System Administration and Network Management
System Administration and Network Management
System Administration and Network Management
Network Management
Lecture 3: Network Management and
(by Seiyfu Yesuf)
Asu Dept of Computer Science(March 2022)
What is LINUX
LINUX Distributions
UNIX Structure
Introduction to Linux
File System
Each node is either a file or a directory of files, where the
latter can contain other files and directories.
You specify a file or directory by its path name, either the
full, or absolute, path name or the one relative to a
The full path name starts with the root, /, and follows the
branches of the file system, each separated by /, until you
reach the desired file, e.g.:
Introduction to Linux
Access Permissions
There are three permissions for any file, directory
or application program.
Access Permissions
Each of the three permissions are assigned to
three defined categories of users.
The categories are:
Access Permissions
One can easily view the permissions for a file by
invoking a long format listing using the command
ls -l.
Moving in Directories
cd try_it
Changes the directory to try_it
Prints present working directory (e.g.
cd .. Move to superior directory
pwd : Prints /home/smith
cd /home The absolute path
The command mkdir my_dir
Copy File
Remove File
The command rm file_a
removes the file_a from the system
If you use wildcard. For example
rm h*c
you will remove all files beginning with h and
ending with c which are in working directory.
If you write
rm *
you will erase all files from your working directory.
Introduction to Linux
implementation today).
NFS Overview
Views a set of interconnected workstations as a set of
independent machines with independent file systems
The goal is to allow some degree of sharing among
these file systems (on explicit request)
Sharing is based on client server relationships
A machine may be both client and server
The protocol is stateless
Designed to support UNIX file system semantics
The protocol design is transport independent
NFS Services
The NFS server package includes three facilities, included
in the portmap and nfs-utils packages.
/etc/init.d/portmap start
/etc/init.d/nfs start
chkconfig --level 35 portmap (rpcbond) on
[chkconfig --level 35 nfs on
rw: This option allows the client server to both read and
write access within the shared directory.
• showmount –d
• mount -t nfs <NFS Server>:/nfsshare /mnt/nfsshare
• /etc/fstab
- <NFS Server>:/nfsshare /mnt nfs defaults 0 0
See text or man page for mount options
• df -h
Transport: both TCP and UDP
Client’s mountd send the server’s mountd a request with the path of the flie
system it wants to mount
The client’s mountd perform the mount() system call using the received file
What is NIS?
Problems in running a distributed computing environment
Each Workstations has its own copies of common
configuration files such as passwd, group, and hosts files
These files must be consistent and every changes to these
common files much be propagated to every hosts on the
What is NIS?
The NIS, released by Sun in 1980s, was the first “prime
time” administrative database to address these
It was originally called the Sun Yellow Pages, but
eventually had to be renamed for legal reasons. Many
vendors have licensed Sun’s code, making NIS the most
widely-supported network database system
What is NIS?
It is a distributed database system that replaces copies
of commonly replicated configuration files with a
centralized management facility
Instead of having to manage each host’s files, you
maintain one database for each file on one central
NIS Masters, Slaves, and Clients
NIS daemons
Daemon Functions
ypserv Server process
The Filesystem
Basic NIS Management
Installing a new NIS Environment, building Master and slave servers
Starting the ypserv daemon, which enables the system to act as NIS
Adding new slave servers when growth of your network
Modifying the client’s administrative files
Starting the ypbind daemon, allowing the client to make NIS
Ypbind, yppasswdd , ypserv, portmap, ypbind ,ypxfrd NIS server
Ypbind & portmap are NIS client services
Building NIS Master Server
NIS Sever
Map propagation
N IS S la v e S e r v e r
Request to
change passord
(use yppasswd)
NIS Request
Merits of NIS
Simple, easy to understand. It’s analogous to copying
files around; in most cases, it’s unnecessary for
administrators to be aware of NIS’ internal data formats
Widely supported by multiple vendors like DEC, HP, SGI.
To be continued