
Prepare the tools and materials shown on the following pages.
(2) General work precautions
[1] Clean any dirt or mud from the outside walls of the cylinder before starting disassembly.
[2] Each part has been manufactured with a high degree of precision, so be careful not to let
parts bump each other or fall when handling them.
[3] If parts are struck or pulled with excessive force during work because they are tight, this may
cause burrs or damage which causing reduction in performance or oil leaking. Perform work
carefully and thoroughly.
[4] If a cylinder is left disassembled, humidity and dirt can cause rust on parts. If a pause in the
work is unavoidable, be careful to prevent rust and keep off dust.
(3) Maintenance standards
Replace sliding parts and seal parts as follows.
[1] BushingWhen 1/4 of the circumference is worn brown over the entire length
[2] Seals and slide ringsReplace with new parts when the cylinder is disassembled.
[3] Pin bushingWhen there is drastic galling
[4] Piston rodWhen the piston rod is bent more than 0.5 mm/1 m

RSM-13-15-001E 424
(4)Inspection after assembly
Dimension inspection Check the fully retracted length and stroke as instructed on the diagram.
Pressure withstand Check for looseness, permanent deformation, and external leaks when the test
inspection pressure instructed on the diagram is applied to each stroke end for at least 3 min.
Check the amount of oil leak at the rod section.
・ Judgment value for rod section oil leak
Move the piston rod back and forth 20 times with the oil at a temperature from 20 ℃
to 40 ℃ , and then judge by the state of the oil ring formed on the rod surface. If the
oil ring is in a broken down A state, this is judged to be trouble. See "5. Trouble
Diagnostics" for information on how to solve this.

External leak inspection

Oil leak unit: ml/10 min.

Interior Interior Interior
Oil leak Oil leak Oil leak
diameter diameter diameter
amount amount amount
mm mm mm
32 0.4 160 10.0
Internal leak inspection
40 0.6 100 4.0 180 12.6
50 1.0 125 5.6 200 15.6
63 1.6 140 6.0 220 20.0
80 2.3 250 22.0

425 RSM-13-15-001E
(5)Required tools
1) General tools

No. Tool name Q'ty

1 Screwdriver (flathead screwdriver) 1

2 Hexagon wrench 1 set

3 Vise 1

4 Wrench (for piston nuts) 1 set

5 Punch 1

6 Torque wrench 1 set

7 Hammer (plastic hammer) 1

8 Monkey wrench 1

9 scoop 1 set

RSM-13-15-001E 426
2) Special jig
Cylinder assembly requires the following special jigs.
Jig name Sketch

For bushing removal and press fitting

For wiper ring press fitting

Seal ring insertion jig

Seal ring calibration jig

For cylinder head insertion

For piston insertion

Consult with our company about jigs.

(The following page has a list of jig part numbers.)

427 RSM-13-15-001E
3) Special jigs part number list
[1] Select jigs for the cylinder head according to the rod diameter.
[2] Select jigs for the piston according to the cylinder bore.
Applicable rod diameter Set part number
65 3006J-56001
70 3007J-06001
75 3007J-56001
80 3008J-06001
85 3008J-56001
Cylinder head
assembly and 90 3009J-06001
disassembly jig
95 3009J-56001
100 3010J-06001
105 3010J-56001
110 3011J-06001
115 3011J-56001
120 3012J-06001
Applicable cylinder bore Set part number
95 3009J-51001
100 3010J-01001
105 3010J-51001
110 3011J-01001
115 3011J-51001
120 3012J-01001
Seal ring insertion and
125 3012J-51001
calibration jig
130 3013J-01001
135 3013J-51001
140 3014J-01001
145 3014J-51001
150 3015J-01001
160 3016J-01001
170 3017J-01001

RSM-13-15-001E 428
(6)Disassembly procedure
1) Drain the oil.
2) Secure the cylinder.
Secure the cylinder in a vertical or horizontal
position. A vertical position makes assembly
and disassembly easier. Secure the cylinder
using the bottom pin hole and stop rotation
and secure the axis position.
(When securing the cylinder, if a line or the
like interferes, remove it.)

