MS Techlam - TIS
MS Techlam - TIS
MS Techlam - TIS
• TECHLAM By Levantina
• TECHLAM Cutting & Drilling
• TECHLAM Functional Characteristics
• Technical Data Sheets for Tile & Glue
• TECHLAM Project Reference
• Test Reports
• Manual for Installation
TECHLAM By Levantina
The TECHLAM® ventilated façade is a cladding system, The elements of the TECHLAM® ventilated façade Advantages of TECHLAM® Ventilated Façades -Anti-graffiti treatment.
consisting of fixing a system of profiles to the external face of -Elimination of damp and efflorescence on external walls due to
the walls of the enclosure. The external face is then protected 1. Insulating material fixed to the wall of the enclosure to clad. -Energy efficiency. Energy saving of 25-40%. the system and the materials used.
by an insulation layer and the profiles support the ceramic 2. Substructure consisting of loadbearing and adjustable profiles, -Savings in energy costs as it facilitates thermal and acoustic -Elimination of surface condensation.
panels and create an air cavity between the wall and the outer applied to the exterior of the building, on which the exterior cladding insulation, and improves waterproofing and fire resistance. -Ease of installation and replacement if required.
ceramic material. The TECHLAM® ventilated façade technique is hung. -Significant reduction in wear and tear over time and therefore -Significant improvements in thermal and acoustic insulation of
ensures the presence of an air cavity covering the whole wall 3. Air cavity between the insulating material and the TECHLAM®. lower repair costs. the building compared to other commonly use products.
which allows air to flow in the façade, protects the building 4. Continuous facing (exterior finish) which remains separate -Reduction in maintenance costs. It does not need to be repainted. -The fixing and installation systems make it suitable for use in
from rainwater and prevents condensation in the air cavity. from the wall of the enclosure. -Reduction in damp through less condensation. restoration projects.
TECHLAM® Ceramics 02
Levantina was the first company to equip its factories with the advanced technology to manufacture this thin ceramic.
TECHLAM® is a 3mm thick ceramic sheet weighing 7.1 Kg/M2 and is available in panels of up to 1000x3000 mm. These characteristics mean that
this product can provide unique solutions for all kinds of applications in the fields of architecture and interior design.
An array of building projects can be carried out with this new concept in functionality. Its versatility in terms of size, colour, ability to be used with
other materials and technical properties of durability and flexibility of installation make this material a benchmark for many applications, including
It is easy to install and so saves time and money during construction of both new-build and restoration projects.
TECHLAM® Ceramics 04
The TECHLAM® 3+ system of ventilated
façades which can be used in new-build or
restoration projects is composed of
TECHLAM® 3+ fixed to a metal substructure
using adhesive and mechanical fixings.
TECHLAM® Ceramics 12
Structural safety
The cladding system of ventilated façades described does not contribute to the stability of the building and the Basic Requirements
of Structural Safety do not therefore apply to it. The structural behaviour of the ventilated façade must be such that it does
not compromise compliance with the rest of the Basic Requirements and in particular those of Safety of Use and Occupation,
as indicated in the Law on Building Planning: “Safety of use, so that normal use of the building does not involve a risk of an
accident to people” (art.3.1.b.3.) and other functional aspects of the building elements or the facilities which allow satisfactory
use of the building” (art.3.1.c.4.). The support of the ventilated façade system , usually composed of an enclosing wall, must
comply with the regulations relating to the relevant essential requirements of structural safety, taking into consideration
the actions and stresses caused by installing the ventilated façade. The join between the substructure of the system and the
subsequent enclosure must be planned so that the extreme tensions limit and the limit of durability values are not exceeded
during the period of use.
The construction of the enclosure, including the insulation, must comply with the TCB, Basic Document on Safety in case of
fire (BD-SF), in which it refers to stability when faced with fire, as well as the reaction to fire of the other materials used.
In accordance with the Decision of the EU 96/603, the ceramic cladding material is classified as A1, without the need for tests,
so it complies with the requirement in TCB-BD-SF relating to the exterior spread of fire (SF, point 1.4) for the exterior cladding
materials of the façade and the interior surfaces of the ventilated chambers of the façade. The cladding material has a reaction
to fire classification superior to that required by the regulation.
Safety of use
In the lower areas of the façade, e.g. ground floors next to areas accessible to the public and when the risk of impact is low or
zero, it is recommended that the panels be fixed with mortar or else have an intermediate complementary crossbeam (not to
be included in the calculation of the action of wind).
