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Population Health Metrics BioMed Central

Research Open Access

A generic model for the assessment of disease epidemiology: the
computational basis of DisMod II
Jan J Barendregt*1, Gerrit J van Oortmarssen1, Theo Vos2 and
Christopher JL Murray3

Address: 1Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2Victorian Government Department of Human Services, and
Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia and 3Global Programme on Evidence for Health
Policy, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Email: Jan J Barendregt* - j.barendregt@erasmusc.nl; Gerrit J van Oortmarssen - g.vanoortmarssen@erasmusc.nl;
Theo Vos - theo.vos@dhs.vic.gov.au; Christopher JL Murray - murrayc@who.int
* Corresponding author

Published: 14 April 2003 Received: 19 March 2003

Accepted: 14 April 2003
Population Health Metrics 2003, 1:4
This article is available from: http://www.pophealthmetrics.com/content/1/1/4
© 2003 Barendregt et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in
all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL.

Epidemiology as an empirical science has developed sophisticated methods to measure the causes
and patterns of disease in populations. Nevertheless, for many diseases in many countries only
partial data are available. When the partial data are insufficient, but data collection is not an option,
it is possible to supplement the data by exploiting the causal relations between the various variables
that describe a disease process. We present a simple generic disease model with incidence, one
prevalent state, and case fatality and remission. We derive a set of equations that describes this
disease process and allows calculation of the complete epidemiology of a disease given a minimum
of three input variables. We give the example of asthma with age-specific prevalence, remission,
and mortality as inputs. Outputs are incidence and case fatality, among others. The set of equations
is embedded in a software package called 'DisMod II', which is made available to the public domain
by the World Health Organization.

Background definition, a prevalent case must have been incident at

Assessment of the epidemiology of a disease is often very some earlier time and age. Also, it is impossible to die or
hard. Data on incidence, prevalence and disease specific recover from a disease without having had the disease,
mortality are frequently incomplete, not very reliable, or however brief. These logical relations can be expressed as
altogether lacking. The solution of choice is gathering a formal model of a generic disease process. Such a formal
good data, but this is time-consuming, often difficult, and disease model allows calculation of a complete and inter-
always costly. When primary data collection is no real op- nally consistent description of disease epidemiology from
tion, as in a burden of disease study where the goal is a partial data.
comprehensive overview of the epidemiology of a large
number of diseases, additional methods of assessing dis- For the Global Burden of Disease 1990 study a generic for-
ease epidemiology are needed. mal disease model was implemented as a computer mod-
el called 'DisMod' [1,2]. In that study and in subsequent
Additional information can be derived from the logical re- country studies, DisMod has been used extensively to sup-
lations between the variables that describe a disease. By plement missing data and force consistency on data that