3) Removal of cylinder head

Use a hexagon wrench to loosen the cylinder
head tightening bolts and remove them.
Passing a pipe through the hexagon wrench
as in the diagram below makes the work eas-

429 RSM-13-15-001E
4) Pull out the piston rod.
[1] Check that the line caps are removed.
[2] Put the oil pan at the retraction side (cylinder head side) port.
[3] With the piston rod pulled out all the way, slowly pull out the cylinder head and remove it.
[4] Pull out the piston rod together with the cylinder head and place them on crossties.

・ When assembling and disassembling with the cylinder

secured vertically, work paying particular attention to the
following points.
In the work of removing the piston rod, the cylinder head
may come out of the cylinder tube ahead of the piston due to
friction with the packing, creating a condition in which there
is space between the cylinder head and the piston.
If the work is done in that state, the cylinder head may
suddenly slip out and injure the operator. Always work with
the cylinder head touching the piston.

Working in the vertical state

・ When assembling and disassembling with

the cylinder secured horizontally, work
paying particular attention to the following
In the work of removing the piston rod,
there is a danger of the piston rod falling
and damaging parts right after it is
Work carefully while holding the rod
horizontal and in contact with the crossties.

5) Secure the piston rod.

Use the rod head bolt width or pin hole to set
up a rotation stopper.

RSM-13-15-001E 430
6) Remove the piston nut.
[1] Remove the locking screw (3).
Locking screw is caulked in with a punch
at 2 locations on the outer circumference.
Cut away the caulked sections with a
hand drill, and then loosen the locking

[2] Remove the steel ball (2) at the bottom of

the locking screw (3).

[3] Remove the piston nut.

• The piston nut is tightened with the torque
specified in the assembly diagram.
• Loosening a piston nut requires about 1.5
times that torque. Prepare the power
wrench (6) that uses the hydraulic jack (4)
and hydraulic cylinder (5).
* For a one piece piston and nut, apply
the wrench to the hexagonal section of
the piston and loosen the piston

7) Removal of piston etc.

Remove the piston (9), cushion ring (8), and cylinder head (7) in that order.

1 Drill
2 Steel ball
3 Locking screw
4 Hydraulic jack
5 Hydraulic cylinder
6 Wrench
7 Cylinder head
8 Cushion ring
9 Piston

431 RSM-13-15-001E
8) Retraction side cushion ring disassembly

[1] Remove the piston nut. The cushion ring cannot be disassembled with the piston nut
[2] Remove the snap ring (12). Remove by gently tapping with a plastic hammer in such a way
as to not scratch the piston rod (11) or cushion ring (14).
[3] When the cushion ring (14) is slid to the piston rod thread (11) side, the stopper (split in two)
(15) can be removed.
[4] Remove the cushion ring (14).
[5] The cushion seal (13) has a split opening, so spread the opening wide and remove the cush-
ion seal.

9) Remove the piston seal.

[1] The slide rings (22) and backup ring (20)
can be removed easily by hand.
[2] Stand up a flathead screwdriver (23) as in
the diagram on the right and tap with a
hammer to cut through the seal ring (16),
and then remove the seal ring.
[3] Pull out the O-ring (19) with a scoop.
* The removed seal parts cannot be
10 Screw
11 Piston rod
12 Snap ring
13 One cushion seal split opening
14 Cushion ring
15 Stopper (split in two)
16 Seal ring
17 Piston
18 Vise
19 O-ring
20 Backup ring
21 Hardwood
22 Slide ring
23 Screwdriver

RSM-13-15-001E 432
10)Disassembly of buffer ring
[1] The buffer ring (27) is mounted in the
groove on the interior diameter of the cyl-
inder head. When removing this seal,
stick in a sharp tool and lift it up, and then
insert a scoop and take it out.
* The removed seal parts cannot be

11)Disassembly of U-ring and wiper ring

[1] Use a screwdriver to remove the U-ring (26) and backup ring (25).
[2] The wiper ring (24) is press fit.
Stick a screwdriver straight down into the rubber and tap it to remove the wiper ring.
* The removed seal parts cannot be reused.