The supporting wall of the ventilated façade system must guarantee the minimum level of impermeability required for the
building it is incorporated in, as described in the Technical code for Building TCB-BD-HS relating to health in order to satisfy
the basic requirement for protection against damp (HS 1). As the system is described in the Technical Report, the ventilated
air chamber can be considered "a very highly resistant barrier to water leaks" (B3) as described in TCB-BD-HS, HS1, section
2.3.2. In any case special attention will have to be paid in the design of the façades to incorporating windows and lighting
elements as well as the correct solution to specific points, the exterior fixings, etc. to achieve appropriate impermeability at
these points so as to avoid the accumulation and leaking of water.
Acoustic Protection
The complete enclosure solution and especially the support element plus the insulation must conform with the requirements in
the TCB-BD-HS relating to acoustic protection. The construction solution of the meeting point of the façades with the vertical
separation elements will have to be studied so that the transmission of noise through the sides is avoided.
Energy saving
The complete enclosure building solution must satisfy the requirements of the Technical Code for Building TCB-BD-HS, relating
to energy saving, as far as hygrothermic behaviour is concerned. "In calculating thermal transmission, as set out in Appendix E
of the TCB-BD-HS, the air chamber will be treated as a “chamber of very ventilated air” and the total thermal resistance of the
enclosure can be obtained disregarding the thermal resistance of the air chamber and the other layers between the air chamber
and the exterior environment and including a superficial exterior resistance corresponding to calm air, equal to the superficial
interior resistance of the same element (HE-1, Appendix E)."
TECHLAM® Ceramics 25
Tests of adhesion strength ceramic
These adhesion strength tests confirm the enormous resistance of the adhesive on the ceramic tile in real conditions of use.
ENVIRONMENT: 21 days at 23ºC and 55% R.H 70ºC:. 21 days at 70ºC Without 33,5 37,1 18,9 30,1 17,4
Primer Kg/cm Kg/cm Kg/cm Kg/cm Kg/cm
WATER: 21 days immersed in water at room temperature With 34,1 36,8 25,3 30,3 31,2
Primer Kg/cm Kg/cm Kg/cm Kg/cm Kg/cm
These adhesion strength tests confirm the enormous resistance of the adhesive on the ceramic tile in real conditions of use reinforced
with a combination of fibre glass netting + PU.
Resistance to wind
This system has been tested on a façade bench submitted to RESISTANCES TO SUCTION AND PRESSURE LOADS FROM THE WIND
according to DRAFETAG 034 with sheets of TECHLAM® 3+, and the results were positive and within the limits.
On the other hand, in the RESISTANCE TO IMPACT test the façade complies with category III use.
The actions on the Ventilated Façade system were calculated according to TCB-BDSC-HS -AE relating to Building Actions with the load
increase coefficients of actions in TCB-BD-SE relating to Structural Safety.
For the calculation of the system it is considered that the ceramic sheets must support the load of the wind (pressure/suction) and
transmit it together with its own weight across the substructure and the fixings to the support. The ceramic sheets, fixings, substructure
and fasteners must withstand the forces produced by the wind, as well as its own weight.
For buildings of up to 30m and for the limitations in TCB-BD- SE-AE relating to the action of the wind these were determined according
to the Basic Document mentioned above using the wind coefficients of pressure and suction in Appendix D of the Basic Document (table
D.1) as a function of the slenderness of the building and the position of the sheet, considering as an area of influence that of the panel
For greater heights and/or for those cases outside the field of application of the Basic Document or when actions of the wind are predicted
to be over those considered in TCB-BD- SE-AE it will be necessary to carry out a specific study to determine the actions of the wind as
well as the wind coefficients of pressure/ suction.
TECHLAM® Ceramics 27
Autovía Madrid Alicante s/n.
03660 Novelda (Alicante) Spain.
T. 902108210
TECHLAM Cutting & Drilling
102 – technical técnico
TECHLAM® 3 mm and TECHLAM® 3+ mm tiles can be cut with a glass cutter, a handheld tile cutter, an electric
disc cutter or a handheld grinding machine. TECHLAM® 3+3 mm tiles should be cut with handheld grinding
machines or electric disc cutters.
If you are making special cuts or shapes, use a water jet system or the cutting benches usually used by marble
cutters and glaziers. As with any conventional ceramic product, these panels should be cut and drilled from the
front of the panel to the back of the panel.
