THE WOMAN: The Role of Women in Today's Society: October 2014
THE WOMAN: The Role of Women in Today's Society: October 2014
THE WOMAN: The Role of Women in Today's Society: October 2014
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1 author:
Emy Blesio
The World Community of Indian Culture & Traditional Disciplines
All content following this page was uploaded by Emy Blesio on 12 November 2014.
Let's see what William Shakespeare said about women:
"The world would be imperfect without the presence of
the woman.
The woman came out of man's rib, not from the feet to
be trampled on, not from his head to be superior but
from the side to be equal, under the arm to be
protected, next to the heart to be loved.”
Intelligently Shakespeare said a great truth: you can not
be a couple if one has to carry on their shoulders the
Quite soon 'the one who lies beneath, who carry on the
other, begins to feel the weight, and he or she gives a
good shake and throws the partner down.
It would be different if you were walking side by side,
with respect and love. It could be a long walk together
if you use respect, esteem and love.
Denis Diderot was very gentle and poetic, and said:
"When you write about women you need to dip the pen
into the rainbow and to dry the page with the powder
of butterfly wings."
This preliminary allows me to talk about this sensitive
Nowadays women are not perfectly in their role.
The position of women in the society, and, particularly,
in relation to man, has had over the millennia many
And now there seems to be a semblance of equality but
is fictitious.
Constraints of a much too close past, are too deeply
rooted. Women find themselves suspended between
the real self consciousness and the conditioning of a
society that wants women adhering to the idea that
this society has made of them.
It is a situation of great confusion.
The messages of the media paint a picture of the
female stereotype and out of the reality, and the
woman while is trying to imitate these stereotypes built
for the needs of market, is losing her essence.
At the dawn of civilization, the woman has had a great
importance and in fact there was a kind of matriarchal
social system.
The population engaged in agriculture knew the value
and sacredness of the feminine and had a very deep
concept of the Mother bearer of life, beginning with the
Mother Earth that nourished from birth to old age,
supporting the weight of their footsteps, and welcomed
them maternal in her womb at the time of the final
Over the time, the power of the woman, Mother,
Goddess, Shakti, Energy was considered a threat by the
male, and in the thousands of years, for fear of this
great feminine energy, man has always tried to
diminish her importance going so far as to convince the
woman to be a by-product of Nature.
To the point that the mothers themselves educate their
sons with much more care than they do with females.
In some tribal societies, the woman is even suppressed
at birth considering her a burden and not a value.
Forgetting that, without the female, life and future for
our planet cannot exist.
In some places the feminine side is denied
implementing the horrible practice of infibulation.
It is practiced by women themselves who have received
the same oppression.
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