12)Removal of O-ring and backup ring

[1] Pull out the O-ring (29) and backup ring
(30) with a scoop.

13)Disassembly of bushing
[1] Raise the snap ring (28) with a screw-
driver, and then remove it from the cylin-
der head.
[2] For the bushing (33), use the bushing
removal jig (32) as in the diagram on the
right and press out the bushing with a

24 Wiper ring
25 Backup ring
26 U-ring
27 Buffer ring
28 Snap ring
29 O-ring
30 Backup ring
31 Bushing
32 Bushing removal jig
33 Bushing

433 RSM-13-15-001E
14)Removal of pin bushing
[1] Remove the wiper ring (24) from the tube
and piston rod. Remove it by using a
screwdriver in the same manner as for the
cylinder head.
[2] Use the metal block (35) to remove the pin
bushing (37).

34 Press
35 Metal block
36 Jig
37 Pin bushing

15)Cleaning and storage

Clean the removed parts with white kerosene, and then apply hydraulic oil, cover the parts, and
store them.
If they are left disassembled, there is a danger of their collecting rust and dust and not being
able to function adequately after they are assembled again.

RSM-13-15-001E 434
(7)Assembly procedure
If a part with peeling paint is assembled, the peeled off paint can get inside the cylinder.
Caution This causes oil leaks, so work being very careful to prevent this.

1) Installation of pin bushing

[1] Use the installation jig to press fit onto the piston rod (4) and into the tube.
(Apply hydraulic oil in advance.)
[2] Use the metal block (5) to install the wiper ring (6).

2) Replacement of seal
[1] When reassembling the cylinder, replace
all the seals.
[2] O-rings
• Clean the mounting groove well, and then
mount the backup ring (7) and O-ring (8).
Foreign matter in the grove section would
cause an oil leak.
• Be careful about the location of the
backup ring.
• Apply grease or hydraulic oil to the
backup ring and O-ring so that they slide
easily, and then assemble them. If they
are sliding poorly, O-ring may become
twisted during assembly, which causes oil 1 Press
leaks. 2 Installation jig
3 Pin bushing
4 Piston rod
5 Metal block
6 Wiper ring
7 Backup ring
8 O-ring
9 Cylinder head

435 RSM-13-15-001E
3) Assembly of cylinder head assembly
[1] Use the bushing press fit jig (10) to press fit the bushing (11).
Apply hydraulic oil to the inside surface of the cylinder head in advance and after press fit-
ting, check that there is no level difference at the bushing.
[2] Use the wiper ring press fit jig (15) to press fit the wiper ring (16).
[3] Mount the backup ring (18) and U-ring (19) in the U-ring groove (17) in that order.
• Check the assembly direction of the U-ring and mount it carefully so as not to scratch it.
Installing the U-ring backwards would cause an oil leak.
• After mounting, check that there are no wrinkles or other permanent deformation remaining
in the U-ring.

[4] Mount the buffer ring (20).

Be careful with the attachment directions of the seals.
If the seal is installed backwards, extraordinarily high pressure will be generated between
the seal and the U-ring (19), causing deformation and breakage of the cylinder.
[5] Assemble the bushing retainer snap ring (21).
10 Jig
11 Bushing
12 Cylinder head
13 Pressing base
14 Press
15 Wiper ring press-fit jig
16 Wiper ring
17 U-ring groove
18 Backup ring
19 U-ring
20 Buffer ring
21 Snap ring

RSM-13-15-001E 436
4) Assembly of piston assembly
[1] Assemble the seal ring (24).
• Assemble the back-up ring (23) for one
side and the O-ring (25) on the piston (26)
in advance, place on the press platform,
and use the seal ring insertion jig (22) as
in the diagram to assemble the seal ring.
[2] Correct the seal ring.
• Mount the seal ring (24) and the other
backup ring (23), and then immediately
correct with the seal ring calibration jig
(27) so that the seal ring does not remain
expanded. (Strictly observe this instruc-
Since the seal ring is stretched when it is
mounted, if it is not calibrated, "6) Inser-
tion of piston rod into the tube" is not pos-
[3] Assemble the slide ring.
• Spread the cut section of the slide ring the
minimum with both hands and install from
the axial direction.
If it is spread too wide, it cannot be
* Consult with our company about jigs.