Las placas de TECHLAM® 3 mm y TECHLAM® 3+ mm pueden cortarse utilizando cortavidrio, corta azulejos
manuales, cortadoras de disco eléctricas y amoladoras manuales. TECHLAM® 3+3 mm deberá cortarse utilizando
amoladoras manuales o eléctricas de disco.
Para la realización de cortes o formas especiales, utilizar sistemas con chorro de agua o los bancos de corte
utilizados habitualmente por marmolistas y cristaleros. El corte y el perforado, como cualquier producto de la
cerámica convencional, deben efectuarse desde la parte delantera hacia el reverso de la placa.
Cutting tools
Herramientas de corte
01. Handheld porcelain panel cutting system for large, thin TECHLAM® tiles.
This machine allows you to cut TECHLAM® tiles on site.
It is easy to transport and includes extruded aluminium guides measuring 110 cm in length that can be joined together.
The tool can cut up to 310 cm in length, making it the perfect on-site TECHLAM® cutting machine.
The silicon cords included at the base of the guides and the suction pads ensure and provide a straight cut.
The tungsten carbide cutting wheel is treated with titanium carbide, guaranteeing improved performance and a high-
quality scoring line.
The separation system works by using adjustable pincers, meaning that the piece is separated gradually, reducing
the risk of breakage.
Sistema de corte manual de placa porcelánica de gran formato y fino espesor TECHLAM®.
Esta máquina permite cortar TECHLAM® directamente en obra.
De fácil transporte, lleva unas guías de aluminio extrusionado de 110 cm de longitud conectables entre sí. Su
capacidad de corte hasta los 310 cm de largo, hace de esta máquina un uso ideal de corte en obra de TECHLAM®.
Gracias a los cordones de silicona que incorporan las guías en su base y las ventosas de fijación, con ello se
garantiza y facilita un corte recto.
El corte de rulina de Carburo de Tungsteno con tratamiento de Carburo de Titanio y rodamiento para ofrecer un
mayor rendimiento y calidad en el rayado.
Sistema de separación de piezas mediante tenazas regulables que facilita y asegura una separación progresiva de
la pieza, reduciendo el riesgo de rotura.
technical técnico – 103
Silberschnitt is a glass cutter with a glass-cutting wheel and a plastic handle for a better grip. When
cutting TECHLAM® 3 mm and TECHLAM® 3+ mm tiles, it is important to keep the handheld glass cutter in
contact with the scored line throughout the process.
To ensure that the cut is as straight as possible, the aluminium bars generally used by builders can help.
Once the cut has been made, the two pieces of TECHLAM® can simply be broken apart. When using TECHLAM®
3+ mm tiles, the ceramic area is firstly cut with a general cutter and then the glass fibre is cut.
Silberschnitt es un cortavidrios con rulina de corte de vidrio con mango de plástico para una mejor empuñadura.
Para realizar el corte sobre TECHLAM® 3 mm y TECHLAM® 3+ mm es importante no separar el cortavidrios manual
del punto de corte durante toda la operación de mecanizado.
Para que el corte sea lo más rectilíneo posible, se puede recurrir a las barras de aluminio que generalmente utilizan
los albañiles. Una vez realizado el corte, es suficiente una simple flexión para separar los dos trozos de TECHLAM®.
En el caso de TECHLAM® 3+ mm una vez realizado el corte de la parte cerámica con un cúter común, se corta la
fibra de vidrio.
03. The saw blades should feature a continuous rim. They can be used on handheld electric grinding machines and
on cutting benches. In both cases, high rotation speeds need to be used (>2,500 rpm) in combination with low
forward speeds (<1m/min).
Depending on the type of blade and the length of the cut, the blade may need to be cooled using water.
One of the advantages of this type of cut is that it can easily be made using a handheld tool and another advantage
is the fact that the material can be cut during the fixing stage.
Los discos deben ser de banda continua. Es posible emplearlos en esmeriladoras manuales eléctricas o en
bancos de corte. En ambos casos es necesario aplicar altas velocidades de rotación (>2.500 rpm) y bajas velocidades
de avance (<1m/min).
Según el tipo de disco y la longitud del corte puede ser necesario enfriar el disco con agua.
Las ventajas de este tipo de corte radican en la facilidad de ejecución manual y en la posibilidad de efectuar cortes
en fase de colocación.
104 – technical técnico
TECHLAM® can be drilled easily using diamond tools for glass and ceramic tiles, either dry or with
00. water. Before starting any operation, make sure you have a clean and flat work surface.