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were available. DisMod is based on a set of differential This mortality from all other causes poses a problem: it is
equations that describe age specific incidence, remission, an input to the disease model, but often it is not known.
case fatality, and 'all other causes' mortality. With total It could be calculated from the total mortality rate and the
mortality and three transition hazards – incidence, remis- disease specific mortality, but frequently the disease spe-
sion, and case fatality – as inputs, the equations were cific mortality is not known.
solved numerically using an iterative approximation
method, the finite differences method. It was also possible To get around this problem we use the property that haz-
to enter a relative risk on total mortality as an alternative ards are unaffected by the presence or absence of other
input to case fatality, but, given total mortality, these are hazards that act on the same population. If it is assumed
equivalent [3]. Other disease variables, such as prevalence that mortality from all other causes is independent of the
and disease specific mortality, were derived from this so- disease, i.e., that it is the same for healthy and diseased
lution, but could not be used as inputs. people, this implies that the transition hazards for inci-
dence, remission and case fatality are not affected by the
In the field of chronic diseases a similar, but simpler, value of the 'all other causes' mortality. Therefore we can
model has been developed and used for purposes of as- set the value of mortality from all other causes to 0 (i.e.,
sessing disease epidemiology and the calculation of 'what leave it out of the equations) and still derive the right val-
if'-scenarios [4,5]. This disease model is simpler because, ues for the disease rates. Disease prevalence, when report-
being about chronic diseases such as diabetes only, remis- ed as a proportion of the total population, will also be
sion can be ignored. This simplification allows analytical unaffected [6].
solutions of the differential equations to be used, instead
of requiring a numerical approximation [6]. The assumption of independence of the mortality from all
other causes implies that the disease-specific mortality in
For the Global Burden of Disease 2000 study it was decid- the model stands for all excess mortality caused by the dis-
ed to develop a new computer model, called 'DisMod II', ease, which is not necessarily the same as the disease-spe-
which would serve the same purposes as the original Dis- cific mortality reported by national statistical offices. This
Mod, but would have enhanced usability, such as an inter- definition of disease-specific mortality complies with the
active graphical interface. An important new feature was methodology of burden of disease studies, which aims to
to allow for a wider range of disease inputs than the three attribute all excess mortality to the disease.
transition hazards used in DisMod (incidence, remission
and case fatality). In particular, prevalence and disease One of the DisMod II outputs – disease duration – is af-
specific mortality would be potential inputs in the new fected by mortality from all other causes. DisMod II there-
model. fore calculates results in two steps. First it calculates the
numbers of people in the three states 'healthy', 'diseased'
To facilitate interactive use of such a model, speed of com- and 'dead from the disease' for all ages and derives disease
putation is essential, and therefore an analytical solution rates such as incidence, prevalence and mortality. Next,
of the differential equations was preferred over a numeri- from the disease specific mortality rate it calculates the
cal one. Here we report a set of equations that represent mortality rate for all other causes, thus making it possible
the analytical solution of the differential equations. This to calculate disease duration.
set of equations forms the computational basis of DisMod
II. DisMod II calculates the disease starting with a cohort of
1000 people at age 0, and working up to the highest age
The problem and a solution considered. Within an age interval transition hazards are
Conceptual model assumed constant, and to minimize the impact of this as-
The conceptual model of DisMod II, like the original Dis- sumption the calculation is done in 1-year age intervals.
Mod, is that of a multi-state life table, depicted in figure 1.
The model describes a single disease, together with mor- Basic equations
tality from all other causes. Healthy people, defined as For a single cohort the following three differential equa-
people unaffected by the disease being modeled, are sub- tions describe the conceptual model when 'all other caus-
ject to an incidence hazard, and may become diseased. es' mortality is ignored:
When diseased they are subject to a hazard of dying from
the disease, the case fatality, and to a hazard of recovery
from the disease, called remission. Both healthy and dis-
eased people are subject to the same mortality hazard
from all other causes.

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Sa m Ma
(other causes)

i r

Ca f Da

Figure 1
The conceptual disease model S: number of healthy people (i.e., without the disease under consideration); C: number of
diseased people; D: number of people dead from the disease; and M: number of people dead from all other causes, with a an
age subscript. There are four transition hazards: i: incidence, r: remission, ƒ: case fatality, and m: all other mortality.

ƒ: case fatality
(1) = −ia Sa + ra Ca and the three states are:
(2) = − ( ƒa + ra ) Ca + ia Sa Sa : Number of healthy people at age a
( 3) = ƒa Ca Ca : Number of diseased people at age a
Da : Number of dead people at age a
where the three model parameters, representing the tran-
sition hazards, are: Equations that express the number of people in each of
the states S, C, and D at age a as a function of the param-
i: incidence eters i, r, and ƒ were derived from equations 1–3 using
Maple V [7]. To simplify the derived equations we first de-
r: remission fine a number of intermediate variables:

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xa,d : contribution of duration in the interval [d - 1,d) to

la = ia + ra + ƒa the total duration in the disease state after incidence in [a,
a + 1): Xa
qa = ia2 + 2ia ra − 2ia ƒa + ra2 + 2ƒa ra + ƒ2a
−( la + qa ) Then, for incidence in the interval [a, a + 1) the equations
wa = e 2 for that first year are:
−( la −qa )
va = e 2

y ia (
e −βa − e −ia ) if βa ≠ ia
Using these intermediate variables the derived equations
then become: ( 10 ) y a,1
 a,0 i − β

a a 1 − e −ia ( )
 e −ia
 y a,0ia otherwise
(4) Sa =
2 ( va − wa )  Sa −1 ( ƒa + ra ) + Ca −1ra  + Sa −1  va ( qa − la ) + wa ( qa + la ) 