5) Assembly of piston rod assembly

[1] Secure the piston rod (31).
[2] Assemble the cylinder head (32) on the
piston rod (31).
Be careful that the wiper ring and U-ring
lips do not catch on the stepped section.
Use the cylinder head insertion jig (30) as
in the diagram on the right to assemble
the cylinder head on the piston rod.
• Apply grease or oil and assemble being
careful not to scratch the packing. 22 Seal ring insertion jig
23 Backup ring
24 Seal ring
25 O-ring
26 Piston
27 Seal ring calibration jig
28 Metal block
29 Press
30 Cylinder head insertion jig
31 Piston rod
32 Cylinder head

437 RSM-13-15-001E
[3] If there is a cushion on the extension side,
assemble the cushion ring (33) and cush-
ion seal (34) with the following procedure.
1) Insert into the groove with the side of the
cushion seal with the slit (*2) facing the
piston side.
2) Assemble with the part of the cushion
ring processed to be flat facing as in the

[4] When there is a cushion on the retraction

Assemble the cushion ring (39) and cush-
ion seal (38) with the following procedure.
1) Assemble the cushion ring before
assembling the piston nut.
The cushion ring cannot be assembled
with the piston nut attached.
2) Mount in the groove with the side of the
cushion seal with the slit (*4) facing the
thread side.
3) Assemble with the part of the cushion
ring processed to be flat facing as in the
diagram below.
4) Insert the stopper (40) into the groove.
Press the cushion ring (39) all the way *1 Flat surface processing
to the stopper and strike in the snap ring *2 Face the slit to the flat side.
(37). Strike gently with a plastic hammer *3 Face the slit to the thread side.
in such a way as to not scratch the pis- *4 Slit side
ton rod (4) or cushion ring. 4 Piston rod
33 Cushion ring
34 Cushion seal
35 Piston
36 Thread
37 Snap ring
38 Cushion seal
39 Cushion ring
40 Stopper (split in two)

Make sure that the cushion seal and cushion ring face the correct direction.
If they are installed backwards, the cushion will not be effective.
Caution After installing the cushions, check that the extension and retraction cushion rings move up and
down and left and right.

RSM-13-15-001E 438
[5] Tighten the piston nut.
• Always tighten the piston nut to the specified torque given on the assembly diagram.
• If the tightening torque is insufficient, this causes internal leaks, nut looseness, and thread
• Also, if the tightening torque is excessive, extension side cushion ring swelling and piston
contact surface deformation occur.
• In order to tighten correctly, clean and degrease the piston and nut and piston rod thread
section adequately (with paint thinner) before tightening the nut.
[6] Stop the piston from turning.
• After tightening the piston nut, put in the
steel ball (43), tighten the locking screw
(42) to the specified torque given on the
assembly diagram, and then caulk (41)
with the punch (44) at 2 locations on the
outer circumference.

6) Insertion of piston rod into the tube

[1] Secure the tube (47) vertically or horizon-
[2] Insert the piston rod (4) into the tube (47).
• If the tube is secured vertically, the piston
rod enters the tube due to its own weight.
• When the piston section is entering the
tube, be careful that the slide rings (46) do
not fall out.

4 Piston rod
41 Caulking
42 Locking screw
43 Steel ball
44 Punch
45 Jig (nylon pipe (split in two))
Slide ring (Shift the abutment phase
180 珵 rom one ring to the next.)
47 Tube

439 RSM-13-15-001E
7) Cylinder head tightening
Align the cylinder head with the position on the assembly diagram, and then tighten the bolts to
the specified torque given on the assembly diagram in the order shown in the diagram below.

Bolt tightening order

8) Installation of line
[1] Check that the O-ring is in the groove correctly.
[2] Tighten the port section bolts to the specified torque given on the assembly diagram.
[3] Tighten the bands for securing the line to the torque on the assembly diagram, the same on
both sides, so that no abutment gap occurs.