Check that the circular drills and diamond discs to be used in the angle grinders are in good condition.
After cutting the tiles they must be handled and laid with the greatest care.
When using handheld drilling tools, tungsten drill bits Para la perforación manual se pueden utilizar puntas de
can be used with electric drills. tungsteno montadas en taladros eléctricos.
If using these tools, we recommend that you: En caso de utilizar estas herramientas se recomienda:
1. Cool the drilling area with water. 1. Enfriar con agua el punto dónde se va a taladrar.
2. Start drilling at a slow speed. 2. Comenzar la perforación con una baja velocidad de rotación.
3. Do not press too hard. 3. No ejercer demasiada presión.
Non-hammer action diamond 1. When making holes with a maximum diameter of 8-10 mm, use tungsten or diamond glass or tile drill
drills: bits with electric drills. Do not use in impact drill mode and start drilling at a slow speed. Don’t press too
- Various diameters. hard on the surface. It is a good idea to use water to cool the drilling area and drill.
- Need to cool the cut.
2. When making holes with a diameter larger than 8-10 mm, use a diamond burr drill bit. Start by
Brocas diamante para taladro sin holding the drill at a slight angle to the tile. These tools can be used with or without water.
- Diversos diámetros. 3. If making multiple holes in a single tile, it is a good idea to use TECHLAM® 3+ mm.
- Necesidad de refrigerar el corte. 4. When making internal holes in the tile or L-cuts, we recommend using an electric grinding machine
Widia bits for the angle grinder: with diamond saw blades and a continuous rim. A high rotation speed should be used with a low forward
- 35 mm diameter. speed. With TECHLAM® 3 mm, it is a good idea to make holes with the drill bit in the vertices of the main
- Dry-cutting. opening you are going to make before using the grinding machine.
Brocas Widia para amoladora: 5. For a correct finish and to prevent rough edges, it is important to use different sized diamond sponge
- Diámetro 35 mm. polishing pads.
- Corte en seco.
Drill bits for ceramic tiles: 1. Para realizar orificios con un diámetro máximo de 8-10 mm, utilizar puntas de cristal o gres porcelánico
- Small diameters. de tungsteno o diamantadas montadas en taladros eléctricos. No realizar operaciones en modalidad de
- Cooling while cutting. percusión y empezar con una velocidad de rotación baja. No ejercer una presión excesiva en la superficie.
Brocas para gres porcelánico: Se recomienda enfriar con agua el punto de conexión y la herramienta.
- Pequeños diámetros. 2. Para obtener orificios de diámetro superior a 8-10 mm, utilizar fresas diamantadas, montadas en taladro.
- Corte refrigerado. Empezar el perforado manteniendo la herramienta inclinada respecto a la placa. Estas herramientas
During the use of drills, do not use pueden utilizarse en seco o con agua.
percussion mode for drilling. 3. En caso de orificios múltiples en una única placa, se recomienda el uso de TECHLAM® 3+ mm.
Durante el empleo de taladros, no 4. Para realizar aberturas internas en la placa o cortes en L, utilizar amoladoras eléctricas con discos
utilizar modo percusión para la diamantados de banda continua, procediendo con elevada velocidad de rotación y baja velocidad de avance.
perforación. Con TECHLAM® 3 mm se recomienda, antes del corte con amoladora, realizar los orificios con puntas de
taladro en los vértices de la abertura que se desea realizar.
5. Para un correcto acabado y evitar bordes cortantes, es importante usar esponjas diamantadas con
diferentes gramajes.
TECHLAM Functional Characteristics
92 – technical técnico
Características funcionales
The large sizes pieces make the installation easier. Las piezas de gran tamaño facilitan la colocación.
The panels can be printed with signs or pictures during Las láminas pueden imprimirse durante la fabricación con
the manufacture. señales e imágenes.
It does not blind with the reflection of hard light sources. No deslumbra con la reflexión de fuentes de luz fuerte.
Long-life. Guarantees low maintenance and replacing Mayor durabilidad. Garantiza un bajo mantenimiento y
panels is nearly no necessary. escasa necesidad de remplazo de paneles.
Its large size considerably reduces the area where the Sus amplias dimensiones reducen considerablemente el
different units are joined together or where bacteria can área de unión entre las distintas piezas o zonas donde las
be reproduced easily. bacterias se reproducen con facilidad.
After its installation, it does not need any specific No necesita mantenimiento específico tras su instalación.