 (
1 − e −ia )
( va − wa ){ 2  ( ƒa + ra ) ( Sa −1 + Ca −1 ) − laSa −1  − Ca −1la } − Ca −1qa ( va + wa )
( 5) Ca = −
2qa and
( va − wa ){ 2ƒa Ca −1 − la ( Sa −1 + Ca −1 )} − qa ( Sa −1 + Ca −1 ) ( va + wa ) + 2qa ( Sa −1 + Ca −1 + Da −1 )
(6) Da =

Prevalence and mortality

From the resulting numbers of people in S, C and D for all

 1 − ia e −βa − e −ia ( ) if βa ≠ ia
ages the age specific prevalence proportion and mortality ( 11 ) xa,1
 β
= a
βa ( ia − βa ) 1 − e −ia
( )
rates are calculated. First, for each age interval person  1 1
years at risk (PYa) are calculated:  − β otherwise
 β a e −1

(7) PYa = 0.5 ( Sa + Ca + Sa+1 + Ca+1 ) For durations in subsequent years [a + k, a + k + 1), k =
1,2,3..., the following two equations apply:
The prevalence proportion ca then becomes:

( 12 ) y a,k +1 = y a,k e −βa + k

 C + Ca+1 
(8) ca = 0.5  a  and
 PYa 

and the mortality rate ba is:

( 13 ) xa,k +1 =
y a,k
(1 − e −β a + k
Da+1 − Da
( 9) ba = Total duration Xa for incidence in [a, a + 1) then becomes:

Disease duration ∞
The age-specific mortality rates allow derivation of mor- ( 14 ) Xa = ∑ xa,k
tality from all other causes (m), needed to calculate dis- k =1
ease duration. The equations below describe the expected
duration of disease for a person who became incident in Implementation
the age interval [a,a + 1), while taking mortality from all Availability
other causes m into account. We define: The equations above are implemented as a software pack-
age, designed for use by epidemiologists and public
βa = ra + ƒa + ma: the total hazard to leave the diseased state health scientists. Users combine the available data and
Ca their own expert knowledge interactively to produce best
estimates of the epidemiology of the disease. To this end
ya,d : probability to be in the diseased state after duration DisMod II comes with a graphical interface and a number
d, ya,0 = 1.0 of features for fitting curves to and interpolation of the in-

