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Commercial Proposal For Smart School

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Commercial Proposal for Smart School Attendance:

Option1 with Integrated Reader:

We are pleased to quote the under-mentioned goods as per conditions and details
described as follows.

Smart UHF Attendance Proposal:


1 RFG HR15 Integrated RFID Reader: 2 22,700

Long-Range Reader ISO 18000-6B,6C / EPC C1Gen2

for Tag
Circular 9 dBi built-in Antenna
RS-232, RS-485, TCP/IP


2 Web Pass Door Controller 2 6,500/-

3 RFG WD01 UHF Tag and Card enrolment 1 7,000/-

4 UHF Card UHF Blank card 1 16/-

5 Attendance Pay time Attendance Application 1 1500


6 SMS Package SMS Package As per As per

requirem requirem
ent ent

Tax Extra

Installation and Implementation charge extra.

Need to arrange the LAN yard and card holder separately we do not provide these
there may be accuracy problem if card is not shown the reader or card is in student
pocket, bag, etc. Card should be shown to reader always for accurate attendance.
Total qty of Reader will be depend on the Area and location and detection range.

This is a UHF Based Automatic Smart Attendance System. Parents get an instant
SMS notification on their mobile phones as soon as their child Enters/Exits the

Children are given smart Id-Card (UHF Card). As they walk through the Reader
during Entry/Exit to the school, their parents whether they are at home or at
office, they come to know that their child has entered or Exits from the school
through an instant Real- Time Automatic SMS “Your child has reached school

Now” and Attendance is done. The school authorities can see the Real-Time
Attendance on the dashboard.

Note: Taxes extra, as mentioned under Terms & Conditions.

Installation & Implementation under partner scope of work.

Option 2 UHF Four Port Fixed Reader with Antenna

S.No Product CPR
1 RFG HZ40 Four Port Fixed Reader- Impinj 34,500
R2000 chipset for maximum tag detection
communication interfaces: RJ45、RS22

2 14,100
RFG HA15 UHF Antenna- 9 Dbi QTY 2

3 RFG HA12 Dbi Antenna 12,000

4 UHF Cards 16

Note: Taxes extra, as mentioned under Terms & Conditions.

Installation & Implementation under partner scope of work
We will provide the SDK for the third party software Integration.
UHF Smart Library Management System:

Dear Sir/Madam

We are pleased to quote the under-mentioned goods as per conditions and details
described as follows.


1 UHF Tag UHF Tag for Pasting on Books 15

2 UHF Blank Card UHF Blank card issued to all member for 16
library and attendance

3 UHF Reader/writer Desktop based UHF Reader/Writer for Tag 6,000/-

writing and issued the books

4 UHF Reader HR11/CR-33 UHF Reader at entrance gate (0-6) Mtr 14,500/-

5 IP Based Door controller IP Based Door controller depends on 5200/-

location and access points

6 Software Application RFID Library management software NA Depending on

application Scope of work.

7 Implementation One time implementation and installation 10,000/-


8 Tower light and Alarm For the EAS system installed at gate for As per market cost.
alarm and notification

Note: Taxes extra, as mentioned under Terms & Conditions.

RFID Middleware application or SDK will be provided for third party software integration

Book Tagging
• Every Book has an Accession Number which is a unique serial number

• Every book is pasted with RFID tags. Tag Id is mapped to book id and its attributes in the

Tag Description Example

Library Member Tag Library member tag contains a CDAC001118212002

16 digit value where first 7
Here, ‘118212002’ is an
characters are ‘CDAC001’
Employee ID.
which will be followed by the
9 digit Employee ID.

Book Tag Book tag contains 16 digit CDACFF000000012 3 Here,

values where first 6 characters ‘123’ is a book number.
are ‘CDACFF’ followed by the
book no. if the book number
has less than 10 digits, then it
will be prefixed by ‘0’s

Library Members
• Every member will have a unique member ID

• A member card (RFID card with unique Card ID) will be issued to each member

• Card ID will be mapped to the member id in the database

Book Issue/Return
• Member will come to the issue/return counter with the member card and


• Counter operator will scan the member card and the books using the desktop RFID reader
attached to the system

Anti Theft control

• A long range RFID reader will be installed at the exit gate
• This reader will read all the books passing through the gate

• If any book read is not marked as issued in the system, an audible alarm will be generated.

Finding a book
• ID of the book to be find will be inputted to a hand held portable RFID


• User will move near the book racks with the portable reader

• Reader will read the book ids of the books in racks

• When the reader reads the initially inputted book id, it will make an audible alarm

Physical Verification
• Handheld portable RFID reader will be used for taking the physical inventory of the books

• User will show the portable reader to all books without removing the books from the racks

• After collecting all book ids, the reader will be connected to the server to transfer the data
to the software and reports will be generated in software.

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