Características técnicas
Resistance to abrasion UNE EN ISO Declare the abrasion class and revolutions From Class 2 to Class 5 / From 600 to 12.000 revolutions
Resistencia a la abrasión 10545-7 Declarar la clase de abrasión y revoluciones Desde Clase 2 hasta Clase 5 / Desde 600 hasta 12.000 revoluciones
Resistance to chemical attack UNE EN ISO No sample should present signs of chemical attack No visible defects
Resistencia al ataque químico 10545-13 Ninguna muestra debe presentar rastros de ataque químico Ningún defecto visible
Frost resistance UNE EN ISO No sample should present visible defects No visible defects
Resistencia a las heladas 10545-12 Ninguna muestra debe presentar defectos visibles Ningún defecto visible
Stain resistance UNE EN ISO Test method is available Class 5. Stains cleaned with hot water
Resistencia a las manchas 10545-14 Método de ensayo disponible Clase 5. Manchas eliminadas con agua caliente
Slip resistance (pendulum method) UNE ENV Test method is available Depending on the finish
Deslizamiento (método del péndulo) 12633 Método de ensayo disponible Dependiendo del acabado
Resistance to termal shock UNE EN ISO Test method is available No visible defects
Resistencia al choque térmico 10545-9 Método de ensayo disponible Ningún defecto visible
technical técnico – 93
Versatility: TECHLAM® is a large size tile 1000x3000 mm that can be adapted to all sizes.
Versatilidad: TECHLAM® es una pieza de gran formato (paneles de 1000x3000 mm.) que se puede adaptar
a todas las medidas.
Waterproof qualities: almost 0 water absorption, water, liquids, organic materials and graffiti cannot
penetrate into this material.
Impermeabilidad: nivel de absorción próximo a 0, impermeable y resistente a líquidos.
Hygienic surfaces: fully compatible with food stuffs. The product can be cleaned extremely easily.
Superficie higiénica: no desprende sustancias nocivas ni permite la proliferación de moho, hongos ni
bacterias, por lo que es totalmente compatible con los productos alimenticios.
Unalterable colours: without any organic pigment, TECHLAM® color can resist UV radiation and extreme
climatic conditions.
Colores inalterables: al no tener pigmentos orgánicos, el color es resistente a la radiación UV y a las
condiciones climáticas más severas.
Environmental friendly: 100% natural. TECHLAM® does not release any substances, also it can be
easily milled and recycled.
Respetuoso con el medioambiente: 100% natural. No desprende ninguna sustancia al entorno y puede
ser reciclado fácilmente para la fabricación de áridos o similarets.
Suitable for food contact. Does not release substances that harm the environment; totally suitable for
contact with foodstuffs.
Idóneo para contacto con alimentos. No desprende sustancias nocivas para el entorno, totalmente apto
para el contacto con alimentos.
Stain-resistant. Does not stain when in contact with acids such as lemon or with cleaning products such
as bleach or ammonia.
Resistente a las manchas. No se mancha al contacto con ácidos como el limón o productos de limpieza,
como lejía o amoniaco.
Technical Data Sheets
LAYING RANGE / Laying ceramic tiles and natural stone
Eco-friendly mineral adhesive with an extremely low chemical
additive content for high performance bonding with no vertical slip
and long open time, for porcelain tiles, ceramic tiles and natural
stone. Ideal for use in GreenBuilding.
C 2TE 1.72 white
EN 12004 EN 12004 STANDARD PO Certificate No. CL19020712
na na ≤ oo
l M i n e r al ≥ l M i n e r al ≥ 25 0 g/ kg r Air Qua Re
Bioflex ® contains mineral cement improved with natural
nhl lime, which gives the mix greater plasticity and slide.
rating 4 Natural
Grey 246 g
low VOC
Can be
as inert
It prevents thickening in the bucket and reduces the use
of chemical additives.
Grey 61% White emissions
61% White 260 g material
White 63%
Bioflex ® contains ingredients of plant origin that improve
workability and open time. Bioflex ® has an extremely low
chemical additive content and does not emit dangerous
substances and unpleasant odours.