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put data. There is an extensive online help, including a tu- Generally, at least three disease input variables are needed
torial to help users to get started. The software runs on to calculate the full disease epidemiology; the exception is
Windows 95 and higher, and is available from the website when case fatality and relative risk for total mortality are
of WHO http://www.who.int/evidence/dismod/. given. Case fatality and relative risk for total mortality
contain the same information, given total mortality, and
Input variables therefore count as only one input when they are both
An explicit aim of the development of DisMod II was to included.
allow for a wider range of input variables than the three
transition hazards in the original DisMod. Equations 4–6 In addition to the disease input variables, DisMod II
allow calculation of the numbers of people in the three needs total mortality rates and population numbers for
states when the three transition hazards incidence, remis- the population under study. All input variables are by age,
sion, and case fatality are known. Often these transition and calculations are done separately for men and women.
hazards are not observed, but, for example, prevalence
and disease-specific mortality are. Allowing for prevalence Trends in disease epidemiology
and mortality as inputs directly would require rewriting Equations 1–3 describe a life table cohort, which, when
equations 4–6 accordingly, but this may not be tractable. interpreted as a description of a cross-sectional popula-
tion, implies an assumption of steady state for the disease.
In those cases the analytical solution presented here is However, it is possible to include past trends on the tran-
supplemented by an iterative optimization method, the sition hazards incidence, remission, and case fatality in
'downhill simplex method' [8]. This is an optimization the calculation. DisMod II then switches to a fully dynam-
method in multiple dimensions, which in this case are the ic calculation mode: it still uses equations 4–6, but for
three transitions hazards. Starting at the lowest age group, each age separately. In life table mode, disease variables at
values for the transition hazards are inserted in equations age a depend on variables at age a - 1; in dynamic mode,
4–6, and all output variables are calculated. A loss func- variables at age a and time t depend on variables at age a
tion then evaluates the difference between the input vari- - 1 and time t - 1 (which, because of the trends, have not
ables and the corresponding output, and based on this the same values as those at age a - 1 and time t). DisMod
evaluation a different set of values of the transition haz- II still tries to reproduce the currently observed input var-
ards is inserted. This procedure is iterated until the loss iables, but taking past trends into account will result in
function reaches a minimum, and the optimization different values for the unobserved variables. Dynamic
moves to next age group. mode requires considerably longer computation time
than life table mode.
Because of this combination of analytical and numerical
methods DisMod II accepts, in addition to the transition Uncertainty
hazards incidence, remission and case fatality (or its Uncertainty intervals for the output can be obtained by
equivalent relative risk for total mortality), the following specifying distributions (and parameters) for the disease
disease input variables: incidence as a population rate input variables. A number of distributions are available,
(with total population in the denominator instead of per- among them Poisson, binomial, and normal. DisMod II
son years at risk), prevalence, duration, and mortality. Be- uses these distributions and associated parameters in a
cause of the two-step calculation procedure duration is a monte carlo simulation (or parametric bootstrapping
valid input only when it is short, preferably less than one [9]). For each of the input variables a value is randomly
year. chosen from its distribution, and the model is calculated.
This procedure is repeated a large (user specified) number
When the input variables do not consist of the three tran- of times, resulting in distributions for all output variables.
sition hazards incidence, remission and case fatality, they From the distributions of the output variables uncertainty
may be (and often are) internally inconsistent. In that case intervals are derived. This too may take considerable com-
the 'downhill simplex' optimization procedure will adjust putation time.
the values of the input variables such that they are inter-
nally consistent while staying as close as possible to the Even if the input variables were internally consistent, the
original values. The user can influence the outcome by ap- randomly sampled values from their distributions will not
plying different weights to the input variables: an input be. This causes DisMod II to adjust the input variables to
variable with a higher weight will remain closer to the output values that are internally consistent, which has an
original value. The same procedure applies when more impact on the width of the uncertainty intervals. Random-
than three inputs are available, i.e., when the model is ly sampled values from the distributions of the input var-
overidentified. iables will cause the adjustments of the output to have a
distribution as well. Consequently the uncertainty inter-

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Table 1: Asthma prevalence, remission and mortality rates (per 1000 population) by age and sex, Victoria 1996*

Males Females
Age (years) Prevalence Remission Mortality Prevalence Remission Mortality

0–4 66.00 46.00 0.00 45.00 46.00 0.00

5–14 132.00 79.00 0.01 94.40 79.00 0.00
15–24 63.00 75.00 0.01 62.50 75.00 0.01
25–34 46.00 27.50 0.00 59.90 27.50 0.00
35–44 46.00 12.00 0.01 67.70 12.00 0.01
45–54 48.00 14.00 0.01 78.80 14.00 0.03
55–64 46.00 29.50 0.06 79.70 29.50 0.04
65–74 38.00 35.00 0.14 70.90 35.00 0.12
75+ 30.00 30.77 0.51 63.60 30.77 0.44