*5 Tighten the bolts. *8 Normal: OK

*6 Be careful about the O-rings. *9 There is a gap: Not OK
*7 No abutment opening gap *10 Band for securing the line

When installing the cylinder lines and the machine body rubber hoses, nipples, etc., assemble
Caution securing the cylinder line port section with a wrench. If one tightens without securing the port
section, the line may bend, oil may leak, and the machine body may get in the way.

(8) Test operation

[1] In order to fill the inside of the cylinder with oil, after it is installed on the machine body, move
the cylinder through its full stroke slowly 8 times or more. If the cylinder is suddenly moved
from the start, the hydraulic oil may be aerated.
[2] If the cylinder has air bleeding, pressurize so that the air bleed side is the pressure side
(return oil side) and bleed off the air.
[3] Apply oil and grease to the pins at both ends.

RSM-13-15-001E 440
(9)Usage limits
Below are the usage limits for sliding sections. Use them for reference for maintenance.
• Piston rod exterior diameter wear limit
Nominal diameter Minimum outer
(mm) diameter (mm)
65 ~ 80 -0.023 Replace or replate.

85 ~ 120 -0.027 Replace or replate.

• Rod bushing interior diameter wear limit

Nominal diameter Standard interior Maximum inner
(mm) diameter (mm) diameter (mm)
55 ~ 75 +0.060 ~ +0.190 +0.30 Replace the bushing.

80 ~ 120 +0.060 ~ +0.195 +0.30 Replace the bushing.

• Piston slide ring thickness wear limit

Nominal diameter Standard thickness Minimum thickness
(mm) (mm) (mm)
95 ~ 160 t2.42 - 2.48 t2.37 Replace the slide ring.

165 ~ 250 t2.92 - 2.98 t2.87 Replace the slide ring.

441 RSM-13-15-001E
Lights SH200-5

Removal and Installation of Boom Light
Caution ・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (19 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Remove the connector (1).

[2] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the nut (2),

spring washer (3), and washer (4), and then
remove the boom light (5).

1 Connector
2 Nut
3 Spring washer
4 Washer
5 Boom light

442 RSM-13-16-001E
Removal and Installation of Tool Box Light
Items to prepare
• Wrench (13 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Open the tool box (1).

[2] Remove the connector (2).

[3] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the nut (3),

and then remove the tool box light (4).

1 Tool box
2 Connector
3 Nut
4 Light

RSM-13-16-001E 443
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts SH200-5
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts

Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
Removal and Installation of Cab Assembly
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
Caution ・ Be sure to inspect the wire rope and other lifting equipment before beginning work.
・ Do not stand or pass under the suspended load.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (13 mm, 19 mm)
• Box wrenches (10 mm, 13 mm, 19 mm)
• Eyebolt (M24) x 4
• Chains (wire ropes) (with the required breaking load)
• Crane (with the required lifting capacity)
• Lubricating oil
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid
• Wood planks, etc.
1. Removal of Cab Assembly
[1] Remove the operator's seat.
(For details, see "Removal and Installation of
Operator's Seat".)
[2] Use a box wrench (10 mm) to remove the 4
bolts (1) and another box wrench (13 mm) to
remove the 2 bolts (2), and then remove the
rear cover (3).

[3] Use a box wrench (10 mm) to remove the 2

bolts (4), and then remove the air conditioner
ducts on both sides (5).

1 Bolt
2 Bolt
3 Rear cover
4 Bolt
5 Duct

444 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[4] Remove the air conditioner ducts (6) and (7) by
pulling them forward.

[5] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(8), and then remove the brackets (9).

[6] Remove the air conditioner duct (10).

6 Duct
7 Duct
8 Bolt
9 Bracket
10 Duct

RSM-13-17-001E 445
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[7] Remove the radio antenna (11).

[8] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the bolts

(12) for the ground wire (13) connecting the
cab and frame.

[9] Remove the connectors (14) and (15).