- Formulated with locally-sourced minerals meaning lower
greenhouse gas emission during transportation
- The white version contains recycled minerals thereby
reducing the damage to the environment caused by
extracting primary raw materials
- Single-component; avoiding the use of plastic cans reduces
CO2 emissions and the need to dispose of special waste
- Cement-based screeds and mortars - Cellular concrete, for internal use - To overlay existing floors
- Anhydrite screeds - Plasterboard - Fibro-cement slabs
- Cement-based and gypsum renders/ - Heated floors
Bioflex® Code: P981 2019/12 - GCC/EN
- Ceramic tiles - Klinker - Internal insulating and soundproofing
- Porcelain tiles - Marble and natural stone panels
- Terracotta - Various mosaics
- Adhesive and finishing - Terraces and balconies - Commercial
- Floors and walls - Swimming pools and fountains - Industrial
- For internal use - external - Saunas and SPA - Street furniture
- Overlaying - Domestic
* ÉMISSION DANS L’AIR INTÉRIEUR Information sur le niveau d’émission de substances volatiles dans l’air intérieur, présentant un risque de toxicité par inhalation, sur une
échelle de classe allant de A+ (très faibles émissions) à C (fortes émissions).
Preparation of the substrate
All substrates must be level, cured, undamaged, compact, rigid, resistant, dry and free from any debonding agents and from damp rising.
It is good practice to dampen highly absorbent concrete substrates or apply a coat of Primer A Eco.
Adhesive preparation
Mixing water (EN 12004-2): Mixing water on-site
-Grey ≈ 30.5% – 33.5% by weight -Grey ≈ 7.8 ℓ / 1 bag
-White Shock ≈ 33% – 36% by weight -White Shock ≈ 8.3 ℓ / 1 bag
The amount of water to be added, indicated on the packaging, is an approximate guide. It is possible to obtain mixtures with consistency
of variable thixotropy according to the application to be made.
To guarantee structural adhesion it is necessary to apply a layer of adhesive sufficient to cover the entire back of the coating material.
Large, rectangular sizes with sides > 60 cm and low thickness sheets may require adhesive to be applied directly to the back of the
Check samples to make sure the adhesive has been transferred to the back of the material.
Create elastic expansion joints:
- ≈ 10 m2 in external applications,
- ≈ 25 m2 in internal applications,
- every 8 metres in long, narrow applications.
Respect all structural, fractionizing and perimeter joints present in the substrates.
Pre-treatment of special substrates
Gypsum-based plasters/renders, anhydrite screeds and cellular concrete, for internal use: Primer A Eco
Vinyl sheets for interior use: Keragrip Eco
Please see the technical data sheet on how to use the Primers properly.
Special applications
Insulating and soundproofing panels applied using spot adhesion as recommended by the manufacturers.
Plasterboard and fibro-cement slabs must be firmly anchored to specific metal frames.
Do not use
On timber, metal, plastic or resilient materials, deformable substrates or subject to vibrations.
On screeds, plasters/renders, concrete not yet cured and affected by important drying shrinkage.
On organic-based waterproofing products (such as RM according to EN 14891).
On smooth prefabricated concrete.
Shelf life ≈ 12 months in the original packaging in dry environment. Protect from humidity
Pack 25 kg
Adhesive thickness from 2 to 15 mm
Temperature of the air, substrates and materials from +5 °C to +35 °C
Pot life at +23 °C
- Grey ≈ 8 hrs
- White Shock ≈ 6 hrs
Open time at +23 °C (BIII tile):
- Grey ≥ 60 min. EN 1346
- White Shock ≥ 60 min. EN 1346
Open time at +35 °C (BIII tile):
- Grey ≥ 20 min. EN 1346
- White Shock ≥ 30 min. EN 1346
Time required until fully frost-proof (Bla tile)
- from +5 °C to -5 °C ≈ 8 hrs
Foot traffic/grouting of joints at +23 °C (BIa tile):
- Grey ≈ 24 hrs
- White Shock ≈ 20 hrs
Foot traffic/grouting of joints at +5 °C(BIa tile):
- Grey ≈ 50 hrs
- White Shock ≈ 50 hrs
Grouting in walls at +23 °C (BIa tile)
- Grey ≈ 20 hrs
- White Shock ≈ 15 hrs
Ready for use at +23 °C / +5 °C (BIa tile)
- light foot traffic ≈ 2 – 3 days
- heavy traffic ≈ 3 – 7 days
- swimming pools (+23 °C) ≈ 14 days
Coverage per mm thickness:
- Grey (mixing ratio 32%) ≈ 1.25 kg/m2
- White Shock (mixing ratio 33%) ≈ 1.25 kg/m2
Values taken at +23 °C, 50% R.H. and no ventilation. Data may vary depending on specific conditions at the building site, i.e.temperature, ventilation and absorbency level of the
substrate and of the materials laid.