*See text for references

vals do not just reflect the sampling variability of the indi- by our asthma example. With data for prevalence, remis-
vidual variables (which is why they are not called sion and mortality, it is possible to calculate the complete
'confidence intervals'). epidemiology of asthma, including back-calculating the
incidence. This application is useful when data are scarce
An example but an estimate of disease epidemiology is urgently need-
We illustrate DisMod II with the example of asthma from ed. This is a common situation in burden of disease
the Victorian Burden of Disease study. Deaths for Victoria studies.
in 1996 are from the Australian Bureau of Statistics [10].
Prevalence is based on a number of Australian studies, Supplementing incomplete data is not a fully automatic
and male-to-female ratios for children and adults. Remis- process, however. For example, available data tend to
sion rates are based on a follow-up study from the United come in wide age intervals. From the point of view of Dis-
States [11]. Mod II, the differences in value between adjacent age
groups are discontinuities, which may be impossible to re-
In table 1 the resulting DisMod II input prevalence, remis- solve without very extreme values of one or more varia-
sion and mortality for asthma is presented for males and bles. In particular, when back-calculating incidence from,
females. We assumed that at birth the prevalence of asth- among others, prevalence, such discontinuities may result
ma is zero. For the calculation of uncertainty intervals we in huge spikes in the back-calculated incidence.
assumed prevalence to have a binomial distribution, and
remission and mortality a Poisson distribution. It is the responsibility of the user to guard against such 'so-
lutions'. DisMod II tries to help by showing graphs of the
Tables 2 (males) and 3 (females) present a selection of the input and output variables, and by providing interpola-
corresponding DisMod II output. Shown are incidence, tion and smoothing algorithms. But in the end it is the
prevalence, remission, case fatality and mortality, each in- user who has to decide whether the outcomes are accept-
cluding 95% uncertainty intervals. Note that the output able, and if not, what strategy is needed to resolve the
prevalence, remission and mortality are not identical to problem (smoothing the input, using different weights for
their input values in table 1: the observed input variables the input variables, etc.). Using DisMod II for this purpose
are not necessarily internally consistent, while the calcu- is an interactive exercise.
lated output always is. The calculation also smoothes the
age pattern of the variables. The second application is checking for internal consisten-
cy of existing estimates. Empirical observation of the vari-
Discussion ables that describe the epidemiology of a disease is subject
Epidemiology is first and foremost an empirical science. to measurement error, which may affect variables
But the emphasis on observations, while certainly justi- differently. For example, for a disease with a gradual on-
fied, does not preclude that using more theoretical tools set, such as dementia, it is much harder to estimate inci-
like DisMod II may contribute as well. dence than prevalence. Measurement error may go
undetected, but if we know it exists it may be possible to
We see two main applications for DisMod II. The first is account for it. Checking the internal consistency of the es-
supplementing incomplete data, and this was illustrated

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Table 2: DisMod II outputs, males Asthma incidence, prevalence, remission, case fatality and mortality rates per 1000 population (95%
uncertainty interval)

Age (years) Incidence Prevalence Remission Case fatality Mortality

0–4 21.86 (17.07, 26.65) 50.57 (37.96, 63.25) 45.92 (44.40, 47.43) 0.02 (0.00, 0.26) 0.00 (0.00, 0.00)
5–14 14.94 (12.05, 17.85) 124.30 (108.17 140.62) 81.73 (76.99, 86.50) 0.05 (0.00, 0.56) 0.01 (0.00, 0.03)
15–24 1.62 (0.83, 2.45) 82.96 (65.43, 100.83) 86.18 (75.73, 96.86) 0.10 (0.01, 0.60) 0.01 (0.00, 0.04)
25–34 0.16 (0.00, 0.67) 54.48 (41.11, 67.98) 28.31 (24.08, 32.51) 0.07 (0.00, 0.57) 0.00 (0.00, 0.06)
35–44 0.51 (0.00, 1.05) 47.82 (37.72, 57.93) 12.13 (10.10, 14.10) 0.19 (0.01, 0.69) 0.01 (0.00, 0.19)
45–54 0.84 (0.19, 1.49) 48.95 (39.66, 58.27) 13.39 (11.33, 15.44) 0.35 (0.02, 0.88) 0.02 (0.00, 0.37)
55–64 1.14 (0.42, 1.87) 47.34 (36.78, 58.03) 28.89 (24.98, 32.79) 1.38 (0.40, 2.36) 0.07 (0.00, 0.56)
65–74 0.78 (0.21, 1.37) 40.75 (29.24, 52.30) 35.47 (31.62, 39.30) 4.00 (0.58, 7.44) 0.16 (0.00, 0.67)
75+ 0.89 (0.34, 1.47) 32.76 (22.59, 43.12) 32.07 (29.76, 34.36) 14.70 (1.02, 28.88) 0.48 (0.00, 0.99)

*See text for references

Table 3: DisMod II outputs, females Asthma incidence, prevalence, remission, case fatality and mortality rates per 1000 population (95%
uncertainty interval)