11 Radio antenna
12 Bolt
13 Ground wire
14 Connector
15 Connector

446 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[10] Remove the washer fluid hose (16).

[11] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(17) each, and then remove the rear brackets
(right and left) (18) and (19).

[12] Remove the 3 butterfly screws (20), and then

remove the cover (21).

16 Hose
17 Bolt
18 Rear bracket (right)
19 Rear bracket (left)
20 Butterfly screw
21 Cover

RSM-13-17-001E 447
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[13] Remove the 2 butterfly screws (22), and then
open the cover (23) of the outside air filter.

[14] Remove the outside air filter (24).

Slide the suction duct connected with the air
conditioner unit in the cab from the duct flange
and remove it.

[15] Remove the 4 caps (25) from the top of the


22 Butterfly screw
23 Cover
24 Filter
25 Cap

448 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[16] Install the 4 eyebolts (M24) (26) in place of the
removed caps.
• Fully tighten the eyebolts, and then loosen
them by a half turn.

[17] Use chains (27) and crane to secure the cab.

[18] Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the 3

screws (28), and then remove the cover (29).

26 Eyebolt
27 Chain
28 Screw
29 Cover

RSM-13-17-001E 449
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[19] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 7 bolts
(30) from the cab.

[20] Use chains (32) and crane to remove the cab


30 Bolt
31 Cab
32 Chain

450 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[21] Thoroughly check that the location is safe
before lowering the cab on wood planks (33).
• Thoroughly secure the cab with the chains and
crane so that it does not fall down.

33 Wood plank

2. Installation of Cab Assembly

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
The tightening torque for the cab assembly installation bolts is 157 N•m.

RSM-13-17-001E 451
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
Removal and Installation of Operator's Seat
Items to prepare
• Wrench (13 mm)
1. Removal of Operator's Seat
[1] Pull the slide lever (1) to slide the seat (2) to
the rear.
[2] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 2 bolts
(3) from the front of the seat.

[3] Pull the slide lever (1) to slide the seat forward,
and then pull the reclining lever (4) to fold the
seatback forward.

[4] Use a wrench (13 mm) to remove the 2 bolts

(5) from the rear of the seat.

1 Slide lever
2 Seat
3 Bolt
4 Reclining lever
5 Bolt

452 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[5] Remove the operator's seat (6).

6 Operator's seat

2. Installation of Operator's Seat

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
The tightening torque for the seat installation bolts is 19.6 N•m.

RSM-13-17-001E 453
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
Removal and Installation of Wiper
Items to prepare
• Wrench (17 mm)
• Phillips screwdriver
1. Removal of Wiper
[1] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the nut (1),
and then remove the wiper arm (2).

[2] Use the Phillips screwdriver to remove the

screw (3), and then remove the wiper (4).

1 Nut
2 Wiper arm
3 Screw
4 Wiper

2. Installation of Wiper
To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.

454 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
Removal and Installation of Wiper Controller
Items to prepare
• Wrench (10 mm)
• Box wrenches (10 mm, 13 mm)
• Phillips screwdriver
• Flathead screwdriver
1. Removal of Wiper Controller
[1] Use the Phillips screwdriver to remove the 2
installation screws (2) for the side upper trim (1).

[2] Lift the side upper trim (1), remove the connec-
tors (3), and then remove the side upper trim.
Some models have no connector.

[3] Use a box wrench (13 mm) to remove the 2

turn clips (4) and the 4 bolts (5), and then
remove the side rear cover (6).

1 Side upper trim

2 Screw
3 Connector
4 Turn clip
5 Bolt
6 Side rear cover

RSM-13-17-001E 455
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[4] Use the Phillips screwdriver or box wrench (10
mm) to remove the 4 bolts (7), and then
remove the side rear B trim (8).

[5] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 3 bolts

(9), and then remove the side lower trim (10).

[6] Use the Phillips screwdriver or box wrench (10

mm) to remove the 4 bolts (11), and then
remove the side rear A trim (12).

7 Bolt
8 Side rear B trim
9 Bolt
10 Side lower trim
11 Bolt
12 Side rear A trim

456 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[7] Remove the connector (14) from the wiper
controller (13).