Conformity EC 1 plus GEV-Emicode GEV certified 4616/11.01.02
Shear adhesion (porcelain tiles/porcelain tiles) after 28 days ≥ 1 N/mm2 ANSI A-118.4
Tensile adhesion (concrete/porcelain tiles) after 28 days ≥ 2 N/mm2 EN 12004-2
Durability test:
- adhesion after heat ageing ≥ 1 N/mm2 EN 12004-2
- adhesion after water immersion ≥ 1 N/mm2 EN 12004-2
- adhesion after freeze-thaw cycles ≥ 1 N/mm2 EN 12004-2
Working temperature from -30 °C to +80 °C
Values taken at +23 °C, 50% R.H. and no ventilation. Data may vary depending on specific conditions at the building site.
- Product for professional use
Bioflex® Code: P981 2019/12 - GCC/EN
The Rating classifications refer to the GreenBuilding Rating® Manual 2012. This information was last updated in November 2019 (ref. GBR Data Report - 12.19); please note that additions and/or amendments may be made over time by
KERAKOLL SpA; for the latest version, see KERAKOLL SpA shall therefore be liable for the validity, accuracy and updating of information provided only when taken directly from its institutional website. The technical data
sheet given here is based on our technical and practical knowledge. As it is not possible for us to directly check the conditions in your building yards and the execution of the work, this information represents general indications that do not
bind Kerakoll in any way. Therefore, it is advisable to perform a preliminary test to verify the suitability of the product for your purposes.
36 Levantina
44 Levantina
Málaga, Spain
Green House
Budapest, Hungary
Projects 107
Projects 139
4 5
Test Reports
Installation Manual
Using this manual, KERAKOLL wants to offer a series of valuable guidelines for installing large format
porcelain tiles on internal and external walls and floors. Our goal in writing this guide is to help users
determine which installation methods will work best.
Over the last few Years, Ceramic tile manufacturers are now offering formats with sizes up to 1.6 m x 3.2
m. and thicknesses ranging from 3 mm up to 12 mm.
With its close relationship with leading manufacturers of large format tiles, Kerakoll has also developed
new products suitable for installing this kind of tiles and worked closely with them on the development of
those products.
Due to the apparent size and low absorption rate of porcelain tiles, the most appropriate installation
method should be determined with extreme seriousness and perfection. The durability and functionality of
thin porcelain, like any other floor and wall covering, is highly dependent on precise design parameters,
appropriate substrate preparation, and proper installation methods using adhesives, grouting mortars, and
joint sealants that have been chosen based on the type of dressing material and its area of use.
KERAKOLL GULF DWC-LLC / Office 516, Building A5 – Business Park – Dubai World Central – Dubai, U. A. E.
Tel +971 (0)4 882 0402 – email:
TRN: 100066269000003
Large format tile can be installed on all substrates typically used in the building industry :
The substrate must be free of dust, oil and grease, dry and free from moisture rising, with no loose or
imperfectly anchored parts such as residues of cement, lime and paint coatings, which must be removed
entirely. The substrate must be stable, without cracks, must have already completed the hygrometric
shrinkage curing period, and must present suitable mechanical resistance levels. Uneven areas must be
corrected (recommended tolerance ± 3 mm). If the flatness of the substrate is not within this tolerance, it
must be leveled off before installing tiles.
It is good practice to dampen highly absorbent concrete substrates or apply a coat of Primer A Eco.
For Non-Absorbant substrate, it is recommended to apply Keragrip Eco.
Primer A Eco
Certified, eco-friendly, water-based surface isolation for dry, absorbent
mineral/cement/gypsum or anhydrite-based substrates, ideal for use in
Green Building.
Keragrip Eco
Certified, eco-friendly, water-based adhesion promoter for compact,
absorbent and non-absorbent substrates, ideal for use in Green
KERAKOLL GULF DWC-LLC / Office 516, Building A5 – Business Park – Dubai World Central – Dubai, U. A. E.
Tel +971 (0)4 882 0402 – email:
TRN: 100066269000003
Adhesive selection is crucial for achieving a long-lasting, durable bond, and it is dependent on many
factors, such as the type of substrate, the format (diameters and thickness) of tiles, the environment, and
weather conditions.
Considering what is stipulated and prescribed by current norms and standards, when installing this
type of material, it is recommended to use high adhesion cementitious adhesives, that is, class C2
according to EN 12004. However, depending on the substrate, reactive adhesive, or class R2 according
to EN 12004, maybe more appropriate.