Age (years) Incidence Prevalence Remission Case fatality Mortality

0–4 15.17 (11.05, 19.37) 34.79 (24.08, 45.57) 45.87 (44.24, 47.49) 0.01 (0.00, 0.49) 0.00 (0.00, 0.33)
5–14 10.34 (8.06, 12.63) 90.69 (73.56, 107.92) 80.45 (75.25, 85.70) 0.01 (0.00, 0.52) 0.00 (0.00, 0.50)
15–24 3.12 (1.99, 4.25) 67.31 (50.60, 84.29) 76.07 (69.13, 83.14) 0.08 (0.00, 0.58) 0.01 (0.00, 0.49)
25–34 1.79 (0.91, 2.66) 61.01 (46.99, 75.23) 27.49 (24.99, 29.98) 0.03 (0.00, 0.54) 0.00 (0.00, 0.50)
35–44 1.76 (0.83, 2.69) 67.17 (54.71, 79.74) 12.00 (10.99, 12.99) 0.21 (0.01, 0.72) 0.01 (0.00, 0.49)
45–54 2.25 (1.10, 3.41) 76.94 (64.20, 89.74) 13.47 (12.31, 14.62) 0.36 (0.02, 0.87) 0.03 (0.00, 0.36)
55–64 2.44 (1.24, 3.64) 79.69 (66.30, 93.07) 29.12 (26.66, 31.58) 0.53 (0.08, 1.05) 0.04 (0.00, 0.41)
65–74 1.94 (0.93, 2.96) 72.62 (59.09, 86.25) 35.19 (31.93, 38.44) 1.89 (1.03, 2.75) 0.14 (0.00, 0.64)
75+ 2.11 (1.18, 3.06) 65.00 (52.31, 77.74) 32.00 (29.20, 34.80) 6.45 (3.96, 8.95) 0.42 (0.00, 0.93)

timates with DisMod II may help to detect the existence of The message here is that DisMod II is a tool for experts,
measurement error. who should carefully weigh all available evidence, of
which the DisMod II output is only a part.
This application also carries certain difficulties. Inconsist-
ency of cross-sectional variables describing a disease may All this assumes that the conceptual model underlying
be real or deceptive [12]. Real inconsistency may be due DisMod II is applicable to a wide range of diseases with
to the combination of measurements from different very different epidemiology. While most aspects of the
sources, or to measurement and sampling error. Deceptive conceptual model are a matter of definition, this is not
inconsistency is due to past trends in disease epidemiolo- true for survival in the diseased state. This survival is piece-
gy. The problem is that it is not possible to distinguish be- wise exponentially distributed: exponential within each
tween the two, unless the epidemiology of the disease year of age, with (possibly) a different hazard for each age.
(including the past) is fully known, and in that case there However, a check against survival data that at the individ-
is little need for a tool like DisMod II. ual level were lognormally distributed, showed that on
the population level DisMod II was able to reproduce the
Without complete knowledge of the disease epidemiology data very well [12].
this dilemma can be solved only by expert judgement.
When it is unlikely that trends in the past have existed, or One kind of disease for which the conceptual model may
when a sensitivity analysis shows that reasonable past not be applicable is an infectious disease that confers im-
trends are unable to explain the inconsistency, the expert munity. DisMod II assumes that those who remit go back
may decide that most of the inconsistency is real, and also to the pool of susceptibles, which in the case of acquired
which variable is most likely to be in error. immunity clearly is not appropriate.

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Where epidemiologic data are incomplete or in doubt,

DisMod II may prove to be helpful. Thanks to the analyt-
ical solution described here it is fast enough to allow in-
teractive use. When a single disease is to be studied,
customized tools may be more appropriate, but when the
epidemiology of a large range of diseases must be as-
sessed, as in burden of disease studies, the generic DisMod
II disease model will be a useful tool.

Competing interests
None declared.

Authors' contributions
JJB developed the model and drafted the manuscript.
GJvO contributed to the mathematics. TV provided the
asthma data. CJLM contributed to the mathematics. All
authors commented on earlier drafts and read and ap-
proved the final manuscript.

This study was made possible by the Global Programme on Evidence for
Health Policy of WHO (through a Global Health Leadership fellowship
awarded to the first author and a software development contract).

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