[8] Use a flathead screwdriver to slightly bend the

4 installation clips (15), and then remove the
wiper controller (13).

13 Wiper controller
14 Connector
15 Installation clip

2. Installation of Wiper Controller

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.

RSM-13-17-001E 457
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
Removal and Installation of Wiper Motor
Items to prepare
• Hexagon wrench (4 mm)
• Wrenches (10 mm, 17 mm)
• Box wrench (10 mm)
• Flathead screwdriver (longnose pliers)
• Phillips screwdriver
1. Removal of Wiper Motor
[1] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 3 bolts
(1), and then remove the side lower trim (2).

[2] Use a flathead screwdriver or longnose pliers

to remove the clip pins (3), and then remove
ducts B (4).

1 Bolt
2 Side lower trim
3 Clip pin
4 Duct B

458 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[3] Use a Phillips screwdriver or box wrench (10
mm) to remove the 3 bolts (5). Use a hexagon
wrench (4 mm) to remove the 3 bolts (6).
Remove the front upper trim assembly (7).

[4] Lift the front upper trim assembly (7), and then
remove the connector (8).

[5] Remove the connector (9).

5 Bolt
6 Bolt
7 Front upper trim
8 Connector
9 Connector

RSM-13-17-001E 459
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[6] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 3 bolts
(10), and then remove the cover (11).

[7] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the nut (12),

and then remove the wiper arm (13).

[8] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the nut (14).

10 Bolt
11 Cover
12 Nut
13 Wiper arm
14 Nut

460 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[9] Use a box wrench (10 mm) to remove the 2
bolts (15) and 2 nuts (16), and then remove the
wiper motor assembly (17).

15 Bolt
16 Nut
17 Wiper motor

2. Installation of Wiper Motor

To install, perform the reverse of the removal procedure.
• Be careful about the wiper link and wiper arm installation location.
• Check the wiper arm wipe location and stop location.

RSM-13-17-001E 461
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
Removal and Installation of Monitor
Items to prepare
• Wrench (10 mm)

[1] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the bolt (1)

on the monitor (2).

[2] Lift the monitor main unit (2), and then remove
the connector (3) underneath.

1 Bolt
2 Monitor
3 Connector

462 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
Removal and Installation of Cab Front Glass
Reinforced glass is used for the front window.
Caution Be extremely careful not to damage it when touching it during removal or installation.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (10 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 2 bolts

(1) each, and then remove the brackets (2) and

[2] Remove the covers (4) and (5) for the bracket.

1 Bolt
2 Bracket
3 Bracket
4 Cover
5 Cover

RSM-13-17-001E 463
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[3] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 3 bolts
(6), and then remove the front glass left lower
bracket (7).

[4] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 3 bolts

(8), and then remove the front glass right lower
bracket (9).

[5] Move the front glass right upper bracket (11) to

a position where the wire (10) is not pulled on.

6 Bolt
7 Bracket
8 Bolt
9 Bracket
10 Wire
11 Bracket

464 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[6] Remove the cab front glass (12).

12 Cab front glass

RSM-13-17-001E 465
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
Procedure for Window Lock Adjustment
Items to prepare
• Wrench (10 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Remove the cover (1).

[2] Use a wrench (10 mm) to remove the 3 bolts


[3] Set the cab front glass (3) in place.

1 Cover
2 Bolt
3 Cab front glass

466 RSM-13-17-001E
Procedures for Removal and Installation of Cab Inner and Outer Parts
[4] Use a wrench (10 mm) to retighten the 3 bolts

2 Bolt

RSM-13-17-001E 467
Hydraulic Equipment-related Parts SH200-5
Hydraulic Equipment-related Parts

Hydraulic Equipment-related Parts

Warning ・ Be sure to release the hydraulic pressure in the circuits.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (30 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Use a wrench (30 mm) to remove the accumu-

lator (1).