It is preferable to use class "E" adhesives (with extended open time) while working in hot conditions,
according to EN 12004. In all circumstances, tiles must be installed while the adhesive is still wet or within
its "open time" to guarantee adequate adhesive transfer onto the back of the tile.
KERAKOLL GULF DWC-LLC / Office 516, Building A5 – Business Park – Dubai World Central – Dubai, U. A. E.
Tel +971 (0)4 882 0402 – email:
TRN: 100066269000003
Eco-friendly mineral adhesive with an extremely low
chemical additive content for high performance
bonding with no vertical slip and long open time, for
porcelain tiles, ceramic tiles and natural stone. Ideal
for use in GreenBuilding.
KERAKOLL GULF DWC-LLC / Office 516, Building A5 – Business Park – Dubai World Central – Dubai, U. A. E.
Tel +971 (0)4 882 0402 – email:
TRN: 100066269000003
Handling big format tiles requires at least two persons and the use of special tools and equipment.
In order to make the tiles easier to handle, it is recommended to use runners and frames with suction cups
for handling and installation to maintain their rigidity and limit any twisting or bending.
KERAKOLL GULF DWC-LLC / Office 516, Building A5 – Business Park – Dubai World Central – Dubai, U. A. E.
Tel +971 (0)4 882 0402 – email:
TRN: 100066269000003
The tile should be prepared before applying any adhesive on the surface:
- Installing the runners and the frame with suction cups
- Cleaning the tile from dust
- Do the necessary cut/opening in the tile if applicable
Spread the chosen tile adhesive on the substrate using a spread with sloping notches (with a pitch of at
least 10mm). Then apply the glue to the back of the tile. Use a spatula with a small notch (a square notch
of at least 3-4 mm) to ensure that 10% of the surface is covered by adhesive.
Double buttering is always recommended and necessary when applying large format tile. Double buttering
has many benefits:
- Ensure complete coverage to avoid problems caused by gaps in the back of the tiles that could
cause tiles to be broken and or become detached
- Reduce the stress which is generated by differential movements between the tiling and the
KERAKOLL GULF DWC-LLC / Office 516, Building A5 – Business Park – Dubai World Central – Dubai, U. A. E.
Tel +971 (0)4 882 0402 – email:
TRN: 100066269000003
To ensure the tile is completely bonded and that all the air has come out, go over the surface of the
tiles with a vibro-plate or tap the surface by hand.
KERAKOLL GULF DWC-LLC / Office 516, Building A5 – Business Park – Dubai World Central – Dubai, U. A. E.
Tel +971 (0)4 882 0402 – email:
TRN: 100066269000003
The grout between tiles is always necessary and must be at least 2 mm thick. However, the thickness
of the grout line could vary depending on many factors: area of use (wall or floor , internal or external) ,
type and size of the tile.
It is recommended to use spacers between tiles to maintain the correct gap and reduce uneven levels
between tiles
For large format tiles, it is recommended to use a unique positioning tool to adjust the thickness of the
grout and push the tile at the proper position.
KERAKOLL GULF DWC-LLC / Office 516, Building A5 – Business Park – Dubai World Central – Dubai, U. A. E.
Tel +971 (0)4 882 0402 – email:
TRN: 100066269000003
Fugabella Color
Decorative Resina-cemento (resin-cement) for
grouting of ceramic and porcelain tiles, mosaic
and natural stone in a 50-colour design range.
Green product for bio-building.
Fugalite Bio
Water-based hypo-allergenic resin for
waterproof, stain-proof, silk-effect grouting of
porcelain tiles, natural stones and glass mosaic.
KERAKOLL GULF DWC-LLC / Office 516, Building A5 – Business Park – Dubai World Central – Dubai, U. A. E.
Tel +971 (0)4 882 0402 – email:
TRN: 100066269000003
Movement Joints are always necessary and recommended for tile application and especially for
large format tiles. The thickness size of the movement joint may vary depending on:
- The thickness and size of the tile.
- Internal or external
- Wall or floor
- The area of the room
Silicone Color
Decorative sealant for tiles and mosaic in 50 design colors. Green product for
Neutro Color
Decorative sealant for façades and natural stone in 12 design colors. Green
product for bio-building
KERAKOLL GULF DWC-LLC / Office 516, Building A5 – Business Park – Dubai World Central – Dubai, U. A. E.
Tel +971 (0)4 882 0402 – email:
TRN: 100066269000003