1 Accumulator

468 RSM-13-18-001E
Hydraulic Equipment-related Parts
Suction Filter
・ Be careful to keep dirt, water, sand, and all other foreign matter out of the tank.
・ When replacing the hydraulic oil, always replace with new oil.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (17 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Press the air breather button (1) on top of the

hydraulic oil tank to release the pressure inside
the tank.

[2] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(2), and then remove the feed port cover (3).

[3] Drain the oil from the hydraulic oil tank. (For
details, see "Draining Oil from Hydraulic Oil

[4] Remove the O-ring (4).

1 Air breather button

2 Bolt
3 Cover
4 O-ring

RSM-13-18-001E 469
Hydraulic Equipment-related Parts
[5] Remove the suction filter (5).

[6] Clean the suction filter (5) with clean cleaning

fluid, dry it well, and then inspect it. If there is
any damage on the surface, replace the suction
filter with a new one.
• If the O-ring on the rear of the cover is worn or
damaged, replace it.
• To install, perform the reverse of the removal
• Always replace the suction filter with a new one
every 5000 hr. and when replacing the hydraulic

5 Suction filter

470 RSM-13-18-001E
Hydraulic Equipment-related Parts
Return Filter
・ Be careful to keep dirt, water, sand, and all other foreign matter out of the tank.
・ When replacing the hydraulic oil, always replace with new oil.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (17 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Press the air breather button (1) on top of the

hydraulic oil tank to release the pressure inside
the tank.

[2] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(2), and then remove the cover (3).
• There is a spring inside the cover, so restrain
the spring by hand and remove the cover.

1 Air breather button

2 Bolt
3 Cover

RSM-13-18-001E 471
Hydraulic Equipment-related Parts
[3] Remove the O-ring (4).
Take the spring (5) and valve (6) out from the

[4] Take the return filter (7) out from the tank and
replace it.
• If the O-ring on the rear of the cover is worn or
damaged, replace it.
• To install, perform the reverse of the removal

4 O-ring
5 Spring
6 Valve
7 Return filter

472 RSM-13-18-001E
Hydraulic Equipment-related Parts
Pilot Filter
Warning ・ Be sure to release the hydraulic pressure in the circuits.

Items to prepare
• Wrench (19 mm)
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the pilot filter


1 Pilot filter

RSM-13-18-001E 473
Other SH200-5

Removal and Installation of Side Door
Items to prepare
• Wrench (19 mm)

[1] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(1), and then remove the side door (left front)

[2] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(1), and then remove the side door (left rear)

[3] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(1), and then remove the side door (right) (4).

1 Bolt
2 Side door (left front)
3 Side door (left rear)
4 Side door (right)

474 RSM-13-19-001E
Draining Oil from Hydraulic Oil Tank
・ Keep away from fire.
・ Be sure to stop the engine before beginning work.
・ The temperature of the hydraulic oil is high immediately after stopping the engine. Wait until
the hydraulic oil temperature has decreased (to 40 ℃ or less) before beginning work.

Items to prepare
• Wrenches (17 mm, 19 mm, 36 mm)
• Feed pump (power source for feed pump)
• Extension cable
• Waste oil tank
• Waste oil can
• Rag
• Cleaning fluid

[1] Press the air breather button (1) on top of the

hydraulic oil tank to bleed off the pressure in
the tank.

[2] Use a wrench (17 mm) to remove the 4 bolts

(2), and then remove the feed port cover (3).

1 Air breather button

2 Bolt
3 Cover

RSM-13-19-001E 475
[3] Insert the feed pump (4) into the feed port.

[4] Transfer the oil inside the hydraulic oil tank to

the waste oil tank (5).

[5] Use a wrench (19 mm) to remove the 6 bolts

(6), and then remove the under cover (7).

4 Feed pump
5 Waste oil tank
6 Bolt
7 Under cover

476 RSM-13-19-001E
[6] Prepare a waste oil can (8) under the hydraulic
oil tank.

[7] Use a wrench (36 mm) to remove the drain

plug (9).

[8] Drain any remaining oil that has settled at the

bottom of the hydraulic oil tank.

8 Waste oil can

9 Plug

RSM-13-19-001E 477

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